Epyaa(ec; Epyaan7p(ou ~l8TILCTTT]µOVLK'7c; LUVepyaa(ac; 2004-2006 ~LnAWµOTLKec; Epyaa(ec; 2004-2006 Projects at the Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop 2004-2006 Diploma Theses 2004-2006
noAUT&XVIKq IxoM Ana tuorp11por1Ko npoypoppo Mtromux10K<ilv Inouli<ilv: npoorouia, Iuvrqp11011 Km AnoKorourou11 Apx1r&Krov1K<ilv Mv1Jp&iwv
Epyao(ec; EpyaoT17p(ou ~LenLoT17µovLKT7<:; Iuvepyao(ac; ~Ln1'.wµaTLKE<:; Epyao(ec; 2004-2006 'EKlioa~ t.nMI. B&aaaAovfK~ 2012
Faculty of Engineering AUTH Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program: Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Monuments
Projects at the Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop Diploma Theses 2004-2006 Edition IPPS. Thessaloniki 2012
Emµe~,£LO T£uxouc;: ALµLAio Lmpov(oou Editor: Aimilia Stefanidou
ISBN 978-960-89320-4-3 © ti.n.M.L. - nOAYTEXNIKH LXOAH An0, 0wao>..ov(KJ'l 2012 © I.P.P.S. - FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AUTH, Thessaloniki 2012 Anayopeue1m Tl av01unwOTJ, avanapaywyrj D µe ono1oliDno1e 1p6no XPTJatµono(TJCJ11 µepouc; D1ou ouv6l\ou 1wv Ke1µtvwv, crxeli(wv D cpw1oypacp1wv nou nep1txoVTm 010 ~1~1\10 xwp(c; npoT)youµeVT] 61ie1a 1ou t1nM2 - nol\UTeXVtKD 2xo"-D Ane. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwisewithout prior written permission of the IPPS - Faculty of Engineering AUTH.
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nepLex6µeva Contents
Epyaoi&c; Epyaor11piou .l11&mor11µov1K~c; Iuv&pyaoiac; 2004-2006 Projects at the Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop 2004-2006
XapaAaµnoc; t.puµoucr11c;, apxa1O>..., Avi5poµaxlJ Naarou, apxmo>..., navay1wr11c; Xaa1wr11c;, apxm-
o>..., BaaiA1Ktj Xar~11xptjarou, apxmo>...
IOTOPLKt'] OVOAUOTl KOL TE:Kµrip(wori TOU l3t0µrixavLKOU ouyKpoTt']µmoc; K6.po>-..oc; I. <l>Ls Haralampos Drymousis, archaeol., Andromachi Nastou, archaeol., Panagiotis Chasiotis, archaeol., Vasiliki Chatzichristou, archaeol. Historical analysis and documentation of the industrial group Karolos I. Fix
Avaaraaia n11Afrcrri, apx. µT)X-, Eueuµfa I1w~1ou, apx. µT)x., Xapiaioc; Ne:~e:aKrwrric;, no>... µT)x., Euayye:Aoc; nanaMnouAoc;, no>... µT)x., N1K6Aaoc; Mnouaioc;, TOTT. µT)x. To l3LoµrixavLKO ouyKpOTTlµO <l>Ls OTTl 0woa>-..oviKTl- KTLpLOKt'j oµooa 1 Anastasia Pilitsi, arch. eng., Efthimia Sioziou, arch. eng., Charisios Neveskiotis, civ. eng., Evangelos Papadopoulos, civ. eng., Nikolaos Bousios, sur. eng. The Fix industrial building complex in Thessaloniki. Complex 1
NiKoc; t.iKac;, apx. µT)x., Xp1crrfva KwaronouAou, no>... µT)x., Mavoc; KaAA,oui5aKIJC:, no>... µT)x., NiKoc; Apyupiou, no>... µT)X-, lwavv11c; IV£1pCIKIJC:, TOTT. µT)x. Ta KTipLO TTl<:; 'vfoc; nayo>-..eK6.vric;', Tou 'µrixavoornoiou', TTl<:; 'napaywyt']c; CO2' KOL TOU '>-..el3riTOoTOo(ou'. KTLplOKt'] oµ6.oa 3 Nikos Dikas, arch. eng., Christina Kostopoulou, civ. eng., Manos Kallioudakis, civ. eng., Nikos Argyriou, civ. eng., loannis Psirakis, sur. eng. The 'ice production', 'engine room', 'CO2 production' and 'boil room' buildings. Complex 3
E1ptjvri nanaye:wpyfou, apx. µT)x., Ayye:A1Ktj T6yia, apx µT)x., EAe:u8e:pia <l>avrii5ou, apx. µT)x., KpuaraAMv,a Kouraoy16vvri, no>... µT)x., re:wpyfa nanaxp1aroi5ouAou, no>... µT)x., Mapia t.ayAapoyAou, Ton. µT)x. MeMTTl Tou l3toµrixavtKou ouyKpoTt']µmoc; Fix. KnptaKt'] oµ6.oa 4 Irene Papageorgiou, arch. eng., Aggeliki Togia, arch. eng., Eleftheria Fantidou, arch. eng., Krystallenia Koutsogianni, civ. eng., Georgia Papachristodoulou, civ. eng., Maria Daglaroglou, sur. eng. Study of the industrial group of Fix. Complex 4
XpuaouAa-BaAe:vrivri Maµou, apx. µT)x., KaAA16nri MaKptj, apx. µT)x., 'Avva BouKaAfi5ou, no>... µT)x., EAEVIJ NrouµavonouAou, no>... µT)x., Avaaraaioc; Iraµvac;, TOTT. µT)x. To l31oµrixavLKO ouyKpOTTlµO TTl<:; t;u8onmiac; <l>Ls OTTl 0woa>-..oviKTl- KTLplOKt'] 0µ6.oa 5
Chrysoula-Valentini Adamou, arch. eng., Kalliopi Makri, arch. eng., Anna Voukalidou, civ. eng., Eleni Ntoumanopoulou, civ. eng., Anastasios Stamnas, sur. eng. The industrial breweries complex of Fix in Thessaloniki. Complex 5
N1K6Aaoc; Aanpoui5ric;, µT)x. µT)x., Hpw nanaxptjarou, T)A. µT)x. & µr1x- H/Y TeKµri piwori µrixavo>-..oyLKOU eson>-..1oµou epyoorno(ou <l>Ls Nikolaos Asproudis, mech. eng., lro Papachristou, el. eng. Documentation of the technical equipment of the old brewery Fix
AmAWIJOTIK&<; Epyaof&c; 2004-2006 Diploma Theses 2004-2006
XpuaouAa-BaAevrivl') AMµou, apxm:KTwv µrixav1K6<; LUVTTJPrJOrJ KOL anOKOTOOTOO"rJ TOU 5tOTrJPrJT80U Knp(ou en( Twv o5wv Ka80>-.1Kwv 3 KOL Bri>-.ap6 - E>-.eu8epon:KTovtKTJ LT06 t\6<';1c; Bep1T6c; Chrysoula-Valentini Adamou, architect engineer Conservation and restoration of the preservable building at the crossroad of Catholic 3 and Vilara Street - Freemasonry Lodge «Lozis Veritas»
NiKo~ Apyupiou, noAmK6<; µrixav1K6<; MeMTrJ crTOTlKTJ<; anoKaT6crTacrric; 510TrJPrJTfou veoKAOatKou Kn p(ou OTrJ Xa>-.K(5a Nikos Argyriou, civil engineer Static restoration study of a preserved neoclassical building in Chalkida city
N1K6Aao~ Aanpoulil')~, µT]XOVOAOYO<; µrixav1K6<; TeKµrJp(WOrJ TOU l310µrJXOVlKOU e~OTTALOµou TOU µUAOU Aya80KAl'J-MaTcr6nou>-.ou Tp1K6>-.wv Nikolaos Asproudis, mechanical engineer Documentation of the technical equipment of Agathokles-Matsopoulos cylinder-mill in Trikala
riwpyo~ repoy16VVI')~, µT]XOVIKO<; opUKTWV n6pwv Kmaypacpl'J KOL Ta~1v6µricrri Twv onT6n>-.1v8wv crTo l31oµrixav1K6 cruyKp6Triµa K6po>-.oc; C!>1~ OTrJ 0 ecrcraAov(KrJ Giorgos Gerogiannis, engineer of mineral research Recording and classification of bricks in the industrial building complex Karolos Fix at Thessaloniki
Mapia t.ayAapoyAou, aypov6µo<;-Tonoypacpo<; µrixav1K6<; C!>wToypaµµnpLKT]·<j>WTOepµrJVWTLKT] µeMTrJ OTrJ 8ecrri AK6vncrµa µe OKOn6 TrJ yewµeTplKTJ TeKµrJp(wcrri Kat Tov evrnmcrµ6 m8avwv apx0Lo>-.oy1Kwv eeaewv Maria Daglaroglou, surveyor engineer Photogrammetrical interpretation of the position 'Akontisma' for the geometrical documentation and the localization of likely archaeological sites
N1K6Aao~ t.iKa~, apx1TE:KTwv AnoKaT6crTacrri KOL enav6xpricrri 08wµav1Kou >-.ouTpou nriyl'Jc; «Kpua t\ouTp6» Nfoc; Ano>-.>-.wv(ac; Nikolaos Dikas, architect Renovation and reuse of Ottoman Bath of "Krya Loutra" source in Nea Apollonia
Xap6Aaµno~ t.puµoual')~, apxmoMyo<; H avnµeTwmcrri Tou Kevou (lacuna) one; l3ui';avnvec; rn1xoypacp(ec; TOU l3ope1oe>-.>-.a5LKOU xwpou Haralampos Drimoussis, archaeologist The treatment of the gap (lacuna) appearing in the byzantine mural paintings in the area of northern Greece
Mavo~ KaAA1ouliCJKI')~, TTOAITIKO<; µrixav1K6<; MeMTrJ anoKaT6crTacrric; veoK>-.amKou µoucrou>-.µav1Kou crxo>-.e(ou en( TrJ<; o5ou navOLTLOU OTrJ MecrOLWVLKT] n6ArJ TrJ<; P65ou. AnoT(µrJOrJ cpepoucrac; lKQVOTrJTO<:; a~10Myricrri µe865wv eneµl3acrric; Manos Kallioudakis, civil engineer Restoration study of the neoclassical muslim school on Panetiou Street in the Medieval Town of Rhodes. Bearing capacity assessment - evaluation of reinforcement methods
r&wpy1oc; KapaKaro6v11c;, noJ,.rnK6c; µrixavtK6c; t.1epeuvriori TT"]<:; anoTeAeoµm1K6TrJTO<:; Twv µri Karn0Tpocp1Kwv µe06owv eMyxou TOU OTIALOµevou OKUpooeµmoc; Georgios Karakatsanis, civil engineer Evaluation of the effectiveness of non destructive methods for testing reinforced concrete 100 Inupfijwv Kouptjc;, noJ,.mK6c; µrixav1K6c; Avnoe1oµLK1l ev(oxuori - OTIOKOTCIOTOOT"] TOU LOTOplKOU KWOWVOOTQOlOU TT"]<:; AVVOUVTOLCITO<:; OTT"]V KepKUpO Spyridon Kouris, civil engineer Antiseismic strengthening - restoration of the historic campanile of Announziata in Corfu, Greece
KpuoraAA&v1a Kourooy16vv11, noJ,.mK6c; µr1xav1K6c; En(opaori TOU Myou vepou npoc; KOVlO OTT"]V avamu~ri OVTOX!l<:; uopOUAlKWV KOVLOµOTWV Krystallenia Koutsogianni, civil engineer The influence of the water/binder ratio on strength at hydraulic mortars
Xp1orfva KworonouAou, no"-1r1K6c; µrixav1K6c; t.1epeuvriori TT"]<:; SepµLK!l<:; ouµnep1cpop6.c; µ1ac; napaooo1aK11c; KOT01K(ac; mu l3ope10-eAAao1Kou xwpou Km 01 ouvm6TT"]Tec; l3eAT(wo11c; TT"]<:; Christina Kostopoulou, civil engineer Investigation of the thermal behaviour of a traditional mansion in Northern Greece and potential for improvement
KaA>.16n11 MaKptj, apxm:Krwv µrixov1K6c; To µn6x1 om Nfo <l>AOYrJTO XaAKtOLK!l<:;, np6rnori anoKaT6.ornoric; Km aval3(woric; TOU µeTOXlOKOU ouyKpOT!lµOTO<:; - np6TOOT"] 01aµ6pcpworic; TOU QUA.LOU KOi eupurnpou nep1l36.AAOVTO<:; xwpou TOU µeTOXlOKOU ouyKpOT!lµOToc; Kalliopi Makri, architect engineer The monastery dependency ground in N. Flogita, Chalkidiki. Proposal of re-establishment and revival - proposal of configuration of the courtyard and the greater environment of the monastery dependency group
Avijpo1,1ax11 Naorou, apxmol\6yoc; 01 e~opUKTLK8<:; opaOTT"]plOTT"]Te<:; one; KuKMoec; KOTCI TOV 190 KOi TOV 206 mwva. H nep(mwori Twv opuxdwv 0ripa°LK!l<:; yric; OTT"] Iavrnp(vri Andromachi Nastou, archaeologist The quarrying activities on the islands of Cyclades during the 19th and 20th century. The case of the Pozzolana quarries in Santorini
Xapfo1oc; N&p&oK1wr11c;, noAmK6c; µrixov1K6c; H XP!lOT"] TOU TIT"]AOU we; ooµLKO UAlKO. ne1paµOT1K11 01epeuvriori QTIOKOTCIOTOOT"]<:; TT"]<:; OUVOX!l<:; WµOTIAlV80-00µc.i>v µe TIT"]AOeveµarn Charisios Neveskiotis, civil engineer The use of earth as structural material. Experimental researching for restoration cohesion of earth block structures using grouts based on earth
EAcv11 NrouµavonouAou, TTOAlTlK6c; µr,xavtK6c; MeMTrJ TT"]<:; ornnK11c; Km oe10µ1K11c; en6.pKe1ac; mu uopaywye(ou TT"]<:; lepac; Mov11c; I(µwvoc; neTpac; Ay(ou 'Opouc;
16 Eleni Doumanopoulou, civil engineer
Study of the static and seismic efficiency of the aqueduct of the Holy Monastery Simonos Petra at Mount Athos
E1ptjv11 nanay&wpyiou, apxm:Krwv µrixav1K6c; MeMTrJ anoKm6.oTaoric; Km av6.nAaori oTou napaooo10Kou 01K1oµou KouKoUAL om Zay6p1 Hne(pou Irene Papageorgiou, architect engineer Restoration and reformation study of traditional settlement "Koukouli" in Zagori of Epirus
BayytAr,c; nanaMnouAoc;, nohmKo<; µrixav1Ko<; MeMn1 oetoµtKr'Jc; an6Kptoric; TT]c; ytcpupac; TOU uopaywyeiou TT]c; I. M. Iiµwvoc; ntTpac; Vangelis Papadopoulos, civil engineer Evaluation on the seismic response of an aqueduct bridge of Holy Monastery Simonos Petra
Eu8uµia nanacrwrr,piou, apxt1tKrwv µrixav1K6<; H µovr'J Tou ApxayyO,ou Mtxar'J>-.. OTO voµ6 nt>-..>-..ac; Efthimia Papasotiriou, architect engineer The Archangel Michael monastery in the prefecture of Pella
Hpw nanaxp~crrou, TlAeKTpoMyoc; µrixav1K6<; & µrixav1K6<; H/Y Me>-..eTTJ eE;wn:ptKou cpwnoµou npwriv epyooTaoiou <l>tE; OTT] 0eooa>-..oviKTJ lro Papachristou, electrical engineer Illumination of the former brewery of Fix in Thessaloniki
rewpyia nanaxp1crroi5ouAou, TTOAITIKO<; µrixavlKO<; Eniopaori TOU 7'6you vepou npoc; KOVLQ Kat TOU TTOOOOTOU TT]c; Q0~£0TOU OTT]V av6nTU/:;T] avrnxr'Jc; ao~eOTOKOVLOµOTWV Georgia Papachristodoulou, civil engineer The influence of the water/lime ratio and the lime amount on the strength of lime mortars
Avacrracria nr,Aircrr,, apx1rtKrwv µrixav1K6<; N6ouoa, OTTOKOTOOTOOT] Kat av6n>-..aori TT]c; napaoOOLOKr'Jc; ye1Tov16c; TWV AAWVLWV Pilitsi Anastasia, architect engineer Naousa, restoration and reformation of the traditional neighborhood of Alonia
Avacrracr1oc; Iraµvac;, aypovoµoc; ronoyp6cpoc; µrixav1K6<; 4Jricp1aKr'J TeKµT]piwori TT]c; 01aopoµr'Jc; Tou 10Top1Kou Tpaivou Tou nri>-..iou Anastasios Stamnas, surveyor engineer Digital geometric documentation of the rail journey of the historic train of Pelion
Eu8uµia I1w~1ou, OPXITEKTWV µrixav1K6<;
24 ATTOKQTOOTOOT] Kat eTIOVOXPTJOT] TOU OPXOVTLKOU naµnOUKO OTT] ~paµa Efthimia Sioziou, architect engineer Restoration and reuse of the Pampoukas mansion in Drama
Ayy£AIK~ T6yia, OPXITEKTWV µrixav1KO<;
25 NeOKAQOLKO KTLPLO B[yya OTO Naun>-..to
26 2
Angeliki Togia, architect engineer Neo-classical building Vigga in Nafplio
EAeu8cpia $avrii5ou, apx11tK1wv µrixav1Ko<; Av6>-.uori, anoKaT6oTaori Kat ava~iwori Tou napaoootaKou OLKLOTLKou o uv6>-..ou Kpwµvri voµou nt>-..>-..ac; Eleftheria Fantidou, architect engineer Analysis, restoration and reuse of the traditional settlement Kromni at Central Macedonia
'EAeva Xar~r,vacr1ou, apx11tK1wv µrixav1K6<; ~LOTTJPT]Tfo KTip10 OTTJV oM EMooric; 5 Elena Hatzinasiou, architect engineer Listed building in 5, Edessis Street
BacriA1K~ Xar~r,xp~crrou, apxmoMyoc; 0 apxato>-..oyLKOc; xwpoc; TOU AOKAT]meiou OTT]V TTOAT] TWV TplKOAWV. npoypaµµanoµoc;-oxeoLOOµoc; eneµ~OOT]c; YLO TT]V OVOoe1E;r'J TOU Vasiliki Hatzichristou, archaeologist The archaeological space of Asklipieio in the city of Trikala. Programming-planning of intervention for its appointment
lwavvr,c; 11Je1p6Kr,c;, aypovoµoc; 10noyp6cpoc; µrixavlKO<;
29 TplOOLOOTOTO µoVT£AO TT]c; ~T]µOnKr'Jc; ntvaKo8r'JKT]c; 0eooa>-.oviKT]c; loannis Pseirakis, surveyor engineer Three-dimensional model of the Municipal Library of Thessaloniki
Preface by the I.P.P.S. director
np6Aoyot; TOU c51£U8UVT~ TOU
he publication, in the form of a bilingual volume, of gradua-
eK5oari ae 5(yt-waao T6µo Twv 5mt-wµonKwv epyoatwv T tion theses as well as "Interdisciplinary Cooperation WorkH KOL Twv epyoatwv mu «EpyoaTrJp(ou LitemaTriµovtKllC: Luvepyoa(oc;» Twv cpotTrJTWV Tou Li.n.M.L. «npoaToa(o, LUshop" theses elaborated by students of IPPS "Protection , ConVTllPrJOrJ KOL AnoKm6awari Mvriµeiwv not-maµou» onon:t-d nMov 8eaµ6, nop6 TT"] 5t0Kon17 TrJC: xpriµmoMTrJOllC: Tou on6 To Kp6rnc; KOL TrJV unoxpewa17 Tou vo em~twvet µe 5tKouc; TOU XPT"]µOTLKOUC: n6pouc;.
servation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments" is by now an established practice. And this is so despite the fact that the state has discontinued funding the program which is therefore obliged to function based on its own resources.
H eK5oari ouT17 onoTet-d TT"]V mo OTITll on65et~T"] Tou epyou nou auVTet-eLTOL OTO Li.n.M.L., Ko8wc; ot cpotTrJnKec; epyoa(ec; nou 5riµomeuoVTOL eivOL To T£AtK6 onoTet-eaµo mu µ6xeou T6ao TWV <pOLTT"]TWV 000 KOL TWV 5t500KOVTWV. En[OT"]c; OTIOT£Aet TT"]V npoc; TO 8~W 8LKOVO TOU Li.n.M.L. KOL etVat TO OUOLOOTLKOT£p0 KptTT7pto yto TrJV eKT[µriari TrJC: nopex6µevric; yvwaric; moue; µeTomuxtoKouc; <pOLTT"]T8C:.
This publication bears the most concrete witness of the work done at the IPPS, since student theses published herein rep resent the end result of work done by both students as well as teachers. It also constitutes a major feature of the public image IPPS projects, and forms the most essential criterion for the evaluation of knowledge provided to postgraduate students.
'Onwc; eivOL yvwOT6 TO np6ypoµµo anou5wv TOU Li.n.M.L. «npoOToa(o, LUVTllPT"lOrJ KOL AnoKOTOOTOOrJ Mvriµe(wv not-maµou» opyovw8T"]K£ µe 6~ovo TT"]V tMo TrJC: 51emOTriµovtK17c; auvepyoa(oc; Twv et5tKOT17Twv nou µnopouv vo auµ~6AAouv OTO 5LJOKOAO KOL TIOAUOUV88TO epyo TrJC: OTIOKOTOOTOOT"]C: TWV µVT"]µe(WV Kat TWV epywv T8XVrJC:- Ot <pOLTT"]TlK8C: epyoa(ec; TOU «EpYOOTrJp[ou LitentOTT"]µovtKllC: Luvepyoa(oc;» 5(vouv aocp17 etK6vo TOU KOT6 n6ao ri tMo TrJC: 5temOTT"]µovtKl1C: auvepyoa[oc; eytve KTT7µ0 TWV <pOLTT"]TWV Kat one5wae KOpnouc;, 8VW Ol 5tnAWµOTLK8C: epyoa[ec;, ot ono(ec; eivat moµtKec;, ono5etKvuouv n µnope( vo npoacpepet o K68e µeTomuxtoK6c; cpoLTrJTllC:, µe TrJV npoawmK17 TOU npoan68eto Kat on6 TT"] aKom6 TrJC: et5tKOTT"]T6c; TOU OTOV TOµfo TT"]C: OTIOKOTOOTOOrJC:0o 178et-o vo eKcpp6aw nc; euxoptOT(ec; µou OTO µet-ri Tou 5t5oKTtKou npoawmKou nou auµµeTeixov OTT"]V eKnOL5eunK17 5to5tKoa[o Kopn6c; TrJC: ono(oc; eivOL ot epyoa(ec; nou 5riµomeuoVTOL mov T6µo ouT6 KOL t5tofrepo OTrJV K. Atµ. LTecpov[5ou nou eixe TT"]V emµeA£lO TrJC: 8K500rJC:-
o o,eueuvrt,<; rou ,1.n.M.x.
As is well known, the course program of IPPS "Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments" was organized around the central axis of the notion of interdisciplinary cooperation of academic specialties that can contribute to the difficult and complex task of restoring cultural monuments and works of art. Student projects of the "Interdisciplinary Cooperation Workshop" provide a clear picture of the extent to which the notion of interdisciplinary cooperation has been assimilated by students and has born its intended fruits, while individual graduation theses serve as proof of what each postgraduate student can offer through his effort as well as through exploiting his personal specialty in the field of restoration. I would like to express my thanks to teaching staff members who participated in the educational process whose results are presented herein. Special thanks go to Ms. Aimilia Stefanidou, responsible for editing this publication. The director of /PPS
George Karadedos Associate Professor, AUTh
rewpytoc; KopoM5oc; Av. Ko8riyrJT17C: Ane
9 nPO11orm: TOY lllEY0YNTH TOYll.n.M.L
np6Aoyoc; Trt<; emµeA~rp1ac; rrt<; &K5oort<;
Preface by the publication's editor
o ALmµ17µanK6 np6ypaµµa MeTamuxtaKwv Inou<3wv TllC: nol\uTexvLKTJC: LXOATJC: Tou An0 crT17v «npocrrncr(a, LUVTTJp11cr11 KOL An0Kmacrrncr17 Mv17µe(wv not..mcrµou» eK<3(<3eL TO neµnTO KOTCI OE:lpCl TE:UXOC:, TO OTIOLO neplt..Oµf3aVE:l Tl<; epyacr(ec; Tou EpyacrT17p(ou ALenLcrT17µovLKTJC: Iuvepyacr(ac; KOL nc; <3mt..wµanKec; epyacr(ec; TWV µeTOTITUXLOKWV (j)OlTl7TWV TllC: A' Kmeu8uvcr17c; «npocrrncr(a, LUVTTJP17017 KOL AnoKOTacrTacr17 ApXLTE:KTOVlKWV Mv17µe(wv», Ol ono(ec; E:KTIOVTJ8l7KQV KOTCI Tl7 <3lE:TlO 2004-2006.
he Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program of the AUTh School of Engineering in the field of "Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Monuments" is publishing its fifth volume containing theses elaborated in the context of the Interdisciplinary Cooperation Workshop as well as graduation theses elaborated by postgraduate students of the program's Division A' "Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Monuments", conducted in the 2004-2006 biennium.
LTOXOC: TllC: eK<30017c; OUTTJC:, 6nwc; KOL TWV npo17youµevwv eKMcrewv, eivOL va l\etrnupy11creL eKTIOL<3eUTtK6 npocrcpepovrnc; eµnetpLK6 UAlKO moue; ve6Tepouc; µeTOITTUXlOKouc; KOL npomuxtaKOUC: (j)OIT17Tec;, VO KOTOypal(JE:L TLC: TCIOE:LC: TIOU OKOAOU8e( 17 npoOTacr(a KOL 11 OTIOKOTCIOT0017 TWV µV17µeiwv, KOL OUYXPOVWC:, VO npof3CIME:l TIC: <3paOT17plOT17TE:C: TOU t.nML KOL VO <31aypal(Je1 T17V e~E:AIKTlKTJ TOU nope(a.
The objective of this publication, as of similar publications preceding it, is to serve specific educational purposes by offering empirical material to consequent postgraduate as well as undergraduate students, recording current approaches in the field of monument protection and restoration while, at the same time, promoting IPPS activities and tracing its evolutionary trajectory.
Ot epyacr(ec; TOU Epyam17p(ou t.1emOT17µovLKTJC: fovepyacriac; KOL 01 <3mt..wµanKec; epyacr(ec; napouma~ovrn1 ae cruvomLKTJ µopcpTJ, ae eKT0017 e~L KOL TE:Ocrapwv cret..(<3wv OVTLOTOLXO, µe Kefµeva, crxe<3LO KOL cpwTOypacp(ec;, eTcrt WITTE: VO napOUOIOOTE:l 17 µe8o<3ot..oy(a KOL Ol f3acrtKec; apxec;, TO npof3Mµma TWV µV17µeiwv KOL 01 npoTacretc; anoKmama017c; KOL enav6XP11011c;. Ta nATJPll TE:UXll Twv cpmT17nKwv epyamwv f3p(crKOVTOL mo apxeio TOU t.nMI, OTO OTIOLO µnopouv VO OVOTpe~OUV 0001 E:V<3tacpepOVTOL y1a nep1crcr6Tepec; nl\17pocpop(ec; KOL epeuva.
Interdisciplinary Cooperation Workshop theses as well as diploma theses are presented in abbreviated form, ranging from six to four pages, respectively, including text, designs and photographs. The aim has been to present the basic principles and methodology, as well as monuments' problems along with related restoration and reuse proposals. Complete versions of student theses are kept in IPPS archives and can be referred to by those interested in more detailed information and research.
H cruyypacp11 TWV Ketµevwv, 11 E:TILAOYTJ TWV crxe<3(wv KOL TWV cpwrnypacp1wv eylVE: OTIO TOUC: µeTOITTUXLOKOUC: cpOITl7Tec; µe [36017 npo<3LOypacpec; nou M817Kav. Ot Tponono111cre1c; nou ey1vav crT1l OUVeXE:10 TJTOV yta VO OTIOKTTJOOUV, TO OUVOAIKO TE:UXOC: KOL TO emµepouc; Keiµeva, ev1a(o ucpoc;. napa nc; npocrn68etec; <3ev ey1ve <3uvm6 va cruyKeVTpw8e( TO cruvol\o Twv cpo1T17nKwv epyamwv.
Postgraduate students themselves have been responsible for text writing, design and photograph selection, on the basis of specifications provided to them. Following this, any modification that may have been effected solely intended to give this volume and its individual written texts a more uniform style. Despite all efforts made, it has not proved possible to include all student theses.
El\n(~w 6n 01 E:K<36cre1c; OUTec; ea OUVE:XlcrTOUV KOL OTO µeMov. Euxaptm(ec; ocpeO...oVTOL ae 6crouc; cruvef30Aav OT17v npayµmono(17017 Tou rnuxouc; Tou 2004-2006, TO ono(o anornl\e( µ10 aK6µa E:TilTUXllC: <3pa0T17pt6T17TO TOU t.nML.
I do hope that this series of publications will continue uninterrupted in the future. Thanks are due to all those that contributed to the realization of the 2004-2006 issue. This publication constitutes still another successful IPPS activity.
H emµei\fJrp1a Tr/C: iKOOOTJc;
The publication editor
AtµLA(a LTE:cpav(<3ou Av. Ka817yTJTPLO Ane
Aimilia Stefanidou Associate Professor, AUTh
Epyao(ec; EpyaoTrip(ou ~LemoTriµovLKrJ<; i:uvepyao(ac; 2004-2006
Projects at the Interdisciplinary Collaboration Workshop 2004-2006
np6Aoyoc; TWV untu8uvwv TOU EpyaOTflPIOU i11£TTIOTflµOVIK~<; Iuvepyao,ac;
Preface by the coordinators of the Interdisciplinary Workshop
o OKOOf]µa'(K6 eTO~ 2004-2005, OTO TlAOIOlO TOU EpyOOTf]p(ou L':.teTllOTf]µOVlKTJ~ Iuvepyao(a~ TOU LilOTµf]µOTlKOU npoyp6.µµmo~ Mernmux10Kwv Inouowv Tou Ane y10 Tf]v «npoOTao(a, LUVTTJPfJOfJ Km AnoKOT6.0Taori Apx1TeKTov1Kwv Mvriµeiwv», emxe1piJoaµe eva apKeT6. MoKo>..o eyxdpriµa: va µe>..eTiJoouµe TO µeyaMTepo ouyKp6Tf]µa e>..acpp16.~ ~1oµrixov(a~ OTO ~ope1oeM001K6 xwpo, To Zu8ono1do-nayono1do TOU Kap6t..OU <l>l~ Tf]~ 0WOOAOVIKf]~. TplOVTOTleVTe <pOlTf]Te~ 01acp6pwv etOlKOTTJTWv µe Tf]V m(~>..eljJf] 1O K08fJYfJTWV 01acp6pwv WlOf]~ elOlKOTTJTWV ouvepyOOTf]KOV y10 Tf] µet..eTf] TOU ~lOµf]XOVlKOU OUTOU ouyKpOTT]µOTo~, eKTOOf]~ OlKOTleOOU 28 OTpeµµ6.TWV.
ithin the framework of the Interdisciplinary Cooperation Workshop of the AUTH Interdepartmental Postgraduate Studies Program on "Protection, Conservation and Restoration of Architectural Monuments", during the 2004-2005 academic period we attempted a rather difficult exercise, that of studying the largest light industry installation in northern Greece, i.e. the Karolos Fix Brewery and Ice Producing complex in Thessaloniki. Under the supervision of ten professors of various specialties, thirty five postgraduate students also of various academic backgrounds cooperated in the study of this industrial complex that covered a surface area of 28,000 square meters.
r1a µe80>..oy1Kou~ Myou~. fJ µey6.Ari auTiJ oµaoa xwp(OTf]Ke oe e~l µ1Kp6Tepe~ TlOU f] KO.Se µlO, µlKTTJ~ ITO.Al OUV8e0f]~, TJTOV UTleU8UVf] YlO eva TµT]µO TOU OUyKpOTT]µOTO~. H µeMTf] 01ap8pw8f]Ke oe Tp(a OT6.o10: To npc.ino TJTOV ri av6.AUOf]-TeKµf]p(wOfJ, TO Oeurnpo f] TlpOTOOf] OTlOKOTOOTOOf]~, TO Tp(To f] np6Ta0f] mav6.XPfJOfJ~r1a Tl~ av6.yKe~ TT']~ 6.oKf]OfJ~ ouyKeVTpw8f]Ke notKLAO apxe10K6 KOi Of]µomeuµevo Tlt..f]pO<pOplOK6 UAlKO. IuyKeKptµeva: • an6 TO lmop1K6 Apxdo MaKeoov(a~. TµiJµa Twv revtKwv Apxe(wv Tou Kp6.rnu~. 6nou eVTOTTtOTf]Ke eva~ µey6.Ao~ ap18µ6~ eyyp6.cpwv Km axeo(wv Tou epyoOTao(ou Kap6>..ou <1>1~, TO OTTOIO OVO<pepOVTOl OTf]V XPOVlKTJ nep(OOO 1937 W~ 1974 (Kup(w~ 1950-1960). E(vm axeola TO ono(a OUVTOX8f]KOV ym VO xopf]yf]Set an6 Tf] Liteu8UVOf] Btoµrixov(a~ f] 6.oeta AelTOupy(a~ TOU epyoOTao(ou (n6.vw an6 400 TO~tvoµriµeva axeo10). Liet)(VOUV TT'] OlOTO~f] TWV µf]XOVf]µOTWV OTO xwpo, TO (010 TO µrixoviJµma KOi TT'] poiJ TT']~ napaywyiJ~- Ma½( µe OUT6. un6.pxouv Kat >..(ya apx1TeKTov1K6. KOi KOTOOKeuaOT1K6. axeota KOi axeota >..emoµepe1wv. En(Of]~ un6.pxouv, >..(ya axeota nap6µ0lWV xopaKTf]plOTlKWV, OTO Apxdo TOU LTlOUOOOTf]p(ou IOTop(a~ TT']~ Apx1TeKTovtKTJ~ Tou An0 KOi oe apxdo lOlWTf] ouMeKTf]. • an6 To Yno8f]KO<pu>..aKdo, 6nou ey1ve n>..iJpri~ avaopoµiJ an6 TOU~ Of]µeplVOU~ lOlOKTT]Te~ OTOU~ TlOAOl6Tepou~. OTl~ eKT6.0el~ TlOU KOTe(xav, OTl~ OlOOOXlKe~ µeTO~l~O.Oel~ µeXPl TOU~ ap18µou~ TWV TOUpKlKWV TlTAWV. Me ~O.Of] OUTOU~ eVTon(OTfJKOV OTO IOTop1K6 Apxdo MaKeoov(a~ 01 nOAmo( TOUPKlKOL TlTAOl, TOU 1909-1911 KOi TOU 1906-1907, • OTTO Tl~ elOf]YTJOel~ TlOU eylVOV OTTO Tf]V 4f] Ecpop(a NewTepwv MVf]µdwv, n~ anocp6.oe1~ Tou vnno Km Tou Iuµ~ouMou Tf]~ EmKpOTe(a~. • an6 ~1~>..1oypacp1K6 u>..1K6, an6 TOV nOA.16 KOi ve6Tepo riµepiJ010 KOi nep1001K6 Tuno KOi TO internet, an6 na>..1e~ KapTnoOT6.A KOi a.Me~ anetKov(oe1~. an6 TlOAlOU~ xoprn~. • an6 OU½f]TT]Oel~-macpe~ µe TOU~ anoy6vou~ TWV TlOAOlWV lOlOKTf]TWV (OTT'] ra(a E>..mwv TOU Hp6.KAelOU ATTlKTJ~). KOi µe Tou~ oriµeptvou~ l◊lOKTT]Te~, m(Of]~ an6 ou½f]TT]Oel~ µe epyanK6 KOi OlOlKf]TlKO npoowmK6 TlOU oou>..eue TlOAOl6rnpa OTO epyoOT6.010, an6 emoKeljJet~ oe ouYXPove~ µov6.oe~ ½U8ono1(0~,
For methodological purposes, this large study group has been divided into six smaller ones. Each of these smaller groups was also of mixed specialty composition and was responsible for a separate, distinct segment of the complex. The study was articulated into three stages: the first consisted of work related to project analysis and documentation, the second was the formulation of the restoration proposal and the third was a proposal addressing the issue of complex reuse. A wide variety of archive and published information material has been compiled to cover the requirements of the exercise. More specifically, material used came from: Macedonia Historical Archive, General State Archives Section, where we were able to locate quite a large number of documents and designs (blueprints) of the Carl Fix factory. This material refers to the 1937-1974 and primarily the 1950-1960 period. It regards plans drawn in order to secure the factory's operation permit awarded by the competent Prefectural Industry Directorate (over 400 registered design sheets). These documents show spatial location of production machinery, machinery pieces themselves as well as production flow schematics. Along with these, a small number of architectural and construction plans as well as a few detail designs have also been found. A few designs of similar features were also found in the Laboratory of History archives of the AUTh School of Arch itecture and in the archives of a private collector. Land Properties Registry files, from which we were able to proceed to a complete tracking of ownership of the premises, going back from current to previous owners, of areas they possessed, consequent transfers of ownership, going as far back as Turkish property title reference numbers. Based on this information we traced and located the old Turkish property titles at the Macedonia Historical Archive, dating back to 1909-1911 and 1906-1907. Reports made by the 4th Ephorate of Modern Monuments, and Ministry of Culture as well as Council of State Decrees. Bibliographical references found in both older and more recent daily and periodical press articles and the internet, old postal cards and other site depictions, old maps. Discussions and personal contacts with descendants of the old owners (at Gaia Elaion, Heraklion, Attica) as well as with present day owners, discussions with labor and administrative personnPOAorm: TON YnEY0YNON TOY EPrAHHP/OY ll/EnlHHMONIKHl: l:YNEPrAl:/Al:
• an6 epwve~ nou 0Levepy17811Kav an6 6Me~ oµ6.oe~ epyaa(a~. 6nw~ Tou TEE{fµ17µa KeVTpLKll~ MaKeoov(a~ KOL <popewv KOL evwaewv Tll~ n6All~, • KOL an6 <popd~ nou eµnMKOVTOL OTllV napaywyLKll OLOOLKOa(a: TO EµnopLK6 KOL BLOTE)(VLK6 EmµEAllTllPLO, TO "I.uMoyo EM17vwv BL0µ11x6.vwv, TO EpyanK6 KeVTpo 0waOAoviKll~-
LTO npwTO m6.oLo Tll~ av6.Au011~-rnKµ11p(w011~ OLayp6.<pllKE µe !36.011 TO napan6.vw UALKO Ka9w~ KOL TllV ETILTOTILO epwva: 1. 11 Lmop(a mu KT(aµmo~ an6 TOV npwTO nup17va TOU nou LOpu811KE TO 1883 KOL µEXPL Tll OLOKOnT7 AELTOupy(a~ TOU TO 1983 KOKOL TllV nep(ooo an6 TO 1983 µEXPL 017µepa nou OUOLOITTlKO. µeveL KEVO, 2. Tl LITTOp(a TWV KUpLWV LOLOKTllTWV, 3. TO nep1l36Mov µfoa ITTO ono(o EVTO.OOETOL TO epyom6.mo, 4. TO TUnoAOYLKO. KOL µop<poAoyLK6. motxe(a Tou KT(aµmo~. 5. ot OL6.<pope~ noAmKE~ KOL OLKovoµLKE~ auv817Ke~ K6.Tw an6 n~ ono(e~ AELToupy11ae, 6. OL nap6M11t..0L aVTaywvLITTE~ TOU, 7. o Tp6no~ AELToupy(a~ Tou: 11 Tpo<poooa(a µe npwTe~ ut..e~. o KUKAo~ napaywy17~. o apL9µ6~ KOL 11 npoeAW011 Tou anaaxot..ouµevou epyanKou KOL OLOLKllTLKou npoawmKou, 11 oLa9eaLµll mnoouvaµ11 , 17 npOEAEU011 TWV µ11xaV11µ6.TWV KOL Tll~ TE)(Voyvwa(a~. TO doo~ KOL OL noa6T11TE~ Twv napay6µevwv npo°i6VTwv, TO eupo~ Tll~ ayop6.~ KOL Tll~ OL6.8e011~ TWV npo°L6VTwv, 8. o Tp6no~ napaywy17~ Tll~ l3UV11~, TOU i'.;u9ou, TOU no.you KOL TWV xuµwv.
Ta un6.pxoVTa axeoLa auvevw811Kav KOL XPllOLµonoL17811Kav w~ OKOpL<pT7µma y1a TllV an0Tunw011 TOU auyKpOTT7µmo~. A<pou xap6.xr11Ke µLa KAELITTll 6ow011 KOL e~apT17811Kav 6t..a TO KT(aµma an6 auT17v, ey1ve TOnoypa<pLKll an0Tunw011, emnMov <pwTOypaµµeTpLKll an0Tunw011 oe Tµ17µma nou npoa<pepoVTav, evw Ol AEITTOµEpElE~ auµnt..11pw811Kav µe TllV napaoomOKT7 µe9ooo an0Tunw011~Ta UALKO., OL KOTOOKWE~ K6.9e xwpou KOL 11 KOTO.ITT0011 OLOTT7Pl10ll~ TOU~ nepLyp6.<poVTOL oe TunonoL11µeve~ KOPTEAE~ KOL axeoL6.i'.;oVTOL TO avamuyµm6. TOu~ 6nou <pa(veTOL 11 na9oAoy(a: OL <p90p€~, OL pwyµE~, TO KOTOITTpaµµEVO TµT7µ0Ta, OL neaµEVOL aol36.oe~. 11 uypao(a, OL anoKA(oeL~ an6 TllV KOTOK6pu<po, ot Ka8Li'.;17aeL~, oL aMaye~. ot OLOXWPLITTLKo( apµoi K.6.. LTll OUVEXELO OLEPWVWVTOL TO a(na TWV i'.;11µLWV KOL TWV <p9opwv.
nel that used to work at the factory, visits to present day brewery production units. Research elaborated by other study groups, such as that of the Technical Chamber of Greece/Central Macedonia Chapter as well as other agencies and associations in the city of Thessaloniki. Agencies generally involved in economic production activities, i.e. the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises, the Trade Union Center of Thessaloniki. Based on the above material and in situ investigation, durin g the 1st stage of project analysis-documentation we w ere able to circumscribe: 1) the establishment's history, from its initial nucleus founded in 1883 until the suspension of operations in 1983, followed by the period from 1983 up to date during which the buildings has essentially been vacant. 2) The history of principal owners. 3) The environment into w hich the factory is situated. 4) The building's typological and morphological features. 5) The various political and economic conditions under which the factory operated. 6) The firm's competitors.?) The factory's 1 mode of operation: inflow of raw materials, production cycle , number and origin of workers and administrative staff em ployed, the factory's horsepower capacity, the origin of machinery and technology utilized, the type and volume of products, market scope and distribution range of these products. 8) Malt, ale, ice and juices production methods. Existing designs and blueprints have been integrated and used as models in the process of drawing schematics for the installation. After a closed traverse was drawn on which all buildings were suspended, a topographical recording followed . Additional photogrammetric recording was applied to suitable sections, while details were filled in using trad itional recording methods. Materials and structures built in every space as well as thei r state of conservation were described in standardized cards and foldout elevations were constructed to show various types of pathology: points of wear, fissures, destroyed segments, fallen plasters, moisture, deviations from the vertical plane, subsidence areas, alterations, dividing joints etc. Following this, the causes and origin of such damage and wear were investigated.
LUYXP6vw~ y(veTOL OLEpEUV11011 TOU manKou aum17µmo~. KaSw~ o Le<pepe 11 TE)(VOAoy(a Tll~ moXT7~ Km6. TllV ono(a KOTOaKw6.ITT11Kav oL OL6.<popot xwpm, un6.pxeL noLKLA(a KOTOOKWOITTLKWV µe96owv KOL uALKwv. OL OPXLKE~ KaTOaKeue~ µe Tou~ <pepoVTe~ To(xou~ an6 nt..Lv8000µ17, Ta mo11p6. unomut..wµma KOL Tl~ opO(j)E~ an6 OLOllPE~ OOKOU~ KOL µLKpou~ nMv9LVOU~ Sot..(oKou~ auvun6.pxouv µe n~ µeTOyevemepe~ KmaaKeue~ an6 onALOµevo OKup6oeµa. !LO Tl1 OL6.yvw011 TOU Tp6nou KOTOOK8Ul7~ Twv SeµeMwv KOL Twv To(xwv, TOu doou~ Twv uALKwv, TOU µeye9ou~ TWV pwyµwv EYLVOV µLKPE~ OLEPWVllTLKE~ TOµE~ oe XOPOKTl1PLITTLK6. 011µda. LE t..(ya µ6vo 011µda Tou auyKpOTT7µmo~. xwp(~ npoonet..ao1µ6T11TO, oev 17Tav ouvaTT7 11 oian(mw011 Tll~ Km6.ma011~- Ta motxe(a auT6. nou auyKeVTpw811Kav en( T6nou µna<pepoVTOL apy6rnpa oe yevLK6. axeo1a Km6L1Jewv, TOµWV KOL 04JEWV.
At the same time, the static system was investigated. Given the varying state of construction technology prevalent in the different periods in which the various structures were erected, there was a variety of construction methods and materials used. Initial structures featuring load bearing brick walls, iron props and roofs made of iron beams and small brick domes coexist w ith more recent structures using reinforced concrete. Small-scale probing cuts were made in selected spots in order to d iagnose foundation and wall construction modes, type of materials used and size and extent of fissures observed. In o nly a few locations of the complex it proved inoperable to assess present day status, due to accessibility problems. All data and information collected in situ were then transferred to general floor plan, cross section and facade drawings.
'Ot..a aUT6. auµnt..11pwvoVTOL KOL unoITT11p(i'.;oVTOL µe <pwTOypa<p1K6 UALKO.
All the above data are comp leted and supported by photographic material.
H µOKPOXPOVLO AELTOupy(a TOU auyKpOTT7µmo~ KOL OL 01aoox1KE~ aMaye~ Twv 10LOKT11Twv, 11 aMay17 Tou Tp6nou napaywYll~, Tl ITTOOLOKT7 0AoKA17pw011 Tou KUKA.OU napaywy17~. o OLapKll~ eKaUYXPOVLaµ6~. K.6.. me<pepav 011µ0VT1Ke~ aMaye~ KOL TpononOLT70El~ OTO epyom6.mo. Me 136.011 TllV ETILTOTILO epwva
The long standing operation of the complex, repeated changes in ownership and production modes, the gradual completion of the cycle of production, constant modernization moves etc . have all resulted in substantial factory alterations and modifications. Recording of th e various factory construction p hases and
K08W<; Kat TO UALKO TE:KµT]plWCJr]<; E:TILXE:lpE:(Tat T] KOTOypacptj TWV i5t6cpopwv OLKOiSOµLKWV cpaoewv TOU epyooTOo(ou Kat TJ TQLJTL0'7 TOU<; µe TL<; LOTOplKE<; Cj)CIOE:L<;.
their linkage to corresponding historical phases was attempted based on in situ investigation and related documentation material.
LTO i5e0Tepo OT6i5to eytve ri i5tepeuVTJari Tou OTanKou cpopfo µe TT] i5T]µtoupy(a ev6c; unor..oyLOTLKou npoooµOLwµmoc; (µoVTer..o), i5taµopcpwµevo l36oet TTJ<; Sewp(ac; Twv nenepaoµevwv OTOLXE:LWV. npooi5Lop(~eTOL T] EVTOCJr] TOU cpopfo Kat astor..oydTat T] enapKE:lO Kat T] ouµneptcpopa TOU KTlplOU OE: OTOTLKCIKOTOKOpucpa Kat oe OE:LOµLK6-i5uvaµLKCI cpopT(a.
The project's 2nd stage included the investigation of the loadbearing system via the generation of a computer simulation model formulated based on fin ite element theory. Carrier stress was defined and adequacy and behaviour of the building when exposed to static-vertical and seismic-dynamic loads was evaluated.
H K68e µLKP'l oµ6i5a npoxwprioe oe npoTaoetc; yta Tov Tp6no anOKOTCIOTOCJr]<; TOU i5LKOU TT]<; Tµtjµmoc;. 'Eytve astoMvriari TWV KTLp(wv Kat TWV emµepouc; µopcpor..oyLKWV Kat KOTOOKE:UOOTLKWV OTOLXE:lWV Kat npooi5Lop(OTT]KOV Ol apxec; eneµl3aaric;.
Each smaller team submitted proposals related to the restoration mode of its own designated segment. Buildings and particular morphological and construction features were evaluated and intervention principles were established.
Ba0tK'7 emi5LWST] TT]<; eneµl30CJr]<; '7TOV T] OVaiSE:LST] TWV Li5LOLTE:pwv TunoAoytKwv, µopcpor..oytKwv Kat KaTaoKeuaOTLKWV OTOLxdwv TOU KT(OµOTO<;, T] iSLOT'7pT]CJr] OOWV KTLOµOTWV EXOUV LOTOplK'7 Kat at08T]TlK'7 OSLO, evapµov(~OVTat µe TO UTIOAOLTIO Kat µe TO neptl36Mov, aK6µa, TJ i5LOT'7PTJCJrJ TOU OPXLKOU i5oµLKOU ouOT17µmoc;, TJ avaOTpeljJLµ6TT]TO Kat Tl i5tacpopono(riari Twv vewv OTOLXE:LWV Kat KOTOOKE:UWV.
The intervention's main objective was to highlight the particular typological, morphological and construction features of the buildings, and preserve those of the buildings that possess any historical and aesthetic value while at the same time blend in with the remaining ones and the environment that surrounds them. Another major objective was to maintain the initial structural system and ensure both the possibility to roll back-reverse interventions implemented as well as the differentiation of new features and constructions from existing ones. At the same time we proceeded to an overall evaluation of mechanical equipment in place. Machinery pieces that were selected to stay in place constitute a definitive feature of the new spatial organization.
LUYXPOVW<;, y(veTat OUVOALK'l astoMvriari TOU µrixavor..oyLKOU esonr..toµou. Ta µT]XOV'7µ0Ta nou npOTE:LVOVTat VO i5LOTT]pT]80UV anoTer..ouv npooi5topLOTLK6 OTOLXdo TTJ<; vfoc; opyavwaric; Twv xwpwv. Ot TE:r..LKec; npoTaoetc; nepLA.aµl36vouv TT] i5tepeuVT]CJr] vfoc; ouµl3aT17c; XP'lCJrJ<;, Tou Tp6nou eVTastjc; TT]<; OTTJV unapxouoa 150µ17 Kat TT]<; i5UVOTOTT]TO<; EVTOST]<; vewv KOTOOKE:UWV OTO xwpo. H K68e µLO an6 TL<; est emµepouc; oµ6i5ec; eKave nc; i5tKec; TT]<; npOTaoetc; yta TO ouvor..o Tou ouyKpoT17µmoc; KOL µeMTT]oe r..emoµepeOTepa TO i5LKO TT]<; Tµtjµa. Ta npol3A17µma ouVTovtoµou Kat ouvepyao(ac; tjwv µey6r..a, aM6 eAn(~ouµe 6n Tl npoan68eta neTuxe. H OPXLK'l np68eatj µac;, T] ono(a i5ev µn6peae va npayµmonOLT]Sd, tjTOv TJ ouvoALK'l µeMTT], TT]<; av6r..uaric;-TeKµT]p(waric;, TT]<; anoKmaOTaaric; Kat TT]<; enav6XPTJCJrJ<;, TOU µovaiSLKou l3toµrixavtKou ouyKpoT17µmoc; Kapor..ou <!>ts TT]<; 0eooar..ov(KT]<; aMa Kat OAT]<; TT]<; Er..Aai5ac;, va i5T]µOOLE:UTE:l oe evav OUTOTE:A.'7 T6µo. AVT( QUTOU Ol µeMTec; napouma~OVTat oe QUTO TO Teuxoc; oe OUVOITTlK'7 µopcptj Kat µ6r..tOTa ot Tfooeptc; µ6vo an6 nc; est ouvor..tK6 µeMTec; (OL 1, 3, 4, 5, evw r..dnouv OL 2, 6, l3A. E:LK. 1) Ka8wc; Kat XWPLOTCI T] LOTOplK'7 TE:KµT]p(wari Kat T] TE:KµT]p(wari TOU µrixavor..oytKOU esonr..toµou.
Final proposals include the investigation of a new compatible use, the modality of its integration in the existing structure and the ability to insert new constructions to the site. Each of the six separate study groups proceeded to their own proposals regarding the complex as a whole while each group studied its particular assigned segment in greater detail. Coordination and cooperation problems we faced were substantial, but we indeed hope that the overall effort has been successful. Our initial intention, that proved impossible to materialize, was to publish in a single volume the complete study consisting of the analysis-documentation, restoration and reuse proposals regarding the Karolos Fix industrial complex, unique in Thessaloniki and in Greece as well. Instead, four of the six studies are presented in this volume in abbreviated form (studies 1, 3, 4. 5 are included while studies 2 and 6 are not, see Picture 1), along with historical documentation and mechanical equipment documentation, under separate chapters.
H E:VOoXOAT]CJr] µe TO epyOOTCIOlO <!>ts OUVE:XLOTTJKE: Kat TT]V en6µeVT] XPOVLCI µe TT]V E:KTIOVT]CJr] eseLiSLKeuµevwv i5mr..wµanKWV epyaotwv.
The Karolos Fix factory remained the object of further investigation in the following year as well, under the form of specialized graduation theses elaboration.
'Or..TJ aUT17 ri epeuva Kat o npol3r..riµanoµ6c; mOTeuouµe 6n µnope( va r..etToupytjoeL oav eva np6o8eTO µfoo yta TTJV eVTOSTJ TT]<; l3t0µrixav(ac; <l>Ls OTT] OUVXPOVT] n6r..T].
It is our belief that all this research and involvement may serve as an additional means to facilitate the insertion of the Fix factory in the fabric of the modern city.
Ol uneu0UVOl TOU epyOOTT]pfou
The interdisciplinary workshop coordinators
MLXOAT]<; NoµLKO<;, Ka8T]YTJT'l<; Ane ALµLA(a LTecpav(i5ou, Av. KaSriytjTpLa Ane
Michalis Nomikos, Professor AUTh Aimilia Stefanidou, As. Professor AUTh
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3. Aepo<pwroypa<p(a rou auyKporr,µaroc;. Aerial photograph of the complex.
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Tonoypa<ptK6 01dypaµµa, 1972. Site plan, 1972.
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5. Torroypa<p1K6 016.ypaµµa. Site plan.
6. MT/XOVOOTO.OIO-TTOyoJ..t:KO.V'7-TTapaywyfJ CO2, 1964. Engine room-ice production-CO2 production buildings, 1964.
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µ'7XOV'7µ6.rwv epyoOTaafou xuµwv µfJJ..wv. Installation diagram of apple juice factory machinery.
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8. Xuµo( Mrjli.wv. VI/JT/, 1959. Apple juice factory. View, 1959.
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9. Xuµo( Mrj.>..wv, Kupta 61/JT/, apxtr. T. Zeviroc;, 1959. Apple juice factory, main view, T Zenetos, arch., 1959.
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10. Eµcpua.>..wrrjp10 - rrapaoKwaarrjpw xuµwv. Bottling - laboratory department of juice.
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t 11. Buvonotdo, 3oc; 6pocpoc;. Malt department, 3rd floor.
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12. ArµoAif3TJTac; µe 2 cpJ..oyoawJ..rjvec;, 1953.
13. ATµoJ..i{3r,rnc; µe 2 cpJ..oyoawJ..r'ivec;, 1970. Double fire-tube boiler, 1970.
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14. 86.aeic; eeµeJ..iwaewc; ouo aepiauAwTwv arµoJ..ef3r'iTwv, 1972. Base of foundation of steam boiler, 1972.
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15. 06J,.aµoc; viwv Tp6µt:A, 1958. Chamber of new trammel, 1958.
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17. ISVIKrJ OIQTO~TJ oe~aµevwv (uµwOT]c;. General layout of fermentation tanks.
18. 1ev1Kf/ 01drn~TJ ~TJPOVITJp(wv µay1dc;, 1972. General layout of yeast kiln, 1972.
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19. nripuya c;uµwOT]c; Kat atTeuaewc;, 1958. Fermentation and fattening wing, 1958.
Xap6.A.aµnoc; Llpuµoucrric;, apxmoMyo~, Avopoµaxri NacrTOu, apxmoMyo~, navayLWTT'J<; XamWTT'J<;, apxmoMyo~, BamA.LK~ XaTi'.;T'JXP~O"Tou, apxmoMyo~
ILTOPIKH ANAJ\YLH KAI TEKMHPIOLH TOY BIOMHXANIKOY LYrKPOTHMATOL KAPOJ\OL I. ¢1Em~MnovTec;: Atµt11.ia ITecpavioou, apx1TeKTwv µrixav1K6c; Haralampos Drymousis, archaeologist, Andromachi Nastou, archaeologist, Panagiotis Chasiotis, archaeologist, Vasiliki Chatzichristou, archaeologist
l310µT]XOVIK'l OPXatOAoy(a EXOVTOc; nc; anapxec; TT]c; OTT] µeTanot..eµtK'l enoxl'J y1a TTJV Eupc.imri, KOT6p8woe va nen'.Jxe1 Tov enavanpooi51op10µ6 Kat TTJ 8eoµ1Kl'J i51eupuvori TT]c; ewmoc; Tou «µvriµe(ou» Kat vo ouµnepLA.6!3e1 Ta KaT6Aomo TT]c; l31oµrixav1Kl'Jc; i5paOTT]pl6TT]TOc; OTOV KOTOAOYO TWV not..mOTtKwv oyo8wv, nou XPl'Jl;ouv npoOTooioc;, OUVT'lPTJOTJc; Kat av6i5e1sric; Kat TOUTO)(pOVO onoTeAOUV cpope(c; IOTOplKWV TIAT]pocpop1wv.
LTTJ 0eooOAov(KTJ To evi51ocpepov y10 TO l31oµrixav1K6 KT(p1a Kat OUVOAO ev yeve1 OPXLOe VO iST]µ1oupyetTat Kat VO ous6ve1 TT]V nep(oi5o TWV µfowv TT]c; iSeKOeT(ac; TOU 1980, OTOV i5rit..ai51'J TIOA· Mc; an6 nc; µey6Aec; 1mop1Kec; l31oµrixav1Kec; µov65ec; ot..oKAl'Jpwvov TOv KU KAO TTJc; l;wl'Jc; TOuc;. T6Te, t..om6v, apxil;e1 µ10 npwTTJ Kmoypocpl'J Kat as10Mvriori TWV OT]µOVTIKOTepwv lOTOplKWV l31oµrixov1Kwv ouv6t..wv TTJc; n6t..ric;. LTO nt..01010 auT6 eyyp6cpern1 ri npoon68e10 10Top1Kl'Jc; TeKµrJ p(woric; TOU l310µT]XOVLKOU ouyKpOTl'Jµmoc; K. I. <l>LS, TIOU OTIOTeAet eva l;wnKl'Jc; oriµao(oc; Koµµ6n TT]c; IOTOpioc; TT]c; TIOAT]c;, KOewc; OTIOoXOAT]Oe µey6AO op18µ6 KOTOLKWV, ouvel30Ae OTT]V eKl3LOµT]XOVIOT] Kat, OUVOKOAOU80, OTT]V OOTIKOTIOLT]OT] TT]c; 0eoOOAOVIKT]c;, OTT] eseALST] TT]c; OlKOVoµ(ac; aM6 Kat OTT] iST]µ1oupy(o VE:WV TpOTIWV iSLOOKE:iSOOT]c; Kat VE:WV OUVT]0etWV OTOV TOµfo TOU eµnopiou npo'i6VTwv i51mpocpl'Jc;.
aving its origins in the postwar European era, industrial archaeology achieved the redefinition and the institutional broadening of the term "monument". The new term includes now the residues of industrial activity as cultural goods that need protection, conservation and bringi ng out as they bear important historical information.
In Thessaloniki the interest for industrial buildings and industrial units in general, starts to increase during the decade of 1980, when the majority of industrial units have already completed the circle of their life. It was then that an effort for recording and evaluation of the most important industrial units, with historic significance, began. In this context belongs the historical documentation of the industrial group: K. I. Fix, which is regarded as a piece of the city's history with vital importance. The factory occupied numerous residents and played an important role in the industrialization and consecutively the urbanization of Thessaloniki. It prompted the development of the economy and created new ways of entertainment and habits in trading food products. Up to 1870 the development of industry in Thessaloniki wasn 't any different than the rest of the country. However from 1880 and up to the first decades of the 20th century the scene changes radically. In this alteration decisively contribute the international political and economic developments such as the First World War, the Balkan Wars, the destructive fi re in 1917, the intensity in the Greek-Turkish relations-which ended with the obligatory exchange of population-and the reforms that Othomans promoted trying to improve city's character through the adoption of European models.
MiXPL TO 1870 nep(nou, ri KOT6moori TTJc; l31oµrixovioc; OTT] 0eooOAov(KrJ i5e i51acpoponoteiTat on6 ouTl'J TTJc; un6t..omric; xwpoc;. 00T6oo, on6 TO 1880 Kat µe)(pt nc; npwTec; iSeKoeT(ec; Tou 20ou atWVO, T] elKOVO aM6l;e1 pll;IKO. LTT] µeTOl30A'1 OUT'l OUVTeAOUV OTIO<pOOLOTLKO 01 i51e8ve(c; TIOALTLKE:c; Kat OLKOVOµIKE:c; eset..(se1c;, µe TOVA' noyK60µ10 n6t..eµo, TO TE:AOc; TWV l30AKOVL· KWV 0Upp6sewv, TT]V KOTOOTpO<plK'l nupKOYIO TOU 1917, TT]V E:VTOOT] OTtc; eMT]VOTOUpKIKE:c; oXE:Oetc; µe TrJV OVOYKOOTLK'l oVToMoyl'J Twv nt..ri0uoµwv oM6 Kat 01 µernppu8µioe1c; nou npow0e( T] nut..T] oe µ10 npoon68eLO eKOUYXPOVLOµou TOU XO· poKTl'Jpa TT]c; µe TTJV u108eTT]OT] eupwno'iKwv npoTunwv.
From 1854 when the first factory was founded in Thessaloniki and up to the first decades of the 20th century many industrial units are constructed (soap factories, tanneries, spinning mills, tobacco factories etc.) and their majority assembled in the western region of the city, the so called "Garden of Princes", or Bechtsinar.
An6 TO 1854 nou 1iSpueTat TO npwTO epyoOTcimo OTT] 0eooOAoviKTJ Kat µE)(pl nc; npwTec; iSeKOeT(ec; TOU 200U atWVO KOTOOKeLJ·
First in the list were the spinning-mill of Torres and Misrachi in 1886 and the spirit distillery of Allatini, Misrachi and Fernandez.
1. H £faoooc; arov K11no Twv np1yK11nwv. The entrance to the Garden of Princes.
2. flta<pf]µtartKrj acpfaa Tf)c; ern1p£fac; K6por..oc; I. <l>1E,. Poster of the company Karolos I. Fix.
61:;ovrOL no>-..u6p18µec; !31oµrixav1Ki::c; µov6oec; (oanwvono1(a, !3upoooetj.1da, vriµmoupyda, µu>-..01, Kanvepyoar6ota KTA.) nou ITTT"]V nAE:lOLjJr]cp(a TOuc; ouyKE:VTpWVOVTOL ITTT"] OUTlK'l nep1ox11 TT"Jc; no>-..ric;, arov >-..ey6µevo «Ktjno TWV np1yKtjnwv», TO Mne)(Totv6p, µe npwTec; TO vriµmoupye(o Torres KOL Misrachi To 1886 KOL TO 01vonvwµmono1do Twv Allatini, Misrachi KOL Fernandez. To TE:AE:UTO(o µeTmpfoeTOL ae i;u8ono1do µe TT"JV enwvuµ(a «'O>-..uµnoc;», KOT6mv ouvevwveTOL µe TO i;u8ono1do «N6ouoa» KOL TO 1926 nepv6e1 OTT"] A8riva'iKtj eTOLpda K6po>-..oc; <l>LE,. LT"]µOVTLKO p6>-..o ITT'l 010µ6pcpwori TT"]c; !31oµrixav1Ktjc; IITTOp(ac; TT"Jc; 0woa>-..ov(KrJc; 01aopaµ6T1oe avaµcp(l30>-..a KOL TO el3pciiK6 armxe(o TO ono(o ouvoi::8rJKE: 6ppriKTa µe TT"JV 01Kovoµ1Ktj KOL KOlVWVlK'l i;wtj TT"]c; n6>-..ric;.
The last one is transformed in brewery named "Naoussa" which in 1926 came under the ownership of the Athenian company Karolos Fix.
Ano nc; apxi::c; TOU 19ou OLWVO µe TT"] oriµ1oupy(a TT"]c; !31oµrixaVlK1lc; unoooµtjc; arriv 0woa>-..ov(KrJ 01 el3pa'iK1::c; 01Koyi::ve1ec; 01anpi::nouv arri 01axdp1ori µ1Kpwv apx1K6 aM6 noM Kepoocp6pwv emxe1ptjoewv anoKTwvrac; arao10K6 µEXPL TO µfoa Tou (01ou OLwva KOL Ta oKtjmpa TT"Jc; !31oµrixav(ac; n>-..61 ar1c; eMriv1KEc; OLKoyi::ve1ec;. Nriµmoupye(a, ucpavroupyda, Kepaµono1da KOL µu>-..01 avtjKOV ar1c; n>-..ouotec; el3pa'iK1::c; OLKoyi::ve1ec; TWV Allatini, Misrachi, Fernandez KOL Torres, 01 ono(ec; ouveTOLp(i;oVTOL µnaE,u TOuc; KOL npoweouv TO npo'i6vra TT"]c; napaywytjc; TOOO ITTT"] E:AAT"]VLK'l evooxwpa 600 KOL arriv E:UpUTE:P'l nep1ox11 TWV BOAKOVLWV Ka8wc; KOL TT"]V AvmoM. 'Onwc; npoavacpi::p8rJKE:, TO Mo 1;u8onmda 'O>-..uµnoc; KOL N6ouoa, dxav nc; eyKOTOar6oe1c; TOuc; mo Mnexrotv6p. To 'O>-..uµnoc;, el3pa'iKtj emxdpriori, µe eE,aywyi::c; en( ToupKoKpm(ac; ITT'l 0pOKT"] KOL KWVITTOVTlVOUnOAT"], tjTOV TO µeya>-..uTepo, aM6 KOL EVO an6 TO OT"]µOVTLKOTE:pa KOL na>-..OL6Tepa TT"]c; Eupwna'iKtjc; ToupK(ac;. To epyoar6oto 'O>-..uµnoc;, ToupK1Ktjc; apx1K6 1010KTrio(ac;, TO 1880 nepv6e1 arriv 1010KT11o(a Tou C. Allatini KOL Tp(a XP6v1a apy6Tepa µnmpi::neTOL ae OLVonvwµmono1do. To 1911 EYLvav np6o8eTec; eyKOTOITTOOE:Lc; KOL 'l lOlOKTT"]OlO ni::paoe ITTT"] "Societe Anonyme Brasserie Olympos" Tile; emxe(prioric; Misrachi, Fernandez & Cie. To epyoar6oto µe Ttc; µovri::pvec; eyKOTOar6oe1c; 011::8eTe en(oric; !3uvonmdo, TO µovao1K6 µEXPl TO 1914 OTT"]V EM6oa, KOL naptjyaye 1;u8o 6yKOU 1.020 E:KOT6ALTPWV. Luvo>-..1K6 To 'O>-..uµnoc; anaaxo>-..ouoe 200 epy6Tec; (ap18µ6c; ul)JriMc;, Myw i::Me1LjJrJc; OUYXPOvou ouOTllµOToc; rJAE:KTpoK(VrJoric;). Ano OUTOUc;, Ol 80 OTTOoXOAOUVTQV OTT"]V KUp(wc; /;u8onOL(O.
An important role in the development of industrial history of Thessaloniki had the Jewish community, which was connected unbreakably with the economic and social life of the city. From the beginning of the 19th century with the creation of industrial infrastructure in Thessaloniki the Jewish famil ies excel in the management of small initially but profitable enterprises acquiring progressively up to the means of same century and the sceptres of industry by in the Greek families. Spinning-mills, textile factories, tile works and mills belong in rich Jewish families of Allatini, Misrachi, Fernandez and Torres, which go into partnership between them and promote the products of production as much in the Greek hinterland and in the wider region of Balkans as well as the East. As already mentioned, the two breweries, Olympus and Naoussa, had their plant in Bechtsinar. Olympus, which was a Jewish enterprise, with exports during the Ottoman domination in Thrace and Istanbul, was the largest of the two and also one of the most important and long standing factories in European Turkey. The factory Olympus was, initially, under Turkish ownership, in 1880 passes in the property of C. Allatini and, three years later, is transformed in spirit distillery. In 1911 the plant was modernized and was bought by "Societe Anonyme Brasserie Olympus" which was part of Misrachi's, Fernandez and Cie enterprise. The factory with the modern plant was also equipped with a malt-house, which was the only one up to 1914 in Greece and produced about 1.020 hekatolitra of beer. Olympus occupied 200 workers (the number was this high, because of the lack of modern system of electrification). 80 of them were occupied in the main brewery. Most of those who were occupied in the handling of the machinery were, up to 1912, Greeks, while, in the departments of elaboration, deposit and bottling Bulgarians and Israelites. The factory "Naoussa" that was demolished after the war, was founded in 1911 from four Greek shareholders with cardinal shareholder Jordan Georgiades, as a commercial enterprise with the name "Brasserie Naoussa. Fabrique de Glaces et Hailes Frigorifiques Georgiades and Cie". The factory emanated from a small industry of ice that was founded in 1909. The IHOPIKH ANA/\Yl:H KAI TEKMHPIOl:H TOY BIOMHXANIKOY l:Yr KPOTHMATOl: KAPO/\Ol: I. <1>1=
3. Mepoc; TOU KTlPlQKOU e~OTTAlOµou TOU epyoorao{ou K6po>-.oc; I. <!>t~. Part of the industrial group Karolos I. Fix.
Ot m:ptaa6n:pm OTO XE:lptaµ6 TWV µrixovwv l7TOV µEXPL TO 1912 'EMrivec;, evw OTO Tµ17µ0 ene~epyaaiac; OTrJV ono817KrJ KOL OTO Tµ17µ0 eµcptMwaric; BouAyopm Km laporiMTec;.
aim of its foundation was the production and marketing of ice and the maintenance of refrigerator for the needs of cheesedairy with which the family of Georgiades was occupied.
To epyoOT6aLO Naouao nou KOTe5ocpiOTrJKe µeTonoAeµtK6 t5pu8riKe To 1911 an6 Tfoaeptc; 'EMrivec; µeT6xouc; µe Kupt6Tepo Tov lopMvri rewpytMri we; eµnoptK17 emxeipriari µe TrJV enwvuµio "Brasserie Naoussa. Fabrique de Glaces et Hailes Frigorifiques Georgiades & Cie". To epyoOT6ato npo17A8e on6 µio µtKp17 ~LOµrixovio nayou nou eixe t5pu8eiTo 1909. IKon6c; TrJc; t5puaewc; TrJc; eTmpeioc; 17rnv ri nopoywy17 KOL eµnopio Tou n6you KOL ri 5LOTT7PTlOrJ ljJuyeiou yto nc; ov6yKec; TrJc; TupoKoµioc; µe TrJV onoio noAm6Tepo aaxoAOUVTOV ri OLKoyeveto rewpytMri.
Of great importance for the history of the two industrial u nits, which were mentioned before, was their unification on 20 February 1920 under the name "Societe Anonyme des Brasseries Reunies Olympus-Naoussa".
E~mpenK17c; ariµoaioc; yto TrJV nopeio Twv Mo epyoOToaiwv, OT08rJKE: Tl auvevw017 TOuc; OTlc; 20 <l>Ae~opri 1920, µe TrJV enwvuµ[o «Societe Anonyme des Brasseries Reunies OlympusNaoussa». ITrJ 0eaaOAoviKrJ, TO N6ouaa KOL TO 'OAuµnoc; eixov TrJ 5uvaTOTrJTO va auvoywvto8ouv µe emTuxio TOV etoay6µevo eupwno"iK6 ~ueo TOGO an6 nAeupac; TIOlOTrJTOc;, 6ao KOi on6 nAeupac; Ttµ17c;. Triv i5LO 5UVOTOTrJTO OTIEKTrJOOV KOi OTIEVOVTL OTO ~u8onmeio TrJc; A817voc; Km n6Tpoc;. nepo Ono TO ~U80TIOleLO OTrJ O<pO[pa OVTOYWVLOµOU TOU <l>(s OV17KOV yvwOT6 noyonmeio TrJc; enoX17c;, 6nwc; ouT6 TOU E. Xopv..oou KOi TOU A. MnMrn. Inc; 28 louviou 1928 ri ovwvuµri E:Tmpeio µe TrJV enwvuµio «K6poAoc; <l>Ls» npoxwp6 OTrJV e~oyop6 OAWV TWV µeTOxwv TrJc; ovwvuµric; eTmpeioc; µe TrJV enwvuµio «Zu8onmeio '0Auµnoc;N6ouao», ocpou nporiy178rJKE: ri 5tMu017 TrJc; µe aKon6 TrJV auyxwveuari µe TrJV «K6poAoc; <l>ts AE» ym Aoyopmaµ6 TrJc; onoioc; unoypacpel O AVTWVLoc; Kop6AOU <l>Ls. To 1958 TO ~UVOTIOleLO TrJ<; ~u8onm[oc; <!>ts nepVO OTrJV L5LOKTrJOLQ TrJc; «EMrivtK17c; Btoµrixovioc; Kmepyoaioc; AyponKwv npo"i6VTwv (E.B.K.A.n.)» nou To 1968 ouvxwveueTm µe TrJV ovwvuµri E:TOLpe[o oµ65o L5LWTWV, TOuc; o5eA.cpouc; Zocpetpi5ri, TOV napl nop[OrJ KOL TrJ OU~UYO TOU, Ol OTIOLOl eLXOV OUOTT70E:l OPXLKO TrJV eTmpeio «ATAOVTLK17 Texvo5oµtK17».
Inc; opxec; TrJc; 5eKOE:TLOc; TOU 1970, Tl E:TOLpio K. I. <l>Ls AE <pTOVE:l OTO on6yeto TrJc; 0Kµ17c; TrJc; µe ovoiyµmo ae noMouc; TOµeic; Tou eµnopiou KOL TrJc; 5 tmpocp17c;. 00T6ao TO µovonwALO xoveTOL TO 1963 µe TrJV i5puari TrJc; Amstel, nou µnope[ vo 8ewPri8ei ri OPXll TOU TEAouc; yto TrJV auToKpmopio Tou <l>L~- H ~Lwatµ6TrJTO TrJc; eTOLpioc; OTo5toK6 Ko8iOTOTOl npo~AriµonK17. EvHISTORICAL ANALYSIS AND DOCUMENTATION OF THE INDUSTRIAL GROUP KAROLOS I. FIX
In Thessaloniki, the Naoussa and the Olympus, competed successfully the imported European beer as to the matter of quality and the one of the price, as well. The same success had in comparison with the breweries of Athens and Patras. Beyond the breweries, in the field of competitio n of Fix were also known ice factories for example those of E. Charilaos and A. Baltas. On 28 June 1928 the anonymous company "Karolos Fix" goes on to the repurchase of all shares of the societe anonyme "Breweries Olympus-Naoussa", after the company's dissolution with the intention to consolidate with "Karolos Fix AE'' in charge of which is Antonios Karolou Fix. In 1958 the malt-house of the brewery Fix came under the ownership of "Greek Industry of Treatment of Rural Products (G.I.T.R.P.)" that in 1968 was incorporated with the anonymous company of Brewery, Malt making and Ice Making "Karolos Fix" which from 1983 has gone under liquidation after a ministerial decision. In 1991 the industrial group was bought by auction from Zafeiridi's brothers, Paris Parissis and his spouse which had initially established the company "Atlantiki Technodomiki". In the beginning of 1970 the company K. I. Fix AE is at the apex of its prosperity taking action in many sectors of trade and diet. However, the monopolio comes to an end in 1963 due to_the foundation of Amstel which can be considered as the beg_inning of the end for the empire of Fix. The viability of the company progressively turns to be problematic. The new situation is reflected on the transport of the production of beer in lera Odos where the plant of Greek Brewery were and, finally, the sealing up of the factory in Sygrou, Athens . The factory in Thessaloniki keeps on working but the main activity is yet bottling. In the beginning of 1982, the National Bank of Greece cuts off the allowance of the enterprise. The grounds for that decision were the exorbitant debts. Therefore the company of Athens closes. During the same period 50 workers of the factory Fix in Thessaloniki were suspended because of the lack of material [e.g. malt]
oeLKTLKTJ n1c; vfoc; KmaOTaCJT]c; dvm Tl µerncpopa TT]c; napaywyi']c; TTJc; µnipac; OTTJV lepa OM, OTtc; eyKmaOTaoetc; TT]c; EMrivtKi']c; Zu8onotfac; Km To ocppaytoµa Tou epyoOTaoiou TT]c; LUYypou OTT]V A8i']va. To epyOOTCIOlO TT]c; 0woa>-..ov[KT]c; esaKO>-..ou8d ~e~ma va >-..etToupyd aM6 µe Kupta opaOTT]pt6TTJTO nMov TT]V eµcpLCIAWCJT]. An6 nc; apxec; TOU 1982, Tl E8VLKT] Tp6ne½a otaK6meL TT] oaveto56TTJCJTJ TT]c; emxeiPTJCJTJc; µe amo>-..oytK6 Ta unepoyKa XPETJ on6Te Tl ump[a TT]c; A8i']vac; K>-..dvet Triv [ota nep[ooo T[8eVTm ae ota8emµ6TTJTO 50 epya½6µevot OTO epyOOTCIOlO <llts TT]c; 0woa>-..ov[KT]c; Myw TT]c; eMeLLjJT]c; npWTT]c; u>-..ric;, ori>-..aoi'] ~uVTJc;, µe anoTe>-..wµa rn napaywytK6 Tµi']µarn TT]<; €TILXELPTJCJTJ<; VO UTIOA€lTOUpyouv T] VO TIQUOUV. To KOAoKa[pL Tou 1983, Tl eTOLpda avaOTeMet K60e emxetprJµaTLKTJ opaOTTJpL6TTJTa. To 1990 Tl 4T] Ecpope[a NewTepwv MVT]µdwv etCJT]yeiTOL yta TO xapaKTT]ptoµ6 Tou ouyKpoTi']µmoc; we; oLOTTJPTJTfou. M6>-..tc; eva XPOVO µu6 TO ouyKpOTT]µa TOU <llts µeT6 an6 TIA€LOTTJPL00µ6 nepLEPX€TOL ae oµaoa LOLWTWV (60%) KOL OTT]V TeXVLKT] €TOLpda «ATAQVTLKT] TexvoooµLKT]» EnE (40%). To 1992 €KOLO€TOL an6cpaCJT] µT] xapOKTT]ptoµou µepouc; TOU ouyKpoTi']µmoc; Km OL LOLOKTTJTec; eKoioouv aoeta KmeoacptCJT]c; TµT]µCITWV TWV TIOAOLWV KTLOµCITWV. To 1993 µe napeµ~OCJT] TT]<; 4T]c; ENM y[veTOL QVQOTOAT] TT]c; Kmeoacptoric; KOL anoOTeMoVTm ouµn>-..ripwµanK6 OTmxe[a OTO YnnO YLO TO XOPOKTTJpLoµ6.
Triv [ota XPOVL6 TO TEE(rKM KOTa0ernL np6rnCJT] yta TT] otaowCJTJ TOU ouyKpoTi']µmoc;, evw £VO XPOVO µua Ol LOLOKTTJT€<; uno~6Mouv 0€lpC1 npOTC10€WV YLO TT]V OSLOTIOLT]CJT] TOU OUYKPOTTJµmoc;. Oc; QTIOTEAWµa TWV napanavw evepyeLWV, TO 1994, TO vnno xapOKTTJPL½eL TO µeya>-..0Tepo µepoc; Tou ouyKpoTi']µmoc; we; oLOTTJPTJTfou µa½[ µe TOV T€XVOAOYLKO eson>-..toµ6. To 2003 aKo>-..ou8ouv eLCJTJYfJoetc; TT]c; 4ric; ENM. LTTJ vfo Ki']pusri 6µwc; nou eKo[oeTm neptopi½oVTm Ta OLOTTJPrJTfo.
H TeAeuTa[a npoon68eLO yta TO xapaKTT]ptoµ6 KOL TT] otml'JpriCJTJ Tou ouyKpoTi']µarnc; npayµaTonotfJ0rJK€ ae riµep[oa nou OLOpyavwoe TO TEE(rKM OTLc; apxec; TOU 2005, 6nou OL nepLOo6TepOL an6 rnuc; ouµµeTEXOVTec; UTIOOTTJPLsav TT]V QVCIYKTJ €KTIOVT]CJT]c; ev6c; master plan yta TTJV eupuTepri nepLOXTJ Tou ~LoµrixavtKou OUyKpOTT]µOToc; ¢LS TT]<; 0€000AOVIKT]<;, µe TOV Opl0µ6 ½wVTJc; npoOTaoiac;, Tl ono[a ea npoootop[oet 6pouc; MµriCJTJc; KOL XPTJ aetc;.
which resulted in the cessation of the productive departments of the company. From the summer of 1983, the company suspends all of the production activities. In 1990 the 4th Ephorate of Contemporary and Modern Monuments suggests the characterization of the group as a listed one and one year later the group of Fix was bought by auction by private individuals (60%) and by the technical company "Atlantic Technodomiki" LTD (40%). In 1992 a decision of declassification of part of the group is published and the owners give authorisation for the demolition of parts of the old buildings. In 1993 after an intervention of the 4th Ephorate of Contemporary and Modern Monuments the demolition is suspended and complementary documents are sent to the Ministry of Culture for the reactivation of the characterization. During the same year technical chamber introduces a proposition for the emersion of the group, while one year later, the owners submit suggestions for the exploitation of the buildings. As a result of these actions, in 1994 Ministory of Culture characterize the major part of the group as listed along with the technological equipment. In 2003 follow the propositions of the 4th Ephorate of Contemporary and Modern Monuments of the Ministry of Culture. In the new declaration the number of the listed was limited. The last effort for the characterization and the conservation of the group was the organisation of a conference by the Technical Chamber of Central Macedonia in 2005, where most of the participants supported the need of a master plan for the entire zone of the industrial group Fix of Thessaloniki and the subsequent definition of the area limits and its protection, by right of which will be decided the terms of buildings and exploitation.
~ORIHHTON finOAn«,N _ 'I___L _
4. liW({)rJµtOTtKTJ a({)faa rou epyooraa(ou rou 4>1~. Poster of the factory of Fix.
Avaorno(a n17Afro17, apxtteKtwv µnxavtK6<;, Eu8uµ(a LLW~1ou, apxtteKtwv µnxavtK6<;, Xap(moc; Ne~c:0K1wn1c;, TIOA.lTlKO<; µnxavtKO<;, Eu6yyc:Aoc; nanao6nouAoc;, TIOA.lTlKO<; µnxavtKO<;, N1K6Aaoc; Mnouo1oc;, TOnoypacpoc; µnxavtKO<;
TO BIOMHXANIKO LYrKPOTHMA <l>I- LTH 0ELLA/\ONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMAfl.A 1 Em~Mnovtec;: A1µ1A(a LTC:<pav(oou, apxtteKtwv µnxav1K6<;, Ap17c; A~oc:A6c;, noAtttK6c; µnxavtK6<;, 'OA.ya rewpyouAa, TOnoypaq>o<; µnxavtKO<;, Kwcnac; ToKµaK(oric;, TOnoypaq>oc; µnxavtKO<; Anastasia Pilitsi, architect engineer, Efthimia Sioziou, architect engineer, Charisios Neveskiotis, civil engineer, Evangelos Papadopoulos, civil engineer, Nikolaos Bousios, surveyor engineer
THE FIX INDUSTRIAL BUILDING COMPLEX IN THESSALONIKI. COMPLEX 1 Supervisors: Aimilia Stephanidou, architect engineer, Aris Abdelas, civil engineer, Olga Georgoula, surveyor engineer, Kostas Tokmakidis, surneyor engineer
a KT[p1a nou µe>--en']erJKav ae auT17 TrJV epyao[a anorn>--ouv TrJV npWTrJ OTTO nc; 6 KTlplOKec; oµ6oec; TIOU Or]µLoupy178r]KOV y1a TrJ µeMTrJ mu ouyKpoT17µmoc; ct>1~. H KTlplOKl7 0µ600 1 OTIOTE:AE:ITOL OTTO TOV nupyo TOU ljJU)(pOVTrJp(ou KOL rnuc; eaMµouc; ½uµw017c; KOL OLTWOTJc;. LTOUc; xwpouc; QUTouc; OAOKArJPWVE:TOL ri OlOOlKOO[a napaywy17c; TOU ½ueou, nou OTrJ ouvtxe1a nriyaive1 y1a eµcp16>--w017. EivOL eva ouvo>--o KTtpiwv nou oriµ1oupy178rJKe ae no1KiAec; mK000µ1Kec; cp6oe1c; µeaa ae eva 016mriµa 90 E:TWV. 'Ey1vav noMec; µeTOTponec; KOL npoo817Kec;, KOL evw rJ 0µ600 TWV KTlpiwv eµcpav[½eTOL E:Vla[a mo 106ye10, T6oo >--e1Toupy1K6, 600 KOL µopcpo>--oy1K6, moue; op6cpouc; ri KOT60TOOTJ napouo16½e1 µey6>--ri no>--un>--oKOTTJTO. r1a To Myo auT6 dvOL MoKo>--oc; o 01axwp10µ6c; Twv ave~6pTrJTwv KTtpfwv. r1a TT] 01euK6>--uv017 TTJc; µeMTTJc;, ri 0µ6oa TWV KTlpiwv OLOXWPIOTT]KE: ae 7 KTlplOKec; E:VOTr]Tec;. LUVOALK6 µeAE:Tl78T]KOV 26 XWPOL. To 106ye10 oev KOT£0TT] OUVOTO VO anoTunw0ei KOL va µe>--eTrJ0d ouvo>--1K6, Myw aouvaµ(ac; np6of3a017c;.
H OTIOTUTIWOTJ TOU OUyKpOT'7µ0Toc; £VIVE: µe TOnoypacpLKec; µe06oouc;. r1a Tr]V OPXLTE:KTOVLKl7 QVOAUOTJ KOL TeKµT]plWOTJ oriµ1oupy178T]KOV avamuyµma KOL KOpT£Aec; XWPWV, OTIOU KOTQyp6cpOVTOL OUOTT]µOTLK6 TO UALK6, T] KOT60TOOTJ OLOTl7pT]017c;
he buildings that were the subject of this project, consistute the first of the six building groups that were created in order to study the Fix building complex. Building group number 1 consists of a tower housing the cooling machinery and rooms that house the fermentation and the conditioning tanks. In these rooms takes place the termination of the production of beer that is afterwards bottled . It is a group of buildings that was formed during a 90 year period. Lots of transformations and additions have been carried out. Although the building complex appears to be morphologically and functionally united in ground floor level, in upper levels it is more complicated. Due to this, the distinction of independent units is difficult. In order to facilitate the study of the buildings, the complex was separated into 7 building units. In total, 26 spaces were studied systematically. Ground floor level was not studied thoroughly due to lack of access.
The geometrical documentation of the building complex was carried out with the aid of topographic methods. The architectural analysis and documentation are based on the completion of several information forms and internal elevation plans, where materials, condition of maintenance and every other useful information were collected systematically. At the same time the
1. <Pwrnypaµµt:TplKQ avocyµeVT) E:lKOVQ TT/c; VOTCOQVQTOAlKl')c; Ol/JrJc; TOU KTlplaKOU auv6Aou 1. Fotogrammetrically processed photo of south-eastern far;ade. THE FIX INDUSTRIAL BUILDING COMPLEX IN THESSALONIKI. COMPLEX 1
TOuc; KOL K66e 6Mri XPllOLµTl n>-..ripocpop(a. nap6Mri>-..a eytve KOL Tl anapa(TT1TT1 cpwTOypacpLKl7 TeKµrip(wOT). Bao1K6 xaPOKTTlPLOTLK6 TTlc; Tuno>-..oytK17c; opy6vw011c; TTlc; 0µ6oac; KTtp(wv 1 anoTe>-..e( Tl emµT7KT1c; OL6TOE;Tl, Ta KT(pta 1, 2 KOL 3 exouv op6oywvLKl7 KOT04JTl, o(pL)(Tec; OTeyec; KOL OLOTOOOOVTOL Oe enacp17 OTLc; OTevec; n>-..eupec; TOU<:;, OTlµLOUpyci.JVTac; 8VO en(µriKec; KTLptaK6 ouvo>-..o. H ot6TOE;Tl auT17 axeT(i'.;eTOL µe TTlV >-..e1Toupy(a TOU epyoOTao(ou. ITo en(neoo Tou 1ooye(ou, TO KT(pta anorn>-..ouv µ(a avan6onaOTri >-..e1Toupy1K17 ev6TT1Ta xwpwv nou OTey6('.;oVTOL µe riµ1Ku>-..tvOpLKec; Kaµ6pec;, Tono6eTriµevec; µe TOuc; 6E;ovec; TOuc; nap6Mri>-..a. H 516TOE;T1 auT17, eE;unripeTouoe TTlV npoo6T7KT1 KOL V8WV XWPWV, OVOAOya µe Tic; avayKec; TOU epyoOTao(ou. H K>-..1µ6KWOTJ Twv u4Jwv ocpeO,.eTOL oe µeTOyeveOTepec; npoo617Kec; op6cpwv.
1 1" •
- .... : · '
2. H ap(0µf/OT} nou XPf/Otµonotr'J0f/KE: yw TT)V µeMTf/ TTJc; oµdi5ac; KTtpfwv 1. The buildings' code numbers used for the study of complex 1.
EKT6c; an6 TTlV emµT7KT1 016TOE;T1, OTO ouyKp6TT1µa napoum6('.;eTOL KOL Tl KOTOK6pucpri opy6vwOT). KOL Ol Mo emTOOOOVTOL an6 >-..e1Toupy1Kec; av6yKec;. 'Eva T8TOLO nap6oe1yµa elVOL OUTO TOU nupyou nou anorn>-..efrOL an6 5 en(neoa µtKpou eµ~aoou, 6nou o µrixavo>-..oytK6c; Touc; eE;on>-..toµ6c; ouvMnOL KOTaK6pucpa. 'O>-..a TO KT(p1a Tou apx1Kou nup17va TOU ouyKpoT17µmoc; aKo>-..oueouv eva µOVT8AO KOTOOKeu17c; nou eiStve TTl iSUVOTOTTlTO KOTOOKeuT7c; KTlplWV µe µeya>-..ouc; e>-..eu6epouc; XWpouc; OTO WWTeptK6, KOT6Mri>-..ouc; yta Tr]V TOTI008TTlOTJ TOU oyKci.JOouc; µrixavo>-..oytKou eE;on>-..toµou. LTTlV n>-..eto4Jricp(a TOuc; etvOL KOTOOKeuaoµeva OTIO neptµeTplKEc; cpepouoec; OITTOTIAlV6000µec; KOL nmwµma an6 µeTOMtKec; ooKouc; nou yecpupwvoVTOL µe 0o>-..(oKouc; an6 om6n>-..1v0ouc;. To ouvo>-..o Twv KTLp(wv 1 anoTe>-..e(TOL an6 µeptK6 an6 Ta xapaKTTlPlOTLK6Tepa KTlpla TOU ouyKpOTT7µmoc; µe LiSta(Tepa µopcpo>-..oyLKO xapaKTTlPLOTlKO. 01 64Jetc; iStaµopcpwvoVTOL µe ouµnaye(c; eµcpave(c; om6n>-..tv6ouc;. OpyavwvoVTOL µe TO xapaKTTlPLOTtK6 a4'10wT6 avo(yµma, napaOT65ec; KOL opti'.;6VT1ec; TOLV(ec; KOL evaMay17 ent)(pLOµevric; TOlXOTiot(ac; KOL eµcpavci.Jv om6n>-..tv0wv. To eviStacpepov TWV TIOAlTWV KOL TWV cpopewv TTlc; n6>-..ric; yta TTlV TUXTl Tou ouyKpoT17µmoc; e(vOL eVTovo, oe5oµevou 6n anoTe>-..et eva 011µeto avacpop6c; TTlc; n6>-..ric;, xapaKTT1p(('.;oVTac; Tov 001K6 6E;ova TTlc; 26ric; OKTw~p(ou. np6KeLTOL yta eva Tep60TLO KTLPLaK6 an60eµa µe µey6>-..o e>-..eu0epo xwpo, Tou ono(ou rt aE;tono(riOTJ npo~6Me1 we; µfa an6 nc; 1axup6Tepec; npoK>-..17oetc; Tou TomKou TeXVLKou KOL emxetpriµm1Kou K6oµou. ITO n>-..aimo TT1c; np6TOOT)c; enav6XPriOTJc; Tou ~1oµrixav1Kou ouyKpoT17µmoc; TOU 4>tE;, eE;eTOOTTlKOV:
5. Emµf/Kf/c; rnµf/. Longitudinal section.
3, 4. KT(pto 3, 2o Kat 3o en(nei5o, eawrnptKic; an6(/Jetc;. Building 3, 2nd and 3rd level, internal views.
necessary photographic documentation was carried out. The typological organization of the building complex is characterized by a longitudinal array. Buildings 1, 2 and 3 have rectangular ground plan, timber framed double pitched roof and adjoin on their narrow sides creating an oblong complex. This is probably due to functional reasons. Buildings of ground floor level constitute an integral functional unit of spaces roofed by semicylindrical vaults, placed with their axons in parallel. This array facilitated the addition of new spaces, according to the factory's needs. The different buildings' heights are due to subsequent vertical extensions.
