2013 November/December PS Magazine

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November/ December



Wishing you a joyful and delicious holiday season!


8 12 16 34


President’s Message | Angie Riviello

Ratings | Brandon Forsyth

| by Heidi DeLio Thibert & Susi Wehrli-McLaughlin


Sport Science | Heidi Thibert

Education | Carol Rossignol

SafeSport for Coaches Part II 22

The Evolution of the Figure Skate | Part II 26

| by Bruce Poodles


2014 PSA International Conference & Trade Show Palm Springs, California


Destination Sochi

Legal Ease | David Shulman

| by Terri Milner Tarquini


In the Trenches


Ratings Exams Passed Excellence On Ice


New Members


PSA Calendar of Events

Jimmie Santee | Editor Carol Rossignol | Contributing Editor Laura Hanrahan | Advertising Amanda Taylor | Art Director Elizabeth Thornton | Editorial Assistant


2013 ~ No 6 #ISSN-574770


Coaching Special Olympics | by Elizabeth Thornton


What Would Yuka Sato Do?

30 Photo courtesy Zane Shropshire



World Figure Skating Museum & Hall of Fame


Over the Edge | Jimmie Santee


| by Terri Milner Tarquini

Take note...




Professional Skaters Association(PSA)

New PSA e-newsletter

Over the Edge

PSA OFFICERS President First Vice President Second Vice President Third Vice President Treasurer Past President




n last January’s PS magazine, I wrote my editorial regarding the participation of girls playing hockey in comparison to figure skating. Participation in girl’s hockey has increased close to 40% over the previous 10 years. In Rochester, Minnesota, home of the PSA, I wrote there were 145 members of the Rochester Figure Skating Club which includes both boys and girls. The Rochester Youth Hockey Association had 226 registered girls on 14 teams; a difference of 36% in comparison to the RFSC.

Fortunately, RFSC has plenty of ice. If that were not the case, it would most likely be insurmountable to overcome. While there is no open warfare between the figure skaters and hockey in Rochester, I wondered if this was an issue anywhere else and if it is, what are the consequences? Unfortunately, it is happening elsewhere. While the fight over the same pool of kids in itself is quite important, the consequences of fighting over ice time is even more disturbing. The Braemar City of Lakes Figure Skating Club has produced 60 national champions and skated in Edina’s city-run Braemar Arena for almost 50 years. Regardless of their impressive track record, the club is in for the fight of its life with the Edina Hockey Association. The city wants the club to give up 33% of its prime-time ice to the hockey group, because there are fewer Edina residents in the figure skating club as there are residents in the hockey program. Under an agreement made with the city last year, the club's ice was supposed to be secure for the next 20 years. Additionally, the club agreed to pay $20 per year per member to help pay for new hockey locker rooms. In the bigger picture, the hockey association has 1,323 members, compared to the FSC’s 196. Reducing their ice will severely limit the clubs exposure to potential new members, while the hockey group strengthens their position and visibility.

This is happening north of the boarder as well. One of Canada’s most distinguished clubs, the North Shore Winter Club of Vancouver has been eliminated. Just like the Braemar City of Lakes Figure Skating Club, the North Shore Winter Club has been producing champions for over 50 years, Karen Magnusson and Tracey Wilson among them. The private club began cutting hours a few years ago and this season has no figure skating at all, giving all the ice to the hockey program. The fight for ice time between figure skating and hockey is not new. But what is new is the popularity of girl’s hockey. The US Women's Hockey team is the reigning World Champion and is favored to win the gold in Sochi. Comparatively, will our ladies make the medal stand at the Olympics? Which



Doug Ladret Todd Sand Teri Klingworth Hooper Brandon Forsyth Denise Williamson Rebecca Stump Kirsten Miller-Zisholz Doug Mattis Tom Hickey Robbie Kaine Brandon Forsyth Doug Mattis Scott McCoy Karen Oppegard Alex Chang


Fighting for a Skater, One Skater at a Time


Angela Riviello Christine Fowler-Binder Dorothi Cassini Rebecca Stump Carol Murphy Kelley Morris Adair

Members at Large

Committee on Professional Standards Ratings Chair Seminar Chair ISI Rep to PSA U.S. Figure Skating Rep to PSA U.S. Figure Skating Coaches Executive Director Legal Counsel

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Awards Coaches Hall of Fame Education Seminars State Workshops Apprentice Area Representatives Hockey Skating PS Magazine Sport Science Endorsements Executive Executive Nominating Finance Fundraising ISU/ IJS Ethics and Legal Nominating Professional Standards PSA Rep to ISI Ranking Review Ratings Special Olympics

PSA AREA REPRESENTATIVES Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Area 8 Area 9 Area 10 Area 11 Area 12 Area 13 Area 14 Area 15 Area 16 Area 17

Jimmie Santee David Shulman

Denise Williamson Kelley Morris Adair Heidi Thibert Doug Mattis Tom Hickey Rebecca Stump Gloria Leous Paul Paprocki Bob Mock Heidi Thibert Jamie Santee Angela Riviello Kelley Morris Adair Carol Murphy Patrick O’Neil David Santee David Shulman Kelley Morris Adair Robbie Kaine Gerry Lane Todd Sand Brandon Forsyth Eleanor Fraser-Taylor

Amy Hanson-Kuleszka Anne Marie Filosa Lee Cabell -Gloria Leous Mary Lin Scott Cudmore Patrick O'Neil Lisa Bardonaro-Reibly Thomas Amon Brigitte Carlson-Roquet Sharon Brilliantine Tracey Seliga-O’Brien Lisa Mizonick Don Corbiel Josselyn Baumgartner Stacie Kuglin

THE PROFESSIONAL SKATER Magazine Mission: To bring to our readers the best information from the most knowledgeable sources. To select and generate the information free from the influence of bias. And to provide needed information quickly, accurately and efficiently. The views expressed in THE PROFESSIONAL SKATER Magazine and products are not necessarily those of the Professional Skaters Association. The Professional Skater, a newsletter of the Professional Skaters Association, Inc., is published bimonthly, six times a year, as the official publication of the PSA, 3006 Allegro Park SW, Rochester, MN 55902. 507.281.5122, Fax 507.281.5491, Email: office@skatepsa.com © 2004 by Professional Skaters Association, all rights reserved. Subscription price is $19.95 per year, Canadian $29.00 and foreign $45.00/year, U.S. Funds. ISSN-574770. Second-class Postage Paid at Rochester, MN 55901 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Professional Skater, 3006 Allegro Park SW, Rochester, MN 55902. Printed in the USA.

PS Magazine skating discipline will get the post-Olympic bump in membership? Unfortunately, my gut is telling me hockey. So what do we do? Market, market, market! Make figure skating the obvious choice. Encourage your club to participate in U.S. Figure Skating’s Destination Sochi, and participate in the National Skating months of January and February. Promote the sport everywhere you go and to everyone you talk to. We have to fight for each skater, one skater at a time. As coaches we can help our clubs make a difference. Be a volunteer! Yes, volunteer…for free! Offer to host a class for Girl Scouts or lead a class on a public session. We understand that most rinks rarely have excess money to spend on marketing. Helping them helps us. We all have to do our part. There can be no spectators in this fight.

TREASURE HUNT! *Gold Winged Blade* Be the first person to find the gold PSA logo in each issue of PS Magazine and we will send you some treasure! Once you have found the logo in this issue, post where you found it on the PSA Facebook page. Be the first person to find it and we will send you a prize! And no, the one on this page doesn’t count.

Advertise With Us! Let the skating community know about your upcoming event, product, service, or job opportunity by advertising with the PSA! We offer many different advertising options at affordable rates. For more information go to our website at www.skatepsa.com and click on “Advertise With Us”.


Application Deadline: Must be RECEIVED by January 1, 2014.

Up to four scholarships will be awarded for the 2014 season and must be used for 2014 programs only.


WALTER AND IRENE MUEHLBRONNER PSA SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarship applications are available to PSA members for attendance at PSA education programs. These scholarships are intended for the development of coaching skills. Awards are based on financial need, dedication to coaching, sound character and ethical practices. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Applicant must have been a full member in good standing of the PSA for

at least one year and hold a Registered or higher rating in any discipline. The award of scholarships is made by the Scholarship Committee of the Professional Skaters Foundation. Contact the PSA office for additional information or an application or visit www.skatepsa.com and click on the PS Foundation Scholarship link.



President’s Message ANGIE RIVIELLO

Social Media Beware I

know it’s discussed and we all know the right answers but it amazes me how many coaches do not make the right choices. Social media is a wonderful communication tool but it can also be just as disastrous. Coaches need to remember that they are paid professionals that mainly work with young athletes and are a very influential part of their lives. We are role models and need to be held to a higher standard than most. I see it with many younger coaches and things that are posted or tweeted. You need to remember that negative things always get back. Talking about a skater or another coach will indeed make it back to that person and then there are issues. We all need to think before we post and that goes for pictures also. I know at the facility I work for, we implement strong social media guidelines for our staff members. If they are in a city uniform and they post a picture at a party or event where it’s not appropriate, they will be disciplined or if it is severe enough they will be removed from staff. We make the employees sign a code of conduct each year and the social media aspect is listed within the code. The Committee on Professional Standards (COPS) has implemented Social Media Guidelines since this has become a wide spread issue. Please take a moment to read over the guidelines, think about it and act on it. Be careful and be cautious for the sake of professionalism. The guidelines in their entirety can be found at www.skatepsa.com/Ethics-Guidelines-for-SocialMedia.htm. Selected points of the Social Media Guidelines are at right.

Please remember, it is solicitous to recruit skaters using any form of social media. Be considerate, be respectful, and remember that coaches are role models to many people.



