17 minute read
Listed building in 5, Edessis Street
'Et..c:va Xa1l;r1vcimou, apxL1eK1wv µrixavLKoc;
Em~Mnov1c:c;: KaAA.lpOT'] na7'.u~ou, OPXLTEKTWV µrixavtK6c;, Atµtt..(a LT8cpav(oou, apxm:KTWV µrixavtK6c;
Elena Hatzinasiou, architect engineer
Supervisors: Kallirroi Palyvou, architect engineer, Aimilia Stefanidou, architect engineer
To OlOTflPT"JTEO KTtpto an1v oo6 EMcroric; 5, yvwOT6 we; «KupTOr] Xov», eLVOl on6 TO eAOXlOTO odyµmo eµnoplKWV KTtp[wv Tou 19ou mwvo nou otocrw8riKav on6 Tf]V KOTOOTpO<plK'7 nupKOYlCl TOU 1917 KOl an6 nc; µernyeveOTepec; npoan68etec; OVOlKOOOµT"]OT"]<; TT]<; neplOX'7<;. 0tKOOoµr']8r]Ke µeTO~U 1867-1868 Km dvm eva otwpocpo KTtpto µe Tfocrepo to6yeto KmaOTr']µma, TO ono[o oto8e10uv nm6pta Km oeKoTecrcreptc; ano8r']Ke<; OTov o' 6pocpo.
IuVToµo IOTOplKO 1mpfou
1867-1868: To KTtpto otKoooµefTm on6 10v yvwOT6 emxetpriµaT[a KupTOr] 1898: To KTlplO nepva OTO XEPlO TI7C: Ti'.;el3plE Xovouµ 1902: IOlOKT17Tf]<; TOU KTlp[ou eLVOl O rtwpyr]<;, yto<; TOU Tacrou KupTOr] 1906: To KTlplO nepva OTO xeplO TOU Mwcre EcrKevai'.;u 1910: 0 lOlOKT'7TTl<; TOU KTtp[ou '7TOV NTOl3[ Mnevcroucrav
1. '01/JT/ arr6 TT/V 006 Eoiaar,c;. Fa<;ade from Edessis str. The listed building on number 5, Edessis street, in Thessaloniki, also known as "Kyrtsi Han" , is one of the few trade-use 19th century buildings that survived the 1917 fire and the subsequent reconstruction efforts. It is a 2-storey building, constructed during the years 1867-1868. It consists of four ground-floor stores, each with their own loft, and fourteen storage rooms on the first floor, where trade transactions were held.
A short history of the building
1867-1868: The building is constructed by Kyrtsis, a well-known businessman 1898: The ownership goes to Tzevriye Hanum 1902: The building is now owned by Giorgis, son of Tassos Kyrtsis 1906: The ownership goes to Mosse Eskenazy 1910: Next owner was Davi Bensousan 1910: The building is bought by Abu-Rahman Tefvik Efendi After 1910, the building is owned by Alie Nadzie Hanum AbdurRahman Tefvik and her four children. 1927: Nikitas Emnietoglou and Nikolaos Papadopoulos are the new proprietors 1969: The building is sold to Konstantinos Lazaropoulos and Spyridon Papageorgiou 1978: After the earthquake, both stories are used as storage rooms for other businesses
Initial typology
The Kyrtsi Han is a two storey corner building with a three-pitch roof, measuring 32.60 x 11.12 m. Each storey measures 364.50 square meters. The building is 8.80 m high, while the roof's height is 1.95 m. It belongs to a category referred to as "Hania" , or small twostorey trade galleries, suitable for commercial activities. A basic element of the ground plan is the oblong two-storey gallery, which is usually sheltered by a metal-and-glass gabled roof.
1910: To KTlplO oyopai'.;81 0 Aµnou-poxµav Tecp~(K Ecptvrri M8TO TO 1910 IOIOKTr']T8<; 8LVOI I"] Mt8 NOTi'.;18 Xovouµ A~oouppoxµav Tecpr']K µe rn Tfooepo nmo16 Tl"]<;. 1927: lotoKTr']Tec; dvm ni>po o NtKr']rnc; EµvttToyAou KOL o NtK6Aooc; nonoo6nouAo<; 1969: To KTipto oyopai'.;eTm on6 TOv KwvOTovr(vo t\oi'.;op6nouAO Km Tov Inup(owvo nonoyewpy(ou 1978: MeT6 TO oe10µ6 T6oo TO 106ye10 600 Km o 6pocpoc; AE:tToupyouv we; ono0rJK8UTtKoi xwpot 6.AAwv emxe1pr']oewv.
