March/April 2013 PS Magazine

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Jonathan Cassar PSA Rated Coach PHOTO BY

Vicki S. Luy

COLUMNS 4 6 8 12 16 42

Over the Edge | Jimmie Santee

President’s Message | Angie Riviello-Steffano


Ratings | Kris Shakarjian

Sport Science | Heidi Thibert


Education | Carol Rossignol

Legal Ease | David Shulman

9 Ratings Exams Passed

14 Excellence On Ice

29 30


2013 PSA International Conference, Trade Show & Reunion


2013 Honor Roll of Coaches

CER Reminder


75 Most Memorable Moments | by Kent McDill & Terri Milner Tarquini

44 New Members 46 PSA Calendar of Events Jimmie Santee | Editor Carol Rossignol | Contributing Editor Laura Hanrahan | Advertising Amanda Taylor | Art Director Elizabeth Peschges | Editorial Assistant


2013 ~ No 2 #ISSN-574770


What Would Shannon Peterson and Holly Malewski Do? | by Terri Milner Tarquini


Over the Edge

PSA OFFICERS President First Vice President Second Vice President Third Vice President Treasurer Past President



• The U.S. Figure Skating Championships turned out to be one of the most exciting Mens and Ladies events I’ve witnessed. Mens long program: Wesley Campbell who entered the long in 20th place—dead last—skated a nearly flawless program to Ava Maria and received a rousing standing ovation. I don’t believe that has ever happened before! If you don’t already subscribe to icenetwork, it’s worth the 39 bucks to watch this program, not to mention Alex Johnson’s program as well with two triple Axels, and a triple Lutz-half looptriple flip combination, and great choreography by Tom Dickson. Watching Max Aaron, again, goes without saying and none of the three had a single SEQUIN on their costume.

• The Ashley Wagner–Gracie Gold controversy. There is no controversy … the competition consists of two programs. Gracie trailed by more than ten points after the short after a fall on the combination and a single Axel. Yes, Gracie’s free skate was unbelievable. Never in the history of skating have we seen a jumping exhibition like that. The program was spectacular — cleanly skated and neat, but it still lacks the emotional maturity of both movement and connection with the audience. Ashley, on the other hand, had two falls back-to-back in the long. Those falls cost her eight points. Does anyone really think she should have been penalized more than the IJS allows? The program was well choreographed and executed and her component scores reflected that. Regardless of the falls, she performed. • Dance – Meryl and Charlie – What do you say about perfection? Do you remember when Prince changed his name to ? He was so great that there were no words to describe him, so he came up with the symbol that had no name and went as “the artist formerly known as Prince.” Well, the skaters formally known as Meryl and Charlie, will now be known as & .

• Kiss and Cry Etiquette – First of all, you are on camera and wired for sound the entire time; you were live on icenetwork! Now coaches, some of you are new to the game. Take a look at the coaches who are at nationals all the time and are wearing either a suit and tie or dress-casual. A few coaches earlier in the week - holey jeans, baseball cap, sweats, and even a Members Only jacket (just a mere forty years out of style)…not a good look. PSA Ethics rule #4 says, “Members shall dress neatly and in a clean and appropriate manner as is becoming of a member of the Professional Skaters Association.”



Doug Ladret Todd Sand Dorothi Cassini Brandon Forsyth Denise Williamson Rebecca Stump Alex Chang Paul Wylie Jackie Brenner Lynn Benson Kris Shakarjian Thomas Amon Glyn Jones Brittany Bottoms


Random thoughts from the 2013 Prudential U.S. Figure Skating Championships


Angela Riviello-Steffano Christine Fowler-Binder Dorothi Cassini Rebecca Stump Carol Murphy Kelley Morris Adair

Members at Large

Committee on Professional Standards Ratings Chair Seminar Chair ISI Rep to PSA U.S. Figure Skating Rep to PSA Executive Director Legal Counsel

Jimmie Santee David Shulman

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Awards Coaches Hall of Fame Education Seminars State Workshops Apprentice, Intern Area Representatives Hockey Skating PS Magazine Sport Science Endorsements Executive Executive Nominating Finance Fundraising ISU/ IJS Ethics and Legal Nominating Professional Standards PSA Rep to ISI Ranking Review Ratings Special Olympics U.S. Figure Skating Coaches

Denise Williamson Kelley Morris Adair Christine Fowler-Binder Thomas Amon Dorothi Cassini Rebecca Stump Gloria Leous Paul Paprocki Bob Mock Heidi Thibert Jamie Santee Angela Riviello-Steffano Kelley Morris Adair Carol Murphy Patrick O’Neil David Santee David Shulman Kelley Morris Adair Lynn Benson Gerry Lane Brandon Forsyth Kris Shakarjian Eleanor Fraser-Taylor Alex Chang

PSA AREA REPRESENTATIVES Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Area 8 Area 9 Area 10 Area 11 Area 12 Area 13 Area 14 Area 15 Area 16 Area 17

Amy Hanson-Kuleszka Anne Marie Filosa Lee Cabell Stacie Kuglin Gloria Leous Mary Lin Scott Cudmore Patrick O'Neil Jennifer Cashen Thomas Amon Brigitte Carlson-Roquet Sharon Brilliantine Tracey Seliga-O’Brien Lisa Mizonick Don Corbiel Josselyn Baumgartner open

THE PROFESSIONAL SKATER Magazine Mission: To bring to our readers the best information from the most knowledgeable sources. To select and generate the information free from the influence of bias. And to provide needed information quickly, accurately and efficiently. The views expressed in THE PROFESSIONAL SKATER Magazine and products are not necessarily those of the Professional Skaters Association. The Professional Skater, a newsletter of the Professional Skaters Association, Inc., is published bimonthly, six times a year, as the official publication of the PSA, 3006 Allegro Park SW, Rochester, MN 55902. 507.281.5122, Fax 507.281.5491, Email: © 2004 by Professional Skaters Association, all rights reserved. Subscription price is $19.95 per year, Canadian $29.00 and foreign $45.00/year, U.S. Funds. ISSN-574770. Second-class Postage Paid at Rochester, MN 55901 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER send address changes to The Professional Skater, 3006 Allegro Park SW, Rochester, MN 55902. Printed in the USA.

• Kiss and Cry Etiquette, part II – again… you were wired for sound, Don Baldwin. After a less than ideal short, Don let rip a couple of F-bombs and a few other choice words. His partner, Tiffany Vise, did her best Jeff Dunham imitation asking him to “stop cussing” under her breath (Jeff Dunham is a talented ventriloquist). Coach Doug Ladret also tried to get him to calm down. Did it help? No, he displayed an implosion of sportsmanship, live on icenetwork, finished off with Don turning his back on Tiffany and Doug, storming off, and stopping only to throw something at Tiffany. It’s not like I expect him to be happy about a disappointing program, but maybe his lack of control has more to do with the poor execution of their program.

Protect your Head while Protecting your Style!

• All in all, congratulations to U.S. Figure Skating and the city of Omaha for putting on one of the best championships in my memory. The facilities—perfect—and the competition was arguably as many great performances as has ever been skated. I can’t wait until Boston!





CHICAGO May 23-25, 2013



75 T










75 Years of Coaching Excellence 2013 PSA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW Join us for three fun-filled days of educational sessions, technical updating, networking, and inspiration! Presentations will be given in all disciplines, both on and off-ice, to expand your coaching career.


The year 2013 marks the PSA’s diamond anniversary. Join in celebrating 75 years of coaching excellence with all living PSA Hall of Fame members and past PSA presidents at this year’s conference!

Advance — April 15th, 2013

Visit for more information. PS MAGAZINE



Sportsmanship Is Our Responsibility! A

ccording to Webster’s Dictionary—Sportsmanship… [noncount]: fair play, respect for opponents, and polite behavior by someone who is competing in a sport or other competition. Sportsmanship typically is regarded as a component of morality in sport, composed of three related and perhaps overlapping concepts: fair play, respect, and character. Fair play refers to all participants having a chance to pursue victory and behaving towards others in an honest and dignified manner even when others do not play fairly. It is up to us to teach our students from the beginning this very important lesson. I was very fortunate to have coaches who instilled in me, from a very young age, that it’s not about winning. It’s about being happy with yourself at the end of the day and striving to be the best that you can be. This sport has had its share of poor sportsmanship “black eyes” and that’s why I feel that the approach to the attitudes of your students should be more about building a quality human being and instilling tools for becoming a positive, productive adult someday. Respect for others, including team members, opponents, and officials. This is key because if you don’t have respect you have nothing. You don’t always have to agree with or really like someone but you should always show respect. On many occasions I skated against a competitor that showed no respect for anyone and was so abrasive and rude that it was unbelievable. She had quite the reputation of being difficult and many noticed it. Her coach encouraged her behavior and thought it made her a strong competitor. It doesn’t. If behavior like that is encouraged, what has this child been taught as he/she gets older and becomes a teenager, and then an adult? That it’s OK to treat people poorly and it’s OK to act entitled? I feel that respect is not being taught enough these days, and that’s part of the issue with the decline of

Take note.. .


respect in our society. If we are not teaching these young athletes to respect opponents, officials, and other coaches, then they are missing a life lesson that will help them grow up to appreciate property and people. Character refers to values and habits that determine the way a person normally responds to challenges, opportunities, failures, and successes. It is polite behaviors toward others that reflect core ethical values. We, as coaches, spend so much time with our athletes that we are more of an influence on them than we may ever think. We need to encourage the best behaviors when they are faced with challenges, failure, and success. To encourage them to be humble and gracious during times of greatness and also at times when things have not gone their way is a characteristic that will be useful for the rest of their lives. We are all faced with many successes and challenges along the path of life and it’s how you handle the challenges that will define you. OK, I will get off my soapbox now, but I am a firm believer that we are coaches, educators, and role models to our athletes and can make such a strong impact in their lives. We have the amazing power to help mold them into productive and respectful children, young adults, and adults. We need to be positive, encouraging, and firm with each of them and remind them of what really matters. Yes, winning and being successful is important, but at the end of the day it’s about having respect, ethics, character, and above all, always showing that they possess good sportsmanship. We are teaching life lessons that they will always remember and be grateful for.




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Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking and Ace Your Oral Ratings Exam By Claudia Brown


s anxiety keeping you from oral rating exams? If so, you are not alone. In numerous studies, public speaking tops the list of the average person’s greatest fears. However, there is much you can do to alleviate the stress associated with public speaking. The Art of Public Speaking by Stephen E. Lucas shares that proper preparation may reduce stage fright by as much as 75%. Read below to learn a variety of public speaking techniques that will help make the oral rating exams a successful experience for you. Regardless of your level of experience, it is to your benefit to engage in thorough research when preparing for your oral exam. Engaging in dialogue with other coaches, especially those with master ratings, conducting online research and reading coaching materials such as PS Magazine will greatly enhance your knowledge base. During the research process, taking detailed notes will ensure a complete understanding of the material. Use a three-ring binder to store printouts from online articles and photocopied articles from print materials. Have a journal or loose-leaf notebook that you take with you to the rink and can easily pull out for note taking when chatting with other coaches. Once you’ve gathered all the notes from your research, formulate well-developed answers to each of the suggested questions on the ratings exam. Once you have “Engaging in dialogue done this for each question, edit down your responses until they become bullet points with other coaches, instead of full paragraphs of text. Give yourself several weeks for the especially those practice stage. Begin by studying your well-developed with master ratings, • answers as if you were studying for an academic test. Then, study only from conducting online the shortened versions, fleshing out each answer in your response. research and reading

coaching materials such as PS Magazine will greatly enhance your knowledge base.” 8


• Mirror the testing situation as much as possible, so be sure to practice seated at a table and without notes. While seated, maintain a relaxed upright posture with your head up, shoulders back and your body leaning slightly forward towards the examiners.

• Speak clearly, enunciating each syllable of each word. Be sure to pronounce the ending sounds of words and avoid mumbling. Avoid the use of verbal pauses, such as “um, “uh,” “like,” and “you know.” • Speak at a comfortable and moderate pace. Speak loudly enough so your words are heard, but avoid shouting. • Maintain eye contact and avoid looking down at the table (the answers are not written there!). Be prepared to make eye contact with each examiner, not just with one. • Have vocal variety, using different levels of expression throughout. Also, use facial expression and smile when appropriate. While it is important not to force expression so it appears unnatural, it is also just as important not to speak in a monotone and/or have a blank, expressionless face. • Be aware of distracting mannerisms such as tapping a pen or touching your face. You may want to fold your hands in front of you to prevent such mannerisms; however, also feel free to use effective hand gestures when appropriate. • Carefully plan your outfit for the day of your exam. First impressions are often made within thirty seconds of meeting someone new so dress to impress! However, also be sure the outfit is comfortable so you won’t have any unnecessary distractions. Be sure your hair does not cover your eyes, as that can be distracting to you and your examiners. • Once you feel confident in your practice, move to a room with a mirror and practice your responses in front of a mirror. You may be surprised by your lack of facial expression or nervous mannerisms. If possible, record yourself with a video camera or other recording device and make any necessary adjustments after seeing and/or hearing yourself. • Once you have completed this practice on your own, it is time to bring in at least one person to act as an examiner. Ideally, this person is master rated in the field in which you are testing but if not, choose a

Recently Passed

RATING EXAMS Congratulations to the following coaches who passed the Basic Accreditation (BA) and ELCC: BA | online Robin Abraham Sarah Besaw Todd Eldredge Kelly Evans Katherine Hill Joy Hoedel-Elder Muriah Kayser

Congratulations to the following coaches who successfully completed the requirements for an Oral Rating Certificate: Omaha, NE | January 23-24, 2013

Makenzie Krocak Daria Marinelli Angela Payton Kristen Roth Shira Selis Katherine Townsend

Linda Erickson RM, RG Kristin Hoort-Conroy RPD, CPD Christopher Hyland RD, CD Linda Loker RG Garrett Lucash RFS, RM

Chicago, IL | January 13, 2013 Garrett Kling RC Jodi Porter RC, CC Katherine Hill RC

NAME CHANGE Please note that we are changing the name of Professional Accreditation and Certifying Education known as PACE to Ratings Prep Training. It is the same educational program, but the new name is more descriptive of the actual event. This program features a faculty of master-rated coaches presenting the various disciplines and levels that you can become rated in. The schedule is based on interest and registration. The training will assist you in “practicing answering clearly and efficiently”.

person you know will be honest with you. Share the questions and your answers with your mock examiner so he/she can note what information may have been left out or rushed through. Finally, it is time for your dress rehearsal. Wear the outfit you plan to wear for your test. Ideally, have several mock examiners seated at a table. Enter the room with strong posture and a confident demeanor. Introduce yourself and take a seat. Listen carefully to each question asked and take a moment to think before stating your response. Stay positive and relaxed. Maintain good eye contact, smile and most importantly – be yourself! Let your passion for skating and coaching come through. When the exam concludes, thank your mock examiners and rise confidently from your seat holding your head up high as you leave the room. Wait outside until you are called back in and listen intently as your mock examiners share feedback. If needed, a second dress rehearsal may be staged at a later time. As the time gets closer to your rating exam, positive thinking will help overcome any remaining doubts about your performance. Since negative thinking is much more powerful than positive thinking, The Art of Public Speaking recommends countering each negative thought with five positive thoughts. The positive thoughts may be different or the same phrase said repeatedly. It can be helpful to include a list of positive thoughts, such as “I can do this!” and “I am prepared!” on the front page of your

notebook so in an instant you may turn to that page for some positive affirmation. It is now the day of the exam. The day you have worked hard for, and the day for you to shine! Allow yourself plenty of sleep the night before. Eat well the day of the exam, but avoid heavy foods. One cup of coffee is fine, but avoid more than one cup as it can bring on the jitters. Engaging in light exercise and stretching before the exam can help relax tense muscles and induce a positive mental state. You may also find that listening to music acts as stress relief. Arrive at the exam site at least an hour in advance and allow yourself plenty of time to check in, use the restroom and review your notes, if desired. However, avoid cramming immediately before the test. Use any feelings of nervousness to your advantage, allowing them to energize your delivery—a technique The Art of Public Speaking defines as “positive nervousness.” When your name is called, smile and walk confidently into the examination room. Good luck! Claudia Brown is an Assistant Professor of Mass Communications at Harford Community College where she teaches visual and performing arts and journalism and advises the student publication, Owl Magazine. She is also a part-time skating coach and choreographer at Ice World in Abingdon, Maryland. Claudia shares her passion for skating and theater with her six-year-old daughter, Tacy.








