Secrets of Opening Chess Surprises 12

Page 1

SOS – Secrets of Opening Surprises 12

Chapter 1 - page 8

Chapter 2 - page 20

Jeroen Bosch The SOS Files

Dimitri Reinderman Trompowsky: the Cinema Variation

T_L_Ml.t j.d._JjJ ._J_.s._ _B_.j._. ._._I_._ _.n.b._. IiIq.i.i _.kR_.r.

T_LdMl.t jJjJjJjJ ._S_._._ _._._._. ._.iSb._ _._._._. IiI_IiIi rN_QkBnR

Van Kampen-Plukkel after 12.Ãxb5!

1.d4 Àf6 2.Ãg5 Àe4 3.Ãf4 Àc6

Chapter 3 - page 27

Chapter 4 - page 34

Chapter 5 - page 41

Jeroen Bosch Alekhine: Hector’s Way

Alexander Finkel The French à la Hector

Sebastian Siebrecht Anti-Grünfeld with 5.h4

TsLdM_.t jJj.jJlJ ._._._._ _._._._. ._._._._ _._._Q_. IiIb.iIi r._.kBnR

TsLdM_St jJj.lJjJ ._._J_._ _._._._. ._.iJ_I_ i.n._._. .iI_Ni.i r.bQkB_R

TsLdMl.t jJj.jJ_J ._._._J_ _._S_._. ._._._.i _.n._N_. Ii.iIiI_ r.bQkB_R

Let’s play 7.©f3!?

Winawer: 4.Àe2 dxe4 5.a3 Ãe7 6.g4!?

1.Àf3 Àf6 2.c4 g6 3.Àc3 d5 4.cxd5 Àxd5 5.h4

SOS – Secrets of Opening Surprises 12

Chapter 6 - page 48 Nikita Vitiugov English: Shirov’s Pet Line

Chapter 7 - page 56 Adrian Mikhalchishin & Jeroen Bosch Bayonet Attack in the Grünfeld

Chapter 8 - page 62 Willy Hendriks Taking the Lion by its Throat

TsLdM_St jJjJlJjJ ._._._._ _._Nj._. ._I_._._ _._._._. Ii.iIiIi r.bQkBnR

TsLdMl.t jJj.jJ_J ._._.sJ_ _._J_._. ._Ii._I_ _.n._._. Ii._Ii.i r.bQkBnR

T_LdMl.t jJjSjJj. ._.j.s.j _._._._. ._.iI_I_ _.n._I_. IiI_._.i r.bQkBnR

1.c4 e5 2.Àc3 Ãb4 3.Àd5 Ãe7

1.d4 Àf6 2.c4 g6 3.Àc3 d5 4.g4!?

1.e4 d6 2.d4 Àf6 3.Àc3 Àbd7 4.g4 h6 5.f3

Chapter 9 - page 70

Chapter 10 - page 77

Chapter 11 - page 84

Jeroen Bosch

Dimitri Reinderman

Dorian Rogozenco

The Centre Game: A Romantic Weapon

Check Like a Patzer in the Scandinavian

King’s Indian: A Dutch-KID?

T_LdMlSt jJjJ_JjJ ._._._._ _._._._. .s._I_._ _._.q._. IiI_.iIi rNb.kBnR

TsL_MlSt jJj.jJjJ ._._._._ _._.d._. ._._._._ _.n._._. IiIi.iIi r.bQkBnR

TsLd.tM_ jJj.jJlJ ._.j._J_ _._._._. ._IiS_._ _._._Ni. Ii._IiBi rNbQ_Rk.

Lashing out against c2 with ...Àb4

Let’s play 3...©e5+ (or 3...©e6+)

The knight jump 6...Àe4

SOS – Secrets of Opening Surprises 12

Chapter 12 - page 88

Chapter 13 - page 95

Chapter 14 - page 105

Alexander Finkel Pirc for Endgame Lovers

Glenn Flear The Bird’s Defence According to Bird

Arthur Kogan The Mouse Sleep Slav Gambit

TsLdM_.t jJj.jJlJ ._.j.sJ_ _._.i._. ._.i.i._ _.n._._. IiI_._Ii r.bQkBnR

T_LdMlSt jJjJ_Jj. ._._._._ _._._._J ._BjI_._ _._._._. IiIi.iIi rNbQk._R

TsLdMl.t jJ_._JjJ ._J_.s._ _._.j._. I_Ji._._ _.n._N_. .i._IiIi r.bQkB_R

1.e4 d6 2.d4 Àf6 3.Àc3 g6 4.f4 Ãg7 5.e5!?

Bird with 5.Ãc4 h5 and 5.0-0 h5

The ‘crazy’ 5...e5!?

Chapter 15 - page 113

Chapter 16 - page 122

Chapter 17 - page 133

Jeroen Bosch

Igor Glek

Sipke Ernst

Dutch: Preparing the Staunton Gambit

Sicilian: the Intrepid 5...e5

Moscow Variation: A German Speciality

TsLdMlSt jJjJj.jJ ._._._._ _._._J_. ._.i._._ _._._I_. IiI_I_Ii rNbQkBnR

TsLdMl.t jJ_._JjJ ._.j.s._ _._.j._. ._.nI_._ _.n._._. IiI_.iIi r.bQkB_R

TsL_Ml.t jJ_._Jj. ._J_Jd.j _._J_._. ._IiI_._ _.n._N_. Ii._.iIi r._QkB_R

1.d4 f5 2.f3!?

Is 6.Ãb5+ Ãd7 really that bad?

The immediate 7.e4!?

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