To KupTOI"] Xov 8LVOL KT(oµo YWVLOK6, w(µr]K8<;, otwpocpo µe Tp(ppl)(TI"] OTEYI"], µe OLOOTCI08t<; 32,60 x 11, 12 µ. 0 K008 6pocpoc; txe1 eµ~oo6v 364,50 µ2 . To utjJo<; Tou e(vm 8,80 µ., evw TO utjJoc; Tl"]c; OTEYT"JC: 1,95 µ. Avr']Ket OTO KT(p10 nou ovocptpovrm we; xav10 r'] µ1Kptc; 01wpocpec; eµnoptKE<; OTotc;, OT"}Aoor'] µ1Kp6 KT(p10 nou OTeyai'.;ouv eµnoptKEc; OpOOTT"jpt6Tl"]T8<;. BootK6 OTOlX8LO OTl"]V opyavwori Tl"]<; KOTOtjJrJ<; onornAd ri emµr']KrJC: 01wpocpri OTo6 nou ouvr']0wc; OTeyai'.;eTm µe µernM1Kr'], yu6A1vri, o(ppt)(TI"] OTEYT"J- ITo w(neoo TOU tooydou, TO KOTOOTr']µOTo ovo(yovrm - 8KT6<; on6 TO op6µo- npoc; Tl"]V 80WT8ptKr'] OTOO. nop6MT"}AO µfow TT"}c; OToac; esunripeTdTm Km ri np6o~oori OTouc; op6cpouc;, on6 TO KAtµoKOOT6oto TIOU TOTI008T8LTOI OTO ~60oc; Tl"]c;. LTOV 6pocpo OlOµopcpWV8TOI nep1µeTptK6c; r'] emµr']KrJ<; 016opoµoc; Km 01 un6AoLno1 xwpot OtOT6000vrm 08 08tp6.
01Koi50µ1K&<; q>6oe1c; tmpiou
LTO xwpo TOU tooye(ou unr']pxov OPXIKQ Tp(o KOToOTr']µOTo KOi 0 xwpoc; TOU KALµOKOOTOOLOU. 'Ooov ocpopa OTO TIOTOpto, 8lKQi'.;8TOI 6Tt TO µ6vo nm6p1 TO ono(o unr']pxe on6 TrJV opxr'] r']rnv OUT6 TOU xwpou nou ouvop8U8l µe Tl"]V oo6 Eofooric;, µtpoc; Tou ono(ou owi'.;ernt µtXPL Km or']µepo. ITov 6pocpo, ri opx1Kr'] cpaori 01opKd on6 TrJV ovtyepori Tou KTtp(ou we; TO 1898, np1v on6 Tov ono(o cpo(vernt 6Tt 01 xwpot nou ~p(oKovrm or']µepo ovmoAtK6, OTl"]V n(ow µep16 Tou KTtp(ou, oev r']rnv OKTW, aM6 tvoc; ev1o(oc;. Me TO ntpooµo TWV XP6VWV UTI80Tl"j TO KTlpto nc; esr']c; oriµovrLKEc; aMoytc;: o) TO KOTOOTr']µoTO OTO 106ye10 on6 Tp(o y(vovrm Tfooepo, ~) oriµ1oupyouvra1 nm6p10 ae 6Ao TO KOToOTr']µmo, y) OTOV 6pocpo O 8Vto(oc; xwpoc; OTO OVOTOAIKO OlOOTIOTOl 08 oKTw µ1Kp6Tepouc; Km µnoyevtOTepo K0µµ6Tt Tou 01oop6µou OUTIKO 8VOWµOTWV8TOI 08 owµano, µe OUV8TI810 T"j np6o~oori OTOV 8SWOTT"j VO y(V8TOL µtow TOU OWµOT(OU OUTOU KOi 6XL oneu0doc; on6 Tov K8vrptK6 016opoµo.
