BPMA News February 2016

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JAN / FEB 2016



his year the BPMA achieves an impressive milestone – three quarters of a century serving the British pump industry. From its humble beginnings back in 1941, whilst the UK toiled with the inherent difficulties of the second Word War, through the numerous economic peaks and troughs that have inevitably followed, and against an ever changing legislative landscape, the BPMA has been a constant source of support, guidance and information. To celebrate 75 years of unbroken service to both its members and the wider pump industry, the BPMA will be staging a special 75th Anniversary Gala Dinner. Held at the impressive De Vere Heythrop Park Resort in Oxfordshire, on

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Thursday 6th October, the event promises to be the highlight of its year-long celebratory activities. Heythrop Park boasts a unique and luxurious venue set in 440 acres of stunning Oxfordshire Countryside. Dating back to 1710 this quintessential English country estate seamlessly combines elegance with style. Located on the edge of the Cotswolds, with Oxford on the doorstep, it is also close to Blenheim Palace and the picturesque Cotswold villages of Burford & Chipping Norton. The Resort also offers a championship 18-hole golf course, superb health club facilities, and exceptional dining. A glittering champagne reception, held in the main hall and accompanied by live music, will be followed by a stunning 4-course dinner with fine wine, and further musical entertainment direct from London’s West End. More music and dancing courtesy of the Swinging Little Big Band, will ensure a great time is had by all. BPMA President, and MD at Grundfos Pumps, Peter Reynolds, said of this

anniversary year: “Being elected as President of the BPMA is a great honour and one which has been heightened by the added good fortune of my term in office coinciding with its 75th Anniversary. We have a number of activities planned throughout the year, all of which will highlight this impressive milestone, but the culmination will surely be our special 75th Anniversary Dinner Dance. I very much look forward to hosting the event and to welcoming friends and colleagues, old and new, to what we believe will be a fitting tribute to the past endeavours of our industry Association. It will also serve to herald the next 75 years of BPMA service”. BPMA members, along with their clients, partners, friends and colleagues are all invited to attend this wonderful night of celebration. Further information and booking details will be available shortly, but in the meantime, and with just 250 tickets available, be sure to reserve your place soon, by emailing hannah@ touchwavemedia.co.uk.

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2016 is a big year in the world of pumps as water companies take responsibility for thousands of pumping station across the UK and the industry continues to prepare for the opening up of the non-domestic water market – the biggest change to our industry since privatisation. So it’s the perfect time to launch The Pumping Station in association with the BPMA, bringing clarity to the industry, and giving Britain’s water companies a clear understanding of the latest innovations and solutions currently out there or about to launch’ Ellen Bennett, Content Director, Water & WastewaterTreatment, WET News, Utility Week, and Utility Week Live 2016. Having enjoyed a good relationship with IWEX in the past, the BPMA is delighted to be extending its support and participation to the new Utility Week Live, and specifically its Pumping Station feature. This event coincides with our 75th Anniversary, and as part of the year-long celebrations, our attendance provides an excellent opportunity to showcase our many endeavours on behalf of the UK pump industry’ Steve Schofield, British Pump Manufacturers’ AssociationThe Pumping Station 2016, in association with the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association.

BPMA LAUNCHES NEW WEBSITE British Pump Manufacturers Association is delighted to announce the launch of its new website - www.bpma.org.uk Designed ‘from the ground up’, the new site has undergone much more than a cosmetic facelift, it has been configured to be more user-friendly with many new features being added, as well as a major overhaul of existing features. Members will enjoy easier access to detailed technical information via the site, and through the new Members List, which now includes company logos, they will have greater brand promotion and improved access to their own websites. The ‘pump search’ facility, which from an end-users’ perspective has always been a significant and acutely useful feature, is now far easier to navigate. The adoption of a simple drop down menu enables an end user to readily find who, within the BPMA membership, makes a certain type of product. A unique service offering, this feature which will continue to help engineers across industry undertake their pump selection tasks, in a quick and easy fashion. Steve Schofield, Director and CEO at BPMA commented, “Having been one of the first trade associations in the country to have a dedicated website, we have been mindful for some time that an update of our online presence was overdue. But we have been careful to ensure that not only does the new site utilise some of the very latest website protocols, it remains true to its core objectives, which is to provide useful, relevant and accurate information for our Members, their customers and other interested parties. We hope you will enjoy visiting and using our new site and if you have any questions or ideas for improvement we would welcome your feedback”.


• The Pumping Station workshops and product showcases at Utility Week Live 2016 (17-18 May) • Branded content in the three supporting media brands (Utility Week, Water & Wastewater Treatment, and WET News) • A special 16-page (approx) pumps and valves supplement distributed across the industry BPMA members can claim a number of exclusive discounts, designed to help you cost-effectively market your pump and valve solutions to Britain’s water and sewerage companies.


Featuring technical pitches, product demonstrations, and live content on pumps and pumping, this is a chance to place yourself centre stage as the industry gathers to discuss all things pumping and source new suppliers. Utility Week Live 2016 takes place May 17-18 at the NEC Birmingham. All BMPA members qualify for an exclusive £20 per square metre discount when exhibiting in The Pumping Station at Utility Week Live 2016.


A comprehensive guide to pumps and valves, aimed at purchasers, specifiers and operators. Containing project case studies, issues-led features and industry opinion plus Water and Wastewater Treatment’s popular annual Pump File compendium. Publishing April 2016, and distributed industry-wide through Utility Week Magazine, Water & Wastewater Treatment Magazine, and WET News Magazine. All BMPA members will qualify for exclusive Pumps and Valves Supplement discounts (tbc).

