We work passionately to create long-lasting products with exceptional value. It`s our premise to combine high-end performance with security and comfort. We consult experts and professional athletes during the development process to guarantee LEKI`s unique level of quality. More than 250 patents are proof of LEKI‘s level of innovation and quality.
Wir arbeiten leidenschaftlich daran, langlebige Produkte mit außergewöhnlichem Wert zu schaffen. Es ist unsere Prämisse, High-End-Leistung mit Sicherheit und Komfort zu kombinieren. Wir konsultieren Experten und Profisportler während des Entwicklungsprozesses, um das einzigartige Qualitätsniveau von LEKI zu gewährleisten. Mehr als 250 Patente sind ein Beweis für das Innovations- und Qualitätsniveau von LEKI.
The majority of our products are produced in our own factory in the Czech Republic. The biggest advantage of the European location is the local supply chain and quick shipment. This eliminates long delivery routes. We can control the complete supply chain in every step and down to the finest detail.
Der Großteil unserer Produkte wird in unserer modernen Fertigungsstätte in Tschechien hergestellt. Die größten Vorteile des europäischen Standorts sind die lokalen Lieferketten und der schnelle Versand. Dadurch entfallen lange Lieferwege und wir können die gesamte Lieferkette bis ins kleinste Detail steuern.
For many years, we have invested in the most modern production equipment with the best available technology and energy efficiency. We are proud to have the highest standards in terms of health and safety for our employees and environmental impact of production.
Seit vielen Jahren investieren wir in modernste Produktionsanlagen mit der besten verfügbaren Technologie und Energieeffizienz. Wir sind stolz darauf, die höchsten Standards in Bezug auf Gesundheit und Sicherheit für unsere Mitarbeiter und die Umweltauswirkungen der Produktion zu haben.
For years LEKI has been supporting regional social associations as well as international projects. We attach great importance to the High Five Foundation, which supports athletes with life-changing injuries as a result of mountain sports during rehabilitation. As a global brand it is important to us to take over responsibility on a local level. With the support of charity and events we contribute to the success of the region we are operating from.
LEKI unterstützt seit vielen Jahren sowohl regionale Verbände als auch internationale Projekte. Am Herzen liegt uns die High Five Foundation, eine Organisation, die Bergsportler nach lebensverändernden Verletzungen bei der Rehabilitation unterstützt. Als globale Marke ist es uns aber auch wichtig, auf lokaler Ebene Verantwortung zu übernehmen. Mit der Unterstützung von Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen und Veranstaltungen tragen wir zum Erfolg der Region bei, in der wir tätig sind.
Even after many years of wear and tear, sometimes decades, we do everything possible to extend the life of our products. With our worldwide network of service and repair center we can clean, maintain and repair generations of poles. LEKI guarantees to provide spare parts for at least 10 years for all products.
Mit einem weltweiten Netz an spezialisierten ServiceCentern können Produkte nach jahrelanger intensiver Nutzung repariert und wiederinstandgesetzt werden. Teil der LEKI-DNA sind verlässliche und langlebige Produkte. Bis zu zehn Jahre werden die Ersatzteile durch LEKI bevorratet.
Innovative, three-dimensional release with the Trigger 3D, which gives you maximum safety.
Release Button
Innovative, dreidimensionale Auslösung mit dem Trigger 3D, der dir maximale Sicherheit bietet.
Easily click out the straps by pressing the enlarged trigger release button.
Einfaches Ausklicken der Schlaufen durch Knopfdruck der vergrößerten Trigger-Auslösetaste.
3D Thorn Trigger spectrum of 220° due to the thorn of the intelligent Trigger 3D system.
Auslösespektrum von 220° durch den 3D-Dorn des intelligenten Trigger 3D-Systems.
Four Finger Syncline Comfortable grip position without slipping thanks to four-finger syncline design.
Komfortable Griffposition ohne Verrutschen dank Vier-Finger-Mulden Konstruktion.
Spring Three-dimensional release force due to innovative spring system.
Dreidimensionale Auslösekraft durch innovatives Federsystem.
New series of racing gloves, 100% developed for alpine racing and perfectly adapted to the individual disciplines in every detail.
Neue Rennhandschuhserie, zu 100% für den alpinen Rennsport entwickelt und auf die einzelnen Disziplinen in allen Details abgestimmt.
Speed panel
Control your hands and poles with maximum flexibility and precision through specific construction of the flex mapping. Great freedom of movement and wearing comfort without compromising on safety features.
Optimale Kontrolle deiner Hände und Stöcke mit maximaler Flexibilität und Präzision durch die spezielle Konstruktion des Flex Mappings. Hohe Bewegungsfreiheit und Tragekomfort ohne Kompromisse bei den Sicherheitsmerkmalen.
