MEA Huamao Multicultural Education Academy
Year Two Handbook Vision Statement MEA provides an inquiry-based curriculum that teaches both expatriate children and Chinese nationals to think globally and act locally. By having Chinese and foreigners learning “sideby-side” we endeavour to bring East and West together and learn from each other.
MEA Mission Statement At MEA, we celebrate the diversity of our community and aim to assist students to make connections and responsible choices from school to the wider world. We value creativity, knowledge, risk taking, compassion, integrity and a sense of spirit as we strive to foster values and skills that will enable our students to meet the challenges of an ever changing global environment, including the mastery of at least two languages. With holistic and inquiry-based learning, we nurture the inherent curiosity of our students and educate them to become creative, articulate, confident individuals with a life-long love for learning.
Sister School in Melbourne
IB World School
Welcome to MEA, Welcome to the World I would like to send a warm welcome to you and your family from the MEA community. Our school has grown from 20 students in September 2008 to over 250 students today. As part of our strategic planning we are now planning for a 600 student school by 2014. Our rapid growth has been the result of three key platforms for our community: 1. Provide a best practice, extremely safe environment, 2. Make sure MEA is a fun place to work and learn, and 3. provide a school where expatriates and Chinese nationals can come together, learn from each other and provide opportunities for all students to explore their talents. MEA is different from many schools in China in that we provide a bilingual environment and help students to work towards proficiency in at least two languages (English and Chinese). We strive to help students to learn how to learn and we believe the IB curriculum best enables students to achieve this aim. We are also keen to ensure students are immersed in a 21st century curriculum and that we are preparing students for a 21st century economy. This means that Information Technology is a key subject and tool by which our students learn. Students have access to wireless internet, computers are found in all classrooms, there are two computer suites, students use iPads and build their own websites. Our reports are online and accessible (from a secure password protected platform) anywhere in the world. As a school we hope our students learn the best of Eastern and Western teaching strategies and hence we follow a co-teaching model, with Chinese and Foreign teachers in each class.
MEA is an IB Candidate school for the IB Primary Years Program and IB Diploma Program. In future we will also look to authorise our Middle Years Program. This curriculum is truly international curriculum taught in over 2,200 schools world wide.
We are very proud of our school and we are keen to continue to strive for improvement so that we can become the best school not only in Ningbo, but beyond.
Creativity is important at MEA across all subjects but we also teach Creative Arts, Music and Information Technology which foster innovation and creativity.
Our staff are experienced and highly trained educators that are keen to help you with any questions you may have, and at any time. We all welcome you to MEA and we hope you and your family are richly benefitted by joining our community.
MEA has 250 students from over 30 different countires. We aim to have a student intake that comprises 50% expatriate students and 50% Chinese students.
MEA is a sister school of Mowbray College in Melbourne, Australia.
Beliefs and values that drive the IB PYP PYP provides students with learning experiences that are engaging, relevant, challenging and significant, in learning environments that are stimulating and provocative, where: - adults are sensitive facilitators of the process of empowering students to value their learning and to take responsibility for it - students are seen as competent and are listened to - students are encouraged to be curious, be inquisitive, ask questions, explore and interact with the environment physically, socially and intellectually - explicit learning outcomes and the learning process are made transparent to the students - students are supported in their struggle for mastery and control on their journey to become independent, autonomous learners - the learning experiences are differentiated to accommodate the range of abilities and learning styles in the group PYP believes children, from birth, are full of curiosity, and the PYP provides a framework that gives crucial support for them to be active inquirers and lifelong learners.
Curriculum An aim of the PYP is to create a transdisciplinary curriculum for learners in the 3–12 age range. In developing a curriculum of international education for primary school students, the PYP definition of curriculum is broad and inclusive. Students in Year Two study a range of subjects that are, both separate and integrated with other subjects, in accordance with educational studies showing that learning best takes place when it is related to the real world, common experience and integrated across the curriculum. Traditional subjects and their associated skills remain important, and are weighted across the school year in the following fashion (table to the right):
PYP Coordinators
Number of hours
Reading Program
Language Bilingualism is a hallmark of a truly internationally minded person and this requirement is central to our PYP programme. Therefore we are a bilingual school which believes in promoting students’ mother tongue as well as the host nation’s language while keeping English as our medium of instruction. All teachers are considered to be language teachers who strive to develop a caring language community. Language learning in PYP extends beyond the classroom walls, it connects to the library/ information hub. The teachers plan in collaboration with the single subject teachers. Additional teachers play an important role in reinforcing, supporting and extending the languages of instruction.