To claim your reduced rate exhibition stand, please contact: Rachael Lyon, Sales Director, Utility Week Live 2016 17-18 May, NEC Birmingham Tel: +44 (0)1342 332097 Mobile: +44 (0)7968 301370 E-mail: rachael.lyon@fav-house.com Faversham House Ltd | Windsor Court | Wood Street | East Grinstead | West Sussex | RH19 1UZ | 2

THE 2016 BPMA GOLF DAY WILL BE HELD AT THE WORLD CLASS Vale Resort Vale of Glamorgan on Thursday 19th May 2016

Tea, Coffee & Bacon Rolls at Reception 18 Hole Team Competition Wales National Course - Buggies Individual Prizes Prize Giving Dinner Overnight Accommodation Breakfast on Departure

Only £199 Per Player + VAT Contact s.smith@bpma.org.uk for a booking form



PMA has recently adopted a “BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A BPMA MEMBER” ethos based on the BPMA Code of Conduct for members below ----BPMA seeks to represent Members that demonstrate the highest degree of professionalism, expertise and ethical standards in every aspect of their operations, including the safety, reliability, quality and support of their products and the competence of their employees and representatives. BPMA therefore expects each of its Members to abide by the BPMA Code of Conduct which is designed to assure users, specifiers and purchasers of pumping equipment that they can “BUY WITH CONFIDENCE” from a BPMA Member.

Equipment supplied by Members will be manufactured to comply with regulations and restrictions affecting the use of certain materials in its construction therefore minimising the environmental effect.

Members will make relevant operating manuals available. Copies of manuals will be held for the expected lifetime of the equipment.


Members shall respect the basic human rights of their employees and take responsibility for their health and safety in accordance with current UK requirements.

Members shall recognise and respect ownership of intellectual property and refrain from plagiarism or other abuse of the intellectual property of others. Where a Member has not contributed directly to the origination of design, system or process that it subsequently offers for sale, it shall seek assurance that the intellectual property belongs to the supplier or that the supplier is licensed to re-sell the design, system or process.


SUPPORTING BPMA ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION AND Members will, to be best of their ability and within the limit of their control, ensure that the equipment they POLICIES Each Member commits to respect the requirements of the BPMA Articles of Association and Policies that are agreed from time to time. In particular each Member agrees to respect in Association meetings and other activities the requirements of Competition Law and limit discussions and actions so as to comply with all such laws and regulations.


Each Member shall ensure that the products it offers for sale globally are supplied, manufactured or manufactured under licence to conform to any statutory requirements and standards as may be mandated by local law.


All equipment manufactured or supplied by Members of the Association that is being placed onto the European market will be CE marked as required to confirm that it complies with EU law and that is ‘fit for purpose’ and safe. Members should be able to produce technical files to support the CE marking within 10 days of being requested


A Member shall be able to demonstrate the published features of any product that it supplies and substantiate any benchmarks, performance characteristics, serviceability levels or other criteria to which it lays claim.


Members will be certified to or aspiring to ISO 9001/2 or will demonstrate an adequate in-house quality assurance scheme exists.


Members shall act in accordance with the relevant standards on environmental protection and seek to continually reduce their impact on the environment.

supply is installed to the standards currently in force.


Members will be able to advise operators on training, maintenance and support, for all their products whether the support is supplied direct or via a third party.


Each Member will ensure that sales service, repair and maintenance is available through:•Their own network of service engineers •Nominated service agents •Providing details of other agents


Members will ensure that replacement parts are available for the anticipated working life of the equipment supplied.


A Member shall ensure that its employees, contractors and/or agents are adequately trained, qualified and exercise their responsibilities with appropriate skill, care and professionalism.


All claimed performance criteria relating to a product, whether orally or in writing, shall accurately reflect the product’s features and performance characteristics. Members will, where required and practicable, provide pre-sales support and services to ensure the appropriate specification of the equipment for the required purpose. The level of associated support will be evaluated and in line with customer needs. Member’s sales staff and technical advisers will receive full training.




Any business purchasing from a BPMA Member or their nominated supplier who subsequently has a grievance or complaint should, in the first instance, make representation to the Member in writing. The Member shall respond promptly in writing to all complaints lodged by a customer. The Member will use its best efforts to resolve all such complaints in an equitable and timely manner. The Member will maintain a record of such complaints. Should the customer not receive a satisfactory response BPMA will provide a complaint resolution service as follows, so long as the Association Director has received a written letter, which details the following:-


•Date equipment purchased and from whom •Name of sales contact •Installation date and details of installer


•Manufacturer and brand of the equipment •Model Number •Serial Number


•Full details of the problem BPMA will pass these details to a senior manager of the Member and will request a written response within 14 days of receipt. BPMA will actively seek to find a satisfactory resolution and will respond to the complaint with the outcome of its involvement. BPMA will not be liable for any redress over any failure to resolve the issue and the offer of this service does not affect the statutory rights of the customer.


Members found to be flagrantly ignoring this Code of Conduct or convicted of any offences relating to its content may have their membership rescinded at the discretion of the BPMA Council A Member which has been suspended or excluded from membership by a BPMA Council decision has the right to appeal against the decision and make a direct representation to the Council.





Venue: Rezidor Park Inn Hotel West Bromwich, West Midlands (J1, M5)

It is usual in many industries to find that companies have radically streamlined their maintenance and technical workforce departments. This puts pressure on company managers to use nonelectrical personnel for routine electrical duties. This three day course is specifically designed to assist non-electrical employees to prepare themselves for cross trade working, and to help companies comply with the requirements of current legislation regarding the use of such people for minor electrical tasks.


After completing the course, students should be able to: • Recognise safe working practices (related to electricity in the workplace) • Work within the requirements of current electrical legislation (relating to topics covered) • Understand the fundamental principles of electrical energy • Perform routine electrical tasks at a basic level • Perform safe isolation of electrical circuits • Enhance their workplace skills • Relate to electrical circuit diagrams


The course is primarily aimed at mechanical or un-skilled tradespersons that are preparing themselves for work upon electrical systems. The course may be of great benefit to companies that intend to employ non-electrical personnel to perform routine electrical duties, such as, lamp replacement or portable appliance testing etc.


