Dossier 451 2015

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Jonathan BellĂŠs

Dossier of multimedia work

Table of contents A brief description of myself (cover letter)


My Generation at Work (Urbact II)


Model European Union (MEU)


René Magritte: drôle de bonhomme 6 L’ennéagramme 7 Tres llums (Three lights) 8 Godzilla: the Nuclear Threat 9 Sima 10 Seguros equitación, S.l. 11 451 Prods (web site) 12 Paradox D&D, S.l. 13 Quibim, S.l. 14 Loftalento 15 Invasa. Salud y movimiento 16 Celio* 17 Contact details 18

A brief description of myself Dear Mr./ Ms.: Let me introduce myself on this cover letter. My name is Jonathan Bellés, I was born in Castellón de la Plana, a Spanish little town close to Valencia city. My birth day was 21th November of 1988, so I am 26 years old. Since I was a child, I was drawing and painting. When my parent, teachers or friends asked me “What do you want to be when you grow?” I always answered “When I grow up I want to be painter”.

Points to be noted: · Ph.D. on Japanese sci- fi poswar movies (Spain-Japan) · Master of Artistic Production · Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts · Foundator of 451 Productions Main roles: · Producer and film director (storytelling, editor, post-production, mothion graphics and cameraman). · More than 8 years’ experience.

I discovered my passion early: Arts. Since I was 14, it was completly clear. I wanted to study Fine Arts. In 2006, I moved to Valencia and I enrolled at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. I could develop my creative ideas and I improve my artistic skills. However, two years before, I was shocked by movies. I always enjoyed watching movies but in 2004, I wanted to become a film director. This same year, I saw a movie that change my life. This movie was “Fahrenheit 451” (Dir.: François Truffaut, 1966). This movie tell about a early future where firemen burn books because read and think is prohibited. This movie was my inspiration and year by year, my interest on making movies was increasing on me. I wanted to be a painter of “images movement”. At the beginning of my studies, I founded my own brand called Producciones 451 (451 Prods).This name is my tribute to Truffaut’s movie. Between 2006 and 2009 I created several art videos such as “París: 1831” (2007), “Confluyentes” (2008), “Sima” (2008) and a lot of short fiction films: “El juzdado” (The Judgement, 2006), “En equipo” (2008), Friedrich & Elisabeth (2009), Mi llamada (2009) and “El baúl de los Nadas” (2009). This pieces were produced, written and directed by myself. However, I could created all this movies thank to a big reliable team that worked very hard on this short films. During those years, I learnt how work in a big team. I am completly thankful to all of them.

At the middle of 2009, I had the opportunity to produce and shoot my first documentary film. It was in Bruxelles (Belgium) and the topic was on one of my favourite painters: René Magritte. After organize a Belgian-Spanish team, we shot the documentary with the support of the Musée René Magritte. The documentary was finished in 2010 and was finalist in Media Fest (Canarias, Spain) and was deposited at the Library of the Moderm Museum of Art in New York from 2013. I finished my studies in 2011 in Fine Arts and my Master of Artistic Production (UPV) in 2012. During both years, I directed my firsts dance videos titled “L’ennéagramme” (2011) and “Tres llums” (Three lights, 2012). In 2013, I began my Ph.D. project on Kaiju Eiga (Japanese monster movies) because since I was a child, I was fascinated by the relation between Godzilla and the trauma after the bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In 2014, I went to Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama and Hiroshima city to investigate about this topic interviewing to 20 authorities; film directors, composer, professors from Waseda University, actors from the orginal Godzilla movie made in 1954, etc. This was one of my dreams accomplished. Since 2013, I planed to create a new documentary about the origins of Godzilla and now, I am working very hard in this project. Probably, my team and me, we will create an international co-production to finish the film. In addition, since 2009 until now, Producciones 451 was increasing day by day. I’ve had a lof of clients from public or private sector. Our goals were producing corporate videos including pre-production, production and post-production processes. Motion graphics, 3D animations, social media, development of web site are included. Reading my own words, I can say I am so satisfied on my trayectory. I hope person what is reading me can enjoy my brief description and my work what I am displaying on this dossier. Let me show you my particulary world through images. As Steven Spielberg said: “I don’t dream during the night, I dream every days. I dream to life”. 3

My Generation at Work (Urbact II, 2014) Powered by

My Generation at Work is a project developed by Urbact II and its main goal is improve the current laboral market. It is based on develop tools for unemployed young people. Jonathan Bellés was invited to Tampere (Finland) last June of 2014 to recieve a special training as film director. He learnt the goals of the Urbact II project and his task was reflect it through a professional video.



