Analysis on Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood 1 Running Head: AN ANALYSIS OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD

An Analysis of Planned Parenthood: A Critical View of the Current Public Relations Department Priscilla Dominguez PRL 206 Dr. Sung-Un Yang

Planned Parenthood 2 Question #1 Part One: Describe your chosen organization. (Planned Parenthood of the Syracuse/ Rochester region) The president and CEO of the Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse region is Jim Stewart. The top public relations practitioner is Betty DeFazio. She is the director of Community Affairs and Public Policy. The Planned Parenthood clinic of the Rochester and Syracuse region is a part of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is a nationally recognized institution that focuses on educating and providing individuals with a wide range of reproductive services and resources. This institution's national offices are based in Washington, DC, and New York. More than 800 health centers are located around the country. Planned Parenthood has clinics in all 50 states. New York has 12 Planned Parenthood clinics. This organization offers the community pregnancy testing and testing for sexually transmitted diseases. Planned Parenthood provides health care services for both men and women, treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and vaccines. The company offers birth control, emergency contraceptives, counseling and abortion services. This institution also holds workshops and seminars for both parents and teens seeking advice on how to live sexually healthy lives. (Planned Parenthood, 2011) Margaret Sanger, her sister and a friend in Brooklyn, New York, opened the first Planned Parenthood clinic. Women during this time period were not allowed to vote or procure any information regarding reproductive services. Working as a nurse in New York's Lower East Side, allowed for Sanger to see the issues that unwanted pregnancies and illegal abortions created for the poor immigrant families. She wanted to help and provide more options to women and families in the area. The women were met with much opposition. It was common for the police to raid the clinic. The women were arrested on multiple occasions and “convicted of disseminating birth control information.� It was not until the 1960s that Planned Parenthood became a widely recognized and respected organization. (Planned Parenthood, 2011)

Planned Parenthood 3 Part Two: According to the systems theory, would you classify this organization as an open or closed system? In accordance with the systems theory, I believe that this organization employs an open system of communication. An open system of communication involves an equal distribution of information between the organization and the many publics it serves. By providing the community with resources and services through which they can benefit from, Planned Parenthood is helping to support the community. By inviting anyone to participate or become involved with the organization by volunteering, participating in rallies and donating to Planned Parenthood, the organization is allowing for everyone to work side by side the organization. (Planned Parenthood, 2011) In addition, anyone can provide feedback or comments on the organization’s website, company website and Facebook page. By doing this, Planned Parenthood is working to maintain steady communication with the public it serves. Any individual that visits a Planned Parenthood clinic is guaranteed that whatever they discuss with staff is kept confidential. In doing so, the organization is striving to establish trust with the community it serves. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 18, 2011) Question #2 Part One: Using the systems theory, describe the public relations function at this organization. Would you describe them as falling within the role(s) of technician or manager? In relation to the systems theory, I believe that the public relations function at this organization would fall into the category of both technician and manager. The technician role of a public relations practitioner involves tasks such as writing, handling communication production, running special events and making telephone calls to the media. The managerial role of a public relations practitioner involves engaging in strategic management and issues management. (Yang, 2011) As the main public relations practitioner, Ms. Betty DeFazio does both. She serves as the face and representative of the Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse region. As a technician, she works to produce and generate story ideas for the publications sent out to donors, board members and volunteers. Ms. DeFazio works with Erin Grant, the editor of Informed Choice, a publication of the Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse region that is distributed to

Planned Parenthood 4 donors and supporters. In this publication, the two women, along with other members of the editorial staff provide information such as the different initiatives that the organization is working to implement, articles on how teenagers relate to sex, information from the volunteers and a letter from the CEO. At cocktail receptions and luncheons for supporters and benefactors, Ms. DeFazio greets all the guests and thanks each one for the support and generosity that they all contribute to the organization. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 18, 2011) As a manager, she works to resolve any issues that may surface. The organization is under constant attack by religious and government officials. She explained that over the past 6 weeks, efforts to defund Planned Parenthood were being discussed by the federal government. When the government passed the federal budget a couple of weeks ago, many of the employees were worried about losing their jobs because of the cuts that the government was making to many institutions. Ms. Betty DeFazio explained that although a cut was made to the organization, Planned Parenthood would still be able to operate and the employees would not lose their jobs. DeFazio communicated with all the employees via e-mail that they did not have to worry about losing their jobs. “I communicated to them that Planned Parenthood would be secure with the funding of the federal budget. The organization would be okay for this fiscal year because the reduction was a small percentage,� she said. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 18, 2011) Part Two: Is the top practitioner a member of the dominant coalition? In order to be considered a member of the dominant coalition of an organization, an individual should be involved in the organizational decision-making process. (Yang, 2011) As a director, Ms. Betty DeFazio has many responsibilities and duties. She oversees many departments and presides over the information that is disseminated to all the publics that Planned Parenthood works with. She is one of several senior management leaders for the Rochester and Syracuse Planned Parenthood affiliate. Ms. DeFazio is a regular part of strategic discussions and planning. For example, she is working with the other senior management leaders to update their three-year strategic plan. Ms. DeFazio has also made a number of recommendations about taking a

