Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
EuRope for CiTizens 2007-2013
Publisher: Europe for Citizens Contact Point Design: Printomato Magda Piotrowska-Kloc
Warsaw 2012 This publication has been prepared by the Polish Contact Point promoting the Europe for Citizens Programme. This project has been founded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained therein. The authors would like to thank the institutions that have agreed to provide the materials and photos used in this publication.
ISBN: 978-83-60263-23-X
First of all – integration. Third age – double benefit
INSPIRATION History – past or inspiration?
Hereditas Foundation “History of the Warsaw Praga in days of Nazism and Stalinism” Tuchow Municipal Council “generations in the culture of European nations – convention of citizens of small European towns” 15
DIALOGUE Third age – integration, education, inspiration
Sucha Beskidzka Municipality “Different cultures, one Europe”
IT WORKS Yesterday, today, tomorrow – discussions between generations Education and Science Association “Paths of memory – to preserve the remembrance of the local killing grounds” Gniezno Municipal Council “Active Senior”
Third age Trzeci wiek – double – podwójna benefit korzyść BestDobre practices praktyki in thewintergenerational projektach międzypokoleniowych projects
photo: Printomato
Po FIRST pierwsze OF ALL –integracja. INTEGRATION. Trzeci THIRD wiekAGE – podwójna – DOUBLEkorzyść. BENEFIT
First of all – integration Third age – double benefit May you live a hundred years! These are the traditional birthday wishes most of us hear every year. And each year we are closer for these wishes to come true. According to researchers, nowadays the Europeans live longer, while enjoying better health than ever before. Taking into account the aforesaid trend, the European Committee proclaimed 2012 the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. Numerous institutions joined the appeal to deal with the issue of developing activity of persons over 50, as well as intergenerational cooperation. Their actions show not only the enormousness of needs, but also the potential and hitherto unused possibilities. The work in the scope of mobilizing persons who enter the so-called “third age” is not only a mission to improve the living standard of the oldest generation. Senior citizens’ gradual departure from the labour market, as well as organizing their free time involve creation of new jobs for the younger generations. One of the essential elements of education seems to be exchange of knowledge and skills between generation, particularly in the face of political and social-economic transformations which took place in the last three decades. Reminiscences of participants of WWII, the number of which continues to dwindle, are also priceless archival materials – they will help the generations to come understand the history and the present, as well as teach how to avoid mistakes made in the past. The publication you are holding contains descriptions and summaries of selected projects carried out with support of the Europe for Citizens Programme. We hope that these initiatives, initiated and carried out in 2012, will be a starting point for long-standing programmes in the scope of intergenerational activity. They can also inspire all those who want to start working on integration between the younger generation, which is only entering the adult life, and the oldest one, whose physical activity may be decreasing, but which still has invaluable experience and wisdom that come with age. It is worth to bequeath them to the next generations.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
INSPIRATION I am a project coordinator, fund acquisition specialist in the Hereditas Foundation, which deals with cultural heritage. I am also a coordinator of project “History of the Warsaw Praga in days of Nazism and Stalinism” carried out with financial support of the European Committee.
Elżbieta Stefaniak
I love discovering and visiting sites related to richness of architecture. My passion is: a gothic style, Art Nouveau, post-industrial architecture and varsaviana. I also enjoy active leisure in the mountains. Contact:
History – past or inspiration? Elżbieta Stefaniak, Hereditas Foundation
The history of Poland has marked its pages with signs which are an integral part of our identity. Few European readers explores the subject of the Polish statehood. The previous century is particularly troublesome. The very idea of a global conflict is different in various societies. Distant realities are the reason why this issue is best understood and presented by the generation which is already passing away. The scale of tragedy which the war caused for Warsaw and most devastated Polish cities will be difficult to grasp even for a citizen of London, who experienced and still remembers the period of intensive German airstrikes. Even members of anti-German resistance in the Netherlands, Denmark, or Belgium will find it difficult to comprehend the scale of sacrifice and victims of the active struggle which the Polish Underground State waged for freedom and independence of Poland. What will be the most difficult to understand for the citizens of the West is that for Poland, 8 May 1945 did not mark the end of the war, which lasted for almost ten more years, claiming tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of their family and friends – imprisoned and sentenced to death for supporting those whom the new authorities excluded. Discrimination of millions took place in Poland for much longer