Princeton’s unofficial motto captures the essence of our School – and what a time to be at SPIA!
In the face of an ongoing pandemic, a global climate crisis, backsliding democracies, rising inequality, and other pressing policy challenges, what we offer here has perhaps never been more important.
I am honored to serve as dean at such a critical moment, and I am proud of our students and alumni – who are addressing issues in public and international affairs here in the United States and in every corner of the world.
Our graduate programs are distinguished by diverse cohorts of dedicated public servants, extraordinary faculty, and cuttingedge, multidisciplinary research and scholarship — a true policy toolkit that allows our graduates to excel in any policy field, whether domestic or international. We also offer generous funding that includes 100% of tuition for all students.
At SPIA, you will find a tight-knit community that lasts well beyond your time on campus.
Training the next generation of policy experts is the foundational goal of our School. To do that, we work to foster a supportive and inclusive environment where all students can thrive and excel.
Our admissions team continues to expand the scope and reach of SPIA and thinks very intentionally and broadly about bringing together a remarkably accomplished and diverse community of leaders and student scholars. I hope you will choose to apply.
All are welcome here!
Dean, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs; Edwards S. Sanford Professor of Politics; and Professor of Politics and International Affairs
The Princeton School of Public and International Affairs dedicates itself to integrating world-class scholarship and a commitment to service in order to make a positive difference in the world. Our faculty, staff, and students develop and lead creative approaches to the challenges of public and international affairs, with particular emphasis on diverse scholarly perspectives and evidence-based analysis. We welcome a robust exchange of ideas and strive to foster a closeknit community that values and supports every member. We believe that public policy in the 21st century demands a passion for service, a respect for evidence of unsurpassed quality, a global perspective, and a multiplicity of voices.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
“ The highest priority of
DEI efforts
to create and foster an environment that is inclusive and welcoming of all backgrounds, perspectives, and identities — not to elevate any one voice above another, but to ensure all voices are equally heard.”
— Amaney Jamal, DeanEnhancing our GLOBAL FOOTPRINT — bringing the world to SPIA and SPIA to the world.
Elevating our position and visibility in POLICYMAKING within Washington, D.C.; across the U.S.; and around the world.
Building upon the School’s DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION initiatives.
Ensuring SPIA is utilizing innovations in the DATA SCIENCES for effective public policy.
Continuing to foster deeper connections across our COMMUNITY of students, faculty, administrators, and alumni.
Other schools ask you to invest in your education. At SPIA, we invest in you.
Generous Financial Aid
All students receive 100% of tuition and required fees support. We offer a generous stipend for living expenses during your time of study. Tuition and stipend will be covered by SPIA in combination with any outside fellowships or institutional sponsorships.
All students receive 100% of tuition and required fees support. We offer a generous stipend for living expenses during your year at Princeton. Tuition and stipend will be covered by SPIA in combination with any outside fellowships or institutional sponsorships.
All students receive 100% of tuition. We offer a generous stipend for living expenses for up to five years.
All are welcome here.
We believe that only by including people with a broad range of experiences and perspectives are we able to realize our potential – to expand our capacity for teaching and learning, to increase opportunities for innovative research, and to equip students for lives of service and leadership in an increasingly pluralistic society.*
At SPIA, we see our diversity as a strength. Having varied perspectives, diverse races and ethnicities, different abilities, cultures, and gender identities in the classroom not only enriches conversation, but it also prepares
students to evaluate an issue from multiple angles to help develop thoughtful and effective policy. We welcome people from small towns and big cities, from the United States and different countries all around the world, from large public schools and small private ones, as well as individuals with a whole host of distinctive lived and experienced realities. All are welcome here.
While diversity is not an end in itself, we are doing the hard work to make SPIA an inviting and inclusive space for all students.
We are a community in conversation. Join us.
*Quote taken from the Sept. 2013 Report of the Trustee Ad Hoc Committee on Diversity
The School is committed to ensuring all members of our community feel respected, included, supported, and valued both inside and outside of the classroom.
Gen. John Allen, USMC (Ret.)