• Health and Safety legislation (related to electricity in the workplace) • Basic electrical principles • Electrical power and units of measurement • Safe isolation of electrical circuits • Safe working practices • Electrical test instrumentation • Conventional circuit layout • Basic first aid (related to electrical hazards) • Electrical diagrams • Cable and wiring system


Basic numerical and literacy skills are required.


JOIN BPMA To submit a membership application for consideration by BPMA Council please ensure you have read the BPMA Memorandum and Articles of Association and then download the relevant application form. There are two categories of BPMA membership: MEMBERS Membership of the Association is available to manufacturers, contractors, distributors, importers, repairers of industrial pumps including wholly owned subsidiaries of foreign companies providing they have an investment in buildings and plant in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Membership is also available to suppliers to pump companies such as manufacturers of bearings, seals, couplings, motors, components, software (pump specific) etc. To download a Member Application Form please type the link below into your browser: http://goo.gl/z9VCkb ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Associate Membership is available to companies and individuals who work with or supply services to BPMA Members. Eg. Industry Journals, Technology Centres or Consultants. Please type the link below to download a Associate Member Application Form http://goo.gl/H402ax NOTE: Please don’t forget to complete the form, not forgetting to sign it and then return it by post to :Mr Steve Smith, BPMA, National Metalforming Centre, 47 Birmingham Road,West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 6PY or e-mail s.smith@bpma.org.uk


The Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Regulations 2014 came into force on 17 July 2014 and are a mandatory energy assessment and energy saving identification scheme for large undertakings (and their corporate groups). The scheme applies throughout the UK. ESOS Energy Audits have the potential to increase businesses profitability and competitiveness by identifying costeffective savings which, if implemented, will improve energy efficiency. The scheme is estimated to lead to £1.6bn net benefits to the UK, with the majority of these being directly felt by businesses as a result of energy savings. ESOS is the UK Government’s approach to transposition of Article 8(4) of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, which requires all large (non-SME) enterprises to undertake energy audits by 5 December 2015 and every 4 years thereafter. Guidance has also been published to help potential participants in the scheme understand their obligations and on page 43 of the full ESOS guidance document you will see that the ISO/14414-Pump System Energy Assessment standard is referenced as an auditing methodology that can be accepted by “Lead Assessors” approved by the Environment Agency. Accordingly it is hoped BPMA CPSA accredited persons (who are trained according to the IS0 14414 standard) will be recommended by Lead Assessors to undertake the pumping system elements of company energy audits. The BPMA Certified Pump System Auditor Scheme (www.bpma-cpsa.co.uk) has established BPMA as THE body to train and certify personnel who undertake “Pumping System Assessments” as referenced in UK Government Energy Strategy documents BPMA are now offering the opportunity to attend a four day residential course culminating in certification and eventual personal ID “Certified Pump System Auditor” status following approved audits.

Our next scheduled course will take place on 25-28 April 2016 Register now by calling 0121 601 6691 or email s.smith@bpma.org.uk Delegate fees £1,500 + VAT (BPMA Members) £1,750 + VAT non-members (incl. 3 nights accommodation (b&b) at the Rezidor Park Inn Hotel)

KSB ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF THEIR NEW UK MD DALE CROKER, MANAGING DIRECTOR, KSB LTD Dale Croker has joined pump manufacturer KSB Ltd as managing director. Dale has taken over from Andy Ratcliffe, who held the responsibility for eight years. Mr Croker has been employed within the KSB group for 28 years and has relocated from South Africa to the UK. Dale has over 30 years experience in the pumping industry.

For further information relating to the BPMA please contact British Pump Manufacturers Association, National Metalforming Centre, 47 Birmingham Road, West Bromwich B70 6PY, UK Tel: 0121 601 6350 Fax: 0121 601 6373 E-mail: enquiry@bpma.org.uk or visit our website: www.bpma.org.uk The BPMA takes no responsability for the statements, claims or opinions expressed in this Newsletter

i-ALERT2 EQUIPMENT HEALTH MONITOR The i- ALERT2 Equipment Health Monitor is a Bluetooth Smart-enabled machine health monitor that allows customers to identify potential equipment problems before they become costly failures. ITT’s i-ALERT2 Equipment Health Monitor is an inexpensive Bluetooth Smart-enabled equipment health monitor that allows customers to identify potential problems before the machines become costly failures. It tracks vibration, temperature and run-time hours and wirelessly syncs the data with a smartphone or tablet through the i-ALERT2 mobile app. The i-ALERT2 condition monitor combines the latest in Bluetooth low-energy and sensor technologies commonly used in the newest consumer health and fitness trackers and smart watches. The i-ALERT2 device is the first condition monitor to successfully integrate these technologies into an industrial package in a small footprint [2.24 in. (L) by 1.54 in. (W) by 1.04 in. (H)] which is half the size of a credit card. It is engineered and rated for use in a wide range of industrial environments. It is chemical resistant, rated for extreme temperatures (-40 to 183 F) and is rated to operate in environments with explosive gases, dust and fibers. With 24/7 monitoring, a wireless range of up to 100 ft and the ability to scan multiple i-ALERT2 devices at once with a mobile device, customers will be able to quickly and safely inspect multiple pieces of equipment and be alerted of potential problems before they become critical failures. Through the i-ALERT2 mobile app, customers can now provides them with the data necessary to make informed decisions. Customers can now spend less time collecting data and more time solving problems. Buy a Goulds ANSI and ISO process pump and these are supplied with i-Alert fitted as standard and a 5 year warranty - you’d have to ask yourself, why not? For more information contact ITT Goulds Pumps, Tel: 01297 630473 Email: www.gouldspumps.com/Contact-Us Web: www.gouldspumps.com Web: www.ittproservices.com