than in most European countries. As a result of this armed conflict, our country has regained independence and sovereignty after 120 years. Yet - incompletely. Ceaseless political efforts, intrigues and brutal spy actions conducted by the newly-established Soviet state constituted a permanent damage for our national existence. Alternative teaching of history, not only through school education, is mainly carried out by museums, state institutions, but also more and more frequently by non-governmental organizations, which receive support from government and foreign programmes. The main purpose of the project carried out with support from the Europe for Citizens Programme 2007-2013 was popularization of knowledge about the Warsaw district of Praga and the Warsaw itself in 1939-45 and right after the WWII. The publication and the movie are sort of source materials, based on extensive archive records and eye-witness accounts. The project allowed to introduce broader public to more or less known historical facts. The untypical form inspires to creation and showing of the history via various forms and media. We must remember that the past is a supplement to the contemporary events. History is to inspire, spur into action and encourage to seek answers to questions about the future.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 Project title:
History of the Warsaw Praga in days of Nazism and Stalinism Applicant: Hereditas Foundation Grant amount: EUR 27,423 Partner institutions: Praga North district of the city of Warsaw
The project included two primary substantive actions. The first one concerned publication of a book entitled „A Shadow from the East”, written by documentalist Huber Kossowski. This publication was dedicated to the activities of the Nazi and NKVD in the Warsaw district of Praga in the years 19391945. The second action is making of a documentary movie with the same title as the project. The movie, which is about one hour long, features witness accounts, photographs, interviews with experts, records from sites of remembrance, carnage and martyrdom within Warsaw Praga. They were provided with a commentary of researchers and recollections of the history witnesses, which outline the historical context of the sites and events. To rescue from oblivion The main assumption of the project is popularization of knowledge about the history of Praga, activities of NKVD, and propagation of information about hitherto unrevealed historical facts. These actions enable remembrance of the past, sites and events which left their imprint on the pages of history of Warsaw Praga and had a considerable impact on the history of Poland and Europe. The project came into existence in order to commemorate the past which shapes the contemporary national and European consciousness, determining the present and the future. WWII and the Stalinist period imprinted a terrible mark on almost all those who lived in these times. They affected the way of life, but - first of all – the way of perceiving the world. Originators of the project encourage people to ask themselves these questions while building the future:
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato photo: Printomato
how and why did such tragic events came into being, and how to prevent their reoccurrence? Such reflection should be roused particularly in the young people, who decide the future of their own and that of their children. This is why pupils from one of the Praga schools were invited to participate in making of the movie.
To get to know and understand the older generation 2012 has been proclaimed the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. The purpose of the project is to introduce the younger generation to the life of the elders. The book and the movie make the reader and the viewer identify with the tragic events of the past. Personal presentation of this issue, based on history of specific people, helps the young people to get a better understanding of the generation of their great-grandparents and grandparents, to identify with their fate and their attitude. This material not only teaches historical facts, but it also encourage to preserve remembrance of the ancestors’ courage and determination in the struggle they put up in order to leave the best possible heritage to their children and grandchildren.
photo: Printomato
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato photo: Printomato
Worth imitation The publication “A Shadow from the East” and the movie “History of the Warsaw Praga in days of Nazism and Stalinism” are supposed to be educational material, which supplements the knowledge taught in schools. The history textbooks should mainly present the facts, without any emotional tinge. They offer no room for discussion of individual histories. The originators of the project aim to show history taking into account the context of war and the tragedy of individual persons’ live under a totalitarian regime. The material prepared show the direct impact which the war had, and still has, on the consciousness and fate of each human being. Broadening of knowledge on this subject also induces to thoughts on how to avoid a similar tragedy in the future, and, therefore, how to build a strong and solidary community of European states, which would guarantee peace and safety. A summary of the book has been translated into English. An extensive promotion of the project is intended to bring the aforesaid materials to the attention of the educational circles – particularly those providing informal education – in Poland and abroad.
