2013 PSC Annual Conference Program

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A Special Thank You

to our Diamond Sponsors

The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e


Welcome to the

2013 PSC Annual Conference

Dear Friends:

Welcome to the 2013 PSC Annual Conference. It is gratifying to see such an extraordinary turnout, particularly given the continued uncertainties and challenges our industry and our government customers face. Indeed, it feels like it has become the “new normal” to talk about uncertainty in the government marketplace. But, then again, that is a hallmark that is with us, and will remain so for a while. Hence, that is how the Annual Conference Committee approached its work this year. Through a series of meetings and lengthy discussions, most of them focused on one aspect or another of the current market gyrations, the committee crafted a program designed to explore key facets of the current environment and how they are impacting, or will impact, the federal professional services and technology sectors. From Gen. Michael Hayden’s opening keynote on global insecurity to our closing panel of top government acquisition leaders, the entire conference is built around the challenges, opportunities, and imperatives of the marketplace. As you will see, the agenda includes expert-led discussions and presentations on federal budget scenarios and possibilities; business models; alternative business and market opportunities and strategies; the economy at large; and information assurance. It is our hope that from each portion of the conference, as well as the conference as a whole, you will glean valuable information that genuinely helps inform your own strategic thinking. And as has been a great tradition at each PSC Annual Conference, we have built in a wide range of opportunities for networking, including receptions, ample break times, a networking breakfast and more. We also hope you have downloaded the new PSC Annual Conference mobile app, through which you can follow the agenda, see who else is attending, and facilitate meet-ups of particular interest to you. Please also make sure to visit our PAC raffle table where raffle tickets will be available. The proceeds benefit the PSC Political Action Committee and this year’s prizes include a $500 Apple gift card, wine basket, and two nights at The Greenbrier. We owe a great debt of thanks to the Annual Conference Committee (the members of which can be found on page 29 of this program) for their time, thoughtful input and engagement. And we owe a very special thanks to the committee’s Chair, Kevin Beverly of Social and Scientific Systems, Inc. for the great job he did in his first year as the committee’s leader. Finally, please make sure to do two other things while you are here: • Thank a sponsor. All sponsors are identified as such on their name tags and their support goes directly to PSC’s operating budget. As such, it goes directly to the mission with which we are tasked with executing on your behalf. • Engage. Ask questions, offer insights or observations, and help us ensure the conference is a true conversation. Everyone here has valuable knowledge and expertise and we hope you will feel free to share it. Once again, welcome to the 2013 Annual Conference. If you have any questions at all please ask any member of the PSC staff. Enjoy the conference. And thank you, as always, for your support of PSC Sincerely,

Stan Soloway President and CEO The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e



2013 PSC Annual Conference

Greenbrier Estate Maps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Conference Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Conference Agenda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Conference Mobile App. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 2013 Annual Conference Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 2013 Annual Conference Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Meet the PSC Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Speaker, Presenter, and Participant Bios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

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P rofe ssional Se rvic e s C ouncil

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The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e


Conference Technology

Everything you need to know to stay connected at the conference!

Technology Access Sponsor

Wireless Access Network Name: BAESystemsPSC Password: BAESystems

Charging and printing stations 3 locations available: a PC, printer, and charging station for mobile devices of all types. Look for the kiosks in the main conference room and near registration.

Twitter We’ll be live tweeting throughout the conference, so follow @PSCspeaks and @StanSoloway and be sure to use #PSCconf if you are tweeting about the conference!

The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e



2013 PSC Annual Conference


10 a.m.

Registration Opens

Chesapeake Bay Room Registration will be open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Registration will also be available Monday and Tuesday outside of the ballroom.

11:30 a.m. PSC Annual Golf Tournament Old White Course Prepare for the challenge of the Old White Course, the same course used in the PGA Greenbrier Classic Tournament. Please arrive at the clubhouse no later than 11:30 a.m. Shuttles will depart from the lobby by request and parking is available for those who wish to drive.

1 p.m. Golf Alternative: Wines of the World Crystal Room A Greenbrier sommelier will delight guests with the basics and nuances of various wines, regions and grape varietals. A great way to spend a fall afternoon.

Sponsors: J AMIS Software Corporation Capital Edge Consulting Wiley Rein LLP CliftonLarsonAllen

Sponsor: Sabre Systems, Inc.

7 p.m. Opening Reception and Dinner Colonial Hall As the official start of the PSC Annual Conference, join old colleagues and new friends for cocktails and food stations in a relaxed atmosphere.

Sponsors: C GI Federal Venable HP Enterprise Services

9 p.m. Sunday Social The Greenbrier Casino We’ve reserved the Twelve Oaks Bar and a private pit of casino games for this year’s Sunday Social. Try your hand at the tables or sit back and relax to the sounds of a live soul singer. You will not want to miss out on all the networking opportunities and excitement of the casino floor. Don’t forget that you need your Greenbrier Room Access card to enter the casino, and men are required to wear a jacket.


Sponsors: BDO USA, LLP Baker Tilly The Boon Group

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2013 PSC Annual Conference

MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 7 a.m. Networking Breakfast Chesapeake Room Good morning! We have a full hot breakfast and lots of colleagues and friends waiting for you in the Chesapeake Room to fuel you for what will surely be a full day of great conference sessions. Sponsors: H eiTech Services, Inc. Avascent

8 a.m. Opening and Welcome Colonial Hall The Honorable Dr. John Hillen, Chairman, PSC and Vice Chairman, Advisory Board, Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc.

8:30 a.m. Keynote Address Colonial Hall Speaker: General Michael Hayden (USAF Ret.), Principal, The Chertoff Group, and former Director of the NSA and CIA

General Michael Hayden is a principal at The Chertoff Group, a global security advisory firm that provides consulting, business development and merger and acquisition (M&A) advisory services for clients in the security, defense and government services industries. At The Chertoff Group, General Hayden uses his broad geographic and political knowledge to brief clients on intelligence matters worldwide—including developments in cybersecurity—that may affect their businesses. General Hayden served as the director of the CIA from 2006 to 2009, where he was responsible for overseeing the collection of information concerning the plans, intentions and capabilities of America’s adversaries, producing timely analysis for decision makers and conducting covert operations to thwart terrorists and other enemies of the U.S. Prior to his role at the CIA, General Hayden was the country’s first principal deputy director of national intelligence and was the highest ranking intelligence office in the armed forces. Additionally, he served as commander of the Air Intelligence Agency, director of the Joint Command and Control Warfare Center, director of the National Security Agency and chief of the Central Security Service.

9:15 a.m. Setting the Stage Colonial Hall PSC’s Stan Soloway outlines the current high-level market and policy drivers that are influencing our industry. 10 a.m. Colonial Lounge

Sponsor: Accenture Federal Services

Networking Break Grab a coffee, water, or snack and come right back! You won’t want to miss our next session. Sponsor: Information International Associates, Inc.

10:30 a.m. Game Changers: The Quadrennial Reviews Colonial Hall Every four years, the policy and planning priorities of the federal government are re-evaluated, setting the tone for the coming four years of acquisition and program spending. See what may be coming from the reviews and what it may mean for your company.

Moderator: DeEtte Gray, President, Intelligence and Security Sector, BAE Systems

Speakers: General Norton (Norty) Schwartz (USAF Ret.), President & CEO, BENS, and former USAF Chief of Staff Alan D. Cohn, Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, Analysis & Risk, Department of Homeland Security Alonzo Fulgham, Vice President, Strategy and Sustainable International Development, CH2M HILL

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Conference Mobile App

Better networking through your mobile device. This year, PSC has unveiled a 2013 Annual Conference mobile app to keep attendees connected on their mobile devices and to facilitate networking throughout the conference. When you registered for the conference, we created an account for you on our mobile app so that you can instantly access all of the great features of the conference while you are away from your desktop computer.

