Report to the Community 2023 Princeton Public Library

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R e porttotheCommunit y

Princeton Public Library


financial statements contain pre-audit figures. For information on obtaining post-audit figures,
contact the Finance Office
ext. 1252
at 609-924-9529,
2 Realized Gain (Loss) Investment Fees


2023was a milestone year for the library. In June, we unveiled a five-year Strategic Plan that had been delayed by the inconstancy of the pandemic. After hundreds of hours of listening to our patrons, staff and governance boards, the plan includes new Mission and Vision statements that are worth repeating here:


Princeton Public Library connects everyone in our dynamic and growing community by advancing knowledge, encouraging dialogue and providing opportunities for discovery and joy.


A vital cornerstone of community connection, where curiosity and wonder flourish. The plan has three main goals:

• Intentionally build an accessible and welcoming library community for everyone in our town.

• Innovate services that are essential to personal and community development.

• Have the infrastructure to support excellent and equitable service.

After unveiling the plan, we immediately got to work, in ways large and small, on implementation. Here are just a few examples:

• With a $50,000 gift from Princeton University, we were able to extend through 2026 a pilot program eliminating extended-use fees for children’s materials, removing a barrier to accessibility.

• We launched PressReader, which provides free access to the Economist, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and hundreds of other publications from around the world in multiple languages.

• We joined several other local organizations to kickoff Arts and Health Month in Mercer County, focusing on the ways the arts and humanities bolster wellness.

• With grant funding from LibraryLinkNJ, we began to offer Little Thinker Kits, which combined the popular (but pricey for some families) Toniebox technology with other tools that increase early learning.

• Our humanities programming rebooted with two thought-provoking events: “Creativity in the Era of ChatGPT,” co-sponsored by the national and state endowments for the humanities; and “Journalism and Democracy,” which kicked off a series of events on misinformation and democracy.

This annual report highights a few of our programs, all of which are only possible through private support. The generous donors who made them happen are listed on the following pages. Princeton is very fortunate to have a library where public and philanthropical funding combine to create a center for learning and community engagement.

With a Strategic Plan in place, and staff prioritizing ways to implement its goals, we will have a lot to report in the coming months and years. Stay tuned and thank you for your support.


3,613 Hours

51,333 E-newsletter subscribers Questions answered +7% +6% 354 Days Open + 1 6 % 186, 730 Digital Checkouts 272,742 Wi-Fi Sessions +11% 324,814
70, 813 +138% Virtual Program Attendance +58% 51,333 +56% Percentage increases noted are in comparison to 2022 numbers. Physical collection checkouts increased by less than 1% over 2022. The Sands Library Building was open the same number of days in 2022. 2023
Open 30,620

Individual Support

Grace Abbs

Pam and Hank Abernathy

Carol Ackerman

Theresa and Henry Acselrod

Terry Adams

Judith Adler †

Stephen Adler and Sarah Brett-Smith Fund

Ashley and George Aitken-Davies *

The Jeffrey Albert and Marian Bass

Charitable Fund *

Kathy Ales and Richard Levine

Regina Alivisatos and Thanos Panagiotopoulos

Michele Alperin and Steven Sheriff

Jeanne Altmann *

James Amick

Shaswat Anand

Linda Anglin

Anonymous *

Motunrayo Apara

Kristin Appelget

Beth Archer Brombert and Victor Brombert

Priscilla Arias

Amanda Arshan

Jim Arthur

Rita Asch

Jacqueline Asplundh

Lorraine and David Atkin

Ginger August and Brian Zack *

Averbuch/Rivest Family

Betsy Baglio

The Baldwin-Sieck Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Grayson Barber

Barbara Barnett

Holley and Eric Barreto *

Joan Bartl and Walt McRee *

Elba Barzelatto

Earlene Baumunk

Kathleen and Charles Beach

Mary and Jeffrey † Bechler

Nancy Beck

Nancy Becker Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Beth Behrend and Robert Eaton

Odile Belmont

Francesca Benson and George Cody


Linda and Robert Berger

Marla Bergstein

Barbara Berko and Joel Deitz

Laura and Leonard Berlik

Gisella Berry

Erica Bess and Bryan D`Angelo

Toni Besselaar

Richard and Jeanne Besser

Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Bhatia-Chowdhury Family Giving Fund