photo: Printomato
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 Project title:
Generations in the culture of European nations – convention of citizens of small European towns Applicant: Tuchow Municipal Council Grant amount: EUR 17,000 Partner countries: 1. Saint Jean de Braye (France), 2. Illingen (Germany), 3. Pettenbach (Austria), 4. Detva (Slovakia), 5. Martfu (Hungary), 6. Mikulov (Czech Republic), 7. Tautii Magheraus (Romania) Website:
The project was carried out during 13th International Meeting of Twin Towns in Tuchow, on 3 – 6 August 2012. It was attended by 125 representatives from 7 twin towns of Tuchow. The participants represented local-government bodies, associations, foundations, cultural institutions and informal groups. Originators of the project wanted to create a group diverse in terms of nationality and age.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
Together – plans for the future The meeting started with a civic debate entitled “Citizens of small towns of democratic and open to local societies Europe” and a concert of regional musicians on the scene of the Tuchow amphitheatre. The guest were also invited to explore the vicinity of the “Cultural tourist trail for generations” between Tuchow, Krynica and Szczawnica. The historical, cultural, tourist and natural potential of the Pieniny National Park turned out to be inspiration for tourist, research, sports of multigenerational projects. The participants talked about activity of the elders, possibilities of development and the role which young people could have inn implementation of tourist projects for older people. All interested parties were also invited to participate in conference entitled: “Civic liability and solving of local problems in UE development on the example of towns: Tuchow, Detva (Slovakia), Martfu (Hungary)”. Mayors of the three aforesaid towns delivered lectures. Development programmes of the local governments were presented too. There was a joint discussion on issues related to adaptation of the EU regulations and their unification, while preserving regional and national factors. Promotional exhibitions carried out during the meeting concerned historical and cultural values related to the everyday life of local community. They also demonstrated the role of intergenerational cooperation in shaping and creating of the future and the present of the citizens of Europe. One of the most important strategic goals for the future was determined, which shall be pursued jointly by the participants of the project. It was called “Intergenerational cooperation in the twin towns network and concept of citizenship in safe Europe of small towns”. As a conclusion, a letter of intent, regarding planning and implementation of further cooperation, was accepted.
Integration As part of the cultural programme, a performance of the local theatre group was presented in the exhibition hall of the Community Centre. The Twin Towns Meeting was accompanied by the Lesser Poland European Picnic, during which the Tuchow marketplace hosted concerts featuring foreign guests and local performers. Participants of the Picnic could take part in games, plays and contests as well as artistic workshops intended for children, young people and entire families. Education and fun was provided by drawing of prized for entrants in the European knowledge competition, organized together by the Mayor of Tuchow, Tuchow Community Centre and Kurier Tuchowski. The picnic was also an opportunity to present achievements of generations from various parts of Europe, e.g. in one of the most interesting attractions of the event – a gallery of investments entitled “Lesser Poland in 3D”.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
Worth imitation Innovative form of the event made them very popular - they were attended by over 6 thousand people, who actively – or as spectators – participated in debates, presentations, concerts and performances. Extensive cultural programme caused the event to attract attention of plenty of people, also from outside the region, encouraging them not only to shared fun, but also to reflection on the subjects raised during the discussions, related to development of local communities and need to build and reinforce international bonds. Participants of the debates emphasized the role which all generations may have in that, through joint cooperation. There were also opportunities for direct promotion of all the twin towns which took part in the meeting.
photo: Tuchow Municipal Council
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
DIALOGUE I am 40 years old. Together with my wife and two wonderful children, I live and work in Sucha Beskidzka. Since 2003, I have been affiliated to the local government, by working in the Sucha Beskidzka Municipal Council. I deal with European integration and assistance resources. My task is to search for non-budgetary funds for various sorts of communal enterprises, cooperate with institutions and units on initiation, implementation and finalization thereof. My hobby is my family, with which I spend most of my free time. Together we travel, discover the world, we like to stay among people and in the bosom of nature. In my free time, apart from learning, I try to fulfil myself as an amateur photographer. Andrzej StrÄ…czek
My motto is to do everything as good as I possibly can. Contact:
Po pierwsze Third integracja. age – integration, Trzeci wiek education, – podwójna inspiration korzyść.
Third age – integration, education, inspiration Andrzej Strączek, Sucha Beskidzka Municipality
Since time immemorial, philosophers, scientists, poets, artists and leaders of various communities, cultures and religions have expressed their opinion on old age. Also now this issue is becoming an increasingly frequent element of social debates and discussions. This subject appeared, among other instances, in conjunction with pension reform, education reform, formulation of the national social policy. The aforesaid issues were also the subject of talks held during meeting between representatives of twin towns, as part of project of the Sucha Beskidzka commune entitled “Different cultures, on Europe”. The effect of this dispute was formulation of mutual conclusions, which are a point of departure for thoughts on the role of the elders in the social life. Vivid discussions which accompanied the meetings became also inspiration for reflections on transiency, and most of all – on oneself. Regrettably, advanced age is still perceived stereotypically. Our main concern is that with age, our physical prowess diminishes, our eyesight and hearing deteriorate, we become slower, and our professional as well as social activity fades out. In most cases, this is true, yet this simplified image makes most people perceive ageing mainly as the end of something good, a synonym of disaster and death. In the contemporary European culture, old age is associated with illness and decrepitude, rather than with once-emphasized wisdom coming from experience. As a result, older people are often exposed to social discrimination.
