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Figure 79 Lack of wastewater management create unhealthy spaces (Source: Primary data
by Priya Barot
Two-thirds of households in the slum purchase water through an informal distribution system run by private vendors. They draw water from underground water pipes in the city by using motorized pumps to suck water into hoses that travel hundreds of meters to reach slum lanes. Residents pay every month to access water from these hoses, that too for only two hours a day most of the time. Residents have to line up in the lanes at specific times to access a hose. The remainder of the households purchases water from taps located in other slums by paying the tap 'owners' (usual occupants of a nearby household) a specified amount to fill in containers that they roll from long distances to bring water to their houses. Every few months, government officials raid and confiscate the motorized pumps. During these periods, all get water by rolling containers to fill them from taps outside the slum. Private tankers are also hired to bring water occasionally (Khambete, 2015).

Figure 79 Lack of wastewater management create unhealthy spaces (Source: Primary data) Sense of cleanliness
Space cleaning is a responsibility of the households, firstly. The cleaning of roads and streets comes under the watch of SMC departments and other is the association of any industries. ‘In the interview, l4 says that they are not at home all the time, so they prefer to just throw the garbage outside so it will be collected by the SMC workers.’ This mentality creates an unhygienic space in front of the houses. The industry association also has a team of workers who can clean the space.
As per the interview with o1, ‘the municipal waste collection car used to go in these areas and collect all the garbage but people are habituated to throwing things outside their houses, they are not collecting the whole day waste.’ The significant reason is that there is not any provision of dustbins near to these areas and so that people just throwing things out and it will affect their quality of life in means of health.