Swati and Ravindra Bhatt *

Kara Bickham and Samuel Seward

Marvin Bielawski

Elisabeth A. Bish

Gay Bitter

Eunice Black

Sarah Blake McHam and Gene McHam

The Bodine Fund

Melissa Bohl and Ronald Sverdlove

Claudia Bonetti and Hugh Wilson

Michael Bordo

Jane Borns and William Hurlin

Marcia Bossart

Mary Bostock

Amanda Botwood

Ellen Bowe

Mary Ellen and William Bowen

Andrea and Patrick Bradley *

Sally and Mark Branon

Anne Brener and Edward Linky

Elissa and Daniel Brito

Judith Brodsky

Catherine Brown *

Claire Brown

Louis Brown

Mary and Jerry Brown

Patricia Brown

Sue Bruswitz

Helene and Howard Buckwald

Leland Burnham

Paula Bushkoff and Betty Ann Duggan

Danuta Buzdygan

Timothy Byrne

Callahan Giving Fund

Marilyn Campbell

JoAnn and Philip Carchman *

Dudley and Curtis Carlson *

Cara Carpenito

Susan and Jeffrey Carson

Anne Case and Angus Deaton

Lindsay Casto

Premala Chandra and Piers Coleman

Angela and Humphrey Chang

Karen and William Chast

Valerie Cheh

Mary Chemris and Timothy Quinn

Zheng Chen

Isabelle Chu

The Robert J. and Elaine Ciatto

Family Foundation

Ann and John Ciorciari

Cindy and Charles Clark

Melanie and John Clarke *

Louisa and Austin Clayton

Richard Cleary

Barbara Coe

Anita Cohen

Elliot Cohen

Samuel Cohen

Colarusso Giving Fund

Susan and David Colby

Elizabeth Collier and Ron Cacciola *

Louise and Arthur † Conley *

Mary Conte and David Schuchman

Marcia Cooper

Lynn and Lewis Coopersmith

Regine and Stanley Corngold

Victoria and Bradley Corrodi

Nancy Cosentino

Rebecca Cox and John McCorry

Angela and William Creager

Katherine and John Crepezzi

May and Roger Crevier

Leslie Cruz

Currey Wilson Family Fund

Liz Cutler and Tom Kreutz Fund *

Patti and Eliot Daley

Susan Darley

Ellie and Craig Deardorff

Deligne Family Fund

Milena and Michael DeLuca

Katharine and Robert Denby

Tara Dennison and Brendan Boyle

*Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember


Jan. 8

Fredrik Backman Book Brunch

The Swedish novelist appeared at a special event five days prior to the premiere of the Tom Hanks film “A Man Called Otto,” which is based on Backmam’s 2016 book “A Man Called Ove.”


Julia Denny Clark

Rysia De Ravel *

Jessica and Ted Deutsch

Cecilia Dianlynas

Erica Disch

Joanne and William Dix

Constance and Douglas Dixon

The David Dobkin and Suzanne Gespass Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Brigid Doherty and Paolo Morante

Leslie and Robert Doll *

Meghan and Ryan Donaldson

Elizabeth J. Doverman and Ezra D. Rosenberg Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Vera Dowd

