2018 Jan/Feb PS Magazine

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World Figure & Fancy Skating Championships

Stephanie Chace Bass PSA master-rated coach & 2017 World Fancy Skating Championship Ladies’ Silver Medalist



Over the Edge


President’s Message





| Jimmie Santee | Christine Fowler-Binder

| Tim Covington | U.S. Figure Skating


Sport Science




Real Life Coaching


Best Business Practices

| Heidi Thibert

| Carol Rossignol | Bob Mock


38 40


PSA Seminars/Clinics Update


PSA + Jackson Ultima Partnership


U.S. Figure Skating IJS Protocol for Test Credit


2018 PSA Conference & Trade Show | Orlando, FL


Coach Care: Nutrition


World Figure & Fancy Skating Championships


Figuring Out Hockey Players


How to Create an Adaptive Skating Program


FTC Settlement Statement and Press Release


Rinkblazer: Lindsey Weber-Monroe

| Don Corbiell

| Terri Milner Tarquini | Terri Milner Tarquini

| Jordan Mann | Kent McDill

| Terri Milner Tarquini

Rating Exams Passed Obituary


Professional Skaters Foundation New Members PSA Calendar of Events Elizabeth Thornton | Editor/Advertising Carol Rossignol | Contributing Editor Amanda Taylor | Art Director

Issue No 1 |


FEBRUARY 2, 2018

Find, Friend, Follow

» COVER: Stephanie Chace Bass MC, 2017 World Fancy Skating Championship Ladies’ Silver Medalist, poses with her creative figure | PHOTO BY Deborah Hickey



OVER THE EDGE Jimmie Santee, MPD, MG

Professional Courtesy

PSA OFFICERS President First Vice President Second Vice President Third Vice President Treasurer Past President PSA BOARD OF GOVERNORS West Mid-West


received an email from a highly experienced coach following this past season’s regional championships. In a closely contested qualifying round, skater “A” edged out skater “B” by less than one tenth of a point. Skater “A” qualified for the final round by being the last of the “next four highest scores.”

The problem, however, was that skater “A” went home. She went home and neither the coach nor skater formally withdrew from the competition. As each skater received a congratulatory email with the primary coach and secondary coach being copied, it can be assumed that they knew that they had qualified. This is where the coach of skater “B” makes a very valid point: Skaters train all year long for the opportunity to participate in Regionals. No practice can replicate the intensity of competing at the Regional level and the growth opportunity this provides a skater. Many skaters goal is to become a Regional finalist. It awards the skater's hard work and discipline and family's efforts to support the skater, it builds skater's self-esteem so much needed among youth, it carries credence to how schools comply with requests for more favorable school schedules and PE waivers, it justifies parental financial commitment to support their child's sport and passion, it is often a motivating factor to continue in the pursuit of the highest U.S. Figure Skating testing levels, it encourages to be active U.S. Figure Skating members, and improves the longevity of the family with U.S. Figure Skating, it boosts the coaching community in a positive way. [The coaches] failure to properly inform officials that [skater “A”] had withdrawn is, in my view, a breach of her responsibility to her skater and to the integrity of the competition. Had she properly performed her duties as a coaching professional, [skater “B”] would have been able to compete and 20 skaters would compete in the final round. Back in my day this happened and on occasion it could be construed that a coach would not withdraw a skater because of a poor relationship with a coach or skater who would have benefited from an early withdraw. Sometimes this would be a trip to sectionals or nationals. After exchanging a few emails with both coaches, I talked to the coach of skater “A”. The reality was that skater “A” had travelled to regionals with her grandparents and was in sixth place after her group ended. She had never made a final round before and at the end of her group, jumped in a car for the six hour ride to her home. Her coach also left later that evening, flying home and received notice that her skater had made the final round when she landed. There were no flights back that would land before the start of the final round and an overnight drive back would have been dangerous. While it is easy to understand that no



East Members at Large

Committee on Professional Standards Ratings Chair Seminar Chair ISI Rep to PSA U.S. Figure Skating Rep to PSA PSA Rep to U.S. Figure Skating Executive Director COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Awards Coaches Hall of Fame Education Seminars Apprentice Program Area Representatives Hockey Skating Sport Science Endorsements Executive Executive Nominating Finance Nominating Professional Standards PSA Rep to ISI Ratings Adaptive Skating FCC

Christine Fowler-Binder Alex Chang Rebecca Stump Tim Covington Carol Murphy Kelley Morris Adair Phillip Mills Michelle Lauerman Teri Klindworth Hooper Patrick O'Neil Tim Covington Janet Tremer Cindy Sullivan Jason Dilworth Carey Tinkelenberg Kelley Morris Adair Tim Covington Don Corbiell Scott McCoy Kirsten Miller Zisholz Kelley Morris Adair Jimmie Santee

Tim Covington Kelley Morris Adair Rebecca Stump Don Corbiell Janet Tremer Gloria Leous Paul Paprocki Heidi Thibert Jamie Lynn Santee Christine Fowler-Binder Kelley Morris Adair Carol Murphy Kelley Morris Adair Kelley Morris Adair Gerry Lane Tim Covington Mary Johanson Carol Rossignol

PSA AREA REPRESENTATIVES Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Martha Harding Kimberlie Wheeland tbd Tim Covington Angela Roesch-Davis Kevin Curtis Robyn Poe Melanie Bolhuis Lisa Bardonaro-Reibly

Area Area Area Area Area Area Area Area

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Stacie Kuglin Brigitte Carlson-Roquet Sharon Brilliantine Liz Egetoe Lisa Mizonick Don Corbiell Josselyn Baumgartner Kirsty Cameron

DISCLAIMER: Written by Guest Contributor | PSA regularly receives articles from guest contributors. The opinions and views expressed by these contributors are not necessarily those of PSA. By publishing these articles, PSA does not make any endorsements or statements of support of the author or their contribution, either explicit or implicit. THE PROFESSIONAL SKATER Magazine Mission: To bring to our readers the best information from the most knowledgeable sources. To select and generate the information free from the influence of bias. And to provide needed information quickly, accurately and efficiently. The views expressed in THE PROFESSIONAL SKATER Magazine and products are not necessarily those of the Professional Skaters Association. The Professional Skater (USPS 574770) Issue 1, a newsletter of the Professional Skaters Association, Inc., is published bimonthly, six times a year, as the official publication of the PSA, 3006 Allegro Park SW, Rochester, MN 55902. Tel 507.281.5122, Fax 507.281.5491, Email: office@skatepsa.com © 2017 by Professional Skaters Association, all rights reserved. Subscription price is $19.95 per year, Canadian $29.00 and foreign $45.00/year, U.S. Funds. Second-class Postage Paid at Rochester, MN 55901 and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Professional Skater, 3006 Allegro Park SW, Rochester, MN 55902. Printed in the USA.

A new way to submit affidavits! malicious intent was intended, the coach still had a duty to scratch her skater—perhaps an email to the chief referee at the very least. Really, this should be obvious. If and when a decision is made to not compete, the coach (preferably) or skater should communicate directly with the chief referee that the athlete has withdrawn. While skaters do get injured or sick on the warmup, in many cases a withdrawing athlete will generally allow an alternate to participate. As coaches and PSA members, we must be mindful of our professional duties.

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

Go to www.skatepsa.com Click on the Affidavit button on the homepage Fill out the form and click the Submit button The information will be emailed to staff to enter into your account

Under Education you will find the Affidavit you can click on and print if you would prefer to scan and send to affidavit@skatepsa.com. Contact affidavit@skatepsa.com or 507.281.5122 with any questions.

Happy New Year from the PSA! The PSA staff share what they were guilty of this past holiday season... did you have any holiday transgressions?

ProfSk8rsAssoc Share your holiday confessions with us on Facebook! PS MAGAZINE


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Christine Fowler-Binder, MPD, MG

The State of Coaching I

n the past few months as PSA President, I have wondered about the state of coaching in our country across all levels of coaching. Are we, as coaches, doing what we can do to increase participation in our sport? Of course there are many factors that affect the answers to this question: where you teach, what discipline you coach, etc. But I feel the most important is what level of skater you teach every day. Maybe you are a qualifying coach, maybe you only teach group lessons, or maybe you coach it all, but regardless, every one of us directly impacts our skaters’ lives every day. Learn to skate instructors are the first point of contact for a new skater and they make a HUGE difference in new skaters’ lives. These coaches may be the reason new skaters fall in love with the sport, so it’s very important that these coaches share their passion and excitement for skating and encourage new skaters of all ages to keep skating. The learn to skate instructors are the front line of our business and shape the culture of our rink on a daily basis. Can you think back to your first learn to skate instructor? Can you remember your experience and how they instilled in you an excitement about skating? In our country right now, there is a revitalized energy within learn to skate instructors because of the new roll out of Learn to Skate USA. Re-educating and certifying learn to skate instructors makes them better at what they do, which will hopefully lead to more skaters on the ice and better retention in the learn to skate classes. Coaches at this level need to keep this energy alive and use this Olympic season to keep our programs growing. As a skater graduates out of group lessons, the next coach (which may be their learn to skate instructor), has the difficult job of introducing them to freestyle sessions or club ice and explaining testing structure and how competitions work. This coach wears many hats and is responsible for all aspects of a new skater’s career—choreographing programs, teaching good basics from jumps to spins to turns, helping with music selection, costumes, and much more! Right now, this coach needs more tools to help them succeed in their coaching. In reviewing our most recent PSA membership survey, it was found that many coaches at this level are not just coaches, but have second jobs as well, and getting the education they need to be a successful coach is often challenging. With our new webinar platform, I’m hoping PSA can help these coaches by providing education on developmental skills in an affordable and easily accessible way. The goal is to take our new webinar platform and develop cost-friendly webinars on topics such as basic spins or how to choreograph a wellbalanced program.



With this new educational platform, coaches would not have to travel or take time off of work to receive quality education on skills that pertain to their skaters’ needs. I am hopeful that we will be able to get this webinar series up and running in 2018 because these bridge/youth coaches are vital to keeping skaters in our sport who are potentially going to become qualifying skaters or possibly national and international competitors. Coaches who teach athletes at this level (I am one of them) also need to do a better job of introducing different types of skating to their skaters so they can stay involved with our sport for many years. We need to encourage skaters to try theatre on ice, solo dance, test track, or synchronized skating (to name a few) to keep our rinks alive. There is something out there for everyone, but coaches need to be educated about these programs and how they can serve the needs of skaters at all levels and ages. And lastly, for the qualifying coach, there has been a noticeable decline in the number of skaters after the intermediate level. How can we keep these skaters from retiring or quitting? Again, it goes back to introducing other avenues for these skaters to keep participating in some way. Don’t chase them out of the rink because they no longer want to compete. Instead, find ways for them to join a team (synchro) or become part of a group (theater on ice), or if you don’t have those in your area, encourage them to start solo dance or have them compete in test track. There are ways to keep these skaters involved, you just need to be creative and possibly rely on the coaches around you to share their knowledge. The U.S. Figure Skating website is a great resource for this because it provides a list and description of all skating programs in detail. In closing, the state of coaching in our country has many positive aspects, but also some areas to improve upon. If coaches work together to welcome the learn to skate athlete the first time they walk through the door, then encourage them to test and compete, and then continue to educate skaters about the many programs U.S. Figure Skating offers, participation in our sport will increase. And the goal for PSA is to provide education to our coaches at all levels in an easily accessible and affordable way. This way, the most educated coaches will be teaching our athletes at all levels, leading to more business and better skaters. So keep smiling and encouraging your skaters through the 2018 Olympic season and beyond. There is something out there for everyone! Happy coaching!

Julia Kim. Flying is just part of her daily routine.



RATINGS Tim Covington MFS, MM, RC



Education! I

t’s time to take hold of your education and reinvigorate your love for learning. Start the ratings process with the PSA…and let us help! We talk often about the benefits of becoming a rated professional. Now the ball is in your court; take advantage of these special ratings promos to begin, or continue, your journey of professional education and accreditation. WRITTEN EXAMS

Basic Accreditation Register for the Basic Accreditation (BA) exam in the month of January, and we will send you a FREE digital copy of the Coaches Manual, the official study guide for the BA (savings of $25).


Ratings Prep Promotion Register for an oral rating exam in Lake Worth, FL (March 8-9, 2018) by February 16 and you will receive a discount code for $50 off Ratings Prep Course in Lake Worth, FL being held March 9-11, 2018! *limited to 22 registrants *must register for the oral exam first to receive the code *code will be listed in the rating exam confirmation email For your future planning…






Presented by

Dedicated to providing contin to ice skatin g professional uing education and accreditation s in a safe and ethica l environment .

Sport Science and Medicine

2018 Rating Sites

Register for a Sport Science and Medicine exam in the month of February and we will send you a FREE copy of the Coach’s Guide to Figure Skating Sport Science and Medicine, the official study guide for all four levels of sport science exams (savings of $28).

March 8-9 Lake Worth, FL May 20-21 Orlando, FL (master site) August 26-27 Fort Wayne, IN October 25-28 Phoenix, AZ (master site)

2018 Ratings Prep Sites March 9-11 Lake Worth, FL Aug 27-29 Fort Wayne, IN

NOTICE FREE SKATING RATING EXAMS As of October 2017, all free skating exams have both a written and oral component to the exam. The written exam will take place at an oral rating site approximately 30 minutes prior to the oral exam. The written exam is composed of true/false, multiple choice, and short answer questions. The written exam will be taken into the oral exam by the candidate and turned in to your examiners. It will be graded as either “pass” or “needs improvement”.



Recently Passed

Congratulations coaches!