Assessment describes the progress of the student’s learning, identifies area of growth and contributes to the efficacy of the programme. Teachers use various tools like rubrics, checklists, continuums and other forms of assessment to effectively map student development in the understanding of concepts, the acquisition of knowledge, the mastery of skills, the development of attitudes, and the ability to make decisions to take responsible action.
We hold weekly assembly for the PYP. The Purpose of these Assemblies is for the students to share some of their learning, to build a sense of community within the PYP, and to publicly acknowledge students who show the Learner Profile/ attitude through their behavior in our school.
Portfolios, Student led conferences, three way conferences; written reports and the exhibition (in year 5) are few ways to communicate information about assessment to the student and to the parents.
Introducing the Year One Team Name
Mr Niko Lewman
Year Two Teacher
Mrs Cindy
Chinese Teacher
Mrs Hedy
Chinese Teacher
Mr Ajay Jain
Art Teacher
Ms Tracy Xu
Music Teacher
Vania Cheung
Physical Education Teacher
- Bachelor of Education, Lakehead University, Canada - Masters in Education, University of Lappland, Finland - Certified teacher, Primary and Middle School, United States. - Making the PYP Happen IB Workshop - Collaborative Planning, IB Workshop - Teacher as a Professional Inquirer, IB Workshop - Bachelor of Arts in Pre-school Education - Teaching Certificate (Primary, Chinese) - Teaching Excellence Award 2006, 2008
- Bachelor of Arts (English) - Primary Teaching Certificate - Mandarin Certificate - TEM 4 - Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce, Uni. of Rajasthan, Jaipur - Diploma in Performing Arts, New Delhi - Diploma in Fashion Design, JD Insitute of Fasion Technology, Jaipur
- Bachelor’s Degree in Arts, Music Performance - Masters Degree in Arts, Music Pedagogy & Education. - Teaching Certificate, Music
- Bachelor of Science in Elementrary Education, State University of New York - Master of Science in Adolescent Education (Years 7-12), Long Island University - Teaching certificates in Childhood Education and Adolescent Education 4
Responsibility of a Homeroom teacher As your child’s Homeroom Teacher we have homeroom responsibility for your child, with structures to help students progress socially, emotionally academically. I am the first point of contact regarding social and academic concerns, and we would welcome your continued participation in ensuring your child’s success.
Daily Routine School begins at 8:45 am with a 15 minute Homeroom time for attendance. On arrival students are expected to unpack their own bags and hang their home work folders and diaries. Children will have daily morning tasks to do independently during this time. Outside break occurs at 10:20-10.50. Students are asked to bring a bottle of water to drink each day and a healthy snack is provided at school. At the end of the school day, Year Two students leaving by the bus are escorted to the reception area and those going with their parents must be collected from the classroom, by an adult. Students attending after school activities will be escorted by the teacher to the activity area. They must be collected from the designated place after the activity by an authorised guardian.
Daily Time table Year Two has 7 lessons per day which are a combination of Homeroom lessons for unit of inquiry, language, mathematics and other co curricular activities like art, music and information technology along with selected electives run in the last two periods on every Friday. Students who choose any co curricular activity need to stay back after school on a given day.
Monday to Friday
8:45- 9:00
Arrival, attendance recorded
10:50 - 11:30
Pack up
3:25- 3:45
Snack- Break
Lunch- Break
Share time/ Pack up 5
Homework Homework will be given regularly. It will consist of spelling words and a language or a math activity. The students will bring home a reader on most days. Additionally, enrichment activities relating to our Units of Inquiry can be sent home too. These activities will be there to assist parents in supporting their child's learning.
Parent participation Parents are encouraged to accompany the students on field trips as informed by the teachers. Parents are also welcome to assist in the classroom on a regular basis. Throughout various units parents will be invited to participate in the classroom program in a specific way or to share their specialty with us. At the end of each unit of inquiry a feedback form will be sent home to be filled by the parents based on their observation of the child in the past few weeks of the unit of inquiry.
