Process Industry Informer August 2018

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Volume 15 No.3


Setting the seal on material challenges in food applications IN PRINT





FEATURED ARTICLES AMP7 and beyond: learning from AMP6 and the case for ‘aggressively innovating’



04 – 05


06 – 07

Solving a sticky problem... The importance of surface coating in the food industry




Filtration & Separation


Rittal Offers Essential tips





for Enclosure Temperature Management in the Food Industry

Inspection & Vision



19 & 21


24 & 27






28 – 29


30 – 31










Setting the seal on material challenges in food applications





Food & drinks manufacturers

shouldn’t let heatwaves


become meltdowns


Source and Resource

Ignore coil cleaning at your peril


warns Aermec Three into one does go –


a look at the advantages of

multivariable pressure transmitters

Printed by Bishops Printers Ltd EDITOR Phil Black:





ART DIRECTION Louise Brooks & Milana Veselinovic

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August 2018 – Process Industry Informer




The Dutch headquarters of Kemutec will be based in ‘s-Hertogenbosch.

Process Components has announced the expansion of subsidiary company Kemutec in Europe, with the long-established manufacturing brand opening a new office in the Netherlands. The move forms a key part of its global strategy to extend its global territories, significantly grow its revenues and create new jobs.

The announcement follows the appointment of Johan Lucas, the new vice president of sales and business development who will head up Kemutec B.V. Johan has been working with the Kemutec brand for over 30 years

Kemutec has more than three decades’ worth of heritage in designing and supplying high-end powder processing equipment and components for the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. It specialises in sieving, crushing, milling and mixing equipment and systems, also Mucon discharge aids, slide and unique iris diaphragm valves. The decision to expand into the Netherlands will allow Kemutec to be closer to its growing customer base in Europe, where it will focus predominantly on the food sector, specifically in confectionery, starches, spices and flavours, alongside the fine chemical sector with home/personal care industries for the production of products such as detergents and toothpaste. From its Netherlands base, Kemutec B.V. will service customers firstly in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

Process Components plan to grow organically following the creation of the Dutch base, with plans to hire new people and increase its European partnerships by the end of 2018 The Netherlands arm of the company, to be known as Kemutec B.V. will be the third office for Kemutec, which is headquartered in the UK. Kemutec also has offices and a technology centre in the US, based near Philadelphia, PA. Process Components is made up of a group of UK heritage brands that incorporates Kemutec, Kek, Gardner, Mucon and PPS. For more information contact Kemutec B.V Tel: +44 (0) 1625 41200 E-mail: Web:

Fortress Interlocks appoints Underwoods as its sole UK distributor London-based Underwoods has extensive expertise in network technologies such as Profinet, Profisafe, Ethernet and CIP safe, all of which dovetail with Fortress’ networked product range. The company also has an extensive range of complimentary products to provide customers with a complete automation and safety solution. It is a growing, dynamic distributor with a network of 11 regional offices and an enthusiastic sales team with an enviable track record in growing Fortress sales.

“The advantage of having a sole distributor is that they have a very clearly defined sales area,” says Phill Carroll, Fortress Interlocks’ Business Development Manager. “We can train ‘Fortress champions’, who will be an extension of our own sales force, visiting customers – existing and prospective – on our behalf, with the same enthusiasm as a Fortress sales person. The company also has an excellent management team that is driven to succeed.” Commenting on the deal, Peter Fuller, UK Sales Manager at Underwoods, says: “As the leading technical factory automation distributor in the UK, we see this partnership with Fortress as a major step forward in being able to offer a complete engineering solution to our customers when it comes to safety switches and networking. Fortress is the market leader when it comes to both product and innovation and this aligns itself well with the other automation market leaders we partner with.” For more information contact Fortress Interlocks, Wolverhampton, West Midlands. Tel: +44 (0)1902 349000 Fax:+ 44 (0)1902 349090 Web:


Landia AD pumps and mixers take to World Biogas stage Landia, inventors of the chopper pump and pioneers of the acclaimed GasMix digester mixing system, have become the newest members of the World Biogas Association.

presents at UK AD & World Biogas Expo. We look forwardmto working closely with Landia, to continue to grow biogas markets around the world”.

Founder members of the UK’s Anaerobic Digestion and Bioresources Association (ADBA), Landia has significantly increased its global presence in the biogas industry during the past decade, particularly in China, the UK, the USA, the Far East and Australasia.

For more information go to

Landia’s Export Sales Director Thorkild Maagaard, commented: “As founder members of ADBA, joining the World Biogas Association is a natural step in our drive to find new markets”.

“The common benefit enjoyed by our customers is reliability, back-up and our externally-mounted GasMix system, which makes life much easier and far more economical for AD operators. No biogas plant wants disruption to their process. GasMix also boosts gas yields, so it’s a win-win. We look forward to working closely alongside our new fellow members to spread the good word about biogas”. Speaking for the World Biogas Association, David Newman,President, added: “We’re delighted to have Landia join theWorld Biogas Association. They have been strong advocates ofAD since day-one of ADBA’s launch almost a decade ago – and ever-

Fulton to embrace MCPD regulations The list of applications for high quality, dry steam is almost endless. However, while many steam boilers are extremely robust, they are often inefficient because they are based on old or ageing technology. In an effort to make them more efficient, many manufacturers simply fit modulating burners and bolt on economisers in an attempt to improve both steam output and efficiency. But this isn’t enough! In December 2017, the MCPD was introduced to improve air quality by controlling emissions to air. It becomes effective on new installations from December 2018 and, depending on size, existing plant in 2025 and 2030. Seen as a significant source of air pollution, medium combustion plant including gas/oil fired steam boilers are not currently regulated in the UK, but limits are now being imposed on NOx, SOx and particulate emissions, with different fuels attracting different limits.

Fulton’s new VSRT range has been designed to not only meet, but exceed the requirements set out by the new directive. The VSRT’s spiral-rib heat exchanger is a world first and NOx emissions for the new boiler are an ultra-low 20ppm, which means they will not only meet the 100mg/m3 NOx requirement of the MCPD, but the full range will also meet the planning requirement for new commercial developments from the City of London 20152020 air quality strategy, which states outputs of less than 40mgNOx/kWh. For further information contact Fulton Limited, Bristol Tel: 0117 972 3322 Fax: 0117 972 3358 E-mail: Web:

Rather than further-improve products like its J Series to achieve these goals – and realising the implications the MCPD will have on its fuel-fired steam boiler portfolio – Fulton has gone back to the drawing board and, by adopting a new ‘PURE Technology’ initiative, the VSRT emerged and features a design that is durable and long-lasting, boasts higher efficiencies and reduces NOx emissions to levels that easily exceed the requirements of the MCPD. And while the requirements of the MCPD do not apply to some of its smaller models,

Process Industry Informer – August 2018


Hosokawa Unveil £600k Investment in Smart Powder Processing Hosokawa Micron has recently invested £600k in two new Control Systems incorporating the latest digital manufacturing technologies within their Contract Manufacturing Facility in Runcorn.

S Norton & Co acquires 100% equity stake in Axion Recycling Ltd On 20th June 2018 S Norton & Co Ltd purchased the entire share capital of Axion Recycling Ltd from the five individual, private investors who have owned Axion since July 2006. This means that Axion Recycling Ltd and the business units trading as Axion Polymers and Axion Consulting are now a wholly owned subsidiary of the S Norton group. On the same date Keith Freegard resigned from his position on the board as Marketing Director and terminated his full-time employment with Axion. Keith has made an amicable agreement with the new shareholders to continue working on key projects and areas where his experience and knowledge can provide most benefit, under a part-time consultancy agreement for the next 12 months. Dr Roger Morton will continue as Director with Axion. His role will not change. The rest of the management team at Axion Polymers will remain unchanged and the Axion Consulting staff will continue with business as usual on all projects and service contracts. Customers, suppliers and Axion’s own staff will see no change in the way that business is carried out and the Axion team will carry on delivering service and products to their normal high standards of quality and performance. The company will trade under the same name and all commercial transactions will continue in the same manner as before. As John Norton, Chairman of S Norton said: “We are pleased to announce this change in ownership of Axion Recycling because it clarifies and consolidates the working arrangements between S Norton and the Axion sites.“We will continue to support the company policy and strategy for sales growth of all products, while at the same time increasing added-value and profitability. We look forward to a successful future based on this strengthened relationship.” For more information contact Axion on Tel: 0261 426 7731 or E-mail: or visit the website –


‘Our challenge to meet future contract processing demands through improved product quality and yields, minimise unplanned plant downtime and maximise plant availability and production flexibility is reflected throughout the processing industries. This investment demonstrates how we achieved our goals and in doing so enabled us to develop a proven route for smarter manufacturing that we can share with others,’ explains MD, Iain Crosley. This first stage investment has generated an all-time high on-specification production rate and 95% ‘right-first-time’ rate at the Runcorn Contract Manufacturing facility and plans are already in place for additional developments to further enhance the service. For Hosokawa the new advances offer the potential for greater throughput to meet growing demands for contract processing services. Remote monitoring facilitates equipment health monitoring and predictive diagnostics for early warning of equipment problems before they impact plant operations and minimise negative effects on production of equipment failures. Operating data and diagnostic alerts are available via the Hosokawa Gen4 App, which provides guided trouble shooting and remote support by Hosokawa engineers, anytime of the day – keeping operational delays to a minimum.

‘By linking process equipment and controls we can understand, monitor and control

Spray nozzle specialist BETE Ltd is re-branding to now trade as THE SPRAY NOZZLE PEOPLE (SNP). BETE Fog Nozzle, a leading American manufacturer of spray nozzles, remains a key supplier and their nozzles are still available exclusively through SNP in the UK, Ireland, France and Spain. SNP has grown over the years and, for some time now, has supplied more than just Bete Nozzles. Included in the SNP range now are couplers and nozzle holders from Uni-Spray, automated tank cleaning systems from Dasic Tank Clean and specialist paper industry nozzles from ML Gatewood. As a result of this expansion sharing the name with their initial principle manufacturer makes less sense, hence the rebranding to Spray Nozzle People which better reflects the breadth of products and solutions now available.

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

our contract manufacturing plant. Sensors capture real-time, essential operating data. This is analysed and interrogated to provide insight into all aspects of the plant’s production performance, identifying underperforming equipment and the status of individual assets. Access to this knowledge aids strategic decision making, scheduling, predictive maintenance and operational availability.’

‘The rate of change in smarter manufacturing technologies is escalating. Powder processors cannot afford to be left behind with implementation. Our 50+ years of processing knowledge plus our digital technologies experience and expertise is available to the wider process sector through our new business unit, Hosokawa Gen4. This capability combination is not available elsewhere.’ says Iain Crosley. With additional investment for further development already approved, Hosokawa Micron continues to strive to be at the forefront of the Smart Factory revolution. For more information/reader enquiries, please contact: Hosokawa, Runcorn, Cheshire Tel: +44 (0) 1928 333139 Email: Web:

SNP’s marketing director Ivan Zytynski said: “The Bete product range remains central to the Spray Nozzle People and our rebranding is in no way indicative of any changes in the relationship with Bete Fog Nozzle. It is simply the case that we need to take into consideration the brand equity of our other key suppliers. Therefore, we have opted to develop an independent brand serving and promoting multiple manufacturers brands. Apart from the name change its business as usual.” More details about SNP at: Or contact: Tel: +44 (0) 1273 400092



Fire Pump Verification Simplified for SPP by Katronic Flowmeters A Katronic non-invasive clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter has made light of a difficult application, helping SPP Pumps to provide pump verification to help satisfy the insurance requirements of a major kitchen manufacturer. The KATFlow 230 portable flowmeter proved that the installed pumps were capable of pumping water at twice their usual rate to supply the factory sprinkler system in the event of a fire.

Bairds Malt has increased productivity and safety by installing a new germination machine controlled by an ABB variable speed drive.

Malt producer raises glass to improved productivity with ABB drive A production facility that turns barley into malt for use in beer and whisky production has increased productivity and safety by installing a new germination machine controlled by an ABB variable speed drive (VSD). The ABB industrial drive, ACS880, controls four gear motors located on the corners of a fifteen-tonne trolley that is used to agitate the barley during the germination process. Should a blockage occur, the VSD slows the speed of the motors driving the trolley – known as a turner – giving it time to work through the obstruction. Since the new system was installed stoppages at the site have been reduced from once a fortnight, on average, to practically zero.

SPP Pumps is a major British pump supplier with more than 500 employees world-wide, and their fire pumps and support services are recognised globally. For this large kitchen manufacturer, SPP used Katronic KATFlow 230 portable non-invasive flowmeters to measure flow rate on two pumps, one diesel powered and the other electric. The electric pump usually operates alone, with the diesel pump present purely as a backup in case of emergency. SPP engineers used Katronic’s simple chain-based clamping system to fit a pair of small ultrasonic transducers to the outside of the pipe, connected to the KATFlow 230. They then followed simple on-screen instructions to optimise the transducer positioning and make the measurement. The flow measurement is obtained by externally monitoring the time taken for a series of ultrasonic pulses to travel both upstream and downstream within the pipe between a pair of ultrasonic transducers. The electric pump was tested on an ascending section of pipework, primarily to prove the accuracy of the mechanical flow meter that was already in place.

In the previous installation at Bairds Malt’s production facility in Witham, Essex, the turner was powered by a single motor operating at a fixed speed. As a result it was unable to slow down to negotiate any blockages, such as hard lumps of barley. The machine would attempt to break up any obstruction by trying to drive through it. This would cause a spike in current, making the machine break down. The blockages also had more serious implications, as the machine’s attempts to drive through the restrictions would, on occasion, cause the 15 tonne turner to ‘jump’ backwards, putting workers at risk of serious injury. As the turner and box were almost 40 years old and the turner was experiencing regular mechanical failure, Bairds decided to upgrade its facilities with new equipment. It designed the new system itself and approached ABB authorised value provider, Gibbons Engineering Group, which had installed similar processes at other Bairds’ facilities, to design and supply the control package. With the new system, the VSD takes its signal from a programmable logic controller (PLC), which is mounted, together with the VSD, in a stainless steel box on the turner. The PLC monitors the load drawn by the gear motors to detect spikes in current of 20 percent or more that signal a blockage. Should this occur, the drive reduces the speed of the motors to 50 percent, giving the turner time to work through the obstruction. It repeats this process three times. If, after this time, the blockage is not cleared, an alarm is triggered to notify the operator. Since the new machine was installed, the number of stoppages at the Witham site has been reduced to almost zero. In addition to increasing production time, this has improved safety for staff as there are no longer any blockages that could force the turner to move out of place. For more information contact: ABB Ltd, Daresbury, Warrington Phone: 01925 741517 Email: Web :


The diesel pump was more challenging to measure, with no operational meter present and only a very short run of straight pipework available. The galvanised steel pipe was measured at an outside diameter of 221.2mm, and a Katronic Wall Thickness gauge measured the pipe wall at 6.1mm. With the aid of the on-board diagnostic and measurement optimisation tools built into the KATFlow230, it was a relatively straightforward task to check that a strong signal was achievable. Water flow was measured up to 3000 US Gallons per minute – a testament to the variety of measurement units available for display as standard! Commenting on the Katronic equipment, SPP’s UK Remedial Co-ordinator Terry Phelps said ‘Key for us is that the equipment is easy to use and does what it says. We find the Katronic equipment very straightforward to apply, very quick to use and gives us measurements that we can rely on’. For more information, please contact: Katronic Technologies Ltd, Coventry Tel: +44 (0)2476 714111, Web:

Demining innovations supported with ABB motors and drive (L to R): Chris Pym - The HALO Trust, Andy Withers – MMD, David Blissett – ABB, Steve Hughes – ABB and Rachael Brock - The HALO Trust

ABB has supplied motors and a variable speed drive (VSD) for a revolutionary anti-personnel landmine clearance rig. The machine, which is the outcome of five years of R&D by MMD (Mining Machinery Developments), was donated to The HALO Trust charity at Hillhead 2018, the UK’s leading quarrying and construction industry event. The rig is destined for deployment in Zimbabwe, which remains one of the world’s most highly mineimpacted countries. Small plastic mines, which are extremely difficult to detect and densely packed, run for hundreds of kilometres, close to houses, schools and clinics. Every month, around 500 mines are removed manually, a slow and dangerous process. MMD’s demining rig will automate the process, thereby making it faster and safer. Excavated soil is fed into the main body of the rig by a conveyor and passed through two Sizers TM (crushers), ensuring that any landmines contained in the soil are crushed or detonated. Each Sizer is driven by an ABB 37 kW four-pole, flange-mounted motor. Built for very demanding applications, these motors can withstand up to 5g of force, making them – and

the operation – effectively ‘shock proof’ and ensuring uninterrupted performance even in the event of a detonation. An ABB VSD regulates the speed of the conveyor which feeds the soil into the rig. This prevents the Sizers from becoming overloaded, which could potentially cause the rig to break down. The ABB drive monitors the current drawn by the conveyor’s combined motor and gearbox and adjusts the conveyor speed accordingly. The harder the motor works, the lower the feed rate of the conveyor and vice versa. This enables the machine to process a variety of different soil types – from hard and abrasive to wet and sticky - in one continuous stream, maximising throughput. For more information contact ABB Ltd, Daresbury, Warrington. Tel: 01925 741517 E-mail: Web;

Process Industry Informer – August 2018


Vehicle manufacturing like any major industrial process has its own unique solids pumping challenges. For example, handling the difficult combination of metallic waste, cutting oils and coolants generated by the large CNC machines operating on engine and transmission manufacture. The Ford engine plants at Dagenham and Bridgend in South Wales have to process this type of waste and have benefitted from the powerful performance of VAUGHAN chopper pumps supplied by Vaughan’s UK distributor P&M PUMPS.