1. Scan this code using a barcode scanner (you may need to

download a barcode scanner for Android or iPhone) or visit this link


2. Bookmark the site using your mobile browser or

bookmark manager, and add the bookmark to your home screen (since this is a mobile app, there is no need to download anything to your device).

3. Then be sure to fill out your profile, add a photo, bio, and link to your social media.

You’ll be able to customize your schedule, see your social media contacts that are attending the conference, and access a host of information on the program.


2013 PSC Annual Conference

11:30 a.m. Big Gaps, Changing Needs? How Science & Technology Requirements Are Colonial Hall Evolving It’s no mere theory that science and technology requirements are evolving every day. When the government needs cutting edge technology, the private sector is often asked to innovate or completely re-envision common systems and practices. Is your company poised to provide value during and after this evolution?

Moderator: Randy Fuerst, President & COO, Oceus Networks

Speakers: The Honorable Jay Cohen, Principal, The Chertoff Group, and former Under Secretary for Science & Technology, DHS Dale Ormond, Director, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command David M. Wennergren, Vice President, Enterprise Technologies and Services, CACI International Inc., and former Deputy CIO, DoD

11:30 a.m. Spouse/Guest Event: Brilliant Brunch for a Bunch Culinary Arts Center Does hosting a gourmet brunch for all of your family and friends sound like a day in the pressure cooker? Avoid the panic with this guided instruction from Greenbrier chefs as they walk you through easy and tasty recipes to feed the hungry masses.

12:30 p.m. Break for Lunch Colonial Lounge Head into the foyer and prepare a plate, then head back into the ballroom for a working lunch focusing on an essential market force: the budget.

Sponsor: SRA International, Inc.

1 p.m. The Budget: Scenarios and Dynamics Colonial Hall Former Senator Kent Conrad, longtime chair of the Senate Budget Committee, shares his expert, inside perspective on the most likely outcomes of the current fiscal debate.

Speaker: Kent Conrad, former Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, and former U.S. Senator (D-ND)

Sponsor: SRA International, Inc.

2 p.m. Networking Break Colonial Lounge Grab a cookie and a drink, we’ve got two more sessions this afternoon focusing on adapting your business to a new era for our industry.

Sponsor: Information International Associates, Inc.

2:30 p.m. Business & Pricing Models: The Demands of a New Era Colonial Hall Are your traditional business and pricing models keeping up with the demands of a new era in government acquisition?

Moderator: Robin Lineberger, Principal, Aerospace & Defense, Deloitte Consulting LLP

Speakers: Roger Wiederkehr, COO, Wyle Babs Doherty, President and CEO, Eagle Ray, Inc. Anne Altman, General Manager, U.S. Federal Government Industries, IBM Corporation Wayne Lucernoni, President, Harris IT Services, Harris Corporation

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2013 PSC Annual Conference

3:30 p.m. Cyber Policy: What Every Company Needs to Know Colonial Hall There is no escaping the ubiquity of tightly-controlled cybersecurity in today’s market, but what does that mean for the government services contractor? How do the emerging policies impact you?

Moderator: David Zolet, Executive Vice President and General Manager, North American Public Sector, CSC Speakers: Bob Butler, Chief Security Officer and Senior Vice President, IO Jake Olcott, Principal, Cybersecurity, Good Harbor Jim Winner, Lead Counsel, Cyber Solutions Division, Northrop Grumman Information Systems

4:30 p.m. Adjourn Colonial Hall Day one of the conference is over and it’s time to refresh for this evening’s festivities! Join us for our networking happy hour, reception, and chairman’s banquet, followed by PSC After Hours. Remember that this evening’s events are cocktail attire—that means a coat and tie for men and a dress or suit for women.

5:30 p.m. Networking Happy Hour Crystal Room If you love to network, now is the time! Join us for early cocktails that transition right into our reception and dinner for this evening.

Sponsors: Government Service Administrators McGladrey LLP

6:45 p.m. Reception (Cocktail Attire) Colonial Lounge Don your cocktail attire and meet near the ballroom for our reception, then roll right into our Chairman’s Banquet.

Sponsors: S unTrust AECOM BB&T Capital Markets | Windsor Group

7:30 p.m. Colonial Hall

Chairman’s Banquet (Cocktail Attire)

9 p.m. Colonial Hall

Sponsor: Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc.

After Hours Celebration fter a long day of substantive sessions, it’s time to relax and enjoy drinks, desserts, A networking and a full show band providing a wide range of tunes to keep you energized all evening. Don’t have too much fun though, we’ve got an early morning and full day of sessions planned for tomorrow!


P rofe ssional Se rvic e s C ouncil


2013 PSC Annual Conference


7:30 a.m. Networking Breakfast Chesapeake Room Welcome to day two of the conference. Instead of our normal continental breakfast, this year we’re having another full hot breakfast to prepare you for our sessions. 8:30 a.m. Welcome Colonial Hall Annual Conference Committee Chair Kevin Beverly welcomes us back for a morning of important discussions.

Kevin Beverly, Executive Vice President, Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

8:45 a.m. From Adjacency to Divestment: Strategies for a New Era Colonial Hall You can move horizontally, vertically, into new areas or out of the market altogether. Mergers, acquisitions, takeovers and joint ventures are increasingly influencing the makeup of our industry. Find out how you can evaluate your options and see what others have done to successfully adjust to a new era in government services contracting.

Moderator: Andy McCann, Vice President, U.S. Public Sector, HP Enterprise Services

Speakers: Nancy S. Blethen, Owner, President & CEO, Tech Systems, Inc., and Owner and Administrator, Home Care Assistance Steve Goldsmith, Director, Innovations in American Government Program, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government David Langstaff, President & CEO, TASC

9:30 a.m. Keynote Address Colonial Hall Speaker: Kevin Hassett, Senior Fellow and Director of Economic Policy Studies, American Enterprise Institute

Sponsor: PAE

9:30 a.m. Rolling Networking Break Colonial Hall We’ll have a rolling break all morning, so feel free to grab a snack or refreshment whenever you need it.

10:45 a.m. The Acquisition Leadership Panel Colonial Hall Always a crowd favorite and cited as “worth the price of admission,” this panel looks into the top acquisition challenges from acquisition leaders followed by a dialogue on how to address them. And we’ll still get you back to D.C. for dinner!

Moderator: Kimberly B. McCabe, President & CEO, ASI Government

Speakers: Joe Jordan, Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget Alan Estevez, Assistant Secretary of Defense, Logistics and Materiel Readiness, Department of Defense Nick Nayak, Chief Procurement Officer, Department of Homeland Security Anne Rung, Associate Administrator for Government-wide Policy & Chief Acquisition Officer, General Services Administration

12 p.m. Closing Remarks & Adjournment Colonial Hall Don’t let the conference be your last engagement with PSC…keep the momentum going all year long as we schedule dozens of topical and committee meetings to address all of the issues explored at the Annual Conference. PSC is your information, advocacy, and networking resource and we hope to see you at another event soon.

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Special Events

2013 PSC Annual Conference Sunday, 11:30 a.m. PSC Annual Golf Tournament (registration required) Old White Course Sponsors: JAMIS Software Corporation Capital Edge Consulting Wiley Rein LLP CliftonLarsonAllen

Prepare for the challenge of the Old White Course, the same course used in the PGA Greenbrier Classic Tournament. Please arrive at the clubhouse no later than 11:30 a.m. Shuttles will depart from the lobby by request and parking is available for those who wish to drive. The course is a short walk from the hotel.

Sunday, 1 p.m. Golf Alternative (registration required) Wines of the World Crystal Room Sponsor: Sabre Systems, Inc. A Greenbrier sommelier will delight guests with the basics and nuances of various wines, regions and grape varietals.