Excerpts from the PSA Social Media Guidelines ETHICS GUIDELINES FOR SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is defined as any form of online publication or presence that allows end users to engage in multi-directional conversations in or around the content on the website. A large percentage of internet traffic is centered on the use of social media. Social media includes, but is not limited to: Facebook, MySpace, Ning, Twitter, Second Life, YouTube, Linked In, blogs, wikis, social bookmarking, document sharing and email. The spirit of social media is about leveraging the positive ways in which email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. can benefit us as professionals. Determining how to balance personal and professional information is important. In all aspects of social media, the individual should keep in mind that everyone does have the right to self-expression; however, such expressions can have possible consequences, both positive and negative. THINGS TO BE CONSIDERED • Communications with minors must be for professional reasons only. • Coaches should inform and gain permission from the parents of their athletes for the various ways they plan to communicate with their skaters: personal cell phone, email, social networking tools, etc. • Coaches should not email athletes from a private or personal email account. All correspondence should occur via a work email account. • If utilizing a social networking tool to communicate with athletes, coaches should create a separate account for coaching interactions. (i.e., the account that is used for personal interaction should not be used for interactions with their adolescent athletes.) • Coaches should refrain from discussing or making comments that may be interpreted as a slur or are demeaning towards another individual, especially another coach. Coaches should not use commentary deemed defamatory, obscene, proprietary, inflammatory or libelous... • Coaches are expected to represent themselves truthfully and refrain from picking fights. • Coaches’ online behavior should reflect the same standard of honesty, respect and consideration we would have in a face-to- face interaction. • Coaches should know the media they are using, and know how to set privacy settings, etc. Coaches should post only what they want the world to see. Imagine their students, their parents, and a club or rink administrator visiting the page. It is not like posting something to a web site or blog and then realizing the story or photo should be taken down. On a social networking page, basically, once something is posted, it may be available even after it is removed from the page.

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Photo by Jim & Sharon Cushman



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UPCOMING RATING SITES & PREP COURSE January 8 & 9, 2014 — Boston, MA March 9-12, 2014 — Las Vegas, NV May 19-21, 2014 — Palm Springs, CA

The Ratings Experience by Doug Mattis


n May 2013 at the PSA Conference in Chicago, I was happy to achieve my Certified Free Skating and Senior Choreography ratings. As I began to compose this article about my experiences over the past two years taking rating exams, the first two things I wrote on a piece of paper were: #1–The Ratings Prep Course I took was invaluable and #2–The process is reaping unexpected rewards. I started the ratings process because Kris Shakarjian (then ratings chairperson) reached out and asked me to be more involved. We both discussed the possibility that after more than 20 years of teaching, achieving my ratings might not have a large impact on my business or job security. I said 'yes' to Kris because I love a challenge and I believe in the PSA and its mission. My goal (that I've developed in the past year) is to achieve Master Ratings so that I can become part of the ratings process one day. What I'd heard most often from young coaches was that the process was too intimidating. I'd like to eventually help make the ratings experience as inclusive and supportive as it can be! I've already discovered that taking the Prep Course is fantastically effective in removing apprehension in taking a rating exam. During my Prep Course in Las Vegas, Diane Miller and Colleen Mickey worked with all of us attendees to make sure we knew what to expect, we discussed the material at great length, and finished the course far more


Take A Bow

confident about our ability to convey our skating knowledge in a clear and concise manner. And the course was fun! Lots of laughs to be had for everyone—not the least of which was my class and I laughing as Diane continually reminded me that lifelong verbosity was completely unnecessary in a rating exam. (Translation—I tend to talk too much. Haha! "Surprise!" to no one that knows me!) The other discovery most profound to me is that what Colleen Mickey once told me early on was actually true: I would learn more than I would ever expect while studying...and the unavoidable networking would bring me closer to my skating and PSA family. I've learned from my presenters, colleagues, mentors, examiners—and I daresay, those wonderful people are now also more sure about what I know about skating. This mutual respect and camaraderie is enhancing my professional experience and bringing me closer to hopefully having as positive effect on our PSA family as I can. I hope everyone will consider getting rated, and I invite anyone with questions to reach out to me (or Brandon Forsyth, current ratings chairperson). As tough as the process and the exam can be, the Prep Course will make it easier—and I promise you, the community and professional benefits will surprise you.

Definition of a reverence: a gesture of respect (as a bow). Bowing was originally a gesture that Master-rated coach & IJS showed deep respect for someone. Teach your athletes to always finish their programs with a reverTechnical Specialist ence/bow. It is important to practice the bows. Typically a bow should last a count of eight: three to present to the officials and the audience, three to go down, pause and acknowledge and two for returning to an upright position. Repeat on the opposite side of the rink. Always bow to the officials first. It may seem vain to practice the bow; however, the bow is a part of the performance. It is the final and lasting impression they will leave with the audience. Learn to bow graciously and humbly. Pay attention to detail!



Recently Passed

RATING EXAMS Congratulations to the following coaches who passed the Basic Accreditation (BA) and ELCC:

Congratulations to the following candidates who passed a rating exam

BA | online

Skokie, IL | Aug. 25, 2013

Kettering, OH | Sept. 21, 2013

Stephanie Bass Adam Civiello Matthew Essigmann Amy Garatti Elizabeth Handley Lana Jones Alison DeLorenzo Juricek Lacy Marsh Margaret McCollum Ellen Mills Kira Schnell-Harrison Melissa Serrell Sajya Singh Amanda Warner

Lila-Joy Arnold SM Stephanie Bass RC Melanie Black RM, CM Jennifer Cashen RM Joy Elder RPD Jessie Garavaglia SM Kira Harrison RG, RPD

Kayleah Crosby RFS, RM Elizabeth Egetoe RG, CPD Melaine Faulkner-Bolhuis CFS, CM Megan Gueli RFS, RM Kelsey Himmel RM Meredith Longoria CFS Jennifer Teiche CFS

Katherine Hill SC Garrett Kling SC Deborah Kozak RM Michelle Lauerman SFS Ellen Mills RC David Redlin CPD, SPD Alice Wentworth RFS, RM

Heidi Whitlow SM



The Joy Of Coaching has arrived and


Unveiled at the 2013 PSA International Conference, Trade Show & Reunion in May, The Joy of Coaching was met with great enthusiasm! Get your copy of The Joy of Coaching and enjoy the stories and memories of inspiring coaches who helped shape the PSA. Books are available at www.skatepsa.com.





SafeSport for Coaches By Heidi DeLio Thibert and Susi Wehrli-McLaughlin


his article is a continuation of the September/October issue regarding the new U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport Program. Originally created by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), U.S. Figure Skating has adapted the SafeSport Program to include policies that will apply to all U.S. Figure Skating clubs, programs, events and activities. The PSA wholeheartedly supports the continued effort of U.S. Figure Skating to provide a safe environment for its members and to protect the opportunity of its members to participate in the sport in an atmosphere that is free of harassment and abusive practices. SafeSport resources include: • Website - www.usfigureskating.org/safesport • Complete SafeSport Handbook • Policies and Guidelines for Athlete Protection • Codes of Conduct for skaters, parents, coaches and board members • Link to USOC SafeSport Video Training • Monthly Newsletters from the USOC • Club SafeSport Compliance Chair job description • How to Make a Report – link to state laws Coaches Code of Conduct General Principles:

• Competence: Coaches must strive to maintain high standards of excellence in their work. They should recognize the boundaries of their particular competencies and the limitations of their expertise. They should provide only those services and use only those techniques for which they are qualified by education, training and/ or experience. In those areas, where recognized professional standards do not yet exist, coaches must exercise careful judgment and take appropriate precautions to protect the welfare of those with whom they work. They shall maintain knowledge of relevant scientific and professional information related to the services they render, and they must recognize the need for ongoing education. Coaches should make appropriate use of scientific, professional, technical and administrative resources.



• Integrity: Coaches should seek to promote integrity in their coaching profession. Coaches should always be honest, fair and respectful of others. They must not make representations about their qualifications, services, products, or fees that are false, misleading or deceptive. Coaches should strive to be aware of their own belief systems, values, needs and limitations and the effect of these on their work. To the extent feasible, they should attempt to clarify for relevant parties, the roles they are performing and to function appropriately in accordance with those roles. Coaches must avoid conflicts of interest. • Professional Responsibility: Coaches must uphold professional standards of conduct, clarify their professional roles and obligations, accept appropriate responsibility for their behavior, and adapt their methods to the needs of different athletes. Coaches should consult with, refer to, or cooperate with other professionals and institutions to the extent needed to serve the best interest of their athletes, or other recipients of their services. Coaches should be concerned about the ethical compliance of their colleagues’ conduct. When appropriate, they should consult with their colleagues in order to prevent or avoid unethical conduct. • Respect for Participants and Dignity: Coaches shall respect the fundamental rights, dignity and worth of all participants. Coaches must be aware of cultural, individual and role differences, including those due to age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language and socioeconomic status. Coaches must eliminate the effect on their work of biases based on those factors, and they do not knowingly participate in or condone unfair discriminatory practices. • Concern for Others Welfare: In their actions, coaches must consider the welfare and rights of their athletes and other participants. When conflicts occur among coaches’ obligations or concerns, they should attempt to resolve these conflicts and to perform