The origins of the application began in the late 1990’s when Vaughan Co. supplied an initial trial pump to a Michigan based OEM filter systems manufacturer. The pump was tested to see how it would perform against the conventional method of handling waste material and coolant collected from CNC machines. The design and operational characteristics of the Vaughan pump provided an effective, all-in-one combination of shredder and pump which could handle all the ingredients of the machine waste, affectionately known as ‘pump backs’ in the industry. After 4 years of validation and ongoing collaboration between Vaughan, the filter systems engineers and Ford Motor Company’s transmission and coolant specialists, Vaughan was chosen as the preferred type of pump for the waste handling applications.

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

Fast forward to 2015 and Vaughan’s UK distributor P&M Pumps became involved with the supply of 74 bespoke design V3M ‘pump back’ pumping systems for similar waste handling applications at Ford’s UK engine plant sites at Dagenham and Port Talbot. These pumps were supplied from Detroit and then the packaged system was fabricated and built in the UK by P&M Pumps. They were then shipped to the German CNC manufacturer for eventual delivery and installation at the Ford UK sites. Today, approximately 175 Vaughan pumps are, in the words of Ford Motor Company’s engineers, “performing flawlessly” on the waste handling pump applications associated with their huge CNC machine tool processes. Through their experiences at numerous UK waste water treatment and manufacturing sites, P&M Pumps are able to demonstrate that Vaughan Chopper Pumps are an extremely effective option on the most challenging solids pumping applications. Further information on Vaughan Chopper Pumps is available from; Matt Harvey, P&M Pumps, Sawtry, Huntingdon, Cambs. Tel: 01487 830123 E-mail: Web:



By Nigel Thompson, Sales Manager, Gas Power Solutions, Finning UK & Ireland

AMP7 and beyond: learning from AMP6 and the case for ‘aggressively innovating’ With some water companies already putting out AMP7 tenders, what’s next for the water industry? What lessons have been learned from the current asset management period, and how can the industry be better prepared for the next one? Nigel Thompson, Sales Manager – Gas Power Solutions at Finning UK & Ireland (Finning), considers this, as well as discussing how combined heat and power (CHP) systems can help cut costs and improve efficiencies for wastewater treatment plants. The sixth asset management period focused largely on ‘totex’, referring to total expenditure. Previous AMP cycles focused too largely on upfront capital expenditure, taking advantage of short-term cost reduction opportunities while ageing infrastructure was replaced. In contrast, the aim of AMP6 has been to invest in assets that will last the course over the coming years. While Ofwat predicts that the total AMP6 spend will be £38.7 billion, the greater focus on whole life costs has led to purchasing decisions that might have initially cost more but will lead to improved savings and efficiencies further down the line. However, will a focus on whole life costs continue into AMP7 and beyond? The answer, it seems, is yes. A recent forecast by infrastructure group AECOM has warned that water industry inflation over the next five years is set to rise at a faster rate than CPIH, which will squeeze margins even further. According to the group, the difference between the inflation recorded by water companies’ totex costs and CIPH will be close to 60 per cent over the next five years, with totex costs increasing to 18 per cent compared with an 11 per cent rise forecasted in CIPH. At the very end of 2017, Ofwat published ‘Delivering Water 2020: Our final methodology for the 2019 price review’, outlining its expectations and requirements for companies preparing their business plans to meet the needs of their customers from 2020 to 2025 and beyond. This includes its decision to index price controls to CPIH rather than RPI – as it has done over the past five years – for its 2019 price review, on the grounds that it is now the most legitimate index for customers. A senior consultant at AECOM goes on to say: “Combine this with the PR19 process set to be the most challenging to date, the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and its effect on Sterling, the significant skills shortages persisting in the infrastructure industry and increased infrastructure output


buoying contractors’ margins, and it appears likely that water companies’ resultant cost inflation will significantly exceed CPIH during AMP7.” The outcome is that water firms must ‘aggressively innovate’, as costs look likely to rise at a faster rate than indexed revenues. What better way to counter rises in inflation than with technology and infrastructure that is high-quality and delivering smart efficiencies? For those in the wastewater treatment industry, energyintensive operations such as aeration and pumping can really impact on the bottom line. However, plants can optimise energy efficiency through the use of anaerobic digestion (AD), with the methane produced when sewage sludge is digested capable of powering a CHP generator. This technology can provide electricity for a site and hot water that can then be passed through a heat exchanger to assist the digestion process. Naturally, the biggest incentive of installing a biogas CHP system is that the fuel being burned is – effectively – free. The methane produced as part of the AD process can be transformed from a waste by-product into a reliable revenue stream. Furthermore, the benefits of a CHP system over traditional electricity generation systems are considerable. A standard power-only generation system is typically only 40 per cent fuel-efficient, with all the potential thermal energy produced simply going to waste. By capturing useable heat with a CHP system, fuel efficiency can increase to more than 75 per cent, and in some cases as much as 88 per cent.

It is important to note that a CHP system makes savings when running, so there must be an on-going need for electricity and heat to justify the investment. This makes it ideally suited to wastewater treatment plants, with the general recommendation being that a site requiring heat and power together for more than 4,000 hours a year is suitable. While this technology is not cheap, securing finance need not be a barrier to installing CHP. By working with a trusted and experienced supplier, it is possible to put together a firm business case that shows the benefits of CHP, and the cost savings that can be realised, and therefore making it significantly easier to secure capital funding or debt financing. Finally, while it can be tempting to try and make savings when possible, it still pays to make sure that the operator maintains its commitment to quality. Many try to cut costs by getting a cheaper deal on support equipment or by opting out of an operation and maintenance (O& M) contract, but it is simply not worth it. Indeed, assuming a standard 20-year lifespan for a system, the maintenance costs alone will likely be larger than the initial outlay, so the quality of the product plays a vital role in its financial performance. Technology such as CHP can realise a range of energy efficiencies and cost saving benefits, helping water firms meet their strategic, financial and sustainability goals. As the water industry prepares for AMP7 and the potential challenges it may bring, a CHP system for wastewater treatment plants can be a smart investment that will help firms reap the rewards in the future.

Technical, financial and operational factors need to be considered when specifying a CHP system, as well as adhering to any required planning or building regulations.

Process Industry Informer – August 20108


New BOGE LPT150 oil free compressor cuts cost of ownership by 30% BOGE Compressors has launched an innovative new oil-free system, the LPT150, that cuts total cost of ownership by up to 30%. The new compressor has the added advantage of being smaller, lighter and quieter.

SELECTING COMPRESSED AIR PURIFICATION TO ISO QUALITY STANDARDS The international standard for compressed air quality, ISO 8573:2010, is the primary documentation Industries, UK manufacturer of high-quality compressed air purification equipment have been working closely with the British Compressed Air Society to produce a best practice guide for the filtration and drying of compressed air. The ISO standard introduces a simple system of classification for the three main contaminants present in any compressed air system – particulate, water and oil. Whenever the purity of air required is specified then the standard must be referenced and then the class for each contaminant is simply listed in turn. For example, compressed air to quality class 2.2.2 would be equivalent to a maximum particle size of 1 micron for solid contaminants, a pressure dewpoint of -40°C or lower and 0.1mg per cubic metre of compressed air of oil content filtration. Hi-line Industries provide a wide range of energy efficient compressed air equipment to meet ISO standards including

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

compressed air dryers, nitrogen and oxygen generators, filtration equipment, condensate systems, heat regenerative adsorption dryers, membrane dryers, drains and service kits. All equipment is designed and built to the highest standards and quality and suitable for use in a broad range of industries ranging from food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, dairy, automotive, electronics and breathing air, through to general manufacturing and engineering requirements.

The LPT150 utilises BOGE’s latest turbo technology. At the heart of the new compressor is a compact permanent magnet motor, with a central rotor suspended on self-stabilising air foil bearings, with precision balanced titanium impellors mounted at each end of the rotor. This, arrangement allows air to be drawn in via an intake funnel and specially-designed spiral casing and thus to be boosted in stages to reach operating pressures quickly and efficiently. The new LPT150 oil-free compressor is designed to produce a continuous flow of air at pressures between two and four bar. This makes it ideal for use in a wide range of applications in the food and drinks, medical, pharmaceutical and electronics sectors. For further information contact: BOGE Compressors Ltd. Huddersfield, West Yorkshire Tel: +44 14 84-719921 E-mail: Web:

All Hi-line products are supported by a nationwide network of Hi-line service engineers, for the service and maintenance of air dryers of all brands both adsorption and refrigeration. For more information contact Hi-line Industries Ltd, Burton on Trent, Staffordshire. Tel: 01283 533377 Fax: 01283 533367 E-mail:


The PPMA Show 2018 Innovation To Drive Business Efficiency Ground-breaking equipment and machinery on show at the UK’s largest industry event THE FUTURE of the UK packaging and processing industry has never been more prevalent with the great plastics debate now on the same bill as Brexit at this year’s PPMA Show at the NEC, Birmingham from 25-27 September. In what is one of the most anticipated and respected events in the processing and packaging sector calendar, the PPMA Show will be celebrating its 30th anniversary and is well on course to be the biggest and most innovative show in the association’s history. With over 350 exhibitor stands across 11,000 sqm, this year’s show will once again provide visitors with an unmissable opportunity to see the latest processing equipment and packaging machinery spanning the entire modern-day production line. Add to this the ‘free-to-attend’ industry-responsive conference programme and first-class speaker line-up relating to key industry issues, the three-day exhibition offers an unrivalled exhibitor and visitor experience. Speaking to Process Industry Informer ahead of the show, Dr. Andrew Mint, CEO of the PPMA Group, said: “The PPMA Show [and its sister PPMA Total Show] is renowned for placing visitors at the forefront of innovation and B2B networking. “The PPMA Show has traditionally been a platform for many key industry launches, and this year will be no exception. “Many of our exhibitors have announced plans to unveil new equipment and solutions at the show, which gives PPMA visitors a ‘first look’ at some of the latest technologies available to the processing and packaging industry. “With sustainability and business efficiency at the heart of the industry, the industry cannot afford to’ stand still, which is why we are always looking at initiatives to drive business performance, sustainability and thought-leadership. “This is evidenced by the number of new products entering the marketplace to meet the ever- changing demands placed on the industry and end-users alike. It’s why the footfall and number of show exhibitors has increased year-on-year. “So, whether you’re exhibiting or visiting the show for the first time, or it’s a regular placeholder in the calendar, this year’s show will be different to last year’s show. A lot can happen in 12 months ,especially in the advent of Brexit, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve. ‘“Not only will this year’s show be the biggest PPMA Show ever; there will be two highly-respected keynote speakers, as well as a new Enterprise Zone, which aligns members, visitors with industry experts.

“Visitors can experience and discover solutions for increased output and efficiencies throughout the whole production cycle; whether it be filling and packaging machinery, processing equipment, to robotics, automation and vision systems, it’s all under one roof,” he added.

Visions of the future

Among the line-up of product launches announced so far, visitors can expect to see the latest advanced thermal inkjet coding technology from Rotech Machines; a new wrapping solution capable of producing both pillow bags and three-side seal resealable bags from ILAPAK; Endoline will introduce its fully re-engineered flagship Automatic Random Case Sealer, while OMRON will present a new solution that adds artificial intelligence (AI) functionality to processing equipment and packaging machinery for greater output efficiencies.

“The PPMA Show will have a strong industrial vision presence this year,” confirmed Paul Wilson, Chairman of the UKIVA. “Many of our members are exhibiting at this year’s Show, which will enable visitors to discover how machine vision can be integrated in to industry 4.0 and learn how they can be used with other applications.

There will also be industry firsts from Fortress Technology with its latest hygienic metal detection inspection pipeline to tackle cross-contamination in liquid food lines; a high output bag packer for powder products from TMI; new filling valves from GEMU Valves and new automatic easy clean flow magnets from Goudsmit Magnetics. The variety of exhibitors showcasing their latest innovations in smart manufacturing from across the processing and packaging sector is what sets the PPMA Show apart and gives it the edge as the ‘go-to’ industry event. With BARA (British Automation & Robotic Association) and UKIVA (UK Industrial Vision Association) now both under the banner of the PPMA Group, Mint is keen to highlight the increased synergies and significant benefits that this has brought to the show in recent years.

The ongoing development and integration of productionenhancing machine vision systems into the modern processing and packaging environment will be a key area of interest at this year’s event.

“Equipment on display will include product, processing and packaging inspection systems, and cover efficiencyenhancing solutions, such as high-speed code reading, label inspection, robot and embedded vision, 3D imaging and multi-camera inspection systems. “Robotics and automation play an increasingly pivotal role in streamlining the efficiencies of manufacturing operations, and show visitors looking for new ways of automating their production will not be disappointed. “There will be around 30 exhibitors dedicated to automation and robotics at the show, as well as a number of system integrators with live demonstrations to support how this technology can deliver production benefits to real-life factory environments,” he added. Enterprise Zone – a hub of knowledge-share, learning and networking The new Enterprise Zone will be a focus for learning and networking, with its two-day conference addressing some of the most topical issues facing the industry. The programme of activities will provide visitors with the opportunity to gain expert knowledge into the latest industry trends, with presentations, interactive panel discussions, case studies and personal insights delivered by leading industry experts. Topics will include Industry 4.0, augmented reality and the virtual factory as well as issues affecting the future of food manufacturing and processing. In addition, visitors can attend a daily keynote address presented by two of the most respected business leaders in the UK, namely: Lord Mark Price, the former Minister of State for Trade and Investment, whose previous roles included Managing Director of Waitrose and Deputy Chairman of the John Lewis Partnership, will urge visitors to start preparing for what lies ahead post-Brexit.