Sunday, 9 p.m. Sunday Social The Greenbrier Casino Sponsors: BDO USA, LLP Baker Tilly The Boon Group We’ve reserved the Twelve Oaks Bar and a private pit of casino games for this year’s Sunday Social. Try your hand at the tables or sit back and relax with a cocktail and the sweet sounds of a live soul singer. You will not want to miss out on all the networking opportunities and excitement of a private casino floor!

Monday, 11:30 a.m. Guest Event—Brilliant Brunch for a Bunch (registration required) Culinary Arts Center Does hosting a gourmet brunch for all of your family and friends sound like a day in the pressure cooker? Avoid the panic with this guided instruction from Greenbrier chefs as they walk you through easy and tasty recipes to feed the hungry masses.

The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e


Thank you

2013 Annual Conference sponsors CONFERENCE-WIDE SPONSORS Diamond Sponsors

Gold Sponsors

American Systems




Cubic Applications, Inc.

Dell Services Federal Government

Dassian, Inc.

Fluor Corporation

Engility Corporation


Houlihan Lokey

JBS International, Inc.

INDUS Corporation

Northwind Partners

KippsDeSanto & Co.

Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.


Systems Planning and Analysis, Inc.


Transformation Systems, Inc.



Wells Fargo & Company

Silver Sponsors Platinum Sponsors

Arnold & Porter LLP

Abt Associates Inc.

Aronson LLC/Aronson Capital Partners

Booz Allen Hamilton

Berkeley Research Group


Vistronix, Inc.

CRGT Deloitte Deltek DynCorp International FCE Benefit Administrators, Inc. General Dynamics Information Technology ICF International Mina Group NCI Inc. Sagent Advisors, LLC URS Corporation

The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e


Thank you

2013 Annual Conference sponsors Individual Event Sponsors

Food & Beverage Sponsors

PSC Annual Golf Tournament

Sunday Reception & Dinner

Capital Edge Consulting

CGI Federal


HP Enterprise Services

JAMIS Software Corporation


Wiley Rein LLP

Monday Networking Breakfast Golf Alternative Wines of the World

Avascent HeiTech Services, Inc.

Sabre Systems, Inc.

Sunday Social

Monday All-Day Break Services Information International Associates, Inc.

Baker Tilly BDO USA, LLP

Monday Bottled Water Service

The Boon Group

Phoenix Management, Inc. (PMI)

Networking Happy Hour

Monday Luncheon

Government Service Administrators

SRA International, Inc.

McGladrey LLP

Monday Reception

Conference Essentials Sponsors Technology Access BAE Systems

Thought Leadership

AECOM BB&T Capital Markets | Windsor Group SunTrust

Chairman’s Dinner Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc.

CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services, Inc.

Tuesday Bottled Water Service

Market Connections, Inc.

RBS Citizens

Wells Fargo Advisors

Greenbrier Access Card

Keynote Sponsors

Akima, LLC

Opening Keynote Accenture Federal Services

Be sure to thank a sponsor, noted by the ribbon on their name tag! The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e

Closing Keynote PAE


Thank you

2013 Annual Conference Committee

Committee Chair Kevin Beverly Executive Vice President Social & Scientific Systems, Inc.

Neil Albert Vice Chairman, MCR, LLC Joan Berghane Director, Berkeley Research Group Karen Braxton Director of Special Projects, Synergy Enterprises, Inc. Matthew Carroll Executive Director, Secure Services, Fluor Corporation Bonnie Carroll Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Knowledge Officer, Information International Associates, Inc. Brandon Cole Client Executive, Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc. Tim Cook Director, Government Affairs, Alion Science and Technology Corporation

Lexy Kessler Partner, Aronson LLC David Kriegman CEO, Z2B, LLC David Lundsten Partner, Cherry Bekaert LLP Michael O’Grady Senior Vice President, Xenith Bank Eric Pietras Senior Vice President, Government Contractor & Technology Group, Bank of America Merrill Lynch Lizann Prosser President and CEO, Crown Agents USA, Inc. Walt Sasser VP of Communications & External Affairs, Camber Corporation Dondi Saunders Director of Business Development, CliftonLarsonAllen Gene Schleppenbach Principal, Miles & Stockbridge P.C. Dennis Seipp Director, Government Affairs, URS Corporation

William Courtney Senior Principal, Policy Strategy, CSC

Jerri Shaw Co-CEO & President, JBS International, Inc.

Eric Crusius Partner, Centre Consulting, Inc.

Mark Shields Partner, Avascent

Suzanne Davis Director, Baker Tilly

Don Shoff Senior VP & CFO, INDUS Corporation

Leslie Grizzard Hale Senior Vice President, RBS Citizens

Julia Susman President & CEO, Jefferson Consulting Group, LLC

Michael Gulino President & CEO, AEGIS Defense Services LLC

Jamie Waldren Managing Director, Wells Fargo Advisors

Philip Jaurigue President & CEO, Sabre Systems, Inc.

Marta Wilson CEO, Transformation Systems, Inc.

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Meet the Staff

Professional Services Council President & CEO Stan Z. Soloway

Executive Vice President & Counsel Alan L. Chvotkin

Vice President, Marketing & Membership Joe Carden

Vice President, Government Relations Roger Jordan

Director of Meetings & Events Melissa R. Phillips

Director of Finance Robert W. Piening

Director, PSC International Development Initiative Paul Foldi

Manager, Marketing Bryan G. Bowman

Manager, Member Services Matthew Busby, III

Manager, Media Relations Elise Castelli

Manager, Federal Affairs Jeremy Madson

Manager, Event Services Jean Tarascio

Manager, Legislative Affairs Kate Petersen

Membership Associate Charlene Dowdy

Policy Associate Matthew Taylor

Executive Assistant Kristine Thomas

Office Manager/ Receptionist Karen Holmes

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Anne K. Altman

General Manager, U.S. Federal and Government Industries IBM Corporation Anne Altman is the general manager of IBM U.S. Federal and Government Industries. Altman drives development, delivery and innovation of IBM’s products, services and solutions to federal government clients and the industries that support them, guiding the strategy, direction, and sales of this multi-billion dollar business. Altman’s three-decade career with IBM has been one of transformational leadership, and she has often been tapped to address complex business challenges within IBM and on behalf of clients. Better healthcare, strong academia and governments that provide enhanced citizen-based services all point to a higher quality of life and consequently become an economic development engine to attract new jobs which become the life blood of the community. Altman is a recognized thought leader who often speaks, and has been asked to deliver congressional testimonies, on behalf of IBM on topics ranging from national security, healthcare and education, technology in the military and intelligence communities, ‘smarter’ citizen services, intelligent transportation, cloud computing, business analytics and the role of innovation to drive economic growth.

Kevin Beverly

Executive Vice President Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. Kevin Beverly is the executive vice president of Social & Scientific Systems, Inc. Before joining Social & Scientific Systems, he worked in various technical and policy organizations, including Abt Associates, BAE Systems, Tracor Corporation, Computer Sciences Corporation, PSI International, the World Health Organization, and the National Library of Medicine. His strength and experience in leadership, operations, project management, and sales and marketing has greatly contributed to the company’s growth. In addition to founding the Mildred Beverly Memorial Family Fund, which provides college scholarships for underprivileged youth in Dorchester County, Maryland, Beverly serves on the boards of the Professional Services Council (PSC), the Montgomery County Community Foundation, Passion for Learning, Corporate Volunteer Council of Montgomery County, Boys and Girls Club of Montgomery County, the Career Transition Center, Maryland Classical Youth Orchestra, and the Bethesda-Chevy Chase YMCA.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Nancy S. Blethen

