Princeton UMC Worship - December 18, 2022

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Princeton United Methodist Church We are a diverse faith community, engaged in enlivening spiritually thirsty people to joyfully respond to God’s love and grow as disciples of Christ, so that together we may experience the fullness of life.




Grace UPON

ANNOUNCEMENTS CHRISTMAS CONCERT TODAY | 5:00 PM The annual Christmas concert is this evening at 5:00 pm, featuring the Chancel, youth, and handbell choirs. Come and join us as we anticipate the birth of baby Jesus. CONFIRMATION CLASS INFO MEETING TODAY | 12:00 PM Is your 8th grader (or high schooler who hasn't gone through Confirmation yet) interested in the 2023 Confirmation class? Today there's a Zoom information meeting for youth and parents. Link at THE LONGEST NIGHT DECEMBER 20 | 7:00 PM This special evening worship service takes place on the longest night of the year, a symbolic time to gather as a faith community to lament, cry, grieve, and process the many heavy feelings that can weigh on us during the holiday season. CHRISTMAS EVE DECEMBER 24 | 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 8:00 PM There are three options for Christmas Eve worship services. At PUMC, we'll offer a 4:00 PM Family Service and an 8:00 PM Candlelight Service. At KUMC, we'll be meeting at 5:00 PM for a Family Candlelight Service.





THE CHURCH GATHERS Pre-Service Music Christmas Pastourelle on 2 Provencal Carols Introit

This Joy!


Bob Chilcott

Call to Worship Adapted from Sarah Are | We are courageous when we are vulnerable. We are courageous when we are honest with ourselves. We are courageous when we extend words of welcome. We are courageous when we invite others to sit with us. We are courageous when we proclaim the love of God to a broken world. So let us be courageous — Let us worship Holy God. Hymn

Angels from the Realm of Glory (v.1-3)

UMH #220

Lighting the Advent Wreath Adapted from Sarah Are | Sung Response

Angels from the Realm of Glory (v.4)

UMH #220

Adapted from Sarah Are | Prayer of Confession One of the greatest gifts and challenges of faith is that we cannot be Christian alone. We need one another. We need one another to grow. We need one another to love. And we need one another to see God more clearly. So together, let us lift our voices in unison. Let us lean into the ties that bind and pray to our merciful God. God of today and tomorrow, when Mary was pregnant and afraid, she ran to her cousin Elizabeth’s house. Elizabeth threw open the door with joy and showered blessings upon her. How often do we have that same opportunity? How often do we leave the door locked, the curtains drawn, and the lights off? How often do we shower critique or judgment instead of blessings and joy? Gracious God, forgive us for our wrongs. We want to see you when we see our neighbor. silence for prayer SHARING IN WORSHIP TODAY Acolyte - Anna Griffiths Liturgists -Raphael Aryeetey, Mickey Hamilton, LaVerna Albury, Leanne Griffiths, Steve Wong Reader - Christine Shungu Musicians - Julia Hanna, Youth Choir Ushers - Steve Wong, Ralph Newhall, Rich Hadley, Ulanda and Jim Frisbee

TODAY'S FLOWERS ARE GIVEN IN LOVING MEMORY OF Brenda Engel by Rick Engel and family

Words of Assurance Friends, this is what I know—God delights in us. God throws open the door, just like Elizabeth, and says, “Come on home. There is room for you here!” And in that moment, we are blessed. In that moment, we are seen, healed, and welcomed home. In this moment, in the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven! Thanks be to God! Alleluia! Amen.


Music Ministry

Gésu Bambino (The Infant Jesus)

Pietro A. Yon

Children's Time

Where Children Belong

TFWS #2233

Scripture Reading Isaiah 7:10-16 This is the Word of Life. Thanks be to God. Sermon Love-Filled Abundance Rev. Jenny Smith Walz


Hymn Love Came Down at Christmas UMH #242 Prayers of the People The Lord's Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kin-dom come; your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kin-dom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Offertory Noël and L'angelus Clark and Gounod Hymn Doxology UMH #95 Prayer of Thanksgiving


Hymn Benediction Postlude

O Little Town of Bethlehem Noels #1

UMH #230

Michel Allard

PRAYER CONCERNS Donald Jones, Ian Griffiths, Larry Curtis, and their families. The Offer, Algor, and Collins families on the passing of their loved ones. Nick, seriously ill, and his family. The suffering in Ukraine, the persistence of antisemitism, gun laws and all who suffer from natural disasters. All who are sad and lonely over the Christmas season. HAVE PRAYER CONCERNS? For our Prayer Chain, call Mary Lib Stewart at 609-632-1973 or contact Yvonne Macdonald at Email Pastor Jae Hong at when you or a family member is in the hospital or in need of a pastoral call.

Christmas Wreaths

Christmas Wreaths

Christmas Wreaths

We will be decorating the church, inside and out, for the Advent & Christmas season. Orders and payment must be received by the date noted next to the item.

We will be decorating the church, inside and out, for the Advent & Christmas season. Orders and payment must be received by the date noted next to the item.

We will be decorating the church, inside and out, for the Advent & Christmas season. Orders and payment must be received by the date noted next to the item.

Outdoor Wreaths (8 needed) $45 each Med. Altar Wreaths (2 needed) $100 each

Outdoor Wreaths (8 needed) $45 each Med. Altar Wreaths (2 needed) $100 each

Outdoor Wreaths (8 needed) $45 each Med. Altar Wreaths (2 needed) $100 each

Christmas Poinsettias $20

Christmas Poinsettias $20

Christmas Poinsettias $20

On Christmas Eve, our sanctuary will be adorned with beautiful poinsettias given to the church in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones.

On Christmas Eve, our sanctuary will be adorned with beautiful poinsettias given to the church in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones.

On Christmas Eve, our sanctuary will be adorned with beautiful poinsettias given to the church in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones.

Poinsettias may be picked up following the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.

Poinsettias may be picked up following the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.

Poinsettias may be picked up following the 8:00 pm Christmas Eve Service.

Please complete the form below and mail it with your check (made payable to PUMC) to 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542

Please complete the form below and mail it with your check (made payable to PUMC) to 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542

Please complete the form below and mail it with your check (made payable to PUMC) to 7 Vandeventer Ave., Princeton, NJ 08542

Deadline to Order is Today

Complete this form and mail it with your check or scan the QR code below to order online.

Name: ________________________ Phone or email: _________________ Memorial/Honor statement for the bulletin: _______________________ Given By: ______________________ ___ # Christmas Poinsettias ($20) ___ # of Outdoor Wreaths ($45) ___ # of Med. Altar Wreaths ($100)

Deadline to Order is Today

Deadline to Order is Today

Complete this form and mail it with your check or scan the QR code below to order online.

Complete this form and mail it with your check or scan the QR code below to order online.

Name: ________________________ Phone or email: _________________ Memorial/Honor statement for the bulletin: _______________________ Given By: ______________________ ___ # Christmas Poinsettias ($20) ___ # of Outdoor Wreaths ($45) ___ # of Med. Altar Wreaths ($100)

Name: ________________________ Phone or email: _________________ Memorial/Honor statement for the bulletin: _______________________ Given By: ______________________ ___ # Christmas Poinsettias ($20) ___ # of Outdoor Wreaths ($45) ___ # of Med. Altar Wreaths ($100)

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