Special Events Field trips will occur at various times throughout the year in relation to the unit of inquiry. There will also be several times when the Year 2 students will present at a PYP or whole school assembly. Other events include the annual PYP art exhibition, Chinese New Year, Christmas and other celebrations.
PYP Programme of Inquiry - POI Year Two students inquire into 6 globally significant issues in the context of UNITS OF INQUIRY, each of these addresses a central idea which has to be engaging, relevant, challenging and significant. The programme of inquiry includes as much as possible from the host country. Each unit lasts approximately 6 weeks. At the beginning of each Unit of Inquiry a curriculum newsletter with details of the unit is sent to parents. Inquiry is the process initiated by the students and guided by the teacher that moves the students from their current level of understanding (tuning period, guided questions by teachers) to a new and deeper level of understanding. The MEA PYP Coordinators oversee the programme to ensure that the units taught at each level provide a balanced range of experiences and outcomes and that there is progression through the grade levels. 6
How we organize ourselves
Sharing the planet
Where we are in time and place
Central Idea:
Central Idea:
Central Idea:
Many food products are processed before consumption
The different uses of energy sources have an impact on the environment.
Inventions have an impact on our life.
Key Concepts:
Key Concepts:
Key Concepts:
change, function, causation
form, function, responsibility
causation, connection
Related concepts:
Related concepts
Related concepts
plants, systems, sequences, transformation
forms of energy, conservation of discovery, explorations, innovaenergy, power, efficiency tion, progress
Lines of inquiry:
Lines of inquiry:
Lines of inquiry:
• The origin of foods • The manufacturing of foods • The purchasing and consuming of foods
• The different sources and forms of energy • The uses of energy • Our role as energy consumers
• Successful inventors have certain personal qualities e.g. risk-takers, problem-solvers • Inventions have an effect on our lives • Inventions are often are a result of needs from society
Learner Profiles:
Learner Profiles:
Learner Profiles:
inquirer, risk taker, knowledgeable
balanced, inquirer, reflective, principled
risk taker, reflective, thinker
Transdisciplinary skills:
Transdisciplinary skills:
Transdisciplinary skills:
research, self management
research, thinking
Research, self management
independence, enthusiasm
creativity, commitment, curiosity Curiosity, appreciation 7
How we express ourselves
How the world works
Who we are
Central Idea:
Central Idea:
Central Idea:
People can represent feeling and emotion through the arts.
The earth’s climate affects all living things
Celebrations and traditions are part of every family.
Key Concepts
Key Concepts
Key Concepts
perspective, reflection
change, connection
perspective, reflection
Related concepts
Related concepts
Related concepts
religion, tradition, artefacts, cycles, atmosphere, climate, religion, traditions, family, idencommunication, graffiti, self ex- seasons, sustainability, systems tity, diversity pression Lines of inquiry:
Lines of inquiry:
Lines of inquiry:
• explore ways people express feelings and emotions • different art forms/mediums in Chinese art • how Chinese communicate through art
• The Earth’s atmosphere and climate • The varied lives of people living in different regions • The effects of the changing earth on people and places
• Family celebrations • Family traditions • Maintaining and sharing celebrations and traditions
Learner Profiles:
Learner Profiles:
Learner Profiles:
communicator, reflective, caring balanced, thinker, inquirer
open minded, knowledgeable, inquirer
Transdisciplinary skills:
Transdisciplinary skills:
Transdisciplinary skills:
thinking, communication
thinking, self management, research
social, communication
creativity, appreciation, empathy curiosity, independence
tolerance, respect, appreciation 8
Stand Alone Subjects Where possible content matter is taught through the transdisplinary Units of Inquiry (or UOIs). Some subject matter cannot be taught through UOIs and are instead taught as “Stand Alone Subjects”. If we use Mathematics as an example, Data Handling which involves learning about surveys and creating graphs, can be taught within a UOI. However, the area of Number is harder to sometimes be taught within a UOI. This is taught within “Stand Alone” Mathematics. All teachers have a IB Scope and Sequence document that details what must be taught in Mathematics - whether it is taught within a UOI or as a Stand Alone subject. If you feel unsure about UOIs, Stand Alone subjects or the Scope and Sequence documents, please see your classroom teacher and they will explain this for you further.
