2004-2006_Diploma Theses_Projects

Page 179

'Et..c:va Xa1l;r1vcimou, apxL1eK1wv µrixavLKoc;

LllATHPHTEO KTIPIO ITHN OllO EllEIIHI 5 Em~Mnov1c:c;: KaAA.lpOT'] na7'.u~ou, OPXLTEKTWV µrixavtK6c;, Atµtt..(a LT8cpav(oou, apxm:KTWV µrixavtK6c;

Elena Hatzinasiou, architect engineer

LISTED BUILDING IN 5, EDESSIS STREET Supervisors: Kallirroi Palyvou, architect engineer, Aimilia Stefanidou, architect engineer

o OlOTflPT"JTEO KTtpto an1v oo6 EMcroric; 5 , yvwOT6 we; «KupTOr] Xov», eLVOl on6 TO eAOXlOTO odyµmo eµnoplKWV KTtp[wv Tou 19ou mwvo nou otocrw8riKav on6 Tf]V KOTOOTpO<plK'7 nupKOYlCl TOU 1917 KOl an6 nc; µernyeveOTepec; npoan68etec; OVOlKOOOµT"]OT"]<; TT]<; neplOX'7<;. 0tKOOoµr']8r]Ke µeTO~U 1867-1868 Km dvm eva otwpocpo KTtpto µe Tfocrepo to6yeto KmaOTr']µma, TO ono[o oto8e10uv nm6pta Km oeKoTecrcreptc; ano8r']Ke<; OTov o' 6pocpo.


he listed building on number 5, Edessis street, in Thessaloniki, also known as "Kyrtsi Han", is one of the few trade-use 19th century buildings that survived the 1917 fire and the subsequent reconstruction efforts. It is a 2-storey building, constructed during the years 1867-1868. It consists of four ground-floor stores, each with the ir own loft, and fourteen storage rooms on the first floor, where trade transactions were held.

IuVToµo IOTOplKO 1mpfou

A short history of the building

1867-1868: To KTtpto otKoooµefTm on6 10v yvwOT6 emxetpriµaT[a KupTOr]

1867-1868: The building is constructed by Kyrtsis, a well-known businessman 1898: The ownership goes to Tzevriye Hanum

1898: To KTlplO nepva OTO XEPlO TI7C: Ti'.;el3plE Xovouµ 1902: IOlOKT17Tf]<; TOU KTlp[ou eLVOl O rtwpyr]<;, y to<; TOU Tacrou KupTOr] 1906: To KTlplO nepva OTO xeplO TOU Mwcre EcrKevai'.;u 1910: 0 lOlOKT'7TTl<; TOU KTtp[ou '7TOV NTOl3[ Mnevcroucrav


1902: The building is now owned by Giorgis, son of Tassos Kyrtsis 1906: The ownership goes to Mosse Eskenazy 1910: Next owner was Davi Bensousan 1910: The building is bought by Abu-Rahman Tefvik Efendi After 1910, the building is owned by Alie Nadzie Hanum AbdurRahman Tefvik and her four children. 1927: Nikitas Emnietoglou and Nikolaos Papadopoulos are the new proprietors 1969: The building is sold to Konstantinos Lazaropoulos and Spyridon Papageorgiou 1978: After the earthquake, both stories are used as storage rooms for other businesses

Initial typology The Kyrtsi Han is a two storey corner building with a three-pitch roof, measuring 32.60 x 11.12 m. Each storey measures 364.50 square meters. The building is 8.80 m high, while the roof's height is 1.95 m.



'01/JT/ arr6 TT/V 006 Eoiaar,c;. Fa<;ade from Edessis str.


It belongs to a category referred to as "Hania", or small twostorey trade galleries, suitable for commercial activities. A basic element of the ground plan is the oblong two-storey gallery, which is usually sheltered by a metal-and-glass gabled roof.

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