May 23-25, 2013


75 T











P S A I N T E R N AT I O N A L CO N F E R E N C E , T R A D E S H O W & R E U N I O N

Scott Hamilton

2013 Conference Keynote Speaker

Scott Hamilton is an Olympic gold medalist. He won four consecutive U.S. Championships (1981–1984), four consecutive World Championships (1981–1984), and a gold medal in the 1984 Olympics. He then turned professional in April 1984. After turning professional, Hamilton toured with Ice Capades for two years, then created “Scott Hamilton’s American Tour,” which was later renamed Stars on Ice. He co-founded, co-produced, and performed in Stars on Ice for fifteen years before retiring from the tour in 2001. Scott is a member of both the United States Olympic Hall of Fame and the World Figure Skating Hall of Fame. He provided skating commentary for CBS and NBC television for many years, and serves on the Board of Directors for Special Olympics International. In addition to his successes as a figure skater, Scott is also a cancer survivor, a philanthropist, and best-selling author. He has been awarded numerous titles, honors, and awards, and is actively involved in a wide variety of charitable organizations. In 1999 he founded The Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative to promote cancer awareness and raise funds for cancer research. In his Keynote Address, Scott will be speaking about the relationships he had with his own coaches, and the influences they had on his career and on his life.

To be held...

Hyatt Regency O’Hare

Edge Ice Arena

46 Years of Education Las Vegas • 1988

Las Vegas • 1988 Colorado Springs • 2010

Los Angeles • 2007

Orlando • 2009

Dallas • 2011

San Fransisco • 1978


Boston • 19

Las Vegas • 2001

Boston • 2012

Kori Ade Games for FS

Gloria Balague Sport Psychology

Lynn Benson Ethics Panel

David Benzel How People Go From Good to Great

Frank Carroll Panel Discussion

Kathy Casey Panel Discussion

Janet Champion School Figures Techniques

Tim Covington Creating a Character

Peter Dunfield Panel Discussion

Sonya Dunfield Connecting the Energy

Christine FowlerBinder Low & High MIF

Brenda Glidewell Destination Sochi

Jonathan Geen Legal & Tax Issues

Doug Haw Coaching 101

Ryan Jahnke Games for FS

Robbie Kaine Dance

Donna Helgenberg Tara Hillstrand-Lane Joe Inman Hockey Skating Hockey Skating Music: Understanding Phrasing

Christy Krall Sandy Lamb Figure vs FS Loops Newcomers’ Meeting

Gerry Lane Coaching as a Career

Don Laws History

Ron Ludington Pairs

Rebecca Luers Legal & Tax Issues

Holly Malewski Synchro Skating

Bob Mock Panel Discussion

Katie Moose Group Instruction

Kelley Morris Adair Low & High MIF

Lori Nichol Choreography

John Nicks Panel Discussion

Alex Ouriashev Double & Triple Jumps

Paul Paprocki Hockey Skating

Angie RivielloSteffano Staffing & Leadership

Evy Scotvold Jumps On-Ice

Mary Scotvold Jumps On-Ice

Igor Shpilband Stroking, Edges & Turns

Carole Shulman Ethics Panel Moderator

David Shulman Ethics Panel

Cindy Stuart Choreographing Group Show Nos.

Becky Stump Synchro Skating

Gale Tanger IJS Program Components

Check for speaker & session updates on the PSA website at Judy Thomas Preparing for Life After Competition

Paula Wagener Artistry in Motion

Susi WehrliPeter Zapalo McLaughlin Training, Over-training Destination Sochi & Recovery

*Speakers and topics subject to change


The Importance of Warming-up Before Going on the Ice By Benoit Duboscq


e all know that figure skating is a very challenging sport that requires physical and technical skills. As a result, it is very important to prepare the body before going on the ice. Interestingly, the word triple jump is also used in track and field, when the athlete has to land repeatedly on one leg during their training. To my knowledge, there is no sport other than figure skating and track and field when the athlete has to master landing on one leg. Figure skating requires speed, power, flexibility, fine motor coordination, and aerobic/anaerobic capacities. As a result, it can be very challenging to perform if the athlete’s body is not prepared to train at the maximum potential. When I was the assistant athletic trainer at a sports medicine clinic working with a team of doctors and physical therapists, Michelle Kwan, Evan Lysacek, Timothy Goebel and many other elite skaters were coming to get treatments and train with us. I remembered that our main goal was to educate the athletes and to find ways to prevent injuries. As a trainer, I soon realized that the warm-up was one of the most important components of training to prevent injuries and improving skating performance. It was always hard to see the athletes missing days, weeks, and months of training due to preventable injury. It should be noted that a well executed warm-up plays a role not only in preventing on-ice impact injuries, but also facilitates recovery. A good warm-up assures that the athlete has reached an optimal mental and physical state to perform on the ice, which in turn, guarantees more effective restoration processes between the training sessions. In other words, the higher the performance level, the quicker the athletes will recover.

has been suggested by many sports scientists, physical therapists, and athletic trainers as the main technique of stretching in the preparation of high speed sports and power activities like figure skating. While dynamic stretching is recommended as the main technique of stretching before high speed sports, it is important to note that a warm-up which utilizes static stretching would make an athlete stop and sit before going on the ice in which may result in decreased body temperature which is not ideal before jumping. Too much passive stretching (with the help of a partner, stretch bands, or mechanical devices) or static stretching during the warm-up might not only increase the potential of injuries, but also decrease speed and power which will have negative effects on on-ice jumps and sports performance. What are the benefits of an “active” warm up? • To prevent impact related injuries and muscle strains • To prepare your muscles for optimum jumping


• To help your body to recover faster for the next training

session or competition

• An increase in blood supply • Optimal mental and physical state to perform the


• Muscles respond more quickly and powerfully • To improve range of motion, decrease muscle soreness,

and relieve joint stress

• To improve jumping performance • Muscle stiffness is reduced

What type of stretching is safe during the warm-up? Since the primary aims of the warm-up are to decrease the possibility of injury and to achieve the highest level of performance on the ice, the chosen method of warm-up should best prepare the athlete during skating sessions. Dynamic stretching (butt kick, skipping, high knee run, carioca, etc.)



When should skaters perform static stretches? Static stretching is controlled, passive movement taken to the point of first resistance; once the tissue barrier is identified, the elongated muscle group is held for at least 30 seconds. This form of stretching is considered low risk due to the low

Example of a “dynamic” warm-up before going on the ice: Formula A: • 3 minutes easy jogging • 1 minute jumping jacks • 20 butt kicks, 20 high knees, 6 skips and repeat Formula B • 3 minutes easy jogging • 2 to 3 minutes easy jump rope (30 sec on, 30 sec off) Benoit Duboscq with Evan Lysacek

force and controlled tension applied. Static stretching can be used as a warm-down (after skating activity sometimes referred to as “cool-down”) to accelerate sports recovery. Recovery is the process of returning all body systems and to prepare the muscles for the next day. A warm-down should involve a continuous decrease in cardiovascular activity like passive stretching. Re-hydrating and refueling immediately after training sessions or competitions can also help the athlete to recuperate more quickly. When excess lactic build up is removed by this activity, muscle stiffness is reduced. The reduction in metabolic wastes allows muscles to recover rapidly after sessions and competitions. Just as a good warm-up assures that the skater has reached an optimal mental and physical state to perform on the ice and can assure a faster recovery, a good warm-down, which includes static stretching, can also accelerate the recovery process as soon as the training session is over, and help to restore the athlete’s state of mind. Conclusion Dynamic stretching is the preferred technique when it comes to warming up. Recent studies have shown that traditional static stretching techniques do little to increase flexibility or reduce injuries when performed before a workout, in fact studies show that static stretching can have a detrimental effect on explosive movements and speed strength output. As one would expect, dynamic activities that require movement, such as running, jumping, and rotating, stress that the dynamic receptor is more beneficial when preparing for a warm-up prior to going on the ice. Dynamic stretching also includes constant motion throughout the warm-up which maintains the core temperature, whereas static stretching can see a drop in temperatures of several degrees. Another benefit of dynamic warm-up is that it prepares the muscles and joints in a more specific manner as the body is going through movement patterns

• 20 high knees, 20 pack pedals, side shuffles, and repeat

during the skating sessions. It also helps the nervous system and motor ability because dynamic motions do more to develop those areas than static stretching. Static stretching decreases body temperature, which is not ideal before jumping. While many studies show the lack of benefits of static stretching before a workout, there is still much data to support the benefits of static stretching after the workout as a recovery means. We understand that time can be challenging when your students get out of school until they get to the rink and ready to skate, but would it be beneficial to spend a small amount of time (eight to ten minutes) of a consistent dynamic warm-up before going on the ice? If this is done ritually, it could make a big difference at the end of the year. Not only will your athletes be able to perform at a higher level during sessions, but they will also be mentally and physically more prepared to reach their goals and stay healthy. If you want your students to recover faster, prevent injuries, and jump higher, warming up prior skating might be a wise choice. It is our responsibility to educate our athletes on how to perform at their best! About the author: Benoit Duboscq was born in France, where he studied the methodology of training while he competed at the highest level in track and field and basketball. Benoit has trained many Olympic champions, world champions, and NBA players. He is an active consultant to the sports medicine division for U.S. Figure Skating and has been working as an assessor with the S.T.A.R.S. (Standardized Testing of Athleticism to Recognize Skaters) program. He has also written an injury prevention basic exercise guide for U.S. Figure Skating. The guide illustrates several simple exercises for increasing lower extremity proprioception and stability. In 2011, Benoit was invited to the USOC with more than 25 participants to discuss impact related injuries along with three boot manufacturers, USOC staff, and U.S. Figure Skating staff partnering with PSA. He currently owns a sports performance gym inside the Toyota Sports Center in El Segundo California. He is also the strength and conditioning coach of the LA Junior Kings.















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Return of the Figures by Robert S. Ogilvie


or some time the idea has been spreading that in some way the return of the figures might be beneficial. As time passed, skating developed in a way not to the complete satisfaction of the older and more experienced skaters, including prominent teaching coaches, who came to realize that an increasing number of skaters were beginning to look clumsy, and no longer had full control of their edges and turns. When watching a particular skater in a group practicing free style, it was common to hear a coach or other knowledgeable skater say, “Oh, you can see she’s done figures.” Such a skater was showing unusual confidence and control of rotation into and out of jumps, her skating foot always aligned with the direction of travel of her center of gravity. Sshe was a pleasure to watch. The result was that quite recently a somewhat optimistic petition to “Bring Back the Figures” was circulated via the Web, which interested skaters were asked to sign. No suggestion was offered as to how this might be done, or in what form the figures might take. However, it does not seem to be generally known that though officially abolished, figures have not entirely disappeared. A considerable number of coaches are still using them as teaching tools and many amateurs, to the confusion of the cynics, actually enjoy skating them as a pleasurable and challenging activity. Now that figures have cast off the shackles of official legislation, skaters are free to use them in ways that suit their individual requirements. One thing is clear: under the present or foreseeable circumstances the traditional figure structure cannot be brought back to serve as a mandatory component of official competitions. It is hardly likely that the ISU and member clubs will be willing to restore them after the time and effort expended in abolishing them. This is, however, no disaster---figures are now free to develop as a teaching tool for the wide field of skating skills under the guidance of knowledgeable coaches using figures in an appropriate form. Figures, the present day concept Figures as they can be skated today differ of necessity from the way in which they were skated before their official abolishment. Competition required one skater to be judged better than his or her competitor, so perfection of the tracing



was the aim. Now that competition in figures has been abolished many of the finer points of the tracing are irrelevant or even impossible. Equipment has changed. A skater no longer needs or can afford two pairs of skates, one for figures and one for freestyle, which differ in that the freestyle skates may have deeper hollows, flatter profiles, and stiffer boots with little flexibility. The true value of figures There is a general misconception that skating figures automatically improves a skater’s techniques. This is only a half truth; to be of maximum benefit, figures must be skated to a well-established system normally supplied by the coach for whom they are a teaching tool. The true value of figures lies in the fact that they consist of circles having a diameter of approximately three times the skater’s height. If a turn is placed on the long axis of a figure, a full half circle is needed to overcome excessive centrifugal force and acquire a biomechanically correct body posture before entering the turn; equally important is the control of the exit from the turn so that the skater can return to his or her starting point still under full control. Figures offer many other advantages. When possible, figures are practiced on a private section of ice known as “patch.” This allows quiet concentration for both student and coach. Apart from the normal techniques of turns and basic edge control, there exists a class of more subtle skills that are truly fundamental to all movements of figure skating but are acquired almost incidentally along the way. These skills may be classed as general or specific. It is the absence of the general skills which can cause a certain awkwardness or inelegance to the skater’s performance; the general skills should be taught simultaneously with those of the specific skills thereby facilitating their quality and speed of acquisition. This is not a “how to” article and each skill should be worthy of a more detailed article of its own; but at this point a few explanatory comments will be of assistance. The general skills The skills described in this section underlie all figure skating and can be efficiently taught using the four simple eights (FO, FI, BO, BI) and the results applied very advanta-

geously to more advanced figures and movements. Control of rotation. In the majority of skating jumps and turns, control of rotation of the body around its longitudinal axis is particularly important. At the start of any edge the centrifugal force produced by the curve will set up a rotation that may be harmful to the figure, particularly when entering a turn. This is especially so when skating the forward outside edge, as the greater mass of the body normally tends to lie outside the circle thus making the free side extremely sensitive to centrifugal force. The back edges are less subject to centrifugal force because the lower part of the leg (shank) meets the foot nearer the heel and creates a caster effect as in the wheel of a shopping cart. Bilateral ability. To make turns equally well on either foot improves footwork, expands its variety, and helps the general ability of those skaters who normally rotate in the less common clockwise direction. Consistency of technique. Having learned a good technique, a skater must be able to reproduce it whenever necessary. Consistency is very important at the start of movements, particularly in the entrance to jumps where unexpected variations may lead to disaster. Liberties are often justifiably taken when the body or limbs are used for special effects as in a split jump. Flow of edge. Run or flow of edge is the ability of a skater to propel his or her body the maximum distance with the least amount of applied force. One-foot eights are a helpful exercise. Correct direction of strike. A good example of the correct direction of strike occurs at the change of feet in a forward outside eight where the direction of the blade for the new edge must be started with the blade placed on and in line with the cross axis (the line at right angles to the long axis and dividing the two circles tangentially one from the other) and not pointed towards toward the new circle, a beginner’s fault. In all skating, inconsistency of direction of the strike of the blade results in clumsy, awkward skating. Recognition of axes of curves. When a succession of curves is skated, as is often the case in straight-line footwork, the skater must be aware of the step’s long and short axes. This is taken for granted in compulsory ice dances in which the pattern is normally placed in accordance with an imaginary long axis running parallel to the barrier around the whole rink. Awareness of the center of gravity for balance. Beginners normally use their arms and legs excessively instead of muscles grouped near his or her center of gravity. The skater should practice a forward outside edge keeping the finger tips touching the outside of the thighs and the feet touching. This is a difficult position to hold but quite possible with determined practice and worth the effort for the control it provides. Vocabulary. The fundamental terminology used in the figures is used in all figure skating disciplines which, of course, add their own variations. A skater’s lack of a suitable vocabulary makes teaching a laborious if not impossible task. Discipline and concentration. The requirement of