Process Industry Informer – August 2018

ROBOTICS Jonathan Warburton, Chairman of Warburton’s is the other keynote speaker, who will focus on how to build a long-term business by drawing on his own experiences of leading the growth of the Warburton Business into a highly successful £550m turnover organisation. Another significant issue on the agenda will be the use of plastics in processing and packaging production. Richard Little, PPMA show director explains, “The great plastics versus paper debate remains a topical area of conversation among PPMA members and end users alike and will feature in the conference programme during the show. “We have invited a panel of experts to discuss the various issues surrounding the use of plastics in packaging, such as how it is produced; the post-consumer impact on the environment; and how using new technology can improve productivity and traceability leading to a reduction in synthetic waste.” Taking an in-depth case study approach, Tetra Pak will present a unique insight into its latest research and development project on the production of emulsified sauces. The interactive session will be hosted by a product expert and a food technologist from Tetra Pak and supported by a customer who worked alongside the research team. Also situated in the Enterprise Zone will be the Bright Ideas – Ambassador Programme, which is a new initiative for the PPMA Show 2018. It will offer a free advice service for start-up ventures and entrepreneurs, first-time visitors and those investigating specific products or services. Visitors seeking support can visit a helpdesk in the Enterprise Zone, where they will be ‘matched’ with relevant specialist knowledge experts who will offer advice, guidance and product information. Networking and relationship building Adding to the appeal of the Show is the extensive networking opportunities available to make the most of the relaxed surroundings. There’s also the PPMA Industry Awards 2018, which serves to recognise excellence in manufacturing, technical innovation and outstanding achievement. The prestigious awards ceremony and threecourse dinner will take place at the Birmingham Metropole hotel at the NEC on 25 September. “It’s really important that the PPMA Show visitor experience doesn’t cease when the exhibition closes on 27 September. The event is packed with information. It’s akin to an up-to-date encyclopedia of processing, packaging, automation and vision companies, coupled with hours of free expert consultation. We want to ensure that the benefits of the Show continue to deliver value well beyond the three-day event, so visitors are better informed to make changes to their business. Inspiring the next generation This year, the anniversary event is also set to inspire the next generation of engineers, product specialists and business leaders by bringing 60 engineering students to the show as part of the PPMA’s BEST (Business, Education, Skills and Training) initiative to tackle skills gap. The students will be given a tour of exhibitor stands, demonstrations of the latest smart technologies, hear from other apprentices and engineering graduates and gain an insight into the future career opportunities available within the processing and packaging industry. Through its leadership of the BEST initiative, the PPMA Group is determined to play its part in proactively addressing the current shortage of skills,” explains Dr. Mint, “The skills gap represents an enormous challenge for members; we simply don’t have enough new blood coming into our industry, especially those with hands on skills. Even in this age of advanced and intelligent smart technology, there is still a requirement for higher levels of engineering skills.” To obtain your free visitor badge, visit the PPMA Show website at

ABB launches newest member of YuMi® family The new single-arm YuMi is ABB’s most agile and compact collaborative robot yet and can easily integrate into existing production. ABB expanded its collaborative automation offering with the launch of a new singlearm YuMi robot at Automatica 2018 in Munich. The IRB 14050 single-arm YuMi is ABB’s most agile and compact robot and is designed to easily fit into existing production lines to increase flexibility while working safely alongside people. The new collaborative robot is one of the first of a new generation of robots from ABB to be built on a flexible new modular design platform that will allow a greater variety of robots and sizes, and more tailored solutions. Weighing less than 10kg, and capable of being mounted from a ceiling, table and wall, this new addition to the YuMi family offers increased flexibility to help meet highmix, low volume production in short cycles. Easy to install, the single-arm YuMi allows manufacturers to quickly and easily add collaborative applications to their production lines with minimal interruption to existing operations. The launch of the single-arm YuMi expands ABB’s collaborative robot offering started in

2015 with the dual-arm YuMi, the world’s first truly collaborative robot. As part of the connected “Factory of the Future”, the YuMi family heralds a new era of robotic coworkers which can work side-by-side on the same tasks as humans while still ensuring the safety of those around them.

“The new single-arm YuMi continues our innovation in collaborative automation, helping make our already leading portfolio even more flexible,” says Per Vegard Nerseth, Managing Director of Robotics at ABB. “It offers added flexibility and scalability to manufacturers of all sizes, helping to meet their current challenges and anticipating future ones.” The single-arm YuMi also features the same intuitive, easy-to-use lead through programming as the dual-arm YuMi, meaning that workers without specialized training can setup and operate the robot. Combining this simplicity with the robot’s deployment flexibility can help manufacturers in many industries offset shortages of skilled workers. For more information contact ABB Robotics and Motion, Milton Keynes Phone: +44 (0)1908 350 300 Email:

Filtration & Separation

New whitepaper highlights ‘perfect storm’ holding back true potential of filtration efficiency A lack of technological innovation and the overlooking of filtration’s importance within process development is creating a ‘perfect storm’ for inefficiency, according to BPE. The company, a UK leader in chemical and biochemical engineering design, has published a new whitepaper looking into the subject. It argues that two key factors have come together to create a formula for inefficiency within manufacturing that uses filtration within its processes. Author Noel Quigley says that addressing both elements could see huge benefits for manufacturers, including increased efficiency and process robustness. BPE says that filtration is largely overlooked during the development of new processes, particularly in scale-up projects, and can become a major obstacle in scaling up new processes from the lab to commercial plant. The whitepaper also explores the challenges involved in pushing filtration to the next level, including flow prediction calculations and getting the right pressure and resistance for the batch size. For a copy visit

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer



Setting the seal on material challenges in food applications Compound versatility beats compound variety By: Matthias Buchfink, Application Engineering, and Michael Erwerle, Compound Technology/ Test Laboratory, Parker Engineered Materials Group, Prädifa Technology Division There are many challenges facing manufacturers of equipment and appliances for use in food applications, not least which materials to select for food-contact components and seals. In the interests of performance, as well as hygiene and health, strict legal and exacting technical requirements apply to those supplying the food plant, restaurant and domestic kitchen markets. In fact, with the number and range of regulations in place, matched by the wide choice of material compounds available, choosing the correct material for each application has proved somewhat difficult, until now. Today, the introduction of a single, universal material that covers many demands in the food sector is simplifying matters for designers and providing reassurance. Modern food plants and kitchens are filled with technology; all of which requires components and seals made of high-performance materials. Food processing machines, for example, increasingly rely on polymeric components such as tubes, covers and housings, along with highly stressed engineered elements like seals, wipers, guides and pistons. The choice of plastic over metal represents a cost-effective and weight saving strategy in many of the latest systems and appliances, particularly as carefully selected polymers meet the necessary technical requirements in terms of temperature resistance and structural strength. However, choosing the most appropriate material has traditionally been just as challenging, not to mention costly in terms of the related expense and effort. The introduction by Parker Prädifa of W6101, the food variant of the universal material nobrox ® , offers a single and comprehensive alternative to using multiple compounds; both in terms of regulatory compliance and technical performance.

Of course, if a universal material solution is to be widely adopted by the food industry, regulatory compliance must be matched by technical performance. Material attributes and characteristics must include extremely high wear and abrasion resistance, high elastic resilience and wide media resistance. In addition, the material should offer robust and simplified assembly. Beginning with wear resistance, moving machine elements like seals, wipers and guides are usually required to function in a dry-run environment under elevated tribological loads. This factor, in combination with extended lifecycle requirements, ensures that the deployment of suitably wear-resistant materials is essential. To determine whether a food-grade material will be capable of meeting these demands, appropriate wearand creep-resistance tests (in accordance with ISO 7148) are needed. Testing the potential Such tests stipulate that a rotating ball be pressed against material specimens at a predefined force. Here, the volume of the resulting indentation permits an evaluation to be made of the combined wear and creep tendency. For a universal material to be successful in such a test, it would have to exhibit performance levels similar to that demonstrated by PEEK compounds. Furthermore, the material under test would have to show a significantly lower ball indentation in comparison with PTFE, UHMWPE and polyamides in order to offer the tribological suitability necessary for components such as seals, engineered elements or guides.

A nobrox piston with integrated rod and piston seal.

Regulatory requirements The list of legal provisions in the food industry is extensive. For instance, there are rules governing documentation, the chemical composition of compounds and the way they are processed and handled. In Europe, EC 1935/2004 and EU 10/2011 outline the demands made on materials and objects intended for contact with food and its ingredients. In the US, FDA regulations such as the Food Contact Substance Notification are in place, alongside standards such as NSF 61 (US drinking water approval).


nobrox W6101 exhibits excellent wear resistance as shown in the results of tests.

With regard to chemical compatibility and reaction potential, foodstuffs can be generally classified as aqueous media containing a large number of polar and non-polar substances and chemicals. Take milk for example, which is essentially a mix of polar water and non-polar fat. As the Latin phrase ‘similia similibus solvuntur’ states, similar substances will resolve similar substances. Concerning milk, this means that a polar

medium like water will resolve a polar polymer such as polyamide or cause it to swell. Similarly, a non-polar medium like olive oil will attack a non-polar elastomer such as EPDM. With these thoughts in mind, it becomes clear that even the demands required of a polymer in terms of its basic compatibility with milk are anything but minor. Alongside chemical compatibility, materials must also be assessed and tested to ensure that any reactions with foodstuffs can be excluded, as well as any change in taste. For these reasons, migration tests are deployed to determine what extent ingredients from the material migrate into foodstuffs, and vice versa. The hygiene factor Of course, hygiene is a major consideration in all food industry applications. Here, as the number of parts reduces, so do assembly requirements and the cuts and joints of the design, which harbour the greatest risk of contamination and accumulation of food residues and micro- organisms. The food industry is notorious for its long and costly cleaning cycles. Subsequently, a more effective approach is to counteract the causes and risks through materials expertise and intelligent design, rather than combatting the effects with ever more aggressive cleaning media. In household appliance sector particularly, fewer components translates into ease of use, which becomes an important selling point for the device manufacturer. In conclusion, a substitution of typical materials found in the food sector, such as PEEK, PA, POM, PTFE, UHMWPE, TPE-U or various elastomers, makes sense and is feasible in a wide application window. Now, thanks to the universal materials such as Parker’s W6101, this notion can become a reality. Although the material can be classified between thermoplastic materials such as polyamides and PEEK in terms of its mechanical properties, there are crucial advantages compared with polymeric materials used commonly in the food industry. Indeed, W6101 outperforms these materials in tests, complies with all relevant EC/EU and FDA regulations, and simplifies assembly. As a result, the material is suitable for dynamic seals or wipers, as well as many other engineered parts that include pistons, guides or gearbox components. As such a versatile material, W6101, with its technical properties and potential for component integration and compound variety reduction, offers a new way to solve engineering challenges and reduce costs in the food industry.

Process Industry Informer – August 2018


Capacitive displacement sensors with threaded bodies simplify mounting

ROBUST, HYGEINIC PRESSURE SENSOR SETS NEW STANDARDS A new hygienic pressure sensor which features a condensate-proof silicon measuring cell within a robust IP69K rated stainless steel housing to ensure optimum operating safety in demanding hygienic applications has been introduced by sensing specialists BAUMER Ltd. The PP20H pressure sensor is a highly versatile and competitively priced solution designed to handle a variety of applications. Thanks to a scaled pressure range from -1 to 40 bar and a wide choice of process connections the PP20H sensor is also extremely versatile. It is available with 4 – 20 mA signal and IO-Link and complies with the strict hygiene requirements in the food and pharmaceutical industries where CIP and SIP capability (clean-in-place and steam-in-place) are essential. The hermitically-sealed silicon measuring element is completely insensitive to moisture and condensate, even in applications where there are extreme temperature fluctuations and damp environments. Together with its excellent temperature and long-term stability and

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

high accuracy, the sensor guarantees that demanding hygienic processes are monitored, controlled and regulated safely. This compact pressure sensor covers a wide media temperature range from -20º to 125ºC without the need for a cooling line, so less space is needed for installation. Also, a wide variety of applications can be covered by just one sensor model ensuring cost and space savings. Several sensors can be simultaneously configured via IO-Link which simplifies switching point adjustment for different process stages at start-up, or batch changes saving time. Diagnostic data can be instantly called up and evaluated, which helps to increase system availability. with-hygienic-connection/pp20h/p/38450 For more information contact Baumer Ltd, Swindon, Wilts. Tel: +44 1793 783839 Web:

Precision sensor manufacturer MicroEpsilon has extended its capaNCDT series of non-contact capacitive displacement sensors with a range of threaded housing options that enable faster, easier mounting of the sensors in industrial or process manufacturing environments. The new capaNCDT sensors with thread and socket are available in four sizes: M8, M12, M16 and M24, with measuring ranges of 0.5mm, 1.25mm, 2mm and 3mm respectively. The capaNCDT series is available in different designs and versions. The sensors are differentiated by their measuring range, their design and by the technology used to manufacture them. In addition to the threaded housings, the capaNCDT series is also available in a cylindrical design with female connector/socket in measuring ranges from 0.05mm up to 10mm; in a cylindrical design with integrated cable in measuring ranges from 0.2mm up to 2mm; as flat sensors with integrated cable in measuring ranges from 0.2mm up to 2mm; or as gap sensors in measuring ranges from 0.9mm up to 9mm. Replacing the sensors can be executed without requiring any recalibration and within a short time.

Chris Jones, Managing Director at MicroEpsilon UK commented: “Being able to offer our already comprehensive range of non-contact capacitive sensors with a threaded option is very important to many of our customers, who need to quickly mount multiple sensors into their production environments. This is a real differentiator for us in the market when customers are comparing suppliers of capacitive displacement sensors.” The capaNCDT series is also suitable for the detection of fast moving objects and dynamic high speed processes, enabling fast, reliable measurements of motion sequences. Capacitive sensors are also suitable for use in vacuums and ultra high vacuum applications. For more information, please call the Micro-Epsilon sales department on 0151 355 6070 or email


August 2018 – Process Industry Informer



Inspection & Vision Systems

Launch of ‘FLIR ONE Pro LT’ lowcost thermal imaging camera for smartphones tablets New addition to FLIR ONE Pro series offers professionals better image quality at a lower price FLIR Systems announces the launch of the FLIR ONE ® Pro LT, a new lower price thermal imaging attachment for smartphones in the FLIR ONE Pro series. The FLIR ONE Pro LT features many of the professional-level tools and advanced thermal image quality that define the FLIR ONE Pro series.

ABB expands UK network for low voltage drives and Dodge® products ABB has extended the reach of its UK variable speed drives (VSD) and mechanical power transmission products with an expansion of the ABB authorised value provider network.

up to 500 kW. The company has been an ABB authorised value provider since its inception and was previously a member of the ABB Motor Service Partner network for 15 years.

EDC (North East) is appointed as an ABB authorised value provider serving customers in Tyne & Wear and Cumbria with VSDs up to 500 kW and a range of life cycle services.

West Midlands-based Race Transmissions is appointed the first national ABB authorised value provider for mechanical power transmission products. The company exclusively supplies and supports the full range of Dodge mounted bearings – including Type E tapered roller bearings, S-2000 series spherical roller bearings, along with Grip Tight and E-Z Kleen ball bearings.

The company operates from a dedicated facility in Gateshead. The services include reliability assessments and harmonic surveys, through to installation and start-up, operation and maintenance, upgrade and retrofit and replacement and recycling. Beta Power Engineering based in Stockport, Cheshire is expanding its current role as an ABB authorised value provider for low voltage motors, with the addition of VSDs


For more information contact ABB Ltd, Warrington, Cheshire, Tel: 01925 741517 E-mail: Web:

Powered by the FLIR Lepton ® thermal microcamera core, the FLIR ONE Pro LT builds on the advanced features of the FLIR ONE Pro. Key tools include FLIR’s patented MSX ® image enhancement, which combines the thermal and a high-definition visible camera images to produce crisp, detailed images that are easy to interpret. All FLIR One Pro models feature FLIR’s MSX and VividIR ™ video signal processing technology to deliver improved thermal image quality and clarity.