• Nondiscrimination: Coaches must not engage in discrimination based upon age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, socioeconomic status, or any other basis as proscribed by law. • Sexual Harassment: Coaches must not, under any circumstances, engage in sexual harassment which includes solicitation, physical advances, The SafeSport presentation at the 2013 PSA International Conference & Trade Show verbal or non-verbal conduct which is sexual in nature and their roles in a responsible fashion that avoids or will respond to complaints of minimizes harm. Coaches shall be sensitive to differsuch a nature to respondents with dignity and ences in power between themselves and others, and respect. should not exploit nor mislead other people during • Personal Problems or Conflicts: Coaches should or after their relationship. have a responsibility to be aware if there are personal • Responsible Coaching: Coaches must be aware of problems or conflicts which may affect their ability their ethical responsibility to the community and the to work with athletes. They should also be able to society in which they work and live. Coaches must identify problems affecting their athletes, which comply with the law and encourage the developcould potentially create situations that place their ment of law and policies that serve the interest of athletes in harm or danger of injury, and take the sport or activity. The coach shall strive to serve as a appropriate steps to remove the athlete from this leader and model in the development of appropriate environment. conduct for the athlete both within and beyond the U.S. Figure Skating setting. The coach shall strive Further, any person who makes groundless allegations to use strategies in practice and competition that or complaints of abuse or harassment may be subject to are designed to encourage play within the letter and disciplinary action per Article XXV, Section 3B, of the spirit of the rules. The coach shall strive to keep the U.S. Figure Skating bylaws. concepts of winning and losing in proper perspective. The coach shall strive to enforce policies and MR 5.11 Coach Compliance rules with fairness, consistency and an appreciation In order for a coach to be granted access to work within for individual differences. U.S. Figure Skating sanctioned activities, each coach must complete the following requirements on an annual Coaches Code of Conduct Ethical Standards: basis: • Compliance with Rule Requirements: All coaches • Must be a current full member of U.S. Figure Skating must complete all annual coaching member require—either through a member club or as an individual ments set forth by U.S. Figure Skating Rules and the member; PSA that apply to them by the appropriate deadlines. • Must complete the coach registration process through • Competence: Coaches should not undertake these the U.S. Figure Skating Members Only site, submit duties until they have first obtained the proper proper payment for the annual registration fee of $30, training, study and advice that they are competent and successfully pass the background screen, if 18 to do so. years of age or older. • Must complete the appropriate CER courses (A, B, • Maintaining Expertise: Coaches should maintain a C or D) depending on the highest level of coach’s level of expertise through continued education and students. See rule MR 5.12. experience and shall strive to acquire additional • Must submit proof of current general liability insureducation and experience through sources available ance with limits of $1 million per occurrence/$5 to them. million aggregate. • Respecting Others: Coaches shall respect the rights • Must be a PSA member if coaching skaters/teams in of other’s values, opinions and beliefs even if they qualifying events at U.S. Figure Skating qualifying differ from their own. competitions. See rule 1022. continued on page 13 PS MAGAZINE




Is Hypermobility a good idea? By Peter Zapalo, U.S. Figure Skating Sport Science and Medicine Director


eam USA physical therapists Donna Flowers and Judy Holmes answer questions about stretching, overstretching, and hypermobility. As a coach looking to develop your athlete’s flexibility to execute difficult on-ice elements, you may want to consider the implications of stretching exercises your athlete may be doing to increase his or her joint mobility. Joint mobility is the ability to move a joint through a range of motion. The mobility of an athlete’s joint will depend on several factors: 1) Elasticity of your ligaments, tendons and muscles. 2) Bony architecture and the shape of the joint. 3) Motor control and the ability to control the range of motion at the joint. Some athletes are naturally (genetically) more mobile/ flexible than others. However, just because an athlete can get more mobility from a joint does not mean she should. Yes, an athlete can be TOO flexible. The problem with hypermobility is that if the muscles cannot control the movement of the joint, the joint may be injured. Over stretching can lead to instability and eventually injury. From a performance perspective, studies have shown a loss of up to 30% in strength from over-stretching the ligaments and tendons around the joint. Joints that are not stable may be more prone to experience more wear and tear with repetitive movements (like landing jumps). While figure skating is not intrinsically more risky than other sports, we have seen high level skaters have hip joint replacements at an early age in part due to hip instability which may have in part been related to overstretching the joint. Should you allow your athletes to engage in hyper flexibility stretching? As in the picture to the left, let’s say your athlete can almost comfortably get in a split position, but she wants more range, and does this by putting her legs up on yoga blocks or a chair, then having someone push her trunk down towards the floor. This motion could be asking her body to perform a motion that she may not be anatomically designed to have. This could result in stretching the joint beyond the athlete’s capacity to control the motion



and potentially cause injury. Let’s define some terms: A hypermobile joint has a greater than normal range of motion. That has some benefits and perhaps greater risks. The good thing is the joint can go to extreme ranges of motion often seen in skating such as in a spiral. The bad thing is that if there is not enough muscle strength to control the range of motion of the joint, it can easily be injured. Receptors in the joint capsule which tell you where you are in space (proprioceptors), can be overstretched resulting in poor motor control, which may result in poor jump performance. In adolescent females, the hormonal changes during a the monthly cycle can also increase joint laxity a little and may increase injury risk. A hypomobile joint has a smaller than normal range of motion. This may make a very stable joint, but that restrictive joint may result in another joint nearby becoming hypermobile to make up the difference. The compensatory increased movement at the more mobile joint or joints can cause injury to those joints and sometimes also to the hypomobile joints due to repetitive abnormal stress. Stability is the ability to actively control the joint motion. It is provided by the passive constraints (bones and ligaments) and active strength (tendons, muscles), endurance and motor control from the muscles. Over-stretching ligaments and muscles can cause instability, which can lead to injury. How to help your athletes: Find optimal mobility—the optimal joint range of motion to perform a task and the ability to control the whole movement. Stability and mobility work together. The ability to control the end range of motion is a key component to preventing injury. How to test your athletes: Off the ice, assist your athlete by gently pushing her free leg up into a spiral as far as her range of motion comfortably allows, and then let go. Can she hold her leg in the same position without your assistance? If not, you can work on the strength of the stabilizing muscles to be able to hold that position with less risk of injury caused by hypermobility.

SAFESPORT continued from page 11 • Basic Skills instructors: Any person, 18 and older, instructing in a U.S. Figure Skating Basic Skills program must have successfully passed the annual background screen and be registered as a Basic Skills instructor member. For deadline and penalties, see rules MR 5.13 and MR 5.14. Background Check Policy

All coaches and Basic Skills instructors 18 years and older must pass an annual background screen in order to be considered compliant. The National Center for Safety Initiatives (NCSI, a full-service screening organization that works in accordance with the Recommended Guidelines established by the National Council on Youth Sports) conducts the background search and interprets the search results, communicating with the applicant regarding the search result and reporting to U.S. Figure Skating all search results. NCSI complies with the Fair Credit Reporting Act and maintains the confidentiality of information obtained in the background search process. Should an applicant contest the content of a record provided to the applicant as part of the U.S. Figure Skating background search, the applicant may seek an appeal of the record with NCSI pursuant to the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Should an applicant contest a U.S. Figure Skating decision to deny membership or participation based on a “Red Light” found in the background search, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision to U.S. Figure Skating pursuant to a process established by U.S. Figure Skating. Reporting Concerns of Abuse It is also critical coaches understand that they should not attempt to evaluate the credibility or validity of child physical or sexual abuse allegations as a condition for reporting to U.S. Figure Skating or to appropriate law enforcement officials. Reporting Abuse, Misconduct and Policy Violations is: • The obligation of U.S. Figure Skating on members and member clubs to report suspicions or allegations of abuse or misconduct; • The importance of maintaining confidentiality with respect to the complaint, complainant, victim, accused and other information related to the report and incident(s) until “notice” must be given about a suspension or the outcome of any proceedings; • The circumstances in which an immediate or “summary” suspension is appropriate and the procedures following a summary suspension; • A general summary of the procedures for a hearing under Grievance Procedures outlined in the U.S. Figure Skating rulebook. Reporting Process Based upon the severity of the incident 1. Violation of Club Code of Conduct—file a complaint at the club level

Heidi Thibert speaks at the 2013 PSA Conference with Patricia St. Peter, U.S. Figure Skating president, Malia Arrington, USOC, and Susi Wehrli, U.S. Figure Skating, not pictured.

A. Follow procedures set forth in club conflict resolution policy B. Report the incident to the club’s SafeSport Compliance Chair, if appropriate 2. Violation of SafeSport Policies—Report the incident to U.S. Figure Skating by sending a detailed description to safesport@ usfigureskating.org and U.S. Figure Skating will take appropriate action by engaging the appropriate committee and process - GR 1.03 3. If observed or suspected physical or sexual abuse may be occurring, contact your local child protective services office or law enforcement agency so the proper professionals can make an assessment - visit www.childwelfare.gov to find out where to call. 4. Mandatory Reporters—Mandatory reporter occupations include health practitioners, teachers, social workers, psychologists, clergy, firefighters, police officers, day camp administrators and youth organization and youth recreation program employees and coaches, among others, as prescribed by state law. In Conclusion U.S. Figure Skating is committed to providing a safe and positive environment for our members’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring we promote an environment free from abuse and misconduct. Through the U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport Program, U.S. Figure Skating is committed to providing the safest possible environment for all participants. The U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport Handbook is the culmination of sustained work on the part of a number of passionate individuals in the USOC, U.S. Figure Skating and the PSA. The U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport Handbook contains more valuable information for coaches and it is strongly encouraged that each and every coach takes the time to read and understand the contents.



If you’re wondering what to get for a holiday gift for a coach, look no further! Let them choose from a variety of different coaching related tools with a PSA Gift Certificate! Gift Certificates can be used for membership, event registration, manuals, DVDs, and PSA merchandise. Available for any amount of $5 increments in the PSA online store. www.skatepsa.com



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Cyber Monday

Start you shoppingr holiday now!