6. 'AnO(/Jf/ Tf/<:; BA O(/Jf/c;. View of the NE far:;ade. TO BIOMHXANIKOH rKPOTHM.~ <l>I:: HH 0EHAAONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMMA 1
7. KT[pw 4, 6nocJH/ an6 TTJV 26ric; 0KTwf3p[ou. Building 4, view from 26th October Avenue.
9. BopecoavarnAtKrj 6cfJrJ. North-east far;ade.
8. 'Anoc/Jri TOU auyKpoTfJµarnc; an6 TO VOTIOOUTCKQ. Southeast view of the complex.
10. NOTtOQVOTOAtKrj Oc/JrJ µeT6 TrJV anOKQTQOTOOrJ. Southeast far;ade, after the restoration.
11. 'AnOc/JrJ TOU ouyKpOTrjµaroc; an6 TTJV 006 26ric; 0KTwf3p[ou. View of the building complex from the 26th October Avenue.
12. VcfJri rnu auyKpoTfJµarnc; an6 TTJV oo6 26rJ<; 0KTwf3p[ou. Fa<;ade of the building complex from the 26th October Avenue. THE FIX INDUSTRIAL BUILDING COMPLEX IN THESSALONIKI. COMPLEX 1
------- ---------
View of the offices.
14. 'ArrOI/JTJ TOU XWPOU TTJ<; {31/3AL00T7K'7<;.
View of the library.
15. EmµT7KTJ<; mµry OTO KT{pw rrou arey6(ovrnt ypacpefa Kat /31{3A100ryKTJ. Section plan. The offices and the library.
16. K6TOI/ITJ TOU eOTtaTOp{ou.
Floor plan of the restaurant.
18. 1SVIKT7 QrTOI/JTJ OTTO TOV XWPO TOU QKQt,.tJTTTOU. View of the courtyard.
17. 'ATTOI/JTJ TWV viwv KTtaµ6TWV.
• I) lOTOp(a TOU OUyKpOTT]µOTO<; KOi I) 8eOI) TTOU KCITTOTE QUTO EiXE OTT) l310µ11xavfa Tl)<; xwpac;
Besides the oblong array, the building complex is also characterized by vertical organization. Both of them are due to functional needs. Such an example is the tower which consists of 5 levels. There, the machinery is linked vertically.
• 11 noll.u Ol)µaVT1K17 8eOI) nou KOTeXEL OTl)V n61'.I) Tl)<; 0woa1'.ov(KI)<;, navw OE Ol)µOVTlKOU<; OOlKOU<; Cl~OVE<; OTl)V Eioooo Tl)<; TTOAI)<;, noM KOVTCI OTO 1'.1µ6v1KOi OE aµEOI) enacp17 µE Tl) 861'.aooa • TO µeyE86<; TOU KOi Ol OUVOTOTl)TE<; TTOU QUTO npoocpepEl y1a Tl) OTeyaOI) V€WV AElTOUpytWV • 11 TTOAUTTAOKOTl)TQ TWV 6yKWV TOU KOi TO l◊LOITEPO µopcpoll.oYLKO anoTell.Eoµa nou o(vEL I) ou0Ta017 Touc; 017µEpa
View of the office buildings.
All of the buildings of the initial core of the complex are constructed in a way that allows them to have vast internal spaces suitable for the placement of the bulky mechanical equipment. Most of them are made of load bearing masonry and floors are made of metal beams and are joined by brick vaults. This building complex includes some of the most characteristic TO BIOMHXANIKO LYrKPOTHMA <Ill:: HH BEHA/\ONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMAM 1
19. 'A.rroljJr, rwv epyaotaKwv xwpwv. View of the working areas.
• rJ auyKevrpw017 0/1.WV QUTWV TWV KTLp(wv ae KOTTOLO Koµµ6n TOU OLKOTTEOOU, ae 6µe017 enacp17 µe TOV OOLK6 6~ova KOL TO nwc:; QVTLAaµ~6veTOL Kave(c:; ar'jµepa TO auyKp6TT]µO OTOV TO npoaeyy(~eL • 0 µeyOAO<; OK0/1.UTTTO<; XWPO<; TTOU anoµeveL npoc:; TT]V TT/l.8Up6 TTJC:: e6/l.aaaac:; nou o(vet e/1.eueep(a OTO axeotaaµ6 vewv KTLp(wv KOL 8/\E:Ueepwv xwpwv. 'ETm YLO TO auyKp6TT]µO TOU ¢>L~, npOTeLV8TOL T] eTTQVOXPTJOTJ Tou we:; «Kevrpo TeXVOAOYLKllC:: KOL EmOTT]µov1K17c:; 'Epeuvac:;». Ta Kevrpa aUT6 anoTeAouv 017µavr1K6 Koµµ6TL OTTJV av6mu~ri TTJC:: T8XVOAoy(ac:; TOU 21 OU Ol. KOL T] OT]µLoupy(a TOU OTT]V 0eaaaA.oVlKT] ea µnopouae va anornMaet ariµavr1K17 npwTOnop(a KOL ea np008/I.KU8 TO 8VOLOcpepov KOL 0/1./1.WV yetTOVlKWV XWPWV. An6 Ta KT(p1a TOU auyKpoT17µmoc:;, otmripouvrOL auT6 nou Kpmouv TT]V OPXLKll TOuc:; µopcpo},.,oy(a KOL nou OTey6~ouv a~t6},.,oyo µrixavo},.,oy1K6 e~on},.,10µ6. AcpOLpouvrOL K6no1ec:; µernyeveOTepec:; npoae17Kec:; nou aneKAetaav w:; 6ljJetc:; OPXLK6 ucptOT6µevwv KTLaµ6Twv KOL µernyeveOTepa KT(aµma nou ar'jµepa avamuaaoVTOL KQTO µ17Koc:; TWV op(wv TOU OLKOTTEOOU µe TO A1µ6v1. 0 µey6Aoc:; QK0/1.UTTTO<; xwpoc:; 0LV8l TT] OUVOTOTT]TO YLO oriµtoupy(a vewv KTtaµ6Twv.
Im ucp10T6µeva KT(aµma npo~MnovrOL auveoptaKo(. xwpot,
buildings of the brewery with particular morphological characteristics. The fa~ades are organized by arch topped windows, pilasters, cornices of red bricks and the alternation between painted masonry and uncovered red brick walls. The interest of citizens and governors of the area for the future of brewery is intense, since it is situated in an important part of the city, beside the 26th October Avenue. It is an enormous building complex with huge free space, whose exploitation appears as one of the strongest challenges for the local technical companies and enterprises. The rehabilitation proposal of the industrial complex of Fix, takes into consideration: • the history of the building complex and the importance that it used to have in the industry of country • its location in Thessaloniki, on important road axes in the entry of city, beside the harbour and in direct contact with the sea • its large extent and therefore the possibilities that it offers for the accommodation of new facilities. • the complexity of its volumes and the particular morphologic result that it constitutes nowadays • the accumulation of the buildings in the same part of the plot, in direct contact with the road axis and the perspective that the complex creates to everyone that approaches it • the huge free space next to the seaside that gives the opportunity for new buildings and free spaces to be created.
xwpol OLOA8~8WV, en(oet~T]c:; VEWV npo'LOVTWV, µeMTT]c:;, OLQLKT]017c:;, epeuvrinK6 epyaOT17p1a, ~L~Atoe17KrJ, aM6 KOL xwpo1 auveOT(aaric:; Kat ljJuxaywy(ac:;. 'Q},.,a aUT6 ea auvofovrOL 6µeaa µe TTJV LOTop(a Tou auyKpoT17µmoc:; Kaewc:; ea µnope( Kavdc:; va napaKOAOue17aeL TOV Tp6no napaOK8Ul7c:; TOU ~ueou µfoa an6 µ6vtµa eKeeµma KOL TT] OlOTllPTJOTJ µepouc:; TOU µrixavo/1.0YLKOU e~onAtaµou, aM6 KOL µfoa an6 neptootKec:; eKefoe1c:; nou ea npayµmonotouvra1. I Ta vea KT(aµma ea OTeyaOTouv ypacpetaKo( XWPOl KOL ~8VWV8<;.
Thus, the new use that is proposed for the Fix complex is "Centre of Technology and Scientific Research". These centres contribute a lot in the development of 21st century's technology and such an important, avant-garde centre in Thessaloniki would attract the interest of neighbouring countries.
nap0/1./1.T]AQ y(VE:TOL KOL T] eneµ~OOT] OTOV QK0/1.UTTTO XWPO, OTTOU 017µmoo0Te(TOL ri daoooc:; OTO auyKpOTT]µa µe TT] oriµtoupy(a OTey60Tpou , OtaµopcpwvovrOL 01aopoµec:; µe aMayec:; U/1.LKWV, 08VOpocpUT8UOT], OTeyaOTpa, KaetOTLKO( XWPOl KOL XWPOC:: OTOeµeuOT]c:;.
Among the buildings of the group, those that still keep their initial morphology and accommodate important mechanical equipment are preserved. Certain later additions that hide the facades of initially existing buildings and later buildings that have been constructed along the northern border of plot are removed.
20. npoom1Kf/ ane1K6v10T} rwv viwv 1rnaµ6rwv. Perspective 3d view of the proposed buildings.
Em:µl36ow; OTIOKOTQOTOOT]<; y(vovrat f:Ket 6nou OUTO Kp(veTat anapOLTl7TO YLO Tl7 OTOTLKT] A£lTOUpy(a TWV KTLp(wv Kat Tr]V evapµ6v1011 µe TTJ vfo XPTlOTJ. Ot eneµl36oe1c:; OTTJ µopcpo11.oy(a TWV KTlplWV EXOUV TIQVTQ W<; OTOXO TTJV OTIOKOTQOTOOTJ TT]<; OPXLKT]<; TOU<; TQUTOTTJTO<; 6nou QUTT] i::xe1 0/1.AOLWee(. l36oeL OTOLXetWV, Kat e(vm emTpemi::c:;. AuT6 y(veTOL apx1K6 µe TTJV anoµ6KpUVOTJ TWV KTLOµOTWV nou Kp(eTJKOV µeT6 TTJV OLOOLKOo(a TT]<; av611.uo11c:; TeKµTjplWOT]<; we; µT] as1611.oya npoc:; OLOTT]PTJOTJ. H np6TOOTJ enav6xp11011c:; Twv KTLp(wv nou 01m11pouvrat y(veTat µe !36017 TO LOLOLTepa µopcpo11.oy1K6 TOU<; xapOKTTjplOTLKQ, TTJV OYKOTIA.OOLO TOU<; Kat TT] OUVOTOTTJTO TWV XWPWV nou neptKA.e(ouv va anooexrouv nc:; vi::ec:; xpfioe1c:;. 'Ernt K6no1a KT(p1a npoTeiveTat va Kpm11eouv we; i::xouv, µenc:; eneµl36oe1c:; OTIOKOTQOTOOT]<; VO neptOpli'.;OVTOl OTTJV OV008LSTJ TT]<; OPXLKT]<; TOU<; µopcpfJc:; Kat TTJV ev[axu017 YLO TTJV eyKOTQOTQOT] Twv vi::wv 11.e1Toupy1wv, fimac:; µopcpfJc:;, evw ae Kanota nou 11 OPXLKT] µopcpfJ eivm aMotwµi::v11 nporn(veTat 011µ1oupy(a vi::wv KOTQOKf:UWV. Ot vi::ec:; XPfioe1c:; ea owoouv ~wfi OTO ouyKp6T11µa ae Kae11µep1vfJ l360T] Kat 11 np6ol3aOT] ea eivat avotxrfi ae 6TOµa Tou emOTT]µovtKOU Kat navemOTT]µtaKou KUKA.OU aM6 Kat OTO eupu Kotv6 nou ea emotwKet TTJV eVT]µi::pwofJ Tou, fJ an11.6 ea emoKi::meTOL TO <llts yta tjJUXOYWYlKOU<; OKOTIOU<;. /\6yw TT]<; npWTOTIOptOKT]<; XPTlOTJ<; nou e(xe OTO nape11.e6v, emo1wxe11Ke Kan ava11.oyo Kat yta Tl1 µeMoVTLKT] Tou XPfJOTJ. T11v enoxfi nou 011µ1oupyfie11Ke T]TOVf: f:SOTIA.LOµEVO µe TO TIIO ese11.LyµEVO µT]XOVT]µOTO TTJ<; enoxfic:; Kat anorn11.ouoe np6Tuno. H XPTlOTJ nou eeMoaµe va owoouµe eivm av611.oy11 we; npoc:; TTJV XPTlOTJ TTJ<; rnxvo11.oy(ac:; Kat TTJV npwTonop(a nou ea i::xe1 OTTJV n611.11 Kat TOV eupuTepo XWPO y(Jpw OTTO OUTT]V.
In the existing buildings new functions such as conference and lecture rooms, show rooms, administration offices, laboratories for research, library but also dining rooms and spaces for recreation, are established. All these, are connected to the history of the building, as someone will be able to attend the procedure of making beer, through the exhibits and the conservation of the machinery, as well as through periodical exhibitions that will take place. The new buildings will house offices and hostels. The project is completed by designing the free space around the building complex, where a cover is built to mark the entrance to the complex, paths are created through different materials, trees are planted and resting and parking spaces are created to serve the public needs. Restoration takes place where it is necessary for the building's static operation and in order to adjust the buildings to the new usage. Changes to the morphology of the buildings aim to restore their initial identity, where vitiation took place, always based on evidence and only when this is possible. This is achieved through the removal of the buildings that after the process of analysis were characterized as unremarkable. The proposal is based on morphological elements and the ability of the existing spaces to accommodate new uses. Thus, it is proposed that some buildings are preserved with minimum interventions, in order to reach their initial form as well as to accommodate their new proposed use, while in the cases that the restoration of the initial form is impossible, the creation of new constructions is proposed. New functions will give life to the complex in daily base as the
access will be open to individuals, scientists and students but also to anybody that wants to be informed about the industrial complex, or simply visit Fix for recreation. Finally, its new use is symbolic. Fix was a pioneering industry, as when it was built it was equipped with the latest technology. Something quite as pioneering as the old one is also proposed for its future use.
NtK6A.aoc; ~(Kac;, apxm:K1wv µT]xavtK6c;, Xp1a1(va Kwa1onouA.ou, not..tTtK6c; µT]xavtK6c;, M6voc; KaA.A.tou56KT']c;, not..mK6c; µT]xavtK6c;, N1K6A.aoc; Apyup(ou, not..tTtK6c; µT]xavtK6c;, lwavvric; 4JE:1p6KJ"]c;, 10noypacpoc; µT]xavtK6c;
TA KTIPIA THL 'NEAL nArOAEKANHL', TOY 'MHXANOLTALIOY', THL 'nAPArOrHL CO2' KAI TOY 'AEBHTOLTALIOY'. KTIPIAKH OMA~A 3 Em~Mnovn:c;: KaA.A.tp6ri naA.u~ou, apxm:K1wv µrixavtK6c;, AM~avopoc; Tawvoc;, not..111K6<; µrixav1K6c;, Kwa1ac; ToKµaK(oric;, TOnoyp6cpoc; µrixavtK6<; Nikolaos Dikas, architect engineer, Christina Kostopoulou, civil engineer, Manos Kallioudakis, civil engineer, Nikolaos Argyriou, civil engineer, loannis Psirakis, surveyor engineer
THE 'ICE PRODUCTION', 'ENGINE ROOM', 'CO2 PRODUCTION' AND 'BOIL ROOM' BUILDINGS. COMPLEX 3 Supervisors: Kallirroy Palyvou, architect engineer, Alexandros Tsonos, civil engineer, Kostas Tokmakidis, surveyor engineer
vnKe(µevo TT]<:; µeMTT]c:; onoTEAEL ri np6rnari anoKOTOarnaric:; Tµ17µmoc:; Tou ~t0µrixav1Kou auyKpon']µmoc:; TT]<:; 0eaao}..ov(KT]c:;. H µeMTT] EKTEMOTT]KE ae 010Kp1Ta OTCIOlO µe epwva apxe(ou, epwva neo(ou, OTIOTUTIWOT], µeMTTJ ucp1aT6µevric:; Kmaarnaric:; KOL no8ot..oy(oc:;, 010Tunwari TT]<:; np6TOOT]<:; OTIOKOTCIOTOOT]<:;, TWV OPXWV KOL 6pwv y10 TT]V £VTO~T] TT]<:; vfoc:; XPllOT]c:; KOL T£t..oc:; TT]V aTOTlKll µeMTT] ev(axuaric:; Km u}\ono(riaric:; TTJ<:; apx1TEKTov1K17c:; np6rnaric:;.
The study was divided in several distinct parts such as file research, field research, topographic survey, study of the pathology of the building and restoration proposal through new use of the buildings joined with the structural restoration study and the necessary reinforcement implementations.
General characteristics of the buildings - Present condition
To un6 e~ETOOTJ auvo}..o exe1 npoKuljJe1 µfoa on6 µ10 01ao1Kaa(a 01aoox1Kwv npoa8T]KWV KOL µeToaxriµanaµwv. XapaKTT]ptOTLKll e(vm ri evono(riari avaµeao ae KT(p1a 01acpopenKwv OLKOooµtKWv cpaaewv, nou oriµ1oupye( ouaKoMa mriv av6yvw017 TOU<:;. lo1a(Tepa npo~t..T]µOTLK6c:; ELVOL O eµ~ot..1aµ6c:; TWV 6ljJewv TWV npoucp1an1µevwv KTtp(wv TT]<:; oeuTepric:; ae1p6c:; on6 ve6Tepa oaneoa TWV KTlp(wv TOU OUVOAOU, µe OTIOTEAEaµa TT]V 01aKOTI'7 TT]<:; auvtxe1ac:; TWV 6ljJewv.
The complex is the result of a process of continuous extensions and transformations. It is characterized by the unification of buildings developed in different times, which creates difficulties in understanding each one of them. In particular, the lower part of the fa~ades of older buildings, have been extended covered by the floors of recent structures developed in contact with them.
n10 OUYKEKptµEVO OE eTilTIEOO KClTOljJT]<:; OTT] OT68µT] TOU lOOyELOU 01 xwpm e(vm auvexe(c:;, xwp(c:; evo16µeaec:; Tmxonm(ec:; Km µe µey6.Aa 01oxwp1m1K6. avo(yµma. LTO en(neoo Tou npwTOu op6cpou 6µwc:; napoumai'.;oVTm 01acpopono117ae1c;, µe Tov 6pocpo TT]c; vtac; nayo/\t:K6vr,c; EVOTIOLT]µEVO µe µepoc:; TOU op6cpou Tou vtou µr,xavoama{ou KOL ~exwp1m6 Tov 6pocpo TOu naAwu µr,xavoaraa{ou ae xaµrit..6Tepri m6.8µT]. XapaKTTJPLOTlKll e(vm T] anoua(a KOTOK6pucpric:; ETIIKOLVWV(oc:; nou VO OUVOEEl TO 1a6ye10 µe TOV 6pocpo, evw T] np6a~OOT] OTOV TEAEUTOLO y(veTOL µ£OW TOU YElTOVlKOU KTtp(ou TWV 1/JUKTT]pWV TTa/\QIWV Tp6µe/\
Especially the rooms of the ground floor are integrated thus, no vertical walls are existing. But there are many signs on them which mean that before time this space was separated in several parts. Contrary to this, the 1st floor presents different characteristics. There the 'new ice production' space is unified with part of the floor plan of 'new engine' space while the 'old engine' space is on lower level. A special note is that there is no vertical communication either by stairs or lifts between the ground and the first floor. Thus, the access to the floor is through the adjacent building.
LUVenwc:;, T] ariµep1V17 KOTClOTOOT] EIVOl OTIOTEAEOµa Kup(wc:;: • TT]<:; 01aoox1K17c:; oriµ1oupy(ac:; vewv KTtp(wv ae enacp17, µe µernyevemepri acpo(peari Twv µeaoT01x1wv • TT]<:; KOTOOKEU'7<:; VEWV OOTIEOWV OTT] OT6.8µT] TOU op6cpou OTO ev1a(a nMov KT1p10.
he object of the present study is the rehabilitation proposal of part of the industrial complex called 'FIX' in Thessaloniki.
AnoTet..eaµa Twv naponavw ae auvouaaµ6 µe TTJV Ka8ot..tK17 anoyuµvwari TWV KTtp(wv an6 Tov µrixavot..oy1K6 e~on}\10µ6
So, the present condition of the buildings comes as a result of • the step by step construction of new buildings in contact with the old ones • the constructions of new floors on the 1st level that unify the functions of adjacent spaces. These reasons and also the catholic abstraction of mechanical equipment lead to the present picture of the buildings. This is the large spaces and the large height in contrast to the other
Touc; anoTeAd o 011µeptv6c; xwpoc;. AuT6c; xapaKTrJp(i'.;eTOt an6 TO µey&.o evta(o µeye8oc; KOL TO µey&.a ulJlri ae aVT18e011 µe TT"JV EVTOVT"J i5taµeptaµaTono1ri011 nou napoumal;ouv TO neptaa6Tepa KT(pta TOU auyKpon']µmoc;.
building of the industrial complex. Especially many traces on the wall and holes on the floor indicate that before time the mechanical equipments were existed there. In several cases the base of the engines was found while the rest of the engine was missed.
0 cpepwv opyavtaµ6c;, anornAeLTOL an6 Tmxonm(ec; (apyoAt8oi5oµl'] µe i5tal;wµma an6 auµnaydc; om6nAtv8ouc;, evw ot e~wTeptKec; 6ljletc; an6 auµnaydc; om6nAtv8ouc;). Ta i56nei5a KOL TO i5wµa OTO µrixavoupydo KOL OTT") vfo nayoAeKavri anoTeAOUVTOL an6 nA6Kec; KOL i5oKouc; onAtaµevou aKUpoMµmoc;, evw OTO xwpo napaaKeul']c; CO2 TQ i56nei5a anOT£/I.OUVTOL an6 KaµapwT6 i56nei5a om6nAtv8wv en( ati5ripoi5oKwv KOL ri OTEya011 Tou op6cpou y(veTOL µe ~uALVT"J OTEYT"J- H KOTaOTaOT] TWV TOlXOTIOllWV KplV£TOL lKQVOnOLT")TlKT], evw TO OTOLX£LQ an6 OKUp6i5eµa eµcpav(l;ouv EVTova 011µe(a evav8p6KwOT]c; Tou aKUpoMµmoc; KOL i5t6l3pw011c; Twv onAtaµwv µe TOUTOXPOVT"J anoK6AuljJ!'] rnuc;.
The buildings are constructed in stone masonry with a re inforcement of horizontal brick zones except from the external facades which are consisted exclusively of red solid brick masonry. The floors of the engine room and the 'new ice production' room are constructed in reinforced concrete plates and beams while the floors of t he 'CO2 production' room have a mixed structural system consisting of steel beams and brick vaults. The roof consists of wooden trusses. The walls are in good condition in general while the concrete elements have signs of carbonation with the steel reinforcements being eroded.
LTT"JV 6ljJrJ npoc; Tov i5p6µo Kuptapxouv TO µey&.a avo(yµma Ta ono(a npoaavmoAtaµeva OTov j3opp6 i5T")µtoupyouv EVTOVT"J 86µl3w011 Ka8wc; To KTtpto OTO ta6ye10 i5ev MxeTOL cpwTtaµ6 riµepac; an6 ljJrJMTepri OT68µri.
In the north wall of the building which is adjacent to the road are exists many windows. But because of the fact that these openings are only on the ground 11oor of the fagade are the only source of physical light to the inner of the building.
To urr6 µeMTT] rµf]µa wu <PE arr6 TT]V 26TJ OKrw{3p{ou afJµepa. View of the studied part of the industrial complex of FIX from 26th Oktovriou Str. as it is today. TA KTIPIA THL 'NEAL nArO/\EKANHL', TOY 'MHXANOHALIOY', THL 'nAPArnrHL CO2' KAI TOY '/\EBHTOHALIOY'. KTIPIAKH OMAM 3
lf:VIKCI T] KOTOOKW'7 TOU ev1aiou oam:oou OTOV npc.i>TO 6pocpo Tou µrixovomacriou - vtac; nayo>-.eK6VT]c; yiveT01 µe Tp6no TEToto nou OUOIOOTIKCI oev emTptne1 TT]V KOTOVOT]OT] TOU cruv6AOU. AnoTt>-.ecrµa auT17c; TT]<; 6TuXrJc; cruvapµoy17c; Tou op1~6vnou oantoou µe m0txeio Twv na>-.mwv e~wrnp1Kwv 6ljJewv eivm ri unof368µ1ari Tou cruv6>-.ou KOL ri KOT00Tpocp17 emµtpouc; npoi.icp10T6µevwv OTOLXetWV. H
BaatK6 OTOXO y10 TTJV EVTO~TJ vewv XP11crewv mo auyKpOTT]µa OTIOTeAet T] OUVOTOTT]TO y10: • e~acrcpC!ALOT] TT]<; OIKOVOµLK'7<; f31wmµ6TT]TO<; TOU cruyKpOT'7µaTOc; • OUVOTOTT]TO OIOT'7pT]OT]c; KOi OTIOKOTCIOTOOT]c; TOU KTlplOKOU anoetµmoc; Tou 1mop1Kou cruv6>-.ou • OT]µLoupyia vfoc; ouvaµLK'7<; y10 TT]V WOVEVTO~T] TOU cruyKpoT17µ0TOc; OTT] ~W'7 TT]<; TIOAT]<; • av6oe1~ri KOL npof3oM Twv OTOLXeiwv f31oµrixov1K17c; opxmo>-.oyiac; Tou cruyKpoTtjµmoc;. H np6TOOT] WOVCl)(pT]OT]c; UL08eTet TT]V OUVOTOTT]TO avamu~ric; ev6c; KEVTpou OTpOTT]YLK'7<; emxe1pT]µOTLK'7<; opOOTTJPLOTT]TO<;, y10 eMriv1Ktc; emxe1p17cre1c; nou opaOTT]p1ono1ouVTm OTO Ba>-.K6v10, un6 TOV auVTov10µ6 Tou ruvMcrµou EMT')VLKWV B1oµrixov1wv (r.E.B.).
In general it can be said that the constructional phase history of the complex of 'new ice production' space and the engine room is difficult to be read and studied because of the construction of the floor reinforced concrete plate. In addition this floor plate is also in contact with the fa<;:ades of the back buildings. It seems indeed that these fa<;:ades were the fi rst visible to the public from the road. As a result of this intervention the old architectural characteristics of the fa<;:ades of the back buildings have been lost, with several parts been demolished and the whole complex has been downgraded.
The rehabilitation proposal Main target of the conversion has been: • the economical growth of the complex • the promotion of the historical and evolutionary characteristics of these former industrial buildings • the preservation of the historical building supply • the creation of a new perspective which passes through the connection of the reuse of the complex with the citizens of Thessaloniki. The proposal adopts the development perspective of the complex as a center of enterprises, cultural and entertainment ac-
2. XwptKrJ i5taµeptaµamrro{rJOTJ J...e1Toupy1wv Kara TTJV J...etToupy{a mu epyoama{ou. Space division of functions.
3. ApXlTE:KTOVlKQ Kat µrJxavoJ...oytKCJ OTOlXelO TOU epyoaraa{ou. Architectural and mechanical parts of the factory. THE 'ICE PRODUCTION', 'ENGINE ROOM', 'CO2 PRODUCTION' AND 'BOIL ROOM' BUILDINGS. COMPLEX 3
Ta napan6vw mmxda 0011y17crav, mo TTA.a(mo TT]c; np6Tacrric; anoKm6macrric; Kat mav6XPl7crric; wu cruv6Aou, ae xetptcrµouc; ot ono(ot ea eneTpenav: • Tl7 017µtoupy(a µtac; vfoc; etcr6oou mo cruyKp6T17µa o(nAa an6 To KT(pto TT]c; vfoc; nayoAeK6VrJc; nou ea otanpayµmeunat TT]V ewota T17c; nuA17c; Tou nep(KAetmou cruv6Aou • T17v av6mu~17 opaOTT]ptOTT]TWV eKeecrewv Kat eK017Awcrewv mov evta(o µeyMo tcr6yeto tmoptK6 xwpo, TT]V eyKm6macrri Twv ypmpdwv Tou opyavtcrµou nou dvat uneueuvoc; yta TT]V AetTOupy(a TOU cruyKpoTT]µmoc; mov evta(o 6pocpo, µe ouvaTOTT]TO 6µecrric; np6cr~acrric; TOU Kotvou ma KT(pta TT]c; oeuTep17c; cretp6c; wme va ~avanoKTT]crouv TT]V 0MT17Ta TT]c; 6ljJ17c; wuc; µe TT]V eKµeTOAA.WcrrJ Tou evta(ou owµmoc;. 1ta T17v uAono(17crri Twv napan6vw µe evav Tp6no o ono(oc; ea dvat anMc;, Kmavo17T6c; Kat otaKptT6c; an6 Ta tmoptK6 KT(pta, ETTtA.EXe17Ke 17 Mari T17c; npocreT]KT"]c; ev6c; cpepovTO opyavtcrµou µeTOMtKWV TTA.atcr(wv. Acpou acpatpeeouv Ot nMKec; OTTA.tcrµevou crKUpoMµmoc; Tou evta(ou op6cpou Kat Tou owµmoc;, TO nAa(ma TonoeeTOUVTat ae enacp11 µe T17v 6ljJ17 mo op6µo, 6nou anoTeA.ouv napOAA.17Aa Kat Tov Tp6no ev(crxucrric; Kat ITTT]pt~T]c; TT]c;. Me Tov Tp6no aUT6 Kat ae cruvouacrµ6 µe eAacppt6 KmaK6pucpri npoeVTacrri moue; necrcrouc; anocpeuyeTOt 17 XPllcrrJ µavouwv onAtcrµevou crKupoMµmoc; mtc; To1xono1(ec; Kat neptop(½nat ae ouo To(xouc; Tou CO2. An6 Tl7V OAAl7 TTA.eup6 TO unomuAwµma TWV TTA.atcr(wv TOTTOeeTOUVTat ae an6ma017 TplWV µeTpWV OTTO Tl7V OljJl7 TWV KTtp(WV Tou µrixavomacr(ou Kat TWV cpoupvwv, ETTtTpenoVTac; an6 TO WWTeptKO TT"]V OA.OKA.l7pWµEV17 efocrri TT]c; TTOA.tac; evta(ac; OljJl7c; wuc;. 0 6Aoc; opyavtcrµ6c; cruvex(½et Kat n6vw an6 TO KT(p10 Kat KOTOAT]ye1 µe TT]V npocre11K17 ev6c; eA.acppou 016Tp17Tou mey6mpou nou anoTeAet TO vfo mmxdo nou KOA.Umet µepoc; TOU owµmoc; Kat KQTOAT]yet we; KQTQKOpucpo motxdo va npocro10p(½e1 TT] vfo TTUA.17 TOU cruyKpOTT]µawc;. Me aUT6 Tov Tp6no emvodTOt evac; otaopamtK6c; 01Moyoc; av6µecra OTO TTOA.10 Kat TO Katvoupyto µe TT]V em~OAT] TOU OTOIXeLOU TT]c; Otaxucrric; an6 TO eva OTO QA.AO. EmnMov emxe1petTat va anoTeA.foet eva cpO...Tpo y1a TT]V ouvm6T17Ta 01acpopeTtKT]c; av6yvwcrric; Kat KOTOv617crric; ev6c; tOTOptKOU nept~OAAOVTOc;.
tivities with influence to Balkan area under the administration of Hellenic Federation of Enterprises. All above put the bases for the restoration and rehabi litation proposal which includes a series of interventions. These are: • the creation of a new gate next to the building of 'new ice production' which inflects the entrance to the whole industrial complex. • the development of exhibitions and actions taking place to the unified ground floor historical room. The office of the federation that will be responsible for the function of the complex at the first floor which will be reconstructed. The functional development of an open-air space promotion of the fa9ades of the back buildings that are in contact now with the front ones. Carrying into effects the above targets the proposal includes the implementation of a new, self-carrying steel framed structure. Particularly the reinforced concrete plates are demolished and the steel frames are placed which support also the external fa9ade wall. In this way and with a vertical prestressed force applied to wall piers an extended reinforcement intervention to the external fa9ade is avoided. This element evolves in the interior of the unified complex and forms the large shed over it. This steel structure also develops the new gate of the complex. This new light element is situated in a distance from the old structures and covered with transparent panels, so it allows the continuity of the old fa9ades that had been strangled by the floors of recent extensions. The use of contemporary transparent elements in close contact to historical buildings gave the possibility of an effective dialogue between old and new. Transparency as a spatial and notional membrane, allows the two-way diffusion of existing historical elements to the new and opposite. Forming the new structures with transparent values satisfies a difficult double demand: the simultaneous strong presence and discreet absence. Finally the transparency in such conversions creates a visual filter through which a different reading and understanding of historical environment is possible.
4. ATTOTUTTWOTJ umipxouaac; KQTQOTQCJT]c; KQI rra0oAoyfac;. Toµf/ Kara µf/Ko<;. Survey of the present state and pathology. Longitudinal section.
___ J
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5. Avarrapaaraar, µopcprjc; rou epyoaraa{ou rwv apxwv rou a1wva Kat 016ypaµµa t:~0..1~ryc; 01Koooµ1Kwv cpaaewv. Representation of the factory at the early 1900's and development diagram of the constructional phases.
6. Tp1ao16araT') GTTE:lKOVlOT/ TWV /3aa1KWV lOE:WV T')<; TTp6raar,c; GTTOKGT6araar,c;. Three-dimensional representation of the basic ideas of restoration proposal. THE 'ICE PRODUCTION', 'ENGINE ROOM', 'CO2 PRODUCTION' AND 'BOIL ROOM' BUILDINGS. COMPLEX 3
7. Ans1K6V10T] rwv c51arr-,pouµsvwv rµr-,µ6.rwv KOi µaKirn y1a rr-,v np6TOOT] anOKQTO.OTQOT]c;. Representation of the preserved parts and maquette of restoration proposal.
8. npoaoµo(wµa araTIKTJc; µsUTr-,c; anoKaT6.0TaOT]c;. Simulation model for the structural analysis.
9. ApXITSKTOVIKTJ np6TOOT] anOKQTO.OTQOT]c;. <PwropsaJ..iaµo(. Architectural restoration proposal. Photorealistic representation.
Etp~vri nanayewpy(ou, apxm:K1wv µ11xav1K6<;, AyyeA.LK~ T6yta, apx11eK1wv µ11xav1Koc;, EAeu8ep(6 <t>avT(oou, apxm:K1wv µ11xav1K6<;, KpuaTOA.A.E:VLa KouTaoyt6vvri, no.r,.111K6<; µ11xav1K6<;, rewpy(a nanaxptaTooouA.ou, no.r,.111K6<; µ11xav1Koc;, Map(a .b.ayA.6poyA.ou, rnnoypacpoc; µ11xav1Koc;
MEJ\ETH TOY BIOMHXANIKOY rYrKPOTHMATOL FIX. KTIPIAKH OMA/iA 4 Em~MnovTec;: Atµti\(a rTecpav(oou, apx11eK1wv µrixav1K6c;, Apric; A~oei\6c;, noAmK6<; µrixav1K6c;, 'Oi\ya rewpyouA.a, TOnoyp6.cpoc; µrixavtK6c;, KwaTac; ToKµaK(oric;, TOnoyp6.cpoc; µrixavtK6c; Irene Papageorgiou, architect engineer, Aggeliki Togia, architect engineer, Eleftheria Fantidou, architect engineer, Krystallenia Koutsogianni, civil engineer, Georgia Papachristodoulou, civil engineer, Maria Daglaroglou, surveyor engineer
STUDY OF THE INDUSTRIAL GROUP OF FIX. COMPLEX 4 Supervisors: Aimilia Stefanidou, architect engineer, Aris Abdelas, civil engineer, Olga Georgoula, surveyor engineer, Kostas Tokmakides, surveyor engineer
o i31oµrixav1K6 ouyKp6TT']µa i3p(oKeTm OTO 5unK6 TµT]µa TT']<; 0eooa>-.ov[KrJ<;, OTrJV nep1oxTJ Tou Mnexrn1vap1ou, nou KOTO nc; apxec; TOU 20ou OIWVO OTIOTeAouoe TT']V npWTT'] i31oµrixavLKT] l;wvri TT']<; TIOAT']<;. np6KeLTOI y1a eva OLK6ne5o eKTOOT']<; 28.000 T.µ., TO ono(o OTT'] i36pe1a n>-.eup6 TOU eKTeLVeTOI KOTO µT]KO<; TT']<; o5ou 261']<; 0KTWi3p(ou KOi KOTO TO nape>-.86v eixe we; v6no 6p10 TT'] 86>-.acrcra. H oxfori aUTTJ µe TT'] 86>-.aooa exe1 xaee[ OT]µepa, Ka8wc; Tov 206 mwva ri npoi3MTO Tou >-.1µav1ou eneKT68T']Ke oriµavnK6 µeoa OTT'] 86>-.acrcra.
To epyOOTOOIO <1>1~ OTIOTe>-.e( cruyKp6TT']µO KTtp(wv, TO ono(o y1a nc; av6yKec; TOU EpyOOTT]p(ou L11emOTT]µOVLKT]<; LUVepyacr[ac; (E.Ll.L.) xwp[OTT']Ke ae e~1 ev6TT']Tec;. H oµ65a µac; aaxoMSriKe µe TrJV ev6TT']TO 4. r1a nepmTepw 51euK6>-.uvori TT']<; µeMTrJ<;, npoxwpT)craµe ae 516Kp1ori Twv KT1p10Kwv 6yKwv ae A, B KOL r , T6oo >-.6yw xapOKTTJPO 600 KOL 516Kp1oric; OTT'] >-.e1Toupyia nou e~unripernucre TO Ka8eva KOT6 TrJ i3uvono(TJOrJ. np6Ke1Tm oum-
1. Aepocpwroypacp(a rou auyKporf/µaroc:;. Aerial photograph of the complex. STUDY OF THE INDUSTRIAL GROUP OF FIX. COMPLEX 4
he industrial group is located at the western part of Thessaloniki, at the Behtsinari district, which was the first industrial zone of the city in the beginning of the 20th century. It is an area of 28.000 sm, which lies along the 26th October street and which had the sea as a southern border. This relation with the sea is lost nowadays, because of the extension of the port into the sea.
The factory of FIX is a set of buildings, which was divided in six units for the needs of the Interdepartmental Annual Laboratory. Our team handled unit 4. For further easiness, we were able to separate the buildings into A, B and r, due to the characteristics and the use of each one during the making of the beer. These three buildings are some of the most old and significant ones of the whole group. Objective of the study is the configuration of a general proposal for building's restoration and reuse. The study is organ-
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3. Ynapxouoa KQTGOTQOT]. Current condition.
2. Tonoypacp1K6 016ypaµµa unapxouoac; Kar6oraor,c;. Topographical chart of current condition.
ized in three basic units. The first one involves the systematic survey, architectural analysis and documentation of the buildings.
OOTtK6 yto µE:ptK6 on6 TO nOAOLOTE:po KOL oriµoVTtK6TE:po KTLpto TOU E:pyoaroo[ou.
The second one includes the diagnosis of the damages that have occurred and also the pathology of the construction. The third unit involves the proposal for restoration and reuse of the whole complex. The method of the study involves photographic survey, topographic survey, croquis and catalogues filled with all the information from each room separately.
LT6xoc; TT]<; µBMTTJ<; dvOL TJ i5toµ6pcpwOT] Bv6c; n>-.OLo(ou WE:µl360E:wv KOL TJ iStmunwori np6rnoric; yto TTJV onoKOTOOTOOT] KOL WOVOXPTJOT] TOU ouyKpOTT]µmoc;. H µE:MTT] i5top8pWVE:TOL OE: TPBL<; l3omKtc; E:VOTTJTB<;. H npWTTJ ocpop6 TT] A.BmoµE:p~ onoTunwori, OPXLTE:KTOVlK~ OVOA.UOT] KOL TE:KµT]plWOT] TWV KTLp[wv. H iSE:UTE:PTJ BVOTTJTO nBpLA.oµl36vE:t TTJV Kornypocp~ KOL i5t6yvwori TWV ~T]µtWV TTOU €XOUV UTTOOTE:l TO KTLplO, K08W<; KOL TT] TT080AOy[o TT]<; KOTOOKW~c;. H TPLTTJ E:VOTTJTO ocpop6 TTJV np6TOOT] onoKOTOOTOOT]<; KOL wov6XPTJOTJC: TOU ouyKpoTT]µmoc;. H µt8oi5oc; E:pyoo[oc; nE:pl€AOl3B cpwrnypocpLK~ OTTOTUTTWOTJ, oXE:i5tooµ6 OVOA.OYlKWV, E:VT]µE:pwµtvwv OKlTOWV (croquis), TOnoypocpLK~ OTTOTUTTWOT], ouµnMpwOT] KOpTE:A.WV YLO K08E: xwpo ~E:XWPL· ar6, 6nou Kmoyp6cpTJKOV 6>-.E:c; ot onopo[Tf]TE:<; n>-.ripocpop[E:c;. 1. APXIT&KTOVIK~
Opy6vwor, xwpwv 'Onwc; ovocptp8TJKB KOL nporiyouµtvwc;, iStoKp[vouµB TpE:t<; KTL· plOKOU<; 6yKOU<;. To KTLplO A OTTOTE:A.E:LTOL OTTO TpE:l<; XWPOU<;,
1. Architectural analysis Organizing space
Like mentioned before, we have three buildings. Building A consists of three volumes, an almost square one, at the eastern side we find a closed rectangular one, where the silo are located, while at the southern side is the square section of the wooden staircase. In general, the building has five levels. From the last, fifth level there is the possibility of visiti ng the three floor tower of the FIX group. Building B is a united rectangular space with also five levels, while building r has four levels. From this building is given access to the oven, which has five levels and a semi floor. The staircase of building r provides vertical communication also for building B.
4. K6m(/Jr, owripou Kat niµmou emnioou. Second and fifth floor plan.
5. L1UTlKT) KQl f36pe1a Ol/117 KTlpfou A. Western and northern fa9ade of building A.
Southern far;ade of building 8 and r.
evav axe56v T£TpaywvtK6 KE:VTplKO, QVQTOAlKCl evav KAf:lOTO op8oywv1K6 nou OTeya½et TO mM, evw OTT] v6Tta nl\eupa Tono8ern(rn1 0 axeMv TE:Tpaywvoc; 6yKoc; TOU ~UAlVOU Kl\tµOKOOTQo(ou. Luvol\tKct To KTipto exc:1 neVTe enine5a. An6 TO Ter..eurn(o neµmo f:TIITIE:50 UTIOPXE:l KOL rJ 5UVQT0Tf]TO np6o~OOf]<:; OTOV TptWpO<pO nupyo TOU OUyKpOTI]µOTO<:;.
These three buildings have different horizontal levels and they communicate only in the third level. Concerning the use of this complex of buildings, we come across a series of functions for the biggest part of the whole procedure of making beer, which is very complicated and demands cooperation between different buildings.
To KT(pto B f:lVQl evac; evtaioc; op8oywv1oc; xwpoc; µe en(oric; neVTe en(ne5a, evw To KTfpto r 51a8eTe1 Tfooepa en(ne5a, an6 6nou y(vernt Kat ri np6o~aori OTO cpoupvo. 0 cpoupvoc; 5ta8eTet Tif,VTf; en(ne5a KQl nmapt. To Kl\tµOKOOTClOlO TOU KTtp(ou r f;~UTirJPf:Tf:l Tf]V KQTQKOpUcpf] f:TilKOlVWVIQ TOOO TOU (5tOU, 000 KQl eµµeoa Tou KTtpiou B.
Morphology The group we are studyi ng is a typical sample of industrial architecture of the beginning of the 20th century. Clear shapes, simple and heavy volumes, plain facades symmetrical to the vertical axon. Building A stands out for the more decorative treatment of its fagades. North and southern fagade are dominated by uncovered, colored brickwork. All the apertures have the shape of arc and are surrounded by a frame made of brick with central key stone. Vertical and horizontal stripes, blind arcs that enclose windows and the impressive steel windows and doors of the first and second level create the whole image.
Ta Tp(a KTlpta ~p(OKOVTQl Of: 5tacpopenKec; OT68µec; KOL rJ Opl½OVTlQ f:nlKOlVWVIQ TOuc; npayµaTOTIOlf:ITQl µ6vo OTO Tp(TO en(ne5o. 'Ooov acpopa TrJ XP'lOrJ Kat TrJ l\etToupyia Tou KTtptaKou aUTou ouv6l\ou, c:VToni½ouµe µ10 oetpa epyamwv y1a To µeyal\UTepo µepoc; Tf]c; 5ta5tKaoiac; napaywy11c; Tf]c; µn(pac;. H 5ta5tKao(a Tf]c; ~uvonoirioric; e(vat apKE:Tct nepfnl\oKrJ, anatTf:l ouvepyao(a KQl f:TilKOlVWVIQ Yf:lTOVlKWV KTtpiwv KQl Kct8e ctl\l\o nopa ypaµµtK'l f:lVQl. TunoAoy(a Kat OTQ Tp(a KTlpta TOU OUYKPOTllµOToc; Ol xwpot f:LVQl f:VlQIOl, op8oyWVlK'l<:; KClTOltJrJ<:;, µe el\eu8epa TOTI08E:Tf]µf-VQ OTO XWPO UTIOOTf]AWµOTa yta Tr] OTIJPl~'l Tl']<:; opocp11c;, e~aocpar..(½OVTac; f-TOl TOV anapa(Tf]TO XWPO yta Tf]V TOTI08€Tf]Of] TWV µl']XOVl']µctTWV. Ot npWTE:<:; ul\ec; QKOAOU80UV QV05lK'l 'l K0805lK'l nope(a µfow TWV f:TilTif-5WV TOU Kct8E: KTlplOU.
6. Nona 6ljJ17 ,mpfou B Km r.
Mop<.poAoy(a To ouyKp6Tf]µa nou e~c:Ta½ouµe dva1 5dyµa ~10µ11xav1K11c; apXlT£KTov1K11c; TWV OPXWV TOU 20ou OlWVQ. Ka8apo( 6yKOl, OTl~apo( Kat anr..o(, r..tTec; 6tt,etc;, µe ouµµc:Tp(a npoc; Tov KOTaK6pucpo a~ova dvat Kctno1a yevtKct xapaKTrJptOTtKct. ::exwpi½et TO STUDY OF THE INDUSTRIAL GROUP OF FIX. COMPLEX 4
The surface of building B is covered with plaster. Pairs of windows are organized on the fagades, sometimes under a relieving arc made of bricks. The situation on the facades of building r is similar. Construction The surrounding walls of all three buildings are constructed by green stone of Thessaloniki with zones of brickwork up to some specific height. The rest of the walls are totally made of brickwork. A general notice is that the width of the walls is diminished as the height gets bigger. The roofs are made of steel beams that bury short arcs filled with bricks . To some higher levels one can trace wooden floors . The roofs are made of wood and they are based on the surrounding walls and wooden columns.
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ax.tow QTTOTUTTWOT)<;. Southern fa<;ade, survey drawing.
ax.tow arrorurrwOT)c;. Section A-A, survey drawing.
7. N6Tta 01/JT/,
8. Toµrj A-A,
9. Toµrj 8-8, ax.tow QTTOTUTTWOT)<;. Section 8-8, survey drawing.
10. Toµrj , -r; ax.tow arrorurrwOT)c;. Section 1-1, survey drawing.
KTLPlO A y10 TOV mo OlOKOOµT]TlKO xe1p1aµ6 TWV 6ljiewv TOU. LTT] l36pe10 Km ounKtj 6ljiri Kup1opxei ri eµcpovtjc;, cptpouao omon>.1v8000µ17, XPWµonaµtvri ae Kepoµ10( T6vo, evw 01 opµo( eivm XPWµonaµtvo1 µoupo1. 'O>.o TO ovo(yµoTO, ae 6>-o To tcr(p10, eivm To~wni µe nep1µeTp1K17, npoe~txouao Kopv(<';o on6 om6n>.1v8ouc; µe KeVTptK6, n>.iv81vo K>-e10L nopom6.oec; Km op1<';6VT1ec; oooVTwTtc; Tmv(ec;, TucpM oljJ1owµoTO µe eyyeypoµµtvo nop6.8upo KOi TO E:VTUTTWOIOKO. µeTOAALKO. ovo(yµmo TOU npwTou emntoou o>.oK>-ripwvouv TT]V e1K6vo. 01 emcp6.ve1ec; Twv 6ljiewv Tou tcr1p(ou B eivm emxp1aµtvec; ae T6vouc; TT]c; WXPOc; KOi opyovWVOVTOl ae <';euyri TO~WTWV nopo8upwv, 6.AAOTE: µovwv Kat 6.MoTe oiAol3wv, eyyeypoµµtvwv ae unepKeiµevo, OVOKOUcplOTLKO TO~O on6 om6n>.1v8ouc;. nop6µmo OVTLµeTWTTlOT] OUVOVT6.µe KOi OTO KTtplO r.
2. Pathology The examination and the recording of the pathology of each room separately provided us with a general image of the preseNation situation and the reasons that led to it. The main cause of damages is abandonment. The roofs have either collapsed or bear holes, the walls and the ceilings have also gaps due to the machines that were carelessly moved away, glass and window frames are missing, allowing the weather conditions and perhaps vandalism of the building. Another cause of the current damages is the changes in the spatial arrangement that took place during the years, changes that were not extremely careful or attentive. But the majority of damages is caused by damp. As a result, metal elements are in the state of decay, their size is diminished, wooden elements are rotten and mortars have MEAETH TOY BI0MHXANIK0Y :i:vrKP0THMAT0:l: FIX. KTIPIAKH 0MAIIA 4
'i7 A A'i7
11. Kdrn(/lr, oe(m:pou emrrioou, rrp6rnar, arroKardaraar,c;. Second level plan, restoration proposal.
'i7 A
r I I
12. Kdrn(/lr, rp{rnu emm:oou, rrp6rnar, arroKardaraar,c;. Third level plan, restoration proposal.
1, Si'1 ==q;=i=E::-'.,.,,,~
KaraaKwaartKrJ ooµf/
Ot m:ptµeTptKe<; TOLXOTIOL[ec; KOL TWV TplWV KTLp(wv eLVOL cpepouaec; KOL KOTOOKWCl~OVTOL an6 apyOAL8o5oµr'] an6 np6.mvri Tpa 0WOOAOVLKI)<; µe ~wvec; TIA[vewv ewe; optaµevo uljJoc;, evw OKOAoued omont..Lv8o5oµr']. revtK6. napaTl)peiTOL anoµdwari TOU TICIXOU<; TWV TOLXWV KOS' UljJO<; TWV KTtp[wv, OTIOU KOL e5p6.~0VTOL Ol µeTOAALKe<; 50KO( TIOU cpepOUV TL<; opocpec;. nto OUYKf:Kptµeva, Ol opocpec; OTIOTeAOUVTOL an6 at5l)p050KOU<; nou cpepouv TIALV80KTLOTO KOµapwT6., evw f:VTOTI[~ouµe ae KCITIOLO avwTepa en(ne5a sut..tva 56.ne5a. H meyaari Twv KTtpiwv npayµarnnoteiTOL µe sut..tvec; meyec; nou e5p6.~0VTOL mt<; neptµeTpLKe<; TOLXOTIOL(ec;, K08wc; KOL ae SlJAlVO UTIOOTl)AWµOTa.
been destroyed. Finally, the construction of new buildings according to the new needs of the industry may have caused supplementary weight to the foundations and slight sinking of the northern fagade.
3. Suggestion for restoration and reuse The desire and the main principle were to preserve the character, the arrangement of volumes and the special style of the brewery of FIX. The new uses were chosen in a way that would not damage the aesthetic outcome. The district is under development, so the motive was to invite people into this area.
2. naeo>.oy1a H Et,£TOCJTJ Km Kmaypacp17 TT'Jc; naSo1'.oyiac; Tou KOSE xwpou t,8XWPtOT6 Km TWV 6ljJEwv otaµ6pcpwo8 TT'J yEvtK'l 8tK6va TT'Jc; KOTCIOTOCJT]c; OtOT'lPT'JCJTJc; KQL TWV amwv nou ouvef30A.OV 08 auT'7V. H KUpt6T8pfJ QLTLO TWV cpSopwv TOU ouyKpOT'7µ0Toc; 8LVQL fl 8YKOTCIA.8tljJfJ. 2T£yEc; nou exouv KOTapp8U08t '7 cpepouv onec;, aouvexEtEc; OE Totxonot(Ec; Km oanEoa 1'.6yw anoµ6.Kpuvoric; µfJXOVfJµOTWV, UOA.OOTCIOlO '7 OK6µa KQL OA.OKA.fJpO KOUcpWµOTO nou A.8inouv KOStOTOUV TO KTipta 8KT8S8tµeva TOOO OTtc; KaLptKec; OUVS'7K8c; 000 KQL 08 f30VOOA.tOµouc; KQL KA.Onec; QVTtK8Lµ£VWV. Mta aMri QLTIQ npOKA.fJCJT]c; TWV ucpLOTOµEvwv cpSopwv dVQL Ol aMayec; OTfJ OlOppuSµLCJT] TWV XWPWV, Ol µETOTpom:c; KOL Ol Onec; yta TfJV UTIOOOX'l V£WV µfJXOVfJµOTWV, Ol OTIO(Ec; £YlVQV xwpic; LOLairnpri wmoSrioia Km npooom. H n1'.EtoljJricpia 6µwc; Twv cpSopwv npoipXETm an6 TfJV unapc,ri uypaoiac; OTouc; xwpouc;, µE OUV£TI8LQ TfJV Ot,8LOWCJT] TWV µETOA.A.lKWV OTOLX8LWV, TfJV anoµdwCJT] TWV OLOToµwv TOuc;, TO oamoµa TWV t,UA.tVWV OTOtX8LWV, nc; 8KT8TaµevEc; anocp1'.0LW08lc; TWV KOVtaµOTWV KQL nc; QTIOKOA.A.'708Lc; TWV 8nLXPLOµOTWV. Te1'.oc;, Tl npooS'7KfJ vewv 6yKwv (Et,WOTT'Jc; an6 on1'.1oµevo oKup6oEµa µnpoOT6 an6 KTipto A) mSav6v va Emf36puv8 TfJ SEµE:1'.(WCJTJ Km va npoKOA.808 KaS(½fJCJTJ TfJc; avwooµ17c;. H vfo auT17 npooS17KfJ oriµt0upyd, 8mnMov, npof3Mµarn 08ptoµou OTO npounapxoVTa KTipta.
13. '01/JT], npOTOOTJ QTTOKQTQOTOOTJc;. View, restoration proposal.
3. np6TOOl1 OTTOKOTCIOTOO'l<; KOi &TTOVCIXP'10'1<; 1t:v1Kic; apxic; H np6TOCJT] QTIOKOTCIOTOCJT]c; OtaµopcpWSfJK8 µ8 f3amK17 OPX'l KOL EmSuµia TfJ 01aT17pfJCJT] Tf]c; oyKOn1'.aoiac; TOU ouyKpoT17µaTOc; TOU FIX, KaSwc; KQL TOU LOlOIT8pou xapaKT17pa KQL ucpouc; TOU. 0L XP'708tc; nou 8nLA.£XSfJKOV LKOVOTIOlOUVTQl µE TO unapXOVTO KT(pta Km T8TpaywvtK6, on6T8 Km oEv npoKumEt ri avaYKTl npooSriKwv, nou mSavwc; Sa aMo(wvav TO moSrinK6 anoT£AEoµa. To ouyKp6Triµa f3pioK8Tm OE µta avamuoo6µEvri n8ptoX17, £Tm TO KLVfJTpo yta TfJV an6ooCJT] XP'lOEwv 17rnv ri oriµtoupy(a 8v6c; ½WVTOVOU xwpou, µ8 OUV8X'7 KlVfJCJT] KQL napouo(a m6µwv an6 KOS8 KOlVWVlK'7 0µ600. Xwpo0iTT]arJ viwv XPrJOewv 0 17ori unapxwv otaxwptoµ6c; TOU wpurnpou ouyKpOT17µ0Toc; 08 Mo 8VOTfJT8c; µac; wSrioE OTT'JV 8TILAOY'7 Mo XP'708WV, µfa YLO KCIS8 8VOTT'JTO. To £VO Tµ17µa Sa KOA.Ulj.181 nc; avayKEc; OTeyaCJT]c; ypacp8lOKWV xwpwv KQL TO CIA.AO, nou acpopa KQL TO KTLPLO nou µE1'.8TouµE, Sa OTEya.081 XP'10E1c; µouoE:taKec;, EKSwtaKec; Kat avaljJumc;. 'ETm, EE,aocpOA.(½ETat ri napouo(a Twv avSpwnwv 61'.Ec; Ttc; wpEc; TfJc; riµepac;. Ent:µ/3dat:1c; npoaapµoyf}c; viwv XPrJOewv ME ETTEµf3608tc; OVTLOTp£ljJlµEc;, TIOU 08V 8TTlf30pUVOUV TfJV unapXOUOO KOTOOK8U'7, 8t,UTifJP8TOUVTQl Ol avayKEc; nou npOKUmouv an6 nc; veEc; XP'lOEtc;. 'ETm, OL µrixavo1'.oytKec; EYKOTOOTOOE1c;, KOSWc; Kat 01 TOUOA.£T8c; (plA.Ot,8VOUVTQl OTO XWPO TWV OlA.O, TICIVW 08 KOTOOK8U'7 an6 µETOA.A.IKO OK8A8TO. AVOKOTQOK8UCl½8TQL n1'.17pwc; TO K8VTptK6 KA.tµOKOOTQOlO, npoOT(S8TQl 6µwc; KQL OV8A.KUOT17pac; nou Ot8UKOA.UV8l TT'JV KOS8TTl 8nLKOLVWv(a OTO KT(p10 A. Ta Koucpwµma avaKmaoKwa½oVTm otaTf]pwVTac; TfJV TUTIOAOyia KQL TTl µopcpo1'.oyia TOuc;, anoKaSiOTOVTQl ot OTeyEc; Tou KTLpiou A Kat r, Evw oriµ1oupydTm µta vfo, µE µETaM1K6 OK8AET6 Kat yuMi y1a TO KTipto B. Ot 6ljJELc; anoKaSiOTOVTat OTT'JV apxtK'7 TOuc; µopcp17, µETC! TfJV anoµ6KpUVCJT] µrixavriµ6TWV 17 npooKT10µ6Twv nou TLc; aMo(wvav.
14. 'Anoi/HJ t:anarop{ou, rpfro enfnt:oo. Restaurant interior view, third level.
Location of new uses The existent separation of the group in two units made us chose two uses, one for each. So, one section will satisfy the needs of offices and the other one, that includes the buildings we study, will serve a museum, exhibitions and recreation p lace. Interventions for adjustment of new use The interventions must be reversible and must retain its static resistance. So, the mechanological equipment and the toilets am placed in the silo area, on a metallic construction. The wooden central staircase is re constructed fully and an elevator is added. The window frames and doors are also reconstructed, maintaining the morphology and typology, the roofs of building A and rare restored, while a new roof made of steal and glass is created for building B. The fa9ades are restored to their primitive form, after removing machines and constructions that were distorting them.
XpuaouA.a-BaA.8VTLVT7 Aoaµou, apxm~KTWV µr1xavLK6c;, KaAALOTirJ MaKprJ, apxm~KTWV µT]XOVLK6c;, Avva BouKaA.(oou, noALTLK6c; µr1xavLK6c;, EAtvri N1ouµavonouA.ou, noAmK6c; µrixavLK6c;, Avaa16moc; ~1aµv6c;, aypov6µoc; 1onoyp6cpoc; µrixavLK6c;
TO BIOMHXANIKO rvrKPOTHMA THL zveonOIIAL (J)ILTH 0ErrA/\ONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMA/:J.A 5 ·~ Em~Mnov18c;:' MLXClAT"]c; Noµ1K6c;, apx11£KTWV µ~xavtK6c;, Xpf}o10c; lyvm6 1\ I 'Ot-..ya r8wpyouAa, 1onoyp6cpoc; µrixavtK6c;
'J'.J I, TI0/1.lTlKOc; a
Chrysoula-Valentini Adamou, architect engineer, Kalliopi Makri, architect engineer, ·Anna Voukalidou, civil engineer, Eleni Ntouma~opoulou, civil engineer, Anastasios Stamnas, surveyor engineer
Supervisors: Michalis Nomikos, architect engineer, Christos lgnatakis, civil engineer, Olga Georgoula, surveyor engineer
u1v nopda 6J\wv auTwv Twv xp6vwv TO auyKp6niµa Mx8TJKE: eva nM8oc; an6 µernnon']aetc;, eneKT6aetc;, OAAayec; XPllOE:tc; TIOAAWV xwpwv KOL E:Kauyxpovtaµouc; TOOO TWV µrixavriµ6Twv 6awv KOL TWV KTlp(wv nou 10 cplAO~evouaav. Eniaric; ariµavnK6c; e(vOL o apt8µ6c; Twv KaTaaTpocpwv KOL Twv noJ\J\anJ\wv al\J\otwaewv nou 6x1 µ6vo acp6vtaav OT]µOVTlKO µopcpoJ\oytKO OTOlXE:LQ OPXlTE:KTOVlKOU ev5tacpepovTOc; OAAO KUp(wc; £K04JOV OT]µOVTlKOuc; Kp(Kouc; an6 TT]V al\ua(5a TT]c; ~w11c; OUTWV TWV KTlpiwv, µe OTIOT£Aeaµa VO xa8ouv ariµavnKec; nl\ripocpop(ec; nou ea xpriaiµeuav OTTJV KOMrnpri Karnv6riari TT]c; J\e110upyiac; 10uc;.
To l31oµrixav1K6 auyKp6TT]µa «K6pol\oc; <l>t~» anapn~6Tav an6 Teaaeptc; ernµepouc; Kupiec; µov65ec;: TO Buvon0tdo, TO Zu80no1do, TO nayon0tdo KOL TO EµcptOAWTllPLO. An6 TO Buvorroiefo nou llTOV TO µepoc; TT]c; epyaa(ac; µac;, m6xoc; TWV epeuvwv µac; r']Tav TO KTipta 5/ 1, 2, 3 (ouµcpwva µe To master plan Tou ouyKpoT11µ010c; (o. 18, 53).
_......__--,..-............__ -
II of the past years the industrial complex has been transformed, extended and reused in many ways. Many morphological elements have been destroyed and much important information that wou ld be useful for the better comprehension of their operation has been lost
The industrial complex "Karolos Fix" was composed from four individual main units: the Malt factory, the Brewery, the Ice factory and the Bottling factory. The study's subject were the buildings 5/1, 2, 3 (according to the master plan) which were part of the Malt factory (p. 18, 53). • Building 1 contains the deposits of barley production. It is a two-storied building, 415 squared meters surface, with a remarkable wooden roof. In the present work it is reported as building A. • Building 3 contains the booths of sieves and the barley deposits. It is a four-storied building, 120 squared meters surface, w hich in the present work is reported as building B and
Kr(pw A Avarrapaamar, TT)c; ~u}.ivT)c; ariyT)c;. Building A Representation of the wooden roof.
2. Kr(pio A. Nona 01/JT). Building A. Southern view.
• TO KT(pto 1 m:ptexet TOV 06Aoµo TWV vewv Tp6µeA, nc; ono0r']Kec; nopoywyr']c; Kp18r']c; KOL mTupwv KOL TOuc; 0oMµouc; KOOKLVWV Kpt0r']c;. E(vOL €VO C>Lwpocpo KT(aµo µe XOPOKTl7plOTlK'l suALVll 0Tey17 KOL emcpciveLOc; nep(nou 415 T.µ. To ono(o OT17v nopouao epyoa(o ovocpepernt we; KT(pw A, • TO KTlplO 3 nepL€X8l TOU<; 00A6µouc; TWV KOOKlVWV KOL TL<; ono0r']Kec; Tll<; Kpt0r']c;. E(vOL evo TeTpowpocpo KT(pto emcpavetoc; nep(nou 120 T.µ. TO ono(o 0Tl7V nopouao epyoa(o ovocpepeTOt we; KTlplO B KOL • To KT(pto 2 onoTeAei npoa8r']K17 ev6c; µernyeveOTepou po17817nKou C>lWpOcpOU KTlplOU emcpOV8LO<; nep(TTOU 100 T.µ. KOL OT17V nopouao epyoa(o ovocpepeTOL we; KT(p10 C. 'Hrnv onopo(T17TO vo y(vet K0Tovo17T6<; o Tp6noc; nopoywyr']c; Tll<; (citoc; Tll<; µn(poc; KOL TOUTOXPOVO vo y(vet µ(o ov6Au017 Twv A8lTOUpyLWV K60e KTLp(ou sexwpLOTCI. An6 Tl7V OAUa(cio Tll<; nopoywyr']c; onoµovciJaoµe TO KOµµan TTOU µoc; ocpopa, TO enesepyoaTr']Koµe KOL npoano8r']aoµe vo eVTon(aouµe TL<; ecpopµoyec; TOU OTl7 C>lK'l µoc; KTlplOKll 8VOTl7TO.
• Building 2 constitutes a posterior extension building. It is a two-storied building, 100 squared meters surface, which in the present work is reported as building C. Essential step for this study was to comprehend the process of beer production and to analyse the operations of each building separately. From the chain of production we isolated the piece that concerned us and we tried to locate its applications in our own of buildings unit. Building phases
• The first building phase is dated in 1882, in the foundation of the industrial complex. • The second building phase is dated during the period 189293. • The third building phase is dated during the period 19201926.
01Kol>oµ1K&«; q>60&1c; • H npwT17 OLKocioµtKr'] cp6a17 xpovoAoyetTOL TO 1882 OT17v (cipu017 Tou Pt0µ17xovtKou auyKpoTr']µmoc;. • H cieuTep17 OLKocioµtKr'] cp6017 xpovoAoyeirnt T17v nepiocio 1892-93. • H TPLTll OLKocioµtKr'] cp6017 XPOVOAoye(TOL Tl7V nep(ocio 19201926. • H T€TOPTll OlKOcioµtKr'] cp6017 XPOVOAoyeiTOL on6 TO 1926. • H neµTTT17 OlKOcioµtKr'] cp6017 XPOVOAoyeiTOL on6 TO 1950 ewe; TO 1983, on6rn KOL enOLJJe vo AetToupyeL To KT(pto B (1892-93): Tono0erniTOL XPOVOAOVLKO nptv on6 Tl7V oveyep017 TWV A KOL C. Avr']Ket, 0Tl7V OPX'l Tl7<; C>8UTep17c; OlKOcioµLKr']<; cp6017c;. E(vOL evo KT(aµo TeTpoywvtKr']<; KCITOljJl7<;, µe citoOT6ae1c; 12,70x9, 10 µ., µe ta6ye10 KOL Teaaeptc; op6cpouc;, 6nou o TeTopTO<; eivOL ae eaoxr'] OTO ciwµo KOL npoeKUljJe noM µernyeveOTepo µeT6 on6 nAr']0oc; eneµpaaewv, nou Kanoto OTLyµr'] empciAOV8 Tl7V OTTOS1lAWOl7 µ(oc; TTOAOLOTep17c; ci(ppl)(Tl7<;, suA1v17c; 0Tey17c;, 6nwc; µoc; µopTupouv cpwTOypocp(ec; eKeiv17c; Tll<; enoxr']c;. H neptµeTpLK'l To1xonm(o eivOL cpepouao. .LTl7 pa017 TOU KTtp(ou, etVOL opyOAL8ocioµr'] µe aevci½ OITTOTTALVSocioµr']c; KOL on6 eKei auvex(½e1 µe oµtyr'] omonAtv8ocioµr'] ci(xwc; aevci½.
3. Kr(pto 8. B6peta 6(/JTJ. Building B. Northern view.
0 opx1K6<; eawTeptK6<; aKeA.eT6<; e(vOL µernMLK6c;. LTO 1a6yeto aw½oVTOL TO µernMLKci (xUTomci17pci} unomuAwµmo KOL 17 opocpr'], onoTeAouµev17 on6 cieurnpeuouaec; µernMtKe<; cioKouc; nou yecpupwvoVTOL µe cpmvwµmo on6 auµnoyeic; om6nAtv8ouc;. .LTOU<; UTTOAOLTTOU<; op6cpouc; exe1 y(vet TTAr']p17c; KOL CITOKTll onosr']AW017 TOU WWT8plKOU OK8A8TOU KOL OVTLKOTCIOTOar'] TOU µe vfo KOTOOKeur'] on6 OTTALaµevo aKup6cieµo. H 6ljJ17 TOU KTLp(ou B, etVOL onAr'] µe C>lOKPLTlKCI citOKoaµ17TLKCI OTOlXetO. EswTeplKCI cpepel 8TTLXPLOµOTo OTO XPWµO Tll<; WXPO<;. no Tll ciL0µ6pcpw017 KOL citoK6aµ17017 Twv 6ljJewv XP11mµonmeiTOL OTTOKA8LOTlKCI O esepyoc; auµnoyr']c; om6n>-.tv0oc; XPWµmoc; KOKKLVOU, yto VO TOv(aet TO neptypciµµmo TWV ovmyµciTWV on6 Tl7V 8SWT8plK'l TOU<; TTA.eupci µ6vo. TOSWTCI unep0upo OTO TTOpci8upo µe Touc; om6n>-.1v8ouc; TOno8eT17µevouc; OKTLVWTci KOL Mo C>lOKoaµ17nKec; ½wvec; on6 esepyouc; om6nAtv0ouc; C>LOTpexouv neptµeTpLKci TO KTipto. H eiaocioc; OTO KTipto pp(aKeTOL OT17v n(aw 6ljJ17 (p6pe10) on6 T17V nAeupa Tll<; wwTeptKr']<; ouAr']c;, 6nwc; eivOL ciLOµopcpwµeV17 ar']µepo.
4. To KT(pto C. 'ATTOI/JTJ an6 TTJV VOTlOGVGTOAIKT7 ywv(a. Building C. View from the southeast corner. TO BIOMHXANIKO rvrKPOTHMA THI zv0ono11AI 4>1:: HH 8EHAI\ONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMAM 5
• The fourth building phase is dated from 1926. • The fifth building phase is dated from 1950 until 1983, when it ceased its function.
□ OD a 0
The building B (1892-93): it is chronologically placed before the construction of A and C. It belongs at the beginning of the second building phase. It is a four-storied building (its dimensions in plan are 12.70 x9.1 O m.). On the fourth floor there is a small loft which was p laced after the demolition of the older wooden roof. The building rests on stone foundation walls with brick cement rings.The perimeter walls are load bearing. The initial internal frame is metal. On the ground floor the metal (cast iron) columns and the roof have been saved. The roof consists of secondary steel beams that bridge with panels of solid bricks. In the other floors the internal structure has been fully replaced with a new construction of reinforced concrete. The front facade of the building is simple with distinctive ornamentation. Outside bears coatings in the colour of ochre.
5. ATTOTl)TTWarJ urr6.pxouoac; KQTCI.OTGarJ<;. Toµrj KGTCI. µT]KO<;. Situation of today. Longitudinal section.
In all the fa~ades of the building is been exclusively used exergue solid red bricks to highlight the contours of the openings. Arched lintels on windows with bricks placed radially and two decorative bands from exergue bricks run the building. The entrance is located on the back (north) side of the internal courtyard. The building A: belongs to the second construction phase of the industrial complex (1912) . Its construction dates from the establishment of the new company "Olympus Brewery". Morphologically, this is a simple building with exterior coatings and limited number of decorative elements. It is a three-storied building, covered with a pitched wooden roof (its dimensions in plan are 19.70x16.00 m.).
6. Toµrj TWV KTlp[wv A KQI B. L)(T/µGTIKTJ avarrap6.0TG01') rr,<; Aec-
The shell of the building is created by the external neighbouring walls. The load-bearing walls are of solid and perforated bricks. The internal frame is metal and is a complex system of crosssection columns and beams carrying the loads of the slab. The internal vertical communication is obtained by a staircase, constructed of reinforced concrete.
TOupy[ac; wu µT]xavoAoycKou e~orrA1oµou TWV KT1p[wv KOi av6.AuarJ Tou Tp6rrou ouvepyao[ac; wuc;. Section of buildings A and B. Schematic representation of the operation of the mechanical equipment.
The building C is a two storey building (its dimensions in plan are 8.50x 12.00 m.) . It was added later hidding the front side of the building B.
To KTfp10 A, avr']Ket OTr)V oeUTepri 01Koooµ1K17 cpaari mu ~1oµrixav1Kou OUYKPOTT7µ0Toc; (1912). H aveyep017 TOU XPOVOA.Oye(TOL TrJV enox11 TrJc; (opuaric; TrJc; vfoc; ern1pe(ac; «Zu8ono1dov 'OA.u µnoc;».
It is ch ronologically placed to the fourth building phase (1926). It was built to serve the needs of the b uilding Band has no architectural or historical values. There is no vertical or internal connection of the ground and the first floor. The communication is only obtained via the staircase of the building B. Externally the building has no decoration. The groundfloor has walls of stone mansory and bricks.
Mopcp0Aoy1K6, np6Ke1TOL y1a eva KT(p10 A.tT6 µe eE;wrnp1K6 emXP(oµma KOL nep1op1oµevo ap18µ6 01aKooµrJTLKwv orn1xdwv. H KOTOIJJT7 mu eivOL anA.17 TeTpaywv1K17 µe 01am6oe1c; 19,70 x 16,00 µ. E(vOL Tplwpocpo µe c;uA.LVrJ o(ppl)(TTJ OTE:Y'l µe emKMUlJJ'l an6 Kepaµ(o1a. To KE:Aucpoc; TrJc; Kma0Keu17c; 017µ1oupyeiTOL an6 rnuc; ec;wTeplKOUc; To(xouc; TWV yetTOVlKWV KTLp(wv, an6 T'l Mµriari ev6c; av1000KeA.ouc; n KOL ev6c; To(xou TIA'lpwoewc;. KOTOOKeua~eTOL an6 cpepouoa TOlXOTIOllQ ouµnaywv KOL 016Tp'7TWV OITTOTIA.lV8wv nou TO naxoc; TrJc; an oµe1wveTOL Ka8' UlJJoc;. 0 eowrnpLK6c; OK€A.€T6c; e(vOL µeTOMlK6c; KOL anoTf:A.el eva OUOTr)µa an6 UTIOOTUAWµOTa ouv8eT17c; OLOT0µ17c; KOL OOKouc; nou cpepouv TO cpopT(a TrJc; nMKac;. H €OWT€plKl7 KQTQK6pucp17 emKOLVWVLQ eE;aocpaA.(~eTOL an6 eva KA.LµOKOOTCIOLO, THE INDUSTRIAL BREWERIES COMPLEX OF FIX IN THESSALONIKI. COMPLEX 5
The building C, is a P shell type annexed later to the front -south wall- of the building B.
Proposal The buildings in this section were proposed to receive new uses. The thing that makes them stand out is not only its construction and its morphological originality, but also the old and unique machines which are contained from the past years. In regard to the building A, the main idea was with few transformations to create rooms of entertainment combined with some art galleries. Uses which are easily adapted to this building,
KOTOOKE:Uaaµevo an6 OTIALOµt:VO OKUp6i5Eµa. LTO KTlplO QUTO OLaµopcpWVETOL KOLO 17µ1un6yELO<:; XWPO<:; TOU 80AClµOU TWV Vt:WV TpOµEA. To KT{pw C dvOL eva i51wpocpo KTiaµa, µE LOOYELO KOL evav 6pocpo OLOOTCIOEWV 8,50 x 12, 00 µ., TO ono(o npOOTt:8'7Kt µETOYEVl::OTEpa KOL t:KpUljJE T'7V KUpta 6ljJ17 TOU KTlpiou B. XpovoAOYLKCl KOTOTCIOOETOL OT'7V Tt:TOPT'l OLKOOOµLK'7 cpaa17 (1926). EivOL KTiaµa µE EAaXLOTE<:; T6ao OPXLTEKTOVLKt:<:; 6ao KOL lOTOplK!::<:; ac,iE<:; nou XP'l0lµono117e17KE we; po17e17TLKO TOU KTLpiou B. KmaK6pucp17, EOWTEPLK'l EmKotvwvia Tou 1aoydou KOL TOU op6cpou, i5Ev un6pXEL napa µ6vo µfow T'l<:; KA[µaKa<:; Tou KTlp[ou B. Ec,WTEplKCl TO KTlplO OEV cpepEl Kaµ[a OLOK6aµ17017. 01 To1xono1[Ec:; Tou 1aoydou nEptAaµpavouv T6ao A1eoooµec:; an6 apyouc:; aaPEOT6A1eouc:; 6ao KOL omonA1veoooµec:;.
since there are large and high united areas, combined with reduced natural light and just a few machines. The specificity of the building Bis that in contrast to the building A, it does not cover a large area and has several floors. Furthermore, this limited area is full of machinery of great value and uniqueness. The extra feature in this building is the vertical communication of the machinery that still gives information about the chain of the barley. Under these circumstances the new use that proposed for the building B is a thematic library (on art and technology). The building was converted into a museum of itself, while offering his services as a library.
To KTip10 C dvOL Kt:Aucpoc:; µopcp17c:; n TO ono[o t:XEL npoaapT17ed µETOYEVl::OTEpa OT'7V np6aoljJ17 -v6no TOLXO-TOU KTlpiou B. npoTOOf)
Ta KTlplO T17<:; EVOT'7TO<:; QUT17<:; npOTae17KOV VO napOAapouv Vl::E<:; XP'lOEt<:;, 01 ono[Ec:; ea Touc:; E,avai5waouv i';w17. H 1010LTEp6T17TO 6µwc:; TWV KTLp[wv QUTWV ELVOL OXL µ6vo 11 KQTOOKEUOOTLK'7 KOL µopcpoAOYLK'l TOuc:; npwToTun[a, OAAa rnmMov KOL TO noAunµo nEpLEX6µEv6 TOuc:; an6 µ17xaV17µma, TO ono[a dvOL µovai51Ka KOL noMa an6 QUTCI noM TIOAlCl.
Lt 6,Tl acpopa OTO KTlplO A, KUplO 1Ma '7TOV, µE ALYOOT!::<:; ETIEµpaoEt<:; (6nwc:; KaeOLpfoE1c:; Toixwv, 17 i51avoic,E1c:; avOLyµaTwv K.Cl) va i517µ1oupy17eouv xwpol ljJuxaywy[ac:; KOL EOTL0017<:; OE auvi5uaaµ6 µE Kano1Ec:; a[eouaEc:; Tt:)(VT'lc:;. EivOL AELToupy[Ec:; nou EUKOAO npooapµ6i';ovT01 OTO i5Ei5oµeva Tou KTtp[ou auTou: µEy6Ao1 EVlOLOl xwpol, µEyMa tAtUeEpa uljJ17, EVW an6 T'7V ™'l o cpumK6<:; cpwnoµ6c:; Ei5w dvOL oXETLKa ALYOOT6<:;, auyKptTLKa TICIVTO µE TO µeyEeoc:; TWV ETIL<pOVElWV TWV xwpwv. EmnMov, TO µ17xaV17µ0Ta EOW tlVOL ALYOOTCI Kl !::TOI unapxouv µEyME<:; EAEUeEpEc:; Enl<pCIVELE<:;. H 1i510LTEp6T17TO OTO KTip10 B dvOL 6n aE aVT[eEO'l µE TO KT[p10 A, i5Ev KOAUITTEl µEyaA17 rn1cpavE1a Eve.ii t:XEL nEp1006rnpouc:; op6cpouc:;. Ano Tl7V CIAAI'"] KOL OUT'7 OKOµI'"] 'l TIEplop1aµt:V17 Enl<pctVELO tlVOL OEoµwµev17 OE µEyMo TIOOOOTO an6 TOV µrixavOAOYlKO Ec,onA1aµ6, o ono[oc:; OE auT6 TO KT[p10 dvOL 101aiTEp17c:; ac,iac:; KOL µovai51K6T17Tac:;. To µovai51K6 ETILO'l<:; aE auT6 TO KTip10 EIVOL 'l KOTOK6pucp17 tTilKOlVWVlQ T(J)V KOOKlV(J)V KOL µ17xav17µ6Twv nou i5[vouv aK6µ17 KOL 017µEpa TIArJpocpop[Ec:; y1a TrJV OAuoii5a napaywy17c:; T'l<:; Kp1e17c:;. LUµcpwva µE auTa rn i5Ei5oµeva 'l vfo XP'lO'l nou anocpaa[OT17KE y1a TO KTip10 B EivOL OUT'l T17<:; eEµOTLK'7<:; p1pA1oe17Kl7<:; (µE eeµa T'7V Tl::)(\/T] KOL TE)(VOAoy[a). To KTlplO µETOTpt:nETOL OE µouoE(O TOU EOUTOU TOU an6 T'7V µia, Eve.ii ea npoacpepEt nc:; un17pwiE<:; Tou we; P1PA1oe17KrJ an6 T'7V CIAA'7. 01 AtlTOupytKt:<:; avayKE<:; 6µwc:; µ[ac:; P1PA1oe17K'7<:; rnepaAOV T'7V oriµ1oupy(a Ev6c:; vfou po17e17nKou KTLp[ou nou va unOOTrJp[i';Et AEtToupy1Ka TO KT[p10 T'l<:; P1PA1oe17K17<:;, nou nap6M17Aa µE Tl7V OPXLTEKTOVLK'7 TOU VO OVOOElKVUEl O<pEVO<:; TO UTICIPXOVTO KT[p1a KOL a<pETt:pou va EivOL wi516Kp1Ta TO µopcp0Aoy1Ka EKtlVQ OTOLXElO nou cpepouv T'7V acppay(i5a T'7<:; rnox17c:; TOU<:;. npoTdVETOL Aom6v 17 KaeaipE017 Tou KTtpfou C KOL Tl aVT1KmaOTaa17 TOU µE eva KTtplO auyxpovo, µE 6ao TO OUVOTOV ouMTEPE<:; EmcpavEtE<:; nou ouµnArJpwvEt EVEpya OTt<:; AELToupy1Kec:; avayKE<:; Tll<:; P1PA1oe17K17<:; KOL napaMrJAO anoTEAd µia p1Tpiva KOL avai5EtKVUEL T17v OPXLTEKTOVLK'l aE,[a KOL µovai51KOTrJTO TO-
7. MovriJ..o avaAuarJc; µe TT/ µi8oi5o SAP. Static analysis model using SAP method.
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8. np6rnarJ anoKaT60TaarJc;. K6TOt/JrJ iaoye{ou. Proposal of restoration. Plans of the ground floor. TO BIOMHXANIKO rvrKPOTHMA rnr zveonOIIAL ¢>1:: HH 0EHA/\ONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMMA 5
9. na0oJ..oyfa. N6na Kat {36peca 6(/JT/. Pathology. Southern and northern view.
cro TOU KTLpiou B 6cro KOL TOU A. To vfo KTipto C KOAeLTOL AOLn6v va crrny6cret ai8oucrec; avayvwmr']ptwv. H 8ecr17 Tou KOL '7 µopcpr'] mu emAe)(f17Kav yta va acpr']crouv rnuc; cruµi30Atcrµouc; rnuc; YLO TO napeA.86v TOU KTLpiou.
EVIO)(UO&I<; TOU q>tpoVTa opyav1oµou MeT6 rnuc; eMyxouc; ma cpepovTO mmxeia, 01 npoTetv6µevec; eneµi36cre1c; exouv we; m6xo: • T'7V aus'70'7 Tou cruvn:Aemr'] cruµneptcpopac; T'l<; KmacrKeur']c; an6 q=1,5 cre q=2,0 • T'l i3eATiw017 T'l<; an6Kp1017c; T'lc; Totxonotiac; KOL evicrxu017 auTr']c; µecrw eveµ6Twv • T'7V OTIOKOTC1m0017 T'7<; OUV£X8l0<; KOL µoVOAL8lKOT'7TO<; T'7<; KOTOOK£UT]<; • T'7 i3eATiw017 T'l<; cruµnept<pop6c; T17c; KOTOcrKeur']c;. 0L eneµi36cretc; TIOU npOTelVOVTOl eLVOL Ol esr'Jc;: • ev(crxu017 cpepoucrac; Totxonot(ac; µe onAtcrµevouc; µavi5uec; crKUpoMµmoc; • cruppacpr'] OTIOKOM17µevwv TOlXOTIOllWV • cruppacpr'] µey6Awv pwyµwv.
Master plan
LTO nAa(mo T'l<; opy6vw017c; mu eupuTepou nepti36Movrnc; mu i3toµ17xavtKou cruyKpoTr']µmoc; npoT6817Kav veec; XPr'Jcretc; mo OUVOAO TWV KTtp(wv, Ol ono(ec; 8TIIA.e)(f'7KOV exovTOc; we; K8VTplKT] ti'Sfo VO avamuxSei KOL VO opyavw8ei ma 6pta OUTOU, evac; noAuxwpoc; nou Sa OTIOT8A81 n6Ao eAs'lc; TWV emcrKemwv ae 6A17 T'l i5t6pKeta T'lc; 17µepac;. Me acpopµr'] Aom6v nc; veec; XPr'Jcretc; nou i56817Kav ma Tp(a KT(pta T'l<; ev6T17Tac; nou av0Au817Ke mo n6vw, y(veTOL npocrn68eta wme 01 xpr']cretc; 6Awv Twv KTtp(wv Tou cruyKpoTr']µmoc; va exouv µ(a crxenKr'] SeµanKr'] enacpr']. A(Soucrec; TeXV'lc; µe nc; cruvooeunKec; a(Soucrec; cruvei5pt6crewv, µ(a SeµanKr'] i3ti3AL08T]K'7 yta T'7V T€XV'7 KOL T'7V TeyyoAoy(a, xwpOL ljJuxaywy(ac; KOL em(a017c;, cruyKeVTpwvoVTOL ma KT(pta T17c; ev6T17TOc; mu i3uvonoteiou, nou µa~( µe TL<; veec; rnuc; XPr'Jcretc; anoKTouv Twpa i5mA6 p6Ao. E(vOL emnMov KOL µoucreia Tou eauTou rnuc;, acpou i3amK6c; m6xoc; eivOL '7 av6mus'l TWV vewv A8lTOupytwv VO S(set 6cro TO OUVOTOV Aty6Tepo TO µ17xavoAoytK6 esonAtcrµ6 rnuc;. THE INDUSTRIAL BREWERIES COMPLEX OF FIX IN THESSALONIKI. COMPLEX 5
It was necessary for the needs of the building B a creation of a new construction which would support the library functions. The new building had to highlight with its architecture the existing unit and reveal the morphological characteristics of each period. Therefore, it was proposed the demolition of the building C and its replacement with a new modern building, with neutral surfaces which would act as a showcase and highlight the architectural value and uniqueness of buildings B of A. The new building C is therefore invited to house the reading rooms.
Structures intervention Checking the building structure, the proposed interventions aimed at: • lncensement of the constructions q factor from q = 1.5 to q=2.0 • Improvement the response of masonry and reinforcing this through grout • Restoration of monolithic and continuity behaviour of the structure • Improve the seismic response of the structure. The interventions proposed are as follows: • Strengthening masonry walls covered with reinforce concrete • Restoration (connection) of the destroyed monolithic behaviour of the masonry walls • Conjunction of masonry's large cracks.
Master plan Organizing the general environment of the industrial complex we proposed new uses in all buildings. The central idea was to develop a new contemporary complex, able to attract visitors throughout the day. So, in response to new uses given to the three buildings A, B, C that was analyzed above, there is an effort that the new complex has a certain theme. Art galleries with the accompanying conference rooms, a theme library for art and technology and places for food and entertainment will be concentrated on the Malt factory building. They will be museums of themselves, since the main objective is the new functions to affect as little as possible the mechanical equipment.
10. np6rnOTJ arroKar6.araOTJc;. ToµfJ A-A. Proposal of restoration. Section A-A.
11. np6rnOTJ arroKar6.araOTJ<;. Tpta016.araTT) arr£tK6VtOTJ TT)<; rrp6rnar,c; yta TTJV KTtptaKf/ sv6rryrn. Proposal of restoration. Proposal for the three buildings.
12. np6raOTJ. Lltaµ6p<pwOTJ rou rrspt/36.M.ovroc; xwpou rou f31oµryxav1Kou auyKporf}µaroc; <Pt~. Proposal. Master plan. TO BIOMHXANIKO l:YrKPOTHMA THl: zv0ono11Al: ¢>I:: HH 0EU A/\ONIKH. KTIPIAKH OMA/IA 5
NtK6Aaoc; AanpouoT')c;, µrixavoMyoc; µrixavtK6c;, Hpw nanaxp~OTOU, T]A£KTpoMyoc; µrixav1K6c; & µrixavtK6c; H/Y
TEKMHPIOLH MHXANOJ\OrlKOY E=OnAILMOY EProrTALIOY CJ)I= Em~MnovT£c;: A1µ1Ma LT£cpavfoou, apx11tK1wv µrixav1K6c;, AvaaT6moc; XaT~T')ywyac;, µrixavoMyoc; µrixav1K6c;
Nikolaos Asproudis, mechanical engineer, lro Papachristou, electrical engineer
DOCUMENTATION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF THE OLD BREWERY FIX Supervisors: Aimilia Stefanidou, architect engineer, Anastasios Hatzigogas, mechanical engineer
IOTOp(a TOU j3LOµT]XOVLKOU cruyKpOTT']µmoc; <!>I:: S8KLVCIE:l TO 1883, OTOV Ol Allatini lOpuouv OTO xwpo OUTO eva 01vonveuµarnno1efo. AKOAou8ricrav OAAeTTCIAA.T]A.ec; Tpononon']cre1c; KOL eneKTacre1c; Tou epyocrrncr(ou KOL TO 1892 ri emxefpricrri µeTmpennOL ae ½u8onOLefo, an6 rnuc; Allatini, Misrachi KOL Fernandez. To cruyKpOTT]µa nMov AetToupye( µe Teaaepa Tµr'Jµarn: To j3uvonOLe(o (To µovao1K6 T6Te OTT]V EAAaoa), TO ½u8ono1efo, TO eµcp10A.onr'Jp10 KOL TO nayono1efo. To 1926 TO epyoOTCIOLO nepll7A8e OTT]V LOLOKTT]OLO TT]c; «KapoAoc; C!>ts AE», 6nou KOL napeµe1ve µexp1 nc; apxec; TOU 1980, on6Te OTOµCITT]OE: OplOTLKCI T] AE:lTOUpy(a TOU.
LTTJV epyacria nou eKTTovr'J8TJKe emxe1peiTOL µ10 npocreyy1crri OTT] yev1K6Tepri cpLA.ocrocp(a AE:LToupyiac; Tou epyoOTacr(ou, µe OOT]YO TO µT]XOVl7µ0TO KOL TOV 8SOTTAL0µ6 TTOU 8XE:l OLOOW8ef OTT] 880T] TOU KOL ae oX80LO we; nc; µepec; µac;. AVOAUTLKOTepa, eseTCl½OVTOL OAOL Ol XWPOL TOU epyOOTOOLOU KOL yiveTOL µLa npoana8em avacruv8ecrric; TT]c; napaywy1Kr'Jc; 01001Kacr(ac;, an6 TT]V napaAaj3r'J TT]c; npwTT]c; UATJc; µeXPL TTJV eµcp1Mwcrri Tou TeA.LKou npo'(6vTOc;, TT]c; µn(pac;. To epyOOTCIOLO xwp(½eTOL ae 6 AE:lTOupyLKec; ev6TT]Tec;: TO j3uVOTTOLe(o, TO ½u8ono1efo, TO eµcpLOAWT!7plO, TO AE:j3T]TOOTCIOLO, TO TTOYOTTOLE:lO KOL TO TTOpOOKE:UOOT!7plO XUµWV, xuµocp(s (axr'Jµa 1). An6 OUTec;, OL Mo TE:AeLITO(ec; oev OLOOW½OUV OUTE: (xvoc; TOU esonALOµOu rnuc; KOL we; E:K TOUTOU a' OUTec; y(veTOL OTTAl7 avacpopa. 'Ocrov acpopa OTO TTOA.OLO eµcpLOAWT!7plO, AE:lTOUpyT]OE: we; TO 1961 , on6Te Ol AE:lTOupy(ec; TOU µerncpep8T]KOV ae vfo xwpo, nou eVToni½eTOL ounKa Tou ½u8ono1efou. Ta vfo µrixovr'Jµma 01mripouVTOL eKe( ae KOAr'J KOTaOTacrri, WOTOOO oev napOUOLCl½OUV KCITTOLO LOLO(Tepo evo1acpepov TE:Kµrip(wcrric;.
Buvono(ricrri e(vOL T] TE:XVTJTll j3AaOTT]OT] Tou Kp18ap1ou un6 eAevx6µevec; cruv817Kec;. Ta OTciota nou OKOAou8ouVTOL KOTCI TT] 01apKe10 aUTr'Jc; TT]c; 01001Kacr(ac; efvOL: o Ka0apioµ6c; Tr/<; Kpi0,jc;, T/ 01a/3poxrj, T/ cppu~T/, o Ka0apioµ6c; Kai T/ ano0rjKWOT/ TT/<; /3VVTJ<;. DOCUMENTATION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF THE OLD BREWERY FIX
he history of "Karolos Fix" industrial complex begins in 1883, when Allatini establish in this site an alcohol distillery. Successive alterations and expansions follow and in 1892, the company is converted into a brewery by Allatini, Misrachi and Fernandez. The company now functions with 4 departments: the malt department (the only one in Greece at that time), the brewery, the bottling department and the ice factory. In 1926 the factory becomes property of "Karolos Fix" company, until the beginning of the 1980's, when the factory closes down.