FLIR ONE Pro LT, with an MSRP of £277.00 GBP (ex. VAT), is available for pre-order worldwide today for iOS, Android (USB-C) or Android (Micro-USB) at flirone (UK). To learn more about the FLIR ONE Pro series, visit . For more information about theFLIR app developer program, visit flirone/developer

Additionally, the patent-pending OneFit ™ camera connector allows users to adjust the device to attach to their smartphone through many popular protective cases. FLIR is also releasing an updated version of the FLIR ONE App, which includes tools such as multiple spot temperature meters, custom onscreen temperature tracking regions, helpful tips for problem solving and use-cases. Smartwatch compatibility with the Apple Watch and selected Android smartwatches provides the ability to stream live thermal imagery to see around corners and take images or video from your device.

Process Industry Informer – August 2018

Mobile Working Drives Evolution in Asset Management measurements around the time taken to complete work, and in the ability to empower teams and encourage proactive and collaborative working.

SSG Insight extends its Mobile Solutions offering alongside the innovative Agility 9 solution SSG Insight has announced a new extension of its Mobile Solutions offering to provide customers with access to its market-leading Agility 9 asset management system via Apple mobile devices. The mobile apps enable engineers and maintenance teams to easily create, accept, update and view work orders on the go, allowing teams to become more efficient and productive. Creating a streamlined workflow, Agility Mobile Solutions speed up response times, reduce completion times and minimises administration. Easy-to-navigate features include the ability to accept, suspend and complete work on the move, raise a new job and capture important information to help identify issues and complete work. Consistent, quick and easy system access, regardless of location, means customers see significant benefits including the reduction of completion times and the ability to improve quality by reducing duplication and errors through a consistent information flow. Improved visibility can result in multiple business benefits, such as accurate

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

SSG Insight provides smart workplace solutions. It continues to evolve its Agility offering in response to customer demand for a familiar and flexible operating system to allow mobile working, drawing upon latest innovations in data analysis to deliver a more intelligent and intuitive software interface, featuring smart dashboards and dynamic KPI widgets. Across all industries, IT has become more consumerised and the requirement for mobile working has grown in prominence, resulting in a demand for technology to deliver the same level of functionality out in the field to what’s available in an office. Agility Mobile Solutions enables decision makers to capture real-time data which can be used to give transformative insights. Hosted via a secure and reliable cloud infrastructure and through a continuous commitment to improving security levels, SSG Insight has achieved the ISO 27001 information security management standard. Agility for iOS has been created to facilitate BYOD schemes and a mobile-first working environment, where employees can rely on continuity between both their personal and work device’s operating systems, which in turn drives major productivity gains within the workforce. For more information, simply visit Agility for iOS is available from the App Store.

BEKO TECHNOLOGIES provide high quality water chillers for any application BEKO TECHNOLOGIES UK are pleased to introduce our range of industrial chillers. These chillers are suitable for a variety of applications and industries such as laser cutting and machine tools, food and drink, automotive, medical, oil and gas, plastic moulding, agriculture and air conditioning.

Please see more information on the ranges: The CWT chiller range was specifically designed to meet the application requirements of industry by offering precise control of refrigerated water temperature while operating over long time periods with varying load demands. This range includes 16 models with refrigerating power going from 7 to 128 kW. The CWB FC series has been designed for industrial processes and air conditioning plants which require cooling thought out the entire year. Energy saving and reducing cooling costs are the key benefits of a free cooling integrated chiller. Chiller and free cooling aeraulic sections are completely separated; this allows to maximize the regulation of the two working modes. The range includes 8 models with cooling capacity from 80 kW to 240 kW.

The CWV series is specifically for comfort cooling applications. The range includes 13 models with cooling capacity from 260 kW to 1150 kW. These units provide reliable control of the chilled fluid temperature and operation on long time periods. MWC is a modular water cooled chiller with scroll compressors and brazed plates heat exchanger. The cooling capacity is 35 kW for a single unit. Then MWC can be easily arranged up to 5 units in parallel, to reach a total cooling capacity of 175 kW. Thanks to its modular design, the MWC chiller can match existing and future capacity requirements simply adding modules as needed. The CEN/HEN range meets the application requirements of comfort cooling and wineries by offering precise control of refrigerated water temperature while operating over long time periods with varying load demands. The range includes 19 models with refrigerating power going from 10 to 95 kW. The CDC series consists of air cooled water heat exchangers equipped with axial fans for outdoor installation dedicated to industrial and comfort cooling applications. For industrial applications, drycoolers are suitable for closed circuit cooling of various process liquids like food, power, process and general industries. The CDC dry cooler family (in Free-Cooling mode) consist of 11 basic models with cooling capacities ranging from 300 to 1200 kW. For more information contact or call 01527575778.



By Ian Beckworth, Technical Manager - Surface Technology


a sticky problem... The importance of surface coating in the food industry

The food and beverage industry is fast paced and places huge pressure on equipment. Time matters, and downtime matters even more, adding significant cost to the business. As a result, manufacturers are continually looking for processes which deliver advantage and save both time and money. Here, Ian Beckwith, Technical Manager at Surface Technology, considers the importance of coating applications in optimising manufacturing efficiency, and why the choice of coating and application process should be a top consideration for the industry. Research in the food industry shows that on many production lines, annual downtime exceeds 400 hours with a consequent knock-on effect on productivity, efficiency and profit margins. Contributing factors include intensive operations and high operating speeds and temperatures, all of which can lead to wear and tear and equipment breakdown. For example, non-stick surfaces - so essential to many operations including bakeries - deteriorate with use, leading to inefficient production and increased downtime for cleaning. Equally, the use of corrosive and ‘sticky’ ingredients such as eggs, fats, vinegars and sugars can compromise equipment. At best they need constant washdown. At worst, they cause breakdown and failure. When dealing with edible products there’s also the important matter of health and safety and the need for FDA approved solutions. To help offset these challenges, the use of specialist coatings to protect the equipment and enhance its operational performance is therefore commonplace. The benefits of coating By offering wear resistance and high release– among other benefits – the use of surface coatings throughout the production cycle extends equipment service life while reducing downtime, waste and contamination. This in turn leads to higher product quality and lower unit costs. The advantages are therefore significant, and coating has a central role to play in production efficiency. But what are they key factors to consider?

What are the key factors affecting the selection of coatings? When selecting a coating – and even a process for its application – a number of factors need to be considered. There’s the specific application challenge that needs to be solved – typically a question of corrosion or wear and tear through friction. The material to be coated is also a major factor, as are the conditions in which the equipment is operating. The presence of moving parts – and what kind – impact on the thickness of coating needed. There’s also the question of cleaning and preparing the surface as well as the curing process – all of which will vary according to the nature of the engineering challenge. Every combination of product and application type demands a specific treatment in order to fully develop the coating’s properties. Failure to get this right will compromise performance and results. There are also key commercial considerations, including determining objectives (e.g. reducing mean time between failure or accelerating repair times) and weighing up the cost benefits of any coating. Cost benefit is an important factor because while coatings undoubtedly prevent wear and corrosion, they also involve an up-front investment. This should be viewed in terms of the ‘total cost of ownership’ where the overall investment is balanced against the hidden costs of repairs, spares, downtime and failure, and the consequent loss of production. As an example of this, one of our customers used a biscuit-cutting blade which needed replacing every two hours, forcing regular line closures. A coating developed by us oubled the cost of the blade, but also extended its life to eight hours, with an overall 50% saving. Additionally, as the blade only needed to be changed at the end of shifts, higher production runs were achieved, along with less waste and lower cost of ingredients. As the more durable, higher-cost options more than pay for themselves in better performance and longer life, coatings can also be highly beneficial for smaller cookware items – not just large pieces of equipment. Understanding the exact nature of the challenge is therefore key to the selection of coatings, and the best results will be achieved by engaging with the surface specialist as early as possible, preferably during the equipment design stages.

What coatings are available? A wide range of surface coatings are available to food manufacturers, each designed to tackle a particular manufacturing or engineering challenge. For example, there are anti-corrosive coatings, and coatings to reduce friction and wear through abrasion, erosion, adhesion or surface fatigue. There are dry-film lubricants, non-stick ceramics and powder coating solutions, along with multi-layer and combination coatings which address numerous specific issues. Many of these coatings are patented, with unique properties developed for specific applications. For example, our Armourcote® 1530 is an anti-friction, reinforced, PTFE coating designed to enhance stainless steel surfaces with low level friction characteristics while also protecting against surface wear – making it an ideal solution for food applications with surface release problems. Similarly, we are a leader in the field of applying Fluoropolymer based (non-stick) coatings to food processing equipment such as rollers, chutes, guides and moulds. These and other ‘easyrelease’ coatings provide a rapid return on investment by boosting quality, reducing scrap and driving down cleaning costs between cycles. In the case of one of our customers – a major international manufacturer of baked foods – this cost benefit was measured in terms of a 90% reduction in time, and a 75% saving in cost. Their UK production lines were regularly shutdown in order to recoat equipment that had been corroded by potato starch. Parts were sent away to the US on a 12-week turnaround, causing delays and expense. We identified an FDA approved double reinforced, high release, high wear coating with excellent non-stick properties which could be applied in the UK, cutting the 12-week turnaround to just 7 days. In addition to the coatings themselves, there are the means of application depending on the coating itself and the thickness and finish required. Examples include thermal, plasma and flame spraying as well as a wide variety of plating techniques and high velocity oxygen fuel (HVOF), which provides a hard face and is especially suited to providing protection against erosive or abrasive wear, corrosion, fatigue, oxidation and high temperatures. Some of these methods require the removal of parts and a longer curing process, others can be applied quickly and in-situ. Equally, some are more suited to high value equipment, others for volume applications – and so in developing the optimal solution, it makes sense to work closely with a specialist supplier. What should you be looking for when choosing a coating supplier? From coatings and applications, through to operating conditions and desired outcomes, it’s clear that many factors need to be considered. So, it’s important that your coatings supplier has a proven track- record, with easy access to in-depth technical support and advice. Alongside this, they should offer a broad spectrum of services and coatings to ensure you get the right solution – not just the only solution they provide.


Process Industry Informer – August 2018


Screening machines for ready meal ingredients Vibratory screener for bulk food ingredients with integrated magnetic grate ensures the quality of ready meal powders and dried vegetables. Ready meals have become a major part of the food industry. To meet the needs of modern society, where work and social demands have meant a sacrifice on meal times, food producers continue to

20,000 and counting Across all industries there will invariably be a product or component that is the ‘Standard’ for that industry. Well, here is another product to consider: The DMNWESTINGHOUSE PTD Plug Type Diverter. What has the PTD diverter got to justify this accolade we hear you ask? It’s fairly simple really. In addition to being a truly iconic design compared to other types of diverter on the market, DMN- WESTINGHOUSE has just sold the 20,000th PTD since its launch in 2002. The PTD was designed to route powders and pellets and to do so with minimum degradation under pneumatic conveying conditions. Also, the PTD can be installed in any powder processing system which handles powder or granules - chemical, pharmaceutical, plastic, food – and because of its relatively light weight it can

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

be installed in elevated locations which gives system designers a range of options not generally available with other diverters. When DMN engineers designed the PTD, they made absolutely sure that every model in the range was maintenance friendly. Servicing, cleaning and, if needed, seal replacement is really easy. What is more, there are no external moving parts; all the control systems are housed within the casing. Finally, the PTD conforms to all the current legislation: not just within Europe, but globally. So is the PTD an industry ‘Standard’? With 20,000 sales in just 16 years, most definitely it is! For more information please contact DMN UK on 01249 818401 or visit

enhance their ready meal production lines, creating appetizing foods that can be prepared in minimal time. In some cases, dried ingredients including flavourings, herbs and spices, flours and dried vegetables are used in the processing of ready meals such as sauces, soups and other packaged goods. To ensure the quality of these dried food ingredients, industrial screening machines are used throughout food production lines, removing oversized product and contamination. Dry ready meal powders are screened using the Russell Compact Sieve ® . This industrial food screening machine ensures the quality of wet or dry food ingredients, removing oversize and foreign contamination and guaranteeing consistent powder quality and product sizing. These screening machines fit neatly into existing food production lines with a compact design, whilst delivering high throughput rates. The units are available with allstainless-steel contact surfaces and can

be quick and easily dismantled and assembled for cleaning, ideal for use with multiple food ingredients. To further guarantee the quality and purity of food powders, a magnetic separator is installed below the mesh. This magnetic grate sieve provides a convenient option to removing fine iron contamination from food powders. Throughout food production, processing, storage and transportation, various operations can result in the introduction of fine iron from the wear of processing equipment. This can be easily removed by integrating a magnetic grid. All powder passes through the grid, and ferrous contamination is attracted to its rods, whilst good powder flows through. The high-strength magnetic sieve is designed to provide optimum coverage and ensure contamination removal. For more information contact Russell Finex Limited,Feltham, Middlesex. Tel: +44 (0)207 442l Fax: +44 (0)20 8818 2060 E-mail: Sales: Web:



By Karl Lycett, Product Manager - Climate Control

Rittal Offers Essential tips

for Enclosure Temperature Management in the Food Industry

Food processing is a sector that demands very high levels of efficiency to meet daily production targets.

Below are some key aspects to consider when reviewing your climate control solutions.

And productivity is a growing issue for food production worldwide. The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs expects the global population to be in excess of 11 billion by 2100. That’s more than twice what it was in 1990 and so, preparing for tomorrow, there needs to be an even keener focus on productivity to make sure there’s enough food for everyone to thrive.

Is your solution the right one for your environment?

It’s one reason why breakdowns of critical control and automation equipment in food production are such a cause for concern. Not only are valuable resources redirected away from more strategic, long term activities, such as developing new processes, but production lines can also be stopped. The cost of the breakdown increases dramatically if this is the case, as it includes not only the cost of repairing or replacing damaged components, but also the cost of lost manufacturing time. Stopping one line on which even the humblest of food products is made can cost businesses tens of thousands of pounds for every hour that it doesn’t restart. Protection of Critical Equipment

The type of product being processed and/or the location of the equipment on site are likely to have a heavy influence on the suitability of your climate control system.

1) Let’s consider the ambient temperature of your facility. If it remains lower, throughout the entire year, than the desired temperature inside the enclosure then fan-and-filter units and air-to-air heat exchangers can be very effective. They use ambient air to remove heat energy from the enclosure and dissipate it into the local environment. If the ambient temperature rises above the required internal temperature then units with active cooling circuits must be used. Wall/roof-mounted cooling units use refrigerant as an intermediate medium to remove the excess heat from enclosures, transferring it to the surrounding ambient air, and maintain the desired conditions. Air-to-water heat exchangers, as the name suggests, transfer unwanted heat to water, transporting it away from the enclosure to centralised cooling plant, possibly outdoors, where it may be more easily dissipated. Air-to-water heat exchangers have the further advantage that they are a more hygienic solution than cooling units. They don’t require a supply of ambient air and therefore have no louvres. They can have a very simple housing that has no dirt traps and is very easy to clean. Already in 2018 we have seen unexpected jumps in average temperatures across the country, and this will only increase as we move into the summer months. Peaks in temperature, as I’ve indicated, put cooling equipment under the most strain, therefore reviewing existing equipment sooner rather than later can reduce the likelihood of unexpected breakdowns.

Enclosures protect sensitive electronic and electrical items from the atmosphere in which they’re installed, providing an environment that allows them to function as required and which prolongs their service life. Maintaining an internal temperature within required parameters is of fundamental importance. This often requires an active cooling solution because heat is trapped inside enclosures designed to protect against the ingress of solid objects and water to a level appropriate for many manufacturing facilities. This can be a problem in particular for enclosures that are suitable for washdown environments, which protect equipment to an ingress protection category of IP 69K. As the temperature rises due to the summer months or random heat waves throughout the year, internal temperature parameters can be breached. In turn, the life expectancy of the equipment within the enclosures is reduced and the probability of an unexpected system failure increases drastically.