RATING EXAMS Congratulations to the following coaches for completing an oral rating:

Congratulations to the following coaches who passed the Basic Accreditation (BA) written rating exam in the PSA E-learning Academy:

Chicago, IL | October 27-29, 2017 Laura Baker SG Angela Como RG Bradley Daniels RD Nora Gettins RG Michelle Goodnetter CPD Jonathan Hayward RPD, CPD Naomi Jehly RG Emily Keppeler SM Jessica Mills Kincade RG, CG Joanna M. Kunz RG Jordan Mann SFS

PSA E-Learning Academy Manol Atanassov Emma Borders Alexis Darrow Amber Karcher-Ramos Sarah King Lydia McMullen

Rankings Amy Nunn- Level I Rachel Gomez- Level I Audra Leech- Level I Tracy Myers- Level I Stephanie Kuban- Level II Jamie Mathews-Schieler- Level II Kathleen Carlson- Level III Cindi Ezzo- Level III Molly Quigley Moenkhoff- Level IV David Santee- Level V

Chelsea Mendenhall RM Christian Minter CG Paige Pena RFS, RG Alina Ponomaryova RD, CD Kseniya Ponomaryova RC, CC Kelly Sircher RM Tommy Steenberg SC, CFS Jeremy Vivit RFS Karissa Williams SG

Congratulations to the following coaches who recently completed and received the Foundations of Coaching (FCC) certificate at the Louisville, KY site on September 24th, 2017: Jennifer Campanella Elizabeth Dalton Beverly Durborow Christopher Elder Kristen Grassman Mable Harper Emily Lacher

Kelsey Listerman Ben Logan Allie Marie Noel Emily Ridge Will Shawver Heidi Stephan Dana Tang

Lily Thompson Ravnn Thornton Krista Weyhing Camille White Evan Whitlow

MASTER – Congratulations to the following coaches who completed a master rating! • Stephanie Bass MC

• Grant Huang MC

• Emily Keppeler MM

• Lyssa Cobb MM

• Brock Huddleston MG • Kate McSwain MC

• Tommy Steenberg MC

• Nicole Zawojski MC

• David Santee MFS


Ratings Prep Training prepares coaches for Oral Rating Exams. This three day program features a Master Rated coaching faculty presenting on and off-ice topics. Each discipline and level are offered based on interest and registration. >www.skatepsa.com

Date: Event: Location: Credits: Host: Deadline:

March 9-11, 2018 Area 7 PSA Ratings Prep Palm Beach SkateZone in Lake Worth, FL 28 PSA credits Audra Leech audra@pbskatezone.com February 8, 2018 Presented by



The Center for SafeSport Revised Reporting Procedures E XC E R P T E D F R O M T H E U. S . F I G U R E S KAT I N G S A F E S P O RT H A N D B O O K ( R E V I S E D J U LY 2 0 1 7 ) R E P R I N T E D W I T H P E R M I S S I O N F R O M U. S . F I G U R E S K AT I N G


he U.S. Center for SafeSport, located in Denver, opened in March 2017. The Center’s Response and Resolution Office will investigate and resolve alleged policy violations of the SafeSport Code for the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement’s 47-member National Governing Bodies, which includes U.S. Figure Skating. The focus of the U.S. Center for SafeSport is to provide services in two areas—the administration of SafeSport Training and to act as an independent party to investigate and resolve allegations of sexual misconduct against any person within the jurisdiction of the national governing bodies, including U.S. Figure Skating. • The SafeSport Code identifies prohibited conduct and serves as the benchmark by which the Center determines whether or not a policy violation has occurred. • Aggregate data from Center investigations will be used to identify trends and patterns across sport, strengthening national prevention efforts.

Jurisdiction and Authority As a member of the U.S. Olympic Committee, U.S. Figure Skating has agreed, effective with the beginning of the 2017-18 membership season on April 1, 2017, to adhere to the Center’s policies and procedures, which includes the Center’s SafeSport Code that identifies prohibited conduct and the procedures for investigating and resolving allegations. The Center will have exclusive authority and jurisdiction to investigate and resolve allegations involving sexual misconduct over covered individuals. Covered individuals are defined as: • Within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of U.S. Figure Skating • U.S. Figure Skating or the USOC authorizes, approves or appoints a person to a position of authority over athletes or who will have frequent contact with athletes • Identified by U.S. Figure Skating as being within the Center’s jurisdiction The Center will have the exclusive authority to investigate and resolve alleged SafeSport Code violations involving



sexual misconduct. U.S. Figure Skating will retain the authority to investigate and resolve alleged SafeSport violations that are non-sexual in nature. Although, at U.S. Figure Skating’s request, the Center may exercise the discretionary authority to take on cases of this nature. All individuals, including those who are not members of U.S. Figure Skating, are encouraged to report suspected violations of SafeSport. Covered individuals who are over the age of 18 are required to report any suspected SafeSport violations related to or accompanying sexual misconduct. Covered individuals who fail to report SafeSport violations may be subject to disciplinary action.

How to Report Sexual Misconduct Violations Individuals should report suspected sexual misconduct violations directly to the U.S. Center for SafeSport. Reporting Procedure: In the event that any U.S. Figure Skating member, club volunteer, official or staff observes inappropriate behavior (i.e., policy violations), suspected physical or sexual misconduct, or any other type of misconduct, it is the personal responsibility of each such person to immediately report their observations to the appropriate person or entity. To make a report, email safesport@usfigureskating.org or call 719-635-5200. All reports involving sexual misconduct must be reported to the U.S. Center for SafeSport by: 1. Completing an online report at www.safesport.org/ response-resolution/report or 2. Calling 720-524-5640 In addition to reporting within U.S. Figure Skating, U.S. Figure Skating members and staff must also report suspected child physical or sexual misconduct to appropriate law enforcement authorities as required under U.S. Figure Skating rules and under applicable law. One should not attempt to evaluate the credibility or validity of child physical or sexual misconduct allegations as a condition for reporting to appropriate law enforcement authorities.

Definition of a Covered Individual • Child, children, minor and youth • Anyone under the age of 18. Here, “child,” “children,”“minor,” and “youth” are used interchangeably. Child physical abuse • Non-accidental trauma or physical injury caused by contact behaviors, such as punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning or otherwise harming a child. Child physical abuse also may include non-contact physical misconduct as described in the Athlete Protection Policy. • Legal definitions vary by state. To find guidelines concerning your state, visit the Child Welfare Information Gateway (www.childwelfare.gov). Child sexual abuse and misconduct • Child sexual abuse and misconduct involves any sexual activity with a child where consent is not or cannot be given. This includes sexual contact with a minor that is accomplished by deception, manipulation, force or threat of force regardless of whether there is deception or the child understands the sexual nature of the activity. Sexual contact between minors can also be abusive if there is a significant imbalance of power or disparity in age, development or size, such that one child is the aggressor. The sexually abusive acts may include sexual penetration, sexual touching or non-contact sexual acts such as verbal acts, sexually suggestive written or digital communications, exposure or voyeurism. • Legal definitions vary by state. To find guidelines concerning your state, visit the Child Welfare Information Gateway at www.childwelfare.gov Covered Individual Any individual who: (a) currently is, or was at the time of a possible violation of the Code, within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of U.S. Figure Skating or who is seeking to be within the governance or disciplinary jurisdiction of U.S. Figure Skating (e.g., through application for membership) (b) is an athlete or non-athlete participant that U.S. Figure Skating or the USOC formally authorizes, approves or appoints to a position of authority over athletes or to have frequent contact with athletes or … (c) U.S. Figure Skating identifies as being within the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s jurisdiction.

Misconduct Conduct that results in harm, the potential for harm or the imminent threat of harm. Age is irrelevant to misconduct. There are six primary types of misconduct in sport: emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, sexual misconduct, bullying, harassment and hazing. Participants Participants are minors who participate in a sport activity through a club or organization and athletes 18 years and older and officials. Position of Power When one person has direct supervisory, evaluative or other authority over another. Example: A person who may be in a position of power includes someone such as a coach, boss, employer or medical personnel. Power Imbalance Power imbalance may exist where one person is in a position of power such that, based on the totality of the circumstances, there is a power imbalance. • Whether someone occupies a position of power such that there is a power imbalance depends on several factors including: the nature and extent of the supervisory, evaluative or other authority over the person; the actual relationship between the parties; the parties’ respective roles; the nature and duration of the relationship; the age of the people involved. • Once a coach-athlete relationship is established, a power imbalance is presumed to exist throughout the coach-athlete relationship (regardless of age) and is presumed to continue for minor athletes after the coach-athlete relationship terminates and the athlete reaches 20 years of age. • A power imbalance may exist, but is not presumed, where an intimate relationship existed before the sport relationship (e.g., a relationship between two spouses or life partners that preceded the sport relationship). • Based on the totality of the circumstances, including whether there is an aggressor, and/or a significant disparity in age, size, strength or mental capacity.




On November 4, 2017, the PSA Board of Governors voted to approve changes to the language and intent of the Code of Ethics. This amendment reflects a major revision of the code. In order to protect our athletes and uphold the honorable image of the PSA, the PSA conducted an audit of the current code using SafeSport and the suggestions and guidelines submitted to U.S. Gymnastics by attorney Deborah Daniels.

PSA Code of Ethics Revision & Amendment 2017 A Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is hereby adopted to the end that the public respect, safety, and the status of the association members in the coaching profession may be enhanced and secured. The ethical principles are to be followed to avoid all actual or perceived impropriety. The following Code of Ethics shall govern the conduct of members of the Professional Skaters Association. Any complaint concerning any breach thereof shall be considered by the Committee of Professional Standards according to the procedures that are adopted from time to time by the Board of Governors of the Professional Skaters Association. Disciplinary action for an ethics rule violation includes private or public admonition, suspension, expulsion, or permanent expulsion from membership of the Professional Skaters Association. 1. Members of the Professional Skaters Association (hereafter referred to as "Members"), shall at all times exercise the greatest care and discretion in their relationships with other members, athletes,

and act in a manner which avoids verbal, mental, emotional, physical, or sexual misconduct of any athlete, coach, parent, or official as defined in the current U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport Handbook. 2. No Member shall represent themselves using false or deceptive statements intended to mislead. 3. In order to protect the safety and development of athletes, no Member shall engage in any in-person solicitation of an athlete while the athlete is actively engaged in a lesson or while “performing.” “Performing” means skating or preparing to skate in an event at an arena in a test, competition, or exhibition, and includes meeting with coaches, locker room time, practice skating, and warmup skating. 4. Members shall at all times be mindful that they have the responsibility to influence athletes to act ethically, with dignity, and with high moral conduct. No Member shall act in any manner inconsistent with a high standard of ethical and moral conduct.

Put A NEW SPIN on your skating career Team up with world-class skaters in a show that warms hearts around the world! Feld Entertainment ® is seeking male and female skaters for U.S. and International tours of Disney On Ice. It is your opportunity to truly shine.


Please send a skating resume, photos, a current video (3 – 6 min.) and all contact info to: Judy Thomas, Talent Director and Production Coordinator, Feld Entertainment 2001 U.S. Highway 301. Palmetto, FL 34221 USA


Phone: (941) 721-1234 Email: jthomas@feldinc.com


5. Members shall be advocates for drugfree sport and take an active role in the prevention of drug, alcohol, or tobacco abuse by athletes. 6. Members shall not engage in, nor knowingly permit, any athlete with whom they are charged with the responsibility of coaching, to engage in any offense in violation of federal, state, or local law, or laws of a foreign government. 7. Members shall at all times avoid conflicts of interest which can be considered to exist at any time, when the actions of the Member for his or herself or on behalf of an athlete would involve the obtaining of an improper advantage. 8. Members shall not engage in, nor knowingly permit, any athlete with whom they are charged with the responsibility of coaching to engage in any offense in violation of the U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport policies, including willfully tolerating misconduct of an athlete(s), coach(s), official, and/or volunteer.

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Presentedbyby Presented

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PSA Seminars/Clinics Update By Don Corbiell, MM/MFS

To sign up early or not to sign up early… that is the question. We’ve all heard the famous quote, “To be or not to be…” where Hamlet laments over his options when faced with “rottenness” around him. When you first hear that a seminar or clinic is going to be hosted by a rink or club in your area, this thought may arise within you. With the events now being tailored to your local area, and presentations and topics decided based on the input of your local hosts, this really shouldn’t be much of a question at all! With all the benefits and opportunities that go along with attending a PSA educational event, you should be running to your keyboards to get to the web site and get signed up! We are bringing in lead presenters from outside your area for an “outside perspective” and hear from a master rated coach that you wouldn’t normally get to learn from. We have been creating event topics according to the needs of your individual area. We have been giving you current rule and IJS updates. We have been going over the test refresh changes within the U.S. Figure Skating test structure. We have had sport psychologists come in to help teach you how to ‘tune up’ your athletes’ mindsets and practice habits. Now who doesn’t need or want any help in that area? Coaches are networking, becoming informed, asking questions, and all the while they are earning PSA educational credits! You really should have burned holes in your shoes running to get signed up for your event! We hear over and over from virtually every area of the country about the difference in passing standards from one area to the next. We are working with U.S. Figure Skating to get the judges involved in our seminars again. Everyone can only get on the same page when everyone gets the same information at the same time. Some of the best seminars ever were when the moves in the field were first rolled out. We had judges and coaches in

the same room getting the information directly. It happened again when the ‘new moves’ changes rolled out. Now we have ‘test refresh’ that everyone needs to learn about and a brand new opportunity to again bring everyone under the same roof for a while. Discuss the passing standards that everyone is expecting and effect a change. Be a part of the solution! So many people are still taking the “I’ll wait to see if it is going to happen before I sign up” philosophy which is actually working against them. With the logistics of putting on these events, we need to know early on how many people are coming so we can book planeflights for the presenters, hotel rooms, room rentals, ice time…and on and on. If there aren’t enough sign ups to break even, you run the risk of the event being canceled. One of the surest ways to make sure an event doesn’t happen is to wait to sign up later or at the event itself. No one wants that to happen. Mahatma Ghandi once said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you and then complain when it isn’t what you want. Be the change you wish to see in our sport, have a voice. When you get a survey, take a few minutes to fill it out so your thoughts are known. When you are at competitions, take some time to talk to other coaches and judges when you can and get an open dialogue going in your area. When there is a seminar or clinic coming to your area, sign up early and invite those same judges to do so as well! Volunteer to help organize. We are all in this together, and only together can we make it better. If Hamlet had taken this same approach, that play could have been a whole soliloquy shorter and a whole lot easier to figure out… perhaps things wouldn’t have been so rotten in the state of Denmark!

