The Quality of Your Brand Reflects the Quality of Your Business Core Values • Education • Consistency • Relationships • Authenticity • Respect S U B M I T T E D B Y T H E C O M M I T T E E O N P R O F E S S I O N A L S TA N D A R D S
he PSA Committee on Professional Standards expands on your image as your brand.
In this professional standards series, please check out the wonderful resource below for brand positioning and strategy for small (but growing) businesses, and entrepreneurs working for themselves — in other words personal branding. Establishing and communicating your personal core values creates a professional atmosphere that will help you maintain an ethical coaching business and avoid conflicts. Building a coaching business isn’t easy. Success comes from commitment, hard work and a great deal of continuous education. Any experienced coach will tell you that it’s important to love what you do, leverage your passion, work hard and most importantly — never stop learning. It’s not about creating a new you to promote, it’s about being more aware of the industry’s professional standards, being more conscious about what you do naturally, and be more consistent with it. Be Authentic — Authenticity can’t be forced. It comes when words and actions align. You don’t actively promote yourself as “being authentic.” You simply are authentic. Or, you’re not. Be Consistent — Maintain consistency in how you present your image and personal brand. Keep in mind that you need to be consistent in how you communicate. Be Skilled — Educate yourself within the industry. Your value and expertise will get people to start paying attention. Be Visible — For your coaching business and brand to grow, you must be visible and approachable to parents, other coaches, managers, rink owners and your community. Be Connected – Relationships are an important part of building your business. Networking within these relation-
ships can be a very powerful tool in your coaching toolbox. Your connections will provide the most powerful endorsements that speak directly to your character. Running your brand through a series of quick assessment questions can expose brand blind spots and get more focus—in about fifteen minutes. This checkup questionnaire is a powerful tool that you can use to make a quick assessment of the fundamental key principles on which successful brands relentlessly focus. You can score yourself, or not, depending on how you use it. Reprinted with permission from
BRENITS CREATIVE 2 Brand Checkup (602) 753-6717 |
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