Stand Alone Teaching of English
The key objectives are: Listening and Speaking: Learners show an understanding that sounds are associated with objects, events and ideas, or with symbolic representations of them. They are aware that an object or symbol may have different sounds or words associated with it in different languages. They are beginning to be cognizant about the high degree of variability of language and its uses. Viewing and presenting: Learners identify, interpret and respond to a range of visual text prompts and show an understanding that different types of visual texts serve different purposes. They use this knowledge to create their own visual texts for particular purposes. Reading: Learners show an understanding that language can be represented visually through codes and symbols. They are extending their data bank of printed codes and symbols and are able to recognize them in new contexts. They understand that reading is a vehicle for learning, and that the combination of codes conveys meaning. Writing: Learners show an understanding that writing is a means of recording, remembering and communicating. They know that writing involves the use of codes and symbols to convey meaning to others; that writing and reading uses the same codes and symbols. They know that writing can describe the factual or the imagined world.
The following pages describe how the above subject matter will be taught and when.
Stand Alone English Lessons
Central Idea
Aug 29- Oct 14 People can represent feeling and emotion through the arts.
Language Listen and speak ° Appropriate vocabulary words related to feelings and emotions ° Simple expressions (How would you feel in this situation? How would you react if you were in this place?) ° What wh - question ° Classroom directions and routines ° Story books ° Ask for permission: greet, say goodbye and thank you give information about self invite people ° participate in shared reading, posing and responding to questions and joining in the refrains ° use body language in mime and role play to communicate ideas and feelings visually View and present ° Give reasons to support a response to a story, saying whether they like or dislike it ° List, organize information about characters, sequence of events or setting to complete a story web ° Use appropriate language, terms of address and tone Address and greet familiar people appropriately according to age, gender, status - Ask / talk about people, places, things ° Learn and contribute as members of groups ° Follow agreed upon rules for group word Read and Write Understand concepts about print: capitalisation, spacing between words, differences between letters, words and sentences ° Understand and use grammatical items and structures ° Understand the use of adjectives ° Re-look at nouns, colours and spellings ° Recall, talk and write about books read ° Enjoy the creative use of language in e.g. poems and jokes ° Respond creatively and imaginatively e.g. act out a story
Central Idea
Listen and speak Food related vocabulary words, poems, rhymes and songs Oct 17- Nov 25 Many food prod- ° ° Antonyms/ opposites looking at pictures (using tastes, ucts are colours, shapes and size) processed be° Gather information using alphabetical order / categorizing fore consumption. ° Participate in discussion Agree / disagree at appropriate times Speak in turn ° Monitor peers’ oral presentation / recitation to ensure audibility and visibility View and present ° develop personal preferences, selecting books for pleasure and information ° Follow agreed upon rules for group word ° Understand concepts about print: capitalisation, spacing between words, differences between letters, words and sentences ° Monitor peers’ oral presentation / recitation to ensure audibility and visibility Read and Write ° Read texts at an appropriate level, independently, confi dently and with good understanding ° Identify and explain the basic structure of a story— beginning, middle and end; ° Create storyboards or comic strips to communicate elements ° Understand sound–symbol relationships and apply reliable phonetic strategies when decoding print ° Do a show-and-tell; recite rhymes; retell stories (about food processing) ° Select a central idea with teacher guidance ° Use print script, space letters, words and sentences appropriately ° Apply knowledge of spelling conventions and strategies to their own writing ° Read and write antonyms/ opposites (compare food using them) ° Singular- plural nouns (proper and common)
Central Idea
Listen and speak Celebration and tradition related vocabulary words, Nov 28 - Jan 18 Celebrations and ° poems, rhymes and songs traditions are ° Antonyms/ opposites part of every ° Locate and use verbs and nouns to express themselves family. ° Collect and share information related to celebrations View and present ° Common irregular sight words ° Decode words using common letter sounds / letter patterns e.g. ck, ch, th ° Identify familiar text around ° Short presentations of own work Read and Write ° Rhyming words ° Predictions before reading ° Confirm predictions ° Characters, setting and main idea of story ° Spelling contests ° Phrases and short sentences using this and that, can, like, want to ° Write informally about their own ideas, experiences and feelings in a personal journal or diary, initially using simple ° Sentence structures, for example, “I like …”, “I can …” , “I went to …”, “I am going to … ° Write paragraphs that develop a central idea ° Use grammar, punctuation and vocabulary appropriately ° Draft, revise and edit a text with their teacher ° Verbs and pronouns Listen and speak Feb 6- March 16 The different ° Energy related vocabulary words, poems, rhymes and uses of energy songs. sources have an ° Spelling by sound / word construction / breaking of words impact on the ° Opportunities to speak with functional and creative purenvironment. poses(‘Show and tell’) ° Spoken texts to develop listening and speaking competences to communicate effectively and appropriately according to purpose, audience, context and culture when celebrating various special occasions. ° participate in shared reading, posing and responding to questions and joining in the refrains