Planned Parenthood 5 different approach to the advocacy work that the organization does. The Board of Directors for the Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse region has already endorsed one of her proposals. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 26, 2011). She works across departmental lines to establish initiatives, conduct rallies and create workshops. DeFazio works with the local and state government to ensure that any injustices or offences committed against Planned Parenthood are recorded. She works with the press to ensure that any information made available to the public regarding Planned Parenthood is accurate. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 18, 2011) It is because of this that I feel that Ms. DeFazio is a part of the dominant coalition. Question #3: Using Harlow’s definition of public relations, create a complete checklist of all elements of that definition found in your organization. As the media spokesperson and representative to the community on behalf of the Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse region, she keeps lines of communication open with the organization's supporters, legislators and other non-profit leaders. She accomplishes this by being available to these publics and by being visible in community activities and committees. Ms. DeFazio helps manage problems and issues by discussing strategies and implementing new plans in order to better the organization. By interacting with the community, she helps management continue being informed on and responsive to public opinion. In working with all the publics that Planned Parenthood serves, she is working to help define and emphasize the responsibility of management to serve the public interest. She is keenly aware of what issues are at the center for people and is thus able to respond and guide the organization's method to find a solution for the issues. Ms. DeFazio helps management become aware of transitions within the structure of the organization and effectively utilizes change by recommending that improvements be made to the way in which the organization does its advocacy work. All the senior leaders and staff of the Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse region take the responsibility to serve their patients’ needs seriously. The leaders also work to effectively use the donations given to the organization by the supporters. This is operated

Planned Parenthood 6 through staff training and implementation. In order to be fully accredited by Planned Parenthood Federation of America, their affiliate must meet the high standards set by their national organization by demonstrating this responsibility. Ms. DeFazio helps anticipate trends by working with the community to know what is affecting them. She works to ward off any issues that may arise and in doing so she is implementing an early warning system Ms. DeFazio is aware of her community's needs and makes every effort to meet them by keeping steady productive communication. She uses research and ethical communication by participating in community activities, acting as a spokesperson and keeping an open system of communication with all the publics that are involved with the organization. Ms. DeFazio is involved at all levels of the organization and works to establish an effective communication system. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 26, 2011) Question #5: Explain why it is important for organizations to be responsive to their publics. Give examples of how your chosen organization performs its social responsibility function. Describe the role of a public relations practitioner in being socially responsible. In my opinion, I believe that it is very important for organizations to be responsive to their publics. It is important for organizations to do this because in doing so, a trusting relationship is developed with the public. If an organization fails or has trouble doing this, it could lead to problems with the communication between the organization and the publics it serves. This could lead to protests , rallies and a gradual break down of the organization. I believe that Planned Parenthood performs its social responsibility function in every way possible. All of the services that Planned Parenthood provides to individuals such as testing for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are socially responsible because the organization is performing a service to the public in providing healthcare services. (Planned Parenthood, 2011) In the past, many people did not have access to contraceptives or information on sexual health. Now, because of institutions such as Planned Parenthood, people are much more informed on all the reproductive services that are available to them. For one, Planned Parenthood sends out newsletters to donors and volunteers detailing new programs within Planned Parenthood, information on luncheons and cocktail events,

