3 minute read
Create an Ideal Donor Profile
But, where DO you find new donors?
Most founders and nonprofit directors KNOW their nonprofit is doing good work and think that if they could just spread the word, people would give.
Yes and no.
It’s really about finding the RIGHT people to give to your nonprofit – those who LOVE your cause and want to see you succeed.
Being strategic about finding new donors can save you a lot of time and trouble and bring you donors who will stick around a long time.
So, where do you find ideal new donors for your new nonprofit?
The best place to start in growing your donor base is to get clear about the Right People – those people you want to attract.
An Ideal Donor Profile identifies the top psychographics and demographics of your best donors, so that you can go find more people just like them.
Think about that: if you knew exactly who you’re looking for, wouldn’t it make finding them a lot easier? You could stop wasting time experimenting with tactics that don’t work.
Figuring out your Ideal Donor doesn’t have to be complicated. Sit down with a blank piece of paper and think about people already supporting your nonprofit, even if it’s just friends and family. Jot down their names. What do they have in common? Think about their age, their sex, their education, and whatever else you can think of. Write each one down. If you can get at least 3-5 things, this will help, but the more, the better.
Early in my career, I spent several years at the local food bank, and I did this exercise of determining my Ideal Donor. It wasn’t very scientific — I just thought about the few donors I knew. Some of them were our biggest donors and some weren’t, but they were consistent givers and often sent words of encouragement with their check.
Here’s what I figured out about them:
Middle aged or older College-educated/professional Active at church
Volunteer in the community
(See how unscientific that is?) I looked at that list and thought “where can I find more people just like that?”
The answer popped out at me immediately: women’s groups at churches.
I started asking around to see who belonged to a women’s group at a church where I could speak and I quickly got several leads. I put together a hot presentation with a clear call to action, and off I went. I remember at one church, almost everyone in the room signed up to hear more about our work and how they could get involved (in other words, they signed up for our newsletter!). Several ladies handed me a check or cash before I left, and a few days later, I got a check from the group’s treasurer.
So, instead of looking for “rich people,” spend the time it takes to get really clear about the Ideal Donor for your nonprofit. You’ll be way more likely to get donors that will give bigger and give longer.
just get started
Your first step in growing a donor base is to start with people already around you who love and trust you: mainly friends and family. These are definitely the Right People for your nonprofit!
Then think about those who are likely to love your nonprofit’s mission. How can you describe them based on their interests, beliefs, and values as outlined above?
Finally, start looking for more ideal donors in the community based on the Ideal Donor Profile you just created. It will help you find new donors easily and in large numbers.