Owner, President & CEO, Tech Systems, Inc. Owner and Administrator, Home Care Assistance Nancy S. Blethen is the primary owner of Tech Systems, Inc. and serves as its president and chief executive officer. In this role, Blethen is charged with the strategic decision-making, operational excellence, business development and risk management of Tech Systems, Inc. She works closely with other senior leaders in overseeing operations, ensuring customer satisfaction and securing new business opportunities for Tech Systems, Inc. Blethen is largely responsible for the significant growth of Tech Systems, Inc. which has more than tripled in size since she purchased the company in 2004. Public accounting is where Blethen began her career, and where she worked for more than eight years. She was an auditor with Pricewaterhouse Coopers (formerly Coopers & Lybrand) from 1989 to 1994, serving clients in a variety of industries, primarily small and emerging businesses and nonprofit organizations. In the late 1990’s, Blethen was a manager at Langan Associates, P.C., the nation’s only exclusive provider of accounting and consulting services to the non-profit industry. In the mid 1990’s, Blethen also served as controller for the National Organization of Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Associations (NOLHGA), a national nonprofit organization based in the Washington, D.C. area. Prior to joining Tech Systems, Inc. in 2003, Blethen was the CFO for the Brain Injury Association of America, the country’s oldest and largest nationwide brain injury education and advocacy organization. Within these public accounting, consulting and leadership roles, Blethen worked with corporations of all sizes from a variety of industries, many of which had contracts or grants with the federal government. Together with her business partner, Anne Rohall, Blethen recently purchased a franchise and started a new venture called Home Care Assistance, providing older residents of Anne Arundel County, Maryland with quality in-home care that enables them to live happier, healthier lives at home. What started out as a diversification plan has grown into a mission of changing the way the world ages.

Bob Butler

Chief Security Officer & Senior Vice President IO Bob Butler is the chief security officer/senior vice president for IO, a privately held data center “builder” and provider, and has consulted as a special government expert to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Air Force Scientific Advisory Board and other organizations on cyber security. He also serves as a fellow at the Center for New American Security (CNAS) and is a member of the Texas State Cyber Security, Education and Economic Development Council. Prior to assuming his current roles, Butler served as the first deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy (August 2009-August 2011). In this role, Butler acted as the principal advisor to the secretary of defense and other defense leaders on the development of cyber strategy and policy. Butler has a distinguished career in information technology, intelligence and national security which spans 32 years of both public and private sector experiences. He is a retired U.S. Air Force colonel and a former member of the Defense Department’s senior executive service. He has also been an account executive and senior cyber strategist with Computer Sciences Corporation. Butler is a former RAND fellow, and has served as a national defense fellow at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. He has received a number of public service awards.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants The Honorable Jay Cohen

Principal, The Chertoff Group Former Under Secretary for Science & Technology, Department of Homeland Security Innovative problem solving and science and technology have always been among Jay M. Cohen’s strong points: Early in his naval career he mastered nuclear power training and later commanded a nuclear submarine. He followed with stints as a senior member of the Nuclear Propulsion Examining Board for the U.S. Atlantic Fleet; command of a major surface ship, director of the Navy Y2K Project Office; and chief of naval research. At DHS, Cohen assumed responsibility for evaluating, procuring and coordinating the department’s science and technology assets as well as responsibility across the 22 components of DHS for test and evaluation. He provides the same kind of insightful scientific and technological expertise to clients of The Chertoff Group – expertise that goes far beyond typical recommendations for application of both proven technology and cutting edge solutions. Starting in 2000, as chief of naval research, Cohen was the Department of the Navy’s chief technology officer in wartime, responsible for the Navy and Marine Corps science and technology program to rapidly meet combat technology needs.

Alan D. Cohn

Assistant Secretary for Strategy, Planning, Analysis & Risk Department of Homeland Security Alan D. Cohn is assistant secretary for strategy, planning, analysis and risk in the DHS Office of Policy. Cohn leads a diverse, multi-disciplinary team formed when the functions of the former Office of Risk Management and Analysis were integrated into DHS Policy’s Office of Strategic Plans. Cohn is responsible for work including strategy development, assessment, and evaluation, strategic environment assessment, risk modeling, assessment, and analysis, capability and vulnerability assessment, and economic and statistical analysis. Cohn also plays a key role in ensuring both substantive and structural linkage between strategy and the department’s programming, budgeting, and major acquisition oversight processes. As head of the department’s strategic planning office, Cohn led the first Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (QHSR), a year-long strategic review of homeland security involving over 500 subject matter experts that resulted in the QHSR Report (2010) and the FY2012-2016 DHS Strategic Plan. Cohn has also managed strategic assessments in areas such as aviation and surface transportation security, nuclear smuggling, counternarcotics, domain awareness, global supply chain security, cyber security, and emergency preparedness and response. Cohn represents DHS on National Security Staff interagency policy committees and on major strategy reviews such as the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review, the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Beyond Goldwater-Nichols 4, and the Project on National Security Reform. Cohn has been a member of the career Senior Executive Service since 2007. Cohn previously served as director of emergency preparedness and response policy in the DHS Office of Policy Development from 2006-2008, and was awarded the Secretary’s Silver Medal, the department’s second-highest award, in 2007. Cohn is also an adjunct professor at Georgetown University Law Center, where he teaches classes on domestic preparedness law and national security crisis law. He authored a legal casebook, DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS: LAW, POLICY, AND NATIONAL SECURITY (Carolina Academic Press 2012), and is a regular speaker and panelist. The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e



Speakers, presenters, and participants Prior to joining DHS, Cohn was an associate and counsel at Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP in Washington, D.C. from 2000-2006, and an associate at Littler Mendelson, P.C. from 1997-1999. Cohn was an emergency medical technician in New York City and Colorado from 1990-1994, a FEMA disaster assistance employee from 1995-2006, and a planning officer on the Fairfax County Urban Search & Rescue Task Force from 1998-2006. He responded to the 2005 hurricane season, the September 11, 2001 attacks, and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Kent Conrad

Former Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee Former U.S. Senator (D-ND) As the former chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND) has earned bipartisan respect as an expert on the nation’s fiscal issues. Selected by TIME as one of “America’s 10 Best Senators” and rated by The American as one of the ten most economically knowledgeable members of Congress, Conrad has played a vital role in shaping our nation’s fiscal policies during the last three decades. Senator Kent Conrad has expertise in fiscal policy, the fiscal cliff, the economy, energy, and healthcare. In addition to being the chairman of the Budget Committee, Conrad was a member of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform and a strong proponent of the Simpson-Bowles plan. Since its release in December 2010, that plan has become the standard against which all other debt-reduction proposals are measured. Self-described as a “deficit hawk” because of his calls for a balanced federal budget, Conrad also served on the six-member bipartisan group, the so-called “Gang of Six,” that has been negotiating a $4 trillion debt-reduction package since December 2010. The group’s goal is a bill that would save more than $4 trillion over 10 years through a mix of caps on annual domestic and military spending, cost-saving changes to Medicare and Medicaid, and an overhaul of the tax code. Conrad also held several key positions on the Committee on Finance. He served as chairman of the Subcommittee on Taxation, IRS Oversight, and Long-Term Growth and was a member of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth. No stranger to energy issues, Conrad also held a positions on the Committee of Agriculture’s Subcommittee on Energy, Science and Technology and the Committee of Finance’s Subcommittee on Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure. He was co-chairman of the “Group of Ten,” comprised of five democrats and five republicans that produced a plan to move America towards energy independence. He was also a member of the “Group of Six,” comprised of three members of each party that worked on a comprehensive healthcare overhaul plan, and he served on the Senate Intelligence Committee.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Babs Doherty

President & CEO Eagle Ray, Inc. Babs Doherty founded Eagle Ray, Inc. in February of 2002. A $25M ISO 9000 registered company, Eagle Ray delivers strategic consulting services including IT governance, enterprise architecture and acquisition advisory support for performance-based contracting as well as expertise in program/project management, operational performance management, cyber-security compliance, IV&V, and business improvement to agencies in the national security arena—the intelligence community, Department of Defense, and Homeland Security. Prior to starting Eagle Ray, Doherty worked at Titan Systems as an IT program manager, business development professional, and manager of their corporate Mentor-Protégé program. She was the chief architect for an online auction system that was deployed and supported throughout the U.S. and Canada while working at Auction Management Solutions in Tampa, Florida. Doherty spent most of her early career at BTG, Inc. as a program/ project manager for DoD software development programs such as POST and PAWS. In that capacity, Doherty deployed on U.S. warships to code, install, and cross-deck computer systems on all the major combatants. She spent time at sea during exercises ensuring system availability. Her entry point into the IC was as a worldwide deployment support analyst on the Classic Wizard program. A 2013 recipient of SmartCEO’s Brava! Award, Doherty is a member of numerous professional organizations, including the Association of Corporate Growth (ACG), Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, Intelligence and National Security Alliance, Project Management Institute, American Society of Quality, Northern Virginia Technology Council and Leadership Fairfax Class of 2007. She is the immediate past president of the Volunteer Fairfax Board of Directors and sits on the Professional Services Council Acquisition Policy Committee.

