Complete Guidance of Compatibility Testing | Compatibility Testing Service By Testrig Technologies. Every day, more number of Mobile users are using their phones for more than just texting or making phone calls; internet has revolutionized everything about the way people live today. People are using the internet to visit websites or apps for shopping, to get a diagnosis for whatever symptoms they have or their loved ones are facing, advice, to job search, and just plain entertainment or finding more information about God. There is nothing that isn’t there on the internet. So if users don’t like the way your application works, they move on quickly. Why is compatibility testing important? When there are just so many users doing so many activities in multiple devices, whether they are over the internet at home, at the office or in the palm of their hands; then next to building and maintaining products/services, compatibility testing becomes just as crucial. To take advantage of this surge of human traffic, giving them a good user-experience and ultimately to be able to get the maximum visitors converting into a customers, compatibility testing plays a very big role. It keeps your product at a competitive level and gives users a bang for their buck. What are these bugs? Typically the developers and in-house testers test apps on just one platform. However, when the app is released and if there is a problem or a glitch with any aspect of that app, that means there is a bug. For users, bugs are just as irritating in the virtual world as they can be in the real world.
The bugs most commonly found while running a compatibility test would be, say, the UI –how it looks, font, alignment problems, CSS style, issues with scroll bars, tables or frames or overlap of content. What do testers do? Your website or application should be compatible with PC and mobile; Testing specialist’s help you find those bugs before your customers do. Let’s look at each of them in brief: Testing on PC, on different browsers like Safari, Chrome, Firefox, IE. Testing on different mobile devices that have different platforms like iOS, Android or Windows. Testing on networks like 4G, 3G or wifi. Testing on multiple operating systems such as Mac, Windows, Linux. The testing doesn’t stop there. Testing continues to check the performance of your product on old versions of the platforms (backward compatibility testing) and even getting your product ready for newer versions (forward compatibility testing). Testrig Technologies,provide one of the best and highest quality compatibility testing services. You can also complete click here for more information about compatibility testing. Testrig Technologies,provide one of the best and highest quality compatibility testing services. Contact us to learn more about how can we help you to make your application user friendly.
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