To KupTOrJ Xov onornAd ovrmpoowneunK6 odyµo Tou OOTtKou V80KAOOIKLOµou OTI"] 08000AOVIKl"j. Ot 6tjJe1c; 5top0pwvovrm oe Mo ~OOLKEc; op1i'.;6vr1ec; i'.;wvec; nou ovr10To1xouv OTO 106ye10 KOi OTOV 6pocpo TOU KTtp(ou. IuyKeKptµtvo, ri Kup10 6tjJrJ, en( Tl"]<; ooou Eofoori<;, nopouat6i'.;8L 8VTOVO KOTOKOpucp10µ6, nou 8VloXU8TOI µe Tl"]V nop6080T"j TWV OVOLyµOTWV 08 Tp8tc; KOTOK6pucpouc; 0SOV8C: KOi µ8 npO~OAr'] Tou KE:vrptKou Tµr']µm6c; Tl"]c; µe TO Tptywv1K6 otTwµo OTO utjJoc; Tl"]c; en(OTetjJrJ<; Km Tou esc.iJOTrJ OTov 6pocpo µe TO XUTOOLoripa cpoupouato, OTI8tp08100UC: µopcpr']c;. LTI"] i'.;wvri Tou tooydou, neaao( on6 ouµnoydc; om6nAtv0ouc; µe emKOAUtjJrJ µopµapou, evoMaooovrm µe µey6Ao ovo(yµo-
I -- I -r--:;. ... _ ...
II ; Ti!l !,; JI i --
2. TorroypmpcK6 016.ypaµµa. Topographical map.
On the ground floor level, the stores open both to the street as well as to the indoor gallery. At the same time, the gallery provides access to the first floor, through the staircase down its end. There is an oblong or circumferential hallway on the first floor, along which the rooms are laid out in order.
Construction phases of the building
The ground floor was initially divided into three stores and the staircase. As far as the lofts are concerned, it is said that the only loft that existed initially was the one over the store that looks upon Edessis street, part of which is surviving up to date. The initial phase of the first floor lasted from the year of construction up to 1898, and it seems that, during that time, the eastern rooms in the back of the building were not eight, but comprised one single space. Through the years, the building sustained the following major changes: a) the three stores on the ground floor become four, b) all stores get their own lofts, c) on the first floor, the one big space on the eastern side breaks into eight smaller ones, and part of the hallway gets subsequently integrated with a room, so that access to the balcony is only possible through this room, and not directly from the central hallway.
The Kyrtsi Han is representative of urban neo-classicism in Thessaloniki. The faces of the building are structured on two basic horizontal zones, which correspond to the ground floor and the first floor. Specifically, the front face, on Edessis street, shows intense verticality, which is intensified by the layout of the openings on three vertical axes, by the projection of its central section with the triangular pediment at the height of the ridge, as well as by the first floor balcony with the spiraled cast-iron console.
3. KdTOI/JT/ taoyefou d cpaar,c;. Ground plan of phase El.
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4. KdTOI/JT/ taoyefou y' cpaor,c;. Ground plan of phase c'.
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5. Kami/Jr, op6cpou a' cpaar,c;. First floor plan of phase a'.