Alan Estevez

Assistant Secretary of Defense, Logistics and Materiel Readiness Department of Defense Alan Estevez was sworn in as the assistant secretary of defense (logistics & materiel readiness) on August 8, 2011. He is the first career federal official to hold the position. As the assistant secretary of defense (logistics & materiel readiness), Estevez is responsible for providing world class military logistics support to the men and women of the United States Armed Forces. He manages logistics policy and processes to provide superior, cost effective, joint logistics support to the warfighter, both in current operations as well as in the future. He also performs logistics program oversight to manage the over $170 billion Department of Defense logistics operations. Prior to his Senate confirmation, Estevez served as the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense (logistics & materiel readiness) from November 2006. He performed the duties of the assistant secretary of defense (logistics & materiel readiness) position from April 2009 until his confirmation. From October 2002 to November 2006, Estevez was the assistant deputy under secretary of defense (supply chain integration) responsible for development of global defense supply chain management and distribution policies. Prior to assuming his executive position, Estevez held key positions within the Office of the Secretary of Defense, where he played a critical role in reengineering defense transportation processes, and with the U.S. Army Strategic Logistics Agency, where he managed the Army’s program to address logistics deficiencies identified during Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm. From 1981 through 1990, Estevez held numerous positions with the Military Traffic Management Command in Bayonne, New Jersey, Oakland, California, and Falls Church, Virginia. The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e



Speakers, presenters, and participants Randy C. Fuerst President & COO Oceus Networks

As president and chief operating officer of Oceus Networks, Randy Fuerst leads the execution of the company’s strategic plan and provides the operational leadership to enable the company to grow at an accelerated rate. In this role, he oversees core operational elements, including delivery operations, engineering, product development, professional services, marketing and sales, and business development. Fuerst brings to Oceus more than 30 years of industry experience in the delivery and management of technology systems and services across the federal government. He is an experienced senior corporate executive who has held numerous executive positions over the course of his career. In his prior position as chief operating officer for CACI International, Fuerst had direct responsibility for the successful growth of all of CACI’s U.S. business groups. The business groups he managed provide systems integration, managed network services, intelligence solutions, and engineering and logistics to the Department of Defense, national intelligence community, federal civilian agencies, and state and local governments.

Alonzo Fulgham

Vice President, Strategy & Sustainable International Development CH2M HILL Alonzo L. Fulgham joined CH2M HILL’s Environmental Services Business Group (ESBG) in June 2012 as vice president, strategy and sustainable international development. As a member of ESBG’s Strategic Planning and Business Development team, Fulgham will help achieve ESBG’s Big E vision by identifying and securing new opportunities in targeted project geographies worldwide. His experience in global strategic planning, business development, project design, and business operations includes more than 20 years with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), where, after serving as the agency’s chief operating officer, Fulgham was appointed by President Obama as acting administrator in January 2009. In this role, Fulgham managed a diverse, $15 billion portfolio in more than 88 countries, developing solutions to address a broad range of challenges including: climate change resiliency and remediation; food security and land management; health access and continued HIV/AIDS response; and sustainable economic development in emerging economies and fragile states. Following USAID, Fulgham joined International Relief and Development (IRD) as vice president and led the global strategy and operations for securing non-USG business in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. After a remarkable career in public service, Fulgham explains his decision to join CH2M HILL: “I wanted to work with an organization that can continue to add value to the development equation. Services CH2M HILL has perfected domestically are extremely important to the long-term sustainability of developing nations. I sense there is a healthy balance between competition and collaboration as the firm seeks to solve complex engineering problems in the face of extreme infrastructure, environment, and climate change challenges. The ESBG group has tremendous opportunities for growth, and I am looking forward to contributing to our future success.”

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Stephen Goldsmith

Director, Innovations in American Government Program Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government Stephen Goldsmith is the Daniel Paul professor of the practice of government and the director of the Innovations in American Government Program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. Goldsmith currently directs Data-Smart City Solutions, a project to highlight local government efforts to use new technologies that connect breakthroughs in the use of big data analytics with community input to reshape the relationship between government and citizens. Goldsmith has previously served as mayor of Indianapolis, where he reduced government spending, cut the city’s bureaucracy, held the line on taxes, eliminated counterproductive regulations and invested over $1 billion in infrastructure. His transformation of downtown Indianapolis has been held up as a national model. Goldsmith has also served as the deputy mayor of operations in New York City, the chief domestic policy advisor to the George W. Bush campaign, the chair of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and the district attorney for Marion County, Indiana. He has written the The Power of Social Innovation; Governing by Network: the New Shape of the Public Sector; Putting Faith in Neighborhoods: Making Cities Work through Grassroots Citizenship and The Twenty-First Century City: Resurrecting Urban America.

DeEtte Gray

President, Intelligence and Security Sector BAE Systems DeEtte Gray is president of BAE Systems Intelligence & Security (I&S) sector. I&S delivers a broad range of services including IT, cybersecurity and intelligence analysis to enable the U.S. military and government to recognize, manage and defeat threats to protect our nation and those who serve. Appointed in June 2012, Gray brings a great depth of experience in cybersecurity solutions, information technology, and intelligence and analysis services for defense and security customers. She has a strong track record of results-driven leadership and a unique ability to dissect complex problems to help customers solve their toughest challenges. Prior to BAE Systems, Gray spent 13 years at Lockheed Martin in positions of increasing responsibility in Information Technology Services. She most recently served as vice president, enterprise information technology solutions for Information Systems & Global Services Defense. In this role, she led the group’s worldwide business serving a broad variety of Department of Defense and government agency customers with enterprise architecture, software, cybersecurity, network operations and project management solutions. Under her leadership, this business generated strong growth in a flat market and won $1.6 billion in new business with customers including the Army, Air Force and Defense Cyber Crime Center in 2011 alone. Gray also brings significant experience in strategic planning. At Lockheed Martin, she helped architect the corporate strategic plan and led development of the company’s IT and homeland security strategies. Since joining BAE Systems, Gray and her team are focused on a comprehensive growth strategy to serve current customers with excellence while also aggressively pursuing new opportunities. She is focusing the sector on performance, innovation and fostering a culture of inclusion, teamwork and fun.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Kevin Hassett

Senior Fellow & Director of Economic Policy Studies American Enterprise Institute Dr. Kevin A. Hassett, one of the nation’s leading economists, provides a blueprint of the new economy and spells out how the rules will change your life. He is best known for his work on tax policy and for co-authoring 1999’s Dow 36,000: The New Strategy for Profiting from the Coming Rise in the Stock Market. A senior fellow and director of economic policy studies at the renowned American Enterprise Institute, Hassett works on tax policy, budgetary issues, fiscal policy, energy issues, and investing in the stock market. Previously, Hassett was a senior economist at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and an associate professor of economics and finance at the Graduate School of Business of Columbia University. Exclusively represented by Leading Authorities speakers bureau, he brings wit and wisdom to presentations that promise rational advice and inspiration to make the most of one’s money and great insight to understand the world’s economy. With expertise on all aspects of the economy, Hassett was an economic advisor to the Bush campaign in the 2004 presidential election and was the chief economic advisor to John McCain during the 2000 primaries and the 2008 presidential election. He was also an economic advisor to Mitt Romney during his 2012 presidential campaign. Hassett served as a policy consultant to the U.S. Department of the Treasury during both the former Bush and Clinton administrations and provides advice regularly to numerous Fortune 500 companies. Additionally, he is a member of the Joint Committee on Taxation’s Blue Ribbon Dynamic Scoring Advisory Panel and its Estimating Review Panel.