WATER INDUSTRY RECOGNISES THE POTENTIAL OF FLOMATE FROM STUART TURNER Stuart Turner were rewarded at the 2015 Water Innovation Awards when the industry recognised the ingenuity behind their Flomate range agreeing that ‘Flomate Mains Boost Pumps can improve water pressure in problematic areas’. The compact Flomate Mains Boost pump can be connected directly to the incoming mains supply, eliminating the need for a cold water break tank and at times of low mains water pressure, Flomate will provide an additional 1.5 bar to any existing mains pressure at a maximum flow rate of 12 litres/minute, meeting the requirements of most combination boilers. Flomate will start automatically when a flow of 0.6 litres or more exists and features a built in bypass, which means should mains pressure exceed 1.5 bar the performance will not be restricted. Flomate Mains Boost Extra pumps are designed with an additional pressurised water vessel. By supplementing the water pressure boosting performance of the original Flomate pump with the supply from the pressurised water vessel, ‘Flomate mains boost extra’ pumps can deliver up to 30 litres/minute at 3.0 bar pressure to provide a consistent flow of water and increased water pressure, boosting multiple outlets simultaneously such as taps and showers. Flomate provides a patented and simple solution to the problem of low or intermittent mains water pressure and are suitable for a variety of applications. The range is WRAS approved, complies with UK water regulations and has been used by water authorities in meeting the requirements of DG2: Inadequate pressure indicators set by OFWAT. Supplied with a 3 year guarantee, they provide a fully assembled and tested solution for any sized property. For further information, visit www.stuart-turner.co.uk or contact: info@stpumps.co.uk

The path to a greener future... Efficiency l Strength l Reliability Since January 2015, EU MEPS have stipulated that any new motors on the market ranging from 7.5 kW to 375 kW power output have to meet the IE3 efficiency standard or IE2 efficiency standard if used with an inverter drive. Our inverter drives will work with new and existing motors to help you reduce energy consumption and meet legislation when used with an IE2 motor.

For a greener future www.weg.net Visit us at the Pump Centre Conference 12th May


WEG also offer a complete range of IE3 and IE4 energy efficient motors both for safe area and hazardous area applications. Watt Drive high performance gearboxes are built to withstand the toughest industrial applications meeting the demands for operation across different industries. Individually, our gearboxes, drives and motors are amongst the most energy efficient available. Together they give you unbeatable levels of reliability and performance.


MOBILE APP POINTS TO POTENTIAL ENERGY SAVINGS OF PUMPS Dipl.-Ing. Christoph P. Pauly - KSB Aktiengesellschaft, Frankenthal, Germany In many process engineering applications, pump systems form the backbone of production (Figure 1) and greatly impact the economic efficiency of the entire system. Pumps consume a large amount of the electrical energy used in industry. Depending on the scope of analysis, the potential savings on energy in current industrial systems range between 30 percent and 40 percent. In concrete terms, the German Energy Agency (dena) has calculated that pump system operators in Germany could save as much as 14 billion kWh per year. That would translate into annual savings of 1.12 billion Euros for the operators themselves and a drop of 7.7 million tonnes in CO2 emissions.

Figure 1: It is particularly in existing plants that much potential for reducing pump operating costs can still be identified.

There are many reasons why much too much energy is still being wasted in connection with pump operation. In refineries and process engineering plants, maximum priority is attached to productivity and fast restarting following repairs. Frequently, when piping systems have been modified for production-related reasons, the installed pump sizes are not subsequently adjusted to match. The reason why far too much energy than necessary is sometimes used has to do with choosing the wrong valves or valves that are not dimensioned correctly, installing inadequate pipe radii or undersized pipe cross-sections. Aggravating the situation is the fact that many pumps are selected with a 10 or 15 percent “safety margin” – just to be sure. Another widespread problem is that pumps are often left to run far off of their originally envisaged operating point. It is relatively easy to select a hydraulically optimal pump for new installations. As long as the requirements to be met by the pump are known, a very energy-efficient pump set can be chosen with great accuracy by way of pump selection programs like those that most manufacturers have on hand for their customers. It is, of course, essential that a large number of closely spaced pump sizes be available to the user, and that the impeller diameters be trimmed to match the required operating point. Safety margins should be avoided. Even efficient pumps cannot run economically if they are used in the wrong operating mode.

INTRODUCTION OF APTITUDE... The first step in identifying energy saving potential is to ascertain the pump’s present operating point and mode of


operation. In the past, this was almost impossible without using additional measuring equipment. Pump manufacturer KSB has developed the Sonolyzer app to help plant operators. This is a free app for smart phones or tablets that can analyse potential savings in a fast and simple measurement process and can even be used in potentially explosive atmospheres if the smart phone or tablet PC has appropriate protection. The advantage is that it can determine within 20 seconds whether or not a pump is working under part load. Use of the app is not restricted to KSB’s products – it works just as well on products of other makes. The app is designed to save valuable time by calculating operating points very simply and its operation is intuitive. After downloading the app, the user selects the relevant pump type and enters the name plate data of the pump and connected asynchronous motor. It is also possible to enter a designation for the measurement and save it with a photograph of the pump in the data record. The measurement is then started and the smart phone is held next to the fan hood of the motor for 20 seconds (Figure 2). The motor fan’s noise is recorded and the noise spectrum is transferred to the KSB Cloud for analysis via a secure connection. Based on the maximum amplitude of the recorded spectrum, the algorithm now calculates the number of blades of the fan impeller and the blade passing frequency and derives from this information the shaft speed of the machine. Using the nominal data of the asynchronous motor entered by the user and a slip model, the algorithm then calculates the input power on the basis of the shaft speed. It can estimate the pump flow rate from the input power calculation. By correlating the performance data entered by the user with the hydraulic systems database developed by the manufacturer, the app can conclude whether the pump is operating at part load. The applied algorithm is patented and has already been in use for a number of years in thousands of practical applications as part of the PumpMeter product.