KATO'i'H OP0¢0 Y
TO (UOAOOTCIOlO) TTOU cpepouv opti'.;OVTLO unep0upo KOl cpepouv ETTlKCIAUljJI'] on6 TTACIKE:c; AE:UKOU µopµapou. LTO navw µepoc; TOuc; cpepouv w(Kpovo, To ono(o xopoKTrJp(i'.;eTm on6 µtKpou naxouc; op0oywvtec; npoesoxec; OTTOTµl']µevec; µe l']µlKUKAlO KOl ywv(ec;. LTOV 6pocpo OUVEXli'.;OVTOl OSOVlKCI µe TO KOTWTE:pO, KOTOKOpUcpo otoK00µ11nK6 armxdo on6 Tpof311xra Kovtaµmo. np6KetTm YlO neoo6µopcpec; npoesoxec; µe 5 of308e(c; pof3owoetc;, f360l'] Kot areljJ17 17 ono(o cpepet µopcpTJ en(Kpovou. BootK6 armxdo OTrJ l;wvri TOU op6cpou e(vm 11 pu0µlKTJ ETTOVOAT]ITTlKOTT]TO TWV ovmyµ6Twv. nopmripdTm oe OVTtOTotx(o Twv ovmyµ6Twv Tou tooydou Km TOU op6cpou. Evotocpepov npOKOAEL TO esexov ydoo we; OUV£XE:l0 TT]c; TTACIKoc; TOU op6cpou, µe emKOAUljJrJ on6 yaMtK6 Kepoµ(ot, TO ono(o cpo(veTm vo AEtToupyd we; arelj.111 TT')c; l;wv17c; Tou tooydou aM6 Km we; f36ori TT')c; l;wvric; Tou op6cpou. H e(ooooc; OTO KTLPlO y(VE:TOl on6 µETOAAlKTJ 0upo µe TOsWTO unep0upo OPXOlOEAAT]VlKOU 0ptyKOU.
KaTaOK&UOOTIK~ i5oµ~
H neptµeTplKTJ cpepouoo TOlXOTTOllO TOU lOOydou e(vm unepµnoTLKTJ OITTOTTAlV0000µTj, TTCIXOUc; 0,55 µ. LTO EOWTE:plKO TOU KTlp(ou UTTCIPXEl K6wof3oc; nou cpepE:l Mo OE:lpec; XUTOOlOT]pWV UTTOOTUAWµOTWV KUKAlKT]c; OlOTOµT]c; µe OKTIVO 0, 17 µ. TO ono(o
llAPO.:.Ot £Ut:tltt:
6. KarnljJr, op6cpou y' cpdar,c;. First floor plan of phase c'.
KAT09H 0P0¢0Y
On the ground floor zone, columns of solid bricks overlaid with marble are interchanged with big openings (glass panes), which bear a horizontal lintel with white marble facing. These columns bear a pilaster capital on top, with thin rectangular protrusions bearing semi-circular and angular cuts. On the first floor, there is an axial continuation of the lower part, with vertical decorative elements made of mortar. They are column-like protrusions, bearing 5 shallow grooves, with bases, and crowns in the form of pilaster capital. A basic element of the first floor zone is the rhythmic repetitiveness of the openings. In fact, there is a correspondence between the ground-floor and the first-floor openings. The entrance to the building is through a metal door with an arched lintel in the style of ancient greek entablature.
Constructive structure
The perimetric bearing masonry of the ground floor consists of 0.55 m. thick bricks laid across. Inside the building there is an array with two lines of cast iron columns of circu-lar cross-section with a 0.17 m. radius, which bear capitals with elaborate decorations of anthemia (palmette) motifs, while above the later they bear a square slab. The perimetric masonry of the floor consists of bricks laid across, namely of 45 m. thick compact bricks. Apart from the
