Invisible Children by Andrew Bennett The “Invisible Children” movement, led by Jason Russel, has gone viral recently with the release of KONY 2012, a film/campaign that aims to make it impossible NOT to know who the warlord Joseph Kony is, “to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.” Kony is responsible for the abduction, murder, rape, and unprecedented suffering of thousands children, whom he continues to capture and force into becoming soldiers and sex slaves. What has struck me about the movement is the political will of its leaders to champion the cause of the “least of these.” Where is the social conscience of the church on matters such as this? Why do we appear reluctant to stand between the oppressor and the weak? Have we forgotten the word of James that the “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress (Jam 1:27). Watch the film and let it awaken your conscience. Hit the streets. Engage your policymakers. And make sure to see participate in the action alert in this week’s ePistle, courtesy of Amnesty International. ICC finds Congolese warlord guilty in its first verdict by Faith Karimi for CNN (3.14.12) Is Kony 2012 Good or Bad? by Rachel Held Evans for Relevant Magazine (3.13.12)