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PSA Hockey Skating
The PSA Hockey Skating program is designed to teach skating instructors the proper methods of teaching hockey skating. The primary focus is up-to-date techniques to help hockey players become better skaters. Courses are progressive with one building upon the other. There are currently four levels of certification from Hockey Skating 1 to Hockey Skating 4. Hockey Skating 1, 2, and 3 are currently offered in the e-learning platform via skatepsa.com. Hockey Skating 4 will be offered at the PSA Summit in Chicago.
The Hockey Skating 1 online course is designed to assist professional figure skating coaches with coaching hockey players. The course will explain the basics of hockey and how to teach hockey-related skating skills and drills.
The Hockey Skating 2 online course includes nuances of the game, explanations of offensive and defensive zone play, an introduction to hockey terminology terms, skating drills for groups and teams, and a detailed description of how to properly fit hockey skates. Information on the how to customize private lessons to the needs of the individual hockey player is also included. Lesson plan preparation will also be covered. 1 2
The Hockey Skating 3 course is designed for professional skating coaches who are teaching advanced level hockey players. It includes general information on rules, stick handling, checking, and shooting. Detailed information on progressive skill development, common errors and advanced skating skills along with game scenario drills, are discussed.
Hockey Skating 4 presents a business model and outlines an in-depth plan to run your own hockey camps or administer in-house hockey programs. The course will also discuss ways to advance elite players, tips from the masters, a review of skill progression, and answers to the most frequently asked questions. This course is often offered at the annual PSA Summit or as a hockey-specific seminar or clinic.