2) Dusty or acidic contamination (e.g. flour or yeast/vinegar extracts) can interfere with switchgear and cause short circuits or a reduction in service life. Applying filter mats to fan and filter units will help, but if the environment is extremely contaminated you might be better off installing an air-to-air heat exchanger, cooling unit or air-to water heat exchanger, which all have sealed internal air-paths and thus ensure contaminated air isn’t drawn into the enclosure. Cleaning/Maintenance Regime

Establishing a regular inspection and cleaning routine for cooling equipment is very good practice. For example, vacuum cleaning units with filter mats to remove any dust and debris,’ which may starve the fan and the cooling circuit of air. This will result in the unit working harder for longer and a reduced cooling capacity. Cooling systems must also be kept clean to maintain the highest levels of hygiene. Some will be cleaned daily with pressure washers and jet steam cleaners, in which case use a solution that meets the ingress protection rating demanded by your site and install additional cowls or covers as needed. Increasing Energy Efficiency = Reduced Costs It’s important, from both an environmental and a cost saving standpoint, for the producers of foods and beverages to adopt energy efficient technologies. With a spotlight on carbon footprints and energy prices rising globally, it’s vital that the energy consumed by manufacturing processes is reduced where possible. The Rittal Blue e+ cooling unit incorporates heat pipe technology and, as such, delivers cooling in a similar manner to an air-to-air heat exchanger, using fans alone, when the ambient temperature is sufficiently low. As the ambient temperature rises and the heat pipe can’t satisfy demand, speed-controlled components provide additional mechanical cooling, but only as much as is needed. If the ambient temperature exceeds the temperature required in the panel, active cooling alone is supplied, but, again, no more than is necessary. Many food production facilities work around the clock and throughout the whole year. Heat pipe and inverter technology allow the Blue e+ to uniquely capitalise on the daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations in your factory to deliver typical energy savings of 75 per cent. The best course of action in all instances is to undertake a survey of your existing cooling equipment, taking into account the points discussed above. Rittal is happy to offer you a free RiAssure Cooling Inspection, for which one of our trained representatives will visit your site and provide you with honest, clear advice on your existing equipment and its suitability within the chosen environment/process. We will then provide you with a short report which includes feedback on the next best steps forward for your installation, whether it is implementing a maintenance contract to prolong the life of existing equipment or the replacement of units that are either undersized or inefficient to improve performance and increase the energy efficiency of your site. Further information at and or on twitterP@rittal_ltd.

Care needs to be taken when selecting climate control equipment to ensure it’s suitably robust to handle the rigours of the environment in which it’s situated.


Process Industry Informer – August 2018


Replacement auger screws made easy

Gericke GS Centrifugal sifter: Evolution not revolution August 2018 sees the initial launch of the new Gericke GS centrifugal sifter. The new range of GS centrifugal sifters is the evolution of a long established design principle, highlighting Gericke as an industry leading sifter manufacturer. On commencing his position as General Manager at Gericke UK, Colin Arlott assessed the information and feedback from existing centrifugal sifter installations and decided that a new machine with an evolved design was required to meet today’s productivity demands, a machine with sound engineered solutions fit to bear the Gericke logo. The project began in earnest in January 2018 with the analysis of sifting machines in operation around the world, identifying the various design features which have proven successful with operators and maintenance engineers alike, and importantly, identifying features which had not performed as expected within process environments. This analysis provided a focus for evaluation and a direction to redesign Gericke sifters to set a new industry standard. The process of centrifugal sifting remains mostly unchanged from the first machine concepts, whereby a paddle assembly rotating within a static hose is used to create a centrifugal force to push material against the sieve mesh and through pre-determined holes.

Whilst the concept is resolute, the demands of modern processes are ever increasing and the new range of Gericke GS sifters has been specifically designed to remain one-step ahead of these demands. The new range of sifting machine provides time-proven application technology, yet allows for rapid inspection, cleaning, change-over, repeatability, access and maintenance. Operational up-time is maximised with features such as improved 360° in-situ basket inspection and time-frames for removing the basket assembly, replacing the sieve hose and basket insertion have been significantly reduced. Additionally; the orientation and location of the basket within the sifter is accurately repeatable and the basket fixing is simple yet robust leading to a more secure and accurately position basket.

Trantec are a leading suppliers of auger spares to the Bulk Solids Industry. From Powder Dosing Systems to Metering Screw Feeders to Filling Machines, Trantec have supplied an array of replacement auger screws and ancillary parts. Trantec specialise in full flight augers, however not all metering feeder manufacturers use a full flight screw, with some suppliers opting for the simpler spiral spring type auger. To ensure Trantec cover the full range of replacement spares, a development program was established to manufacture spring type augers at their Clayton le Moors production facility.

Augers of this type are usually formed by winding a wire form onto a mandrel. The wire must be accurately moved as the mandrel rotates to form the correct pitch of the helix. Trantec modified existing machinery to accomplish this task accurately and consistently, paying careful attention to the wire feed mechanism design. For more information visit or call 01282 777566.

All of these features combine to minimise down-time, improve production, increase yield and maximise productivity. For more information contact via or E-mail: Tel: +41 44 871 36 36 Fax: +41 44 871 36 00

LOW-PROFILE FLEXIBLE SCREW CONVEYOR ROLLS UNDER MEZZANINES, DISCHARGES ANYWHERE A new Low Profile Flexible Screw Conveyor with integral bin and castor- mounted frame can roll below mezzanines and other low-headroom areas, receive material from overhead equipment, and discharge the material into process equipment and vessels throughout the plant. Ready to plug-in and run, the selfcontained unit features a push type drive system positioned at the lower intake end of the conveyor, versus a standard pull-type drive positioned at the upper discharge end of the conveyor, reducing overall height by approximately 610 mm. At 250ℓ, the integral bin accommodates the contents of approximately one-third of a bulk bag measuring 1 x 1 x 1 metres, or several typical 25 kg bags, depending on bulk density.

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

A specialised BEV-CON ™ screw within the straight conveyor tube is engineered to move a range of difficult-to-convey bulk materials that tend to cake, pack, smear or plug, as well as fragile products prone to breakage, with no separation of blends. With the exception of the polymer tube, all material contact surfaces are of stainless steel finished to food, pharmaceutical, dairy or industrial standards for rapid wash down and/or corrosion resistance. For information contact Flexicon Europe Ltd, Tel:+44 (0)1227 374710, E-mail



By Chris Smith, Head of Temperature Control N.E - Europe - Aggreko

Food & drinks manufacturers

shouldn’t let heatwaves

become meltdowns

It’s already been an extremely hot summer in the UK. Although this can be an enjoyable time present some serious challenges, and few more so than food and drinks manufacturers. Despite heavy-duty cooling and refrigeration systems, the summer heat can take its toll on the freshness of food produce. Equally worryingly, it can have a damaging effect on equipment itself, where any kind of breakdown can result in huge losses for a company whose success is dependent on the stability of the interior climate of its facility.

Failure to plan Taking a broad view of your equipment’s performance and understanding your needs throughout the year will help you to plan accordingly.

Summer is also a time when food and beverage demand is at its highest, meaning that businesses need their storage and packaging facilities running at full capacity.

If you find that your equipment performance usually dips during the warmer months, assessing the available rental options and costs will help you to avoid reduced output and performance over these trickier periods.

There are a few steps that businesses can take to avoid systems functioning below full-capacity or, at worst, critical failures.

If you find you can usually cope with the odd hot day, then get ready to respond when these turn into heatwaves!

Maintenance and inspection

Most of all, it is vital to always have a contingency plan for the worst-case scenarios.

Chillers are generally built to a common Eurovent standard, which means they should be able to cope with 35˚C ambient temperatures. In the UK though, we very rarely see 30˚+ temperatures, let alone for a prolonged period of time. This means that although the equipment is designed to cope with this heat, it is rarely maintained to a high enough standard to actually deal with heatwaves when they come. With a chiller, you’re trying to cope with 800kw of cooling by rejecting 800kw of heat. This is done by sucking ambient air through the fans in the condensers and then using that ambient air to provide cooling. Condensers are much like car radiators. Similar to running your car flat out at 140mph from Glasgow to London, condensers will always struggle if they’re being asked to run at 100% all the time. A chiller’s condenser can generally cope with lower temperatures even if not functioning at 100% - however as the temperatures climb, the harder it is for the chiller to maintain this high level of performance.

If you have a piece of equipment which is crucial to your business’s performance, working with expert providers to prepare for a critical failure will help mitigate any severe financial implications. We’ve been hired to step in in scenarios such as this When disaster strikes A fire in a switch room destroyed the switchgear and controls for a chiller plant at a food wholesaler’s cold storage facility, where millions of pounds worth of food would spoil unless a temporary chiller could be up and running fast. The cold store was vast – 25,000 cubic metres – and had an unusually high ceiling, plus it needed 200 kW of cooling duty at -25˚C. It was also the height of summer, meaning the temporary chiller was needed urgently.

Asking your chiller’s to run at this level, especially without being properly maintained, will lead to major mechanical failure.

Response time in these situations is crucial, and emergency cooling suppliers need to be ready to mobilise teams as quickly as possible to get cooling packages successfully up and running.

This all boils down to maintenance. Ensuring that your chiller’s condensers are properly cleaned is crucial, particularly during a season when grass and tree pollen are more likely to get sucked into them.

In this scenario, we installed two cooling packages each comprising 350 kW of specialist very low temperature water-cooled chiller with a fluid off temperature of -30˚C, with each one linked to a 400 kW air cooled chiller for heat rejection.

Plugging the gaps

Inside we mounted seven low temperature air handling units, high up on racks for maximum efficiency in the vast cold store. For fail-safe power, we synchronised two 1250 kVA generators – one to run and one as back-up.

It’s also important to make sure you’re not allowing unnecessary heat in to your facilities. Poor door management can include issues such as opening doors too frequently, leaving them open for too long, or not properly maintaining them. The end result is usually a loss of coolness as warmer air is pulled into cold stores. This can be avoided by ensuring that proper systems are in place when handling deliveries. Any ambient air pulled into the cold or chill store also has moisture in it that can cause issues with ice build-up, potentially making the installed plant go into defrost thus reducing capacity. On top of this, managers need to ensure they aren’t leaving warmer gaps elsewhere in their facilities.

Although a difficult time during the height of summer, the customer’s decision to turn to a specialist supplier meant they were able to save themselves severe financial losses. As emergency chillers are already in short supply over the summer period, acting quickly here proved critical. With the required low temperatures reached in just a few days, a total of £2.5 million of food was saved. It can be difficult coping with the challenges presented by high ambient temperatures, but there are simple preventative measures that can be taken to minimise any adverse effects. Moreover, there are specialists on-hand to help food and beverage manufacturers enjoy the season.

For example, food and beverage manufacturers may often sign new contracts that require the winter months, their current cooling capabilities may be sufficient to cope with an increase in floorspace. However, come summer, this additional capacity may require additional temperature control. This is where planning ahead is crucial.


Process Industry Informer – August 2018

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer


Heat Transfer & Energy



Green’s new modelling service to optimise design of waste heat recovery systems Green’s is to significantly improve the energy saving and cost cutting benefits of its waste heat recovery systems for processing plants with its investment in a unique combination of modelling tools, people and track record. Green’s Design Engineering team comprises highly qualified and extremely experienced engineers alongside the brightest new graduates from renowned universities. Every project they work on requires a bespoke solution that takes into account the customer’s objectives, the application the system is being used for and a range of other factors. Green’s has invested significantly in inhouse and industry software including STAAD, AutoPipe and SOLIDWORKS. This enables them to analyse stress distribution, calculate the best configuration and use of tubes and attachments and model whole

Data logging specialists, Signatrol Limited has invested in the calibration service it offers customers with the purchase of a Michell Instruments Opti-Cal. systems in 3D. Use of these in conjunction with the team’s 100 years plus experience, its base of designs that is second to none, its collaborative approach with customers engineers and working to the latest international design codes makes Green’s waste heat recovery solutions world class. Matthew Crewe, Green’s Managing Director, says: “It is vital for us to stay ahead of our competition worldwide. Software tools are useful but their value is limited without skilled people using them and legacy information to refer to. We strongly believe we have the best combination in our business.” For more information contact Green’s Economisers & Waste Heat Recovery, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Tel: 01924 203970 E-mail: Web:

The new equipment will enable Signatrol to not only calibrate its own data loggers and SpYdaq transmitters but customer instruments or data loggers too, at any humidity point from 10% to 90% at ambient temperatures from +15°C to +50°C. Signatrol was previously able to calibrate at 11%, 43% and 75% but at ambient temperature. The new Opti-Cal system will now enable Signatrol to increase the the number of pieces calibrated at any one time to 20 pcs SL54TH / SL54TH-A, so reducing the time taken to calibrate a large batch and removing the need for setup charges. For more information


Quick-Cal™ Signal Conditioner Supports AC LVDTs with Intuitive Setup, Offers Cybersecurity Lockout and Tamper Detection NewTek Sensor Solutions introduces the NT-C-6000 QuikCal™ LVDT Signal Conditioner that offers an intuitive AC LVDT set-up for quick configuration by nontechnical personnel. Workers can set zero and full scale output using front panel push buttons while LED indicators provide prompts for the calibration process. Color-coded plug-in screw terminals further simplify equipment set-up. These smart signal conditioners even self- diagnose and indicate LVDT failure while providing cybersecurity lockout and tamper detection. Compatible with a wide range of AC-operated LVDTs and inductive half-bridge LVRTs, the NT-C- 6000 Quik-Cal™ establishes digital communications via a RS-485 two-wire multidrop bus. The RS485 port also supports hot swapability of units by saving set-up parameters. Units offer several user-selectable fields including: • Primary Voltage (1.5 Vrms or 3 Vrms) • Excitation Frequency (3.5 kHz, 5 kHz, 7.5 kHz and 10 kHz) • DC Output (0-10V DC, 0-5VDC, 0.5 to 4.5VDC, +5VDC, +10VDC or 4-20mA) • Digital Address for RS-485 Communication Addressing the needs of today’s process control systems, the DIN-Rail mountable unit is ideal for use in a variety of industrial applications including factory automation, materials testing, turbine control systems, steam valve positioning, packaging equipment and gaging. Units are RoHS compliant and CEcertified for use in Europe. Performing with low floor noise, the LVDT Signal Conditioners provide high resolution measurement. NewTek offers the NT-C-6000 Signal Conditioner with a two-year warranty. The company accepts small- to large-sized orders and guarantees on-time delivery of units.

For more information, refer to the website at or contact Mike Marciante at 856-406-6877.


Process Industry Informer – August 2018


By Bradley Unwin, Business Development Manager, Lubron Water




Bradley Unwin, Business Development Manager of Lubron Water Technologies ponders alternative water sources for food and drink manufacture The Federation House Commitment was very successful in reducing water consumption in food and drink manufacturing by 15% between 2007 and 2014, but the sector is still one of the largest of the UK’s industrial consumers. Most of that water is taken from potable water supplies, the cost of which continues to rise. The increasing demand for drinking water from a growing population combined with the effects of global climate change mean that water resources are under increasing stress. Although prices of mains water vary from area to area, the average is about 120p/m 3 so, with one eye on sustainability and one on economics, many food and drink manufacturers are looking for alternative sources of water.

Rainwater is naturally soft and low in total dissolved solids (TDS) so the cost of treatment to boiler make-up or cooling water standards will be drastically reduced, as will the consumption of chemicals for the treatment process. With a low TDS make-up water, the concentration factor in boilers and cooling towers can be increased which reduces the volume of blowdown water – which contains expensive, and often environmentally unfriendly, conditioning chemicals – discharged to drain.