Dates Feb 6- March 16
Central Idea
Read and Write Earth is a unique - A-Z reading (early emergent readers (levels a-c), emergent planet and part readers (d-j), early fluent readers (k-p), fluent readers (q-z) of a solar sys- Predictions before reading tem. - Confirm predictions - Weekly library books – Pull out main idea of story, Draw pictures and/or write down main idea and thoughts on stories read View and present ° Read aloud to check pronunciation and understanding ° Monitor and correct own reading e.g. pause or repeat words / phrases ° Dolch words ° Short presentations ° Understand and use appropriately terms relating to: books: cover, title, author, illustrator, page number text types e.g. fairy tale: hero, character, beginning / ending of a story electronic books: arrows, icons Read and Write ° Use contextual clues: pictures, title, use prior knowl edge: familiar words, word association to form sentences on own. Use singular- plurals and opposites in sentence form. ° Spelling contests ° use familiar aspects of written language with increasing confidence and accuracy, for example, spelling pat terns, high frequency words, high interest words ° Understand and use appropriately terms relating to: books: cover, title, author, illustrator, page number text types e.g. fairy tale: hero, character, beginning / ending of a story ° Electronic books: arrows, icons ° Prepositions and phrases
From March 19th To May 4th
Listen and speak Inventions have • Vocabulary words related to the OUI. (Names of anian impact on our mals, plants and different stages of growth) life. • Letters names • Phonemic awareness “Blend sounds” (Initial/Final /double consonants etc.) • Spelling contests • Nouns / verbs • Spoken texts • Dolch words 13
Dates From March 19th To May 4th
From May 7th to June 22nd
Central Idea
View and present Use contextual clues: pictures, title, simple charts and Inventions have • diagrams, headings, sub-headings an impact on our • Use prior knowledge: familiar words, word association life. • Dolch words • preposition Read and Write • illustrate their own writing and contribute to a class book or collection of published writing. • Understand and use grammatical items and structures: • Use phonological awareness strategies: Blend sounds of consonants and vowels to make words Identify and produce rhyming words Separate spoken words into beginning and ending sounds Distinguish long and short vowels in words Match spoken words to printed words Understand that as letters of words change, so do the sounds Read common, irregular sight words e.g. the, have, said • - Read aloud to check pronunciation and understanding • Punctuation- capitals, exclamation, questions
The earth’s climate affects all living things
Listen and speak • Vocabulary words related to earth and climate • Listen to, read, view a variety of texts and demonstrate in oral or written form the ability to acquire and use knowledge for a variety of purposes. • Interact effectively with people from own or different culture(s). • Spelling contest View and present • Understand and use appropriately terms related to: Books: cover, title, author, illustrator, page number Blend sounds of consonants and vowels to make words The sense of what is being read • Diagraphs (reinforcing sh, ch, th, ph) Long vowels • Dolch words 14
Central Idea
From March 19th To May 4th
Inventions have Read and Write an impact on our • use increasingly accurate grammatical constructs, life. write legibly, and in a consistent style • proofread their own writing and make some corrections and improvements • • • • • •
write an increasing number of frequently used words or ideas independently Use meaning-based strategies: Relate words to pictures Use knowledge of cohesive devices: connectors to do with time, sequence Use contextual clues: pictures, title Use prior knowledge: familiar words, word association Recognise text types Ask questions about the texts studied TensesCompound words
Stand Alone Mathematics Key objectives: Data Handling: Data handling allows us to make a summary of what we know about the world and to make inferences about what we do not know. - Data can be collected, organized, represented and summarized in a variety of ways to highlight similarities, differences and trends; the chosen format should illustrate the information without bias or distortion. - Probability can be expressed qualitatively by using terms such as “unlikely”, “certain” or “impossible”. Itcan be expressed quantitatively on a numerical scale. Measurement: To measure is to attach a number to a quantity using a chosen unit. Since the attributes being measured are continuous, ways must be found to deal with quantities that fall between numbers. It is important to know how accurate a measurement needs to be or can ever be. Shape and Space: The regions, paths and boundaries of natural space can be described by shape. An understanding of the interrelationships of shape allows us to interpret, understand and appreciate our two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) world. Pattern and function: To identify pattern is to begin to understand how mathematics applies to the world in which we live. The repetitive features of patterns can be identified and described as generalized rules called “functions”. This builds a foundation for the later study of algebra. Number: Our number system is a language for describing quantities and the relationships between quantities. For example, the value attributed to a digit depends on its place within a base system. Numbers are used to interpret information, make decisions and solve problems. For example, the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are related to one another and are used to process information in order to solve problems. The degree of precision needed in calculating depends on how the result will be used.