Planned Parenthood 7 and changes within the organizations dynamic. Second, Planned Parenthood works to educate individuals regarding their sexual health by holding workshops and providing contraceptives. (Planned Parenthood, 2011) DeFazio plays an important part in the organization's social responsibility. She is committed to being socially responsible by keeping the Planned Parenthood employees informed of changes within the organization such as potential threats to employment and budget cuts. DeFazio also participates in the rallies to support Planned Parenthood and works to make sure that the organization's message comes across in the right way to all the different publics the organization works with. (B. DeFazio, personal communication, April 18, 2011) Question #6 Part One: Which of the four classic models most closely resembles that of your chosen organization? James. E. Grunig developed a four-model theory of public relations to explain how public relations should be practiced. This theory includes the press agentry model, the public information model, the two-way asymmetrical model and the two- way symmetrical model (Yang, 2011) Out of the four models within this theory, I believe Planned Parenthood most closely resembles the twoway symmetrical model. This model is composed of an open system of communication between an organization and its public in order to foster a better relationship. Research is conducted to understand publics and dialogues in order to achieve a better understanding between the publics and organization. This model is most prevalent in regulated business and agencies. Arthur Page was the pioneer for this model of public relations. (Yang, 2011) Planned Parenthood employs this model in everything they do. By giving the individuals the option of participating with the organization to make a difference by inviting them to become volunteers and donors, the organization is working to allow for the public to become more involved. Whenever representatives of any Planned Parenthood clinic hold a protest or a rally, the representatives invite anyone to participate. The institution encourages the public to write letters to the organization and government to speak up about any issues or changes they would like to see in the organization. Part Two: In your opinion, is that the best model for that organization at this stage in its

Planned Parenthood 8 history/development? At this stage in its development, I would say that this is the best model for the organization. Planned Parenthood prides itself in being an organization that provides individuals with numerous services and options regarding family planning. Without the public's support, the organization would be incapable of being where it is right now. Having this system in place is conducive to the organization’s success. The number of resources that Planned Parenthood gives to the community support and create more options for individuals’ future family planning. In doing so, the organization sets itself a part by educating, informing and supplying resources through which the community can lead a healthy sexual lifestyle. Question #10: Discuss how your organization’s public relations department is using the new technology to increase its efficiency and effectiveness. Planned Parenthood is working to increase its effectiveness and efficiency by utilizing social media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. The Planned Parenthood Action Fund has a page on Facebook that allows visitors to be notified on any updates about the organization. Most recently, the page has been advertising the Get Yourself Tested Campaign. This campaign began as an effort from Planned Parenthood to motivate people to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. The campaign continues all throughout the month of April. On the page, Planned Parenthood provides visitors with updates on the federal government's intent to reduce the funding for the organization, articles regarding the organization and any interviews that the top members of the organization have had with the media. Anyone can follow Planned Parenthood on Twitter by making an account on the Twitter website. Much like the company's page, the Twitter page also provides the latest news on Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood's MySpace page includes photos, videos and a blog page. This blog page includes information on World Aids Day, information on the increasing number of suicides among the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, and different articles on how teens can implement safe sex practices. More importantly, the blog page allows for people to

Planned Parenthood 9 comment on the article. Anyone who is a friend of Planned Parenthood on MySpace or someone who visits the page has an opportunity to provide feedback. In addition, Planned Parenthood recently launched the 28 MPH campaign that aims to educate both men and women on how to live sexually healthy lives and how to use birth control effectively. This companion website gives tips and advice to anyone who is sexually active. On the website, people can ask questions anonymously. (Planned Parenthood, 2011) By incorporating different social media tools to disseminate valuable information to the public, Planned Parenthood is going beyond its duty to serve the public. In doing so, this organization is proving its worth as an institution that is focused on serving the community.

Planned Parenthood 10

References DeFazio, Betty. Director of Community Affairs and Public Policy of Planned Parenthood of the Rochester and Syracuse Region., interviewed on April 18, 2011 and April 26, 2011. Planned Parenthood. (2011). Health Information and Services. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from Planned Parenthood. (2011). The Sanger Years. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from Planned Parenthood. (2011). Local and State Offices. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from Planned Parenthood. (2011). 28 MPH. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from Yang, S. (2011). Defining Public Relations: What is Public Relations? [ Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from ps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_172665_1%26 url%3D Yang, S. ( 2011). Models of Public Relations. [Powerpoint Slides]. Retrieved April 30, 2011 from ps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_172665_1%26 url%3D

Planned Parenthood 11

Appendix *Please see the attached Planned Parenthood of the Rochester/ Syracuse region Mission Statement.

Planned Parenthood 12 Appendix A: Planned Parenthood Mission Statement Planned Parenthood of the Rochester/Syracuse Region (PPRSR) protects and supports every person’s right to make voluntary, informed decisions about sexuality and reproduction in order to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

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