Old age – beginning or end? Therefore, the common opinion associates old age mainly with numerous inconveniences and limitations. And yet, it is the age that frequently enhances the ability to remain aloof, deliberation, understanding, patience, sensitivity and experience. These new possibilities, new perspectives require getting used to and learning how to use them. For human existence involves continuous changes, new challenges which should be accepted as a natural
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
developmental process. It only requires adaptation to slightly different conditions of life, not complete resignation from participation therein. The old age is just another stage. Frequently, without realising, we prepare for it for our entire lives. It is an irreversible process and sooner or later it will affect all of us. One should keep in mind that the changes which occur in us are more of external than internal nature. Spiritual power is a value independent of age.
A gift or a curse? I would seem that in the contemporary world - with its fast pace of life, scientific and technological development, mass of information and the cult of the youth - we age faster. And yet, paradoxically, the average age in development countries grows every year, and the issue of old age in the context of the incoming demographical changes becomes one of the most important challenges ahead of the modern society in all its dimensions. One of the goals of the meetings and discussions held as part of the project “Different cultures, one Europe” was to encourage the participants to give some thought to the issues of ageing of society in the context of threats and opportunities resulting from this phenomenon. The primary conclusion formulated during the debate was necessity of education and intergenerational integration from early age. Particular stress should be put on reinforcement of bonds – both in the family and in the public dimension. Introducing grandparents and grandchildren to the world of shared values and symbols of their generations is a beginning of dialogue, understanding and inspiration. The very fact that young people and children spend time with seniors contributes to creation of positive relations and experiences between them. During such meeting, young people perceive older persons as equal partners and friends, and often as authorities and role models. The seniors can have a potential of knowledge, skills and life experience which should be drawn on by the youngsters. Whereas the knowledge-hungry young people can enhance the elders’ sense of self-esteem, usefulness and fulfilment. Shaping of positive attitude towards old age starts as soon as during childhood. The seniors’ involvement in work with children in kindergartens, schools or libraries is undoubtedly twice as beneficial. The young generation’s interest in problems of the elders, or supporting families which look after seniors, is a challenge for every one of us. It should also be subject to particular concern of institutions and organizations responsible for the development of our society. Support for international cooperation is the best method of social mobilization, and thus prevention of exclusion, marginalization, unemployment. These days, shaping an attitude of cooperation is more than a vision. It is a necessity.
Po pierwsze Third integracja. age – integration, Trzeci wiek education, – podwójna inspiration korzyść.
Good practice It is worth to have a look at proven solutions. A perfect example of intergenerational cooperation and integration at the level of local communities is activity of public libraries. They are a space where representatives of different generations meet. And mutual interests create bonds – regardless of age, sex or opinions. Using this potential, the contemporary libraries, apart from their standard operation, have become hosts of various projects, events and workshops, attended by representatives of several generations. We cannot avoid old age. Thus, we must make friends with it – get to know, understand and use its potential. Many seniors are still in need of activeness. Like all of us, the seniors feel stronger and healthier when pursuing their interests. And – most importantly – they have experience and historical knowledge which the young generation requires for learning and development. It suffices to notice this potential and make good use of it. John Paul II summarized and recapitulate what we all should remember in merely two sentences: “Old age is the coping stone of human life. It is a time of harvesting, a time when you collect the fruit of what you have learned, experienced, and achieved.”
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Sucha Beskidzka Commune
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 DIFFERENT Po pierwsze CULTURES, integracja. ON EUROPE Trzeci Sucha wiek Beskidzka – podwójna Commune korzyść.