Linda and William Dowling

Heidi Dreyfuss

Lynne Durkee

Grace and Robert Easton

Katie and Nicholas Eastridge

Audrey and David Egger *

Karen and Rob Ehee

Camille and Peter Ehrenberg

Celeste Eisenman

Kathleen Ellis and Brian Anderson

Julianne Elward-Berry

Carrie and Douglas Elwood

Peter Epstein

Janet and Arthur Eschenlauer

Barbara and Gerald Essig *

Larry A. Evans Fund

Marlyn Fagles

Susan and Michael Falcon

Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Olivia Fang

Henry Farber *

Shane and Peter Farrell

Barbara and Stephen Felton

Alexander Feng

Elizabeth and Miguel Fernandez

Diana and David Ferry

Heidi Fichtenbaum and Antonio Reinero

Finkelstein-Rose Charitable Fund

Janice and Ronald Flaugher


Lindsey and Stephen Forden

Lisa Forrester

Helen and Stephen Fortunato

Eve and Herbert Foster

Jane and Martin Fransson

Patricia Frawley

Sally and Robert Freedman

Marsha and Eliot Freeman *

Kelly Freidenfelds and David Brown

Chloe and Hal Friedlander

Shelley Frisch and Markus Wiener

Dawn and Kevin Frost

Ira and Karen Fuchs Charitable Gift Fund *

Mary and Richard Funsch

Mary Furey and Paul Gerard *

Donna and David Gabai

Nancy Gardner

Orsolya Gaspar

Joan Gastinger

Mary Joan Gaynor

Deborah Geeding-Schild and Richard Schild

Carolyn and Marvin Geller

Aristides Georgantas *

Sue Gertner-Weiss and Rick Weiss

Sandra Giardino

Patricia Gibney

Anne Glynn Mackoul and S.J. Mackoul

Colleen Goggins

Jean Goh and Robert Glasgold

Andrew and Carol Golden Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Joli and Adam Golden

Karen Golden

David A. Goldfarb Charitable Fund

Irene and Samuel Goldfarb

Laura and Stephen† Goldfeld

Noreen Goldman and Graham Lord

Nancee and Steve Goldstein

Selma and Fred Goldstein

Meg Gorrie

Nancy Greenspan *

Barbara Greenstein

The Greenview Ecology Fund

Madolyn Greve

Susan and Dan Griffin

Debra and Jeffrey Gross

Janice Gross

The Berton Grau Fund

Melissa and Tom Grzymala *

Gordon Gund

Aarti Gupta and Sharad Malik

Bonnie Guth and Adam Dubow

Jill and John Guthrie

Carol and Carl Haag

Lanniece and Michael Hall

Peter Ham

Elizabeth and Eric Hamblet *

Ruth and Andras Hamori

Caroline Hancock

Greg Hand

Carol Hanson *

The Happer Family Fund

Iona and Maurice Harding *

Martha Harding

Stephanie Harris

Mary Louise Hartman

Nancy and Hendrik Hartog *

Constance Hasset and James Richardson

Arlen and Thomas Hastings

Linda and R. Dixon Hayes *

Laurie and Robert Hebditch

Stephanie Heidere

Mary and John Heilner

Helen Heintz and Anastasios Kontogiorgos

Ashley Henderson

Jennifer and Matt Henderson

Nancy and Richard Henkel

Nicola and Hans Henkes

Kathy and Jamie Herring

Pamela Hersh

Eva Herzog and Alan Wills

Katherine Hieronymus and Ben Morison

Nancy Hilary Hays

Colin Hill

Kristina and David Hill *

Patricia and Jon Hlafter

Margaret and Bowwei Ho

May and Hal Hoeland

Debra Hoffman

Stephanie and William Hoffman

Lauren Hogshire

Jennifer Holloway

Jeaninne and Robert Honstein

Betsy Hoover

7 *Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember


Jan. 10

The NBC News national political correspondent spoke with political scientist Ingrid Reed at a standing-room-only event in the Community Room.

Steve Kornacky



Elizabeth Horn

Allan Horwitz

Elizabeth and Zaki Hosny

Stephen Hudis

Martha and Gergory Hughes

Andrea Hyde

Elizabeth and Darma Ie

Mara Isaacs and Seth Mellman

Toby Israel

Maia Jachimowicz and Jeremy Spiegel

Laura Jacobus

Jennifer Jang and Sam Becker *

Marilyn and Stephen Jardin

Aline Johnson

Janet and David Johnson

Rose Marie Johnson

Sarah and Lanny Jones *

Sara and Steven Just

Wendy Kaczerski and Roger Shatzkin

Carol Kagay

Kahn Family Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer *

Linda Kandle and Alexandra Pinz

Sandip Kapadia

Ellen Kaplan

Susan and Ashok Kapoor

Arno Kastner

Jeanne Katen

Adria and Stanley Katz

Nicole and Boris Katz

Allegra and Sheppard Kaufman

Helen Keane and Andrew Sutphin

Mark Kearney

Kaylie Keesling

Anne Marie Kelly

Josephine Kelly

Eleanor Kemp

Vilma Keri and Edward Matthews

Nora and Jack Kerr

Julian and Darryl Kestler

The Kestrel Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Alice Kim

Martha King

Kimberly Kingsland

Louise and Michael Kingston

Kathy Kinka

Kathy and Anthony Klockenbrink

Denny Knight Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Koch/Gelernter Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Kolins Abrahamsen Family Fund

