March/April 2020 PS Magazine

Page 36


Professional Standards BY K E L L EY MO R R I S A DA I R MM , M D F D, R F F


eing a PSA member holds every coach to an exceptional ethical and professional standard. A PSA member should strive to generate positive images and public relations for the sake of the athletes, our profession, sport organizations they are involved with, and the entire skating community. Coaches are faced with ethical, professional, and moral dilemmas throughout their coaching careers and it is often speculated what criteria is used when making these decisions. What moral foundations do you employ to reach resolution and subsequently act on those choices? While coaches often make decisions alone, that decision may have unintended consequences. A single decision can reflect on the integrity of the coach making the decision, the club the coach represents, the professional coaching organization, the federation and the community with which the coach interacts. Below are some questions to consider when you find yourself in a moral and ethical dilemma: • Do you have all the information you need to make an educated decision? • Do you need to speak to the skating director, facility manager, legal counsel, police? (Know the chain of command and your responsibilities in your coaching environment)

"All sport organizations are in the public eye and are constantly examined, studied, dissected and scrutinized. The public is demanding and should expect nothing less than professionalism from PSA coaches."

the rules; it means being morally good. Understanding and developing a good moral meter will help you navigate through coaching conflicts, particularly in gray areas where the path is complex and nuanced. The core values of our organization that shape ethical conduct have remained constant and the PSA continues to combat unethical behavior. All sport organizations are in the public eye and are constantly examined, studied, dissected and scrutinized. The public is demanding and should expect nothing less than professionalism from PSA coaches. How a coach develops their own ethical behavior is constantly evolving as new situations arise. The PSA Tenets of Professionalism are not only guidelines of those boundaries but expectations. The high road is not always a smoothly paved path and your decisions may be considered contentious. It takes moral courage to do the right thing and continue your own course. But every coach has an obligation to retain a strong sense of character, ethics and professionalism.

• What are the choices? Do the choices breach any PSA or U.S. Figure Skating rules or ethic rules?

false or shall represent themselves using Code of Ethics Rule #2: No member mislead. deceptive statements intended to desirability of offered coaching Making statements about the comparative d coaching one-of-a-kin or unique, unusual, services or claiming or implying is not misleading. abilities is acceptable as long as it or experience is not acceptable However, misrepresenting your credentials PSA Code of Ethics. The FedRule #2 of the and will be considered a breach of Five: Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices, eral Trade Commission Act, Section under that are likely to mislead consumers defines deceitful statements as those consumers’ decisions. affect to likely are normal circumstances and that nts as those that are likely to cause The FTC defines unfair advertiseme the injury is outweighed by the provsubstantial, unavoidable injury, unless involves monetary harm, but can also able benefits. Substantial injury usually the FTC writes, “Injury exists if concome in many other forms. Specifically but for the deception.” sumers would have chosen differently on Deception written in OctoAccording to the FTC Policy Statement misleading or deceptive in spefound been have that ber of 1983, practices representations, or failure to perform cific cases include false oral or written considers claims or omissions “material” promised services. The FTC also be or safety in which a consumer could if they significantly impact health reasonably concerned. promoting themselves to children, Coaches should take extra care when to encourage demand. The FTC tactics al psychologic using and refrain from ertising laws when applied to children. places special emphasis on truth-in-adv on Deception reports, “False, misleading, Again, the FTC Policy Statement a at children tend to exploit unfairly and deceptive advertising claims beamed or experience to anticipate or appreciate consumer group unqualified by age be exaggerated or untrue. ” may the possibility that representations a safe and healthy learning provide to is ty responsibili Another important in should be respectful of any disruption environment for all skaters. Coaches safety in jeopardy. the workplace that may put a skater’s registered coaches, SafeSport policies Additionally, for US Figure Skating that a safe environment for its members must be followed in order to provide to encourage the wishes PSA the While . are free of abuse and harassment members must understand the limitations open recruitment of skaters, our required to protect minors.