Figure 2: The KSB Sonolyzer mobile app allows users to analyse the efficiency of fixed speed pumps with asynchronous motors in just 20 seconds.

The analysis result is displayed on the mobile phone or tablet (Figure 3). If it is established that the pump is working under part load, then there is potential for energy efficiency optimisation. Using this app, it is possible to identify pumps with optimisation potential simply and efficiently during a site survey or plant walkdown by service staff. Identification of potential on the basis of the pump’s age, an inconvenient paper-

based process that does not provide meaningful results, is no longer necessary, while checks using the new app can be included in the daily work schedule. Furthermore, by repeating the analysis of a pump at different times, it is possible to eliminate the risk that the operating conditions prevailing during one particular measurement have falsified results. Identification of potential, however, is only the first step in analysing pumps for the purpose of optimising energy efficiency and reducing Figure 3: Screenshot of the KSB operating costs. It is Sonolyzer measuring a pump not only important to operating under part load. assess the individual machine, but to evaluate the system as a whole. In the case of pumps, this means that valves and piping must also be taken into account. Although an assessment of individual components can identify potential savings of up to 10 percent, an evaluation of the whole system can achieve savings of up to 60 percent. While identification of potential savings is important, it is also vital to focus on the cost effectiveness of optimisation measures. Finding ways to reduce the operating costs of pumps and other rotating equipment has been made simple with KSB Sonolyzer. For the actual implementation of energy saving measures, KSB is offering the FluidFuture energy efficiency concept, a structured system of suitable products, equipment and services.

The following options are available, depending on the load profile: • Operate based on actual demand (variable speed operation) • Reduce the impeller diameter • Use smaller pump sizes • Install high-efficiency motors • Optimise piping FluidFuture allows operators and service staff to access the wealth of experience garnered by the pump manufacturer over many decades. Modern centrifugal pumps have already achieved a level of efficiency that could hardly be further improved. When they appear to be consuming more energy than necessary, it is very probably due to the fact that people pay too little attention to pumps that just keep running. No pump can operate more economically than its surrounding system allows.

IAN MAVERS JOINS SPP PUMPS TO HEAD UP ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION IN SCOTLAND SPP Pumps has appointed Ian Mavers as its new Business Development Manager, Engineering Services Division for Scotland. Ian brings his extensive experience, built up through over 40 years of working in the industry, to the role. “SPP Pumps is a growing company and I am joining it at an exciting time for its Engineering Services Division,” he said. “I’m looking forward to working with the team - there is such a deep pool of knowledge and expertise to share between us and that can only be good for our target sectors in Scotland. It’s also significant that as a company SPP is expanding at a time when many others are cancelling projects.” SPP Pumps Engineering Services has a network of service centres strategically located across the UK and 24/7 response for its field service team. All service centres are ISO9001 approved and the company deals with maintenance, refurbishment and repair of all kinds of rotating equipment as well as valve repair and refurbishment. Under Ian Mavers, the Engineering Services Division in Scotland will continue to focus on the key market sectors of Oil & Gas, Power and Water. He concludes: “I think the SPP Pumps Engineering team is acknowledged as the best in the industry - and who doesn’t want to join the best? It is most certainly an exciting step in my career.” More information about SPP Pumps can be found by visiting the company’s website at www.spppumps.com.


GRUNDFOS MAKES THE SHORTLIST Grundfos Pumps are proud that they have been nominated in multiple categories in two separate prestigious industry awards – the H&V Awards and PIA (pump industry awards). The Grundfos TPE2/TPE3 families of vertical in-line pumps are shortlisted within both awards. In the PIA awards, they have an opportunity to win the Technical Innovation of the Year – in the products category. The new Alder Hey in the Park hospital features as a finalist in the Technical Innovation of the Year that relates to projects and one of our employees Ryan Pearson, is a finalist in the Engineer of the Year category. All the winners will be announced at the PIA awards ceremony on 10th March. In the H&V News Awards Grundfos have achieved shortlisted finalist status in two categories – Training Initiative of the Year for the Grundfos Ecademy – a free digital training tool and in the M&E Building Services Product of the Year with the Grundfos TPE2/TPE3. The winners are due to be announced at the awards dinner that is being held on 21st April. Awards are an important measurement as they allow you to view yourself against peer organisations as well as being an important way to showcase interesting products, projects and solutions to a wide audience. We will publish the results on www.grundfos. co.uk For more information contact Grundfos Pumps Ltd, Leighton Buzzard,Beds. Tel: 01525 850000 Email: grundfosuk@grundfos.com / Web: www.grundfos.co.uk


DOSING, METERING & INJECTING PUMPS by Richard Charlton and Malcolm Walker, AxFlow - London The task of carrying out an overview of dosing and metering pump technology is one that is not straightforward due to the vast number of applications and the resultant diversity of pump types employed for such purposes. Even the definition of what’s being discussed is confused between industries - one man’s dosing is another’s injecting and someone’s metering is another’s dosing. This diversity isn’t surprising when one considers the number of industries involved including toiletries, detergents, pharmaceuticals, water and waste treatment, food and beverages, power generation, chemical processing, petrochemicals and oil and gas recovery. Liquids can be anything from fragrances and colours for toiletries and food, acids and alkaline solutions for chemical processes and water treatment, hydrocarbon condensate from crude oil extraction to liquid CO2 in cryogenic duties.