"...lead presenters from outside your area for an 'outside perspective' and hear from a master rated coach that you wouldn’t normally get to learn from. We have been creating event topics according to the needs of your individual area..." PS MAGAZINE



How to Maximize Off-Ice Recovery Methods to Enhance On-Ice Training B Y D E V I N WA N G


ust as a warm-up can provide benefits that enhance subsequent performance, a successful training program should provide time and methods for recovery. Athletes are encouraged to utilize a number of recovery methods after completing their day’s training that include hydration, nutrition, some form of active recovery, and sleep. Between the lower non-qualifying test levels and elite level, the word “rest” is typically not in the vocabulary of a figure skater. The very culture of the sport seems to promote athletes who are passionate, driven and motivated to be the best they can be. The questions most commonly faced by coaches are: 1. How to balance rigorous on-ice training with off-ice activities that will enhance sports performance? 2. How to ingrain best practices of rest and recovery from a young age to avoid injury and extend longevity in the sport? Off-ice training prepares the athlete for on-ice training in several ways by: 1. Promoting ideal body composition that is desirable to the athlete’s discipline and appropriate for his/her age and gender 2. Reduce the negative effects of on-ice training, such as landing impact, to help avoid injury 3. Dynamic warm-ups and customized strength and conditioning programs help skaters increase their power and strength without an excessive amount of muscle bulk Yoga, Pilates, Gyrotonics®, and other types of low-impact exercises have also gained popularity to help elongate, strengthen, and tone muscles. Ballet and other styles of dance have been utilized for many years to establish body awareness and create movement. These are all forms of off-ice training that compliment and supplement on-ice training. With a plethora of training options on-ice and off-ice, coaches need to promote an equal amount of focus on how their athletes can recover effectively and efficiently to enhance their performance. Sixteen-year-old, Andrew Torgashev fractured his ankle while overtraining his quad toe in 2015 after winning the U.S. Championships Junior Men’s title. As a result of his injury, he had to sit out the entire 2015-2016 season and



has learned that “patience, communication, and trust from my coaches, parents, and [off-ice coaches and therapy] team” will help keep him healthy in the long-run, especially as he prepares for the Junior Grand Prix Final. He currently trains six days per week and attributes nutritious food, foam rolling, and letting his body rest and relax as the main ways he recovers after every training session. “You really have to listen to your body and cannot let your emotions get the best of you [when it comes to having an injury].” As for his mother and coach, Ilona Melnichenko, she modifies her training plan for Torgashev to fit how his body feels each day. “I let him lead. He is learning how to listen to his body now and I know pushing him through a session is not always the way.” But when it comes to an injury, Melnichenko knows “there has to be a plan and you have to stick to it. The jumps will come once the injury is healed.” As a coach, how can you help your athletes optimize their recovery? 1. Encourage your athletes to hydrate, replenish their bodies with nutritious foods, and get the optimal amount of sleep each night 2. Promote stretching after each training session to regain the resting length of muscle fibers and reduce muscle stiffness 3. Weekend recovery is active recovery—doing gentle yoga, taking a walk, or steady stretching Overtraining can affect the body in multiple ways, while recovery is often the forgotten training variable that has many benefits. Skating and training is a physical stress applied to the body. Too much stress to the muscles, tissues, and ligaments without any time off results in damage, inflammation and a host of other problems. Muscle fatigue naturally occurs throughout training and afterward. These fatigued muscle fibers shorten and do not resume their normal resting length. Fatigue can be a result of a prolonged activity or from the failure of the circulatory system to provide the necessary nutrients to continue muscle activity. Muscle loses flexibility if stretches are not performed to regain the resting length of the fibers upon completion of training [1]. Therefore, the concept of mobility may be more appropriate than flexibility in some cases. This allows for a more direct focus on an individual athlete’s needs such

the range of motion required for the active movements they perform. Regaining and sustaining a range of motion is the main goal for recovery and subsequent training in the days that follow. The same theory is applied when the body remains still over prolonged periods of time. In everyday situations such as working at a desk, sitting on a couch or table, driving a car, and even riding the bus or train can shorten the muscles in the hips, glutes, hamstrings, and low back. This has a deeper impact on other areas of the body as well, considering that everything is connected. The myofascial system of the body is an interconnected web of tissues that are not limited to only muscles, but ligaments and tendons as well. Tightness or shortening of muscles leads to additional strain somewhere else in the body. Continuously staying stationary in the everyday examples above typically lead to strained neck muscles, rounded shoulders, and tight hip flexors, which have a detrimental effect on overall mobility and performance in skating. There are many options available for athletes postexercise to maximize their rest and recuperation. The more well-known and vital components of the recovery process include hydration, nutrition, and sleep. Other methods include a variety of strategies that are used by athletes at all competition levels in sports such as stretching, walking or jogging, low-intensity cycling, massage, hydrotherapy— (swimming, pool walking or jogging), cryotherapy, and compression garments. A recent study by Crowther on elite athletes found that in addition to these components, socializing with friends and family was highly ranked in terms of importance regardless of gender, sport, or level of competition [2]. Whatever the method, recovery and rest are essential parts of athlete’s regiment and most coaches and off-ice training professionals would argue they are just as, if not more, important than the training itself. Recovery must occur before progress can be made. It is important for staying injury free, extending longevity in the sport, and from burning out. Recovery immediately after training allows the body to gradually transition to a state of rest. Athletes who did not participate in post-exercise recovery in Crowther’s study were due to self-reported laziness and time constraints as the most common reasons [2]. Recovery can easily be put into practice and enhance mobility for the following training session if every athlete dedicates at least 10-15 minutes after each training session to do some form of active recovery. The most frequently used and most accessible recovery method is stretching. Stretching can be self-administered, requires little to no equipment, can be performed with minimal space, and has been recommended as a post-exercise recovery tool across mainstream literature and research

Overtraining can affect the body in multiple ways, while recovery is often the forgotten training variable that has many benefits. Skating and training is a physical stress applied to the body. Too much stress to the muscles, tissues, and ligaments without any time off results in damage, inflammation and a host of other problems.” for decades. Other benefits of stretching include: aids in decreasing the body’s temperature, increasing elasticity and flexibility in muscles, and removing lactic acid from muscles to prevent soreness. These recovery methods will help promote mobility, physical function, and performance needed for injuryresistant skating and ultimately should be a key component of every skater’s training program. In the long run, training smarter is more effective and beneficial for the athlete than training harder. SOURCES 1. Peggy Houglum. Therapeutic exercise for musculoskeletal injuries. 3rd ed., Human Kinetics, 2010; 210-211. 2. Crowther, F., Sealey, R., Crowe, M., Edwards, A., & Halson, S. (2017). Team sport athletes’ perceptions and use of recovery strategies: a mixed-method survey study. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil. 9:6. Devin Wang is the current Sports Science and Medicine Intern at U.S. Figure Skating. She grew up skating in the San Francisco ‘Bay Area’ until she went to Boston University in 2010. During her time in Boston, she was fortunate enough to stay involved in skating with a stint on Team Excel through the Skating Club of Boston and eventually competed with the Haydenettes, a senior level synchronized skating team, for five seasons from 2012-2017. Devin graduated in 2014 with a degree in Athletic Training and is certified and licensed to practice in the states of Massachusetts and Colorado.



EDUCATION Carol Rossignol, MD, MS, MG, MPD, MFF

Planning Your Coaching Education A

s coaches, we plan our skaters’ year and may even do a quad plan for our high performance athletes. What do we do for ourselves? Usually nothing. It is just as important to plan our education, as it is to plan for our skaters’ training. We need to set goals for ourselves so we know where we are going and when we want to get there. Planning is an essential part of any successful activity. Travelers plan their trips, house builders follow blueprints, program directors have a business plan, and skaters have a yearly plan. Coaching is no exception—if you and your skaters are to achieve the goals you set together, you need to know where you are headed and what you have to do to get there. Planning is not complicated. Rather, it is a simple matter of determing priorities and deciding how and when to act on them. But how should you plan? The purpose of this article is to give you some basic information in a three-step process to assist you.

Step 1: Setting your goals (priorities) Think about your personal coaching philosophy. What you do as a coach is simply your coaching philosophy in action. What growth and professional development do you want to achieve over the next year? Two years? Five years? Or maybe ten years? Maybe there are requirements at the rink where you coach to ensure professional development. Some rinks require that you must be PSA rated and some require professional development every two or three years. Others even require that you be rated in the disciplines that you coach. You may even have your own personal goals for ratings. Recently I had a coach call and tell me her plan to complete both the senior and master exams by the 2018 conference in Orlando—she had to do it by then as she had other plans for 2019.

Step 2: The content (deciding how) In this step you need to gather specific information about educational events and using this information to plan what you need to do to achieve your goals. What educational events happen in a year and where can I take rating exams? You can check the latest Calendar of Events in PS Magazine or on the PSA website. The following



list of educational events will assist you in your planning: PSA International Conference is an annual event that moves across the nation from the east coast, west coast, and then to the midwest. This cycle keeps repeating. The 2018 Conference is taking place in Orlando, FL May 23-26, 2018 followed by Palm Springs, CA in 2019 and Chicago, IL in 2020. There are only two times a year that you can take a master oral rating exam—at conference and at the fall master site. Ratings Prep is a study program specifically designed to assist coaches in their preparation for PSA oral rating exams. Each year there are two sites across the nation that conduct a prep program. The following are the dates and locations for 2018: • Prep/FL – March 9-11, 2018 in Lake Worth, FL • Prep/IN – August 27-29, 2018 in Fort Wayne, IN Oral ratings are offered prior to the prep program. Seminars and Clinics are full day and half day events that are offered year round. Oral ratings may be offered in conjunction with a few select seminars or clinics. E-Learning and CER courses can be taken online at any time but CERs must be completed annually by June 30th. The new ones each year are available starting in January, so there is plenty of time to complete them. Webinars are a newer educational offering. Be on the lookout for more of these events in the upcoming days. If you miss one, you can always sign up and view it on-demand at a later date! U.S. Figure Skating events often have coach programming as well. Jump Camp, Program Components Camp, and Salt Lake Challenge Skate all have coaching tracks and pre-approved PSA credits. Learn to Skate USA workshops are a great resource too! Competitions—which competitions will your skaters want to attend in the upcoming season? Put these dates in your plan. Rating exams are often offered in conjunction with the U.S. Figure Skating Championships.

PSA and Jackson Ultima Partnership

PS Foundation Opportunities for Coach Education and Sponsorship: The Don Laws Apprentice Scholarship, in memory of World and Olympic coach, Don Laws, offers three scholarships yearly to defray expenses for travel, food and lodging while shadowing master-rated coaches at Shattuck-St. Mary’s in Faribault, MN to develop coaching skills. The Walter and Irene Muehlbronner Scholarship Awards are grants intended for the reimbursement of registration fees to attend PSA education programs based on financial need, dedication to coaching, sound character and ethical practices. Four scholarships are available each year. The David Shulman Leadership Scholarship is a brand new fund that provides an opportunity for a PSA coach to develop leadership skills with the goal of enhancing PSA’s leadership depth. One recipient will be selected yearly. More information on these scholarships is available on the PS Foundation webpage at skatepsa.com.

Step 3: Working the plan (when to act) By the time you have done steps one and two, you are ready to decide what events and activities will help you to achieve your goals. Select those events that meet your needs and fit in with the other events that will happen in your upcoming year. Take a calendar and mark your dates for the year or next two years including all events that are part of your life and coaching. If your goals were too ambitious for one year, then you must take that information into account when you plan the next year. Planning is the foundation of coaching, whether it is for yourself or for your skaters. Keep the key events in mind when planning your education—and you will become a better coach as well.

PSA is excited to announce a marketing partnership with Jackson Ultima Skates. We have witnessed Jackson Ultima’s dedication to skating boot and blade technology, making them a perfect fit for a partnership. Providing our members with high-quality education programs has always been our priority. This new supportive partnership will help us further reach our potential. Jackson Ultima is now our exclusive title sponsor for PSA clinics, seminars, Ratings Prep, Foundations of Coaching, webinars, e-learning, and live-stream seminars. PSA members will have direct access to Jackson Ultima representatives at the PSA Conference during the trade show, a special sponsored presentation, and coffee break provided by Jackson Ultima. Raj Misir, Jackson’s VP of Product Development and Tech Rep Services communicated: “We share PSA’s goals on growing the sport from both a grass roots/ recreational skating perspective and developing equipment technologies that drive performance. We are delighted to partner with PSA on their exciting initiative.” Jackson Ultima Skates is a division of Tournament Sports Marketing Inc., based in Waterloo, Ontario Canada. With operations in North America, Europe and China and with over 25 distributors worldwide, the company is a global leader in figure skate equipment. The company has a commitment to technology that enhances the performance of the world’s leading skaters. Jackson Ultima services the premium segment of the industry through specialized retailers and interactions with competitive skaters and coaches. Their Tech Rep team consists of five professionals in North America and a new addition covering the UK and Europe. To learn more, visit www.jacksonultima.com. PSA looks forward working with Jackson Ultima to bring premier education opportunities to its members.




he first phase of the "Test Refresh" project passed at the 2017 Governing Council meeting began on November 1, 2017. Beginning with any non-qualifying competition held after November 1, 2017, athletes may earn credit for a test by achieving a minimum score in a competition using the international judging system (IJS) for juvenile through senior

pairs, free dance and free skate tests, and the adult gold free skate test. Visit the U.S. Figure Skating website for more information on minimum scores and frequently asked questions. U.S. Figure Skating test chairs will be will be able to enter the result through the Members Only site, similar to how test results are entered now, by selecting a new option, called, "Enter IJS Protocol" within the

Testing tab that test chairs see. As a reminder, changes to the content of the singles free skate tests, which allow athletes more flexibility in elements selected, also took effect November 1, 2017. New test sheets have been posted on the Members Only page on the U.S. Figure Skating website. Additional questions may be directed to: kvogtner@usfigureskating.org

U.S. Figure Skating IJS Protocol for Test Credit


n accordance with Rules TR 3.00, 4.01 and 4.02, which went into effect November 1, 2017, athletes may receive credit for meeting minimum scores at any competition held under the International Judge System (IJS). The athlete must “skate-up” to the event they are seeking test credit for, in addition to having already passed any prerequisites prior to the competition event. Events eligible: • Singles Free Skate: Juvenile, Intermediate, Novice, Junior, Senior and Adult Gold • Pairs Free Skate: Juvenile, Intermediate, Novice, Junior and Senior • Free Dance: Juvenile, Intermediate, Novice, Junior and Senior FOR ATHLETES You achieved the minimum scores for receiving test credit for a competition event you “skated up” in. What do you do? STEP 1: While you are at the competition collect copies of the documents below. It is also recommended that you take pictures of them for safe keeping. Ask the competition for a “Test Credit Packet” which includes: 1.) A copy of the overall event results, that lists all of the skaters, in addition to the names of the Technical Controller and Event Referee. This is to prove the skater actually skated in the event. 2.) Your individual protocol 3.) Your Test Credit Skater Report, generated by the accountant. This has your name, your scores and verifies you achieved a passing result. STEP 2: Obtain a written statement from your coach verifying

that the above documents are true and valid. The coach may write their own statement, they may choose to use the sample document included in this packet, or your club may have a pre-printed form they can simply sign. STEP 3: Submit these documents to your club’s Test Chair,

along with the appropriate payment and request that the club record your test through the Members Only program, www.usfsaonline.org




n on-demand encore presentation of the U.S. Figure Skating Test Refresh Webinar is now available on the PSA Calendar of Events. Name: 2018 U.S. Figure Skating Test Refresh Description: Test refresh will focus on ensuring everyone involved in figure skating understands how the test structure will work moving forward. The Test Refresh webinar is hosted by Patrick O’Neil, Chair, Membership, U.S. Figure Skating and presented by Lynn Goldman, National Judge and Coordinator of the Test Refresh Working Group.