General Michael Hayden (USAF Ret.) Principal, The Chertoff Group Former Director of the NSA and CIA

General Michael Hayden is a principal at The Chertoff Group, a global security advisory firm that provides consulting, business development and merger and acquisition (M&A) advisory services for clients in the security, defense and government services industries. At The Chertoff Group, General Hayden uses his broad geographic and political knowledge to brief clients on intelligence matters worldwide—including developments in cybersecurity—that may affect their businesses. General Hayden served as the director of the CIA from 2006 to 2009, where he was responsible for overseeing the collection of information concerning the plans, intentions and capabilities of America’s adversaries, producing timely analysis for decision makers and conducting covert operations to thwart terrorists and other enemies of the U.S. Prior to his role at the CIA, General Hayden was the country’s first principal deputy director of national intelligence and was the highest ranking intelligence office in the armed forces. Additionally, he served as commander of the Air Intelligence Agency, director of the Joint Command and Control Warfare Center, director of the National Security Agency and chief of the Central Security Service.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants The Honorable Dr. John Hillen Vice Chairman, Advisory Board Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc.

John Hillen is vice chairman of the Advisory Board for Sotera Defense Solutions, Inc. (Sotera). Sotera provides mission-critical counterterrorism, cyber intelligence, cyber warfare, C4ISR, and force mobility and modernization systems to national security agencies and programs of the U.S. government. In his former capacity as president and chief executive officer, Dr. Hillen took the company public in 2009 and both the company and he have won numerous industry awards since then. A leadership and management expert, Dr. Hillen was awarded the Henry Crown Fellowship for Community Spirited Leadership by the Aspen Institute. A longtime member of the Young Presidents Organization (YPO), he speaks frequently on leadership topics and was the subject of a recent cover story in Smart CEO magazine entitled “Renaissance Man.” From 2005–2007, Dr. Hillen served as the assistant secretary of state for political-military affairs in the Bush administration. In that capacity he was the senior State Department official responsible for coordinating America’s diplomatic strategy with its military operations. He spent much of his time in office in the war zones of Iraq and Afghanistan and has been on the ground to help frame and implement security and counter-terrorism policies from North Africa to the Southern Philippines. Dr. Hillen serves on a number of philanthropic and non-profit boards and is the chairman of Applied Communications Sciences, Inc. He is also chairman of the Professional Services Council. He has been the CEO, president, or COO of other firms in both the defense technology and financial services sectors. Prior to his business career, Dr. Hillen worked as a military policy expert and also served for twelve years as an Army officer. He is the author or editor of several books on international security and has been published in dozens of leading journals and newspapers including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. A veteran of several think tanks including the Council on Foreign Relations, he was for many years a contributing editor at National Review (where he still serves as the chairman of NR’s parent company) and an ABC news commentator.

Joseph Jordan

Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy Office of Management and Budget Joseph G. Jordan was confirmed as the administrator for federal procurement policy on May 24, 2012. As the administrator, Jordan is responsible for developing and implementing acquisition policies supporting over $500 billion in spending by the United States government each year. Prior to his appointment as administrator, he served as senior advisor to Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Jeffrey Zients, a position he held since December 2011. Between 2009 and 2011, Jordan served as associate administrator of government contracting and business development at the U.S. Small Business Administration. His team supported thousands of small businesses every year as they competed for over $500 billion in federal prime contracts and billions more in subcontracts. Prior to joining SBA, Jordan was an engagement manager with McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm. At McKinsey, he specialized in developing purchasing and supply management strategies for clients across several industries. He also worked with the firm’s public sector practice, advising state governments on how to cut costs and capture efficiencies.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants In 2000, Jordan built and managed operations of Backwire, a web-based publisher-marketer which quickly grew to 3 million subscribers. When the company was purchased by Leap Wireless, he transitioned to become Leap’s project manager for strategic planning and product development.

David Langstaff President & CEO TASC

David Langstaff assumed the position of president & chief executive officer of TASC, Inc. in March, 2011. He served as chairman of the board of directors of TASC, Inc. upon its acquisition by General Atlantic Partners and KKR in December, 2009, until his appointment as president & chief executive officer; he remains a member of the board of directors. TASC, with over 4,000 employees and revenue in excess of $1.3 billion, is the premier, independent company offering advanced enterprise engineering, integration and decision-support and other technical services across the intelligence community, Department of Defense and civilian agencies of the federal government. Previously, Langstaff was president, chief executive officer and director of Veridian Corporation from its formation in 1997 until its sale to General Dynamics in August 2003. Veridian was an advanced technology company that specialized in mission-critical national security programs primarily for the intelligence community, military and other U.S. Government agencies involved in law enforcement and homeland security. Veridian was regarded as one of the preeminent companies in its field with a strong values-based culture, and its IPO was recognized by the Financial Times as one of the ten best global IPOs in 2002. Langstaff served as chief financial officer, chief operating officer, and chief executive officer of predecessor companies since 1984. Langstaff also served as chief executive officer and co-chairman of The Olive Group, a global integrated security company with offices in Dubai, London and Washington, D.C., from August 2006 through December 2007. Langstaff is a senior seminar moderator on values-based leadership with The Aspen Institute, chairs the advisory board of the Aspen Institute Business and Society Policy Program, is a trustee of the Committee for Economic Development and The Hitachi Foundation, and is on boards of other non-profit organizations in the fields of the arts, education and environment.

Robin Lineberger

Principal, Aerospace & Defense Deloitte Consulting LLP Robin Lineberger is a senior advisor and lead client service partner in Deloitte’s Aerospace & Defense industry practice. Previously, Lineberger was the CEO for Deloitte Federal Government Services. As a $1.36 billion practice with more than 7,000 professionals, Deloitte Federal Government Services provides consulting, risk advisory, and financial advisory services to every cabinet-level agency in the U.S. government, and it is among the top federal contractors on the Washington Technology Top 100 list. Lineberger also served as executive vice president responsible for BearingPoint’s Global Public Services business unit, a 4,500-person business unit. Lineberger drove several transformative initiatives in public services, including development of a comprehensive solution portfolio to meet the unique needs of public sector clients (which grew to more than 1,400 people under his leadership), and establishment of solution centers of excellence and a Hattiesburg, Mississippi-based on-shore development center to reduce program costs and risks for clients.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Lineberger’s career also included 24 years as a solutions strategy and systems integration specialist with BearingPoint, and four years in development and testing as a commissioned officer with the U.S. Air Force. In 2009, Lineberger was selected as one of Consulting Magazine’s Top 25 Most Influential Consultants. He was listed on the Federal 100 list in 2004 and in 2012 as one of the 100 most influential people in the federal IT industry by Federal Computer Week. He is co-author of The Art of Business Process Management and the Johnson Space Center’s Work Process Improvement Guidebook. Lineberger is an advisory board member of Ride to Recovery (a veteran rehabilitation support organization) and an executive member of the Washington area Leukemia Foundation’s Annual Gala Committee. He is a board member of the Professional Services Council and chairman of the Technology Association of America Public Sector Board. He also serves as a mentor to separated veterans through American Corporate Partners.