Soula Koniaris and Steven Georges

Ann Marie and Kurt Kovalick

Kathleen and Hartmut Kraft

Seva and Peter Kramer *

Lynda Kresge

Anneke Krienen

Katerina Kucerova Roeser

Carol Kuhlthau

Helene and Russell Kulsrud *

Mary Kumcheva

Jane Kupin

Nicole Kurelek

Ellen and Jay Kuris

Joan and Harold Kuskin

Soo Mee Kwon

Marie Lacombe

Michelle Lambros

Tara Lamont

Martha Land and Laurence Greenberg

Barbara and Robert Landau

Hsini Langlois *

Amy and Jonah Lansky *

Courtney Lederer and Mark Thierfelder *

Thomas Lederer

Lynda Lee and Robert Lupton

Beth and Andrew Leman

Ginger and Clark Lennon

Bonnie Leonard

Mark Leonard

W. Bruce Leslie

Carole and Simon Levin

Marsha Levin-Rojer

Ellen and Harry Levine *

Lisa Li-Seliger

Kelly and Jeffrey Liao

Pete Lieggi

The Lighte Grant Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Amanda Lin and Nathan Thomas *

Donald Linky

Andrew Lipka

Bobette and Dan Lister

Barbara Litt

Marion and Michael Littman

Cate and James Litvack

Latonya and Lance Liverman *

Maria Lobiondo

Marlaine Lockheed and Steven Frakt

Pamela Long

Mary Lott

Patricia and Lester Lovier

Rosina Lozano and Nick Vossbrink

Ena Lumba

Barbara and Ron Lusen

Lyons-Ochsner Giving Fund

John Macnab

Alice Macnow

Shakuntala Madnani

Wendy Mager and Eric Monberg

Alta and Marc Malberg

Andrea Malcolm and William Gleason

Nancy and Burton Malkiel

Ruth Mandel and Jeff Lucker

Lucien Marchand *

Lori Martin and Christopher Eisgruber *

Nina Maruca

Ginny Mason *

George A. and Ann M. Mathewson Trust Foundation *

Rebecca Maynard and Stuart Kerachsky

Jeanne and Joseph Mazzetti

Patti and Kevin McCarthy

Susan and John McCaskie

Carol McCollough

Brownlee McKee and Robert Kirby *

Ann and Robert McKeehan *

Michelle McKenna and Patrick Bernuth

Beryl McMillan

Meisel Family Tzedakah Fund at the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Mercer

Grace Mele

Norman Meranus and Arthur Eisenbach

Melissa Mercuro

Jennifer Mermans *

Monika Mevenkamp

Sally Mikkelsen

9 *Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember


Paul Miles

Ruth and Bernie Miller *

Catherine Millett

Linda and Josh Milstein

Minter-Yuan Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Joann Mitchell

MLKYD Family Giving Account

Lee Moody

Susan and William Moody

Heidi Moon and Robert Matsukawa

Liza and Sky Morehouse *

Elisabeth Morgan

Kaitlin Morrison and River Levy

Rosalind and Tom Muir *

Heather Mullett

Lauri and John Mulvey

Adviti Muni and Glen Swindle

Carolyne Murff and Gregory Scholes *

Penelope Murray

Jeffra and Yash Nandan

Amitabh Nangia

Suzanne Nash

Shalu and Rob Naso *

Lee and Sydney Neuwirth

Marite Nicolau and Alfredo Sakar

Carol and Thomas Nied

Eve Niedergang and Andrew Weiss

Betsey and Thomas O’Connor

Beverly O’Connor

James O’Neill

Maureen O’Neill *

Karolin and Rene Obregon *

Beth Ogilvie-Freda and Mark Freda

Ferris Olin

Gregory Olsen *

Oye Olukotun MD

Tasha Oneill

Linda Oppenheim and Robert Karp

Craig Oren

Susan and Frank Orsini

Reba Orszag

Stephanie and Christopher Oster *

Martha Otis

Lise and Stephen Pacala

Fran Parker and Ron Lavine

Jean and Larry † Parsons

March 23

Poverty By America

Elaine and John Pascu

Lauren and Adam Pechter

Jonathan Peele

Mary Pelc

Kerry Perretta *

Barbara Pervin

Lori Pesnell

Terri and Paul Pessutti

Jacqueline Phares

Christina Phillips

Mary and Robert Pickens

Judith Pinch

John Pinelli

Sherry Pitkofsky

Elyse Pivnick

Dorothy and Charles Plohn

Pearl Podell

Jennifer Podolsky

David and Allison Politziner Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Carol and Mark Pollard