Jill Trenary works on figures in 1990. PHOTO BY Michael Esposito Jr., PSA Collection

hourly ice resurfacing may make the duration of a patch precisely fifty minutes; punctuality is therefore of great importance. Test or competition skaters are normally required to remain on patch for the full time. To enable full concentration music is inadvisable. Good posture and harmonious movement. A skater’s carriage should be esthetically acceptable and his or her movements harmonious. Gimmicks to avoid errors in turns are unnecessary when seeking pure control. Use as a diagnostic tool. Examination of the tracing tells the experienced coach much about the skater’s physical movements and the possible cause and location of errors caused by his or her false biomechanical movements; the coach is helped enormously by the existence of a student’s tracing on the ice as it is undeniable proof of good or bad performance and permits no argument. Irrelevant skills when skating purely for development of control What follows below are a few examples of the major qualities required in the tracing when skating for competition and perfection, but are irrelevant when skating for development of pure control and when using free style equipment. A full list and description of errors in the tracing may be found in a booklet at one time issued by the U.S. Figure Skating Association titled Evaluation of School Figure Errors. Quality of turns. In figures the turns should be clean and of good shape, i.e., symmetrical, their cusps pointing towards the center of the circle in which they occur; have no double lines (flats) or changes of edge before or after the cusps, and not be forced or scraped. Placement of turns. A single turn on a single circle must be placed on its long axis and two threes (double threes) on



“It is quite possible, however, to restore them as an independent and autonomous system that can be developed in a similar manner to that of classical ballet.”

the thirds. Rockers and counters are a three-circle figure and these turns are placed on the long axis at the start and after the first half circle. Superimposition. According to the former official test rules, a figure had to be skated three times, each tracing to be placed as accurately as possible on top of the preceding one. As years went by the improvements in ice quality made the tracings more visible and superimposition became a fetish resulting in slower skating and the necessity of lowering the head that caused hunched body positions and other contortions---good for the tracing but disastrous for any attempt at esthetic posture. Lining up of circles. The circles of two or three-circle figures must be of the same diameter and so placed on the ice that a line connecting their outer edges is parallel to the long axis of the total figure. The “Magic Circle” Experience has shown that a full circle is the best form in which to learn turns. If a turn is to be placed on the apex of the circle the skater must be in full control of the approach in order to contend with the accompanying centrifugal force, make correct technical preparations and then control the exit of the turn so that he or she can return to the starting point still under full control. Economy of space As we consider the restoration of the figures, the difficulty of available ice time arises. However, the essence of figures as a training tool lies in the circle, so when skating purely for the development of control, two or even three circles are not always needed. All threes and brackets can be practiced adequately on a single circle while rockers, counters and serpentines can be compressed into the equivalent of two circles by skating a half circle on the entry to the turn and a full circle on the exit—of considerable importance as the return to center presents considerable difficulty in the case of the rockers. Free Figures Now that figures are liberated from the pressure of competition, their scope and possibilities have increased enormously. With the exception of jumps and spins almost every movement of the body or its parts can be taught using regular figures or the “magic circle”, not merely for normal skating skills, but for mohawks and choctaws in their various forms and also for the esthetic use of the arms and upper body. The idea is not new. Many years ago while training at a London rink, I entered into discussion with the Viennese skater and former Austrian champion, Melitta Brunner, during which she stated that figures should be done using balletic arm and upper body movements, which she proceeded to demonstrate with great effect. This use of



ballet movements in skating was almost unheard of at the time, but quite common at the Viennese FSC whose skating school included ballet training. Forms of dance other than classical ballet, such as modern dance, might also be used. The total concept may now be grouped under the name of Free Figures. Present use of figures and the patch system Many teaching coaches, ice choreographers, and various skating groups have already taken matters into their own hands by using figures in accordance with their own needs. An article by Juliet Newcomer on page 10 of the June/July 2007 issue of Skating magazine describes an example during the recent U.S. Figure Skating/PSA Ice Dance College meeting, when the former four-time World Ice Dance champion and coach., Bernard Ford, used his own system in which ice dance steps (including appropriate partnering) are practiced in figure-of-eight form on patch. To enable greater concentration on accuracy no music was used. Ford’s system is known as Dance Patch and he encouraged other coaches to design their own exercises. The future One thing is clear, under the present or foreseeable circumstances the traditional figure structure cannot be brought back to serve as a mandatory component of official competitions. It is quite possible, however, to restore them as an independent and autonomous system that can be developed in a similar manner to that of classical ballet. Analogies can be made comparing figures to barre in ballet, which developed its own methods and techniques as exemplified by the methods of Vaganova and Cechetti, from which multiple autonomous schools and systems developed. Figures might well follow the same course. Closing words The concept of the use of patch and the restoration of figures as an autonomous system, whether in their original or modernized form, will not only be useful as a teaching aid but also as an encouragement to the small but hitherto ignored group of enthusiasts who skate them as a pleasing and challenging recreation. The urgent need now is to give some recognition to the systems by giving them a name. This article suggests “Traditional Figures” and “Free Figures”, the latter subdivided and named according to the field in which they are used. Promotion of the above ideas would require publishing the former list of traditional figures (now no longer officially available), and literature containing suggestions for their use and similar information on the Free Figures. Articles and letters on the subject in existing magazines or on the Internet would be of great help. Copyright © 2012


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2013 U.S. Figure Skating Championships Senior Ladies Ashley Wagner Gracie Gold Agnes Zawadzki Courtney Hicks

1 2 3 4

John Nicks, Phillip Mills Alexander Ouriashev, Scott Brown Christy Krall Alex Chang, Jere Michael

Senior Men Max Aaron Ross Miner Jeremy Abbott Joshua Farris

1 2 3 4

Tom Zakrajsek Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Jason Dungjen,Yuka Sato Christy Krall, Damon Allen

Senior Pairs Marissa Castelli/Simon Shnapir Alexa Scimeca/Christopher Knierim Felicia Zhang/Nathan Bartholomay Lindsay Davis/Mark Ladwig

1 2 3 4

Bobby Martin, Carrie Wall Dalilah Sappenfield, Laureano Ibarra James Peterson, Lyndon Johnston, Amanda Evora James Peterson, Lyndon Johnston, Tammy Gambill

Senior Ice Dancing Meryl Davis/Charlie White Madison Chock/Evan Bates Maia Shibutani/Alex Shibutani Madison Hubbell/Zachary Donohue

1 2 3 4

Marina Zoueva, Oleg Epstein Igor Shpilband Marina Zoueva, Oleg Epstein, Johnny Johns Pasquale Camerlengo

Junior Ladies Polina Edmunds Mariah Bell Barbie Long Karen Chen

1 2 3 4

Nina Edmunds, David Glynn Cindy Sullivan, Billy Schneider Susan Liss Gilley Nicholson, Sherri Krahne-Thomas

Junior Men Vincent Zhou Shotaro Omori Nathan Chen Jimmy Ma

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Tammy Gambill Rafael Arutyunyan, Nadia Kanaeva Steven Rice, Elaine Zayak

Junior Pairs Britney Simpson/Matthew Blackmer Jessica Noelle Calalang/Zack Sidhu Madeline Aaron/Max Settlage Chelsea Liu/Devin Perini

1 2 3 4

Dalilah Sappenfield Todd Sand, Jenni Meno Dalilah Sappenfield, Laureano Ibarra Christine Folwer-Binder, Jenni Meno, Todd Sand

Junior Ice Dancing Alexandra Aldridge/Daniel Eaton


Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker


Angelika Krylova, Pasquale Camerlengo, Massimo Scali Angelika Krylova, Pasquale Camerlengo, Massimo Scali, Elizabeth Swallow, Natalia Deller

Lorraine McNamara/Quinn Carpenter Holly Moore/Daniel Klaber

3 4

Novice Ladies Tyler Pierce Amy Lin Bradie Tennell Morgan Flood

Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak, Dmytri Ilin Angelika Krylova, Pasquale Camerlengo, Massimo Scali, Elizabeth Swallow, Natalia Deller

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Tammy Gambill Sandi Delfs, Denise Myers Olga Ganicheva, Aleksey Letov

Novice Men Tomoki Hiwatashi Oleksiy Melnyk Nicholas Vrdoljak Daniel Samohin

1 2 3 4

Alexandre Fadeev, Cydele Fadeeva Serguei Kouznetsov, Nataliya Tymoshenko Cindy Caprel, Kristen Mita Igor Samohin

Novice Pairs Christina Zaitsev/Ernie Utah Stevens Kaitlin Budd/Nikita Cheban Elise Middleton/Robert Hennings Aya Takai/Brian Johnson

1 2 3 4

Elena Zaitsev, Serguei Zaitsev Sergey Petronskiy Karen Kwan-Oppegard, Peter Oppegard Jason Dungjen

Novice Ice Dancing Chloe Rose Lewis/Logan Bye Tory Patsis/Joseph Johnson Sammi Wren/Alexey Shchepetov Gigi Becker/Luca Becker

1 2 3 4

Judy Blumberg, Ikaika Young Patti Gottwein-Britton Oleg Fediukov, Slava Uchitel Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak, Dmytri Ilin

Intermediate Ladies Anna Grace Davidson Anastasia Kortjohn Emmy Ma Olivia Allan

1 2 3 4

Lisa Kriley Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin Steven Rice, Roman Serov, Anna Zadorozhniuk Sandi Delfs, Denise Myers

Intermediate Men Andrew Torgashev Eric Stinehart Micah Tang Eric Sjoberg

1 2 3 4

Ilona Melnichenko, Artem Torgashev Alexandre Fadeev, Cydele Fadeeva Doug Ladret, Lara Ladret Tiffany Scott

Intermediate Pairs Alicia Bertsch/Austin Hale Darbie Burke/Griffin Schwab Gabriella Marvaldi/Kyle Hogeboom Alexandria Schmainda/Matthew Scorale

1 2 3 4

Alena Lunin, Alexander Lunin Kaela Pflumm, Cathryn Schwab Isabelle Brasseur, Rocky Marval Naomi Nari Nam, Themi Leftheris

Intermediate Ice Dancing Eliana Gropman/Ian Somerville


Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak, Dmytri Ilin, Ramil PS MAGAZINE


Madison Fox/Val Katsman Gwen Sletten/Elliot Verburg Rebecca Lustig/Zachary Milestone

2 3 4

Juvenile Girls Karolina Calhoun Maxine Marie Bautista Akari Nakahara Krystal Edwards

Sarkhulov, Marat Akbarov Patti Gottwein Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak, Dmytri Ilin Yovanny Durango, Adrienne Koob-Doddy

1 2 3 4

Anna Baram Alexander Ouriashev Susan Berens Rashid Kadyrkaev

Juvenile Boys Maxim Naumov Kendrick Weston Sasha Lunin Dinh Tran

1 2 3 4

Evgenia Shishkova, Vadim Naumov Lisa Kriley Alena Lunin, Alexander Lunin Don Corbiell

Juvenile Ice Dancing Caroline Green/Gordon Green


Alina Efimova/Kevin Kwong Elilzabeth Addas/Jonathan Schultz Katherine Grosul/Cameron Colucci

2 3 4

Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak, Dmytri Ilin, Ramil Sarkhulov Natalia Efimova, Nathan Truesdell Arleen Barton Robert Kaine, Oleg Fediukov, Slava Uchitel

Juvenile Pairs Joanna Hubbart/William Hubbart Cate Hawkins/Eric Hartley Jasmine Fendi/Joshua Fendi Greta Crafoord/John Crafoord

1 2 3 4

Laura Amelina, Alexander Vlassov Heidi Hartley, Richard Hartley Peter Oppegard, Karen Kwan-Oppegard Serguei Zaitsev, Elena Zaitsev

Pacific Coast Sectional Figure Skating Championships

Julia Biechler/Damian Dodge Stacey Siddon/Jared Weiss

3 4

Yovanny Durango Yuri Chesnichenko, Yaroslava Nechaeva

Novice Ladies Amy Lin Elizabeth Nguyen Tyler Pierce Sarah Feng

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Tammy Gambill Tammy Gambill Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson

Novice Men Daniel Samohin Paolo Borromeo Harrison Wong Albert Zeng

1 2 3 4

Igor Samohin Tiffany Chin, Derrick Delmore Eric Millot

Novice Pairs Elise Middleton/Robert Hennings Juliette Erickson/Connor Fleming

1 2

Karen Kwan-Oppegard, Peter Oppegard David Delago, Tracy Prussack

Novice Ice Dancing Chloe Lewis/Logan Bye Sarah Feng/Anthony Ponomarenko Lauren Leonesio/Quinn Chambers Vivian Luo/Darrell Cheung

1 2 3 4

Judy Blumberg, Ikaika Young Marina Klimova Tiffany Hyden-Dombeck Oksana Grishuk, Peter Kongkasem

Intermediate Ladies Anna Grace Davidson Hina Ueno Ai Setoyama Caitlin Nguyen

1 2 3 4

Lisa Kriley Christi Sturgeon, Stewart Sturgeon Tammy Gambill, Dennis Phan Tammy Gambill

Intermediate Men Mitchell Friess Micah Tang Justin Ly Mathew Graham

1 2 3 4

Amanda Kovar, Karel Kovar Patrick Brault, Kelsey Curzon Lisa Kriley Amanda Kovar

Intermediate Pairs Alexandria Schmainda/Matthew Scoralle Ananya Nandy/Aditya Nandy

1 2

Themistocles Leftheris, Naomi Nam Tracy Prussack

Intermediate Ice Dancing Alexis Middleton/Michael Valdez Cassidy Klopstock/Logan Leonesio

1 2

Peter Kongkasem, Azumi Williams Christine Fowler-Binder

Senior Ladies Vanessa Lam Courtney Hicks Sophia Adams Amanda Hofmann

1 2 3 4

Douglas Chapman, Dianne DeLeeuw-Chapman Scott Wendland Alex Chang, Jere Michael Paul Askham

Senior Men Keegan Messing Jonathan Cassar Philip Warren Sean Rabbit

1 2 3 4

Ralph Burghart, Gary Irving Frank Carroll Tammy Gambill, John Nicks Tammy Gambill

Junior Ladies Polina Edmunds Karen Chen Dyllan McIntee Amanda Gelb

Juvenile Girls Karolina Calhoun Akari Nakahara Ella Ales Amalia Friess

1 2 3 4

Anna Baram Susan Berens Wendy Olson Amanda Kovar, Karel Kovar

1 2 3 4

Nina Edmunds, David Glynn Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson Bridget Kaus Alex Chang, Jere Michael

Junior Men Vincent Zhou Nathan Chen Nix Phengsy Shotaro Omori

Juvenile Boys Camden Pulkinen Kendrick Weston Dinh Tran Billy Stone

1 2 3 4

Karen Gesell Lisa Kriley Don Corbiell Shannon Damiano

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Rafael Arutyunyan Alex Chang, Jere Michael Tammy Gambill

Junior Pairs Jessica Noelle Calalang/Zack Sidhu Chelsea Liu/Devin Perini Jessica Pfund/AJ Reiss Caitlin Fields/Jason Pacini

Juvenile Pairs Jasmine Fendi/Joshua Fendi Megan Griffin/Andrew Civiello Sarah Kuhlman/Callen Zadrozny Cecilia Wright/William Wright

1 2 3 4

Karen Kwan-Oppegard, Peter Oppegard Kelsey Curzon, Doug Ladret Tracy Prussack Devin Matthews, Stephanie Stiegler

