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Professional Goals Check-In

Since we’ve made it more than half way through the year, let’s do a goal check-in!

• What are your goals personally?


• What are your goals professionally?

• What is your timeline to achieve these goals?

Now let’s talk about how ratings can help you achieve your professional goals.

In my opinion, coaching and learning is similar to yoga. There is no perfect pose. In each pose, you are fine-tuning, thinking of different body parts, and constantly reaching to make the pose better. No matter how long you’ve been coaching, there is always more to learn!

A goal without a date is just a dream

With regard to PSA ratings, taking the exam is the final step in the actual ratings process. Your education begins when you decide you are going to take a ratings exam and begin to think through your coaching process:

• Gathering information

• Seeking out answers

• Studying

• Practicing drawings

• Videoing yourself off-ice walking through and explaining elements

• Taking notes during lessons

• Identifying common errors

• Researching and using exercises to fix common errors or reduce them

• Investigating best business practices

This journey to seek answers for your ratings exam will not only make you a better coach but give you a more complete understanding of sport. When you have this more complete understanding you will be better able to communicate to your athletes exactly what you want to see from them. Your understanding and walk-throughs of each element will make you a more effective communicator. You can be the best technician in the world but if you can’t effectively communicate it to the athlete, it’s rendered useless.

The PSA website offers so many options for education to help you through the rating process. Make sure you use this valuable resource to:

• Watch PSA TV videos

• Sign up for seminars and webinars

• Order any manuals and reference materials you may need

• Connect with a master coach • Enroll in the ACP (Accelerated Coaching Partnerships)

• Download the free ratings study guides

As always please reach out to me for any questions or help you need!

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