Elizabeth Pond

Nancy Pontone

Ludmilla Popova-Wightman

Deborah and Alan Poritz

Rhona and Allen Porter

Laurie Powsner and Jonathan Krejci

Denise and Chris Pratico

Candace and Marvin Preston *

Barbara Prince

Book Launch


Matthew Desmond, Maurice P. During Professor of Sociology at Princeton University, in conversation with Keeanga-Yamhatta Taylor, professor in the Department of African-American Studies at Princeton University, at a launch event for Desmond’s book at Nassau Presbyterian Church.

Jean Procyk

Linda Prospero

Elizabeth Protage Walsh *

Amy Pruitt and Andrew Bodnar

Barbara and Harry Purnell

Tamar Rabb

Aaron Raphel *

Ronnie Ragen and Andrew Lowenstein

Gwee-Sook Kim and Robert Ranard

Daniel Rappoport

Melinda Raso and Philip Kirstein

Sohini and Uttam Rath

Charles Rebick

Ingrid Reed

Cathy Reicheg

Robert Revelle

Jennifer Rexford

Joy Reynolds

Claire Ridings

Sarah Ringer *

Victor Ripp

Wendy Rivers

Irina Rivkin

Claire Roberts

Nancy and Will Robins *

Elaine and Tobias Robison

Jane Rohlf and Ted Boyer *

Danielle Rollmann

Louis and Francoise Rollmann

Rebecca and Martin Rome

Priscilla and Kermit Roosevelt

Cecilia and Irwin Rosenblum

Anne and Jim Ross

Stefanie Rossitto

Martha and Marty Rossman

Merilyn Rovira and Carlos Rodrigues

Leslie and Clancy Rowley

Diane Ruble and William Green

Uta Runyan

Priscilla and William † Russel *

Kathleen and Louis Russo

The Saltarelli Family Fund

Rita Saltz*

Elizabeth and Gregory Samios

Rachel and Kenneth Samoil

Betsy and Jeffrey Sands *

Evelyn and Jeffrey Sasmor

Catherine Schaeder and Eric Batterman

Mary and Paul Schedl

Scheid Fund

Helene Schlachter and Michael Senchyna

Carol and Edward Schonfeld

Gertrud Schupbach and Eric Wieschaus

Barbara and C.E. Schutt

Rachel Schutt

Judy and Marty Schwartz

Ruth and David Scott

Fran and Nathan Scovronick

Inez and Richard Scribner *

Anne and Mitch Seltzer *

Amina Shabani

Margaret Shapiro and Raymond Tamasi

Jean and Brett Shaver

Dina and Michael Shaw

Marguerite Sheehan and John Weber

Dorothy Shepard

Lois Shindelman

Cynthia and Robert Shull

Catherine and Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff Family Fund of the New York Community Trust *

Sheila Siderman and Jerry Palin

Tara Sikma

Jane Silverman *

The Simon Wingreen Fund *

Grace and Frank Sinden *

Laura Sinderbrand

11 *Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember




Princeton Environmental Film Festival

Above, farmers, scientists and filmmakers discuss the race to develop disease- and climate-resistant food crops at a post-screening Q&A of “Fields of Devotion.” At right, cinematographer Katie Bryden discusses “Path of the Panther,” which kicked off the festival. These films were two of 30 presented at the festival, which ran March 24-31 in the Community Room and online.



April 2

The Bradford Hayes Quartet

Saxophonist Bradford Hayes kicked off Jazz Appreciation Month with a Sunday afternoon concert in the Community Room. Bradford’s quartet included pianist Michael Cochrane, bassist Belden Bullock and drummer Steve Johns.





Princeton Community Pride Picnic

More than 2,000 people attended the third annual event, which in 2023 was held in Palmer Square. The library and a half dozen other community groups present this annual kickoff to Pride Month in Princeton. The picnic featured a homecoming performance by singer-songwriter Sarah Donner.


