Form Studies P2 Beyond What Meets The Eye
Form Studies P2
Objective To find visual aesthetics through design elements [linear, planer, volumetric] considering relationships of key forms, axes and negative and positive spaces
Sketchs of everyday objects
A warm up exercise for visual representation of ideas on paper as a 2D and 3D sketch.
Form Study of a
In its most basic form, a computer mouse is a simple device, a sensor on the bottom with two buttons and a scroll wheel on top, that let you interact with the files and programs on your computer as though they were extensions of your own hand. But while a mouse is simple in concept, this basic pointing device has found several unique incarnations.
Polystyrene foam models created to study the form evolution timeline of a mouse with reference to the mouse that represent Present trends(left) and the one that represents Futuristic trends(right)
Retro Mouse Form: Organic & Bulky
Ergonomically Designed
Form explores the bulkier side of Retrospective era
ONE Pebble
Minimalistic Mouse Form: Organic & Sleek
Ergonomically Designed
Form explores the sleek and non-edgy side of Present era
TWO Slug
Modern Mouse Form: Organic & Urban
Ergonomically Designed
Form explores the urban side of Futuristic era
Ergonomically Designed
Entire classes combined creation
That's all for now
Thank you