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 Project title:
Different cultures, one Europe Applicant: Sucha Beskidzka Commune Grant amount: EUR 7,000 Partner institutions: 1. Sucha Beskidzka Commune - Leader (Poland), 2. Frombork Commune (Poland), 3. Ceriale Commune (Italy), 4. Jaszbereny Commune (Hungary) Website:
The purpose of the project was an exchange of views and reflection on the future of the European community, cooperation between cultural institutions which take actions in favour of promoting the European values and achievements with preservation and respect for cultural identity, related to differences resulting from different historical experience and geographical location. The initiators and executors of the project, inspired by the EU’s announcing the year 2012 as the European Year of Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, placed particular emphasis on the matter of life quality and social activeness of people over 50. On 21 – 25 June, Sucha Beskidzka hosted delegations of twin towns (56 persons) from Frombork, Ceriale and Jaszbereny. The participants took active part in preparation of thematic meetings and discussion panels, dealing with individual substantive matters. Other parties involved in the project included representatives of social welfare and cultural institutions, particularly libraries, as well as volunteers who take actions in favour of regional development and aid for the elders. The following topics were discussed: “Social exclusion”, “Cooperation of young people on the cultural plane”, “Social exclusion and ageing of the society”, “Cooperation between generations on the cultural plane”, “Summary of cooperation to date and plan of future works”. The part of the foreign delegation which was responsible for the musical setting performed its programme during “Suski meetings with folklore” and “Days of the Suski Region”.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Sucha Beskidzka Commune photo: Sucha Beskidzka Commune
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 DIFFERENT Po pierwsze CULTURES, integracja. ON EUROPE Trzeci Sucha wiek Beskidzka – podwójna Commune korzyść.
Unity is power One of the ideas discussed during the meetings were benefits of international cooperation with participation of the older and the younger generation in completion of joint enterprises, the goal of which is preservation and promotion of mutual European history, tradition and culture. The issue of strengthening contacts between representatives of various nations, cooperation and building of communication for the good of the entire European Union were also raised. The discussions allowed to reach a mutual conclusion - that we all should learn from each other and share our experiences, acting for the sake of ourselves and of the generations to come. Such cooperation allows to develop new, more effective solutions regarding the direction of development for Europe and for individual states – also at the regional level. It also allows to avoid the mistakes made in the past, and increases the sense of security - both national and international.
Intergenerational solidarity This subject aroused enormous interest and plenty of emotions among the participants of the meetings. The problem of old age will sooner or later affect everyone, a fact which the young people tend to forget, or are afraid of even thinking about it. Advanced age is an inevitable stage of development which affects everyone, therefore it is worth to prepare for it beforehand, keeping in mind that it does not have to, and even should not, mean the end of activity and active life. Knowledge, experience, and distance to mundane problems which come with age can be immensely beneficial to the younger generation and to the entire community, provided they are appreciated and made good use of. Also, the seniors themselves must be aware that their activity is an important element of shaping the contemporary world. The goal of the project initiators was to reinforce socially active behaviour regardless of the age. Joint debates resulted in plans for future educational workshops, prepared in intergenerational cooperation.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Sucha Beskidzka Commune photo: Sucha Beskidzka Commune
Worth imitation The project was carried out while two other cultural events of international scope took place in the town of Sucha Beskidzka – the 18th Suski Meetings with Folklore and Days of the Suski Region. They are international, cyclical events which promote Polish tradition and culture, particularly from the region of Babia Gora, and give an opportunity to present cultural diversity of other countries from Europe and other parts of the world. Holding all three events at the same time allowed to increase the scope of the “Various cultures, one Europe” project, crossing the borders of its own commune. Part from residents of Sucha Beskidzka and representatives of the twin towns, it was attended by a lot of people who visited this region as tourists. The organizers decided to utilize the potential of cyclic local events of great media renown to promote the issue of activity of fifty-plus year olds. The project allowed the unpopular issue of ageing society take on a new dimension. It also gained wide publicity. The event attracted over 2000 people and was widely commented in the local and regional press.. It is also worth to emphasize cooperation and involvement of numerous local social organizations, cultural institutions and volunteers, who took actions in favour of international cooperation, intergenerational solidarity and social mobilization of the senior society.
photo: Sucha Beskidzka Commune
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
IT WORKS I am a coordinator of international projects in the Education and Science Association, as well as editor of the website. I specialize in international cooperation, mainly with Eastern European countries. I am a graduate of the Polish Studies Department at the Warsaw University, as well as MENiS grant holder. I have participated in numerous thematic sessions, organized by the East-Central European School in the Humanities of the UW.