In the present study we attempt an approach to the general philosophy pertaining to the function of the factory. This attempt is guided by the machinery and the equipment that has survived in place and in the construction plans until today. More concretely, all rooms and places of the factory are examined, in an attempt to restore the production process, from the collection of the raw material until the bottling of the beer. The factory is divided into 6 functional units: the malt department, the brewery, the bottling department, the boiler house, the ice factory and the juice factory. As regards the last two units, nothing of the old equipment is preserved, and they are, therefore, simply mentioned. With respect to the old bottling department, it remained in operation until 1961, when all its operations were transferred into another building situated west of the brewery. The new machines stand there in good condition; however, they are of no particular interest in terms of documentation.
Malt department Malt making is the artificial vegetation of barley under controlled conditions. The various steps followed in this process are the following: the cleaning of barley, the wetting, the roasting, the cleaning and the storage of malt. The collection of the barley took place on the ground floor of the malt department. From there the barley was transferred to the terrace of the building, so as to be distributed to the proper
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Torroypacp1K6 axet10 TOU /31oµrixav1KOU auyKporrjµaroc; cpf=. Ground plan of FIX industrial complex. Buvorrou;{o Zu0orro1efo Eµcp1a.Awrrjp10 nayorro1efo Ae/3T"}TOOTQOIO, MrixavOOTQOIO Xuµo(Pf=
H nap0Aal3r'J Tou Kp18op1ou y1v6rnv OTO 106yE10 Tou l3uvono1dou. An6 EKE(, TO Kpt86pt µETO<pEpOTOV OTO OWµO TOU l3UVOTIOlElOU, npOKEtµevou VO y(vEl Tl OlOVOµr'J TOU OTl<; KOTOAA.T]AE<; EYKOTOOTOOEl<; yto TT]V EnE~Epyocr(a TOU. To K08optcrµevo Kpl86pt µETal31l30½6TOv OTt<; ono8r')KE<; Ko8apr'Jc; Kpt8r'Jc;. En6µEvo OT6010, µET6 Tov Ko8op10µ6 Tou Kp18op1ou, dvm ri otovoµr'J mu on6 nc; ono8r')KE<; OTtc; OE~aµEvec; 01ol3poxr'Jc;. 01 oE~oµEvec; r')Tav yEµ6TEc; vEp6 KOL To Kpt86p1 nopeµEvE aE OUTec; yta 2 ewe; 4 riµepEc;. ME TO nepac; TT]<; OlOOlKOO(oc; OlOl3poxr'Jc;, TO Kpt86pt µETOl31l30½6TOV OTO Tp6µEA EKl3AOOTT]OT]<; (ElK. 2).
Malt Department Brewery Bottling Department Ice Factory Boiler house, Engine house Juice Factory
plants for further processing. The clean barley was then stored in a special warehouse. The next step, after the cleaning of the barley, was its distribution from the warehouse to the wetting tanks. The tanks were filled with water and the barley stayed there for 2 to 4 days. After the completion of the wetting process, the barley would be transferred into the vegetation trommels (rotary driers) (fig. 2). The department was equipped with 8 trommels of this type, 4 old and 4 new ones, situated under the tanks floor. In these trommels, the ventilation and vegetation of the wet barley took
To EpyOOTOOlO Ote8ETE 8 TeTOlO TpOµEA, 4 TIOAOIO KOl 4 vfo, TO ono(o rJTOV EYKOTEOTT]µeva KOTW on6 TOU<; XWPOU<; TWV OE~OµEVWV 01ol3poxr'Jc;. LTO Tp6µEA 11.6µl3ove xwpo o 0Eptaµ6c; KOi Tl l3AOOTT]OT] TT]<; 01ol3pEyµevric; Kpt8r'Jc;. H OlOOtKocr(o OlOpKOUOE nEp(nou 5 µepEc; KOi µETO TT]V OAOKAr')pwcrr'J TT]<; TO l3AOOTT]µevo Kpt86pt, TIOU OVOµO½ETQl XAWprJ l3UVT], rJTOV eTOtµO YlO TT] µETOcpop6 Tou OTO cpoupvo Tou l3uvono1dou. 0 cpoupvoc; ElVQl eva ~exwptOT6 KTlplO, nou XWPl½ETQl Ko8' uljJoc; OE 4 Tµr')µmo. LTO KOTW µepoc; unopxouv Ol Mo EOTlE<;, OTt<; ono(Ec; y1v6Tav ri Koucrri KOL ri napaywyr'J 8EpµavnKr')c; loXUO<;. LTO rn6µEVO EnlTIEOO eLVQl O XWPO<; TWV aywywv TIOU µETO<pepOUV Kat KOTOVeµouv TO 8Epµ6 oepo, KOi OTO TIOVW µepo<; TO Mo n11.m6 Tou cpoupvou, 6nou y1v6Tov TO ljJr'Jmµocppu~ri TT]<; x11.wpr'Jc; l3uvric;. ITriv Kopucpr'J unr'Jpxe l!Jl'l"-l"l Koµ1v6oo (ar')µEpa OW½ETQl µtKp6 Tµr')µo TT]<;). METO TOV K08ap10µ6 TT]<;, Tl 13uvri µETO<pEpOTOV OTO mM ljJT]µevric; l3uvric; npoc; ono8r')KEUOT]. rm xwpo Tou l3uvono1E(ou un6pxouv 4 µEy6Ao Evrn1x1aµevo aLA6 l3uvric;, nou, av6Aoyo µEnc;
2. Tp6µeA eK/3A60TT"}ar,c;. Vegetation trammel (rotary drier). TEKMHPIOl:H MHXANO/\OrlKOY EcOnAILMOY EPrQHALIOY ¢11=
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- - - - --, 3. Zu8orro1do. Brewery.
ovayKec;, AelTOUpyouaov nopaMl']AO µe 6 µ1Kp6Tepo OIAO l3uV'lC:, TTOU l3p[OKOVTOI µeTOsU TOU 20U KOi 4ou op6cpou Tl']C: l3poaop[oc;. Ano eKei 'l l3uVI'] µeTOcpep6TOv one; eyKOTOOT6.ae1c; TllC: l3poaopioc;.
Zu8o~paar~p10 np6KelTOI y10 £VO on6 TO wpm6Tepo KT[aµoTO TOU auyKpOTI7µmoc; (e1K. 3). 'HTOv 'l «Kop516.» TOU ½u8onmeiou, Ko8wc; eKei nopoy6TOv TO ½u8oyAeuKoc;, 'l npw1µ1'] µnipo. 151oiTepo ev510cpepov nopOUOlO½el O esonA10µ6c; OTO Tµr']µo OUTO TOU epyoOTOOLOU, K08wc; 51oaw½eT01 axeMv OTO auvoM TOU OTl']V opx1Kr'] TOU 8£0l']. foyKeKp1µ£Vl'] TTOOOTl']TO l3uVl']c; esOYOTOV on6 TO 6 µ1Kp6. OIAO /3UVl']C: TOU 2ou opocpou KOi 05l']yOUVTOV OTO KOOKIVO Tl']C: l3uVl']c;. EKei y1v6Tov o Ko8op10µ6c; Tl']C:, npoTOu o5'1Y'18ei OTOV µuAo oMaewc; l3uvl']c;. To Ko8op1aµevo l3uv6.Aeupo 51oxeTeu6TOv ae 5esoµevr'] l3uv0Aeupou, 'l ono(o Tpocpo50TOUOe TOM/3l7TO OVOµ(sewc;, np0Ke1µ£VOU VO OPXLOel TO OT0510 Tl']C: ½U80TTOll']Ol']C:, LTOV 1o 6pocpo Tl']c; l3pooopioc;, o ono(oc; xwpi½eT01 ae Mo en(ne5o nou emKOIVWVOUV µe OKOAO, eivm eyKOTeOTl']µ£VOI 01 4 Ml317Tec;, ov6.µ1sl']c;, 51r']81']0l']c;, auµnuKVWOl']C: KOi OOKXOPOTTOLl']Ol']c;, 6nou y1v6TOv I'] nopoywyr'] KOL o l3poaµ6c; Tou ½u8oyAeuKouc;. Lr']µepo, 5uOTuxwc;, 5ev OW½OVTOI TO XOAKIVO KOAuµµm6. (Kw5wvec;) TOuc; (e1K. 4).
ijjuxpaVT~p10 LTO ½U8ono1e[o ovr']KOUV en(Ol']c; 01 XWPOI KOi TO KTlplO OTTOU YIVOTOV I'] ljJUsl'] KOi I'] ½UµWOI'] Tl']c; µn(poc;, TO cpLATp6.p1aµo, I'] µeTO½UµWOI'] KOi T£AOC:, 'l eµcplOAWOI'] Tl']c; µn[poc;.
H \jJUSI'] TOU ½U8oyAeUKOUC: npoyµOTOTTOIOUVTOV OTOV nupyo Tou \jJUXPOVTl']piou ae Mo OT6.510. Km6. TO npwTO OT6.510 'l ljJus11 YIVOTQV µe KUKAWµo KUKAOcpop[oc; vepou, evw 'l TeA1Kr'] 8epµoKpoa(o ½uµwOl']c; emTuvxov6Tov µe Tl'] XPllOll KuKAwµoDOCUMENTATION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF THE OLD BREWERY FIX
place. The whole process lasted about 5 days and after its completion, the flourished barley, which is called green malt, was ready to transfer to the kiln of the department. The kiln constitutes a separate building, which is divided vertically in 4 sections. At the lower part there are the two furnaces, where the combustion and the production of heating power took place. At the next level we find the pipes that transfer and distribute the hot air, whereas the upper level consists of the two stages of the kiln, where the roasting of the green malt took place. On the top of the building there used to be a tall chimney, but today only a small part of it is saved. After the roasting and cleaning process, the malt was transferred to the roasted malt silos for storage. At this part of the industrial complex (malt department), there are 4 large wall silos, which, depending on the needs of the factory, could work together with 6 smaller malt silos, situated between the 2nd and the 4th floor of the brewery. From there the malt was transferred to the brewery plants.
Brewery The brewery (fig. 3) is one of the nicest buildings of the complex. It was the "heart" of the beer factory, since this was the place where the early beer (beer must) was produced. Especially interesting is the technical equipment at this part of the factory, as it remains intact almost in its entirety. A specific amount of malt was extracted from the 6 small malt silos on the 2nd floor and was transferred to the malt revolving screen. There it was cleaned, before it could be transferred to the malt grinding mill. The clean grinded malt was channelled into a tank, and was then supplied to the mixture cauldron, in order for the brewing process to begin. On the first floor, which is divided in 2 levels linked with a staircase, are situated the 4 cauldrons of mixture, filtering , concentration and saccharin decoction. In these cauldrons,
5. (/.JUKfT]pac; QAKOOAT7<:;. Alcohol refrigerating machine.
4. /le/377mc; avaµ[~ewc; (<PE, 1980). Mixture cauldron (FIX, 1980).
6. /J.s~aµevi c; (uµw017c;. Fermentation tanks.
TO<:; aµµwv(ac;. LTO xwpo QUTO, TO al';LOAoy6rnpo Koµµan TOU owi';6µevou eE;ont..1oµou anoTet..ei o 41uKTf1Pac; OAK06ArJ<:;, OTO 106ye10 TOU KTlp(ou (eLK. 5).
the production and the boiling of the beer must took place. Unfortunately, the brass caps of these cauldrons no longer exist (fig. 4).
Zuµwori • M&Ta~uµwori
Cooling department
To npoc; i';uµwori 4JUXP6 yt..euKoc; eµ~ot..16i';eT01 µe TrJV KOAALEpyem TrJ<:; µayta<:;, µeTOcpepeTOl OT!<:; oel';aµevec; TrJ<:; i';uµWOrJ<:; KOi acpou npo0Te8d aepac;, apxii';et ri i';uµwori. 2To xwpo Tou epyoOTao(ou t..e1Toupyouoav 30 navoµm6Tunec; Kut..1voptKec; oeE;aµevec; i';uµWOrJ<:; (eLK. 4), Ol ono(ec; OW/';OVTOl OTO OUVOAO TOU<:; oe noM KOArJ KOTOOTOOrJ.
The general brewing department also contains the plants where the cooling, the fermentation, the filtering, the meta-fermentation and, finally, the bottling of the beer took place.
MeTa TrJV KUp(wc; i';uµwori TO µeyaMrnpo µepoc; TrJ<:; µay16c; acpmpe(Tm KOi ri µn(pa, 6nwc; µnope( nMov va ovoµaOTe(, µeTOcpepeT01 OT!<:; KAelOTE<:; oeE;aµevec; µeTOi';uµworic;. LTO (!)I:: AelTOupyouoav OUVOALKCI 46 oeE;aµevec; µeTOi';uµworic;, eK TWV OTIOIWV Ol 36 ~p(OKOVTQl OTO XWPO TOU 4JUXPOVTrJp(ou Km 01aKp(voVTm µe ~aori nc; 01aOT6oetc; TOuc; oe Tpe1c; KOTrJyop(ec;. Avat..oya µe nc; avayKec; Tou i';u8ono1eiou AeLToupyouoav napaMrit..a µe TO 10 eE;wTep1K6 mt..6 ofreuoric;, nou ~p(oKOVTOl OTrJV np60041ri TOU epyoOTao(ou, en( TrJ<:; ooou 26ric; OKTw~p(ou.
Eµq>1aAwr~p10 To eµcp10AWTTJpLo anoTet..e( TO 3o -Km TEAeuTO(o 6oov acpopa OTrJV napaywy17- Tµ17µa TOU epyoOTao(ou. EKd y(veTm rJ npoeTotµao(a Twv ouoKeuamwv µn(pac;, ri nt..17pwori Km ri ano817KeuOll TOU<:;, µEXPL TrJ OT1yµ17 TrJ<:; npow8rJ017<:; TOU<:; OTrJV ayopa.
The cooling of the beer must took place in the cooling tower in two stages. During the first stage the cooling was achieved through a water cooling circuit, while the final fermentation temperature was reached through the use of an ammonia cooling circuit. In this part of the factory, the most remarkable piece of all the preserved machinery is the alcohol refrigerating machine, situated on the ground floor of the tower (fig. 5). Fermentation, meta-fermentation
The cool beer must that was to be fermented, got grafted with the brewer's yeast and was then transferred to the fermentation tanks. After the addition of air, the fermentation began. There were 30 identical cylindrical fermentation tanks (fig . 6) in operation in the factory, which are now saved, on the whole, in very good condition. After the main fermentation process, most of the brewer's yeast was removed and the beer (as can be called at this stage) was transferred to the meta-fermentation tanks. TEKMHPI0rn MHXAN0/\0rlK0Y E::0nfllLM0Y EPronAr l0Y <Ill::
H VOTIQ Ot/JT/ TOU na}.iou eµcp1a}.wTT7p{ou. The south fa<;ade of the old bottling department.
LTO XWPO TOU <l>I:: TO Tµ17µa TOU &µcpLOAWTT]plOU cpv,.o~&VT)0l7K& O& Mo 01acpop&TLKOU<; xwpouc;. 0 OPXLKO<; xwpoc;, nou A&lTOUpy170& µtXPL TO 1961, &vron(½&TOL v6na KOL &V ouvex&ia TOU ½ueono1&1ou, ae 106yetouc; xwpouc; o(nl\a one; a(0ouoec; o(Teu017<; (&LK. 7). L'7µ&pa, OUOTUXW<;, O& OW½&TOL TITTOTQ an6 TOV &~onl\10µ6 Tou nOA1ou eµcp10Aw1T]piou KOL 17 avacpopa o& aUT6v l3ao(½&TOL OTO &ACIXIOTQ axtota nou unapxouv KOL y(v&TOL xap17v µtac; n1'.17ptOT&p17c; napouo(a017c; Tou &pyoOTao(ou <l>I::. A&j31'JTOOTOOIO
To 1'.&l317To0Tamo &(VOL TO Ktvrpo TT]<; mµonapaywytK17<; i5tai5LKao(ac;. OL avayK&<; y1a mµ6 OTO ouyKp6T17µa TOU <l>I:: '7TQV µ&yOA&<; KOL &vron(½ovrOL axei56v oe K00& l317µa TT]<; 01ao1Kaoiac; napaywy17c; Tou ½ueou. LTO <l>I:: To 1'.el317To0Tamo &vroni½&TOL OTO Ktvrpo n&pinou TOU l3uvonOL&(ou. L17µ&pa ow½ovrOL 4 mµoMl317T&<;, 01 ono(OL QVT)KOUV O& Mo 01acpop&TIKt<; KQTQOK&UQOTLKt<; 1'.oytKt<;: rnuc; Ml317rnc; µ& i5tnM cpl\oyoowMva (&1K. 8) KOL rnuc; a&pLaul\wTouc; Ml317T&<; µovou cp1'.oyoow1'.17va (&LK. 9). LTO n1'.a1010 TT]<; tpeuvac; KOL Kmaypacp17c; Tou unapxovroc; µ17xavol\oytKou &~OTTALOµou TOU npc.iJ17v &pyOOTQOIOU <1>1::, &nLX&Lp17817K& KOL l7 Q~LOAOY170'7 TOU. KpLT17plO OUT17<; TT]<; a~LoMy17017<; anoTt1'.&oav T6oo OTotx&ia nou acpopouv anoKA&IOTLKO OTa ow½6µeva µ17xaVTJµma KOL T&Kµ17p1wvouv TT]V 1ota(T&p17 a~(a Touc; (6nwc; 17 µovai51K61T]TC1 Touc;, o p61'.oc; KOL 17 onoui50L61T]TO rnuc; OT17V napaywyLK'l i5tai5tKao(a, 17 171'.tKia Touc; KOL 17 KmaoKeuaOTpLa &TOLp&ia), 600 KOL Myot nou oX&Ti½ovrOL µ& TO ioto TO ouyKp6T17µa. An6 tva ouvol\o 50 nep(nou µ17xaV17µ0Twv nou ow½ovrOL 017µ&pa OTO <l>I::, MKa µ17xaVT)µma xapaKT17p(½ovrOL we; Li5taiT&pa 017µavrLKC1 KOL npoT&iv&TOL 17 i5L□T17P170'7 rnuc;.
LTO napC1pT17µa Tl7<; &pyao(a<; TOU T&UXOU<; µa<; napm(0&vrOL 01 46 Kaprt1'.&<; T&Kµ17p(wo17c; Tou e~on1'.1oµou (&LK. 1O) nou npotKuljJav KOTO r17v Karnypacp17 Tou. Ta OTotx&ia nou KOTaxwpouvrOL OTL<; K□pTt1'.&<; &ivOL: 17 ovoµao(a KOL o Kwi5LK6<; µ17DOCUMENTATION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF THE OLD BREWERY FIX
46 such tanks, in total, where in operation in FIX; 36 of them were situated in the cooling department plants. Depending on the brewery's needs, these tanks could work simultaneously with the 1O exterior tanks, which are placed at the fac;:ade of the factory viewing 26th October Street. The bottling department
The bottling department was the 3rd and last -as regards the production process- department of the factory. There took place the preparation of the beer cans and bottles, as well as their filling and storage, until their promotion to the market. The bottling department has been hosted in FIX in two different places. The initial one, which was in operation until 1961 , is located south of the brewery, in ground-floor rooms situated next to the fermentation rooms (fig. 7). Unfortunately, nothi ng is saved today of the equipment of the old bottling department. As a result, the reference to it in our study is based on the few existing construction plans and serves the great thoroughness of the factory presentation. Boiling house
The boiling house was the centre of the vaporizing process. The demands on steam in FIX were great, and were observed at almost every stage of the production of beer. The boi ling house is located at the centre of the malt department. Nowadays, 4 steam boilers are saved, which belong to two different construction types: double fire-tube boilers (Lancashire) (fig. 8) and tubular, single fire-tube boilers (fig. 9). Within the framework of study and recording of the existing mechanical equipment of the old FIX factory, an attempt has also been made to evaluate the findings. The criteria for the evaluation were not solely the characteristics which pertain exclusively to the preserved machinery and which substantiate its special
~ .-
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•..Ji a
8. ArµoMf3rJrac; omli.ou cpli.oyoawli.rjva.
A double fire-tube boiler (Lancashire).
,.,.,..,,,,.,.,......,,, a
10. Kapreli.a TE:Kµr]p{wOT)c;.
Documentation card.
values (such as uniqueness, role and importance in the production process, age and manufacturer). The criteria for this evaluation were also other reasons that are related with the FIX complex itself. From a total of around 50 machines that have been saved until now, 10 machines are considered especially important and, therefore, it is recommended that they be preserved.
9. Ixeoto aeptauli.wrou arµoMf3rira µovou cpA.oyoawA.rjva (1959). Construction plan of a tubular, single fire-tube boiler (1959).
XOVT]µOToc;, <pWTOypacp[ec; KOL 0)(85LO E:VTOTILaµou TT]c; 8eCTT]c; TOU µrixavl']µmoc;, TUTIOAOYLKO. xapOKTTJPLCTTLKO., /1.E:LTOUPYLKO. XOPOKTT]plaTLKO., LCTTOplKO. CTTOLXeLO, KOTO.CTTOCTT] 5LOTT]pT]CTT]c;O~LO/I.OYT]CTTJ, auµn11.ripwµanK6. m0txeia-napmripl']aetc;. EmnMov y[veTOL et5LKT] avacpop6. mo ~ori8TJTLK6 e~on11.taµ6 nou emKoupouae Tll 11.etToupy[a Tou µrixavl']µmoc;. Me auT6 Tov Tp6no npoaeyy[~E:TOL acpmptK6. ri TeKµT]p[wari Ka.Se ucptaT6.µevou µrixavl']µmoc;.
In the appendix of this study, 46 documentation cards are presented (fig. 10), which are the result of the recording of the mechanical equipment. The characteristics that have been recorded in each documentation card are the following: the name (type) and code of the machine, photos and ground plans showing the location of the machine, typological and functional characteristics, historical data, condition of preservation, evaluation, supplementary elements and other comments. Furthermore, special reference is made to the supplementary equipment that contributed to the operation of the machine in question. In this way, the documentation of each existing machine is treated in a multi-dimensional way.
~lTIAWµOTLKec; Epyao(ec; 2004-2006 Diploma Theses 2004-2006
XpucrOUA.0-80A.eVTIVT') Aoaµou, OPXLT8KTWV µrixavtK6c;
LYNTHPHLH KAI AnOKATALTALH TOY LllATHPHTEOY KTIPIOY Enl TON OllON KA00/\IKON 3 KAI BH/\APA E/\EY0EPOTEKTONIKH LTOA J\OZIL BEPITAL Em~Mnwv: MtXOATJC: NoµtK6c;, apxm:K1wv µrixavtK6c; Chrysoula-Valentini Adamou, architect engineer
O un6 µEMT17 KTLPLO f3p(OKETOI OTO LOTOplKO KeVTpO TTlC: 0EOOOAOVIKT"]c; OTT"] ouµf30>..r'] TWV oi5wv Ka80ALKWV 3 KOi Bri>..ap6, OTO <l>payKoµaxOA6 TTlC: 0woOAoviKTJc;. KTLOTTJKE TO 1926 YLO VO OTEYOOEL T17V E>..EU8EpOTEKTOVLKr'] LTOO «Aoqc; BEplTOc;». ApXLTeKTovac; r']rnv O ZaK Mwooe.
he subject of the present study is a building located in the historical centre of Thessaloniki, at the crossroad of Catholic 3 and Vilara street, in the Frankish neighbourhood. It was built in 1926 in order to accomodate the Freemansory Lodge «Lozis Veritas». His architect was Jacques Mosse.
To KTlplO r']rnv i5tc.i.>pocpo KOi KOTeA.T]YE OE i5wµa. To LOOYELO TTlC: OTo6c; npooptl;6Tav yLO Eµnop1Kr'] XPr'JOTJ. lltmpELTOI OE 8 KOTOmr']µarn KOi eva KEVTPLKO KA.lµOKOOTOOLO. To K08E KQTOOTT]µa nEpLA.aµf36VEL µ10 ;uALVT] OKMQ y1a T17V KOTOKOpUcpT] ETTLKOLVWv(a µE TO µwon6Twµa. 0 6pocpoc; TOU KTLpiou XPT]atµonOLouVTOV OTTOKA.ELOTLKO y1a nc; av6yKEc; TT"]c; OTo6c; KOi i5te8ETE L/510(TEpa Evi5tacpepouoEc; yulj.JtvEc; i5taKooµr']oE1c; moue; Toixouc; Km OTTJV opocpr']. nEpLA6µf3avE Eniaric; f3tf3>..108r']KT], a(8ouoa ouvi5LaM;Ewv, a(Souoa nm)(VLi5tou, EOT1m6p10, µayEtpEfo KOi ypacpE(a i5LOLKr']OEwc;.
The building was two-storied and led to loft. The ground floor of the Lodge was intended for commercial use. It was divided in 8 shops and a central staircase. Each shop in-eluded a wooden staircase so that the vertical communica-tion with mezzanine was achieved. The upper floor of the building was used exclusively for the needs of the lodge and was equipped with particularly interesting plaster decorations on the walls and on the ceiling. It also included a library, a room of conferences, a game room, a restaurant, a cookshop and offices of administration.
ME TOU<:; OEIOµouc; TOU 1978 TO KTlplO uneOTT] oof3apec; l;T]µtec;, on6TE To Tµr']µa LTOTLKou EMyxou TTJC: no>..EOi5oµiac; 0woa>..ov(KTJc; E;ei5woE 2 npwT6KoMa EmK1vi5uv6T17rnc;. 'YOTEpa an6 OUTO Ol Li5LOKTr']TEc; KOTEi56cptoav rn avacpEp6µEva Tµr']µma µE OTTOTeAEOµa TO KTlplO VO napaµeVEl µE Ulj.Joc; TTEplTTOU 6,5 µ. evaVTl TWV 13,50 µ. nou ELXE OPXlKO.
After the earthquakes of 1978, the building suffered from serious damages, therefore the Department of Static Control of Urban Planning of Thessaloniki published 2 protocols of dangerousness. As a result, the building's owners demolished the reported parts, so that the building remained in 6.5 m height instead of 13.50 m that it was initially built. According to the decision of the Ministry of Culture the building was characterized as a preservable monument as far as its fa9ades are concerned. Today 50% of it belongs to the Israeli Community of Athens and the other half to Sava Kavoukli and Sariko Benforado.
1, 2. IWVIQ BT/Aapa KQI Ka0011.1KWV.
npcv KQ/ µera TT/V KQ-
Crossroad of Vilara and Catholic street. Before and after the demolition.
Its fa9ades are organised according to the beginnings of post neoclassic architecture, decorated with elements of renaissance. Four corrugated pseudo-pilasters with marble podium, of giant rhythm with Corinthian epikrania, and height roughly up to 10 m. separate the fagade in three departments. In the centre of the fagade in the ground floor there are four imposts with attached semi-columns that they end up in a chapiter of ionic rhythm. In correspondence with these openings, there are three windows at the mezzanine level and a balcony that is supported by four decorative lion-formed corbels in the floor.
3. Xxioia apx1Kwv roµwv (Apxefo noAeoooµfac;J. Preliminary sections.
To KT(p10 exe1 xapaKTT]plO"TeL OlaTT]pT]Tfo we; npoc; nc; 6ljJe1c; TOU cruµcpwva µe TT]V an6cpaOT] TOU YnnO. Ltjµepa a~KEL KQTQ 50% O"TT]V lcrpaT]ALvtj KOLVOTT]Ta AeT]vWv Km KaTa 50% moue; Lcij3j3a Kaj3ouKAtj Kat LapiKo Mnevcpopaoo.
The bearing system, as well as the slab, is constituted of props and joists of reinforced concrete.
Ot 6ljJe1c; TOU eLVQl opyavwµevec; cruµcpwva µe nc; apxec; TT]c; OljJLµT]c; VEOKAacrtKtjc; apxLTeKTOVLKtjc;, OLaKOOµT]µevec; µe avaYEVVT]crtaKa Kupiwc; crrOLxefa. Tfocrep1c; paj3owTec; ljJeuoonapacrraoec; µe µapµapLVO TIOOLOV, y1yav-r1a(ou pueµou µe KOp1ve1aKQ en(Kpava, uljJouc; nepinou 1O µ. xwpi~ouv TT]V 6ljJT] cre Tp(a Tµtjµma. LTO Kev-rpo TT]c;, crro 1cr6ye10 unapxouv Tfocrep1c; necrcroi µe npOOKOAAT]µevouc; T]µLKLOvec; TIOU cpepouv IWVLKO KIOVOKpavo. Le av-r1crro1x1a µe rn avoiyµarn auTa unapxouv O"TT]V crraeµT] Twv nmap1wv Tpia napaeupa Km crrov 6pocpo eE;wO"TT]c;-µnMK6v1 TIOU unoj3acrra~8TQI an6 Tecrcrepa OlaKocrµT]TLKQ Aeov-r6µopcpa cpoupouma.
Proposed interventions
0 cpepwv opyav1crµ6c; TOU anOT8A8LTQI an6 UTIOO"TUAWµma KQL OOKouc; an6 OTIALOµevo OKUp6oeµa. H TIAOKa eLVQl eTILOT]c; an6 µneTOV apµe. To Kov(aµa nou XPT]crtµono1tjeT]KE efvm acrj3ecrroKoviaµa naxouc; 2,5-3 EK.
npoT&IVOIJ&V&<; &n&µ(3ao&I<; • EE;uyiavOT] TOu eoacpouc; Km ev(crxuOTl TT]c; eeµeALWOT]c;. • M6vwOT] TOu unoyefou ware va emrnuxed nMPTlC: crreyavonotT]OT] TOU XWPOU. • ATIOKQTOO"TaOT] TOU cpepov-ra opyavtcrµou TOU KTlplOU. • LUVTtjpT]OT] KQL avaKaTQOKEUtj TWV yuljJLVWV napacrraOWV KQL yuljJLVWV OtaKOOµT]TlKWV TWV OpO<pWV. • LU~pT]OT] KQL avaKaTaOKeutj KOUcpWµOTWV. • AvaKmacrKeutj Tou a' op6cpou µe j360T] rn apx1Ka crxeo1a aMa Km nM1ec; cpwTOypacpiec; nou oeixvouv TO KT1p10 O"TT]V OPXLKtj TOU µopcptj. • TeAoc;, evac; vfoc; 6pocpoc; £PXETQL va npocrreed crro unapxov KTtcrµa o onoioc; ea meyacrrd µe yu@1vo e6Ao.
np6Tao11 &navaxp11011c; H vfo XPtjOT] nou npoTefveTm mo ev Myw KT1p10 eivm µLa 01eevtjc; eµnoptKtj aAUOLOa evouµaTWV TIOU ea Af:LTOUpytjcre1 we; n6Aoc; eAE;T]c; KecpMaiou y1a TT]V eupuTepT] nep1oxtj.
There was used lime mortar of thickness 2-3 cm.
• Cleansing of the ground and backing of foundation. • Insulation of basement so that a complete seal of space is achieved. • Restoration of the bearing system of building. • Preservation and reconstruction of the plaster pilasters and the plaster roof decoratives. • Preservation and reconstruction of casing frames. • Reconstruction of the floor based on the initial drawings but also on old photographs that show the building in its initial form. • Finally, a new floor is added to the existing building, which will be covered up with a glass dome.
Reuse proposal The new proposal includes an international commercial clothing chain that will function as a pole of attraction of capital for the wider reg ion. The important characteristics of the new internal planning are the distribution of floors of sale, the techn iques that restore the in between communication, the determination of openings and prospects of space and the chromatic handling of walls and furniture. The basic objective of planning was the unification of spaces of ground floor and mezzanine. In the ground floor, the space under the landing of the central staircase - found at the height of 2.50 m- is opened up so that the circulation is untied. There, a new landing is created where, via a new vertical opening, a metal staircase is placed that leads to the underground space. In the ground floor the existing floorings are removed and replaced with the b lack and white ceramic tiles which existed in the first phase. The floorings keep the initial limits of shops and they are linked with pieces of marble. They are placed in that way, so as to allow the reading of initial typology of space. The perimetrical walls are used for exposition of products allowing the best possible exploitation of available space.
Ta CJ17µavnK6 xapaKTrJp1ar1K6 Tou vfou eown:p1Kou axeo1aoµou e(vm ri iS1avoµl'J Twv op6cpwv nwArJOT]c;, 01 TE)(VIKec; nou OTTOK08IOTOUV TT")V µETO~U TOuc; 8TTIKOIVWVLO, 0 npooo1op10µ6c; TWV OVotyµaTWV KOi TWV TTpOOITTIKWV TOU XWPOU KOi O XPWµOTIKO<:; xe1p10µ6c; Twv To(xwv KOL Twv en(n>..wv.
For this reason low showcases are placed made of glass and perforated metal plates. Very close to the entry, the cashier's desk is placed which consists of a curve counter of stainless steel. The curved and ellipsoidal forms ease the strict geometry of space which is dominated by straight lines.
BOOIKT] 8TTLOLW~T") TOU oXEOIOOµOu UTTT]p~8 I'") 8VOTTOLT")OT] TWV XWpwv TOU Looydou KOi TWV nmap1wv. LTOV xwpo TOU 1ooydou np0Ke1µevou va >..u8d ri KuK>..ocpop(a 01avo(yeT01 m(OT]c; o xwpoc; KOTW an6 TO n>..muoKOAO TOU KEVTpLKou K>..1µ0Koarao(ou nou ~p(OK8TOI 08 uljJoc; 2,50 µ. EKd cSriµ1oupydT01 eva KOIVOUp10 n>..muoKOAO 6nou µfow µme; vfoc; KOTOK6pucpric; 016vo1~ric; TOTT088T8LTOI eva µeTOAAIKO KALµOKOOTOOIO nou ooriyd OTOV xwpou Tou unoye(ou.
The two staircases act as distributors of movement for the level of mezzanine. The strategy that followed has been installed these as the conjunctive element and the central characteristic of ground plan. They are placed at a central point so that they serve the circulation of public and they constitute a centre of attention as well as a point of orientation. The drawing includes steps and landings made of transparent glass that appears to hover. Actually they are hanged from a thin construction by stainless steel, which is constituted of a lattice of articulations and tendons between the flooring and the roof.
LTO 106ye10 K080LpOUVTOI TO ucp1ar6µeva o6neoa KOi OVTIK08(0TOVTOI µe Ta aonp6µaupa Kepaµ1K6 n>..aK(o1a TT]c; npwTT")c; cp60T]c; nou OW~OVTOI OTO KOTOOTT]µOTa 1 KOi 2. Ta i56nei5a KpaTOUV TO OPXIKO 6p1a TWV KOTOOTT]µOTWV KOi µeTO~U TOU<:; evwVOVTOI µe <paoec; µapµapou. EOW y(vE:TOI µ10 KOTOKOpU<pT] 010VOL~T") KOi TOTT088T8LTOI eva µETOAAIKO KAlµOKOOTOOIO nou 001']yd OTOV xwpo TOU unoydou. LTO 106ye10 K080lpOuVTOI TO U<pLOT6µeva i56nei5a KOi OVTIK08(0TOVTOI µe TO aonp6µaupa K8paµ1K6 TTAOKIOIO TT]c; npwTT]c; cp60T]c; nou OW~OVTOI OTO KOTOOTT]µOTO 1 KOi 2. Ta o6neoa KpaTOUV TO OPXLKO 6pLO TWV KOTOOTT]µOTWV KOi µeTO~U TOU<:; evwVOVTOI µe cp6oec; µapµ6pou. E(vm Tono8eTT]µeva µe Tov Tp6no OUTO £TOI WOT8 VO 8TTITpeTTOUV OTOV TT8AOTT] TT]V OVOYVWOT] TT]<:; OPXIKT]c; TUTTOAoy(ac; TOU xwpou. 01 nep1µeTp1Ko( TOLXOL XPrJOLµonotouVTm y1a eK880T] Twv npo"i6VTwv µe 600 To 5uvm6 KOAuTepri eKµeTMAWOT] Tou iS108e0tµou xwpou. r1a To Myo auT6 TOno8eTouVTm xaµriMc; npo8l'JKec; an6 yua>..( KOi OIOTPT]T8<:; µETOAAIKec; TTAOK8<:;. noM KOVTO OTT")V doooo TOno8eTT]8T]K8 0 xwpoc; TWV TOµdwv nou OTTOT8A8LTOI an6 evav Kaµnu>..o n6yKo an6 avo~diSwTO aT06A1. Ta Kaµnu>..a KOL eMe1LjJoe1iSl'J axl'Jµma avaKoucp(~ouv TT")V auarripl'J yewµeTp(a Tou xwpou rJ ono(a KUp10PX8LTOI an6 eu8dec; ypaµµec;. ,%0 K>..1µ0Koar601a opouv we; 01avoµdc; Trtc; KLVT")OT]c; y1a Trt ar68µri TWV nmap1wv. H OTpOTT]YIKT] nou OKOAOU8T]8T")K8 eyKa8tOTOU08 auT6 we; To ouvi5enK6 armxdo KOL TO KEVTptK6 xapaKTT]ptartK6 Trtc; K6ToljJric;, Tono8eTwVTac; TO ae KEVTptK6 OT]µdo OUTW<:; WOT8 VO 8~UTTT")p8TOUV TT]V KUKAO<pop(a TOU KOIVOU KOi VO OTTOT8AOUV eva K£VTPO npooornc; QA.AO KOi OT]µdo npooavmoALOµou. To axeiSto nepLA.aµ~6V8l OKOAOTTOTIO KOi TTAOTUOKOAO an6 i5t6cpavo yua>..( nou cpa(VOVTOI VO OIWpOUVTOI. LTT]V npayµaTLKOTT")TO 8LVOI avapTT")µeva an6 µLO A8TTTTJ KOTOOK8UTJ an6 OVO~eLOWTO OTOOAl, ri ono(a OTTOT8A8LTOI an6 eva iStKTuwµa ap8pwoewv KOi T8VOVTWV µETO~U iSaneiSou KOi opocpl'Jc;.
A glass bridge on metal joists constitutes the resolutio n of circulation in the level of mezzanine. It is placed above the entry landing of the central staircase and it discloses the existence of the level. All the gaps of communication with the ground floor have been opened up, reminding thus the initial typology. Metal and timber rails are placed all around.
ll t-------------U-------------- : ; J =l:J==u 4.
Ynapxouaa KQTQOTQOT]. Nona 0(/lrJ. Present state. South view.
5. np6ra07J. K6ro(/lrJ iaoyeiou. Proposal. Ground floor plan.
M(a YUOAlVT] yecpupa n6vw 08 µernM1Kouc; iSOKOuc; OTTOT8A8l TrJV mLAUOT] TT]c; KuK>..ocpop(ac; mo m(neoo Twv nmaptwv. Bp(OKETOL n6vw an6 TO n>..muoKaAo TT]<:; e106oou TOU KEVTptKou KAlµOKOOTOOLOU KOi npoi5(i58l TT]V unap~ri TOU emneiSou. 'O>..a TO K8VO 8TTlKOlVWVLO<:; µe TO 106ye10 £XOUV OIOVOIXfeL, 8uµ(~oVTO<:; £TOI TT]V OPXlKT] TUTTOAoy(a. Kounaarec; an6 µ£TOA.AO KOi ~UAO TOTT088TOUVTOI Tptyupw.
H OITTlKT] 8TTIKOIVWVLO µETO~U TOU npWTOU KOi OWTepou op6cpou emTuvxaveTm µfow ev6c; µey&ou avo(yµmoc; OTT]V nMKO opocpl'Jc; TOU npwTOU op6cpou, TO ono(o ouvMet OITTlKO TO Mo m(neoa. Me Tov Tp6no auT6 npoocpepeTOL nap6Mri>..a
6. np6ra07J. K6TO(/ITJ µt:aonarwµaroc;. Proposal. Mezzanine floor plan.
OTOV TIEAO.Tl'] eta TOU yuo.ALVOU 80AOU. To µey6.Ao 6.vOLyµa nou anoKOITTETOL ano Tl']V nMKa OVTLOTa8µ(½EL Tr] OLOPKll opL½OVTLOTrJTO TOU KOTOOTl7µ0Toc; µe µ10 vea K0.8ETl'] npOOITTIKl7, µtow TT"]<; OTIOLO<; µnopouv VO npOOOIOpl½OUV TOV EOWTEplKO XWpO. H ETIIKOIVWVIO OTIOK08(0TOTOL µe E:VO µ£TOA.AIKO KAlµOKOOTO.OIO TO ono(o OVOOITIAWVETOL KOL npoacpepel OTOV TIEAO.Tl'] npoal3aari OTOV opocpo.
O oemepoc; KOL vfoc; opocpoc; nepLAaµl36.ve1 eva µ1Kpo µnap KOL EOTIOTOplO. AuT17 I'] nep10X17 av6.nauaric; l3p(OKETOL OTO OVWTOTO en(neoo KQTW ano TT"]V KOTOOKEUl7 TOU 80>-..ou WOT£ VO auµ!36.MEL OTT"JV a(cr8rJOrJ ripeµ(ac; KOL ano>-..auaric;. 0 xwpoc; EKµeTOAAEUETOL OTO enaKpo TO cpUOIKO cpwc; nou µna[veL OTO EOWTEPIKO KOL Ol OAAayec; Tl']<; OTµoacpOLpac; y(voVTOL OVTLAl']ITTE<; Ka8' OAT"] TT"] 016.pKELO Tl']<; riµepac;. H anoKOT6.0TaOrJ Tou KT1p(ou exe1 we; anwrnpo OTOXO va y(ve1 ecpOATl7plO y1a Tl']V OVQTIAOOT"] KOL Tl']V aval36.8µ1ari Tl']<; TIEPLOXll<;, OTT"JV ono[a l3p(aKOVTOL apKeT6. napaµe>-..riµeva, to1a[Tepric; KOAAITE)(.V1K17<; a~[ac; OLOTrJPrJTfo KT[pta.
7. np6m01'). EyKapaw rnµrj.
Proposal. Transversal section.
The optical communication between the first and second floor is achieved via a big opening in the plate of roof of the first floor, which connects optically the two levels. In this way, a simultaneous view of the glass dome is achieved. The big opening can balance the permanent horizontality of the shop with a new vertical prospect, through which all the relations that determine the internal space can become readable. The communication is restored via a metal stair-case which offers to the customer access to the floor. The new second floor includes a small bar and a restaurant. This resting area is found at the maximum level under the construction of the dome so that it contributes to the sense of calm and enjoyment. The space takes advantage of the natural light that enters into the interior. As a result, the changes of atmosphere become perceptible during the whole day. The restoration of the building aims to reform and upgrade the region, where many buildings of particular artistic value are found neglected.
8. np6TGOTJ. Toµrj KQTQ µrjKoc;. Proposal. Section in length.
9, 10. np6mOTJ anoKaraOTaOTJc;. <PwrnpwJ..carcKic; an6ljls1c;. Proposal for restoration. Photoreal aspects.
N(Koc; Apyup(ou, noAtTtKoc; µrixavtK6c;
civil engineer
VTLKe(µevo Tr)<; 5LTIAWµOTLK~<; epyao(ac; OTTOTE:AE:( rJ µeMTT"] OTOTIK~<; E:VlO)(UOT"]<; TOU KTLp(ou. LUYKE:Kptµeva y(veTOL epeuva KOL TTE:ptypacp~ TOU cpepOVTO<; opyavtoµou TOU KTlp(ou, evw OKOAOU0e( rJ npoooµo(wori KOL 5uvaµLK~ TOU av6A.uori. Au~ nepLAaµl36ve1 T6oo TTJV ucp1m6µevri KOTOOTOOT"J 600 KOL Tr)V KOT6maori µeT6 Tr)<; np0Te1v6µevec; eneµl36oe1c;. TeAoc;, y(veTOL OUYKPLOT"J µernsu Tr)<; OTTOTE:AE:OµOTLKOTT)TO<; TWV 51acp6pwv µeTpwv ev(axuoric; nou npoTdvoVTOL.
To un6 µeMTT) KTip10 l3p(0Kern1 OTT) ouµl30A~ TWV o5wv BapaTOOrJ KOL Tpane~OUVTLOU, OTO KeVTpO TT"]<; lOTOplK~<; nep1ornc; Tr)<; XMK(5ac;. AnoTeAd eva an6 rn eMx1ma 5eiyµma Tr)<; apx1rnKTov1K~<; TOU TeAOU<; TOU 19ou 01. TTOU exouv anoµdve1 516onaprn ae K6nmec; ye1Tov1ec; Tr)<; n6ArJ<;, µova51Ko( nMov 5eoµo( µe TO napeA06v KOL Tr)V lOTOp(a Tr)<;. Bp(OKE:TOL OTT"]V nepLorn TTOU XOPOKTT)pl~OTOV we; TOTTO<; KOTOIKLO<; Tr)<; µE:OOOOTIK~<; Tal;ric;, Aiya µ6At<; µeTpa an6 TrJV napaAia KOL TO KprJn(5wµa 6nou 5eon6~ouv 6Ma KT(oµarn es(oou OT"]µOVTLKO.
he object of the present dissertation is the static restoration of a two-storey building. The structural components are studied and described first, followed by the numerical modelling and dynamic analysis. Numerical models are created for the situations both before and after application of the reinforcement proposals. A comparison between the effectiveness of the proposed measures is also attempted.
The building under study is situated at the corner of Varatasi and Trapezountiou streets, in the historic centre of the city of Chalkida. Today it is one of the town's few remaining samples
To KTLPLO aveyep0f]KE: TT"] 5E:KOE:T(a 1880-1890, 6rnv ey1ve rJ ecpapµoy~ TOU LXE:5(ou n6Aewc; KOL rJ XOAK(5a 6Mase PL~lKCl
2. Xxeow arroTUrTWOT]c; e~wreplKWV Ot/Jewv KQl TOµwv KQl arre1K61. np6aot/JTJ Kai rr[aw Ot/JTJ.
VlOTJ rra0oJ..oy[ac;. Drawings of pathology from external view and internal sections of the building.
µopcpr']. Anon:Aouoe KOTOLKLO KOL µaya~i eµn6pou 6nwc:; cpavepwve1 I"] E:~WTE:ptKr'] OLOTO~J"]. I"] OLOTO~J"] TWV WWTE:plKWV xwpwv KOl 01 noMec:; E:~WTE:plK8C:: E:lOOOOl. 'E,ot eva ,µr']µa TOU unoydou Km mu 1ooydou r']rnv xwpoc:; µaya~1ou, evw o 6pocpoc:; KOl TO UTT0/1.0ITTO ,µr']µma TOU unoydou KOl 1ooye(ou OTTOTE:/1.0UOOV xwpo KOTOLKtOc:;. Tri OE:KOE:TLO TOU '50 TO onin 6Ma~e LOLOKTr']TJ"] KOl µern,p6nl"]KE: e~· 0/1.0K/l.llPOU OE: xwpo KQTOLKLOC::,
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of late 19th century architecture. The building is situated just a few meters from the promenade, an area that used to be inhabited by the middle classes, mostly merchants. However, wealthier people also lived in important buildings in the vicinity. The building was constructed during the 1880s. During that period the town plan was enforced by law and thus various changes took place up to the beginning of the 20th century. Most old buildings were demolished and others were constructed in their place. The ground plan of the rooms and the large number of entrances show that this structure had a double use. Parts of the basement and ground floor were used as a shop, whose owner lived in the remaining parts as well as the entire first floor. In the 1950s the building changed hands and from then on was used by its owners exclusively as a house. During that period, some small reinforced concrete buildings were built in the yard. The remarkable morphological and decorative features on the building's frontage and interior rendered it a monument as well as a work of art in 2001 by decree of the Ministry of Culture.
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3. K6.TO(/JTJ urroyefou, 1aoyefou Kai op6cpou. Plans of basement, ground floor and 1st floor.
4. Tp1ao16.araTTJ arre1K6v1ar, mu cpipovrn opyav1aµou mu KT1p[ou KQl TT}c; aTSyl'}c;. Three-dimensional representation of the structural components of the building and the roof. MEAETH HATIKHL AnOKATAHArnL l\lATHPHTEOY NEOKAALIKOY KTIPIOY H H XAAKll\A
The building is a typical sample of the late neoclassical period, comprising three main parts: stand - ground floor, scape - storey and ridge - roof. Supporting walls are the basic feature of the load bearing structure. The wall thickness varies, gradually decreasing towards the top of the building. The walls of the basement and ground floor consist of stonework with the exception of the corners of the frontage, which are made of large heavy sandstones. Their construction quality is better at the front than the back side of the building. The first floor is made of solid brick. 5. XuyKptOT] Ttµwv avroxrjc; rn1xonotfac; an6 i5tdrpopec; eµne1p1Kic; axiaetc;. Comparison of several values of wall strength derived from empirical formulas.
Moreover, there are INP-shaped metal girders in order to support the thin internal walls between rooms. The floors consist of a parallel wooden girder system. The roof also consists of a complex system of wooden girders and props with metal joints connecting each other. Ceramic tiles were used to cover it.
8VW vfo KTLOµOTO OTIO OTI/1.LOµEVO OKUp6o8µa npOOTE0T"]KOV npoc; TO xwpo TT)<; auAr']c;. To 2001 µ8 an6cpaori Tou Ynoupy8(ou no/1.LTLOµou µ6vo TO OIWpO(j)O V80KAOOIKO KT(oµa XOPOKTT)p(00T"]K8 µvriµdo KOL epyo TEXVrJC: KOL TO np6o08TO KT(oµaTO yKp8µLOTT)KOV.
ETABS finite element program was used for the simulation and analysis. Three models were created in order to describe the behaviour of the building in its present unsupported state and its state after the two sets of proposed reinforcement measures have been applied. These measures include making the floors act as diaphramgs and increasing the wall ductility by covering them with a reinforced concrete jacket of a few centimetres.
To KT(p10 aKoAou08( Ta apx1T8KTOV1K6 KOL µopcp0Aoy1K6 xapaKTrJPLOTLK6 TT)C: Wplµf"l<; V80KAOOIK'lC: TI8plOOOU TOU TE/1.0UC: TOU 19ou 01. To riµ1un6y810 8LVOL 01aµopcpwµevo µ8 rnmK6 ao~80T6A180 µ8 A(0ouc; WK8µµeva 6x1 A81aoµevouc; (roustiko). 01 A(801 ouV8XL½OVTOL µ8 µopcpr'] ayKwvap1wv KOL mtc; Tp81c; ywv(8<; TrJC: np6oot!Jric; 08 6Ao TO ut!Joc; Tou un8put!Jwµevou 1ooydou. To 106y810 KOL o 6pocpoc; dvOL 8mXP1oµeva µ8 ao~80TOKov(aµa. H µ8T6~aori an6 TO 106y8LO mov 6pocpo y(v8TOL µfow 8v6c; KOl/1.0KUpTOU KUµOT(ou.
Frame elements were used for modelling the girders and roof, whereas vertical and horizontal shell elements were used to model the supporting walls and floor diaphragm. The simulation of the reinforced concrete jacket on the walls was achieved by increasing the modulus of elasticity of the existing walls. In modelling the foundation, all degrees of freedom at the joints at
2Tf"l OTE'-IJl"l TOU KTLp(ou UTIOPX81 nMpric; lWVIKO<; 8p1yK6c;: TplTOLVIWTO 8TILOTUALO, ½wcp6poc; KOL y8(oo µ8 oo6VT8c;. TeAoc; unapxouv av08µwTo( aKpoKepaµm. 'OAa Ta nap60upa Twv Mo npoo6'-IJ8WV nAOLOLwvoVTav µ8 avaKA1vopo81or'] 8TI(Kpava, Ta ono(a txouv acpOLp808( KOL µ6vo TO (xvri Touc; nMov dvOL 8µcpavr']. '0A8C: 01 opocpec; dvOL an6 µnayoOT6TIT1X8C: µ8 opocpoKov(a KOL ½wypacp1K6 016Kooµo. To KUplO xapaKTT)plOTIKO TOU cpepoVToc; opyav1oµou 8LVOL flapYOAL0oooµr']. To 106y810 anoT8A8LTOL an6 apyoA18oooµr'] KOL o 6pocpoc; an6 OITTOTI/\LV0oooµr'] an6 ouµnayr'] OKO(j)WTCI TOU~/1.0. i:To Tµr']µa TOU unoydou en(oric; nou cpa(v8T01 OTflV np6oot!Jri, K00wc; KOL 08 0/1.0 TO U'-IJOC: TWV ayKWVOplWV y(V8TOI XP'lOrJ f"lµL/\0~8UµEVfl<; /\18oooµr']c; an6 nop6At0o. To naxoc; TT)<; TOLXOTIOl(ac; 01acpep81 ma Tp(a 01acpop8nK6 00µ1K6 oumr']µaTO Ka0' ut!Joc; Tou KTtp(ou. Ta nOTwµaTO anoT8AOUVTOL an6 ~UALV8<; ooKouc; 08 KOVTIVEC: OTIOOTC1081C: µ8TO~U rnuc;. 'Onou UTIOPX81 Ol0XWPIOTLK6c; To(xoc; OVT( y1a ~U/1.lVfl OOKO UTICIPX81 µ8T0/\/\1Kll, axr']µOTO<; OITI/1.0U TOU KOL Ol00TC108WV 16x9 8K. Avaµwa OTlC: ~U/\IV8C: OOKOU<; unapxouv O/\/\f;TICl/\f"l/\8C: OTpW08LC: an6 Cj)UKIO, npocpavwc; y1a OVT1Kpaoaoµ1Kr'] KOL 88pµoµovwT1Kr'] npomao(a. To owµa axriµm(½8TOL an6 MoKaµmo n6Twµa an6 01oripoooKouc; omAou Tau KOL KaµapwT6 nOTwµOTa an6 ouµnay8(c; OITTOTI/\LV0ouc; nou K0/1.UITTOUV TO K8VO µ8TO~U TWV oioripoooKWV. H meyri mu KT1p(ou anoT8A8(TOL an6 ~UAtva ½8UKT6 an6 opu KOL 8TILKCI/\U'-1Jfl µ8 K8paµ(oLO ~U½OVTIVOU TUTIOU. 28 0/\8C: TIC: ouvoeo81c; Twv op0oOTOTwv µ8 rnuc; aµd~oVT8C:, Ka0wc; KOL 08 aUTec; Twv aµ81~6VTwv µ8 rnuc; 8AKuOTr']p8c; unapxouv µ8TaMLK6 T½IVETIO.
6. TptOOIQOTQTr} anetKOVtOT] TOU npoaoµo1wµarnc; TOU ,mp(ou KQI napoua(aOT] tryc; ti5LOµoprp1c;. Three-dimensional representation of the modelled building and its 1st mode shape.
oupyfJ8TJKOv Tp[a µoVTet..a. To npwTo m:pLyp6.cpeL TTJV ucpLm6.µevri KOT6.ma017, evw TO 6.Ma Mo avacpepoVTOL mriv nep[mw017 OTIOKOTQOTOOT]c; TT]c; OLOcppayµanKT]c; AE:LTOupy[ac; TWV naTwµ6.TWV KOL TT]V npoa8T]KT] µov6nt..eupou (µ6vo E:OWTE:plKO.) µOVOUO 0/''i., npOKE:LµEVOU VO OLE:pE:UVT]8et T] OUVE:LOCj)OpO. TOU we; emnMov µeTpou evfaxu017c;. OL EAE:YXOL Twv ywvLaKwv neaawv KOL TJ OLOOTOOLOAOYTJOT] TOU µavoua npayµmon0tl78T]KOV µe TO np6ypaµµa FAGUS. ILO TT]V npoaoµo(w017 TWV OOKWV KOL TOU TpLOOLQOTOTOU cpopfo TT]c; meyric; XPT]OLµonOLT]8T]KOV ypaµµLKCI. OTOLXE:10 (frame elements), evw yLa TTJV npoaoµo[w017 Twv cpepouawv TOLXOTIOLLWV XPT]atµonoL178T]KOV emcpaveLaK6. m0txeio KeMcpouc; (shell elements) µernl3ATJTOu naxouc; KOL LOLOTT]Twv. H npoaoµofw017 OU/;T]OT]c; Tr]c; OLOcppayµOTLKT]c; OUOKOµljJ[ac; TWV TIOTWµO.TWV eyLve en[017c; µe npoa8fJKTJ opL~6VTLwv emcpaveLaKwv m0txeiwv. H npoaoµo(wOT] TOU µavoua EYLVE: µe OU/;T]OT] TOU µeTpOU E:AOOTLKOTT]TOc; TTJc; ucpLm6.µevric; TOLXOTIOLiac;. LTTJ m6.8µT] 8eµet..[w017c; eyLve ofoµeuOT] TWV E:AW8E:pLWV KLVT]OT]c; TWV K6µl3wv (auv817Kec; n6.KTwOT]c;).
0 npOOOLOpLaµ6c; TT]c; OVTOX17c; TT]c; TOLXOTIOILOc; EYLVE: KOVOVLOTLKCI. µe !36.017 Tov EC6 a/;Lono1wVTac; nµec; KpoumµeTpfJaewv (yto TO Kovfaµa Mµri017c;) KOL eµneLpLKec; TLµec; an6 TTJV l3Ll3t..Loypacp[a (yLa TTJV 8ALITTLKT] OVTOXll TWV t..[8wv) . H µeMTTJ Tou cpopfo npayµmonoLfJ8TJKE: µe ouvaµLKT] cpaaµmLKT] av6.Au017 (cp6.aµa EAK 2000). 0ewpfJSTJKOV aeLaµLKOL auvouaaµo[ npoc; TLc; TpeLc; OLWSuvaeLc; OLEyE:pOT]c; KOSciJc; KOL Ol OpLOKEc; KOTOOTCI.OE:Lc; OOTOXLOc; KOLAE:LTOUPYIKOTT]TOc;.
basement level are limited and fastened (fully fixed end conditions). Eurocode 6 was used to determine the wall strength, taking into account some in situ experimental test results for determining the mortar strength (impact hardness testing), while empirical values were used for the sandstone and brick strength. The dynamic spectral method was used to define the stress due to seismic loads. The analysis is performed for load combinations that take into account all three directions of the seismic loading. Analyses were also performed for two limit states: serviceability and ultimate. Graphs of the vertical and shear stresses in the walls due to various load combinations are presented herein. Moreover, figures of the deformed shape for the entire structure are presented for the predominant modes. The dissertation is completed with the interpretation of the results and the assessment of the building's behaviour under the influence of vertical and seismic loads through observation and comparison of the graphs. Assessment of the efficiency of the proposed restoration measures is also presented. Finally the philosophy of the restoration measures is presented, followed by the full design and detailing. In conclusion, the advantages offered by the finite element method in presenting the results of the analysis must be duly noted. It renders it possible to achieve the best possible image of the structures' stress state, distribution and concentration of stresses, definition of sensitive points, as well as variations due to changes in geometry and construction materials.
H omt..wµanKfJ epyaa[a OAOKAT]pwveTOL µe TTJV epµriveia Twv OTIOTE:AWµ6.TWV KOL TT]V 0/;LOAOYTJOT] TT]c; auµnepLcpop6.c; TOU KTLp[ou un6 TT] op6.017 KOTOK6pucpwv KOL aeLaµLKWv cpopTfwv yLa TO Ko.Se µOVTEAO. napOUOLCl.~OVTOL en[017c; OLOyp6.µµma OTIOTE:AeaµOTLKOTT]TOc; KOL auveLacpop6.c; TT]c; Ko.Se eneµl30017c; mriv an6KpLOT] Tou KTLp[ou. AUT6. acpopouv ae noaom6. µeiw017c; TT]c; OOTOXLOc; TWV TIWOWV YLO Ko.Se npOTE:LVOµE:VT] eneµl300T]. Tet..oc; nepLyp6.cpeTOL T] Cj)lAOOOCj)IO TWV eneµl36.aewv KOL y(veTOL T] OLOOTOOLOAOYTJOT] auTwv µe TOUT6XPOVTJ axeoLOOTLKT] aneLKOVLOT] TOUc;.
LUVOljJL~OVTac;, Sa npeneL VO TOVLOTeL ri npoacpop6. TT]c; µeS6oou Twv nenepaaµevwv m0txe[wv OTTJV KOAuTepri ouvaTfJ aneLK6vLOTJ TWV OTIOTE:AE:OµUTWV TT]c; EVTOOT]c; TOU cpopea, TOU npOOOLOpLaµou TWV eua(OST]TWV nepLOXWV KOL TT]c; OUYKEVTpWOT]c; TCI.OE:WV. H 0/;LOAOYTJOT] TT]c; an6KpLOT]c; y[veTOL µe OUT6 TOV Tp6no not..u mo euKOATJ KOL enomLKT].
wi.- - .!Cil>::~
=ct.:::lll • --
L- ---==---=~~ - -
□ nEpiTTTWJr)
■ Y Cj)IITTClµE\f]
10 0 KaµljJf]
Ttµvouoa Ttµvouoa EVTC><;
L. 7. ,paq>1Kf/ rrapoua(aar, arroreAeaµ6rwv TT/c; ava>..uar,c;. Graphic representation of some analysis results.
8. XuyKplOT} arroreAeaµaTlKOTT)TOc; µt:TO~U TT/c; Uq>tOT6µt:VT]c; KQTQOTOOT}c; KQl TWV µiTpwv ev(axuar,c;. Comparison of the effectiveness of the proposed supporting measures versus the present unsupported condition. MEJ\ETH HATIKHr AnOKATAHALHl: I\IATHPHTEOY NEOKMl:IKOY KTIPIOY HH XAIIKII\A
NlKOA.00<:; AonpouoT7c;, µrixavoMyoc; µrixavLK6c;
TEKMHPIOLH TOY BIOMHXANIKOY E=OnAlrMOY TOY MYJ\OY ArA0OKJ\H-MATronOYJ\OY TPIKAJ\ON Em~MnovTE:c;: AtµtMa ITE:cpav(oou, apxm:Krwv µrixavLK6c;, KwvmavT(voc; nanaKwaTac;, µrixavoMyoc; µrixavLK6c; Nikolaos Asproudis, mechanical engineer
DOCUMENTATION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF AGATHOKLES-MATSOPOULOS CYLINDER-MILL IN TRIKALA Supervisors: Aim ilia Stefanidou, architect engineer, Konstantinos Papakostas, mechanical engineer
VTlKe(µe:vo TI7<; om>..wµanKr']c; e:pyao(ac; QTIOTE:AE:l O Mu>..oc; Aya8oK>..r']-Mmo6nou>..ou, nou ~p(oKE:TQl OTO OUTLK6 6Kpo TI7<; n6>..17c; Twv TplKar..wv. AVT]KE:l or17v KUTI7yopfa TWV KUAlVOp6µu>..wv KQl dxe we; n17yr'] evtpye:LUc; TO ve:p6 TOU napaKefµe:vou AyLaµovLwt17 notaµou, µe ouvouaoµtV17 XPT1017 µ17xavwv Kau017c;.
IT6xoc; Tfl<; µeMTI7c; dvm 17 npootyyl017 tou Tp6nou >..moupy(ac; Tou Mu>..ou OlUXPOVLK6, µe enfKevrpo Ta µ17xavr']µma Km Tov f:SE:lOlKE:uµtvo T€XVlKO esonr..Loµ6 nou l::XE:l Olaow8d OTfl 81::017 TOU KQl OE: oXl::OlQ we; nc; µtpe:c; µac;. AVUAUTlKOTE:pa, f:SE:Tai'.;oVTQl 6r..Ol Ol XWPOl mu ouyKpoTr']µmoc; Km 17 e:str..LsTJ rnuc; OTflV nopda TOU XP6vou, oe: µta npoon68e:1a avaouv8e:017c; TI7<; napaywytKT]<; OlUOtKQOtQ<;, an6 TflV napUAU~T] Tl7<; npWTl7<; ur..17<; µtXPt TI7 OL68e:017 Tou rnr..tKou npo"i6vroc;, µe nap6M17r..17 avar..u017 Tfl<; napaywyr']c; Km µeT6oo017c; TTl<; KtV17017c; an6 Tov uopootp6~tA.o Kat Ttc; µ17xavtc; ora eK6otoTe: µ11xavr']µma. EmnMov, OTO nr..a(mo TI7<; tpwvac; TE:Kµ17ptWVE:TQl KQl KUTayp6cpE:TUl
he subject of this thesis is the Agathokles-Matsopoulos Mill, situated on the west part of the town of Trikala. This mill belongs to the category of cylinder-mills; its main source of energy was supplied by the water of the adjacent Agia Moni River, with a combined use of combustion engines.
The aim of this thesis is an approach to the general philosophy pertaining to the operation of the Agathokles-Matsopoulos Mill. This attempt is guided by the machinery and the specialized technical equipment that has survived in place and in the construction plans until today. More concretely, all rooms of the complex are examined, as well as their evolution throughout the years, in an attempt to recompose the production process, from the collection of raw material to the disposal of the final product. In parallel, an analysis is made of the production and transmission of motion from the water turbine and the machinery to the corresponding machines. In add ition, within the frame of this research, an attempt has also been made to record and identify the technical equipment of the Mill. Each machine is evaluated with criteria based on its special value (uniqueness, role and importance in the production process, age, manufacturer). The history of the Agathokles-Matsopoulos Mill began in 1884, when the Agathokles brothers built the Mill, one of the biggest at the time in Greece. In 1928 the biggest upgrade in the history of the Mill was made on the level of equipment, with a parallel expansion of the building plants. New and super modern, at the time, machinery were installed, which for the most part has not been replaced since.
1. 1sv1KfJ 6.rrot/JrJ rou MuAou arr6 m v6r1a. General view of the Mill.
In the early 1930s the Mill came into the possession of I. Matsopoulos and his relatives and a new era began for the Mill, with upgraded emphasis on the branch of flour trade. The good times, however, lasted until the late 1960s. From then on, the fierce competition in the branch of flour trade caused the production of the Mill to shrink and led to Matsopoulos letting the Mill to A. Katsiakos in 1972. Nevertheless, the Mill never upturned and hence its operation ceased a few years after the death of its proprietor, in fact exactly 100 years after its first start.
----------- ---3. TonoypacptKO otaypaµµa TTJ<; E:UpUTepTJc; nt:ptoxf,c;. Ground plan of the greater area.
2. H OTJµE:ptvrj KQTQOTGOTJ. AvaroAtKrj 01/JTJ. Present state. The east fa9ade.
ae KOpT8Aec; ri TOUTOTT"JTO TOU T€)(VLKOU esonALOµou, 0 ono(oc; asLOAOYetTOL !36.aeL KplTfJp(wv nou npoa5Lop(~ouv TT"JV L5LOLT€PT"J as(a TOU (µova5LKOTT"JTO, p6Aoc; KOL anou50LOTT"JTO OTI']V napaywy1K17 51051Kaa(a, T"JAIKLO, KOTOOKeu6.mp1a €TOLpda).
H 1mop(a TOU MUAOU Aya80KAT7-MOTa6nouAOU seK(vriae TO 1884, 6rnv ot a5eAcpo( Aya80KA17 exr1aav To MuAo, evav an6 rnuc; µeyaMTepouc; TOT€ ITTOV EMa51K6 xwpo. To 1928 npayµOTOTIOll78rJK€ ri µeyaMTepri aval36.8µ1ari ITTT"JV LITTop[a TOU MUAOU ae en(ne5o esonA1aµou, µe nap6.MrJAT"J €TI8KTOOT"J TWV KTIPIOKWV eyKOTOITT6.aewv. EyKOTOITTC18rJKOV vfo, unepOUYXPOVO T6n: µrixaV17µ0Ta, TO ono[a we; en( TO TIAetITTOV 5ev OVTIKOTOITTC18rJKOV SOVCl TIOT8. LTI<:; apxec; TT"Jc; 5€K0€TLOc; TOU 1930 o MuAoc; nepaae OTI']V 15LOKTT"JOIO TOU I. MOTOOTIOUAOU KOL TWV auyyevwv TOU KOL S€KLVrJ0€ µ10 vfo eTIOXl7 y1a TO MUAO, µe aval308µ1aµevo p6AO ITTOV KA6.5o TrJ<; OAeupeµnop[ac;. 01 KOAec;, 6µwc;, enoxec; Kp6.TrJaav µ8XPL TO T8ArJ TT"J<:; 5eKO€T(ac; TOU 1960. 'EKTOT€ 0 8VTOVO<:; OVTOYWVL0µ6c; Tou KA6.5ou auppiKvwae TT"JV napaywy17 Tou MuAou KOL o517yriae TOV MOTOOTIOUAO OTI']V €VOIKLOOT"J TOU Mu}..ou ITTOV A. KOTOLClKO TO 1972. EVTOUTOI<; 0 Mu}..oc; 5ev OV8K0µ4Je TIOT8 KOL Mya XPOVLO µeT6. TO 86.VOTO TOU L510KTl7TT"J TOU rnpµm(CJTI7K€ OplITTIKCl rJ A€1Toupy[a TOU, 100 OKpLl3wc; XPOVIO an6 TO npwTO S€KLVrJµO. LT7µepa OTO XWPO 8XOUV eyKOTOITT08et TIOIKLAec; 5pOITTT"JPIOTT"JT€<; TOU noALTLITTIKOU Opyavtaµou TOU .li17µou
Nowadays, plenty of activities organized by the Cultural Organization of the Municipality of Trikala take place in this area. According to I. Matsopoulos' will, all property of the complex of the Mill came into the possession of the Municipality of Trikala. The Municipality services undertook the restoration of the buildings of the complex, as well as the reformation of the surrounding ground. The building complex of the Mill has been characterized as historic landmark and constitutes a remarkable sample of industrial architecture.
The production process The complex of the Mill is divided in four functional and building units: the wheat cleaning room, the central flour production building of the Mill, the engine rooms and, finally, the peripheral buildings (storage areas, offices, lodges). The technical equipment found in the first three units remains intact almost in its entirety, even from the very first phases of the Mill, either when integrated in the production process or when out of the production line. In the wheat cleaning room the wheat was being prepared for its subsequent grinding; the preparation included the sorting out, the cleaning, the washing and drying, the desiccation, the husking, the brushing and the storage of the wheat. All these stages presuppose a respective number of machines, which are hosted in the bi-level building.
4. H porj napaywyrjc; OTO Kt:vrptK6 ,rr[pw.
5. naA1vopoµ1K6 K6aK1vo afrou.
The production process in the central building.
TptKKoiwv. ruµcpwvo µe n1 c5to8fJKTl Tou I. Mow6nou>..ou, o b.fJµoc; TptKKo[wv ty1ve K6Toxoc; 6>..ric; Tf}c; neptouo[oc; Tou ouyKpoTfJµmoc; Mu>..ou. 01 unripecriec; Tou b.fJµou ovt>..o~ov TflV KTIPIOKrJ onOKOT60TocrfJ Tou Km Tf1 otaµ6pcpwcrri Tou nept~MAOVToc; xwpou. To KTlplOK0 ouyKp6Tf}µa TOU Mu>..ou EX8l xopoKTflpl088l we; lOTOptK6 0lOTflPflTEO, anoTe>..wVToc; 0~16>..oyo odyµo ~1oµrixovlKrJc; OPXlT8KTOVlKrJc;.
H po~ napaywy~c; To ouyKp6Tf}µo xwp[~ETOl oe Tfooeptc; >..etToupytKec;, oM6 Km KTlplOKEc; 8V0TflT8c;: TO K080plOTrJplO TOU OlTOU, TO K8VTplK0 KTtpto napoywyfJc; o>..eupwv Tou Mu>..ou, rn µrixavoOT6mo Km Te>..oc; TO ~ori8rinK6 KTtpto (ono8fJKec;, ypacpe[a, 8upwpda). 0 TE)(VlK6c; e~on>..10µ6c; nou neptEXETOl OTtc; Tpetc; npc.i>Tec; 0tocrw~ETOl OKEpmoc; oXE00V OTO OUVOAO TOU, an6 Tic; npwrnc; K16>..oc; XPOVlKEc; cp6cretc; Tou Mu>..ou, efre ouvoeoeµtvoc; OTflV nopoywYlKrJ 0lO0lKoo(o e(Te EKT6c; ypaµµfic; nopoywyfJc;. LTO K080plOTrJplO OLTOU npayµoTOTTOlOUVTOV fl np08TOlµoo[a TOU ofrou yto TflV µETETTElTO 6AecrfJ TOU, nou nepV1.6µ~ove Tf1 0lOAoyfJ, TOV K080ploµ6, TO nMmµo KOl TO OTEyvwµo, TflV ~J'JpavOfl, TflV onocp>..o(wcrri, TO ~oupw10µ0 Km TflV ano8fJKeucrfJ Tou. 'O>..a ouT6 TO OT6010 npouno8eTOuv aVT(OTmxo Tou>..6xtOTov n>..fJ8oc; µrixovriµaTWV, nou cpV1.0~8VOUVTOl OTO 0lwpocpo KTlplO.
Palindromic wheat sieve.
The ready-to-grind wheat was then channelled to the central four-storey building, where it was processed for flour production: smashing, sequential grinding with intervening sieving, sorting out and separate processing of the different types of wheat, mixing and, finally, sacking of the various qualities of wheat.
The source of energy All the above operations were initially performed with the main source of energy, dynamic and motive, being supplied by the stream of the adjacent Agia-Moni River. On this ground, there exists a horizontally located water turbine at the bottom of the river which transmits the water energy to the complex via cog wheels, axles and straps. From the first years of operation, however, it became evident that hydrokinesis did not ensure the smooth operation of the Mill regardless of natural conditions. Therefore, the Mill has always been supplied also with energy produced from combustion engines: energy from steam engine during the first years of operation, from diesel engines afterwards, and from electric motor during the last period. Apart from the steam engine and the first diesel engine, all the rest equipment, of all kinds, of energy production and transmission is preserved.
0 ETotµoc; npoc; Mecrri o[Toc; KOTeu8uv6rnv tnetrn OTO KEVTptKO TETpawpocpo KTtplo, 6nou ucptOTOTo ene~epyoo[a npoc; noDOCUMENTATION OF THE TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT OF AGATHOKLES-MATSOPOULOS CYLINDER-MILL IN TRIKALA
paywy17 aA&upwv· onamµo, OlaOOXlKec; aMo&tc; µ& &VOtaµ&oa KOOKtvioµarn, ot0Aoy17 Kat emµepouc; ene~epyao[a Twv OA&upwv, xapµavtaoµa Kat TeAoc; &VOOKlCIT) TWV OlCl(j)Opwv noto<17TWV TWV OA&UpWV.
H TT'lV~ &V&py&1a<; 'OM:c; Ol napanavw A&t-roupy[ec; &KT&AOUVTQV &~apmc; µ& pamKl7 nriy17 &vepyetac; au<17 -ouvaµtKl7 Kat KtVT]TlKl7- nou nap&LX& To napaK&iµevo peuµa TOu Aytaµovtcinri noTaµou. rta auT6 TO OKOnO UnOpX&l opli'.;6v-rta TOnoe&TT]µeVT] (j)T&pW<17 OTOV nueµeva TOU nornµou, nou µ&TaOLO&l TT]V &vepy&ta TOU V&pou OTO ouyKp6Triµa µfow ooov-rwTwv Tpoxwv, a~6vwv Kat tµav-rwv. An6 rn npwrn, 6µwc; XPOVla A&t-roupy[ac; eytv& aVT!AT]ITTO 6n Tl uopoKLVT]CITJ oev e~aocp6At½& -rriv anp6oKOTTTT] A&tTOupyia TOu MuAou, ave~ap<17Twc; cpumKwv ouveriKwv. 'Ewt o MuAoc; TpocpoooTOuv-rav nav-ro-re Kat µ& &vepy&ta µrixavwv Kauoric;: mµoµrixaV11c; TQ npwrn XPOVta A&lTOupy[ac;, n&Tp&Aatoµrixavwv en&t-ra, T]A&KTpoKtVT]<17pa Kma -rriv T&A&UTata XPOVlK17 nep[ooo. EKT6c; TT]c; mµoµrixaV11c; Kat TT]c; npwTT]c; n&Tp&AatoµrixaVllc;, otaow½&TOt 6Aoc; o un6Aomoc; &~onAtoµ6c; napaywy17c; Kat µ&TQOOCIT)c; TT]<; &vepy&tac;, OAWV TWV µopcpwv.
6. 01 ooovrwrof rpoxof µsr6ooGrJc; TTJC: pom'Jc; mu uopoOTpo/30..ou. The cog wheels for the transmission of the water turbine's torque.
Iuµn&p6oµaTa 0 MuAoc; AyaeoKA17-Maw6nOUAOU otaeeT&l tOta[-repa a~t6Aoyo &~OnAt0µ6, TOOO an6 nA&upac; T]AlKtac; Kat µovaotKOTT]Tac;, 600 Kat Myw TT]<; onoui5at6TT]Tac; TOU o-rriv napaywytK17 i5tai5tKao[a. To yeyov6c;, o&, 6n ow½&Tat o-ro ouvoM TOu Kat we; en[ TO nA&LOTOV O& noM KOAl7 KQTOOTaCIT) ota<17pT]CIT)c;, anoT&A&[ tota[T&pT] np6KAT]CITJ a~tono[riofJc; TOU. An6 TO OUVOAO TOU &~OnAtoµou &ntAeyov-rat optoµeva µrixaVT7µma nou ~&xwpi½ouv we; &~atp&nKa o&iyµma &~&totK&uµevou &~OnAtoµou µuAWV, yta TQ ono[a otmunwvov-rat optoµevec; OKeljJ&tc; anOKQTOOTaofJc; TOU<; µ&µovwµeva, aMa Kat we; -rµ17µa µtac; &Knato&unK17c; A&tToupytK17c; po17c; napaywy17c;. foyK&Kptµeva, o-ro Kaeapto-r17pto µnop&i va o&txe&i o Kaeaptoµ6c; TOU OLTOU OTO nOAtvi5poµtK6 KOOKtVO Kat an6 &K&l [owe; ri KaeoMc; Tou o-ro ouo-rriµa Tou nAuv-rripiou-o-r&yvwTT]ptou. K&v-rptKl7 eeCIT) OTT]V avanapaOTaCIT) TT]<; A&tTOupy[ac; TOU MuAOU O(j)&LAOUV -OlKatWµOTtKCl- va exouv Ol KUAtvopoµrixavec;, µ& rn ½&uyri µuMn&Tpwv va un&veuµ[½ouv aK6µa nOAat6-repec; µee6oouc; OA&CIT)c;. Km6mv, OTO OTClOlO TOU KOOKtv[oµmoc; &LVat ouvm17 ri av-rmapapoA17 Tptwv otacpop&nKwv ouo-rriµ6Twv, CAA.a Kat XPOVlKWV n&pt6i5wv, an6 Ta nOAatOT&pa µnoupaTa o-ra V&OT&pa nAaVOL)(I&p, µ& napOAAT]AT] TT] XPl7011 TWV mµtyoOAtepwv. M& auT6 Tov Tp6no, µnopouv va avanapao-raeouv Ta Tpia paotKa o-r601a -rric; OA&upo-napaywytK17c; i5tai5tKao[ac;, xwpic; va napapMn&Tat Kato p6Aoc; Twv otA6 17 Tou (j)lATpap[oµaToc; TOU aepa. AnapaLTT]TT], aocpOAwc;, ea npen&l va e&wp&LTat Kat Tl anoKaTaOTaCIT) TOU OUOTT7µ0TO<; µ&TQOOCIT)<; TT]<; KLVT]CIT)<; 17 eOTW &VO<; Tµ17µm6c; TOU, µ& y&veT&tpa TO KTlplO Kat TOU<; µrixavtoµouc; Tou uopoo-rpopiAou Kat Km6Ari~ri TT] ouvo&CIT) Twv napanavw CIT)µav-rtKWV µrixavwv µ& TOUC: a~ov&c; Kat nc; TPOXOAL&c;, OT]Aa017 nMpric; anoKaT6o-ra011 -rric; tµav-roKLVT]CJllC: TOuc;. H µ&MOVTlKl7 anoKaTOOTaCIT) TOU napanavw T&XVlKOU &~0nAtOµou ea anoT&AEO&l µta KOAl7 Pa011, yupw an6 TT]V ono[a µnop&i va o-rriee[ µta an6netpa en[o&t~ric; -rric; aueev-r1K17c; A&lTOupy[ac; ev6c; KUAtvop6µuAou, 6nwc; auT17 npayµmonotouv-rav OTt<; apxec; TOU 200U atwva.
7. :E1µiyoaJ..1epa. An6 ra anouoa16rspa µr,xavr1µara mu MuAou. Semolina processor. One of the most significant machines of the Mill.
8. naJ..a16 KUA1vopoµr,XGVTJ. 0 MuAoc; OIQ0frst 5 (otou runou. Grinding cylinders. The Mill consists of 5 machines of the same type.
n.wpyoc; repoyt6.vvric;, µnxavLKO~ opUKTWV n6pwv
KATArPA<t>H KAI TA-INOMHLH TON onronAIN00N LTO BIOMHXANIKO LYrKPOTHMA KAPOAOL <1>1= LTH 0ELLAAONIKH Em~Mnouaa: lw6.vva nanayt6.vv11, noAmK6~ µrixav1K6~ Giorgos Gerogiannis, engineer of mineral research
O ~1oµrixav1K6 ouyKpOTT]µO KapoAoc;-<1>1~ OTTOTEAE:l (owe; TO mo xapaKTTJptOT1K6 KTip10 TTJc; ~1oµrixav1Ktjc; nep165ou OTT]V eupUTEPTJ nep1om TT]c; 0EOOOAOVIKT)c; OTO ono(o TJ om6nA1v8oc; oav UALK6 naii'.;e1 T6oo npwTaywv10TtK6 p6Ao. H napouo(a TT]c; om6nA1v8ou OTO ouyKp6TT]µa dvOL T6oo xapaKTTJPLOTLKtj nou TO KT(p10 m:paoe OTT] µ~µT) TOU AOOU KOL µe TT]V ovoµao(a «TO KOKKIVO KT(p10».
he industrial building complex Karolos-Fix constitutes perhaps the most characteristic building of the industrial period in the wider region of Thessalonica, in which the brick as a material plays such a critical role. The presence of the brick in this complex is so characteristic, that the building still remains in the memory of the local population as "the red
0 p6Aoc; TWV om6nALV8WV OTO ouyKp6TT]µO e(vOL omMc;: 00µ1K6c;-KaTOOKEUOOTLK6c; nou e(vOL KOL O KUp16rnpoc;, OAACI KOL OlOKOOµT)TLK6c;, µtow TOU ono(ou OVOOEIKVUETOL µe TTOAU wpa(o Tp6no o 101a(Tepoc; p6Aoc; KOL ouµ~oA10µ6c; Tou KT1p(ou -tj TµT)µ6Twv Tou- KOTa TTJV nepiooo TTJc; evepyou l;wtjc; Tou.
The role of the brick in this building complex is double: a) Structural-constructional, which is the predominant, but also b) decorative, through which the particular and symbolic role of the building -or its departments- is being enhanced during the period of its active life.
H µeyaAT) £KTOOTJ TOU ouyKpOTtjµmoc;, apa KOL TJ TTOOOTT)TQ Twv XPTJotµonmri8tVTwv uAtKwv, o µey6Jl.oc; XP6voc; evepyou
The big extent of this complex of buildings, hence the quantity of used materials, the long lifespan of its active life (100 years
1. H xapaKrrJp1ar1Krj µop<pono(rJOTJ Kai rono0iTTJOT/ rwv nMvewv arrJV ent:VOUOT) TOU At:{3T)TQ µaprup6 TTJV 101afTeprJ a~(a Km auµ/30A10µ6 mu viou µT)xav0Aoy1Kou e~onA1aµorJ TTJ auYK£Kp1µi vrJ nepfooo aro epyoaraaw. The characteristic format and placement of bricks in the decoration of the boiler indicates the particular value and symbolic meaning of this new mechanical equipment of the factory, that given period of time. RECORDING AND CLASSIFICATION OF BRICKS IN THE INDUSTRIAL BUILDING COMPLEX KAROLOS FIX AT THESSALONICA
To f3wµrixav1K6 ouyKp6TT)µa K6poJ..oc; <Pt~. The industrial building complex Karo/as Fix.
3. Iuµnayrjc; onr6nli.w0oc; µE oKG<prJ Kat xapaKTT)p1ar1K6 anorunwµa. L11aar60E1c;: 21x 10x 7 EK. nayano0f/KrJ, KT{pw oµ6oac; 4. Equivalent solid unit. Dimensions 21 x 10 x 7 cm.
i;wr']c; Tou (100 XP6vta m:p(nou) KOL o t5tafrepoc; xapaKTr'jpac; TOU we; epyoOTOOlOKO KTlplO µe TIOAA.8<; KOTOOK€UOOTLK8<; (j)ClOE:l<;, K08lOTOUV TO <l>l~ 8VOV TOTIO t5ta(repa €AKUOTlKO yta epeuVO KOL µeMTTJ Tou u>-.tKou aUTou. AnoTe>-.ei 5T']>-.a5r'j eva i;wvrav6 apxeio n>-.iv8wv TT']<; nept65ou 1880-1980 an6 6nou µnopouv VO e~axeouv noMnµec; TIAT']pO(j)Op(ec; TOOO yta TO UAlKO OUT6, 600 KOL yta µta 5paOTT']pl6TT]TO - TT']V TIAlV80TIOllO- T'] ono(a evw KOTetxe OT']µOVTlKO p6>-.o OTT']V OlKOVOµtKr'] KOL KOlVWVLKr'j i;wr'j TT]<; 0eOOOAOVIKT']<; KOTCl TT] l3toµT']XOVLKr'j nepio5o, ot n>-.T']poq>opfec; nou exouv 5taow8ei yta auTr'jv OTL<; µepec; µac; eivOL ane>-.mOTtK6. Aiyec;. H ouyKeKptµeVT'] epyao(a, eKT6c; an6 rnv auT6 K6.8e auT6 OKOn6 TT]<; nou e(vOL T'J KOTaypaq>r'j KOL T'J TO~tv6µT']OT'] TWV OITTOTIAlVewv OTO µVT']µetaK6 ouyKp6TT]µa, ouµ/36.Met KOL OTT'JV anooaq>r'jVLOT'J TWV KOTOOK€UOOTlKWV q>6.oewv, npooq>epet TIAT']pO<j>Op(ec; yta TOV Tp6no KOTOOKeur'jc; KOL TOTI088TT']OT']<; TWV n>-.(v8wv OTO ouyKp6TT]µa, ouµ/36.Met OTT'JV epeuva avai;r'JTTJOT'J<; na>-.twv n>-.tv8onoteiwv - evromoµ6c; npoe>--euOT']c; n>-.(v8wv KOL Te>-.oc; 5t-
4. Om6nJ..1v0oc; arriv naJ..16 nayoJ..EKGVrJ. Anorunwµa m0avf)c; npoiJ..wa,,c;. Brick in old ice-factory. Imprint indicative of possible origin.
roughly) and its particular character as a factorial building with many constructional phases, render Fix a place particularly attractive for research and study of this material. It constitutes, that is to say, a living archive of the bricks of the period 1880-1980 from where very important data can be collected regarding an activity -brickyarding- about which, although it played an important role at the economic and social life of Thessalonica during the industrial period, a desperately small amount of information has managed to survive until our days. The study, apart from its main purpose which is the recording and the classification of the bricks in the entire monumental complex, contributes also to the clarification of its construction-
5. Iuµnayrjc; om6n.Atv8oc; µs xapaKTT]ptOTtKTJ aKacprJ Kat anonJnwµa npoi.Asuar,c;. AnoKaAucp0TJKS µs anoµaKpuvar, Kov16µarnc;. E~wrnptKTJ rn1xono1(a /3uvono1dou, naA16 µrixavooraaw. Equivalent solid unit with imprint indicative of its origin. It was revealed with the removal of the mortar. From exterior masonry of malt-house, old engine-room.
7. Xapayµiva ov6µara Kat riµspoµriv(sc; navw ortc; nMv0ouc; an6
8. KaraKopucpwc; 016rpr,rsc; om6n.Atv0ot (21 Kat 32 onwv) . Vertically perforated units (of 21 and 32 apertures).
KaraKopucpwc; 016rpTJTTJ orrr6n.Atv8oc; µs 36 onic; as 101afrspo O)(TJµanaµ6. Bpi8r,Ks as ro1xonotfa µa((µs 6onsc; nMv8ouc;, OTO owµa TOU 8 KTtp(ou TT]c; oµaoac; 5. Llta0Taas1c;: 2 0,5x10x7 SK. Vertically perforated brick with 36 apertures in particular shaping. Loft of building B of team 5. Dimensions: 20,5x10x7 cm.
Engraved names and dates above in bricks from workers.
aµopcpwvet µta !36017 ym nepam:pw µeMTT] KOL mo avCIAUTLKTJ epeuva. H KmaypacpfJ Twv nl\fv8wv npayµmonmfJ817Ke Kupfwc; KOT6 TT]V KQAOKOLPLVTJ nep[ooo TOU ernuc; 2005. noMTLµO epyCIAefo anOT8Aeaav Ta CJ)(80La TOU K6.0e XWPOU OTIW<; aUTQ KOTaaKeuCIOTT]KOV an6 TL<; e~L OL8TTLOTT]µOVLK8<; oµaoec; TOU EpyaOTT]pfou Tou tinML. H KarnypacpfJ acpop6 ma yewµeTptK6 xapaKT17pLITTLK6 Twv TIA.tv8wv: OLamaaet<; (µT]KO<;, TIA.OTO<;, UljJO<;) Ka8w<; KOL ITTT7 µopcpol\oyfa-Tuno (ouµnayr'J, µe 0K6cp17, µe onec;), µe emnp6a0eTT] KOTOypacpr'J KOL TWV LOIOLTepwv xapaKTT]plITTLKWV TOU<; (yewµeTpfa aK6cp17c;, µeye0oc; KOL 016Ta~17 onwv).
H ava~TJTT70T] ey1ve ae OAOU<; TOU<; XWPOU<; TOU OUyKpOTrJµaTO<;, evw 17 Kmaypacpr'J, auvoi5eUTT]Ke an6 cpwrnypacpLKTJ TeKµ17pfw017 TOOO TOU UAIKOU 600 KOL TT]<; eupurnp17c; nep1oxr'Jc;. Ta anoTeMoµma ouyKeVTpw817Kav oe KapTel\ec; mtc; onofec; eKT6c; an6 rn xapaKTT]pLOTLK6 nou avacpep817aav auµnep1Aaµl36voVTOL KOL KOTOljJ8L<; TT7<; neptOXTJ<; µe 017µetwµev17 Tl7 880T] mu oefyµarnc;.
al phases, provides information on the way the bricks were manufactured and placed in the building complex and it contributes to the research of old brickyards - localisation of bricks' origin, creating, thus, a baseline for further study and more analytical research. The recording of the bricks was realised mainly during the summer period of year 2005. The maps of each area under concern, as these were created by the six interdisciplinary teams of the laboratory, constituted a precious tool for the execution of this project. The recording concerns the geometrical characteristics of the bricks: the dimensions (length, width, height) as well as the morphology-type (solid units, perforated units etc). The research took place in all the areas of the building complex, whereas the recording was accompanied by photographic documentation of the material, as well as of the wider region. The results were assembled in cards, in which apart from the characteristics that were reported are also included ground plans of the region with marked the place(s) of the sample(s).
Ot avayKaOTLKec; --OT17V avai'./JTTJOTJ OTOlXE:(wv y1a µLa TETOLO E:pyao(a- KOTOOTpO<pLKE<; µe8000L TIE:plop(OTT]KOV OTO E:AOXLOTO OUVOTO: OE: KanotE:c; nE:ptmwoE:tc; anoKoM17817KE: Tµ17µa Kovtc'lµmoc; µITTa~u nAiv8wv yta va E:~OKptl3w8E:i 17 napouo(a m8avwv a~t6r,.oywv OTOlXE:lWV KOL VO µE:Tp178ouv TO xapaKTT]plOTlKCl OUTCI. ruvoALKO an6 T17v Kmaypacp17 npoeKuljJav 124 KapTeAE:<; OL ono(i;:c; aVTLOTotxouv OTtc; oµaoi;:c; E:pyao(ac; we; E:~17c;: oµaoa 1---> 18 KOpTEAE:<;, oµaoa 2--->23 KOPTEAE:c;, oµaoE:c; 3 KOL 6--->42 KOPTEAE:c;, 0µ600 4--->26 KOPTEAE:<; KOL oµaoa 5---> 15 KOPTEAE:c;. An6 OUTec; npoeKUljJOV 89 OlO<pOp€TLKCl E:(017 OITTOTIALV8wv TO ono(a KOL TO~Lvoµ17817Kav, 6nwc; xapaKTT]plOTtK6 napouma~E:TOL OTO ax17µa OTO TEAO<; TT]<; E:pyao(ac;. An6 auT6 Ta E:(017, TO 49 acpopouv OE: ouµnaydc; om6nr,.1v8ouc; KOL TO 40 OE: OlOTpl7TE:c;. lota(TE:po E:vo1acpepov napouo16~ouv 01 ouµnaydc; nr,.(v8m µi;: 0K6cp17 (19 OTov ap18µ6). Av KOL 01 nE:p1006TE:pE:c; exouv anoTUnwµeva XOPOKTl7plOTLKCl npoer,.wo17c; 0€V eytvav oacpE:(c; OAE:<; OUTec; Ol npOE:AE:UOE:l<;. LE: KOTIOlE:<; nr,.(v8ouc; E:IVOL OTIOTUnwµevE:c; ~evE:c; TOTI08E:O(E:c; (Marseilles), E:VW l3pe817KOV KOL nr,.(v8m µE: TO anoTunwµa Tou E:pyoOTao(ou AMm(vt OT17 0E:ooa>-..ov(K17.
The inevitable destructive methods, that are utilized in the search for elements in most similar projects, were limited to the minimum possible: In a few cases, a small part of mortar was detached from between the bricks, in order to ascertain the presence of possibly valuable elements and to measure their characteristics. From the recording of the findings resulted 124 cards in the total, which correspond to the teams of work as follows: Team 1---> 18 cards, team 2--->23 cards, teams 3 and 6--->42 cards, team 4--->26 cards and team 5--->15 cards. From the above cards resulted 89 different types of bricks which were also categorized, as it is characteristically presented in the graph at the end of the study. From these types, 49 concern solid units and 40 perforated units. Of particular interest are the equivalent solid units (19 in the number). Although, in most cases, some characteristics of origin are imprinted on the bricks, their origin has not been ascertained. In some of the bricks foreign locations were imprinted (Marseilles), while there was also found a brick with an imprint from the factory of bricks Allatini.
eear, µs apK&TQ SVOlQ<{JSpouoa rraeoAoyfa. nayarro0rjKrJ, KTfpta oµdoac; 1. Example of masonry's pathology. Deposit of ice, buildings of team 1.