Central Idea
From Aug 29th To Oct 14th
People can represent feeling and emotion through the arts.
Mathematics course outline Measurement - drawing a straight line of given length - understand that a year has 365 days, 52 weeks and 12 Months in a year - Understand directions- East, West, North, South, right, left. - Use and importance of map. - Measure the distance around objects by using non-standard units and standard units (centimeter, meter) to measure play area, gymnasium or play equipments.
Central Idea
Mathematics course outline
August 29 October 14
People can rep- Pattern and function resent feeling - Recognizing and using patterns and emotion - Identifying various emotions and feelings people go through through the arts. on seeing a particular real life situation Number - counting in tens/ hundreds/ thousands - number notation and place values (hundreds, tens, ones) - reading and writing numbers in numerals and in words comparing and ordering numbers - number patterns - addition and subtraction of numbers up to 3 digits - building up the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
October 17 November 25
Measurement Many food prod- - solving word problems involving length/ mass/ volume - estimation and measurement of ucts are processed be∗ length in meters/ centimeters, fore consump∗ mass in kilograms/ grams, tion. ∗ volume of liquid in liters, - use of the appropriate measures and their abbreviations cm, m, g, kg - comparing lenght, masses and volume Data Handling - making picture graphs with scales, - reading and interpreting picture graphs with scales, - solving problems using information presented in picture graphs Pattern and function - identifying a variety of patterns in processing of a food product Number - counting the amount of money in a given set of notes and coins, - reading and writing money in decimal notation, - comparing two or three amounts of money, - converting an amount of money in decimal notation, and vice versa, - solving word problems involving money 16
Dates From Nov 28th to Jan 18th
Central Idea
Mathematics course outline
Shape and Space Celebrations and - Identifying, naming and describing traditions are ∗ semicircle part of every ∗ quarter circle, family. - identifying the basic shapes that make up a given figure, - forming different 2-D figures with cut-outs of ∗ rectangle ∗ square ∗ triangle ∗ semicircle ∗ quarter circle Data Handling - Draw graphs, use tally graphs and Venn diagrams to compare celebrations and traditions around the world. Number - building up the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and committing to memory, - use of the division symbol ( ) to write a mathematical statement for a given situation, - recognising the relationship between multiplication and division, - multiplication and division within the multiplication tables, solving 1-step word problems involving multiplication
From Feb 6th to March 16th
Pattern and function - Ascending and descending numbers in hundreds The different - Sort, label and describe different energy sources and their uses of energy sources have an consumption in school and at home impact on the environment. Data Handling - Recognize fractions as part of a whole and as part of a group. - Compare and order uses of various kinds of energy sources and their impact on the environment. Number - Multiplication and division within the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.
Central Idea
From March 19th To May 4th
Inventions have an impact on our life.