1 2 3 4

Jenni Meno, Todd Sand Jenni Meno, Todd Sand, Christine Fowler-Binder Karen Kwan-Oppegard, Peter Oppegard Heidi DeLio-Thibert

Junior Ice Dancing Madeline Heritage/Nathaniel Fast Yura Min/Igor Ogay

Juvenile Ice Dancing Elizabeth Addas/Johathan Schultz Gianna Buckley/Caleb Niva Kaytlin Smith/Alain Sandraz Amanda Miller/Nikolay Usanov

1 2 3 4

Arleen Barton Sharon Jones Baker, Stephen Baker Jonathon O’Dougherty, Peter Sasmore Marina Klimova, Serguei Ponomarenko

1 2

Jonathon O’Dougherty, Pamela O’Dougherty Igor Shpilband



Midwestern Sectional Figure Skating Championships

Novice Ice Dancing Sierra Chadwick/Alexander Martin


Tory Patsis/Joseph Johnson Kimberly Berkovich/Micah Jaffe Ashlyn Gaughan/Cody Lithco

2 3 4

Intermediate Ladies Olivia Allan


Anastasia Kortjohn


Paige Rydberg Riley Shin

3 4

Intermediate Men Eric Stinehart Derek Wagner

1 2

Jun-Hong Chen Ivan Mokhov

3 4

Alexandre Fadeev, Cydele Fadeeva Denise Myers, Sandi Delfs, Susie Wynne, Scott Brown Damon Allen, Ryan Jahnke Andrey Mokhov, Oksana Yakusheva

Intermediate Pairs Alicia Bertsch/Austin Hale Ashlyn Olson/Jacob Nussle

1 2

Alena Lunin Steve Hartsell, Michelle Hunt

Intermediate Ice Dancing Payten Howland/Jason Cohn


Madison Fox/Val Katsman Caroline Leadmon/Jacob Schedl

2 3

Rachel Gart/Matthew Rosenthal


Sima Baker, Deborah Dodge-Howe, Anjelika Krylova Patti Gottwein-Britton, Trina Pratt Jackie Miles, Lynn Rimmer, Victoria Robb, Chip Rossbach Mathew Gates, Svetlana Kulikova

Juvenile Girls Selina Shi Pooja Kalyan Ashley Lin Maxine Marie Bautista

1 2 3 4

Linda Johns, Adrienne Lenda Cindy Sullivan, Scott Brown Sergey Artemov, Anya Artemova Alexander Ouriashev, Oleg Epstein

Natalia Deller, Elizabeth Punsalan-Swallow, Massimo Scali Patti Gottwein-Britton, Trina Pratt, Thomas Dickson Jackie Miles, Chip Rossbach Patti Gottwein-Britton, Trina Pratt

Senior Ladies Ashley Cain Becky Bereswill Kiri Baga Morgan Bell

1 2 3 4

Darlene Cain, Peter Cain, Scott Brown Yuka Sato Dungjen, Jason Dungjen, Marina Zoueva Cindy Caprel Cindy Sullivan, Billy Schneider

Senior Men Max Aaron Alexander Johnson Brandon Mroz William Brewster

1 2 3 4

Tom Zakrajsek Thomas Dickson Tom Zakrajsek Yuka Sato Dungjen, Jason Dungjen

Senior Pairs Alexa Scimeca/Christopher Knierim DeeDee Leng/Timothy LeDuc Kiri Baga/Taylor Toth

1 2 3

Dalilah Sappenfield, Laureano Ibarra Serguei Zaitsev Jeremy Allen

Senior Ice Dancing Alissandra Aronow/Collin Brubaker Kristen Nardozzi/Nick Traxler Kseniya Ponomaryova/Oleg Altukhov Katie Donaldson/Brock Jacobs

1 2 3 4

Oleg Epstein, Marina Zoueva Pierre Panayi Alina Ponomarova Christie Chambers

Junior Ladies Barbie Long Mariah Bell Amber Glenn Katia Shpilband

1 2 3 4

Susan Liss Cindy Sullivan, Billy Schneider Ann Brumbaugh, Benjamin Shroats Rafael Arutyunyan, Vera Arutyunyan

Junior Men Jordan Moeller Troy Tomasello Brian Krentz Lukas Kaugars

1 2 3 4

Kori Ade Glyn Watts Cindy Caprel, Kristen Mita Damon Allen, Gayle Davis

Junior Pairs Madeline Aaron/Max Settlage Brianna de la Mora/Taylor Wilson

1 2

Dalilah Sappenfield, Laureano Ibarra Elena Prudsky, Val Prudsky

Junior Ice Dancing Kaitlin Hawayek/Jean-Luc Baker

Juvenile Boys Sasha Lunin Ryan Bedard Luke Ferrante Mikhail Gumba

1 2 3 4

Alena Lunin, Alexander Lunin Mimii Bedard, Oleg Podvalny Editha Dotson-Bowser Natalya Khazova


Holly Moore/Daniel Klaber


Hannah Rosinski/Jacob Jaffe Mackenzie Reid/Christian Erwin

3 4

Angelika Krylova, Elizabeth Punsalan-Swallow, Massimo Scali Angelika Krylova, Elizabeth Punsalan-Swallow, Massimo Scali Brandon Forsyth, Jackie Miles, Charles Rossbach, Jr. Lynn Paulsen, Tim Covington, Lisa Reid, Jamie Whyte

Juvenile Pairs Cate Hawkins/Eric Hartley Taylor Hliebay/Jacob Schenten Laiken Lockley/Ryan Bedard Greta Crafoord/John Crafoord

1 2 3 4

Heidi Hartley, Richard Hartley Scott Omlor Oleg Podvalny Elena Zaitsev, Serguei Zaitsev

Novice Ladies Morgan Flood Bradie Tennell

1 2

Ashley Shin Emily Mei-Lin Chan

3 4

Olga Ganicheva, Aleksey Letov Denise Myers, Sandi Delfs, Scott Brown, Susie Wynne, Shannet Folle Olga Ganicheva, Aleksey Letov Karla Atwood, Nicole Sciarrotta Nichols

Juvenile Ice Dancing Sophia Elder/Christopher Elder Ashley Klotz/Vincent Kirov Josephine Hagan/J.T. Michel Meredith Kent/Palmer Middlekauff

1 2 3 4

Donald Adair, Kelley Morris Adair, Sara Neal Tina Randozzo-Coan, Nick Traxler Susan Caudill, Kelley Morris Adair Lisa Reid, Jamie Whyte

Novice Men Tomoki Hiwatashi Nicholas Vrdoljak Daniel Kulenkamp Luke West

1 2 3 4

Alexandre Fadeev, Cydele Fadeeva Cindy Caprel, Kristen Mita Roselyn Esteb Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin

Novice Pairs Kaitlin Budd/Nikita Cheban


Christina Zaitsev/Ernie Utah Stevens Sophia Dai/Jeffrey Fishman Madeleine Galagher/Jonathon Horton

2 3 4

Sergey Petrovskiy, Jason Dungjen, Olga Volozhinskaya, Ethan Burgess Elena Zaitsev, Serguei Zaitsev Johnny Johns, Steven Pottenger, Marina Zoueva Stephanie Buono, Teri Haag, Craig Joeright, Larisa Joeright

1 2 3 4

Peter Burrows, Mary Lynn Gelderman Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Jeffrey DiGregorio, Pamela Gregory Dmitri Gromov

Sandi Delfs, Denise Myers, Scott Brown, Oleg Epstein Yuriy KocherzhenkoTom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Caterina Lindgren Mary Antensteiner Olga Ganicheva, Aleksey Letov

Eastern Sectional Figure Skating Championships Senior Ladies Samantha Cesario Yasmin Siraj Haley Dunne Joelle Forte



Senior Men Stephen Carriere Harrison Choate Wesley Campbell Grant Hochstein

1 2 3 4

Suna Murray Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Chad Brennan, Suna Murray Karen Kwan-Oppegard, Peter Oppegard

Intermediate Men Andrew Torgashev Eric Sjoberg Liam Roumila William Hubbart

1 2 3 4

Ilona Melnichenko, Artem Tograshev Tiffany Scott Igor Krokavec, Craig Maurizi Laura Amelina, Alexander Vlassov

Senior Pairs Tarah Kayne/Daniel O’Shea Felicia Zhang/Nathan Bartholomay

1 2

James Peterson James Peterson

Intermediate Pairs Darbie Burke/Griffin Schwab Gabriella Marvaldi/Kyle Hogeboom

1 2

Kaela Pflumm, Cathryn Schwab Isabelle Brasseur, Rocky Marval

Senior Ice Dancing Isabella Cannuscio/Michael Bramante


Anastasia Cannuscio/Colin McManus

2 3 4

Intermediate Ice Dancing Eliana Gropman/Ian Somerville Gwen Sletten/Elliot Verburg Rebecca Lustig/Zachary Milestone Sara Fagan/Johathan Loiacono

1 2 3 4

Ginna Hoptman/Pavel Filchenkov Danielle Gamelin/Alexander Gamelin

Aleksandr Kirsanov, Karen Ludington, Christie Moxley-Hutson Aleksandr Kirsanov, Karen Ludington, Christie Moxley-Hutson Natalya Linichuk Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak

Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Yovanny Durango, Adrienne Koob-Doddy Brad Cox, Pauline Fagan

Junior Ladies Maria Yang Madison Vinci Olivia Serafini Brianna Laxson

1 2 3 4

Juvenile Girls Gabriella Izzo Emilee Zhang Krystal Edwards Tori Rotella

1 2 3 4

Suna Murray Elena Petrenko, Vladimir Petrenko Rashid Kadyrkaev Jessica Meller, Sergey Minaev

Junior Men Jay Yostanto Jimmy Ma James Schetelich Marcus Mimidis

1 2 3 4

Juvenile Boys Ryan VanDoren John Farres Maxim Naumov Ken Mikawa

1 2 3 4

Jessica Meller Serhii Vaypan Vadim Naumov, Evgenia Shishkova

Junior Pairs Olivia Oltmanns/Joshua Santillan Alexandria Shaughnessy/James Morgan Cali Fujimoto/Nicholas Barsi-Rhyne Caitlin Bell/Michael Johnson

1 2 3 4

Juvenile Pairs Joanna Hubbart/William Hubbart Jade Esposito/Nathan Rensing Toby Evett/Nathaniel Dennler Jessica Guo/Davis Tong

1 2 3 4

Laura Amelina, Alexander Vlassov Sheryl Franks, Fred Palascak Chad Brennan Jonathon Hunt, Steven Rice, Marc Weitzmann

Junior Ice Dancing Lorraine McNamara/Quinn Carpenter Rachel Parsons/Michael Parsons Elliana Pogrebinsky/Ross Gudis Whitney Miller/Kyle MacMillan

1 2 3 4

Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak

Juvenile Ice Dancing Caroline Green/Gordon Green Katherine Grosul/Cameron Colucci Alina Efimova/Kevin Kwong Kimberly Wei/Ilias Fourati

1 2 3 4

Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Oleg Fediukov, Robert Kaine, Slava Uchitel Natalia Efimova, Nathan Truesdell Brad Cox

Novice Ladies Brynne McIsaac Dalia Rivkin Rebecca Peng Megan Wessenberg

1 2 3 4

Shirley Hughes Julie Lautowa Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell

Novice Men Oleksiy Melnyk Tony Lu Daniel Petrenko Aaron Gunderson-Smith

1 2 3 4

Serguei Kouznetsov, Nataliya Tymoshenko Priscilla Hill-Wampler Elena Petrenko, Vladimir Petrenko Oleg Makarov, Larisa Selezneva

Senior Ladies Amanda Hoffmann Alison Jeffers Rita Fehr Shayna Moellenberg

1 2 3 4

Paul Askham Paul Askham Peter Biver Lisa-Marie Allen

Novice Pairs Grace Knoop/Noah Chinault Riley Herr/Michael Lueck Kristen Jennings/Cody Dolkeiwicz Nicole Lee/Timothy Habeeb

1 2 3 4

Lyndon Johnston, James Peterson Wendy David, Trudy Oltmanns Isabelle Brasseur, Rocky Marval Chad Brennan, Sheryl Franks

Junior Ladies Selena Zhao Cassandra Smith Coral Flaherty Claire Gillespie

1 2 3 4

Kori Ade Heidi Sullivan Lisa Henry Ralph Burghart

Novice Ice Dancing Gigi Becker/Luca Becker Katherine Gourianova/Alexander Petrov Sammi Wren/Alexey Shchepetov Rebecca Lucas/Van Kazansky

1 2 3 4

Dmytri Ilin, Alexei Kiliakov, Elena Novak Oleg Petrov, Maria Pocheykina Oleg Fediukov, Slava Uchitel Gregory Maddalone

Novice Ladies Charmaine Au Tiana Lee Brittney Shiue Xinghua Turner

1 2 3 4

Alex Chang, Jere Michael Darin Hosier, Corrie Martin Sofia Inthalaksa, Ikaika Young Cindy Solberg

Intermediate Ladies Jin Baseman Emmy Ma Samantha Steeman Samantha Scott

1 2 3 4

Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Steven Rice, Roman Serov Jeffrey DiGregorio, Barbara Roles-Williams Ilona Melnichenko, Artem Tograshev

Intermediate Ladies Kayleigh Elliott Isabeau Hills MacKenzie Caputo Anna Lank

1 2 3 4

Randy Clark Amanda Kovar Darin Hosier Arlene McSorley



Andrey Kryukov Rashid Kadyrkaev Steven Rice Maxim Katchanov, Andrey Kryukov Derrick Delmore, Justin Dillon Steven Rice, Elaine Zayak Deborah Milne-Davis Priscilla Hill-Wampler, Karl Kurtz Trudy Oltmanns Sheryl Franks, Bobby Martin, Carrie Wall Tracy Prussack Christopher Pottenger

Northwest Pacific Regional Figure Skating Championships

Intermediate Men Mathew Graham Dmitri Murphy Logan Weaver Zac Hagen Juvenile Girls Cheyenne King Lydia Finch Gabriella Lee Courtney Kirschke Juvenile Boys Andrew Lee Billy Stone

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2

Amanda Kovar Sofia Inthalaksa Janice Forbes, Glenn Patterson Lisa Marie Grasso-Hartly Shannon Damiano Nani Tanaka, Mari Malama Sofia Inthalaksa, Ikaika Young Randy Clark Lisa Kriley Shannon Damiano

Central Pacific Regional Figure Skating Championships Senior Ladies Kristina Struthwolf Laney Diggs Lizzie Goetz Sara Billman

1 2 3 4

Tiffany Kennard, Jozef Sabovcik Phillip DiGuglielmo Dawn Porter Charles Tickner, Julie Zusman-Lowndes

Junior Ladies Polina Edmunds Karen Chen Gwendolyn Prescott Camille Davis

1 2 3 4

Nina Edmunds, David Glynn Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson Justin Dillon, Lynn Smith Lisa Kriley

Novice Ladies Amy Lin Sarah Feng Elena Pulkinen Sarah Lyle

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson Karen Gesell Holly Tanner

Intermediate Ladies Daniela Dryden Anna Grace Davidson Hina Ueno Joy Jin

1 2 3 4

Lisa Kriley Lisa Kriley Stewart Sturgeon David Glynn

Intermediate Men Mitchell Friess Christopher Yamamoto Justin Ly Ryan Waner

1 2 3 4

Amanda Kovar, Karel Kovar Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson Lisa Kriley Choeleen Loundagin

Juvenile Girls Nina Ouellette Amalia Friess Natalie Feng Alicia Lu

1 2 3 4

Justin Dillon, Diana Miro Amanda Kovar, Karel Kovar Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson Stewart Sturgeon

