Charismatic, Transformational,

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Charismatic, Transformational, Strategic Leadership and Change 9-1

Learning Objectives • Max Weber on charismatic leadership. • Argument for and against the locus of charismatic leadership. • How one can acquire charismatic qualities. • Socialized VS personalized charismatic leaders. • Charismatic VS transformational leadership. • 4 Phases of the transformation process. • Role of strategic leadership. • 3 Phases of change, resistance to, overcoming. 9-2

Weber’s Charismatic Leadership • Influence based on follower perceptions that the leader is endowed with the gift of divine inspiration or supernatural qualities. 9-3


Self Promoting

Empowers Others

Verbal Skills

Self Confidence Moral Conviction

Charismatic Charismatic Leader Leader Characteristics Characteristics Minimum Internal Conflict

Relational Power Base

Inspires Trust

High Risk Orientation

High Energy Action Orientation


4 Strategies to Develop Charismatic Qualities Develop Develop visionary visionary skills skills Practice Practice being being candid candid Develop Develop warm, warm, positive, positive, humanistic humanistic attitude. attitude. Develop Develop an an enthusiastic, enthusiastic, optimistic, optimistic, energetic energetic personality. personality. 9-5

Personalized Charismatic Leaders • Pursue leaderdriven goals and promote feelings of obedience, dependency and submission in followers. 9-6

Socialized Charismatic Leaders • Pursue organizationdriven goals and promote feelings of empowerment, personal growth and equal participation in followers.


4 Phases of Transformation Process 1. Recognizing need for change. 2. Create a new vision.

3. Manage Transition 4. Institutionalize the change. 9-8

Values of Stewardship Teamwork Orientation

Equality Assumptions

Stewardship Reward Assumption



Guidelines to Servant Leadership Service to

Effective listening

others over self interest

Servant Leadership Earning and keeping other’s trust

Helping others discover their inner spirit 9-10

Stages In The Change Process Unfreezing Changing Refreezing 9-11

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