Due to last year's popularity, we will be hosting our 2nd annual cyber monday sale on december 2, 2013! Item

Original Cost Discount Price

2014 Conference Registration Scarf 2012 Conference MIF DVDs 75th Anniversary Pin Commemorative Bronze Medallion PSA 10oz Mug PSA Champion Knit Beanie MIF 5th Edition DVD Ladies White Vest Ladies Black Vest Men’s Black Vest PSA Coaches Manual

$395 $40 $50 $10 $45 $7.95 $12 $40 $45 $55 $55 $25

$375 $30 $30 $3 $30 $4 $8 $30 $40 $47 $47 $15

*One day only *Discounted products will be highlighted on the PSA homepage *Shipping not included in above prices





The Other Twizzles By Robert S. Ogilvie


or some time of recent years the word “twizzle” has been used in two different senses: in free skating and in pattern dances, particularly the Argentine Tango, commonly known simply as the Argentine. This article examines how this arose, and suggests a further interesting variation. An excellent article on twizzles appeared in the March/ June issue of this year describing their current use. The concept is now well-established and this article thoroughly supports the modern version of the twizzle while examining the origin of the term and its variations; how over the years it has developed certain variations, one of which, the original, could be developed into a useful and independent move for general use in all types of figure skating. The term “twizzle” was first used by the lady in the Argentine Tango, and consisted of a two-footed rotation of the body linking the left forward outside entry edge with the following right forward outside edge (steps numbered 23 and 24 in the USFSA rulebook at the time). Note that the twizzle was deliberately done with both feet touching and in contact with the ice (see the diagram below). The inventors of the Argentine Tango were Reg Wilkie and his partner Daphne Wallis who demonstrated the dance officially for the first time at the Westminster Ice Rink in London in the year 1938. At that time the technique used for the twizzle was confirmed by the following extract from an excellent book titled Dancing on Ice published in 1950 and written by a leading teacher of ice dancing, Erik van der Weyden, inventor of the Foxtrot, Rocker Foxtrot, Viennese Waltz, and the Westminster Waltz. Mr. van der Weyden writes: “The word twizzle was coined to denote this particular turn in the Argentine, which does not occur in any other dance. It consists of one revolution at high speed, occupying less than one beat. To all intents it consists of a very short counter on the left foot, followed by a BO three, the right taking very little of the weight, but following around close to the left heel. It is unwise to turn the right foot outwards



more than 90˚, or the movement goes into an inside spreadeagle, and has too great a time lag, but if the right foot is placed at right-angles to the left, it will create a semi spin, and will be ready for a right-angle push onto the RFO when the turn has been completed.” Note the use of the word “spin” and the phrase “... occupying less than one beat.” I can further vouch for this description of the origin of the Argentine twizzle, as Reg and Daphne did all their dancing and practice at the old Hammersmith ice rink in London where I regularly skated myself. I am of sufficient age to have known them personally and have watched them do the Argentine Tango countless times. When, however, the Argentine Tango was adopted by the USFSA, the idea of doing a dance turn even remotely on two feet was met with disapproval and the twizzle was changed to a left forward outside counter on one foot and the first part of a left back outside three to make the thrust onto the right forward outside edge, which looks excellent when well executed. However, the term “twizzle” is now applied to quite a different rotating movement now used in free skating and free dance. The modern twizzle is of considerable length over the ice. In the U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook glossary of skating terms the modern twizzle is rather broadly defined as follows: “A traveling turn on one (1) foot with one (1) or more turns, which is quickly rotated with a continuous (uninterrupted) action. The weight remains on the skating foot with the free leg in any position during the turn, and then placed beside the skating foot to skate the next step. A series of three-turns is not acceptable, as this does not constitute a continuous action.” So we now have the following versions of the term “twizzle”: 1. The original but now obsolete Wilkie/Wallis Argentine Tango single-turn twizzle turned clockwise from the left forward outside to right forward outside, with the feet lightly touching, the weight shared by both feet but slightly more on the left



2. The above turn is now replaced by a left forward outside counter and half left back outside three to a right forward outside edge as currently used in the Argentine Tango and certain other dances 3. As used in free dance and free skating, the number of turns in the twizzle and distance covered unspecified and the free foot position optional but often with the free leg bent strongly at the knee. A new concept: the spin turn? The obsolete version of the twizzle (no. 1 above) may have spawned an idea that may or may not be original. One never knows whether some skater in the wide world of figure skating has not at some time or other performed the movement consciously. The original Wilkie/Wallis twizzle with the feet on the ice touching each other can be executed at lightning speed -- less than a beat according to Mr. van der Weyden. Now consider this obsolete version of the turn and how it might be developed. Since the feet remain together an extra turn or more could be added, the combination still lasting only one beat. It would became a rapid two-foot spin; regular free skating spins rotate up to five turns a second so the idea is completely practical. This type of spinning turn could be entered or exited on any edge, forward or backward, inside or outside, either against or with the natural rotation of the edge; some combinations being easier than others. Double and triple turns with the optional addition of a half turn (which would reverse the skaters’ direction of exit) could be made with little increase in time of execution---possibly a maximum of two beats, so the skater would still be within one measure of the music. A most useful characteristic of the “spin turn” (as it might be called officially) is that a skater could transfer from any edge to any edge while making an interesting move as he or she does so. However, the most practical entry edges are the outsides. To define a particular variation the entry edge

must be given, the number of rotations, the pattern over the ice (counter, bracket, etc) and the exit edge---no great problem as the skater is on two feet. Specification of the number of turns is best expressed by the words “double” or “triple,” etc. A few examples might help the readers’ visualization. Imagine the original turn: a left forward outside counter on two feet exiting on the right forward outside edge. Add to the counter an extra turn or more making it into a spin turn, and still exit on the right forward outside edge which could lead directly into moves such as footwork or even some form of the Axel for a clockwise jumper. Another example would be a back outside edge about to make a three turn to which an extra turn or more is added, the skater still exiting on a back outside or an inside edge according to which foot the skater chose as his exit. The possible useful combinations are amazing, particularly for combining with regular footwork Naming the turns could be made according to the following pattern: “Right forward outside double spin counter exiting (name of edge)” or “Back outside triple spin three exiting (name of edge)” It is hoped that the designation “spin turn” will eventually be given official recognition for use in both free skating and free dance. Copyright © 2013 by Robert S. Ogilvie

Definition of a Twizzle Twizzles are a series of traveling unchecked three-turns on one foot that are rotated with a continuous and uninterrupted action. The four different types of entry edges for twizzles are forward inside, forward outside, backward inside and backward outside. Note: A great twizzle travels one blade length or less between the cusps of the turns. It will be closer to two blade lengths at the lower levels.



2013 Fritz Dietl Ice Arena Excellence Award

World Arena Ice Hall by Kent McDill


he World Arena Ice Hall in Colorado Springs, Colo., is home to many world-class skaters who have numerous gold, silver and bronze medals in their collection. Now the World Arena Ice Hall has its own award to hang around its neck, metaphorically speaking. The Professional Skaters Association has given the World Arena Ice Hall the prestigious 2013 Fritz Dietl Ice Arena Excellence Award, which recognizes innovation and excellence in facility management, operations and programing. “Being awarded the 2013 Fritz Dietl Award for Ice Arena Excellence is a huge honor for us,’’ said Allan Long, Director of Event Services at the World Arena. “It acknowledges that the World Arena Ice Hall is doing the things needed to continually provide the best environment for our user groups while continuing to provide the finest training facility for all our athletes, coaches and patrons.” And the World Arena has quite a list of athletes, coaches and patrons that call it home. It is the home ice for the Division I Colorado College Men’s Hockey team, as well as the famed Broadmoor Skating Club. It is also home ice for approximately 100 competitive figure skaters,



including 13 Team USA members. Included in that list is current U.S. Men’s Champion Max Aaron, the current World Junior Men’s Champion Joshua Farris, two-time National Champions in Pairs Caydee Denney and John Coughlin, and current U.S. Women’s Bronze Medalist Agnes Zawadski. The World Arena Ice Hall, which opened in 1998, is the only facility designated as an official U.S. Olympic Training Site for figure skating. That designation came in 2012. But Long said its world class skaters are not the only ingredient that helped it earn its Fritz Dietl award. “Although our primary focus is as an elite training facility, we also offer Learn-to-Skate and Learn-to-Play Hockey programs for beginners, public activities, and support the needs of a dozen other user groups including two women’s hockey organizations, an adult hockey league, five high school hockey programs, the largest youth hockey program in the area, and local speed skating and curling clubs,’’ Long said. “We also have a phenomenal coaching staff of 22 PSA members that offer instruction in every facet of figure skating.” The Learn-to-Skate program, for instance, hosts hundreds of skaters in

each session, and each skater gets a 30-minute individual skating lesson per week with one of the world-class coaches on staff. Long credited his superiors for their forward-thinking approach to maintaining excellence and reaching for the next level of superiority in ice arena design and services. “We are very fortunate to have a Board of Directors that allows us the opportunity to grow and constantly improve our facility,’’ Long said. “They consistently give us the opportunity to keep advancing in the industry. From facility upgrades, to programs for our athletes and coaches, to training for our staff, we want to go the extra mile to provide those associated with the facility the resources they need to succeed.” The World Arena Ice Hall already participates in Excellence on Ice, a program that provides rinks and clubs with national recognition as a progressive training facility dedicated to excellence in coaching both on and off-ice. To participate in EOI, clubs and facilities must have 100 percent PSA members on staff, all carrying personal liability insurance and seeking to obtain or maintain a rating in the discipline of their choice. Having now received the Fritz Dietl

ABOVE: The PSA held a successful conference at the World Arena Ice Hall in 2010. LEFT AND MIDDLE: The World Arena Ice Hall sits

in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado, with a backdrop of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains to complete the view.

award, the World Arena Ice Hall has reached the pinnacle of success. But the World Arena is ready to move forward, to be even better next year than it is this year. "We are always looking at the latest technology to see how it might benefit our facility,’’ Long said. “In the past couple of seasons, we have put more

than $3 million worth of improvements into the Ice Hall to enhance the guest experience including a new lighting system in both rinks and a complete overhaul of the Ice Hall to include four new locker rooms, a coaches’ office, offices for staff, a pro shop/cafe and a spacious lobby equipped with a fireplace, satellite television and wireless

access for our guests. This year we also added a Team USA Lounge for our Team USA athletes.” The World Arena Ice Hall is only one part of the Colorado Springs World Arena, which includes the Pikes Peak Center, an entertainment venue that holds concerts and other non-ice performances.

Interested in having your club/facility recognized as an Excellence on Ice facility? Visit skatepsa.com!























OBITUARY JILL SHIPSTAD THOMAS 1944 -2013 It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Jill Shipstad Thomas on Thursday, September 19th in Carson City, Nevada at age 69 after dealing with pancreatic cancer, which she bore with courage and grace.