The starting point, as with any pump application, is to identify the flow rate, the differential pressure and, as it’s a dosing application, the level of accuracy. Having established these basic facts the fluid’s characteristics, such as viscosity, solids content, abrasiveness, corrosiveness and toxicity are required. This information will tell you the scale of the job and in which general pump direction you are heading. Higher pressures, levels of accuracy and lower flows and viscous liquids will veer towards gear, piston, plunger and diaphragm metering pumps while lower pressures, levels of accuracy and higher flows will lead you towards peristaltic, air operated diaphragm (AOD), vane or even centrifugal pumps. Next are the specific requirements of the operating environment and industry specific considerations such as ATEX, API or the various levels of hygienic and sanitary design required by the food and pharmaceutical industries. These standards can have quite an impact on the choice of pump particularly if you don’t have access to a large product range. Engineers often settle for second best as their options are limited by what’s offered to them with ATEX certification, EHEDG approval or conformity to API 675 etc. Lastly, there is the method by which the pump will be controlled – will it be a simple manual adjustment, timer, variable speed drive, 4-20 mA signal or a process control system such as PROFIBUS.

chemical processing for “injecting” and the food industry for adding colouring and cleaning agents. When it comes to light, non-lubricating fluids such as alcohols and solvents then vane pumps are very often the best solution as they are self-lubricating and can (with the correct design) cope with low NPSH. At AxFlow we have had particular success with vane pumps in biodiesel processes for blending methanol and introducing scale and corrosion inhibitors inhibitors. Gear pumps can be used where space, a smooth flow, or noise is an issue such as medical and pharmaceutical applications. They can be accurately controlled and made from chemically resistant materials to deliver up to 10 m3/hr at pressures of 20 bar. But, as their gears wear their performance alters and changes in pressure and fluid viscosity will affect the volume they deliver. Thick liquids and those that need a gentle pumping action as found in the food industry are often best dosed with external circumferential piston (ECP) pumps. Not to be confused with their less accurate cousin the rotary lobe pump, ECP pumps offer a low


Dosing and injecting So what makes a pump a dosing pump and not a metering pump? At AxFlow our definition is quite simple – a metering pump is one that always delivers a controlled volume irrespective of the fluid’s properties and the pressure it’s pumping against. So, let’s start with pumps that don’t do this - which is most of them including many that are regularly described as “metering” pumps. If the flow is over 1 m3/hr, at relatively low delivery pressures and with a liquid that’s not too viscous or heavy, then a centrifugal pump can be considered. With a VSD and a bit of effort, a predictable, controllable flow can be achieved with a centrifugal pump, and with flows measured in cubic meters they often represent the most cost effective solution. A big advantage is that with so many to choose from, considerations such as chemical compatibility, ATEX and hygienic requirements can be catered for. At flows of below 10 m3/hr, and where an accuracy of 3% is acceptable, then Air Operated Double Diaphragm (AODD) pumps are commonly used. They can be easily adjusted, cope with viscous and corrosive liquids, will suck out of a barrel/IBC, can be hygienic, ATEX complaint, are moveable and not excessively expensive. AODD pumps are a popular choice in the water industry for water treatment additives,

shear pumping action and due to the long sealing path, a highly controlled delivery volume to almost that of a true metering pump. They can also handle extremely viscous fluids to over 500,000 cP and offer the very highest of hygienic designs. Another low shear option is that of eccentric rotating disc pumps as they too can be can be hygienic, are self-priming and will run dry. Most importantly eccentric rotating disc pumps will completely clear a line, a particularly useful trait when dosing a finite quantity of liquid, and one that also negates the need for air blasting or pigging to empty a line of unwanted fluid. For high pressure “injection” dosing duties piston pumps are the traditional solution as they are simple, use a well understood principle and can be constructed into multiple chamber designs to suit different requirements. But, despite their precise sounding description of “injection” pumps, like all of the other dosing pump types, their delivery volume will vary as components wear and

when operating against differing back pressures. Lastly, we come to peristaltic pumps, a very common solution for dosing applications as they are simple, easy to regulate, chemically resistant, relatively inexpensive and versatile. They are popular from laboratories and cleaning equipment to medium sized chemical processes that require a range of different chemicals and also for the introduction of thick slurry type additives such as lime dosing in the water industry. Despite the fact that peristaltic pumps are commonly described as metering pumps they fail AxFlow’s definition of a metering pump. Unless the delivery flow is closely monitored and the tubes replaced on a regular basis, peristaltic pumps will display quite high variations in delivery volume because of the elongation and hardening of the tube material. Furthermore, like all of the previous pump types, their output too will be affected by the pressure they are working against.


There are only two common pump types that guarantee a fixed delivery volume over time and against varying back pressures, these being reciprocating diaphragm pumps (that come in two varieties) and plunger pumps. For mild and less-corrosive liquids, the first reciprocating diaphragm pump variant with mechanical diaphragms is favoured by most for metering pressures up to approximately 10 bar and flows of 1,000 l/ hour. They are popular as the flow can be modified by either shortening the stroke or by its frequency, plus they can be arranged in multiple banks of units, can be controlled by all manner of command signal and will clear a line. For higher pressures (up to 400 bar in the case of API models) and higher flow applications, plunger pumps are used. The standard plunger pump head, consisting of a housing, displacement plunger, seal arrangement, pump valves and suction/discharge side connections, is commonly used where high pressures and high flow rates are encountered. The simple design and small number of components allows a low dead volume and high volumetric efficiency. However, plunger pumps don’t offer the containment of a diaphragm pump nor their efficiencies. Consequently hydraulically actuated diaphragm pumps have emerged over the past couple of decades which offer both the containment of the mechanical diaphragm and the pressure capabilities of plunger pump. Hydraulically actuated, double diaphragm pumps will reach pressures of up to 1000 bar with a leak-free operation, can provide a smooth product flow across a wide operating range, including low speeds and will accommodate the widest possible range of duties for all critical pressure processes. They can be constructed from a range of chemically resistant materials and offer excellent containment due to the pressurised hydraulic fluid.


Do you care if the dosing volume changes over time or as a result of system and environmental factors? If the answer is yes, then you are limited to a very select ban of true metering pumps. If on the other hand your application isn’t so demanding and you are able to periodically monitor the delivery flow to make sure it’s what you want, then possibly a much wider range of options is available to you than is often imagined.