Juvenile Boys Dinh Tran Jeffrey Chen Kendrick Weston

1 2 3

Don Corbiell Sherri Krahne-Thomas, Gilley Nicholson Lisa Kriley

Southwest Pacific Regional Figure Skating Championships Senior Ladies Vanessa Lam Carolyn-Ann Alba Sophia Adams Anna Malkova

1 2 3 4

Douglas Chapman, Dianne DeLeeuw-Chapman Tammy Gambill Alex Chang, Jere Michael Karen Kwan-Oppegard

Senior Men Phillip Warren Sean Rabbitt Jonathan Cassar Andrew Gonzales

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill, John Nicks Tammy Gambill Frank Carroll Frank Carroll

Junior Ladies Amanda Gelb Taylor Sirset Lauren Campbell Dyllan McIntee

1 2 3 4

Alex Chang, Jere Michael Tammy Gambill Tiffany Chin, Derrick Delmore Bridget Kaus

Junior Men Vincent Zhou Nix Phengsy Patrick Leahy Spencer Howe

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Alex Chang, Jere Michael Phillip Mills Wendy Olson

Novice Ladies Tyler Pierce Elizabeth Nguyen Cheyenne Taylor Alyssa Hightchew

1 2 3 4

Tammy Gambill Tammy Gambill Tom Zakrajsek Doug Ladret, Lara Ladret

Novice Men Daniel Samohin Paulo Borromeo Sahmaro Rockhold Harrison Wong

1 2 3 4

Igor Samohin Tiffany Chin, Derrick Delmore Anna Baram Matthew Smith

Intermediate Ladies Isabella Smit Caitlyn Nguyen Runa Maeda Ai Setoyama

1 2 3 4

Ivan Dinev, Angela Nikodinev Tammy Gambill Amy Evidente, Wendy Olson Tammy Gambill

Intermediate Men Micah Tang Alexander Gerbert Brandon Amaral Michael Valdez

1 2 3 4

Doug Ladret, Lara Ladret Natalia Bobrina Ken Congemi Derrick Delmore

Juvenile Girls Akari Nakahara Leslie Meisel Ella Ales Karolina Calhoun

1 2 3 4

Susan Berens Charlene Wong, Devin Matthews Wendy Olson Anna Baram

Juvenile Boys Camden Pulkinen Aaron Hai Max Wang Max Lake

1 2 3 4

Karen Gesell Alex Chang, Jere Michael Sara Robertson Matthew Smith



Southwestern Regional Figure Skating Championships

Upper Great Lakes Regional Figure Skating Championships

Senior Ladies Ashley Cain Morgan Bell Melissa Jaggers Julia Liao

1 2 3 4

Darlene Cain, Peter Cain, Scott Brown Cindy Sullivan, Billy Schneider, Cindy Stewart Jackie Brenner Audra Brumfield, Ryan Jahnke

Junior Ladies Mariah Bell Amber Glenn Anjing Fu Avery Kurtz

1 2 3 4

Cindy Sullivan, Billy Schneider, Cindy Stewart Ann Lewis Brumbaugh, Ben Shroats Louanne Petersen-Conant Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Yuriy Kocherzhenko

1 2 3 4

Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Yuriy Kocherzhenko Damon Allen Cindy Sullivan, Louanne Petersen-Conant

Novice Ladies Ashley Shin Morgan Flood Emily Mei-Lin Chan Caroline Rodriquez

1 2 3 4

Aleksey Letov, Olga Ganicheva Aleksey Letov, Olga Ganicheva Karla Atwood, Nicole Sciarrotta Nichols Michael Leeke, Darlene Cain, Peter Cain

Novice Men Danny Neudecker Luke West Anthony Boucher Kevin Wu

1 2 3 4

Damon Allen, Natalia Khazova Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Yuriy Kocherzhenko Kelly Renick, Scott Brown Elena Prudsky, Val Prudsky

Intermediate Ladies Anastasia Kortjohn Vivian Le Lauren Ellison Riley Shin

1 2 3 4

Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Yuriy Kocherzhenko Aleksey Letov, Olga Ganicheva Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Yuriy Kocherzhenko Aleksey Letov, Olga Ganicheva

Intermediate Men Kellen Johnson Jun-Hong Chen Benjamin Shou Rique Newby-Estrella

1 2 3 4

Tom Zakrajsek, Becky Calvin, Yuriy Kocherzhenko Ryan Jahnke, Damon Allen Shanyn Vallon Ann Brumbaugh

Juvenile Girls Pooja Kalyan Laura Zhang Ashley Lin Ashley Kim

1 2 3 4

Cindy Sullivan, Frank Carroll, Scott Brown Damon Allen, Ryan Jahnke, Christy Krall Sergey Artemov Cheryl Pascarelli

Juvenile Boys Alan Wong Mikhail Gumba Ian Smith Maxim Zharkov

1 2 3 4

Alexei Sidorov Natalia Khazova Debra Cole Svetlana Serkeli, Andrei Zharkov

Junior Men Chase Belmontes Lucas Kaugars Sebastian Payannet



Senior Ladies Kiri Baga Carly Gold Jessica Young Lexis Verhulst

1 2 3 4

Cindy Caprel Alexander Ouriashev Carol Kaufmann Alexander Ouriashev

Senior Men Jason Brown


Kori Ade

Junior Ladies Barbie Long Isabella Dow Margaux Guysinger Rachel Chang

1 2 3 4

Susan Liss Sue Ervin, Denise Myers Sandi Delfs, Denise Myers Sandi Delfs, Denise Myers

Junior Men Jordan Moeller Brian Krentz Ben Jalovick Cale Ambroz

1 2 3 4

Kori Ade Cindy Caprel, Kristen Mita Lorie Charbonneau Lorie Charbonneau

Novice Ladies Bradie Tennell Michelle Hedges Lauren Townsend Makala Arn

1 2 3 4

Denise Myers Thomas Amon, Kelly Benzinger Michelle Vagedes-Roberts David Santee

Novice Men Tomoki Hiwatashi Daniel Kulenkamp Nicholas Vrdoljak Spencer Simon

1 2 3 4

Alexandre Fadeev, Cydele Fadeeva Roselyn Esteb Cindy Caprel, Kristen Mita Kori Ade, Robert Peal

Intermediate Ladies Paige Rydberg Olivia Allan Kirsten Horsmann Reina Nagasaka

1 2 3 4

Mary Antensteiner, Garrrett Krug Sandi Delfs, Denise Myers Thomas Amon, Kelly Benzinger David Santee, Joshua Fischel

Intermediate Men Eric Stinehart Max Belovol Derek Wagner Kelvin Li

1 2 3 4

Alexandre Fadeev, Cydele Fadeeva Nikolay Belovol Denise Myers Ritsa Gariti, Leanne Fanning

Juvenile Girls Lindsay Weinstein Emma Enebak Maxine Marie Bautista Alexandra Demma

1 2 3 4

Alana Cohen Lorie Charbonneau Alexander Ouriashev Mary Antensteiner

Juvenile Boys Ryan Bedard Alex Wellman David Kaufmann Henry Lai

1 2 3 4

Oleg Podvalny Madalyn Brook Lidia Masliukova, Kristina Orlova Marina Gromova, Yevgeny Martynov

Eastern Great Lakes Regional Figure Skating Championships

New England Regional Figure Skating Championships

Senior Ladies Becky Bereswill Chelsea Christopher Amber Walczyk Kacie Kotnik

1 2 3 4

Jason Dungjen, Yuka Sato Dungjen William Schneider, Kelly Smith, Cindy Sullivan Julianne Berlin Ted Masdea, Stephanie Miller

Senior Men William Brewster


Jason Dungjen, Yuka Sato Dungjen

Junior Ladies Katia Shpilband Caitlyn Nemastil Maria Fu Madison DeLuca

1 2 3 4

Junior Men Ryan Hartley Troy Tomasello Justin Highgate-Brutman Konstantin Chizhikov

1 2 3 4

Novice Ladies Livvy Shilling Chloe Roslin Michelle Chen Olivia Keils Novice Men Brian Johnson Daniel Takayama Jason Cohn Nicholas Anderson Intermediate Ladies Michaela Keils Emma Wolak Tori Weingarten Alexandra Parks Intermediate Men Ivan Mokhov Daniel Li Jonathan Butler Lucas Purnell

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Senior Ladies Yasmin Siraj Jenelle Herman Aimee Buchanan Maria Kalina

1 2 3 4

Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Konstantin Kostin, Suna Murray,Serguei Minaev Chad Brennan, Julie Eavzan, Sheryl Franks Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell, Jason Wong

Senior Men Wesley Campbell Brad Vigorito

1 2

Julie Eavzan Graham, Sheryl Franks, Robert Mauti Julie Eavzan Graham, Cynthia Desmarais

Rafael Arutyunyan, Theresa McKendry Glyn Watts, Christine Watts Ted Masdea, Stephanie Miller Lisa Kirby, Theresa McKendry

Junior Ladies Morgan Sewall Heidi Munger Ainsley McGill Olivia Pastore

1 2 3 4

Carol Pichette Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell, Jason Wong Elena Petrenko, Vladimir Petrenko Amanda Farkas

Heidi Hartley, Richard Hartley Glyn Watts Lindsay Page-O’Donoghue Jason Dungjen, Yuka Sato Dungjen

Junior Men Liam Beatson


Jason Wong, Joan Bienneau-Bunnell

Novice Ladies Megan Wessenberg Taylor-Rae Rocco Isabelle Dost Rebecca Peng

1 2 3 4

Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Evgenia Shishkova, Vadim Naumov Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell

Novice Men Daniel Petrenko Adrian Huertas Brett Mayer Bennett Gottlieb

1 2 3 4

Elena Petrenko, Vladimir Petrenko Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell, Jason Wong Jason Briggs, Mary Lynn Gelderman Suna Murray, Matthew Lind

Intermediate Ladies Jin Baseman Elisabeth Christ Teodora Markova Sonja Hilmer

1 2 3 4

Peter Johansson, Mark Mitchell Konstantin Kostin, Matthew Lind Donna Mitchell, Serhii Vaypan Daniil Barantsev, Serhii Vaypan

Juvenile Girls Emilee Zhang Iris Zhao Gabriella Izzo Tori Rotella

1 2 3 4

Elena Petrenko, Vladimir Petrenko Amy D’Entremont-Allen, Kristen Weir Suna Murray, Serguei Minaev Suna Murray, Sergey Minaev, Konstantin Kostin

Juvenile Boys Maxim Naumov Ryan VanDoren John Farres Franz-Peter Jerosch

1 2 3 4

Vadim Naumov, Evgenia Shishkova Jessica Meller Serhii Vaypan Lynda Hathaway, Ann Hansen

Valerie Marcoux-Pavlas, Mary Williamson Zuzanna Parchem, Jodie Balogh-Tasich Sergey Magerovskiy Lisa Kirby, Theresa McKendry Linda Johns, Tracy Moore Theresa McKendry Deborah Dodge-Howe Elena Zaitsev, Serguei Zaitsev Lisa Kirby, Theresa McKendry Lisa Kirby, Theresa McKendry Julianne Berlin, Jodie Balogh-Tasich Andrey Mokhov, Oksana Yakusheva Andrey Mokhov, Oksana Yakusheva Lisa Kirby, Theresa McKendry Tatiana Ratchkova Rebecca Hatch-Purnell

Juvenile Girls Jessica Pierce Sarah Liberatore Selina Shi Lynn Kim

1 2 3 4

Lindsey Weber, Vickey Weber Lisa Kirby Linda Johns, Adrienne Lenda Lisa Kirby

Juvenile Boys Sasha Lunin Jacob Sedlar Luke Ferrante Alex Dubinski

1 2 3 4

Alena Lunin, Alexander Lunin Maria Lako-Pinkowski Editha Dotson-Bowser Tamara Liptak



North Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships

South Atlantic Regional Figure Skating Championships

Senior Ladies Lauren Dinh Jordan Bauth Joelle Forte Katie McBeath

1 2 3 4

Jason Dungjen, Yuka Sato Dungjen Suzanne Bauth, Lenel Van den Berg Dmitri Gromov Sally Tasca

Senior Ladies Haley Dunne Jessica Hu Tianna Gallinaro Ann Marie Mateya

1 2 3 4

Pamela Gregory, Jeffrey DiGregorio Shirley Hughes Silvia Zimmerman, John Zimmerman Natalya Ponomareva, Evgeniy Sviridov

Junior Ladies Olivia Serafini Adrianna Gonera Sydney Jones Eve Agler

1 2 3 4

Steven Rice Yuriy Tsymbalyuk Jason Briggs, Inese Bucevica Yelena Agler, Dmitri Gromov

Junior Ladies Madison Vinci Melanie Chang Maria Yang Brianna Laxson

1 2 3 4

Rashid Kadyrkaev Kevin Curtis, Andrey Kryukov Andrey Krykov Andrey Krykov, Maxim Katchanov

Junior Men Jimmy Ma Matej Silecky James Schetelich Trevor Bergqvist

1 2 3 4

Steven Rice, Elaine Zayak Anton Nimenko Deborah Milne Davis Lenel Van den Berg, Kirk Wyse

Junior Men Patrick Rupp Marcus Mimidis

1 2

Andrei Berekhovski, Antonina Berekhovskaia Karl Kurtz, Priscilla Hill-Wampfler

Novice Ladies Dalia Rivkin Selin Kang Brianna Brazee Kirstyn Nanista

1 2 3 4

Novice Ladies Carly Berrios Maya Carter Elise Romola Brynne McIsaac

1 2 3 4

Rashid Kadyrkaev Serguei Kouznetsov Andrey Kryukov, Maxim Katchanov Shirley Hughes

Novice Men Sean Conlon Aaron Gunderson-Smith Yamato Rowe Lawrence Lung

1 2 3 4

Novice Men Oleksiy Melnyk Tony Lu Jonah Barrett Maximiliano Fernandez

1 2 3 4

Nataliya Tymoshenko, Serguei Kouznetsov Priscilla Hill-Wampfler Priscilla Hill-Wampfler Kent Johnson

Intermediate Ladies Emmy Ma Patricia Roohan Paige Conners Emma Zachary

1 2 3 4

Intermediate Ladies Alice Qiao Samantha Scott Aurora Abraham Samantha Steeman

1 2 3 4

Graham Payne, Barbara Wagner Artem Torgashev, Ilona Melnichenko Sheryl Tautiva Jeffrey DiGregorio, Barbara Roles Williams

Intermediate Men Liam Roumila Steven Rossi Volodymyr Patsukevych Davis Tong

1 2 3 4

Intermediate Men Andrew Torgashev Eric Sjoberg William Uhrig William Hubbart

1 2 3 4

Artem Torgashev, Ilona Melnichenko Tiffany Scott Serguei Kouznetsov Alexander Vlassov, Laura Amelina

Juvenile Girls Annabelle Morozov Nyah Homolka Ava Sloboda Yuki Tsuchiya

1 2 3 4

Juvenile Girls Krystal Edwards Madisyn Stanley Caitlyn Kent Sooah Park

1 2 3 4

Rashid Kadyrkaev Serguei Kouznetsov Jeff Warters Denise Cahill

Juvenile Boys Noah Jaffe Ian Meyh Konrad Marut Elliot Jang

1 2 3 4

Juvenile Boys Ken Mikawa Eric Prober Jabe Roberts Tommy-Jo (TJ) Nyman

1 2 3 4

Silvia Zimmerman, John Zimmerman Anna Martynenko Brian Kader, Katie Nyman

Julia Lautowa Craig Maurizi Jana Brazee Steven Rice, Roman Serov Steven Rice, Roman Serov Oleg Makarov, Larisa Selezneva Igor Krokavec Roland Burghart Steven Rice, Roman Serov Elizabeth Commerford Lenel Van den Berg, Kirk Wyse Daria Milova, Yuriy Tsymbalyuk Igor Krokavec, Craig Maurizi Steven Rice, Roman Serov Mary Emes Joelle Forte, Elaine Zayak Igor Krokavec Yuri Ushakov, Kelly Ushakova Stephanie Plantamura Lucinda Ruh Steven Rice Steven Rice Igor Krokavec Steven Rice, Roman Serov

If your name is missing from the Honor Roll, please notify us and we would be pleased to publish your name in the next issue. Please specify the competition, event, your skater’s name and placement. If we have inadvertently missed anyone we apologize for the omission.