My Generation at Work Urbact II Ajuntament de València

Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)


Main roles

1 video

Jonathan Bellés (director, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, motion graphics and editor)


Video Links

James Wren (voice over) Beatriz Heredia (art dir.) Ximo Giméno (sound) Alexandra Monroy (cast) 4

Model European Union (MEU, 2011) Powered by

Model European Union is a project developed by European Union and its main goal is join young people from around European Union and give them skills on politic decisions. Jonathan Bellés filmed and edited until eight professional videos about the different departments: ministers, journalists, parliaments, lobbies, etc. The most import video was “What is MEU?”. This video is about goals of MEU (see video below right).



Model European Union

Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)


Main roles

8 videos

Jonathan Bellés (director, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, motion graphics and editor)


Alex Laviada (2º Cameraman and editor)

Video Links

What is MEU? 5

René Magritte: Drôle de bonhomme (2010)

This is the first documentary film directed and writen by Jonathan Bellés. This biographic documentary film on the most famous surrealist painter René Magritte was shot in Magritte’s house, located in Belgium - the country where the painter was born, the documentary is a creative work where we delve into the artist’s private a personal life. We see actors embodying the painter Magritte, his wife Georgette Berger, and their circle of artist friends and family. The script is based on the original letters of the couple Magritte, which are preseved thanks to the René Magritte Museum, that is located today in the painters house in the Jette District of Brussels. Original testimonies come from Arlette Leclerq, a neighbour of the Magrittes, and André Garrite, an arts collector and the acting director of the Museum. The film’s added value lies aslo in the re-creation of Magritte’s most representative works through digital 3D effects, by using panoramic shots that will show how the atmosphere of the house influenced his paintings.

Film Company


Producciones 451 V-1422-10 © 2010

Musée René Magritte Atelier de Jéunes Cineastes

Technical aspects Genre: Documentary Format: HDV 1080 Runtime: 35 minutes Color / Widescreen Year of prod.: 2010

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, producer, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, and editor)


Video Links

Beatriz Heredia (art) Miquel À. Múrcia (OST) Valeria Leroy (sound) Henri Leroy (Voice over) Pol Herrmann (DOF) 6

L’ennéagramme (2011)

The most representative piece from Producciones 451. L’ennéagramme is the first video dance produced and directed by Jonathan Bellés. The original idea was created by the artist Beatriz Heredia and the choreographies were signed by Sheila Toledo, star of the film. The thematic of this video dance was inspired by the model of human personality known as Enneagram. The film won the national Spanish award “Valencia Crea 2011” and was selected and screened in eight festivals such as: The Loop (Barcelona), Scientist Video Art Festival (Ferrara, Italy), Palacio de Pronillo gallery (Santander, Spain), etc.

Film Company Producciones 451 V-661-11 © 2011

Support Universitat Politècnica de València Máster de Producción Artística

Technical aspects Genre: Dance Video Format: HD 1080 Runtime: 15 minutes Color / Widescreen Year of prod.: 2011

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, producer, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, and editor)


Beatriz Heredia (art) Raquel Heredia (OST) Alberto Martínez (sound) Carla Melendre (script) Sheila Toledo (choreographer)

Video Links



Password: 451Prods


Tres llums (2012) Powered by

“Tres llums” is the second video dance created by Jonathan Bellés. The Producciones 451’s team applied for a public fund in Spain and they get the budget for produced the film. The topic of the video dance is on the “natural light”. They represented three different types of light: “the dawn light”, “the middle light” and “the evening light”. Each kind of light was interpreted by three actresses. Finally, the night was represented through the shadow of the powerful night. The piece was screened in Las Naves (2012), L’institut Français de Valencia and was finalist in the Ourense Art Festival (Spain, 2013).

Film Company


Producciones 451 V-298-12 © 2012

Las Naves Ajuntament de València

Technical aspects Genre: Dance Video Format: HD 1920 Runtime: 9 minutes Color / Widescreen Year of prod.: 2012

Main roles

Jonathan Bellés (director, producer, storytelling, special effects, postproduction, camareman, and editor)


Beatriz Heredia (art) José Antonio Esteban (OST) Alberto Martínez (sound) Sheila Toledo (choreographer) Amanda Fernández (make up)

Video Links


Tres llums


Godzilla: the Nuclear Threat (2015)

“Godzilla: the Nuclear Threat” is a documentary film directed and written by Jonathan Bellés. It is an international co-production between Spain, Germany and Belgium. The topic of the documentary is tell the origins the Godzilla linked with the Atomic Era. The first Godzilla movie, realeased in 1954, was inspired by the atomic bombing on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the radioactive contamination fishing boat called Lucky Dragon nº 5. Jonathan Bellés went to Japan in 2014 and interviewed until 20 artist related with the creation of Godzilla.