• Does your decision confirm your moral values, principles and personal ethics? • What are the short-term and long-term consequences of your decision? • Who benefits from theibly decision? Who might be harmed Act respons . by the decision? you are an arena manager or director,

• How willWhether your decision beSkaters perceived by others? of the Professional member a coaching you skater, Association, or the parent of a figure whom have the right to expect that those with in a you have a working relationship will act manager a from professional manner. In fact, standard or parent’s perspective, the minimum expectation should be that hiring a coaching with a member of the PSA will provide you coach. qualified, well-educated, and ethical PSA’s the with you This brochure will provide nalism, and code of ethics and tenets of professio regarding resource nal educatio an will serve as today. professional standards of our industry

A quick reaction without reflecting on these questions could cost you and others in the long run. Take a moment, sit back, observe, listen and you will maintain an ethically principle-centered perspective in your decision-making process. As a PSA member, you are obligated to abide by our Code of Ethics and professional standards. But being a PSA member means more than just being honest and following



The SafeSport Program Handbook

is available for download on the U.S.

Figure Skating website.

A S S O C I AT I O N P R O F E S S I O N A L S K AT E R S MN 55902 3006 Allegro Park Lane SW | Rochester, 507-281-512 2 | office@skat www.skate

Ethics pamphlets are available through the PSA office or online Code of Ethics A Code of Ethics and Professional public respec Conduct is hereby t, safety, and adopted to the the status of profession may the association end be enhanced members in the that the lowed to avoid and coaching all actual or percei secured. The ethical princip ved impropriety. les are to be The following folCode of Ethics Professional shall govern Skaters Assoc the conduct iation. shall be consid ered by the CommAny complaint concerning of members of the the procedures any ittee breach of Professional that are adopte Standards accordthereof the Professional d from time to ing to Skater time by s Assoc the Board of Gover tion includes private or public iation. Disciplinary action nors of for an ethics expulsion from admonition, rule violasuspension, expuls membership of the Profes ion, or perma sional Skater nent 1. Members s Association. of the as “Members”) Professional Skaters Assoc , iation (herea in their relatio shall at all times exercise fter referred the greatest nships with care and discre to other memb which avoids ers, athletes, tion verbal, menta and act in a l, emotional, any athlete, manne physic coach Skating SafeSp , parent, or official as define al, or sexual misconduct r ort Handbook. of d in the curren t U.S. Figure 2. No Memb er shall repres ent ments intend ed to mislead. themselves using false or deceptive state3. In order to protect the safety and develo shall engage in pment of athlete is actively engagany in-person solicitation s, no Memb of er skating or prepared in a lesson or while “perfo an athlete while the athlete ing to skate in rming.” “Perfo or exhibition, rming” means an event at an and includes arena in a test, meeting with tice skating, competition, and warmup coaches, locker skating. room time, prac4. Members shall at influence athlete all times be mindful that they duct. No Memb s to act ethically, with dignit have the responsibility to er shall act in y, and with high dard of ethica moral conl and moral conduany manner inconsistent with a high ct. stan5. Members shall be advoc ates for the prevention of drug, alcoho drug-free sport and take an l, or tobacco abuse by athlete active role in 6. Members s. shall not engag e in, nor knowi they are charge ngly permit, d any athlete with in violation of with the responsibility of whom coaching, to engag federal, state, or local law, or laws of a foreign e in any offense 7. Members government. shall at sidered to exist all times avoid conflicts of interest which at any time, or herself or when the action can on s of the Memb be conimproper advan behalf of an athlete would er for his tage. involve the obtaining of an 8. Members shall not engag e in, nor knowi whom they are charged with the respon ngly permit, any athlete in any offens with e in sibility of coach including willful violation of the U.S. Figure ing Skating SafeSp to engage and/or volunt ly tolerating misconduct ort policies, of an athlete eer. (s), coach(s), official,