2013 U.S. Figure Skating Championships

photos by VICKI S. LUY



2013 U.S. Figure Skating Championships



photos by VICKI S. LUY

U.S. Figure Skating

Continuing Education Requirements Take them early. Courses for 2013-14 became available January 9th. By getting the courses completed early: 1. You can be sure you are listed on the compliant list well in advance of that first competition or test session, especially if it is an early July event. The list on U.S. Figure Skating’s website under Information for Clubs lists coaches that have completed all aspects of the Coaches’ Registration (U.S. Figure Skating registration, background check completed, proof of liability insurance, and completed U.S. Figure Skating Continuing Education Requirements category.) It is the responsibility of the coach to see that they are listed. 2. You can give your budget a break. Take U.S. Figure Skating Continuing Education Requirements before May so you don’t have to pay for them at the same time memberships and insurance are due. 3. You can give the test chair or competition chair a break. They are volunteers and just doing what they have to do as a U.S. Figure Skating club. Be on the list early so they don’t have to hunt you down. They have enough to do before their event. 4. You can give the database a break. Last year over 3,000 coaches became compliant in Category A or B during the month of June alone; 44% of those were in the last week of the month. The system became overwhelmed on June 29 and 30 and could not keep up with the volume. 5. You can save yourself a lot of stress. PSA, U.S. Figure Skating and the tech support for the website are not open on weekends. July 1st was on

a weekend last year. Many coaches left frantic voice messages and emails but no one could help them until Monday, July 2nd. Getting them done earlier would have saved those coaches from the stress. This year the deadline is on a Monday, so no one is available for assistance the two days prior to the deadline. 6. You will register for the correct courses and year. When stressed and rushed at the last minute it is easy to just click Register for a course without taking the time to read the heading and make sure it is the course for the correct year and correct category. You must register for courses under the correct heading. If you register for courses under Category A but only complete Category B, you will not be listed as compliant. The system will only look for you to have completed the A requirements, since that is what you registered for. If you complete a course for the current year it cannot be transferred to next year. You will need to re-register and pay again for the correct course. 7. You will have time to study the course content. Studying the course materials will help you pass the exams. Having to re-take an exam contributes to stress and takes more time. Use the U.S. Figure Skating Rulebook for the U.S. Figure Skating Continuing Education Requirements courses. 8. Complete the requirements for your category before you renew your U.S. Figure Skating membership and your CER Category will be printed on your card. U.S. Figure Skating does not send a second card when you complete the requirements. You

will need to carry your Certificate of Completion with you to each test session and competition if you do not complete the requirements before completing the Coaches’ Registration process.

Tips for taking the U.S. Figure Skating Continuing Education Requirements courses • Have a folder that goes with you to every competition and test session. Have copies of your compliance U.S. Figure Skating Continuing Education Requirements certificate (Click on My Transcript in your account), insurance and your membership cards in the folder. If your skater doesn’t have you listed on the registration form the chair hasn’t been able to check your requirements ahead of time. Having the proper information with you means the difference between standing at the boards for your skater and being asked to not have contact with your athlete. You can leave the folder in the car, but have it there in case you need it. • Store your log in information in a safe place. Do not set up a duplicate account; the system will see you as two separate people. • There are step-by-step instructions and a flow chart available at http:// to help you through the online course process.



Most Memorable Moments #27 • Compulsories Given the Boot By Kent McDill Compulsories were boring—necessary, but boring. So, in 1988, the International Skating Union made them unnecessary. Following the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, the ISU decided to eliminate compulsories from official figure skating competitions. The decision initially was a two-year experiment, but that test has lasted until today. Compulsories were the required shapes that had to be skated with precision. There were as many as eight different forms of figure 8s at one time. While they required precision from the skaters, they also required precision from the judges, who had to pour over the marks left in the ice to determine how well the figure was drawn. Figures were how competitive figure skating started. Dating back to the late 18th century, skating figures is what people did when they put on skates. They skated shapes into the ice. How well one could skate a particular shape determined champions in the first ice skating competitions. When Jackson Haines transformed the sport, introducing dance and overt athleticism into the sport, competitions became divided. Champions were required to be good at both figures (compulsories), and programs, which allowed for freedom of expression and movement. But compulsories were boring, and freestyle skating was exciting. Compulsories were watched by coaches and judges and that was it. Freestyle skating was viewed by people who had never donned blades. Compulsories were not conducted in private or in secret, but they could have been. For most competitions, compulsories were conducted first, and the competitive order of skaters in the free skating programs was determined by the ranking set in compulsories. The secluded nature of compulsories and the effect compulsory scores had on overall outcomes, created a sense of suspicion about judging, and created confusion for the outside viewer. “The compulsion to get rid of it was because the appearance of the results didn’t make sense,’’ said skating historian Ben Wright, a former president of the PSGA. “The public never understood.”

Wright pointed to the 1972 Olympic result in which Trixie Schuba, the Austrian skater, beat out American sweetheart Janet Lynn because her compulsory score was so high, it didn’t matter how well Lynn did in the free skate. The contradictory nature of the two elements of competition, and the fact that one was tedious while the other was exciting, came to a head when television began to notice figure skating as a sport that the camera could embrace. Compulsories made for extremely boring television, and were quickly eliminated from telecasts. But they counted towards a final score (at one point as much as 60 percent of the overall score), and viewers would often be left to wonder how a short or long program winner could not win the overall competition. A poor compulsory score would have a huge effect on the outcome of events, but were largely, and sometimes, completely unseen by the public. “They couldn’t put school figures on TV because it was as boring as could be,’’ said renowned skating coach Kathy Casey, a former PSA President and Hall of Fame member. “The advertising from television brought people to our rinks. Putting skating on TV was important.” But it was also the death knell of figures for the competitive sport. Casey noted that U.S. coaches were not in favor of eliminating compulsories. The ISU, she said, was pressured by European forces to make the change, and she had to change with it. “It was a big adjustment for all of us,’’ Casey said. “I was a fabulous school figure coach. I had world championships. And I had to get good at something else real quick. I kind of joined the bandwagon while trying to keep (compulsories) as long as I thought I could without negatively affecting my career.” Wright bemoans the change to this day. Even though skating students are now taught “Moves in the Field’’ as a compulsory class, something is missing, and Wright says it is the dismissal of compulsories from competition. “Many of us wish we had kept it as a discipline,’’ Wright said. “More and more of the coaches don’t know anything about figures, which give a skater balance and form and posture.”

#25 • Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding It was called “the whack heard around the world.” On January 6, 1994, leaving the ice at a practice session for the U.S. Figure Skating Championships at the Cobo Arena in Detroit, Nancy Kerrigan was clubbed above her right knee by an unknown attacker. “It was the most shocking thing to happen in almost any sport, but certainly in skating,” said Mary Scotvold, who, along with her husband, Evy, were Kerrigan’s long-time coaches. “It



By Terri Milner Tarquini

was shocking from the moment it happened, through everything being discovered, all the way until the very end.” In the days and weeks that followed, Tonya Harding easily won Nationals, earning her a place on the Olympic team – and the scrutiny of the skating world, local law enforcement agencies and even the FBI. “I said right away, ‘Tonya Harding had something to do with this,’” Evy Scotvold said. “And I wasn’t the only one saying it.”

Left: The incident made headlines across the country— and internationally— and was also chronicled in our own PS Magazine. Below: The 1994 U.S. Olympic Figure Skating team.

courtesy World Figure Skating Museum & Hall of Fame

And the voice law enforcement was listening to the most was Harding’s ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly, when he finally said that Harding approved the attack on Kerrigan. While Gillooly, Harding’s bodyguard and two other men were all eventually charged with different roles in the attack, Harding continued to deny that she had known anything of the plot before it took place and, having not been charged with a crime, she was allowed to retain her spot on the 1994 Olympic team. But it was Kerrigan’s Olympic plans that were in question. “What people don’t always realize is that it was a hard hit,” said Mary Scotvold, who was one of the first people to arrive at Kerrigan’s side following the attack. “I heard screaming and I ran to her and she couldn’t talk she was in so much pain. It was awful.” “When it happened, we didn’t know whether she’d be able to skate again,” Evy Scotvold said. “We figured the season was over; the Olympics were definitely over.” But Kerrigan, the 1992 Olympic bronze medalist and favorite to bring home the gold medal from Lillehammer, rehabbed and was able to train again – and U.S. Figure Skating found a provision that allowed the international committee to name her to the team despite her having not competed at the U.S. Championships. “Officials were monitoring her closely to see if she’d be ready to actually compete at the Olympics,” Evy Scotvold said. “She is very stubbornly determined and it was inspiring to see how hard she worked to show them that she could do it.” Getting ready was no small feat, considering the throngs of media that converged on Boston, where Kerrigan trained with the Scotvolds, in the seven weeks between the clubbing incident and the Olympics.

“It was totally crazy. There were 50-75 reporters every single day for weeks and weeks and they climbed ladders to see into the rink,” said Mary Scotvold, noting that the Zamboni was parked outside so that Kerrigan could drive directly into the rink to avoid the media. “I kept saying to them, ‘Please give us a break so we can get her ready.’ We even left a week early for the Olympics because we thought it would be better in Europe, but it wasn’t.” Fascinated by the story, the international media flooded the Olympic practice sessions and everyone noticed something the first time Kerrigan and Harding were on the ice together. “She’s a really tough young woman and she has so much family support. She handled everything fantastically,” Mary Scotvold said. “The first practice they were both on the ice, she wore the same dress (as she had been wearing at Cobo Arena when she was attacked). That says all you need to know about Nancy Kerrigan.” Days later, the broadcast of both the ladies short and freestyle programs earned sky-high ratings—making the event the highest-rated Olympic broadcast of all time, and the seventh highest-rated program in U.S. history. When all was said and done, Harding ended up 8th after a broken skate lace debacle and Kerrigan, skating what she called the two best programs of her life, won a silver medal behind Ukranian Oksana Baiul, in a hotly debated 5-4 split that was decided by a tenth of a point margin. “There was a lot of complaining about the judging with Nancy, even with Paul Wylie before that and, of course, it was the pairs event in 2002 that brought the whole judging system to a head,” said Evy Scotvold, who admits to throwing a lamp across a hotel room when he re-watched Kerrigan’s and Baiul’s long programs on the BBC. PS MAGAZINE


Most Memorable Moments

The outrage over such situations is what eventually ended the 6.0 judging system and led to the International Judging System’s Code of Points. “If Nancy was in that system then she would have won that Olympics by a mile,” Mary Scotvold said. The talk of a national judging bias only added extra intrigue to Kerrigan’s knee clubbing and the initial suspicion—and the eventual certainty— that Harding was involved in the whole sordid thing. What resulted was a prosperous decade in courtesy Evy & Mary Scot vold figure skating never seen before or since. Evy and Mary Scotvold with Nancy and Paul Wylie “It was the greatest boom in ice rink construcin 1992 before the fateful attack. tion ever,” Evy Scotvold said. “And all of the made-for-TV shows and competitions. It rejuveSkating controlled skating events, she was persona non grata. nated the careers of Brian Boitano, Scott Hamilton and count- She fought for a year-and-a-half as a professional boxer, has less others.” had various bizarre run-ins with the law, including claiming to Between September 1994 and April 1995, more than 30 be abducted at knife-point, and tried her hand at acting, most figure skating broadcasts were televised and scores of young recently as a regular commentator for TruTV’s “The Smoking skating hopefuls clamored into their local rinks. For the ISU, Gun Presents: World’s Dumbest…” Harding is married to her which brokered huge deals with the broadcast networks to third husband and gave birth to a son in 2011. televise the big competitions, figure skating guaranteed big “I saw her on Oprah several years ago. I heard her voice and bucks and made bona fide stars out of Michelle Kwan, Tara it was so strange. I couldn’t recognize her, she looked so much Lipinski and Sarah Hughes. different and older,” Mary Scotvold said. “Part of the tragedy of “It was certainly lucrative for everyone,” Evy Scotvold said. this whole thing is that she really was a good skater.” “But I think it got overexposed so eventually it had to end.” Kerrigan, with two Olympic medals and a U.S. Championship And what happened to the two young women who were the title, married her manager in 1995 and has three children, as focus of so much attention? well as a step-son. She retired from active competition after the Harding had been something of a young skating phenom- Lillehammer Olympics, during which she reportedly signed enon, landing her first triple Lutz at 12 years old. In 1991, endorsement deals worth millions of dollars. She appeared in she became the first U.S. woman and only the second female a few professional competitions, but focused her skating career in history to land the triple Axel, nailing it at the U.S. Figure mostly on a variety of ice shows and wrote an advanced skating Skating Championships to win the title when she was awarded technique book called, “Artistry on Ice.” She has hosted and the event’s first ever 6.0 given to a single female skater for commentated for several skating broadcasts, most recently technical merit. At the Fall 1991 Skate America, Harding serving as a special correspondent for “Entertainment Tonight” racked up a list of firsts: first woman to complete a triple Axel for the 2010 Winter OIympics. Kerrigan was inducted into the in the short program, first woman to successfully execute two United States Figure Skating Hall of Fame in 2004 and honored triple axels in a single competition and the first woman to at the Ice Theatre of New York’s annual gala in 2008. complete a triple axel-double toe combination. “She has such a wonderful family,” said Mary Scotvold, But the ensuing years have largely been difficult for Harding, noting they are still in touch with their former student. “Her who in March 1995 pled guilty to hindering the investigation Christmas card with her two sons and her daughter was into the attack on Kerrigan. Under the plea, Harding did no beautiful. And her oldest son is her absolute clone.” prison time and avoided prosecution related to the incident, Nineteen years later, and the “whack heard around the but received three years’ probation, 500 hours of community world” will always be linked to the 1994 Winter Olympics and service and a total of $160,000 in fines. She surrendered her be a piece of skating history. U.S. Figure Skating membership and had to drop out of the “I’m sure Nancy wishes it could just be about her skating. World Championships. And I think she’s probably a little hurt that it never seems to In July, six months after the attack on Kerrigan, Harding be,” Mary Scotvold said. “The Olympics is such an athletic was stripped of her 1994 national championship and banned sport and she jumped like a man. She did a triple Lutz and a from U.S. Figure Skating for life when a five-member triple-triple (at the 1994 Olympics)– and that was back then. committee concluded that Harding knew about the plot She skated like a champion.” before it occurred. Harding, who continues to claim that she only knew of the attack after she returned from the U.S. Championships, could no longer compete or be a sanctioned U.S. Figure Skating coach and, even in non-U.S. Figure





Doug Ladret Since 1984 Doug Ladret has been at the forefront of figure skating around the World. Along with his partner, Christine “Tuffy” Hough, Ladret won the 1988 Canadian Pair title, competed in five World Championships and two Olympic Games and won a total of five International titles. Professionally, Hough and Ladret performed with Stars on Ice for four years and were featured in numerous touring shows, television specials and one feature film. From 1997 to 2000, Ladret was the Performance Director for Stars on Ice. Doug serves on the PSA Board of Governors and is master rated in Pairs and Free Skating. Doug Ladret Don Corbiell Don has taught for over 20 years and trained in Freestyle, Moves in the Field and Dance. Originally he trained in Calgary, Canada and later at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Don performed nationally and internationally for nine years. Don is PSA master rated in Free Skating and Moves In The Field, PSA Area 15 Representative, USFS Gold Medalist, Certified in First Aid and CPR through American Red Cross. Katie Moose Katie has been coaching for 13 years and earned a master rating in Group and Program Director, a certified rating in Moves in the Field and a registered rating in Free Skating. She is a current member of the U.S. Figure Skating Basic Skills Committee. Katie is also a Utah State Certified Teacher Pre K through 8th grade.

serves as the Ice Den’s Director of Figure Skating Development. Ladret began his coaching career in Barrie, Ontario working with World and Olympic skaters. In the short time since the Ice Den opened, his current crop of up-and-coming skaters have developed into National& International Champions and travelled with Team USA. “I wish for the PSA to continue to be a great source of information and education in developing coaches of all levels in our country. My vision is for our members to be recognized as the best coaches in our profession and to ensure we are doing everything to help our members be the best they can be.”