President, The Brookings Institution; Former Commander, NATO International Security Assistance Force and U.S. Forces in Afghanistan
Pamhidzai Bamu
Law Programme Coordinator for Africa, Women in the Informal Economy Globalizing and Organizing; Deputy Chair, African Labour Law Society
Sue Biniaz
U.S. Deputy Special Envoy on Climate Change
Mercedes D’Alessandro
National Director of Economy and Gender, Ministry of Economy, Argentina
Ezekiel J. Emanuel
Vice Provost for Global Initiatives; Diane v.S. Levy and Robert M. Levy University Professor; Co-director of the Healthcare Transformation Institute, University of Pennsylvania
National Director of Policy and Advocacy, UndocuBlack Network
Director, Office of Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Dr. Celine Gounder
Epidemiologist; Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, Grossman School of Medicine, New York University
Shamil Idriss
Chief Executive Officer, Search for Common Ground
Jane Mayer
Chief Washington Correspondent and Staff Writer, The New Yorker
Delaware State Senator, 1st District
Amb. Juan Carlos Pinzón MPP ’10 Ambassador of Colombia to the United States
Sen. Harry Reid
Former U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader
Sonal Shah
President, The Asian American Foundation
Eddy Zheng
President and Founder, New Breath Foundation
Practitioners are an important part of students’ training and bring realworld policy experience to the classroom as leaders in domestic policy and international affairs. They complement the work of our faculty and enrich the learning experience.
“My first goal is to help students to think more broadly about ‘public policy’ — about how it affects society and our communities. It can be ‘made’ and implemented by governments but also by nonprofits, philanthropists, and even worker and human rights groups. My second goal is to focus all of us on not just studying policy but doing something about it — actions and solutions!”
Former Dean, Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School; Charles and Marie Robertson Visiting Professor and Lecturer
“SPIA is a powerful public policy laboratory of enthusiastic professors and students working to identify, understand, and design innovative policy to address the world’s most pressing issues. I teach a policy workshop on Puerto Rico’s financial insolvency and debt-restructuring process. Students will explore and identify important lessons for cities, states, and sovereign countries to prevent bankruptcy in the future.”
Former Senate President of Puerto Rico John L. Weinberg/Goldman Sachs & Co. Visiting Professor
Policy workshops are a required part of the School’s MPA curriculum. Students use their acquired analytical skills to evaluate complex and challenging policy issues for real-world government, nonprofit, and industry clients. Students study an issue in great depth and make policy recommendations that are both creative and realistic, cognizant of pertinent institutional and political constraints. Each workshop consists of eight to 10 students, includes School-funded field research during the fall break, and focuses on either a domestic or international policy issue. At the conclusion of the semester, students produce a final written report and present their recommendations to their client and other stakeholders.
“I have led several policy workshops, and each time students teach me something new. The workshops allow students to dive deep into timely, highly policy-relevant projects, conducting field research and interacting with policymakers. Recently, recommendations developed by students were enacted into state law.”
— Heather H. Howard Professor of the Practice; Director, State Health and Value Strategies
“ The policy workshop helped me work through a complex policy idea from conception to execution, from the role of cash transfers in household finance to the best products for transferring funds.”
— Joelle Gamble MPA ’19 Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Labor“ The policy workshops propel students into the messy world of conflicting national interests, policy debates, leadership strengths and weaknesses, and politics. Students must apply what they have learned in the classroom to the type of real-world situations they’ll face following graduate school.”
— Amb. Daniel C. Kurtzer Lecturer in Public and International Affairs; S. Daniel Abraham Professor of Middle East Policy Studies
“As a U.S.-Russia policy aficionado, I’ve used the resources of the School to access some of the world’s toughest areas, from the separatist region of Moldova to the diplomatic front lines of Libya.”
— Sakari Ishetiar MPA ’19, JSI ’15 Program Analyst, Advancia
A demonstrated commitment to public service unites our community — and is the most important component of your application. SPIA strives to create positive change not only nationally and globally but also in the central New Jersey region our School calls home.
Below are a few activities our students engaged in across the state of N.J. last year:
Volunteering at the Trenton Area Soup Kitchen
Helping neighbors with applications for the Excluded New Jerseyans Fund, which assists those who suffered hardship because of COVID-19 but were excluded from federal stimulus checks or unemployment assistance
Preparing guest hygiene kits for Elijah’s Promise Community Kitchen
New Brunswick
Working on the Wildflower Berm maintenance project at the Grounds for Sculpture
Hosting a community gardening day at the Resilient Roots Farm
Our students not only bring their diverse backgrounds, experiences, and passions into lively classroom discussions, they also emerge as leaders serving on the Princeton University Policy Student Government (PUPSG) — the graduate student government body of the School — or one of our many studentrun organizations, to include, for example:
• First. (Low-income and First-generation Students and Alumni)
• Gender and Policy Network
• Journal of Public and International Affairs (JPIA)
• Students and Alumni of Color (SAOC)
• Women in Politics Network (WPN)
PUPSG organizes an annual service auction to raise funds for Isles, Inc. — a community development organization based in Trenton and founded by Marty Johnson ’81. The 2022 auction raised nearly $19,000 to support the nonprofit’s mission to help at-risk youth.