Arlene and Rick Sinding

Kate Skrebutenas and Paul Rorem

Amanda Slater and Matt Salganik *

Yamile Slebi and Omar Tellez

Alice and Joseph Small

Suzanne and Ronald Smeltzer *

Audrey Smerkanich

Christa Smith and Michael Gatzke

Clare and Timothy Smith

David Smith

Elizabeth and Hayden Smith

Keisha Smith-Carrington

Marcia Snowden

G. Whitney Snyder Charitable Fund *

Robert Socolow Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund

Laurine Speltz and Denis Ryono

Felicia and Warren Spitz *

Jackie and Stephen Spritzer

Sashi Sreekanth

Alice St. Claire and David Long

Sharon W. Stamm and Jerome Zeldis *

Ellen and Albert Stark

Galina Staroselsky

Elly Stein

Melanie Stein *

Marjorie Steinberg

Margaret and Robert Stengel

Judit and Kurt Stenn *

Anne Stewart

Judy and Ed Stier *

Marie and Richard Stiglic

Hazel Stix *

Warren and Andrea Stock Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation*

Margaret and Hunt Stockwell

Janice and Harold Stone

The Stone Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation

Joanna and William Storrar

Sally and Jeffrey Stout

Audrey and Alan Straus

Christine and James Sturm

Phyllis and Michael Suber

Julie Sullivan

Jessica Sumski and Chris Weber

Sandra Sussman and Ronald Schnur


Julie and Christian Swanke

Len Swanson

Frank Sweeney

Lenore Sylvan

Alisa and Joseph Tarditi

Susan and George Tarr

Kathy Taylor and Mark Boulding *

Ursula and John Taylor

Laura Teller

Shirley Tilghman

Jeanette and Michael Timmons

Lisa and Mark Tobias

Kathleen and Peter Tovar

Karin Trainer and William Stowe *

Caroline Travers

Jeannette Tregoe

Marissa Treu

The Tsai Charitable Gift Fund

Linda and Daniel Tsui

Lekha and Herman Tull

Richard and Gail Ullman Charitable Fund *

Carmen Valverde and B. Wayne Anderson

Janet and Daniel Van Abs

Robin and Chris Van Buren *

Dan and Welmoet Charitable Account *

Catherine Vanderpool

Anne VanLent Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Margaret Vanmarcke

Melinda and Lee Varian

Ann Marie Vaurio and John Jackson

The Venetianer Family Fund

Filbert Ventura

Ann Vershbow and Charles Beitz

Kathy and Gustav Vik

Meredith and Henry Von Kohorn

Pamela and William Wakefield

David Wald and Everett Kline *

Scott Waldman

Marue Walizer

Lisa Walker and Jeffrey Eikelberner *

Robin and Alan Wallack

Christina and John Wang

Hetty Waskin

Suki and Matthew Wasserman Family Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation

Sarah and John Waterbury

Barbara Webb

Charlie Webb

Sandra Webel

Leslie Weber

Carol Wehrheim

The Theodora and Fong Wei Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation *

Kathryn Weidener *

Holly Weise

Lindsay Weiss

Louise and John Wellemeyer

Donna and Peter Wepplo

Karen and Chris Westcott

Eileen White and Anastasios Diamond

Sharon and Russ White

Nell Whiting and Richard Rein

Maryann and Sidney Whitman

Jennifer Widner *

Joan and Ralph Widner *

Diana Wiebers and Philip Dumont

Stephanie Will

Elena Williams

Janet Williams

Myra and Van Zandt Williams *

Robert Williams

Marcia and Bruce Willsie *

Susan Wilson *

Wendy Wilton

Kathy and John Winant

Lesley and Ross Wishnick

Louise Witonsky

Rosalie Wolarsky *

Helene Wood

Anne Woodbridge

Karen and Richard Woodbridge

Janet Woods

Carla Wragge *

Anne Wright Wilson

Zhenyu Wu

Shahla and Eberhard Wunderlich

Jadwiga Wygnanski

Xiao Xu

Li and Ning Yang

Greta and Michael Yedidia

Wendy Young

Adelaide W. Zabriskie Fund *

Virginia Zakian and Robert Sandberg

15 *Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember


Oct. 3

Creativity in the Age of ChatGPT

Technology thought leaders gathered for a symposium presented in partnership with state and national humanities organizations.

From left, Rishi Jaitly of Virginia Tech’s Center for Humanities; Min Li Chan, essayist and technologist; Helena Sarin, engineering artist; and Edward Jones-Imhotep, director, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto.

Variations (stadium, cave, spaceship, subway) created with Generative AI in Adobe Photoshop.


