On the subject of knowledge… As I’m sure you know, we run
SEPT 2014
Meet the family the fast way. All our Eta pumps at a glance.
a series of courses throughout the year but how many of you attend or send your apprentices on them? It’s not that we are short of attendees but there is always room for more - so why not check out the forthcoming opportunities in the following pages, . it’s never too late to broaden your knowledge and
young engineers…
Always in the news... Energy saving and working towards “decarbonisation” – hot topics and inseparable and here at the BPMA we are very much alert to the endeavours, that hopefully will in the not too distant future be totally resolved, but for now helping to minimise the situation. Articles concerning these topics can be found inside the covers.
Stats & Surveys… If they are your “thing” make a point of take a look at the UKOOG survey for support of natural gas from shale- is the result good or bad, find out for yourself. Ever wondered about the worth of UK product, export and import
Eta keeps the world on the move Our Eta pump family keeps the world on the move. And there are plenty of big reasons: the highly efficient top-class hydraulic system. Dozens of sizes, materials and drives in almost any combination. And service that puts rivals in the shade. After millions of great pumps, the new generation is here. So discover what Eta can now do for you. www.ksb.com/eta-en
market – now is the time to “figure” it out.
• KSB Limited • 2 Cotton Way • Loughborough • Leicestershire • LE11 5TF • 01509 231872 • www.ksb.co.uk
It’s just a “taster” – there is more to learn inside from both the BPMA and member companies…
Information relating to individual members announcements or advertisements should be made directly to the relevant company or by completing the enquiry form positioned on the back page and faxing it back to the number shown.
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Our technology. Your success. Pumps Valves Service n