SPIA’s inaugural First Generation Retreat was spearheaded by the graduate student leaders of First., which empowers, elevates, and amplifies the voices of “Firsts” — low-income and first-generation students and alumni.
The 2022 SAOC symposium — “Thinking Beyond Borders and About Transnational Solidarity” — addressed issues of social and racial justice from a global perspective, shining a spotlight on the global nature of oppression, resistance, and freedom.
Full-time summer internships between the first and second years of the MPA program are an academic requirement. Students choose the sector in which they would like to work, and those who secure an unpaid internship are funded by the School.
The graduate career development team and alumni network are invaluable assets to graduates seeking to launch or continue their careers in public policy, domestic, and international affairs.
Dedicated to working with students throughout every stage of their internship and job searches, career advisors assist students and alumni with career exploration, reviewing application materials, interview preparation, arranging networking opportunities, and salary negotiations.
Students can also participate in professional development workshops on topics like design thinking, presentation skills, speech writing, Python, Excel, negotiation, storytelling, and personality assessments.
The team also brings employers to campus for interviewing and information sessions, coordinates résumé collections and interviews, and serves as a bridge between alumni, students, and employers interested in hiring the School’s graduates.
Career development support doesn’t stop with graduation: the advising team starts working with students the day they arrive at the School and assists them as alumni seeking new employment or transitioning to a new field at any point throughout their careers.
The School’s graduate alumni have built diverse careers as leaders and agents
change in the public policy arena. They find challenging opportunities as policymakers, administrators, and managers in government at all levels and in nongovernmental organizations, multilateral institutions, foundations, policy and research institutes, political and advocacy groups, community and economic development organizations, the media, consulting firms, and financial enterprises — both in the United States and abroad.
• Baltimore City Public Schools
• Canadian Digital Service
• Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
• Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
• Clinton Health Access Initiative (Malawi)
• Congressional Budget Office
• Congressional Research Service
• DC Public Schools
• Department of Foreign Affairs (Philippines)
• Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
• Federal Reserve Bank of New York
• ideas42
• Indian Administrative Service
• International Monetary Fund
• Jain Family Institute
• LEAD Africa International
• Lumina Foundation
• Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Brazil)
• Ministry of Finance (Ontario)
• Palantir
• Save the Children International (Niger)
• The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
• The World Bank
• U.S. Department of State
• U.S. Department of the Treasury
• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
• U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
• United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
• United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (Republic of the Congo)
• USDA Food and Nutrition Service
• What Works Cities
• World Food Programme (Cameroon)
• World Resources Institute
The 4,200-plus alumni of the School stay connected and engaged after leaving Princeton and are usually willing to talk with new students about their experiences. The School hosts networking events in cities around the world for alumni and current students.
“ The School’s impact on my career has been profound. By fully investing in my graduate education — and ultimately in me — I have been given the economic freedom to passionately pursue a career of service to low-income communities, families, and children.”
The School is like family. Getting in and going to SPIA is just the beginning of a lifelong journey and professional network dedicated to launching the next generation of public service leaders.”
— Fatema Z. Sumar MPA ’06Vice President of Compact Operations, Millennium Challenge Corporation
— Rochelle Haynes MPA ’06 Managing Director, What Works Cities
“Knowledge and evidence are at the heart of working in international development, and the School gave me the skills to be an effective producer, consumer, and translator of evidence.”
The School’s MPA program helped give me the know-how to make an immediate impact in the Iowa legislature, despite being a freshman legislator in a deep minority.”
— Sen. Zach Wahls MPA ’18 Iowa Senate, 37th District
“Both faculty and students are dedicated to the practice of using robust analytical methods to address critical public policy challenges. It is what sets SPIA apart from other policy schools.”
— Caroline R. Milne Ph.D. ’17 Research Staff Member, Institute for Defense Analyses
“It’s hard to put into words what the School means to me. My studies, my research, and the people I met along the way have completely reshaped how I see the world and my place within it.”
— David Kanter Ph.D. ’14 Associate Professor of Environmental Studies, New York University
“Princeton’s academic rigor and my classmates’ diversity of experience helped me develop new analytical skills and broaden my outlook on global policy challenges.”