Cut through the gates by deflecting the impact. The fully integrated flexible TPU panel covers the central knuckle area and provides optimal damping. The flowing shape combines hand ergonomics and dynamics.
Maximale Geschwindigkeit durch perfektes Ableiten der Torstange durch den Handschuh. Das voll integrierte flexible TPU Panel umschließt den zentralen Knöchelbereich und sorgt für beste Dämpfung. Die fließende Formgebung vereint Handergonomie und Dynamik.
Prefect connection between glove and pole for maximum control, comfort and security
Perfekte Verbindung zwischen Handschuh und Stock für maximale Kontrolle, Komfort und Sicherheit.
652 67671
Length 120 - 135 cm
Pack size
Weight 325 g (120 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D ProG
Strap Trigger Frame Strap
Material Carbon (PRC 1000) | Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Finish Clear Finish
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Downhill
Exchange basket
Tip Flex Tip One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
652 676921
652 676922
Length 110 - 135 cm
Pack size
Weight 314 g (120 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D SL
Strap Trigger Frame Strap
Material Aluminium (HTS 6.5) | Carbon (PRC 1000 - Aramid)
Finish Ultrasonic
Segments 2-section(s)
Diameter Ø 16|14 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Trekking
Exchange basket
Tip Flex Tip One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
652 676911
3D 110 - 135 cm
307 g (120 cm)
Trigger 3D ProG Trigger Frame Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.5) | Carbon (PRC 1000Aramid)
Ultrasonic 2-section(s)
Ø 16|14 mm Fixed length
Flex Tip Short (Carbide)
652 67731
Length 120 - 140 cm
Pack size
Weight 282 g (120 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D ProG
Strap Trigger Frame Strap
Material Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Shaft form Airfoil
Finish Ultrasonic
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 18 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Downhill
Exchange basket
Tip Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
652 67481 Reorder
Length 110 - 140 cm
Pack size
Weight 286 g (120 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D SL
Strap Trigger Frame Strap
Material Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Shaft form Airfoil
Finish Ultrasonic
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 18 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Trekking
Exchange basket
Tip Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
652 67771 Reorder
WCR GS 3D 120 - 140 cm
281 g (120 cm)
Trigger 3D ProG
Trigger Frame Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Ultrasonic 1-section(s) Ø 18 mm
Fixed length
Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
652 67751
652 67752
Length 110 - 130 cm
Pack size
Weight 299 g (120 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D SL
Strap Trigger Frame Strap
Material Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Shaft form Airfoil
Finish Ultrasonic
Segments 1-section(s)
Ø 16 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Trekking
Exchange basket
Tip Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
110 - 130 cm
294 g (120 cm)
Trigger 3D ProG
Trigger Frame Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Ultrasonic 1-section(s)
Ø 16 mm Fixed length
Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
WCR TBS SL 3D 67761652 65851 Reorder
652 65852
Length 90 - 120 cm
Pack size
Weight 234 g (105 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D SL Compact
Strap Trigger Vario Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Shaft form Airfoil
Finish Ultrasonic
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Fixed length
Basket Trekking
Exchange basket
Tip Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
652 65901 Reorder
90 - 120 cm
243 g (105 cm)
Trigger 3D ProG
Trigger Vario Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Ultrasonic 1-section(s)
Ø 16 mm
Fixed length
Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
WCR LITE SL 3D653 6788 1
Length 110 - 135 cm
Pack size
Weight (120 cm)
Grip Trigger 3D ProG
Strap Trigger Frame Strap Mesh
Material Carbon (PRC 1000)
Finish Matt Finish
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 12 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Cobra Alpine
Exchange basket
Tip Flex Tip Short (Carbide)
Rubber pad
653 6790 1 Reorder
110 - 135 cm
(120 cm)
Trigger 3D SL
Trigger Frame Strap Mesh
Carbon (PRC 1000)
Matt Finish, Clear Finish 1-section(s)
Ø 14 mm
Fixed length
Cobra Alpine
Flex Tip Short (Carbide)
653 6743 1 Reorder
653 6743 2
Length 110 - 135 cm
Pack size
Weight (120 cm)
Trigger S SL
Trigger Vario Strap
Aluminium (HTS 5.5)
Finish Matt Finish
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Fixed length
Basket Cobra Alpine
Exchange basket
Tip Ice Tip (inside shaft) One size
Rubber pad
653 6747 1
110 - 135 cm
(120 cm)
Trigger S SL
Trigger Vario Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.0)
Anodized 1-section(s)
Ø 16 mm
Fixed length
Cobra Alpine
Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
652 6585 1 Reorder
652 6585 2
Length 90 - 120 cm
Pack size
234 g (105 cm)
Trigger 3D SL
Trigger Vario Strap
Material Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Shaft form Airfoil
Finish Ultrasonic
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Construction Fixed length
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Basket Racing | Trekking
Exchange basket
Tip Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
Rubber pad
652 6590 1 Reorder
90 - 120 cm
243 g (105 cm)
Trigger 3D ProG
Trigger Vario Strap
Aluminium (HTS 6.5)
Ultrasonic 1-section(s)
Ø 16 mm
Fixed length
Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size (Carbide)
653 4436 1
Length 90 - 120 cm
Pack size
Weight (105 cm)
Grip PAS V1
Lock Security Strap Nylon
Aluminium (TS 4.5)
Finish Matt Finish
Segments 1-section(s)
Diameter Ø 16 mm
Folding system
Locking system
Antishock system
Fixed length
Basket Racing | Trekking
Exchange basket
Tip Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size
Rubber pad
653 4430 1 Reorder
653 4430 2
80 - 105 cm
(105 cm)
Lock Security Strap Nylon
