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products and workmanship designed to meet their needs, resulting in better levels of service, advice and information. • Businesses experience positive customer feedback, higher customer retention and new work. • The sector benefits from higher levels of trust and better reputation • Companies adopting higher standards gain a competitive advantage, attract and retain a more competitive talent pool and achieve higher returns.
Taken together these benefits should lead to a more scrupulous industry that promotes longterm growth.
Facing endless challenges, organisational and membership organisations such as the SSAIB, NSI and CTSP have worked hard over the years to repair the vein of mistrust opened by a few rogue individuals. In setting out strict entry criteria for higher standards of professionalism, we create a market which allows consumers, employers, and businesses to have their needs and wants addressed whilst meeting standards of professionalism that inspire consumer confidence and build trust. If successful, the long-term impact should be higher levels of demand and a larger, stronger industry.
In a world of increasing cybercrime, easyaccess home alarm kits, and the internet, the true value of using standards to measure progress can only be gauged when we consider a world without them. In a world of increasing cybercrime, easy-access home alarm kits, and the internet, the true value of using standards to measure progress can only be gauged when we consider a world without them
GDPR Safe helps CCTV Operators meet their legal obligations.
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020 8050 7052