Each club may request this information in their preferred format. (For example, scan or upload picture files of the documentation to an online form, or submit paper copies, etc.). The important thing is that your club’s test chair obtains copies of documents 1-3 in step one and a verification from your coach. FOR COMPETITION CHAIRS Non-qualifying competitions are asked to make the required documents available to athletes requesting them. It is recommended that competitions put together “Test Credit Packets”, and make them available for sale for a nominal fee ($5 or less). A skater should be able to request at registration that a “Test Credit Packet” is made for them. It will likely require the skater asking, then sending a volunteer to the accounting room to create it. It will include: 1.) A copy of the overall event results, that lists all of the skaters, in addition to the names of the Technical Controller and Event Referee. This is to prove the skater actually skated in the event. 2.) The skater’s individual protocol / detailed judges’ scores sheet 3.) The skater’s individual Test Credit Skater Report, generated by the accountant. Accountants can generate this report on ijsCompanion. See example on right page. FOR TEST CHAIRS Club test chairs are responsible for collecting test fees and recording the tests via Members Only www.usfsaonline.org, as with any test. Beginning November 1, 2017, this will be an option under the Testing drop-down menu and the process for entering the required data will be very similar to entering a standalone test result. Search fields will be available to auto-fill the competition name, date, officials, etc. Test chairs recording the test will need to receive copies of the required documentation, from the athlete (see p. 1 and 2). Clubs may use whatever method they choose of verifying the documentation (electronic, paper, create a form, etc.). They may also charge a reasonable administrative fee, in addition to the U.S. Figure Skating fee, to the athletes for providing this service, in lieu of the test fee the athlete would pay to take it on a session.

Below is a sample form a club could choose to create and post on your web site for athletes to fill out and submit back to you. FOR COACHES In accordance with TR 4.00, in order for an athlete to receive test credit for IJS protocol, their coach must verify in writing, that the

documents provided are correct and unaltered. Coaches may fill out this form, write their own supporting statement, or simply sign a test form created by a club with the statement pre-printed on it. Please deliver a copy of this form (or statement) to the Test Chair of the Home Club of the test candidate, via the preferred method of the club (i.e., email, upload to a web site, paper, etc.) COACH FORM


Athlete’s Name: Athlete’s Home Club:

Friday, October 6, 2017

Test Requesting Credit For:

Juvenile Girls QR Group A/Free Skate

Name of competition:

Eliza Edge, Sharper Edge FSC

Date of competition:




Technical Element Score




Coach’s USFS #:

Program Component Score




Coach’s PSA #:

Segment Score




I verify that the athlete listed above is eligible to receive Test Credit through IJS protocol. I have seen the unaltered and correct scores, which match the protocol the athlete is submitting. I understand that altering a protocol sheet to meet the test requirement is considered an ethics violation of U.S. Figure Skating and The Professional Skaters Association.


All valid elements


Overall Result


Coach’s Name:


(this is not required)

Athlete’s Name:

Please attach to this form:

Athlete’s USFS member #:

Phone contact:

1. The overall event results, which include the names and signatures of the Event Referee and Technical Controller.

Coach’s Name:

2. Your individual protocol

Parent name, if under 18: E-mail contact:

3. Your Test Credit Skater report from the competition

Coach’s E-mail: Coach’s Phone: I verify that the athlete listed above is eligible to receive Test Credit through IJS protocol. I have seen the unaltered and correct scores, which match the protocol the athlete is submitting. I understand that altering a protocol sheet to meet the test requirement is considered an ethics violation of U.S. Figure Skating and The Professional Skaters Association. Coach’s signature: Name of competition: Date of competition: Select the test you are requesting credit for: SINGLES FREE SKATE TESTS



Juvenile ($ xx)

Juvenile ($ xx)

Juvenile ($ xx)

Intermediate ($ xx)

Intermediate ($ xx)

Intermediate ($ xx)

Novice ($ xx)

Novice ($ xx)

Novice ($ xx)

Junior ($ xx)

Junior ($ xx)

Junior ($ xx)

Senior ($ xx)

Senior ($ xx)

Senior ($ xx

Adult Gold ($ xx) PS MAGAZINE


May 23-26, 2018

Speakers and Topics KEYNOTE OPENING SPEAKER Charles Marshall FEATURED SPEAKER Frank Carroll

Introducing our keynote speaker…Charles Marshall!

SKATING SKILLS/DANCE Tanith Belbin-White & Charlie White CHOREOGRAPHY Scott Brown SYNCHRO Carla DeGirolamo PAIRS Amanda Evora & Jim Peterson SINGLES Christy Krall THEATRE ON ICE Louis Vachon LEARN TO SKATE USA Kim Hines & Susi Wehrli-Mclaughlin IJS SPINS Denise Williamson

Register Early Bird Oral Ratings Advanced Late Registration

February 2 • $425 March 15 April 15 • $525 After April 15 • $625

Hotel Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista at Walt Disney World Resort 1751 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, FL Hotel reservations: Single and Double Triple Quad

1-800-782-4414 $ 139 + 12.5% $159 + 12.5% $179 + 12.5%

NO Resort Fees included for PSA Attendees that book in the PSA block of rooms. Group Code: SKA Rate cut-off date: April 30, 2018 or until the block sells out

Rink RDV Sportsplex Ice Den 8701 Maitland Summit Blvd. Orlando, FL



Charles Marshall is one of the most popular humorous motivational speakers speaking today and has over 20 years of experience speaking to audiences all over the United States. Each year, Charles travels 100,000 miles to perform in over 100 corporate and civic venues from New York to California. His animated delivery and original observations have captivated over 1,000 audiences over the past two decades, including many Fortune 500 companies. He is the author of several books including: The Seven Powers of Success and I’m Not Crazy But I Might Be A Carrier. He also has produced and performed two fulllength comedy videos, Fully Animated and I’m Just Sayin’! As our opening speaker, Charles will explain how to harness, develop, and apply your Seven Powers™ to create success in your life and the life of your organization. Adopting a healthy success strategy will help your organization successfully negotiate change, growing pains, and stress. In this hilarious and fun-packed presentation, Charles will show how implementation of The Seven Powers of Success™ can create success in the life of any individual or organization. Through the use of humor and real-life examples, Charles relates inspirational stories of everyday underdogs who have used The Seven Powers™ to overcome obstacles and achieve success. The Seven Powers of Success™ is one of Charles’ most popular programs and is sure to be a hit! No matter what you teach, re-spark the magic of your coaching! SINGLES • LOL: Language of Landing • IJS Spins • Spin Technique (on-ice) • Development of Jump Technique (on-ice) MOVES IN THE FIELD • MIF Passing Standards Panel • MIF Passing Standards (on-ice) • Skating Skills: Drills & Exercises DANCE • What It Takes to Be a Competitive Dancer • Dance Lifts and Twizzles (on-ice) • Unison and Spatial Relations • Dance Technique and Tracking SYNCHRO • Building a Better Synchro Athlete • Choreographing Transitions for Synchro (on-ice) • Unison and Spatial Relations

PAIRS • Beginning a Pair Team • Death Spirals and Pair Spins (on-ice) • Unison and Spatial Relations PROGRAM DIRECTOR • Finance Basics: Tools for Directors • Liability Waivers and Risk Management • FTC Ruling GROUP • Learn to Skate USA workshops • Skating Skills: Drills & Exercises (on-ice) CHOREOGRAPHY • Designing a Program (on-ice) • Tips on Development of Elements and Process for TOI • TOI Exercises to Develop Body Movement (on-ice)

JOIN us! Congratulations to Laura Grieme-Meinecke. Laura will receive a FREE registration to our 2018 Conference in Orlando, FL. Thank you to all who participated!


Glitter, Gold, and Magic Edi Awards Dinner Friday May 25 at 6:30pm Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Share a beautiful evening with friends and be the first to congratulate our 2018 EDI award winners during the 50th Annual PSA Awards Dinner. The PSA Edi awards are named in honor of Edi Scholdan, an Olympic coach at the Broadmoor Skating Club, who was killed in the 1961 crash. Edi was president of the PSA from 1950 to 1954 and was inducted to the Coaches Hall of Fame in 2001. Tickets must be purchased in advance by April 15. Dress is black tie optional.

Tuesday May 22 at 7:00pm RDV Sportsplex Ice Den

The 2018 U.S. Open Professional Figure Skating Championships will feature one event, comprised of men’s, ladies, pairs, dance, specialty act, and group and will be judged based on their "total performance" with an eye to costuming, presentation, music selection, choreography, style and technique. The championships will be conducted under the rules and regulations set forth by the Professional Skaters Association. The competition is open to all performing and teaching professionals who are U.S. citizens or are permanent U.S. residents. U.S. Figure Skating has approved that ESCA’s are not required for this event.

Want to join the fun and compete? Registration is due April 1, 2018 and available at skatepsa.com PS MAGAZINE




T HE M SE LVE S – nutrition– By Terri Milner Tarquini


hile coaches do a lot of planning for their athletes, what they often don’t do is plan for themselves – especially when it comes to what they are putting in their body. “Nutrition impacts performance, period,” said Alicia Slusarek, nutritionist at Alicia Slusarek Nutrition Services, LLC. “Like their skaters, coaches cannot perform optimally if they are not eating properly.” And here’s where the typical rationalizations of high-pressure jobs often come in: I’m too busy. I start work early. I work late. I’m on the ice for six hours at a time. I only get a break during the resurface. I’m always commuting between rinks. “It is important that everyone realizes that nutrition needs to be a priority and it needs to be a part of your routine,” said Kelly Byczek, a registered dietitian and intrinsic (life and wellness) coach for the Marquette County Health Department. “Excuses are easy to come by, but there are solutions to every excuse.” Those solutions usually come in the form of thinking ahead.



“It’s all about pre-planning,” said Byczek, an ice dance coach for 16 years who still coaches power skating for hockey players. “When you let yourself get hungry, you usually end up just grabbing something somewhere quick and that something usually has higher fat, higher calorie counts and lower protein. You make better choices when you bring things with you and have those ready to go.” The one thing coaches often are not good at hearing from their skaters is excuses so a little self-reflection might be in order. “Take ownership of your own health and performance by making nutrition a priority,” said Slusarek, a competitive figure skater for 12 years. “Excuses don’t usually work for athletes so it’s really similar. Listen to your body. It can take minimal prep and, once you get in the groove, it can even be fun.” When bringing small meals to the rink, upping protein and avoiding refined carbohydrates is the name of the game. “A ‘produce plus protein combo’ can make a great snack,” Slusarek said. “That can

be celery or an apple and peanut butter; whole grain snack crackers, which have more fiber; and cheese. High protein and high fiber whole foods are nutritious and give you a full feeling for a longer period of time.” Protein bars and beverages can be a quick, easy boost, as well. “Appropriate protein bars can be a great thing to bring with you,” Byczek said. “There are also all kinds of pre-packaged beverages out there now that don’t need to be chilled or mixed. There are even clear liquid protein drinks that are not milk-based if you like those better or you don’t have anywhere to store it. Dehydrated fruits that aren’t full of sugar and raw nuts are easy too. Yogurt or cheese are easy ways to get your protein too. All of these things can be consumed on the resurface. Having it ready to grab and go makes everything so much easier.” Protein is a popular buzzword in today’s world, but just because the label says it, doesn’t always mean it’s automatically the best choice.

Recipe ideas from Alicia Slusarek, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Your Favorite Trail Mix

Instead of buying store bought trail mix, create a personalized tasty, healthy blend. Toss your own combination of mixed nuts, raisins, unsweetened coconut and even mini dark chocolate chips for a sweet addition. Keep in mind, a serving size of trail mix is about a small handful. Nutritious Lunch Packing “It can be confusing, but not all protein is created equal, so you need to read labels,” Byczek said. “I suggest seven to 10 grams of protein per 100 calories. So if you’re looking at a protein bar that is 200 calories, there should be around 15 grams of protein. If it only has five grams of protein, you know it has an excess of sugar or fat, and that’s a cereal bar, not a protein bar.” Of course, life happens and sometimes what should have gotten done, just didn’t. “The reality is, everyone gets into these situations,” Slusarek said. “There are gas stations now that have healthier options on-the-go. Sure, not as good as what you could have brought from home, but still better than other choices. As far as fast food, maybe skip the bun, or if you’re at a restaurant, look at the menu online to see the nutritional information. It’s amazing when you dig a little deeper sometimes how something you think is healthy, actually isn’t the best choice.” The “fast food” option can sometimes be just as fast when it doesn’t even come from a restaurant at all. “Think outside the box and instead of going to McDonalds, stop at a grocery store,” Byczek said. “Most people don’t think of that, but you can pop in, grab some healthy snacks and be on your way.” And it’s not just in the solids, it’s in the liquid. “The other really big thing is to drink more water,” Byczek said. “Don’t leave home without a water bottle. Don’t have soda in your car or at the

boards. As a coach, there should be awareness of knowing what’s important for the skater to be getting as far as nutrition and hydration and you should be modeling that. Steer them down the right path by how you’re eating properly and drinking water. Tell and show.” There are many apps that can help with healthy choice education, and they can also be a sharing and encouragement tool. “The USDA’s online tool, SuperTracker, and the My Fitness Pal app are both great options,” Slusarek said. “Using apps or keeping a food journal can help you understand how and what you eat better. You can even share with other coaches and skaters to create a healthy community and get ideas too.”

Use leftovers and an extra 10 minutes in the morning to make sure your lunch-time nourishment is ready to go. Think of it this way: Running through the drivethrough often takes longer. (Pictured: leftover quinoa and chicken, and a salad with homemade dressing on the side — a simple combo of olive oil, apple cider vinegar, honey and a pinch of salt.)

Snack up on produce plus protein Hummus and Veggies

The chickpeas in hummus are high in protein and fiber, which leads to feeling full and satisfied. They’re also quite creamy and delicious when blended with tahini (a sesame seed paste), olive oil, lemon juice and a pinch of salt.

Sure, it’s a process with a learning curve, but it’s an important one to embark upon. “Nobody’s perfect and there’s not one way to do it for everyone, but it needs to be a lifestyle priority,” Byczek said. “You wouldn’t go to work and not shower, but people forego eating breakfast all of the time. It’s so important to start planning actively about your food choices.” Like anything worth having, it often takes some effort. “Lifestyle nutrition doesn’t happen overnight, but you can build off the momentum of small change,” Slusarek said. “It takes time, but it is worth it. Every meal is an opportunity to make a better choice. You can start feeling better today.”

Chickpea Salad

Combine chickpeas with apple cider vinegar, olive oil, feta cheese crumbles, cucumbers, carrots, onions and a pinch of salt.

