Urban Insert_Shilaj, Ahmedabad

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A Sustainable Urban Extension Landscape Studio 2, Urban Insert

During this exercise we were introduce to many contesting urban processes — vision of the city, social and cultural factors, processes involving the community, and the discourses of nature, urban ecology and ecological design. The objectives were to study the public open spaces of Ahmedabad city to understand their relationship with the city, as well as analyse their role and function in an urban domain and derive standards and design vocabulary for successful open space systems. Through developing a program to create public open spaces this proposal can give help improve quality of life and outdoor spaces at the community level. It can also benefit the city at regional level to improve biodiversity and ecological functions. After understanding the selected site area and its constituents in terms of the regional, urban, and cultural context, I proposed a program and a masterplan that looked at Ecological processes within the landscape; Critical Landscape Features; Threshold values that may guide planning frameworks; and a Vision Plan to guide development in an ecologically sustainable manner. This plan highlights the possibilities proposal’s assimilation into the cultural life of Ahmedabad

Academic work, Masters in Landscape Architecture program, 2014

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