Anna Bartnik
For many years I have been cooperating with the Kresy Polish Laboratory of the Polish Academy of Science. Contact:
Yesterday, today, tomorrow – discussions between generations Anna Bartnik, Education and Science Association
Commemoration of important historical events which took place in the 20th century by recording the memory of persons who tangibly experienced the extreme intolerance in days of Nazism and Stalinism in films and handing down to the future generations is a priority for the Education and Science Association. Two editions of project entitled “Paths of memory – to preserve the remembrance of the local killing grounds”, initiated in October 2010 with financial support of the European Committee as part of programme “Europe for Citizens”, allowed us to create 22 documentary movies about places of remembrance regarding crimes of Nazism and Stalinism in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian and Mazovian Voivodeships. By presenting young people from Poland, Germany, Lithuania and Latvia with footage of events related to extermination of population during WWII and in the later, post-war period, as well as by indicating specific locations of remembrance (which are frequently forgotten), and by allowing them to learn the memories of direct witnesses and confrontations of various generations and different, albeit adjacent, nations, a distinct step was made in order to deepen tolerance and mutual understanding at the intercultural and intergenerational level. We are convinced that by creating grounds and conditions for a dialogue between generations, we contribute to constructing a vision of an open world, free of racism and xenophobia. We develop, particularly in young people, a sense of European identity based on shared values, and we also inspire them to awaken inquisitiveness and reflection about the future, and therefore we enhance the understanding of what real solidarity and tolerance are. One of the episodes, entitled “What do you think about that…”, has been entirely dedicated to young people who expressed their opinions about difficult historical facts presented in the movie “Paths of memory”. Young people from Germany perceived the fate and suffering of individual people, not only politics. Witnesses of history who appeared in our footage were one young people who had dreams, as well as educational, professional and personal plans. The war shattered all that and left a bloody stamp in their memory, which influenced the rest of their lives.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
Szpitale powstańcze, photo: Education and Science Association
The cycle of documentary features “Paths of memory” presents select historical facts which took place during WWII in Poland, and it provides grounds for reflection and discussion - regardless of the age and nationality of the interlocutors. The main message of the dispute is commemoration of the war victims, making a broad circle of viewers aware of the pointlessness of warfare and spurring ideas on how to prevent them from reoccurring ever again. The period of Stalinism has also left its mark on the Polish society. In a movie entitled “The Toledo Prison”, which is part of the current edition of the “Paths of memory” project, a historian, Szymon Niedziela PhD, describes this period thus: “The Second World War in Poland did not end in 1945, with defeat of the Third Reich. When taking up arms in 1939, thousands of Polish patriots never thought that they will have to continue this fight until 1956, for once they defeated the black totalitarianism, a struggle with the red totalitarianism commenced. [For that, they were persecuted, victimized, sent to prisons]. Their only guilt was that they wanted a completely independent Poland”. The movies present fates of Poles who did not expressly declare their feelings towards communism and Soviet authorities, they were politically uncertain, that is suspected of sympathies for the London government, or fought in the ranks of the Home Army during the occupation. Once arrested, these people were sent to Soviet prisons, such as the NKVD camp in Rembertow, Toledo Prison in Praga, and some were taken to Siberia, from where many never returned. The literature of this subject is still very limited. The official documentation (drawn up by the administrators) is fragmentary. There are very few monographs and scientific articles on this subject. Thanks to the project, we try to fill in this gap, mostly so that the generations to come could see the truth about Poland’s difficult road to freedom. Implementing this project and organizing displays of the documentary movie “Paths of memory”, we have become participants in discussions held by representatives of all generations. Older persons – witnesses of history - take active and willing part in the meetings and talk about their war and post-war experiences, considering this their duty. Whereas the young people watch the movies with great interest, they ask questions to direct witnesses of historical events. Some of them become involved in promoting this issue in their circles, or, as our volunteers, seek more places where the films could be shown – in schools, community centres, libraries, etc. These actions confirm us in our belief that an intergenerational dialogue teaches, as well as carries wisdom, peace, and a need to hand down one’s knowledge to future generations.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
Szpitale powstańcze, photo: Education and Science Association
ACTION 4 Project title:
Paths of memory – to preserve the remembrance of the local killing grounds Applicant: Education and Science Association Grant amount: EUR 55 000 Website:
The project was recommended for implementation by the Institute of National Remembrance – Chief Commission for the Prosecution of Crime against the Polish Nation, Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites, Free Word Association, KARTA Centre, Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw, Katyn Committee, National Remembrance Circle, Angelus Silesius House of Meetings and the Warsw Uprising Museum. It consists in production of 10 documentary movies about remembrance sites connected with crimes of Nazism and Stalinism, situated in Warsaw and its vicinity. The movies make use of available archival documents (photographs, fragments of footage dating back to WWII from the National Film Archive), statements of eyewitnesses (accounts of history witnesses which were recorded and placed in the Oral History Archives of the Warsaw Uprising Museum). Each topic is presented by a narrator – historian Szymon Niedziela PhD.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
