Sample lesson plan non debate topic 3

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MICROTEACHING LESSON PLAN #3 Time: 15 min. Name: Maxwell Hartt, School of Planning Lesson Title: Non-Debate Topic of the lesson: Your favourite teaching method Attended Effective Lesson Planning Workshop: YES Learning objectives (list 1-2 specific objectives): Be the end of the lesson, participants will be able to: 1. explain what the Non-Debate teaching method is 2. use Non-Debate method in their teaching Pre-assessment: Ask participants about their experience with debates in the classroom: Did you participate in debates in any courses you’ve taken? If so, how did it go? Opening your lesson:  Video that demonstrates that debates can be held without anyone really saying anything of consequence.  Family Guy – Undecided Voters (1 minute 24 seconds)   Explain the two goals of the lesson (ILOs) and provide an outline of the lesson Learner engagement and participation: Debate:  Split participants into two groups of two  Ask them to prepare two main points on the use of debating in the classroom (one group will be on the PRO side and one on the CON)  Each group will have a chance for an opening statement, a response and a close Lecture  Using the PROs and CONs brought up in the debate, explain what the teaching method ‘Non-Debate’ is and how it can be a useful method in the classroom Post-assessment: Questions to the participants: 1. What are your thoughts on this teaching method? 2. How can it be applied in your discipline? Closure: Re-iterate the learning objectives, the main PROs and CONs of the teaching method and where I think it could be useful Supporting materials/resources: Computer (video), whiteboard and handouts Source: College of Education, University of Saskatchewan. Teaching Methods: Non-Debate.

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