Several alternatives to mains water supplies are available. Subject to a licence from the Environment Agency, water can be abstracted from surface sources or, via wells or boreholes, from underground aquifers. Rain water harvesting is, increasingly, a good if unreliable option: rainfall is usually too much or too little, so a back-up mains supply is necessary. Then there is the possibility of re-using or recycling wastewater. Whatever the source, if it is to be used in the manufacturing process, the water will need treatment to meet the Food Standards Agency requirements. That is that the quality of water to be used in food production in England and Wales should at least comply with the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations.

Reverse osmosis is probably the most widely used water treatment process but the high pressure waste stream, or “concentrate” produced can be a resource. It can be fed very cost effectively into a second reverse osmosis unit, which can produce a permeate of TDS half that of the feed water to the first reverse osmosis unit. This recovered water can be used as cooling tower make-up and will result in a reduced cooling tower blowdown, once again effecting a saving in water and chemicals. The cooling tower make-up will, of course, be soft so corrosion control will be necessary in the circulating water but, because of the reduced blowdown, the cost will be lower.

At the same time, the sector’s customers – the big supermarkets – have imposed water quality standards for parameters such as nitrates and Cryptosporidium, which are even more onerous than those set in the Regulations, and the cost of compliance has not been inconsiderable. With increasing competition from overseas producers, food and drinks manufacturers need to manage their water resources to minimise costs.

Careful management of water resources, in consultation with a specialist water treatment company such as Lubron, can save money by reducing the volume of mains water consumption as well as being kinder to the environment and conserving water resources.

The good news is that private water supplies – even allowing for the cost of water treatment – can be very cost effective. Groundwaters from wells and boreholes are the preferred option because, having been filtered through underground rock strata, they generally require very little treatment. Where treatment is required, the processes used are relatively low in cost and are simple to operate. Iron and manganese, two common problem contaminants, are easily removed by aeration and/or pressure filtration using a variety of special catalytic filter media like that in Lubron’s range. Hardness salts of calcium and magnesium, common in chalk borehole waters, are removed by ion exchange softening or dealkalisation. Other dissolved salts can, if required, be removed by reverse osmosis or ion exchange deionisation. Surface waters from rivers, lakes and canals contain a much wider range of impurities, including colloidal material that produces turbidity, natural organic matter derived from moorland vegetation, man-made chemicals from industrial effluents and agricultural run-off and a wide variety of microbiological life. And because surface waters are natural eco-systems, their characteristics vary seasonally. This makes surface waters much more difficult – and more expensive – to treat. Traditional surface water treatment processes involve dosing chemical coagulants followed by clarification and filtration. These processes are not only temperamental to operate, but take up a great deal of space. The development of low cost microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes has made these simple to operate processes economically attractive. Some food and drink manufacturers prefer to use mains supplies for water that comes into contact with their product rather than treating on-site to potable water standards. There are many reasons for this, ranging from ease of compliance to fear of adverse customer reaction to the view that potable water production is not “core business”. But the FSA standards do not, of course, apply to utility water – that is water used for heating, cooling, CIP and steam raising. Here alternative water sources can be used to replace mains water either partially or completely. Aside from the reduction in mains water costs, there are other potential benefits.

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer



By Paul Osborne, Service Manager, Aermec UK

Ignore coil cleaning at your peril warns Aermec

How much do dirty condenser coils cost your company? No idea? You are not alone. Condenser coil cleaning is one of the most overlooked maintenance jobs. The dirtier the coils get, the more they increase the compressor’s energy consumption whilst reducing the ability to transfer heat, put additional stress on components and increase the likelihood of premature failures and costly repair bills. One of the easiest and most cost-effective tasks that can be carried out to maximise energy efficiencies of your chiller is to have the condenser coils inspected regularly and cleaned when necessary. Clean coils can impact energy efficiencies and affect the longevity of your HVAC system which could impact your plant and processes. All too often coil cleaning gets overlooked or postponed as part of cutting back on maintenance bills. But such false economy could cost you dearly. When it comes to managing your buildings assets, planned preventative maintenance is a key element and the best way to ensure optimal performance, and protect the longevity of your HVAC plant whilst staving off failures. Yet all too often cleaning the coils on air cooled chillers and condensers are disregarded in a bid to cut costs – dirty coils can increase compressor energy consumption by as much as 30%. In the long run clogged coils end up costing you more. An ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) study showed that cleaning coils as part of good maintenance practice could improve energy efficiencies by as much as 10-15%. But it is not just old systems that need cleaning. Chiller efficiencies have improved considerably thanks to advances in technology, but systems with higher SEER ratings lose much of their effectiveness when forced to run harder than is necessary, so the newer and more efficient your HVAC system, the more it will benefit from regular inspections and a cleaning programme.

“HVAC plant is a huge investment for any company and in mission critical sites such as processing plants, year-round optimal performance is essential. If customers ignore all their assets, they could end up compromising the site and facing costly bills which ultimately comes off the bottom line.” Chillers draw in substantial amounts of air over the coils, which are at the point where the heat transfer takes place. Coils can all too easily become caked in assorted contaminants from dust particles, general dirt from the atmosphere, vegetation and pollen resulting in the climate. Salt laden environments add their own unique set of problems including sea gull droppings! Equipment failure Condenser coils are exposed to unfiltered air and will accumulate debris and other contaminants at a predictable and consistent rate. when the coils get dirty the compressors have to work that much harder to produce the same amount of cooling and clogged coils can cause many problems including: • Compromise heat transfer • Reduce cooling capacity • Increase energy usage • Damage components • Reduce energy efficiency • Reduce longevity of the system

Although some companies have tried cleaning coils themselves to reduce maintenance costs, it is best left to the experts. The use of high pressure washers for example, can do more damage than good as the excessive pressure can easily damage coil and lodge the dirt deeper within the tightly packed fins, making it more difficult to remove. Fluids incorrectly applied can also lead to corrosion and/or safety issues.

With rising costs and increasing demands on equipment, no processing, plant manager or maintenance engineer can afford to ignore coil cleaning which can lead to an unpleasant spike in energy bills and comprise the overall performance level of your chiller system.

Clean coils are essential to maintain optimal efficiency and should be included as part of your overall asset management strategy. Many manufacturers can offer a variety of service and maintenance packages, including coil coating as an option depending on the site and application.

All too frequently coil cleaning is not part of a PPM contract points out Paul Osborne, Service Manager at Aermec:

But don’t forget to pay attention to other components. Upgrading condenser and AHU fans can achieve further efficiencies. Instead of buying new kit, upgrades can potentially save money and energy too. EC fans offer the same output as AC fans for less input and consume 70% less energy. By installing EC fans, airflow is improved and significant energy savings can be achieved.

“PPM engineers are typically concerned with the overall running of the plant and more specifically the mechanical and electrical aspects and cuts in maintenance contracts mean that coil cleaning is either not specified or postponed to reduce their costs.” “There’s no getting away from the fact that coils do get dirty and are often in areas difficult to access. The job is very labour intensive, can be unpleasant and requires a specific skill set to address safety issues and prevent any damage particularly to the fins.” But is cleaning coils really that important and should you call in the experts? Absolutely, as Paul Osborne explains: If left, over time the surface of the coils will build up with contaminants and have an insulating effect which will decrease the available surface area for heat transfer and lead to excessive energy consumption, poor system performance and shorten the life of your equipment.


the pollen season is finished. Pollen fibres can quickly build up and become matted. Twice yearly cleaning is recommended for most sites, a mission critical data centre running 24/7year round or food processing plant, cannot afford any interruption or denigration of facilities and will require more frequent attention. One of the UK’s leading finance houses for example, requires coil cleaning at its data centre every three months. Awareness of the coil’s environment and experience will help determine the right cleaning schedule.

If left unchecked for substantial periods and detritus is allowed to build up, equipment could eventually fail leading to costly downtime. Dirty coils can also have a more human impact. Compromised cooling equipment can affect the general discomfort of a building’s occupants, resulting in lower levels of productivity. Despite knowing the positive benefits of coil cleaning, many are rarely cleaned, cleaned poorly or irregularly allowing contaminants to build leading to corrosion and reducing coil life. The frequency for cleaning coils varies according environmental factors. In the UK for example, cleaning is recommended after

A site survey will identify the right programme for your plant and recommend appropriate upgrades and/or replacements to optimise performance. As with any mechanical system it is important to follow the manufacturers recommendations for maintenance to ensure peak performance. Regular coil cleaning is important to promote longevity and high operating efficiencies. Unexpected repairs, downtimes and lower maintenance bills can be the direct result of coil cleaning. Weighing up the cost and benefits of cleaning will enable you to work out a cost/ benefit ratio for cleaning in the future and keep the finance director happy. So, when was the last time you had your coils cleaned…

Process Industry Informer – August 2018


New water removal technology increases food waste biogas CHP performance The UK’s food waste anaerobic digestion (AD) industry has continued to grow in the face of challenging market conditions, with over 130 food waste AD plants now in operation. While biomethane facilities are increasing in popularity, the vast majority of the UK’s food waste AD sites are electricity combined heat and power (CHP) plants. With subsidies for renewable electricity generation dwindling, it is more crucial than ever that each part of the AD process is optimised if a food waste plant is to be commercially successful. An oftenoverlooked area is ensuring that any water present in the raw biogas is removed; if water enters a CHP engine it can decrease its efficiency, resulting in reduced biogas yields and engine damage. The new Biogas Dehumidification System (BDS) from HRS Heat Exchangers removes water from biogas, protecting CHP engines from corrosion and cavitation. It also comes with a heat recovery section as standard, increasing an AD plant’s overall energy efficiency. Increased profits The importance of optimising your AD plant cannot be underestimated. While many of today’s food waste plant operators invest time and money in performance-enhancing

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

additives and systems, removing water present in the raw biogas can be a lower priority. But with CHP engines being one of the most expensive pieces of equipment to replace on an AD plant, this is a false economy. Additionally, an inefficient CHP engine will result in lower operating at even 80 per cent capacity could be losing as much as £16,000 each month.

“The BDS reduces biogas temperatures from around 40ºC to approximately 5-7ºC, condensing more than 90 per cent of the water volume,” explains HRS International Sales and Marketing Director Matt Hale. “It works via a chiller system which supplies a coolant that is transferred to heat exchangers. Biogas flows on the product side of the exchanger, while the coolant flows on the service side. As the biogas cools, the water condenses from the gas, leaving a clean and dry biogas ideal for use in CHP engines.” Energy efficiency Heat recovery comes as standard with the HRS BDS. The resulting cold biogas is used to pre- cool any incoming biogas, reducing the load on the final cooling heat exchanger and recovering as much as 20 per cent of the energy needed for the process. Any extra investment required is soon recouped in energy cost savings.

Suitable for AD plants of all sizes, the HRS BDS comes skidmounted for easy access and freedom of movement, and features an automatic control panel for full process control. It can also be adapted for ATEX-compliant applications. Future-proof your AD plant “Following a series of enquiries for a system to dehumidify biogas, we are delighted to launch the HRS BDS,” says Matt Hale. “With a CHP engine being one of the most expensive pieces of equipment on a food waste AD plant, protecting it makes good business sense. By removing water from biogas before it enters a CHP engine, the HRS BDS helps to extend an engine’s lifespan, protecting it against corrosion and cavitation. We are expecting a high demand from existing AD operators looking to optimise their process even further and prolong the lifespan of their CHP engine.” For more information contact HRS Heat Exchangers Ltd, Watford, Hertfordshire. Tel: 01923 232 335 E-mail: E-mail:



Differential Pressure Sensor Rounds Up HVAC Portfolio The EE600 differential pressure sensor extends the product portfolio for HVAC and building automation of the Austrian sensor manufacturer E+E Elektronik. The transmitter is available with full scale 1,000 Pa (4 inch water column) and 10,000 Pa (40 inch WC) with each four selectable measurement ranges. The piezo-resistive pressure sensing element ensures highly accurate and long-term stable measurements. The innovative enclosure facilitates mounting and minimizes installation costs. An optional graphic display shows the actual measured data. The EE600 is dedicated for the measurement of differential air pressure in ventilation and air conditioning systems or for filter monitoring. Additionally, it can be employed for all non-flammable and non-aggressive gases.

a large graphic display. The display backlight and the pressure unit (Pa, mbar, inch WC, kPa) can also be set via DIP-switches on the electronics board. Installation-Friendly Enclosure Same as all other HVAC measuring instruments from E+E Elektronik, the EE600 features a robust IP65 / NEMA 4 enclosure, which facilitates fast and easy installation. Due to external mounting holes, it can be mounted with closed cover. This saves time and minimizes installation costs. In addition, the electronics is protected against construction site pollution during installation. For US requirements the enclosure provides a knockout for a 1/2” conduit fitting.

Multi-Range, Fully Configurable Four measuring ranges (0...250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 Pa or 0...2500 / 5000 / 7500 / 10000 Pa) can be selected via DIP-switches on the electronics board. This makes the EE600 particularly versatile. The output signal and the response time can also be set directly on the board. With push buttons, the user can easily perform a zero and span point adjustment.

One Stop Solution for HVAC The EE600 pressure sensor rounds up the existing E+E offer for humidity, temperature, CO2 and air velocity. E+E Elektronik is thus a single source of measuring devices for all HVAC-relevant measurands.

Large Graphic Display The EE600 offers voltage and current output signals, both simultaneously available at the spring terminals. The device can be fitted with

Tel: +43 (7235) 605-8 E-mail: Web:

Downloads for this Information Differential Pressure Sensor Rounds Up HVAC Portfolio

A British firm has devised a device to save time and money for thousands of companies Adding water to powder or granule mixes has long been done using pails or hosepipes. Time consuming, open to accident and operator error, there has never been a viable alternative. Aquameter Ltd looks set to change that. Their micro-controlled Abacus system delivers exact, pre-selected quantities of water from a single pipe -straight into the mixing vessel. This precise metering of the water means the operator can recreate batch consistency each time. Operation is simple - the quantity of water required is programmed in, the RUN button pushed, and the water flows. A solenoid valve located in the water pipe closes the flow at the completion of the cycle - when the pre-set quantity has been reached. The unit is already in use world wide. Derek Baxter, International Projects Director with Filtrona International in Jarrow, says of the system: “We use the unit for metering water into a carbon-powder mix. Were it not for these units we would be using buckets of water, a line of hose, or a constantly changing mark on the tank - not that convenient.” He goes on: “With this thing we just dial new numbers in, and away we go - it’s obviously more accurate; using the meter than relying on staff to put it in by pail. “ 28

For further information please contact; John Morton aquameter limited 8 Woodlands Drive HODDESDON EN11 8AZ Tel: 01992 442 861 E-mail: Web:

Process Industry Informer – August 2018


COMBIVIEW ENSURES SAFE & SIMPLE PROCESS MONITORING Sensing and instrumentation specialists BAUMER Ltd have introduced a new range of easy-to-handle measuring instruments with flexible programmable displays which, when used in conjunction with their pressure and temperature gauges, ensures the highest standards of functionality, safety and flexibility in process monitoring. The new Baumer CombiView Series represents a tailor-made alarm management system for process industries which can be used with their CombiPress pressure gauges and CombiTemp temperature gauges. When configured with either the pressure or temperature gauges, the CombiView displays an overview of the current status of individual processes directly on-site. The measuring values do not have to be analyzed initially because the display indicates at-a-glance whether the preset measuring values have been exceeded and immediate intervention is required.

In practice the principle of CombiView is similar to a traffic light in that, a clear signal indicates whether there is a need for action. For example, the background color ‘red’ is suitable for values that require fast intervention, whilst the green background could signal correct operation enabling operators simply to have a quick glance to see that everything is in order at a gauge. The system allows operators to individually select the parameters and preferences to suit their process. The representations on the display can also be adapted as required to suit the settings required for the process with a choice of either digital or analog display of the values. Another useful feature is that as the large CombiView display can be rotated in two axes by up to 360°, it is visible from almost any location.