10. Om6nAtv0ot OTO 3 en(neoo wu ({)Oupvou wu f3uvono1(ou. L11aardae1c;: 28-29 I 13-14 I 5 £K. Solid units in the 3rd level of the oven. Dimensions: 28-29 / 1314 / 5 cm.
En[oric; evotocpepov nopoumci½ouv KOL ot otciTp17rnc; om6nALV80L µe KOTOKOpucpec; Oni::c; (6 OTOV Opt8µ6: 21 OTIWV, 32 OTIWV, 36 onwv KOL 55 onwv), OL ono[ec; eµcpov[OT'7KOV OE TOLXOTIOLLEc; µa½[ µe □Mee; ouµnoydc; I'] KOL otciTp17Tec; nA[v8ouc;. 'Ooov ocpopci OTO µeye8oc; Twv nA[v8wv, ouT6 Kuµa[veTOL avciAoya µe TOv Tuno. 00T6oo ot neptoo6Tepec; nA[v80L eixav µeyi::817 an6 17 we; 23 f:K. OTO µl']Koc; (l3p88'7KQV KOL TIALV80l µ1']KOuc; 29 f:K.) nMTOc; an6 7 µEXPL 14 f:K., evw TO uljJoc; Kuµa(veTOL an6 5 we; 8 EK. To mo xapaKT17p10TtK6 µeye8oc; TO ono[o unapxet oe OAouc; TOuc; Tunouc; etVOL TO 21 x 1Ox? eK. Kmci T'l otcipKeta Tile; epyao[ac; KOTeypcicp17oav KOL Kcinota ciAAa xapaKT17ptOT1Kci nou acpopouv Kupfwc; oe KOTOOKWOOTLKi::c; KOL □Mou TUTIOU AEmoµepetec;. T8T01ec; dvOL 17 npoenLAeyµi::V17 XPTJOTI 01acpopenKwv µeye8wv KOL Tunwv om6nA1v8wv OTtc; 0Tpwoe1c; OT'7 otaµ6pcpwori ye[owv, 17 ocp17voetol']c; µopcpono[17ori nMv8wv OTO KAELOL Kanotwv TO~WV, 17 017µtoupy[o avwµOAOU UTIOOTpwµmoc; OT'7V emcpciVELQ Twv nA[v8wv oe Kano1ec; neptoxtc; y1a T'lV KOAUTEP'l ecpapµoyl'] TOU KOvtciµmoc;-emXP[oµmoc;, 17 enLAoyfJ nA[v8wv µe 0Kcicp17 oe opt½6vnec; emcpcivetec; (ydoa) yta TOV [oLO Myo, 17 l3acpl'] TWV om6nAtv8wv OTLc; e~wrnptKi::c; Kup[wc; TOLXOTIOL[ec;, o EVTomoµ6c; xapayµEVWV OVOµ□TWV KOL 17µepoµ'7VLWV TIClVW OTLc; TIALV8ouc;, o evTOmoµ6c; Kanotwv 8eoewv na8oAoy(ac; µe tota(Tepo evo1acpepov K.Cl. H emK[vouV17 KOL oe µeptKi::c; nep1mwoe1c; aouvm17 npooi::yytori KClTIOLWV xwpwv, 01 IOLOLTepec; neptl3aMOVTLKEc; ouv81']Kec; TOU OUyKpOTT]µOToc; (8VTOV'7 uypoo(a, EKTE8ELµEVOL XWPOI OTO KOLplKCl cpOLv6µeva, eOT(ec; µ6Auvoric;, KTA.) KOL 17 µ17 enLAexSdoa Myw KOTaOTpocptKwv emmwoewv anoKciAuljJ17 nAfv8wv oe Kan0tec; nep1mwoetc;, anoTi::Awav Tpoxoni::017 OT'7V oµOAI'] ote~aywyl'] Tile; epyao(ac;. Me T17V KOTciM'l"'l ouaxtnori Twv anoTeAeoµciTwv µe Ttc; µeMrnc; TWV ciMwv f:LOLKOTTJTWV KOL µe T'7 Ole~aywyl'] µtac; QVQAUTlKOTep17c; µeMT17c; Twv om6nA1v8wv TOU ouyKpoTl']µmoc; (npoootoptoµ6c; µ17xavLKWV xapOKT'7plOTLKWV, X'7µLKTJ QVOAUOT), unoAOyLoµ6c; nopwoouc; KOL Tptxoetoouc; anopp6cp17oric; KTA.) µnopouv va e~axeouv noMnµa ouµnepcioµma TOOO YLO TO UALKO QUTO Ka8e QUTO, 600 KOL YLO T'7 opaOT17plOT'7TO Tile; TIAIV80TIOL[ac; OT'7 l3L0µ'7XOVLKT] nep[ooo KOL T'7V E~EAL~T] T'7c; we; nc; µi::pec; µac;.
LT'7 OUVEXELO napOUOLCl½ETOL oX'7µ0TLKCl '7 TO~LV0µ'70T) TWV om6nAtv8wv µe 13ciori Ta yewµeTptKci-µopcpoAoytKci TOuc; xapaKT'lPLOTLKci.
11. Koµµdrt w1xono1(ac; nou Karippeuae OTrJV naAtd nayoAt:KClvrJ. AnoreAef rµrjµa e~wreptKrjc; w1xono1(ac; µe Tr) xapaKTr,ptOTtKrj OtaKoaµr,nKrj wno0irr,ar, rwv nMv0wv. L1taKpfvera1 r, {3a({)rj OTrJV e~wreptKrj nAeupd rwv nMv0wv. Piece of masonry that collapsed in the old ice factory. It constitutes part of the exterior masonry displaying a characteristic positioning of the bricks.
Of interest are also the vertically perforated units (6 types: of 21 apertures, of 32 apertures, of 36 apertures and of 55 apertures), which were found in masonry along with other solid or perforated units. Regarding the size of the bricks, this oscillates depending on the brick type. However, most of them have sizes that range from 17 to 23 cm in length {bricks with 29 cm length were also fou nd) from 7 up to 14 cm in width and from 5 to 8 cm in height. The typical size of the commonest brick types is 21 by 10 by 7 cm. During this research, certain other characteristics were recorded, mainly concerning constructional details. Such are: the pre-selected use of different sizes and brick types used at the several layers in the configuration of cornices, the cuneiform format of the bricks in the key of certain arcs, the creation of irregular sub layer at the surface of the bricks -in certain regions-, for the better application of mortar, the choice of equivalent solid units for the horizontal surfaces (cornices) for the same reason, the painting of the bricks, mainly in the exterior masonries, the finding of engraved names and dates on the bricks, etc. The dangerous and, occasionally, impossible access to some of the areas of the building complex, the particular environmental conditions (intense wet, areas exposed to the weather conditions, danger of infection, etc.) and our conscious choice not to reveal the brick construction in some cases due to the destructive effects that this procedure would have on the building, placed serious obstacles in the process of this project. By correlating these research results with the outcome of relevant studies deriving from other scientific fields, as well as with a more in depth study of the bricks of the building complex, very important conclusions can be drawn concerning, not only the construction material per se, but the entire activity of brickyarding during the industrial period and its evolution until our days. A schematic classification of the bricks, based in their geometrical characteristics and morphological type, is presented in the page that follows.
12. 3omx; om6rrA1v801 aE: r6~o µiaa OTrJV rn1xorroda. Lliaar6aE:1c; 21 xsx 10 E:K. MiyE:0oc; onrjc; 2,Sx2 E:K. Horizontally perforated units (3 apertures). Dimensions: 21xsx 10 cm. Size of aperture 2.5x2 cm.
KarnK6pu<p£~ one~ (6 rr;\lv00L)
55 07l'£~ J 32 36 21 (3) 11 07l'£~12 07l'£~13 07l'£~JO
ilf-'A.nl'< d:~
Mc aUa £~WT£ptKC( xapaKTT]plOTIKU (3)
Xwpl~ aUa £~WT£plKC( xapaKTT]plOTIKU (27)
6 07{£~ (25 3 07{£~ 4 13 07{£~ auy7l'Alv001) (6) 9 one~ xpova (2)
AKav6v1aT£~ ~LaK6aµ. L T]µac5ta xapaye~ AE~T]Ta «K07l'~~))4
Mc xapaKTTJPl<JtlKE~ auAaKWO£L~ <rTT]V £7l'l<pU V£lC( T0'U<; ( 20)
«ITalua»I L'.taKo- I Aep17T0- I 21 _10_5 I Nta nayo- JT'0 ~ I «ITupo- 121-10-7 crµ17nKoi crTacr10 (2) A.EKCIVT] (3) a TOup>.a» (12) (6)
Xwpk TETO!£~ auAaKwa£1~ (5)
8 1AKavov1crTe<; 3x3 I I 11 :Euy- I 6 I I I (7) (4x4 2)7 3x4 3x3x3 4 xpova 1 2 3 6(2) Xapayt<; ( 2)
f1a;\1a Ano0~KTJ <l>oupvo<; IT , pOErmyoA.E- TIA~pwv puvo5 KCIVT] (2) <j>LUAWV (2) 7!0ll0U AEUOT]
Map(a /:J.ay"/1..6.poy"/l..ou, aypovoµoc;-rnnoypacpoc; µnxavtK6c;
Maria Daglaroglou, surveyor engineer
napouoa epyaoia acpopa UJV TeKµ11piwOTJ Tllc; neptox11c; «AKOVTLOµa» KOVTO OTll N. Kapl30A11 U]c; Kal30Aac;, µe OKOTI6 Tr] µeMU] U]c; neptox11c; KOL TOV eVTomoµ6 neptoxwv npoc; OPXOLOAOYLK'7 c51epeuv110TJ np6K8lTOL yta µia nepLOXll noM evc51acpepouoa an6 apxOLo>-.oytK17c; 6noljJ11c;, Myw Twv c5tacp6pwv eup11µ6Twv nou unapxouv ae 0UT17. AvOAoyo evc5tacpepov napOUOLOi'.;eL KOL 11 epeuva YlO TOV npooc51op10µ6 TOU p6AOU nou TO AK6VT10µ0 8TIOL~e OU]V eupuTep11 neplOX'7, Ka8wc; exouv l3pe8ei epeima nou unoc5e1Kvuouv TllV eµnop1K17 c5pam11p16Tl1TO nou avamux811Ke eKei KOTO UJV eM11v10T1K17 nepioc5o, aMa KOL epeima opuxeiwv.
Iuµcpwva µe TllV apx0Lo>-.oy1K17 epeuva nou npayµmonoi11oe To 200511 IH' Ecpopia npo·imop1Kwv KOL IO..amKwv Apx0LoT17Twv Kal36>-.ac;, OTIOKOAUcp811Ke O oxupwµOTLK6c; xapaKT17pac; TOU epemiou nou l3pioKeTOL OUJV Kopucp17 µe UJV ovoµaoia «AK6VTLoµa». To eup11µ0 auT6 anoc5e1Kvuet Tll onouc50L6Tl1TO Tou epe1niou KOL ev1axue1 UJV un6vo10 6n XP1101µono117811Ke we; maeµ6c; UJc; apxaiac; Eyvmiac; oc5ou, 11 onoia 6nwc; eivOL yvwm6 an6 nc; n11yec; nepvouoe an6 UJV nep1ox17. H yewµeTpLKll TeK-
he present project concerns of the documentation of the area "Akontisma", near N. Karvali of the city of Kavala, which purpose is the study of the certain area and the location of others to be archaeologically explored. It is a very interesting place, from archaeological point of view because of the variety of findings that exist in it, most of which are visible on the ground, as well as for the research for the specification of the role that it maintained in the wider area, as many ruins and mine ruins have been found to prove the commercial activity that was developed there during the Hellenistic period.
According to the archaeological research that took place in 2005 by the 18th Revenue Apartment of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities of Kavala, it was discovered the fortification character of the ruin which can be found at the hilltop named "Akontisma". This finding proves the importance of the ruin and strengthens the suspicion that it was used as a station of the ancient Egnatia Street, which is known from many resources to have been crossing the above area. For that reason the documentation had to be made in a variety of scales in order to help not only the archaeo-
1. 'Anot/)fJ mu epem[ou OTTJV Kopucprj mu A6cpou.
2. H nepwxfJ KCJAUt/lTJ<:; Twv oopucpop1Kwv e1K6vwv. The coverage area of the satellite images.
µ17p(wari T6oo TWV apxOLoAoytKwv eup17µ6Twv 600 KOL Tile; eup(m:p17c; m:ptoxr']c; Kp(817Ke anapafr17T17 npoKetµevou va 5teuKOA.uv8e( 17 apxOLoAoytKr'] epeuva Tou epem(ou (nou e(vOL yvwOT6 OT17V neptoxr'] we; «K60Tpo») we; µeµovwµevo eup17µa, aM6 KOL Tile; eupuTep17c; neptoxr']c;, wOTe va evTOmOTe( o p6Aoc; Tou we; eµnoptK6c; OTa8µ6c;. 'ETOl ecpapµ60TT7KaV 5tacpopeTtKec; µe8050l anoTunwaric;, an6 nc; KAamKec; TOnoypacptKec; µeXPt eE;eAtyµevec; cpwTOypaµµeTplKec;, aE;tOTIOlWVTOc; OTOlXeta npo17y178etowv anoTUnwoewv, evaeplWV cpwrnypacplKWV Ar']ljJewv KOL 5opucpoptKwv etK6vwv. To TeA.tK6 anoTeAeoµa Twv epyamwv nepLA.aµj36vet µ(a nA.r']p17 xapTOyp6cp17ari Tou AKoVT(oµOToc;, µe napaywyr'] 5taypaµµ6Twv, avamuyµ6Twv aVT7yµevwv etK6vwv KOL opSocpwTOxapTwv 5tacpopenKci.Jv KA.tµ6Kwv. An6 Ta OTOlXeta auT6, Ol µey6A.17c; KA.(µaKac; aTIOTUTIWOf:lc; 80 XPT70lµOTIOll780UV yta T'7V Tf:KµT7p(WOfl Tile; apxOLoAoytKr']c; avaoKacpr']c; TOU K60Tpou nou r']517 E;eK(VT7oe an6 To 2005, evw ot µtKpr']c; KA(µaKac; cpwTOypaµµeTptKec; ano56oetc; Sa aE;tonot178ouv we; xopTOypacptK6 un6j3a8po yta Tov eVTomoµ6 Tile; EyvOT(ac; 05ou Km 6Mwv Sfoewv µe t5tafrepo apxmoAOVlKO ev5tacpepov. LUyKeKptµeva TO npo"i6v Tile; µeMT17c; anoTeA.etTQl an6 TO TOTIOypacptK6 5t6ypaµµa TT7c; Kopucpr']c; TOU A.6cpou TOU AKOVT(oµaTOc; µe TO K60Tpo, OTO ono(o en(aric; anetKov(l;eTm TO av6yAucpo Tou e56cpouc; µe T'7 µopcpr'] tooOljJwv KaµnuA.wv ae KA(µaKO 1 :200. To 5t6ypaµµa auT6 nap6x817Ke µe T'7 XPllOTl KAaotKwv TonoypacptKwv µe865wv (µeTpr']oetc; ne5(ou). H cpwToypaµµeTptKr'] µeMT17 acpop6 T17V eupuTep17 neptoxr'] µeTOE;u Tile; Kaj36Aac; KOL Tile; Nfoc; Kapl36A.17c;, yta T17V ono(a XP'10tµon0Lr']817Kav aepocpwTOypacp(ec; KA(µaKac; 1 :15.000 (OTllV neptoxr'] Tile; Kaj36Aac;) KQl 1 :6.000 (OTllV neptoxr'] Tile; N. Kapl36A.17c;). no Tl7V TIA.'7pe0Tep17 µeMT17 Tile; neptoxr']c; eytve KQl µ(a 5eurnp17 anOTUTIWari µe opxtK6 5e5oµeva 5opucpoptKec; Ar']ljJetc; an6 To 5opucp6po Ouickbird. TeAoc; yta µta mo OAOKA.17pwµeVT7 epeuva n6vw OTO AK6VTtoµa Kp(817Ke anapa(T17T17 17 anoTunwari emµepouc; Tµ17µ6Twv Tou K60Tpou ae KA.(µaKa 1:20 an6 en(yetec; Ar']ljJetc; yta Tov eVTomoµ6 t5tafrepwv apxtrnKTOVlKWV xapaKT17plOTlKci.Jv TOU OXUPOU. H TeAeuTO(a cpaari Tile; µeMT17c; efvOL 17 epµ17ve(a Twv cpwTOxapTwv nou 517µt0upyr']817Kav, µe OKOTIO TOV f:VTOmoµ6 m8avci.Jv OPXOLOAOVlKWV Seoewv KOTW an6 TO e5acpoc; KQl Kup(wc; lXVWV T17c; apxa(ac; EyvOT(ac; 05ou. Ta LXV'l auT6 exouv Tl7 µopcpr'] aKoupwv KT7A.(5wv r'] ypaµµci.Jv n6vw OTtc; cpwTOypacp(ec;.
3. Aepocpwwypacp(a mu A6cpou mu AKOVT(aµawc;. Aerial photograph of the 'Akontisma' hill.
logical research of the ruin (which is known in the area as "Castle") as a commercial station. To achieve that, a variety of imprint methods have been mobilized, from the classical topographic to advanced photogrammetrical, utilizing records from previous imprints, aerial photographical takings and satellite images. The final result of this project includes a full topographical study of "Akontisma's" area with diagrammed aspects of the revealed parts of the Castle in an orhophoto pattern , the topographic imprint of Akontisma in a scale 1:200 and also the production of photomaps of the coastal area, that covers the distance between the city of Kavala and the area of N. Karvali to the location of Akontisma, with the use of aerial photographs, taken by the Geographical Service of the Army, and satellite pictures of the wider region. From the above data, the large scale imprints will be used for the documentation of the archaeological excavations of the Castle that have already started in 2005, while the small scaled photogrammetrical attributions will be turning to account as a cartographical base for the location of Egnatia Street and other regions of archaeological interest. Specifically the product of the study consists of the topographic plan of the top of the 'Akontisma' hill with the Castle, on which is also imprinted the bas-relief, on the form of height curves, in scale 1:200. The diagram was produced with the use of classical topographic methods (field measurements) . The photogrammetrical study concerns the wider area between Kavala and N. Karvali, in which the initial date used is aerial photographs in scale 1: 15.000 (area of Kavala) and 1:6.000 (area of N. Karvali). For a more extended investigation of the 'Akontisma' area a second imprint has been carried out, from satellite pictures acquired by the Quickbird satellite. Finally, for the full
H avixveuari Twv 1yywv ey1ve OTLC: aepocpwTOypacpiec; Km OTLC: OOpUcpOplKf-C: eLKOVec; KOi OTrJ OUVf-XeLO TO QTIOTeAeoµa TrJC: epeuvac; ouyKpL8rJKOV µeTO~U TOUC: y1a VO OIOTIIOTW8ei OV un6.pxouv Ko1v6. oriµe[a nou µnopouv va epµriveu8ouv we; meavec; OPXOIOAOYLKf-C: 8foe1c;. AUTf-C: <Jr]µe1W8rJKOV TIOVW OTOUC: cpWTOXOPTeC: µe TrJ µopcp~ xpwµaTLOTWV ypaµµwv. Me OUTO Tov Tp6no un6.pxe1 µ[a apx1K~ evoe1~ri y1a TLC: Tono8eo[ec; npoc; TLC: ono[ec; µnope( va npooavmo11.10Tei Tl apxmo11.oy1K~ epeuva.
study of the 'Akontisma' the imprint of particular parts of t he Castle in scale 1:200 was necessary, using terrestrial photographs, for the localization of any special architectural characteristics of the fortification. The final stage of the study is the interpretation of the photomaps that have been created, to find likely archaeological sites below the ground and mostly traces of the ancient Egnatia odos. These traces have the form of dark spots or lines on the photographs. The investigation for traces has been carried out on both the aerial photographs and the satellite images, and eventually the results of the tracking have been compared to find out if there are common sites between them. The findings have been marked on the photomaps as coloured lines. This research provides some indications as to where the archaeological research should be oriented.
Op0ocpwrnx6prric; TT)<; rrspcoxr,c; TTJ<; Kaf3a>..ac; arr6 svaep1sc; J..rjljJ&tc;.
Op0oavriyµeVT) oopucpoptKrj &IKOVQ TT)<; N. Kapf3a>..ric;. Orthorectified satellite image of N. Karvali.
Orthophotomap of the area near Kava/a from airborne data.
7. Avr,yµivr, cpwroypacpfa TTJc; /36pe1ac; rrtJAT]c;.
Projected image of the northern gate.
9. XuyKptarJ TWV LXVWV av6.µeoa one; OUO Arj(/Jetc;. Comparison of the traces between the two images.
8. Avr,yµivr, cpwroypacp{a TT]c; BL1 rrAwp6.c; rou re{xouc;. Projected image of the NW side of the wall.
11. Evoet~TJ fxvouc; K6.rw arr6 TTJ otJy)(pOVTJ Eyvarfa Oi56. Indication of traces under the modern Egnatia Street.
10. Xxei5[aarJ IXVWV TTO.VW OTT] i5opucpoptKT) Arjl/JTJ. Outline of traces on the satellite image. ¢>OTOrPAMMETPIKH-¢l0TOEPMHNEYTIKH MEIIETH HH 6El:H AKONTll:MA ME l:KOno TH rEOMETPIKH TEKMHPIOl:H KAI TON ENTOnll:MO meANON APXAIOI\OrlKON 6El:EON
AnOKATALTALH KAI EnANAXPHLH 000MANIKOY /\OYTPOY nHrHL «KPYA /\OYTPA» NEAL AnOA/\ONIAL Em~Mnouaa: Atµ111.(a Irncpav(oou, apx11tK1wv µrixav1K6<;
Nikolaos Dikas,
epyacr(a txet we; avnKdµevo TTJV entµ~a<Jll anoKaT60TO<Jr)c; KOL enav6XPll<Jllc; o0wµavLKOU taµOTLKOU >..ouTpou, enovoµa~6µevou an6 10uc; KOTOiKouc; Tile; nepto)(llc; we; n17yfJ «Meya>..ou Me~6v5pou» fJ n17yfJ «Kpua /\oUTp6», OT17V neptoxfJ TTJc; Nfoc; AnoMwv(ac; 0wcra>..ov(K17c;. H nepLO)(ll an6 TTJV OPXOLOTTJTO µ8XPl crfJµepa dvOL yvwOT'7 we; nupfJvac; AOUTplKWV eyKOTOOT6crewv.
he project is about the intervention of renovation and reuse of Ottoman Bath, called as source of the Alexander the Great or source "Krya Loytra" (cold baths), in the region of Nea Apolloni, Thessaloniki. The territory is known from the ancient times as a nucleus of bathing settlements.
The monument is located in a privileged area between the contemporary operating thermal baths and the village of Nea Apollonia, on the side of Lake Volvi. Its is worth mentioning the harmonic way the bath is placed into the landscape, due to its small scale, materials and its ruined situation, in such a level that it is difficult to recognise when approaching.
To KTip10 ~p(crKeTOL cre npovoµ10KfJ Tono0w(a av6µwa an6 nc; eyKOTOOT6cre1c; TWV OUYXPOVWV LOµOTLKWV AOUTpwv TT]c; nepLOxfJc; Kat Tov OLKtcrµ6 TTJc; Nfoc; AnoMwv(ac;, 5(n>..a OT17v 6xe11 TT]c; >..iµV17c; B6>..~17. XapaKTT]plOTLK'7 eLVOL 17 8VTO~'l TOU OTO TOn(o TT]c; neplO)(llc;, Myw TOU nep1op1crµtvou TOU 6yKOU, TWV UA.lKWV KOTOOKW'7c; KOL TT]c; epe1m<i.>5ouc; KOTOOT00'7c; TOU, cre ~00µ6 T8To10 nou To Ka0tOT6 McrKo>..a 510KptT6 OK6µa KOL an6 µ1KP'l OTTOOTO<Jr).
Its geometrical clearness, combined with its small scale and materials create a unique example of human centric architectural space. Its simplicity provides a very interesting feeling of familiarity with the space.
1. 'Anoq1r7 mu Aourpou. View of the bath.
2. 'AnOI/JrJ TOU J..ourpou. View of the bath.
4. 'An0!/1'7 rou Aourpou. View of the bath.
3. 'AnO!/J'7 TOU J..ourpou. View of the bath.
5. K<1TO!/J'7 KQI roµrj Uq>tOTaµ&\fT/c; KGTQOTGOT)c;. Plan and section of situation.
H yewµeTpLK~ Ka8ap6TTJTO Tou t..oUTpou, ae auvouaaµ6 µe TTJV µLKP~ KA(µaKO KOL TO UALKCI KOTOOKeu~c; TO K08LOTOUV, OK6µa KOL OTT]V epe1mwori KOTCIOTOOrJ, eva lOLOITEpO oefyµa av8pwnoKEVTPLKOU OPXLTEKTOVLKOU xwpou. Evw Ol anMc; yewµeTp(ec; KOL TO UALKCI oriµ1oupyouv eva µovOOLKO a(a8riµo OLKtlOTT]TOc; OTOV ETILOK8TITT].
During the thesis an extended geometric and photogrammetric surveying has been made. Moreover an analysis of its construction methods and specially of its sophisticated geometrical system and proportions. The same had been carried out about its inner wooden framework. After these an extended study of its current situation and pathology has been made.
ITO nt..afmo TT]c; omt..wµanK~c; epyaa(ac; OPXLKa npayµmonoL~8rJKE yewµeTplK~ KOL cpwTOypaµµeTplK~ OTIOTUTIWOr).
Finally, a proposal for its renovation and reuse as a bath has been carried out, which included the design of a new building that would function in collaboration with the historical one.
LTTJ auvexeta eytve avat..uari Tou Tp6nou KmaaKeu~c; KOL LotafTepa TOU OUOTr)pOU OUOT~µmoc; yewµeTplKWV xop6E;ewv KOL av0Aoy1wv nou XPrimµonm~8rJKOV KOTO TT] oriµtoupy(a TOU KOL Tou au~µmoc; E;ut..ooemwv eawTep1K6. TWV TOLXOTIOLLWV. En(aric; npayµOTOTIOL~8r)KE TEKµrjp(wari KOL epµrivefa TT]c; UcplOTOµevric; KOTOOTOOrJc; we; npoc; TTJV na8ot..oyfa. Tet..oc; 0LOTUTIW8r)Kt np6TOOr) OTIOKOTCIOTOOr)c; KOL ETIOVCIXPrJ~c; TOU OTT]V lOTOplK~ TOU XP~OrJ, we; 1aµanK6 AOUTp6, µe napaMrJAO axeotaaµ6 vfou KTtp(ou nou 80 AELToupyef auµnt..ripwµm1K6 we; npoc; TO LOTOplKO AOUTp6. lo1afTepa 8eµma TO ono(a otepeu~8rJKOV OTTJV np6TOOrJ anoTet..ouv:
Special issues that have been elaborated through the proposal were: • maintenance and restorations of ruined parts, to develop its sense of totality, • completion of the ruined dome • addition of new inner elements to support its reuse • design of a new building complex that will support the function of a small bathing nucleus, and its relationship with the old bath, • the way the complex interacts with the landscape.
... 6. :EuOTriµa ~uAoow1wv. Inner wooden framework.
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7. TumKfJ eawrnp1KfJ nAeupa np1v KOi µera
m; auµn/i']pwaetc;.
Typical inner side before and after the restoration.
TumKfJ e~wrnptKf/ nAeupa np1v KQI µera Tic; auµnAripwae1c;.
Typical outer side before and after the restoration. RENOVATION AND REUSE OF OTTOMAN BATH OF "KRYA LOUTRA" SOURCE IN NEA APOLLONIA
_ ___J
• OUVTTJPllOE:L<; KOL OTIOKOTOOTCIOE:L<; TWV KOTE:OTpaµµevwv Tµ'7µ6TWV, µe; OTOXO TT'lV E:VloXUOT'l TT'l<; E:V OUVOµE:L E:VOTT'lTO<; TWV e:mµepouc; OTOlXE:lWV TOU KOL KOT' E:TIEKTOOT'l TOU auv6>-.ou, • 17 auµn>-.17pwari T'l<; KOTE:arpaµµEV17<; 80>-.wT17<; rn(are:ljJ17c;, • 17 auµnMpwari vewv WWTE:pLKa arotxdwv yta TT'lV OUYXPOV'l AE:LTOUpy(a TOU KTLp(ou, • o axe:otaaµ6c; vfou KT1pt0Kou auv6>-.ou nou Sa unOOTT'lPi~e:1 TT'lV AE:ITOupy(a e:v6c; µLKpou IOTOplKOU AOUTPLKOU nup17va KOL '7 oXEOT'l TOU µe; TO U<plOTOµE:VO KT(OµO, • 17 EVTO~'l TOU auyKpoT17µarnc; mo wa(a817To Ton(o Tri<; ne:ptox17c;. H np6rnari ~e:K1v6 an6 TT'lV 01munwari we:µf36ae:wv e:v(axuaric; TOU ucp1ar6µe:vou KTLp(ou, auµn>-.17pwae:wv TWV E:OWTE:ptKWV TO~OTWV OTotXE:LWV, TOV axe:otaaµ6 vfoc; 80>-.wT17<; w(are:ljJ17c; KOL KOTOA17ye:L OTT'l auvSe:ari e:v6c; vfou >-.oUTpLKOU auyKpoT17µmoc; nup17vac; KOL AE:LToupytK6 µe>-.oc; Tou ono(ou napaµeve:1 TO LOTOptK6 KTlplO.
The proposal begins with the elaboration of interventions for the reinforcement of the remains. Then continues with additions to the inner parts, the design of a new dome and it ends with the design of a new complex, where the old bath remains its nucleus. The new building unfolds around the old bath like a spiral that ends creating a new underground pool. Its characteristic is the large inner yard. Its architectural purity, its geometry and the rest of its architectural values, target in exposing the special values of the old bath and in the same time to its reuse as a contemporary space.
To vfo KT[pto e:~e:>-.[aae:rn1 yupw an6 Tov taroptK6 nup17va aav ane:[pa 17 ono[a KOTOAllYE:L OTT'lV 010µ6pcpwari vfou un6aKacpou xwpou ma[vac;. XapOKTT'lPLOTLK6 TOU vfou auv6>-.ou anorn>-.d 17 µe:y6A17 KAE:LOT'l au>-.17 µe: TT'lV ouvaTOTT'lTO av6mu~17c; una[Sptwv AOUT17pwv. OL K08apec; ye:wµe:Tp[e:c;, Ol xopa~E:L<; KOL YE:VLKCI 6>-.e:c; Ol OPXITE:KTOVLKE<; XE:Lpovoµ[e:c; aroxe:uouv OT'7V OVCIOE:l~'l TOU LOTOplKOU nup17va aMa nap6M17>-.a OT'7V WOVOAE:LTOUpy(a TOU µe: VEE:<; TIOIOTT'lTE:<; KOL E:~un17pE:Tl70E:L<; OVTOTIOKpLv6µe:ve:c; OTOV OUYXPOvo XP'lOTT'l-
9. El;WTE:plKTJ 6(/Jr, KOi mµfJ µe TTJ auµnJ..fJpwar, TOU 06Aou. Outer side and section after the completion of the dome.
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10. XuµnJ..fJpwar, mu 06Aou. Dome completion.
11. 'Anol/JrJ TrJc; np6raOrJc;. View of proposal.
12. An61jJetc; TrJc; np6raOrJc;. View of proposal.
13. An61/Jetc; TrJc; np6raOrJc;. View of proposal.
14. An61/Jeu:; TT)c; np6raOTJc;. View of proposal.
15. An61/J&tc; TrJc; np6raOTJc;. View of proposal.
Xap6.A.aµnoc; Lipuµouaric;, apxmoMyoc;
H ANTIMETOnlrH TOY KENOY (LACUNA) LTIL BYZANTINEL TOIXOrPA<l>IEL TOY BOPEIOE/\/\A~IKOY XOPOY Em~Mnwv: rewpytoc; Kapaoeooc;, OPXLTeKTWV µrixav1K6<; Haralampos Drimoussis, archaeologist
vrtKefµevo 117c; napouaac; epyaafac; efvm ri av6Auori 1wv 8ewpT]nKci.lv npol3>--riµanaµwv Kat Twv npaKTtKwv µe86owv enavw OTO 8tµa 117c; OVTtµE:TWTilOT]<; TWV KE:VWV OTl<; E:TitTofxtec; ~wypa<ptKt:c; auv8foetc; 117c; l3u~avrtvr']c; nept6oou. To np6l3AT]µa TOU Kevou, 117c; otaKonr']c; ori>--0017 Tou napaOTOTtKOU lOTOU TT]<; E:lK6vac;, txet we; OTIOTt:Aeaµa 117v unol368µtOT] TWV ma8T]nKwv ac,twv Tou tpyou Tl::XVTJ<; yt' au16 Kat KpfveTat anapaiTT]TT] T] OTIOKOTCIOT0017 TOU µe OKOTIO 117v npoOTaa(a KOl 117v OVCIOE:lt,T] TOU tpyou Tt:XVT]c;.
BamK17 apx11 117c; anoKOTCIOTaOT]c; auµcpwva µe 117 8ewpfa Tou C. Brandi efvm o ael300µ6c; T6ao 117c; cpumK17c; auOTaoric; TOU tpyou Tt:XVT]c; 600 KOl TWV Ol08T]TlKWV KOl lOTOplKWV OTIOlTT70E:wv TOU µe OKOTIO TT] µernl3(!30017 TOU OTO µtMov. 0 ael3aaµ6c;
he object of the present study is the ctritical is the critical analysis of the practical methods as well as the theoretical questioning concerning the treatment of the gaps that appear on the mural paintings of the Byzantine period. The gap problem, that is the disconnection of the representative surface of the image, induces an optical degradation of esthetic values of the artifact, a consequence that underlines the necessity of its restoration with upper purpose its protection and elevation.
According to C, Brandi's theory, fundamental principle of the restoration process is the respect not only of the physical texture of the work of art but of its esthetic and historic values as well, in order to achieve its future preservation. This respectful attitude towards the artifact can be accomplished through the
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1. H aVTtµE:T(iJmor, rwv Kevwv Kat TJ avaoet~TJ rou ipyou rixvr,c;, lraMa, ToaKaVTJ, Ay. MapKoc;, o EuayyeJ..10µ6c;. The treatment of the gaps (lacunae) and the elevation of the artifact, Italy, Toscana, St. Mark, the Annunciation. THE TREATMENT OF THE GAP (LACUNA) APPEARING IN THE BYZANTINE MURAL PAINTINGS IN THE AREA OF NORTHERN GREECE
..,• .,
2. H t:m<pavt:1aKf/ arroK6MT)OTJ rou )(pciJµaroc; Km TJ arroKaraaraOTJ rwv Kt:vwv, Gp6KTJ, <Pippt:c;, Koaµoawmpa. The scrape of the colour and the restroration of the gaps, Thrace, Ferres, Kosmosotira.
auT6<; µnope( va rnm:ux8£( µ£ n1v avomu!;r1 TT]<; £v ouvoµ£L €VOTT"]TO<; TOU tpyou ri ono(a 8X€L TT]V EWOLO TOU OA.OKA.f]pOU KOL 6xt Tou ouv6Aou. 'Eva tpyo TEXVrJ<; OrJAOOTJ 5£v µnopouµ£ va To oouµ£ oav tva ouvoAo npayµoTwv OAA.o oav µLO €VOTT]TO ri ono(a OUV€Xl½€l VO UTIOPX€L OTO Tµr']µm6 TOU OK6µa KOL €QV OUT6 OLOLp€8eL. AuTr'] TT]V €VOTT]TO Aom6v µnopouµ€ VO avamu~ouµ€ npoo€)(HK6 tTm WOT€ va µriv otanpo~ouµ£ LOTOpLKTJ r'] KOAALT€)(VLKTJ nAaOToypo<prJOrJ. BamKt<; apxtc; en(aric; nou µac; £µnoo(½OUV an6 µ(a TETOLO nAOOToypo<pf]Of] eLVOL OUT€<; Tr]<; OVOOT€p€ljJLµ6Tf]TO<; KOL avayvwptmµ6TT]TO<; TWV µ€86owv K08wc; KOL o n£ptoptoµ6c; TT]<; anoKOToOTaaric; Kup(wc; OTO UALK6 KOL eTI€lTO OTT] µop<pT] TOU epyou TEXVT"]<;. Ta K£v6 010KpfvoVTOL av6Aoya µ£ Ta LOLOLT€pa xapaKTT]pLOTLKo Touc; 0£ ouµnArJpwmµa KOL µri. Ta µLKpr']c; eKTaoric; K£vo nou ouvr']8wc; dvm ouµnAripwmµa 010Kp(voVTOL of: £m<pav£LaKo 6nwc; €!VOL TO yo6pmµo Tr]<; nonvac; KOL ri anoK6Mriari Twv XPWµ6Twv KOL 0€ pa8uT€pa 6nou anoKOALJITT€TOL TO rn(XPLOµa Tr]<; TOLXOypa<p(ac;. LTfl O€UT€Pfl OUTTJ KOTT"]yop(a K£vwv nou eLVOL OUOKOAO ouµnAr]pwmµri €<papµ60TT"]K€ ri rnavaOTOTLKT] T€)(VLKTJ Tou tratteggio µfa µe8oooc; nou ouv(OTOTOL OTrJV ouµnAr']pwari Twv K£vwv, nou yvwp(½ouµ£ TL unriPX€ nptv TflV KOTOOTpo<pr'] Tr]<; rnL<pOV€LO<;, µ£ µLKpec; nap6Mf]A€<; ypaµµtc; nou <pepouv nap6µota XPWµarn µ£ auT6 Tr]<; au8£VTLKTJ<; ouv8£0f]<;. Ta K£v6 nou 5€ yvwp(½ouµ£ TL unr']px£ nptv KOL uno8eTOuµ£ K08W<; KOL €KeLVO nou €lVOL lOLOlT€pO €KT€TOµEVO OVT]KOUV OTT]V KOTT"]yop(a TWV µri ouµnM1pwmµwv. BamKt<; npaKTLKE<; nou aKoAou8ouVTOL £Ow £(vat ri T€XVLKTJ Tou «ouotrnpou XPWµaTO<;» KOL ri Tf:XVlKT] Tr]<; anOKOAUljJf]<; TOU unoOTpwµmoc; Tr]<; TOLXOypa<p(ac; nou OKOn6 txouv Tf]V OITTLKT] unop68µ1ari TOU K£vou 0€ O€UT€po en(n£oo ewL WOT€ va npop6M€TOL 0£ npwTO fl ½wypa<pLKT] ouv8€0f]. Km Ol Mo µe8000L nou OUVOUO½OVTOL µ£ TT] µop<pono(riari TWV n€pLypaµµ6TWV TWV K€VWV, npaKTlKT] nou £µnOOl½€l TT]V €V OUV6µ€l €VOTT]TO VO OAOKA.f]pWO€l TO tpyo TT]<;, Kp(voVTOL LOLOLT€pa avrnapKd<;, £vw ouv£xwc; toa<poc; K€p0l½€l ri µe8oooc; TWV XPWµOTLKWV €VOTT]TWV. H ouµnAT]pwari OrJAOOTJ Twv K£vwv µ£ XPWµOTa nap6µota µ£ TO au8€VTLKO nou a<poµOLwvoVTOL an6 TT] ½wypa<pt6 xwp(c; va ~€XWP(½ouv p(ma OAAO otaKpmKo. LTOV €AAT"]VLKO xwpo KOL LO(wc; OTT"]V n€pLOXTJ Tr]<; B6p€1ac; EAMoac; OW½OVTOL noM6 pu½OVTLVO µvriµda µ£ nAr']8oc; TOLXOypacpriµtvwv ouv8eo£wv oL ono(£<; ppioKoVTm aK6µa OTO
3. H QTTOK6J..UI/JT) TOU urroarpwµaroc; KQl T) auµrcJif/pWOTJ TWV KE:VWV µt: )(Pwµarn rrap6µow µt: Ta au0t:VT1K6. Gt:aaa.Aov{KTJ, Movrj BAarraowv. The revealing of the substratum and the completion of the gaps with colours similar to the authentic ones. Thessalonica, Monastery of Vlattades.
development of its unity, thus for it to obtain an integral and not a total meaning. Since a work of art is a unique creation, it cannot be considered as group of elements but as a unity which continues to exist in its parted fragments even if divided. To avoid, however, any historical or artistic forgeries this unity must be carefully developed. Additional basic principles which restrain this kind of inauthenticity are the abilities of recognition and inversion of the followed restorational methods and the restricted application of the restoring process mainly at the artifact' texture and afterwards to its image, though only if necessary. Additional basic principles which restrain this kind of inau-
4. H rexvcKrj rou trattegio. lrnJ.(a ToaKavrJ, TJ navay(a µe m {3picpoc;. The tratteggio technique. ltalym Toscana, the Virgin with the Child.
5. H TS)(VIKIJ mu tratteggio. Mouaefo Bipo,ac;, oc an6aroJ..oc niTpoc; Kac Avopiac;. The tratteggio technique. Museum of Beroia, the apostles Peter and Andrew.
6. H TSXVCKrj TOU tratteggio, Aµ<p(noJ..TJ, µouado, Ke<paJ..rj Anoar6Jo.ou. The tratteggio technique. Museum of Amfipolis, head of an Apostle.
thenticity are the abilities of recognition and inversion of the followed restorational methods and the restricted application of the restoring process mainly at the artifact's texture and afterwards to its image, though only if necessary. Due to their individual characteristics, the gaps are being discriminated in those, which can be completed and those that cannot. The gaps of limited extension, which usually admit completion, are furthermore distinguished in superficial gaps, such as the patina scratch and the scrape of color, and in profound gaps, when the substratum of the mural painting is painting is revealed. In this second catebory, which presents greater difficulty in terms of completion, applies the revolutionary technique of tratteggio, that is small parallel lines which are of the same coloration of the authentic painting, a method recommended in the treatment of the gaps, especially of those that offer exact knowledge of what existed before the disaster. On the other hand, the gaps which don't allow any knowledge of the existence but provoke only lelative assumptions, as well as the gaps of wide extension, altogether belong to the category of the non completable ones. The basic practices which apply in these cases are the technique of the «neutral color» and the technique of the «revealed substratum» of the mural painting, in order to achieve optical demission of the gap so as to bring the painting forth, to the first level. Both techniques which are ·usually combined with the formation on the gaps' contours,' a method that practically disrupts the unity of the artifact, are criticized as insufficient. On the contrary, the technique of «color units» is a more acceptable method, which consist in the completion of the gaps which colors similar to the authentic ones which assimilate to the painting without projecting strongly but rather faintly. 7. H µop<pono(rJOTJ TWV nepiypaµµ6Twv TWV KSVWV Kat TJ anOKQAUt/JTJ me; m1xonodac; TOU µvriµe(ou. 'Eoeaaa, naJ..aca MTJTp6nOJ..TJ.
The formation of the gaps' contours and the revelation of the monument's masonry. Edessa, Old Metropolis.
In Greece, especially in the north, a vast number of Byzantine monuments in preserved, decorated with numerous mural paintings that still face the state of conservation or even study. The most popular methods that apply here are the ones of «neutral color», «substratum revelation» and «contour fo rma-
OTQOlO n1c; ouvn'Jpriaric; T] TT"]<; µeAeTT"]<;. 01 ~OOIK£<; npOKTlK£<; nou ec:popµ6c;ovrn1 dvm TO ouMTepo xpwµo, ri onoKciAUljJrJ Tou unoarpwµmoc; KOL µopc:pono(riori Twv nep1ypoµµciTwv, E:VW E:AQXlOTE:<; eLVOl Ol nep1mwoe1c; TTOU ec:popµ6c;eTOl T"] TE:XVLKT] TOU tratteggio (Kup(wc; ae OTTOTOlXLOµevec; TOlXOypoc:p(ec;). BOOIKT] OlTlO OUTT]<; TT"]<; ovenopKT]<; ovnµeTwmaric; TWV eTTlTOLXlWV auv0foewv OTT"] xwpo µoc; eLVOl T6oo ri tMetljJT"] OLE:TTlOTT"]µovtKT]<; ouvepyoo(oc; µno~u Twv opµ601wv e101KOTTJTWV 600 KOi ri eMetljJT"] E:lOlKWV E:TTIOTT"]µ6vwv OUVTTJPriaric;, Ol OTTOLOl yvwp(i'.;ouv T6oo on6 etµmo TT"]<; 1arop(oc; TT"]<; TEXVT"J<;, 600 KOL on6 npOKTlK£<; entµ~oaric;, WITTE: µe TT"]V KOT<iMT"]AT"] K00ooi]YT"JOT"] KOL oe ouvepyoo(o ncivrn µe nc; ciMec; e101K6TT"]Tec; vo KOTeu0uvouv nc; oµcioec; auVTi]priaric; Twv ono(wv ri epyoo(o ea nep1op(i'.;eTm Kup(wc; oe TE:XVtKci etµmo Km 6x1 oe etµmo µopc:pi]c;.
tion» while few are the cases where the technique of tratteggio is used (mostly in detached paintings in museum exhibitions). This rather insufficient treatment of the gaps can be attributed to several interrelated reasons, such as the lack of inter-scientific collaboration between the responsible specialties and the lack of «conservation scientist,, as well. The presence of such an expertise appears essential in as much as it should posses sufficient knowledge not only historical matters of the art but of practical interventions as well, thus directing the project of the conservation scientists» as well. The presence of such an expertise appears essential inasmuch it should posses sufficient knowledge not only of historical matters of the art but of the practical interventions as well , thus directing the project of the conservational personnel -under the appropriate guidance and always in collaboration with the other specialties- to mostly techical issues and not matters of appearance.
8. H µopcpono[rJarJ TWV nt:piypaµµ6TWV TWV KE:VWV OE: auvouaaµ6 µe TTJV TE:)(VIKTJ wu «ouoirepou )(pwµawc;». eeaaaAovfKTJ, 'Aywc; NIK6Aaoc; o Opcpav6c;.
9. H µi8oi5oc; TWV «)(pWµOTIKWV E:VOTTJTWV». 0t:OaaJ..ov[KTJ, 'Ay,oc; L!.T7µrjTpt0c;, VOTlO KJ..[wc;.
The formation of the gaps' contours combined with the «neutral colour» technique. Thessalonica, St. Nicolas Orfanos.
The «colour units» technique. Thessalonica, St. Demetrius, south aisle.
Mavoc; KaA.A.lOUiSOK'7c;, TIOA.LTLK6c; µT]XOVLK6c;
ME/\ETH AnOKATALTALHL NEOK/\ALIKOY MOYLOY/\MANIKOY LXOJ\EIOY Enl THL O1:::,.OY nANAITIOY LTH MELAIONIKH nO/\H THL PO!::,.OY Ano1(µ17017 cptpouoa~ LKav61171a~ - a~LOA6y17017 µe86owv entµ~aa17~ Em~Mnovrec;: Xp~ornc; lyva-r6K17c;, not-mK6c; µr1xavtK6c;, Kupta~~c; nmA6K17c;, not-mK6c; µrixavtK6c; Manos Kallioudakis, civil engineer
RESTORATION STUDY OF THE NEOCLASSICAL MUSLIM SCHOOL ON PANETIOU STREET IN THE MEDIEVAL TOWN OF RHODES Bearing capacity assessment - Evaluation of reinforcement methods Supervisors: Christos lgnatakis, civil engineer, Kiriazis Pitilakis, civil engineer
o ovr1Ke(µevo TT]<; omr-.wµonK~<; epyoo(oc; ocpop6. TT] µeMn1 OTOTIK~<; OTIOKOTCI.OTOOT]<; µouoour-.µovlKOIJ 0)(0/1.etou, µe OKOn6 TT]V eTIOVCl.)(pT]OT] TOU we; «Eupwµeooye10K6 Kevrpo LUYXPOVrJ<; Texvric; KOi nor-.moµou - y10 TT]V npooeyy10T] TWV fl.OWV». To epyo exe1 ov0Mf3e1 TO Toµeio illOXelPLOT]<; n1arwoewv y10 TT]V EKT8fl.€:OT] Apxmor-.oyLKWV 'Epywv (T.6.n.E.A.E.) , µe: npo'iOT6.µevo TOV OPXlT8KTOVO r. NTeMo. 1010(Tepri eµ<pOOT] o(veTOL OTT] OLepeUVl"]OT] TWV OITIWV TT]<; no8or-.oy(oc; TOU KTtp(ou KOi OTT] cpepouoo LKOVOTT]TCI. TOU, evw eMyxe:TOI 01ooox1K6 ri on0Ter-.eoµOT1K6TT]TO Twv 01ocp6pwv µe86owv eneµf300T]<;, 01 ono(ec; KOL 0~10!1.0YOIJVTOI.
To 0)(0/1.etO f3p(OK€:TOI en( TT]<; OOOIJ novotTLOU OTT] MeOOLWVIK~ nor-.ri TT]<; P6oou, onevovn on6 TO naMn TOU Mey6"ou Moy(OTpou. np6KE:LTOI YLO 8VO une:pul.lJwµevo 106ye10 VeQKfl.OOLKO KT(p10, 0100T6oewv 31,70 x 32,60 µ. KOL ul.lJouc; 10,60 µ. µe eowTep1K6 0(8p10, npoOTwo KOL Mo e106oouc; (e1K. 1). E(vm KOTOOKeuooµevo on6 cpepouoo opyor-.18000µ~ on6 TOmK6 nop6r-.180, µe ~IJfl.lVO OOTIE:00, €:VW KOAIJITTE:TOI OTTO ~Ufl.lVT] OT8YT] KOi yaMtKO KE:poµ(OLO. H npwTT] <pOOT] KOTOOKWOOTT]KE: TO 1876, KOTOOTpO<pT]KE: 6µwc; µep1K6 )(p6v10 opy6Te:po on6 nupKoy16 ~ oe10µ6. To 1898 enovoKOTOOKeuaarriKe KOi fl.€:lTOUpyT]OE: ewe; TO 1985, OTIOTE: KOL eKr-.etae Myw eMetl.lJewc; µo8T]TWV. LTT] npwn1 TOU <pOOT] eixe ornµo KOT04JT]<; op8oywv1K6 KOi µepoc; TOU ~TOV 8eµer-.1wµevo n6vw OTO epe(mo TOU ITTTTOTIKOIJ K08eoptKOIJ voou, TOU Ay(ou lwavvri TOU KoMoK(ou. LTTJ oeuTepri cp60T] KOTOOKeu6i'.;e:Tm µeyaMrnpo, µe ax~µo K6T04JTJ<; TeTpoywv1K6 nMov KOL eowrnp1K6 0(8p10, on6Te TO r-.eio xwp(i'.;eTot ae Tfooep1c; mepuyec;. H ov0Tor-.1K~ eop6i'.;ern1 OTO f368po SeµeMwOT]c; TT]<; A' cp60T]c;, evw ri f36pe10 Km µepoc; TT]<; ounK~c; eop6i'.;ovrm ae en(xwOTJ nOt1.ot6Tepou Kpo~po nou OT]µtoupy~ST]KE: on6 TT]V eKpT]~T] nupmoano8~KT]<; OTO un6ye:10 TOU KOµnovop1ou TOU Ay(ou IWOVVI"], TO 1856 (eLK. 2).
nep( TO µfoo TT]<; oeKoeT(oc; Tou 1980 Myw TT]<; ouve:x1i'.;6µevric; OIJ~T]OT]<; TWV npof3r-.T]µOTWV OTO cpepovro opyov10µ6, TO KT(p10
he object of essay concerns the study of static restoration of a Moslem school, aiming at its rehabil itation as "Euromediteranean Centre of Modern Art and Culture for the approach of the people". The project has been undertaken by the Fund of Credits for the Execution of Archaeological Works (F.C.E.A.W.) , of which chief is the architect G. Ntellas. Particular emphasis is given to the investigation of the building pathology causes and in its bearing capacity, while the effectiveness of various methods of intervention is checked successively and evaluated.
The school is located on Panaitioy Street in the Medieval City of Rhodes, opposite the Grand Magister palace. It is a neoclassical one-storey building, dimensions 31.70mx32.60 m, height 10.60 m with internal atrium, and two entries (fig. 1). It is constructed of masonry with local limestones, with wooden flooring, while it is covered by wooden roof and French tiles. The first phase was finished in 1876, it was destroyed however certain years later from fire or earthquake. In 1898 it was reconstructed and operated until 1985, when it was closed due to lack of students. In its first phase it had rectangular form of ground plan and part of it was founded on the ruins of knightly Cathedral, Saint John of the Collacium. In the second phase it is constructed with square form and internal atrium, therefore the school is separated in four wings. Eastern wing is founded on the pedestal of foundation of phase A, while the north and part of westerner wing is founded on embankment of older crater that was created by the explosion powder-magazine in the underground of bell-tower of Saint John Cathedral, in 1856 (fig. 2). In the middle of the decade of 1980 because of the continuing increase of problems in the bearing structure, the building was strengthened with level frames from R/C in the all length of southern wing, as well as in the western sides the northern and southern wing. In the same period floorings R/C plates and system of
Ba8po r ' <paoric;
® .
Ba8po A' cpaoric;
1. KaTOljJTJ, f36pt:1a OIJIT/ Kat <paam; TOU KTtp[ou. Ground plan, north fa<;ade and phases of the building.
e:v1axu817Ke: µe: e:n(ne:oa n11.0(010 O/"i.. oe: 611.0 TO µfJKoc; Tile; v6nac; mtpuyac;, 6nwc; e:n(oric; KOL on e; OUTLK8c; n11.e:uptc; Tile; ~6pe:1ac; KOL v6nac; mtpuyac;. T17v (010 ne:p(ooo KOTOOKE:UOOTl7KOV OT1c; a(Souoe:c; T17c; ounKl'Jc; m tpuyac; M ne:oa an6 nMKe:c; O/"i.. KOL OUOTT7µ0 OOKWV, UTTOOTUAWµOTWV KOL µavOUWV TWV TTE:ptµE:TplKWV To1xono11wv, 8e:µe:11.1wµtva µe: ne:oLA.oooKouc;. H KOTOOKE:UrJ napouma<:;e:1 E:KTE:TOµtve:c; ~M~e:c; KOL q>8optc; OE: 611.17 TT7V 8KTOOrJ TT7c;. AUT8c; ouvotjJ(i'.;oVTOL oe:: • ose:1owoe:1c; TWV µe:TOA.fl.LKWV OTOLXE:lWV OTO 0(8p10 • uypacr(e:c; KOL OVOITTUSl7 µtKpOopyOVLOµWV OTT7 OT8ljJl7 TT7c; TOS00TOLXlOc; TOU 0(8p1ou KOL nc; ~aoe:1c; TWV KOA.WVWV TOU. • 8VTOVE:c; p17yµOTWOE:1c; OE: 611.17 TT7 ~6pE:10 ITT8puya, OTtc; TOLXOTTOL(E:c; E:KOT8pw8e:v TWV ouo e:106owv, OTl7V E:SWTE:plK'l Tlfl.E:Upa TT7c; OVOTOA.LK'lc; m8puyac; KOL KUp(wc; OTO ~OpE:LOOVOTOfl.lKCl KOL OTO µfoov Tile; v6nac; mtpuyac;, OTO oriµda cruvoe:oric; TWV e:yKapmwv TOlXWV. 110 TT7V op86n:p17 npocrtyyLOT] TOU <popfo 01e:vepyr'J817KOV T6oo an6 TOV ypO<pOVTO, 600 KOL an6 TO A.n.0. KOL TO T.t:..n.E.A.E. E:TTIT0TTOU OOKLµ8c;, 8pE:UVE:c; KOL µe:Tpr'Jcre:1c;, K08wc; KOL OE:LyµOTO-
joists, columns and jackets (founded on continues footing) of the perimetric walls, were constructed in the rooms of western wing. The construction presents extensive damage and deteriorations in all its extent. They are summarised as follows: • oxidations of metal elements at the atrium • humidity and growth of micro-organisms at the end-level of the arches and the bases of the columns of the atrium • intense cracks in the masonry of all northern wing, at both sides of the two entries, in the exterior side of eastern wing and mainly in the north-eastern and in the middle of southern wing, at the connection points of traverse walls. For a proper approach of the bearing structure, there were held by the writer, the AU.TH. and the F.C.E.A.W. ad loc tests, researches and measurements, as well as samplings for the laboratorial tests to determine: 1. the constitution of mortars and stones, via chemists and mineralogical analyses 2. the compression resistances of these materials, via hammer tests and core borings.
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O Ka8eop1K6c; va6c; wu Ayfou lwavvr, oe axiOTJ µe TO ax_o},_efo. Location of the Cathedral of St John of Collacium relatively to the school.
ATJlj.J[ec; yto nc; epyoOTT]plOKEc; ooKtµtc;, oLTrwc; ware vo npoaotoptarouv: 1. ri auaroari Twv KovtoµaTwv Km >-..[0wv, µtaw xriµtKwv Kot opuKTo>-..oytKWV ovoMaewv 2. ot 0>-..1m1Ktc; ovrnxtc; TWV u>-..1Kwv ouTwv, µtaw KpoumµeTptjaewv Kot nuprivo>-..rilj.Jtwv 3. ot otocpoptKEc; Ko01l;tjae1c; 4. 01 Tp6nm auvoearic; To[xwv Km e>-..Kuartjpwv µern~u rnuc;, µfow OlEPWVTJTlKWV TOµwv 5. o Tp6noc; 0eµe>-..[waric; Kot TO ~60oc; topoaric;, µfow 01epeuVTJnKwv TOµWV - OKOµµOTWV,
AVT(aro1xo, TO onoTe>-..foµmo nou npotKulj.Jov, dvm: 1. TO Kov16µmo dvm noul;o>-..ov1Ka oa~earoKovtaµorn Kot 01 >-..(00l nopw>-..1801 2. 01 0>-..tmlKEc; oVToxtc; Km Twv Mo u>-..1Kwv TT]c; Tmxonm(oc; e(vm E~OlpETlKCI xoµriMc; 3. ri e~wTeptKtj n>-..wpa TT]c; ~6petoc; mtpuyoc; txet unoare( otocpoptKtj Ko0il;TJOTJ nep[ To µfoov TTJc;, evw Tl OUTtKtj mtpuyo Ko0(l;TJOTJ Kot m0ovtj arpocptj
3. the possible differential subsidences 4. the connection ways of the walls and the tie-rods from each other, via exploratory sections 5. the form and the depth of foundation, via exploratory sections. Respectively, the results are: 1. the mortars are pozzolanic lime mortars and the stones sand-limes 2. the compression resistances both of these two materials of masonry are exceptionally low 3. the exterior side of the northern wing has suffered differential subsidence in the middle, and the western wing subsidence and probably turn 4. existence of constructional joints between the internal and the perimetric walls of southern wing and relaxed connection of the rest walls from each other 5. in general the construction is founded on continuous footing, apart from the north-western side and the columns of the atrium, where the foundation leads via arcs on square piers.
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4. unapE;r1 KOTOOK£UOOTLKWV apµwv µETOSU TWV EOWTEPLKWV To(xwv Tll~ v6na 64n7~ µE TOU~ nEptµETPLKOu~ KOi XOAOptj OUVOE017 TWV UTIOAOlTIWV TOLXWV µETOSU TOU~ 5. OE YEVLK£~ ypaµµe~ Tl KOTOOK£Ul7 8EµEALWVETOI OE OUVEXEl~ m:i5tAOAWp(i5E~, EKTO~ OTTO Tl7 l3opELOOUTLKl7 TIA£Upa KOi Tl7V KLOVOOTOLXLO TOU 0(8p1ou, 6nou Tl 8EµEAlW017 KOTOAllYEL µtow TOSWV OE TETpayWVIKOU~ TIEOOOU~. OL OVTOX£~ Tll~ TOlXOTIOllO~ (8ALITTLKl7, E<pEAKUOTLKtj, OtOTµT7TLKl7, KaµmLKtj), 6nw~ KOi TO µT7XOVLKC1 xopOKTTlPLOTLKa (E, G, v) npOOO!OplOTT7KOV µfow eµnELplKWV oX£0EWV TT7~ OLE8VOU~ l3Ll3ALOypacp(a~ aMa KOi KOVOVtoµwv, OlVOVTO~ EsOIPETLKCI µLKpe~ OVTOX£~, Myw TWV xoµT7AWV OVTOXWV TWV Emµepou~ UALKWV. Ta xapaKTTlPLOTLKa Tou Ei56cpou~. 6nw~ KOi Tl OELOµLKll EmT6xuv017 EAl7<p8T700V OTTO YEWTE)(VLK£~ 8p£UVE~ KOi Tl7 µLKpO~WVLKl7 µEMTTl nou ouveTOSE TO EpyaOTtjpLo EoacpoµT7XOVLK17~ KOi 0EµEAIWOEWV TOU A.n.0. 1La TTl i5LEpEuVT7017 Twv OtTLWV Tll~ naeo>-..oy(a~. o cpopfo~ npo00µ01w8T7KE µe TO np6ypaµµa TIETIEpaoµevwv OTOIXELWV ETABS 8. XpT7mµono1178T7Kav 3-Koµf3a Km 4-Koµf3a EmcpavELOKa OTOLXELO yLa n~ TOLXOTIOLLE~ KOi ypaµµtKa yLa Tou~ K(ovE~. Tou~ neaoou~ 8EµEALW017~ KOi TO cpepOVTO opyavLoµ6 Tll~ OT£YTl~- 0 TEAEUTO(o~. npoooµo1w8T7KE xovopOELOW~ (Myw Tll~ TIOAUTIAOKOT17TO~ nou napouma~El)' £TOL WITTE VO OTIOOWOEL LKOVOTIOLT7TIKCI Tl7 ouµnEpL<popa Tll~ OT£YTl~- EsETCIOT17KOV OLO<popa OEVOplO (21 ouvoALKO: A-B cp6017, Evo6mµT7-6KOµTIT17 OTllPLSTl, i5LacpopwK6 E, Emppotj 8EµE>-..(w017~. Emppo17 n>-..eupLKWV EAOT17p(-
3. Kupiec; TCJaelc; yea Ka8fl;T/aT/ rr,c; {36pswc; 61/JTJc; Kac atJYKPlaTJ µs rr,v rraeoAoy{a. Principal stresses for differential subsidence of the northern faqade compared with the cracks.
The masonry strength (compression, tensile, shear, bending), as well as the mechanic characteristics (E, G, n) were determined through empiric equations of the international bibliography, but also from norms and reg ulations, giving exceptionally small resistances, because of the individual materials low resistances. The ground characteristics, and the seismic acceleration were received from geotechnical and the microzonation study that drew up the Laboratory of Soil Engineering and Foundations of A.U.TH.
For the pathology causes investigation, the structure was modelled with the program of finite elements ETABS 8. 3- and 4-nodes surface elements were used for the masonry and linear for the columns, foundation piers and the bearing structure of the roof. The roof, was modelled grossly (because of its complexity), so as to attribute satisfactorily its behaviour. Various scenarios were examined (21 totally: A-B phase, flexible-inflexible support, different E, influence of foundation, influence of lateral springs, excavation of the outer NE corner), in order to select the most suitable model for the analyses. For the finally selected model, various cases of static, dynamic forces and constrains were examined, in order to investigate and confirm the damage causes (fig. 3, 4). The results are: • the northern fagade has suffered differential subsidence with maximum at the 1/3 of its exterior side, at connection arc of two phases, resulting in the majority of cracks
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4. Kupiec; r6oe1c; Kat rrapaµ6p<pwor, TTJ<:; v6Tta<:; 6(/JrJ<:; A6yw rwv µ6v1µwv <poprfwv Kat auyKptor, µe TTJV rra0oAoyfa. Principal stresses and deformed shape of the southern fa9ade due to dead loads compared with the cracks.
wv, onoxwµ6TWCJTJ BA ywv(oc;), wan: vo mt>..eye( TO Km6M177'.o npoaoµoiwµo yto TL<:; ovoMaetc;. rto TO TEALKCI ETilAEX0ev µoVTel\o EsETCIOTT"JKOV OLCl<pOpEc; nEplITTWOEL<:; OTOTLKWV KOL ouvoµLKWV cpopT(OEWV, 6nwc; KOL KOTOVOyKoaµwv WITTE VO OLEPWVT"J00UV KOL VO Ernl3El30Lw8ouv TO OlTlO TWV l3l\ol3wv (ELK. 3, 4). An6 OUTCI npoeKUljJOv: • 17 l36pElO OljJl7 eXEl UTIOITTtl OlO<pOplKl7 K08tl;l7CJT] µE µeytITTO mo 1/3 T17c; ESWTEptKl']c; n7'.eup6c; T17c;, mo T6so auvOECJTJ<:; TWV OUO <pCIOEWV, TIOU eXEl we; OTIOTeAEaµo TT"JV TIAElOVOTT"JTO Twv p17yµmwaEwv • 17 eMElljJl7 OUVOECJT]c; TWV eyKapmwv Toixwv TWV KEVTPlKWV OL0ouawv T17c; v6noc; 6ljJ17c;, aE auvouoaµ6 µE nc; w0l']aEtc; T17c; mey17c; (Myw eME1ljJ17c; E7'.Kuml']pwv), 017µwupyEi µEy67'.o l3el\17 KOµljJ17c; EKT6c; Ernneoou TOU EswrnptKOU Toixou, µE TouT6XPov17 onoK6M17CJT] Twv K60ETWV To(xwv µETOSU TOU<:; • 17 OUTLKl7 mepuyo eXEl UTIOITTtl K08tl;l7CJT] OTO µfoov KOL Bt, Tµl']µo TT"J<:;, KOL mpocpl'] 7'.6yw TT"J<:; eKKEVTp17c; 0EµEALWCJT]c; TWV nEot>..oooKwv Twv µovouwv • Ol µey6J\E<:; W8'70El<:; TT"J<:; 0Tey17c; ITTL<:; ESWTEpLKe<:; YWVLE<:; TOU KTtp(ou, ae auvouoaµ6 µE T17v onoxwµaTWCJTJ TT"J<:; BA, nou ELXE we; auvenElO Tl7V 0USl7CJTJ TOU uljJouc; TOU TOLXOU • p17yµmwae1c; aE optaµevouc; nEaaouc; Myw EVT6c; Ernneoou KaµljJ17c; KOL ot6Tµ17CJT]c; nou ocpdl\oVTOL aE aetaµ1K6 cpopT(o.
r10 Tl7V EVloXUCJT] TOU cpopfo, WITTE OUTO<:; VO OVTOTIOKpL0ef ITT!<:; onOLTl']aEL<:; T17c; vfoc; XPllCJTJ<:;, T6ao aE EninEoo EnapKEtoc; Tou cpopfo, 000 KOL OE E:TILTIEOO OPXWV YLO TT"JV OTIOKQTCIOTOCJT] TWV µvriµdwv. ESETCIOTT"JKOV lEPOPXLKCI Ol opaaEL<:;, WITTE opxil;oVToc; on6 nc; 17rn6TEpEc; EnEµl36aEL<:;, µE mootoKl'] ecpopµoyl'] µfrpwv npoa0ETLKCI ITTL<:; npo17youµEvEc;, VO lKOVOTIOlOUVTOL 671.Ec; Ol auv0l']KE<:;. EMYXOVTOL aE EnapKEto µ6vo m nEaaoi, EVOELKTtK6
• the lack of traverse walls connection with the southern fagade, combined with the impulses of roof (because of lack of tie-rods), leads to large deformations, due to out-of-plane bending of the exterior wall, with simultaneous detachment of traverse walls from each other • the western wing has suffered subsidence in the the middle and its NW part, and turn, due to the jackets' continuous footing eccentricity. • the high thrust of roof on the outer and upper corners of the building, in combination with the excavation of the outer NE corner, results in the increase of the wall height. • cracks in certain piers are caused by in-plane bending moments and shear forces due to seismic loads. For the strengthening of the structure, in order to meet the new use requirements, concerning the sufficiency of the bearing capacity and the principles of the monuments restoration, the actions were hierarchically examined, so that beginning from the softer, with progressive application of interventions additive in the previous, to satisfy all the conditions. Only the piers are checked in sufficiency, indicatively in two positions at the foundation, wh ile the check of the roof does not concern the particular work. Thus, beginning from the soft interventions (repointing, grouting, seams of walls), diaphragm in the level of floorings, diaphragm in the level of the top of walls and finally, reinforced concrete jackets are progressively added. The piers are checked in accordance with the EC6 in each step in sufficiency against compression, bending, shear, in and out-of plane. The application of the interventions up to the diaphragm in the level of the top of walls, result in the complete insufficiency of the piers, in percentage that touches upon the 100%, specifically due to seismic loads.
ae Mo Sfom;, ri SeµeJ...(wori, evw ri an:yri oev acpopa TT) auyKeKptµevri epyaa(a. 'Ernl, seKLVWvrac; an6 nc; ~mec; eneµl36aetc; (apµoJ...oy~µma, evtµma, pacptc; To(xwv), npom(SevrOL maotaKa 5t6cppayµa OTO en(neoo TWV oantowv, OLC!cppayµa OTT) OT£ljJT] TWV TOLXWV KOL TE:ALKa, onJ...taµtva emXP(aµarn. EMvxovrOL µe Tov EC6 ae K68e cpaOT] Ol neaao( ae enapKE:lO £VOVfl 8ALljJT]c;, KaµljJT]c;, OLCITµT]OT]c;, evr6c; KOL eKT6c; emntoou.
H ecpapµoy~ TWV µ£TpWV ewe; KOL TO Olacppayµa OTT) OT£ljJT] TWV To(xwv, txet we; anoTeMaµma TTJV nMpri avenapKeta Twv neaawv, ae noaom6 nou ayy([p TO 100%, E:LOLKCI OTO OE:LOµLKCI cpopT(a. Me TTJV ecpapµoy~ Twv onJ...taµtvwv emXPLOµaTwv (µov6nJ...eupa ~ o(nJ...eupa, av6J...oya µe TT) Stori) eMyxovrOL etTe we; en(neoot, etTe we; auv8eToL µe To np6ypaµµa av6J...uoric; otmoµwv FAG US (E:LK. 5). Ot eneµl36aetc; nou TE:AtKa emMyovrOL yLO TTJV KaJ...uljJTJ Twv OTIOL~aewv e!VOL OUVOITTLKCI: 1. OTIOKOTCIOTOOT] TWV OLaµnepc.i:Jv pT]yµOTWOE:WV e!TE: µe AL80pacpec;, E:LTE: µe E:VOWµCITWOT] 0 /"'i. OTT] µa~O TWV TOLXWV E:KOT£pw8ev TWV pwyµc.i:Jv 2. QVflKOTCIOTOOT] TWV SLIALVWV OOKWV TWV oantowv KOL KOTOOKW~ otacppayµmoc; µe XP~OTJ omJ...ou nnawµmoc; mo en(neoo auT6 3. KOTOOKW~ OLOcppayµmoc; OTO en(neoo TT)c; OT£ljJT]c; TWV TOLXWV (oe otamamoJ...oyefrOL) 4. ecpapµoy~ µov6nJ...eupwv onJ...taµtvwv emXPLOµaTwv moue; E:SWTE:plKOUc; TOLXOUc; KOL aµcp(nJ...eupwv ae 6J...ouc; TOuc; E:OWTE:plKOUc; KOL OTIOU OTIOLTetTOL moue; E:SWTE:plKOUc;.
With the application of reinforced jackets (unilaterally or bilaterally, depending on the position) the piers are checked either as plane, or as complex with the cross-sections analysis program FAGUS (fig. 5). The interventions that are finally selected to meet the requirements are concisely, as follows: 1. re-establishment of end to end cracks either with wall seams, or with incorporation of R/C in the mass of walls at their both sides. 2. replacement of wooden beams of floorings and construction of a diaphragm with use of double plating in this level. 3. construction of diaphragm in the level of the top of the walls (it is not calculated). 4. application of unilateral reinforced concrete jackets in the exterior walls and bilateral in all the internal and in the exterior where required.
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5. nsp1/36Mouosc; avroxrjc; as 01a~ov1Krj K6µ1jJrJ µe a~ov1Krj ouvaµry, µs Kat xwp{c; orrA1oµivo m{xp1oµa. Strength envelopes in biaxial bending with normal force, with and without reinforced jackets.
rewpytoc; KapaKaTcr6.vric;, TIOALTIKO<; µr1xavtKO<;
~IEPEYNHLH THL AnOTEAELMATIKOTHTAL TON MH KATALTPOct>IKON ME00~0N EAErXOY TOY onAILMENOY LKYPO~EMATOL Em~Mrrwv: Kocrµac; Iru,\tav(oric;, not..mK6<; µr1xavtK6<; Georgios Karakatsanis, civil engineer
£pi rn Te>-..17 Tou B' nayKooµ(ou noMµou £LX£ KOTaOTd ouvd517017 TllC:: 5t£8vouc:; £TTLOTl7µ0VLK'7c:; KOLVOT17TOc:; 17 av6yK17 £<p£UP£0!7C:: µ17 KOTaOTpocptKwv µ£865wv £Myxou TOU OTIALOµevou OKupoMµmoc:;. LTO 5t60T17µa TWV £~'7VTO n£p(nou XP6vwv nou µwo>-..6~17oav, 17 ouOT17µanK17 npoan68£La o517y170£ OTllV av6mu~17 no>-..u6pt8µwv µ£865wv. Ot µeSo501 aUTec:; £(VOL npayµaTLKCl TIOAUTLµ£c:; OTO XWPO TWV 5taT17p17T8WV KOTaOKWWV, 6nou 17 ana(T170!7 yta 5taT17p!70!7 Tile; au8£VTLKOTl7TOc:; £(vat K£cpa>-..OLw5ouc:; 017µao(ac:;. LTO n>-..a(mo Tile; £pyao(ac:; auTtjc:; 5t£pwv17817K£ 17 a~LOTTLOT(a TI8VT£ µ£865wv, T6<;m an6 8£Wpl7TLK'7c:; 600 KOL an6 TI£LpaµOTLK'7c:; n>-..wpac:;.
H µ&8oijoc; Twv um:p~xwv H µe8o5oc:; TWV UTI£P'7XWV ~ao(l;£TOL OTl7 µeTpl70!7 Tile; TOXUTl7TOc:; 51e>-..wo17c:; £voe; 5taµtjKouc:; UTI£P17X17TLKOU Kuµmoc:; 51aµeoou mu oKupoMµmoc:; KOL MvaTOL va £cpapµoOT£( T6oo OTO £pyaOT'7plO 000 KOL OTO TI£5(o, acpOU Ol oX£TLK8C:: OUOKW8C:: dvOL cpop17Tec:;. Ynapxouv noMo( nap6yoVT£c:; nou £n17p£6l;ouv TO anornMoµma Tile; µ£865ou. H uypao(a, 17 8£pµoKpao(a, 17 l7ALK(a KOL 17 £VTaTlK'7 KQTC10Tao17 TOU OKUpoMµmoc:;, Ka8wc:; KOL l7 napouo(a p6~5WV OTIALOµou £(VOL µ6vo µ£pLKO( an6 aUTouc:;.
BaotK'7 £m5(w~17 anOT8AW£ £~apxtjc:; 17 ouaxfoOll Tile; TOXUT17Tac:; TWV UTI£P'7XWV µ£ Tl7 8>-..1mtK'7 aVTOX'l TOU OKUpoMµmoc:;. To l;17T17µa auT6 anaax6>-..170£ n>-..178<.i>pa £pwv17Twv, Ka8evac:; an6 TOUC:: ono(ouc:; KaT8Al7~£ 0£ 5tacpop£TLK'7 KaµTIUAl7 OUoX8TL017c:;. AuT6 £pµ17v£u£TOL an6 TO y£yov6c:; 6n K68£ nap6yoVTac:; rn17prnoµou TllC:: TaXUTllTOC:: Twv un£ptjxwv £m5p6 µ£ 5tacpop£nK6 Tp6no OTl7 8AlITTlK'7 aVTOX'l TOU OKupoMµmoc:;. L'7µ£pa 8X£t 51£8vwc:; £mKpaT170£1 17 6noljJ17 6n 5£v MvmOL va un6p~£L µta Y£VlK'7c:; ano5oxtjc:; OUoX8TlOl7, aM6 ea np8TI£l KC18£ cpop6 va y(vnOL ~a8µov6µ17017 Twv anoT£A£oµ6Twv TllC:: µ£865ou yta TO OKUp65£µa KC18£ (un6 µ£MT17) KTtp(ou. AK6µ17, 6µwc:;, KOL 0£ auTtj Tl7V n£p(mw017 Ol anOKAl0£Lc:; ayy(i'.;ouv TO 20%. 'MA£c:; £cpapµoyec:; dvOL 17 napaKo>-..ou817017 Twv µna~o>-..wv nou £nepXOVTOL OTO OKup65£µa ouvapT'70£L Tou XP6vou, o e>-..£yxoc:; Tile; 0µ01oµopcp(ac:; TOU, 0 npoo51op10µ6c:; TWV £.A.aOTLKWV OTa8£pwv KOL 17 av(xvwOll £Aanwµ6TWV.
round the end of the Second World War the international scientific community had become conscious of the necessity of inventing non destructive methods for testing reinforced concrete. During the last sixty years, systematic effort led to the development of numerous methods. These methods are really precious in the field of preservable structures, where the demand for preservation of the authenticity is a matter of utmost importance. Within the framework of this thesis the credibility of five methods was evaluated from both theoretical and experimental aspect.
The ultrasonic testing method The ultrasonic testing method is based on the measurement of the velocity of a longitudinal pulse passing through the concrete and can be applied in both field and laboratory research since the relevant instruments are portable. There 9re many factors affecting the results of this method. Moisture, r,emperature, age and stress of the concrete as well as presence of rebars are only some of them. From the beginning, the basic aspiration was the correlation between the ultrasonic pulse velocity and the c ompressive strength of concrete. This matter has detained numerous researchers, each one of whom ended with a different correlation curve. This is explained by the fact that each one of the above mentioned factors influencing the pulse velocity, also affects the compressive strength in a different way. Nowadays, the internationally prevalent point of view is that there cannot be a generally accepted relationship, but the results of the method must be calibrated for the concrete of each (under study) building. However, even in that case dispersion is about 20%. Other applications of the method are examination of uniformity of concrete, determination of elastic constants and detection of cracks. 1
The method continues to detain a great number of researchers and new, very important applications like detection and determination of corrosion rate, detection of chemical damage etc. are being developed.
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1. Iuaxinar, svod{swv rou Kpouacµirpou (µovriAo NR Tr/<; sraipdac; Proceq) µs Tr/ 0AimtKrJ avroxrj rou aKUpooiµaroc;. Lls{c6 cpa(vovrai oc anoKA(asic;. Correlation between the indication of the rebound hammer (Model NR of Proceq company) and the compressive strength of the concrete. The dispersion is shown on the right.
H µt8o5oc:; Twv um:p~xwv esaKo>..oued va anaaxo>..ei µeyMo ap18µ6 epeuvrinilv Kot KuocpopouVTm vtec:;, noM OT]µOVTLKE<; ecpapµoytc:;, 6nwc:; ri avi)(VWOTJ KOL ri µETPTlOTl TOU noooOTou TTl<; 516.~pWOT]<;, Tl QVl)(VWOT] TTlC:: xriµ1K~<; cp8op6.c:; TOU OKupoMµmoc:; K.6..
H µt8oc5oc; TOU KPOUOIIJ&Tpou H µt8o5oc:; Tou KpoumµtTpou ~aoil;eTm OTT1V apx~ 6n ri avan~5riOTJ µ1ac:; EAOOTlK~<; µ6.l;ac:; £sOPTCITOl an6 TTl OKATlPOTTlTO TTl<; emcp6.ve1ac:; OTTlV onoia npo0Kpoue1. To npwTO 6pyavo KOTOOKWOOTTlKE TO 1948 KOi xapri OTO n>..eove~µOT6. TTlC:: (rnxuTTlTO, xaµriM KOOTO<; KOi EACIXlOTTl cp8op6. nou nposeve( OTTlV emcp6.ve1a TOU oKupoMµmoc:;) ri µt8o5oc:; 510M8T1K£ yp~yopa oe 6>..o Tov K6oµo. To anoTt>..wµa TTl<; µiTPTlOTlC:: eivm To uq,oc:; avan~5riOTJc:; µ1ac:; ocpupac:; µeTpouµevo oe K>..(µaKa an6 TO 1O W<;TO 100. 01 OT]µOVTlKOTE:pOl nap6.yOVT8<; mripeaoµou TWV anOT8AWµ6.TWV Tl'l<; µe865ou dvm ri uypao(a, ri ri>..1K(a Km ri ouv8EOTJ Tou OKUpoMµmoc:;, ri 8epµoKpao(a OTTlV ono(a txe1 eKrn8d KOT6. Tl'l 5t6.pK£lO TTl<; l;w~c:; TOU, Tl 5teu8UVOT] TTl<; µETPTlOTlC:: KOi TO u>..1K6 Tou KOAoumou OTO onoio OKupo5e~8TlK£. 15tOLT£PTl npooom npETIEl VO 5tV8TQl OTO <pOlVOµEVO Tl'l<; 8VOV8pOKWOT]<; TO ono(o £V5EX£TQl VO KOTQOT~OE:l TTl µt8o5o µri ecpapµ6mµri. BOOIK~ em5(wsri OTIOTEA.808 Tl OUO)(ETlOT] TWV anorn>..eoµ6.Twv Tri<; µe865ou µe TTl 8>..1m1K~ OVTOX~ Tou oKupoMµmoc:;. H anoKTT18doa µEXPL ~µepa eµnetpia ano5£1Kvue1 6n un6.pxe1 µeyMri 51aonop6. Twv anoTe>..wµ6.Twv Km nwc:; µ6vo ri ~a8µov6µriari µnope( va o5rw~oet oe ano5eKT6. noooOT6. an6K>..taric:;. Ta YEVlK~<; ecpapµoy~c:; 51ayp6.µµaTO nou 5[vouv Ol KOTOOK8U6.0Tp1ec:; £Tmpdec:; µnopd va ano5£tKVUOVTOl oe yevtKE<; ypaµµtc:; as16m0Ta, WOTOOO Ol npo~>..m6µevec:; an6 OUTCI anoK>..(OEl<; 5ev emTptnouv TTlV KOT6.Tas~ TOU oe ouyKEKptµtvri KOTT1yop[a OVTomc:;.
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2. Iuaxiriar, Tr}<; npoaowpc{6µsvr,c; µiaw rou Kpouaiµirpou 0AcmtKrJ<; avroxrjc; rou aKupooiµaroc; µ£ rryv npayµarcKrJ. Correlation between the determined by the use of rebound hammer compressive strength of concrete and the real one.
The rebound hammer method The rebound hammer method is based on the principle that the rebound of an elastic mass depends on the hardness of the ·surface against which the mass impinges. The first instrument was manufactured in 1948 and thanks to its advantages (quickness, low cost and minor deterioration caused on the concrete surface) it spread rapidly all over the world. The result of the measurement is the rebound height of a hammer counted in a scale from 10 to 100. The most important factors affecting the results of the method is the moisture, age and composition of concrete, the temperature in which the concrete has been exposed during its life, the measurement orientation and the material of which the mold is made. Special attention must be paid to the carbonation phenomenon, which may render the method inapplicable. Correlation between the rebound value and the compressive strength of concrete was the basic aspiration. The experience acquired so far proves that there is a high dispersion of the results and only calibration can lead to acceptable deviation percentage. The general implementation diagrams provided by the instruments' manufacturers may generally prove to be credible, but the provided dispersions do not allow the classification of the concrete to a particular category of strength.
The resistivity method Resistivity p expresses the resistance of a material to the electric current passing through it. Contrary to other materials which have an invariable resistivity value, concrete's resistivity value varies and depends on the concetration of ions which are distributed in the pore solution. A low resistiveity value is indicative of high ion concentration and therefore high porosity. As it is well known, high porosity characterizes concrete which is vulnerable to intrusion of malign for steel factors (like chlorides
and carbon dioxide) and vice versa. The prevalent method to estimate resistivity is the Wenner or four point method. The results are influenced by the composition, the temperature and the moisture of concrete, the ion concentration etc.
3. H ouoKE:UrJ µiTpTJorJ<:; TTJ<:; e101Krj<:; avr[oraorJ<:; "RES/". The "RES/" resistivity measuring instrument.
H µ&8ol>oc; Tr,<; £1l>IK~c; OVTIO'TOO'l<; H eL5LKll OVTIO"TOOT] p eKcppai';eL TT]V OVTIOTOOT] TOU UALKOU O"TrJ 5u::>-.eu017 T']AeKTpLKou peuµmo~. re aVT18e017 µe 6Ma UALKO (n.x. µernMa) nou TJ Ttµr't TT]~ eivOL OTa8epr't, OTO aKup65eµa notKIMeL KL eE;apTOTOL an6 TT] auyKeVTpw017 (Twv 5LOAuµevwv OTO vep6 Twv n6pwv) LOVTwv. XaµT']All nµr't et5LK11~ aVT(o-ra017~ eivOL ev5eLKTLKll uljJrJAll~ auyKeVTpw017~ t6VTwv KL enoµevw~ ulJJri>-.6 nopw5e~. 0~ yvwo-r6v, TO uljJTJM nopc.i.>5e~ xapaKTTJp(i';eL aKup65eµa eu6AwTo OTT] 5te(a5u017 cp8oponOLc.i.>v yta TO xa>-.ul30 napay6VTWV (6nw~ TO XAWplOVTQ KOL TO 5toE;ei5LO TOU 6v8pOKO) KOL TO OVTLOTpO<pO. H emKpOTEOTeprJ µe8o5o~ µeTpT]OT]~ TT]~ eL5LKll~ OVTIOTOOT]~ e(vOL T'] µe8o5o~ Wenner 11 TWV Teaoapwv 017µeiwv. Ta anoTeMaµma TT]~ µe865ou enripeai';oVTOL an6 TT] ouOTOOT], TT] SepµoKpaa(a KOL TTJV uypaa(a mu aKupoMµmo~. TT'JV nep1eKTLKOTTJTO TOU ae LOVTa KTA. BamKr't ecpapµoyr't TT]~ µe865ou anoTe>-.e( o eVTomaµ6~ Twv 017µeiwv 6nou unapxe1 ulJJriM~ K(v5uvo~ 516l3pw017~ (Myw UljJTJ>-.ou nopc.i.>5ou~)- Ttµe~ µLKp6Tepe~ TWV 10k0cm SewpefrOL 6n 017µmo5ornuv TET01a Km6o-ra017. AVT(Sern, nµe~ µeyaMrnpe~ TWV 100 kOcm uno5T']>-.wvouv 6pLO"TTJ npoOTaa(a mu x6Aul3a an6 TO aKup65eµa. A/v,.e~ ecpapµoye~ e(vOL o eVTomaµ6~ emcpave10Kwv priyµmwaewv, o npoa5top1aµ6~ Tou naxou~ o-rOLxeiwv oKupoMµmo~. re eE;e>-.1E;ri, en(017~, l3p(oKeTOL npoan68eta ri nµr't TT]~ eL5LKll~ OVTLOTOOT]~ va anornMaeL KPLTllPLO av1xveu017~ TT]~ 516l3pw017~. An6 µeTpr'tae1~ nou npayµmonOLr't8TJKOV T6ao ae veoaveyetp6µevri 01Ko50µ11 600 KOL ae KT(pta T']ALK(a~ nevr'tVTa nep[nou eTwv npoeKuljJav nµe~ TT]~ et5LK11~ aVTio-ra017~ µeyaMTepe~ Twv 100k0cm.
H µ&8olSoc; TOU £VTOTTIOµOU TOU XCJAupa H µe8o5o~ l3aa[i';eTOL o-rriv Kmaypacpr't TT]~ µeTOl30>-.11~ TT]~ eVTaori~ mu eE; enaywyr't~ peuµmo~ nou 5tappee1 eva nriv[o 6Tav npooeyyii';eTOL an6 µeTaMtK6 OVTLKeiµeva. ruµcpwva µe Tl~ KOTOOKeUOO"Tpte~ eTOLpefe~ TO OUYXPOVQ 6pyava 5UVOVTOL va eVTon[aouv n~ p6l35ou~ xa>-.ul3a, va µeTpr'toouv TT'JV emKOAUlJJll Tou~ KOL va npoa5top[oouv TT] 5t6µeTpo µe 0Kp[l3e1a ± 1 mm, ecp6oov OL an60Taori TWV p6l35wv 5ev e[vOL noM µLKPll-
H ne1paµanKr't 51epeuvri017 eytve oe ooµtK6 o-rOLxeia veoaveye1p6µevri~ OLKo5oµr't~ µe TT] auaKeur't PROFOMETER 5 TT]~ eTOLpeia~ Proceq, yta TT] >-.e1Toupy[a Tou ono(ou eivOL anapa[TT]TTJ T']
Determination of spots where high risk of corrosion (because of high porosity) exists is the basic application of the method. Values smaller than 1OkOcm are considered to point out such a situation. On the other hand, values greater than 100k0cm indicate perfect protection of the steel by the concrete. Location of surface cracks and determination of thickness of concrete elements are some other applications of the method. An effort to set the resistivity value as a criterion of detection of corrosion is also in progress. From measurements taken in both an under construction b lock of flats and some fifty years old buildings it was found that the value of resistivity was greater than 1OOkOcm.
The rebar locating method The method is based on recording the variation of the intensity of the induced current flowing a coil when the coil is approached by metallic objects. According to manufacturing companies, modern instruments are able to locate rebars, estimate their cover and determine their diameter with an accuracy of ± 1mm, unless they are very closely situated. The experimental application took place in elements of an under construction block of flats using the PROFOMETER instrument, produced by Proceq company. In order to use th is instrument it is necessary to choose the d iameter of the rebars which will be located. It was proved that: a) Locating the rebars is absolutely exact, b) The measured by the instrument cover is connected with the chosen by the user d iameter with a relationship of type C=ad+l3, c) The determined diameter is not infl uenced by the chosen one. The measured by the instrument value is greater than the real one by 1-2mm. It seems that what the instrument measures is the supplement of the real diameter and the stripes. The measurement accuracy was proved to be approximately ±5mm.
The half-cell potential method The method is based on the measurement of the voltage between a rebar and an electrode, consisting of a bronze rod submerged in a saturated CuS04 solution (Cu/CuS04 halfcell). According to the Nerst theory the voltage value depends on the concentration of Fe+ 2 ions in the pore dilution. From the relative ASTM the voltage has been correlated with the probability of existence of steel corrosion. These fixed values (shown in the following table) have been intensely questioned. This fact is expectable, since the potential value depends on many factors (moisture, chloride content, carbonation, cover thickness etc).
Half-cell potential reading, vs. Corrosion activity Cu/CuS04 less negative than -200mV 90% probability of no corrosion between -200mV and -350mV an increasing probability of corrosion more negative than -350mV 90% probability of corrosion Locating areas of a structure where corrosion of the steel is in progress is the basic application of the method. Effort is also
npoemJ...oy17 on6 TO XPllOTTl TI7<; 5LoµeTpou TWV npoc; evrnmoµ6 pap5wv XOAUPO KOL OTT85E:ll;E: OTL: o) o evrnmoµ6c; n1c; 8e017c; TWV p6.p5wv etVOL OTTOAUTW<; OKplp17c;, P) ri npoo5LOPL½6µevri on6 TT] ou0Keu17 emKOAUljJrJ ouv58E:TOL µe TrJV enLAeyµevri an6 To XPllOTrJ 5L6.µnpo µe axi::011 TT]<; µopq>17c; c = ad+P, y) ri µeTpouµevri 5L6.µeTpoc; 5ev el;apT6.TOL on6 TT] 5L6.µeTpo nou exet enLAel;eL o XPllOTrJ<;. revtK6., ri nµ17 nou µeTpa TO 6pyavo e[vOL µeyaMTepri TI7<; npoyµonK17c; KOTO 1-2m m. <l>o[vnOL 6n TO 6pyovo µeTpa TO 6.Spmoµo TI7<; npoyµOTLK17<; 5LaµeTpOU µe TO TTOXO<; TWV pap5WOE:WV. H OKp[peLO TI7<; µeTPT]Oll<; ano5eix8rJKe 6n eivOL nep[nou ±5mm.
H µt8oi5oc; Tou i5uvaµ1Kou Tou 11µ10To1xtiou H µe8o5oc; pao[½E:TOL OTT] µeTprJOT] TT]<; 5LOq>Opac; 5uvaµLKOU µeTOl;u µLac; p6.p5ou xa>-upa Kl ev6c; T]AE:KTpo5[ou OTTOTE:AOUµevou on6 µ(a p6.p5o xo>-Kou eµpamLoµevri ae Kopeoµevo 5t6.Auµo CuS04 (rJµLOTotxe[o Cu/ CuS04). foµq>wva µe TT] Sewp[a Tou Nerst ri TLµ17 TOU 5uvaµ1Kou el;opTaTOL an6 TT] ouyKeVTpw017 TWV lOVTWV Fe+ 2 OTO 5LOAUµO TOU vepou TWV TTOpWV. An6 TO axenK6 ASTM ri nµ17 Tou 5uvaµtKou exet auaxenaeei µe TT]V m8av6TT]TO unapl;T]c; 5t6.Ppworic; TOU xo>-upa. Ta 6pLO TLµwv (nou q>OLVOVTOL OTOV TTIVOKO nou OKOAOU8e[) exouv oµq>toPTJTT]8e[ eVTova, yeyov6c; nou el;riyeiTOL on6 TrJV el;apTT]OT] TT]<; nµ17c; TOU 5uvoµLKOU OTTO TTOAAOU<; napayoVTE:<; (uypao[a, nepLeKTLKOTrJTO ae x>-wpL6VTa, evav8p6.KworJ, naxoc; E:TTLKOAUljJT]<; KTA.). T1111j liUVOIJIK0U 11111oro1xcfou Cu/CuSO4 Mgyahli1epo an6 -200mV
moav61111a tlnap~11c; li1appwa11c; 90% m8av6T11TO unap~17<; 1it6~pw017<;
Me1a~li -200mV KOL -350mV MtKp6rnpo an6 -350mV
Au~av6µeV17 m8av6T11TO 1it6~pw017<; 90% m8av6T11TO avunap~(a<; 1it6~pw017<;
made to use the method for the estimation of the corrosion rate. From measurements taken in buidings about fifty years old, where the existence of corrosion was clear, it was found that the measured voltage gave the impression that no problem exists, since the measured values were in all cases (with only one exception) less negative than -200mV. The conclusion made is that there can not be fixed potential values indicative of corrosion hazard and that the method must be calibrated in each building.
npoo61op1c,8d o a: 61«~apo( ouvcrpn;cm TI'\( mlNVdocr( 61a:~tTpou via pci~6ou.; ~8
-· --:: -
4. npoao1op100efoa arr6 ro 6pyavo 016.µerpoc:; reoo6.pwv p6.{3owv 08 yta rrpoemAeyefoa riµrj i5taµtrpou arr6 8 we; 30 mm. napaTTJpeirat 6r1 T/ µia,., riµrj efvat Myo µeyaJ..urepT/ rwv 10 mm. Estimated by the instrument diameter of four OB rebars for chosen by the user diameter varying from 8 to 30 mm. It is observed that the average is a bit greater than 10 mm.
