Can We Handle the Truth About Porn? by Kristyn Komarnicki As you can see in this week’s Action Alert, the porn industry is a juggernaut that will keep gaining momentum and arrogance, crushing everything in its path, and becoming increasingly violent—as long as we tolerate it. Are we ready to hear the truth about porn? Or are we, as a nation and a church, going to insist that it is, if not harmless, something we’re just doomed to live with? I recommend we look this evil full in its Satanic face. In order to fight effectively, we need to know our enemy. Porn is not about sex, it’s about degradation and the enslavement of all who use (and produce) it. So sit down, take a prayerful deep breath, and read “The Road to Porn” and “The Reality of the Porn Industry” from the German magazine Emma. Then download the e-version of Truth Behind the Fantasy of Porn by former porn performer Shelley Lubben of the Pink Cross Foundation. Send an email to the Christ & Culture editor. Check out more topics related to Christ & Culture at PRISM Magazine.