— Robert C. Watts IV MPP ’17 Commanding Officer, USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53)
“My year at the School resulted in a significant intellectual growth spurt and sharpened my understanding of public policy. Going back to school gives you the freedom to pursue intellectual interests, develop new capabilities, expose yourself to new approaches and methods, and advance your career.”
“ The top-rate policy education I received at SPIA has been integral to moving my career forward and increasing my knowledge. I’m a better thinker and manager because of the School.”
We aim to bring the world to SPIA and to put SPIA into the world. That’s why enhancing our global footprint — including recruiting students and experts from across the globe — is a top priority. Here are some of our recent efforts.
To contribute toward — and advocate for — Afghanistan’s rebuilding, we launched the Afghanistan Policy Lab (APL) at SPIA. The lab aims to help build an inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous Afghanistan equally representing all citizens. Eight academic fellows from Afghanistan, who worked previously in support of U.S. government efforts there, are collaborating with members of our community on policy-relevant research. The effort is supported by SPIA and the School’s Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination.
Under the guidance of Professor Leonard Wantchekon, members of the African School of Economics and the African Union Development Agency signed a memorandum of understanding with Princeton University to work on research and capacity development collaborations in Africa. Together, the organizations will capitalize on each other’s knowledge and generate policy-based research focused on education, energy, health, and human capital investment topics.
Under the leadership of newly appointed faculty Seema Jayachandran and Pascaline Dupas, Princeton’s Research Program on Development Economics is poised to become one of the leading institutions setting the agenda in this important area of research.
The School’s Center for International Security Studies, led by G. John Ikenberry, co-hosted a workshop with the University of Tokyo Institute for Future Initiatives in Tokyo. Graduate students and recent Ph.D. graduates presented their research.
Dean Jamal and Amb. Daniel Kurtzer were among the world leaders who gathered at the Doha Forum in Qatar. On the agenda: geopolitical alliances and international relations; financial systems and economic development; defense, cyber, and food security; and climate change and sustainability.
Melissa Tier, a doctoral degree candidate (left), and Lisa Thalheimer, a postdoctoral research associate at the Center for Policy Research on Energy and the Environment and the official Princeton University delegate (right), attended the 26th U.N. Climate Change Conference, known as #COP26 conference, in Glasgow, Scotland. While there, the two connected with media members and climate scientists to discuss climate adaptation and policy solutions.
Master in Public Affairs
2-year degree
Master in Public Policy 1-year mid-career degree
8 Core Courses + Policy Workshop
• Race, Power, and Inequality
• Microeconomics
• Macroeconomics
• Quantitative Analysis
• Politics of Public Policy
• Psychology for Policy Analysis
• Applied Econometrics
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
No Core Requirements
• Successful Completion of the MPP Summer Program
Fields of Concentration
• Field I International Relations
• Field II International Development
• Field III Domestic Policy
• Field IV Economics and Public Policy
Doctor of Philosophy in Public Affairs
5-year degree
Optional Certificate Programs
• Health and Health Policy (HHP)
• Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP)
• Urban Policy (UP)
This cluster prepares students for rigorous research on major threats to international and national security and the relevant forces that defend against those threats.
Policy (STEP)
This cluster focuses on applications of natural and social science methodology in policy and the interactions between natural and social science in policy analysis.
The School’s faculty are the top minds in their academic fields. They conduct innovative research; deliver expert, nonpartisan analysis to policymakers, nonprofit organizations, and research centers; and provide students with the analytical tools and in-depth knowledge needed to tackle the most important policy issues of the day.
Many have direct policy experience and almost all have dual appointments with disciplinary departments at the University, providing students with multi-faceted perspectives on policy issues.
Stacey A. Sinclair Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs• Astrophysical sciences
• Civil and environmental engineering
• Computer science
• Demography
• Ecology and evolutionary biology
• Economics
• Geosciences
• History
• Law
• Mechanical and aerospace engineering
• Politics
• Psychology
• Sociology
The School is home to 20 research centers and programs, which conduct research, host events, and bring distinguished scholars and practitioners to campus. Students can get involved in programming as varied as foreign policy crisis simulations, roundtables with key leaders in global peace-keeping, collaboration with industry professionals to prevent financial crises, or work with health care leaders to formulate sound access policy.