The purpose of these tenets of profes duct above and beyond the minim sionalism is to provid as set forth in e a framework um standa the bylaws of of conthe Professional rds provided by the code of ethics The Professional Skaters Assoc iation. Skaters Assoc highest ideals iation and of of professional professionalism and ackno its membership aspire to the conduct should wledge that services provid the be ed to those with followed in the performancefollowing tenets whom we have of professional 1. As coache contact. s of skating, we will condu onstrates respec ct ourselves t for the rules in a manne preserve with under which decorum and our skaters compe r which demintegrity the te and we testing progra 2. Professional ms and compe will Skaters Assoc titions. iation recogn consistent with izes that profes the role of the ers Association sional courte coach. As memb sy is , ers of the Profes come in contac coaches will be civil and sional Skatcourte t and will endea other coache vor to maintain ous to all with whom s. we a collegial relatio nship with 3. As skating coache whom we work s, we acknowledge that from may We acknowledge wish to leave us as the coachtime to time the students with that we will and seek coachi arise and will cooper ng elsewhere. ate with be will complement willing to make such chang other coaches when conflic es on behalf ts the further perform of the studen ance and progre 4. When compe ss of that studen ts as titions or testing t. students and situations arise, the parents we agree of them in the decision makin those students well inform to keep our g that time avoiding ed and involv emotional attach affects their interest e while at the both in skatin ment to our same g and out of students and skating which professional their activities might impair service. our ability to render 5. As profes sionals, and as members we will honor of the Profes our promises sional Skater and our comm ing, and strive s Assoc iation, itments, wheth to the skating profes build a reputation for dignity, hones er oral or in writsion. ty, and integr ity in 6. As profes sionals, we will not make and members of the Profes sional Skater motives to other groundless accusations of impropriety s Association, coaches in bad or attribute faith or withou bad t good cause. 7. As profes sionals, will not engag and as members of the Profes e in any course sional Skater skating organi s Association, of conduct design zation officia we ed to harass l, another skater, another coach, or the parent 8. As profes of another skater. sionals, and as members we will strive of the Professional to expand our Skaters Assoc knowledge of tain proficiency iation, skating and to in our area of achieve and expertise. main9. We will never allow race, gende tions of person s to improperly r, religion, age or other suspect classifi motivate our caactions. 10. At all times and in all things officials, and when dealin other memb g with the ers to the propo skating public sition that our of the coaching profes , sion, we will practices shall of honesty and adhere be governed integrity. by the princi pals

PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS An ethics guide for figure skating profess



Ethical Solicit atio Marketing, and n, Promotion

The PSA Board October 29, 2014,of Governors has voted to amend specifically the The rationale Code of Ethics the by-laws as of by the Federa for the changes was in respon rules two and three. l Trade Comm se to concerns in PSA’s forme ission (“FTC raised ”) regarding r the provision any case solicit Code of Ethics that stated : No memb through third pupils of another memb er, directly or er shall in parties. indirectly, or The FTC allege s that this the Federal Trade Comm provision in the Code of Ethics ission Act becau competition among coache se it inhibits violates s. economic The goal of coaches, reduce the new rules is to increa se fees for skater to encourage s, improve the competition between innova quality of servic To achieve these tion. es, and objectives, ket and promo te themselves all coaches are encouraged can promote their backgrounddirectly to potential clients to marject, of course . Coach and credentials , to the requir as they see fit, es ement that such tion may not subbe misleading, as is discussed marketing and promoFor example, in coaches may information choose to markegreater detail below. which can be t themselves posted in a dasher board through public space banner, advert at the rink, or promoted ised in a flyer a in or mail, and mass a newspaper. Flyers, busine competition program, ss ness to a wide e-mail are all excellent ways cards, apparel, direct audience. Coach to professional es may take the promote your busipresence on opportunity social media YouTube, Twitte to have a , such cate specifically r, or a website, being mindf as blogging, Facebook, ul of how they with minor children in regard impression of communiabuse, bullyin say they marke g, or sexual miscos to a literal or implied accomplishm t themselves through their nduct. Many coaches ents are their work. Their “advertiseme a great way to nt.” That, unequ student’s promote onese ivocally, is lf. The key to a Your plan should successful marketing plan is strateg ic planning. ents. Your plan identify the tactics you will should descri employ to gain coaching style be and technique, your business, a philosophy new clirelated to the of your skating busine services performed, and other details ss. More importantly, coaches must to help profile research their their specific marke the demographic potential customers. t Gathe s of your area trends, and popula such as econo ring information on mic indicators, tion statistics get audience. will help you social Identify their understand your needs and plan As an examp taraccordingly. le, an introd uctory private charge or at a discounted lesson can be rate. This allows given free of skater, begin a relationship the coach to with the family evaluate the allows the coach , and identify to communicat talent. It also goals for the e their vision skater to the parents. In certain of short and long term lesson fees may be requir situations, discou Recruiting studen ed to allow the skater nted to partici ts in an ethica about a coach l manner says pate. ’s integrity a good deal and promotes prospective clients. a professional image to

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