8XOUV OTO KlOV6Kpav6 TOUC: m:p(n:)(Vll OlOK60µT]CJT] µe oX80l0 av8eµ(wv, evw navw an6 auT6 cpepouv TeTp6ywvo µa~tA6pL H neptµeTplKl7 TOlXOTTOllO TOU op6cpou dvm unepµnOTlKl7 omoTTAlV8oooµt'J, an6 ouµnaydc; om6n>-tv8ouc;, naxouc; 45 µ. EKT6c; an6 auTt'Jv, cpepovTO KOTOK6pucpa OTOlXeLO dvm Ol TOlxonm(ec; nou l3p(OKOVTOl E:KOT8pw8ev TOU ~lµOKOOTOOLOU n6xouc; 0,40 µ. KOl TO ~UAlVO UTTOOTUAwµma op8oywVlKT7C: OlOTOµt'Jc; nou unoOTTJPi½ouv TO ½euKT6 n1c; 0Tey17c;. LTOV 6pocpo, OTlC: TOlXOTTOllE:C:, unapxouv Mo ~UAlVO OlO½wµma. 0 cpepwv opyavtoµ6c; TT]C: opocpt'Jc; TOU lOOydou OTTOTE:AeLTOl an6 mo17pooOKOUC: µe OlOTOµt'J INP120 nou cpepouv TO~WTl7 n>-tv8on>-t'JpwCJTJ. H an60TOCJTJ µeTa~u Mo 01aooxtKwv ooKwv oev unepl3aivet TO 55 eK., evw ri KaµapwTt'J n>-tv8onMpwCJTJ nou cpepouv OlaµopcpwveTOl an6 8~l OPl½OVTiwc; OlOTPTJTE:C: om6TTAlV8ouc;. Ot oeUTepeuouoec; mo17poo0Kof eopa½oVTm oe K68eTa OTTl OlE:U8uvot'J TOUC: ½euy17 (Kup(wv) mo17poooKWV OlOTOµt'Jc; INP180 (Ol onoiec; l3p(OKOVTOl KOTQ µt'JKOC: TOU l<Tlp(ou). To µ17KOC: TWV Kupiwv ooKwv dvm µeTO~u 4,20 µ. Km 5,60 µ. H ouvOE:CJTJ µeTa~u TWV Mo Tµ17µ6Twv an6 TO onoia anoTE:AOUVTOl yiveTm m8av6v navw nc; Tmxonm(ec;, dTe µe T7AWCJTJ dTe µe KOXAIWCJT]. Av6µw6 TOUC:, Ol KUplE:C: OOKOL cpepouv ~UAlVT] OOK6 KOl OTT8XOUV 0,08 µ. To KTlplO KOAUITTE:TOl an6 Tpippl)(TTl ~UAlVT] 0Tey17. LTO o(ppl)(fO Koµµ6Tt TllC: 0Tey17c;, unapxouv 12 ouvoAtK6 ½euKT6, TO onoia anexouv µeTO~U TOUC: 2,00-2,20 µ. To K08e ½f:UKT6 OTTlPL½E:TOl oe ouvoAtK6 Tfooepa CJT]µda (T6oo OTlC: neptµeTplKec; TOlXOnmiec; 600 KOl OTlC: eOWTE:plK8C:, nc; nap6M17>-ec; µe TOV 010µT7Kl7 6~ova TOU KTtp(ou). 'ETm, K68e op800T6T17c; OTTJPl½E:Tm oe unoKdµevo ~UAlVO unoOTu>-wµa TE:TpaywvlKllC: otmoµt'Jc; µe µt'JKOC: n>-eupac; nepi TO 22 eK. T6oo ot op8oOT6Tec; Km m aµdl30VTeC: 600 Km ot Tey(oec; dvm op8oywvtKl7C: 01moµ17c; Km KOAumoVTm an6 newwµa nou cpepet emKOAU4Jl1 an6 yaMtK6 Kepaµ(010 Tou epyoOTaoiou AMmivL 'Ooov acpopa OTO Tpirn ~(me; TllC: 0Tey17c;, nou l3p(OKE:TOl VOTlOOUTlKCl, oev exouµe OTOlXeLO YlO Tl7V KOTOOKE:UOOTlKl7 ooµt'J TOU, K08wc; eLVOl aMvaT17 T] np6ol30CJT].
BamKt'J mTia yta Tl7V eVTOVTJ na8o>-oyia, nou eµcpav(½eTm OTO E:OWTE:plK6 TOU l<Tlpiou, dvm Tl KOTOOTpocpt'J Tl7C: 0Tey17c; TOU,
7. NOTIOOUTIKT] otjlr,. South west view.
said masonry, other vertical bearing elements are the 0.40 m. thick masonries located at both sides of the staircase and the wooden columns of rectangular cross-section, supporting the trusses of the roof. Two wooden friezes are located on the floor masonries. The support structure of the ground floor roof consists of iron girders of a INP120 cross-section, located vertically as to the longitudinal axle of the building and bearing arched layers of bricks. The distance between two consecutive girders does not exceed 55 cm., while the said arched layers of bricks are shaped by six horizontally perforated bricks. The secondary iron girders seat on pairs of (main) iron girders with a INP180 cross section, the latter located vertically as to the former and situated along the building. The main girders' length is between 4.20 m. and 5.60 m.; the two parts of which they consist are probably connected on the masonries, either through nailing or screwing. There is a wooden beam in between the main girders, which have a 0.08 m. spacing.