Jill was born on May 27, 1944 in San Mateo, California, to skating legends Roy Shipstad and Bess Ehrhardt. She was the cherished wife of William (Bill) Thomas, technical coach and former Ice Follies star, for 37 years. At age 17, Jill began her skating career in the chorus, but soon found the spotlight as a principal performer with Shipstad and Johnson’s Ice Follies. She went on to star in Holiday on Ice and in TV and theatrical productions for over 20 years. When Jill toured with Disney on Ice, she was co-choreographer together with Robert Paul for fifteen years and continued to work with the Disney principals and understudies. She performed at the Boulevard Room in Chicago, Caesar’s Palace

in Las Vegas, and in many network specials on television. Jill was electric as a skater. As a coach and choreographer, she was energetic, inventive and always upbeat. Her cousin, Eddie Shipstad (Colorado Springs), a coach and show producer, remembers her karate routine. Jill performed a routine that featured her black belt karate skills. “Having skates with zippers on them,” he said, “She would perform her skating routine and then get on the stage, zip her skates off and perform her karate part of her number. I thought it was just incredible.” Jill co-authored a book on self-protection with Bob Ellison called “This Book Can Save Your Life.” When her performing career was over she became a highly respected coach and choreographer, working with many national, world and Olympic competitors. At the time of her death, she was still choreographing for Disney on Ice, with which she had been associated for over 30 years. Jill is survived by her husband, Bill; sisters, Joy, Janet, and Julie of northern California, and many cousins throughout the country. As per Jill’s request, there will be no service. She wanted everyone to remember her as she was the last time they saw her— invariably happy and full of life. In lieu of flowers, Jill would appreciate a contribution to any animal rescue organization.

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Fairfax Ice Arena is searching for a Competitive Ice Skating Coach to join our coaching staff. The Fairfax Ice Arena is… • Located 12 miles from Washington, D.C. in Fairfax County, Virginia — one of the wealthiest counties in the country. • Competitive Figure Skating program offers a 10-week Summer Training School, ballet studio, off-ice training, and jump harness.

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Offer expires 12/31/13



the Evolution of the

Figure Skate=m The History of Boots and Ice Skates | Part II by Bruce Poodles

Photos courtesy of the World Figure Skating Museum & Hall of Fame

Part II

The Heroic Stage

When Union Hardware introduced the “New York Club ‘Diamond Toe’ Skate” in 1876, it allowed skaters to perfect movements and turns on the toe. In Canada, that style of skating encouraged by the tight radius became known as ‘barrel-head skating’. It was said the skater’s entire bag of tricks could be performed on the head of a barrel. The style resulted in North American skaters being barred from world competition.


"English figure skaters agreed that a skate blade for figure skating should be the true segment of a circle having a radius of seven feet with the most accomplished skaters on a six foot radius.

In plain English, a skate with a seven foot radius would be perfect for skating a circle with a seven foot radius. "

Skates in America that were considered stock were rockered to a radius between 4 and 4 ½ feet, which was described in George Browne’s, “A Handbook of Skating”, as “…sufficient explanation of the difficulty popularly associated with figure skating, and for the persistence of the ‘weak ankle’ fiction.” In the book published in 1900 by Barney & Berry, it was suggested that beginners not use a radius sharper than seven feet. Barney & Berry which at the time was the most notable manufacturer of skates in America made many different skates with radiuses of five, six, or seven feet.

On the other side of the pond, that was not the case. A great debate was raging regarding the rocker radius. A skate with a radius of nine feet dispersed the weight bearing over a larger area reducing friction but then turns and loops became difficult. English figure skaters agreed that a skate blade for figure skating should be the true segment of a circle having a radius of seven feet with the most accomplished skaters on a six foot radius. In plain English, a skate with a seven foot radius would be perfect for skating a circle with a seven foot radius. The majority of blades from England had a seven foot rocker and were concaved similar to today’s parabolic blades. The Dowler, as it was then called, were thicker on the ends and narrower in the middle. Mr. Dowler, a member of the London Skating Club, took out a Patent, #7384, for the blades which were manufactured by Hill & Son in London. His idea was that when the skater was on a deep edge, the concave side would bring a greater portion of the blade in actual contact with the ice. Skaters at the London Skating Club began experimenting with different edge grinds. Most skaters used acute angled edges, what we call a dove-tail blade today. Acute angles are very sharp and bite too deeply in to the ice, creating more friction or drag. Some skaters ground their blade to an obtuse angle which was great when warmer air temperatures created a softer ice, but was almost un-skateable when on extremely cold ice. PS MAGAZINE


1850 Acorn Curly Toe

The trend of obtuse ground blades lasted only a short time until the consensus of skaters arrived at a happy medium of right angled blades.

The Scandinavians who exhibited figure skating of an athletic nature preferred a rocker between five and five and a half feet and were tapered. The blade was about ¼ of an inch at the weight bearing point, tapering to just 1/8th at the heel.

Until after 1905 there was very little change in design, other than the New York Club Skate. Conversationally, the blade designs were most likely dictated by the style of skating popular at the time in each region. The American style of skating popular in North America was described in Irving Brokaw’s Art of Skating, as putting “…almost no restrictions on the use of any available assisting movement.” He went on to write, “I felt we were too concerned with marks on the ice, with rules of carriage that stifled appropriate gesture and pose, with small, kicked figures in small area.” The tight radius New York Club Skate with the sole “diamond toe” nicely supported the needs the style required. According to Brokaw, the English style forbade any assistance from the arms or swinging of the free foot. It relied on a very stiff position once the thrust was made, requiring a blade that promoted both flow and a strong edge. A seven foot radius and “The Dowler” were just what was needed.

The third style was the International style, popularized in Vienna by American Jackson Haines. It was adapted from the American style, which promoted a natural and free style, allowing total immersion of the entire body to produce a harmonizing and graceful result. As described in Part I, Jackson Haines developed the two-plate, all metal, seven foot radius blade

with the modified saw-tooth picks attached directly to his boots, which added stability and allowed him to do more athletic leaps and jumps.

Arguably, the international style was brought to the United States by George Browne after he and his family spent the winter of 1902 in Davos, Switzerland. Irving Brokaw on the other hand, was the first American Champion to skate in the International Style after competing in Switzerland and when he returned brought not only the International Style but a European imitation of the Jackson Haines skate. In the next issue of PS Magazine Part III - Modern Times – The Golden Era

SOURCES The Art of Skating. Irving Brokaw • A System of Figure Skating. H. E. Vandervell & T. Maxwell Witham • Wonderful World of Skates. Arthur Goodfellow Ice Skating. Nigel Brown • Artistic Skating in the International Style, George H. Browne, The New York Times, November 28 1909 • 100 Years on Ice. Time magazine. February 10, 1941. Retrieved 2013/08/26


WORLD FIGURE SKATING MUSEUM & HALL OF FAME The World Figure Skating Museum & Hall of Fame’s collection includes nearly 1,500 pairs of skates that document the development of the blade and boot dating back to the 8th Century. PSA extends special thanks to the Museum for graciously sharing photographs from the collection.



Are you thinking about starting the ratings process?

See what these coaches have to say about their experience! I had a very positive experience and commend my examiners for their constructive comments on opportunities for improvement. I am going to mentor with one of them. – Registered Group

I will be back for more education. Thank you for your inviting atmosphere! – Registered Group

I felt my examiners were more than fair and more so, kind and helpful. I truly feel that I know more from going through the process; their feedback has motivated me to do better. – Registered MIF

This was a really great experience and not as scary as everyone makes it seem. – Registered MIF

The examiners were very friendly and made me feel comfortable. It felt like we were having a conversation instead of an exam. They did a great job keeping the mood light but serious. – Registered MIF

Enjoyed the test – it was very good to know that the panel was interested in what I had to say and it made me relax. Thank you! –Registered Group

My experience was highly positive, motivating, and has made me a better overall coach! – Senior Pairs My testing experience was great because I was well prepared. The info required to know for the exams has richly enhanced my ability to be a better choreographer. Thanks for pushing me! – Master Choreography

Very helpful and positive atmosphere. I thought the examiners were all constructive as well as complimentary when necessary. – Certified Choreography

Examiners were very fair and their comments were very helpful for moving forward. I appreciate them donating their time for the process. – Certified MIF

Extremely helpful feedback.

– Master Program Director

This was my first oral exam. It was a good experience and will help me clarify my methods. – Registered Free Skating

The exam was awesome, per usual. Every exam was comfortable, fun, and cohesive between examiners and myself. It was a very fun experience from top to bottom! - Master Free Skating

Thank you for the opportunity to grow, learn, shape, and empower my coaching. It is an honor! – Master Free Skating

For upcoming Oral Rating sites see page 19.



Conference 2014 That’s right ladies and gentlemen; the 2014 PSA International Conference and Trade Show will be taking place at the desert oasis at the base of the San Jacinto Mountains. With the 425-foot lazy river at the Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa, on and off-ice educational sessions by keynote speaker Frank Carroll, a 27 hole championship golf course, and networking with hundreds of other coaches, what do you have to lose? www.skatepsa.com for more information

Conference 2014 Quick Facts • When: May 22-24, 2014 • Registration Deadlines: o o

Early Bird: January 21, 2014 Advanced: April 22, 2014

• Hotel: Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa • Room Rates: $135/night + tax

(with discounts on food, drinks, and golf!)

• Rink: Desert Ice Castle **Don’t miss the Cyber Monday Sale on December 2nd for $20 off your registration!

Palm Springs is just a short trip away from these nearby cities: Los Angeles, CA – 107 miles San Diego, CA – 123 miles San Francisco, CA – 488 miles Phoenix, AZ – 268 miles Las Vegas, NV – 230 miles Salt Lake City, UT – 653 miles 26


Desert Ice Castle

Keynote Speaker:

Frank Carroll

Frank Carroll is a former threetime national medalist. Following his amateur career, Carroll performed with the Ice Follies for over four years until he began coaching in 1960. He has coached a number of World junior champions as well as World and Olympic medalists and champions. Frank is master rated in figures and free skating, and joins a distinctive group of individuals who are members of both the U.S. and World Figure Skating Halls of Fame. Carroll holds the distinction of being the only figure skating coach to be named Olympic Coach of the Year, and is only one of three coaches to have taught both the ladies' and men’s U.S. senior champions in the same year (Michelle Kwan and Timothy Goebel in 2001). Other renowned students of his include Linda Fratianne, Tiffany Chin, Christopher Bowman, and Evan Lysacek. Carroll is also a four-time PSA Coach of the Year, and was inducted into the PSA Coaches Hall of Fame in 2002.