Film Company


Klotz Prods Producciones 451 © 2015

Spanish Embassy in Tokyo University Waseda

Technical aspects Genre: Documentary Format: HD 1920 Runtime: 90 minutes Color / Widescreen Year of prod.: 2016

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, producer, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, and editor)


Christoph Klotz (executive producer) Beatriz Heredia (art and producer) Nacho Molina, Rubén Bellés (art)

Video Links


Password: LuckyDragon

Sima (2008)

One of the first art video created by Jonathan Bellés. Sima (2008) is about mistery and secrets. This piece was realeased in: ‘Fontaine du court Festival’ (Dijon, Francia. 2011), CORTOMATE, XI Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes ‘Vivir de cine’ (Buñol, Valencia. 2010), I Edición de proyecciones Audiovisuales ‘Pendiente de Filtro’ en: Ca Revolta and Magatzems (Valencia. 2009), among other. This is one of the best examples of Bellés’s world.

Film Company


Producciones 451 CS-61-10 © 2008

Polytechnic University of Valencia DCADHA

Technical aspects Genre: Art video Format: SD 720 Runtime: 5 minutes Color / Widescreen Year of prod.: 2008

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, photography and editor)


Video Links

África Verdú (cast) Virginia Morant (cast)


Seguros equitación (2013)

“Seguros equitación”, a new way for ensure good heath of your horse.


Seguros equitación

Service Comercial Video, web design, graphic design, corporate ID and SEO.

Total 1 video 1 web site

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, storytelling, postproduction, editor, camareman and web design)


Video Links

Beatriz Heredia (art)


Web site developement & design (2013)

Released on April 2013, this web site is the most currently look for Producciones 451. The corporate identity was renewed. After a intesive briefing, we designed a new logotipe and web design. You can see the result on the link below (right).

Client Producciones 451

Service Web design, graphic design, logo, corporate ID and SEO.

Total 1 web site

Main roles Jonathan BellĂŠs (web design and editor)


Beatriz Heredia (art)

Web Link


Paradox D&D, S.l. (2012)

The comercial videos “Technology for business” and “Technology for education” show an interesting technology what can be used on many fields: corporation, education, etc. This aplication is based on “augmented reality”. The client, Paradox D&D, S.l., won one of the first position of Lanzadera Project. The award was 200.000€ for develop this kind of technology.

Client Paradox D&D, S.l.

Service Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)

Total 2 videos

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, motion graphics and editor)


Beatriz Heredia (art) Rubén Bellés (cast) Sandra Rodríguez (cast) Make up: Amanda Fernández FX: Alberto Martínez

Video Links

Technology for business

Technology for education


Quibim, S.l. (2013)

This video was applied in the Spanish festival called Yuzz Project. This festival is about science and technology. The client, Quibim, S.L., won the first award (30.000€ for development). This video explian the main concept of the project. At the end of the video, we can see a brief interesting animation created on After Effects CS4.

Client Quibim, S.l.

Service Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)

Total 1 video

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, animation After Effects, postproduction, camareman and editor)


Video Links

Beatriz Heredia, Rubén Bellés (art)


Loftalento (2012 - 2013)

One of the most representative client for Producciones 451. Loftalento is an interesting company in which you can learn about coaching, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and coaching with horses. In two years, we produced until 12 videos and more than 30 professional photos for this company.




Main roles


Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)

12 videos 30 photos

Jonathan Bellés (director, animation After Effects, postproduction, camareman and editor)


Video Links

Beatriz Heredia, Rubén Bellés (art) The space

Coaching + horses




Invasa. Salud en movimiento (2013-2014)

In Invasa, you can have a relaxing day and a training day. Choose your best election. This work contists in two professional videos showing the best services of Invasa and include 20 photos.

Client Invasa

Service Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)

Total 2 videos 20 photos

Main roles Jonathan Bellés (director, storytelling, postproduction, camareman, motion graphics and editor)


Beatriz Heredia (art) Sheila Toledo (cast) Marta Sánchez (cast) Rubén Bellés (assistant)

Video Links

Have a relaxing day

Training day


Celio* (2014)

This is the oppening day of Celio* in the Valencia city. Good d.j. and good espectacle. Enjoy the party!

Clients Celio*

Service Comercial Video (all audio-visual processes; pre, pro and postproduction)

Total 1 video

Main roles


Video Links

Jonathan BellĂŠs (director, postproduction, camareman, motion graphics and editor) 17

Contact details: 37, Rue du Monténégro. 1060. Brussels, Belgium +32 465 575 732 / +34 626 222 830

Thank you!

Designs, photos and video productions are property of Jonathan Bellés © 2006 - 2015. All rights reserved.

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