8. Bopewour1Kf/ 6tjlr,. North west view.
Ka8wc; KOL 17 eM.e1ljJ17 ouvn')p17aric; KOL npooTOo(ac; an6 nc; KOLptKec; OUV8T7KE<;. 'Ot..a QUTCl. E:XOUV OQV QTIOTE:AEOµa Tl7V eµcpa.Vl<Jr] uypao(ac; OTO EOWTEplKO TOU KTlp(ou, aM.6 KOL Tl7 OTQOLQKl7 anwAELQ TWV lOlQITEpwv µopq>OAOYLKWV KOL KQTQOKEUQOTlKWV ITTOLXEiwv Tou KT(oµmoc;, 6nwc;, y1a napa.oeLyµa, o~e(ow0'7 mo17poo0Kwv KOL Ol74Jl7 ~ut..Lvwv OTOLXEiwv. En(aric;, µey6t..ec; cp8opec; exouv npOKAl78€1 OTL<; OljJEL<; TOU. Ta ouoµev17 anoTeMoµma auTou Tou q>OLvoµevou dvOL eµcpav17 oe Ka.Se 017µdo Tou KTtp(ou, 6nwc; yLa nap6oe1yµa, 01 EKTETOµevec; anOKOAA.l70El<; EnLXPL0µ6TWV, Ol 01al3pwoe1c; KOL 17 eµcp6v1017 cpuTOl;w(ac;. EKT6c; an6 TL<; cp8opec; Myw KaTepx6µev17c; uypao(ac;, OTO KT1p10 napm17pouVTOL KOL OL avaµev6µevec; cp8opec;, 6nwc; p17yµaTwoe1c; OTl<; 8foe1c; evwaric; E~WTEPLKWV KQl EOWTEpLKWV TOLXWV nou oev ouvoeovrnL µe nM~17 nAiv8wv, TOmKec; cp8opec; Myw unap~17c; q>UTWV, XPWµQTLK8<; aM.oLWOEL<; KTA.
nporaari anoKaraaraaric; &navaxpriaric;
revLK8<; apxec; KOL OTOXOL Tll<; rneµf3aaric;: • 17mec; rneµl36oeLc; • 17 av6oeL~l7 KOL OLocput..a~17 TWV LOLaiTepwv Tunot..oyLKWV KOL µopcpot..oy1Kwv xapaKT17pLOT1Kwv Tou KTLp(ou • 17 OLUTT7P170'7 Twv au8£VTLKWV moLxdwv, UALKWV KOL Tp6nou 00µ17c; • 17 OL6 l3(ou e~aocpCl.ALITT] Tll<; npoOTao(ac; KOL ouvn')p17aric; Tou ouyKpoT17µmoc; • 17 QVCl.0€L~l7 Tll<; OPXLKT7<; OLKOOOµLKT7<; cpa.aric; TOU KT(oµmoc;
KOL 17 anoµa.Kpuvari TWV µernyeveOTepwv npoo817Kwv nou unol3a8µ1l;ouv TO KT(oµa • 17 e~un17peT17ITT] Twv ouYXPovwv ovayKwv • 17 npoo817K17 OUYXPOvwv UALKWV. • 17 rniTeu~17 avaOTpeljJLµ6T17Tac; TWV vewv eneµl36oewv. MeT6 an6 epwva yLa nc; av6yKE<; Tll<; n6t..17c; oe ouvouaoµ6 µe T17V em8uµ(a TWV LOLOKT17TWV Ka8wc; KOL µ£ T'7 OLaT17pl7<Jr] TWV Tunot..oyLKWV xapaKT17pLITTLKWV Tou KTLp(ou, 17 vfo XP170'7 nou npoTdveTOL OTO KTip10 eivOL AKao17µ1a LXEOLou. LUYKEKpLµeva, OT'7 OT68µ17 Tou Looydou KOL rn( Tll<; ooou Eofoaric; npOTElVETOL 17 017µLoupy(o EK8€0LQKOU xwpou yLa QVTLKElµevo l3LOµl7XOVLKOU oXEOLOOµou (µ6vLµl7 8K8EITT]) 17 KOL nepLOOLK8<; €K880EL<; napeµcpepouc; QVTLKELµE:VOU. LTO XWPO yKpeµ(l;oVTOL TO nm6p1a, Myw OUVOALKCl. µLKpOU UljJOU<;, KOL OT'7 880'7 TOuc; 017µLoupyeiTOL et..acppL6 ~UALVl7 OL6Tp17T17 Kma0Keu17, 17 ono(a OT17p(l;ernL an6 T17v opocp17 Tou Looydou µe µeTaM.LKec; avapT17oeLc;, KOL 17 ono(a e~un17peTd nc; ava.yKec; cpwnoµou OTOV €K8€0LOKO XWPO aM.6 KOL npOOOLOEL av6µV17ITT] TWV naTUpLWV nou npoun17pxov. To Lo6yeLo rnavepxeTOL OT17V OPXLKll TOU cpa.ari, evonoLOUVTOL oL xwpol nou dxav XWPLOTE( KOL 017µ1oupyeiTOL 0€ QUTOU<; 17 unooox11 Tl7<; AKao17µ(oc; LXEOIOU KOL O xwpoc; OLMElµµmoc; TWV µa817Twv, evw nap6M.17t..a, µe µ(a et..acppL6, OUYXPOV'l KaTOOKEUll onoµovwVETQL an6 TOU<; npo17youµevouc; xwpouc; 17 OLeu8uvari µe T17V ypaµµme(a. LUYXP6vwc; vonoavmoALK6 017µLoupyouVTOL OL a(Souoec; Tou ypaµµLKou KOL Tou et..eu8epou axeo(ou. LTOV 6pocpo OLaTl7pOUVTOL TQ 0€KOT800€pa owµa.no KOL TOno8€TOUVTOL: a(Souoa unot..oyLmwv, a(Souoa OLOOOKaAiac;, a(8ouoa npol3ot..wv, epyaOT17pLa, a(Souoa yLa EKTunwari cpwToypacpLwv, l31l3AL0817K17, µLKPll Koul;(vo, TOuaAeTec;.