Xylem Water Solutions UK is the name of the newly integrated company and is comprised of many of Xylem’s well-known and trusted brands including Lowara, Flygt, Wedeco, Jabsco and Sanitaire. In addition, Xylem’s service capability for these brands has been enhanced by the acquisition of PIMS earlier this year. Xylem Water Solutions UK is dedicated and focused on superior products, application expertise and aftersales support for customers, across all of our core markets. Contact Xylem Water Solutions UK;Nottingham Head Office: Tel 0115 940 0111 | Email: sales@flygt.co.uk | Website: www.xylemwatersolutions.com/uk Axminster (Lowara): Tel: 01297 630 230 |lowaraukenquiries@xyleminc.com Rental & Service (24/7): Tel: 0845 707 8012|fgb.rental@xyleminc.com


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Condensate can be a real problem in certain situations, for example in applications that include dehumidifiers, air conditioning systems as well as in terms of modern condensing boilers. At Grundfos we have provided a solution to these issues for many years with our range of Grundfos CONLIFT pre-assembled lifting stations. This family offers 3 models, an entry level CONLIFT1 LS, the CONLIFT1 and CONLIFT2. The CONLIFT1 LS has a few less features, but still offers a range of benefits including easy installation, low noise operation and superior reliability. A big plus for these units is that they are also suitable for connecting to a domestic boiler PRV. This means they are able to handle high temperature (≤90°C) inflows for up to 5 minutes. All models in the CONLIFT range have been tested and confirmed suitable for connection to the discharge from a domestic (<40kW) condensing boiler Pressure Relief Valve (PRV). The motor/pump unit can turn 180o on the tank which increases the flexibility of the installation process, a situation which is enhanced by the four symmetric well-sized inlets that means the unit can be connected from any direction. In addition this compact range can be installed either as floor standing or as wall mounted units. Find out more about the CONLIFT family as well as other exciting new developments from Grundfos by visiting www.grundfos.co.uk the information you need is only a click away.

NEW SERIES OF USER-FRIENDLY & COMPACT VARIABLE SPEED DRIVES FOR LOW-POWER MOTORS WEG, a leading global manufacturer of motor and drive technology, has launched a new cost-effective, reliable and easy-to-use series of compact variable speed drives (VSDs) to enhance energy efficiency across a wide range of applications requiring low motor power. Designed to drive motors with power from 180 W to 4 kW, the CFW300 series is ideal for relatively small machinery such as centrifugal and metering pumps, fans and ventilators, stirrers and mixers, extruders, roller conveyors, cutting machines and rotary filters. “WEG is committed to boosting energy efficiency across a broad range of industrial applications and has launched the CFW300 to meet the needs of those sections of the market where the demand for inverters is growing, even when it comes to relatively small industrial applications,” says Johannes Schwenger, Head of Product Management Low- and Medium-Voltage Drive Systems Europe at WEG. “With the addition of the CFW300 series to our existing range of drives, which include the CFW100 Mini Drives and the CFW500 VSD series,WEG now boasts a comprehensive VSD offering for industrial requirements.” Easy to use and maintain, the CFW300 features an integrated micro PLC and a user-friendly control panel with LCD display. Installation is also easy and quick thanks to plug-and-play extension modules and the drive unit’s fan can be easily removed for maintenance. The CFW300 will initially be available in frame size A for rated power from 180 W to 1.5 kW and frame size B for rated power from 2.2 to 4 kW. It will provide supply voltage flexibility with versions for single-phase and three-phase power. The single-phase version can also be powered directly from a DC supply connected to the DC link, in order to drive three-phase induction motors from a DC power source. For more information on WEG’s energy efficient drive solutions visit or contact Tel: +44 (0) 1527 513800 E-mail: wuk-sales@weg.net Web: www.weg.net

SPP PUMPS CHOSEN FOR WORLD’S BIGGEST REFINERY PROJECT November 2015: SPP Pumps, a leading designer and manufacturer of centrifugal pumps and systems is providing 24 pumps for the largest refinery in the world, under current construction in Jazan, Saudi Arabia. The pumps have been specified by Air Products, one of two joint owners of the giant complex that will supply 75,000 metric tons per day of oxygen and nitrogen to the Saudi Aramco refinery. The other joint owner company is Acwa Holdings. The 12km2 Jazan refinery site will eventually produce 80 million barrels per day of petroleum, 250 million barrels per day of diesel and over one million tonnes per year of other petrochemical products. SPP Pumps has a long relationship with Air Products, dating back to 2001 when the Reading-based pump manufacturer was selected as its preferred global supplier of general service water pumps.

Martin Bagg, Business Manager for Water at SPP is delighted with the contract win: “We’ve been working with Air Products for some years now and so winning this order for such

a highly visible project is testimony to the quality, performance and reliability of our products.” The 24 pumps comprise 12 split case and 12 end suction models, both well established products with an enviable track record for unbeatable performance and low life cost thanks to enhanced reliability and low power consumption. “Value for money is essential for any project,” continues Martin Bagg “but that needs to be married to other key factors such as minimised downtime, which our customer knows we can provide having partnered with us on many previous occasions. At SPP we have built our reputation on optimising efficiency to give our users the very best value in performance and operational energy usage. We prioritise lifetime running costs achieved through our unrivalled engineering expertise and our customers reap the benefits.” For further information on the SPP Pumps portfolio please visit www.spppumps.com or call Tel:0118 932 3123 or E-mail: enquiries@spppumps.com