• Bendheim-Thoman Center for Research on Child Wellbeing
• Center for Health and Wellbeing
• Center for Information Technology Policy
• Center for International Security Studies
• Center for Policy and Research on Energy and the Environment
• Center for the Study of Democratic Politics
• Education Research Section
• Empirical Studies of Conflict Project
• Initiative for Data Exploration and Analytics
• Innovations for Successful Societies
• Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance
• Kahneman-Treisman Center for Behavioral Science & Public Policy
• Law at Princeton
Professor of Politics and International Affairs; Co-director, Empirical Studies of Conflict Project
• Liechtenstein Institute on Self-Determination
• Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance
• Office of Population Research
• Princeton Survey Research Center
• Program on Science and Global Security
• Research Program on Development Economics
• Research Program in Political Economy
Integrated Policy Exercise (IPE)
First-year MPA students are required to take part in the IPE, applying skills acquired in the fall analytic courses to a set of specific policy questions.
Balancing theory and practice, the School’s curriculum fosters an education centered on a policy toolkit that can be applied to difficult policy challenges in the domestic and international spheres at all levels.
Our students not only develop analytical skills but also acquire substantive knowledge about the world’s most important policy issues. Lectures, seminars, and workshops reflect the multidisciplinary nature of the program. Graduate students have approximately 100 classes to choose from in the School. Occasionally, students opt to take graduatelevel courses from across the 42 academic departments that comprise Princeton’s Graduate School.
Master in Public Affairs
Required: 16 Courses
Core Courses
• Race, Power, and Inequality (500)
• Politics of Public Policy (501)
• Psychology for Policy Analysis and Implementation (502)
• Quantitative Analysis (507)
• Applied Econometrics (508)
• Microeconomics (511)
• Macroeconomics (512)
• Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Course
• Policy Workshop
First-year qualifying examination (QE1) Offered at the end of the first year, the QE1 requires students to show competence in the core disciplines of economics, politics, psychology, behavioral and quantitative analysis.
Second-year qualifying examination (QE2) Offered at the end of the second year, the QE2 measures students’ competence in their chosen field of concentration.
Successful completion of an internship in the summer between the MPA1 and MPA2 years.
Satisfactory completion of the courses required in a chosen field of concentration.
Satisfactory completion of eight full-term courses at the School in a plan of study approved by the relevant faculty advisor or the faculty chair of the MPP program. Participation in the MPP summer program, which precedes the academic year and includes coursework in microeconomics and statistics, is required. Attendance at the MPP policy forums, where each MPP student must present, is also a part of the degree.
The Ph.D. program culminates with a thesis and a public oral examination
This cluster prepares doctoral students for rigorous research on major threats to international and national security and the relevant forces that defend against those threats.
12 Courses
Areas of Concentration:
• Grand Strategies
• Great Powers and Stability
• Civil-Military Relations
• Humanitarian Intervention
• Insurgency
• Arms Control and Proliferation
• The Threat and Use of Force
• Cyber Warfare
• Biological and Chemical Weapons
• Terrorism and Civil Conflict
This cluster focuses on applications of natural and social science methodology in the policy arena, as well as the interactions between natural and social science in policy analysis.
Areas of Concentration:
• Global Climate Change
• Air Pollution
• Conservation Biology
• Tropical Disease Transmission
• Information Technology
• Nuclear Power
• Renewable Energy
At the time of application, each MPA and MPP candidate must select a policy field in which to specialize from among the School’s four fields of concentration.
Field I emphasizes the nature of the international system and ways in which states conduct their foreign policies, particularly in a global environment where non-state actors have increasing influence.
• Rule of law
• Diplomacy
• Elections in fragile states
• International trade
• Human rights
• National security
• Defense policy
• Climate change and global environmental governance
• International negotiation
• Weapons of mass destruction
Students tend to have previous professional experience in the field, coming from government, nonprofits, political organizations, policy think tanks, U.S. armed services, Peace Corps, United Nations, and the World Bank. Since mastery of a foreign language is often needed for future careers, the School provides funding for those who study a language concurrent with their summer internship.
“All Field I students take Professor Ikenberry’s International Politics class in their first semester, which covers all of the major schools of thought in international relations. The best part of the class is hearing from other students about how the theory applies to their professional experience. Another great aspect of the Field I community at SPIA is the vast alumni network. This global network of Field I alumni are always eager to share lessons and advice drawn from their professional experiences with current students at SPIA.”