The building is covered by a three-pitch wooden roof. At the two-pitch part of the roof, there are 12 trusses in total, with a distance of 2.00-2.20 m. among them. Each truss rests on four positions in total (both on the perimetric masonries as well as on the inner masonries, which are parallel to the longitudinal axle of the building). Thus, each post seats on an underlying wooden column of square cross-section, whose sides are approximately 22 cm. long. The posts, the horizontal supports and the chords have a rectangular cross section and are covered by roof boarding, which is also covered by French type roof tiles, fabricated by the Allatini factory. As regards the third aisle of the roof, located southwest, there is no available data on its constructive structure, as it is impossible to access it.
The basic cause of pathology inside the building is the destruction of the roof, as well as the lack of maintenance and protection from the elements. This resulted in increased humidity inside the building, as well as in the gradual perishing of its particular morphological and structural elements, for example through the oxidization of the iron beams and the decay of wooden parts. The facades were also greatly damaged. The unfortunate results of this phenomenon can be seen in every part of the building, as, for example, in the extensive parget abruption, the corrosion and the occurrence of vegetation. Besides the damages due to descending humidity, one can also observe the expected damages on the building, such as fissures in the cross-sections of the interior with the exterior walls where they not connected with interweaved bricks, as well as local wear due to vegetation, colour alterations etc.
A restoration and re-use proposal
General principles and aims of the intervention: • mild interventions • the preservation and highlighting of the particular typological and morphological character of the building • the conservation of the original construction material and methodology • ensuring the lifetime protection and preservation of the building • the highlighting of the original construction phase of the building, and the removal of any subsequent additions that alter and downgrade the building • the satisfaction of current needs • the integration of new materials • the achievement of reversibility in all new interventions. A research of the city's needs, combined with the wishes of the proprietors and the preservation of the building's typological character, led to a proposal for the creation of a Design Academy. More specifically, for the ground floor level on Edessis street, we propose the creation of an exhibition area for industrial design (permanent exhibition) or for similar periodic exhibitions. The lofts get demolished, due to the overall low height, and replaced by a lightweight, wooden perforated construction, which hangs from the ground-floor's ceiling by metal suspenders and serves the lighting needs in the exhibition area, while at the same time it alludes to the former lofts. The ground floor returns to its initial phase. The unification of the previously divided spaces creates the reception area of the De-
9. T pcai5c6araT() avarrap6araOT] TTJ<; rrp6rnOT]<;.
Proposal, 30. 10. Tpcai516araTTJ avarrap6arnari mu t:K8eataKou xwpou.