Additional Presenters Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa P







Practice your swing!





Holly Malewski Doug Mattis Scott McCoy Diane Miller Kelley Morris Adair Paul Paprocki Jamie Santee Libby Scanlan Wendy Smith Chris Snyder (USOC) Becky Stump Louis Vachon Tom Zakra jsek Peter Zapalo


Donald Adair Jackie Brenner Frank Carroll Kathy Casey Alex Chang Don Corbiell Charlie Cyr Eisenhower Medical Group Jonathan Geen Leslie Graham Nicolette House Evelyn Kramer Debbie Lane Gloria Leous




Be sure to join the PS Foundation Memorial Classic and play some golf to benefit a good cause. All skill levels welcome - don't forget about the Putt Putt Fore Coaches putting contest!

Relax and rejuvenate your career in beautiful Palm Springs, CA.



By Terri Milner Tarquini ith the Olympic Winter Games drawing closer, the multifaceted Destination Sochi campaign is in high gear and National Skating Month is going bigger and aiming higher. Having posted record numbers in 2012, then besting those numbers in 2013, U.S. Figure Skating is aiming for even more impressive results with their upcoming membership recruitment program by extending the 2014 National Skating Month to two months - January and February - in conjunction with the Destination Sochi campaign. “We are now in an Olympic season,” Susi Wehrli-McLaughlin, U.S. Figure Skating’s senior director, membership said. “We need to make the most of this opportunity and get the word out. This is a great opportunity for not only prospective members, but for current members as well.” Stocked up with 500 kits that can be ordered up until November 15 - which include posters, postcards, media packets, sample press releases, stickers, pencils and much more - rinks and clubs can take the opportunity to host a fun day at the rink. “National Skating Month is our local, grassroots campaign,” Wehrli-McLaughlin said. “It’s really about getting the public in to the rinks for a fun day of skating, introductory lessons, games, demonstrations and exhibitions. We sold out of kits the last two years so we ordered even more this year and this time it lasts for two months, which is even better.” Clubs and programs can also take part in the all-new Team Competition, a structured yet fun team maneuver event for Basic Skills and member clubs. “It goes hand in hand with the debut of the team competition at this Olympics,” Brenda Glidewell, U.S. Figure Skating’s director,




skating programs said. “This is all about celebrating skating.” Packets for the Team Event can be ordered any time from now through the Olympic Winter Games and include five different templates for varying ways to host the competition. Depending on the makeup of a particular club or program, outlines have ideas on how to encompass a variety of skaters - from all levels, to predominantly lower-level skaters, to adult skaters, to hockey skaters. “The packets are thorough, but these are all suggestions,” Glidewell said. “We want every group to do what’s right for their program. Our goal was to give them as much guidance as possible. We want them to enjoy the process.” With 20 packets already ordered, Glidewell said the hope of distributing 100 packets to programs around the country is right on track - and the beauty is in the ease with which the Team Event can be executed. “It’s similar to ‘Dancing with the Stars.’ The skaters do an element, the judges hold up a number. It’s very simple,” Glidewell said. “There’s a lot of enthusiasm out there. This is a great time to make the public aware of what the programs and rinks do and a great way for them to participate in their own way with the Olympics coming.” Also included in Destination Sochi are two major development efforts: The Family Tree Program, to help send the family members of athletes to the Games, and the $20.14 Program, which helps support all skating programs including Team USA. “We want the families to be able to experience the Olympic dream with their athlete,” Wallis Romzek, U.S. Figure Skating’s manager, giving programs said about the Family Tree Program. “What a trip that could be. There will be 15 Olympians and we have pledged a certain amount to their families to help them out. It’s similar to the Destination Vancouver program we did during the last Olympic cycle, but it obviously costs more to get to Russia than to Canada.” The 20.14 Program to help athlete programs asked donors to pledge to make a donation in that amount every month from when the Destination Sochi campaign kicked off in January 2013 until the Olympic Winter Games - 14 months, for a total of $281.96. One-time donations are still welcome. “Contributions are going well,” Romzek said. “We saw a spike with the season starting up and there will be even more participation and excitement as we get to the Grand Prix season and the actual Olympics. I think the best is yet to come.” Although the Grand Prix events are annual, the Olympics only happen once every four years. “Olympic years are always big years,” Wehrli-McLaughlin said. “Skating families, of course, are into it, but non-skating families also get exposure to skating. Look how gymnastics boomed after the ladies won the gold medal (in the team all-around event).”

SkateFest in Scottsdale, AZ, Ice den, with Kimmie Meissner, Ryan Bradley, Snowplow Sam and local coaches

It’s impossible in this day and age to ignore the technology of the times and the role that could play in creating future figure skaters. “We get to not only see the athletes perform but we also often get to know who they are, which draws people in,” Wehrli-McLaughlin said. “I can’t tell you how many skaters I know of who, when asked how they started skating, say, ‘I saw it on TV and I wanted to try.’” With a historically four-year cycle when it comes to membership, U.S. Figure Skating points to the past two National Skating Months as an indicator that maybe that trend is changing for the better. “The Olympic year is huge, then the following year is big, then the next two years tend to be down a little and then it cycles all over again,” Wehrli-McLaughlin said. “But 2012 and 2013 should have been down years and we broke our records and sold out of kits, so that points to all sorts of good things.” The goal, then, is to sustain the Olympic excitement generated from Sochi through to the 2018 Olympic Winter Games in South Korea. “It takes a little more effort in a non-Olympic year, but the rinks and clubs that have great staffs and quality programs are getting it done,” Wehrli-McLaughlin said. “The key is to have events to get them in the door and then have programs to retain them. It needs to be fun and they need to be rewarded for their accomplishments and the next step needs to always be there so they can see it and they want to go for it.” And maybe, just maybe, what they’ll end up going for is an Olympic medal someday. For more information on all of the campaigns involved in Destination Sochi, go to www.destinationsochi.org or www.usfigureskating.org.

The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the first time that the Russian Federation will have hosted the Winter Games; the Soviet Union hosted the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow. The host city Sochi has a population of

Order your free materials from U.S. Figure Skating to display in your facility and surrounding communities.

400,000 people and is situated in Krasnodar, which is the third largest region in Russia. The Games will be organised in two clusters: a coastal cluster for ice events in Sochi, and a mountain cluster located in the

Krasnaya Polyana Mountains. This will make it one of the most compact Games ever, with around 30 minutes travel time from the coastal to mountain cluster.



special It takes a

person to coach Special Olympics


his or her ability, and a coach should be there to help them achieve that level. Whether working with athletes with intellectual disabilities or not, a coach n area of figure skating that is should provide knowledge of the sport starting to take off and gain including rules and strategies and a momentum in the sport is Special safe, fun and positive learning environOlympics. It truly takes a special person to coach Special Olympics skaters. These ment with an emphasis on sportsmanship. Every coach should also adhere to are the skaters that need the most the highest moral and ethical conduct attention, but provide the greatest joy when dealing with athletes no matter and reward to coaches. their ability level. Coaches are also COACHING SPECIAL OLYMPIC SKATERS expected to provide regular practices Overall, the coaching experience is very and instruction for athletes at their similar to standard track skating, though proper skill levels. Coaches should strive you may need to describe how to do to teach their athletes to learn- respect, the element in several ways and in a integrity, accountability, teamwork positive way. The building blocks remain and sportsmanship regardless of the the same, but the teaching techniques athlete’s ability level. are broken down into more manage When coaching special needs skaters, able steps. There are various levels of you need to be completely aware of the special needs, so a coach should coach skaters’ mental and physical challenges. to the skater’s ability. In addition, the Athletes with intellectual disabilities special skaters will probably not skate learn at a different pace than others so a the element as well as other skaters, but coach will need to have patience and be keep in mind what limitation the skater able to adjust their teaching technique has. Most importantly, do not let the to fit the athlete. This may mean special need come ahead of the person- repeating and re-wording directions, the skater wants to excel to the best of visual instruction (demonstrations & drawings on the ice) rather than verbal, physical prompts, and physical assistance especially at the beginning. A coach will need to be simple and consistent with their verbal cues as most special needs athletes learn by repetition and consistency. In addition to teaching the athlete to perform on the ice, a coach must Illinois Special Olympic Winter Games • Left to right: Ben Collins, Kristen Blomgren, Ashton Kawa, Brianna Hansen, be willing to work with the special Kayla Barnard, Alex Karda, Abby Stanton, Carley Reuter, and Zane Shropshire, (coach). PHOTO COURTESY ZANE SHROPSHIRE The following article was compiled using responses from Tappie Dellinger, Eleanor FraserTaylor, Zane Shropshire, and Renee Brainerd.




needs skaters to understand the sport’s rules, levels, and safety. A coach will need to constantly assess an athlete's skill level and adjust their teaching accordingly so the athlete doesn’t get frustrated with lack of success or bored and not challenged. Given time, instruction, guidance and most importantly lots of encouragement, special needs skaters can perform on the ice and achieve their goals! Special needs athletes will be proud of the small skills they master and be enthusiastic and ready to learn more. The coach’s role is very rewarding. JOYS AND CHALLENGES Special Olympic skaters are always eager to learn and are usually very grateful and excited for the opportunity to participate in skating. They are always overjoyed by their accomplishments, no matter how big or small they are. It is a time to cheer! To see these athletes overcome obstacles, demonstrate courage and get physically fit in the process is amazing! The challenge can be coaching many different levels, ages, physical and mental abilities in one class. It is important to have several volunteers and/or coaches to help. It is important not to give up on a skater. Their limitations may provide an extra challenge, but they can be overcome. There are so many stories of these athletes showing courage and perseverance to attain a new skill or overcome health problems so they can skate again. Their love and compassion for their fellow team mates is awesome to see. Special needs skaters always demonstrate a joyful attitude even when they get snowed in and can't compete! As coaches of Special needs skaters, we learn as much from them as they do from us.

college, she then started skating with my grandson. My grandson and Abby have a wonderful time on the ice and since Brandon (my grandson) is a strong skater, Abby has grown in her own skating.