Egzekucje na mokotowie, photo: Education and Science Association
photo: Education and Science Association
Topics of 10 episodes of the document: 1. Mass executions 2. Palmiry 3. Temporary camp in St Wojciech church 4. Extermination of Wola 5. Elimination of insurgents’ hospitals in the Old Town 6. Elimination of New Town poorhouses 7. Executions in Mokotow 8. NKWD camp in Rembertow 9. “Gesiowka” – German, NKVD and UB camp 10. NKWD prison “Toledo”
Intergenerational dialogue The purpose of the movies is to give historical knowledge to the younger generations and to show values provided by intercultural and intergenerational dialogue. A shocking image of events presented in successive episodes evokes immense emotions in viewers of all ages, inducing them to ponder not only on the tragedy which befell our nation, and other nations which fell victim to the war, but also to think how could such barbarism happen and how to avoid it in the future. The movies are extremely valuable educational material for young people, and for the seniors, they are an opportunity to share their knowledge. During mutual viewing, a strong bond arises between the generation which experienced the tragedy, and the one which knows it only from information contained in history handbooks, which is frequently restricted to presentation of dry facts and numbers, and only under the influence of the information presented in the movies it starts to understand and sympathize with the enormousness of tragedy which befell the seniors. Thanks to reflection on various national experiences and different perception of the past events it is possible to build tolerance and mutual understanding, and thus unity between the EU nations and to seek a mutual plane of European identity.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
Szpitale powstańcze, photo: Education and Science Association
photo: Education and Science Association
Worth imitation The authors and originators of the project took care to make the movies – in Polish and German - available on YouTube, on the Association’s website and on DVDs published together with a booklet at the seat of the Association and in libraries. They also organize public displays, so that mutual watching thereof could end with a general discussion and allowed to express one’s feelings and reflections related thereto. It is necessary to emphasize professionalism of the makers - well though-out scripts and accomplished direction, which result in high quality of each episode. Get more information about the Association and watch successive episodes of the documentary movie at:
photo: Education and Science Association
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.2 ACTIVE SENIOR Gniezno Municipal Council
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.2 Project title:
Active Senior Applicant: Gniezno Municipal Council Grant amount: EUR 15,000 Partner institutions: 1. Anagni (Italy), 2. Speyer (Germany), 3. Radviliskis (Lithuania), 4. Esztergom (Hungary), 5. Veendam (Netherlands) 6. Uman (Ukraine) Website:
The goal of the project was to strengthen international bonds and enhance understanding between generations. The participants, coming from 7 countries, met in Gniezno. The organizers scheduled the meeting in such a way, that the date of events related thereto coincided with the European Football Championship held in Poland and Ukraine. The championship was what inspired Gniezno for intergenerational integration. Delegations from Gniezno’s twin towns, consisting of seniors, young people, mayors, music bands and representatives of local press, were invited to Poland. Animation of individual events was to encourage all participants to joint actions which can involve and arouse interest of 3 generations at the same time: children, parents and grandparents.
Community of age – age of community A Fan Zone Euro 2012 was established at St Wojciech Square in Gniezno. This was where the twin towns brought their regional dishes and craft, national costumes as well as tourist offer prepared specifically for the citizens of Gniezno. At the day of opening, about 15 thousand people arrived at the St Wojciech Square. All the stands were immensely popular. Younger representatives of the delegations admired creators who presented their works. They saw that there is still much they can learn from the elders and that it is worth to refer to tradition. This is one of the prerequisites of success, as well as an important element of deepening the national pride. They had an opportunity to understand how important is their own national culture, which stands out among the others by its wealth and colours, and is also a valuable contribution to the European culture.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.2 ACTIVE SENIOR Gniezno Municipal Council
Another point of the international and intergenerational integration programme were concerts and shows of bands from the twin towns, which presented, e.g., their national music. That was another opportunity to enjoy mutual artistic activity of both older and younger participants of the event.
Support – the team is the most important On account to opening of Euro 2012, an International Football Tournament was held in Gniezno, at the Orlik pitch, in which junior teams of players under 16 from each twin town competed. Whereas the senior teams strived for the palm in a table football competition. The elders cheered the young, and the youngsters kept their fingers crossed for the seniors. Joint fun and sports rivalry turned out to be a sure-fire way to build bonds. The tournaments were also attended by the citizens of Gniezno, tourists and delegations from twin towns, who watched the opening matches of Euro 2012 on a wall screen which was provided specially for this purpose. During breaks, one could participate in competitions with prizes. Thanks to those events the Gniezno Market Square turned into a colourful procession of European supporters and athletes for several days. Regardless of age, language and nationality, the participants of the event alternatively competed with other countries, and at the next moment supported representatives of their generation represented by other nationalities.