Proposal of the exhibition place, 30.
Xpwµar1K~ nporaori
H xpwµaTLKl7 npOTOCJTl f3ao(l;ETOI OTT]V apx11 TT]<; µOVOXPWµ(ac;. npoTELVETQI xpwµa wxpa<; y1a Tl<; E~WTEplKC:(; TOLXOTIOIIE(; KQI OLIO TOVOU<; mo aVOL)(Tll wxpa, y1a oi\a TO yulj.11va, E~exoVTa OTOLXE(a Tooo mo 106yE10 600 Km mov opocpo. Ta XPWµara npoTdvnm va E(vm napaoocnaK6, Km 01Koi\oy1K6, t:Tcn wmE ri oljJTJ va exE1 µopcp17 17ma Km nanvap1oµevri. np68ECJT1 ELVQI TJ ni\aOTLKOTT]Ta TOU KTLp(ou va anooo8E( µE TOV ni\oucno av6yi\ucpo OIOKOOµo TIEplOOOTEPO, nap6 µE TO xpwµa. 11a auTO TO i\oyo npOTELVETQI Ol TOVLKC:<; anoxpwOEL<; va ELVQI OlaKplTLKC:(;. 'Ooov acpop6 mo EOWTEPLKO, npOTELVETm 01 To(xo1 Km 01 oof3anoµevE<; opocpec; va ELVQI OE µ(a avOL)(Tll anoxpwari TOU µnEi'.;. Ta OTOIXELa TOU ~ui\1vou OKEi\ETOU KQI Ol opocpec; TOU opocpou EmMyETm va f3EpVLKOXPWµanmouv OE XPWµa Kacpe, EVW Ol ~Ui\LVE<; EmcpovELE<; TWV Koucpwµ6TWV npOTELVETQI va Ei\QLOXPWµanmouv OE TOVO Kacpe KEpaµ10(, oµmo µE aUTO nou f3pt:8T]KE ma Koucpwµara TOU 1ooydou Km nou 8EwpdTm OTL aV17KEL OTTJV npWTTJ cpoari KaTaOKEUll<; TOU KT1p(ou. 01 µETai\i\LKt:<; ETIL<pOVELE(; TOOO TT](; E~c.iJ8upa<;, 000 KQI TOU EOWTEplKOU Km E~WTEPLKOU K1yKi\1owµaroc; npoTELVETm va f3acpouv OE an6XPWCJT1 µoi\uf3L sign Academy, as well as a student recreation area, while a lightweight modern construction isolates the above-mentioned areas from the management and secretarial offices. Classrooms for linear and freehand drawing are created on the southeastern side. On the first floor level, the fourteen rooms are preserved, allotted to: computer room, teaching room, projection room, laboratories, darkroom, library, kitchenette, and lavatories.
Colour scheme proposal
The colour scheme proposal is based on a monochromic principle. An ochre tint is suggested for the exterior walls, and another shade of ochre (lighter by two tones) for all the protruding plaster elements on both floors. The paints should be traditional and environmentally friendly, so that the fagade will have a low-key, patinated look. The aim is to ac-centuate the plasticity of the building through its rich relief decoration, rather than through the use of colour. Therefore, the use of subtle tones is recommended. As far as the interior is concerned, we suggest painting the walls and the plastered ceilings a light beige. The wooden structural elements and the first floor ceilings could be varnished brown, whereas the wooden door- and window-casings could be oil-painted brick-brown, just like the color found on the ground floor casings, which is believed to be part of the building's initial construction phase. The metal surfaces of the front door, as well as those of the interior and exterior railings could be painted in a lead color.