For more information contact: Baumer Ltd, Swindon, Wilts. Tel: +44 1793 783839 E-mail: Web:

Emerson expands its pressure gauge portfolio to help plants improvereliability The Rosemount™ Smart Pressure Gauge delivers safer and more reliable readings, enabling better visibility of field changes where an effective local display is necessary. Emerson has introduced the Rosemount Smart Pressure Gauge to help users gain better visibility of field changes. The Smart Pressure Gauge utilizes industry-proven Rosemount pressure sensor technology to deliver reliable pressure readings. With the flexibility to accommodate changing process conditions, the Smart Pressure Gauge gives up to 150X overpressure protection and provides a safer field environment. By utilizing two layers of process isolation, the Smart Pressure Gauge can help prevent process failures from becoming dangerous by preventing employee contact with process fluid by keeping it safely inside the pipe. The gauge’s Rosemount pressure sensor technology replaces 100-year-old bourdon tube gauge technology, eliminating weak points common to mechanical gauges.

Mechanical gauges are plagued with quality and reliability issues associated with overpressure, vibration, corrosion, extreme temperatures and accidental damage, and can contribute to numerous reliability and safety issues in plant environments. Additionally, mechanical gauges are unable to communicate device status. With up to a 10-year life, which reduces maintenance cost and time, and increased visibility from a large 4.5-inch face with status indicator light, the gauge provides easy field visibility. The new Rosemount Smart Pressure Gauge expands the Emerson gauge portfolio. “The industry response to the Rosemount Wireless Pressure Gauge has been positive, and now with the addition of the Smart Pressure Gauge, our customers have even more options for upgrading their problematic gauges,” said Sven Hendrickson, product manager for pressure gauges. To learn more about Emerson’s pressure gauges visit: RosemountPressureGauge

Pressure Insensitive Mass Flow Controller EL-FLOW® Prestige, the newest generation of Bronkhorst Mass Flow Meters/Controllers for gases, can now be equipped with an on-board pressure sensor. In combination with the “Differential Temperature Balancing” sensor technology and an incorporated gas database with physical properties, the instrument automatically compensates for inlet pressure variations. As a result, the accuracy and control stability will not be affected by these pressure changes. Next to an improved yield of the customer’s process, additional components for line pressure control will no longer be required. The Multi Gas / Multi Range functionality of the EL-FLOW® Prestige enables the user to select any of the installed gases and to adjust the measuring range within the boundaries of the device. Also the dynamic behaviour of the mass flow controller can easily be tuned on site, by adjusting the controller speed parameters. These settings can be changed using our free software tools FlowTuneTM or FlowPlotTM. The last mentioned tool can also be used for device diagnostics or alarm and counter settings. For more information contact: BRONKHORST HIGH-TECH BV, The Netherlands’ Tel.: +31 573 458800 E-mail:

Titan Enterprises Expands Offerings with RS Components Titan Enterprises announces further integration of its flowmeter products within the Flow Sensors, Switches and Indicators section of the RS Components international product catalogue (https://bit. ly/2KJpn8V). Through a new agreement RS Components are now additionally offering the Atrato ultrasonic flowmeter, Process Atrato ultrasonic flowmeter and Pulsite Solo flow indicator. Trevor Forster, Managing Director of Titan Enterprises Ltd. said “Over the last few years we have seen strong growing demand particularly for low flow applications using our Atrato ultrasonic flowmeter range. RS Components comprehensive international access to industrial customers and excellent service and support, should help us further develop and support this market opportunity. RS is now a key part in our international distribution strategy”.

Drawing upon over 40-years of flowmeter innovation - Titan Enterprises Ltd are a manufacturer of high performance solutions such as the Atrato ultrasonic flowmeter, Oval Gear flowmeters, low flow Turbine flow meters and a flow instrument range. Titan’s company philosophy of “pushing the envelope by trying to do things a little different and better” has resulted in sales of over 500,000 products into 50 countries worldwide and a repeat purchase percentage of 95%. All flow meters produced by Titan Enterprises are designed and manufactured to ISO9001 and calibrated to an uncertainty of ±0.25%. For further information please visit or contact Titan Enterprises on +44-1935-812790 / For further information on RS Components extensive range of products for engineers please visit

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer



ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE VALVE FOR LIQUID HYDROGEN APPLICATIONS The robust and versatile HP- 40 ultrahigh pressure control valve for liquids and gases is the latest addition to the established range of Badger Meter Control Valves available through liquids handling specialists PUMP ENGINEERING. The HP-40 control valve is an ideal solution for research applications. In these situations it is the perfect valve for controlling highpressure liquids and gases such as hydrogen, supercritical CO2 and catalyst injection control in high pressure and ultrahigh pressure reactors.


The valve features a tri-axially forged 316L stainless steel body, a solid Stellite inner valve assembly and standard packing material of Torlon® with PFA CV rings. It has a pressure rating of 40,000 psia (2758 bar) and can be used for both flow control as well as a Class lV shutoff valve. Among the standard features are; a wide range of interchangeable trims, a choice of linear or quick opening trims, ANSI Class lll shutoff for sizes P-1 through P-9 and ANSI Class lV shutoff for sizes K through O and a 9/16 in. high pressure cone and collar fittings. Options include a Titanium Nitride coated Stellite inner valve and a stainless steel actuator and control hardware for explosion-proof requirements.

MV Fluids Handling’s Straub Grip Coupling simplifies pipe- work, design and installation over traditional pipe-joining techniques. Metal pipe from 3/4in to 24in can be joined in minutes.

For more information contact Pump Engineering Ltd, Littlehampton, West Sussex. Tel: 01903 730900 E-mail: Web:

The Straub Coupling joins plain- end metal (black, cunifer, galv., or stainless) pipe with axial restraint and without the associated risks of ‘hot-work’, welding, or burden of expensive grooving/threading machines. The slim-line coupling encases a patented sealing gasket that is progressively activated by the media pressure in the line, whether it be gas or liquid. Since Straub’s progressive seal encapsulates the line medium, ensuring no contact with the coupling’s metallic casing, it provides a cost-effective means of joining stainless or exotic alloy pipes in chemical applications.

Straub’s unique patented design guarantees full re-usability performance in joining plain-end pipework in high maintenance applications, such as frequent blockages and eroding bends, without call for preparation (machining), pipe setting-up, or coded welders and other complicated procedures involving safety permits. Increased coupling range now available from Ø26 to 609mm. Temperatures -30°C to +125°C in the range Ø26 to 60mm, and -30°C to +100°C up to Ø219mm, and beyond to 80°C.

For more information contact MV Fluids Handling, Tel: 0118 9503707 E-mail: Web:

AUMA has supplied a turnkey automation solution to Indonesian national oil and gas company Pertamina, including actuators, controls and Modbus RTU control system

AUMA Actuators Supply Turnkey Valve Control System Grundfos MAGNA1 simply the smart choice Since the MAGNA family launched back in 2001, we have been constantly re-visiting the range to ensure that it continues to encompass the many demands that are required of a modern circulator and can be used in various applications. Today, this has led to an improved range of MAGNA1 Model C pumps that have recently been launched. These single and twin-head circulator options are designed for circulating liquids in a wide range of light commercial and commercial applications. This includes: heating systems; air conditioning and cooling systems; domestic water systems; groundsource heat pump systems and solar heating systems.


These pumps can offer the perfect solution in a refurbishment situation where you need to either replace a Grundfos UPS product or one of the smaller models from the original MAGNA family. They are designed for circulating liquids in heating systems with variable flows where it is desirable to optimise the settings of the pump duty point, thus reducing energy costs. These latest generation MAGNA1 Model C pumps now can also provide for some basic communication options. Find out more about the latest MAGNA1 and other great pumps in our line-up by visiting

AUMA has supplied a turnkey valve automation solution to Indonesian oil and gas company Pertamina that includes explosion-proof multi-turn SA actuators with intelligent AC controls and a SIMA control system. The delivery is part of the first phase of an expansion project at the TBBM Manggis LPG tank farm on the island of Bali. AUMA’s SIMA control system was successfully integrated into the tank farm’s existing SCADA system using Modbus RTU protocol to communicate with the valve actuators and the higher-level SCADA system. The actuators connect to the SIMA in a ring topology with integrated redundancy. At SCADA level, the AUMA system operates in parallel to an existing system with older actuators using a proprietary communications protocol.

Stefan Kolbe, Sales Director Southeast Asia at AUMA. “The customer particularly appreciates the flexibility and futureproofness of the investment thanks to the open fieldbus standards. The short response times of the AUMA solution also allow them to optimise process control.” Pertamina is the state-owned company responsible for crude oil and gas production and processing in Indonesia. AUMA has a proven track record of more than 20 years supplying electric valve actuation solutions to Pertamina.

For more information contact Auma Actuators Ltd, Clevedon, North Somerset. Tel: +44 (0) 1275 871141 Email: Web:

“This project shows that upgrading to AUMA in existing plants is possible at any time and without any problems,” says

Process Industry Informer – August 2018


Wanner Launches New, Versatile High Flow Pump

Hydra-Cell® Metering Solutions P400 Pumps offer enhanced performance Wanner has made significant improvements to its Hydra-Cell Metering Solutions Model P400 pumps that aid in priming for low-speed operation and improve performance when pumping gaseous fluids such as hypochlorite solutions. Geometry changes to the diaphragm pocket valve plate have reduced the diaphragm pocket by 30%, thus minimizing “dead space” within the pump chamber. In addition, the valve port throughholes have been reduced by 6% to increase fluid velocity through the valve plate. Used for a wide range of metering applications in chemical processing plants, the Hydra-Cell P400’s multi-diaphragm design provides a virtually pulse-free flow without the use of expensive pulsation dampeners. It exceeds API 675 performance standards for steady-state accuracy (±1%), linearity (±3%) and repeatability (±3%).

Extending its seal-less, packing-free product range, Wanner International has lunched the Hydra-Cell ® G66, a new powerful, positive displacement, multiple diaphragm pump capable of flow rates up to 249 litres per minute, (65.7 US gpm) at pressures up to 48 bar (700 psi). The pumps are available with a choice of pump head materials, including brass, 316L stainless steel, ductile iron, and polypropylene making them suitable for pumping a wide range of liquids, including water, acids, caustics, freons, ammonia solutions, resins, glues and adhesives, inks, paints, polymers and NGLs – butane and propane. The G66 is also capable of pumping slurries across the full spectrum of viscosities and liquids at temperatures up to 100ºC.

With its unique Diaphragm Position Control™ (DPC) protecting the diaphragms, the Hydra-Cell G66 can tolerate challenging operating conditions such as a closed inlet while still running. The pump is also able to run dry indefinitely without damage, in the event of accident or operator error, eliminating downtime and repair costs. Simple, compact design reduces initial investment and lowers maintenance costs while the pump’s outstanding operational efficiency reduces energy costs. With a complete lack of dynamic seals, packing or cups to leak and replace reducing maintenance costs, the Hydra-Cell G66 is truly an economical proposition.

The unique seal-less design and horizontal disk check valves enable the Hydra-Cell G66 to handle abrasives and particulates commonly found in recycled liquids that might damage or destroy other pumps.

This Hydra-Cell P400 with a reduced pocket valve plate has a flow capacity of 766 l/hr (202.36 US gal/hr) and a maximum pressure of 69 bar (1000 psi) for metallic pump heads and 24 bar (350 psi) for non-metallic pump heads. Wanner says that the seal-less design of Hydra-Cell means that there are no dynamic or mechanical seals, cups, or packing to leak, wear, or replace

For more information contact Wanner International Ltd, Fleet, Hants. Tel: 1252 816847 E-mail: Web:

Spring-loaded, disk check valves, combines with the seal-less design, enable model P400 pumps to handle viscous fluids and abrasive particulates up to 500 microns in size. These pumps can also run dry indefinitely without damage to the pump and are available in a wide choice of pump head, valve, diaphragm, and O-ring materials. A variety of options and accessories (e.g. pressure regulating valves, motors and controllers) is available to help provide a complete chemical-feed pumping system. For more information contact Wanner International Ltd, Fleet, Hants.

ITT unveils i-ALERT® Ai Platform

Tel: 1252 816847 E-mail: Web:

The simple online asset intelligence (Ai) platform is the latest service to be introduced since the i-ALERT2 Bluetooth Smart-enabled machine health monitor was launched in May 2015. The breakthrough innovation and the various features added over the past two years enable customers to spend less time collecting data from their rotating equipment and more time solving problems.

i-ALERT Ai Online Platform With the i-ALERT Ai platform (https://i-alert. ai/), customers can monitor and manage all their i-ALERT enabled machines and sensors in a simple web interface. This subscription service requires no software to download or dedicated hardware to run. It allows customers to view trend data, machine notes, technical data and vibration spectrum data collected via the i-ALERT2 application (app), all visualized in a simple timeline.

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

Data Collection Time Reduced by 50 Percent This online web interface complements the route customization feature introduced in 2016, which cuts collection of machine performance data by as much as 50 percent. Customers can manage the data collection via the i-ALERT mobile app by setting up designated routes and the app will automatically guide a user to which assets and what type of date to collect on the route. Once a route is completed, the app will automatically generate a report and email it to the customer. Features & Benefits With the i-ALERT2 sensor, the mobile app and the Ai platform, customers can have a seamless monitoring solution that will enable them to safely inspect multiple pieces of equipment and be alerted of potential problems before they become critical failures. Broadly, some of the features and benefits are: ◾Asset

Intelligence: Monitor the equipment health of any rotating machine such as pumps, motors, fans, mixers, gear boxes and more. It tracks 3-axis vibration, temperature, kurtosis and machine runtime. It logs data at every hour or on an alarm event. • Easy to Use: With the free mobile app and simple interface, it puts machine monitoring in the hands of the everyday user.

diagnostic information and machine records. This provides them with the data necessary to make informed decisions. • Solve Problems: Advanced vibration diagnostic tools are available to anyone who can use a smartphone or tablet. With the Ai platform, customers will be able to monitor i-ALERT2 enabled machines anywhere they have an internet connection.

• Save Time: The app will quickly scan multiple machines at once and cover more equipment with fewer resources, freeing time for analysis and troubleshooting.

“With the i-ALERT Ai platform, customers have access to a seamless monitoring solution that is easy to use and access. The i-ALERT2 monitor is certified in 78 countries and the mobile app is available on iOS and Android platforms.

• Stay Safe: A Bluetooth® Smart wireless connection allows monitoring from a safe distance.

Request a copy of the iAlert Application guide from – or telephone 01256 311904

• Early Detection: Unplanned machine failures can be avoided with the early detection feature of the i-ALERT monitoring solution. Customers can now view real-time and historical data,



By David Bowers, Product Manager – Differential Pressure & DP Flow

Three into one does go –

a look at the advantages of

multivariable pressure transmitters

As a means of providing an insight into what’s happening within a process, instrumentation provides the front line in any drive to find ways to maximise productivity and profitability. This Q&A-style article explains how multivariable transmitters are providing a cost-effective and highly accurate alternative to conventional technologies for measuring the flow of gases, vapours and liquids in industrial applications. Describe what a multivariable transmitter is in 25 words or less.

A single device that measures and calculates mass flow as a function of differential pressure as well as absolute pressure and temperature. What does that mean?

A multivariable transmitter incorporates three separate transmitters into one device which can measure and calculate static and differential pressures and, via an external sensor, process temperature, with the added option of a flow computer. A multivariable transmitter can identify changes (compensations) and dynamically adapt to calculate these variations in the process condition to produce a highly accurate mass flow reading. How do multivariable transmitters work?