> 250
BaOLKl7 eq>apµoy17 TT]<; µe865ou OTTOTE:Aet O E:VTOmoµ6c; TWV 017µeiwv µtac; KOTOOKeu17c; nou napoum6.½eTOL 5t6.Ppw017 Tou oKupoMµmoc;. Enioric;, y[veTOL npoon6.8eLo ri µe8o5oc; va )(pT]OLµeuoeL KOL YLO TI7 µeTpT]017 TOU pu8µou E:l;i::All;T]<; TT]<; 5LOppw017c;. An6 µeTp17oetc; nou eytvav ae KTLpLa rJALKiac; nep[nou neV17VTO eTwv, 6nou ri 5L6.Ppw017 Tou x6.Aupo 17Tav eµq>aV17c; npoeKuljJe OTL Ol µeTpT]Setoec; nµec; l7TOV Tl::TOLE:<; nou e5LVOV TI7V E:VTUTTW017 avunopl;iac; npoPMµmoc;, aqiou ae 6>-ec; nc; neptmwoetc; (TTAT]V µLac;) Ol TLµec; TOU 5uvaµLKOU l7TOV µeyoAUTepec; TOU -200mV. To ouµnepaoµa nou npoKumet e[vOL 6TL 5ev µnope[ va un6.pl;ouv yevtKll<; eq>opµoy17c; 6pta nµwv 5uvaµtKou KOL ea npeneL vo y(veTOL paeµov6µri017 TTJ<; µe865ou ae K6.8e KTLpLo.
.••""',..""250 ,oo IJ .,..,"".200 □
-200,..... .
■ .000 , "".350
< -500
5. ,pmptKTJ arr6ooa,., rwv riµwv ouvaµ1Kou rrou µerpfJ0T/Kav oe riooepa urrooruAwµara KTtpfou T/AtKfac:; rrep[rrou rrevrjvra erwv. 01 µerp,.,eefoec:; rtµic:; ouvaµtKou efvat arroAurwc:; Kae,.,ouxaor1Ktc:;, av Kai T/ 016./3pwa,., rjrav eµcpavrjc:;. Graphical display of the potential values measured at four columns of a fifty years old building. The measured potential values are absolutely soothing, although the corrosion was visible.
Lnup(owv Koup~c;, not-..mK6c; µT]xavLK6c;
ANTlrElrMIKH ENlrXYrH - AnOKATArTArH TOY lrTOPIKOY KOLlONOrTArlOY THL ANNOYNTLIATAL LTHN KEPKYPA Em~Mnouaa: Map(a Kapa~el;(ipoyAou-Weber, not-..mK6c; µrixavLK6c; Spyridon Kouris, civil engineer
VTLKdµevo TT]~ epeuva~ nou napoum61'.;eTOL eow anon:11.eoe T] µeMTT] TWV OLQOOXLKWV ~T]µOTWV E:Vl<JXUOT]~ µeXPL TT]V opLOTlKTJ QVTIOE:tOµtKr'j 8wp6KtOT] TOU KWOWVOOTQOIOU TT]~ K080ALKTJ~ E:KKAT]O(a~ TT]~ Announziata, ev6~ an6 Ta apxOL6Tepa µVT]µda TT]~ KepKUpa~. Me OT6xo Tov npocrotoptcrµ6 TWV napaµopcpwOE:WV, TT]~ E:VTOTLKTJ~ KQTQOTQOT]~ K08W~ KOL TT]V TQUTOTIOIT]OT] TWV UcplOTOµevwv pT]yµ6Twv nou napaTT]pfJ8T]KOV OTO KWOWVOOTOOLO £YLVE: OTQTLKTJ KOL OUVOµLKTJ QVOAUOT] TT]~ KarncrKeufJ~ µe emcpave10K6 nenepacrµeva OTotxda (Finite Element Method). LTTJV cruvexe1a ey1vav ell.eyxOL µe ~6ori TOV EupWKWOIK0-6 KOL OlE:peuvfJ8T]KOV µe8oi50L E:Vl<JXUOT]~ KOVOVTO~ vee~ ava,\ucre1~ KOL enaveMvxou~ TT]~ KarncrKeur'j~ µe OKOTIO TT]V E:UpE:OT] TOU ~a8µou ~E:ATIWOT]~ TIOU npocrcpepouv OTT]V an6KplOT] TOU ooµLKOU OUOTr'jµmo~.
lorop1K6 oro1x&fa -f&WIJ&Tpfa KOi na8oAoyfa Tl')<; KOTOOK&u~c; To µvriµe(o ~p(oKE:TOL crfJµepa ae KE:VTPLK6 oriµdo TT]~ na,\16~ n6AT]~ TT]~ KepKUpa~, KOL OUVO!::E:l TO eµnopLKO K!::VTpO TT]~ n6AT]~ µe TO lOTOplKO. np6KE:ITOL y10 £VO µVT]µeto TOU 1394 TIOU ouµcpwva µe TT]V TIQp6i500T] OlKOi5oµfJ8T]KE: an6 TOV eunmp(i5T] KepKupa(o nteTpO y1a va napaxwpried OTou~ epriµ(Te~ nmepe~ Tou Ay(ou AuyouOT(vou KOL OVTJKE: OTO eupmepo KTlptaK6 cruyKpOTT]µa AQTLVIKOU µovaOTT]ptou, To ono(o cp!Ao~evoucre µovaxou~ an6 i5t6cpopa T6yµarn. Evr6~ Tou vaou dxav evracptaOTd emcpavd~ neo6vre~ OTT]V Nauµax(a TT]~ Naun6KTou (1571), o oe Kopucpa(o~ lanav6~ cruyypacpfo~ Mtxar']ll. 0ep~6vre~ e(xe voorill.eu8e( Km6 TT]v nap6ooori, OTO vocroKoµe(o nou 01mripoucrav o(nll.a an6 TT]V E:KKAT]cr(a OL µovaxoL 0 va6~ ~oµ~api5(0TT]KE: 6nw~ KOL noM6 aK6µa 0~161'.oya µvriµda TT]~ KepKupa~ an6 TTJV LTOALKTJ KOL yepµavLKTJ aeponop(a, µe QTIOKOpUcpwµa TOV LE:meµ~plO TOU 1943 (yepµOVIKO( eµnpT]OTIKOl ~oµ~api510µ0Q.
An6 TO eupmepo µovaOTT]pLOK6 cruyKp6TT]µa i5tacrwi'.;eTOL crfJµepa µ6vo TO nupyoeti5£~ KWOWVOOTOOLO µe apKE:T!::~ cp8ope~ KOL exovra~ unoOTd aMo(wori OTT] ~6ori Tou an6 i5t6cpopa µern-
his study describes research carried out in order to examine the possibility of the antiseismic strenthening of a historical stone tower. The building was once the campanile of the Church of the Announziata in Corfu which now lies in ruins. An analytical model with 3D shell and frame elements (Finite Element Method) was developed for re-search into the structural behaviour, deformation and stress distribution of the tower under static and dynamic loading. The piers of the tower were checked in compliance with Eurocode 6 and methods were sought for strengthening the structural system while more analyses were carried out and a rechecking of the structure was performed in order to find out the degree of improvement these methods bore on the structure.
History -Geometry and pathology of structure The campanile of the Church of the Announziata is located in the town of Corfu at the point where the historical centre and the shopping centre of the town merge together. It was built in 1394 by an nobleman Corfiot named Pietro who donated it to the Augustinian Friars. The interior of the church once held the tombs of European generals who had lost their lives in the sea battle of Naupactus in 1571. There is also another tradition which claims that the famous Spanish writer, Thervantes, was once hospitalized in the monastery's infirmary which was situated close by the church. Along with many other noteworthy monuments, the church underwent bombing by the Italian and German air forces in September, 1943. Of the medieval monastery complex, only the campanile and part of the wall of the east aisle of the church have survived to the present day. The campanile is a stone tower with a square ground plan. The walls of the tower face the four points of the compass and each of the four walls has an exterior breadth of 4.5 m. The height of the tower is 19.83 m. The structure of the campanile is composed of stone walls with larger, carved stones at the corners. The interior has three storeys which have floors of solid brick
To KWOWVOOTCIOIO Kat t:KKArJO{a TT/C: Announziata 6rrwc; arretKOv{(emt oe yKpa{3oupa rric; erroxrjc;. The campanile and the church of the Announziata in past picture.
constructed over vaults and there are also two wooden lofts. In the structural system nowdays can be observed deep vertical and diagonal cracking.
Static and dynamic analysis of the monument
1. To Kwowvoor6.ow TT/C: Announziata 6rrwc; otaow(em, orjµepa. The campanile of the Announziata, as it has survived nowdays.
yevean:pa npOOKrtOµOTa, K08c.iJc; KOL EVO epemwµevo Tµr'jµa TOU OVOTOA.lKOU KA.LTOU<;, µe even(ypacpri µapµ6ptvri TIA.OKO OTT"]V onoio µvriµoveueTOL ri TOcpTJ Twv neo6VTwv XPtOTtavwv OTT"] µeYMT7 vouµoxio TT"]c; Naun6Krou. To Kwowvom6oto exet TT"] µopcpr'j nupyou µe rnTp6ywvri K6To4JT7- Ot ni\..eupec; TOU d;WTE:plKO exouv µr']Koc; 4,5 µ. nep(nou KOL E:IVOL KOTO npooeyytOT] npOOOVOTOAtOµevec; OTO TEOOE:pa OT]µefo TOU op(~OVTO. To Ulj.JO<; TOU nupyou cpTOVE:l TO 19,83 µ. 0 cpepwv opyovtoµ6c; TOU KWOWVOOTOOLOU OTIOTE:A.E:LTOL KUpiwc; on6 i\..t8oooµr'j cpumKwv i\..(8wv, orii\..oor'j opyoi\..t8oooµr'j µe T7µV1.6E;euTO oyKwv6pto. LTO E:OWTE:plKO unapxouv Tpetc; 6pocpot on6 80A.WTO nmwµoTO on6 ni\..tvSoooµr'j auµnoywv om6ni\..tv8wv, evw unapxouv en(OT]c; KOL Mo E;ui\..tvo nm6pto. To µvriµdo ar'jµepo nopouot6~et EVTOVE:<; KOTOK6pucpec; KOL OlOYWVlE:<; pT7yµOTWOE:l<;. ITOTIK~ KOi l>UVOIJIK~
av6Auo11 TOU IJVfllJ&IOU
ITT"]v ovai\..uOT] TOu Kwowvomaoiou o unoi\..oytoµ6c; Twv µrixaVtKwv XOPOKrrJplOTlKWV TT"]<:; TOlXOTIOltO<; EYlVE: ouµcpWVO µe TOV yepµovtK6 Kavovtoµ6 DIN 1052, o onoioc; o(oet TT"]V 8AtmtKTJ OVTOXTJ TOlXOTIOltO<:; OOµT7µEVT7 OTTO cpUOlKOU<:; i\..(Souc; KOL TO anornMoµma ouyKpi8T7Kav µe auT6 nou npoeKUmav on6 Tov EupwKwotKa-6. rta va eivOL TO anoTeMoµma npoc; TrJV nAeup6 TT"]<; aocpai\..etac; emMxSrJKOV Ol ouoµevemepec; nµec;. H OlOKplTOTIOLT"]OT] TOU KWOWVOOTOOLOU y(veTOL KOL OTtc; 3 OlE:USuvoetc; npoona8wVTac; vo onooo8d ri npoyµmtKTJ KOTOOTOOTJ µe 0Kpil3eto. To Kwowvom6oto npoooµotwveTOt µe emcpovetoK6 mmxdo Tunou shell {436 emcpavetaK6) Ko8wc; KOL 33 ypaµ-
For the analysis of the campanile, the mechanical properties for vertical masonry were computed in accor-dance with the German Code DIN 1052, which gives the characteristic strength in compression for masonry stones and the results were compared with Eurocode-6. In order to ensure that the final results would be within the safety mar-gin, the lowest rate was selected. The structure was modelled using Finite Element Method with 436 rectangular (4-nodes), triangular (3-nodes) shell elements with 6-degrees of freedom in each node and 33 frame elements. The in-plane behavior of the walls of the campanile is membrane behaviour and the out-of-plane be-haviour is plate-bending behaviour. The direction of ground acceleration loading corre-sponded to the X,Y,Z direction of SAP 2000. The seismic effects were computed according to the current Greek Code, which is in agreement with the international recommenda-tions in the field. For the mode-superposition analysis of the campanile subjected to dynamic loads, the Ritz-vector analysis was carried out.
Proposal of strengthening 1. Restoration of the diaphragmatic function in the level of the floors As a first step in the antiseismic strengthening of the monument, it was decided to restore the diaphragmatic function in the levels of the floors. In order to do this, the floor surface was removed, revealing the horizontal struc-tural system (solid brick floors covering vaulted ceilings). A reinforcement of steel matrix T188 (S500) was then placed on the upper level of the floors and the matrix was then welded to bars Cl>6 or Cl>8 from which the floors were sus-pended. The bars functioned as «hangers». They were joined to the solid bricks with emaco cement and perceptibly decreased the stress exerted by the vaults on the lateral walls. The difference lay in the fact that the shell elements which simulated the arched ceilings under the floors
P~wmw cro, Ano1l.o1wcre1, ■ ct;w 1cp1Kou cropci
D □ 3. AnoTunwCJrJ naeoJ.oy{ac; mu µVT]µdou (c5uTtKrj 6t/HJ). Pathology of monument with basic cracking pattern (west view).
µtK6. Ot Totxonot(ec; 0rJAO0r'] npoaoµotwvovrOL we; nA6Kec;, ouv6µevec; va napaM~ouv evr6ae1c; evr6c; KOL eKT6<; Tou emm:oou TOU<;. H OELOµLKTl cp6pnari TOU KW0WVOOTOOLOU eytve auµcpwva µe TOV EMrivtK6 AvrtaetaµtK6 Kavov1aµ6 2000. H ouvaµtKr'] cpaaµaTtKr'] µe8oooc; nou ecpapµ60TT']KE OTO KW0WVOOT0OLO neptA0µ~6VEl rnr']pri l0LOµopcptKr'] OVMUOT'] TOU aumr']µmoc;, UTIOAOy1aµ6 TT']<; µeyLOTT']<; OELOµLKr']<; 0TI0KplOT']<; YL0 K08E LiStoµopcpr'J rnMvrwaric; KOL n:Ao<; TETPOYWVlKTl ETIOAAT']ALO TWV µeyLOTWV totoµopcptKwv anoKp(aewv. LT6xoc; TT']<; EAOOTLKr']<; av6Auaric; nou EKTEAELTOL &(vOL o npoao1op1aµ6c; Twv napaµopcpwaewv, TT']<; EVfOTLKr']<; KOTOOTOOT']<; K08W<; KOL rJ TOUTOTIOLT']OT'] TWV UcplOT0µ&VWV priyµ6TWV nou napaTT']pouvrOL OTO KW0WVOOT0OLO.
n p61aori &VIO)(UOl"I<; 1. AnoKOT0OTOOT] 0la<ppayµanKr']<; Amoupy(ac; 110 TrJV avrtaetaµtKr'] 8wp6KLOrJ anocpaa(OTrJKE we; npc.iJTO r']mo µeTpO EVLoXUOrJ<; TOU µVT']µE(ou I"] OTIOKOT0OTOOT'] TT']<; 0L0cppayµanKr']<; A&LToupy(ac; mt<; m68µec; Twv op6cpwv. AnoKMumeTOL O OPL½0vrLO<; cpepwv opyavtaµ6c;, QKOAOu8wc; TOTI08ET&LTOL onAtaµ6c; an6 np6TUno nMyµa T188 (S500) OTT'] 6vw m68µri Twv 8oAwTwv nmwµ6Twv KOL 0KOAou8e( auyK6Mriari Tou nMyµoTO<; µe ayKupLO <1>6 r'] <1>8 nou OUOLOOTLK0 A&lTOupyouv we; «ovapTr']pec;». AuT6 auvMovrOL µe TOu<; auµnaye(c; om6nAtv8ouc; µe 1axupr'] TmµevroKov(a Tunou emaco µetwvovroc; nc; w8r']aetc; nou oaK&L o 86Aoc; moue; nAeuptKouc; To(xouc;. Tf:Ao<; dvOL onopo(TrJTrJ ri nAr']pwari Twv pwyµwv µe eveµmo. Anoum6½ouv mo OTOTLK6 µovreAo nMov TO OTOLX&LO shell nou npoaoµotwvouv TO 80AWT0 nmwµmo KOL I"] unop~rJ nMov TWV OKOµmwv nmwµ6Twv Aoµ~6veTOL Twpo un6ljJrJ µe KLVT']µmtKr'] Maµeuari TWV K6µ~wv TT']<; opocpr']c; K68e op6cpou an6 TL<; µeToKtvr']aetc; TOU Kevrpou ~6pouc; TWV 80AWTWV nmwµ6TWV.
np6Taori &VIO)(UOl"I<; 2. AnoKOT0OTQOT] 0tacppayµanKr']c; AELTOUpy(ac; KOL e~wn:p1Kec; µernM1Kec; pacpec; moue; Toixouc;
Mto OAAT'] 0UVOT0TT']TO ou~riaric; TOU ~o8µou &v(axuaric; UAOTIOlELTQl µe onoKm6moari TT']<; otocppoyµmtKr']<; AELToupy(oc; mtc;
4. laornatKic; (op1t;6vm:c; opeic; T6ae1c;) y1a ae1aµ1Krj cp6pTtCJrJ am ucptaTdµevo KWc5WVOaTQOIO, yta TrJV t:KT6c; emnic5ou c5p6CJr]. Stress pattern (horizontal normal stress) of the original building under seismic loading in out-of-plane direction and the cracking pattern which was caused in the monument.
were absent and the existence of rigid floors was now taken into account with kinematical constraint of the nodes on the ceil-ing of each storey from the shifting of the centre of weight of the floors covering the vaults.
Proposal of strenthening 2. Restoration of the diaphragmatic function in the level of the floors and metal tendon in walls Another possible way of increasing the degree of re-inforcement may be done by restoring the diaphragmatic function in the levels of the floors and by placing metal "seams" in between the levels of the floors in the form of exterior immovable tendons. Analyses were then made and tests were carried out for limit state. The results showed some improvement with regard to the strengthening of the diaphragmatic function in the levels of floors which lay mainly in the out-of-plane bending moment. However, no difference was observed in the results for the inplane bending moment and shear strength.
Proposal of strenthening 3. Restoration of the diaphragmatic function in the level of the floors and application of gunite on (interior side) walls In spite of the great improvement of the rate of sufficiency of the monument for the out-of-plane horizontal seismic action (85%), the rates of sufficiency still remained low (under 50%) for the control of in plane bending and shear [proposal 2]. This pointed to the need for improvement of the ductility of the structural system. A new form of intervention was therefore decided upon, involving the application of gunite to the (interior side) walls of the campanile and the restoration of the diaphragmatic function in the floor levels. In addition, a proposal was made to strengthen the foundation
ar66µec; Twv op6cpwv KOL µernM1Ktc; pacptc; evo16µecra TWV OTa6µwv TWV op6cpwv un6 TT]V µopcp11 e~wTepLKWV na617TLKWV ei\KUOT'lPWV. AKoi\oueouv av0Mcre1c; KOL y(veTaL ti\evxoc; optOKllC: KOT6aracrric; aarox[ac;. np0Kume1 Twpa ei\acppa mo ~ei\nwµtvri e1K6va ae axtari µe T17v ev(crxucrri µ6vo µe 01acppayµaTLKl1 i\moupy(a OTLC: OT66µec; TWV op6cpwv, nou tyKeLTOL KUp(wc; 0Tl7V eKT6c; emntoou Kaµlj.117 Tou cpopfo, evw oev napaTT]petTOL 01acpopono(17017 Twv anoTei\ecrµ6Twv y10 eVT6c; emntoou Kaµlj.117 KOL 016Tµ17017.
because of the new topical loadings (from the gunite application) and also because of the developing forces. A shallow under-foundation was applied which was able to withstand the new additional stress. Specifically, long joists were fashioned in order to take the load transferred from the gunite and these simultaneously contributed to the strengthening of the existing foundations. The strengthening of the foundation was done using the "cupboard method", that is to say, progressively d igging and laying down cement in stages, before moving on and repeating the process, both externally and internally, around the perimeter of the foundation.
AnOKOTQOTOCJ17 OLOcppayµOTLKrJC: i\moupy(ac; KOL KOTaaKeu11 µov6ni\eupou µavMa
!t10µ1Koi auv6uaaµoiy1a K<Iµljll") tKT6<; tmm:6ou
nap6i\17 TT]V ulj.J17i\11 ~ei\T(wcrri (np6TOCJ17 2) TOU TIOCJOOTOU enapKf:LOC: Tou µvriµdou y10 T17v eKT6c; en(ntoou op1½6VT10 cre1crµLKl1 op6cr17 (85%), eVTouT01c; napaµtvouv xoµ17M TO nocroar6 en6pKe1ac; (K6Tw Tou 50%) an6 TOuc; eMvxouc; cre Kaµlj.117 eVT6c; emntoou KOL 01aw11crri npayµa nou Karnoe1Kvue1 TT]V av6yK17 ~f:ATLWCJ17C: TTJC: TIA.OOTLµOTl7TOC: TOU OOµlKOU OUOT'lµOTOC:, WOTf: va enLTeuxeeC µ10 ni\11pwc; 0VT1ae1crµLKl1 KOTacrKeu11. Anocpacr(½eTm i\om6v tva vfo oX11µ0 eneµ~acrewv µe TT]V KOTOcrKeull µov6ni\eupou µavoua (eawrnpLKO Tou Kwowvoaracr(ou) KOL TT]V anoKOTOOTOCJ17 TTJC: 01acppayµanKllC: i\e1Toupy(ac; OTLC: ar66µec; Twv op6cpwv. npoTdveTOL emnMov µ(a ev(crxucrri TTJC: 6eµei\1wcrewc; Myw Twv vtwv cpopT(wv, cruyKeKp1µtva KOTOcrKeu6½oVTOL ulj.J(Kopµec; ooKo( µe ar6xo T17v napai\0~11 Twv cpopT(wv nou µerncptpoVTOL an6 Touc; µavMec;, cruyxp6vwc; 6µwc; cruµ~6Mouv CJT17V ev(crxucrri Twv ucp1araµtvwv 6eµei\(wv. H ev(crxucrri TTJC: 6eµei\(wcrric; y(veTOL µe T17v µt6ooo Twv «VToui\amwv» 017i\0011 µe OTOOlOKll UTIOCJKO<pll, crKUpOMTl70l7 KOL enavoi\17lj.J17 TWV epyamwv T6cro e~wTep1K6 6cro KOL ecrwrnpLKO CJT17V nep1µeTpLKl1 ½WVll TllC: 6eµei\iw017c;.
Am oxfa 15%
Em:ip K£1a 85 % 5. noaoana{a auyKevrpwnK6 arrornAiaµam rou ev1axuµivou cpopia µe op1(6vrw owcppayµam KGI µemM1Kic; pacpic;, arr6 rouc; eAiyxouc; µe {36ar, rov EupwKwo1Ka-6 yw K6µt/JrJ eKT6c; €TTITT£00U.
Percentage of results for testing of masonry structure of campanile (rigid diaphragms + metal tendon) using Eurocode-6. Piers were checked for out-plane bending (green=sufficiency, red= failure).
'E W:<:!.HJl?~ll\llX
:,-,.....,_lJ..-.{~" 41218,lll61\0
µa:VWll,ol.llle (C20J25)7cr.i
7. KamaKWQaTIKTJ J..emoµipe1a ayKUPWarJ<; TOU µavoua aTO awµa TrJ<; ro1xorro11ac;.
Details of structure of gunite.
6. KamaKeuaar1Krj J..emoµipew evfaxuar,c; TrJ<; eeµeMwar,c;. Details of strengthening of foundation.
Kpua1aA.A.ev1a Kou1aoy16vvri, no11mK6c; µrixavtK6c;
EnlnPALH TOY AOrOY NEPOY nPOL KONIA LTHN ANAnTY=H ANTOXHL YnPAYAIKQN KONIAMATQN Em~Mnouaa: lw6vva nanay16vvri, noAmK6c; µrixavtK6c; Krystallenia Koutsogianni, civil engineer
OLTIAWµOTtKr'j QUTr'j epyaa(a EVTOOOE:Tat OTO TIA.OLOIO HJ<; epyOITTT]ptaKr']<; epeuvac; nou £XE! avamux8d OTO Epyamr']pto l10µ1Kwv YA.tKwv, axenK6 µe TTJ mepewOT] Kat QTIOKQTQOTQOT] lOTOptKr']<; TOlXOTIOt(ac; Kat yevtKCl lOTOptKWV µVT]µdwv. 0 npol3Al']µanaµ6c; nou OT]µtoupye(TOt yupw OTTO TO 8eµa TWV ETIEµi300EWV Kat OUYKEKptµeva TWV UA.lKWV nou Sa npenet va XPT]atµonotrJ8ouv ae auTe<;, K08tm6 emTaKTLKr'j TT]V QVOYKTJ axeotaaµou KOVtaµOTWV TWV ono(wv TO UALKO OUV8EOT]<;, T] QVOA.oy(a TOU<; Kat TO µl']XOVlKCl XOPOKTT]ptOTLKO Touc; va e(vat nap6µ01a µe auTwv nou npounapxouv. 0 aKon6c; TTJ<; napouaac; omAwµanKr'j<; epyaa(ac; dvat va anoTeMaet eva xpr'Jatµo epyaA.e(o OTO axeotaaµ6 uopaUA.lKWV KOVLOµOTWV, £Tat WITTE va napexe1 TO KQTOAAT]A.Q napaooataKO uA.tK6, TTJV avOA.oy(a auTwv Kat TTJV avOA.oy(a vepou/Kov(ac;, av6Aoya µe n1v EKOITTOTE K68e cpopa nep(mwOT] anoKm6maOT]c;.
r1a TO aKon6 auT6 ey1ve µ(a npoan68e1a va µeAETT]8e( Tl en(opaOTJ TOU Myou vepou npoc; KOVLQ OTT]V avamuE;T] avroxr'Jc; uopOUA.lKWV KOVLOµOTWV. EmotWKETat OT]AOOr'j T] EntA.oyr'] KQTC!MT]A.OU uopauA.tKou Kov16µmoc; l3aaiaµevou ae napaooataKO uAtK6, wme va TIATJpouvrat 01 anatTr'jaetc; auµl3m6TTJTO<; µe TTJV unapxouaa 1mop1Kr'] rn1xono1ia. Ta uA.tK6 nou XPTJatµonotr'J8TJKOv yta auT6 TO aKon6 dvat 6al3emoc; E;TJpr'J, neptEKTLKOTTJrnc; ae Ca(OH)2 LOT] µe 61,7% K.l3, TIOU½OA.OVT] A ElOLKOU l36pouc; 1,863 Kat nou½oAavtK6TTJTO<; 2,95 MPa, nou½OA.OVTJ B etotKou l36pouc; 1,903 Kat TIOU½OAOVLKOTT]TO<; 10,46 MPa, A.WKO TatµeVTO, np6TUTIT] aµµoc; Kat pWOTOTiotT]Tr']<; Glenium.
Fo r this purpose, there has been an effort of researching the influence of the water/binder ratio on strength at hydraulic mortars. In other words it is aimed the selection of an appropriate hydraulic mortar based on traditional materials, in order to fulfill the requirements of compatibil ity w ith the existing historical stonework. The materials which have been used for this purpose are: dry lime, which content of Ca(OH) 2 is equal with 61,7% its weight, pozzolan A, which specific gravity is equal w ith 1,863 and pozzolanicity index equal with 2,95 MPa, pozzolan B, which specific gravity is equal with 1,903 and pozzolanicity index equal with 10,46 MPa, white cement, standard sand and liquidizer of Glenium.
napOOKWOOTT]KQV OUVOA.LKQ 48 OOKLµOITTLK£<; OUV8£0EL<; uopauA.tKwv Kov1aµ6Twv, 6nou an6 K68e µta napax8TJKav 6 nptaµOTLKO OOK(µta OLQOTQOEWV 4x4x16 EK. OA.€<; OUT£<; Tl<; auv8foetc; TJ KOTO l36poc; avOA.oy(a TT]<; Kov(ac; npoc; Ta aopavr'] (np6TUTITJ 6µµoc;) napaµevet ma8epr'] Kat (OTJ µe 1:3.
There have been manufactured totally 48 workout compositions of hydraulic mortars and there have been compounded 6 prismatic specimens of dimensions 4x4x16 cm , from each of those. In all these compositions the at weight ratio of binder:aggregate (standard sand) remains stable and equal with 1:3.
Ot napayovrnc; otacpopono(TJOTJ<; TWV auv8foewv nou npayµaTonotr']8T]KOV acpopouv TT]V EntA.oyr'] TWV UA.LKWV Kat TO noaom6 auµµernxr']c; auTwv ae K68e auv8eOT], TTJV anatTouµeVT] epyaatµ6TT]TO TOU K08€ µ(yµmoc;, TJ ono(a EntTUYXOVETOl µe TT]V KO-
The modification factors of the compositions, that have been manufactured, concern the selection of the materials and their participation percentage in each compos ition, the required workability of each mixture, which is achieved by adding the
his project is incorporated in the framework of the laboratorial research that has been developed in the Laboratory of Structural Materials, with reference to the consolidation and restoration of historical stonework and historical monuments in general. The speculation that haw been created around the matter of intervention and specifically around the materials that should be used in restorations, makes imperative the need of planning mortars which materials of composition, their ratio and their mechanical characteristics should be similar with those that preexist. The purpose of the present project is to become a useful tool in the planning of hydraulic mortars in order to provide the appropriate trad itional materials, their ratio and the water/binder ratio, depending on the each time case of restoration.
1. LlOK[µta µiaa OTO 06Aaµo auvrrjpryar,c;. The prismatic specimens in the preservation room.
T6M17t..17 noo6T17rn vepou nou XPl7otµonot£LTOL yta T17v napaOK£UT] QUTOU, T'7 XPT]O'l f] 6xt p8UOTOTIOLT"JTT], T'7V npoo8f]K17 AWKOU TotµEVTOU KOL Tl7 ot6.pK£La ouvTf]p17017c; TWV OOKLµ[wv TOuc;.
appropriate quantity of water at its manufacture, the use or not of liquidizer, the addition of white cement and the duration of the preservation of their specimens,
M£TQ Tl7V napaOK£UT] TWV nptoµanKWV OOKLµ[wv Tl7c; KC1.8£ ouv8£0'7c; KOL Tile; ouvTf]p17of]c; TOuc; oe KOT6M17t..o 86.Aaµo £A£YX6µeV17c; SepµoKpao[ac; KOL uypao[ac; (90%) aKot..ou8170£ EA£YXoc; Tl7c; QVTOXT]c; QUTWV 0£ Ka.µlj.117 KOL 8ALljJT], µETPTJO'l TOU nopwoouc; TOUc;, TOU ouvaµLKOU µfapou £AQOTLK6Tl7TC1.c; TOuc; KOL TOU £LOLKou TOuc; ~6.pouc;, T6oo m1c; 28 600 KOL m1c; 91 riµi::pec; ouVTf]p17of]c; TOuc;.
After the manufacture of the prismatic specimens of each composition and their preservation in an appropriate room of controlled temperature and humidity (90%) followed the examination of their durability at flexural and compressive strength, the measurement of their porosity, their dynamic meter of elasticity and their specific gravity, in 28 and 91 days of preservation.
rev1K6. napOTTJP£LTOL 6T1 17 ausTJO'l Tile; eE;6.nt..w017c; Twv uopauAlKwv Koviaµ6.Twv an6 10± 1 cm oe 12± 1 cm, 14± 1 cm KOL 16± 1 cm, Ol7AOOT] T] OUST]O'l Tile; £pyao1µ6T17T6.c; TOUc;, npOKQA£L KOT6. Kav6va µe[w017 Tile; aVToxf]c; TOuc; 0£ Ka.µljJT] KOL 8ALljJT], OUSTJO'l TOU nopwoouc; TOuc; KOL µ£LW0'7 TOU OUVOµlKOU µi::Tpou £AOOTLK6T17T6.c; TOuc; KOL TOU £LOLKOU TOuc; ~6.pouc;, T6oo KOT6. Tl7 OlC1.pK£lQ OUVTT]pT]of]c; Touc; OTLc; 28 600 KOL OTLc; 91 T]µEp£c;. H npoo8f]K17 TOU p8UOTOTIOll7TT] npOKQA£l µdw017 TOU QTIOLTOUµevou V£pOU npOK£LµEVOU VO napax8ouv UOpOUAlKCl KOVlClµOTa T17c; [otac; avOAoy[ac; Twv [otwv UALKwv KOL T17c; (01ac; eE;6.nt..w017c; µe rn aVT(mmxa. Touc; nou oev nepti::xouv pwmonOLTJTT]. AK6µT] 17 npo08T]Kl7 TOU p8UOTOTIOLT]TT] npOKOA£l KOTQ Kav6va OUSl70'7 TTJc; aVToxf]c; oe Ka.µljJT] KOL St..ilJ.ITJ, µdw017 Tou nopwoouc; KOL 0USl70'7 TOU OUVOµLKOU µi::TpOU £AQOTlK6T17TOc; KOL TOU £l0lKOU ~6.pouc;.
Generally it is noticed that the increase of the extension of the hydraulic mortars from 10±1 cm to 12±1 cm , 14±1 cm and 16± 1 cm , in other words the increase of their workability causes the decrease of their durability at flexural and compressive strength, the increase of their porosity and the decrease of their dynamic meter of elasticity and their specific gravity both in 28 and 91 days of preservation . The addition of liquidizer causes the decrease of the required quantity of water in order to be manufactured hydraulic mortars of the1, same ratio of same materials and of the same extension with their equivalents, which do not contain liquidizer. Furthermore, the addition of liquidizer causes the increase of durability at flexural and compressive strength, the decrease of porosity and the increase of dynamic meter of elasticity and specific gravity.
·ooov mpop6. TTJV auE;riori TT]c; noo6Trirnc; Tou A£UKou rntµi::VTou OT'7 OUV8£0'7 TWV uopaUAlKWV KOVLOµa.TWV, OUTT] npOKOA£l µ£LW0'7 TOU QTIOLTOUµ£VOU vepou. En[017c; Tl OUST]O'l TT]c; noo6T17Tac; TOU A£UKOU TOlµEVTOU an6 0 0£ 0,20 KOL 0,40 npOKQA£l Y£VlKQ OUSTJO'l T17c; QVTOXT]c; 0£ Ka.µlj.117 KOL 8ALljJT], µ£LW0'7 TOU nopwoouc; KOL auE;170'7 TOU ouvaµ1KOU µi::Tpou £AQOTLK6T17Tac; KOL TOU £LOLKOU ~6.pouc;,
As far as the increase of the quantity of white cement at the composition of the hydraulic mortars is concerned, it causes the decrease of the required water. Also the increase of the quantity of white cement from Oto 0.20 and 0.40 causes generally the increase of durability at flexural and compressive strength, the decrease of porosity and the increase of dynamic meter of elasticity and specific gravity.
Avroxq oc Kliµljln: do~EOT0<; (1) + ll0U~0>.dvn B (0,60) + A&UK0 101µtv10 (0,40) + P
3,5 3,0 2,5 .;;-
□ 2a
■ 91
~ 2,0
1,5 1,0 0,5
2. l!.caypaµµa avroX17c; OE: KaµtjJ'7.
0,0 10(6.1.1)
Chart of durability at flexural strength.
12 (6.1.2)
14 (6.1.3)
16 (6.1.4)
E11flipaon rou Aoyou N/K ornv av10xq oc Kaµljln Km oro 11op<i>li&~ (28 nµtpc~): do~EOT0<; (1) + ll0U~o>.dvn B (0,60) + A&UK6101µtv10 (0,40) + P
3,2 ~ -- , - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - , - 11,0 3,0
"" w
·C' X 0
.;;c.. ~ C'
,c, 0
3. l!.caypaµµa err[opaa,-,c; rou A6you NIK OTT')V QVfOX1] OE: KOµtjJ'7 KQI OTO nopw&c;. Chart of the influence of the water/binder ratio on durability at flexural strength and on porosity.
1,6 - t - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - r - - - - - - r - - - - - - t - 7,0 0,44
napmripe(Tm aK6µri 6n ri au~riO'T'J TT')c; i5t6pKetac; auVTT]pT'JO'T')c;
0,52 N/K
--.- Av10xn o& KciµljJn (MPa) ..,._ nopwoe<; (%)
iSuvaµLKOU µeTpou £AQOTLKOTT)Tac; KOi µetWO'T') TOU nopwiSouc; Km Tou etiSLKOU ~apouc;. TeAoc; iStamOTwveTm 6n 17 ouµneptcpopa TT')c; noui';oMvric; B dvm KaAUTepri an' auT17v TT')c; noui';oMvric; A.
It is also noticed that the increase of the duration of the preservation of the hydraulic mortars from 28 to 91 days causes generally the increase of durability at flexural and compressive strength, the increase of dynamic meter of elasticity and the decrease of porosity and specific gravity. Finally it is realised that the behaviour of pozzolan 8 is better than this of pozzolan A.
revtK6 Ta anoTeMoµma nou npoeKutjJav napoumai';oVTm tKavonotT')TLK6 KOL µeoa OTa npo~Aen6µeva 6pta.
Generally, the results that have been come up are satisfying and most of them are expectable.
Twv uopauAtKwv Kovtaµ6Twv an6 28 ae 91 riµepec; npoKaAe( yevtK6 au~T')O'T'J TT')c; aVTox11c; ae KOµtjJT') KOL 8A(tjJT), au~riO'T'J Tou
Eniopaoq rnu Aoyou NIK OTqv avrnxlj a& 8Aitjlq Km OTO napci>o&~ (91 qp&p&~): ao~ea-mc; (1) + nou~oMVTJ A (0,80) + keuK6 T01µtv10 (0,20) 6,0
-;;,~ <="
,< CD
"' 0 4,0 ><
s: 0
'°"'a. a
4. L116ypaµµa errfopaaric; wu A6you NIK OTTJV avroxrj ae 0MtjJrJ KQl OTO rropwoec;.
-r- Avrox~ oe 0>.tljJTJ (MPa) ........ nopw1iec; (%)
Chart of the influence of the water/binder ratio on durability at compressive strength and on porosity.
AUVOIJIKO M&TpO EADOTIKOTqTD~ (28 qlJCp&~) ao~eoroc;: TTOU~OAGVT] A: AEUKO rmµtvro
0,16 0,14
0,12 -;;,-
(!);; ,0
µe P xwpic; P
0,04 0,02 0,00 1:1:0
1:0,80:0,20 OOKIIJIO IJ& &~onAwoq 12
5. f116ypaµµa f1uvaµ1Kou MiTpou EAaar1K6TTJTa<:;. Chart of Dynamic Meter of Elasticity.
Xp1a1(va Kwa1onouA.ou, no11.mK6c; µrixavtKoc;
~IEPEYNHLH THL 0EPMIKHL LYMnEPl<t>OPAL MIAL nAPA~OLIAKHL KATOIKIAL TOY BOPEIOEJ\J\A~IKOY XOPOY KAI 01 ~YNATOTHTEL BEJ\TIOLHL THL Em~Mnovn:c;: LiriµfJ1pric; Apa~av11v6c;, no>..mK6c; µrixavtK6c;, LiT]µf}1pric; Mn(Kac;, apxm:KTwv µrixavtK6c; Christina Kostopoulou, civil engineer
omAwµanK17 epyaoia otepeuv6 Tl")V evepyeLOKll ouµneptcpop6 TOU KTlplOKOU KeMcpouc; µtac; napaoooLOKl7<; KOTOlKLO<; OTO ~opetOeAAOOlKO XWPO KOi av1xveue1 Tl<; ouvaT6Tf)Tec; ~eATiworic; TT)<;. LUyKeKptµeva, e~eT6i'.;e1 Ta yev1K6 xopaKTflPLOTLK6 TOU KTLptaKou Tunou nou auT17 eKnpoowne[, OKt0ypacpe1 nc; KAtµanKec; ouv817Kec; one; onoiec; ~pioKeTOl eKTe8e1µtvri KOi KOTOTTIV OTTOTUTTWVel, µe TT) ~0178eLO KOT0/1.Al")AOU npoooµo1wnKou npoyp6µµmoc;, HJ 8epµ1K17 an6ooori Tou KeMcpouc;, T6oo OTT)V ucptoT6µevri KOTOOTOOI") auTou, 600 KOi oe uno8eTLKE<; napOAAOyµevec; ot0µopcpwoe1c; TOU.
To KTtp10 nou µeAeT6Tm ~pioKeTOl OTl")V n6Af) TT)<; Ka0Top16c; KOi anoTeAet µia an6 Ttc; TTOA0t6Tepec; owi'.;6µevec; opxovnKec; KOTOlKtec; TT)<; nept6oou TT)<; 6ljJ1µric; TOUpKOKpOTiac; OTl")V nep1ox17. Le OVTt8eari µe TL<; nepLOOOTepec; n6Aetc; KOi OlKtoµouc;, nou, Ka8wc; avamuoooVTm oe µia nAayt6 17 oinAa OTT) 86Aaooa, OTpE<pOVTOl e~· OAOKA!7pou npoc; ouyKeKpLµevo ariµEio TOU opii'.;oVTa, ri Ka0Top16 otaKpivnm y10 TflV LOLoµopcpia Tou 01TTAOU nap0Aiµv1ou µeTwnou, nou unayopeuet we; "npovoµ1ouxouc;" 6MoTe TO ~6pe10 KOi 6MoTe TO VOTLO npoOOVOTO/I.L0µ6. 11' auT6 KOi fl nAeLOljJT)cpia Twv opxoVTLKwv KTLoµ6Twv TWV nporivouµevwv mwvwv napmaoo6rnv KOT6 µ17Koc; TT)<; v6nac; Km TT)<; ~6petac; napOAiac;.
he dissertation investigates the energy performance of a traditional residential building in Northern Greece and the potential to improve it. First, the general characteristics of the building type represented by this specimen are examined. An outline of the climatic conditions to which the building is exposed is then provided. Finally, the thermal performance of the building envelope is estimated through use of an appropriate software application, both ior its actual condition as well as for several hypothetical configurations.
The house under study is located in the city of Kastoria and constitutes one of the oldest preserved mansions in the region , dating back to the late Turkish domination era. Though most cities and settlings that are developed along a slope or coast tend to look toward a certain point of the horizon, the double lakeshore that is distinctive of Kastoria renders both the northern and the southern orientations privileged. Due to this peculiarity the ma-
To OPXOVTLK6 Tou Tmmoan6, nou e~n6i'.;nm OTl")V epyaoia, ~PLOKeTOL OTT) ~6peta napOAIO KOi aveyep8f)Ke yupw OTO µfoa Tou 18ou mwva. Km6 Kmpouc; KOTOLKl78f)Ke an6 01aooxtKec; yevtec; ot0cpopenKwv 01Koyevetwv, wo6TOu nepteneoe oe OXPfl010, yta va anaM0Tp1w8e1 TeALK6 an6 TO Ynoupydo noALTloµou OTO 1987. Ta KOTomv6 XP6vta OL apµ6otec; unripwiec; Tou unoupydou npoxwprioov oe epyaoiec; ouVT17priaric; KOi anoKOT60Toaric; eni µepouc; OTotxEiwv Tou KTLpiou, OL onoiec; wOT6oo oev txouv aK6µri OAOKAT)pw8eL
To opxoVTLK6 avamuooern1 oe Tfooeptc; OT68µec;. H KOTWTOTfl OT68µri (to6ye10) <pLAo~evouoe Kupiwc; ano8f)KWTLKouc; xwpouc; Kat e~unripeTOuoe yev1K6Tepa ~ori8flTtKec; AetToupyiec;. H aµeowc; OVWTepl7 TT)<; (TO "µeoon6Twµa") OTTOTe/1.0UOe XWPO epyaoiac;, evw ri en6µevri OTeyai'.;e TO xe1µep1v6 owµ6na. H avciJTOTfl, TEAoc;, OT68µri XPrimµonmouVTav KOT' e~oxriv TO Ka-
1. ,evtK6 mnoypacptK6 ouiypaµµa TT/<; Kaarop16.c;. Topographic map of Kastoria.
2. H {36pew (Kupw) 61J!ri rnu apxovnKOU µnpoara arri Mµvri TT)<; Kaaropiac;. Northern view (frontage) of the mansion in front of the lake of Kastoria.
AOKOlpl, T6oo we; xwpoc; OLOVUKTE:peuoric;, 600 KOL we; xwpoc; TI7c; KOLVWVLKT]c; ~wr'Jc; TI7c; OLKOyevetac;. E(vOL, µMLOTO, ri mo nepfrexva OLOKOOµr]µEVT"] KOL ri mo "et;wmpecpr'Jc;"' K08wc; OL08eTE:l 6cp8ova avoiyµarn oe 6.\ec; nc; n.\eupec; TI7c;, eTOL nou otxe:TOL an.\e:TO cpwc; KOL ano.\aµi36vet neptµe:TptKa navopaµtKTJ Sea. T6oo an6 TI7V anolj.lr] TWV XPT"]OLµonotouµevwv ooµLKWV UALKWV, 600 KOL an6 E:KE:lVr] Tf]c; EKTOortc; TWV avmyµaTWV mtc; 6lj.letc; Tou KTtp(ou, ot Mo avwTepm 6pocpot 5tacpoponmouVTOL oacpwc; an6 TOuc; unoKeiµevouc; TOuc;. Ot xoµriMc; m68µec; neptl36MoVTOL an6 naxtec; ,\t8oooµec;, 0t ono(ec; µMLOTO E:AOXLOTO 0LOK6ITTOVTOL an6 Tr]V napouo(a napa8upwv, et;aocpa.\(~oVTac; eTOL anoµ6vwori an6 TO et;wTeptK6 nepti36Mov. AVT(Sern, ot uljJriMTepot 6pocpot 5ta8eTOuv nep(i3.\riµa noM .\em6Tepo, ooµriµevo KOTa 136ori an6 wmµaMTotxouc;, KOL crxe:Mv 5t6Tpf1TO an6
3. OljJeic;. H Karnvoµ17 rwv avocyµarwv ava 6pocpo. Fa9ades. Windows' distribution per storey.
KaTOIJ!TJ caoye[ou KQl oeurepou op6cpou. Plans of ground floor and second floor.
OE:Lpec; QVOLyµaTWV npoc; OAOU<; TOU<; npooaVOTOAlOµouc;. 'Q)\,Q rn nmwµma E:lVQl E;UAlVQ, KaSwc; en(CJT]c; ri opocpft TT"]<; QVWTQTT"]<; OT6.Sµric;, ri ono(a KUA.umern1 an6 KepaµooKenft OTeyri. H SepµLK'l npoooµo(wCJT] TOU KTtp(ou eytve µe TO np6ypaµµa Suncode. Ko.Se 6pocpoc; SewpftSrJKE: we; E;exwptOT'l SepµLK'l l;wVrJ, nou eµcpav(l;et evta(a SepµoKpao(a ae OAT"] TT"]<; TrJV eKTaCJT]. Ko.Se l;wvri oexeTm ew-poft Sepµ6Trirnc; µfoa an6 rn 51acpavft Tµftµarn Tou nep1l3Mµm6c; TT"]<;, nou entTpenouv OTrJV T"]AtaKft QKTLVOl30ALQ va OlE:lOMoe1 OTOV E:OWTE:plKO xwpo KQl ucp(OTQTQl anc.iJAe1ec; Sepµ6TrJTO<; npoc; TO eE;wrnptK6 nep1l36.Mov µfoa an6 rn 5tacpavft Km rn a51acpavft Tµftµma Tou nep1l3Aftµm6c; TT"]<;, KOSW<; KQl E:~QlT(ac; 5Lacpuyc.iJv aepa µfoa OTTO Tl<; OSEAT"]TE:<; aouvexetec; TOU KE:A.Ucpouc; (apµouc;, 5L6.KE:VQ KTA.). napaAAT"]AQ, Sepµ6TrJTO avrnM6.ooeTm µernE;u yetTOVLKwv l;wvwv µfoa an6 Ta E;uAtva nmwµma nou nc; 51axwp(l;ouv, 6nwc; en(CJT]c; av6.µeoa OTOV lOOYE:lO XWPO KQl TO UTTOKE:(µE:VO e5acpoc;, 5taµeOOU Tou 5ane5ou Tou tooydou. Ta µeyeSri OTa ono(a OTrJPLXST"]KE: ri aE;10MvriOTJ TWV anOTE:AE:0µ6.TWV nep1Aaµl36.vouv TT"] SepµoKpao(a aepa OTO eowTeptK6 Ko.Se op6cpou, Ta SepµLKO. Kep5ri KQl Tl<; Sepµ1Kec; anWAE:LE:<; KQl TEAO<; TT"]V £Tl10la anmTOuµevri evepyeta y1a TT"] SepµavCJT] KO.Se op6cpou µeXPL µta em8uµr]Tl1 OT6.Sµri SepµoKpao(ac;. nAa(mo TT"]<; av6.AuCJT]c; µeMT11SrJKav Kmapmv Mo evaMaKTLKec; E:K5oxec; TOU apxovTLKOU. H npWTT"] avanaplOTO. TT"]V npayµaTLK'l 5taµ6pcpWCJT] KQl XWpOSETT"]Oll TOU, E:VW T"] 5E:UTE:pr] OUVlOTO. eva etKOVLK6 "d5wA.o" TT"]<; npci.>TT"]c;, OTO ono(o 5taTT"]pouVTm OAa Ta µopcpOAOYLKO. KQl KQTQOKE:UaOTLKO. xapaKTT"]plOTLKO. TOU KTLp(ou, aM6. aVTLOTpecpE:TQl OnpOOQVQTOAl0µ6c; TWV Ol/JC:WV, µe anoTeAeoµa ri Kup1a 61/Jri va OTpecpeTm nMov npoc; TO v6To. LTO
H nap6.AA.rJArJ eE;ernCJT] Twv Mo nep1mwaewv T£Kµr]ptwvet TrJV napaT'lPrJOTJ Twv µE:MTrJTWV TT"]<; axrnKftc; TunoAoy(ac; 6n «O)(t:TtK6 µe TOV rrpoaavaroJ..10µ6 TWV 6(/Jt:WV TWV anmwv &v OlQntOTWVE:TQl K6rro1a araeepf] rrporfµT]OT]». np6.yµan, To e~erni'.;6µevo nap6.5e1yµa KOTOLK(ac; 5dxve1 va npooapµ6l;eTa1 eE;(aou OTO Sewpr]TlKO. l3£ATlOTO KQl OTO Sewpr]TlKO. xdpLOTO npooavaTOAL0µ6 KQl KOTa5E:lKVUE:l TT"]V E:UXEPE:lQ TOU KTlplaKOU TUTIOU va xwpoSeTe(Tm av6.Aoya µenc; eK6.0ToTe av6.yKec;, 5fxwc; va unol3aSµ(l;eTm OUOLaOTLKQ ri SepµtKft TOU an65oCJT]. EE;6.AA.ou, rn anoTeAfoµma TT"]<; av6.Auoric; 5LKQlOAoyouv nc; µapTUp(ec; oX£TlKO. µe TT"]V E:TIOXlOKll XP'lOrJ TWV en( µepouc; op6cpwv, nou ouv5eeTQl µe TT"]V OTIQlTOuµevri evepye1a SepµavCJT]<; KOT6. TrJ xe1µeptvft nep(o5o Km TrJ 5uvm6TrJTa cpuo1Kou 5poo1aµou KOT6. TT"] 8eptvft, OL ono(ec; notKfMouv yLO nc; 5t6.cpopec; OT6.Sµec;. TeAO<;, UTI05E:LKVUOUV Tl<; aoSeve(c; TIE:plOXE<; TOU KeMcpouc; Km npo"i5e6.l;ouv y1a TT"] aKomµ6TT"]rn mSavwv eneµ!36.oewv l3eATLWCJT]<; TT"]<; evepyetaKftc; an65oCJT]c;.
n n
The mansion consists of four levels. The lowest one (ground floor) mainly served storage and general auxiliary purposes. Right above this level (at the mezzanine) a working place was lodged, while the first floor accommodated the winter rooms. Finally, the upper level was used primarily during the summer, both for overnight stays as well as the family's social life. Moreover, this upper floor is the most elaborately decorated and 'extrovert' one, with windows abounding on all facades, so that the house receives plenty of light and enjoys a panoramic view. As regards the structural materials used and the extent of windows on the building's facades, the two upper storeys clearly differ from the two lower ones. The ground floor and the mezzanine are enclosed by thick stone masonry walls containing only a small number of windows and achieving a great degree of isolation from the outside environment. On the contrary, the upper storeys have a much thinner envelope, since they are basically built of brick and wood and are almost perforated by rows of windows in every possible orientation. All floors are wooden, as well as the ceiling of the second floor, which is covered by a tiled roof. Suncode program was used for the thermal modelling of the building. Every floor is regarded as a distinct thermal zone, within which a uniform temperature develops. Each zone receives heat inflow through the translucent parts of its envelope, which allow solar radiation to penetrate its interior, and undergoes heat loss to the exterior through both transparent and opaque parts of the envelope, as well as d ue to infiltration. At the same time, heat exchange takes place between adjacent zones through the wooden floors separating them, as well as
30 20
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5. Erf/ota arratrouµ&vr, £vipy£1a y1a TTJ 8ipµavCTT] K68£ op6cpou.
The Tsiatsapa mansion, which is studied in this dissertation, is located on the northern shore and was constructed in the 1750s. From time to time it has been occupied by successive generations of different families, until finally expropriated by the Greek Ministry of Culture in 1987. During the years that followed conservation and restoration work was undertaken by the Ministry's competent services on parts of the building, though to date this remains incomplete.
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jority of mansions built over the past centuries are strung out along the southern and northern coast.
Annual heating energy demanded per floor.
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6. Erf/ato £V£PY£taK6 1aoi;uy10 ava 6pocpo Kat µovriJ-..o. Annual energy balance per floor and model.
Me: oe:ooµevo 6n Ol KOTOLKtE:c; mrrec; onOVTWVTOl 08 ope:tvec; 17 '7µLope:tvec; ne:ptoxec; µe; optµu YLO TO 8AA.'7VLKCI oe:ooµevo KA(µo, OT'7 µe:Mn7 otomOTwve:TOL 6n ye:vtK6. oe:v unocpepouv on6 np6l3A'7µa une:p8epµovoric; KOT6. T'7 8e:pLV17 ne:piooo, aM6. on6 ove:napKe:Lo 8e:pµ1K17c; ave:oric; KOTCI TO lJ.IUXPOTE:po OlOOT17µ0To TOU frouc;. 'Ew1, 01 me:µl36oe1c; y10 T'l l3E:ATLWOTJ T'lt:; e:ve:pye:10K17c; TOuc; an6oooric; nou 8E;8TOOT'7KOV, 8nLK8VTpW8'7KOV OT'7V e:v(O)(UOTJ T'lt:; 8e:pµ1K17c; µ6vworic; TOU ne:pLl3A17µmoc; KOL OT'7 µdwOTl TWV OLocpuywv aepa npoc; TO e:E;WTE:plKO ne:p1l36Mov. LUYK8Kp1µevo, e:mxe:1p178'7KE: 17 evowµctTWOTJ 8e:pµoµovwT1Kwv OTpwoe:wv OTouc; ne:p1µe:TplKOuc; To(xouc; KOl OT'7V opocp17 TOU KTLpiou, K08wc; KOL '7 l38ATlWOTJ TWV 8e:pµOTE:XVlKWV xapoKTl7plOTLKWV TWV KOU<pWµctTWV, '7 OTIOLO 8E:Wpl78'7K8 OTL OUVE:LO<pepE:l OpOOTLKCI KOi OTOV ne:p1op10µ6 T'7t:; oe:pone:pOT6T'7TOc; TOU KE:AU<pouc;. foµne:paoµonKa, OT'lV e:pyoo(o ovaoe:1Kvue:Tm '1 wxepe:10 e:v6c; Tunou nopoooo10K<i>v KT1p(wv vo 010T'7pouv npaKT1K6 onop6AAOKTl'l T'lV e:ve:pye:10K17 TOuc; an6ooori, ove:E;6pT'7TO on6 Tov E:KctOTOTE: npoOOVQTOAL0µ6 TWV 6ljJE:WV TOUc;, KOi unoypaµµ(~E:TOl '1 onOT8AE:OµOTlKOT'7TO onAWV KOi OVTLOTpeljJLµwv me:µl36oe:wv µe: oKon6 T'7 µdwori Twv e:ve:pye:10Kwv TOuc; avayK<i>v KOi, KOT' KTOOTJ, T'7 oupp(KVWOTJ TWV AE:lTOUPYLKWV Touc; oanavwv.
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7. H {3t:AT(warJ TT}<:; t:vepyt:wKf/c; an6ooarJc; y1a 01a<popt:T1Ktc; t:nt:µ/36at:1c;. Improvement in energy performance for different interventions.
between the ground floor and the earth, through the floor. The parameters on which the evaluation of the results was based include the air temperature inside each storey, the thermal gains and thermal losses and, finally, the annual energy demanded for heating each floor to a desired temperature. Concerning analysis, two main alternative versions of the mansion were first studied. The first one depicts the building as it is really formed and situated, while the latter constitutes a feigned image of the previous one, maintaining all morphological and structural features of the building and reversing the fagades' orientation, so that the frontage turns towards the south. The parallel investigation of the two cases substantiates a remark made by those who studied the typology, i.e. that "as for the orientation of the buildings' fa9ades, no particular preference can be established'. The example studied indeed appears to be equally adaptive to both the theoretically most and theoretically least favourable orientation, thus demonstrating the facility of this type of building to be situated according to whichever circumstances, without any substantial degradation to its energy performance. In addition, the analysis results justify the accounts of the different storeys' seasonal use, which is connected to the heating energy demanded during the winter and the capability for natural ventilation during the summer, which vary among the building's different levels. Finally, they indicate the weak areas of the building envelope and predispose towards the expediency of possible actions to improve its energy performance. Granted that such mansions are found in mountainous regions with a relatively severe climate, the dissertation points out that, in general, they suffer from insufficient thermal comfort during the cold periods of the year, rather than from overheating during the summer. Thus, the investigation turned towards measures of improving energy performance, which aim at reinforcing the envelope's thermal insulation and reducing infiltration. Namely, insulating layers were incorporated in the external walls and the roof of the building and the windows' thermotechnical featu res were improved, something that is supposed to contribute simultaneously to the reduction of the envelope's air-permeability. As a conclusion, the dissertation accentuates the ease with which certain types of traditional buildings maintain their energy performance practically invariable irrespective of their orientation. It also underlines the effectiveness of simple and reversible interventions which aim at reducing their energy demands and hence their operational costs.
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8. EVOE:IKTIKQ owyp6µµam OIQKUµOVCJTJ<:; TT}<:; 0t:pµoKpaa(ac; at: µ(a TUTTIKrJ ryµtpa TT}<:; xe1µt:p1vfJc; KQI TT}<:; 0t:p1vfJc; nt:p16oou OTO 1a6yt:10 KQI OTO 2o 6porpo. Indicative temperature fluctuation diagrams for a typical winter and summer day for ground floor and 2nd floor. LIIEPEYNHrn THl: 0EPMIKHl: l:YMnEPl<l>OPAl: MIAl: nAPAIIOl:IAKHl: KATOIKIAl: TOY BOPEIOEMAIIIKOY XOPOY KAI Ol llYNATOTHTEl: BEIITIOl:Hl: THI
KaA.A.tonri MaKp~, apx1TeKTwv µrixav1K6c;
architect engineer
o µe10x1aK6 ouyKp6T1iµa Twv N. <l>r..oyT")Twv l3pioKeTm Aiya xr..µ. el;w an6 TT")V KOlVOTT")TO TWV N. <l>AOYT"JTWV, KOVTCI OTOV al;ova 0eo/viKT")c;-Mouoav1wv KOi OTIOTE:AE:ITOI an6 oxrw KTip1a, eK Twv ono(wv ow½OVTOL we; nc; µepec; µac; Tp(a (KT(p10 1: nar..m6, KTiplO 2: KE:VTplKO, KT(p10 3: µeµovwµevo, E:lK. 1).
he monastery dependency group of N. Flogiton is situated a few kilometres outside of the community of N. Flogiton, very close to the arterial road of Thessalo niki Moudanion and it is constituted by eight buildings three of which have been preserved: (building 1: old, building 2: central, building 3: isolated, from fig. 1).
'AMa KTip1a mo ouyKp6TT")µa eivm: o va6c; (KTip10 7), µernyevemepo napeKKAT)Ol TO ono(o UTIOAOYL½E:TOI 6n l3p(OKE:TOI OTT") 8eOT") Tou npoyevemepou, ri ouTLKrJ mepuya (KTip10 4: epyOT6an1To), TO KTLplO 8 OLTIAO TOU, TIOU e(vm µeTayevemepT") eneKTaOT") , 0 nupyoc; (KT(p10 5), TIOU OW½E:TOI oe xaµriM uljJoc;, KOi Ter..oc;, TO KOr..1y6an1TO (KT(p10 6), TIOU l3p(OKE:TOI eKT6c; TOU µeToXlOKOU nep1!36r..ou.
The temple (building 7), a posterior chapel which is be-lieved that it is situated in the place of a previous one, the western wing (building 4: a workman's house), building 8 next to it which is a later extension, the tower (building 5) which is preserved in a low height, all these are some other buildings in the above group. Finally, the crofter's house (building 6) is situated out of the monastery dependency grounds. Quadrant's places 9, 10 and 11 mark the exact places of the excavations that are acted out in the area (fig. 1), while in place 12 there are traces of stone grounds of some other phase.
A project, depending in the jurisdiction and property of 10th EVA, has already started the re-establishment of the first three buildings. In a research, that was written under the title "loustini-anos", the followings were forecasted; the old building is going to accommodate a permanent exposition of items of the Mouth Athas while at the same time the ground floor of the building is going to accommodate offices and services of the Centre and the other auxiliary operations. The central building will accommodate the main exposition of the Centre which will be named "Christian Chalkidiki". The isolated building works as an open Centre of Preservation of Antiq uities which gives the opportunity for the public to watch the works of preservation in a real time. A coffee-restaurant will be accommodated in crofter's house. Finally, the tower will be completed with modern manufacture styles, and some specific secondary auxiliary constructions -such as a bill of sale and spaces of hygiene- will be made too. 1.
Tonoypacp1K6. Ground plan.
The posterior temple wi ll be removed from his p lace so that the excavation works will be helped. A new temple wi ll be b uilt in another place of the property.
2. (J)wroypacp{a rou 1900. Photograph of 1900.
3. (J)wroypacpfa rou 1920. Photograph of 1920.
LTlc; 8foe1c; 9, 10 KOL 11 (eLK. 1) OT]µ£LWVOVTOI 01 8foe1c; OVOOKOcpwv TTOU npoyµaTOTTOIOUVTOI OTO XWPO, evw 0Tl7 0£017 12 unopxouv l)(Vll TTBTPLVOU nep1!36AOU 6M17c; cp60T]c;.
Ynoy6µevo OT17 OLKOLooooia KOL 1010KT170(0 T17c; 1017c; EBA £KT£AOUVTOL eow KOL µep1K6 XP6v10 epyaoiec; anoKOTOOTaOT]c; OTa Tp(a npwrn KTip1a. Le µeMT17, nou ouVT6X811Ke µe T17V enwvuµia louonv1av6c;, npol3McpT17KOV TO e~r')c;: To na>..a16 KTip10 npol3MneT01 va 0Tey6oe1 µ6v1µ17 £K0£0T] Tou Ayiou 'Opouc;, evw OTO 106ye10 Tou KTtpiou ea OTeyoOTouv un17peoiec; TOU KBVTpou KOi 6Mec; l3017817nKec; AelTOupy(ec;. To Kt:vrptK6 ea meyooe1 T17v Kup10 eK0eOT] Tou KBVTpou µe µo «Xp10T1av1Kr') XOAK101Kr')».
To µc:µovwµivo r'Jo17 t..e1Toupyei we; avmxr6 KBVTpo ouVTr'JpriOT]c; opxmoTr')TWV OTO ono(o o(veTOL 17 OUVOTOT17Ta OTO KOIVO VO nopoKot..oueouv epyaoiec; ouvTr')p170T]c; oe npayµanK6 XP6vo. LTO KOJ..ty6antTO 0a OT£YOOT£1 £VO KOcp£-eOTLOTOpl0. Tet..oc;, npol3Mn£TOI T] ouµnt..r'JpwOT] TOU nupyou µe OLIYXPOV17 KOTaoKeur'J KOL K6.nmec; emnMov oeurnpeuouoec; l3017817T1Kec; KOTOOKeuec;, 6nwc; TTWAl7Tr')p10 KOi XWPOL uy1e1vr')c;. 0a anoµoKpuveei o µernyeveOTepoc; va6c; an6 TT] 0£01"] Tou np0Ke1µevou va 01£UKOAUV0ouv KOi 01 ova0Kacp1Kec; epyao(ec;. 'Evoc; vfoc; ea )(TLOTei oe 6M17 0£01"].
IOTOplKO 01 npwrnc; µapTupiec; nou txouµe 0)(£TLK6. µe TO µeTox1aK6 ouyKp6T17µ0 TWV Newv <t>t..oy17TWV £1VOI TOU 996 OTTOU avacpepeTOL µeT6x1 T11c; Movr'Jc; Pouoa(ou OT17v nep1oxr'J Tou Bot..l3ou. H npwTll 6µwc; oacpr'Jc; avacpopo £1VOI TOU 1311. Oc; Movr'J TWV Pwowv r'J KOL Movr'J T11c; Ynepayiac; 0eoT6Kou KOL Aemap0evou Mop(ac; (1348) un6.yern1 OT17V Movr'J Tou Ayiou naVTet..er')µovoc;. LT00µo( OT17 i'.;wr'J TOU £1VOI TO 1923, 6nou eKT6oe1c; TOU µnox(ou 01oveµoVT01 oe np6ocpuyec; on6 TO <t>t..oy17T6 Tou IKov(ou M. Ao(ac;. To 1926 XP1lotµono1r')817Ke we; voooKoµe(o TOU Aµep1Kav1Kou Epu0pou LTOupou KOL KOTO TOV B' nayK60µ10 n6t..eµo eyKOTOOT08l7KOV £K£1 01 KOTOXLK£c; ouvoµe1c;. 'EKTOTe £YKOTaA£L<p0T]K£ (ELK. 2, 3).
LT17 OT]µep1vr'J Tou µopcpr'J TO µeTOXL avr')Ke1 OTO B' µ106 Tou 19ou mwvo KOL eivm µeTOXL T17c; µovr')c; naVTet..er')µovoc;. Me on6cpaOT] Tou 1999 Tou llr'Jµou Mouoaviwv, To µeTox10K6 ouyKp6T17µ0 µal;( µe µio eKTOOT] nep(nou 27 OTpeµµoTwv nepI-
The first testimonies that we have with regard to the monastery dependency group of N. Flogiton are dated in 996 when a monastery dependency of the Abbey Roysaioy is reported in the region of Volvou. The first, however, explicit report has been made in 1311. As an Abbey of Russians or even an Abbey of Holy Virgin Mary and Ever Virgin Mary (1348), it is governed by the Abbey of Saint Panteleimonos. 1923 was an important year because some building grounds of the monastery dependency were distributed to the refugees coming from Flogita of lkonion of M. Asia. In 1926, it was used as a hospital of the American Red Cross and at the Second World War, the occupational forces were settled there. It was abandoned since then (fig. 2, 3) . Its current form belongs to second half of the 19th century and it is a monastery dependency of the Abbey of Pan-teleimonos. With a decision of 1999 of the Municipality of Moudanion the monastery dependency group together with an area of roughly 27 acres has been devolved to the property of the Ministry of Culture in order to be re-established and risen to prominence.
Historical-building phases The inscribed proprietor's plates and the old quadrant (of 1882, where the buildings of the monastery dependency are presented in a three-dimensional way) helped in the dating of the buildings (fig. 4). • 1st building phase (1853): old building • 2nd building phase: central building (1884) with small volumes next to it, the workman's house, the grounds and the tower • 3rd building phase: the isolated building (1909) • 4th building phase: the crofter's house with grounds and perhaps a small posterior expansion to the East, as well as building 8. Finally, the modern chapel is by far a posterior building.
Stamp-workman's house The workman's house has been revealed with the last years' excavations and it is a department of the western side of the encircled monastery dependency grounds. On its right side stands the posterior temple which obviously covers also the
4. laroptKi<:; cp6ae1c;. Historic phases.
Kr(p10 8. Building 8.
5. Epyar6amro. Workman's house.
To K0Aiy6an1ro. Crofter's house.
f]>-.ee OlTJV KupLOTTJTO Tou Ynoupye(ou no>-.moµou µe OToxo TTJV
rest of the building to the south. The perimetric stonework of 0,80 m. thickness together with internal bisector walls of 0.40 m. thickness are preserved in a low height. It is a building with quicklime stoneworks from which the exterior westerner is shaped with big orthogonal stones. The stonework of building 8 continues to the north while the vertical walls western with a direction to the crofter's house. The building (as long as it has been revealed) is constituted by four spaces (fig. 5).
larop1K&<;·OIKOi50l,IIK&<; cp60&1c; LTT] XPOVOAOYT]CJT'l Twv KT1p(wv l3of]8T]oav 01 even(ypacpec; KTT')Top1Kec; TIA.OK£<:; KOL TO TIOALO Tonoypa<pLKO TOU 1882, 6nou KOL avanap(OTaVTOL ae auT6 Tp100160T0Ta TO KT(pta Tou µeTOx(ou (E:LK. 4). • 1T] OIKOOOµtKTJ cpdary (1853): TIOAOLO KT(p10 • 2TJ 01Koooµ1KfJ cpdary: KE:VTp1K6 KT(pto (1884) µa~( µe Touc; µ1Kpouc; 6yKouc; o(n>-.a Tou, To epymoomTo, Tov nep(l30>-.o KOL TOV nupyo • 3T] OIKOOOµIKTJ cpdary: TO µeµovwµevo KT(p10 (1909) • 4TJ 01Koooµ1KfJ cpdary: TO KOAty6an1To µa~( µe Tov nep(l30>-.o KOL (owe; >-.(yo apy6Tepa Tl E:TI8KTOCJT'] OVOTOALKO, Ka8wc; KOL TO KT(p10 8. Te>-.oc;, TO OUYXPOVO napE:KKAT]Ol E:IVOL KOTO noM µernyeveOTepo.
To epyOTOOTILTO 8XE:l OTIOKOAU<p8ef µe TL<; OVOOKO<pec; TWV TE:AE:UTOLWV XP6vwv KOL anoTe>-.ei Tµf]µa TT)<; OUTLKTJC: n>-.eup6.c; Tou nep(K>-.e10Tou µnoxtaKou nep1!36>-.ou. tie~16 TOU ouvopeue1 µe Tov µernyeveOTepo va6, o ono(oc; npocpavwc; Ka>-.ume1 KOL TT]v
Stamp-building 8: It is a building of an off-hand construc-tion (dimensions 25.45x5.50 m.), with walls of clay (thick-ness 0,60 m.). At the eastern side of the workman's house the excavation has revealed a stone manufacture of olive press as well as a monolithic well next to it (fig. 6). Building 5; the tower is also preserved in a low height (dimensions 8.6 x 8.00 m.) and its entry is from the side of the internal courtyard. Stamp-crofter's house: The crofter's house which is also the building of this study is a oblong building with dimen-sions 21.34x7.50m and thickness of walls 0.72m. It is a two-storied building. The north-eastern corner of the stonework is made of quicklime while the other department is made of clay (fig. 7).
In place 9, the excavations have revealed a posterior building
auvexeta TOU 1rnp(ou npoc; VOTO. LWi'.;ernt ae xaµ11M ul.!Joc; 11 nepLµeTplKT] TOLXOnot(a, noxouc; 0,80 µ., Kaewc; Kot KOnOtOl eawTeptKo( 01axwpLOTLKo( TOLXOt, n6xouc; 0,40 µ. npoKeLTot y1a KT(p10 µe aal3emoKT1mec; TOtxonm(ec; eK TWV ono(wv 11 eE,wrnPLKTJ OUTtKTJ OtaµopcpwveTOt µe µey&ouc; opeoywv1aµevouc; Meouc;. npoc; l3opp6 auvex(i'.;el 11 To1xono1(a TOU KTLp(ou 8 KOi ouTlKO KOTOKopucpoL TOLXOL µe KOTeueuvOT') npoc; TO KOr..tyoamLTO. To KTlplO (oao txe1 anOKOr..ucpeeQ anoTer..etTOl ano Tfoaeptc; xwpouc; {etK. 5). ArrOTUTTWmJ-KT(ptO 8: npoKf:lTOl yta KTlplO npoxetpf)<; KOTOOKWT]<; 01am6aewv 25,45x5,50 µ., µe xwµmoKTtmouc; TOLXOU<; naxouc; 0,60 µ. {etK. 6). AVOTOA.LKQ TOU epymoantTOU OTT] eeOT] TT]<; OVOOKacpl']c; anOKOMcpef)Kf: T] MetVT] KOTOOKf:UT] er..otOTptl3etOU, Kaewc; Kot TO µoVOr..tetKO n11y601 napao(nr..a. To KTtptO 5, o rrupyoc;, awi'.;eTOl KOi OUTO<; ae xaµT]r..O ul.!Joc; µe 5tam6aetc; 8,6x8,00 µ. Kot 01aµopcpwµevri daooo ano TT]V nr..wp6 TT]<; WWTepLKT]<; aur..l']c;. Arrorurrwary-KoJ..1y6amro: To Kor..1y6anLTO, nou efvm Kot To KTLp10 µeMTT]<;, e(vm eva en(µf)Kec; KTLpLo µe 5tam6aetc; 21 ,34x7,50µ. KOi nOXOU<; TOLXWV 0,72µ. npoKf:lTOl yta OLWpOcpo KTLPLO. H l3ope1oavmor..LKTJ ywv(a TT]<; To1xonot(ac; efvm aal3emoKTLOTT], evw TO unor..omo Tµl']µa e(vm xwµmoKTLmo (eLK. 7). LTT] eeOT] 9 OnOKOA.ucpef)Kf: µe Tl<; OVOOKO<pE<; €VO µeTayevemepo KTlplO Ol To1xono1(ec; TOU ono(ou e(vm en(Of)c; xwµOTOKTlmec;. To 56neoo TOU una(eptOU XWPOU yupw Ono TO KOr..tyoGnlTO eLVOl l30TOOA.WTO.
naeoJ..oy(a-KoJ..1y6arr1To. npoKetµevou vo eE,uy1avee( 11 ucp1m6µeVT] KOTOOKf:UT] KOi VO OKOr..ouel']aet ri npoTOOT] TT]<; weµl300T]<; µe OUYXPOVT], eVTon(OTf)KOv TO eunael'] OT]µefo {etK. 8). np6rnary. H KeVTplKT] 1080 OTT]V onOKOTOOTOOT] TOU KOr..tyoanLTOU efvm: eE,uy(avOT') TT]<; ucp1m6µeVT]c; KOTOOKWT]<; Kot ouµnr..11pwae1c; m1c; T01xonmiec; onou XPet6i'.;eTm npoKetµevou va nep1ypacpef TO KTlplO {etK. 9). AVOKOTOOKWOi'.;eTOt O WWTf:plKO<; E,Ur..LVO<; OKf:A.f:TO<; TOU KTLp(OU Kot emnMov KOTOOKeu6i'.;eTOt KA.(µaKo yta TT]V KOTOKopucpri f:ntKOlVWVLO TWV OUO XWPWV. KmaoKw6i'.;eTm l360T] ano onr..toµevo oKupooeµa yta TT]V ev(oXUOT] TOOO TT]<; ucp1m6µev11c; KOTOOKWT]<;, aM6 KOi yta TL<; OVOyKe<; TT]<; eeµe/l.LWOT]<; TT]<; vfoc;. npoTetVf:TOl A.UOT] µe ouyXPOVT] KOTOOKf:UT], ovampel.lJLµrl nou OKOnO TT]<; exe1 VO µT]V e(ye1 oe µey&o noaomo nc; nar..1ec; T01xonm(ec;. n poKeLTot y1a evo µeTaMtKo oKer..eTo nou ecpapµoi'.;eTm wwTeptK6 TT]<; ucpLm6µeVT]c; KOTOOKWT]<;. Ot emcp6ve1ec; TT]<; 01.1J11c; npooapTWVTot OTOV µeTaMLKO OKf:A.eTO, XWPL<; VO eml3apUVOVTOl Ol aueeVTtKE<; To1xonot(ec;. H 04JT], 01aµopcpwvern1 µe 01acpave(c; Kot auµnayefc; emcp6vetec;. ILO TJ"]V eE,aocpOA.lOT] TT]<; OKLOOT]<; TOU KTtp(ou, npoTeiveTm emnMov ri ecpopµoyl'] nepo10wTwv mmxe(wv TO ono(o, ea TOnoeeTouVTm ae er..eueepri 016TOE,T] mtc; emcp6vetec; Twv 01.!Jewv. Ter..oc;, ri e(ooooc; Tou KTtp(ou emMyernt va efvm ano TT]V ounKI'] ol.lJT] 11 ono(a 6Mwme e(vm Kot T] Kup10 04JT] npoc; Tov opoµo. 1La nc; av6yKec; TT]<; vfoc; XPTJOT]<; (emtmopto) eml36MoVTot mo KT(p10 K6no1ec; eneµl36ae1c;. t:.1aµopcpw0f) napaoKWOOTf)p(ou-Koui'.;(vac; KOi µnap. Ot anotTT]Of:L<; TT]<; KOUi'.;(vac; oev ea efvm µey&ec; ocpou ouTI'] ea eE,un11peTeiTm µe eTotµo cpayl"]TO KOi l3011el"]TLKOL xwpot (TOUOA.E:Tec; y1a TO KOlVO). Ano TT]V m6eµ11 TOU nr..OTUOKOA.OU TT]<; KA.LµOKO<; eE,aocpar..(i'.;eTOl KOi
the stoneworks of which are also clay-built. The flooring of the outdoor space round the crofter's house is made of pebbles. Pathology-crofter's house. In order the existing manufacture to be cleansed and the proposal of intervention to follow, were spotted frail points (fig. 8). Proposal. The central idea of the re-establishment of the crofter's house is based upon the cleansing of the existing construction, the completions of the stoneworks so that the building could be described (fig. 9).
The internal wooden skeleton of building is being rebu ilt and, moreover, a scale for the vertical communication of the two spaces is being manufactured. A basement from armed puddle is being made for the reinforcement of the existing construction but also for the needs of the foundation of a new one. We propose a solution with a modern manufacturing, reversible, that its aim will be to protect the old stoneworks.It is a metal skeleton that is applied internally the existing construction. The surfaces of the front side are tied in the metal skeleton, without the authentic stoneworks being overloaded. The front side is shaped with transparent and compact surfaces. For the ensuring of the shading of the building, it is proposed to apply venetian blind elements which will be placed in a free order on the surfaces of the front side. Finally, the entry of building is selected to be from the western side which is also the main side to the street. Certain interventions are necessitated in the building for the needs of the new uses (restaurant). A laboratory, a kitchen and a bar must be made as well. The requirements of the kitchen will not be great for it will serve prepared food; there will be auxiliary rooms such as toilets for the public, too. By the level of the half-landing of the scale it is also ensured an access in the back courtyard where in summer seasons it wi ll be possible to spread tables. The organisation of the floor is also similar. The bar has the possibility of a vertical communication with the kitchen in the ground floor. The rest of the space remains free for the spreading of the tables, while some specific sedentary spaces are ensured in the front of the department of the authentic stonework with the restored hearths. Master plan The objective of the master plan's proposal is the group with the pale to operate as a united archaeological - cul-tural park (fig. 10, 11). Therefore, the following are forecasted: From the western side of the property, which is also the central entry, parking spaces for cars and buses are ensured. The area must be fenced for its safety. In all the area of the property we can organise courses of walks, with stations rest, fountains, parks with planted trees, while at the same time it would be nice to expose some of the archaeological items of the excavations of the area. At the same time, it is forecasted to build specific new buildings such as open theatres, additional spaces of hygiene for the public, and building of keep and bill of sale near the entry. The museum of the Centre are organised as follows: Two separate buildings are going to be built with differentiation in their activities that are developed in them and have the possibility of functioning independently. The first building is going to be the central (historical) core of
8. naeoAoy[a: KoA1y6ornrn. Pathology: crofter's house.
9. np6TOOT).' KOAty6ornTO. Proposal: crofter's house.
- .- . .
.. .. .
- - - - - - - - - -,
r I ;
• I>
np6cr~OCJT) OTI7V n(crw QUA~ 6nou ae enoxec; KQAOKOLp(ac; ea UTIC1PX8L OUVOTOTT)TQ VO OLOTClOOOVTOL 8K81 Tpanel;LO.
AVMOYT'J 8LVOL KOL Tl opyaVWCJT) TOU op6(j)OU. To µnap exel TTJV ouvm6TrJTO TT)c; KOTOK6pU(jlrJc; emKotvwv(ac; µe TTJV Koul;(va OTO tcr6yeto. 0 UTIOAOLTioc; xwpoc; µeveL 8A8U-0epoc; YLO TT')V OlClTQ~T') Twv Tpanel;twv, evw e~acr(j)OA(l;ovrOL Kanotm Ka0LOTLKo( xwpm µnpoOT6 an6 TO Tµ~µa TT')<; au0eVTLK~c; Totxonotiac; µe nc; anoK0TeOTI7µevec; eOT(ec;.
The second building is the extent area round the crofter's house and it will have a possibility of functioning autono-mously and welcome events of different interest (eg sea-sonal exhibitions of commercial character, flower exposi-tions, exhibitions of traditional products etc). Regarding the fencing of the central core of the monastery dependence.
r&v1K~ c516ra~11
ground there was some particular speculation, as it is not possible to be found a lot of points for the "closure" of the outline. In these points we selected modern solutions aim-ing mainly to the avoidance of all kinds of symbolism. Regarding the buildings, it is proposed to be supplemented with new manufactures both the workman's house and the tower; also, the places of the excavations must be covered, aiming mainly to the completion of the picture and the creation of an impression to the visitor of an encircled monasterial area.
LT6xoc; TT')<; np6rnCJT)c; e(vOL TO cruyKp6TT')µa µal;( µe OAT') TTJV TI8pl(jlpOyµeVT') eKTOCJT) VO A8LTOupy~08l we; 8Vl010 OPXOLOAOYLKO-TIOALTLOTLKO napKO (ELK. 10, 11).
the monastery dependency and its character will be immiscibly museum's or expositional.
n po~A.ETIOVTOL AOLTIOV TO e~~c;: An6 TT)V ounK~ TIAeup6 TT)c; LOLOKTrJcr(ac;, 6nou KOL ri KeVTpLK~ e(aoooc; OTO xwpo, 8~00(j)OA.Ll;OVTOL xwpol OT60µeuCJT)c; IX KOL A£W(j)Opdwv.
.. ~:' ~!!.--'?tlllllllll(
. . ii~,
- .\
._:~~- ~· ; ~.
10. t£V1Krj OlCITQ~T).
Master plan.
H m:p(cppaE;ri ,ou xwpou emf36Me,m yta ,riv KaMrnpri Kat et..evx6µevri aocp&et6 TOu. lT11v OAT] eKTaOT] T!l<:; tc5toKT11oiac; opyavwvovrnt nopeiec; neptn6,wv, µe maeµouc; E;eKoupaoric;, Kp17vec;, n6pKa, c5ev.pocpu,euoetc;, evw npof3Mne,m mioric; va eKTeeouv K6nota an6 rn apXatOAOYLKCI eup17µarn TWV avaoKacpwv TOU XWPOU. napCIMT]Aa, npof3Mnernt va aveyepeouv K6nota vea KT(pta 6nwc; avotxr6 eempo, emnMov xwpouc; uyteLV17<:; y1a TO Kotv6 Kat eva KTLpto cput..aE;ric; Kat nwt..ritjpto Kov.6 OT'lV e(ooc5o. 01 µouoetaKo( XWPOl TOU K8VTpOU opyaVWVOVTat W<:; eE;17c;: c5T]µtoupyouVTat Mo aveE;6pT11rn KTLptaK6 unoouvot..a µe c5tacpoponoiriori mtc; c5paOT11pL6,ri,ec; nou avamuOOOVT□l ae au,6 Kat exov.ac; T'l c5uvm6T11rn va t..etToupyouv aveE;6pT11rn TO eva an6 ,o 6Mo. To eva KTLptaK6 ouvot..o efvat o Kev.p1K6c; (tmoptK6c;) nup17vac; ,ou µe.ox(ou Kat o xapaKtjpac; ,ou efvat aµty17c; µouoetaK6c;eKeemaK6c;.
11. np6raar,: KoA1y6amro.
Proposal: crofter's house.
To c5eu,epo KTlptaK6 UTIOOUVOAO, efvat ri eKTaOT] yupw an6 TO KOALYOOTILTO Kat ea exet TllV <)UV□TOT!lT□ va t..etTOUpyT7oet au.6voµa Kat va <ptAoE;eV17oet eKc51lAWOetc; c5tacpopenKou evc5tacpepov.oc; (nx moxtaKec; eKefoetc; eµnoptKOU xapaKtjpa, aveoeKefoetc;, eKefoetc; napac5omaKwv npo"i6v.wv KTA.). le 6,,l acpop6 T!lV nep(cppaE;ri TOU KeVTplKOU nup17va TOU µeTOx(ou, un17pE;e tc5tafrepoc; npof3t..11µm10µ6c;, acpou c5ev efvat c5uva,6 va rnKµriptweouv noM6 oriµefa yta ,o «KAeiatµo» TOU neptyp6µµmoc;. lrn oriµefa au,6 enLAexeriKav Moetc; ouYXPovec; Kat avampelj.Jtµec; µe Kupto m6xo va anocpeuyern1 Kaee efc5ouc; au µf3ot..toµ6c;. le 6,,t acpop6 rn KT(pta, npo,efvernt va ouµnt..ripweouv µe veec; KaTaOKW8<:;, TOOO TO epym6antTO, 000 Kat O nupyoc;, Kaewc; eTILOT]<:; VO KOAucpeouv Ol efoetc; TWV avaoKa<pWV, µe KUplO ITTOXO T!lV ot..0M17pwori T!l<:; etK6vac; Kat T'lV c5riµtoupy(a Tile; ev.unworic; ITTOV emOK8TITll TOU nep(KAeLITTOU µovaOT'lptaKOU XWPOU.
12. np6rnar,: epyar6amro. Proposal: workman's house.
lnc; eeoetc; ,wv avaoKacpwv, npo,efvernt µ(a c5tacpopenK17 av.Lµe,wmori. B6oet TOu nat..tou TOnoypacptKou, npo,e(ve,at 11 Karn0Kw17 ev6c; E;ut..tvou xaytmtou. Me acpopµ17, rn eup17µma an6 nc; avaoKacpec; mri eeari au,17 nou napaneµnouv mriv eneE;epyao(a et..t6c;, npo,efve,at rn vea KTtpta (epym6antTO Kat xayt6n) va t..moupy17oouv we; Mouoeio EA16c; (eLK. 12). Tet..oc; o nupyoc; npo,efve,at va ouµnt..ripweef µe OUYXPOV'l µernMLKll KQTOOKWT7 (napaT'lP'lTllPLO), 11 ono(a ea exeL TO ulj.Joc; T!l<:; naAt6c; KaTaOKWT7<:;. 0a unapxe1 <)UV□TOT!lTa O W IOK8ITT'l<:; Va avef3a(ve1 ae K6noto lJ.lriM oriµefo TOu nupyou.
In the places of excavations, a different confrontation is proposed. According to the old quadrant, it is proposed the construction of a wooden loggia. Because of the discoveries from the excavations in this place that refers in the treatment of olive, it is proposed for the new buildings of the workman's house and the loggia to operate as Museums of Olive (fig. 12). Finally, the tower is proposed to be supplemented with modern metal manufacturing (observatory) which will have the height of the old manufacturing. The visitors will be able to have the possibility of going up in some tall points of the tower.
0 rrsp1arpocp1K6c; KA(f3avoc; rou spyoaraa{ou ms~spyaa{ac; 01']paikf/c; Yl"/c;, 6rrwc; awi;sra1 afJµspa. nryyfJ: P. /\s1/3ao6poc;.
5 . IK6Aa cp6pTWOl'Jc; rwv opuxdwv rryc; sm1pdac; «'Hcpmaroc; A.E.», ara V0TIQ TWV <Prypwv.
The revolving furnace of the factory as it is today. Source: R. Libadaros.
Shipping scale of the quarries of "lfaistos A.E. ", in the south of Fira.
H TE:t,£UTo(o ev6rr1rn, neplA.oµl36vet nopooeiyµorn ovaoet~l']<; opyouVTWV opuxeiwv KQl AOTOµlKWV xwpwv we; nol\moµtKWV n6pwv, OTl']v Eupc.i>nl'] Km OTO un61'.omo Vl']ma TWV KuK1'.6owv aMa KOl Tl']V np6TOOI'] YlO Tl']V Q~lOTTOll']Ol'] KOl Tl']V OVOOE:l~l'] TWV opuxeiwv Tl']<; LOVTop(Vl']c; Km Kupiwc; ouTou nou l3p(0Ke:Tm voT(wc; TWV <l>l']pWV, OTTOU OWi'.;E:TQl TO epyOOTOOlO Tl']<; E:TOlpE:LO<; «'HcpmOTo<; A.E.»
The proposal of the restoration has three levels: i. restoration and reuse of the factory ii. restoration and appointment of the historical and aesthetic value of the surroundings and iii. restoration of the communication between the quarries and the city of Fira.
H np6rn0l'] onoKaTaOTaOl']c; Ktve(Tm oe Tpia en(neoa: i. OTTOKOTOOTQOI'] KQl an6000I'] vewv XPllOE:WV OTO epyoOTOOlO Tl']<; E:Tmpe(ac; «'HcpmOTo<; A.E.» ii. Otaµ6pcpWOI'] TOU neptl36MOVTO<; XWPOU KOl iii. OTTOKOTOOTQOI'] Tl']<; E:TTlKOlVWVIO<; TOU XWPOU TWV OPUXE:LWV µe Tov aOTtK6 tOT6. BamK17 apx17 OTl']V an6cio0l'] vewv XP11oewv onoTer..e( 'l npooapµoy17 TWV meµl36oewv OTO ooµlKO, TUTTOAOYlKCl, µopcpOAOYlKO Kat yewµeTptKa OTOlXE:LO T6oo Tou KTtpiou 600 Kat Tou neptl36MoVTo<; xwpou Tou, frm wOTe acpev6c; µev vo emcpepouv Tt<; µtKp6Tepec; KOTa To ouvaT6 aM0twoetc; Kat acpeTepou ot veec; XPllOE:l<; VO ouvoeeouv opyOVlKCl µe TO OUOTQTIKO TOU xwpou Ol']µOTocioTwVTac; Tl']V EKKLVl']Ol'] µ1ac; vfoc; cp60l']<; l;w17c; oe f-VO nr..a(mo oel3ooµou TOU XOPOKTl7pO KOl Tl']<; OPXlKl7<; AE:1TOupyia<; TOU. LTO KTlplO TOU epyoOToo(ou, npOTE:LVE:TQl I'] po88Tl']Ol'] ev6c; µouoe(ou epyao(ac;, nou ea opyovweei µe Tl'] ouµl30M Tl']<; TOmK17<; K0tvwv(ac;, nou µnopei va ota8foet TO npoc; eK8EOI'] u1'.tK6 aMa KOL TL<; µapTup(ec; yta Tl']V np6ocpoTI'] IOTOp(a TOU Vl']OlOU.
