Plant documentation_Part 1

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at least four hours of sunlight. Some lotuses will not flower unless they get six hours of sunlight daily.

watering it well, submerging in water. Need stagnant, still water

leaves have veins that form a radial pattern

bloom primarily during summers in North India

needs heavy garden topsoil, substances such as manure or compost should not be mixed with the soil

three ways to propagate - by using bulbils from the stem, from bulblets around the stem base, and from scales

referred to as Kumud in Hindi

6 hours of full sun per day. It grows well when kept in partial shade but the bloom will not be as full.

watering should be done with respect to the weather conditions

2-3 feet tall, 3-5 feet wide.

rich, fertile, welldraining needed which is slightly alkaline and soft down to 10 inches deep because dandelion roots grow deep

perennial plant

can be grown by planting seeds

called Kukraundha in Hindi

great nutritional value, found through Himalayas

requires full sunlight for best blooming, can grow in shade but the bloom will not be vibrant

moderate watering, can not withstand water logging

1.6 - 9.8 feet wide blooms during summer

requires loamy well drained soil can be propagated by layering or from cuttings

called Mogra in Hindi

flower in spring but can also re-flower in fall

at least six hours of sun every day while growing. Once wellestablished, plenty of shade is needed to prevent the greens from getting too bitter

needs sandy, loamy soil to grow in

cuttings are the preferred way to grow hibiscus.

moist soil, watering daily grows 2-24 inches tall

referred to as Gudahal in Hindi makes for great tea

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