Kaira Bakkestad-Legare and Rebecca Gorin MPA“Most of my current work centers on the strategic rivalry between the U.S. and China, a topic that raises important theoretical issues in international relations. I enjoy teaching here because the students combine diverse interests, backgrounds, and experiences with a shared concern for problems of policy.”—
“My research on public diplomacy and Chinese foreign policy is motivated by my earlier studies and work in government. It’s important to me to teach material that will prepare our students to be informed, engaged, and thoughtful contributors to policy solutions because I have seen firsthand how great a difference such individuals can make.”
Green-Riley Assistant Professor of Politics and International Affairs
Field II is concerned with low-income countries and transition economies as they pursue development strategies under a wide range of political regimes and economic conditions. Field II both overlaps and complements Field I.
• Humanitarian relief
• Immigration policy
• Innovations for successful societies
• Economic development
• Democratization
• Conflict resolution
• Global health
• Poverty, inequality, and health
• Social entrepreneurship and innovation
Students typically have worked for government and nonprofit organizations as researchers, analysts, economists, community organizers, human rights observers, election monitors, and Peace Corps volunteers. As with Field I, students can study language while engaging in their summer internship. On occasion, the internship can be extended to a full year of practical experience and language acquisition.
“Most of our classes are small and allow for deep and engaging discussions. T he depth of experience among our classmates makes conversations, both in and out of the classroom, incredibly engaging, as we are challenged to think about complex development issues from new perspectives.”
— Meghana Mungikar and Talia Gerstle MPA ’21
“ The cases we use bring the globe into the classroom. Peer learning is a hidden bonus; when we talk about a case study, there is usually a student who can say, ‘I was there and this is what happened.”
“Much of my scholarship focuses on the role of effective states in promoting growth and inclusion in the developing world. I love teaching MPAs because many have experience in the developing world and want to do some good.”—
Professor of Politics and International Affairs; Director, Innovations for Successful Societies
Field III emphasizes U.S. domestic policy, with the American political system as the backdrop.
• Affordable housing
• Education
• Health policy
• Identity, power, and policy
• Immigration
• Energy and the environment
• Inequality and poverty
• Democracy or civic engagement
• Nonprofit management
• Philanthropy
• Federal, state, and local finance
• Social entrepreneurship
• Urban economic development
Typically students have worked in government, for nonprofit or community-based organizations, on political campaigns, in health policy, and in education as community organizers, program managers, teachers, labor activists, and research fellows.
“My classmates are the smartest, most driven people I have ever met. They are nuanced policy crafters, sharp political strategists, brilliant budget thinkers and thoughtful managers. They have worked at every level of government and are passionate about creating a fairer, more equitable future. They also bring with them an exceptional range of policy expertise. I am grateful to be at a graduate program comprised of thoughtful and compassionate peers who bring their full selves to the classroom every day and who never lose sight of the highly personal nature of a career serving the public interest.”
Korn MPA ’21research focuses on national policymaking, especially on the capacity of political parties to achieve their policy agendas. I love teaching SPIA graduate students because of the diversity of their perspectives and their passion for the issues. My domestic politics course covers a broad range of topics, and yet there are always students in the room who can draw on personal experiences to enrich the discussion.”
— Frances Lee Professor of Politics and Public Affairs; Co-director, Center for the Study of Democratic Politics“My
“I research, write, and teach about drugs and health policy in the U.S., focusing on issues of identity, race, ethnicity, and gender. I enjoy introducing students to the historical roots, complex forces, and methods for analyzing public policy.”Henry Putnam University Professor of History and Public Affairs; Chair, Department of History
Field IV stresses both the analysis of economic problems that prompt public policy decisions and the study of the economic effects of various policies. Students are expected to master the fundamental principles and tools of economic analysis and to develop the ability to assess and apply the results of professional economic studies.
Field IV overlaps the other three fields but goes beyond the traditional study of policy issues by providing more intensive training in the economic analysis of public policy. Some students choose between a domestic or international focus.
• International trade policy
• Behavioral economics and applications
• Public economics and public finance
• Economic development
• Program and policy evaluation
• Macro and financial policy
Students have usually worked as analysts, program associates, economists, and researchers for global research centers and programs, government agencies and central banks, multilateral organizations, and development finance institutions.
“Some things I want you to know about the Economics and Public Policy concentration: 1) it’s a policy program, not just pure economics; 2) it’s interdisciplinary; and 3) it’s really great if, like me, you want skills applicable to both domestic and international contexts. At the heart of Field IV is a willingness to critically evaluate your beliefs, constantly. This has contributed to the view of the discipline as a quarrelsome one, but as lived here it really is good faith questioning, and it is essential to a field still learning to reckon with some of its blind spots. Your professors, despite their accomplishments and tenure, will embody this as much as anyone, and some even seek out student experiences to inform their own perspectives.”