“I believe that we can reach out to other countries and their skating organizations and put into place a program of reciprocation acknowledging our mutual regard for high level and highly rated coaches. We need to look at what training is working really well in other countries and see if we need to incorporate anything into our programs to increase the depth of our up and coming skaters.”

“I would like to see the PSA work on a campaign to promote continuing education throughout its ranks. As a school teacher, I firmly believe that we must continue learning in order to grow and succeed. Without continuing education we become stagnant and we miss opportunities to develop ourselves and our skaters. I would be honored to represent the Basic Skills community and work toward bringing more beginning level coaches into PSA membership.”

MIDWEST NOMINEES FOR ELECTION TO THE PSA BOARD OF GOVERNORS Terri Klindworth Hooper Terri has coached over 30 years and has earned her master rating in Group, Figures, Free Skating and a senior rating in Moves in the Field. Terri is also a U.S. Figure Skating Technical Specialist. She began her career in Denver team coaching with both Carlo Fassi and Don Laws respectively as a National and International level coach. She has a Sports Science Degree from the University of Denver and has been on staff at numerous Olympic Training Camps.



“I would love to see the PSA commit to better development of the fast growing CER program. It is imperative to continue to work closely with USFS on integrating programs, communication between the organizations, the skaters and the professionals, and again furthering education. With the continuous changes coaches face at every level in every discipline, we need to stay informed and educated.”

Robert Mauti Robert holds a PSA master rating in Moves in the Field and certified Ratings in Dance, Choreography and Free Skating. Robert was runner-up in Audrey Weisiger’s Young Artist Showcase event, a recent international choreography competition. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music and enjoys music editing.

Cindy Sullivan Cindy has been coaching for over 30 years and is master rated in Free Skating and Figures. She has served as a PSA Area Rep and has served on several PSA and USFS committees. Cindy is the RMFSC Director of Figure Skating for Ice Centre at the Promenade. Cindy is a USFSA double Gold Medalist and has coached skaters at the Regional, Junior National, Sectional, National and International level.

“To be honest, I think the PSA is already amazing as it is. I see all of the resources and opportunities that the PSA provides for coaches to better themselves. I believe the PSA can achieve a greater interest level for young and lower level coaches. I believe that the PSA can develop a few more “leaders” within skating cities that will be as interested in the development of others as much as they are in wanting to develop themselves.”

“I would like to develop more education programs to serve PSA members in all the states and increase accessibility of knowledge. I would like to continue to bring grassroot education through all disciplines of our sport. The relationship between the USFS and the common goals we have that bond us together, and to grow is an important effort. I would be honored to serve PSA in this capacity. “



ProSkaters Announces Winners of the 2012 Virtual Skate Off In the only skating competition of its kind, over 40 professional skaters competed online for cash prizes in five different categories. ProSkaters ( awarded first, second,

and third place prizes in the categories of Men’s and Women’s Singles, Pairs/Adagio, Specialty Acts, and Choreography. This marked the third year for ProSkaters’ Virtual Skate-Off. Skaters submitted videos of performances they had choreographed and/or performed during the year for voting by the public and members of ProSkaters. First place received $500, second place was awarded $250, and third place earned $125. Over 3,000 votes were cast by the skating public to select the top five in each category. Then members of ProSkaters selected the top three entries as follows (you can view videos of the entries at ProSkaters would like to congratulate:

In the Men’s Singles event: 1st Place: Mark Hanretty, Nottingham, UK 2nd Place (tie): Adam Kaplan - Rhode Island, USA, and Michael Solonoski - New York, USA In the Women’s Singles event: 1st Place: Yebin Mok - Los Angeles, CA USA 2nd Place: Ashley Clark - San Francisco, CA USA 3rd Place: Erin Reed - Salt Lake City, UT USA In Adagio/Pairs: 1st Place: Melanie Lambert and Fred Palascak - Boston, MA USA 2nd Place: Jeremy Barrett and Natalia Zaitseva - Sun Valley, ID USA 3rd Place: Jenna Harrison and Marco Del Zotto - Florida, USA In Specialty Act: 1st Place: Emmanuelle Balmori - Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2nd Place: Joel Dear - Traverse City, MI USA 3rd Place: Sarah-Yvonne Prytula - Sydney, Australia In Choreography (group of 5 or more): 1st Place: Zabato Bebe - Vienna, Austria 2nd Place: Michi Porter - Palm City, FL USA 3rd Place: Ashley Clark - San Francisco, CA USA



Congratu ALL the lations to and a bi competitors gt all the sk hank you to that vot ating public ed a us crown nd helped ProSkate our 2012 rs’ winne rs!

DID YOU KNOW? “My mother had this ghastly silver dress made for me,” Cecilia Colledge told The Boston Globe in 1998. “I was skating for a gold medal, and you don’t wear silver. I wanted to wear my little green velvet dress. Whenever I wore my green dress, I thought I did well. I wouldn’t dress anybody I knew in silver.”

DID YOU KNOW? US Figure Skating Rule 2712 A warm-up period must immediately precede a competitive skating group. In case of interruption in the competition of more than 10 minutes, due to unforeseen circumstances, the skaters concerned will be permitted a second warm-up period of six minutes in the case of singles or pairs, four minutes in the case of pattern dance or five minutes in the case of short dance or free dance.



leticism to Recognize Skaters • Standardized Testing of Ath ting program designed to (S.T.A.R.S.) is a U.S. Figure Ska c information about your provide coaches with specifi athletes’ athletic abilities. day off-ice testing event • S.T.A.R.S. consists of a one areas: 1) Agility/Balance/ comprised of 15 tests in three Power; 3) Flexibility Coordination; 2) Strength and compares them with other • The results for each athlete level, age, and gender across athletes of the same skating the country r in l have an interactive semina • All S.T.A.R.S. combines wil . addition to the off-ice testing aining, Overtraining and • This year’s seminar topic: “Tr Recovery” e ts will receive a discount cod • Previous S.T.A.R.S. participan n — watch your email in atio to save $5 off of 2013 registr ry. Februa ine e guide will be available onl • An updated S.T.A.R.S. exercis athletes and their coaches p starting March 1, 2013, to hel bines. com the for e par pre s ner and trai n in will begin slightly earlier tha • The 2013 combine season tes (da . July of end the -April to previous years, spanning mid TBD)

• Registration opens March 1, 2013, online at • The first three S.T.A.R.S. locations to reach 100 registered athletes will receive a visit from one of our celebrity athletes, Tanith Belbin or Rockne Brubaker, who will assist with the seminar and have extra time for questions as well as photo and autograph opportunities. • The athletes of the top cities will be featured in an issue of SKATING magazine. • The top 10 coaches with the most registered athletes will receive an exercise prize package, including useful and fun equipment to use with their students. • Contest winners will be announced in April.


2012 Fall Board Meeting • Rosemont, IL

» The following are the results of the Requests for Action from the fall 2012 PSA Board of Governors meeting PASSED Motion #F12-1: “I move that the board approves the agenda for the November 2012 meeting of the PSA Board of Governors.” Motion: Vice President Fowler Binder Second: Past President Morris Adair Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0

TABLED #F12-10: “I move that the board approve the recertification for examiners criteria be approved.” Motion: Governor Shakarjian Second: Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0

PASSED Motion #F12-2: “I move that the board approves the minutes from the May 2012 Board meeting held in Boston, Massachusetts, with the correction in Motion #S12-4, changing the 2011-12 budget to the 2012-13 budget.” Motion: Vice President Fowler Binder Second: Treasurer Murphy Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0

PASSED Motion #F12-11: “I move that the requirements for Synchronized Skating InstructorSenior Level be approved as amended.” Motion: Governor Shakarjian Second: Governor Stump Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0

PASSED Motion#F12-3: “I move that the board approves the Joint Statement of Recognition between the PSA and ProSkaters.” Motion: Vice President Fowler Binder Second: Treasurer Murphy Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-4: “I move that the board approve the travel policy with a January 1, 2013 implementation date, with the amendment to the second sentence of 4.4 to read ‘Reimbursement will be made at the current IRS mileage rate’ and 7.0, last bullet- ‘A signed, Travel Expense Claim, with receipts should be forwarded to the Executive Director or President for necessary approval’.” Motion: Treasurer Murphy Second: Governor Ladret Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-5: I move that the board approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion: Treasurer Murphy Second: Governor Ladret Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-6: I move that the board approve the fee schedule FY 2014. Motion: Treasurer Murphy Second: Past President Morris Adair Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion#F12-7: “I move that the board approves an endorsement application fee of $105.” Motion: Past President Morris Adair Second: Governor Wylie Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 FAILED Motion #F12-8: “I move that the board approve changing Rankings to Discipline Specific Rankings beginning with Level IV.“ Motion: Governor Forsyth Second: Past President Morris Adair Voice Vote: In Favor 0 Opposed all Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-9: “I move that the board approve the policy that if a rating examiner has been absent from sitting on an exam panel for more than a year; it is recommended that they must observe one rating exam prior to examining. If it has been more than five years then it is recommended they observe an exam at each level.” Motion: Governor Shakarjian Second: Vice President Fowler Binder Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0

PASSED Motion #F12-12: That for Synchronized Skating Instructor requirements that the coach may be the primary coach or the assistant coach of the team. Motion: Governor Shakarjian Second: Governor Williamson Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-13: “On behalf of the Awards Committee, I move the board offers all award nominees a single ticket to the 2013 banquet. If they are the winner then their hotel evening will be reimbursed after the conference.” Motion: Governor Williamson Second: Treasurer Murphy Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-14: “On behalf of the PSA Executive Nominating Committee, we nominate Angie Riviello-Steffano for the President of PSA. This is a three year term to commence at the conclusion of conference May 2013 to the conclusion of conference May 2016.” Motion: Past President Morris Adair Second: Governor Williamson Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-15: “On behalf of the PSA Executive Nominating Committee, we nominate Christine Fowler-Binder for the 1st Vice President position for the remainder of the term through May 2014.” Motion: Past President Morris Adair Second: Treasurer Murphy Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-16: “On behalf of the PSA Executive Nominating Committee, we nominate Dorothi Cassini for the 2nd Vice President position for the remainder of the term through May 2015. This will be for two years to fill the vacated seat of Christine FowlerBinder, contingent upon the 1st VP election.” Motion: Past President Morris Adair Second: Governor Shakarjian Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0 PASSED Motion #F12-17: “The 3rd VP position is an appointment by the President. Contingent upon the 1st and 2nd VP elections, President Riviello wishes to appoint Rebecca Stump to be the 3rd VP of PSA for the remainder of the term through May 2014.” Motion: Past President Morris Adair Second: Governor Ladret Voice Vote: In Favor all Opposed 0 Abstentions 0



What Would Shannon Peterson & Holly Malewski Do? performance affects them – period. When you’re on a team, it affects 19 other people. That’s a lot of responsibility. As much as the discipline of synchro itself is a team sport, the coaching aspect also is often a team undertaking. Who makes up your coaching team and how do you ensure that everyone works together smoothly?

Qualification for Worlds: Holly, left, and Shannon at the 2010 U.S. Figure Skating Synchronized Championships in Minneapolis, MN, with their Senior Crystallettes. In 1988, sisters Shannon Peterson and Holly (Teets) Malewski began coaching the Crystallettes synchronized skating teams, a program for which they both previously skated. The Crystallettes, which was an ISI team until 1980, had only an 11-and-under team in 1986 (which was coached by Peterson) but, by 1988, had expanded to three teams – Juvenile, Novice, and Junior – when Malewski came on board. In 1990, the team competed at its first international competition at the Junior level and, three years later, the Crystalettes entered the Senior ranks. The Crystallettes program now boasts 10 teams: Tot, Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Preliminary, Pre-Juvenile, Juvenile, Intermediate, Novice, Senior and Adult… and the sisters still work together, side-by-side. In 2012, the Senior Crystallettes earned a gold medal at the Neuchatel Trophy, a silver medal at the U.S. Synchronized Skating Championships and 11th place at the World Synchronized Skating Championships. With 24-plus years of synchro coaching experience and countless medals both in the United States and abroad, what would Shannon Peterson and Holly Malewski do? What is the thing you value most as a synchro coach? Shannon: Synchro used to be seen as what you did if you couldn’t skate. Now synchro skaters have to be masters of all – lifts, moves, freestyle, dance, presentation. I like that. Plus, the team aspect really teaches life skills. You have a responsibility to a team and all that goes with that. Holly: In individual skating, a skater’s work ethic and



Shannon: We have five regular on-ice coaches and then we have a whole contingent of off-ice people – ballet, plyometrics, zumba, core training, presentation and theatrics, and sport psychologists. Holly and I are always there for on-ice. As far as off-ice, everybody has their job to do and their specific day and time. Holly: Thank goodness for the internet, text and email. We can stay in constant contact with everyone by just sending a quick text or a video. It probably wouldn’t have been possible to this extent even ten years ago. Are there any specific qualities you look for in a synchro skater? Holly: Flexibility, performance, presentation, work ethic. And they have to play well with others. That’s a big thing. That’s why we always have more than one day of tryouts. With such a team dynamic, if someone is selfabsorbed, we can see it. They have to be able to relate to others on the team. Shannon: We also have them fill out a questionnaire and write a letter to us about what they think they need to do to make the world team. Periodically, we bring out the letters so they can read them and see if they’re doing what they said they needed to. And this is what they said they needed to do, not us. We put a lot of weight in what they say in those letters and I have been known to send them back if they didn’t put enough thought into them. But their words are very telling. I can tell you this, if it’s a five-sentence letter, there’s a problem. How do you approach bringing together so many personalities? Holly (laughing): Some years are better than others. Shannon: I think the thing that does the most is that we have them set their own goals and norms – goals being their big, long-term things for the season and norms being what they need to do in the day-to-day to get there. Holly: Having them set standards for themselves gets them together in the very beginning. It’s the key to their success and cohesiveness as a team. Shannon: We also never let them stay with the same people when we travel. They give us a list of three people they think would be good for them to stay with

and one person who would throw them off their game if they were to room with them. The lists are confidential and we do the best we can, but we always keep them staying with different teammates. How do you go about blending together so many skating styles so the team looks like one unit? Holly: We spend the entire summer working on skills. May, June, July and August – drills and more drills. We brought in Anne Schelter (innovator of the Annie’s Edges program). We do inside edges, outside edges, arms, moves, everything. We don’t even start choreography until September. Shannon: We know what elements we have to have, but we also watch the natural flow and go with that. If you don’t, it gets slow and awkward. We have an idea where the major things are going to be, but we adapt. How do you best handle the extra stress in coaching a sport with so many blades flying around simultaneously? Shannon: Standing at the gate is my least favorite thing to do. I literally just scan the performance for trouble. Holly: The thing is, whether it’s the dreaded “f” word (fall) or a trip, the problem usually started 16 counts before that and it sent a chain reaction. The girl who falls or trips is usually not the one where the problem started. Shannon: The biggest thing is they have to realize that everything they do affects their teammates. I always say, ‘You need to make sure you’ve done everything you can to prepare.’ Accidents happen, but you need to have prepared as much as possible so they happen less frequently. Synchro has really gained recognition as a skating discipline. Have you seen an impact? Holly: I don’t know. Synchro lovers just love synchro. They always have and always will. Shannon: It has made it more competitive. We don’t have to just take anyone anymore. Synchro as an Olympic sport? Ever? Holly: Interestingly enough, it was talked about at Worlds and the coaches were told that we needed to get more boys involved. For a long time, we were the only Senior team in the U.S. with boys and that was not always seen as a good thing. But now they’re suggesting at least two boys per team. Shannon: Honestly, I don’t know if it’s ever going to happen. They’re now doing a team event, like gymnastics. (At the 2014 Olympics, ten nations will each feature a male and female single’s skater, a pairs

As of 2/01/2013

Persons banned or suspended from U.S. Figure Skating, Ice Skating Institute, and the Professional Skaters Association membership

By Terri Milner Tarquini

team, and an ice dance team who will compete against each other for team event medals for the first time.) So they’re inventing something before they’re taking an established sport. Do your team skaters still have to skate individually? Shannon: They have to do a minimum of four hours per week and they have to continue taking lessons. Holly: And we don’t care who they take lessons from or at what rink. We will gladly send video clips to whatever coach they are working with so they know what we need them to work on as far as synchro goes. What is your favorite synchro move to watch when it is performed really well? Holly: I like an awesome intersection with speed in and speed out. Shannon: Something I’ve enjoyed is watching the creative elements requirement. For a while the programs were all starting to look the same. It’s new this year and I’ve enjoyed the creativity coming back.