DP-flow measurement applications are made up of two constituent parts; a primary element and a secondary element, such as a differential pressure transmitter or Multivariable transmitter with temperature measurement and integrated flow computer. The primary element is used to constrict the flow of a fluid in order to create a pressure drop, which in turn allows differential pressure to be measured to ascertain the flow rate. There are many variants of primary elements that use different geometric shapes to measure differential pressure including orifice plates, flow nozzles, wedge meters, Pitot tubes and Venturi tubes. Depending on the application, certain primary elements are more suitable due to the range of fluid properties. For instance, wedge meters are appropriate for fluids with high solid content, erosive or abrasive fluids and high viscosity fluids. Once the correct primary element is chosen it is placed in the pipe, creating an area of differential pressure and is connected directly to the secondary element. The secondary element or transmitter then takes a measurement and converts the reading into a useful quantitative value by using calculation methods within the Multivariable transmitter such as ISO 5167 / AGA3, Natural Gas compensation acc. AGA8. How do multivariable transmitters help to simplify measurement?

The ability to use a single device to measure multiple variables offers advantages during installation and commissioning. In a conventional installation, the same functions handled by a single multivariable device are 2/4 instead split between separate instruments for each type of measurement. For users, this means having to purchase multiple instruments, which then have to be individually set up and wired in.


The need to install multiple devices means that extra installation space is required, something which can be difficult in a cramped or compact location where space may be at a premium. Where devices are purchased from more than one manufacturer, there is also the added scope for error. For example, different manufacturers are known to calibrate their devices under different conditions, such that a measurement from one device may not necessarily be directly comparable with that from another. What benefits do they offer?

Multivariable transmitters offer a variety of benefits, not least of which is cost. By replacing separate dedicated instruments with a single device that can measure multiple values and calculate flow multivariable transmitters can typically cut the cost of a mass flow installation by around 40 percent. In addition to reducing the amount of devices, users can continue to save money due to minimising process connections, less cabling and fewer I/O modules used for recording and transferring measurement data to a centralised system. All these factors help reduce installation time, cutting costs further, without compromising on reliability or measurement accuracy. Taken together, the reduction of ongoing maintenance and enhanced functionality means that potential savings from opting for a multivariable device can reach up to 30 to 40 percent. Another advantage of choosing multivariable transmitters is the ability to limit the number of pipe penetrations. Installing just one instrument reducing the impact on flow and any negative effects on measurement accuracy. Furthermore, with the inclusion of integrated calculation functionality, the transmitter can measure any compensated levels of gas, liquid and steam, ensuring that any variations in temperature, pressure, density or viscosity are accounted for to maintain an accurate reading. What factors should be considered when selecting a multivariable transmitter?

Where can multivariable transmitters be used?

Multivariable transmitters can be used to measure differential pressure flow in a variety of applications. One example of where they can be used is the standard volume flow value measurement of natural gas when filling or emptying underground storage caverns under high static pressure. Measurement of the gas flow during both filling and emptying must be as accurate as possible. To help take account of changes in temperature and pressure that can happen in this application, the density of the gas must also be factored in, with the measured value being specified as the standard volume flow of the natural gas. The inherent benefits of multivariable pressure transmitters also make them ideal for level measurement applications. Differential pressure transmitters have long been used for hydrostatic level measurement, offering a cost-effective and easy to install solution, especially in applications with difficult operating conditions or where high pressures or temperatures need to be factored in. Multivariable pressure transmitters are particularly ideal for handling changes in density and temperature that can affect the accuracy of a hydrostatic level measurement. By recording the process pressure and temperature in addition to the differential pressure, changes in the density of the measured medium can be corrected, significantly improving the quality of the measurement. An example of where this can be useful is the measurement of the water level in a steam boiler drum. Changes in pressure result in a corresponding change in temperature, causing the density of steam and water in the boiler to change. For steam to keep flowing to the process, and to prevent overheating and damage to the boiler superheater, the water level must be accurately measured. These types of applications are ideal for multivariable transmitters, which can provide the necessary compensations for pressure and temperature that can then be factored into the level measurement.

The main factor to consider is the choice of primary element, which will then determine the differential pressure range. Due to different fluid properties certain primary elements are better suited to different applications. Some examples include:

Absolutely – at least in cases where you want to be able to accurately measure flow or level without the cost, complexity and potential errors associated with using multiple instruments.

Orifice plates - suitable for clean liquids at low velocity and / or high viscosity, and low density gases.

The benefits that multivariable transmitters can offer over separate devices make them a logical and cost- effective choice for measuring flow in applications characterised by high pressures and / or temperatures or large pipeline sizes. With the ability to simultaneously measure differential pressure, process temperature and process pressure and compensate for changes in density, multivariable transmitters can help to significantly improve measurement accuracy, offering increased scope for enhanced process efficiency and cost savings.

Venturi tubes - suitable for clean liquids and gases. Flow nozzles - suitable for high velocity fluids and flow testing for steam-raising plant. Pitot tubes - suitable for liquids, gases and saturated and super-heated steam. Wedge meters - suitable for fluids with high solid content, erosive and abrasive fluids and high viscosity fluids.

Another factor to consider is the need for temperature and pressure compensation. The density of a fluid can change relative to temperature and pressure changes. This density variation can then have an impact on the measurement accuracy if the flow rate is uncompensated. This adjustment occurs when flow rate is affected by temperature, pressure, density or viscosity.

Where can I find out more ? Email: enquiries ref. ‘Multivariable pressure’.

Process Industry Informer – August 2018



E8500 PLUS Portable Emissions Analyzer With Up to 9 Gas Sensors & Chiller The E8500 PLUS emissions analyzer is a complete portable tool for EPA compliance level emissions monitoring and testing. The E8500 PLUS is ideal for regulatory & maintenance use in boiler, burner, engine, turbine, furnace, and other combustion applications.

Additional Features:

NEW Features:

• Real-Time PC Software Package with Bluetooth

• Up to 9 Gas Sensors & Chiller • NO & NO2 Sensors for True NOx Measurements • NEW PID VOC Sensor Option

• Electrochemical Sensors – O 2 , CO, NO, NO 2 , SO 2 , H 2 S • NDIR Sensors – CO 2 , CxHy, High CO • Low NOx and True NOx Capable

• Wireless Remote Printer • Internal Thermoelectric Chiller with Automatic Condensate Removal

• NEW Display Screen & Keypad Design • Easier Filter Replacement & Inspection

• New Sample Conditioning System for Low NOx & SO 2 Contact Us for More Information at E Instruments International, LLC Phone: 215-750-1212 Fax: 215-750-1399 Email: Website:

NEXT GENERATION OF ESAB® DIGITAL SERVICES PLATFORM RECEIVES EXCELLENT RECEPTION AT HANNOVER MESSE PREMIERE ESAB® Welding & Cutting Products has premiered the new architecture and user interface for ESAB‘s Digital Solutions platform at the world’s leading trade show for industrial technology and the leading global platform for Industry 4.0.

ESAB’s Digital Solutions platform provides several capabilities — ESAB WeldCloud, ESAB CutCloud and more tocome — that connect digital ecosystems forwelding and mechanized cutting, respectively. At HANNOVER MESSE with Microsoft, ESAB showcased the new architecture for ESAB’s systems that allow for on-premise, hybrid and cloud based architectures. For welding and cutting customers, ESAB provides digital methods of documentation (required by regulation in some critical

August 2018 – Process Industry Informer

The new website’s Products & Solutions section contains more than 40,000 different standard bearing and linear motion products. Split into three categories/divisions: Industrial, Automotive OEM and Automotive Aftermarket, users can quickly search and locate specific products by searching on bearings or part numbers, or by using Schaeffler’s comprehensive online product selection and technical information software tool, Medias®.

The Industrial division offers a wide portfolio of bearing solutions, ranging from high speed, high precision bearings with small diameters to large-size bearings several metres in diameter. Increasingly, the focus here is on smart bearings and on connectivity of components.


Pantaleano reports that visitor comments included such statements as, “I can’t believe you have this. I was going to try to build this, but now it’s done” and, “This is excellent. I had to come back and get more information.”

Schaeffler has revamped and relaunched its UK website ( offering engineers easier navigation, improved functionality and faster access to precision bearing products and related services.

The Industrial Products & Solutions section contains needle, cylindrical, spherical and tapered rolling bearings, plain bearings and linear guidance systems and direct drive technology, as well as a range of ball bearings and housed units. A full condition monitoring and maintenance product portfolio is also available to support users’ maintenance and asset management requirements.

• Expanded Internal Memory (Up to 2,000 Tests)

“The reception in the Microsoft booth at HANNOVER MESSE to ESAB’s latest online data management technology has been phenomenal,” says Mike Pantaleano, VP Data Driven Advantage, ESAB. ESAB showed off new prototypes powered by Microsoft Azure IoT and utilizes the ThingWorx® Industrial Innovation Platform from PTC.

New Schaeffler UK website offers easier, faster navigation

Automotive OEM products and solutions include chassis components and systems, technologies for clutches and transmissions, as well as engine components and drives for hybrid and electric vehicles. Schaeffler precision products are key to reducing fuel consumption and emissions. At the same time, they extend the service life of engines and transmissions and increase driving comfort and dynamics. The Automotive Aftermarket division delivers innovative OE quality repair solutions. With its four brands: LuK, INA, FAG, and Ruville, it offers components for engine, transmission and chassis applications. For more information contact Schaeffler (UK), Minworth, Sutton Coldfield. Tel: 0121 432 264264 Web:

AESSEAL Launches the New MagTecta-S™ Bearing Protector AESSEAL has launched the MagTecta-S™ bearing protector. The MagTecta-S™ uses proprietary magnet seal technology and can eliminate more than half of all bearing failures. The MagTecta-S™ combines the best of existing AESSEAL MagTecta™ and LabTecta® technology to make it one of the most reliable and cost-effective bearing protection products on the market.

applications), better views into productivity and a much richer ability to manage their physical assets. For instance, customers can subscribe to diagnostic analytic messages about the health of their welding power source.

“We’re pleased to see ESAB’s investment in Microsoft’s cloud technology to enhance its digital platform,” said Caglayan Arkan, General Manager, Worldwide Manufacturing at Microsoft.

Ryan Cahalane, Vice President, Digital Growth, Colfax said “We have selected world-class partners for our solutions and will be deploying them in upcoming versions of other Colfax companies’ solutions like Howden Group’s UpTime digital platform.” For more information contact ESAB Group (UK) Ltd. Tel: 0800 389 3152 E-mail: Web:

Bearing failures account for more than 20% of all pump and other rotating equipment breakdowns, and in more than half of those the root cause is contamination of the bearing oil, typically the result of inefficient lip seals. Magnetically energised contacting faces and proven oil retention technology protects against the loss of bearing oil and the ingress of harmful liquids, moisture and particles. The MagTecta-S™ is non-shaft-wearing and requires no routine maintenance—significantly reducing operating costs.

AESSEAL Bearing Protection Manager, Joshua Banks, says: “The MagTecta-S™ is the result of AESSEAL’s many years of experience with contacting face and labyrinth seal technology.” “The combination of these proven technologies allows us to deliver yet another cost-effective reliability upgrade for our customers.”

For more information contact Aesseal Plc, Rotherham, South Yorkshire. Tel: 01709 369 966 Fax: 01709 720 788 Email: Web:



Ultrasonic condition monitoring for

magnetic drive pump

robustness and process protection HMD Kontro Sealless Pumps have developed an ultrasonic condition monitoring instrument, branded VapourView®. Originally conceived as a device to protect magnetic drive pumps from dry running and the upset conditions causing lubrication feed flow starvation, the VapourView® system is finding increasing favour for, not only protecting magnetic drive pumps, but also providing visibility of process conditions and increasing process uptime as a consequence. The VapourView® ultrasonic condition monitoring instrument, with cUL hazardous area certification for North America, won the 2017 British Pump Manufacturers Association, Pump Industry Award, for Technical Innovation, sponsored by Process Industry Informer. VapourView® is also available with ATEX/IECEx compliance, meaning that it can offer global hazardous area certification coverage. The VapourView® technology comprises of a non-intrusive sensor that sends and receives an ultrasonic signal through the internal feed of a magnetic drive pump. The technology is patented and operates at such a high frequency that the size of individual bubbles of gas travelling in a high velocity liquid stream, can be accurately measured. With a gas content in the process liquid stream, an ultrasonic signal passing through the process fluid suffers losses

through attenuation and scattering of the sound waves. The losses due to gas content in the process fluid are processed and measured by VapourView® from the reflected ultrasonic signal. The output signal from the VapourView® (in 4-20 mA form) can be used to alarm and trip the pump operation in order to protect both the process and the pump. The following three case studies briefly explain the installation of a VapourView® in conjunction with a magnetic drive pump at process plants in different parts of the world and the benefits accrued as a result, of their application: • Fuel Distribution: A highly volatile hydrocarbon application had proven a challenge both operationally and for the sealed pumps installed, causing numerous breakdowns. A magnetic drive pump system incorporating VapourView® was specified and supplied. The sealless pump, also with ZeroLoss™ shell technology, improved the system robustness, by increasing the margin between process liquid vapourisation and the actual process temperature.The installation of the VapourView® ensures that priming and venting of the process is thoroughly completed, before pump start-up is permitted. The VapourView® also identified a system design fault allowing gas evolution in the suction pipeline which was subsequently corrected. The end-user was delighted at the capability of the VapourView® to identify system problems caused by direct sunlight vapourisation of the process liquid. VapourView® provided visibility of process liquid conditions that hitherto had been unknown, enabled remedial action to be taken to increase process uptime and continues monitoring of a sensitive condition that has the potential to cause the breakdown of capital equipment and considerable process downtime. • Oil & Gas Multinational: A number of magnetic drive pumps with integral VapourView® ultrasonic condition monitoring were installed on light hydrocarbon services, as part of a process upgrade programme to drive down fugitive emissions. The 4-20 mA output signals for the VapourView® instruments were connected to the distributed control system (DCS). On one particular pump the proximity of the operating conditions to the vapour pressure of the process liquid were a cause for concern and the VapourView® enabled the conditions to be monitored via the DCS and adjusted where necessary to optimise the process operation and maintain the process fluid in a liquid state. • Oil & Gas Production: In a carbon dioxide recovery plant where for the high efficiency extraction of Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) from a carbon dioxide stream was


conducted, a pumping upgrade was installed, comprising of a multistage, magnetic drive pump and a VapourView® instrument. The pump application on the reflux stream from the Propane Recovery Column (PRC) had historically been problematic but had been re-designed to move the pump location to a lower process temperature position and thereby reduce the risk of pump operation near to the process bubble point. The inclusion of the VapourView® non-intrusive ultrasonic condition monitoring instrument was to provide real-time condition monitoring of the process fluid inside the pump containment shell and to detect the early onset of gas or vapour phase inside the pumping system. “The VapourView® instrument is proving much more useful than we thought”, said the Senior Process Engineer at the plant. He explained further that when the process is coming back on stream, the liquid entering the pump is unstable for a period of time. With the visibility of the process conditions that the VapourView® provides, the user can avoid damaging, premature starting of the pump and can also ensure that the pump is brought on line as quickly as possible – maximizing productivity. In addition, the VapourView® instrument has revealed issues in the upstream process where, the unexpected detection of vapour during ‘normal’ operating conditions, was the primary indicator allowing the user to detect a leak in an upstream heat exchanger. The on-site process controllers closely monitor the VapourView® output signal, because it allows them to tune upstream processes to further improve plant efficiency and robustness. VapourView® ultrasonic condition monitoring is a new technology for process industries. It is gaining traction in the market and, as can be seen by these case studies, provides a unique insight and understanding of process operation, that has the potential to improve and optimise and should see the increase of ultrasonic condition monitoring across a range of processing applications. For more information contact Martin Stuart, New Product Development Manager HMD Kontro Sealless Pumps. Tel: +44 1323 452141 E-mail: Web:

Process Industry Informer – August 2018





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