Wayne Lucernoni

President, Harris IT Services Harris Corporation Wayne Lucernoni is president of Harris IT Services. As part of the Integrated Network Solutions (INS) business segment of $5.5 billion Harris Corporation, Harris IT Services designs, deploys, operates, and maintains secure communications systems and information networks with optimal reliability and affordability for high-profile customers in government and commercial markets, delivering expertise in systems and network integration, managed services, cyber security/information assurance, mobility, and cloud services worldwide. Lucernoni is responsible for driving the IT Services business to deliver growth for Harris by executing with excellence on a portfolio of business across all segments of the federal government, as well as commercial healthcare IT markets. Previously, Lucernoni was vice president and general manager for Intel, Civil, and Healthcare IT programs. Before that, he was vice president in both civil and intelligence program areas, and program director and deputy program manager on Harris’ second largest program, the National Reconnaissance Office’s (NRO) Patriot contract. Prior to joining Harris in 1990, Lucernoni worked as an accountant in mid-sized contracting firms which were both service and manufacturing focused, serving government and commercial markets. Lucernoni sits on the Homeland Security and Defense Business Council. He is a member of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA), and on the board of both the Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC) and the Professional Services Council (PSC).

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Kimberly B. McCabe President & CEO ASI Government

Kymm McCabe is ASI Government’s president and chief executive officer. McCabe is passionate about public service and the government workforce and is known for utilizing nontraditional methods of problem solving and solutioning including human centered design, divergent thinking approaches, and emerging technologies. McCabe’s extensive career in management and consulting includes working with more than 60 major U.S. corporations and public sector clients in the areas of transformation and change, strategic planning, performance management and measurement, organizational development, and strategic communications. She has delivered business strategy and management consulting to the U.S. federal government, foreign governments and Fortune 500 companies worldwide. McCabe has held senior level positions with the U.S. Army, ICF International, Advanced Performance Consulting Group, Inc., EDS and The Alliance for Converging Technologies. Prior to ASI, McCabe served as a federal senior executive in the role of acting deputy director of the Office of Business Transformation (OBT) in the headquarters, Department of the Army. The OBT was responsible for leading the Army’s business transformation and business operations improvement. She supported the under secretary of the Army/chief management officer by facilitating Army-wide institutional adaptation efforts aimed at improving Army force generation, embracing enterprise management, and reforming the Army’s resources and requirements processes. Previously, McCabe was a senior vice president of ICF International and charged as a leader of the Enterprise Strategy Consulting business unit. Prior to her tenure at ICFI, McCabe was president and CEO of Advanced Performance Consulting Group, Inc. which was acquired by ICF International and successfully integrated in January, 2007. McCabe established APCG in 1998 and, in 2004, APCG presented at number 20 on the prestigious Washington Technology “Fast 50” list and subsequently posted at number 19 for the 2005 edition.

Andy McCann

Vice President, U.S. Public Sector HP Enterprise Services Andy McCann is vice president and geographic sales leader of the U.S. Public Sector for HP Enterprise Services. Responsible for leading sales and business development for U.S. Public Sector, McCann consistently fosters growth by providing proven IT solutions, thought leadership and unique value propositions to government clients. As part of the executive team, he is responsible for operationalizing sales plans, business plans and strategies to maximize sales volume and exceed targets. For EDS, now HP, McCann served as vice president and segment leader for EDS Global Healthcare, responsible for a 14-state region. In this role he led growth efforts, delivery, client satisfaction and financial performance in a major segment of EDS business. He was instrumental in signing more than $1 billion in business and more than a dozen new logo clients. Previously, McCann held other sales leadership roles in the public sector where he was responsible for strategy development, new sales, solution development and growth with new and existing EDS clients in the federal health, state and local government marketplace throughout the United States. In addition, he was vice president of the Commercial Business Process Outsourcing Sector as well as strategic sales.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants McCann currently serves as the executive chair for the 2013 Greater Washington, D.C. Heart Walk and is affiliated with several associations, including Wounded Warrior Project Washington, D.C., Roundtable, Navy League, Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA), National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), and Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS). He also serves on the board of directors and is secretary of the executive committee for the Professional Services Council (PSC). He has been a speaker at various industry events and is active in the Catholic Youth Organization and the Tiger Woods Foundation.

Nick Nayak

Chief Procurement Officer Department of Homeland Security Nick Nayak has over 24 years of senior private, public and academic leadership experience. He has been a dynamic figure in the field of federal acquisition – helping to professionalize the federal acquisition workforce; implement methods to obtain acquisition savings; and recruit the next generation of acquisition professionals. Nayak served as deputy director for IRS procurement responsible for support to the United States tax collection system. In this capacity, he managed operational procurement enabling IRS to collect nearly $2.7 trillion annually, funding a significant portion of the federal government. Prior to serving as deputy director, Nayak served in several high-impact leadership positions, including director, Strategic Acquisition Initiatives, deputy director, Office of Information Technology Acquisition, assistant to director, Information Technology Program Management Office, project executive for the IRS Commissioner’s Security Readiness Project and director, Treasury Acquisition Institute (TAI). Nayak has served in virtually every acquisition workforce role in government including program manager, contracting officer, procurement analyst, contracting officer’s technical representative, technical evaluation chair, purchase card approving official and competition advocate, as well as contracts administrator, cost estimator and proposal writer in the private sector.

Jacob Olcott

Principal, Cybersecurity Good Harbor Jacob Olcott manages the cybersecurity consulting practice at Good Harbor, where he helps senior executives develop and implement corporate governance programs that identify and mitigate cyber risk. Prior to joining Good Harbor, Olcott served as counsel to Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV, chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, where he acted as the chairman’s lead negotiator on comprehensive cybersecurity legislation. He also led a review of corporate disclosure practices that contributed to the issuance of groundbreaking cybersecurity guidance by the Securities and Exchange Commission in October 2011. He previously served as staff director for the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Cybersecurity. Olcott is the recipient of multiple awards during his time in Congress, including the Federal 100 Award for leaders in federal government information technology, the SANS Institute National SCADA Security Leadership Award, and the SANS Institute National Cybersecurity Policy Award.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Dale Ormond

Director U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command Dale A. Ormond became the director, U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command, in a Feb. 10, 2012 ceremony. Ormond is the first civilian executive to lead the organization. Before assuming the role as deputy, Ormond served as the first deputy to the commanding general, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (CAC) and Fort Leavenworth. Ormond was selected for the Senior Executive Service in July 2004. He served as deputy assistant secretary of the Army (elimination of chemical weapons) from July 2004 to July 2008, where he provided executive level policy and oversight of the Chemical Demilitarization Program, for the assistant secretary of the Army (acquisition, logistics and technology)/Army acquisition executive. His responsibilities included oversight of the planning, programming, budgeting and execution of the U.S Chemical Weapons Destruction Program, while ensuring safety, environmental compliance, and cost effective operations of our chemical weapons destruction plants. In addition, he engaged directly with key stakeholders and he monitored closely the progress of international chemical demilitarization operations and chemical weapon destruction treaty commitments. Ormond also served as the acting director, U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency from January 2007 to January 2008, and had line management authority and responsibility for the operation of three chemical weapon storage depots, four chemical weapon storage activities, and five operational chemical weapons destruction facilities with a $1.5 billion annual budget. Additionally from February to June 2008, Ormond served as the acting deputy assistant secretary of the Army for policy and procurement, where he was responsible for Army contracting and acquisition policy.

