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Dear Santa...

VOLUME 14 ISSUE 06 £4.95

Mercedes-Benz S500L 4Matic At last it’s here – and it doesn’t disappoint


Is the UK government plan to switch new car sales to electric power by 2030 achievable?

The light at the end of the tunnel?

If you’ve made it to the end of 2020, implemented. At least we can see a likely and you’re still in some form of business, end date, when proper herd immunity – congratulations. I reckon you’re about through vaccination — the only way this two-thirds of the way through the worst can be achieved, is reached. peacetime crisis to have hit the world In the meantime, we need some action. for centuries. Government support in terms of mandatory

The private hire, taxi and chauffeur industry payment holidays on car loans, so finance has played its part in keeping Britain moving. But companies receive some recompense but the driver it has been hit hard, and has been very shabbily isn’t forced to dip into reserves every month to treated. The government’s furlough schemes, fund an asset they can’t use. And how about a bounce-back loans and self-employed support top-up to the bounce back loan? Raise the ceiling grants have helped many companies and many from £50,000 to, say, £75,000 and allow companies people. But operators and drivers in our industry to borrow more funds at the same advantageous have fallen through just about every available gap. rates. The Government will, after all, get this

The problem is simply this: for many self- money back at some stage. But the pandemic has employed people, stopping working also stops lasted longer than estimated – so why not offer a adding cost. But a driver still has to pay for little more to get firms through to the end? a car, insurance and licence. OK, there have There is some optimism that a recovery will start been payment holidays, but they are just that – fairly early in 2021. Some things will take longer deferrals of money that is still owed. And without – like international business travel. Airlines and income or savings, drivers simply cannot survive. hotels are talking about 2024 before we’re back to

But instead of a specific scheme for people in 2019 levels, and we may never get there again. The the sector, as has been implemented successfully catastrophe of Brexit won’t help either, whether in Northern Ireland, and mooted for Scotland it’s deal or no deal. Travelling to Europe will be (though as yet there has been no cash forthcoming more difficult, and many companies will try and from Holyrood), drivers in England have had no avoid it, and stick with Zoom meetings rather than help from Westminster. Chancellor Sunak has zooming off to Heathrow. Bad news for those of happily bailed out big corporations, but the little you engaged in airport runs. guys and gals have been left to fend for themselves. But once it’s safe to travel, the holiday market

Some local authorities have come up with will return. And by the summer, companies will be local bailouts for drivers, so praise where due for fed up with home working and social distancing, South Yorkshire and Merseyside. But even so, the and thus business events, trade shows, roadshows amounts are not sufficient. Sefton Council has and conferences will start to come back. At 4,000 drivers on its books, and this month it has Professional Driver, we’re banking on this – we allocated £400,000 to help them out. That sounds had to cancel all our events in 2020, and we really a lot – and right now it’s tough for local councils can’t wait to get the QSi Awards, the Car of the too – but it means each driver pockets just £100. Year judging days and Congress London back It might buy some Christmas cheer for the family. out there. We’re finalising venues and dates, and It certainly won’t cover a month’s car rental. we’re confident that from mid-year, we’ll be able to At least Sefton did something. Many others – entertain you all once again. most others – have done nothing at all. Until then, have a great festive season

The LPHCA’s plan to have central government (observing your social bubbles, of course) and pay licence fees from central funds to local we’ll see you in a hopefully brighter, vaccinated councils is sensible, and has our full support. But 2021. more is required. Operators and drivers cannot Mark Bursa live in fear of repossessions and evictions while Editor the pandemic rumbles on until the vaccine is fully markbursa@prodrivermags.com

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