Mathematics course outline Shape and Space - identifying lines (straight lines) and curves, - identifying flat faces of a 3-D object. Number - building up the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 and committing to memory, - use of the division symbol ( ) to write a mathematical statement for a given situation, - recognising the relationship between multiplication and division, - multiplication and division within the multiplication tables, solving 1-step word problems involving multiplication Measurement - conversion of units, - measurement in compound units, - capacity of container, - volume of solid
From May 7th to June 22nd
Our choices affect our lives
Data Handling - telling and writing time to 5 minutes, - use of ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’, - use of abbreviations h and min, - drawing hands on the clock face to show time, - duration of one hour/ half hour from an o’clock time. Number - addition and subtraction of numbers up to 4 digits, - use of the terms ‘sum’ and ‘difference’, - solving up to 2-step word problems involving addition and subtraction. - multiplication and division within the multiplication tables- 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10
Creative and Dramatic Arts In responding to Art the subject has the following objectives for students: - enjoy experiencing artworks - show curiosity and ask questions about artworks - describe what they notice about an artwork - identify the materials and processes used in the creation of an artwork analyse the relationships within an artwork and construct meanings - communicate their initial responses to an artwork in visual, oral or physical modes - make personal connections to artworks - express opinions about an artwork - create artwork in response to a variety of stimuli In creating artworks students will: - engage with, and enjoy a variety of visual arts experiences - select tools, materials and processes for specific purposes - combine different formal elements to create a specific effect - realize that their artwork has meaning - use their imagination and experiences to inform their art making - create artwork in response to a range of stimuli - take responsibility for the care of tools and materials - take responsibility for their own and others’ safety in the working environment - participate in individual and collaborative creative experiences
Central Idea
Aug 29 October 14
People can represent feeling and emotion through the arts.
- Use of Patterns and colour to convey mood and emotion - A discussion of Hue, Pattern and Value - Drawing various creatures and objects using basic shapes and lines
Create your own ‘Tapa design’ based on patterns.
- Primary and secondary colours Oct 17 - Nov Many food prod- - Warm and cool colours 25 ucts are - Gradation of black and white processed before - Identify symmetrical and asymconsumption. metrical shapes - colour explore and experiment - Creative work related to Halloween and Diwali
Explain and express what you feel when you look at other person’s design. Illustrate fruit or vegetable given showing symmetry and colour it using gradation of any colour.
Central Idea
Nov 28 - Jan 18
Celebrations and - Free hand traditions are part - Tribal Art of every family. - Folk art
Feb 6 March 16
March 19 May 4
Choose one of the tribal/ folk art form and create your own design with material provided.
- Collage making The different - Cut and paste work uses of energy - Use Clay, Textile and yarn Make a 3D project. sources have an - Colour explore and experiment impact on the en- - All types of craft work using diff. vironment. types of available things and recycled materials.
Inventions have an impact on our life.
May 7 - June The earth’s cli22 mate affects all living things
- Famous Painters and their work Compare work of any two artists’ and the movement - Famous Art movements and art they brought into art forms forms
- Identify variety of lines, shapes, Present a landscape using shades and textures in the envi- various lines and textures. ronment - smooth, rough, straight, curved and thick, thin, light dark, bright, dull etc.
Chinese 中文
二年级Year 2 学科综述:本学期我们主要通过家庭和朋友、美丽的秋天,各地美丽的景色,名人故事四个单元的教 学,让学生在听、说、读、写四个方面都取得一定的进步。例如积累汉字、掌握基本笔画和偏旁部首 ;能在阅读中积累有关于主题的词语和句子,并能在说话和写文章中运用。学生通过 阅读浅近的童 话、寓言、故事,向往美好的情境,关心自然和生命,对感兴趣的人物和事件有自己的感受和想法, 并乐于与人交流。 Subject Statement: During this course our aim will be to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing through four units: family and friends; beautiful autumn; scenery in different places and stories of celebrity. Students will accumulate a greater Chinese vocabulary, master basic strokes and radicals, accumulate words and sentences related with the themes through reading exercises and will be able to apply these words and sentences in speaking and writing. Students will appreciate the people and the world around them. They will express their own feelings about the topics taught and will be encouraged to communicate with others.
Term 小学期
Theme 主题
汉语拼音 Chinese Pinyin (reading and writing).
Content 内容 认识并会书写所有声母,韵母和整体认读音节;学会准确认读拼音, 能认清形; 学会声母和韵母的拼读; 能准确认读四个声调(尤其是第二声和第四声);学会在四线格中正 确书写; 能用汉语拼音书写完整的词语和句子。 ° ° °
Learn all the initials, finals and 4 tones. Spell the initials and finals with correct tones. Write words and sentences in Pinyin. Read Chinese phrases and rhymes with Pinyin.