0 neptl36Mwv xwpoc; KMume1 µ10 eKTOOI'] 350 nepinou OTpeµµ6Twv. H npOTOOI'] OVOTTAOOI']<; TOU XWPOU KlVE:LTQl OE: f-VQ nl\o(OIO oel3aoµou onevaVT1 OTl']V 1otoiTepou cpumKou KaMouc; nep10X17 Tl']<; KMVTepac; KQl OTl']V OVOOE:l~l'] Tl']<; e~opUKTlKl7<; opoOTl']PlOTl']TO<; nou eixe Tl'] 1360'7 Tl']<; eKeL np0Teivern1: i. 'l 01eupuv0l'] Km 'l e~oµ6Auv0l'] Tl']<; unapxouooc; np6ol3aOl']<; Km 'l Ol']µ1oupy(o xwpou OT68µeu0l']c; OTa ap10Tep6 Tl']<;, 6nou unapxet evo µey6Aou eµl3ooou nMTwµa
The proposal for restoration and reuse is based on the principle that the interventions should respect and bring out the structural, typological and morphological characteristics of the building as well as of its surroundings. The aim of the proposal is to avoid strong interventions so that the new installations would not cause alterations and the functional and constructional character of the building and the area would be respected. The building is going to be reused as a museum of labour, which could be organized with the contribution of the local society that can provide the material for the exhibition and also the testimony for the most recent history of the island. The area, where the quarry was located is 350 m2 in extent. The proposal for reformation highly respects the area of Kaldera, which is characterized as of a particular physical beauty taking into account the quarrying activity that was developed there. The aim of the proposal is: i. the widening and the smoothing out of the existing access and the construction on its left of a parking lot · ii. the preservation of the paths that the work-people used , after clearing and marking them up iii. replacement in the area of the features that constituted the output of the quarries and are now destroyed with the help of models, guidebooks and digital representations placed in a way that would help the visitors understand the way that people worked in the quarries iv. the construction of a Center for Geological Studies and Research, which would be supported by a government agency and apart from the research there would be a Record of the
Mining History that would have data bases for all the quarrying activities in the country and would be used for instructional purposes v. the construction of a platform in the north of the factory, which would offer great view of the volcano and the sunset vi. the construction of a small amphitheatre for the holding of open-air activities.
ii. c51aTI7prJCJTJ TWV c51ac5poµwv nou aKoAouSouoav m epya~6µevo1 OTO xwpo TWV opuxdwv, acpou nporivrise( 0 KaSap10µ6c; Km ri of]µavof] Touc; iii. OVOTIAl7pWCJT] OTO XWPO TWV OTOIXE:LWV TIOU OUVIOTOUOQV TT) ypaµµr'J napaywyr'Jc; Km Tci.lpa txouv KOTaOTpacpd (~ayoveTTa, mcSripoTpox1tc; µerncpop6.c;, p6.µnec;, KATI.), µtow nponAaoµ6.Twv, ocSriywv Km lJlricp1aKci.lv avanapaOT6.oewv ae Ka(p1a CJT]µda Twv c51ac5poµci.lv, WOT£ o emoKeTITT)c; va µnopd va avanA6.oe1 TT) ypaµµr'J napaywyr'Jc; µfoa an6 Tr\ ~Lwµtvri nopda OTO xwpo iv. cSriµ1oupy(a KeVTpou rewAoy1Kwv Epeuvci.lv, nou Sa l\e1TOupyd µe TTJV unoOT17p1E,ri KpanKou cpopta (1.r.M.E.) . E:KT6c; an6 TT)V epeuva Sa AE:LTOupyd E:KE:l tva Apxdo MeTOAAE:UTLKl7c; IOTop(ac;, nou Sa c51aSeTe1 ~6.oe1c; c5ec5oµtvwv y1a OAO TO necS(a TWV E:t,OpUKTLKWV c5pOOTT)p10Tl7TWV TT)<; xwpac; KOi Sa et,un17p£T£l epE:UVT)TLKOUc; KOi E:KTIQl<)E:UTLKOU<; OKOTIOU<; V. KOTQOKE:Ul7 £t,ec5pac; OTO XE:V..O<:; TT)<; KOAVTepac; KOi VOTLW<; TOU epyoOTao(ou µe Sta OTO ricpa(OTe10 Km TO rJAlo~aov..eµa. vi. KOTOOKE:Ul7 µLKPOU aµcp1Se6.Tpou y1a TT) c5Let,aywyr'J una(Sptwv OU~T)TI70E:WV KOi £Kc5T)AW0£WV.
The area of the quarries of the "lfaistos" company is situated on the south border of the city of Fira and it is the only approach to the capital of the island from the south. Despite that, the city of Fira does not face the quarries, perhaps, because of the hostile attitude of the local society towards the quarries. Therefore, the aim of the intervention is the reestablishment of the communication between the city and the quarries. It is proposed: i. the formation of a new access from the Sarpaki square and its reformation, as well, so that the city of Fira would face the area of the quarries. ii. The restoration of the sidewalk, which is all along the east side of the area of the quarries and the placing of informative signs for the pedestrians, as well as for the drivers, who approach Fira from the south.
O xwpoc; Twv opuxdwv TrJc; nmpdac; «'HcpmOToc;», ~p(oKE:Tm OTO v6no 6p10 TWV <t>ripwv, OTIOTE:AWVTOc; TT) µ6vri dooc5o OTT)V npWTE:UOUOQ TOU VT)OLOU an6 TO v6no Tµr'Jµa TOU. EVTOUTOI<;, TO µeTWTIO TOU OIKIOµou c5ev dvm OTpaµµtvo npoc; TT)V TIAE:Up6. Twv opuxe(wv, eKcpp6.~oVTac; µ10 eow0Tpecpe1a nou, evc5exoµtvwc;, anrixd µ10 YEVIKOTE:Pll TO.OT] TT)<:; TOTILKl7c; Kotvwv(ac; va Sewpe( TO opuxdo oav µ10 av1ooppon(a nou c5ev txe1 Sfoe1 OTO nap6v TrJc;. H napeµ~aCJTJ txe1, enoµtvwc;, OT6xo TTJV anoKOT6.0Taori TT)<; E:TILKOIVWV(ac; KOi TT)<; ouvtxe1ac; µtow TT)c;
It is obvious, that the proposal for the restoration and reuse of the building and its surroundings is all for the instructional purpose of the reutilization, it forwards the scientific research and also supports the recreational character that is associated with tourist development. In conclusion, raising the profile of the quarrying activity, which was the main production activity of the island for more than a century, would give an integrated historical view of the island and it would also safe and bring out a rare specimen of the industrial heritage of the country.
6. 0 XWpoc; TWV opuxe(wv TT}c; E:TGlpe(ac; «'Hq>OlOTOc; A.E.», VOT(wc; TWV <PT7pWV OTT/ ar,µepivrj KQTQOTQOT]. The quarries that belonged to "lfaistos ", in the south of Fira, as it is today. 01E::OPYKTIKEL llPAHHPIOTHTEL rnr KYKAAllEl: KATA TON 190 KAI TON 206 AIONA. H nEPlnTnl:H TON OPYXEION 0HPAi'KHl: rHl: l:TH l:ANTOPINH
EVTO~T']c; TWV opuxeiwv OTOV ouyxpovo OOTIKO lOTO KOL TT']c; an6oooric; vewv oriµ601wv XP170£WV. npon:iveT01: i. ri oriµ1oupy(a vewv npoo~6oewv an6 TTJV n>-.meia Lapn6KT'], TT']V K£VTplKl7 n>-.meia TT]<; npwTeuouoac; TOU VT']OIOU, Kaewc; KOL vfo Ol0µ6pcpwori OUT17c;, avo(yoVTac; £TOI TO µeTwno TOU OIKIOµOU npoc; TO Opuxefo ii. ri 010µ6pcpwori KlVT']OT']c; KOL OT6oewv, KOT6 µ17Koc; TOU nel;oopoµ(ou, nou exe1 01aµopcpwee( nap6Mri>-.a µe TO avmo>-.1K6 µETWTTO TOU AOTOµIKOU XWPOU KOL TOnoeeTT']OT'] £VT']µepwnKWV TIIVOKLOWV. H npOTOOT'] OVOTTAOOT']<; TOU XWPOU Kaewc; KOL T'] OTTOOOOT'] VEWV XP11oewv mo KT(p10 Tou epyomao(ou, euvoouv TO 01oaKT1K6eKnOLoeunK6 XOPOKTl7pO Tr]<; vfoc; A£1T0Upy(ac;, npoweouv TT]V epeuva KOL TOUTOXPOVO OIOTT]pouv KOL ev1crxuouv TT']V lj.JuxaywYIKl7 OIOOTOOT'], nou ouv◊eeTOL µe TOV TOUp10µ6. H npo~o>-.17, enoµevwc;, TT]<; e~OpUKTIKl7<; OpOOTT]plOTT]TO<;, TT]<; KUptac; TIOpaywy1Kl7<; opaOTT]pt6TT']Tac; Tou vrimou y1a 150 nep(nou XP6v1a, ea cpWTI0£1 µ1ac; e~EXOUOO<; OT']µOo(ac; ITTUX17 TT]<; IOTOp(ac; KOL ea OW0£1 µ10 OAOKAT']pWµEVT'] IOTOplKl7 OITTIKl7 y1a TO VT']Oi, 01aowl;oVTac; KOL npo~6MoVTac; TOUT6XPova TT'] ~1oµrixav1K17 K>-.ripovoµ16 TT']c; xwpac;.
7, 8. To KT[pw mu spyoama[ou me~epyaa[ac; 0T}· paikrjc; YT/<:; KQl
nep1/36Mwv xwpoc; TOU.
The industrial building for the elaboration of pozzolana and its surroundings.
9. To m:(oop6µt0 OTO avaroAtK6 6pt0 TOU opuxdou KQI TJ np6TOOTJ av6nAaoric; TOU µe TT/ otaµ6p<pWOTJ OTOOeWV KQTQ µrjKoc; TOU. The sideway on the east border of the quarry and the proposal of its reformation.
!11! !! 10. H np6TOOTJ av6nAa011c; TOU ·'
✓- 1_7 ·' .. ," ~
· ,. .:ji'
--~'# / y
ne(oopoµfou OTO avaroA1K6 6pw rou opuxdou µe TTJ 01aµ6pcpw011 OT6oewv Kara µrjKoc; TOU. The proposal of reformation for the sideway on the east border of the quarry.
Xap(OLo<:; Ne~eaKtc.,m7c;, not..LTLK6c; µrixavLK6c;
Charisios Neveskiotis, civil engineer
vrtKeiµevo TT]<; omX.wµanKf]c; epyaa(ac; e(vm 17 netpaµanKf] µeMT11 uX.tKwv Kat TE:)(VtKwv mepewaric; wµon1'.tv8oooµwv. H TOlXOTIOllQ an6 wµon1'.(v8ouc; QTIOTE:A.E:( ooµtK6 OTOlXeLO TT]<; OPXlTE:KTOVlKI']<; KA.T]pOVOµt6.c;, TOOO TT]<; XWPO<; µac;, 6ao Km TOU un61'.omou K6aµou. H yvwari TT]<; µr1xavtKl']c; auµneptcpop6.c; TT]<; wµon1'.tv8oooµf]c; eivm tota(Tepa neptoptaµeV17. Ta anornMaµma Tile; epeuvac; moxeuouv va a~tonot178ouv OTl1 ooµtKI'] OtaTl']pT]OT'] KQl ev(axuari napaOOOlQKWV TIA.lV86KTlOTWV KTlp(wv.
his paper deals with the experimental research of the materials and the constructing techniques used in the process of consolidating earth block structure. Using earth blocks in brickwork is an essential method in our country as well as the rest of the world. Although, mastery concerning the mechanical performance of the latter is rather limited. The results of this study are to be used in the preservation and structural reinforcing of traditional structures of clay brickworks.
H netpaµmtKI'] otepeUV170T'J ano~Mnet OTT] µeMT17 TT]<; cpumKoXllµtKl']c; Km µ17xavtKl']c; auµneptcpop6.c; Tou n171'.ou, OT17v ev(axuari TWV TIT]A.OKQTQOKWWV µe KQTOA.A.T]A.E:<; TE:)(VlK8<; KQl E:TIE:µ~6.0E:l<; yta Tov neptoptaµ6 TT]<; TpwT6T17Tac; TOuc;.
This project looks forward to probe deeply in the physicochemical and mechanical performance of clay in the process of strengthening earth constructions by using the proper techniques and interventions for lessening their vulnerability.
nto QVQA.UTlKO., OPXlKO. y(vernl µ(a etaaywyf] OTO xapaKTT]plOTlKO. TT]<; OOµT]OT']<; µe TIT]A.O KQl µ(a OUVfOµT] lOTOplKI'] QVQOKOTIT]OT] µe eµcpaari OTT] XPTiari TOU TIT]AOU we; ooµtK6 UA.lKO OTT]V apxa(a EM6.oa, mov Tp6no Mµriaric;, OTT] µopcpf] Km nc; otaOT6.aetc; Twv XPTJOLµonotouµevwv wµwv n1'.(v8wv. napoum6.½ovrm ot ot6.cpopot Tunot KmaaKeuwv an6 nriM nou auvavrwvrm ae nayK6aµta Kl\.(µaKa, wme va y(vet Kmavo11T6 TO eupoc; XPTiaric; Km To neo(o ecpapµoywvTou nriX.ou. t:.(oovrm mmxeia nou acpopouv TTJV napaywyf] napaoomaKwv wµon1'.(v8wv-n1'.t8twv (adobe), T17V TE:)(VtKI'] Twv auYXPovwv auµmeaµevwv wµon1'.(v8wv, nc; KOA.OUTIWT8<; TOlXOTIOlLE:<; an6 TIT]A.O, Tl7 XPJiarJ TIT]A.OKOVtaµ6.Twv Kat n171'.oemXPtaµ6.Twv. H ev6T17TO Kl\.e(vet µe auvroµT] avacpop6. OTO KQTQOKWQOTlKO. OTOlXeLO TIA.lV86KTlOTT]<; napaOOOlOKf]c; KOTOlKLO<;.
To be more exact, initially there is the intro where the details concerning earth as structural material and a short retrospection of the use of earth with emphasis in Ancient Greece when it comes to building procedures as well as its various shapes and sizes is unfolded. The miscellany types of earth constructions that we come across the world and the breadth of the use of earth is presented as well. Principles are given concerning the production of adobes, the technique of compressed earth blocks and rammed earth and the use of clay mortar and coating. The intro comes to an end with a short reference to the structural details of the built with mud-bricks habitation.
LTl7 ouvexeta QVQA.LIOVfQl TQ xapOKTT]plOTlKO. KQl T] ouµneptcpop6. TOU TIT]A.OU µe avacpop6. OTT]V np08A.WOT'], TT] OUV8E:OT'], TT] X17µlKf] KQl opUKTOAOYlKf] OUOTOOT'], TT] ooµf] KQl TT]V ucpf] TOU nriX.ou. Avacpepovrm Ta nX.eoveKTf]µma Km Ta µetoveKTl']µma T17<; OOµT]OT']<; µe TIT]A.O KQl napOUOlO.½OVfQl µe8000l TpOTIOTIOLT]OT']<;-~E:ATLWOT']<; Twv xapaKTTJPlOTtKwv Tou.
E~eT6.½ovrm m eµnetptKo( Km epyaOT17ptaKo( ex.evxot nou npayµmonmouvrm yta Tov npoootoptoµ6 Tll<; KmaM11X.6T17rnc; Tou TIT]AOLI OTT] o6µT]OT']. THE USE OF EARTH AS STRUCTURAL MATERIAL
Proceeding on we analyze the features and the performance of clay in reference to the origin, the composition, the chemical and the mineralogical structure, as well as the texture of the clay. We refer to the advantages and the disadvantages of using earth in building and we also refer to the methods of improving their properties. We inquire the empirical and the laboratory researches that are carried out in order to define the suitability of earth in structures. Right on we have a detailed reference to the specifics of compressed earth blocks comparing them to the classic struc-
XopoKTqp1or1Ko - 'EA&yx01 vwnou &vt11aroc;
Mtpri papouc; UAIK<i>V
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nnMc; (2)
1 2 3 1A 2A 3A 1B1 1B2* 3B 4 5
0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.84
0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.36
0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 -
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J\euK6 Peumon0tn111c; 101µtv10 (K.P. KOVIWV)
0.5 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.8
1% 1%
1% 1%
1% 1% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Ntp6/ Kov(a
Peum61T)TO (sec)
1.925 1.658 1.786 1.670 1.600 1.696 1.250 1.595 1.339 1.268 1.345
9.65 9.26 10.64 9.51 9.21 9.43 10.88 9.28 10.54 10.14 9.98
Li1e106unK6- I108tp6111rn 11110 (sec) 6yKOU (%) 1.4 1.0 1.8 1.68 1.35 1.8 1.31 3.97 0.95
25.24 15.71 2.86 40.19 20.28 3.59 21.74 31.74 2.13 2.33 2.30
1. ne1paµar1Ka arroreJ..iaµara epyaOTT/ptaKwv eAivxwv rrryJ..oeveµarwv as vwmj KaTaOTaOT). Experimental laboratory results of tested moisted earth grouts.
noooOT6 nhriowonc aouvtYEIWY
I A I B I r
79 87
- - - 1 - - --1---
B - + --
r 2.
nJ..T)pWOT) µT)TpWV µe TTT)ft.OE:VSµara. Filling the matrix with earth grout.
3. XuVTrjpT)OT)-wp{µavOT) i50K1µ{wv ae uypic; J..tvarasc;. Preservation-maturing of specimens in wet sackcloth.
AKoAou8e:i Atmoµtp11c; ovocpopa OTO xopoKTT)p10T1Ka Twv auµmtaµtvwv wµonA(v8wv auyKp(voVTac; TO µt KAOOLKec; c50µ1Kec; µovaotc; TOLXOTIOltO<; (AL800WµOTO). AvocpepOV1Ql tV OUVToµ(o 01 nMov OIOOtiSoµevtc; Tt)(VIKE<; E:TIIOKE:UllC: KOL tv(axuoric; KTlp(wv on6 T01xonm(o, µt eµcpoori OTO nto(o tcpopµoy11c; KOL ovocpopa OTO TIAtOVtKTllµOTO KOi µtLOVtKT11µ0To nou nopouo1ai'.;t1 EKOOTT] TE:)(VlKll, nopoumai'.;OVTQI 01acpoptc; µe80001 KOL Tt)(VlKE<; tv(crxuoric; cptpouaci>v To1xono11wv on6 wµonA(v8ouc; nou exouv ovomuxee:i µt OTOXO Tr] l3tATLWOT'] Tr]<; ouµntp1cpopac; TWV TIT]AOKOTOOKE:UWV OTL<; Ot10µ1KE<; iSpOOtl<;. To Kt<pClAOIO nou ocpopa TO tveµmo ntp1ypacpt1 TO xopoKTT)plOTIKCl nou nopoumai'.;ouv 01 01acpoptc; KOTT]yop(tc; tvtµaTwv (tveµmo µt l3aori TO TOLµEVTO, nc; PTJT(vtc;, TT]V aol3tOTO KOi Tov nriM). EmnMov ovocpeptTOL OTTJV Tt)(VLKll tcpopµoy11c; tvtµaTwv nou oKoAou8tfrm at µ(o 01001Koo(o onoKOTOOTOOT']<;. I t ~tXWPLOTll tVOTT]TO OVOAUOVTQI µt KC18t AE:moµeptlO TO UALKO TWV ouv8fotwv KOL ntp1ypacptTQI O tpyoOTT]plOKO<; t~OTIAlaµ6c; nou XPTJ01µono1118TJKt y10 TOV crxtc5100µ6 Twv auv8fotwv KOL Tov EAtyxo TT]<; ono,tAtoµm1K6TT]TC1<; Touc; (EpyoOT11p10 t.0µ1Kwv YA1Kwv, Tµ11µ0 noAmKwv Mrixov1Kwv A.n.0.). 01 auv8fot1c; TWV TIT]AOtVtµOTWV npoyµOTOTIOLl18T]KOV µt TT]V OVOµL~T]
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4. LJ.ryµtoupy{a rruKvou Kawa{3ou y1a TT) aovoµiTpT)OT) rwv rpmJ..erwv (µsec). Creating a dense grid for the sonometric test results of the triplets (µsec).
tural materials. We recount shortly the widespread techniques of repairing and strengthening brickwork buildings with emphasis the applications and the list of pros and cons of each technique. Miscellany strengthening techniques are brought up concerning clay brickworks that have been developed in order to better the structural counter reaction to earthquakes. The chapter regarding the grout is containing the features of the miscellaneous grout categories (grouts based on cement, resin, lime and earth). Furthermore it refers to the application of grout that is carried out in a restoration process. We carry on with the resolving of the compositions as well as the description of the laboratory equipment that has been used for the effectiveness verification (School of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, A.U.TH). The compositions of grouts have geen achieved through the use of two types of clay in different set proportions. That is to say of the red clay (1) which is substa~tial in alumina! minerals and the gray clay (2) which is substantial with silicon. Procee~ing with the paper we introduce the laboratory results of examinations that have to do with clay grout in moist condiHXPHl:H TOY nHJ\OY m: llOMIKO YJ\IKO
lluvaµ1K6 µt,po ,>.aouK6T~Ta~ (E..,.) 6oK1µiwv owu~ 3 µ~v•~
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I:uvetoe,, Avtoxr;
OE B>ii'-1>11 (08),.1""1<) 60K1µlwv n11)\0EvEµciTWV o-touc;: 3
5. Lluvaµ1K6 µirpo eAaor1K6Tryrac;, avrom ae K6.µ(/Jry Kat 0M(/Jry rwv 00K1µfwv 6Awv rwv auveiaewv µera rryv n6.pooo 91 ryµepwv an6 Tr] µipa napaaKeur'!c; rnuc;. Dynamic modulus of elasticity, bending and compressive resistance of specimens of all the compositions after 91 days of their preparation. 2
Mo TTl'JAWV µe 5ta<poprnKa xopoKTTJptOTtKa, Tou TTl'JAOU (1) (K6KKtvoc; nl']Mc;), o ono(oc; e(vOL n11.oumoc; oe opylA.tKa opuKTa KOL Tou nrJ11.ou (2) (yKpt nl']Mc;) nou e(vOL n11.oumoc; oe nuptTtKa. LTl'J ouvexeto nopouotai'.;oVTOL TO onornMoµmo twv epyoarrJptoKwv eMyxwv TWV TTl']/1.0eveµaTWV oe vwn11 KOTaOTOOI'], nou neplA.oµl3avouv eMyxouc; peuar6tl']TO<; (fluidity), 5teto5uttK6Tl'JTO<; (penetrability) KOL aro8ep6n7rnc; 6yKou (stability). Le OKAl']puµeVI'] KOTaOTOOI'] 5(VOVT0l ouyKeVTpWTLKa KOL ene~epya1'.;0VTOL Ol µeTp11oetc; TWV 5toaraoewv KOL TOU l3apouc; TWV 50Klµ(wv, Ol µeTp11oetc; TOU )(pOVOU t KOTa TrJ oovoµetpl']Ol'] yto TOY npoo5LOptoµ6 TOU 5uvoµtKOU µetpou E:/1.00TLKOTl']TO<;, K00wc; KOL TO onornMoµmo Tl']<; OVTOX'l<; oe Kaµl/)1'] KOL 811.tl/Jl'] TWV 5oKLµ(wv OIi.WV TWV OUV0foeWV µeta Tl']V napo50 28 KOL 91 l']µepWV on6 Tl'] µepo nopo0Keu11c; TOuc;. EmnMov y(veTOL o uno11.oyL0µ6c; TOU nopw5ouc; KOL µe11.eTaTOL I'] µtKpo5oµ11 TWV TTl']/1.OeveµaTWV (arepeooKomKll nopo~prJOrJ). LTl']V ev6Tl']TO nou OKO/I.OU0e( y(veTOL I'] neptypocp11 TOU tp6nou Mµl']Ol']<; Twv 5oKLµ(wv nou KOTOOKeuaOTl']KOv, ev6c; TOLXop(ou µnoTLKou Tunou KOL µtoe; oetpac; Tpm11.eTwv (tpetc; wµ6n11.tv80L 50µ17µevec; 11 µ(o navw OTl'JV aM17 oe oetpa µe ev5taµeaouc; opµouc; TTT']/1.0KOVLaµmoc;). nopouma('.;eTOL I'] netpoµOTLKll ecpopµoy11 em11.eyµevwv TE:)(VlKWV arep€WOI']<; OTO noponavw 50KLµto. neptypacpetOL 11 oarox(o twv 5oKtµ(wv un6 µovoo~ovLKll 0Ml/JrJ KOL onocpoo(i'.;eTOL To ax11µ0 ev(axuOrJc; twv 5oKtµiwv. H eKTiµl']Ol'] t17c; n11.11pwOrJc; twv oouvexetwv Tl']<; 5oµ11c; on6 to eveµo eMvxeTOL µe oovoµetpT']Ol'] nptv KOL µeta Tl']V OKAllPUVOI'] TOU eveµmoc;.
Te11.oc;, y(voVTOL nopOTl'JPllOetc; KOL ax611.to axettKa µenc; nopoµfrpouc; nou enl']pea('.;ouv Tl']V onote11.eoµonK6TrJTO KOL to xoPOKTTJpLOTLKa-t5t6Tl']tec; TWV n1711.oeveµ6Twv, e~ayoVTOL XP'latµo ouµnepaoµOTO KOL npOKUITTE:l I'] /3€!1.TlOTI'] OUV0E:Ol']. KOTa TT']V 5to5tKoo(o eveµaTwOrJc; tou µnonKou TOLXOp(ou, nopOTl'JPl10rJKe 6Tt To ecpopµo1'.;6µevo eveµo Twv KOToK6pucpwv onwv n11.11pwTHE USE OF EARTH AS STRUCTURAL MATERIAL
tion, concerning fluidity, penetrability and last but not least stability. Becoming callous the specimens after 28 days and after 91 days from the production date gave laboratory results that allow us to examine their dimensions, their weight, their sonometric results for the dynamic modulus of elasticity, bending and compressive resistance. Furthermore we estimate the porosity and the microstructure of earth grouts (stereoscopic observation). Next we carry on with depicting the procedure of the specimens we have constructed , a wallet and last but not least triplets (a three ply of bricks constructed one on top of the other with internal clay joints). Next there is the introduction to the experimental application of desired fastening techniques in the latter specimens. Failure of the above to one axe coercion and the depiction of strengthening techniques is presented there after. Filling the structure gaps with grout is verified with sonometer before and after the petrification of grout. Lastly we comment on the parameters that affect the efficiency and the properties of grouts and useful deductions are made in order for the best solution to come up (the 4th composition). In the process of grouting the wallet it is noted that the applicated grout in the vertical openings has filled enough of the holes, a fact that means the grout found its way through the next of the internal intermediate holes filling the structure gaps. At areas closer to the holes the gaps are filled up at a greater extend . At the signatory's personal estimation condensation of the holes grid can work wonders when it comes to the mass homogeneity. The resistance and the restoration of cohesion would be greatly improved if vertical holes would be opened throughout the brickwork elevation.
(a) - (a)
(y) - (c)
(/3) - (b)
oe apKeTec; an6 nc; op1l;6vnec; onec;, yeyov6c; nou 017µa(ve1 6T1 µn6peoe va l3pe1 5(o5o KOL va 51e10Moe1 mo 5(KTuo TWV nep1ex6µevwv wwTep1Kwv p11yµmwoewv ocppay(l;ovrnc; rn Keva KOL Tic; aouvexe1ec; Tl']c; 5oµ17c;. LTLc; nep1oxec; nAl']OLOV TWV onwv TQ Keva nA11pwvoVTOL oe µeyaAuTepo l3a8µ6. Km' E:KT(µr1017 TOU ypacpOVTO, µe TTUKVWOTJ TOU KQWOl30U TWV OTTWV µnope( VO emTE:UX8E:L oµoyevonoi11017 Tile; µal;ac;. H Kmama017 Tou rn1xap(ou OTTO TTAE:Upac; QVTOX17<; KOL QTTOKQTQOTOOTJc; Tl']c; OUVOX17c; 8a l3E:ATIWVOVTQV OE: µeyaAUTE:po l3a8µ6, eav un17pxe 11 5UVQTOTl']TQ 51ClVOll:;l']c; KQTQKOpucpwv OTTWV Ka8' 0/\0 TO U4)0<; TOU.
6. (a) l!iwo1Kao{a svsµarwor,c; rwv KarnK6pucpwv onwv. (/3) Ecpapµoyr'J svioswv µs XPT/orJ oupcyyac;. (y) Evsµarwory rwv op1~6vnwv onwv µs mor6.>.1 y1a TTJV sl;aocp6Acor, rryc; 01sfoou07Jc; rou ocoxsrsu6µsvou u.>.1Kou Kat TTJV n.>.r'Jpwor, Ksvwv Kat pryyµarwoswv. (a) Grouting procedure of vertical holes. (b) Filling injections with the use of tube. (c) Grouting vertical holes with a gun for ensuring the penetration of the convened material for filling holes and cracks.
(a) l!i1avotl;T) TpIWV KQTQKopucpwv onwv OlQµirpou <P 12 KQTQ µfJKoc; TWV rpmAST(J)V. (/3) l!i1af3poxr'J rryc; smcpavs1ac; rwv onwv µs vsp6. (y) n.>.r'JpwOT) rwv onwv µs ivsµa µs TTJ f3or'Jes1a xwvwu. (a) Opening three vertical holes of <P 12 diameter along the length of the triplets. (b) Water saturation of the holes surface. (c) Filling the holes with grout by using a tunnel.
EAevri NTouµavonoUAOU, TTO/\.ITLK6c; µrixav1K6c;
Eleni Doumanopoulou, civil engineer
VTtKeiµevo Tr]<; omt..wµanKr']c; epyaaiac; anoTe>..ei TJ maTLK~-ouvaµtKr'] OVCIAUOT] TOU UOpaywye(ou Tr]<; Lepo<; µovr']c; liµwvoc; nfrpac; Ayiou 'Opouc; mtc; otacpopec; otKoooµtKec; TOU <paaet<; KOL KUptW<; OTT] OT]µeptvr'] TOU µop<pr']. To uopaywyeio QTIOTeAet eva lOlULTepwc; OT]µUVTLKO Te)(VlKO epyo OTTJV neptoxr'] TOU Ayiou 'Opouc;. H OVOlKOOOµT]ar'] TOU ~eKiVTjae nepi Ta µfoa Tou 14ou atc.i.>va µe m6xo TrJV e~aaq>MLOTJ TrJ<; wapKouc; uopoOOTr]OT]<; TOU µovaOTTjplOU. To epyo e~eAiX8TJKe OTTJV otapKeta Twv mc.i.>vwv ware va KOA.umet nc; avayKec; TrJ<; µovr']c; naipvoVTac; re>..1K6 TTJ ariµeptvr'] Tou µopcpr'].
he objective of this diploma thesis is the static and dynamic analysis of the aqueduct of the holy monastery Simonopetra of Mount Athos in its various constructional phases and mainly in its current form. The aqueduct constitutes a particularly important technical work in the region of Mount Athos. Its construction began around the middle of 14th century aiming at the provision of sufficient water supply of the monastery. The project developed during the centuries in order to cover the needs of the monastery taking finally its present shape.
01KOliOjJIK£<; (l)CIO&I<;
Constructional phases
H tepa µovrj liµwvoc; ntTpac; KTlOTT]Ke yupw OTO 1257 µ.X. evc.i.> TJ otKoMµriari mu uopaywyeiou Tono8eTeiTm OTTJV nepiooo 1365-1368 µ.X. To uopaywyeio OTTJV 1TJ mu otKoooµtKr'] q,601'] QTIOTeA.etTO QTIO µta TO~WTr'] yecpupa 5 OVOLyµaTWV µe U4JO<; 6 µ.
The monastery was built round 1257 while the construction of aqueduct is placed around 1365-1368 AD. The aqueduct in the 1st constructional phase was constituted by an arcaded bridge of 5 openings with 6 m height.
1. H µovrj X{µwvoc; nirpac; KTtaµivrJ ae ivav an6KprJµvo f3p6xo anc; undJpe1ec; rou 6pouc; 'Aew, ae u(/Joc; 300 µ. an6 TTJ 86Aaaaa. The monastery of Simonopetra, built on a steep rock at the feet of Mount Athas, 300 m above sea level.
2. H µovrj Lfµwvoc; ntrpac; an6 (/JrJA6. View of the holy Monastery from above.
1~ OIKOIIOMIKH <l>AtH-mpio~os 1365- 1368 µ.x.
211 OIKOAOMIKH oArH • y(ipw CJTO 1650 JJ·X·
BOPEIA Olf/H Y6PAmre,o v
3. 01Koooµ1Ktc; cp6.as1c; uopaywydou. Constructional phases of the aqueduct.
H 2ri cpaori Tono8en:(mt am µfoa Tou 16ou atwva (1550 µ.X.). np6KE:lTat yta µta npoo8J'JKl"l TIOVW OTr)V apXlKrJ TO~WTrJ yecpupa µtac; oetp6c; TO~OOTOLX(ac; 8 avOLyµaTWV µe OUV0/1.lKO uljJoc; nep(nou 9,5 µ. H 31"1 cpaori Tou u5paywydou XPOV011.oye(Tat TO 1632 µ.X. T6Te TO u5paywydo aneKTrioe TO TE:11.lKO TOU uljJoc; µe µtori nµfi Ta 16 µ. Km6 Tl"IV 41"1 cpaori ri ono(a Tono8eTetTat nptv TO 1744 µ.X. n11.ripw8riKav OL µtoec; an6 nc; Kaµapec; Tl"l<; 1ric; To~oOTOLX(ac; (1ri <pOOTJ). ME:TO Ta µeoa TOU 180U atwva npOOTE:81"1KaV Kat Ta npooKe(µeva OTO u5paywydo KT(oµm6 rnu. Mecra OTov 190 atwva, m8av6mm Tl"IV nep(o5o 1862-1864, n11.ripw8riKav Mv 611.ec; Ol Kaµapec; TWV 5uo KaTwrnpwv OTa8µwv TOU u5paywydou ( 1ri Kat 2ri cpaori).
LE: en6µevri <pOOT] KQTO Tl"l 5t6pKeta TOU (5tou atwva n11.ripw8riKav Ta T6~a TOU 5UTlKOU Tµfiµmoc; Kat TWV 5uo avwTepwv OTa8µwv (31"1 <pOOTJ) Ka8w<; Kat Ol TI05lE:<; TWV TO~WV TOU avaT011.lKO U Tµfiµmoc; Tl"l<; TPLTl"l<; OT68µric;. TE:11.oc; µu6 TO 1980 n11.ripw8riKav 5UO aKOµl"l Kaµape<; TOU 5UTlKOU TµfJµOTO<; Tl"l<; Tp(Tl"l<; OT68µric;, e~an(ac; Tl"l<; unepulJ!woric; Tl"l<; OTeyric; Tou 5ta~aTtKou, nap6Mri11.a eytvav E:KTE:Taµeva apµo11.oyfJµ0Ta Kat OTl<; 5uo 6ljJetc;. MopcpoAoyia - uA1K6 M1-1rioric; To u5paywydo Tl"l<; Ltµwv6neTpac; e(vat eva TeTpawpocpo KTLoµa nou 5taµopcpwveTat an6 eva µey611.ou nMrnuc; Kat µfiKouc;, Te811.aoµevo 6~ova-To(xo µe µfoo naxoc; nep(nou 1,0 µ. LTO QVQT0/1.lKO TOU OKPO epxemt oe enacpi'J µe TOV cpucrtK6 ~p6xo TOU 6pouc; A8w, evw TO 5UTlKO TOU OKpo ecpameTat OTO
The 2nd phase is placed in the middle of 16th century (1550 AD). It concerns an addition, above the initial arcaded bridge, of a series of 8 arches with total height about 9,5 m. The 3rd constructional phase is dated at 1632 when the two last series of arches were added to the aqueduct. At this phase the aqueduct acquired its final height with an average of 16 m. During the 4th building phase starting from before 1744, half of the arches of the first level were sealed (1st phase) . After mid18th century, nearby buildings were also attached to the aqueduct. In the 19th century, probably around 1862-1864, almost all the arches of the two lower levels of the aq ueduct were sealed (1st and 2nd phase). During the next phase of the same century, the western department arches and the ones of the two upper levels (3rd phase) were sealed as well as the base of the arches of the eastern department of the third level. Finally after 1980 two more of the w estern department arches of third level were sealed, due to the elevation of the roof of the main entrance', while extensive jointing of masonry were carried out at both sides.
Morphology - building materials The aqueduct of Simonopetra is a four-level construction that is shaped by a crooked axis-wall of great width and length, with medium thickness about 1,0 m. At its eastern edge the aqueduct is attached to the natural rock of the Mount Athos, while the western edge leans on the buildings of the monastery. Its b iggest length is about 60m. and its biggest height reaches 16m. All the phases of the aqueduct are made of stonework and lime mortar. The arches have been shaped of compact bricks, those
KTtplO Tl'l~ µovr']~. To µeytOTO µt']KO~ TOU etVOl m;p(nou 60 µ., f:VW TO µeytOTO U4)0~ TOU (f>T<lVf:l TO 16µ. 'Q}\e~ Ol <paaet~ TOU uopaywyefou efvm KOTaaKeuaaµeve~ an6 apyoAt8oooµt'] Kat OUVOeTlKO aal3eOTOKOVLOµa. Ot KOµape~ exouv axriµanare( an6 auµnayef~ om6nAtv8ou~. 6ae~. Tl'l~ TeAeurnfa~ <paari~. napaµevouv avotxre~ exouv OKTIVO 1,2-1,3 µ., evw Ol noote~ TOU~ f:IVOl KOAuµµeve~ µe oXlOTOAt8tK8~ TIACIKf;~ KOl Kepaµfota, oµo(w~ 8Xf:l f:TilKOAU<p8ef KOl l'l OT84Jl'l TOU uopaywyefou. H TIAt']pwari TWV T6E,wv eytve µe TOlXOTIOllO nap6µota Tl'l~ TOlXOTIOllO~ KOTOOKeut']~ TOU uopaywyefou.
MovreAonofriori Tou ul>paywyefou Litaµop<pw8riKav 2 µoVTeAa avc:'tAuari~ yta Tl'lV ariµeptvr'J otKOooµtKt'] TOU (j)CIOl'l, auyKeKptµeva: • µoVTeAo µe n~ unapxouae~ npoa8t']Ke~ (YDRAG - prosthikes) • µoVTeAo xwpf~ n~ unapxouae~ npoa8t']Ke~ (YDRAG) µe aKon6 Tl'l auyKptat'] Tou µe To nporiyouµevo Kat Tl'lV eE,aywyt'] auµnepaaµ6Twv axeTtK6 µe Tl'lV enfopaari Twv npoaeriKwv OTl'l OTOTlKt'] enapKE:lO TOU uopaywye(ou. H µ6p<pwari KOl ri avc:'tAuari TOU UTIOAOYlOTlKWV npoaoµotwµ6TWV Tou uopaywyefou eytve µe TO np6ypaµµa SAP 2000. AuT6 otaµop<pw8riKav µe 136ari Tl'l 8ewpfa Twv nenepaaµevwv OTOtxefwv, yta Tl'l OlOKplTOnofriari Tl'l~ <pepouaa~ TOlXOTIOllO~ TOU <popfo XPl'l0tµono1t']8riKav op8oywvtK6 Kat TptywvtK6 em<pave10K6 nenepaaµeva OTmxefa.
AnoreA&oµaTa ava>.uoric; H OUYKPlOl'l µeTOc,U TWV 2 µOVT8AWV oot']yriae OTO auµnepaaµa OTl l'l unapE,ri TWV npoa8riKwv emop6 KOTOAUTlKCI OTl'l µefwari TWV µeTOKtvr']aewv, OTl'lV auE,riari Tl'l~ OUOK0µ4J(a~ TOU uopaywyefou Ka8w~ Kat OTl'lV eA6nwari Twv avamuaa6µevwv eVTOTtKwv µeye8wv. np6TOOJ") &VIO)(UOrJC:
H np6rnari evfaxuari~ Tl'l~ <pepouaa~ lKOVOTl'lTO~ TOU uopaywyefou OUVIOTOTOl: • OTl'l OTepewari Tl'l~ anootopyavwµevri~. ae apKeT6 ariµefo, TOlXOTIOllO~ µe Tl'lV etaaywyt'] eveµaTWV oal3e0To -TmµeVTOKOVIO~ • OTt~ auµnt.ripwaet~ Totxononwv an6 apyoA18oooµt'] µe Af8ou~ Tl'l~ LOlO~ TIOlOTl'lTO~ µe TOU~ UTICIPXOVTf:~ Tl'l~ eµ<paVOU~ At8oooµt']~.
of the latest phase that remain open, have radius 1,2-1 ,3 m., while their bases are covered with slates a nd tiles, the top of the aqueduct is covered in a similar way. The arches are filled w ith stonework similar to the stonework of the aqueduct.
Modeling of the aqueduct 2 models of analysis were formed for its present state, in particular: • model having the existing additions (YDRAG-prosthikes) • model without the existing additions (YDRAG) aiming at the comparison with the precedent in order to lead to conclusions regarding to the effect of the additions to the load bearing capacity of the aqueduct. For the education and the analysis of the static model of the aqueduct it was used the software SAP 2000 (ver.7.44). The models were shaped based on the theory of the finite elements, for the modelling of the masonry were used rectangular (four-node) and triangular (three-node) shell elements (3-D Shell elements).
Results of analysis The comparison between the 2 models led to the conclusion that the existence of additions affects enormously the reduction of displacements, the increase of the aqueduct's stiffness and the reduction of the developed forces.
Proposal for reinforcement The proposal of reinforcement of the aqueduct's masonry consists of: • consolidation of the disorganised stonework, in several parts of the construction, by injections using cement and lime • the replacement of damaged stonework with stones of the same quality with the existing ones. The reinforcement causes the increase of strength of stones and mortar, w ith the new data (new metre of elasticity) the model was solved again (YDRAG-ENISXYSH) in SAP 2000. The comparison between the reinforced model and the initia l leads to the conclusion that the specific reinforcement acts positively mainly to the reduction of the displacements of the construction and its stiffness, but it does not contribute substantially to the developed forces of the masonry.
A(ova<; uopaywyE(ou
H f:VloXUOl'l npOKOAet OLIC,l'lOl'l TWV OVTOXWV TWV Af8wv KOl TOU KOVtClµOTO~, µe TO vfo oeooµeva (vfo µeTpO f:AOOTlKOTl'lTO~) emM8riKe TO evtaxuµevo µOVT8AO (YDRAG-ENISXYSH) OTO SAP 2000.
H auyKptari TOU ev1axuµevou µoVT8AOU µe TO OPXlKO oot']yriae OTO auµnepaoµa OTl l'l ev Myw ev(axuari opa OVOKOU(j)lOTlKCI 6oov a<pop6 KUp(w~ OTl~ µeTOKtvr']aet~ TOU <popfo KOl Tl'lV ouOK0µ4J(a Tou, evw oev auveta<pepet oumaOTtK6 OTl'lV avamuoa6µevri f:VTOTlKt'] KOTCIOTOOl'l TOU uopaywye(ou.
4. H µov1
I[µwvoc; ntrpac; arr6 1/JT/J..6..
5. /lemoµipe1ec; TT/<; KarnoKeuf/c;. Details of the construction.
r:=..,_....... ~~~ =-::c..:~tt...P..!l~!liiliiJ!;:~
E1p~vri nanayewpy(ou, apxtTeKTwv µrixavtKoc;
Irene Papageorgiou, architect engineer
VTtKdµevo Tr]<; omAwµaTLKTJ<; aun']c; epyaoiac; dvm ri µeMTTJ mu 01K1oµou KouKouAL aro Zay6p1 Hneipou. np6KeLTQI YLO evav napaOOOLOKO OIKL0µ6 xnoµevo OTT] OUTIKTJ TIAOYLO TOU 6pouc; Tuµq>Tj, navw an6 TT]V KOIA.000 TOU nornµou BoiooµaTT] (q,ap6yy1 BiKou), oe uljJ6µeTpo 880 µ. nep1l36Mern1 an6 a~16Aoyo q,umK6 Tonio, TO onoio npoarmeueTm an6 e8v1Kec; Km 01e8veic; ouv8fJKec;.
ubject of the present thesis is the study of the settlement "Koukouli" in Zagori of Epirus. Koukoul i is a traditional village, situated on the west side of the Tymfi mountain , above the valley of Voidomatis river (Megalos Vikos canyon), 880 m. above sea level. It is surrounded by outstanding natural environment, which is protected by national and international laws.
IOTOPLKO O OLKL0µ6c; yvwp(~el Tfooep1c; l300LKec; q,6oe1c; avamu~ric;: A' nep(oooc; (1100-1650 µ.X.), B' nep(oooc; (1650-1750 µ.X.), r' nep(oooc; (1750-1850 µ.X.) Kot b.' nepioooc; (1850-1905 µ.X.), Ol onoiec; xapaKTT]p[~OVTQI an6 enOLKLOµouc; KOi OTOOIOKT] OU~T]OT] TOU ap18µou TWV KOTOlKWV KOL OUVOKOAOU8a TT]<; TIUKVOTT]TO<; Mµrioric;.
The historical evolution of the settlement is divided in four main periods: A' period (1100-1650 AD), B' period (1650- 1750 AD), C' period (1750-1850 AD), D' period (1850-1905 AD). These periods are characterized by colonizations and successive increase of the number of inhabitants and consequently, of the number of the houses (densifying of the urban tissue).
An6 noAeoooµtKTJ anoljJrJ anoTeAd ev1a[a noAeoooµLKTJ ev6TT]TO (anouo(a «µaxOAaowv»), nou opyavwveTm oe 5eKa 01Koooµ1Kec; vrio[oec; (O.N.). 01 evvfo an6 OUTec; l3p(OKOVTQI OTT]V N-NA TIAOYLO KALOT]<; 30-35% evw rJ 5eKOTT] (O.N. 8) oe TIAOYLO KAlOT]<; 70-75%. LTT"]V muxwori TWV ouo TIAOYLWV unopxe1 peµa
From urban point of view the settlement is considered as one and whole neighbourhood (absence of "mahallas") and it is organized in ten urban units. Nine of them are situated on the S-SE side of the hill (inclination 30-35%) while the tenth one (urban unit 8) on a hillside with inclination 70-75%. At the joint
1. To a~16Aoyo cpuatK6 mrcfo TTJ<; rcepwxr,c; rou KouKouMou. The outstanding natural environment of Koukouli.
2. At:pocpwmypacpfa - TO KouKouAt arc6 t/JrJA6. Aerial photo of Koukouli.
TIOU c5lOTp!::X8l TOV OlKlaµ6 ae KOTeU8UVITT] 8-N. EKOT!::pW8ev TOU peµmoc; XWP088TOUVTQl T] TIAOTe(a TOU OlKlOµOU (ae !::KK8VTpT] eeari) KQl TJ 0.N. 8 nou auyKeVTpwvel OAO TO c5T]µ6ma KTlplO OTT]V OVOTOAlKTJ CIKPTJ TOU OlKlaµou. Me QUTO TOV Tp6no TO rnAeuTafa napaµevouv nep(oma OAA.a Km anoµovwµeva an6 TO UTIOAOlTIO KTlplOK6 c5uvaµ1K6 TOU OlKIOµou. H TIA8lOl/JT]cp(a TWV OlKOTI!::C)WV OKOAOU8e( nc; KA(oe1c; TOU ec5acpouc; µe Ta neptoo6rnpa µeTwna napaMTJAO OT1c; KAioetc; Km TO evc51aµeoa 6pl0 K088TO ae OUT!::<:;, Ol;lOTIOlWVTO<:; !::TOI TT]V aµcp18emp1K6TTJTO, TTJ Sea Km Tov euvo·tK6 npoaavmoA.10µ6 TT]c; nAaytac; KOl c51euK0MvoVTac; TOLTT6XPova TTJV anoppol'j Twv oµl3p(wv. 0 mKtoµ6c; c5ta8eTe1 Mo e1a6c5ouc;, OTO avmoA1K6 Km OTO C)lfTlKO TOU Tµl'jµa, evw Ol c5tac5poµec; µfoa ae QlfTOV C)lOKp(VOVTQl an6 TTJ ypaµµlKTJ C)lQTOl;T] KOl TT] C)lCITOl;T] ae c5iKTUO, TJ onoia ouvMeT01 µe TTJV opyavwari Tou 01Ktoµou ae 01Koc50µ1Kec; VT]Oic5ec;. To oc51K6 c5(KTUO TOU OlKlaµou ouvMeTm KOl µe TO µovonana nou oc5riyouv OTTJV eupuTepri nep1oxl'J auTou Km KaTa TO napeA86v el;aacpM1~av TTJV emKmvwvia Tou 01K1oµou µe TOV «el;w» KOOµO. ~Tic; µepec; µac; XPT]OlµOTIOlOUVTQl VlO TOUplOTlKOU<:; KUp(wc; OKOTIOU<:;. Oc; npoc; TO e(c5oc; TT]c; Mµriaric; en1Kpmouaa efvm l'J naVTax68ev eAeu8epri Km TJ ypaµµ1Kl'j MµT]ITT], µe auvl'J8TJ TTJV unonep(mwari Twv mepuywv. 00T6ao TO KT(p1a c5ev avayvwpi~oVTm el;moµ1Keuµeva OAA.a yivoVTm OVTIAT]ma KOTa ouOTac5ec;, yeyov6c; nou ocpeiAeTm OTTJV unapl;TJ l/JT]Awv µavc5p6To1xwv, KOTaoKeuaoµevwv an6 TO (<510 uAtK6 nou eivm KOTOOKeuaaµeva Km TO KT(p1a (neTpO). H unapl;T] TWV TOLXWV OUTWV eLVOl eTI(ITT]c; evc5elKTlKTJ KOi YlO TT]V KA.elOTTJ yeVlKCI oX!::ITTJ µeTOl;U TOU l<)lWTlKOU KOi TOU c5T]µOOIOU XWPOU, TIOU KUplapxe( ae 6Aec; nc; cpaoe1c; el;!::All;T]c; TOU OlKlOµou. To KTlplOKO c5uvaµlKO TOU KOUKOUALOU KOTaypacpeTOl ae KOpT!::Aec; QTIOTUTIWITT]c; nou nep1Aaµl3avouv OTOlXeia y1a TT] xwpo8eTT]ITT] TOU OlKOnec5ou KOi TOU KTioµmoc; OTOV TIOA.eoc50µ1K6 lOTO TOU OlKlaµou, TO TIOAeoc5oµlKCI rnuc; xapaKTT]plOTlKCI, TO TUTIOAOYlKCI Kai µopcp0Aoy1Ka xapOKTl'JPlOTlKa Km Ta uA1Ka c5oµl'jc; TOU KT(oµmoc; K08Wc; KOi TO KOlVWVlKCI XOPOKTTJplOTlKCI TWV l<)lOKTT]TWV TOU. ~e OLTTec; emariµaiveTm en(aric; T] KOTCIOTOITT] C)lQTTJPT]ITTJc; Tou KTioµarnc;, al;toAoyefTm ri ariµaVT1K6TTJTC1 Tou KOi Ka8op(~eTm o l3a8µ6c; npoOTao(ac; TOU. Ta napanavw napouota~oVTm enomlKCI KOi µe µopcpl'J xapTWV.
3. OtKO00µtKi<:; VTJG[i5£:c;. Urban units.
of the two hillsides exists a small stream coming from the southern upper part of the settlement and heading south. Sideways of the stream are situated the square of the settlement (non-central position) as well as the urban unit 8 at the eastern side of the settlement in which all the public buildings are gathered. So they remain widely seen but also isolated from the rest urban tissue. The majority of the plots follow the ground contours, so exploiting the advantages of the hill's inclination. There are two entrances to the settlement, from the eastern and western side, while the street system has two main axis and three perpendicular to them (linear and frame-typed network). The street network is also combined with a dense path network which used to lead from the "inner" part of Koukouli to its surrounding area and made the communication with the rest of the world possible. Nowadays this path network is mostly used for touristic purposes. Concerning the built space, more common are the individual constructions as well as the case of two houses adjacent to each other. Nevertheless at first glance the buildings are not perceived individually, but as a whole, due to the high garden walls made by the same material from which the houses are also made (stone). The existence of the continuous boundary of the stone walls (gardens' and houses' walls) also indicates the generally closed relationship between the private and the public space in the settlement. The buildings are recorded in survey sheets which include informations about the position of the plot and the building in the urban tissue, their urban characteristics, the typological and morphological characteristics of the building as well as the social characteristics of its owners. In these records is being evaluated the preservation and the general condition of the building along with its importance and the defined protection grade. The above informations are also presented in form of maps. Based on these records, follows the classification of the buildings into three big categories: long-formed, square-formed and symmetrical-formed. Each one of these categories is divided in types and subtypes and an additional dimensional study of them is made.
4. Tonoypa<ptK6 rnu 01K1aµou (2006). Site plan (2006). ME/\ETH AnOKATAHALHl: KAI ANAn/\Al:Hl: TOY nAPAIIOl:IAKOY OIKILMOY KOYKOY/11 HO ZArDPI HnEIPOY
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5. TumKrj KapTiAa anoTUTTWOTJ<:;. Typical survey sheet.
6. KaT60TOOTJ otOTT]PTJOT/<:; KTtoµ6Twv. YcptOT6µEVT} KaT60TaarJ (2006). Preservation condition of the buildings. Present state (2006) .
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9. TunoAoytK6<:; nfvaKa<:;. Typology chart.
8. npomv6µsvoc; {3a0µ6c; npoornofac; KTtoµ6Twv. Suggested protection grade of the buildings.
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After the analysis, the proposal includes exemplary studies for the housing of different uses in each housing type, according to its potentialities. On an urban scale detailed regulations and terms for the restoration of old buildings as well as for the construction of new ones are proposed. Other p roposals concern the rearrangement of the limits of the settlement and of the building line, the redefinition of the building and land uses, the street network etc. Proposals are also made for the land uses and for architectural interventions in urban scale. From a combination of the synthetic principals which merged from the analysis on one hand, the new means of contemporary architecture on the other hand, and under the prism of harmonious adaptation of new buildings into the historic environment, an attempt for new architectural building forms and materials' vocabulary is also presented. Finally, special reference is made on the financing potentials of these proposals by means of national and european programmes and also that at any case the coordination mechanism need to focus on a mutual study of the settlement's urban scale as well as the scale of the town- and land-planning of its surrounding area.
10. npomv6µevo puµoroµ1K6 ax.tow. Suggested town plan.
11. npomv6µevec; OPXITEKTOVIKt:c; ETTEµ/36ae1c; OE QOTIKTJ KA[µaKa. Suggested architectural interventions on urban scale.
Me 136ari TTJV KOTaypacp17 TWV KTLOµO.TWV, TO KTlplOK6 ouvaµLKO TOU OLKLOµou OlOKpiveTOL oe Tpm; µeyciAec; Kanwop(ec;, TO nAaTUµETWnO, TO KLl3WTL60)(1iµa KOL TO ouµµeTpLKO. Ka.Se µta an6 nc; Konwop(ec; auTec; unooLOLpe(rnL oe Tunouc;, OL ono(m µeAeTWVTOL KOL we; npoc; nc; OLOOTOOLOKE<; TOU<; napOAA.ayec;.
LTTJ cpaari n1c; np6rnaric; KarnpT(l;oVTOL evoeLKTtKec; npoTaoetc; yta u1 OTeyaari 01acpopenKwv XP'loewv oe K68e KTLptaK6 Tuno avciAoya µenc; ouvaT6TI7Tec; nou aUT6c; npoocpepeL. Le KA(µaKa OlKLoµou E:KnOVE:lTOL puµoTOµLKO O)(EOLO KOL ELOtK6c; 0tKOOOµLK6c; Kavovtoµ6c; nou op(l;et TOuc; 6pouc; KOL TL<; npootaypacpec; Mµriaric; KOL eneµl36.oewv E:VT6c; TOU OlKtoµou. En(aric; yiVOVTOL npoTaoetc; yta opx1TeKTov1Kec; eneµl36.oetc; oe OOTtK'l KA(µaKa KOL yta TTJV eVTo~ri vfoc; opx1TE:KTOVLK17c; OTov OLKtoµ6. Ot napan6.vw npoT6.oetc; !300(<'.;oVTOL OTO ouvouaoµ6 Twv l3amKwv apxwv ouvSearic; nou npoeKutjJav an6 TTJV avciAuari Twv ucptOT6.µevwv oeooµevwv KOL TWV µfowv EK<ppoaric; TflC: OUYXPOVflC: OPXLT£KTOVLK17c;, un6 TO np(oµa naVTa TTJC: apµovLK17c; eVTo~ric; vewv µopcpwv OTO lOTOplKO OUTO neptl36Mov. TeAoc;, ~exwpLOTll avacpop6. y(veTOL OTtc; ouvaT6TTJTE:<; uAono(riaric; TWV ouµnepaoµ6.Twv TTJC: µeMTT]c; µe Tfl XP'lITTl eupwna·iKwv KOi OLE:8VWV npoypaµµO.TWV K08wc; KOL OTTJV OVOYKOLOTTJTO aµcp(opoµric; E:~ETOITT]<; TT]<; KA.(µOKO<; TOU OlKtOµOU µe TTJV nOA£OOOµLKl7 KOL xwpoTO~LK'l KA(µaKO Tou eupurnpou yewypacptKou XWPOU OTOV ono(o OVl7KE:l.
En1Aoyoc; H evoeAeX17c; e~eTOITTJ 6Awv Twv OTotxe(wv nou anapT(l;ouv TO owµa TOU OlKtOµOU TOU KOUKOUALOU KOL µe OE:OOµEVfl TTJV lOLOiTE:pfl a~(a auTwv TWV xopoKTTJpLOTLKWV TOU, TO nop(oµma auT17c; TTJC: epyao(ac; anooKonouv OTO va npoocpepouv ouo100TLKO evav oi5T]y6 n6.vw OTov ono(o Sa KLVOUVTOL nMov oL eneµl36.oetc; OTov OLKtoµ6, aKoA.ou8wVTac; eTOL evav KeVTpLK6 axeota0µ6. LKon6c; oe K6.8e nep(mwari, e(vOL va eopOLw8d eva oAoKA.rJpwµivo axioto rrapeµ{36aewv, WOT£ VO anocpeuxeouv auSa(peTec;, anoanaoµmtKec; KOL anpoypaµµ6.nOTec; napeµl36.oe1c;, 01 ono(ec; Sa eneKTdvouv nc; OAA.otwoe1c; nou 17ori napaTTJPOUVTOL OTO XOPOKT17pO TOU OLKLOµou.
12. npomv6µevec; apxireKToviKic; µopcpic;. Suggested new architectural forms.
Epilogue The thorough analysis of the present state of the settlement and due to the special value of its elements, the results of this study aim to offer the guidelines of the interventions in the historical settlement by following a central masterplan. This will help fragmentary and unprogrammed interventions to be avoided and of course minimize the alterations, which are already obvious on the settlement's character.
BayyeArJ<; nanao6nouA.o<;, noA.mK6c; µT]xav1K6c;
MEJ\ETH THL LEILMIKHL AnOKPILHL THL rE<t>YPAL TOY Y~PArnrEIOY THL I. M. LIMONOL nETPAL Em~Mnoucra: EuSuµ(a Mri1cronou.A.ou, noAmK6<; µT]xav1K6<;
Vangelis Papadopoulos, civil engineer
civil engineer
vttKe(µevo TT]<; OITTAWµOTIK'l<; epyao(ac; QTTOT€Aet ri 01€peuvriori TT]<; QTTOKPIOrJ<; TT]<; yecpupac; TOU uopaywyeiou TT]<; lep6c; MoVll<; Ltµwvoc; neTpac; ae TUX6v oe10µ1K6 ene106010. np6Ke1Tm y1a TTJV npoooµo(wori Kat av6Auori TT]<; oriµep1V17<; µopcp11c; KOi KOTOOTOOrJ<; TOU KT(oµmoc; auTou, µeTa an6 TT]V np6ocpOTT] OTTOKOTClOTOotj TOU.
he aim of this thesis is to evaluate the response of a recently restored monument building undergoing dynamic loading due to earthquakes. The evaluation consists of the simulation and analysis upon the present shape and condition of the monument, after its recent restoration.
H ev Myw KOTQOKW'l (3p(OK€TOI €~W0ev TOU OUYKPOT!lµOTO<; Tou µovaOTT]ptou Kat yecpupwve1 Touc; avwrnpouc; op6cpouc; TT]<; (36pe1ac; mepuyac; µe TT]V OTTE:VQVTI TTAOYLO. LTT]V OTE:ljJrJ TT]<; yecpupac; 01€PX€TQI UOpocp6po<; aywy6<; TTOU OUVO€€l TOU<; XWpou<; eowTep1K17<; ano817KWOI']<; UOOTO<; µe TOV TOµteUT'lpO.
The building is situated outside the walls of the monastery of Simonos Petra and bridges the gap between the opposite scope and the higher levels of its north wing. It serves as an aqueduct bridge bearing a water pipe on its brim, connecting the deposits inside the monasterial complex with the dam, higher on the mountain.
np6KetTat y1a µ10 To1xono1(a eKTetv6µevri KOT6 µ17Ko<; 56 µ., OTTO QVOTOAIKCl npo<; TO OUTLKO, µ6At<; e~w0ev TOU OLO~OTLKOU
The length of the masonry reaches 56 m. while its height-measured above the ground- ranges around an average of 15 m.,
1. naJi.16 acppayfoa me; µovfJc;. Old seal of the community.
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4. npwTT] 1ot0µopcpfJ. Shape of the first mode.
3. npoooµo(wµa, T/ yewµerptKfJ 01aKp1Torro(T]OT]. Model, the geometrical discretisation.
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5a,f3. XuyKptOT] TQOE:WV OTOV eAaOTtK6 (a) Kat TT]V aveAaOTtK6 (/3) urr0Aoy10µ6. Stress result comparison between linear (a) and non linear (b) calculation.
Tile; µovr')c;. To naxoc;T17c; KuµoivETOL on6 0eOT] aE 0eOT] -µEToE;u 120 EKOTOOTWV TO µey1mo OTl7 l3UOT] KOi 70 EK. TO EAUXLOTO OT17V OTE:t.µl7. To µeytOTO Ut.µOc; OTIO TOV yupw0EV 5toµop<pwµEVO XWPO E;EnEpva TO 16 µ. To ac.i>µo T17c; TOLXOTIOL(Oc; f:IVOI )(rtaµEVO on6 opy17 1'.18050µ17 µE aK1'.17pouc; ax1m61'.10ouc; 0Kov6v1mou oX17µ0Toc; KOi EXEL OTIOKOTOOT00E( µE EVEµUTWOT] KOi l3081a opµol\6y170T] µE vfo Kov(oµo. To navw 17µ1au Tou 6yKou xopoKT17p(i'.;ET01 on6 ovo(yµorn nou ax17µm(i'.;0VT01 KUTW on6 T6E;o )(TLaµEvo µE nol\mouc; om6nll.1veouc;. H OVEYEPOT] Tile; KOTOOKWl7c; OUVTEAEOTl7KE Kup(wc; µETOE;u TWV ETWV 1580 KOi 1640, navw OE TIOAOIOTEP17 0EµEAIWCJT]. KOTa Tl7 51apKEIO TWV En6µEvwv OIWVWV 17 KOTOOKWl7 Mx017KE 6x1 µ6vo op10µ6 TomKc.i>v EmaKeuc.i>v aMa KOL mo yEv1K17c; EKTOOT]c; EnEµl3aaE1c; KOL auµnll.17pc.i>aE1c;. IE mocp17 µE T17v yE<pupo EyKapmo, KOTOOKWClOTl7KOV opy6TEpo 51acpopo vfo KT(aµoTO, µE AEIToupy(Ec; nou oXETii'.;oVTav µE T17V nopom vEpou aMa 5E µnopouaov vo xwpo0ET170ouv EVT6c; Tou nEp1l361'.ou.
H nEp1om yupw an6 T17v XEpa6VJ7ao Tou Aew, navw OT17V ono[o l3p[aKETOI 17 µ0V17, EXEL 5E)(Tf:l aux.vu KOi 1axupa OE1aµ1Ka ETIEI00510 an6 KOVTIVOUc; EOTIQKOUc; xc.i>pouc; KOTCl TJ7 51apKEIO 61'.wv TWV npo17youµEVWV OIWVWV. H KOTOOKWl7 µE Tic; 5tacpopEc; µop<pEc; nou n17pE OT17V 51apKE10 TWV mc.i>vwv cpa[vITTm nwc; nopEµEtVE 6p010, nopa Ttc; l3Ml3Ec; nou uneOT17 KOL 01 ono[Ec; m1aKeuaOT17Kov. H opyaVWOT] TOU l3oatKOU npoaoµo1c.i>µmoc; Tile; KOTOOKW17c;, 17 mLAUOT] KOL 17 aval\uCJr] TOU Ey1vov µE TO np6ypoµµo ADINA, EK500T] 8. 1. 1. rto T17V npoaoµo[wCJr] Tile; Tmxono1[ac; XPl7atµo-
reaching a maximum that succeeds 16 m. Its thickness is variable, ranging between a maximum of 120 cm in the lower sections and a minimum of 70 cm on the top. In broad lines, the building insists a large thick wall constructed in limestone and posolanic-lime mortar. Several openings pose on the upper half of the masonry volume, shaped under brick built arches. Documents appear that the bridge was erected gradually, during a period of centuries. Its main body was constructed upon an older foundation between the years 1580 and 1640, receiving eversince a number of complements and interventions. The building comes often in touch to other buildings that were built independently during later times to serve commodities depended to the water supply. The monastery is hosted upon a granite mass on the peninsula of Athos. The greater area of the peninsula is subject to relatively frequent and major earthquake events. The programme used for the basic analysis was ADINA version 8.1.1. For the simulation of the masonry there are used three-dimensional twenty seven-node FE of good precision. The values of the flexural and resistant properties of the masonry were estimated following the suggestions of bibliography. There was an effort that the general geometry of the real building, in the precision given in survey plans, would be respected. In addition, some more, simpler models, in surfacial FE, were built up in SAP2000 version 9.0.3 for check and other auxiliary purposes.
MEAETH THl: Hll:MIKHl: AnOKPll:Hl: THl: rE<l>YPAl: TOY YllPArDrEIOY THl: I. M. l:IMONOl: nETPAl:
TIME 9.0000
7. napaµivouaec; pwyµic;. Remaining cracks. The analysis performed were a) modal analysis, b) ti me history analysis using gradually increasing base acceleration and c) time history analysis using actual three dimensional accelerograms of real earthquakes.
6. Emmxuvawypmprjµam wu aetaµou TT)c; A0rjvac; (1999). Acce/erograms of the Athens (1999) event.
TIOlOUVTOL Tptoi5tCIOTOTQ €lKOOtem6Koµf3a OTOlXeLO µeyc'lt..ric; aKp(f3etac;. Ot ti5t6TrjTe<; Twv OTotxdwv ouvapTc.i>vrm an6 aun:c; TWV npayµOTtKc.i>v i5oµtKc.i>v OTotxeiwv. Anoi568riKe en(aric; µe µeyc'IAri aKp(f3eta, KOTCI TO i5uvm6, ri yewµeTp(a Tou <j>Opfo. OptOTrjKOv en(oric; c'IMa npoooµotc.i>µaTO OTO np6ypaµµa SAP2000, eKi5oari 9.0.3, mm'J Tl"! (j)Opc'I µe mt(jlavetaKc'I OTOLXetO, yta Tov et..eYXo KOL TrjV maMSwari anoTet..eoµc'ITwv KOL uno8eoewv. EKT6<; auTou, o optoµ6c; TOU ev6c; an6 Ta npoooµotc.i>µaTO OUTCI Kpt8rjK€ anapa(TrjTO<; yta TrjV yewµeTplKT) opyc'lvwari KOL ap(Sµriari Tou f3amKou npoooµOLc.i>µmoc; OTO ADINA.
Modal analysis has shown the crucially of a successful guess on the flexibility parameters of the model. The model is analyzed within a reasonable range of different values for the possible initial elasticity ratio, boundary conditions and post-elastic material behavior so that its actual response can be well evaluated throughout a possible range of these parameters. In a first effort to define the stress due to seismic loads, we apply the self-weight and the horizontal forces using a steadily increasing acceleration ramp under very high values of dumping, to eliminate any dynamic side-effect. The analysis is non linear, direct integration time history, under the Newmark method. The calculation for the non linear function model o n this a lmost uniform set on the horizontal load gave a set of values just before the appearance of the first material crushes which, according to some bibliography, is suggesting a good outcome for a static analysis. The maximum horizontal forces before the first material crush events range between 0.12 g-0.18 g. The highest values were achieved by the less flexible models.
Ot Li5toµop<j>lK8<; avaMoetc; ei5etsav KOT' apxfiv TrjV Kptmµ6TrjTO TOU f3a8µou m(i5paaric; TWV ev WO(j)T) KQTQOKWWV OTl"I i5uvaµtKT) ouµnept<j>opc'I Tou (j)Opfo. ITrjv ouvexeta emxetpe(TOt ri µeAeTTl Tou npoooµotc.i>µmoc; yta Tt<; i5uo neptmc.i>oetc; nou Tl KaTOOKeufJ e(Te napaµevet avenripfoOTrj an6 TO ve6Tepa KT(oµaTO, dn: neptop(l;ewt OTl"I µeTOKLVTlOTJ an6 auTc'I. Km auT6, yta µeyOAUTepri fJ µtKp6Tepri Ttµfi i5uoKaµljJiac; Tou UAtKOu.
The results of stresses and displacements are compared to the results of the elastic analysis and, it is there revealed that linear analysis is completely unsuitable in our effort to calculate the level of the true displacements and stresses under a major event.
H µri ypaµµtKfJ avc'IAuari npayµmonOLfJ8riKe µe ot..oKAfJpwari TWV estawaewv KLVTlOT)<; OTOV XP0VO, XPTlOlµOTIOlWVTO<; TOV OAy6pt8µo TOU Newmark (f3=0,25). H emf3ot..fJ ai5pavetaKou (j)OpT(ou KOTc'I TrjV eyKc'lpma i5teu8uvari, ae auTfJ TTlV axei56v oµOL6µop<j>rj Ka8' UljJO<; KOTOVOµT), ei5etse OTO QV€AOOTlK0 µOVTf:AO µta npc.i>Trj etK6va Twv evi5ex6µevwv eeaewv aOToxiac; KOL Trjv TCl~Tl TTl<; OplOKT)<; nµfic; TOU yupw OTO 0, 12 g y ta TO xwp(c; evi5t6µeoec; OTrjp(set<; KOL OpKE:TCI µeyOAuTepe<; {ewe; 0, 18 g) yta TO 0Trjptl;6µevo evi5tc'lµeoa µovret..o.
Dynamic analysis was also performed with the use of two triple accelerograms, been recorded during the major earthquake in Athens (1999) and the local event in Ouranoupolis (1985) . The results have shown a fairly good behavior for the accelerogram of the Athens 1999 earthquake, while the second earthquake gave an almost elastic response. Comparing with the modal analysis results it comes out that, the structure can hold against surface vibrations whose spectral acceleration matching the crucial first mode period keeps less than 0.15 g.
napoumc'll;OVTOL ypO(jllKCI Ol op8ec; KOL Ol i5tOTµTlTLK8<; TCIOE:l<; K08c.i><; KOL Ol µeTOKlVT)OE:l<; KOL Ol UTIOAOytoµevec; napaµop<j>W-
Hence, it comes quite clear that the monument is much likely to surpass major events, simular to the Athens vibration used
aw:; TOU npoaoµmwµmoc;, KOL auyKplVOVTOI µe TI]V QVTLOTOIX'l eAaattKl'] -en' 6ne1po auµnep1cpop6. EKd y(veta1 cpavepl'] 17 a5uvaµ(a TI]<; eAaattKl']<; av6Au017c; va eKT1µ17ae1 peM1at1K6 TO µeye017 TWV µeTQKLV170eWV KOL TWV eVTOOeWV OTOV ae1aµ6. Km6mv TO npoaoµo(wµa emM017Ke, ym TOV K60e auv5uaaµ6 atl']p1s11c;-5uaKaµljJ(ac; sexwp1at6, µe XPllO'l Tptµepwv KQTQypacpwv an6 Mo ev5e1KT1Kouc; ae1aµouc;: tov aaeevl'] TI]<; OupavounoA17c; (1985) KOL tov 1axup61TJc; A0l']vac; (1999). Ta anoteMaµma e5e1sav µetpta an6Kpl017. ruyKeKptµeva 51acp6V17Ke nw<; 0 cpopfoc; µnope( VQ QVTE:Sel ae1aµ6 µe cpaaµaTLKl7 emTOXUVOl7 m17v nep(o5o Tll<; npwTI]c; 151oµopcpl']c; µ1Kp6tep17 an6 O, 15 g. napouma~oVTOL y1a K60e nep(rnw017 KOL napaMayl'] QVQAUTLKO µe ypacpl']µaTO 11 eseALS'l TWV un0Aoy1aµevwv µeTOKIVl7aewv KOL t6aewv, twv napaµopcpwaewv KOL twv pwyµwv. An6 ta anoteMaµma TI]<; enO...u017c; navta, cpa(vetOL nwc; 17 KataaKeul'] 5ev eLVOL yevLKO IKQV17 va aVTeneseA0eL ae 1axupouc; ae1aµouc; xwp(c; 017µavt1Kec; l3Ml3ec;, teto1ouc; nou npoKOAouv 5ovl']ae1c; 01TJ 1360'7 TI]<; yecpupac; av6Aoyec; µe Tll 5e5oµeV17 Kataypacpl'] tou ae1aµou TI]<; A0l']vac; nou XP11mµono117017Ke. Oat6ao, 17 eeµeALWOl7 navw OTOV ypaVITE:VIO l3paxo µnope( va cpLA.Tp6pe1 ae evav µey6Ao l3a0µ6 nc; npwtec; 151onep165ouc; Kata 1TJV 51eueuv017 B-N, m1c; ono(ec; o cpopfoc; e(vOL 151afrepa eunael']c;. H 5mAwµanKl'] epyaa(a 0AoKA17pwvetOL µe t17v epµ17ve(a twv anoTeAeaµOTWV KOL T'7V as10My17017 Tl7<; IKQVOTI]TO<; TI]<; KQTQOKeul']c; ae ae1aµ1K6 cpopt(a Ka0wc; KOL TI]<; en(cSpa017c; twv 516cpopwv anAono117aewv, napaMaywv l'] napMdljJewv m1c; ono[ec; KOTacpuyaµe. Eseta~eTOL en[017c; 17 aveAOOTLKll QVMUOl7 we; un0Aoy1m1K6 epyaAe[o ym T17v nA17pemep17 µeMt17 twv ucp1m6µevwv KmaaKeuwv. KAdvovtac;, as[~el va TOVL00e( nwc; 17517 unapxe1 11 un0Aoy1m1Kl7 5UVOTOT'7TQ Ka0wc; KOL TQ axeTLKO npoypaµµata wate cpopdc; To1xono1(ac; TOU QVTLOTOLXOU µeyeeouc; va µnopouv nMov va avaAu0ouv y1a ae1aµ1K6 cpopt(a µe Tll µey101T) 5uvml'] aKp[l3e1a ---60'7 emtpenouv 01 anotunwae1c;, TO ne1paµanK6 5e5oµeva KOL 17 avtmpoawneUTLKOTI]Ta twv ae1aµ1Kwv KOTaypacpwv. Aut6 e[vOL 017µavt1K6 516n navtote we; Twpa ri un0Aoy1m1Kl'] IKQVOT'7TQ l7TOV nep1op1aµev17 KOL 11 ap10µf"lTLKl7 QVMUOl7 TWV KOTaaKeuwv avayKaaµev17 va npoacpeuye1 ae anAono117ae1c;, KOL va KOTMl']ye1 avt(mo1xa ae 1Kavec; al3el30L61T]tec; axet1K6 µe 1TJV m0avl'] ae1aµ1Kl'] an6KpL017 touc;. BamK6 017µe(o auT17c; TI]<; 5UVOTOTI]TO<; eLVOL 17 unOAOYLOTLKl7 eKµetaMeu017 TWV OTOlXeLWV TI]<; eewp(ac; axenKa µe 1TJ 5uvaµ1Kl'] av6Au017 µe 5e5oµevo ae1aµ1K6 emtaxuvmoyp6cp17µa, 1TJV aveAaat1K61TJTO twv uA1Kwv, 1TJV auµnep1cpop6 ae avaKuKA1~6µevec; 5p6ae1c;, Ta Kp1T17p1a amox[ac; 01TJV n0Auasov1K17 evta017.
8. Xpovoi"arop[a µt:rnKtvrjat:wv. Displacement time history.
here, not without suffering heavy damages. On the other hand , given that the building is situated upon a solid granite rock it is possible, indeed, that the vibrations matching the most crucial modes on the N-S direction are, upon some degree which cannot be defined here, filtered throughout major events. The thesis is completed with a general evaluation of the analysis results concerning the possible seismic response of the monument. The extent of the non linear analysis tool and the effect of some inescapable simplifications during the model build-up are furthermore commented. To close up, the recent multiplication of the calculation possibilities has given promises for a very positive future on the non linear analysis methods. Under these new facts, the theoretical knowledge on material behavior can be used rather productively for a realistic monument building evaluation and a reasonable design of a strengthening effort.
Eu8uµ(a nanaown7p(ou, apx1TeKTwv µr,xav1K6c;
H MONH TOY APXArrEAOY MIXAHJ\ rTO NOMO nEAAAL Em~Mnwv: n.wpyoc; Kapaoeooc;, apxm~KTWV µrixav1K6c;
Efthimia Papasotiriou, architect engineer
architect engineer
MOV17 TOU ApxoyyEAOU MtxotjA ~p(aKE:TOl OTO ~opelOOVOTOAlKO 6.Kpo TOU Noµou nEMoc;, O'TT)V enopx(o Mµwn(oc;, ae on60TOOll Mo µ6°Atc; XlAtOµETpwv on6 TO xwpt6 Apx6.yye°Aoc;. 'Exel TOUTlOTE:( µe TO µovo~pl TOU Ay(ou lw6.vvri Tou npoop6µou, TO ono(o eµq>ov(~eTm yto npci.JTTJ q>op6. OTtc; n17y{:,c; TO 1184 KOl E:lVOl µeTOXl TT]<; I. M. Mey(O'TT)c; /\oupoc; TOU Ay(ou 'Opouc;.
rchangel Michael Monastery is located in the north-eastern part of the Prefecture of Pella, in the Almopia region, just 2 km. from the village of Archangelos. Certain scholars consider that it was formerly the Agios loannis Prodromou (St. John the Forerunner) Monastery which was cited in sources for the first time in 1184 and was a dependency of the Megistis Lavras Monastery of Mt. Athos.
H µernvoµoa(o Tou ae MoVll rnu ApxoyyE°Aou Mtxotj°A oev onoK°Ae(eTm VO npoyµmonOlE:ITOl KOT6. TT]V OVOlK006µ17~ TOU µeT6. TT]V KOTOOTpoq>tj TTOU UTTEO'TT) yupw OTO 1790.
One cannot rule out the change in name to Archangel Michael Monastery when the monastery was rebuilt after being destroyed in the 1790s.
H nop6.oo01'7 0EAE:l Tll MoV17 vo i5toopoµm(~el Ol"]µo(vovrn p6°Ao yupw neptoxtj, Ko0' 6°A.17 TTJV nopdo TT]<;, µiXPl TTJV Te°Aeurn(o KOTOOTpoq>tj Tl7<; KOTO TOV npci.JTO noyK6aµto n6°Aeµo. H OVOOUOTOOl"] KOl E:nOVOAE:lTOUpy(o Tl7<; ~E:KlVOE:l OUOlOOTlKO TO 1989. An6 TO KT(pto nou q>Epet e(vm 6Ao OUYXPOVO, nA17v TOU K000AlKOU KOl TOU KT(aµmoc; VOT(wc; OUTOU nou XPOVOAoyouVTOl TOV 190 OlWVO.
Tradition has it that the Monastery played a leading role in the life of the surrounding area throughout its entire history until the last time it was destroyed during World War I. The Monastery was re-established and re-opened in 1989. All its buildings are modern, apart from the Katholikon (central monastery church) and the building south of it, which date from the 19th century.
H nopouao µeMUJ eOTL6.~eL O'TT)V ov6.Au01'7-TE:Kµ17p(w01'7 Tou K00o°AtKou KOl Tl7 OlOTUTTWOl"] np6TOOl"]<; YlO TT]V OTTOKOTOOTO~
1. 'Arro(/J17 Tl']c; MoVJJc; arr6 TO v6TO. The Archangel Michael Monastery, view fron south. THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL MONASTERY INTHE PREFECTURE OF PELLA
This study focuses on: • The analysis, the documentation and restoration proposal of the Katholikon
2. Ka00AIKO - OUTIKTJ oljlr,. The Katholikon - west view.
3. Ka00AIKO - QVQTOAIKTJ oljlr,. The Katholikon - east view.
Tou, Ka8wc; Kat ae nponicre1c; y1a TTJ 01aµ6pcpw017 Tou nep1!36AAOVTOc; xwpou Kat TTJ 01eu8ETT]OT] TWV XP~aewv OTTJV eyyuc; nep1om TOU VQOU.
• The landscaping proposal of the surrounding environment and the establishment of designated land uses in the area close to the church.
To Ka80A1K6
The Katholikon
0 va6c; TOU ApxayyEAOU M1xa~A a~Kel OTOV apx1TeKTOVIKO TUno TT}c; TPLKAITT]c; l3acrLA1K~c; µe moo Kat unepKetµevo yuvatKWVLTTJ, evav TUTIO o ono(oc; avamucrcreTat OTlc; apxec; TOU 19ou atwva. np6Ke1Tat y1a evav nup~va Tp(KA1TTJc; E;uMmeyric; l3amAIK~c;. nou nepLAaµl36ve1 Kup(wc; va6 Kat 1ep6, o ono(oc; nep1l36AAeT01 an6 m6crxriµri moo.
The Archangel Michael Church is a three-aisled basilica with gallery and raised gynaikonitis, a form that developed at the beginning of the 19th century.
H moo KOTOAaµl36ve1 OAT] TT] ounK~ Kat TO 1/3 nep(nou Tou µ~Kouc; Twv nAeup1Kwv 6tJJewv Tou vaou. To xwpo n6vw an6 au~v KOTOAaµl36ve1 o yuvatKWVLTTJc;, o ono(oc; oev eE;exe1 npoc; Tov Kup(wc; va6, acp~vovTOc; ETcrt eAeu8epa TO KALTTJ va avamuxeouv ae OAO TO utJJoc; TOU KTlp(ou. 01 6tJJe1c; Tou vaou xapOKTTJPL½ovT01 an6 AITOTTJTO Kat anMTTJTO. b.oµOUVTOI µe apyouc; At8ouc;, evw OL ywv(ec; 01aµopcpwvoVTat µe euµeye8e1c;, emME;1a Aal:;euµevouc; nwp61'.18ouc;. Al:;16Aoyo µopcp0Aoy1K6 motxe(o anoTe1'.ouv 01 av6yAucpec; napam6cre1c; nou crxriµm(½oVTat moue; ywvtaKouc; ne1'.eKT]µevouc; nwp6A18ouc;. 0 va6c; e(vat T01xoypacpriµevoc; an6 epyam~p1 Kpoucrol31Twv ½wyp6cpwv. 01 017µaVT1K6rnpec; na8oAoy(ec; nou eµcpav(½oVTat acpopouv Ta cpepOVTQ ooµLKO OTOLXe(a Kat ocpeO...OVTat etTe OTTJ cp8op6 TWV UALK<.i>v TOuc;, e(Te ae 6moxec; ve6Tepec; eneµl36cre1c;. IuyKeKp1µeva, 6crov acpop6 m1c; T01xono1(ec; eVTon(½oVTat ae Ka81½~cre1c;, priyµmwcre1c;, 01axwp1crµ6 6tJJewv A18oooµ~c;. 016l3pw017 apµou, avepx6µevri uypacr(a. An6 TO E;uA1va 00µ1K6 motxeia EVTovo np6!3AT]µa napoum6½eL ri ITTEYTJ, 6nou napaTT]pe(T01 aMo(w017 TT}c; yewµeTp(ac; TT}c; Myw OA(cr8ri017c; aµe1l36VTwv, Ka8wc; Kat 01 E;uA1vo1 K(ovec; 01 ono(o1 napoum6½ouv unoxwpriOTJ, m8avwc; Myw Ka8(½TJOTJc;. H npOTOOT] OTIOKOTOOTOOT]c; TOU VQOU avacpepeTOI acpev6c; OTlc; avayKa(ec; eneµl36cre1c; y1a TTJV an0Km6ma017 Kat cru~pTJOTJ TWV KOTeOTpaµµEVWV ~ aMotWµEVWV OTOLXe(wv TOU, ooµIKWV
The gallery occupies the whole western side and about 1/3 of the length of the lateral fagades of the church. The space above it is occupied by the gynaikonitis, which does not project into the main body of the church thus leaving the aisles free to stretch the entire height of the building. The fagades of the church are simple and plain. They are built of rough-hewn stone while the corners are formed by goodsized, skilfully carved limestone blocks. A remarkable morphological feature is the relief scenes carved on the corner limestone blocks. The church's interior is decorated with wall paintings made by a group of painters from the area of Krousovo. The most serious pathologies of the building are di-rectly related to the load-bearing structure, and were caused due either to material wear and tear, or to recent unsuitable interventions. The main pathologies related to the masonry are: • subsidence of the walls • cracking of the walls • separation of the two leaves of the walls • erosion of the mortary in the joints • rising damp. As far as the wooden structural parts are concerned, the main pathologies are: • the geometry of the roof has been skewed due to shifts of the rafters (amevontes) • the columns of the arcade have sunk possibly due to subsidence.
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4. Ka80A1K6 - roµfJ 8-8. The Katholikon - section 8-8.
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5. Ka80A1K6 - roµfJ Ll-Ll. The Katholikon - section Ll-Ll.
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6. Ka80A1K6 - 6.rroljJTJ rou sawrsptKou. The Katho/ikon - interior view.
7. Ka80A1K6 - K6.TOI/JrJ rrpwrou smrrioou. The Katholikon - first level plan.
KOL µ17, KOL TT)V cipori TWV OLTLWV nou nc; npOKCIAWOV, KOL ocpen:pou anc; eneµ(36oe1c; nou npenet vo y(vouv mo µv17µe(o, WOTe VO i5toow8e( KOL VO npo(3A178e( 17 lOTOptKl7 KOL OL08l7TlKl7 o~io Tou, e~oocpOA.i~ovrnc; rnuT6)(povo 6Aec; nc; ovoyKoiec; ouv817Kec; y10 Til AetToupyio Tou we; µovoUTT)ptoKou voou.
The restoration proposal aims to: • interventions needed to repair and maintain damaged or destroyed elements -whether structural or otherwise- and to address the causes of these • interventions which should be made to the monument in order to preserve it and project its historical and aesthetic value, while at the same time to ensure that all necessary conditions for it to serve as a monastery church are met.
nep1l3aMwv xwpoc; H oriµep1V17 e1K6vo TilC: MoV17c; dvOL onoTeAeoµo npoo8enKwv eneµ(36oewv mov ow~6µevo nup17vo Tou K08oAtKou KOL Tou KTioµmoc; voTiwc; ouTou, nou EAo(3ov xwpo on6 To 1989 KOL e~17c;. AnoTeAeoµo TilC: i5toi5tKoo(oc; ouT17c; 17rnv 17 µ17 opyovwµevri KOTOV0µ17 )(pl70ewv ae KeAUcp17 QTCIKTWC: i50µ17µevo KOL KOTO KOVOVO np6xe1pec; KQTOOKeuec; µ17 ouµpmec; µe TO xopoKT17po TOU µvriµdou.
To yeyov6c; ouT6 ae ouvi5uooµ6 µe TT)V eKnecppooµevri em8uµ(o TWV µOVOXWV VO µeTeyKOTOOT080UV Oe TIOpOKe(µevo XWPO, AetTOupywvrnc; we; K080AtK6 Tl7<:; Mov17c; TOV unapxovrn vo6, un17p~ov To (3omK6 m0txe(o nou en17peooov To axei5100µ6 Tou nep1(36Movrnc; xwpou. THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL MONASTERY IN THE PREFECTURE OF PELLA
Surrounding area The present-day image of the Monastery is the result of progressive interventions to the surviving core (Katholikon and building to the south of it) which took place between 1989 and nowadays. A result of this process was an unorganised distribution of uses among irregularly constructed buildings that are mostly makeshift structures incompatible with the nature of the monument. This fact, combined with the wish of the monks to be relocated to a nearby site while using the current church as the Monas-
9. np6raar, - 6rro{/lr, arr6 m v6ro. Proposal - view from the south.
np6raar, - yev1Krj 6rro{/lr,. Proposal - general view.
10. np6raar, - opy6vwar, rrep1/36Movror:; xwpou.
Proposal - landscaping of the surrouding area.
npon:(vovrm: • KOTE:OClcplOT) TWV auy)(pOVWV np6xetpwv KOTOOKE:UWV • i5taµ6pcpwOT) 6ljJewv OTO KT(pta nou OLOTTJPOUVTOL • i5teu8eTTJOTJ XPr'Jaewv ma evanoµdvaVTa KeMcpTJ • OlE:VE:pyE:LO OVOOKO<plKWV epeuvwv OTLC:: 8foetc:; nou E:lKCl~E:TOl 6n ~p(aKoVTav OL mepuyec:; TTJC:: Movr'Jc:; • opycivwOT) Tou nept~ciMoVToc:; xwpou (i5T]µtoupy(a KT(aµaToc:; nou ea meyci~E:l rn WC an6 TOV npoOUAlO xwpo TOU VOOU, oXE:OLOaµ6c:; TTJC:: E:LOOOOU, KOTOOKE:U'7 OTE:yaOTpWV, opyciVWOT) TOU XWPOU µe K08LOTLKCI KTA.).
11. np6raar, - opy6vwar, rrep1/36Movror:; xwpou.
Proposal - landscaping of the surrouding area.
tery Katholikon, were the key elements, which affected the planning of the surrounding area. Thus, the key proposals can be summarized as: • demolition of the modern makeshift structures • fa9ade intervention of the buildings retained • redistribution of uses in the remaining buildings • conduction of archaeological research in locations where it is assumed the Monastery's wings used to stand • landscaping of the surrounding area.
Hpw nanaxp~OTOU, T)AeKTpoMyoc; µT)XOVLK6c; & µT)XOVLKOC: H/Y
MEJ\ETH E=OTEPIKOY ct>OTILMOY nPOHN EPrOLTALIOY <t>ILTH 0ELLAAONIKH Em~Mnouaa: Ka11.11.tpp6ri na11.u~ou, apxm~KTwv µr1xavLK6c; lro Papachristou, electrical engineer
ILLUMINATION OF THE FORMER BREWERY OF FIX IN THESSALONIKI Supervisor: Kallirroi Palyvou, architect engineer
napouaa µE/I.ETT7 acpopa. TO npw17v i'.;u8onmdo «Kapo1'.oc; <l>Ll;» OTT7 0EOOQAOVLKT7. np6KELTQL YLO eva µovaOLKO KTLpLaK6 auvoll.o, µv17µE[o T17c; ~Loµ17xavtKr']c; Kll.17povoµta.c; T17c; n6t..17c;, µEya.l\17c; LOTOPLKT]c; KOL OPXLTEKTOVLKT]c; al;(ac;, K08wc; auyKEVTpwvEL nt..r']Soc; nt..17pocpopLWV nou acpopouv OE OLKoooµtKec; TEXVLKec; KOL UALKa., OPXLTEKTOVLKec; Ta.aEtc; KOL OT1c; El;Et..tl;Etc; nou 017µELW8T7KQV OTO ~10µ17xav1K6 TOµfo TO TEAEUTQLQ 100 XPOVlQ.
Kaewc; OE yvwp(i'.;ouµE TTOLQ ea ElVOL 17 XP'7017 KOL 17 µopcpr'] TOU auyKpoTr']µmoc; OTO µeMov, TO npOTELVOµEVO cpWTlOTLKO oXT]µa acpopa. OT17v una.pxouaa KOTa.OTa017 KOL dvOL l;EKa.8apa npoaavmot..1aµevo OTT7v ava.0E1l;17 Twv 6lJ)Ewv. AuT6 017µa(vE1 6n 17 auyKEKp1µeV17 µEMTT7 µnopd va µ17 auµ~ao(i'.;EL µE Tll µEll.AOVTLKT] AElTOupy(a KOL 61JJ17 TOU auyKpoTr']µmoc;.
his work in lighting design regards the old brewery of "Karolos Fix" in Thessaloniki. It is a unique building complex, a monument of the city's industrial heritage and of great historical and architectural importance, since it concentrates a variety of information regarding building techniques and materials, architectural trends and the industrial evolution over the last 100 years.
Since we don't know what the future use and form of the complex will be, the hereby proposed lighting scheme regards its present state and is clearly focused on the accentuation of its exterior views. This means that the lighting design may not be coherent with the complexes future usage and form.
Lighting philosophy The proposed scheme takes the relationship of the complex with the city, the port and the surrounding area into account. A
H /36pe1a 61/JrJ rou auyKpoTfJµaroc; </:IE Northern view of the FIX complex.
B6pE:ta OI/JrJ, rµfJµa A. npoaoµo[wOrJ aro Photoshop. Northern view, section A. Photoshop simulation.
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- ---sotm1-vm).