She also got to meet Olympic skating legends Scott Hamilton and Kristi Yamaguchi! By the end of the World Games she was on the dance floor with all the other athletes having the time of her life. She didn’t come home with a gold medal but she did come home a champion. The lessons she learned helped reinforce the value of the "Special Olympics Athlete's Oath" which is: "LET ME WIN. BUT IF I CANNOT WIN, LET ME BE BRAVE IN THE ATTEMPT". It was amazing to watch her grow during the trip!

Tappie: I have been blessed to work with athletes with intelGET INVOLVED Ashlyn Ulrich at the 2009 Special lectual disabilities Special Olympics offers a great training Olympics Southeast Ice Skating Winter as well as physical program to instruct coaches on proper Games. Coached by Tappie Dellinger. disabilities, and the teaching techniques for special needs PHOTO COURTESY OF TAPPIE DELLINGER joy you feel when athletes. Coaches must be 18 years of you see them smile age and complete the training course GROWING SPECIAL OLYMPICS as they glide across the ice for the within their state program to become The longevity of the special needs first time under their own power is a "Special Olympics Certified Coach". population is growing. It is believed overwhelming and will make your heart Anyone 14 years of age and older may that people with physical and mental melt! To teach an athlete a skill that they attend the training school, become a challenges can benefit from team can carry forward and that gives them volunteer and assist certified coaches sports and interaction, mentally, a boost in their self-esteem is amazing. with training. U.S. Figure Skating clubs socially and spiritually. Because of this, And to know that self-confidence is and coaches can reach out to their Special Olympics skating can grow, helping them in their life off the ice is local/state Special Olympics programs. but growth is slow. You cannot teach powerful too! I have an athlete that was The coaches can also ask their students a large group of special needs like very shy and she had trouble commuif they know any special needs people you can a group of the other skaters. nicating with others. As she learned to in their school or community that might Word of mouth has been an effective skate, she developed the courage to like to skate. Word of mouth is a great method, but if a coach can interact perform a routine in front of crowds, she way to spread the word about what with any of the special needs groups learned to hold her head up and smile you’re trying to get started. Becoming that is also a way of helping the sport at others, and she learned to keep going a Special Olympics coach and donating grow. Skating isn’t for everyone, but even if she made a mistake during a your time will be one of the most it would be wonderful to give those performance. She was selected to be rewarding things you have ever done! with special needs the opportunity part of Special Olympics Team USA and to try it. To grow this area of skating compete on the international stage! She however, more resources, funding learned teamwork, and most importantly, knowledgeable patience, friendand generous coaches are needed to ship and how to work with this special population. The travel far distances Extreme Ice Center in Indian Trail, NC from home. At donates ice time for Special Olympics, the beginning of has the "learn to skate" classes offered the trip, she had for the Special Olympics skaters, and trouble with eye offers the opportunity to compete in contact and was Special Olympics in local competitions. unsure around They are a great model! others. She had to be encouraged to PERSONAL EXPERIENCES make new friends Eleanor: My personal best story is and to interact about a young lady by the name of with others and Abby. Abby has grown from an "I she did it! During can't do this" to "I can do this". It has the course of the taken many years and by using several Special Olympics different methods of learning edges World Game, she and crossovers, she finally accommet people from Special Olympics 2013 World Winter Games Figure Skating Team In Lake Placid Ny During Training Camp | plished them last year. Abby has been blessed with great parents and a loving different countries December 2012 • Back row left to right: Danny Nelson, Cory Gentry, Carolyn Snoddy, Becky Curtis, Mystie Lucast, and cultures. Amanda Douglass, Katie Crawford, Katie Carter, Erin Hart, Kelly Bradshaw, Alex Miller • Front Row L/R: Coaches Leslie brother. When her bother went off to Kelley, John Kauffman, and Tappie Dellinger (Debra Johnson not pictured)




What Would Yuka Sato Do? In the almost two decades since Yuka Sato retired from amateur competition—in which she got 7th and 5th at the 1992 and 1994 Winter Olympics, respectively, and captured the gold medal at the 1994 World Championships —she has had a successful professional career with Stars on Ice, been a television commentator and a choreographer. Now a full-time coach at the Detroit Skating Club, she is working with highlevel skaters from all over the globe. Going into this season that ultimately leads to the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Sato is the head coach for Jeremy Abbott, the 2009, 2010 and 2012 U.S. national champion. With Jason Dungjen (a two-time national champion and Olympic competitor in pairs skating) she also helps coach Alissa Czisny, the 2009 and 2011 U.S. national champion who is battling back from her second hip surgery; Valentina Marchei, the fourtime Italian national champion; as well as Canadian Elladj Balde, Mexican Rayna Hamui, and the Japanese pair team of Narumi Takahashi and Ryuichi Kihara. Coached for the majority of her amateur career in her native Japan by her parents, who competed in two Olympics each, Sato also worked with Peter Dunfield in Canada. Sato was on vacation in Hawaii when she answered the question: “What Would Yuka Sato Do?”

You were raised in the skating world and have been a competitor, a show skater, a commentator, a choreographer and now a coach. What do you value most in your current role? I definitely value the depth of the work that’s involved with each skater. It’s not always about the technical aspect of it. In terms of our job, we must understand their emotional and mental state. They are each such different individuals with such different personalities and needs.



By Terri Milner Tarquini

You began coaching where most coaches do — with younger and lower-level skaters. The last four or so years, however, you have been working with higher-level competitors. How does it feel to be standing at the boards at the Olympics? It feels great. It’s nerve-racking, it’s exciting, it’s everything. But to be able to share that moment with your skater is something I wouldn’t change for anything. What do you think enticed Jeremy Abbott to come to Detroit to work with you? I’m not sure, to be honest. I had met him when I was in Korea and I ended up sitting next to Jeremy on the bus and we had a very casual conversation. When I got back to Michigan, he called me and asked me if I wanted to be his coach. At the time I was just coming off the Stars on Ice tour, which had been my main occupation and I was only coaching parttime. I guess things happen for a reason. How is Alissa Csizny? How do you go about helping a skater recover from such a horrible injury? (Csizny was injured in January at the Fox Cities competition in Appleton, Wisconsin, when she fell on a triple flip and dislocated her left hip and had to withdraw from the U.S. Championships.) It was her second injury and second surgery—for different reasons but in the same spot. She’s back on the ice and things are starting to pick up. It’s been a long recovery emotionally and physically. It was especially difficult that the Olympics were a year away and, at that time in anyone’s career that is at that level, they have goals and it is a major disappointment. It’s overwhelming to know, ‘I’m injured.’ But sometimes we experience a crisis, and it helps us to realize how simple and precious life can be and skating becomes a privilege. You have to look at the balance of you as a person and you as a skater and sometimes things happen that can put that into perspective. The first time it seemed to me that she was in a hurry to come back strong, but, after the second surgery, I feel like she’s taking more time and she’s more there mentally and emotionally. What she’s going through, no one can take that away from her, and she’s finding even more strength.

As you’ve been working with an increasing number of higher-level skaters, has that brought many changes? Yes, there is no time. But I am also grateful. I have heard my dad (Nobuo Sato), Frank Carroll, John Nicks - all of these high level coaches - say the same thing: “You have to take care of yourself first in order to be there for others.” That’s why I’m in Hawaii… for a little recovery from the summer schedule and before the season starts. There are so many responsibilities and you feel there’s so much on your shoulders, but I have to take care of myself to do a good job for my skaters. Do you have any goals or aspirations as Sochi is coming up on the horizon? I’ll be honest, the past few seasons have had some rough spots. Obviously all of the skaters have improved tremendously, but the results have not quite caught up. And that’s the sort of thing that all coaches at different times have to work through. My main goal is to have all of our skaters qualify who are training for the Olympics and I need to help them to have their best performance when it’s their time. What words of wisdom do you impart to your skaters prior to performing? I teach them what I was taught: You practice like it’s a competition and you compete like it’s a practice. It’s simple and there’s no other way to do it. Do you have any advice for coaches who are currently working with lower- to mid-level skaters but have aspirations of being at the boards at the national and international level? I think it’s important that coaches work to appropriately condition their skaters physically and mentally at the right ages and the right times. With the requirements now, to be competitive, there’s so much focus on the physical aspect that we have a big responsibility to be aware of how soon to start pushing and how far. We have to make sure they learn the basics before introducing all sorts of variations just for points. If we make them put their leg up higher and pull it in more,

What are your plans for the future? I’m really focusing to the best of my ability to help my skaters in this Olympic season. From there, I’ll take it one thing at a time.

2012 U.S. Figure Skating Championships | Jeremy Abbott celebrates with coaches Yuka Sato and Jason Dungjen in the Kiss 'n Cry. PHOTO BY VICKI LUY

they might have no future due to injuries. We are seeing a lot of the same injuries in the past 10 years and the skaters are doing a lot of strange positions that are not very natural.

One of the unique things about you is that your parents were both Olympians and coached you through the majority of your amateur career. How was that? (Laughs) That’s why they shipped me to Canada in my teen years! Peter Dunfield (who started coaching Sato when she was 16) is such a mentor for me. He taught me how to be an elite athlete and how to package myself. As a coach now, I realize how gifted I was to be raised in that environment… my parents taught me so much technique and they did so much for me. At the time, of course, I didn’t understand that, but I do now. What is your favorite move to watch when it is performed really well? Triple axels are beautiful when done really well. There can be such speed coming into the jump and they can be just beautiful. If there was one thing you could change about the sport, what would it be? I’d like the system to be a little simpler for spectators. It’s so complicated that sometimes I can’t figure it out so I don’t know how the general public can do it. I know the ISU is working hard to create

the best of the best, but at the same time it needs to be easy for people to get. There will always be complaints, but it needs to be a little more audience-friendly. We have so much for the viewing public to want to see, we don’t want them to change the channel.

How would you describe your journey in the skating world so far? This season is the 20th anniversary since I had my last Olympic season and I won Worlds. I’ve had a lot of different things I’ve done since then—professional skater, TV commentator, choreographer and coach. I’m very inspired by so many coaches I get the privilege to be around—Frank Carroll and Christy Krall and so many others. I so admire their passion and I realize that’s why they’ve been in the sport for so long. It’s one thing to have the answers, but it’s another to pass on the passion. I’ve had such a great run. Twenty years feels like quite an accomplishment to me and I’m looking forward to many more.