“Don’t leave home without a water bottle.” PS MAGAZINE


World Figure & Fancy Skating Championships S

omewhere, out there, Hans Gerschwiler was smiling. Gerschwiler, the 1948 Olympic silver medalist to Dick Button, was one of only three Swiss skaters in history to medal at a Winter Games. In addition to being an elegant free skater, he was widely acknowledged as a master of figures. “Hans taught me a Swiss S at a very young age,” said Karen Courtland Kelly, president of the World Figure Sport Society. “We received the news that he had passed away as the skaters were competing the Swiss S at the 2017 World Figure & Fancy Skating Championships. It impacted me to the core and I thought it was a beautiful tribute.” At the championships, held last October in Vail, CO, the rich history of figure skating merged with the present—and it left an impression. As a drone hovered above competitors to capture all of the intricate movements for the live Internet feed, Olympic champion Dorothy Hamill served as special guest and honorary referee and the judging panels included the likes of Olympic pairs champion Barbara Wagner. “I felt so honored to be out there,” said Nancy Blackwell-Grieder, the women’s World Figure Champion. “I grew up with



By Terri Milner Tarquini | Photos by Deborah Hickey

figures, so it was so special to get the opportunity to see what I can still do and what my blade can still do. It is such a liberating feeling to glide on the ice. That’s what skating is supposed to feel like—total freedom.” A brainchild of the World Figure Sport Society, a not-for-profit organization created in 2015, founded and managed by Kelly and her husband, Patrick Kelly, both Olympians in pairs and speed skating, respectively. The society’s mission is to hold national and international competitions, thereby revitalizing the endangered structural foundation of figure skating – a history that all started with figures. “One thing which has surprised me is the number of skaters of all ages who want to learn the figures,” said Shepherd Clark, the 2017 World Figure & Fancy Skating Champion. “It’s fascinating seeing the elite skaters who did not grow up learning them, try them. Even skaters who skate on a public session come over and inquire. From what I can see, the World Figure Sport's inclusion of special figures and a creative figure that a skater may create, and actual figure art composition coupled with fancy skating, is

drawing more and more people around the world. This has been needed for a long time.” The competition is divided into two parts—the figure championship and the fancy skating championship. First, the figure portion: in 2017, skaters who were vying for the world championship title, skated 11 fundamental figures (from the “old” compulsory figures), four special figures (two Maltese Cross’ and two Swiss S’) and one creative figure (made up by the skater). Sixteen figures. That’s no joke. “At most skating events, a skater performs once, maybe twice or three times,” said Clark, who doesn’t formally coach but puts his 40 years of skating experience to work by donating his time when teaching skaters. “At the World Figure Championships, skaters perform 16 times. Each figure is, in itself, an event. This year, we had just five minutes to warm up a forward paragraph loop, then follow that with two of the hardest figures ever performed in any competition, the Maltese Cross and Swiss S. Under pressure, on the black ice that shows everything, these figures offer quite a challenge. This was also

Sandy Lenz, 2015 World Figure Championship Ladies' Silver Medalist & Hall of Fame Member, skates her backward change loops. Gary Beacom, 2016 World Figure Champion, skated this spectacular Creative Figure called the "Beacom Blossom."

Vail so all of this was done at 9,000 feet. There was a lot of gasping for air after each figure.” As if the physical challenge of the whole thing wasn’t enough, there’s the added element of total black ice—hugely upping the cool, as well as the precision, factor. “The black ice was, in a word, spectacular,” said Blackwell-Grieder, a Colorado coach. “I was one of the first on the ice last year and, this year, I knew I had to be the absolute first one out there. It was just so beautiful. And it’s warmer than normal ice. It’s just like butter; you barely have to push off.” When natural water used to freeze it would be dark, making tracings easy to see, but in 1949, hockey changed things. “The NHL painted the ice white so it was easier to see the puck,” said Kelly, who has put considerable effort into the archiving of skating’s history. “That impacted the art on ice negatively for figure skating. This black ice brings back the beauty of tracings on the ice.” The organization’s archiving has also added another intriguing aspect to the competition, a real caveat for skaters— their name going in the annals of the sport. The creative figure that a skater invents and performs is diagrammed and

named for them in the record books. “My creative figure was an adaptation of Nikolai Panin’s that he performed in 1897, way before the first Olympics,” said Laura Kottlowski, a Colorado coach who does high-altitude adventure skating. “His figure was much thinner than mine; mine was wider and more flowery.” The drill is this: each skater is given five minutes to perform six tracings of their special figure. Only one push is allowed for an entire tracing of the pattern. Between each tracing, a stop is allowed, as long as the skater stays within the time limit. A referee is on the ice to note touchdowns of the free foot, falls, or other infractions. Judges, in a break from other skating situations, are sequestered and come out after the figure is complete to judge it based solely on the tracings on the ice. “I knew from practice that one pass of my pattern took 25 seconds, so I could take a five second breather to regroup before the next pass,” said Kottlowski, who competed for the first time this year and had never tested figures as a skater. “My pattern had power pulls, cuts, brackets, counters – all on one foot, of course. It’s twisting and core muscles and concentrating and it all comes down to micromovements in your foot so every little thing matters. It’s exhausting. And awesome.” This year, skaters were also able to

choose to skate some, but not all, of the 16 figures. That meant they were not in the running for the world championship title, but they still received a world ranking in the figures they did compete. “Any skater who wants to compete can, no matter their age, their body type or their background—and when a skater completes the entire World Figure Championship they obtain an overall World Figure Ranking (note: all creative figures are documented, named after the skater, and become World Figure Sport Special Figures). Overall world ranked skaters can then compete in the World Fancy Skating Championship for additional titles," Kelly said. "We are passing on the love, pure joy, and knowledge of skating. We addressed past bias by sequestering the judges and solely ranking the print. Every figure is appreciated.” Next, new in 2017, the fancy portion of the competition: skaters choosing to compete in this event have a choice from several composers and perform a program where jumps and spins are optional and judging is based on an overall mastery of skating’s beautiful basics—sustained positions, edges and lines that pack an emotional punch. “Creating figure art compositions to music, telling a story, all while fancy skating, is the most complete skating that I know to



2017 World Figure & Fancy Skating Championships

2017 Results Nancy Blackwell-Grieder 2017 World Figure Champion Jennifer Lupia 2017 World Figure Championship Ladies’ Silver Medalist Julia Shott-Lipsky 2017 World Figure Championship Ladies’ Bronze Medalist




Shepherd Clark 2017 World Figure & Fancy Skating Champion Richard Swenning 2017 World Figure Championship Men’s Silver Medalist Christian Hendricks 2017 World Figure Championship Men’s Bronze Medalist & 2017 World Fancy Skating Championship Men’s Silver Medalist Sarah Jo Damron-Brown 2017 World Fancy Skating Champion Stephanie Chace Bass 2017 World Fancy Skating Championship Ladies’ Silver Medalist




1 Barbara Wagner inducts Dorothy Hamill into the World Figure & Fancy Skating Hall of Fame • 2 Stephanie Chace Bass performs her Flying Figure Split Leap in her original fancy skating composition • 3 Nancy Blackwell-Grieder competes the "Maltese Cross" special figure • 4 Richard Swenning (top) and Shepherd Clark compete the challenging "Swiss S" 5 Ladies' World Figure medalists Jennifer Lupia, Nancy Blackwell-Grieder & Julie Shott-Lipsky • 6 Men's World Figure medalists Richard Swenning, Shepherd Clark & Christian Hendricks

exist,” Clark said. “This is at an embryonic stage, with massive potential, that brings me great joy to train. This is a very comprehensive art form.” Clark, who skated to Chopin, used part of his performance to create his own pattern, reminiscent of Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night” painting, then opened the program up with bigger and broader patterns and edges. “My belief is that fancy skating is a new sport that is emerging, blending figure art composition and artistic free skating,” he said. “This, in my opinion, is the greatest new development in skating in a long time. It is a new sport and I am pleased to have witnessed the birth of something extremely special in Vail.” This thing called fancy skating is artistic skating boiled down to its most bare basics from the birth of figure skating—where quality edges and positions rule. “I trained as a pairs skater so the jumps and throws and spins were my elements and the edges just got me to those elements,” said Sarah Jo Damron-Brown, women’s 2017 World Fancy Champion. “Now my edges are my element.”



Damron-Brown, who coaches at the Skating Club at Dartmouth and Union Arena in Vermont, had not been actively skating in 15 years when she signed up for the competition and learned all 16 figures in two months. “It transformed my coaching and my skating and me personally,” she said. “I have a hard time relaxing; I’m just go, go, go, but this takes a relaxed strength that is a whole different mindset. Doing everything it takes to control and present the purity of an edge—you have to relax and focus and be fully present or it will show. This is the namesake of our sport. Being on the black ice and seeing my tracings was so profound. I am a figure skater and this is the language of my body.” The pull of this old-is-now-new discipline is apparently a strong one, as the star power that was at the competition was a virtual who’s who of skating’s history: Dorothy Hamill (Olympic, world and three-time national champion), Barbara Wagner (Olympic, four-time world and fivetime Canadian pairs champion), Tommy Litz (Olympic competitor and national champion), Slavka Kohout (well-known and cel-

Liz Schmidt 2017 World Fancy Skating Championship Ladies’ Bronze Medalist

ebrated coach of Janet Lynn) and Richard Dwyer (famous “Mr. Debonair” of the Ice Capades and Ice Follies). The previous two championships have seen luminaries the likes of Gary Beacom (Olympic competitor, Canadian silver medalist and the men’s 2016 World Figure Champion), Trixi Schuba (Olympic, two-time world, six-time Austrian and two-time European champion), Tim Wood (Olympic silver medalist, two-time world and three-time national champion), Don Jackson (Olympic bronze medalist and four-time Canadian champion), Gary Visconti (two-time bronze world medalist and two-time national champion), JoJo Starbuck (Olympic competitor and three-time national pairs champion), and Janet Lynn (Olympic bronze medalist, two-time world medalist and five-time national champion). “There was a 13-year-old girl at the 2017 championships and she could not for the life of her figure out why her friends in her club didn’t want to come to the competition and why their coaches didn’t encourage them to,” said Elisa Koshkina, coach at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and competitor at the 2017 World Figure and Fancy Skating Championships. “She kept

1 Elisa Koshkina's 2017 World Figure Championship Creative Figure, now a World Figure Sport special figure known as the "Koshkina - Coming Around Again" 2 "Maltese Cross" skated by Shepherd Clark


3 World Figure Championship Judges from 2016 (L to R) Tim Wood, Janet Lynn, Barbara Wagner, Donald Jackson, Slavka Kohout Button, Gary Visconti, Trixi Schuba, Sandra Bezic & Tommy Litz 4 Richard Swenning skates his incredible backward change loop in a fascinating multiple exposure image created by Deborah Hickey 5 Three well-traced figure segments: circle eight, three-turns, and rocker turns



telling me how her jumps were higher and more in control after practicing figures and she was puzzled why her friends wouldn’t want that for themselves too. I suggested that maybe figures are less popular because people don’t see them as glamorous.” “The girl flung her arms open and, her eyes bugging out dramatically, said, ‘Are they nuts? I mean, black ice? Trophies? Dorothy Hamill?’” Koshkina said. “She gets it.” Big picture, however, matters, which begs the question: Can figures appeal to an audience? “Figures are a unique, beautiful sport that should be in the Olympics as its own event,” Clark said. “We now have the technological capability to make this fascinating for the viewer. Believe me—the older figure designs are very difficult and they are usually much harder to guarantee quality under pressure than a triple axel. Jumps require a second, yet a figure is a couple of minutes in which even a slight wrong move may sabotage an event.” It’s certainly a dimension of skating that appeals to skating’s purists, and seems to be catching the attention even of those who never skated on a 4:30 a.m. patch session. “Since the competition, various people have reposted photos of my creative figure and there have been comments from very good skaters about how hard it looks,” said Koshkina, who based her creative figure on a triskelion, an ancient symbol with roots in the Celtic tradition. “I posted a video of me drawing the figure as I explained it and

6 Shepherd Clark performs his original fancy skating composition






it has a total of more than 600 likes—it makes me so happy that my figure has fans! People have asked for posters of it and jewelry with the design on it… one person apparently even wants a tattoo of it! Two of the world competitors have asked me to design their creative figures for the 2018 Championship, which is amazing and a challenge and is so exciting.” In a world where technology, the internet and social media are everywhere, the message could easily spread. “Back when figures were being phased out of Olympic competition, I remember seeing TV interviews with a lot of famous skaters who didn’t want figures to be relegated to the past,” Koshkina said. “Many of them have either started doing figures again recently, or have been doing them all along. What I think would be fantastic is if more skaters decided to use their social media accounts to post pictures and videos of them doing figures, teaching figures, making up creative figures. I mean, can you imagine the amount of amazing art that could be produced if the great skaters from the figures era who are still skating today started coming up with their own new figures? Figures are marketable and they can be popular. I mean, if my easy little creative figure has generated that much interest, just picture what a truly great skater can do? “But, even better, is that you don’t have to be some jaw-dropping skater to benefit from figures or to create a nice-looking, fun pattern,” she said. “I think creative figures are starting to appeal to a whole new group of skaters and artists. There are almost limitless possibilities and the only box you have to think inside is your piece of ice.” For more information on the organization and competition or to order your copy of the World Figure Championship book, visit worldfiguresport.org and worldfigurechampionship.com.

To read more about the World Figure Sport organization, check out Terri Milner Tarquini’s article that ran in the December issue of In the Loop.