3. KaTOI/Jr) TOU OUyKpOTT]µaroc; <Pt~. Ground plan of the Fix complex.
<1>1Aoaoq>ia Tl'J<; &nt1,1J3aa11c; To nporn1v6µevo ax11µa r..aµf36.ve1 un'6L!J1v HJ O)(ECITJ Tou ouyKpoT17µmoc; µe TI7V n6r..17, TO r..1µ6v1 Kat Tl7V eupuTep17 nep10X'l· BaoLK6 Tonoypacp1K6 OT01xdo T17c; nep1ox11c; anoTer..e( o 001K6c; al;ovac; T17c; 2617c; 0KTwf3p(ou nou 0017yd OTO epyoOTa010 <l>I::, Km en( T17c; ono(ac; (3pioKeTm ri f36pe1a nr..eupa Tou ouyKpoT17µmoc;. np6K8LTOl yta EVQ Op6µo µeTptac; KUKA.O<pop(ac;, 0 OTIOtOc; 8VWV8l TI7V n6r..ri T17c; 0woar..oviK17c; µe Ttc; mo unof3a8µ1oµevec; auvmK(ec; T11c; Km T11 f310µ17xav1K17 T17c; ~WV17. LTI7V eupUTep17 nep10X17 oev eVToni~oVTm a.Ma 101airnpa al;16r..oya KT(pm Km o cpwnoµ6c; T17c; napexern1 an6 10Touc; ooocpwnoµou. Ta enineoa cpwnoµou OT17v nep10X17 KuµaivoVTm an6 15 lux ewe; 30 lux. LT6xoc; T17c; µeMTI7c; 17rnv 17 el;aocp6.r..tCIT) emneowv <pWT8lVOTl7Tac; T17c; TCll;ewc; TWV 15-40 lux OTO OLO<popa 8TIITI80Q TWV Ol!JE:WV KOi TWV OTEYWV, npOKE:lµEVOU TO OUyKpOTI7µa va l;exwp(~e1 an6 TO mo8rJnK6 ao16cpopo nep1!36.Mov Tou, xwp(c; wOT6ao va unepf36.Me1 oe eVTaCIT). H npOTOCIT) <pWTtoµou eLVOl npOOQVQTOA.lOµEV17 OT17V 8TIIA.8KTlK'7 avaoe1l;17 TWV Ol!JE:WV, µe yvwµova TO OPXlTEKTOVlKO evo1acpepov TOuc;, OA.A.6 Kat TI7V opm6T17T6. TOuc;, npoKetµevou va anocpeuxSei 17 emf36puvCIT) TOU µV17µdou µe µ17 anapaiT17To cpwnOTtK6 el;onr..10µ6 Kat 17 60Kon17 XP'lCITJ Tou <pwT6c;. H f3ao1K17 1ofo niow an6 Tl7V napouoa np6TOCIT) 17Tav 17 017µ1oupyia µtac; VU)(TE:PLV'lc; 8lK6vac; TOU auyKpoT17µmoc; QVTLOTOlX17c; µe auT17v nou dxe 600 r..etToupyouae we; ~u8ono1do. To auyKp6TI7µa napouo(a~e EVTOVll opaOT17p16TI7Ta Ka8'6r..17 T11 016pKe1a T11c; vu)(Tac;, np6.yµa nou CIT)µa(ve1 6Tt an6 TO avoiyµm6. TOU TIClVTQ e(3ymve cpwc;. LTI7 µeMTI7 cpwnaµou QUTO µerncpp6.~8TOl µe TOV TOVL0µ6 TWV napa8upwv KOi TWV K8VWV TWV KTLp(wv, evavn Twv nr..17pwv µepwv TOuc;, nou <pwTi~oVTm noM omKpLTtK6 17 KOi Ka86r..ou.
npoyp61,11,1ara nou XPl1C111,10TTOl~81']KOV 01 anapaiTl7TOl <pWTOT8XVLKOl unor..oy1aµoi (<pWTOµeTp(ec;) npayµmono117817Kav µe TO np6ypaµµa Relux 2006. LTll 0168e-
~~~~-~~: sEcrioi"A ........J
1 .. . . / . basic topographic element of this area is 26th October Street, leading to the Fix brewery and along which the northern views of the complex are situated. This is a road of moderate circulation, which links the city of Thessaloniki with its more degraded districts and the city's industrial zone. In the surrounding area there are no other buildings of similar importance and the currently implemented lighting is provided by streetlights. The illumination levels at this region range from 15 to 30 lux. This lighting proposal aims at achieving illumination levels ranging from 15 to 40 lux on the facades and rooftops of Fix, so as to allow for the complex to stand out from its indifferent surroundings, without exaggerating in intensity. The lighting design focuses on the selective accentuation of the fa~ades, with regard to their architectural significance, but also their overall visibility, in order to avoid burdening the monument with unnecessary lighting equipment and the redundancy of light. The basic design concept was the creation of a nighttime image of the complex, which would resemble the one it had by the time it was functioning as a brewery. By that time, the factory had a strong nighttime activity, which means that light poured out of its openings during night. In the lighting design this is expressed by the accentuation of the windows and the empty spaces between the buildings, whereas their full parts remain more or less in the dark.
Programmes used All necessary photometric calculations were performed with Relux 2006. At my disposal were also the elaborate imprints of the complex realized by my fellow students of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Course, as part of the 2004/2005 workshop. A 3-D Autocad model of the Fix complex was constructed. The images used for the lighting simulations were created in the Artlantis program. The final simulation images resulted from the processing of those images in Photoshop. MEAETH E=OTEPIKOY ¢lOTll:MOY nPOHN EPfOHAIIOY ¢11= HH 0EHAAONIKH
oiJ µou e(xa TO axe51a TTJ<; anoTunworic; nou npayµmono(riaav
Construction materials of the Fix brewery
cpOITTJTec; TOU LlnML OTO nt..a(mo TOU EpyaOTI7p(ou LlLE:TIIOTrJµov1K17c; Luvepyaaiac;. An6 TO axe51a aUT6 KOTOOKE:UOOTTJKE: TO Tpta51C10TQTO µoVTeAO TOU <l>L~ OTO Autocad. 01 E:LK6vec; nou XPrimµonm178rJKav y1a TTJV npoaoµo(wori Tou cpwnaµou npoeKulj.Jav an6 TO np6ypaµµa Art/antis. 01 TE:ALKec; cpwrnpeOA10T1Kec; ane1Kov(ae1c; npoeKulj.Jav an6 TTJV ene~epyaaia Twv e1K6vwv aUTwv OTO Photoshop.
The image of the complex is dominated by red bricks on most more significant buildings. This dictated the use of lamps with a color temperature of 2000oK-3000oK, such as high pressure sodium lamps or warm daylight metal halide lamps. Another material frequently met on site is yellowish-beige coated brick or concrete. The demand for artificial light of low color temperature (2500°K-3500°K) is still valid.
Triv e1K6va Tou auyKpoT17µmoc; Ka8opi½e1 ri Kup1apxia Tou K6KK1vou om6nt..1v8ou ma nep1aa6Tepa KOL mo oriµaVTtK6 KT(aµaTO. To ut..1K6 auT6 KOL TO KOKKtvo XPciJµa unay6peuae TTJV emt..oy17 t..aµm17pwv xaµriMc; 8epµoKpaa(ac; xpwµarnc; (an6 2000 ° ewe; 3000 ° K), 6nwc; e(vm ot Mµnec; vmpiou Ulj.JrJAll<; nieoric; 17 m µeTaMtKwv at..oyov15(wv 8epµou t..euKou XPciJµmoc;, OTTJ µE:AE:TTJ E:~WTE:plKOU cpwnaµou. LTO un6t..oma KT(aµma, TO ut..1K6 nou auvaVT6 Kaveic; dvm emXPtaµevo Toul3t..o Km µneT6v, XPWµmoc; Kfrp1vou- µne½. laxue1 KOi e5w Tl OTIOLTrJOT] 8epµou AE:UKOU cpwT6c;, 8epµoKpaaiac; XPciJµmoc; an6 2500 ° ewe; 3500 ° K.
LE: op1aµeva oriµe(a TOU xwpou npOTLµT78rJKE: rJ XPllOTJ XPWµaTIOTOU cpwT6c;, ri ono(a l3aa(OTTJKE: ae maerinKa Kp1T17p1a, aMa eXE:L avacpopec; OTrJV npWrJV AE:ITOUpy(a TOU we; ½U80TIOLE:LO. 1. <l>wr10µ6c; J36pe1ac; 61JJ11c;
At some parts of the complex the usage of colored lighting was preferred, a choice which was based on aesthetic criteria, but also relates to the former use of the brewery.
1. Illumination of the northern fa«iades The northern view of Fix lies across the 26th October Street and has the best visibility from the city. It consists of two large lengthwise parts, wholly made of uncoated red brick. Part A is characterized by a great variety of openings located on its lower and upper zones, whereas the zone in the middle takes in the name "Karolos Fix" written in big white letters. This part of the complex used to be the brewery's ice factory. Part B is characterized by the beer cooling tower and the 8 external beer fermentation silos. The lighting design for this very important view involves: a. Part A
The idea was to illuminate the openings of the fa9ade by means of 2 different lighting methods. The first one applies to the openings of the lower zone, which are to be up-lit with blue light, in order to create a remembrance of the building's former use as an ice factory.
H l36pe1a 6lj.JrJ Tou auyKpoT17µmoc; l3piaKeTm Km6 µ17Koc; TTJ<; o5ou 26ric; OKTwl3piou Km eµcpav(½e1 TrJV KOAuTepri opm6TTJTO an6 TTJV nt..eup6 TTJ<; n6t..ric;. AnoTet..e(Tm an6 Mo µeyOAa emµT7KrJ Tµ17µma, e~ ot..0KA17pou KOTOaKeuaaµeva an6 eµcpaV17 om6nt..1v80. To Tµ17µa A xapaKTTJp(½eTm an6 noMa avoiyµma OTTJ xaµriMTepri KOL lj.JrJA6Tepri ½WVrJ Tou, evw OTTJ µeaaia ½WVrJ KUptapxd ri emypacp17 «KAPOAOL <l>I=». To KTlplO OUT0 l7TOV K6noTe TO nayono1do Tou <l>I::.
The lighting scheme differs for the windows located on the upper zone, since it engages the building's interior for the backillumination of the windows with blue light projectors, which are to be switched on when the building is not in use.
To TµT7µa B xapOKTTJPl½E:TOI an6 TOV nupyo TOU ljJUXPOVTrJp(ou KOi TO 8 E:~WTE:plKCI OIA0 µeTO½uµwaric; Tr]<; µnupac;. rLO TrJV noM oriµaVTLKll auT17 6lj.JrJ mu <l>I:: ri np6Taori cpwT1aµou nep1t..aµl3ave1:
The lighting design for this fa9ade also involves its floodlighting by the warm white light of four projectors using high pressure sodium lamps and located on two 9m high lighting poles situated across the street. These poles are also used for street illumination.
4. npoaoµofw<JTJ rou <pwTlaµou Tr/<:; {36peiac; 61/JT/c; rou cPtf Simulation of the lighting proposed for the northern view of Fix. ILLUMINATION OF THE FORMER BREWERY OF FIX IN THESSALONIKI
rp~IKO «mrn1<0 ¢00PIIMOY ArVMMETPHt 2 IWTS, :JOOO"I(
nPOOOI\EAI AtYMP,!ETl'l-lt t.EIUJ-11. 7rHIHIT-OE.3000'1<
: cc
· u· · m·· u
llP060IIEAI ITE™L EMal'TT1t<)U ll.EtMHI. 7(JNHIT,2!00"K
- - - - - +lill
u u□
2'/NTS. 3000"K
nP()6()1,.£,U IT£NKt o.Et...a. 3SWHIT + l<rTPINOOlhWO
~ xmEYTOCOTIITll<OUJ'IEt.OY IlEr+ttAE.tMK1(<1"24•).
\ 5. AnonJnwal') cpw nartKwv owµ6rwv aTl')V avarnAtKrj 61/11') ({3paoap{a) . Eastern elevation (brewery) indicating the lighting equipment.
10&NOR11I 3000"K
6. NIA 61/Jl'J. npoaoµo{wOTJ mu cpwnaµou am Relux 2006. S/E view. Lighting simulation in Relux 2006.
7. O 016opoµoc; av6µeoa arl') {3paooap{a Kat
TO 1/JU)(pavrrjpto. npoaoµo{WOTJ (pWTtaµou. The corridor between the brewery and the cooling plants. Lighting simulation.
a. TµrjµaA
H tofo 17Tav 17 a~tono(170T] TWV avotyµciTwv T17<; 6lj.117c; Km npoTdvoVTm Mo otacpopE:TlKO axflµma cpwTtaµou. To npcino acpop6 OTO nap68upa TOU xaµ17MTE:pou Tµ17µmoc; TOU KTlp(ou, 6nou npo1dvE:TOl o an6 KOTW cpwnaµ6 Touc; µE: µnA£ cpwc;, npoKE:tµevou va y(vE:l µta un6µvriOTJ T11<; npw17v XPllOTJ<; Tou KTtp(ou we; nayano817K17c;. "i..TO avo(yµma T11<; lj.117Mrnp17c; i'.;wvric; 1ou KT1p(ou 17 MOT] 010cpoponotdTm, Ka8wc; o cpwnaµ6c; rnuc; w11uyx6vE:TOL µE T17v TOTT088T170T] npo~oMwv µnAE: cpw16c; OTO E:OWTE:plKO TOU KTLp(ou, Ol ono(Ol ea Tt8E:VTQl OE: AE:lTOUpy(a OTOV O xwpoc; OE: AE:lTOUpyd. 'Eva Kp(mµo i'.;17T17µa dvm o cpwnaµ6c; T17<; wtypacp17c; «KAPO/\O"i.. <l>I::». npoTdveTm 17 KOTOOKE:Ull µ1ac; aUT6cpwT17c; AE:UKll<; emypacp17c;.
Another critical issue is the illumination of the "Karolos Fix" label. The design proposes the construction of a self illuminating white label. Also visible from this view is the complexes highest building, the brewery's tower. The illumination of the tower is achieved by using linear luminaires with high power LED's of red color, located on all four sides. The appointment of red light was dictated by the tower's material, which is red brick, but also by the fact that this was the place where the boiling of the beer took place. b. PartB
The basic element of the lighting design for this part of the complex is the illumination of the external silos. These are to be up lit by in-ground recessed luminaries using blue colored filters. MEAETH E::OTEPIKOY ¢>Orn:MOY nPOHN EPrOHAl:JOY ¢11:: HH 0EHAAONIKH
Opmoc; OTJ'lV Olj.JJ'l al.ITT] TOU GUYKPOTT]µmoc; dvm TO lj.JriMn:po KTtGµa Tou epyoaracr(ou, o nupyoc; TJ'l<:; ppacrap(ac;. O cpwTLGµoc; TOU nupyou y(veTOL µe ypaµµLKCI <pWTIOTIKCl µe AOµTITT]pec; LED KOKKIVOU )(pWµOToc;, TOno8eTriµeva OTJ'l Paari K68e n>-.eupac; TOU. H enLAoy17 TOU )(pWµmoc; eow unayop8UTJ'lK8 ano TOV KOKKLVO omon>-.1v80, aM6 Km TJ'l crxeari TOU KTiGµOToc; µe TO xwpo onou Mµpave xwpa O ppaGµoc; TOU ~u8oy>-.euKouc;.
/J. Tµrjµa B Kup(apxo armxdo TJ'l<:; µeMTJ'lc; cpwnGµou arriv olj.Jri aUT17 anorn>-.d o cpwncrµoc; Twv e~wTeptKwv GLAO. npoTe(veTm o ano KaTW cpwncrµoc; Touc; µe XWVWTCI <pWTLOTLKCl oaneoou Km XP'lOJ'l µn>-.e cpO...Tpou. To )(pwµa, yta 6Mri µta cpopa, Se>-.et va unev8uµ(GeL TJ'lV na>-.moTepri TOUTOTJ'lTO Tou xwpou, Km va Guµp6Met OTJ'lV mG8J'lTIK17 notOTJ'lTO Tou T8ALKou anornMGµOToc;. ITo Tµ17µa auTo TJ'l<:; olj.Jric;, µe TO GLAO, oe cpwT(~nm Ka8o>-.ou To en(µriKec; KTtpLo TJ'l<:; na>-.tac; ano817KJ'l<:;, napa µovo ri areyri Tou. 0 <pWTIGµoc; TJ'l<:; Olj.JJ'l<:; GUµTIAJ'lpWV8Tm µe TJ'lV QVCI08l~J'l TWV napa8upwv TJ'l<:; pope1ac; olj.Jric; Tou nupyou TOu lj.JUXPOVTJ'lp(ou. lotafrepo OPXLTeKTOVLKO evotacpepov OTJ'lV napanavw Olj.JJ'l napouma~et TO Tp1ywv1Ko Tµ17µa Tou KTtp(ou KaTw ano TJ'l meyri, nou oriµtoupyd onec; crx11µmoc; araupou µe TOuc; omon>-.1v8ouc;. npoTeiveTm Tl av6oe1~ri TOU OTOIXelOU QUTOU µe TOV ano µfoa npoc; TO cpwnGµo Tou µe LCJ)(upo npopoMa Sepµou AeuKou cpwToc;.
2. AvaroA1K~ 6lj111 .LTO Tµ17µa QUTO TOU GUYKPOTT]µOToc; KUptapxd ri Olj.JJ'l TJ'l<:; ppaGap(ac;, TOGO Myw ulj.Jouc;, oGo Km Myw apxtrnKTovtKou evoLacpepovTOc;. XapOKTJ'lp(~eTm ano TJ'lV unap~J'l TIOAAWV napa8upwv 01acpopeT1Kwv µeye8wv. H µeMTJ'l npopMne1 TJ'l cpwnOT1K17 av6oe1~ri TWV avmyµ6Twv auTwv, µe TJ'lV Tono8ETJ'lOJ'l ypaµµ1KWV <pWTIOTIKWV cp8opLGµou OTJ'l Paari K68e napa8upou. AKOAOU8efrm Km eow Tl AOYIK'7 cpwnGµou TWV K8VWV TOU KTLpiou, evw TO TIAllPTl µepri TOU napaµevouv mG8J'lTCl mo GKOT81VCI.
0 <pWTIGµoc; TJ'l<:; Olj.JJ'l<:; GUµTIAJ'lpWV8Tm µe TO <pWTtGµO TWV olj.Jewv TWV KTtp(wv TOU puvonmeiou. AUTO<:; WLTUYXCIV8Tm µe TJ'lV Tono8ETJ'lOJ'l Tptwv npopoMwv KaTw ano TO en(neoo TJ'l<:; areyric;. Ot npopo>-.e(c; auTo( e~aGcpa>-.(~ouv TOGO cpwnGµo TWV napanavw olj.Jewv, OGo Km Tou otaopoµou nou pp(GKeTm µnpOOTCl.
3. Tµ~µa 8, i5UTIK~ OljHJ LTJ'lV nAeupa OUTT] KUplapxd Tl 0UTLKl7 Olj.JJ'l TOU lj.JUXP0VTJ'lp(ou, ri ono(a ppiGKeTm aKptPwc; anevavn ano TJ'l ppaGap(a Km µe TJ'lV ono(a exet noMa Kotva µopcpo>-.oytKa xapaKTJ'lpLOTLKa. Iuvenwc;, QVTlOTOLXJ'l e(vm Km Tl npOTOOJ'l <pWTLcrµou. lotafrepo ariµe(o TJ'l<:; µeMTJ'lc; anoTeAecre o cpwnGµoc; TJ'l<:; ytcpupac; nou evwvet TO KTtpto TJ'l<:; ppaGap(ac; µe auTo Tou lj.JuXPOVTJ'lp(ou. H tofo 17TOv va cpwnard To KaTw Tµ17µ0 TJ'l<:; yecpupac; µe cpwc; omcpopeTLKou )(pwµmoc; ano K68e aKpJ'l TJ'lc;: Sepµo (Kfrptvo cpwc;) ano TJ'lV n>-.eupa TJ'lc; ppaGap(ac; Km lj.JUXPO (µn>-.e cpwc;) ano TJ'lV n>-.eupa TOu lj.JUXPOVTJ'lp(ou, µe aroxo TJ'l oriµ1oupyia TJ'l<:; a(GSriaric; TJ'l<:; µeT6Paaric; ano TO xwpo onou eppa~e Tl µnupa OTO XWPO lj.JU~J'lc; TJ'l<:;.
4. Tµ~µa 8, v6r1a oljHJ
8. LlUTIKrj OI/J1']. LlcaKp[VE:TQ( o nupyoc; TOU 1/JU)(pOVTTJp[ou. Western view. The beer cooling tower is distinct.
Once again, the use of colored light intends to indicate the building's former identity, but also responds to aesthetic criteria. This part of the complex, the old warehouse behind the silos, deliberately remains in the shadow, except for its roof. The lighting scheme for this fagade is completed by accentuating the windows located on the northern fagade of the old cooling tower. An architectural detail of great interest is the gable of the tower, where the bricks create holes in the shape of a cross. It is suggested that this element should be back lit by a strong projector with warm white light. 2. Eastern view The dominant building at this part of the complex is the old brewery, not only because of its height, but also because of its great architectural value. It is characterized by a large number of windows of different shapes and sizes. The design aims at the accentuation of these openings, by means of a linear fluorescent luminaire fixed on the baseboard of each one of them. This complies with the idea of illuminating the voids of the building, whereas its full parts remain in the dark. The design for the eastern view also involves the illumination of the factory's maltery fagade. This is achieved by using three projectors of asymmetric optics, situated directly under the roof. These projectors provide for the fagade's illumination, as well as for the corridor in front of it. 3. Section 8, western view At this part of the complex lies the western fagade of the factory's cooling plants, which are located directly across the old brewery and sharing a strong resemblance with it. Therefore, the proposed lighting scheme is practically the same (see 2). A special design feature was the illumination of the pedestrian bridge that joins the brewery and the beer cooling tower. The idea was to illuminate the bottom side of the bridge with light of two different color temperatures: warm (yellow) light from the side of the brewery and cool (blue) light from the side of the cooling plants, so as to create the notion of transition between the place where the beer was boiled and were it was cooled and stored.
m:OOU 8XOUV WlXptoµev8c; OljJ8lc;. 0 cpwnoµ6c; TWV OljJ8WV OUTWV napex8TOl KaT6 Kupto A6yo an6 Tfoo8ptc; npo~oAdc; TOno08niµevouc; 08 8vvt6µ8Tpo tm6, 08 an6maCIT) 1O n8p(nou µeTpwv an6 QUTec;. H µ8AeTr] cpwTtoµou n8plA0µ~6V8l TT"]V TQUTOXPOVT"] QV008l~T"] TWV napa0upwv KQl TO OlOXUTO cpwn0µ6 TWV 6ljJ8wv an6 npo~oAdc; avotxr~c; Km 8AA8lITTlK~c; Moµric; TOTT008TT"]µevouc; ITTlc; ITT8y8c; KQl TO OWµOTO TWV µnpoITTlVWV KTtp(wv
4. Section B, south view
The dominant construction material here is also uncoated red brick, whilst only the buildings of small height at the front have a beige coating. Four projectors on a 9 m. high lighting pole, located in front of the buildings at a distance of about 10 m. provide for the floodlighting of the fagades. The design brings in the accentuation of the windows together with the floodl ighting of the fagades, by means of projectors with flood and asymmetric optics located on the roofs and terraces of the adjacent buildings.
9. H v6na 0I/Jf/ rou auyKpoTT/µaroc;. The southern view of the complex.
10. Nona 61/Jf/. npoaoµo[war, cpwnaµou.
Southern view. Lighting simulation.
11. Nona 61/Jf/. npoaoµo[war, rou cpwnaµou aro Relux 2006. Southern view. Lighting simulation in Relux 2006.
12. B6pe1a 61/Jf/. npoaoµo[w-
ar, rou cpwnaµou aro Relux 2006. Northern view. Lighting simulation in Relux 2006. MEAETH E::OTEPIKOY (1)0TILMOY nPOHN EPrOHArtOY (Ill:: H H 0EHAAONIKH
rewpy(a nanaxplOTOOOUA.OU, TIOAlTlKOC: µrixavtK6c;
EnlLlPALH TOY AOrOY NEPOY nPOL KONIA KAI TOY nOLOLTOY THL ALBELTOY LTHN ANAnTY-H ANTOXHL ALBELTOKONIAMATON Em~Afoouoa: lw6vva nanayL6vvri, no11.mK6c; µrixavtK6c; Georgia Papachristodoulou,
civil engineer
epyao(a OUTT] £VTC100£TOL OTO TIAOIOIO TT]c; epeuvrJTLKT7c; KOT£U0UVOTJC: TIOU EX£1 avamux0e( OTO EpyaoTI']ptO /10µtKWV YAtKwv, axeTtK6 µe TTJV anoKOTOOTOOTJ 10Top1K17c; TOLXOTIOL(ac; µvriµe(wv.
H ouvr17p17ari KOL 17 anoKOTOOTaori TWV µvriµeiwv anoTeAei evav emOTT]µov1K6 KA.600, o ono(oc; npene1 va anoTe(veTOL OTT"J ouvepyao(a 6>,_wv TWV emOTT"}µwv KOL 6Awv Twv rnxvwv nou µnopouv va ouve1ocpepouv OTT"J µeMTll KOL TT"J 016.owari TT"Jc; µvriµe1aK17c; KArJpovoµ16c; KOL OTT"JV 0A.0KA17pw~ TT"Jc;, OTO n>,_a(010 TT"}c; TIOALTLOTLKT7c;, KOLVWVIKT7c; KOL OLKOVOµLKT7c; <;w17c; TWV av0pwnwv.
Conservation and restoration of monuments is a scientific branch, that intends to the cooperation of al the sciences and arts that may contribute to the research and preservation of our monumental heritage and to its completion, within the limits of the total of the cultural, social and financial life.
ELOLKCI y1a TT]V 00µ1K17 QTIOKQTCIOTOOTJ, 01 l3ao1Kec; apxec; nou ea npfoet VO AOµl36VOVTOI UTIOltJrJ, µnopouv VO KOTaypacpOUV nepLArJITTLKCl we; aKoAouewc;: • oel3aoµ6c; OTO npwT6Tuno UALK6 KOL TO aueevr1K6 OTOLXeia • oel3aoµ6c; OTtc; ucp10T6µevec; ouve1ocpopec; 6°Awv Twv nep16owv OTO KTlplO • ll avan>,_17pwari eMem6vrwv OTotxe(wv npene1 va evapµovi<;ern1 npoc; TO ouvo>,_o, aM6 TOUTOXPOVa npene1 va eivOL ouµl3aTI'] ae axeari µe TT"JV npWTOTUTIT"J KOTQOK£Ul7 • 01 napaooo1aKec; rnxv1Kec; KOL rn UALKa eivOL oacpwc; nponµ6rnpa y1a 00µ1Kec; QTIOKQTQOTOOeLc;.
0 npol3Al7µ0TL0µ6c; TIOU OT"jµtoupye(TOL yupw QTIO TO 0eµa TWV eneµl36oewv KOL mo ouyKeKp1µeva Twv UALKWV nou XPrJotµono1ouvrOL oe QUTEc;, K00LOTCI avayKa(o TOV axeo1aoµ6 KOVtaµaTWV OUYK£KptµEVT"JC: OIJOTQOT"}c; KOL µT"}XOVLKWV XOPOKTl7plOTLKWV wOTe va µriv oriµ1oupyouvrOL aOToxiec;. 0 oKon6c; TT"Jc; epyaoiac; auTI']c; eivOL va y(ve1 eva XP1101µ0 epyMeio y1a Tov axeo1a0µ6 TWV KOVLOµOTWV, £TOI WOT£ va l3017017oe1 OTT"JV op06Tepri en1Aoy17 ouOTanKwv KOL ava>,_oy1wv Twv Kov1aµ6Twv y1a TT"JV eKaOToTe nepimwari anoKOTOOTOOTJc;.
H npoon60e1a auT17, exe1OT6xo TTJ µeMTTJ TTJC: eniopaaric; Tou Myou vepou npoc; Kovia KOL Tou noooOTou TTJC: aol3e0Tou OTTJV av6mu~ri QVTOX17c; aol3eOTOKOVLOµaTWV. EmoLWK£TOL Ol7AOOT7 ll µeAETTJ TT]c; napouoiac; 01acpoprnK17c; noo6TT]Tac; vepou (01acpopeT1K17c; epyao1µ6TrJTOc; µ(yµma) oe aol3eOT0Kov16µma, nou
his project is incorporated in the framework of the research that has been developed in the Laboratory of Structural Materials, with reference to the restoration of historical stonework.
Especially for the structural restoration, the basic principals that have to be taken into account can be briefly mentioned as: • respectfulness to the genuine materials and to the authentic elements • respectfulness to all the periods that the building has gone through • the replacement of missing elements has to match the mass, but simultaneously it has to be compatible to the genuine structure • all the traditional techniques and the materials are obviously preferred for structural restorations. The speculation that has been created around the matter of intervention and more specifically about the used materials deems necessary the planning of mortars with specific materials and their mechanical features, so to avoid mishits. The purpose of this project is to be a useful tool for the planning of mortars, so it could help towards the best possible choice of ingredients and ratios for each restoration time limemortar. The speculation that has been created around the matter of intervention and more specifically about the used materials deems necessary the planning of mortars with specific materials and their mechanical features, so to avoid mishits. The purpose of this project is to be a useful tool for the planning of mortars, so it could help towards the best possible choice of ingredients and ratios for each restoration time limemortar. The target of this effort is the research of the influences of the water/lime ratio and the lime amount on the strength and poros-
1. L1oK[µca µiaa arov ew.aµo
auvrrjpr,OT)c;. The compositions in the conservation room.
vo ~oo(½ovrm 08 nopoooo10K6 ull.1K6, war8 vo TIArlPOUVTOL 01 OTIOLTtjow:; ouµ~OTOTr]TO<;. 0 KOAL.IT8poc; TPOTIO<; YLO VO 8~0ocpo1'.LOT81 ri ouµ~OTOTflTO KOL ri ovro)(Tl Twv ull.1Kwv 8nLOKwtjc; KOL 8v(axuoric; dvOL ri XPtjori Tiopoooo10Kwv ull.1Kwv KOL Kov10µ6Twv TIOU ~oo(½oVTOL 08 ouTa TO OTIO(o 08V 01mop6ooouv Tfl 1'.81rnupy1Ktj ouµn8p1cpop6 Twv unopxovrwv 00µ1Kwv 1arwv. To u1'.tK6 TIOU XPrimµoTimtjSriKov 8tvOL: 6o~8aroc;, 08 ~riptj µopcptj KOL 08 µopcptj TIOATOLI KOL npOTUTlfl aµµoc;. nopooK8uaarriKov 24 00K1µoar1Kec; ouv8fo8t<; µ8 ~17ptj 60~8-
aro µ8 OTOXO VO EXOUV TflV OTIOpOLTflTll 8pyomµOTflTO, 8TOL WOT8 VO KOALIITTOVTOL TO OTIOpOLTl7TO KpLTtjpLO OTIOT8A80µonKOTflTO<; TWV KOVLOµaTWV. 0L TIOpayovn:c; OLOcpopOTIOlflOfl<; Twv ouv8eo8wv ocpopouv aro Tioooaro ouµµ8rnxtjc; TWV ull.1Kwv 08 KCl88 OUV880fl KOL OTflV E:TllTE:U~ll ouyK8KpLµevric; 8pyomµoTf1TO<;. ILO TflV OAOKAtjpwori Tfl<; µ8MTfl<;, 8TIPOK8LTO VO TIOpOOKE:UOOTOL.IV oKoµo 24 00K1µoar1Kec; ouv8foe1c; µ8 noll.To oo~earou, 8TOL WOT8 VO exouµe ouyKp(mµo OTIOT81'.foµmo yLO TflV ~flptj C10~80TO KOL TOV TIOATO oUTtjc;. L'.lUOTUXW<; TO TlOOOOTO TOU V8pou TlOU UTitjpX8 tjOfl OTOV TIO/I.TO, OOflYOL.108 08 OTIOyOp8UTLK8<; epyoo1µ0TflT8<;. 'Ey1v8 µ(o Tipoan688LO µdworic; Tou Tioooarou TOU VE:pOU OTOV TIO/I.TO KOL KOTOcp8p0µ8 VO Tipooeyy(oouµ8 KCITlOL8<; OTio TL<; oTiopo(TflTE:<; 8pyomµoTflT8<; (nc; µ8yo1'.UT8p8<;), nopooKwa½ovroc; 4 ouv8eoe1c;. OTiorn TO OTIOT8Moµorn y10 TflV )(ptjOfl TIOATOL.I 00~80TOU OE:V 8LVOL OVTLTlpOOWTI8UTLKCI. 110 K688 µ(o oTio nc; ouv9fo8t<; 8Myx9flK8 ri ovroxtj 08 K6µ4Jll, ll ovroxtj 08 81'.(ljJfl, TO ouvoµtKO µeTpO 8/1.00TLKOTflTO<;, TO TIOpW08<; KOL TO 8LOLKO ~apoc;. Ot 8A8YXOL EYLVOV y10 28 KOL YLO 91 riµep8<;. ILO Tl<; OUV88081<; µ8 TIO/I.TO Ol 8AE:YXOL EYLVOV µovo y10 Tl<; 91 flµEp8<; K09W<; OE:V E:LXOV ntj~8l TO µ(yµmo OTL<; 28 riµep8c;.
ity of limemortars. There is an aspiration for the study of the presence of various quantities of water (various workability mixtures) to limemortars that are based to traditional materials, so that the demand of compatibility is being responded. The best way to ensure the compatibility and the strength of the repairing materials is to use traditional materials and mortars that are based on the ancient ones that don't derange the functional behavior of the existent structural tissue. The materials that have been used in this project are: dry lime, mash lime and standard sand. There have been compounded 24 workout compositions in order to achieve the requisite workability in order to accomplish the mortar's essential standards of effectiveness. The modification factors of these compounds concern the materials participation percentage in each compound to accomplish a specific workability. For the completion of the study, we should have compounded 24 more compositions with mash lime, so that we could have comparable results for dry and mash limemortars. Unfortunately, the amount of water that pre-existed in the mash, led us to forbidden workabilities. An effort took place to reduce the amount of water in the mash and we accomplished to approach some of the wanted workabilities, compounding 4 compositions. For that reason the results of the use of mash cannot be reliable and representable. Each of these compounds has been examined for its durability in compression, tension, its capillary lift, its porosity and also its resistance in wet-dry cycles. The tests took place for 28 and 91 days. For the mash mixtures the tests have been occurred only for 91 days because we had no congealment after the 28 days.
AVTOX~ OE Kaµlj,11 - ruv8fo1:1<; AX*.10 12,0t-r-- - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - ,
02817µt pE~ ■ 91
AX l.10
2. f116ypaµµa 1.
Chart 1.
Eni6pao17 TOU Myou N/K OTl7V QVTOXI) OE 8>.ilj,17 Kai OTO nopw6E~ OE aol3EOTOKOVIC1µaTa 28 r,µEpwv /\6yo~ KOVia/a6pavr; = 1/1, xwpi~ XPl)0'7 pEUOTOTTOl'lTI) 9,00 ~
,.- 8,00
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ 25,00
+----"-,:,---------=----------, 24,00
+------"~------,L----------, ~ 23,00 ~ 7,00 +-- - - - --",,-----,,L---- - - - - - - - - , S,50 + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + :ZZOO ~ 6,00 + - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - " " < " - - - - - - - - - - - - , •C jX 5,50 +-----------...,,...-----------, 21 ,00 ~ ~00 + - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , 2:),00 ~ 7,00
3. f116ypaµµa 2.
--.-nopw6« (%)
Chart 2.
Ta yevtK6. cruµnep6.crµma Tile; napoucrac; epyacr(ac;, cruyKeVTPWTLK6., avacpepOVTOL OTO 6n 17 aVTO)(ll TWV KOVLOµOTWV au~6.vern1 Ka8wc; au~6.veTOL o )(p6voc; cru~p17017c; an6 28 ae 91 17µepec;, KOTL To ono(o r']Tav avaµev6µevo. En(017c; au~110ll Tou )(p6vou cru~p17017c; Twv 5oKtµ(wv, npoKCIAe( au~17017 Tou 5uvaµtKou µeTpou E:AOOTLKOT17Tac; KOL µeiw017 TOU nopw5ouc;. En(0'7<; 17 aVTOXTl Twv Kovtaµ6.Twv au~6.veTOL KOL To nopw5ec; Twv KOVLaµ6.Twv µeLWVE:TOL OTav npoOT(8eTOL peuOTOTIOll7T1lc; KOL cruvenwc; µe1wvernt To nocroOT6 Tou vepou yIa T17v (5ta epyamµ6T17Ta, Kan TO ono(o r'irnv avaµev6µevo. napaT17petTQI KQTQ ~6.0'7 µetW017 aVTO)(llc; ae KOµlJ.117 KOL 8A11jJl7 KOL au~llOll Tou nopw5ouc;, µe au~llOll Tile; epyamµ6T17rnc; (au~170'7 TIOOOOTOU vepou). nto OUVKE:Kptµeva, Ol OUV8foetc; µe Tl7V µeyLOT17 epyacr1µ6T17rn 16± 1cm. napoum6.l;ouv T17v xaµ17MTePll aVTo)(ll ae KaµlJ.117 KOL To ulJ,117MTepo nopw5ec;. ltAoc; napaT17pe(TOL 6n au~OVOVTac; TO nocroOT6 TWV a5pavwv KOL µeLWVOVTac; cruy)(p6vwc; TO nocroOT6 Tile; acr~eOTou, µetwveTOL TO nopw5ec; aM6. OUY}(POVW<; µeLWVOVTOL KOL Ol aVTOXec;.
The general results indicated that increase in the number of days of retention, from 28 days to 91 days, expectedly involves increase in the mortar's durability. Similarly, increase in the aggregate percentage is represented. Also, the increase in the number of days of retention involves increase in mortars' porosity. The resistance is increased and the porosity is decreased when we add liquidizer so the water amount is reduced for the same workability, something that was expected. Generally it is noticed that the increase of the workability (increase in the amount of water), involves the increase of porosity and decrease of durability. The compositions with the maximum workability 16±1cm. give the lowest durability and the higher porosity. Finally, when increasing the amount of aggregate and thus reducing the percentage of lime, porosity is decreased but at the same time the durability is also decreased.
Le auT6 To 017µeio Sa npeneL va 017µetw8e( 17 noAu apyr'i crKAr'i-
At this point we should mention the slow hardening of mash compositions. There are tests only for 91 days. The compositions with dry lime have a better behavior than the compositions with mash lime, which have a very low durability.
puv017 Twv 5oKLµ(wv OTO ono(a XPllOLµonmr'i817Ke noAT6c;. Ot eAE:VXOI ae auTec; Tl<; cruv8ecretc; eytvav µ6vo YLO TL<; 91 17µepec; Ka8wc; 5ev eixav TI!l~E:l Ta µ(yµma OTL<; 28 17µepec;. 0n6Te 8eTOVTOL anayopeunKec; ae neptmwcretc; 6nou }(Pet6.l;ernt Taxeia
Consequently, it can be established that the presence of various quantities of water in a limemortar's composition, influences in general its performance. Therefore, special remark should be applied in the percentage of the materials.
AVTOX~ OE 8hiljJ11- ruv8fom; AX*.12 NE V
C" ~
D 28 riµep E< ■
91 17µepE<
X 0
4. l!i16ypaµµa 3.
Chart 3.
nopwcSE<; (%) - ruv8EOEI<; API 25,0A---- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ~
~ e..,
o 2817µEpE<
91 17µepE<
g- 10,0
APl .10
APl .14
n~~ll Tou uAtKou. rev1Kw~ napaT17p~S17Ke 6n 01 ouvSfoet~ µe ~llP~ 6.ol3e0To txouv noM KMUTep17 ouµnep1cpop6. ae avrnxe~ an6 aUTe~ µe noAT6 aol3e0Tou. 01 ouvSfoet~ µe noAT6 napou016.~ouv no.pa nOAU xaµ17M~ avrnxe~. LUµnepaoµanK6. Sa µnopouoe va emwSe[, 6n 17 napouo[a 01acpopenK~~ noo6T17TO~ vepou (otacpopeTLK~~ epyao1µ6T17TO~ µ[yµma) OTO aol3eOTOKOVL6.µma en17pe6.~el yevLKW~ Tl7V ouµnep1cpop6. TOU~. 'ETOL, 8a npeneL VO OLVE:TOL LOLOLTE:pl7 npooo~ 0Tl7V eTTlAOY~ TWV QVOAOYLWV TWV UALKWV.
s. l!i16ypaµµa 4. Chart 4.
The resu lts that came up are satisfactory and most of them are unexceptional. For that reason, we could allegate that this project can be a useful tool for the design of mortars, so that it can help to the more proper choice of mortars' materials and ratios, according to each restoration project's requirements.
Ta anoTeMoµma nou npoeKuljJav, elVOL lKOVOnOLl7TlKQ KOL TO nep1006Tepa eivOL npol3Aen6µeva. 11' aUT6v Tov Myo, Sa µnopouoaµe va nouµe 6n 17 napouoa epyao[a µnope[ va y[ve1 eva XP~mµo epyMe[o y1a Tov axeo1aoµ6 Twv Kov1aµ6.Twv, eTm wOTe va l3017S~oe1 OT17V opS6Tep17 entAoy~ ouOTOTLKwv KOL av0Aoy1wv TWV KOVLOµOTWV y1a Tl7V f:KOOTOTE: nep[mwori anOKOTQOT0017~.
AvaaTaa(a nrJALTOrJ, apxm:K1wv µrixavLK6c;
Anastasia Pilitsi, architect engineer
architect engineer
epyao(a auTr'] Tono8eTefrm OTTJV n6>-.ri TT]c; Noouoac;, ae µta an6 nc; mo KOAo OLOTTJpT]µevec; napaoomaKec; yeLTOvLec; TT]c;, 6nou napo TTJ OT]µavnK~ aMo(wOTJ nou exel unoOTe(, OLOTTJpd aK6µT] eVTova TO OTmxda TTJc; µaKeoov(TlKTJc; OPXlTE:KTOVlK~c;.
npoKE:lTQl YLO µLO OUVOlKLO TIOU OVOITTUOOE:TQl OKTLVWTO yupw an6 TTJV oµwvuµri n>-.mda Twv Mwvtwv. To OLKoooµtK6 TeTpoywvo OTO ono(o Km WlKeVTpW8T]Ke TJ µeMTTJ OTO n>-.a(mo TTJ<:; om>-.wµanK~c; epyao(ac;, neptK>-.deTm an6 nc; ooouc; XOTl;TJKoupKourn, AVTapTwv Km 0eo<povouc;. Bp(oKeTm OTO ~6peta TT]c; Noouoac;, ae oµeOT] oXEOTJ µe TO KeVTpo µe TO ono(o Km ouvMeTm µe ol:;ova nou ooriye( OTO .llT]µapxdo TTJc; n6>-.T]c;. KaTO µ~Koc; auTou Tou ol:;ova Km yevlKOTepa OTO KEVTpo TTJc; Noouoac; ~p(oKoVTm Ol eµnopLKec; opOOTTJplOTTJTec;. H neplOX~ yeVlKO XOPOKTT]ptl;E:TQl we; neplorn KOTOLK(ac;. H TOTI08w(a TT]c; yelTOVLoc; dvm ae xapaKTTJPlOTLK6 optaK6 OT]µe(o TTJc; no>-.ric; K08wc; T] oi56c; AVTapTWV avamuooeTOL KOTO µ~Koc; ava~aeµou utt,ouc; nou KuµaiveTOL an6 1o ewe; 15 µ. Km nou anoTe>-.ouoe KOTIOTe TO 6pl0 TT]c; n6>-.Tjc;. H WEKTOOTJ TOU axeo(ou n6>-.ewc; OTO TEAT] TT]c; OE:KOE:TLOc; TOU '90 80WOE: nc; E:KTOOE:lc; OUTE:c;, TIOU we; Torn ~rnve xapaKTTJploµevec; yewpytKec;, npoc; avotKoMµriOTJ KQl ~µepa T] E:lKOVO nou napoumol;el T] neplorn auTr'] dvm no>-.u OLO<popeTlK~ an6 OUT~V Konmec; OeKan(ec; npLV.
he subject of this project is a traditional neighborhood of Naousa, Alonia. It is one of the most preserved neighborhoods and it is characteristic of Macedonian architecture.
It's a district radically developed around the central square. The block of this project is surrounded by three roads, Hatzikourkouta, Antarton and Theofanous. This neighborhood is a residential one. This change took place during the 90's when the expansion of the city plan characterized many agricultural fields as residential. The aim of this project was not only to preserve and restore the remarkable buildings, but also to deal with the last year's vitiation with the addition of new buildings with a different character. The building block of this project numerates 65 buildings, half of those remarkable, ten of them abandoned. Fifteen buildings
Mfoa an6 TTJV epyao(a y(veTm npoano8eta OXl µ6vo yla TTJV anOKOTOOTOOTJ KQl TTJV npo~o>-.~ TWV owl;6µevwv KQl OlOTT]pOUµevwv KoµµanwvTwv Mwvlwv, aMo Km TTJV OVTLµeTWTILOTJ TT]c; aMo(wOT]c; auTr']c; nou exel unoOTd TO Te>-.euTOia XPOVLO µe TTJV KOTOOKeu~ KTlpiwv nou oev evapµovil;oVTm µe TO xapaKTr']pa TT]c; lOTOplK~c; yelTOVLoc;. LToxoc; ~TQV eKT6c; an6 TTJ µop<po>-.oYLK~ anoKOTOOTOOTJ, TJ evapµ6vtOTJ µe To eupuTepo OOTLK6 nepl~o.Mov µfoa an6 TTJ µeMTTJ Twv KL~oewv aMo Km TTJV epeuva TWV KOlVWVlKWV KOl OLKOVOµLKWV OUV8T]KWV KQl TJ avooetl:;~ TT]c; ae µLa yeLTOVLO op60T]µo yla TTJV no>-.ri TTJc; Noouoac; aMo KQl TT]c; WpUTE:pT]c; neplornc;.
To TE:Tpoywvo TTJc; un6 µeMTTJ epyaoiac; ouyKpornuv nep(nou 65 KTLplO, an6 rn onoia nepinou TO µLoo KpivoVTm al:;L6>-.oya, oeKa nep(nou an6 Ta ono(a ~µepa dvm eyKOTOAeLµµeva. To NAOUSA, RESTORATION AND REFORMATION OF THE TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD OF ALON IA
1. <Pwmypa<plKT/ OUyKplOTJ 1985-2006. Photographic comparison 1985-2006.
2. <Pwroypacp1Krj arronJrrw01') ooou eeocp6vouc;. Photographic documentation of Theofanous St.
□ -·
IJ[j - -
KaIT)yopwrrofr,01') rwv KTtpfwv µe IT/ x_povoJ..oyfa KamaKeurjc;. Categorisaiton of buildings depending on their construction date.
151ain:pa aE;16>-.oyo auvo>-.o auµnATlPWVETOL an6 TO un6>-.oma KT(pta Twv µe:Twnwv TWV Tptwv 5p6µwv. An6 TO KT(aµaTO nou l3p(aKOVTOL ma µ1hwna OUTWV TWV 5p6µwv, TO 15 exouv xapaKTTJPLITTE:l W<; 5tOTT)pT]Tfo µe: npoe:5pLKO 5LOTOyµa TOU 2002. LTTJV e:pyaa(a e:E;e:Ta~OVTOL TO aE;16>-.oya KT(p1a nou l3p(aKOVTOL m')µe:pa OTO auyKE:KpLµevo OLK05oµLKO TE:Tpaywvo. KOTO TT} 5LapKE:LO TT}<; µEAETT)<; y(VE:TOL UUUTT)µOTLKtj KOTOypacptj TWV KTLaµOTWV, KOL auµnAT]pWVOVTOL TO ITTOLXE:lO ae E:L5LKe<; KOpTeAE:<;, nou ea l3ori8tjaouv UTTJV KOTOVOTJUT'J Tou 5oµriµtvou ne:p1!3@AOVToc; KOL TT}V aE;toMyT]UT] TWV U<pLITTOµe:vwv KTLaµaTWV. LTL<; KOpTeAE:<; TTE:pLeXOVTOL TOGO KOLVWVLKO-OLKOVOµLKCI ITTOLXE:lO, 000 KOL ITTOLXE:lO YLO TTJ 5oµtj KOL TT]V KOTCIUTOUT] 5ta~priaric; TWV KTLUµOTWV. napCIMT]AO, y(VE:TOL KOL µ(a auyKplUT] µe: TTOAOLOTE:PTJ KOTaypacptj TOU 1985.
LE: TTOAE:05oµtK6 en(ne:5o npOTE:lVE:TOL Tl xapaE;T] TT}<; puµoTOµLKtjc; ypaµµtjc; µe: Tp6no nou e:VTaaae:1 Ta napa5omaKa KT(pta KOL 510cpuMaae:1 TTJV apx1Ktj µopcpo>-.oyia Tou TE:Tpaywvou, KOL nou mo µe:yOAUTe:po Koµµm1 TT}<; auµn(nm µe: TTJV nporiyouµe:VT] puµoT0µ1Ktj ypaµµtj nou 5tOTT)ptj8T]KE: ewe; KOL TO puµoTOµLKO TOU 1984. 110 TTJV oµOAtj >-.moupy(a TT}<; ye:1Tov1ac;, npoTe:iVE:TOL ri tjrna KUK>-.ocpop(a Twv oxriµmwv moue; 5p6µouc; nou ne:ptKAE:iouv To 01Ko50µ1K6 TE:Tpaywvo TT}<; µe:MTJ"]c;, YLO e:E;UTTT]peTT)UT] TWV KOTOLKWV KOL TWV E:TTLUKE:ITTWV TWV AE:LTOUPYLWV TOU OKOAUITTOU xwpou. Ta 5oµLKCI XOPOKTTJPLITTLKCI TWV KOTOUKE:UWV OKOAOU8ouv OUTCI TT}<; µaKe:5ov(TLKT]<; OPXLTEKTOVLKtjc;. Ot cpepoVTe:c; TOLXOL TOU LUOye:iou KOTaaKe:ua~oVTOL an6 >-.1805oµtj µe:y@ou naxouc; KOL E;u>-.o5e:mec;. LTouc; op6cpouc; 5T]µtoupye:iTOL mo e:>-.acppta KOTOaKe:utj, µe: E;u>-.tvo nMyµa nou auµn>-.ripwve:TOL an6 >-.(8ouc; tj
4. K6ro(/Jr, 1aoydou rou 01Koooµ1Kou rapayw vou. Floor plan of the building block.
on both sides of these three roads of the block were characterized as landmark during 2002. Information forms about the buildings where completed and conclusions that came up lead to the proper ways of interventions. On urban planning the pre-existing outlines of the building block are kept and restored where changed after the new urban plan of 1984. Light traffic is achieved through the permission only for the residents to use their cars and the visitors to use some of the open spaces inside the block. The structure of the buildings is typical of the Macedonian architecture. Ground floor bearer walls are thick made of stone and timbering. On the upper floors lighter structures are made of wooden elements fi lled with stones or bricks or wooden coated laths and more openings are created. For the fagades of the block restoration is proposed. This is achieved by removing all of the additions made through the years that made them loose their original value. The buildings are grouped based on their morphological and architectural value and a protection degree comes up to show the interventions that can take place. The most important proposed interventions are: on ground floor the stone wall is uncovered. Openings are decreased and later concrete balconies are replaced by wooden ones. The inner open spaces are united and semipublic passages to them are getting highlighted. The big inner open space that is NAOYl:A, AnOKATAH Al:H KAI ANAnAArn THl: nAPAllOl:IAKHl: rEITONIAl: TONAAONION
nAfv8ouc; (µnouAµe) 11 µe t;uAtvouc; em)(p1oµevouc; n11xe1c; (µnayom() KOL 01wt0upyouVTOL neptoo6Tepa avoiyµaTO. To E;uAo )(pl70LµOTIOL8LTOL KOL OTl7V KOTOOKW11 TWV OOTI80WV, KOUCjlWµOTWV KOL KALµOKOOTQOIWV. Ta KT(oµma OTO L06yeLO xapaKTT7p(~OVTOV an6 81\ClXLOTO avo(yµma KOL m xwpm nou cptAot;evouoe 11Tave oeurnpeuouoac; XPl1011C:, VLO TO ~wa, KOL avayKec; ano811Keu011c;. H o(cpuM17 n6pTO nou dxe np6owno OTO op6µo, 0017youoe OTov eawTeptK6 OKOAUITTO XWpO. LTOV 6pocpo OT7µLoupyOUVTOV TO OWµOTLO, 8VW OV UTil1PX8 KOL TplTO<:; 6pocpoc; OTOV 8VOLOµeoo l1TOV8 TO Aey6µeva "xe1µwvLC1TIKO" owµana. Li1acpopol ~017817TLKO[ XWPOL (napOK8ALO) OT7µLoupyOUVTOV 08 XWpouc; KOTW an6 TO KALµOKOOTClOLO OA/\Cl KOL 8VOLOµeoa TWV OWµOTLWV. ILO TO µfawna TOU OLKOOOµLKOU TeTpaywvou npoTe(veTOL anoKaTClOTOOl7. AUTr'] emTuvxaveTOL µe TT7V acpaipe011 TUX6v npoo817Kwv nou aMotwvouv nc; 6ljJetc; KOL 6Awv aUTwv TWV Tpononot11oewv nou uneOT17oav Ta KTipta KOTO TT7 otapKeta TllC: XPl1011C: TOuc; KOL nou aMotwvouv TT7V µopcpoAOYLKl1 TOuc; aKepOL6TT7TO. Ta ucptOTaµeva KTipta KOT17yop1onmouVTOL avOAoya µe TT7V LOToPLKl1, OPXLTeKTOVLKl1 KOL OL0817TLKl1 TOuc; at;ia KOL avOAoya µe TT7V KOTT7yopia nou avr']Kouve, npoKumeL KOL o ~a8µ6c; npoOTao[ac; TOuc; nou oe[xvet KOL oe no10 ~a8µ6 entTpenoVTOL eneµ~aoe1c;.
revealed with the intervention can become the everyday relaxing space for the locals. The interventions inside the block on the contrary of the outside are discernible. Modern materials are also used that assort with the yard but give a modern tone as well. Inner open space is united. The boundaries of the properties are being used to create different levels, passages, or remind us of the old properties by using a different material. The stream that once flew inside the block is now restored. Water makes the whole space more interesting and space's design creative by planning routes and bridges and games around the stream. Someone to get inside the inner open space uses the semipublic entrances that today exist and also some that for now are private. ..........."""lftff_..,_ . ~
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0L ~OOLK8<:; eneµ~aoetc; nou npOTeLVOVTOL eLVOI Ol et;11c;: LTO en(neoo Tou 1ooydou anoKMumeTOL 6nou unapxet o nfaptvoc; Toixoc; KOL m t;uAooeoiec; µe TT7V acpa(pe011 Twv emKOAuljJewv. Ot emnMov dooom 6nou aUTec; unapxouv acpOLpouVTOL KOL 17 np6o~aOl7 one; otacpopeTLKec; LOLOKTT7o(ec; npayµmonoteiTOL an6 TO eowTeptK6 Tou. Ta avoiyµma neptop(~oVTaL. Ot µeTOyeveOTepm et;wOTec; an6 OKUp6oeµa K080lpOUVTOL KOL OVTLK08tOTOVTQI an6 E;UALVOU<:;, TO µeTOMLKCl KOUcpwµma OVTLK08tOTQVTOL an6 E;UAIVQ. LTT7V np6T0017 oiveTOL to1aiTepo ~apoc; OT17v eKµeT6Meu011 KOL 8VOTIOll70l7 TWV OKOAUITTWV XWPWV KOL QVQ08LE;l7 TWV T7µL017µ601ou xapaKTl1PO nepaoµaTwv, Kupto yvwptoµa Tou OLKOooµtKou TeTpaywvou Tile; µeMTT7c;. H avaoetE;17 TOU UCjllOTOµevou OLKLOTLKou ouv6Aou 0017yd KOL OT17v anoKC1AuljJ17 µeyOAwv OKOAumwv xwpwv, nou ea µnopouoav va anoTeMoouve otet;ooo OTl7V Ka817µepLVOTT7TO TWV KOTOlKWV.
5. nap6oe1yµa KaprO,ac; Karnypaq>f}c; y1a iva arr6 rn KT[aµarn. Example of an information form.
EVW l7 eneµ~OOl7 OTO µeTWTIQ TWV Op6µwv e(vOL 000 TO OUVOTOV otaKpLTLKl1 KOL 17 npoona8e1a dva1 OTO va enaveA8e1 17 1ooppon(a OTO OPXLT8KTOVLK6 OUVOAO, OTO eowTep1K6 TOU OLKOOOµLKOU TeTpaywvou O axeo1aoµ6c; eLVQI mo 8Aeu8epoc;, µe KQTOOKeuec; an6 ouYXPova UALKO, nou evapµovi~oVTOL µe TO ouvoAo aMa o(vouv ouy)(p6vwc; eva vfo ucpoc;.
LTO axeo1aoµ6 TOU 80WT8PLKOU OUTOU OKOAUITTOU xwpou, TO 6p1a TWV IOLOKTl70IWV )(pl70Lµono111817Kav, aMec; cpopec; 017µ1oupywVTac; en(neoa nou OKOAOU8ouv TT7 Cj)UOLKl1 KAl017 TOU eoacpouc;, aMec; cpopec; µe TT7 017µ1oupy(a K08LOTLKWV xwpwv 11 OLOopoµwv nepmaTou, KOL Cl/\Ae<:; µe TT7 01acpoponoi17011 Tou UALKou 11 KOL ouvouaoµ6c; Twv napanavw, KpmwVTac; TT7v avaµV17017 TOU 01aµep1oµou TOU. H po11 TOU pUOKIOU nou KClTIOTe OL8oXL~e TO 01Koooµ1K6 rnTpaywvo KOL apy6Tepa uno~L~OOT17Ke unoye(wc; KOL or']µepa anM Kaveic; TO unoljJ1a~eTOL an6 Tov 11xo nou acpouyKpa~eTOL oe KOTIOLQ 017µda KOL Tl7V unapt;17 TWV Mo TIAOTOVWV, anoKa8(0TOTOl. H unapt;17 TOU vepou o(ve1 noMec; ouvaTOTT7Tec; OLOOpoµwv KOL µ10 axe011 OAAT7Aen(opa011c; TOU vepou µe TOV 8nLOK8ITTl7 E;eKLVCl µeoa an6 TT7 017µ1oupy(a OIOOpoµwv, yecpupwv KOL TIOL)(VLOIWV nou exouv aµe011 axe011 µe TO vep6. 110 TT7V np6o~a011 OTOV QKOAUITTO xwpo y(veTOL eKµeT6Meu011 Twv 11011 ucp10Taµevwv otaµopcpwoewv, optoµevec; an6 nc; onoiec; or']µepa dvOL to1wnKou xapaKTr']pa. NAOUSA, RESTORATION ANO REFORMATION OF THE TRADITIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD OF ALON IA
6. Mopq>0Aoy1K6 xapaKTTJptOTtK6 rwv Kouq>wµarwv rwv KTtpfwv. Morphological elements of buildings frames.
n,oT A %H
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7-13. Tp1ao16arartx; ans1Kov[as1c; µsr6. TT)V np6rnar, anoKaT6.araar,c;.
3d views after the restoration.
OAOl A f. 8EOct,ANOY.t
14- 16. An6ljlscc; rwv oowv XaT(rJKOupKoura Kat Gwcp6.vouc; µsra TT)V np6rnar, anoKaT6.araar,c;.
Views of Hatzikourkouta and Theofanous St. after the restoration.
AvaaTC'.l.crtoc; LTaµv6c;,
aypov6µoc;-10noyp6q>oc; µr1xavLK6c;
lJJH<J)IAKH TEKMHPIOLH THL ~IA~POMHL TOY ILTOPIKOY TPAINOY TOY nH/\IOY Em~Mnouaa: 'Or..ya rtwpyour..a, aypov6µoc;-10noyp6.cpoc; µrixav1K6c; Anastasios Stamnas, surveyor engineer
VTLKetµE:vo µE:MTT)c; TT)<; napouaac; omAwµanKr']c; E:pyao(ac; E:LVOL f) TE:Kµf)p(wari TT)<; OLaopoµr']c; TOU lOTOplKOU Tpa(vou TOU nf)ALOU. 0 «µOUVT~OUpf)<;» KOL f) OLOopoµr'] TOU QTIOTE:AOUV avaµcptol3r']TT)TQ eva al;LOAOyo napaoE:tyµa TT)<; E:AAf)VtKr']c; l3toµrixavtKl7<; KAT)povoµtac;.
he object of the present postgraduate thesis is the documentation of the rail journey of the historic train of Pelion. "Smokey" and its rail journey represent a worthy example of Greek industrial heritage.
First of all, there has been an attempt of finding all published stuff concerning the little train of Pelion, its history and its prospects for the future. A research of the State Railways's (OSE) records, Volos department, followed. This first approach of the issue pointed out the immediate need of digital geometric documentation of the rail journey of the historic train.
Kmapxr'Jv, eytvE: npoon68E:ta E:VTomoµou Tou oriµomwµevou µeXPL<; OTtyµr']c; epyou, avacpoptK6 µE: TO Tpa(vo Tou n17Aiou, TTJV tOTop(a Tou KOL Ttc; npoomtKec; Tou yta To µeMov, E:VW OTT) OUVEXE:ta eytVE: epwva OTO apxda TOU OIE BOA.OU. H npci.JTT) npooeyyLOf) OTO 8eµa QUTO QVEOE:tl;E: TT)V aµE:Of) avayKf) ljJf)cplQKl7<; YE:WµE:TplKl7<; TE:Kµf)plWOf)<; TT)<; OlOOpoµr']c; TOU lOTOplKOU Tpa(vou.
For this purpose, a complete cartographic background of the rail journey of the little train of Pelion and the wider re-gion was created. Besides the digital processing of maps with scales 1:50.000 and 1:5.000, the photogrammetric processing of historic photomaps (1953), for the production of digital orthophotos of the region, followed. Using these orthophotos, the identification of the most important exam-pies of engineering work, masonry and iron viaducts, retaining walls, tunnels, stations of the railway, was possible.
110 TO OKOTIO QUTO Of)µtoupyr']8f)KE: eva OAOKAT)pwµevo ljJf)cplaKO xaprnypacptK6 un6l3a8po TT)<; nE:p1oxr'Jc;. EKToc; ano TTJV ljJTJcptaKr'] WE:l;E:pyaa(a xapTWV KA(µaKac; 1:50.000 KOL 1:5.000, eytVE: cpwrnypaµµE:TplKl7 WE:l;E:pyao(a lOTOptKWV aE:pocpwrnypacpLwv Tou 1953 µE: aKoncS TTJ oriµ1oupy(a op8ocpwrnxapT<i.Jv TT)<; nE:ptoxr'Jc;, µE: T'l l30178E:ta Twv ono(wv xaprnypacpr']817KE: ri otaopoµr'] TOU TpOLVOU. LTOU<; op8ocpWTOXOPTE:<; WLOT")<; E:VTOn(-
1. 01 etam; TWV cpuM.wv XCIPTTJ TTJc; 1. Y.L. KJ.JµaKac; 1:5000. Location of the rail journey of the historic train of Pelion according to maps with scale 1:5000.
2. To (JJTJcplGKo MoVTiJ..o Eo6.cpouc; (DTM) TTJc; nt:pioxr,c;. The Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the area of interest.
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3. TµfJµa TT/<; napaea,>,.6001ac; oiaopoµfJc; wu rpafvou (B6Aoc;Ayp16) OTO µwaaii<:6 rwv op0oaVT/yµivwv aepocpwroypacpiwv. Part of the rail way (coastal itinerary Volos-Agria) identified in the mosaic of orthophotos.
.\ 1~,11 ~\t,\J'A
TµfJµa r,,c; ope1vfJc; otaopoµrjc; wu rpafvou (Ayp16-1ar(ia) OTO µwoaii<:6 rwv op0oaVT/yµivwv aepocpwwypacp1wv. Part of the rail way (mountainous itinerary Agria-Gatzea) identified in the mosaic of orthophotos.
6. H 01aopoµfJ wu rpa{vou OTT/V nepwxrj wu Avaupou ae an6onaoµa µwaaii<:ou 3 op0oav,,yµivwv aepocpwwypacptwv. Part of the offshore rail way, near Volos outskirts.
5. TµfJµa Tr/<; opetvf/c; otaopoµfJc; wu rpafvou (,ar(ia-MT/Atic;) OTO µwaaii<:6 rwv op0oaVT/yµivwv aepocpwwypacpiwv. Part of the rail way (mountainous itinerary Gatzea-Milies) identified in the mosaic of orthophotos.
081']K€ I'] 8eOI'] TWV Ol']µOVTLKOTepWV Tf:)(VLKWV epywv, TWV yecpuplWV KQL TWV OTa8µwv TOU OLKTUOU. AKOAou811oe 11 cpwTOypa<pLKll TeKµl']p(wOI'] 6Awv TWV yecpuptwv KQL TWV ma8µwv TOU OLKTUOU KQL 11 eupeOI'] O)(f:TLKWV TIAl']pocpoPLWV, TOOO lOTOplKOU 600 KOL Tf:)(VLKOU evotacpepOVTO~. 'Eytve cpwToypaµµeTpLKll Km TOnoypacpLKll anoTunwOI'] Mo xapaKTl']pLOTLKwv napaoetyµ6TWV yecpupwv TOU OLKTUOU B6AOU-Ml']A€WV, Tl']~ yecpupa~ TOU Ta~LOPX'l KQL Tl']~ Kaµ6pa~- At8LVI']~ ne½OOLO~QOI']~ TOU KouKAOKI'] OTl']V 'Avw rm½fo, 'Eytve en(OI']~ npoon68e1a ljJl']cptono(170I']~ Km a~tono(170I']~ TOU apxefou Tll~ Tf:XVLKll~ un17pw(a~ Tou OLE B6Aou. To apxdo QUTO nepL,\aµ~aveL TIAl780~ Tf:)(VIKWV crxeo(wv, µeMrn~ ecpapµoy17~ yta Tl']V QTIOKQTQOTQOI'] TWV OTa8µwv, TWV ~Ol78l7TLKWV KTLpiwv KQL TWV yecpupLWV TOU OLKTUOU B6AOU-Ml7A€WV, Ka8w~
In addition to the photographic documentation of all viaducts, high masonry overpasses and stations of the railway and finding related information of historical and technical interest, there have been the survey of Taxiarchis viaduct and high masonry overpass of Kouklaki, near Ano Gatzea. Digitalisation and file management of the State Railways's (OSE) records, Volos department, followed. These records (maps, plans, photographic stuff etc.) were an important source of research, concerning the restoration of all stations and viaducts of the railway Volos-Milies. While trying also to use and administrate a great amount of data (texts, digitised maps and plans, digitised pictures, files of three dimensional representations, Digital Terrain Model, digital orthophotos etc), related to the documentation of the rail journey of the little train of Pelion, there has been an attempt of creating a multimedia project. The application of fast developing digital technologies to the survey and documentation of cultural monuments was actually the main field of study of this project. lllHilllAKHTEKMHPIOl:H THl: LIIMPOMHl: TOY IHOPIKOY TPAINOY TOYnHAIOY
9. Avr,yµivr, e1K6va rr,c; avamJ...1K17c; 61/JTJC: TTJC: Kaµ6pac; rou KouKAOKrJ, neptoxr, 'Avw ,ar(iac;. Rectified image of the eastern faqade of Kouklaki high masonry over-pass, near Ano Gatzea.
7,8.H Kaµ6pa-Me1vr, ne(oo16/3aOT7 mu KouM6Kr,, nepwxr, 'Avw rar(iac;. H µeraM.1K17 yicpupa mu Ta{16pxr,, neptoxr, Mr,J...ewv. Kouklaki high masonry overpass, near Ano Gatzea. Taxiarchis metallic viaduct, near Milies.
Kat cpwTOypacp1K6 uX1K6 an6 nc; epyao(ec; anoKmamaCIT]c; OT08µ<.iJy Kat yecpupLWV TOU OIKTIJOU. HXoc;, OTO TIAQlOIO n1c; avaoe1~17c;, Q~lOTIOlf]017c; Kat 01axdp1CIT]c; ev6c; µey&ou 6yKou oeooµtvwv (Kdµeva, Lj.JrJcp1ono1riµtvm xapTec; Kat oXEOIO, LjJT](j)IOKEc; e1K6vec;, apxda TPLOOICIOTOTWV avanapamaoewv, Lj.JrJcp1aK6 µoVTtXo eoacpouc;, op8ocpwTOxapTec; K.a.), oXeTLKWV TICIVTQ µe Tf]V TeKµr1p(w017 Tf]c; 01aopoµ17c; TOu Tpa(vou Tou nriX(ou, oriµ1oupy178f]Ke µ10 oXoKXripwµtvri n0Xuµeo1K17 ecpapµoy17.
10. Tp10016orarr, ant:1K6v10T7 rr,c; Kaµ6pac; mu KouM6KTJ, nep1oxr, 'Avw , ar(iac;. 30 visual representation of Kouklaki high masonry overpass, near Ano Gatzea.
B1pA1oypaq,ia AvopouX1o6KrJc;, K., KaXeµKep17c;, X., 01 eeaaaJ..tKof a101Jp6opoµo1 (1881-1955), Mouodo ct>wTOypacp(ac; 'X. KaXeµKep17c;', t:.17µoc; KOAaµap1ac;, 2002. KTeVLCIOT], N., 01 npwTOI EMTJVIKO{ LI0'7p6opoµo1, A817va, 1936. Mml;ap(oric;, n., Xuvom1K6 larop1K6 rwv EM.1Jv1Kwv X101Jpoop6µwv, 'EKOOCIT] OLE, 1984. Na8evac;, I., Kapa8avou, M., To TpatVQKI TOU n,,Mou: an6 TTJV n6ATJ rwv Apyovaurwv OTO f3ouv6 rwv Kevrnupwv, eKo6oe1c; MLAT]TOc;, A817va, 1997. nanay1avvaKT], A., 01 EMTJVIKO{ LI0'7p6opoµo1 1882-1910, MopcpwnK6 'lopuµa E8v1K17c; Tpantc;ric;, A817va, 1982. Pinard, J., H /310µ1Jxav1Kf/ apxmoAoy{a, n 0Xmm1K6 Texv0Xoy1K6 'lopuµa ETBA, A817va, 1991.
Slotta, R., E1aaywyf/ arr, /3t0µ1Jxav1Kf/ apxawAoy{a, n0Xmm1K6 Texv0Xoy1K6 'lopuµa ETBA, A817va, 1992. LUMoyoc; (j)LAWV TOU LIOf]poop6µou, 01 EM.rJVIKO{ LI0'7p6opoµ01: 'I 01aopoµf/ rouc; an6 ro 1869 iwc; af/µepa, eKMoe1c; MLAT]Toc;, A817va, 1997. TooK6nouXou, B., Mey6Aa rt:xv1K6 'Epya OTTJV EMdoa (riATJ 19ou-apxic; 20ou at.), EKo6oe1c; Kamavi<i>TTJ, A817va, 1999. Xavop1v6c;, I., H EMdoa TWV Tpa{vwv, EMT]VIKCI 1paµµma, A817va, 2003. Xapm017c;, N., Oo1Jy6c; n,,Mou y1a nepmaTTJTic;, eKMoe1c; 1PAct>H, B6Xoc;, 1995.
11, 12. Tp10016orarr, ane1K6v10T7 rr,c; yicpupac; mu Ta{16pxr,, nep1oxr, MTJJ...ewv.
Xapm017c;, N., nirp1va ro~wrd yecpup1a OTO nt,J...w, eKo6oe1c; ::oupacpa, B6Xoc;, 1996.
30 visual representation of Taxiarchis metallic viaduct, near Milies.
13. AvoroAtKIJ Ot/JTJ - axeo,o opxdou.
Faqade of Volos station, (OSE) records. 16. To layout TT]c; TToAuµwtKl]c; e<popµoyryc; axer1K17c; µe TO xoproypo<ptKO UTT0/300po TT]c; 01oopoµ17c; rou rpo(vou. Layout of the multimedia project concerning the cartographic background of the railway.
l1MW'ffl'IOI.U.WCIM'. ?:.1'.JO'DlfA.!lllffv,tW.1)1
14. <Pwroypmp(ec; OTTO rte; epyoa(ec; OTTOKoraaroaryc; rwv {360pwv rryc; ye<pupoc; TOU To~ICIPXTJ, opxdo OXE BoAou.
Photos taken during the restoration works, (OSE) records. 17. To layout TT]c; TT0Auµw1K17c; ecpopµoyryc; O)(eTlKIJc; µe rte; yicpupec;
KOi rte; M0tvec; KOµapec; TT]c; 01oopoµ17c; rou rpo(vou. Layout of the multimedia project concerning all viaducts and high masonry overpasses of the railway.
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15. <Pwroypoi:p(ec; OTTO nc; epyoafec; oTToKoraaroaryc; TT]c; otaopoµryc; rou rpo(vou rou nr,Mou, opxdo OXE BoAou. Photos taken during the restoration works, (OSE) records.
18. To layout TT]c; TToAuµwtKl]c; e<popµoyryc; O)(eTlKl]c; µe rouc; aroe-
µouc; KOi rte; araaetc; TT]c; OtaOpOµl]c; TOU rpo(VOU. Layout of the multimedia project concerning all stations of the railway.
Eu0uµ(a LLWl;tou, apxL1eK1wv µr1xavLKO<;
AnOKATALTALH KAI EnANAXPHLH TOY APXONTIKOY nAMnOYKA LTH tiPAMA Em~Mnwv: Mtx611.ric; NoµtK6c;, apxt1eK1wv µr1xavtK6c; Efthimia Sioziou, architect engineer
RESTORATION AND REUSE OF THE PAMPOUKAS MANSION IN DRAMA Supervisor: Michalis Nomikos, architect engineer
o un6 µeMn7 KTLpto, t<StoKT17cr[oc; TOU IKA, !3p[crKeTOL crrn 6pl0 TOU lOTOPLKOU Kevrpou TT7<:; ~p6.µoc;. E[vOL TOno8eTT7µevo 8A8U8epo 08 µeyCJ.AO OlK0TTf:()O, <5T7µlOUpyWVTO<:; oK6.Aumouc; neptµeTptK6. Tou KTtp[ou, yeyov6c; cruvri8ec; OTrJV TT0AT"] TT"]<:; ~pa.µoc; OTO TeAT7 TOU 19ou KOL TL<:; opxec; TOU 20ou OLWVO ae YWVlOKCJ. OLK6ne<5o. Ol XWPOl TOU KTlp[ou <5toµopcpwVOVTOL ae Tpetc; OT6.8µec;, T7µtun6yeLO , tcr6yeto KOL 6pocpoc;. T6ao To tcr6yeto, 6ao KOL o 6pocpoc; <5tOLpouvrOL ae Tp[o Tµ11µmo, K6.8ern npoc; TrJV Kupto 61jJT7. AuT6c; o <5toxwptcrµ6c;, nou o<Sriyd ae µio cruµµeTpLK'l Ka.Tot!Jri, e~unripeTd AetToupytKec; ov6.yKec;, cruvMeTOL 6µwc; KOL µe TT"]V KOTOOK8UOOTlK'l opy6.vwcrri TOU KTlp[ou. To KTlplO evr6.crcreTOL OTT7V TUTTOAoy(o TWV <5twpocpwv µovOKOTOlKlWV µe KCJ.TOLµll oX'lµOToc; r. LTT"]V ecrox11 nou <5T7µloupyetTOl TOno8eTetTOL TTOAUYWVLK6c; e~wOTT7c; KOL OTO Mo en[ne<So. H TunoAoy(o ouT'l, nou o<Sriyoucre OTT7v <5T7µtoupy(o KTLp(wv µey6.Aou eµ!30<5ou, cruvovra.TOL OTT"] ~p6.µo Kupiwc; ae µey6.Ao OLK6ne<5o OTT7V nep(µeTpo TTl<:; n6Aric;, 6nwc; KOL oUT6 nou !3p[crKeTOL TO opxovrtK6.
he mansion, which is currently owned by IKA, is situated close to the historical centre of Drama. It is a detached building in a big plot, with courtyards around it, layout that was quite common in the last decades of the 19th as well as the beginnings of the 20th century in Drama on corner plots. It has three levels, basement, ground level and first floor. The ground level, as well as the first floor are divided into three parts vertically to the main fagade. This creates a symmetrical floor plan, facilitates functional needs and is connected with the constructional organisation of the building. Typologically, it belongs to the two storey buildings with L shaped floor plan, thus creating a polygonal balcony on each floor. This typology resulted in the construction of spacious houses on big plots around the historical center of Drama, area where the Pamboukas mansion is settled.
The fagades are organized neoclassically and have a lot of morphological characteristics influenced by eclecticism. They are divided into horizontal parts by cornices and are decorated with pilasters which contribute to the vertical organization of the
1. Ixiow TT]c; KUptac; 61/JT]c; yta TO apxovrtK6 naµrroUKQ (rrTJyfJ: K. T(fJµou-TpaKoaorrouAou, H apxm;KTovtKTJ rnu Konrad Jacob Josef Von Vilas).
South fa<;ade (source: K. Tzimou-Trakasopoulou, The architecture of Kondrad Jacob Josef Von Vilas). RESTORATION AND REUSE OF THE PAMPOUKAS MANSION IN DRAMA
2. 'Arrot/JTJ rou apxovrtKou arr6 rn /3ops1oavarnA1K6.. Northeast view of the mansion.
3. 'ATTOt/JrJ TOU KaµrruJ..ou KJ..tµaKoarao{ou aTOV rrpoauJ..IO XWpO. View of the staircase in the courtyard.
4. Xxiow TT/<; avaroJ..1Kf/<; 6tj177c;. Yrrapxouoa KGT6ara077. Eastern faqade. Present state.
5. Xxiota Karn0Kwaar1Kf/<; av6J..u077c; Kat rra0oJ..oyfac;. Plans of construction analysis and pathology of the building.
6. Xxiota Karn0Kwaar1Kf/<; av6J..u077c; Kat rra0oJ..oyfac;. Plans of construction analysis and pathology of the building.
Ot 6ljJetc; nou xopotcrrip(½oVTm on6 vrnKAomKl'] opyavwOT), cpepouv evo nl\l']Soc; µopcpOAOYlKWV xopOtcrT]plOTlKWV µe eVTovec; f:KAf:KrlKlOTlKec; emppoec;. luoµopcpWVOVTOl µe TOV OPl½OVTlO Oloxwptoµ6 K08' UljJoc; Of: ½wvec; OTO UljJOc; TWV op6cpWV µe ye(OO Km Tmv(o. Inc; emcp6vetec; Twv 6ljJewv emKpmouv TO nr,.l'JpTJ evoVTl Twv Kevwv. H areljJT] mu tcrtp(ou y(veTm µe ydoo nou nept~aMet TT] areyri. H emcpaveto Twv Mo op6cpwv Kooµe(Tm µe nopoaraoec;, nou TOVL½OUV TT]V KOTOKOpucp6TT]TO TWV 6ljJewv. nopCl/\/\T]/\0 µe TOV OPl½OVTlO OlOXWPl0µ6 Of: ½wvec;, OTlc; Mo on6 Ttc; 6ljJetc; unapxet Km o KOTOK6pucpoc; 01oxwp10µ6c; nou OT]µtoupye(Tm µe TTJV npoe~oxl'] TµT]µ6TWv TT]c; 6ljJT]c;, oµm6µopcpo ae 6l\ouc; rnuc; op6cpouc;, Km Tov(½ern1 µe neooouc; nou cpepouv e~warec;.
fa~ade. The two main fa~ades are vertically devided into three parts, by prominent parts of the fa~ade which are emphasised by rectangular columns that hold the balconies.
H np6TOOTJ onoKOT60ToOT)c;-mov6XPTJOTJc; cplA.ooo~d vo onoTeMoet µ(o peOAlOTlKTJ np6TOOTJ. i:T6xoc; e(vot vo ovooetxSd o µovootK6c; xopoKTl']poc; Tou rnp(ou, aM6 nopCIMTJAO vo e~unripeTl']oet OTTJV onoauµcp6pT]OTJ Tou Kf:VTPlKOU IKA llp6µoc;. EmotwKeTm VO O~lOTIOlT]Se( TOOO TO tcrlplO 600 KOl O nepl~Cl/\1\WV xwpoc; Tou, evw nopaMT]AO npoTe(veTm TJ npoa8l']KTJ vfou tcr(oµornc; OTOV OUAlO XWPO !::TOl WOTf: VO KOAUcp80UV 01 UcplOTaµevec; ov6yKec; KOl vo e~OVTAT]8d TJ nep(ooe10 ouVTe>-.f:arou MµT]OT)c;.
The restoration and rehabilitation proposal aims to be realistic and feasible. Thus, it is intended that the character of the building will be preserved along with the necessary fulfillment of the local IKA facilities' needs. Not only the existing building but also the courtyard will be an important part of the proposal, while the new extension will satisfy the needs for more built space. The whole proposal aims to ensure the future of the building as a monument and furthermore, as an important part of the city's life. The reuse proposal is based on the understanding and renegotiation of the main morpholological and typological characteristics of the building as well as on the fact that new offices can be constructed on the huge free courtyard around the mansion. Thus, the initial form of the mansion is restored. According to the reuse proposal, it accomodates the administrative departments so as not to be overcrowded, whereas the new extension houses offices more visited by the public. The functional connection of the two buildings was considered of high importance, as it contributes to the cooperation of the departments. AnOKATAHALH KAI EnANAXPHLH TOY APXONTIKOY nAMnOYKA HH llPAMA
H ouvoAtKr'J mtµl3aari y(veT01 txovrac; we; ar6xo TI7 c51aocp6J...10Tl Tou µtMovroc; Tou KTtp(ou, T6oo we; µV17µdou, 600 Kat we; ½WTLKOU xwpou y1a TI7V TOVWOT] TI7c; ½wr'Jc; TI7c; n6A17c;. H np6TOOT] mavOXPrJOTJc; Tou apxovr1Kou y(veTat µe 136.ari TO 1c'i1a(Tepa µopcp0Aoy1K6. Tou Kat Tun0Aoy1K6. Tou xapaKTI7p1ar1K6. Kat TrJ c'iuvm6T17Ta Tou nep1l36.Movroc; xwpou va anoc5exrd TrJ vfo XP'lOTl- 'ETm To apxovr1K6 npoTe(veTm va Kpm178e( we; txe1, µe nc; eneµl36.oe1c; anoKmaaraaric; va nep1op(½oVTat OTI7V av6.c'ie1~17 T17c; apx1Kr'Jc; TOuc; µopcpr'Jc; Kat TI7V ev(axuari y1a TrJv eyKmaaraari TT1c; vfoc; XP'lOTJc;, r'Jmac; n6.vra µopcpr'Jc;. LTO c51aTI7p17Tfo KT(p10 TOTT08eTOUVTQl Tµr'Jµma µe C)LOLKl7TLK6 xapaKTr'Jpa, µe oKon6 va anocpeuxed ouµcp6p17ari, evw aro vfo, Tµr'Jµma TO ono(a Ka81iµep1v6. ouvaM6.ooovrm µe TO Ko1v6. 0ewpr'J817Ke ariµavr1Kr'J 17 AE:LToupy1Kr'J ouvc5eari Twv Mo KTtp(wv, Kan nou ouvreAe( ar17v ev6TI7Ta, TI7v KOAuTep17 ouvepyao(a Kat TI7V eupu8µ17 AE:LTOupy(a QA.WV TWV un17pea1wv.
7. np6mor, anOKQTQOTOOT}<;. K6rocJITJ op6rpou. Proposal. Floor plan.
8. np6mor, anoKar6araOT/<;. EmµrjKT]<; TOµrj. Proposal. Longitudinal section.
9. npoonnKrj avanap6araor, mu vtou KT(aµa-
Perspective view of the proposed building. RESTORATION AND REUSEOF THE PAMPOUKAS MANSION IN DRAMA
The new building is placed beside but not adjusted to the old one. Its volume, as well as its morphology, respects the mansion and contributes to the projection of its individuality. The geometry of the cube, was inspired by the geometry of the mansion and facilitates the easier adaptation of the building into the existing surrounding. This geometry is not only adopted but also converted so as to create an interesting dialogue between the existing building and the proposed extension. A bridge connecting the mansion with the new building on the fist floor level was also carefully designed so as to emphasize the connection between the two buildings along the basic circulation axis of the mansion. It also indicates prominently the entrance to the new building. On the ground floor the bridge becomes part of the pedestrian paths of the courtyard, whereas on the basement level a small garden is proposed.
To vfo KTlplO nou npoOT(0eTOl OTOV OKCIAUITTO xwpo TOno0eTeiTOl oe an60T0011 an6 TO Ol0Tl7pl7Tfo, evw T6oo O µtKp6Tepo~ 6yKo~ TOU, 600 KOl 11 AlT6T17TO OTl1 µopcpoAOYlKl7 TOU opya.vw011 emf36.MOVTOl an6 Tl7V npoon6.0el0 av6.oel~ll~ TOU OPXOVTlKOU. rta T17v µopcp17 Tou emMx017Ke 17 yewµeTpia Tou Kuf3ou, yewµeTp(a nou oaveti'.;6µaOTe an6 TO otm17p17Tfo KT(pto. H em1'.oy17 OUTl7 eytve µe OKOn6 Tl7V eUKOAOTep17 OVTlAl7ITTlKl7 npooapµoy17 TOU vfou 6yKou aM6. Km Tll 017µtoupy(a ev6~ «enetooo(ou» nou ea XP11mµonmei T17v ucptOT6.µev17 yewµeTp(a Km ea TllV enavanpooot0pfi'.;et. 'Eva~ Kuf30~ an6 µeTaMtK6 oKeAeT6 eop6.i'.;eTOl OT00ep6. OTO en(neoO neptf36.MOV, evw f.VO~ oeuTepo~ nou 017µtoupyei µ(a oeuTep17 e~wTeptKll emoepµ(oa Tou KTlptOU, OTpecpeTOl yupw an6 TOV Opti'.;6VTlO KOl KOTOK6pucpo 6.~ova 017µtoupywVTa~ µ(a 0(0817011 eMcppuv011~ Tll~ 0Ttf3ap17~ yewµeTp(a~. O oeurnpo~ auT6~ Kuf30~ anoTeA.eiTm an6 µia nepOlOWTl7 KOTOOKeu17 nou neptf36.AA.el TOV f3amK6 y u6.AlVO 6yKo ouVTeAwVTa~ T6oo µopcpol\oytK6., 600 KOL 1'.etToupytK6., 6oov acpop6. OTl1 0Kl0011 TOU KTlpiou. LTOV eowrnptK6 xwpo 11 opy6.vw011 npayµmonme(Tm an6 Tov ouvouaoµ6 Twv Kaw6.f3wv nou npoKumouv an6 Tll yewµeTpia TWV Mo auTwv Kuf3wv. H nepiKeVTp17 op0oKavovtK17 opy6.vw011 TOU ypacpelOKOU xwpou OlOK6meTOl KOl enavanpoootop(i'.;eTOl an6 Tl~ Ao~e~ xap6.~el~ TIOU Ul00eTOUVTOl. ~17µtoupyeiTOl f.VO~ evta(o~ xwpo~. euell.ttcro~ Km euKoll.a npooapµ6mµo~. To eowTeptK6 TOU KTlp(ou OVTtµeTwn(i'.;eTOl (J)~ eva evta(o KUf3lK6 Kf.AUcpo~. oe K6.0e en(neoo Tou onoiou 17 opy6.vw011 Km o otaxwpt0µ6~ TWV emµepou~ Tµ17µ6.Twv µnope( va y(veTm avC1Aoya µe Tl~ eKO.OTOTe av6.yKe~. Mia yecpupa µern~u ucptOTaµevou tcrtp(ou KOL npoo017K17~. Tono0eT17µev17 oe ouvexeta TOU f300lKOU OlOOp6µou KlVl1011~ TOU apxoVTtKou 017µtoupyei evav eVTovo emµ17K17 6.~ova. LTO enineoo TOU tooye(ou 17 ouvoe011 anoTel\e(Tm an6 µ(a una(0pta otaopoµ17 TIO.VW an6 TOV unof3a0µtoµevo neptf30.AAOVTO XWPO, evw OTO enineoo Tou op6cpou e(vm µ(a Kl\etOTll 0Teyaoµev17 Olaopoµ17. H yecpupa, nou eivm KeKAtµev17 , cpepeTOl an6 nMyta unoOTull.wµma nou uneveuµ(i'.;ouv Tou~ Kopµou~ Twv MVTpwv, f300lK6 XOPOKTl7plOTlK6 TOU neptf36.MOVTO~ XWPOU TOU KTtpiou. H eval\Aay17 avmyµ6.Twv Km KeKAtµevwv nepotowTwv TIAOlOlWV oe Ol6.cpopa ax11µma, 017µtoupyouv µta evotacpepou00 6lj.J17. H napouo(a Tl7~ yecpupa~ KOl 11 OleU0UVOl7 Tl7~ TOV(i'.;ouv T17v 0(0817011 Tll~ Kiv11011~ OTou~ veoetoepx6µevou~ OTO el\eu0epo XWPO KOl UTIOOelKVUel Tl7V 0e011 Tl7~ KeVTplKl7~ eto600U OTO vfo KTlplO.
10. npoormKrj avanapdaraarJ TTJc; yi<pupac; nou auvoiet TO vio µe ro u<ptardµevo KTfpto. Perspective view of the bridge connecting the proposed with the existing building.
11. npoonrtKTJ avanapdaraarJ TTJc; auvoJ..tKrjc; eniµf3aar,c;. Perspective view of the proposal.
12. np6raOTJ. B6peta 61/Jr,. Proposal. South faqade. AnOKATAHArn KAI EnANAXPHLH TOY APXONTIKOY nAMnOYKA H H IIPAMA
AyyBALK~ T6yta, apxm:KTwv µrixavtK6c;
NEOKJ\A~:IKO KTIPIO BlrrA LTO NAYnAIO Em~Mnouaa: AtµLA(a i:n:cpav(oou, apxtTBKTwv µ17xavtK6c; Angeliki Togia, architect engineer
NEO-CLASSICAL BUILDING VIGGA IN NAFPLIO Supervisor: Aimilia Stefanidou, architect engineer
loTOplK~ T&Kµ(lpiwo11 KTlpiou
History of the building
o KTtpLo nou anornM:( TO OVTLKe(µevo TT]<; µeMTTJc; auTT']c; e(vOL KTLoµevo OTT] ~6peLa n>..eup6. TT]<; n>..me(ac; foVT6.yµmoc;, OTT]V Kapi5L6. TOU Naun>..(ou KOL avr']Ke OTOV LWTI]PTJ Euayye>..ou B(yya. fa µLa µapµ6.pLVTJ emypmpr'] n6.vw an6 TT]V KE:VTpLKT7 e~ciJSupa avaypaq>OVTOL TO OPXLKO TOU LOLOKTI]TT], KaSwc; KOL ri riµepoµriv(a aveyepO'T]c; Tou KTLp(ou, ri ono(a eivOL TO 1878. 0ewpeiTOL eva an6 Ta mo xapaKTTJPLOTLK6. oeiyµaTO Tou aKµa(ou veoKA.aoLKLoµou. AnoTe>..eiTOL an6 un6yeLo, Lo6yeLo KOL TpeLc; op6cpouc; KOL avr']KeL OTOV TUTIO TT]<; OLTIAOKOTOLK(ac;, 6nou Ka.Se 6pocpoc; anoTe>..e( KOL ~exwpLOTIJ KOTOLK(a. Meoa an6 ouo ~UALva KALµaKoOT6.0LO npayµmonmeiTOL T] np6o~aO'T] OTa ouo ~exwpLOT6. i5Laµep(oµma. foµcpwva µe n>..ripocpop(ec; KAT]pov6µwv KOL evo(KWV, OTO Lo6yeLO unr']pxe TO TUTIOypacpe(o TOU LOLOKTI]TT], 0 npciJTO<; 6pocpoc; q>LAO~evouoe TOU<; XWPOU<; UTIOOOXT7<;, 0 OE:UTepoc; TO UTIVOOWµOTLQ KOL OTpfroc; µe TO ouµµeTpLKO owµaTO AE:LTOupyouoe we; SepLvr'] KOTOLK(a TT]<; OLKOYEVE:LO<;.
he building in question is situated in the northern side of Sydagma square, in the heart of old Nafplio and it is dated in 1878. It is considered to be one of the most typical examples of mature neoclassicism, constructed with external stonework, internal wooden walls, wooden roofs and floors. It consists of basement, ground floor and three floors. Through two wooden interior staircases is achieved the communication between floors. In the ground floor there was the typography of the owner, in the first floor the reception rooms, in the second the bedrooms and in the last there was the summer residence of the family.
To 1936 npayµmonme(TOL µLa µeya>..ri, i5Lwpocpri npooSr']KT] ~OT]ST]TLKWV XWPWV OTT] ~6pe1a nt..eupa TOU OLKOTIEOOU, µe UAL-
1. H &IK6va TT]<; nAardac; LUVT6yµaTO<; anc; apxec; TOU 20ou atwva (To KTfp10 mu Bfyya ar,µs1wvsrn1 µs TO {3iAoc;). View of Sydagma square in the beginning of the 20th century.
In 1936 occurs an important, two floored addition to the building, in the northern empty space, using reinforced concrete and brickwork. During the Italian invasion, the building was used as the "Carabinieria", after the war refugees found shelter there, while the ground floor was being used as shops of greek art. The building now belongs to the Ministry of Culture, but until nowadays it remains without use, with the signs of abandonment and decay are obvious in the interior and the fagades.
2. Tonoypacp1K6 016ypaµµa. Topographical chart.
3. 'Anot/171 an6 TTJV nAarnfa. View from the square.
OnTOn/\lN0 0t.OMH
c T/\0
4. KdroljJr, 1aoys{ou. Ground floor plan.
5. KdroljJr, A' op6cpou. First floor plan.
KO OOµT}OT}c; TO OTTA.LOµevo OKUpOOEµa KOl TOLXOUC: TTAl7pWOT}c; an6 omonAtv8000µ17. T6TE npayµaTOTTOLELTOl Km unoOTuAwOTl TOU unoyELOU µE KOAOVEc; KOl OOKOUC: an6 OTTALOµevo OKUp65Eµa.