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.2 ACTIVE SENIOR Gniezno Municipal Council
Active senior – active community An entire one day of the meetings was dedicated to the issues of the 50+ generation. On the Senior Day, a considerable number lot of the Gniezno citizens, together with delegations from the twin towns, took part in a seminary, organized together with the University of the Third Age, which took place in the lecture theatre of the Gniezno European College. A lecture, and then a discussion, considered healthy life style of seniors, physical activity, methods of relaxation and rehabilitation, joint intergenerational initiatives and proposals for active leisure. The citizens of Gniezno and their guests were invited to take part in a Nordic walking hike, a competition of paneurythmy – the dance of joy, gymnastics and a guided tour around Gniezno. Active life of the seniors was also referred to during ceremonial naming of one of the Gniezno squares after a twin town of Anani. Here, the citizens and tourists can find equipment for recreation and physical exercises for both young and old. A meeting of twin towns’ representatives was also an opportunity to celebrate 20 years of cooperation between Gniezno and Speyer. On this occasion, an exhibition of works by Christel Stadtmuller, an artist from Speyer, was held in the Town Community Centre.
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.2 ACTIVE SENIOR Gniezno Municipal Council
Worth imitation Thanks to the project, seniors from Gniezno and twin towns had an opportunity to share – in an informal atmosphere – their experiences related to various ways of dealing with problems regarding mobilization of the elders. Working together, they could personally experience that they are needed by the society and that they can still achieve a lot in their lives – not only for their own good, but for that of the generations to come. Importantly, implementation of the project attracted the young generation’s attention to the issue of activeness over 50. Regardless of differences resulting from age, and therefore from different experiences and needs, there are many issues which strongly join the elders and the young. It is worth – and necessary – to build and understanding on this basis. It is worth to emphasize that the knowledge and experience of the older people should be made use of, allowing them to feel and remember that they are still important and needed by the youngsters. In mutual social functioning, everyone has an important role. The project demonstrated that the bonds between people, mutual help and solidarity which break the generation and international barriers are real and needed. It suffices to make use of this potential.
photo: Gniezno Municipal Council
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
The documentary movie made by the Polish Contact Point in 2012, presents a selection from projects of the Europe for Citizens Programme. These projects concern most of the issues that encounter older people in the context of intergenerational integration. This documentary movie is an extention and enrichment of the projects presented in this publication. Thanks to the projects leader’s commitment, ideas and plans, the film is a great inspiration for the potencial beneficiaries. The projects shows the intergenerational solidarity in practice.
I’m sure that the united Europe can not be built by administrations, even not by political people alone at least. It must come from the peole, from the population, and it must come by personal relations between each other. And this is what we try to acheave with our partner organisations. If there are many of them, the fears of people about the united Europe will drop down. Gerhard Weber, Brackenheim (Niemcy)
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 Project title:
Different coutries – common objectives Applicant: Dąbrowa Górnicza Municipality Grant amount: 9 000 Euro Partner institutions: 1. Medias (Romania), 2. Castell Umberto (Italy), 3. Studenka (Czechy) Website:
The meeting took place on the 30th April - 4th of May, during „Dębowy Maj” Festiwal in Dąbrowa Górnicza.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 Project title:
Cultural diversity in the EU – raise of the european awereness Applicant: Gmina Jabłonka Grant amount: 13 000 Euro Partner institutions: 1. Horice (Czechy), 2. Nagymanyok (Węgry), 3. Reichelsheim (Niemcy), 4. Trstena (Słowacja) Website:
The project took place on the 19-22th of July 2012 in Jablonka Municipality, during the First World Festiwal Gartering People from Orawa.
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects
photo: Printomato
ACTION 1, MEASURE 1.1 Project title:
International Youth Week Applicant: Zbrosławice Municipality Grant amount: 15 000 Euro Partner institutions: 1. Castagnolle delle Lanze (Italy), 2. Tarnalelesz (Hungary), 3. Brackenheim (Germany), 4. Charnay-les-Macon (France) Website:
The meeting is a cyclic event. Every year guest from different countries stay with residents of the Zbrosławice Municipality. In 2012 the meeting took place on the 19th and 20th of July.
photo: Printomato
photo: Printomato
Third age – double benefit Best practices in the intergenerational projects