Anne Rung

Associate Administrator for Government-wide Policy & Chief Acquisition Officer General Services Administration Anne E. Rung was appointed as the associate administrator for government-wide policy for the U.S. General Services Administration on August 11, 2013. In this role, Rung leads agency efforts that support increased transparency, open government in federal policy making, and improving public access to policy information. She oversees the development of federal policies that include acquisition policy, asset and transportation management, federal high-performance green buildings, and information sharing, identity and access management. In addition, Rung served as the chief acquisition officer and senior advisor to the administrator at the U.S. General Services Administration from May 24, 2012 to August 10, 2013. As the agency’s CAO, she was responsible for advising and assisting the administrator and other GSA officials on acquisition policies and initiatives to deliver better value and savings, including advancing GSA’s strategic sourcing effort. Prior to joining GSA, Rung served as senior director of administration at the U.S. Department of Commerce, where she led and implemented several management initiatives, including acquisition reform. Previously, Rung also served as the deputy secretary for administration and procurement for the Pennsylvania Department of General Services, responsible for leading four Commonwealth-wide operations supporting 77,000 employees, including a $4 billion procurement program. In addition, Rung spent five years as congressional director of the Democratic Leadership Council in Washington, D.C., has worked on Capitol Hill and served as an associate at a public affairs firm in Washington, D.C. The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e



Speakers, presenters, and participants General Norton A. Schwartz, U.S. Air Force (Ret.) President & CEO, BENS Former USAF Chief of Staff

General Norty Schwartz became president and CEO of BENS on July 22, 2013. Previously, General Schwartz served as the 19th chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force, retiring from military service in October 2012. As chief, he served as the senior uniformed Air Force officer responsible for the organization, training and equipping of 680,000 active-duty, guard, reserve and civilian forces serving in the United States and overseas. As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the general and other service chiefs functioned as military advisers to the Secretary of Defense, National Security Council and the president. General Schwartz has served as commander of the Special Operations Command-Pacific, as well as Alaskan Command, Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, and the 11th Air Force. Prior to assuming his position as chief of staff, General Schwartz was commander, U.S. Transportation Command and served as the single manager for global air, land and sea transportation for the Department of Defense. He is a command pilot with more than 4,400 flying hours in a variety of aircraft. He participated as a crewmember in the 1975 airlift evacuation of Saigon, and in 1991 served as chief of staff of the Joint Special Operations Task Force for Northern Iraq in operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. In 1997, he led the joint task force that prepared for the noncombatant evacuation of U.S. citizens in Cambodia.

David M. Wennergren

Vice President, Enterprise Technologies and Services, CACI International Inc. Former Deputy CIO, Department of Defense David M. Wennergren is vice president, Enterprise Technologies and Services, at CACI International Inc. He has over 30 years of leadership experience in information technology and change management and has served in a number of senior positions across the Department of Defense (DoD) and federal government, including DoD assistant deputy chief management officer, deputy assistant secretary of defense for information management, integration and technology/deputy chief information officer, Navy chief information officer and vice chair of the U.S. government’s Federal CIO Council. In his last assignment, he served as the DoD assistant deputy chief management officer, where he was the principal deputy to the DoD deputy chief management officer and championed efforts to optimize business operations across the entire Department of Defense. He served as chair of the Committee for National Security Systems and chair of the DoD Identity Protection and Management Senior Coordinating Group, where he championed the successful deployment of the DoD Common Access Card. He also served as the director of the DoD Business Transformation Agency. Wennergren served for four years as the Department of the Navy (DON) chief information officer, during which time he also served as the DON’s critical infrastructure assurance officer. He also served for four years as the DON deputy CIO for enterprise integration and security. Past assignments within the DON also included redesigning the navy’s shore installation management structure, the Navy’s Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) teams for BRAC-93 and BRAC-95, the Commercial Activities (OMB Circular A-76) Program and working as a management analyst at Naval field activities.

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Speakers, presenters, and participants Wennergren’s awards include the Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award, the Department of the Navy Distinguished, Superior and Meritorious Civilian Service Awards, the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Civilian Service Award, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense Exceptional Civilian Service Award. Other honors include being selected as the TechAmerica Terman Award 2010 Government Technology Executive of the Year, the Federal CIO Council 2008 Azimuth Award winner, the Government Computer News 2005 Defense Executive of the Year, the 2006 John J. Franke Jr. Award from the American Council for Technology, the Federal Computer Week 2006 Eagle Award (Government Leader of the Year), three Federal Computer Week Fed 100 Awards, the Computerworld Premier 100 Award, and the 2008 General James M. Rockwell AFCEAN of the Year. A huge believer in the “power of team,” he is also honored to have worked in two organizations that were awarded the Department of the Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation.

Roger Wiederkehr COO Wyle

Roger Wiederkehr oversees the operations of Wyle’s three business units as well as the execution of the company strategy. Since joining Wyle in 2005, he has held senior executive positions leading the company’s mergers and acquisitions as well as strategic planning activities and directing the company’s contracts and procurement, legal, security and environmental, health and safety functions. From 2008 to 2011, he also had primary responsibility for the day-today operations of Wyle’s Test, Engineering and Research Division. He joined the company from URS Corporation where he was a member of URS’s Corporate Strategy Group. Before joining URS, he was a management consultant and project manager with McKinsey & Company.

Jim Winner

Lead Counsel, Cyber Solutions Division Northrop Grumman Information Systems Jim Winner is lead counsel for the Cyber Solutions Division of Northrop Grumman’s Information Systems sector. Winner is responsible for the management and resolution of all legal matters affecting the division. He previously served as lead counsel for the former Cyber Intelligence Division. Prior to joining Northrop, Winner served in legal, contracts and procurement executive leadership roles for ITT Corporation, including vice president and general counsel; vice president, contracts and procurement for ITT Information Systems, headquartered in Herndon, Va.; and associate general counsel for the ITT Mission Systems, headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colo. Winner has also served as corporate counsel for Cummins Inc., in Indianapolis and practiced law with the law firm of Barnes & Thornburg LLP, specializing in contracts, procurement and labor and employment law. Winner’s work for Barnes & Thornburg included an in-house counsel assignment with Rolls-Royce Corporation, also located in Indianapolis. Prior to joining the private sector, Winner served as an active duty officer and judge advocate attorney in the United States Air Force. His military assignments included: deputy staff judge advocate, Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.; appellate defense counsel, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, D.C.; area defense counsel, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi; assistant staff judge advocate, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi.; and systems acquisition officer and program control manager, MILSATCOM Joint Program Office, Space and Missile Systems Center, Los Angeles Air Force Base, California. The 2 0 13 An n ual C on f e r e nc e



Speakers, presenters, and participants David Zolet

Executive Vice President and General Manager North American Public Sector, CSC David Zolet is executive vice president and general manager of CSC’s North American Public Sector (NPS), a $5.7 billion business unit providing solutions and services to support the missions of federal, state and local government agencies. Before being named to this position in June 2012, Zolet was president of strategic business development for NPS, having joined CSC in August 2010. Zolet is a senior executive with more than 20 years of corporate experience in general management, business development, engineering, strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions and customer and government relations. He has a strong record of achievement in both new business development and operational management, a history of delivering strong financial results in new start-ups, turnarounds and high-growth business, and is a proven leader with a solid record of building and directing successful teams. Zolet joined CSC from IBM, where he was vice president, systems integration. Previously, he spent more than 20 years with Northrop Grumman Corporation, where he progressed through a number of executive positions in business development, program management, and corporate functions such as government relations and strategic planning. While vice president of Northrop Grumman’s corporate business development organization, he was responsible for establishing and subsequently operating the newly created function with responsibilities for market planning and shaping, as well as opportunity management activities related to enterprise-wide goals. He previously served as vice president and general manager of Northrop Grumman IT’s Enterprise Infrastructure Business; president of its Commercial, State and Local Group; president, Defense and vice president of Homeland Security.

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In lieu of speaker gifts, PSC has made a donation to K9s for Warriors. The mission of K9s for Warriors is to provide service dogs to Post 9/11 combat veterans who are diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and/or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). As a bonus, 95% of our dogs are from rescues or shelters.

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4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 1110 Arlington, VA 22203 Phone: 703-875-8059 Fax: 703-875-8922 www.pscouncil.org

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