Architectural analysis - Construction
Kma Tl'l OLClpKELO TT}c; LTOALKT7c; KOTOX'lC: TO KTLPLO µETOTpenETOl OE ypacpda TT}c; ITOALKT7c; AOTuvoµ[oc;. METOTTOAEµLKCl OTEyaOTl'lKOV OLKOY8VELEc; npoocpuywv an6 OLOcpopETLK8C: TTOAELc; n1c; nEAOTTOVVT100U, EVW TO LOOYELO EVOLKLOi'.;6rnv, Kup[wc; OE KOTOOT17µ0Ta TTWAT}OT}c; ELOWV AO'iK17c; Texvric;. 2TO KTlplO YLVETOl avaYKOOTLK'7 anaMoTpiwOT} yto apxmo;>,.oytKouc; oKonouc; on6 To Ynoupydo no;>,.moµou (ct>EK 119 t:i.'/95). MeXPL OT7µEpa napoµevEL xwp(c; XP'lOTl, µE 8VTOVO OT}µMto cp0opac; KOl EYKOTMEllJ.lric;, TOOO OTLC: OlJ,IELC: TOU 000 KOl OTO EOWTEplKO TOU. Apx1r&KTOVIK~
av6Auari - KOTOOK&U~
H KOTOIJ.lfl TOU OLOTTlPflT80U acpopa eva ouµnayec;, op8oywvLKO ax17µa. 2TO LOOYELO KUptapxouv µEyMO op8oywvLKCl owµana, nou ETTIKOLVWVOUV µETO~U TOuc; µE AL86KTLOTEc; KOµapEc;, EVW K080plOTLK6 OTOLXELO yta Tl'lV opyavwOT} Tl'lC: KClTOlJ,IT}c; OTTOTEAEL 0 OUTtK6c; OLOOpoµoc;, µE KEVTPLKO cpwrnywy6. Meow OUTOU npayµmonoLELTOl ri np6oj3oOT} OTO Mo 6µma ~u?I.LVo KAtµaKoOTOOLO, nou oorwouv OTO nopanavw ETTITTEOO, aM6 OOT}VEL ETTIOT}c; KOl OTO j36pELO OKMUITTO XWPO TOU OLKOTT800U. H npoo817KT} TOU '36 E<pOITTETOl Tl'lC: j36pELOC: TTAEUpac; TOU KTlplOU. Ta rn6µEVO Mo ETTITTEOO exouv nap6µota µETO~U TOuc; opyaVWOT}, µE Tp(o owµana VO OVOITTUOOOVTOl OTl'l v6na TTAEUPO,
In the ground floor plan big orthogonal rooms dominate, that communicate with each other my stone made arches, while a corridor along the western side of the building has plays a definitive role in the organizing of the space. Through this corridor is achieved the access to two equal, wooden staircases, that lead to the upper levels, but also leads to the empty courtyard in the north of the site. The addition of 1936 is attached to the northern side of the building. The next two levels are organized in a similar way, with three rooms in the southern side, one big central and two of equal size next to it. Internal doors of wooden planking connect the rooms of the eastern side of the first floor, while plaster decorative features are placed on the walls and roofs. Through the central wooden staircase there is the possibility of accessing the second floor, where the ornamental mood of the previous floor is absent. Impressive is the drawing on the ceiling of the reception room that follows the staircase. The bearing masonry consists of stonework with wooden connections, the internal walls are of wooden light structure (bagdati), while also all the floors and roofs are wooden. In the last level there are two orthogonical volumes, placed vertically towards each other. The northern one is probably an addition. Only the northern wall is of stonework, while all the others, interior and exterior ones are made of light wooden construction. The two individual roofs are also made of wood , covNEOKAArlKOKTIPIOBirrA no NAYnAIO
TfiOlfflWM.1. l KIION
I] ~
Al)i)l(OMH'[H rOOA
,, AfiOTTfln!H
6. ToµfJ A-A, ax.sow Q/TOTUTTWOT)c:;. Section A-A, survey drawing.
7. N6na 61/JIJ, TTp6rnOTJ aTToKardaraOT)c:;. South far;ade, restoration proposal.
eva µey6Ao KE:VTplKO KOL Mo µ1Kp6Tepa E:Kmepweev TOU. AvaOlTTAOUµevec; ~UAlVec; TOµTIAQOWTec; eupec; e~aacpOA(½ouv Tr]V E:TilKOlVWVlQ µeTO~U TWV OVOTOALKWV owµm(wv TOU npwTOU Op6cpou, E:VW KUplOPXOUV YU4JLVQ OlQKOOµr]TlKCI. µoT(~Q OTouc; rn(xouc; KOL po½eTec; OTtc; opocpec;. Meow TOU KE:VTPLKOU ~UALVOU KALµaKomaa(ou o(veT01 17 ouvaT6T17TO np6a~a017c; mo oeuTepo 6pocpo, 6nou anoum6.½eL 17 51aK00µ17nKr'] emµeAeta nou eVTunwa(a½e mo npo17youµevo en(ne5o.
ered with Byzantine tiles. Concerning the pathology of the building, the abandonment has as resu lt the penetration of damp, the existence of humidity on the walls, the decay of the wooden floors and roofs, while many pieces of plaster have been destroyed.
H nep1µeTpLKT7 Tmxonm(a eivOL an6 apyOAL8o5oµr'] µe ~uAo5emec;, 01 wwTep1Ko( To(xm an6 ~uMn17KT17 To1xono1(a (µnay5aTQ, 6Aa TO 56.ne5a ~uAtva µe ~UAtva aav1owµma 51acpopeT1Kou TIACI.TOUc; KOL cpepOVTQ OTTO nc; TOlXOTIOl(ec;, E:VW Ol opocpec; E:lVOL 6Aec; ~UAtvec;.
LTO TE:Aeurn(o en(ne5o 5taKp(voVTOL Mo op8oywv1Ko( 6yKot, K0.8E:TO TOTI08E:Tl7µeVOl µE:TO~U TOUc;. 0 ~6pe1oc; 6yKoc; E:LVOL m8avwc; µeTOyeveOTepoc;. 0 VOTloc; TOLXOc; E:LVOL KQTQOKE:UOOµeVOc; an6 apyoA.18050µ17 KOL Ol UTIOAOlTTOl, e~WTE:plKO( KOL eawTeplKO( an6 µnay5mL H meya017 TOU KTlp(ou npayµaTOTIOlE:LTOL µe Mo ~exwp1mec;, Tp(pp1xrec; ~UALvec; OTeyec;, µe emKep6.µwOl7 an6 Kepaµ(o1a ~u½aVTtvou Tunou. H eyKaTOAE:L4Jl7 Tou veoKAOOLKOU µeT6. T17V nau017 Tile; AE:LToupy(ac; TOU (1980) E:U8UVE:TOL YLO TO µeyOAUTE:pO µepoc; T17c; na8oAOy(ac;. H TIAE:lOljJl7cp(a TWV cp9opwv npoepxernt an6 Tl7V unap~17 µey6A17c; noa6T17Tac; uypaa(ac; moue; xwpouc;, µe 06.maµa TWV ~UAlVWV OTOlXE:lWV OTO 56.ne5a KOL OTLc; opocpec;, E:VW E:VTOn(½OVTOL AE:Keoec; KOL 5LOYKWOE:tc; OTO E:TILXP(OµOTO. LE: OpKE:TCI. 017µeia rn Kov16.µma exouv anoKoM178e( KOL 17 uypaa(a npo0~6Ae1 T17v rn1xono1(a.
To KTlplO exe1 KUp(apX17 6ljJ17 aUTr'] npoc; Tl7V TIAE:Up6. Tile; TIAQTE:lac;. H «~6.0!7» Tile; 6A17c; auv8e017c; 51aµopcpwvern1 an6 AO~euµeV17, aven(xp1m17, ljJeu5o'ia600µ17 At8o5oµr']. Mta ae1p6. an6 neVTe op8oywv1K6. avo(yµma xapaKT17p(½e1 T17V av6.mu~17 Tou pu9µou OTO 106ye10, µe KUp(apx11 Tl7V e~weupa. To OE:UTE:po KOi Tp(TO en(ne5o exouv 6µ010 QVTlµE:TWTilOl7 KOL µa½( QTIOTeAOUV Tov «Kopµ6» Tile; auv8e017c;. Ta avo(yµma aKoAoueouv nc; NED-CLASSICAL BUILDING VIGGA IN NAFPLIO
Morphology The building has a main fagade facing the square. The "base" of the whole synthesis is made of sculptured, pseudo-isodomic, without plaster stonework, while five orthogonical openings in a row offer the rhythm. The second and third levels are treated in a similar manner and they characterize the "corm". The openings follow the rhythm of the first level and the windows are of the French type. A significant feature of the decorative mood and of the pointing out the vertical symmetry of the synthesis is the marble balcony with corbels. On each side of the openings there are pilasters, with ceramic capitals that bear entablature with moldings. The last level symbolizes the coronation of the neo-classical fagade, with a central pediment emphasizing the vertical axon and two side balconies with ceramic balusters. Important for the last level are also the three small metallic balconies.
Suggestion for restoration and reuse The best condition for the conservation of a historic building is reuse. This building belongs to the Ministry of Culture and its new use is the offices of the D' Ephorate of Prehistorical and Classical Antiquities. The decision of demolishing the addition of 1936, since it is not of any architectural significance, liberates the space north of the building, and also the fagade that was hidden for 70 years. Thus, there is the possibility of a new construction that will provide a new vertical distribution towards the building. A second powerful element of the suggestion is the decision of creating a new north view, with a double fa<;:ade. This element creates a new border towards the sea and is a light, metallic construction with glass, a game of voids and compacts. The degraded northern view obtains character and dynamism.
QVCl/\oy(ec; KOi TOV KQTQKOpucpo 6.~ova OUTWV TOU npwTOU emne5ou. Ta nm½oupta nou XPllOtµonotouVTm oe 6Aa Ta avo(yµma e(vm yOAAtKou Tunou. 15ta(Tepo OTOlXeLO 51aK00µ17nK17c; 8Kcppa017c;, QAA(l KOi TOVtoµou TOU K6.enou 6.~ova ouµµeTp(ac;, anornAd o µapµ6.ptvoc; e~wm17c; Tile; K6.ee µnaAKov6noprnc;. EKaTepweev K6.ee avo(yµmoc; un6.pxouv napam6.5ec; µe Ado Kopµ6, nou npoe~exouv eAacpp6. an6 TO en(ne5o Tou To(xou. H en(melj.117 TOuc; y(veTm µe KepaµtK6. en(Kpava, rn ono(a cpepouv eptyK6 µe Kuµ6.na. To TeAeuTa(o en(ne5o ouµ~oM½et Tll «melj.117» OT17V 6lj.J17c;, 6nou TO KE:VTptK6 Tµ17µa npoeKTeLVE:TQl OTO 5wµa, evw ma nAa"iv6. Tµ17µma 517µtoupyouVTm µnC1AK6vta µe KepaµtKec; µnaAOUOTpec;. H anwµanK17 OTelj.117 TOU KE:VTPLKOU Tµ17µmoc; TOV(½et OK6µa neptOOOTepo Tl7V KOTQKOpucp6Tl7TO, evw 017µaVTtK6 µopcpoAoytK6 m0txe(o anoTeAouv ot Tpetc; µtKpo(, µeTOAAtKOL e~wmec;.
H KaMTep17 npoun6eeo17 yta Tll ouVT17p17017 Km 5tm17p17017 ev6c; tmoptKou Knp(ou e(vm 17 enav6.xp17017 TOU. To KTLpto av17Ket nMov mo Ynoupye(o noAmoµou Km 17 vfo Tou xp17017 dvm np0Kaeoptoµev17. np6KetTm va uno5exre( TO ypacpe(a Tile; !1' Ecpope(ac; npo"imoptKwv Km fO..amKwv ApxmoT17Twv. Ot anatTouµevot xwpot TOU KTtptOAOYtKOU npoyp6.µµmoc; poeeTOUVTQl eTm wme va µ17v npoKulj.Jet av6.yK17 yta 517µtoupy(a vewv.
8. B6peta 01/JT/, np6TOOTJ QTTOKQTQOTOOTJc;. Northern fa9ade, restoration proposal.
H an6cpa017 yta T17V KaTeMcpt017 Tile; npooe17K17c; Tou 1936, µtac; KOi 5ev np6KE:tTOl yta K6.nota a~t6Aoy17 OPXLTE:KTOVLKl7 KQTQOKE:Ul7, aneAeueepwveL TO XWPO ~Opela TOU KTtp(OU, Kaewc; KOi T17V 6lj.J17 nou napeµeve KpuµµeV17 yta 70 XPOVLa. 'EToL, mo Kev6 auT6 5(vernt 17 5uvm6T17Ta µtac; Kma0Keu17c; nou, oe µta tKOV17 an6ma017 an6 TO veoKAaotK6, ea e~aocpC1A(½et T17V KOTaK6pu<Pll 5tavoµ17 Twv KLV17oewv mo KT(pto. 'Eva 5eurnpo tcrxup6 m0txe(o Tile; np6Ta017c; anoTeAe( Km 17 an6cpao17 yta Tll 517µtoupy(a µtac; 5euTep17c; ~6petac; 6lj.J17c;, ev6c; double fa<;ade. To OTOlXeLO OUTO 517µ1oupye( eva veo 6pto npoc; ~opp6., npoc; TO µeTwno Tile; e6.Aaooac; Km OKOAoued Tl1 5teueuv017 XO.PO~l7c; TOU ~6petOU op(OU TOU OLKOne5ou. To KA(µa Tou NaunA(ou emTpenet Km evtcrxue1 Tl1 517µ1oupy(a 17µ1una(ep1wv xwpwv. 'ETOL, TO nernoµa QUTO 5e ea anOTE:AeL eva ouµnayec; 6pto, OAA6. eva nmxv(5t KE:VWV KOi nA17pwv, n6.vw oe µta eAacppt6. Kma0Keu17 an6 µfaOAAo Km yuaAL H uno~aeµ1oµeV17 ~6pe1a 6lj.J17 anoKT6. xapaKT17pa, 5uvaµ10µ6 Km Amoupy1K17 a~(a. H np6rn017 0AoKA17pwveTm µe Tl7V opy6.vw017 TOU una(ep1ou xwpou. Ot cp9opec; Twv UALKWv aVTtµeTwn(½oVTm Km npoAaµ~6.voVTm µeMoVTLKec;. Nea m0txda, nou Kp(vnm oK6mµo va npome9ouv yta TOV E:KOUYXPOVLoµ6 KOi Tl7V KQALJTePll e~un17peTl70l7 TOU ouyKpoT17µmoc;, evowµOTWVOVTQl 5taKplTLKCl OTO xwpo KOi oXE:5LCl½OVTQl µe T8T0t0 TpOnO WITTE: Ol veec; KOTQOKE:Uec; VO e(VQl E:U5LO.KplTE:c; KOi QVTLOTp8ljJLµec;.
9. K6TOI/JT/ iooye{ou, np6TOOTJ QTTOKQTQOTOOTJc;. Ground floor plan, restoration proposal.
EAeu8ep(a ¢avT(oou, apXLTEKTWV µrixavtK6c;
Eleftheria Fantidou, architect engineer
vr1Kdµevo u1c; µeMUlc; onoTE:AEL TO nopoooaioK6 0IKI0T1K6 OUVOAO Kpwµvri TOU voµou neMoc;, TO ono(o f3p(OKE:TOI NA TOU 6pouc; na1KO, OE: UljJOµE:TpO 580 µ. , µe TIAT")0180TE:P'1 TIOAT") TO IIOWITOQ.
O OLK10µ6c; avayeTm XPOVOAoy1K6 OTO oemepo µ106 Tau 18ou
The foundation of the settlement dates back to the second half of the 18th century. During late 19th century Kromni was the largest village of the area. Its inhabitants were farmers and produced coal and wooden handcrafts. The settlement gradually decayed after the end of the Balkan Wars until 1974, when it was abandoned by government order. All its inhabitants moved to the nearest village, Mylotopos, where they still live.
01.' evw '1 OKµt'] TOU TOTI08E:TEITOI nep( TO TeAT") 19ou 01.' nep(oooc; nou unt']pse TO µeyOAUTE:po xwp16 TTlC: nep1oxt'Jc;. Kup10 onoax6AT")OT") Twv KOTOiKwv t']TOv '1 KUlVOTpocpio, '1 nopoywyt'] K6pf3ouvou KOL '1 enesepyoo(o SlJAOU. 0 OIK10µ6c; nopt']Kµooe OTOOIQKQ µeTCl TO T8Aoc; TWV BOAKOVIKWV noMµwv KOL ewe; TO 1974, OTIOTE: µe KUf3E:pVT]TIKl7 on6cpoori eyKOTOAE:icp8T")KE: on6 TOU<:; KOTOLKOU<:; TOU, '1 TIAE:IOljJT")cpio TWV ono(wv µE:TOLKIOE: OE: YE:ITOVIKO OIKI0µ6. LTT")V Kpwµv17 OIOOWi'.;OVTOL ot']µepo 120 KTlplO, T") KOTQOTOOT") Twv ono(wv 01of308µ(l;eTOL on6 KOA.17 ewe; epe1mwori. To cpuo1K6 TOTILO E:LVOL E:VTUTIWOIOK6. l:,.ev unapxe1 T")AE:KTpOOOTT")OT") KOi uopoOOTTlOT"), evw '1 np6of3oori E:TIITUYXOVE:TOL µfow oypOTIKOU op6µou. npene1 vo oriµe1w8d 6T1 evronil;eT01 µ10 TOOT") emOTpocpt']c; TWV TIOAOLWV KOTOiKwv, 01 onoio1 6µwc; oe 0108eTOuv en(oriµouc; TtTAouc; 1010KTT1oioc;.
he traditional settlement Kromni is located in Central Macedonia, on the south-east slope of mount Paiko, at an altitude of 580 m., with Giannitsa being the nearest city to it.
At the settlement stand presently around 120 buildings whose state of conservation varies from good to ruins. The natural environment, both inside and outside Kromni, is impressive. Regarding to infrastructures, there is neither water nor power supply and the settlement is reached by an agricultural road. The intention expressed by most former inhabitants to restore their houses is halted by their lack of official deeds for their plots.
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1. Aepocpwmypa<p[a TOU OIKIOµou. Aerial view of the settlement.
2. XdpTT7<; Tf/<; eupuTepf/<; nepwxr,c;. Map of the area.
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3. KOTQOTQar] OlOTrJPT/arJ<; TWV 1mp{wv. State of preservation of the buildings.
5. Ll{KTUO KUKA.O<pop{ac;-KiVTpa TOU OlKlaµotJ. Road network system-centres of the settlement.
4. 'Ano(/177 TOU OlKlaµotJ. View of the settlement.
Ta xapaKTr)pLOTLKa Tou xwpou, 6nwc; KOL Twv KT1p[wv, dvOL Ka8apa aypoTLKCl. H Mµriori E:LVOL KQTQ KUplO Myo OT)µELOKTJ KOL TO KTLOµma xwpo8ETOUVTOL µE TOV KUplO asova TOU<; napaMT]A.0 OTL<; KALOEI<;, aiSLmpopc.i>VTa<; y1a TT] 8fo. To iS[KTUO TWV iS1aiSpoµwv OUVOljJL½ETOL OE E;VQ ~OOLKO ClSOVQ TIOU iSLOoXL½El TOV OLKL0µ6 KOL w1µtpouc; µovonm1a KC18ETO OE QUTOV. 01 EAEU8Ep0l xwpOL iSEv dvOL oXEiSLaoµtvOL, Evw TO µovaiS1K6 µVT]µdo dvOL o I. N. Ay[ou NtKo>-.aou. 0 OLKLoµ6c; dvOL µov6KEVTpoc;, µE TO va6 va op[½EL TO K8VTpO TOU, av KOL TO TEAEUTOLO XPOVIO ½WTJ<; TOU tva vto Kf;VTPO E;TELVE VO iST]µLoupyT]8E[ OTT]V nEplOXTJ TOU oXOAEIOU. EVTOTILOTT]KOV TfoOEPL<; TUTIOl KQTOLK[ac;, xapOKTT]plOTLKOl Ev6c; ayponKou OLK1oµou. Ta KEAU<pTJ ELVOL KarnoKwaoµtva µE Emµe>-.Eta, an6 TOmKa u>-.tKa, aKo>-.ou8wVTac; wuc; napaiSomaKouc; Tp6nouc; Mµrioric;, Evw anouma½ouv Ta nEpiTExva µopcpo>-.oyLKa o-rOLxda. LTOXO<; TT]<; µEMTT]c; E:LVOI T] iS1acpu>-.asri TT]<; OPXLTEKTOVLKTJ<; cpumoyvwµ(ac; KOi TWV IOTOplKWV KOi OL08T]TLKWV OSIWV TOU OIKLoµou. LE OUTO TO np(oµa, Tl np6Taori OTIOKOTQOTOOT)<; KOi ova-
Kromni is a rural settlement, carrying all the relative characteristics. The buildings are erected isolated from each other, having their main axis vertical to the gradient, reflecti ng a disregard for the view. The open spaces are not pre-designed and evolved naturally. The street network system is consisted of a main branch which crosses the core of the settlement, with footpaths providing access to the perimeter. The church of St. Nicolas is the unique monument and it has always marked the central area of Kromni. During the last period of the settlement, a new centre was gradually being formed around the school building. The characteristics of the settlement and of the individual buildings were gathered and codified in a fiche system. Four characteristic rural housing types were traced, all built using the traditional techniques of those times and lacking ornamental elements. The aim of the project is the preservation of the architectural characteristics and the historical and aesthetic values of Kromni.
~LWOTJC: 88TE:L TO nAa[mo yLa µLO e:µne:pLOTmwµtvri OLOXE:IPLOTJ TOU napaoooLOKOU OUTOU OUVOAOU. H OVO~LWOT] TOU OLKLoµou E:TILTUYXCIVE:TOL µe: Tf) µe:TOTpon~ TOU 08 np6TUTIO aypOTOUplOTLKO K8VTpo, XP~OTJ Tl ono(a oe:v ea e:mcptpe:L an6TOµf) aMay~ TOOO OTO TlAf)8UOµLOKCl, OLKOVOµLKCI OE:00µ8VO 000 KOL OTO OOµf)µ8VO ne:pL~aMov. H np6TOOT] ne:pL\aµ~aVE:l Tf)V O~LOAOYf)OT] TWV KTLp(wv KOL TOV opLoµ6 ouyKe:KpLµtvou ~a8µou npoOTao[ac; yLO TO Ka8tva. To puµoTOµLKO oX80LO 8wµo8E:T81 nc; vte:c; XP~OE:LC: OTOV OLKLoµ6, op(~E:l TO 6pL6 TOU KOL nc; avayKa[e:c; KUKAO<pOplOK8C: pu8µ[oe:1c;. EnLA8X8f)K8 Tl OIO~PTlOTJ TWV U<pLOTaµe:vwv op[wv, K08wc; Kp(8f)K8 OTL Tl 8KTOOT] TOU OLKLOµou, TO U<pLOTaµe:vo KOL TO E:V OUVClµE:L vfo KT1p10K6 ouvaµ1K6, e:napKouv yLO va KOAuljJouv TLC: µe:AAOVTLKtc; avayKe:c;. H vfo Mµf)OT] 8A.8YXE:TOL an6 TOV ELOLKO 0LKOOOµtK6 KavovLoµ6, E:VW npOTE:IVOVTOL OPXLTE:KTOVLK8C: me:µ~6oe:1c; OTouc; KOLVOXPf)OTOUC: xwpouc;. H µe:MTf) 8TllK8VTpw8riK8 OTf) OLaµop<pW~ Tf)C: KE:VTplK~C: TIAOTE:10<:; TOU OLKLOµou, yta Tf)V ono[a npoTE:IVE:TOL Tl XP~OTJ ouyXPovwv UALKWV. Ooov acpop6 OTO KT[p10, axe:oLaOTf)KOV OL anapaiTrirnc; me:µ~6oe:Lc; y10 Tf)V npooapµoy~ TOuc; one; vfrc; XP~Oe:Lc; KOL unooe:[xSriKOv µ880001 OTIOKOTCIOTOOT]C: TWV U<pLOTaµE:VWV KE:AU<pWV. nap6Mf)AO, ty1vav npOTCIOE:lC: YLO Tf)V 8VTO~f) V8WV KOTOOKWWV µe: OUYXPOVf) OPXITE:KTOVIK~ OVTLAf)ljJf) OTO oe:ooµtvo KTLPIOKO ne:p1~6Mov, K08wc; KOL YLO Tf) OL0µ6p<pwOT] TWV IOIWTLKWV 8AE:U8e:pwv xwpwv.
. . . .__~ . . . . -f\,-....,.._~. .
The rehabilitation is achieved by introducing eco-touristic functions into the settlement. Such functions will not evoke sudden mutations to the economic and environmental standards, nor to the natural nor built environment, gradually converting Kromni to an eco-touristic centre, unique in the whole region. The proposal includes the evaluation and the specification of the degree of protection for each building. It also describes the land use, regulates traffic and parking and sets the limits of the settlement. The latter were not expanded, given the fact that there are adequate buildings to meet the housing needs that will merge by the rehabilitation. Analytical regulations for the new constructions were formed as well as a plan for the intervention at the central square Furthermore, the project indicated the methods to be used for the restoration of the existing buildings, along with the rearrangements necessary for their rehabilitation. Some exemplary proposals were also made for the new-built constructions, as well as for the private open spaces, so that they are incorporated in the traditional built environment.
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The proposal sets a frame for an overall scheme of management and development of the settlement.
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6. lJ.sfyµa KapriAac; Karaypa<prjc;.
Exemplary fiche.
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8. Ba8µ6c; npoorao{ac; rwv KT1p{wv.
Degree of protection of the buildings.
7. np6raor, 01aµ6pcpwor,c; KE:vrptKrjc; nAarsfac;. Proposal for the central square. ANALYSIS, RESTORATION AND REUSE OF THE TRADITIONAL SETTLEMENT KROMNI AT CENTRAL MACEDONIA
9-12. <PwropeaJ..1ar1Kic; anoo6ueic; oiaµ6pcpwCJrJc; TT/<:; Kevrp1Krjc;
nJ..mefac;. Photorealistic views of the proposal for the central square.
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13-16. E~wTeplKic; KQl eCJWTeplKic; an6(/Je1c; anOKQTSCJTTJµivwv KTl-
18. Puµoroµ1K6 CJXSOlO. General plan-proposal.
External and internal views of the restored buildings.
17. E~wrnp1Kic; KQl euwrnp1Kic; an6(/Je1c; anoKaTeCJTTJµivwv KT1p(wv. External and internal views of the restored buildings.
•••• ···~ 19. Evoe1KT1Kic; eneµf36.ue1c; urouc; KT1piaKouc; TUnouc;. Exemplary interventions for the rehabilitation of each housing
'Et..c:va Xa1l;r1vcimou, apxL1eK1wv µrixavLKoc;
LllATHPHTEO KTIPIO ITHN OllO EllEIIHI 5 Em~Mnov1c:c;: KaAA.lpOT'] na7'.u~ou, OPXLTEKTWV µrixavtK6c;, Atµtt..(a LT8cpav(oou, apxm:KTWV µrixavtK6c;
Elena Hatzinasiou, architect engineer
LISTED BUILDING IN 5, EDESSIS STREET Supervisors: Kallirroi Palyvou, architect engineer, Aimilia Stefanidou, architect engineer
o OlOTflPT"JTEO KTtpto an1v oo6 EMcroric; 5 , yvwOT6 we; «KupTOr] Xov», eLVOl on6 TO eAOXlOTO odyµmo eµnoplKWV KTtp[wv Tou 19ou mwvo nou otocrw8riKav on6 Tf]V KOTOOTpO<plK'7 nupKOYlCl TOU 1917 KOl an6 nc; µernyeveOTepec; npoan68etec; OVOlKOOOµT"]OT"]<; TT]<; neplOX'7<;. 0tKOOoµr']8r]Ke µeTO~U 1867-1868 Km dvm eva otwpocpo KTtpto µe Tfocrepo to6yeto KmaOTr']µma, TO ono[o oto8e10uv nm6pta Km oeKoTecrcreptc; ano8r']Ke<; OTov o' 6pocpo.
he listed building on number 5, Edessis street, in Thessaloniki, also known as "Kyrtsi Han", is one of the few trade-use 19th century buildings that survived the 1917 fire and the subsequent reconstruction efforts. It is a 2-storey building, constructed during the years 1867-1868. It consists of four ground-floor stores, each with the ir own loft, and fourteen storage rooms on the first floor, where trade transactions were held.
IuVToµo IOTOplKO 1mpfou
A short history of the building
1867-1868: To KTtpto otKoooµefTm on6 10v yvwOT6 emxetpriµaT[a KupTOr]
1867-1868: The building is constructed by Kyrtsis, a well-known businessman 1898: The ownership goes to Tzevriye Hanum
1898: To KTlplO nepva OTO XEPlO TI7C: Ti'.;el3plE Xovouµ 1902: IOlOKT17Tf]<; TOU KTlp[ou eLVOl O rtwpyr]<;, y to<; TOU Tacrou KupTOr] 1906: To KTlplO nepva OTO xeplO TOU Mwcre EcrKevai'.;u 1910: 0 lOlOKT'7TTl<; TOU KTtp[ou '7TOV NTOl3[ Mnevcroucrav
1902: The building is now owned by Giorgis, son of Tassos Kyrtsis 1906: The ownership goes to Mosse Eskenazy 1910: Next owner was Davi Bensousan 1910: The building is bought by Abu-Rahman Tefvik Efendi After 1910, the building is owned by Alie Nadzie Hanum AbdurRahman Tefvik and her four children. 1927: Nikitas Emnietoglou and Nikolaos Papadopoulos are the new proprietors 1969: The building is sold to Konstantinos Lazaropoulos and Spyridon Papageorgiou 1978: After the earthquake, both stories are used as storage rooms for other businesses
Initial typology The Kyrtsi Han is a two storey corner building with a three-pitch roof, measuring 32.60 x 11.12 m. Each storey measures 364.50 square meters. The building is 8.80 m high, while the roof's height is 1.95 m.
'01/JT/ arr6 TT/V 006 Eoiaar,c;. Fa<;ade from Edessis str.
It belongs to a category referred to as "Hania", or small twostorey trade galleries, suitable for commercial activities. A basic element of the ground plan is the oblong two-storey gallery, which is usually sheltered by a metal-and-glass gabled roof.
1910: To KTlplO oyopai'.;81 0 Aµnou-poxµav Tecp~(K Ecptvrri
M8TO TO 1910 IOIOKTr']T8<; 8LVOI I"] Mt8 NOTi'.;18 Xovouµ A~oouppoxµav Tecpr']K µe rn Tfooepo nmo16 Tl"]<;. 1927: lotoKTr']Tec; dvm ni>po o NtKr']rnc; EµvttToyAou KOL o NtK6Aooc; nonoo6nouAo<; 1969: To KTipto oyopai'.;eTm on6 TOv KwvOTovr(vo t\oi'.;op6nouAO Km Tov Inup(owvo nonoyewpy(ou 1978: MeT6 TO oe10µ6 T6oo TO 106ye10 600 Km o 6pocpoc; AE:tToupyouv we; ono0rJK8UTtKoi xwpot 6.AAwv emxe1pr']oewv.
-,' i i
APXIK~ TUTTOAOVIK~ opy6vwo11 To KupTOI"] Xov 8LVOL KT(oµo YWVLOK6, w(µr]K8<;, otwpocpo µe Tp(ppl)(TI"] OTEYI"], µe OLOOTCI08t<; 32,60 x 11, 12 µ. 0 K008 6pocpoc; txe1 eµ~oo6v 364,50 µ2. To utjJo<; Tou e(vm 8,80 µ., evw TO utjJoc; Tl"]c; OTEYT"JC: 1,95 µ. Avr']Ket OTO KT(p10 nou ovocptpovrm we; xav10 r'] µ1Kptc; 01wpocpec; eµnoptKE<; OTotc;, OT"}Aoor'] µ1Kp6 KT(p10 nou OTeyai'.;ouv eµnoptKEc; OpOOTT"jpt6Tl"]T8<;. BootK6 OTOlX8LO OTl"]V opyavwori Tl"]<; KOTOtjJrJ<; onornAd ri emµr']KrJC: 01wpocpri OTo6 nou ouvr']0wc; OTeyai'.;eTm µe µernM1Kr'], yu6A1vri, o(ppt)(TI"] OTEYT"J- ITo w(neoo TOU tooydou, TO KOTOOTr']µOTo ovo(yovrm - 8KT6<; on6 TO op6µo- npoc; Tl"]V 80WT8ptKr'] OTOO. nop6MT"}AO µfow TT"}c; OToac; esunripeTdTm Km ri np6o~oori OTouc; op6cpouc;, on6 TO KAtµoKOOT6oto TIOU TOTI008T8LTOI OTO ~60oc; Tl"]c;. LTOV 6pocpo OlOµopcpWV8TOI nep1µeTptK6c; r'] emµr']KrJ<; 016opoµoc; Km 01 un6AoLno1 xwpot OtOT6000vrm 08 08tp6.
01Koi50µ1K&<; q>6oe1c; tmpiou LTO xwpo TOU tooye(ou unr']pxov OPXIKQ Tp(o KOToOTr']µOTo KOi 0 xwpoc; TOU KALµOKOOTOOLOU. 'Ooov ocpopa OTO TIOTOpto, 8lKQi'.;8TOI 6Tt TO µ6vo nm6p1 TO ono(o unr']pxe on6 TrJV opxr'] r']rnv OUT6 TOU xwpou nou ouvop8U8l µe Tl"]V oo6 Eofooric;, µtpoc; Tou ono(ou owi'.;ernt µtXPL Km or']µepo. ITov 6pocpo, ri opx1Kr'] cpaori 01opKd on6 TrJV ovtyepori Tou KTtp(ou we; TO 1898, np1v on6 Tov ono(o cpo(vernt 6Tt 01 xwpot nou ~p(oKovrm or']µepo ovmoAtK6, OTl"]V n(ow µep16 Tou KTtp(ou, oev r']rnv OKTW, aM6 tvoc; ev1o(oc;. Me TO ntpooµo TWV XP6VWV UTI80Tl"j TO KTlpto nc; esr']c; oriµovrLKEc; aMoytc;: o) TO KOTOOTr']µoTO OTO 106ye10 on6 Tp(o y(vovrm Tfooepo, ~) oriµ1oupyouvra1nm6p10 ae 6Ao TO KOToOTr']µmo, y) OTOV 6pocpo O 8Vto(oc; xwpoc; OTO OVOTOAIKO OlOOTIOTOl 08 oKTw µ1Kp6Tepouc; Km µnoyevtOTepo K0µµ6Tt Tou 01oop6µou OUTIKO 8VOWµOTWV8TOI 08 owµano, µe OUV8TI810 T"j np6o~oori OTOV 8SWOTT"j VO y(V8TOL µtow TOU OWµOT(OU OUTOU KOi 6XL oneu0doc; on6 Tov K8vrptK6 016opoµo.
Mopq>oAoyfa To KupTOrJ Xov onornAd ovrmpoowneunK6 odyµo Tou OOTtKou V80KAOOIKLOµou OTI"] 08000AOVIKl"j. Ot 6tjJe1c; 5top0pwvovrm oe Mo ~OOLKEc; op1i'.;6vr1ec; i'.;wvec; nou ovr10To1xouv OTO 106ye10 KOi OTOV 6pocpo TOU KTtp(ou. IuyKeKptµtvo, ri Kup10 6tjJrJ, en( Tl"]<; ooou Eofoori<;, nopouat6i'.;8L 8VTOVO KOTOKOpucp10µ6, nou 8VloXU8TOI µe Tl"]V nop6080T"j TWV OVOLyµOTWV 08 Tp8tc; KOTOK6pucpouc; 0SOV8C: KOi µ8 npO~OAr'] Tou KE:vrptKou Tµr']µm6c; Tl"]c; µe TO Tptywv1K6 otTwµo OTO utjJoc; Tl"]c; en(OTetjJrJ<; Km Tou esc.iJOTrJ OTov 6pocpo µe TO XUTOOLoripa cpoupouato, OTI8tp08100UC: µopcpr']c;. LTI"] i'.;wvri Tou tooydou, neaao( on6 ouµnoydc; om6nAtv0ouc; µe emKOAUtjJrJ µopµapou, evoMaooovrm µe µey6Ao ovo(yµo-
I -- -r--:;.
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TorroypmpcK6 016.ypaµµa. Topographical map.
On the ground floor level, the stores open both to the street as well as to the indoor gallery. At the same time, the gallery provides access to the first floor, through the staircase down its end. There is an oblong or circumferential hallway on the first floor, along which the rooms are laid out in order. Construction phases of the building
The ground floor was initially divided into three stores and the staircase. As far as the lofts are concerned, it is said that the only loft that existed initially was the one over the store that looks upon Edessis street, part of which is surviving up to date. The initial phase of the first floor lasted from the year of construction up to 1898, and it seems that, during that time, the eastern rooms in the back of the building were not eight, but comprised one single space. Through the years, the building sustained the following major changes: a) the three stores on the ground floor become four, b) all stores get their own lofts, c) on the first floor, the one big space on the eastern side breaks into eight smaller ones, and part of the hallway gets subsequently integrated with a room, so that access to the balcony is only possible through this room, and not directly from the central hallway.
Morphology The Kyrtsi Han is representative of urban neo-classicism in Thessaloniki. The faces of the building are structured on two basic horizontal zones, which correspond to the ground floor and the first floor. Specifically, the front face, on Edessis street, shows intense verticality, which is intensified by the layout of the openings on three vertical axes, by the projection of its central section with the triangular pediment at the height of the ridge, as well as by the first floor balcony with the spiraled cast-iron console. lllATHPHTEO KTIPIO HHN OllO EllEHHI 5
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s;.~ ~--~ ~as;= ~ E""""='e==a____________ 3. KdTOI/JT/ taoyefou d cpaar,c;. Ground plan of phase El.
----~===~~=----- ~__ ,! 1
4. KdTOI/JT/ taoyefou y' cpaor,c;. Ground plan of phase c'.
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,....ffl'!<rol Ql'TTQO,',NJQI
llAPO.:.Ot £Ut:tltt:
KATO'i'H OP0¢0 Y
5. Kami/Jr, op6cpou a' cpaar,c;. First floor plan of phase a'.
6. KarnljJr, op6cpou y' cpdar,c;. First floor plan of phase c'.
TO (UOAOOTCIOlO) TTOU cpepouv opti'.;OVTLO unep0upo KOl cpepouv ETTlKCIAUljJI'] on6 TTACIKE:c; AE:UKOU µopµapou. LTO navw µepoc; TOuc; cpepouv w(Kpovo, To ono(o xopoKTrJp(i'.;eTm on6 µtKpou naxouc; op0oywvtec; npoesoxec; OTTOTµl']µevec; µe l']µlKUKAlO KOl ywv(ec;.
On the ground floor zone, columns of solid bricks overlaid with marble are interchanged with big openings (glass panes), which bear a horizontal lintel with white marble facing . These columns bear a pilaster capital on top, with thin rectangular protrusions bearing semi-circular and angular cuts.
LTOV 6pocpo OUVEXli'.;OVTOl OSOVlKCI µe TO KOTWTE:pO, KOTOKOpUcpo otoK00µ11nK6 armxdo on6 Tpof311xra Kovtaµmo. np6KetTm YlO neoo6µopcpec; npoesoxec; µe 5 of308e(c; pof3owoetc;, f360l'] Kot areljJ17 17 ono(o cpepet µopcpTJ en(Kpovou. BootK6 armxdo OTrJ l;wvri TOU op6cpou e(vm 11 pu0µlKTJ ETTOVOAT]ITTlKOTT]TO TWV ovmyµ6Twv. nopmripdTm OVTtOTotx(o Twv ovmyµ6Twv Tou tooydou Km TOU op6cpou.
On the first floor, there is an axial continuation of the lower part, with vertical decorative elements made of mortar. They are co lumn-like protrusions, bearing 5 shallow grooves, with bases, and crowns in the form of pilaster capital. A basic element of the first floor zone is the rhythmic repetitiveness of the openings. In fact, there is a correspondence between the ground-floor and the first-floor openings.
Evotocpepov npOKOAEL TO esexov ydoo we; OUV£XE:l0 TT]c; TTACIKoc; TOU op6cpou, µe emKOAUljJrJ on6 yaMtK6 Kepoµ(ot, TO ono(o cpo(veTm vo AEtToupyd we; arelj.111 TT')c; l;wv17c; Tou tooydou aM6 Km we; f36ori TT')c; l;wvric; Tou op6cpou.
The entrance to the building is through a metal door with an arched lintel in the style of ancient greek entablature.
H e(ooooc; OTO KTLPlO y(VE:TOl on6 µETOAAlKTJ 0upo µe TOsWTO
The perimetric bearing masonry of the ground floor consists of 0.55 m. thick bricks laid across. Inside the building there is an array with two lines of cast iron columns of circu-lar cross-section with a 0.17 m. radius , which bear capitals with elaborate decorations of anthemia (palmette) motifs, while above the later they bear a square slab.
unep0upo OPXOlOEAAT]VlKOU 0ptyKOU. KaTaOK&UOOTIK~ i5oµ~
KAT09H 0P0¢0Y
H neptµeTplKTJ cpepouoo TOlXOTTOllO TOU lOOydou e(vm unepµnoTLKTJ OITTOTTAlV0000µTj, TTCIXOUc; 0,55 µ. LTO EOWTE:plKO TOU KTlp(ou UTTCIPXEl K6wof3oc; nou cpepE:l Mo OE:lpec; XUTOOlOT]pWV UTTOOTUAWµOTWV KUKAlKT]c; OlOTOµT]c; µe OKTIVO 0, 17 µ. TO ono(o LISTED BUILDING IN 5, EDESSIS STREET
Constructive structure
The perimetric masonry of the floor consists of bricks laid across, namely of 45 m. thick compact bricks. Apart from the
8XOUV OTO KlOV6Kpav6 TOUC: m:p(n:)(Vll OlOK60µT]CJT] µe oX80l0 av8eµ(wv, evw navw an6 auT6 cpepouv TeTp6ywvo µa~tA6pL H neptµeTplKl7 TOlXOTTOllO TOU op6cpou dvm unepµnOTlKl7 omoTTAlV8oooµt'J, an6 ouµnaydc; om6n>-tv8ouc;, naxouc; 45 µ. EKT6c; an6 auTt'Jv, cpepovTO KOTOK6pucpa OTOlXeLO dvm Ol TOlxonm(ec; nou l3p(OKOVTOl E:KOT8pw8ev TOU ~lµOKOOTOOLOU n6xouc; 0,40 µ. KOl TO ~UAlVO UTTOOTUAwµma op8oywVlKT7C: OlOTOµt'Jc; nou unoOTTJPi½ouv TO ½euKT6 n1c; 0Tey17c;. LTOV 6pocpo, OTlC: TOlXOTTOllE:C:, unapxouv Mo ~UAlVO OlO½wµma.
0 cpepwv opyavtoµ6c; TT]C: opocpt'Jc; TOU lOOydou OTTOTE:AeLTOl an6 mo17pooOKOUC: µe OlOTOµt'J INP120 nou cpepouv TO~WTl7 n>-tv8on>-t'JpwCJTJ. H an60TOCJTJ µeTa~u Mo 01aooxtKwv ooKwv oev unepl3aivet TO 55 eK., evw ri KaµapwTt'J n>-tv8onMpwCJTJ nou cpepouv OlaµopcpwveTOl an6 8~l OPl½OVTiwc; OlOTPTJTE:C: om6TTAlV8ouc;. Ot oeUTepeuouoec; mo17poo0Kof eopa½oVTm oe K68eTa OTTl OlE:U8uvot'J TOUC: ½euy17 (Kup(wv) mo17poooKWV OlOTOµt'Jc; INP180 (Ol onoiec; l3p(OKOVTOl KOTQ µt'JKOC: TOU l<Tlp(ou). To µ17KOC: TWV Kupiwv ooKwv dvm µeTO~u 4,20 µ. Km 5,60 µ. H ouvOE:CJTJ µeTa~u TWV Mo Tµ17µ6Twv an6 TO onoia anoTE:AOUVTOl yiveTm m8av6v navw nc; Tmxonm(ec;, dTe µe T7AWCJTJ dTe µe KOXAIWCJT]. Av6µw6 TOUC:, Ol KUplE:C: OOKOL cpepouv ~UAlVT] OOK6 KOl OTT8XOUV 0,08 µ.
To KTlplO KOAUITTE:TOl an6 Tpippl)(TTl ~UAlVT] 0Tey17. LTO o(ppl)(fO Koµµ6Tt TllC: 0Tey17c;, unapxouv 12 ouvoAtK6 ½euKT6, TO onoia anexouv µeTO~U TOUC: 2,00-2,20 µ. To K08e ½f:UKT6 OTTlPL½E:TOl oe ouvoAtK6 Tfooepa CJT]µda (T6oo OTlC: neptµeTplKec; TOlXOnmiec; 600 KOl OTlC: eOWTE:plK8C:, nc; nap6M17>-ec; µe TOV 010µT7Kl7 6~ova TOU KTtp(ou). 'ETm, K68e op800T6T17c; OTTJPl½E:Tm oe unoKdµevo ~UAlVO unoOTu>-wµa TE:TpaywvlKllC: otmoµt'Jc; µe µt'JKOC: n>-eupac; nepi TO 22 eK. T6oo ot op8oOT6Tec; Km m aµdl30VTeC: 600 Km ot Tey(oec; dvm op8oywvtKl7C: 01moµ17c; Km KOAumoVTm an6 newwµa nou cpepet emKOAU4Jl1 an6 yaMtK6 Kepaµ(010 Tou epyoOTaoiou AMmivL 'Ooov acpopa OTO Tpirn ~(me; TllC: 0Tey17c;, nou l3p(OKE:TOl VOTlOOUTlKCl, oev exouµe OTOlXeLO YlO Tl7V KOTOOKE:UOOTlKl7 ooµt'J TOU, K08wc; eLVOl aMvaT17 T] np6ol30CJT].
naeo>.oyia BamKt'J mTia yta Tl7V eVTOVTJ na8o>-oyia, nou eµcpav(½eTm OTO E:OWTE:plK6 TOU l<Tlpiou, dvm Tl KOTOOTpocpt'J Tl7C: 0Tey17c; TOU,
7. NOTIOOUTIKT] otjlr,. South west view.
said masonry, other vertical bearing elements are the 0.40 m. thick masonries located at both sides of the staircase and the wooden columns of rectangular cross-section, supporting the trusses of the roof. Two wooden friezes are located on the floor masonries. The support structure of the ground floor roof consists of iron girders of a INP120 cross-section, located vertically as to the longitudinal axle of the building and bearing arched layers of bricks. The distance between two consecutive girders does not exceed 55 cm., while the said arched layers of bricks are shaped by six horizontally perforated bricks. The secondary iron girders seat on pairs of (main) iron girders with a INP180 cross section, the latter located vertically as to the former and situated along the building. The main girders' length is between 4.20 m. and 5.60 m.; the two parts of which they consist are probably connected on the masonries, either through nailing or screwing. There is a wooden beam in between the main girders, which have a 0.08 m. spacing.
8. Bopewour1Kf/ 6tjlr,. North west view.
Ka8wc; KOL 17 eM.e1ljJ17 ouvn')p17aric; KOL npooTOo(ac; an6 nc; KOLptKec; OUV8T7KE<;. 'Ot..a QUTCl. E:XOUV OQV QTIOTE:AEOµa Tl7V eµcpa.Vl<Jr] uypao(ac; OTO EOWTEplKO TOU KTlp(ou, aM.6 KOL Tl7 OTQOLQKl7 anwAELQ TWV lOlQITEpwv µopq>OAOYLKWV KOL KQTQOKEUQOTlKWV ITTOLXEiwv Tou KT(oµmoc;, 6nwc;, y1a napa.oeLyµa, o~e(ow0'7 mo17poo0Kwv KOL Ol74Jl7 ~ut..Lvwv OTOLXEiwv. En(aric;, µey6t..ec; cp8opec; exouv npOKAl78€1 OTL<; OljJEL<; TOU. Ta ouoµev17 anoTeMoµma auTou Tou q>OLvoµevou dvOL eµcpav17 oe Ka.Se 017µdo Tou KTtp(ou, 6nwc; yLa nap6oe1yµa, 01 EKTETOµevec; anOKOAA.l70El<; EnLXPL0µ6TWV, Ol 01al3pwoe1c; KOL 17 eµcp6v1017 cpuTOl;w(ac;. EKT6c; an6 TL<; cp8opec; Myw KaTepx6µev17c; uypao(ac;, OTO KT1p10 napm17pouVTOL KOL OL avaµev6µevec; cp8opec;, 6nwc; p17yµaTwoe1c; OTl<; 8foe1c; evwaric; E~WTEPLKWV KQl EOWTEpLKWV TOLXWV nou oev ouvoeovrnL µe nM~17 nAiv8wv, TOmKec; cp8opec; Myw unap~17c; q>UTWV, XPWµQTLK8<; aM.oLWOEL<; KTA.
nporaari anoKaraaraaric; &navaxpriaric; revLK8<; apxec; KOL OTOXOL Tll<; rneµf3aaric;: • 17mec; rneµl36oeLc; • 17 av6oeL~l7 KOL OLocput..a~17 TWV LOLaiTepwv Tunot..oyLKWV KOL µopcpot..oy1Kwv xapaKT17pLOT1Kwv Tou KTLp(ou • 17 OLUTT7P170'7 Twv au8£VTLKWV moLxdwv, UALKWV KOL Tp6nou 00µ17c; • 17 OL6 l3(ou e~aocpCl.ALITT] Tll<; npoOTao(ac; KOL ouvn')p17aric; Tou ouyKpoT17µmoc; • 17 QVCl.0€L~l7 Tll<; OPXLKT7<; OLKOOOµLKT7<; cpa.aric; TOU KT(oµmoc; KOL 17 anoµa.Kpuvari TWV µernyeveOTepwv npoo817Kwv nou unol3a8µ1l;ouv TO KT(oµa • 17 e~un17peT17ITT] Twv ouYXPovwv ovayKwv • 17 npoo817K17 OUYXPOvwv UALKWV. • 17 rniTeu~17 avaOTpeljJLµ6T17Tac; TWV vewv eneµl36oewv. MeT6 an6 epwva yLa nc; av6yKE<; Tll<; n6t..17c; oe ouvouaoµ6 µe T17V em8uµ(a TWV LOLOKT17TWV Ka8wc; KOL µ£ T'7 OLaT17pl7<Jr] TWV Tunot..oyLKWV xapaKT17pLITTLKWV Tou KTLp(ou, 17 vfo XP170'7 nou npoTdveTOL OTO KTip10 eivOL AKao17µ1a LXEOLou. LUYKEKpLµeva, OT'7 OT68µ17 Tou Looydou KOL rn( Tll<; ooou Eofoaric; npOTElVETOL 17 017µLoupy(o EK8€0LQKOU xwpou yLa QVTLKElµevo l3LOµl7XOVLKOU oXEOLOOµou (µ6vLµl7 8K8EITT]) 17 KOL nepLOOLK8<; €K880EL<; napeµcpepouc; QVTLKELµE:VOU. LTO XWPO yKpeµ(l;oVTOL TO nm6p1a, Myw OUVOALKCl. µLKpOU UljJOU<;, KOL OT'7 880'7 TOuc; 017µLoupyeiTOL et..acppL6 ~UALVl7 OL6Tp17T17 Kma0Keu17, 17 ono(a OT17p(l;ernL an6 T17v opocp17 Tou Looydou µe µeTaM.LKec; avapT17oeLc;, KOL 17 ono(a e~un17peTd nc; ava.yKec; cpwnoµou OTOV €K8€0LOKO XWPO aM.6 KOL npOOOLOEL av6µV17ITT] TWV naTUpLWV nou npoun17pxov. To Lo6yeLo rnavepxeTOL OT17V OPXLKll TOU cpa.ari, evonoLOUVTOL oL xwpol nou dxav XWPLOTE( KOL 017µ1oupyeiTOL 0€ QUTOU<; 17 unooox11 Tl7<; AKao17µ(oc; LXEOIOU KOL O xwpoc; OLMElµµmoc; TWV µa817Twv, evw nap6M.17t..a, µe µ(a et..acppL6, OUYXPOV'l KaTOOKEUll onoµovwVETQL an6 TOU<; npo17youµevouc; xwpouc; 17 OLeu8uvari µe T17V ypaµµme(a. LUYXP6vwc; vonoavmoALK6 017µLoupyouVTOL OL a(Souoec; Tou ypaµµLKou KOL Tou et..eu8epou axeo(ou.
LTOV 6pocpo OLaTl7pOUVTOL TQ 0€KOT800€pa owµa.no KOL TOno8€TOUVTOL: a(Souoa unot..oyLmwv, a(Souoa OLOOOKaAiac;, a(8ouoa npol3ot..wv, epyaOT17pLa, a(Souoa yLa EKTunwari cpwToypacpLwv, l31l3AL0817K17, µLKPll Koul;(vo, TOuaAeTec;. LISTED BUILDING IN 5, EDESSIS STREET
The building is covered by a three-pitch wooden roof. At the two-pitch part of the roof, there are 12 trusses in total, with a distance of 2.00-2.20 m. among them. Each truss rests on four positions in total (both on the perimetric masonries as well as on the inner masonries, which are parallel to the longitudinal axle of the building). Thus, each post seats on an underlying wooden column of square cross-section, whose sides are approximately 22 cm. long. The posts, the horizontal supports and the chords have a rectangular cross section and are covered by roof boarding, which is also covered by French type roof tiles, fabricated by the Allatini factory. As regards the third aisle of the roof, located southwest, there is no available data on its constructive structure, as it is impossible to access it.
Pathology The basic cause of pathology inside the building is the destruction of the roof, as well as the lack of maintenance and protection from the elements. This resulted in increased humidity inside the building, as well as in the gradual perishing of its particular morphological and structural elements, for example through the oxidization of the iron beams and the decay of wooden parts. The facades were also greatly damaged. The unfortunate results of this phenomenon can be seen in every part of the building, as, for example, in the extensive parget abruption, the corrosion and the occurrence of vegetation. Besides the damages due to descending humidity, one can also observe the expected damages on the building, such as fissures in the cross-sections of the interior with the exterior walls where they not connected with interweaved bricks, as well as local wear due to vegetation, colour alterations etc.
A restoration and re-use proposal General principles and aims of the intervention: • mild interventions • the preservation and highlighting of the particular typological and morphological character of the building • the conservation of the original construction material and methodology • ensuring the lifetime protection and preservation of the building • the highlighting of the original construction phase of the building, and the removal of any subsequent additions that alter and downgrade the building • the satisfaction of current needs • the integration of new materials • the achievement of reversibi lity in all new interventions. A research of the city's needs, combined with the wishes of the proprietors and the preservation of the building's typological character, led to a proposal for the creation of a Design Academy. More specifically, for the ground floor level on Edessis street, we propose the creation of an exhibition area for industrial design (permanent exhibition) or for similar periodic exhibitions. The lofts get demolished, due to the overall low height, and replaced by a lightweight, wooden perforated construction, which hangs from the ground-floor's ceiling by metal suspenders and serves the lighting needs in the exhibition area, while at the same time it alludes to the former lofts. The ground floor returns to its initial phase. The unification of the previously divided spaces creates the reception area of the De-
Tpcai5c6araT() avarrap6araOT] TTJ<; rrp6rnOT]<;. Proposal, 30.
Xpwµar1K~ nporaori H xpwµaTLKl7 npOTOCJTl f3ao(l;ETOI OTT]V apx11 TT]<; µOVOXPWµ(ac;. npoTELVETQI xpwµa wxpa<; y1a Tl<; E~WTEplKC:(; TOLXOTIOIIE(; KQI OLIO TOVOU<; mo aVOL)(Tll wxpa, y1a oi\a TO yulj.11va, E~exoVTa OTOLXE(a Tooo mo 106yE10 600 Km mov opocpo. Ta XPWµara npoTdvnm va E(vm napaoocnaK6, Km 01Koi\oy1K6, t:Tcn wmE ri oljJTJ va exE1 µopcp17 17ma Km nanvap1oµevri. np68ECJT1 ELVQI TJ ni\aOTLKOTT]Ta TOU KTLp(ou va anooo8E( µE TOV ni\oucno av6yi\ucpo OIOKOOµo TIEplOOOTEPO, nap6 µE TO xpwµa. 11a auTO TOi\oyo npOTELVETQI Ol TOVLKC:<; anoxpwOEL<; va ELVQI OlaKplTLKC:(;. 'Ooov acpop6 mo EOWTEPLKO, npOTELVETm 01 To(xo1 Km 01 oof3anoµevE<; opocpec; va ELVQI OE µ(a avOL)(Tll anoxpwari TOU µnEi'.;. Ta OTOIXELa TOU ~ui\1vou OKEi\ETOU KQI Ol opocpec; TOU opocpou EmMyETm va f3EpVLKOXPWµanmouv OE XPWµa Kacpe, EVW Ol ~Ui\LVE<; EmcpovELE<; TWV Koucpwµ6TWV npOTELVETQI va Ei\QLOXPWµanmouv OE TOVO Kacpe KEpaµ10(, oµmo µE aUTO nou f3pt:8T]KE ma Koucpwµara TOU 1ooydou Km nou 8EwpdTm OTL aV17KEL OTTJV npWTTJ cpoari KaTaOKEUll<; TOU KT1p(ou. 01 µETai\i\LKt:<; ETIL<pOVELE(; TOOO TT](; E~c.iJ8upa<;, 000 KQI TOU EOWTEplKOU Km E~WTEPLKOU K1yKi\1owµaroc; npoTELVETm va f3acpouv OE an6XPWCJT1 µoi\uf3L
10. Tpcai516araTTJ avarrap6arnari mu t:K8eataKou xwpou. Proposal of the exhibition place, 30.
sign Academy, as well as a student recreation area, while a lightweight modern construction isolates the above-mentioned areas from the management and secretarial offices. Classrooms for linear and freehand drawing are created on the southeastern side. On the first floor level, the fourteen rooms are preserved, allotted to: computer room, teaching room, projection room, laboratories, darkroom, library, kitchenette, and lavatories.
Colour scheme proposal The colour scheme proposal is based on a monochromic principle. An ochre tint is suggested for the exterior walls, and another shade of ochre (lighter by two tones) for all the protruding plaster elements on both floors. The paints should be traditional and environmentally friendly, so that the fagade will have a low-key, patinated look. The aim is to ac-centuate the plasticity of the building through its rich relief decoration, rather than through the use of colour. Therefore, the use of subtle tones is recommended. As far as the interior is concerned, we suggest painting the walls and the plastered ceilings a light beige. The wooden structural elements and the first floor ceilings could be varnished brown, whereas the wooden door- and window-casings could be oil-painted brick-brown, just like the color found on the ground floor casings, which is believed to be part of the building's initial construction phase. The metal surfaces of the front door, as well as those of the interior and exterior railings could be painted in a lead color.
Bam.\tK~ XaTl;r1xp~oTou,
Va~iliki Hatzichristou,
O eeµa Tr]c; napouaac; epyaa(ac; 8LVOL O OPXOLOAOYlKO<; xwpoc; TOU AaKAT]TileLOU OTT]V TIOAT] TWV TplKC!AWV. E(vOL KOL mrr6c; evac; an6 TOU<; noMouc; OPXOLOAOYlKOU<; xwpouc; nou l3p(aKovra1 eyKAwl31aµevm µeaa mov am1K6 1m6 TWV n6Aewv KOL nep1µevouv TT]V apµov1Kr') eVTaf;r') TOuc; a' auT6v.
LTOXOc; TT]c; napouaac; epyaa(a<; etVOL VO £VloXU0£1 TO UTIOPXOV £VOlOcpepov YlO TT]V av6oe1E;11 TOU xwpou npOTetVOVTac; Mae1c; anMc; KOL e<p1KTec; nou anoj3Mnouv mriv at;1ono(riari KOl TT]V npol30Ar') TOU OPXOLOAOYLKOU xwpou. To AaKArime(o TT]c; Tp(KKT]<; l3p(aK£TOL mriv napaoomaKr') au-
vo1K(a Bapoum mo KeVTpo TT]<; n6Aric; Twv TptKciAwv.
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1. Tonoypa<ptKO TOU apxawJ..oytKOU xwpou. Topographic of the archaeological space.
he subject of the present work is the archaeological space of Asklipieio in the city of Trikala. It is also this one from many archaeological spaces that are found enclaved in the urban web of cities and wait for their harmonious integration in this.
Objective of present work is to strengthen the existing interesting for the appointment of space proposing solutions simple and feasible which aim at the exploitation and the projection of the archaeological space. The Asklipieio of Trikki is found in the traditional district Varousi in the centre of city of Trikala. The archaeological excavations that lasted with breaks, almost one century have revealed in the current expropriated archaeological space of city departments of four buildings which belong in the city of later hellenistic, of precocious roman years and of middle byzantine years. The roman bath is self-existent building group w ith two building phases. His exterior dimensions are 40,50x30,50 m. The hellenistic stoa unfolds in all the extent of archaeological space that it has been excavated up to now. The wings of gallery surrounded an open air internal courtyard, which had gravelled flooring. This stoa is identified with the gymnasium of ancient Trikki. North-westernly of the gymnasium was found the imposing hellenistic building with the mosaic floorings. Up to now his dimensions are 45,40 x 12,70 m. The mosaic floorings with big variety of decorative subjects and representations from the dionysian circle unfold in all the extent of internal space. The basilica, which was revealed near the south-western corner of the space, constitutes an important building for the history of city in middle byzantine years (10th c.). The archaeological space, which covers an extent roughly 3.000 m2 , suffocates surrounded by the big heights of the around buildings. In its northern side it borders on the road of 25th March, while in the southerner w ith the road S. Sarafi. In its western side it borders on the road Ag. Nikolaos and with pedestrian zone, the road
01 apxmo;\oy1Ke<; avaaKacpec; nou 51fJpKwav µe 51a;\e(µµma, axeMv evav mwva, exouv QTTOKOA.LHJ.le1 OTO OT)µep1v6 ana;\;\oTp1wµevo apxmo;\oy1K6 xwpo TT]<; n6A.1"]<; TµfJµarn rnaa6.pwv OIK05oµriµ6.TWV TO ono(a OVT]KOUV OTTJV n6A.1"] TWV UOTepwv e;\A.l"]VIOTIKWV, Twv npw1µwv pwµa'iKwv XP6vwv KOL TWV µeaol3ul;aVT1vwv XP6vwv. 0 pwµa'iK6<; ;\ouTpwvac; efvm aUToTeMc; 01Ko50µ1K6 auyKp6TTJµa µe Mo 01Ko50µ1Ke<; cp6.ae1c;. 01 eE;wTep1Ke<; 51aOT6.ae1c; Tou efvm 40,50x30,50 µ. H eMriv10TIKTJ OTo6. an;\wveTm ae 6;\ri Tl"]V eKTaOT) Tou apxmo;\oy1Kou XWPOU TTOU £XE:1 QVQOKQCj)eL µ£XPI TWpa. 01 mepuyec; TTJ<; OTo6.c; nep1el3a;\av µ1a una(8p1a eawTep1KTJ au;\T], ri ono(a eixe XOA.IK60TpWTO 56.ne5o. H OTOCI. QUTT] TQUT(l;ern1 µe TO yuµv6.010 TT]<; apxa(ac; Tp(KKT]<;. Bope105UTIKCI. TOU yuµvaa(ou l3pe81"]KE: TO eml3A.l"]TLK6 eMT]VIOTIK6 KT(p10 µe Ta lJ.lricp15wT6. Mne5a. 01 µeXP1 TWpa 51aOT6.ae1c; TOU efvm 45,40X 12,70 µ. Ta ljJT]cpl5WT6. Mne5a µe µey6.A.ri TT0IKLA.10 5IOKOOµl"]TLKWV 8eµ6.TWV KOi napaOT6.ae1c; an6 TOV 51ovuOLOK6 KUKA.o an;\wvoVTm ae 6;\T] TTJV £KTOOT) Tou eawTep1Kou xwpou. H l3aOLA.IKT], 1"] ono(a QTTOKOA.U(j)81"]KE: KOVT6. OTT] VOTI05UTIKT] ywv(a TOU XWPOU QTTOTeA.et OT)µOVTIK6 KTLOµa y1a TTJV IOTOp(a TT]<; n6A.1"]<; OTO µwol3ul;aVT1v6. XP6VIQ (10cc; QI, µ.X.).
O apxmo;\oy1K6<; xwpoc;, o ono(oc; KOA.ume1 µ1a eKTaOT) nep(nou 3.000 T.µ., QO(j)UKTICI. nep(KA.elOTO<; an6 TO µey6.A.a Ulj.11"] TWV yupw KT1p(wv. LTTJ l36pe1a n;\eup6. Tou auvopeue1 µe Tl"]V 056 251"]<; MapT(ou, evw OTT] v6na µe TTJV oM L. Lap6.cpri. LTTJ 5unKTJ n;\eup6. Tou auvopeue1 µe TTJV 056 Ay. N1K0Mou Km µe nel;65poµo, Tl"]V oM Tl;wpTl;onou;\ou. H avOTOA.IKTJ n;\eup6. TOU op108eTetTm an6 ucp10T6.µevec; 01Ko5oµec;. To en(ne5o Tou apxmo;\oy1Kou XWPOU l3p(OKE:TOI ae !36.80<; an6 2,50 £W<; 3,50 µ. an6 TTJV emcp6.ve1a Tou o5oOTpwµaTO<;. Op108ern(rn1 µe eva ;\186x:n0To To1x(o TO ono(o cp86.ve1 ae ulj.Joc; we; TO en(ne5o Tou o5oOTpwµmoc;. An6 TO OT)µe(o auT6 Km n6.vw un6.pxe1 aupµ6.nvri nep(cppaE;ri. H n;\eup6. nou auvopeue1
Tzortzopoulou. Its eastern side is delimited by existing buildings. The level of the archaeological space is found in depth by 2,50 to 3,50 m. from the surface of paving. It is delimited with a stone build wall that reaches in height the level of paving. From this point and above exists wire fencing. The side that borders on the road Ag. Nikolas is not delimited with wall. In this point obviously the excavation did not reach in the same depth with the remainder space and there is earth to that place as well as debris from previous work. There is not exist suitably shaped entry in the space. The access in this is accomplished with an opening in the wire fencing. Also, it hasn't been shaped some way in the space for the visit of monuments and there is an off-hand scale that facilitates the access in this. Also, the informative tablets which are essential for the comprehension of space from the visitors are absent. Shelter for the protection of the roman bath was manufactured, which however is not harmonised with the space. In its bigger department exists intense vegetation with result many of the architectural elements, which are not saved in big height, not to be visible. Keeping in mind the above are proposed some interventions for the appointment and exploitation of space taking into consideration the relative legislation and watching the developments in archaeological spaces that are found also in inhabited regions. First of all it should be completed the excavation in the side that borders on the road Ag. Nicolas. Obviously there exists a non excavated and some debris in the front of the middle byzantine basilica that should be removed. Then, the wall that delimits also the space in this side can be continued. Also, it is proposed to expropriate the building square that fixes the space from north-western and to be done excavation in order to be revealed the continuity of the hellenistic building and of the hellenistic stoa.
Shelter. H m:p1ox~ µnpoo16 an6 u1 ~aOIAIK~ nou naptµe1ve
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The region front from the basilica where earth and debris exist.
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Torroypacp1K6 wu apxaw}.oy1Kou xwpou KOi TTJ<; eupurepric; rrepwxr'Jc;. Topographic of the archaeological space and the wider region. 0 APXAIO/\OrlKOl XOPOl TOY ALK/\HnlEIOY HHN nO/\H TON TPIKA/\ON. nPOrPAMMATllMOHXElllAlMOl EnEMBALHL rlATHNANALIEl::H TOY
µe niv oi56 Ay. NtKoMou i5ev optoeeTe(TOL µe To1x(o. L' auT6 TO OT]µdo npocpavwc; Ol OVOOKO<pLK8<:; epyaa(ec; i58V 8<pTOOOV OTO (i5LO paeoc; µe TOV un6AOLTIO XWPO KOL unapxouv XWµma 8K8l Kaewc; KOL µnai;a an6 KClnOLO npOT]YOUµ8Yr] epyaa(a.
With regard to the configuration environment of space is proposed the extension of pedestrian zone in the road of Tzortzopoulou to the westerners, as it appears in the next drawing and the widening of pavements that surround the space.
tiev unapxe1 KUTCIMT]AO i5taµopcpwµevri daoi5oc; OTOV xwpo. H np6apaOT] a' OUTOV y(V8TOL an6 8VO ClVOLyµa OTI7V aupµOTLYr] nep(cppasTJ.
Then, in the front of the basilica, is proposed the exploitation of space with the creation of a platform in the level of paving, so as to be possible the supervisory view of the entire space.
En(OT]c;, i5ev exet i5taµopcpwed Kanota i5tai5poµtj µfoa OTO xwpo YLO TT]V en(OK8lj.lT] TWV µvriµdwv KOL unapxel µta np6xe1pT] OKMa nou i5teuKoMveLniv np6aPaOTJ a' auT6v. Anouaiai;ouv, en(OT]c;, ot evriµepwnKec; mvaK(i5ec;, OL ono(ec; dvOL anapa(nirnc; YLO TT]V KOTOVOT]OT] TOU XWPOU an6 TOU<:; 8TIIOK8ITT8<:;.
In the platform is proposed the creation of a region for the reception of public and configuration of ramp for the smooth access of visitors in the space. In this space will exist outpost for the control of the entry and the exit of visitors and for the benefit of information on the space. Platform for the view of space is proposed to be created also in the corner of plot there that pedestrian zone of road Tzortzopoulou is met with the road 25 March, as it appears in the next drawing. From this point will be also possible the supervisory view of the space.
r1a niv npoOTaa(a Tou pwµa·iKou AouTpwva KmaaKeuaaniKe OTeyaOTpo, To ono(o 6µwc; i5ev evapµov(i;eTOL µe Tov xwpo. Ynapxet eVTovrJ PManiOTJ OTO µeyMmepo Tµtjµa Tou µe anoTet..eoµa noMa an6 TO OPXLT8KTov1K6 OTOLXe(a, Ta ono(a i5ev awi;OVTOL ae µey6Ao ulj.loc;, VO µT]V 8lVOL opma. 'ExoVTac; un6lj.lT] Ta napanavw npoTe(voVTOL µta aetpa eneµpaaewv yta niv avai581ST] KOL astono(T]OT] TOU xwpou AaµpavoVTac; un6lj.lT] ni oXETtKT] voµoeea(a KOL napaKot..ouewVTac; nc; eseMse1c; ae OPXOLOAOytKOUc; xwpouc; nou pp(OKOVTOL 8TILOT]c; 8VT6c; KQTOIKT]µ8VWV neptOXWV. npwTa an' OAQ npenet VO OAOKAT]pweouv Ol OVOOKO<plK8<:; epyaa(ec; OTT]V n>-.eupa nou auvopeuet µe TTJV oi56 Ay. NtKoAaou. Ynapxe1 eva KOµµan npocpavwc; ClOKO<pTO KOL KClnOLa µnac;a µnpoOTa an6 ni µeoopuc;aVTLVT] paaLA.LKT] nou npene1 va anoµaKpuveouv. Km6mv, µnope( va auvextaed TO Totx(o nou optoeeTd TOV XWPO KOL a' OUTl'}V TI7V nAWpCl.
Still is proposed the creation of a path with bidirectional direction in the archaeological space for those who wish to acquire a more direct contact with this. With the concretisation of the above way results the need for the placement of informative tablets in Greek and in the English language which will inform visitors as well for the way that they can follow aw for the monuments themselves so that the space to be comprehensible from the visitors. The placement of mosaic flooring with the representation of Likourgo is proposed, provided that his maintenance has been completed or copy of this to be placed in his initial position as well as the revelation of hidden mosaics.
En(OT]c;, npOT8lV8TOL VO anaMOTptwed TO OIKOi50µLK6 T8Tpaywvo nou op(i;et TO xwpo an6 TO pope1oi5unK6 KOL va npayµmono1T]ed QVOOKO<plKT] epeuva µe OTOXO va anOKOAucped T] auvexe1a TOU 8AAT]VIOTLKOU KTLp(ou KOL TI7<:; 8AAT]VLOTIKT]<:; OTOCI<:;. O?lCl.AliCIO
IxenKa µe TT] i5taµ6pcpwOT] Tou neptpaMoVTa xwpou npoTe(veTOL T] eneKTOOT] TOU nei;oi5p6µou OTT]V oi56 Ti;wpTi;OnOUAOU npoc; TO i5UTLKCI, 6nwc; <pOlV8TOL OTO i5LTIAOV6 oX8i5tO KOL T] i5tanAOTUVOT] Twv nei;oi5poµ(wv nou neptPaMouv Tov xwpo.
Oll~O llffArr.,,o
LTil auvexe1a, µnpoOTa an6 TT] paaLA.LKTJ, npoTdveTOL TJ eKµeTaMeuOT] Tou xwpou µe ni i5T]µtoupy(a nt..mcp6pµac; OTO en(nei5o TOu oi5oOTpci.>µmoc;, an' 6nou ea e(vOL i5uvaTtj TJ enomtKTJ efoOT] OAOKAT]pou TOU xwpou.
LTT]V n>-.mcp6pµa npOT8lV8TOL T] i5T]µtoupy(a nepLOXT]c; unoi5oXT]c; TOU KOLVOU KOL i5taµ6pcpWOT] paµnac; YLO TT]V oµOAT] np6apaOT] TWV 8TIIOK8ITTWV OTO xwpo. L' OUTOV TOV xwpo ea unapX8l <pUACIKLO yta TOV 8A8YXO TT]<:; 8t06i5ou KOL TT]<:; es6i5ou TWV 8TIIOK8ITTWV KOL YLO TT]V napOXTJ nAT]pocpoptWV YLO TOV XWpO. n>-.mcp6pµa YLO TI7 efoOT] TOU XWPOU npOT8lV8TOL VO i5T]µtoupyT]ed KOL OTI7 ywv(a TOU OlKOnei5ou 8K8l nou OUVQVTCITOL O nei;6i5poµoc; nic; oi5ou Ti;wpTi;onou>-.ou µe niv oi56 25T]c; MapT(ou, 6nwc; cpa(veTOt OTO i5mAav6 axei5LO. An6 OUTO TO OT]µdo ea dVOL en(OT]c; i5UVQTT] T] 8nOITTIKT] efoOT] TOU XWPOU. AK6µT] nporn(veTOL T] i5T]µtoupy(a µtac; i5tai5poµtjc; µe aµcp(i5poµT] KQT8ueuvOT] µfoa OTOV OPXOLOAOYLKO xwpo YLO 6aouc; emeuµouv VO OnOKTT]OOUV µLO TIIO 0µ80T] 8TIO<pT] µ' OUTOV.
Me niv u>-.ono(TJOTJ nic; napanavw i5tai5poµtjc; npoKumet TJ avaYKTJ yta niv TonoeeniOTJ evriµepwTLKWV mvaK(i5wv aniv eMT]vLKTJ KOL OTT]V OYYALKTJ YAWOOO, 01 ono(ec; ea 8VT]µ8pWVOUV TO KOLVO TOOO yta TT] i5tai5poµtj nou µnopouv VO OKOAouetjaouv
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[Bil mlill]
n,(oop6µ1a. Pavements
n>.anp6pµ£<; <rrao~<; KOi Stao~<;. Platforms for stop and view
l\1alipoµ~ rniOK£ljJ~<; TWV µv~µ•iwv. Path for the visit of th e monuments
Paµna. Ramp
Tonoypaq>1K6 nepioxftc;.
apxawAoylKOU xwpou KQl TT/c; wpurt:pT]c;
Topographic of the archaeological space and the wider region.
4. 'Anol/JTJ mu apxawJ..oytKou xwpou an6 v6na. Aspect of the archaeological space from the south.
6cro KOi y1a TO (010 TO µV17µe(a WOT€ va y(veTOL KOTOVOT]T6c; 0 XWpoc; OTTO TOuc; E:TTIOKEITTE:c;. npoTetVE:TOI T] TonoeETT]OT] TOU ljJT]cplOWTOU oaneoou µe TT]V napaOTOOT] TOU /\UKOUpyou, ecp6crov EXE:1 OAOKAT]pwed T] OUVTTJpT]otj TOU 17 OVT(ypacpo OUTOU OTT]V OPXLK'7 TOU eecrri Kaewc; KOi T] QTTOKCIAU4JT] TWV Kmaxwµevwv ljJT]<pLOWTWV. H nep1ox11 µe Ta ljJT]cptowTa ea op1oeeTetT0t µe 01axwp10T1K6 wOTe va µriv emTpem:TOL ri np6crj3acrri a' auT17v. Lnc; eV17µepwnKec; TTIVOK(Oec; TTOU ea TOTToeeTT]eouv µnpOOTCI Touc; ea OLVOVTOI 6>-.ec; 01 TTAT]pocpop(ec; oXE:TIKCI µe TOV µueo TOU /\uKoupyou KOL TT]c; Aµj3pocr(ac;. 110 TT]V O~LOTTOLT]OT] TT]c; TTAeupac; TT]c; U(j>IOTOµeV17c; TTE:VTOWpOcpT]c; OIK000µ17c; nou j3p(crKE:TOI OTO VOTIOOVOTOALKO CIKPO TOU xwpou nporn(vern1 ri TonoeeTT]OTJ a' aUT17v y1yaVToacp(crac; µe TT]V KCITOljJT] TOU apxmoAOYLKOU xwpou. LXE:TIKO µe TTJV crupµaTLVll nep(cppa~ri npoTe(veTOL ri OVTLKOTaOTaotj TT]c; µe xaµriM >-.1e6xnOTO TOLXLO we; cruvexe1a TOU TOLXLou TO ono(o ~eK1v6 an6 TO en(neoo Twv apx1TeKTov1Kwv >-.e1lj.J6vwv KOi OTOµOTO OTO UljJOc; TOU OOOOTpwµmoc;.
The region with the mosaics will be delimited with bulkhead so as not to be allowed the access in this. All the information about the fable of Likourgo and Amvrosia will be given in the informative tablets that will be placed in front of them. For the exploitation of the side of the existing five floor building that is found in the south-eastern utmost of the space is proposed the placement of a giant poster with the ground plan of the archaeological space. With regard to the wire fencing is recommended her replacement with low stone build wall as continuity of the wall which begins from the level of architectural remains and stops in the height of paving. Also, the need for a more discreet shelter which contributes in the appointment of the roman bath is stressed. Finally, the need of electric lighting of the space so as to cease constituting dark point for the city is pointed out.
En(crric;, TOVLi'.;E:TOI T] OVCIYKT] y1a eva mo OLOKplTIKO OTeyaOTpO, To ono(o va auµl36Me1 OTTJV av6oe1~ri Tou pwµa"iKou >-.ouTpwva. TeAoc;, E:TTIOT]µa(veTOL T] OVCIYKT] T]AE:KTpocpwncrµou TOU XWPOU wOTe va nalj.Je1 va anoTeAd «crK0Te1v6» crriµdo y1a TT]V n6AT].
lwavvri~ 4Jetp0KT"}~, aypov6µoc;-rnnoyp6cpoc; µrixavtK6<;
TPILLllArTATO MONTEAO THr LlHMOTIKHr nlNAKO0HKHr 0ErrAAONIKHr Em~Mnwv: KwvCTTavt(voc; ToKµaK(5rJ<:;, aypov6µoc;-TOnoypacpoc; µrixav1K6c;
loannis Pseirakis, surveyor engineer
THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF THE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY OF THESSALONIKI Supervisor: Constantinos Tokmakidis, surveyor engineer
5riµ1oupy[a ev6c; Tp1cr516armou cpwrnpeaALO"TLKou µoVTEAOU efvOL evac; eE;OLpenK6c; Tp6noc; va ano56crouµe K6no10 OVTLKetµevo, efrn auT6 dvOL KT[p10, etTe Kan noAU mo anM KOL am6. 0 Myoc; e[vOL cpUOIKO nwc; Kaveva crxe510, 6ao Aemoµepec; KOL T£Ae10 KOL av e[va1, 5e µnope[ va 5wcre1 Tflc; a[cr8T]Ofl TOU 6yKOU KOL TOU l368ouc; 000 £VO µoVTeAO. AVTLKdµevo TT)c; 5mAwµanK17c; e[vOL T) eneE;epyacr[a armxefwv KOL ypaµµLKWV CJX£5lWV y1a TT)V KQTQOK£Ul7 TOU TpL05LOO"TQTOU µOVTEAOU TOU KTLp[ou, Tl an65ocrri ucpwv KOL T] 5T)µoupy[a µ1ac; ljJT)cplOKl7c; nepll7YT)Oflc; O"TOV eE;wrnpLKO KOL ecrwTep1K6 xwpo.
To KTtp10 nou em.MxSriKe 17Tav T) BfMa MopVTWX, nep1crcr6Tepo yvwOT17 we; LlT]µOTLKl7 n1vaK08'7KT) 0ecrcrOAOVlKT)c;, OTfl cruµl30Al7 Twv o5wv 25ric; MapT[ou KOL BacrLA[crcrric; 'OA.yac; OTfl 0ecrcrOAov[KTJ KOL anoTeAe[ eva QVTLTipocrwneunK6 5efyµa £KA£KTIKIO"TlKl7c; OPXLT£KTOVIKl7c;. E[VOL 51wpocpo KepaµocrKenec; KT[crµa µe riµ1un6ye10 KOL crocpfTa.
1. np6ao(/J17 rou 1rnp{ou an6 rryv 006 BaaiMaaryc; VAym;. Frontage of the building to Vas. O/gas St. THREE-DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF THE MUNICIPAL LIBRARY OF THESSALONIKI
reating a three-dimensional and photorealistic model is a great way to produce an object, whether that object is a building, or something simpler. The reason is of course that, no matter how detailed and perfect a drawing is, it cannot convey to the viewer the volume and depth of the object. The object of this dissertation is the process if data and linear drawings for the construction of the 30 model of the building, its texturing and the making of a digital virtual tour of the outside and inside space.
The building that was chosen was the Murdoch Villa, commonly known as Municipal Library of Thessaloniki, at the crossing of 25 Martiou and Vasilissis Olgas Streets and is a fine example of eclecticism. It's a two-storey building with tiled roof, a semibasement and an attic. The building was raised in 1905 for the Turk military division leader Sheyfoulach Passah, based on plans of the well-known architect of the time Paeonidis (School for the blind, Siaga residence, Old post office, Papafio orphanage etc). In 1923 it was sold to the Salon brothers and in 1930 it became the property of Samuel Murdoch. During the occupation, the German military takes over the building. After the liberation it houses the offices of ELAS and later, up until December of 1947 it is commandeered by the Greek Royal Airforce. The G.R.A hands the building to the 3rd Army Corps that arbitrarily occupies it until they are forced to evacuate in 1952, after a judicial struggle with the widow of Samuel Murdoch, Nelli. In 1952, the building and its surroundings was sold to I.KA, but until 1953, it was illegally occupied by services of NATO. From 1955 to 1972, it is the property of I.KA that uses it as a medical facility. Later, it is abandoned and is looted by 'art collectors' or becomes a refuge for marginal groups. During this time a large number of hand carved elements of decoration of the internal gateways are lost, as well as metal elements, the greater part of the marble fireplace of the living room, wood-carved doors, all the bronze door-handles and more. Today the building and the surrounding area is municipal property. The sub-basement houses the offices of the 5th Municipal
2. 2xto1a arrorurrwor,c; e~wreptKwv 61/fewv Baat.A[aor,c; VAyac; Kat 25ric; Mapr[ou. Drawings of external views of Vasi/issis Olgas and 25 Martiou Streets.
3. Kaml/fri urroydou. Plan of basement.
u 4. Kar61/fetc; taoydou Kat rrpwmu op6({)ou. Plans of ground floor and first floor.
5. O rrupy[aKoc; µe mv rpouAo. The tower with the cupola. TPILtllAHATO MONTE/ID THl: IIHMOTIKHl: nlNAK00HKHl: 8EHA/\ONIKHl:
division, on the ground there are the offices of the Mayor, the alderman, the meeting room and offices of the Cultural secretariat of the Municipality. The first floor houses the Municipal Picture Gallery. The Murdoch Villa is a representative sample of eclecticism, like many building along Vasilissis Olgas Street. The distinctiveness of the building lies in its north-eastern corner, where there is a tower with a cupola. 6. /Jdyµarn eawrnp1Kou ot6Koaµou. Internal decoration samples.
To KTlpto )(flITT'7KE: TO 1905 yta TOV ToupKO Mepapxo LE:U<pOUMx naa6 µe TOU yvwarou Kat an6 6Ma epya apx1TeKTOVQ natov(o11 (LX0"-11 Tu<pll.wv, OtK(a Lt6ya, nall.at6 Taxuopoµdo, nan6cpe10 opcpavoTpocpe(o KTll..). To 1923 noull.T']011Ke arou~ aoepcpou~ Lall.wv Kat TO 1930 m:p1T']ll.ee ar11v 1010KT'7a(a Tou Laµoui']ll. MopVTwx. LT'7V KaTO)(T), rn yepµav1K6 arparnuµma Kmall.aµpavouv To KT(p10. MeT6 T'lV anell.eueepw0'7 arey6~e1 y1a 11.(yo Ta ypacpda TOU EML, ITT'7 auvexe1a Kat µeXPt TO b.eKeµpp10 TOU 1947 E:ntTOOOE:Tal an6 T'7V Ell.l\.'7VIK1l BaaLA.tKT'] Aeponop(a. H E.BA TO napao(oe1 mo 1' Lciiµa LTpmou nou auea(pern TO Kpm6 wanou avayKa~eTat, uarepa an6 01Kaar1K6 aywva T'l~ NeM11~ mpa~ Laµoui']ll. MopVTWX, va TO E:KKevwae:1 TO 1952. To 1952 TO KT(p10 µe TO nep1p6MoVTa xwpo noull.T']0'7K8 ITTO I.KA, aM6 µEXPI TO 1953 dxav eyKmaara0e( µeaa a' auT6 napavoµa 01 un11pw(e~ Tou NATO. An6 TO 1955 Kat µe:T6 nep1epxern1 OT'lV an0Kll.e1ar1KT'] Kup16T'7Ta Tou I.KA nou To XP11mµono1d w~ noll.utmpda µeXPt TO 1972. LT'l auvexe1a µevet 8YKaTaA.8A.8Lµµevo ITT'7 OLC18E:0'7 TWV Ota<p6pwv «OUA.A.8KTWV» epywv Te)(V'l~ T'] y(vern1 Kmacpuy10 nep18wp1aKwv m6µwv. LT'l nep(ooo auTT'] xavoVTat ~uMyll.uma armxda 01aK6aµ11011~ TWV E:OWT8plKWV unep0upwv, moepte~. TO µeyall.UT8p0 µepo~ Tou µapµ6p1vou T~aK1ou Tou aall.ov1ou, ~ull.6yll.ume~ n6pT8~, 611.a Ta µnpOUVT~LVQ XE:POUA.LQ KTA..
LT']µepa, To KT(p10 µe Tov nep1p6MoVTa ae aUT6 xwpo anoTell.e( 1010KT'7a(a Tou b.T']µou . LTO 11µ1un6ye10 exouv eyKmaaraed Ta ypacpda Tou E' 01aµep(aµmo~, mo unepuljJwµevo 1a6ye:10 Ta ypacpda b.'7µ6pxou, AVTL0'7µ6pxou, A(0ouaa Ynoooxi']~-LUV8-
m,iyµa mu µovriJ..ou mu KTtpfou. Wireframe of the building model.
The frontages of the building are decorated with neo-classical, renaissance, baroque and art-nouveaux elements and give a special style to the construction. The Vasilissis Olgas' frontage is organized symmetrically around the central balcony, which is repeated in both storeys. Along the ridge of the roof there is a baroque-style frontal end. The plan of the building is especially simple. All the areas are organized around the central corridors. The staircase that leads from the semi-basement to the ground floor is situated in such way so that both storeys can function independently. One more important element is the painted decoration that we come across in the interior of the building. Borders, rosettes, many vegetal themes and complexes adorn the walls and in some rooms the ceilings, too. These themes were widely used in floors and tiles of that time, as well as in the carpet industry. The creation of the 3D model of the building was completed with the processing of data of the building surveying, its plans and a large number of photographs taken from which the textures were extracted. Due to the complex decoration, especially on the outside, meticulous surveying was necessary. The number of points that were surveyed reached 7.500. After the processing of the points, a detailed model of the interior and the exterior of the building were created. Then, with the help of photogrammetry, pictures of the bu ilding were recoursed so that is was possible for some areas to be used as textures on the elements. Every object had to be worked separately. Columbs, doors, rails, stairs had to be designed and textured and define the textures' scale and orientation so that the end result was photorealistic. Fot the construction of the model AutoCAD and 3D Studio MAX of Autodesk were used.
nep1/36Mov epyao(ac; KOT6 TTJ OIJµoupy(a f3(vrw. Video rendering process environment.
>-.euoewv KOi TO ypacpda TT]c; rpaµµmdac; yta TL<:; 8eoµo8eTT]µi::vec; eKOTJAWoetc; Tou 1pacpe[ou no>-.moµou Tou b.r']µou. 0 A' 6pocpoc; OTeya~el TT] TTLVQK08'7KT] TOU b.r']µou. Mopcpo>-.oytK6, TJ B[Aa MopVTWX e[vm aVTmpoowneunK6 odyµa Tou eK>--eKTLKLoµou, 6nwc; noM6 KTtpta OTov a~ova TTJC: BaoLA[oOTJC: 'O>-.yac;. H lOIOlTep6TT]TQ TOU KTLp[ou l3p[oKeTOl OTT]V l3opelOQVOTOALK'7 ywv[a Tou, 6nou unopxet i::vac; nupy(oKoc; µe Tpou>-.o.
With the completion of the texturing process, it was time for the walkthrough video. Due to the complexity of the building, which meant large number of polygons and textures, the rendering process lasted for many days.
OL 6l/)etc; Tou KTtp[ou e(vm 010Kooµriµi::vec; µe OTOLXe[a veoK>-.aOLKO, avayewriotaK6, µnap6K, art-nouveaux KOi o[vouv evav ~exwpLOTO xapaKTr']pa OTO KTlplO. H Ol/JT] TT]c; BaoLALOOT]c; 'OAyac; e[vm opyavwµi::vri ouµµeTpLK6 yupw an6 Tov KeVTpLK6 OTTJ, o ono(oc; enavOAaµl36veT01 OTouc; ouo op6cpouc;. LTT] OTEl/JTJ unapxet µta aeTwµanKr'] an6AT]l/JTJ µe µnap6K xapaKTr']pa.
H KCITOl/JT] TOU KTLp[ou etVOl lOLOLTepa OTTA.'7 OTT]V opyavwor'] TT]c;. 'OAOL oL xwpOL e[vm opyavwµi::vOL yupw an6 TOuc; KeVTpLKouc; otaop6µouc;. To K>-.tµaKoOT6oto nou ooriye[ an6 TO T]µLun6yeto OTO LOOY€LO etVOl TOTT08eTT]µ8VO 0€ 8VOV T8TOLO XWPO µe TpOTTO WOTe OL ouo 6pocpoL va µnopouv va ave~apTT]TOTTOLT]8ouv nAr']pwc; o i::vac; an6 Tov 6Mo. 'Eva OK6µa OT]µOVTLK6 OTOLXe(o eivm o ~wypacptK6c; ot6Kooµoc; nou ouvaVTouµe OTO eowTeptK6. MnopVToupec;, po~i::Tec;, no>-.>-.6 cpunK6 81::µma Km ouµnMyµma Kooµouv TOuc; TO[xouc; Km ae optoµi::va owµana Km nc; opocpi::c;. nap6µ0La 81::µma XPTJOLµonOLr']8T]KOv ae oaneoa KOi TTAOKIOLQ TT]<:; enoxr']c;, Ka8wc; KOi OTT]V TQTTT]TOupy(a.
9. np6aoljlr, arr6 Baa,J..(aar,c; VJ..yac;.
Vasilissis 0/gas street faqade.
H OT]µLoupy[a TOU TplOOLCIOTOTOU µoVT8AOU TOU KTLp(ou i::ytve µe TTJV ene~epyao(a OTOLXe(wv anoTunworic;, TWV axeo(wv Tou KTLp[ou Km µe µey6Ao apt8µ6 cpwToypacptwv an6 6nou e~axe11Kav OL ucpi::c;. /\6yw TT]<:; otaK6oµT]OT]c; TOU KTLp(ou etoK6 e~wTeptK6, r']TOv anapa[TT]TTJ TJ oXOAOOTLKr'] anoTunwOT]. To ouvo>-.o TWV OT]µetwv Aemoµi::peLOc; TT]<:; TOnoypaq>LKr']c; QTTOTUTTWOT]c; 8q>TOO€ TO 7.500. Me TTJV ene~epyao(a Twv oriµeiwv oriµtoupyr']8T]Ke i::va >-.emoµepi::c; µoVTBAO TOU e~wTepLKOU KOi TOU eowTepLKOU TOU KTLp[ou. 'EneLTO, µe TT] cpwTOypaµµnptKr'] µi::8000, i::ytve avaywyr'] cpwTOypacptwv nou eixav AT]cp8ei WOTe va e(vm ouvm6v va XPTJmµonotri8ouv nep1oxi::c; TOuc;, we; ucpi::c;. K68e OVTLKeiµevo i::npene va oou>-.euTei ~exwptOT6. Ko>-.wvec;, n6pTec;, KayKeAa, oKa>-.on6TLO XP€LOOTT]K€ VO oX€0lOOTOUV KOi VO OplOTet T] ucpr'] TOU<:;, Ol KALµOKec; TWV UcpWV KOi O npOOQVQTOAL0µ6c; TOU<:; WOT€ TO TeALK6 anoTEAeoµa va eivm cpwTOpeOAtOTLK6. na TT] oriµtoupy[a TOU µOVT8AOU XPTJOLµonor']8T]KOV TO npoypaµµma AutoCAD KOi 3D Studio MAX TT]<:; Autodesk. Me TTJV o>-.oK>-.r']pwori TTJc; otaotKao(ac; TT]c; an6oooric; ul/)wv eixe oetp6 TJ napaywyr'] TOU l3(VTeo neptr'JYTJOTJc;. Myw TOU noMn>-.oKou µoVTi::Aou Tou KTLp[ou, nou ouvenay6Tav µey6>-.o apt8µ6 no>-.uywvwv Km ucpwv, TJ ene~epyao(a oriµtoupy[ac; Tou l3[VTeo '7TOV XPOVOl36pa.
10. Arr6ljlm; mu µovriJ..ou. Views of the 30 model.