Term 小学期
Theme 主题
Content 内容
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口语交际:介绍自己的家和家庭成员; 说一说来自家庭的爱; 主题相关的课文学习; 课文中的词汇的认读和书写; 字,词,短语,句子和儿歌的学习; 儿歌和句子的仿写和创编。
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Oral speaking: introduce family and family members; the rela -tionship(love) between family members. Learn texts about family. Words and phrases in texts. Characters in rhymes and articles. Rewrite and edit sentences or stories.
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认识大自然和大自然中的事物; 学习关于动植物和自然现象的简单课文; 掌握关于大自然和描绘自然现象的词语和短语; 学习如何保护大自然,和自然和谐相处。
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Be familiar with nature and things happen in nature. Learn plants, animals and nature phenomenon through texts. Master the vocabulary and words describe nature and nature things. Be aware of protecting our nature, live together with nature in harmony.
My family
大自然 Our nature
生活科普 popularization of science
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学习和科普相关的文章; 认识科技对人们生活带来的改变; 掌握简单的科普知识; 学会简单的科普类的词汇和表达; 能发挥想象和创造,口头或书面表达自己的发明想法。
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Read and learn texts about science. Find the science in our life. Master simple knowledge about popularization of science. Have a growing vocabulary of science. Express ideas of invention and creating.
SUBJECT STATEMENT: Science is viewed by the PYP as the exploration of behaviour and the interrelationships among the natural, physical and material worlds using the rational process of scientific inquiry. Science encourages hands-on experience and inquiry learning, enables the individuals to make informed and responsible decisions, not only in science but also in other areas of life. Science needs to be the responsibility of the homeroom teacher, the teacher with whom the students spend most of their time. Single-subject teaching of these areas is not consistent with the PYP model of transdisciplinary learning—learning that transcends the confines of the subject areas, but is supported by them. Science is taught within the unit of inquiry by relating the central idea through the relevant concepts to generate key questions. In the course of this inquiry, students acquire essential knowledge and skills and engage in responsible action. They do so in a climate that fosters positive attitudes. - Inquiry into science will be done through the following strands: - Observe carefully in order to gather data - Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately - Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences - Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored - Plan and carry out systematic investigations, manipulating variables as necessary - Make and test predictions - Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions - Consider scientific models and applications of these models (including their limitations) The Prep will inquire into the following units through science:
Central Idea
Oct 17- Nov 25
Many food products are processed before consumption.
- Observe carefully in order to gather data - Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions
Nov 28 - Jan 18
The different uses of energy sources have an impact on the environment.
- Observe carefully in order to gather data - Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately - Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences - Make and test predictions 23
Central Idea
Feb 6- March 16
Inventions have an impact on our life.
- Consider scientific models and applications of these models (including their limitations) - Use scientific vocabulary to explain their observations and experiences - Make and test predictions
May 7- June 22
- Observe carefully in order to gather data Our choices affect - Plan and carry out systematic investigations, manipulating our lives variables as necessary - Use a variety of instruments and tools to measure data accurately
Social Studies
SUBJECT STATEMENT: Social studies is viewed by the PYP as the study of people in relation to their past, their environment and their society. Social Studies helps students to develop their personal, family, ethnic and cultural identities, to make informed and reasoned decisions about their classroom, the school and the world; and to understand themselves in relation to the past, the environment and society. Social Studies is an integrated area of inquiry. The unique perspectives of a number of disciplines contribute to our understanding of human activity. For purpose of this History- study of the past, Geography- study of relationship between people and their created and natural environment and Society- the study of people and their relationships has been grouped together. Inquiry into Social Studies will be done through the following strands: Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society Use and analyze evidence from a variety of historical, geographical and societal sources Orientate in relation to place and time Identify roles, rights and responsibilities in society Assess the accuracy, validity and possible bias of sources The Prep will inquire into the following units through Social Studies
Central Idea
Aug 29th - Oct 14th
People can represent feeling and emotion through the arts.
Formulate and ask questions Use and analyze evidence from a variety of historical, geographical and societal sources
Nov 28th - Jan 18th
Mar 19- May 4
Use and analyze evidence from a variety of historical, geCelebrations and tradi- ographical and societal sources tions are part of every Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society family. Identify roles, rights and responsibilities in society
Inventions have an im- Orientate in relation to place and time Assess the accuracy, validity and possible bias of sources pact on our life.
Huamao Multicultural Education Academy No 2 Yinxian Dadao Yingzhou District Ningbo 315192 P: +86-574-88211160 F: +86-574-88211170 W: and