Skating has truly been your life, but if you hadn’t become a skating coach what would you have done? I always loved to skate and I always thought it was the perfect sport for me. Also I was never really good at anything else (laughs). I was very fortunate that I found the one thing I could do. Do you have an overall coaching philosophy or mission statement? I’ve always thought that one reason I had such a long career as a skater was because I always found such joy in the sport. I truly loved what I did. Now that I’m coaching upcoming skaters, I want to share that and teach them to follow their dreams. Sometimes following dreams takes sacrifice and that’s called discipline. We have to teach discipline, but we have to allow them to play a little too so they can find the love. In the morning I work with my high-level skaters and at the end of my day I have my younger skaters. You look in their eyes and they have so much to tell you and they know such joy and I find myself smiling back at them. It always refreshes me.




Blowing the Whistle ...and other legal challenges


fter the PSA conference in May 2013, connecting 75 years of PSA past to the present and future, a number of members asked questions about the legal status of making errors or illegal conduct of employers public. By status, I took that to mean is such public information given by an employee (or independent contractor) protected from retaliation by the employer? As is the case with the law, nothing ever is a clear yes or no. As it turns out, proving retaliation by an employer against an employee has gotten more difficult under federal law and easier under state law. A number of states have changes to enlarge the rights of employees. Basically, the conduct of the employee has been expanded in what can happen after they have gone public with a complaint. The law has been expanded to allow the complaining worker to give evidence of reckless conduct rather than willful (intentional) conduct. Failure to act in good faith or departing from reasonable practice are now reportable items. The defenses remaining with management still allow showing of no connection between the whistle blowing activity and adverse action by management. The more difficult cases will be at the federal level. Such cases generally arise under antidiscrimination laws. The Supreme Court has recently ruled that actions brought under the Civil Rights Act, Title VII cannot be filed unless the employee can show conduct of reporting

“Be suspicious if suddenly you are denied credit. Never answer questions on the phone ... Politely but firmly tell the person to mail you any form they want you to review, then hang up.”



some violation was THE reason the firing was visited upon the employee by the employer. The high court uses a “but for” causation standard for retaliation claims, same as in age discrimination cases….a tough standard to meet. The law seems to be moving to aid employers. However all is not lost. If you have such a case try to connect your facts with public safety. Be sure your lawyer has checked both federal AND state law. Another issue made an appearance which I am sorry to say seems to be getting worse. Identity theft. With all the travel and on line activities in which coaches engage, identity and information protection is a top of the importance list item. There are some obvious things to do and things to avoid. Do not carelessly give out your social security number. If you are opening charge accounts or seeking credit, the credit company will require you to give them your number. Consider carefully if you really need another charge account or another credit card. Inspect your financial reports carefully and as soon after you receive them as possible. Such reports are for checking charge cards and other general monthly bills. If someone is wrongly using your account, such use will quickly appear. Federal law allows you to obtain one free credit report from the major credit reporting company. A government web site provides a form. See Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website http://www.ftcgov/ to get the form. Be suspicious if suddenly you are denied credit. Never answer questions on the phone from official sounding persons claiming they need financial information. Politely but firmly tell the person to mail you any form they want you to review, then hang up. If such a form does show up, verify with the company requesting the form. Should a theft occur on your account inform the credit company immediately. Contact both local law enforcement and the Federal Trade Commission in order to file an Identity Theft Report.

Ava's Awesome Spirals!

Sheila Thelen PRESIDENT – Champion Cords EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR –

Grassroots To Champions

Young skaters are always fun to work with. We loved seeing little Ava – ROCKING HER SPIRAL with Champion Cords! WOW! AVA! (Ava has a HUGE LOVE of Figure Skating! She memorizes Skating Magazines!!) Coach Melissa Kaiser is doing a great job – training the “complete skater” in Ava. Note: She works on BOTH LEGS, all edges. She’s not allowed to “pick a favorite leg.” BOTH legs are her “favorite.” Train your little skaters – correctly – using Champion Cords.

Thanks Ava & Melissa! »»CHAMPION CORDS ARE ENDORSED BY THE PSA Order yours at: www.ChampionCords.com OR www.SkatePSA.com







Melissa Emerson

Christina JUMIC

Mary Alice Antensteiner

Gabrielle SCANLON

Nathaniel Hess

Kristen ADAMS

Michelle Wilcome

Elaine JURUN

Keri Ferguson


Ross Lansel

Ann Endres

Annette KEIL

Sian Matthews-Boycheck

Jennifer SCHMIDT

Lyssa Cobb

Colleen Phillips

Cheryl KHOO

Elizabeth Thornton


Kaitlin SEROTA

Shawna Ludy


Sigrid Berge

Blair KIM

Stephanie BAY

Craig Bodoh


Elizabeth (Peschges) Thornton

Bethany SHINN

Amy Torcasso


Nicole Gaboury


Tara Hillstrand-Lane


Lynn Leger

Alexis Scott


Connie Brunkow


Janelle LAJTAR

Craig Maurizi

Melissa SMOLER

Michael LAJTAR

Craig Maurizi


Ekaterina CHESNA

Suren Ashkhatoyan


Leticia Moreno Enos Nikki Bennis Louise Turek Cooke


Scott Powell


Heather Dirkman

Chelsea LANGLAS Janet LI


Dorothi Cassini

Karen VIEL



Julia Roach


Christine DEVINE

Yulia Kouznetsova


Igor Lisovsky Jeffery Petri

Anthony EVANS

Russ Scott


Andrea Kunz- Williamson


Nicole Gaboury

Lisa MONNIG Julianna MORI Evgeni NEMIROVSKII Madeleine Ashleigh NEWBY-ESTRELLA

Emily Finn Sara Mazzolla Jennifer Heurlin-Brenne

Kate Blanchette Anne Marie Filosa Darlene Cain Antonio Enrique Newby-Estrella

Jackie Brenner


Jodi Tipton


Pamela Leary

Catherine GORDON

Kelly Lynch

Lachlan ROSS

Karteka Parks


Rachel Riske


Marel Flores


Lori Stuart Jeanne Raftery

Michael Anne HIGGINS

Lee Ann Shoker

Michelle HONG

Lynn Smith

Alexandra HYER

Karel Kovar

Ashlea JONES

Kate Mills

Michelle Tepkasetkul Martineau Meredith Alfano-Pritt Colleen Thomas


Raymond Laub April Treado Matthew Rosso


Pam Dreyer Serhii Vaypan Lisa Huth

Virginia Crisp

Christie RENEAU


Joan Malarchuk

Anne Buccino-Katz

Jenni Flores

Arlene McSorley

Stephanie Mathieson

Steven Belanger

Nicholas Kraft

Savannah HANBY

Scott Cudmore

Danny Tate


Jimmie Santee

Ursula Wolfer

Alyson WILEY

Jessica GOBLE


Allison RANEY

Samantha Vonsiatsky

B.L. Wylie

Meredith ZOLTY


Jana Reynolds

Amy Torcasso

Jeremy Allen

Amy Luebke

Erika Roberts

Jessica WARD

Ami PAREKH Samantha PENN

Holly FREI

Amy Torcasso

Michelle WALTERS

Cathryn Schwab

Alexei Mantsorov


Christina PERFETTO

Rebecca Nagle


Shari Trotter

Tiffany Wood

Bethany GREEN

Kathleen WALSH



Catherine GREEN


Chad Goodwin


Ben Logan

Anthony Liu


Savannah LILLY

Julia Roach

Rachel EPPS

Amanda France

Alexandra LUNSFORD




Taunya Peper-Blanco David Santee

Hilary COOKE


Jennifer Turner



Tami Mickle

Michelle Lauerman


Jimmie Santee


Bridget Roberts

NOTICE is hereby given that Seth Chafetz of Michigan has been suspended from membership effective the 18th day of September, 2013. Mr. Chafetz’s status may be reviewed upon the conclusion of all legal actions brought forth by the People of Michigan.


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NOVEMBER Date: Location: Event: Contact: Credits: Deadline: Date: Location: Event: Credits: Host: Contact:

Wednesday, November 6 Area 5 Hatfield Ice, 350 County Line Rd, Colmar, PA 18915 Pennsylvania State Workshop [8:30am to 12:45pm – Registration 8:00am] Catherine Link at 215-997-9797 x 107 or katibird007@yahoo.com Register online at www.skatepsa.com 5 PSA credits October 25, 2013 Friday & Saturday, November 22-23 Area 8 Four-Points by Sheraton, 3600 E Cork St, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 Wings Stadium, 3600 Vanrick Dr, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 U.S. Figure Skating Judges School [Classroom 5 hrs. & On-ice 6 hrs.] TBD PSA pre-approved credits Greater Kalamazoo Skating Assoc. & Tri-States Council Patricia Eshleman pattyesh@charter.net or Jeanette Davey sk8judge@hotmail.com

JANUARY 2014 Date: Location: Event: Contact: Credits: Deadline:

January 8 & 9 Area 2 Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, 606 Congress St. Boston, MA 02210 Oral Rating Site at the 2014 U.S. Figure Skating Championships PSA Office 507-281-5122 or byackel@skatepsa.com Register online at www.skatepsa.com 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken November 25, 2013

JOB OPENINGS SKATING COACH WANTED - Space City Ice Station, located in the southeast suburbs of Houston, Texas, close to NASA and Kemah Boardwalk. Beaches of Galveston Island are close by! Amenities include a 200'x85' ice surface, pro shop, restaurant, fitness center, dance studio, and figure skating club. Send resume to: andrew@spacecityice.com

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Let the skating community know about your upcoming event, product, service, or job opportunity by advertising with the PSA! We offer many different advertising options at affordable rates. For more information go to our website at www.skatepsa.com and click on “Advertise With Us”.



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Las Vegas 230mi

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Salt Lake City 653mi


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More information at www.skatepsa.com


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