A COMPANY AS DURABLE AS ITS COATINGS powered by Inside Sustainability
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A company as durable
Celebrating its 40th anniversary this year, world-renowned paint and coatings manufacturer Baril Coatings has been championing sustainable bio-based products for over two decades. This family run business has been working on its sustainability goals for much longer than the recent worldwide push. Made up of a tight-knit group of committed employees, the company makes products for sectors ranging from industrial, maritime and construction, to maintenance. A report by Jordan Yallop. 2 Baril Coatings
aril Coatings is an industry recognised, global player in the paint and coatings sector. The company has
a rich family history dating back to its founding in 1982 and is currently enjoying its 40th anniversary this year. From a small-scale paint maker operating out of a shed, Baril now distributes its products globally and have been used in high profile constructions, such as the Stadionul Ion Oblemenco, a football stadium in Craiova, Romania. Starting in the small Dutch town of Moerkapelle, the company’s highly skilled and committed employees have been its beating heart since day one; now 40 years later, Baril is capable of producing 6 million litres of product a year. Captained by the entrepreneurial Duijghuisen family, corporate social responsibility has always been very important to the company. “We’re very much into sustainability and it’s not just the recent years that we started to think about it. It’s already been that way for over 20 years,” stated Joost Broeders, Technical Director.
Baril Coatings 3
“This is the way we want to go; all our
Coating the market
actions and activities should be based on
Baril Coatings is active in a
sustainable thinking and corporate social
number of markets, explained
responsibility. We like to say that it is in
Hans Jansen, Export and
our veins.”
Sales Manager.
Baril is actively working on cleaner fac-
“We develop, produce and sell our
tories and is leading the charge with bio-
own coatings at a high quality, mainly
based coatings. The company actively
for industrial applications, in addition to
admits that its greatest asset is its com-
a small amount of work in the DIY sector.
mitted and driven team, around 80 strong,
We are also very active in the construc-
who are experts in their field and can keep
tion and infrastructure markets and
up with the changes within the industry.
machinery equipment, marine and off-
Baril has production facilities in the
shore sectors. Our coatings are meant
Netherlands, USA and in Poland, and with
for all kinds of substrates, steel, alu-
local distributors across Europe and North
minium, concrete, wood and various
America, the company has built up a
other substrates.”
great deal of trust from its customers. The
When it comes to coatings for the
company’s brands of durable protective
construction and infrastructure
coatings are used in over 20 countries
sectors, steelwork exposed
and can even be tailored to the specific
to the open air needs cost-
requirements of the customer to cater to
effective and sustainable
every situation.
protection against
4 Baril Coatings
corrosion (up to C5). The DualCure and
market requests. This is because protec-
SteelKote coatings from Baril stand out
tion is one very important characteristic
because of their sustainability, flexibility,
but so is the speed of application and
adhesion, ease of application, resistance
cure time.”
against corrosion and chemical and
The maritime and offshore sector is
mechanical resistance. This all is the
another key market for Baril. The broad
result of the company’s great compe-
range of products Baril supplies to these
tence in coating chemistry in combina-
harsh environments protect steel under
tion with extensive attention to the
heavy stress. All of the products are
necessities and wishes of its clients.
qualified for immersion under NORSOK,
Baril tailors products towards the
IM 1-3 and are considered ‘ocean proof’.
engineering and industry, providing a sus-
Coupled with long maintenance intervals,
tainable finish. Baril’s products allow the
reduced maintenance costs and maximal
customer to reduce their Volatile Organic
corrosion protection, Baril’s products are
Compounds (VOCs) emissions, offering
tailored to meet all marine needs.
more environmentally friendly solution for
Finally, Baril also makes environmen-
the metal processing industry. These prod-
tally friendly biobased paints for the home
ucts optimally protect machines and
and maintenance sector. The company’s
devices against damage and wear; the
Copperant brand allows the customer
quick drying characteristics mean a lot of
to protect surfaces while also reducing
time can be won in the production process.
their carbon footprint; while the Roboton
Joost Broeders said: “Our DualCure
solvent-free and water-based floor
products are a technology that we have
coatings protect concrete floors, walls,
patented, it has a fast cure performance,
staircases and wooden floors in a sus-
and this specific product has a very high
tainable way. These coatings are also
durability. Outdoor durability is more and
made solely using energy sourced from
more important in all kinds of special
Baril’s solar panels.
Baril Coatings 5
Mr Jansen said: “50% of our business is
material in our products, it’s an
export and a small, but rapidly growing
ongoing adventure. We see our
percentage is the DIY market. The most
customers getting increasingly
important market we serve in the Dutch
excited for these kinds of products
segment is structural steel.
because they are also faced with
“Our products for this market are excel-
environmental issues in their own sec-
lent if you want to apply multiple layers
tors. So, if you have a supplier that’s a
in one day and it has to be transported
front runner in bio-based solutions, you’re
tomorrow. With the DualCure products,
already halfway there.
these solutions can be given to both the customer and the final user.
“To be honest, 20 years ago, we didn’t even tell them that it already was partially biobased.”
20 years of bio-based solutions
Joost Broeders added: “Components
Baril Coatings designs, develops and
that we used at that time were already
produces coatings that are as sustain-
bio based for the most part, but at the
able as possible, with the aim of allowing
time there was no market specifically for
its customers to both protect their assets
biobased; so, it simply wasn’t marketed
and reduce their carbon footprint. The
that way. Now we see customers are
company actively invests in sustainability
actively asking for it.”
and seeks out new avenues of research to achieve this goal, without sacrificing
Uncompromised performance
quality and utility. Baril is taking a proac-
The creativity and innovation that Baril
tive approach to complying with the
Coatings has been able to achieve is, in
Sustainable Development Goals of the
no small part, accredited to the highly
United Nations.
skilled and motivated team. Another
Mr Jansen said: “It’s a relentless challenge getting more and more biobased
6 Baril Coatings
factor is the ownership; as a familyowned company, the
employees are able to take an active role in
market but also for the industrial market.
the development of the company’s vision. As
The most important thing at that point
a result of its close-knit approach, Baril has
is quality.”
risen to challenges and is committed to
He concluded: “When we exchanged the
finding the most interesting and innovative
raw material to biobased, there should be
solutions to the sustainability conundrum.
no discussion about diminished perfor-
According to Joost Broeders, the com-
mance of the product. I’m positive that these
pany is showing no sign of slowing down
kinds of solutions will help us to grow and
the mission.
hopefully in three years’ time, most of our
“Bio-based products will be more and more important, not only to the DIY
products will at least have 50% biobased content; that is really our goal.”
Baril Coatings 7
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