Frances Zeitler

Xing Zhang

Xuan Zhou

Julie Zimmerman and Adam Ratner

Advah and Joshua Zinder *

Sallye and Ronald Zink *

Corporate Support


Church & Dwight Co.

Glenmede Trust Company


Princeton University

Princeton University Press

Triumph Brewing Company

Whole Earth Center


Angelone Homes

Bank of Princeton

Beatrice Bloom, Weichert Realtors

Benevity Community Impact Fund

Experience Princeton

Hiltons Princeton

Howe Insurance Group

Joshua Zinder Architecture +Design, LLC

Princeton Global

Roundview Capital

Stark & Stark


Callaway Henderson Sotheby’s

International Realty

Gould Group of Wells Fargo Advisors

Graduate Hotels

Labyrinth Books


New Jersey Manufacturers

Pinneo Construction

Queenston Realty

Reed Smith


Bank of America Matching Gift Program

Bristol-Myers Squibb Matching Gifts

Benevity Giving Fund

Charles Schwab and Co., Inc.

Give Lively


Johnson & Johnson Family Consumer Companies Contributions Fund


Mathmatica Policy Research

Pledgeling Foundation

Princeton Center for Dental Aesthetics

Springdale Golf Club

UBS Agency Matching Gifts Program

Estates and Foundations

The Rita Allen Foundation*

The George A. and Ann M. Mathewson Trust Foundation *

The Curtis W. McGraw Foundation *

The George H. and Estelle M. Sands Foundation *

Library Legacy Society

These individuals have provided for the library in their will or estate plans.

Francesca Benson and George Cody

Hilary Brown and Charles Read

Leslie and Alan Burger

Shwu Fen Chen

Marsha and Eliot Freeman

Colleen Goggins

Barbara and Eric Greenfeldt

Mervin Holland

Florence and Steven Kahn

Norman Klath

Helene and Russell Kulsrud

Ellen and Harry Levine

Katherine McGavern and Alan Dybvig

Ruth and Bernie Miller

Eleanor Pinelli

Harriette Rubinstein

Nancy Ukai Russell

Betsy and Jeffrey Sands

Marty and Steven † Schlossstein

Jane Silverman

Karin Trainer and William Stowe

Gail Ullman


Princeton Public Library

Board of Trustees

Holley Barreto

Edward Felten

Robert Ginsberg, President

Jeffrey Liao, Secretary

Eve Niedergang, Mayor’s Designee

Stephanie Oster, Vice President

Keisha Smith-Carrington, Superintendent’s Designee

Sebnem Tuzun

Christopher Van Buren, Treasurer

Princeton Public Library

Friends and Foundation Board of Directors

Swati Bhatt

Andrea Bradley

Audrey Egger

Jane Fransson

Florence Kahn

Nicky Katz, Treasurer

Seva Kramer

Jonah Lansky

Courtney Lederer

Beth Leman

Ann Parker McKeehan

Rosalind Muir, President

Shalu Naso, Vice President

Jennifer Podolsky, Secretary

Library Executive Director

Sohini Rath

Brett Shaver

Dina Shaw

Jane Silverman

Andrew Sutphin


Donor lists reflect gifts received between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2023. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of these lists. If you find an error or omission, please accept our apology and contact the Development Office at 609-924-9529, ext. 1284.

17 *Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember

Oct. 7

Princeton Children’s Book Festival

The 17th edition of the annual festival connected young readers with some of the top names in children’s literature, including Mika Song, who created the poster art for the festival and presented a special story time.


Oct. 21

Beyond Words

Author Curtis Chin, top right, the keynote speaker at the annual benefit for Princeton Public Library, poses with Janie Hermann, center, the library’s adult programming manager, and author Amy Jo Burns. Chin and Burns discussed Chin’s “Everything I Learned, I Learned in a Chinese Restaurant,” at Nassau Presbyterian Church. A silent auction and dinner followed at Quadrangle Club.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT 18 19 *Denotes leadership gift of $1,000 or more †We remember

2023 Report to the Community Princeton Public Library



Public Humanities Forum: Journalism and Democracy

Jan-Werner Müller, Roger Williams Straus Professor of Social Sciences and professor of politics at Princeton University, delivers the 2023 Public Lecture at the conclusion of the daylong forum, which features a dozen academics and journalists discussing the media landscape.

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