Economics, public policy prescriptions arise as an interplay of data and assumptions. In my work, I aim to increase the credibility of policy prescriptions by relaxing the assumptions on which they rely. I love the atmosphere at SPIA: students are at the same time highly motivated, very insightful, and an absolute pleasure to interact with, both in the classroom and outside the classroom.”
— Eduardo Morales Professor of Economics and Public Affairs“My research applies concepts and methods from economics to study a range of challenges in lowincome countries, including gender inequality and climate change. In this work, I design and evaluate policies aimed at addressing those challenges. Thus, SPIA students’ passion for policymaking as a way to create a better world is exciting to me and aligns with my own values and intellectual interests.”
— Seema Jayachandran Professor of Economics and International Affairs; Co-director, Research Program on Development Economics“In
Students can opt to earn a certificate, allowing them to specialize and deepen their expertise in a specific policy area.
(HHP) The HHP certificate trains graduate students for careers in health policy in the public and nonprofit sectors, giving them an understanding of the determinants of health and well-being and the role that public policy plays in shaping the quality of people’s lives. The program provides broad training in core topics in health policy as well as more specialized courses. It is designed for students with domestic or international health interests.
“The HHP certificate helps students understand health determinants and the role that public policy plays in shaping the quality of people’s lives. HHP students are trained by exceptional faculty and will gain tools that enable them to craft effective and innovative health policies.”
— Sanyu A. Mojola Professor of Sociology and Public AffairsThe goal of the STEP certificate is to develop a deeper understanding of current scientific, technological, and environmental issues and potential local, national, and international policy responses. Students receive interdisciplinary training that facilitates communication between technical experts and policymakers. Students may choose to focus their coursework on Energy and Environmental Policy or Information Technology Policy.
“The STEP certificate gives students an opportunity to deepen their understanding of key issues at the intersection of science, technology, and policy. It emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, which blends scientific knowledge and methods with social science and practitioner perspectives to yield policy-relevant solutions to some of today’s major challenges.”
Elke U. WeberGerhard R. Andlinger Professor in Energy and the Environment; Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs; Associate Director for Education, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment
The policy focus of the UP certificate is global, and the coursework is grounded in the interdisciplinary and comparative study of cities and urban problems in both industrialized and developing countries. The UP certificate emphasizes the social, economic, and political dimensions of urban problems and is designed to prepare students for careers in urban policy analysis and economic development in national, state, and local governments, nonprofit organizations, think tanks, and international organizations.
“Cities are at the forefront of policy innovation, working to address critical social, economic, and environmental policy challenges. Urban public policy also has concrete implications for the public’s health, safety, and quality of life. Drawing on academic research and practitioners’ expertise, the Urban Policy certificate equips students to evaluate and impact urban policymaking.”
— Patricia A. Kirkland Assistant Professor of Politics and Public AffairsA four-year MPA/Juris Doctor program allows students to combine the study of law and the study of public affairs through formal agreements with law schools at Columbia University, New York University, and Stanford University. Prospective students must indicate their desire to pursue a joint degree at the time of application by completing an additional joint degree statement and must simultaneously apply to and be admitted at both programs.
A three-year MPA/MBA program allows students to combine the study of management and the study of public and international affairs through a formal arrangement with the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB). Prospective students must submit an additional joint degree statement at the time of application and must simultaneously apply to and be admitted to both programs. GSB is the only MBA program SPIA will consider for a joint MPA/MBA.
Scholars in the Nation’s Service Initiative (SINSI) is a scholarship program designed to encourage, support, and prepare Princeton University seniors and admitted first-year MPA students to pursue careers in the U.S. government. The program fully funds an average of four students per year — covering two years of study as a MPA student and a two-year fellowship with the U.S. government. Applications are due each year in late October.
The MPA enrolls individuals who have demonstrated a deep commitment to public service through their professional experience, internships, and volunteer interests.
We enroll approximately 70 new MPA students each year.
We enroll approximately 20 new MPP students each year.
The one-year MPP program is designed for mid-career professionals who are rising leaders in international and domestic public policy. This residential program is a valuable opportunity for those embedded in public service for over seven years to reflect on their experiences, expand their knowledge, and further refine their analytical skills in relation to their chosen professional path.