EXCELLENCE ON ICE Sherwood Ice Arena

Kendall Ice Arena

Marquette FSC

Skate Frederick Ice Sports

World Arena Ice Hall

Rochester FSC

Ice Den Scottsdale

Jacksonville Ice and Sportsplex

Pines Ice Arena/Pines FSC

Sherwood, OR Frederick, MD

Scottsdale, AZ

Cincinnati Skating School Cincinnati, OH

Stamford Twin Rinks Stamford, CT

Central Iowa FSC

Miami, FL

Colorado Springs, CO

Jacksonville, FL

Ice Den Chandler Chandler, AZ

Martha’s Vineyard FSC Vineyard Haven, MA

Marquette, MI Rochester, MN

Pembroke Pines, FL

The Rinx Total Skating Program Hauppauge, NY

Pelham Civic Complex & Ice Arena Pelham, AL

Sprinker Recreation Center

Edge Skating School/ Edge Ice Arena Littleton, CO

Lexington Ice Center

Tacoma, WA

Park City Ice Arena

Kettle Moraine FSC

Palm Beach Skate Zone

Urbandale, IA

Park City, UT



Waukesha, WI

Lexington, KY

Lake Worth, FL

OBITUARY James (Jim) Sladky Jim Sladky passed away on November 9, 2017 at age 70. He was born in 1947 and skated with Judy Schwomeyer (former PSA President Sandy Lamb’s sister) and was coached by Ron Ludington. Jim, Judy, and Ron created the Yankee Polka in 1969 for competition and later it became an international dance. Jim and Judy were five time U.S. Dance champions, World silver and bronze dance medalists, and inducted into the U.S. Figure Skating Hall of Fame in 1991. PHOTO CREDIT: U.S. FIGURE SKATING MUSEUM & HALL OF FAME

— A DV E RTO R I A L —

2018 ISI National Events Offer Something for All

New Competitions Added! 2018 looks to be an exciting year for ISI skaters. The organization has added several new national events to their calendar and will bring their competitions to several areas of the country for the first time. ISI Winter Classic, their second largest annual competition, will kick off the new year with a bang! Skaters will enjoy the friendly southern hospitality of the locals and a great holiday weekend of skating, Feb. 16-19, in Dallas. Spring is expected to bring many new faces as ISI travels to Chicago for the ISI Synchronized Skating Championships, April 6-8. There will be lots of fun, camaraderie, pin trading and great competition as ISI teams take to the ice at the Edge Ice Arena in Bensenville. A special event, the Chicago Showdown, is planned for the Saturday evening during the competition weekend. This team-only event is open to teams from the area and across the country that may not be participating in ISI Synchronized Championships but that wish to perform. It also offers additional opportunities for Synchro Champs skaters who want to be a part of a Production, Kaleidoskate, Pattern Team, Ensemble or Team Compulsory. The 2018 ISI Conference and Tradeshow heads to the Washington, D.C. area in June and as always, ISI Conference Championships will follow suit. Piney Orchard Ice Arena in Odenton, Md., conveniently situated in the center of Annapolis, Baltimore and Washington D.C., will host the event. This marks the first time ISI is bringing a national event to this part of the country, and they are excited to meet new friends and share the fun of a national competition with skaters on the East Coast. Come summer, the ISI World Recreational Team Championships will once again get underway in Boston. It will be held July 23-28 at the world-class New

2018 ISI National Events England Sports Center in the Boston suburb of Marlborough. ISI expects to host over 1,700 skaters from across the United States and Asia. Coaches will love the convenience of having all six days in one building on four sheets of ice! The ISI Worlds Marketplace will feature 2030 vendors, and a fantastic ISI Benefit Show, featuring a star performer, will once again culminate the week-long competition. ISI’s first Theatrical Challenge debuts Oct. 5-7 at the Ice Chalet in Knoxville, Tenn. Conceived as an opportunity for skaters to star in their own show, the competition will feature an elaborate theatrical set up, with full stage and spot lighting as well as a large curtain. No technical events will be offered; the focus will be on artistic-based events. Each individual skater will have the unique opportunity to enter the ice through the curtain as his or her name is called and the chance to perform under full theatrical lighting. ISI adult skaters are in for a real treat at the 2018 ISI Adult Championships, Oct. 26-28 at South Lake Tahoe Ice Arena, situated in the gorgeous resort town of South Lake Tahoe, Calif. Nestled in a mature pine forest, the venue offers stunning views from the ice. Skaters will not only have an opportunity to showcase all their talents in the many events offered but will also have the chance to enjoy all the shops, restaurants, first-class casinos and activities in this outdoor enthusiasts’ oasis. ISI skaters 21 and older will not want to miss this! For more information on ISI national events, please visit skateisi.org or contact ISI Skating Programs and National Events Director Kim Hansen at Khansen@skateisi.org or 972-735-8800.

Winter Classic – Feb. 16-19, Dr Pepper StarCenter – McKinney, Texas. Test & Entry deadline: Dec. 1

Synchronized Championships - April 6-8, Edge Ice Arena, Bensenville, Ill. (Chicago Showdown – April 7). Entry deadline: Feb.1

Conference Championships – June 1-3, Piney Orchard Ice Arena, Odenton, MD. Test & Entry Deadline: April 1

World Recreational Team Championships – July 23-28, New England Sports Center, Marlborough, Mass. Test & Entry deadline: May 1

Theatrical Challenge - Oct 5-7, Ice Chalet, Knoxville, Tenn. Test & Entry deadline: Aug. 15

Adult Championships - Oct 26-28, South Lake Tahoe Ice Arena, South Lake Tahoe, Calif. Test & Entry deadline: Sept. 1



Did you know PSA offers a Hockey Skating Program?









Practice Plans

12 Drills


Compiled by: Sean Flynn, Donna Helgenberg, Tara Hillstrand-Lane, Pau




Copyright © 2010

2009 Copyright PSA

players from ponds to the pros to work on speed and improve mechanics. The United States has over half a million hockey players, almost all of whom need to work on their skating skills. So how do you expand your client base and start getting a piece of this five hundred thousand player pie? Do your homework—and let PSA help!

Figuring Out Hockey Players Three Keys to Success BY JORDAN MANN


s long as there have been hockey players, there have been hockey coaches promising to make them faster, more agile, and better overall players. For a long time, many of these “power skating” coaches found a niche running conditioning practices and repetitive skill drills. They would do a great job of watching players practice their skating, but they wouldn’t necessarily teach skating. However, as head coaches started to gravitate towards players with speed and skill as opposed to simply size and strength, this old model of skating instruction had to be updated—and the definition of a power skating coach had to be seriously re-examined. These days, every player on a roster must be a proficient skater, and this fact has ushered in a golden age of skating-specific instruction. Now more than ever, there is a demand for the ultimate skating experts to step in—the figure skaters! Figure skating coaches are being recruited by teams and




Learn the Game If you are going to coach skating for hockey players, it is extremely important to understand the game as a whole. The nuances and athletic demands placed on players are incredibly unique and it is tough to keep perspective if you don’t have a feel for how the players will use what you teach. While most skating skills are universal in principle, there are a lot of differences between skating in a playoff hockey game and skating on a freestyle session. Try to take some time to learn the context within which your athletes live. There are countless ways to do this. A great method is to ask a club coach in your arena if you can sit in on practices and take notes on the types of skating skills required to execute the drills. Talk with the coach about deficiencies his or her players may have. This can provide valuable information about what you will need to know in order to be effective for the players in your area.


Learn the Players First of all, know what positions your athletes play! The roles of wingers, centers, defensemen, and goalies are vastly different—which requires the skating coach to understand those differences and plan accordingly. At the younger ages, it is very common for players to play many or all positions in a season, so be prepared to touch on a bit of everything! In addition to knowing the positions your students play, you also need to know what skill level they play at. Players who are competing in a travel program will often times have a much different skill set than kids who play in a less structured house league. Familiarizing yourself with the divisions of play in your area will go a long way towards helping you to know how to approach lessons and what goals your student may have. Finally, watch a game! You will learn a lot about what an individual player needs from you by watching them compete. Take notes on their strengths and weaknesses as well as skating tendencies.


Learn the Process As a figure skating coach you are uniquely qualified to teach hockey skating. Your strengths are not limited to your knowledge of edges, pushing mechanics, weight transfer, etc.—your biggest strength actually lies in your understanding of skill progressions. The ability to break down complex skills into teachable parts is what players truly need. A well-defined process makes even the hardest skills attainable. If a skater is strug-




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President, PSA

Chairman, PSA Hockey


Former CER Category A and B for US Figure Skating Coach Compliance is now: “Professional Coach/Choreographer” Category. The program is now open in the PSA E-Learning Academy and accessible from the PSA website at skatepsa. com. The following two courses are prepaid, and all other courses are $35.00 each until July 1, 2018. An annual subscription fee of $25.00 is charged to access the e-learning platform. This fee is paid directly to the provider, not to PSA or U.S. Figure Skating. Professional Coach/Choreographer CER Program Topic Area: RULES OF SPORT (ROS)

gling with their Axel, you could work on their waltz jump and their loop jump. Similarly, if a travel hockey player is struggling with cross-overs, you could work on push glides and edge control. Use your knack for recognizing movement progressions to create a process that leads to the desired outcome for your players. The PSA Hockey Skating program is the perfect resource for building your hockey knowledge. The program contains four levels of courses which work their way up from the fundamentals of hockey skating all the way through details on game strategy and tactics. The Hockey Skating courses must be taken in order, and Hockey 1 and 2 are currently available online through the PSA website. Hockey 3 and 4 courses will again be offered this spring at the annual conference! Hockey has come a long way in the last few decades, and these days skating trumps all! By taking the time to learn the game, assess the players, and define a process, you can be an effective skating coach for players of all ages and abilities. Now is a great time to build up clientele in a new market and help players achieve their goals, all while diversifying and advancing your own career. The Stanley Cup winners of tomorrow are waiting! *This article was previously published in ISI Edge magazine and was adapted for publication in PS Magazine.

Jordan Mann is a full-time coach for figure skating, hockey, and speed skating in Park Ridge, IL. He holds PSA Hockey 4 certification as well as a Senior FS rating and a Level 2 ranking. He also holds USA Hockey Level 5 and US Speedskating Level 2 coaching credentials. Jordan is on the PSA Hockey and National Education committees.

CER ROS 201 – Understanding Test Refresh

CER ROS 201 is prepaid by U.S. Figure Skating (January 1 to July 1, 2018) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

CER ROS 201 – Understanding Test Refresh is designed to assist coaches to: • Understand the change made to the U.S. Figure Skating test structure in May of 2017 • State the timelines of implementation for: o Athletes to be able to receive test credit through IJS protocol o Athletes to be able to use the well-balanced program requirements for testing o Replacing the 6.0 system, with an evaluation scale of -3 to +3 for testing o Athletes to have the opportunity to earn “pass”, “pass with honors” or “pass with distinction” as a test result • State the procedure for applying for test credit through IJS protocol • State the differences between test judging on a 6.0 scale versus a -3 to +3 scale Professional Coach/Choreographer CER Program Topic Area: ATHLETE/ COACH PROTECTION (ACP) CER ACP 402 – “Coach Health, Well-Being and Self-Care”

CER ACP 402 is prepaid by PSA (January 1 to July 1, 2018) COURSE DESCRIPTION:

As PSA and U.S. Figure Skating seek to promote an environment in which coach well-being is readily identified and properly addressed, in CER SAF 402 - “Coach Health, Well-Being and Self-Care”, coaches will learn tools and strategies to put their own well-being in the forefront as a foundational component of quality coaching. Rather than coaches succumbing to the consequences of too much stress without effective management strategies, CER SAF 402 encourages a set of proactive measures that coaches can take to be their best. Former CER Category C for U.S. Figure Skating Coach Compliance is now: “Professional Group Instructor” Category. The program is now open in the PSA E-Learning Academy and accessible from the PSA website at skatepsa.com. All courses are $10.00. An annual subscription fee of $25.00 is charged to access the e-learning platform. This fee is paid directly to the provider, not to PSA or U.S. Figure Skating. PS MAGAZINE



Things Coaches Hope Not to Hear at the Rink!


ver the past few months, I have been hearing about the various things that we often hear at our rinks as professional figure skating coaches and skating directors. These are the phrases that make a coach take special notice. Sometimes they are funny, other times they are very serious. If you have been coaching for any length of time, you will relate to these often repeated scenarios and may have your own view of how to handle them as a coach or as a skating director. Here are some examples: 1. As a coach you are getting your skaters ready for competition and you hear your best skater say: "I am going to skip the run throughs, don't worry, I will do it when it counts!" What this means is "I don't really feel like training for the upcoming competition so I am going to wing it." This approach rarely goes well, In fact it is almost always a disaster. Additionally, it sets a bad example for your other skaters. The statement that often goes with the above sentence is: "Don't worry, I will skate every day next week before we leave for competition." This rarely happens and if it does, it is the same as lifting weights and exercising for one week to build muscles. Too little, too late. You can't skip your regular training. For some reason, as some skaters go up the ladder of success in testing and competition, they often begin to feel like they can train less, skate less, and get the same results as they did at the lower levels of skating. SOLUTION:

When skaters begin to depend purely on their athletic ability without training, bad things happen. This skater is on the wrong track and needs immediate correction. The coaches involved need to get the parents and the skater into a meeting as soon as possible to take the appropriate steps to get their training back on track. 2. The following statements are often heard by coaches from their newest skating parents: "Winning is not important to us." "Money is not an issue." "We will never leave you, Coach." "You can be as tough as you want on our child." "We have no aspirations of going to the Olympics." Winning is always a factor. Money is always an issue, and students do come and go. As far as being tough and demanding on skaters in the 21st Century...if you raise your voice during a lesson, in most cases they are gone shortly



after. Finally the "O" word—it is the only word most new parents know thanks to the media-built perception that skaters buy a pair of skates and the next thing they do is get a few lessons and head to the Olympics! SOLUTION:

Know that there is a deeper and different meaning when working with skaters from new families making these statements. It will take time and patience to bring these families back to reality and help them gain a better understanding of the sport. Educating the parents is the key. 3. Closely related to the above statements is the uneasy moment mentioned by many coaches when the parents of a pre-preliminary skater make a request similar to the following: "My husband and I would like to have a short meeting with you to discuss the future competitive potential of our daughter." This translates to "We would like to know how long it will take for our child to make it to....not regionals... not sectionals... not nationals....not worlds, but... the Olympics!� This is like asking your t-ball coach if your child has World Series potential! SOLUTION:

The meeting will not be brief. Make an attempt to explain the structure of U.S. Figure Skating and the ISU competitive structure. Try to explain that there is a long road of learning and accomplishment between each of the levels. This will be no easy task. This situation arises when low level skaters have success early. The skater is having fun and the parents get stars in their eyes. It is the parents more than the skater that need a better understanding of the sport. When you teach a new skater, you are also teaching the parents. 4. Skating directors weighed in on a few common phrases that they hear during interviews of coaches looking for a job: "I just want to teach a little." The reality is you either want to teach or you don't. This phrase usually means I really want to teach a lot but I am going to be very impatient growing my business. I expect you, as the skating director, to give me the very best lesson requests. In fact, I expect all of the lesson requests." SOLUTION:

You must educate the skater/coach on how to work in a positive rink atmosphere. Explain the realities of

being a positive factor as a new coach rather than a disruptive force. 5. Another closely related phrase: "Coaching is better that flipping burgers." This usually comes from parents looking for a first job for their skater. In fact, the parent will often be the one asking the skating director to hire their child as a coach. On the surface, to them, coaching looks like an easy job with a good income and few demands. The new prospective coach will be less of a problem than their aggressive parent. This type of parent can really cause a lot of damage to a skating program if they get their skater hired as a coach. The parents are usually very ambitious and will be working the stands trying to get skaters to switch to their child (the new coach). SOLUTION:

If you hire this type of coach you are hiring the mom (or dad). Think twice before moving forward with this arrangement. The only positive is this type of coach usually fizzles out when they find out that coaching is a very demanding profession.

SAVE THE DATES All PSA coaches are welcome to attend the coach tracks at:

6. A very serious dreaded phrase that skating directors mention comes from rink management when they say: "I am sure that you won't mind that we will need a little of your ice time this season to accommodate all of our user groups." This dreaded moment will send a chill down your spine. It means that you are in big trouble as the skating director. Secondly, it means your ice has already been sold.