The ten millionth ABB low voltage drive rolled off the production line at ABB’s Beijing factory in November. The tenth millionth drive is going to Wuhan Guide Electric Co., Ltd. in China, a system integrator manufacturing electric control systems for port cranes. “The outstanding direct torque control (DTC) motor control technology and built-in crane control software of ABB’s industrial drives help us to maximize crane performance. For our customers – the ports – ABB industrial drives mean improved safety, high availability, and high total efficiency, resulting in lower energy costs,” says Mr. Li Xiang, CTO of Wuhan Guide Electric Group Co., Ltd. Drive number 10 million is an ACS880 industrial drive, part of ABB’s all-compatible drives portfolio. Compatible with virtually all types of processes, motors, automation systems and users, they are designed to tackle any motor-driven application in any industry, whatever the power range. The innovation behind all-compatibility is the new drive architecture, which simplifies operation, optimizes energy efficiency and helps maximize process output. The ACS880 series consists of single drives, multidrives and drive modules. “We place high demands on our suppliers, especially concerning product quality, reliability and service. ABB drives live up to our requirements, and for ten years now we’ve had a strategic partnership with ABB,” says Mr. Li Xiang. ABB developed its first AC drive in the 1970s, and today they offer the most advanced range of variable speed drives in the world. ABB drives cover a wide power and voltage range, including voltages up to 13.8 kilovolts and power up to 100 megawatts. Using variable speed drives to intelligently control motors increases energy efficiency. Over the 40 years that ABB has been delivering millions of drives to all industries, a huge amount of energy has been saved. The installed base of ABB drives saved 445 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2014 alone, equivalent to the consumption per year of more than 110 million households in the EU. If that 445 TWh would have been generated by fossil fuel-powered electricity plants, ABB drives reduced CO2 emissions in 2014 by about 370 million metric tons, corresponding to the yearly emissions of more than 90 million cars. For help with any technical terms in this release, please go to: www.abb.com/glossary. For more other information contact ABB Ltd, Warrington,Cheshire. Tel : 01925 741 111 | E-mail: energy@gb.abb.com / Web: www.abb.co.uk/energy

FLOTRONIC PUMPS NEW ‘E’ SERIES’ ACHIEVES THE EHEDG SEAL OF APPROVAL Flotronic Pumps Limited, the UK-based specialist manufacturer of air-operated double diaphragm pumps, having already secured 3-A Sanitary Standards, Inc (3-A SSI) approval for their ‘H’ series pump, have now achieved the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) accreditation for their new ‘E’ Series pump. Flotronic’s ‘E’ Series pump has been specifically designed for the Food and Beverage industry and other processes where product contamination must be avoided. The pump’s features include Flotronic’s established and unique ‘ONE-NUT’ pump design which allows swift diaphragm access without disconnecting process pipework. The internal surfaces of the ‘E’ Series pump can be effectively ‘cleaned in place’ or, alternatively, easy dismantling can be carried out for cleaning and inspection. Cleaning is aided by the provision of polished wetted surfaces to 0.8μm Ra maximum and an electro-polished overall finish. Cleanability is also assisted by the incorporation of a support stand whereby the pump can be inverted for full draining. “The ‘E’ series pump passed EHEDG’s tests with flying colours,” says Flotronic’s Chief Engineer, Peter Wheal, “confirming that the pump meets EHEDG standards for sanitary product transfer. Other features, including a diaphragm rupture detection system with instant pump shut-down alarm facility and BS, DIN and ISO hygienic connection options, all help to keep product contamination free and to ensure that hygienic standards are not compromised.” “A unique feature of the Flotronic ‘E’ Series pump is that the diaphragms are reinforced as standard,” Peter continues. “The reinforcing plates add support to the diaphragms and ensure that the pumps can withstand CIP pressures in the suction line of up to 5 Bar with no diaphragm damage. Other suction pressure challenges resulting from SIP systems, bulk tanks with head pressure of more than 0.5 Bar, re-circulation and thermal expansion can all be met by the ‘E’ Series.” Flotronic designed the ‘E’ Series for markets at home and abroad where independent hygiene accreditation is growing in importance. “While EHEDG accreditation is not necessarily a statutory requirement, our customers are increasingly seeking conformance with the high standards required,” says Flotronic’s Managing Director, Jane Waite. “Being authorised to display the EHEDG logo confirms the new ‘E’ series pump’s credibility and gives our customers peace of mind.” For more information contact Flotronic Pumps Tel: +44 (0) 1444 881871. E-mail: sales@flotronicpumps.co.uk / Web: www.flotronicpumps.co.uk

MULTIPLE ZEROLOSS BENEFITS Sundyne HMD Kontro Extends ZeroLoss™ Containment Shells to Frames l, ll & lll Pumps Due to increasing customer emphasis on reliable, safe and efficient pump operation, Sundyne HMD Kontro has extended the availability of its ZeroLoss™ containment shell to now encompass Frame l, ll and lll versions of its most popular sealless pump ranges. The robust qualities of ZeroLoss™ has been a significant factor in establishing the success of this optional containment shell which eliminates the eddy current losses in a pump, considerably increasing margin-to-flash safety as well as reducing energy consumption. Five times lighter than steel but just as strong, the ZeroLoss™ shell is engineered from a composite material of poly-ether-ether-ketone (PEEK) and carbon fibres. In addition to its higher specific strength, the material is tough and durable, essential for applications pumping volatile and heat sensitive liquids. Tests by Sundyne HMD Kontro have shown that installing a ZeroLoss™ containment shell in a sealless pump can result in a 20% reduction in power consumption, leading to major operational cost savings. The advantage increases in proportion with the magnetic coupling size and is particularly appropriate for larger pumps, making the magnetic drive option even more attractive because through life costs are reduced further. Lower power consumption not only results in reduced running costs but also potentially provides lower initial capital costs, as smaller motors can be specified. For further information about using ZeroLoss™ containment shells with Sundyne HMD Kontro sealless pumps, please see www.sundyne.com/hmdkontro. Alternatively, please call +44(0) 1323 452000 or send an email to vince.lee@sundyne.com for product literature detailing this unique robust, power saving technology.


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