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Figure 94 Children prefer to go to schools (Source: Primary data
by Priya Barot
The maps are showing the school distance from their settlements that come under the range of 1 k.m. The s3 does not have any school within the 2 k.m radius. As per the survey, only 12 percent of the children are going to school from the s3 and the rest all are doing labor work in the restaurant or any other shop. This increase the number of child labor and illiteracy for the upcoming generation. From the s1 65 percent of the children are attending school on the regular basis and 55 percent of students from the s2.
But the pandemic situation makes it more difficult because of online education. The workers do not afford the high-tech phones and the internet for study purpose and if they do then it cut down their meals. After the covid-19 situation parents prefer not to bring their children with them because they have 7 to 8 children in the house and it is very difficult to provide food to all of them.
For the aforementioned reasons, 42 percent of the children are not going to school anymore. Government should make more schools which support these children and break their education barrier. For a better quality of life, education is the foundation. If they are literate then they will grow by their sleeves and be aware of world issues. And this also breaks down the number of crimes that happen between the migrant workers.
The children who are going to school, from the 23 percent are enrolled in the near schools but the rest 19 percent are traveling more than 2 k.m per day to reach the school. These all students are going to public schools because they have very low fees and fewer other expenses as compared to the private schools. On the whole, only 47 percent of the students are going to school.
Going school Not going school prefer to go to near schools prefer to go to other schools
Figure 94 Children prefer to go to schools (Source: Primary data)