2018 "Jump On It! Camp"


2018 "Athlete Acceleration Summit"

Call the arena manager for a meeting as soon as possible to minimize damage. Look for alternative ice time in the schedule. Prepare for a whole new way of doing a scaled back program. In the final analysis, chances are that you have heard many, if not all, of these phrases at one time or another in your coaching career. Experience is a brutal but effective teacher. Knowing what to do when you hear them means you have learned your lessons well. Not knowing what to do means they will return until you learn the proper response. The above examples are surely just the tip of the iceberg of phrases and situations that happen at ice rinks across the U.S. The solutions mentioned are nothing more than a starting point. If you have a favorite phrase to discuss or better solutions, join in the conversation and let’s discuss the ways to handle them for a positive outcome.

April 19-22, 2018

Colorado Springs, CO

May 10-13, 2018 Wesley Chapel, FL

More details to follow!

We would like to hear your comments and ideas. To join in the conversation, call 412.780.6637 or e-mail MBobMock@aol.com



Professional Skaters Foundation

A Community that Cares

2 0 1 7 D O N L AW S A P P R E N T I C E S C H O L A R S H I P W I N N E R

Scholarship Provides Valuable Experience The PS Foundation recently joined the Smile Amazon Program. Amazon donates 0.5% of all eligible purchases to a charity that you designate on the Smile.amazon.com website. AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the PS Foundation every time you shop, with no additional cost to you. Simply go to smile.amazon.com from your web browser, choose the Professional Skaters Foundation as your designated charity, and use your existing amazon. com account with all the same settings! We all shop on Amazon today; please consider choosing the PS Foundation as your designated charity and start shopping on smile. amazon.com! Please spread the word to family and friends!

By Gloria Leous

The Don Laws scholarship enables coaches to attend the Shattuck-St. Mary's (SSM) International Skating Camp and observe any of the resident and guest coaches there during the week. It's an incredible opportunity to watch elite coaches at work with a variety of athletes, ask questions, and learn techniques and exercises. It's a weeklong immersion into the “What – How – Why” of skating technique and training methods. I was so thrilled to be awarded one of the Don Laws Scholarships this year, and it proved to be a wonderful experience. While the Shattuck-St. Mary's rinks might be a little on the cool side, the coaches, staff, and skaters there during my scholarship were warm and welcoming. Karen Lehmann (another Don Laws Scholarship coach) and I spent five very full days taking notes on off-ice jump classes, conditioning, edge classes, and jump/spin classes, in addition to individual lessons we observed. All of the coaches made us feel welcome and were happy to share their ideas, tips, and methods. The vibe at SSM is positive and encouraging. Diane Miller was one of the featured coaches during our stay, and I spent many hours watching her work her magic. I also sat in on lessons with Tom Hickey, Jimmie Santee, Carey Tinklenberg, and many other camp coaches. They were all so generous with their time and talent, and I find myself drawing upon the information they shared with me every day. We were on the ice most days by 7:30 am. Karen and I would observe lessons for a couple of freestyle sessions, following the upper track of skaters throughout their day, including their edge classes and off-ice work. When they were on break, we would switch over to another group of skaters to observe lessons. After lunch, we would continue with the schedule until the last skaters finished up around 6:30pm. We could have wrapped up earlier in the day, but we were both determined to make the most of every minute of our time there. I want to express my deep appreciation to the late Don Laws, the PSA Don Laws Scholarship Committee, and the Shattuck-St. Mary's camp staff and coaches. Thank you for a great week of learning!

Tuesday May 22, 2018 LIVE Entertainment at the 2018 U.S. Open Professional Figure Skating Championships! Ladies, mens, pairs, dance, specialty acts, and groups compete together to win prizes and prestigious titles. The Grand Champion will take home a cash prize and an invitation to perform with Ice Theatre of New York.



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ari Sackett is uncertain she qualifies as an expert on adaptive skating programs. She decided she wanted to create one at Rochester Figure Skating Club and just threw herself into the process. That being said, the experience she has had, creating the program and getting it up and running since January 2017, gives her the cache to tell others what worked for her in establishing a program that would allow children with special cognitive needs to experience the thrill of ice skating. “I started from ground zero,” Sackett said with a laugh. “I tried to Google ‘adaptive skating programs’ and a Chinese program popped up.” She said the U.S. Figure Skating website included a few short paragraphs on adaptive skating programs as well. Sackett is a special education teacher and lifelong fan of figure skating who wanted her son with high functioning autism to experience the thrill of ice skating. Seeing the difficulties he had assimilating in a large class of learn to skate children, she realized a program for children with special cognitive needs would be beneficial, not only for her son but for others in the community with similar issues. Sackett, who has been teaching special education for eight years, found herself in the unenviable position of creating a program for adaptive learning without the benefit of anyone’s previous experience. If Google can’t help, who can? “It took a group of us to get it going,” Sackett said. “I contacted the Rochester Parks and Recreation department, because I know they have adaptive programs, and I knew there

were other adaptive programs around Rochester, so we were able to connect with people in the community and see what was out there, what other people were already doing.” In order to get her program started, Sackett had to find people, lots of people, to help run the program. Although the program currently works only with children with cognitive disabilities and not physical ones, most of them still required one-onone attention, and Sackett had to find interns and volunteers who could attend the weekly session on Saturday morning. That was the only time she could acquire ice time when the Rochester rink’s ice was not filled with the regular Learn2Skate classes or other more advanced figure skaters. So once she had the assistants and the ice time and the students signed up, she had to develop the program the skaters would operate with. That required interviews with parents to determine what they hoped to see their child accomplish. “Some of their expectations were that the child develop independent skills,” Sackett said. “So the way we did that, we told them they have to be able to pick up their name tag and pick up their skates. Usually they need help getting their skates on, so we teach the parents how to tie the skates.” It doesn’t sound much different than the first day of the first learn to skate session for preschoolers, does it? But this is where it gets more specific for the children with cognitive disabilities. “We have a pair of gloves for them, different colors within the pair, because they can have a difficult time

figuring out left or right,” Sackett said. “Then they have tags that clip on their skates that are different colors, so they can match colors with their hands. That way we can tell them which skate to push off with or finish with.” Children with special needs, and the parents of those children, want to be able to judge success or progress, so Sackett created a picture book in which the students can put Velcro tags when they complete a portion of the program. “And we want them to be able to take their skates off as well,” she said. Because of the experience she had with her own son, Sackett knew the value of physical therapy for children with special needs, so she found an occupational therapist to work with the children “because I don’t want my students to become injured.” The OT was someone with figure skating background who also had personal experience working with people with special needs, in order to maintain a consistency of service, knowledge, and understanding. There was one resource Sackett sought that was unavailable. Surprisingly, there was no Special Olympics skating chapter in Rochester or elsewhere in Minnesota, an absence Sackett hopes to change. “I would like to grow into that,” she said. Coming up in our next issue, Kari will share teaching tips and tools for your own adaptive skating program. Photos courtesy of U.S. Figure Skating




Be the Best Piece of Your Athlete's Puzzle M

y name is Abigail Thiel, and it is with extreme honor that I write this article as the recently appointed Co-Chair of the PSA Committee on Professional Standards. I currently practice law in the state of Iowa, and my practice focuses on litigation—primarily in the corporate arena. As a former competitive athlete for U.S. Figure Skating and a current PSA senior rated professional, I have had the privilege of knowing this sport from both the athlete perspective and the coaching perspective, and now I am privileged to know it from a governance perspective. One of the most pervasive threads throughout each of those angles is the strong ethical foundation it takes to both succeed Our ethical and strive for professionalism in each of those foundation directly roles. I am honored to serve our membership correlates to the on a committee that upholds the strong ethical standards that our sport depends on. choices we make, While I have hung up my rhinestones which, in turn, for the court room, the lessons I have learned shapes the way we as an athlete and continue to learn as a coach have undoubtedly served me well in my legal treat others, the career. In each of those different roles, I have had decisions we make, valuable opportunities to see just how pervasive our reactions to the choices we make and the way we treat others impacts our happiness and success, as well as adversity, and just the happiness and success of those around us. about everything in Our ethical foundation directly correlates to between. " the choices we make, which, in turn, shapes the way we treat others, the decisions we make, our reactions to adversity, and just about everything in between. Someone once told me that ethics are not born in a vacuum. Ethics are more like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that are put together over time. That overall puzzle makes up who we are and what we believe, and shapes us into what we will become. Those pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are made up of the traits that we are born with coupled with those behaviors we learn from those that influence us. Each piece of the puzzle is comprised of the experiences we have with, the lessons we learn from, and the people around us during our formative years. As coaches, our behaviors and choices with each other, our skaters, and others in the sport, are undoubtedly shaping the puzzle pieces of our skaters’ ethical make up. On many occasions, our athletes spend more time with and around us than they do with their own parents—what more impactful way to shape an athlete’s future success and ethical behavior than to lead by example? We are “raising” adults, not just figure skaters. Our athletes learn from us—and more than just how to jump, spin, and twizzle. The lessons they learn from



us shape them into adults and impact so many aspects of their lives, including the career choices they make in the future and how successful they are in those career choices, whether those be in the skating world or elsewhere. I was blessed with great examples in my skating career to shape my puzzle pieces. I am not saying I perfectly employed the lessons I learned from those examples (nor did I always appreciate those lessons in the moment), but much of what I learned from my coaches and other mentors in this sport led me to where I am today. Having those great examples not only gave me a strong foundation to think for myself and make and tackle difficult choices, but it also gave me the foundation to weather adversity and survive and thrive when I didn’t always make the right choice. Simply put, the lessons I learned from my mentors in this sport shape the lessons and examples I give to my skaters, as well as directly influence how I manage and engage in my law practice today. The practice of law is full of ethical conundrums. For this reason, law school devotes an entire class and a portion of the bar exam solely to ethics. Thanks to my skating career, I didn’t feel as if I was starting at ground zero in this area. The sport of skating, and the lessons I learned from those around me in skating, gave me the opportunity to deal with adversity, make difficult choices, and compose and posture myself in adult situations from a very young age. This type of exposure, along with the finely tuned puzzle pieces shaped and created by my role models in this sport, gave me the tools I needed and utilized to be successful in law school and beyond. Every interaction we have with our athletes, other coaches, skating parents, and others is a chance for us to be a good example and to teach a lesson. Before you think, speak, or react, remember that however you choose to do so, that reaction could be the reaction that shapes an integral piece of someone else’s puzzle. Conducting yourself with integrity and treating your colleagues with respect will be examples your athletes will never forget—and something for which they will thank you—in many ways. Some may choose to be lifelong enthusiasts of the sport and promote its future, some may take the lessons they learned from you and be successful elsewhere away from the sport, or some might do both. In any event, your athletes will thank you for it—and some may even write about it one day (haha!). In closing, I leave you with the words of Abraham Lincoln: “Whatever you are, be a good one.” I suggest always striving to be the best piece of your athletes’ puzzles you can be and giving them the tools and examples they need to “fit” into whatever role they choose…now and in their futures.


The Professional Skaters Association is required by the FTC Settlement Statement to publish the FTC Settlement Statement and press release on or as close as possible to the first and second anniversary dates of the first publication in the Professional Skater Magazine and In The Loop publications, or any successor publication.

February 1, 2015 Dear Member: As you may know, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) conducted an investigation concerning the provision in PSA’s Code of Ethics that stated: No member shall in any case solicit pupils of another member, directly or indirectly, or through third parties. The FTC alleges that this provision in the Code of Ethics violates the Federal Trade Commission Act because it unnecessarily restricts members of PSA from competing for pupils, thereby depriving pupils of the benefits of competition among skating coaches. The FTC also alleges that PSA guidelines stating it is unethical for members to give free lessons is an illegal restriction on price competition. To end the investigation expeditiously and to avoid disruption to its core functions, PSA voluntarily agreed, without admitting any violation of the law, to the entry of a Consent Agreement and a Decision and Order by the Federal Trade Commission. As a result, PSA will eliminate the above provision from its Code of Ethics and other organizational documents and implement an antitrust compliance program. In general, the FTC has prohibited PSA from maintaining bylaws, code of ethics, operational policies, or membership requirements that restrict members from soliciting students

and engaging in price competition. The Decision and Order also prohibits PSA from (1) encouraging other organizations to adopt policies or practices that would violate the Decision and Order if PSA adopted such policies and (2) enforcing or investigating violations of the code of ethics of other organizations that would violate the Decision and Order if enforced or investigated by PSA on its behalf. PSA is also prohibited from adopting policies or practices that restrict or attempts to restrict non-members from talking to, convincing, or requiring students or parents of such students to switch from one coach to another. The Decision and Order does not prohibit PSA from adopting and enforcing Codes of Ethics or similar documents that govern the conduct of members with respect to representations that PSA reasonably believes would be false or deceptive within the meaning of Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. A copy of the Decision and Order is enclosed. It is also available on the Federal Trade Commission website at www.FTC.gov, and through the PSA web site. Respectfully submitted, The Professional Skaters Association

FTC Approves Final Orders Requiring Trade Associations to Eliminate Rules that Restrict Competition March 3, 2015


ollowing a public comment period, the Federal Trade Commission has approved final orders settling charges in two separate cases alleging that the bylaws of the trade associations restrained competition. Under the order for the Professional Lighting and Sign Management Companies of America, Inc. (“PLASMA”), the trade association is required to stop restricting the geographic service area of its members, interfering with the ability of members to independently set prices, or impeding members from soliciting work from customers of other members. The order also requires the association to revise

its bylaws, publicize its settlement with the FTC, and implement an antitrust compliance program. The Professional Skaters Association order requires the association to stop restraining its members from soliciting work and competing on the basis of price, change its Code of Ethics, publicize its settlement with the FTC, and implement an antitrust compliance program. The Commission votes approving the final orders for PLASMA and the Professional Skaters Association were both 5-0. (PLASMA, FTC File No. 141-0088; the staff contact is Barbara Blank, Bureau of Competition,

202-326-2523; Professional Skaters Association, FTC File No. 131–0168, the staff contact is Karen A. Mills, Bureau of Competition, 202-326-2052) The FTC’s Bureau of Competition works with the Bureau of Economics to investigate alleged anticompetitive business practices and, when appropriate, recommends that the Commission take law enforcement action. To inform the Bureau about particular business practices, call 202-326-3300, send an e-mail to antitrust@ftc.gov, or write to the Office of Policy and Coordination, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, 600 Pennsylvania Ave., Room CC-5422, Washington, DC 20580. To learn more about the Bureau of Competition, read Competition Counts. Like the FTC on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to press releases for the latest FTC news and resources.