What are your plans for the future? Holly: I tell Shannon that she has to do this until my daughter, who is 11 years old and on the Novice team, makes the Senior team and goes to Worlds. The same way I coached her daughter and our brother’s daughter in their individual skating, Shannon can’t stop until my daughter can realize her dream. Then she can retire. Shannon (laughing): I’m just sitting here, smiling and nodding because I know it’s true. But I don’t think Holly is ever retiring. Holly (laughing): I’m going to die at the rink in this chair. How would you describe your journey in the skating world? Holly: In the late ’80s, when there were still silver rounds, we were the silver round champs. And, man, we always won that silver round. Then we were fourth place forever, then third place forever and, in 2004, that started changing. It’s been a long, hard climb. Shannon: And we’re not done yet.

Do you have an overall coaching philosophy or mission statement? Shannon: ‘Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.’ If you work hard enough and put enough into it, you’ll get it. Holly: That is why the big thing we look for at tryouts is heart. We want the skaters with heart. If you have the will … Shannon: And the determination … Holly: We’ll show you the way.

Joshua Kogan - suspended January 15, 2013

Persons suspended pending final hearing panel determination from U.S. Figure Skating and the Professional Skaters Association **Genrikh Sretenski - suspended September 18, 2012 ** D.J. Vincent - suspended January 17, 2013

Persons suspended pending final hearing panel determination from U.S. Figure Skating **Lindsey Sikorski - suspended January 13, 2012 **Sandra Sikorski - suspended July 20, 2011

James Clifford Patterson – Expulsion; eligible for reinstatement 4/11/2013

Shannon: Personally, I’d get rid of the group lift. It’s a safety issue and it’s really not pretty. To get a Level 4, you’re jeopardizing the skaters. We believe synchronized skating already has an element of risk factored in with sixteen pairs of sharp blades on the ice. We constantly weigh the risks of elements during choreography.

Shannon: I can’t see myself doing anything else. Holly: My second calling is patching people up. If anyone gets hurt or slices themselves up, I get called. Shannon: Holly would have made a great doctor.

Persons suspended pending final hearing panel determination from the Professional Skaters Association

Person Expelled from the Professional Skaters Association:

If there was one thing you could change about the sport, what would it be?

Shannon, you are a coach and the principal of a middle school. Holly, you are a coach and an assistant rink manager. If you both were not in those professions, what would you be doing?

In reference to the Professional Skaters Association (PSA) Bylaw Article V the persons listed have been suspended or banned from PSA membership. In addition, these persons are not eligible to attend PSA educational events, purchase liability insurance or to hold active ratings. Through a reciprocal agreement, the PSA recognizes each disciplinary action of U.S. Figure Skating and the Ice Skating Institute.

Persons Permanently Banned from U.S. Figure Skating and the Professional Skaters Association

Holly and Shannon presented at the 2011 PSA Conference in Dallas, Texas.

Tonya Harding - lifetime ban David Loncar – lifetime ban David Lowery – lifetime ban Marc Mandina – lifetime ban Gordon McKellen - lifetime ban Jacqueline Mero - lifetime ban Joseph Mero – lifetime ban Erik Pedersen – lifetime ban Robert Young - lifetime ban **Laurie Van Den Bosch – lifetime ban

Persons Suspended from U.S. Figure Skating **Roy Cofer – suspended indefinitely **Daniel Gray – suspended indefinitely **Amy L. McCann – suspended until October 6, 2018 **Tricia Rubacky – banned from sanctioned competitions until specific conditions are met ** Mike Norman - suspended until March 26, 2014. ** The persons noted have been disciplined under U.S. Figure Skating Bylaw Article XXIV and have been suspended or banned from U.S. Figure Skating membership [or competitions] These persons should not be credentialed, nor permitted to coach in any U.S. Figure Skating sponsored or sanctioned activity including but not limited to participating in qualifying or nonqualifying competitions, tests, carnivals and exhibitions. For more information regarding the discipline of U.S. Figure Skating members please refer to the grievance page on the U.S. Figure Skating Website. PS MAGAZINE



Part II

Who Has Ownership Does Matter I

t has been said, “Art imitates life.”

Recently, a situation involving a coach and family members was brought to my attention when a member of that family passed away. Probate proceedings had begun. A question arose as to what property, part of the family assets, would be passed on to the surviving family members. There was a will with specific directions stating who was to receive what property.

The property, in this case real estate, was titled in the names of both spouses. So far so good; however, examination of the records at the court showed the property was titled to the spouses as tenants in common, not with right of survivorship. The will giving specific directions lost out to the recorded ownership as shown in the public records. So, what does that mean to the family? It means engaging in the procedure known as probate which is time consuming and can be expensive. Correct titling of property is the first step in managing how an asset in an estate will be passed on to survivors at the time of the death of the owner of that asset. A lawyer with experience in real estate can be of great value in reducing cost to a family with several hours of office time and some preparation of documents. Married couples and those cohabiting may choose to hold property jointly with the right of survivorship. This means at the time of a death, the property will not go through probate. After filing a death certificate and a certificate of survivorship, the property will pass to the survivor. This works the same with assets such as an IRA, certificates of deposit or bank saving and checking accounts. Unless other title changes are done by that survivor, there will be probate and maybe some estate tax issues upon the death of that survivor. In the uncertain tax environment of today, estate planning requires more thought than who gets what after the first death of joint owners. It is upon the survivor’s death that brings the tax impact if nothing has been done.



“The imagination of persons creating trusts has no limit. Proceeds from property owned and sold by a trust can be used for any legal purpose.” Enter the world of trusts. A trust is a paper creation that can be used to hold title to assets. Real estate is commonly held in the name of a trust. Life insurance proceeds can be used to fund a trust for any number of purposes. Having a prior marriage and children born from that relationship, or a special needs beneficiary are examples of uses of a trust. The imagination of persons creating trusts has no limit. Proceeds from property owned and sold by a trust can be used for any legal purpose. Education, travel, running and funding a business or the training of a skater are further examples of trust benefits. Trusts are also the vehicle used to help persons who have lost the capacity to manage their property or who have suffered strokes or other disabling situations. The management of trusts is private. There are no court proceedings and the public is not invited to know what a trust has been authorized to do or who might be the beneficiaries. There is no public disclosure of the property owned or managed by the trust. This is how the very rich and famous pass their fortune from one generation to the next with no public involvement—and all legal.

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Are You Looking For A Great Skating Opportunity?

Come Join the World’s Greatest Skaters! Feld Entertainment® is looking for Male and Female Skaters for its U.S. and International Tours of Disney On Ice. For more information, please send a skating resume, photos and current video (3 – 6 minutes) and all contact information to: Judy Thomas Talent Director and Production Coordinator Feld Entertainment. 2001 U.S. Highway 301. Palmetto, FL 34221 USA Phone (941) 721-1234 • Fax (941) 349-4280 Email

Frank & Audrey & Sheila

Sheila Thelen Champion Cords – Alignment PRESIDENT – Champion Cords EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR –

Grassroots To Champions

I am so excited to be a part of this HUGE Seminar! (Pinch yourself, Sheila!) I’ll be bringing in 150 Champion Cords for all the skaters & coaches to train with! Singles, Doubles, Triples, Spins, Spirals, MIF, Choreo, Alignment, Position, Technique Hope you can join us! (Did I mention: FRANK & AUDREY will be there?) Applications at: Questions: »»CHAMPION CORDS ARE ENDORSED BY THE PSA


MEMBERS NEW MEMBER SPONSOR Susan Algarne Corinne Alimbetova Mary Ament-Johnson Elizabeth Angarola Theresa Anselmo Jason Arms Kierra Braaksma Kayla Brown Kirsty Cameron Kristie Caputo Holly-Lynn Chartier Coral Cogar

Gilley Nicholson Erika Wisch Kristie Mitchell Ryan Jahnke Patricia McKinnon Nick Kraft Katie Grulke Sarah Haman Elizabeth Coates

NEW MEMBER SPONSOR Emily Mohr Michael Murphy Kerry Murphy Antonio-Enrique Newby-Estrella Alyssa Osborne Igor Petrov Cynthia Phaneuf Sarah Popa Yaniritza Quiroga

Nick Kraft Ann Lewis Brumbaugh Christie Chambers Andrew Foland Rocky Marval Katie Hannemann Gilley Nicholson

William Riley

Michael Scancarello

Brittney Podolsky

Laura Rogers

Gerry Lane

Denise Hughes

Anne Clarisse Roman

Patrick O’Neil

Jana Rosenberg

Dean Copely

Greg Zuerlein

Amanda Sakowski

Jessica Demaria

Cassandra Fischer

Nicholas Kraft

Isabella Colasanti Mckinzie Daniels

Ryan Jahnke

Susan Liss Jennifer Gray Sarver

Michael Sasaki Sabrina Serra

Sherri Terando Natalie Mitchell Schrader Karen Berzon-Feccia Stephanie Stiegler Susan Rigney

Scott Cudmore

Dina Shahrokhi

Shari Trotter

Elizabeth Pauley

Kathy Shankle

Tami Mickle

Vicki Korn

Casey Sullivan

Katie Franklin-Kerley

Sabrina Ericson

Emily Cassella

Theresa Thiele

Charles Fetter

Llanel Florendo

Skye Wheeler

Natascha Trittis

Patti Brinkley

Lauren Gifford

Tanya Street Burgess

Nicole Tyrna

Erin Donovan

Derek Glauser

Amy Fankhauser

Michael Weiss

John Zimmerman

Christina Godziszewski

Lindsay Willen

Laura Dunn

Rachel Diehm Sallie Doak Kylie Duff

Cindy Godziszewski Kaitlyn Gresko

Kris Shakarjian

Amelia Hamilton

Deborah Cotty-Dever

Rebecca Hamlin

Renee Laurin-Roos

Rebecca Hammett

Donald Mitchell

Mersadeis Hawkins

Brandon Larcom

Micah Jaffe

Chip Rossbach

Heather Jobling

Kimberly Williams

Nicole Kalagian

Jeanne Selker

Demerie Kiley

Michelle Sibley

Hannah Kimberly

Daria Classen

Nataliya Kostikova

Carrie Sinclair

Katie McGuire Annie McKenna Yaroslav Merkepel Shayna Moellenberg

Victor Ehre Stacie Kuglin Carrie Sinclair Teri Moellenberg

Sarah Wright

Susan Jackson-Wagner

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MARCH Date: Location: Event: Credits: Host:

Friday, March 1 Area 13 South Suburban Family Sports Center, 6901 S. Peoria St, Centennial CO 80112 ISI District 12 Free Instructor Seminar 7:30am to 4:30pm 6 PSA pre-approved credits Debbie Lane 303-470-8391

Date: Location: Event: Credits: Contact: Deadline:

Saturday, March 2 Area 16 Ice Den, 9375 E. Bell Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Arizona State Workshop 2 pm - 6 pm 6 PSA credits Karen Gesell 602-980-4270 February 15, 2013

Date: Location: Event: Contact: Credits: Deadline:

March 3-4 Area 16 Fiesta Rancho Hotel/Casino, North Las Vegas, NV 89130 Oral Rating Site at Ratings Prep Training PSA Office 507-281-5122 or Register online at 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken Oral Rating Exams January 31, 2013

Date: Location: Event: Contact: Credits: Deadline:

March 4-6 Area 16 Fiesta Rancho Ice Arena & Hotel, North Las Vegas, NV 89130 Ratings Prep Training (formerly known as PACE) PSA Office 507-281-5122 or Register online at 28 PSA credits February 11, 2013

Date: Location: Event: Credits: Contact: Deadline:

Friday, March 22 Area 11 West Meadows Ice Arena, 3939 Winnetka Cir, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Illinois State Workshop 9 am - 1 pm 5 PSA credits Ilona Horvath 847-736-6297 March 1, 2013

APRIL Date: Location: Event: Credits: Contact: Deadline:

Sunday, April 7 Area 3 Skylands Ice World, 2765 State Hwy 23, Stockholm, NJ 07460 New Jersey State Workshop 9 am to 2 pm Introduction to IJS for Coaches 5 PSA credits Tim Covington rink: 973-697-1600 March 22, 2013

Date: Location: Event: Credits: Contact: Register:

April 19-21 Area 7 Carolina Ice Palace, North Charleston, SC U.S. Figure Skating Program Components Camp & Coaches Track TBD Kelly Vogtner 719-635-5200 Online at



Please vis www.ska it for the co mplete Calendar of Events

JOB PLACEMENTS M AY Date: Location: Event: Contact: Credits: Deadline:

May 20-22 Area 11 Hyatt Regency O’Hare, 9300 West Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont, IL 60018 Oral Rating Site at 2013 PSA Conference PSA Office at or 507-281-5122 1 PSA credit per oral exam taken Oral Rating Exams: March 15, 2013

Date: Location: Event: Contact: Credits: Deadline:

May 23-25 Area 11 Hyatt Regency O’Hare, 9300 West Bryn Mawr Ave, Rosemont, IL 60018 & The Edge Ice Arena, 735 E. Jefferson, Bensenville, IL 60196 2013 PSA Conference, Trade Show & Reunion PSA Office at or 507-281-5122 30 - 32 PSA credits Early Bird Deadline: January 9, 2013

The Lake Region Figure Skating Club ( in Devils Lake, ND is seeking a skating coach/director starting with the 2013-2014 season. Responsibilities include teaching all levels of figure skating, preparing skaters for testing and competitions, as well as the planning and organizing of skating programs, exhibitions, test sessions, and annual ice show. Applicant must be enthusiastic, highly motivated, organized, and have good communication skills. Please contact Jason Kraft at 701-351-3222 or The Wisconsin Rapids Figure Skating Club is looking for coaches with excellent communication skills experienced with coaching beginner to high level USFS Programs. Coaching responsibilities includes Learnto-Skate class instruction to junior & senior Moves in the Field, and junior & senior Free skating instruction. Please email your resume and references to Kevin Whipple, WRFSC President, at or mail to WRFSC P.O. BOX 32, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54495

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Making champions since 1951. For more details, ask Patrick Chan or Carolina Kostner.

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