We enroll approximately eight new Ph.D. students each year.
The Doctor of Philosophy in Public Affairs is a five-year program in which students concentrate in one of two research areas: Security Studies; or Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy (STEP). Students analyze serious policy challenges from a multidisciplinary perspective and emerge with high-quality research skills. Ph.D. recipients depart the School prepared for top analytical positions in government and nongovernmental organizations, as well as tenure-track positions in academic institutions.
When not engaged in serving others via the School’s student groups or the many volunteer opportunities available through the University’s Pace Center for Civic Engagement, our graduate students can find a plethora of activities to enrich their bodies and minds. Intramural sports range from badminton to spikeball, while Dillon Gym offers the Stephens Fitness Center, Dillon Pool, and many other options to pursue personal fitness.
Any day of the week, dozens of free academic and cultural events can be found around campus, from meditation sessions, art exhibits, and concerts to book talks, films, or panel discussions in nearly any discipline of interest.
Furthermore, the Graduate School recognizes that each graduate student brings a diverse perspective and varied background to the scholarly community at Princeton. The Graduate School has a separate student life team that works to build community across the 42 graduate departments at Princeton with events and programing as well as support and resources. This support is in addition to what we offer at SPIA.
“Princeton University has a long-standing commitment to service, reflected in Princeton’s informal motto — ‘Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity’ — and exemplified by the extraordinary contributions that Princetonians make to society.”
Christopher L. Eisgruber
The School is located in Princeton, New Jersey, an ideal location that blends smalltown charm with fast, convenient access to the major metropolitan areas of the I-95 corridor. Roughly an hour from both New York City and Philadelphia, Princeton is easily accessible to both via public transit. Train travel via Amtrak to Washington, D.C., takes just 2 ½ hours, allowing students to meet with federal-level policymakers and key influencers as part of field research or policy workshops.
The tree-lined, historic town of Princeton is friendly and active, with the University campus abutting a walkable downtown full of shops, restaurants, and parks. Free transit shuttles connect students with larger grocery stores and retail centers in and around Princeton. The vibrant community is home to many opportunities for leisure pursuits: the Delaware and Raritan Canal, Lake Carnegie, Morven Museum and Garden, the Tony award-winning McCarter Theatre Center, Princeton Garden Theatre, and much more.
Because our generous financial aid packages allow students to pursue their passions in public service upon graduation unencumbered by graduate school debt, we lean very heavily in to our public service mission; indeed, it’s the ethos around which we revolve.
Demonstrating a sincere commitment to public service — whether through internships and volunteer service or in your full-time professional pursuits — is the single most important thing an applicant can do. The total volume of public service is less important than a clear commitment.
The strongest candidates have worked in either the public or nonprofit sectors for two to five years prior to applying for the MPA program and for a minimum of seven years for the mid-career MPP program. For those applying to the Ph.D. program, please ensure that your area of research interest aligns with that of our faculty.
The School admits individuals who have successfully demonstrated preparation to learn what we teach. Strong test scores and GPAs are important parts of
the application, but they are not all we consider as we holistically and individually review each file. Preparation for our curriculum can be demonstrated in a variety of ways; what in your background indicates you are prepared for it?
Quantified differently for each applicant and each degree program, we’re looking for leaders — on campus, at work, in communities. Did you lead a project or others toward difficult goals? Have you led a team? What was your role in driving change? What impact did you personally have? These are some of the questions we think about as we work to understand your leadership trajectory and professional impact.
The variety of work experience, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, gender identity, geographic location, ideological ascription, and numerous other dimensions enhances the quality of the educational experience for all of our students and supports our goal of creating a diverse cadre of policy professionals. Let us know your story and what sets you apart.
O Personal statement
O Supplemental essay
O CV or résumé
O Course list
O Policy memo
O Transcript
O GRE scores
O English language test (if applicable)
O Three letters of recommendation
O Application fee
O Personal statement
O Supplemental essay
O CV or résumé
O Policy memo
O Transcript
O English language test (if applicable)
O Three letters of recommendation
O Application fee
O Personal statement
O CV or résumé
O Writing sample
O Transcript
O English language test (if applicable)
O Three letters of recommendation
O Application fee
“ We read each application individually and consider them holistically. We know that wellqualified applicants come from many different places, and we care about the composition of our community. It’s an exciting time to be at SPIA, and we hope you will consider applying. All are welcome here!”
— Steven F. Petric Director of Graduate Admissions