RINKBLAZER Keeping it in the family has worked extremely well for Lindsey Weber-Monroe. Weber-Monroe, who started skating as a toddler, qualified for the U.S. Figure Skating Championships as a junior in 1997 at age 12. Wrestling with an ongoing back injury, she returned to the championships in 2000 and then stayed at junior in 2001 to win the bronze medal. But, despite continuing to compete at the national and international level, her back problems persisted, eventually forcing surgery. Her mom, Vickey, was a constant presence, co-coaching her along with the likes of Carol Heiss-Jenkins, Ann Barr, Roberta SantoraMitchell, and Mitch Moyer. It’s a motherdaughter relationship that has blossomed from teacher-student to peers, as they have been co-coaches since 2005 at the Onyx Suburban Skating Academy in Rochester, Michigan. Although Weber-Monroe boasts an elite competitive background, her mom insisted she had to start at the basic skills level to learn the ins and outs of teaching – coaching being a much different beast than skating. “I didn’t quite get why I was having to do that at the time, but now I know: basics are what everything is built on and I had to know everything there is to know about beginning skating,” Weber-Monroe said. It’s a coaching philosophy that seems to be working, with the Weber team having a total of 14 skaters qualify from regionals to sectionals in the last eight years, three of those in 2017 at the juvenile, novice, and senior levels. Don’t be fooled by birthrights, WeberMonroe has done her due diligence in the skating world all by herself, having served on a total of 15 U.S. Figure Skating committees over the last 10 years. She also served four years on the board of directors, was the Athletes Advisory Committee Chair, and currently sits on the Strategic Planning and Athletes Advisory Committee. Still, she likes to give credit where credit is due: “Others have to seek out mentors, mine is coaching on the same ice every day.”

Is it true that you started skating at one-and-ahalf? I did! My mom and grandmother both coached so I was at the rink all the time anyway. My mom used to zip me up in a big snowsuit and just let me go. Finally, the Learn to Skate instructors told her she had to take me out of the snowsuit or I’d never be able to move. I just fell in love with it.



Lindsey Weber-Monroe

By Terri Milner Tarquini

With that family history, were you pre-destined to coach? Like a lot of skaters, when I finished skating I had to figure out what I was going to do next. I had been competing as a senior at the international level, but I hurt my back and couldn’t compete anymore. I wanted to, but I couldn’t. So I started college, but I really felt I had something still to give to the sport I love so much. I ended up getting involved with U.S. Figure Skating as the Athlete Advisory Committee Chair (from 2010-2014), which I loved, but I realized I was missing being on the ice. My mom encouraged me to explore coaching and she was adamant about one thing: I had to start at Learn to Skate and work my way up. I think a lot of times when a skater has competed at a high level, they expect to start coaching at a high level. I did a little choreography for higher level skaters, but I had to learn to teach from coaching the basics. At the time, I didn’t get it, but now I realize how important that was. I am so thankful for her making me do that.

You mentioned your struggle with injuries, which cropped up both when you were a junior and a senior competitor. There’s a lot of talk now about overuse injuries…was this your issue? As a coach now, do you feel there’s a way to help prevent these career-altering and career-ending injuries? What do you do as a coach to attempt to stop them? I struggled with a very serious back injury from the time I was 12 until I had to stop skating. I herniated a disc early on and it eventually degenerated until I had to have surgery. I am definitely cautious with my students as far as over doing laybacks and Biellmans. I think it’s important to do things correctly and limit over-training. If they aren’t flexible, it’s not worth it to push it for a higher level spin and then get an injury. I try to be creative and find other ways they can pick up points.

What is it like team coaching with your mom? It is so easy. We get along so well. I trust her and we have really good balance – I tend to be a little more strict and she’s a little more motherly…although sometimes that switches around. She is master-rated and has spent time learning from the likes of Frank Carroll and John Nicks, among many other coaches through PSA, so to have her to learn from every day is amazing. I probably would not have gotten so far along so early in my career if I didn’t have her to guide me on my way.

Lindsey (far right) with her skaters and mother Vickey

Skating as a sport takes great passion. So does coaching. What are you most passionate about? I love to take a young skater from doing swizzles and develop them all the way through and discover how they turn out as a skater and as a person. And I love to foster their love of the sport. Skating is a demanding sport and coaching is a demanding job. We wake up early and we have a lot of after-hours work that needs to get done, so we have to have the same passion as our skaters have. I will say this: I think skaters as a whole, when they are done with their career, come out of the sport more disciplined and with better time management skills than a lot of other sports. Those life lessons really go a long way in the rest of their lives and I love having a part in that too.

You had success at the national level – do you think that helps you as a coach? I think it’s a bonus. I think I am able to know how they are feeling in pressure-packed situations and understand their feelings. But as far as the technique of skating and how to coach? I had to learn all of those things.

You were coached by some well-known names in skating. How did they influence your coaching? I skated with Carol Heiss-Jenkins and Roberta Santora-Mitchell later in my career, and before that I was with Mitch Moyer. Ann Barr, who is now a national technical specialist, coached me from the beginning with my mom and Mitch through the national level. Carol is always very positive and from her I definitely learned how important it is to be able to deal with stressful situations with a smile on my face.

Let’s talk about some qualities you think are important for coaches to possess… Patience is a big one. I think you can never

(to Mike Monroe), all of my bridesmaids were skaters from all over the country. I stood up in Tara Lipinski’s wedding this summer and she stood up in mine later the same summer, and at both weddings there were so many officials, coaches, and former skaters. This sport has given me so much more than just a career; it has given me a family of friends through all of the people I have met along the journey.

Lindsey's figure skating family at her 2016 wedding

have enough of that. You have to be hard working and passionate about what you do. This is a job that takes a lot of energy on a daily basis. I also think you have to have a support system around you. I am lucky my husband supports what I do. This job is hard because it takes a lot of time outside of the rink and our hours are not regular office hours.

What is your favorite move to watch when it’s performed really, really well? Oh, I love a beautiful Bauer that goes down the whole ice. (Laughs) I never really got mine to do that, so that’s probably why I love watching it so much.

Do you have a motto or a philosophy? My philosophy has always been that you have

to balance the hard work with the fun. Skaters have to put it all out there, but then still have a reason they want to come back to the rink every day. I also believe in quality over quantity. Get in there, do it correctly and let’s move on.

What are your goals with regards to your career? I’d love to get somebody on Team USA in the next five to 10 years.

How would you describe your journey in the world of skating so far? Rewarding. When I look back at what skating has done for me, there have been so many different aspects – my own skating, coaching, my work with U.S. Figure Skating. But, really, when I think back on it all, it’s been the friendships. When I got married last summer

Down the road of life, what are some things you hope your skaters take with them that they learned from you? I hope that skating is something they always want to return to – whether that’s collegiate skating or coaching or being a technical specialist or taking their kids out on public skate. I hope they see how much passion I have for what I do. My skaters are so much more than just a lesson to me; I really do care about what I do. I want to instill that same love in them. I want them to have wonderful memories to look back on so they want to keep skating as a part of their lives forever.

“The Joy of Coaching is about you and who you are as a coach today. It is about your coaching heritage, your skating DNA and where you sit in the coaching family tree.” ~ Bob Mock, PSA President 1994-1999

Order your copy at www.skatepsa.com




MEMBERS NEW MEMBER SPONSOR Juliana Almeida Sally Alrutz Emerson Alvarez Alina Atkinson

Andrea Newsham Karla Schallehn Erika Roberts


Benjamin Logan

Megan Metro

Karla Schallehn

Kainat Mian

Kim Reehoff Johnson

Lisa Kriley

Selena Morris

Rebecca Gallion

Colleen Babcock

Cathryn Schwab

Maggie Morris

Jean-Claude Detre

Ashley Barrasso

Robyn Quigley

Marina Nesbitt

Rina Saji

Katherine Bates

Jacki Smith

Amanda Oates

Susan Babcock

Emma Bedford

Katie Heinrich

Michael O'Rourke

Traci Coleman

Maranda Bethard

Jolyn Hecht

Dmytro Boyenko

Benjamin Miller Reisman

Kaylee Bruckner

Jessica Laporte

Summer Dasilva

Dana Chinn Martin

Rina Saji

Daryn Finkelstein

Martine De La Tore

Kali Sarcinella

Gabrielle Friedenberg

Benjamin Nykiel

Elizabeth Pipko

Emanuele Ancorini

China Quinn

Deanna Anderson

Elizabeth Robertson

Maureen Schembri Wismayer

Abigail Gibson

Kris Shakarjian

Sofia Schuller

Anfaney Gladwin

Trent Thueson

Kayla Sellers

Alisa Goldstein

Christy Donat-Germain

Pegeen Creede Mary Anne Williamson Kerry Vihnanek Jamie Santee Deborah Jones Jennifer McMahon

Victoria Shadwick

Shauna Hamby Frank Sweiding

Elliot Hilton

Linda Blount

Briana Sisofo

Katherine Holley

Cesca Supple

Anna Starr

Darlene Lewis

Ben Honeywill-Sykes

Frank Carroll

Jennifer Swartz

Nicole Davies

David Ings

Ilya Tkachenko

Tim Mckernan

Kelsey Jagusch

Lynne Leger

Martina Ugarte

Roberta Quigley

Mikayla James

Lori Benton

Evelyn Vanwagner

Sophia Jedrysik

Michelle Lauerman

Ashley Ings

Alyssa Jones

Elizabeth Erickson

Dana Jordan

Alyssa Hirasaka

Alyssa Weber Lauren Williamson

Cheyenne King

Shannon Damiano

Leah Winn

Lucie Krausova

Lindsay Patterson

Katherine Xing

Katarina Kulgeyko Jennifer Lemminger Anika Leszkowicz Leah Lunsford Melanie Mahoney


Max Wang

Saundra Wallace Rebecca Vara Kathryn Millar Jannika Lilja Randi Kaufmann


Ryan Yoon

Tatiana Mikhailova Sara Robertson

Do you know coaches who are new to the profession? Help them get a head start on their coaching career, and encourage them to join PSA! Visit www.skatepsa. com or contact Justin at jmathre@skatepsa.com to learn more about PSA membership opportunities.

Heather Cristobal Editha Dotson-Bowser Holly Malewski Jason Wong Becky Healey

Welcome coaches!

On-ice sessions from the 2017 Conference are now available !

Our PSA Skating Instructors Liability insurance and risk management partner, Entertainment & Sports Insurance eXperts (ESIX) was acquired almost two years ago by Integro, one of the top 25 insurance brokerage firms in the world. Their rebranding is now complete; therefore, all insurance related correspondence and websites will now be branded as Integro Entertainment & Sport. The insurance program, service team, and commitment to our organization and to you all remain the same. The prior ESIX email addresses and webpages should redirect you accordingly; however, updated contact information for ESIX, now known as Integro Entertainment & Sport, is as follows:


Integro Entertainment & Sport 2727 Paces Ferry Rd | Bldg Two | Suite 1500 Atlanta, GA | 30339 T: +1.678.324.3300 F: +1.678.324.3303 Email: Sport@integrogroup.com PSA Webpage: https://sport.integrogroup.com/psa






JANUARY Date: TBD Event: PSA Webinar: Grassroots IJS Credits: 1 PSA credit Contact: PSA Office Date: Event: Location Contact: Credits Presenters:

January 13-14, 2018 Area 12 Champion Developmental Seminar Sugarland Ice & Sport Center Sugarland, TX Sheila Thelen sheila@theleninc.com 651-785-6173 6 PSA credits Nick Perna, Sheila Thelen, and Kim Ryan Lewis

FEBRUARY Date: Event: Location Contact: Credits Presenters:

February 17, 2018 Area 9 Champion Developmental Seminar Knoxville Civic Coliseum, Knoxville, TN Sheila Thelen sheila@theleninc.com 651-785-6173 8 PSA credits Nick Perna, Sheila Thelen, and Darin Patterson

Date Event Location: Contact: Credits Register at:

February 10, 2018 Area 15 Learn to Skate USA Workshop City National Arena/Vegas Golden Knights, Las Vegas, NV Kim Hines khines@learntoskateusa.com 6 Pre-approved credits LTS USA website: www.learntoskateusa.com


February 2, 2018

Date Event Location Contact Credits Register at:

February 18, 2018 Area 11 Learn to Skate USA Workshop – Art of Teaching Baxter Arena, Omaha, NE Kim Hines khines@learntoskateusa.com 6 Pre-approved credits LTS USA website: www.learntoskateusa.com


February 9, 2018

MARCH Date: Event: Location: Credits: Contact:

March 8-9, 2018 Area 7 PSA Oral Rating Site Palm Beach SkateZone in Lake Worth, FL 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken PSA Office


January 8, 2018

Date: Event: Location: Credits: Host:

March 9-11, 2018 Area 7 PSA Ratings Prep Palm Beach SkateZone in Lake Worth, FL 28 PSA credits Audra Leech audra@pbskatezone.com


February 8, 2018



M AY Date: Event: Location: Credits: Contact:

May 21-22, 2018 Area 7 PSA Oral Ratings at 2018 PSA Conference & Trade Show (includes master exams) Hilton Orlando Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken PSA Office


March 16, 2018

Date: Event: Location Credits Contact

May 23-26, 2018 Area 7 PSA 2018 Conference & Trade Show Hilton Orlando Walt Disney World Resort in Lake Buena Vista, FL 34-37 PSA credits PSA Office


April 15, 2018

Helping coaches in need. The

Skaters'Fund 100% supported through contributions from the general public. All contributions are tax-deductible

AUGUST Date: Event: Location: Credits: Contact:

August 26-27, 2018 Area 9 PSA Oral Rating Site SportOne/Parkview Ice House in Fort Wayne, IN 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken PSA Office


June 26, 2018

Date: Event: Location: Credits: Host:

August 27-29, 2018 Area 9 PSA Ratings Prep SportOne/Parkview Ice House in Fort Wayne, IN 28 PSA credits Alena Lunin alunin@icesports.com


July 27, 2018

O C TO B E R Date: Event: Location: Credits: Contact:

October 25-28, 2018 Area 16 PSA Oral Rating Site (includes master exams) Radisson Hotel Phoenix Airport, Phoenix, AZ 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken PSA Office


August 31, 2018

CLASSIFIEDS The Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club located in Ann Arbor, Michigan is looking for elite freestyle figure skating coaches. Successful applicants should have a history of building on past successes of taking skaters to “the next level”. Please respond with resume. Bonnie Shay bshay@umich.edu


Please visit www.skatepsa.com for the complete Calendar of Events

Let the skating community know about your upcoming event, product, service, or job opportunity by advertising with the PSA! We offer many different advertising options at affordable rates. For more information, go to our website at skatepsa.com and click on "About Us" and then "Advertise.".



3006 Allegro Park SW Rochester, MN 55902

Forward change loops + other figures WORLD FIGURE & FANCY SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS Photo by Deborah Hickey

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