Aluminium (TS 4.5)
Ultrasonic 1-section(s)
Ø 14 mm
Fixed length
Racing | Trekking
Steel Tip (inside shaft) One size
654 8023 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Main material
Trigger System with Power Frame, Speed System, Pro Glide
Zone, Speed Panel, Ceramic Enforced Silicone Surround Cushion, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8006 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Main material
Trigger System with Power Frame, Speed System, Pro Glide
Zone, Speed Panel, Ceramic Enforced Silicone Surround Cushion, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8013 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Speed System, Pro Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Ceramic Enforced Silicone Surround Cushion, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Enforced Flex Cuff
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8016 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Speed System, Pro Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Ceramic Enforced Silicone Surround Cushion, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Enforced Flex Cuff Finger Channels
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
waterpr windpr comfortably soft
654 8033 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Extended Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8036 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Main material
Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Extended Ceramic Enforced EVA
Paddings, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff Finger Channels
Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8043 01 black-ice lemon
6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Features Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8053 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit
Features Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Main material Sheepskin (100% Leather), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Goatskin (100% Leather), Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level *** Spring
654 8063 01 black-ice lemon
6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8026 01 black-ice lemon
oof windproof comfortably soft
Sizerun 6.5 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Race Fit, advanced pre-curve
Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff Finger Channels
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8423 01 black-graphite-ice lemon
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Pro Fit
Features Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff mf touch
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8473 01 white-black-graphite
653 8473 02 white-graphite-ice lemon
7.0 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Pro Fit
Features EVA Paddings Silicone Enforced Grip Pads Flex Cuff mf touch
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8483 01
Sizerun 7.0 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Thermo Fit
Features Extra high insulation volume, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Double Gauntlet, mf touch
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Soft Plush (100% Polyester), Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level ***** Extra Warm
653 8433 01
653 8433 02
653 8433 03
653 8433 04
653 8433 05
Sizerun 7.0 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Pro Fit
Features Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings Silicone Enforced Grip Pads
Flex Cuff mf touch
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8443 01 black
653 8443 02
Sizerun 7.0 - 11.0 (half size)
Construction Comfort Fit
EVA Paddings Silicone Enforced Grip Pads
Flex Cuff
mf touch
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8096 01 black
Sizerun 7.0 - 11.0 (half size)
Comfort Fit
EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8403 01 black
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Thermo Fit
Loose eXTended Fit, Extra high insulation volume for extreme temperatures, Double Gauntlet, Heat Pocket, Leash
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Taslan (100% Polyamide)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level ****** Extra Warm +
653 8406 01 black
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Thermo Fit
Loose eXTended Fit, Extra high insulation volume for extreme temperatures, Finger Channels, Double Gauntlet, Heat Pocket, Leash
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Taslan (100% Polyamide)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level ****** Extra Warm +
653 8416 01 black
waterpr windpr comfortably soft
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Thermo Fit
Loose eXTended Fit, Extra high insulation volume for extreme temperatures, Finger Channels, Double Gauntlet, Heat Pocket, Leash
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester), Taslan (100% Polyamide)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level ****** Extra Warm +
654 8017 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Race Fit
Main material
Speed System, Pro Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Ceramic Enforced Silicone Surround Cushion, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip
Pads, Flex Cuff
premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8018 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Race Fit
Speed System, Pro Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Ceramic Enforced Silicone Surround Cushion, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff Finger Channels
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8027 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Race Fit
Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Extended Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8028 01
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Race Fit
Glide Zone, Speed Panel, Extended Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Flex Flap, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Goatskin (100% Leather), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8037 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Race Fit
Features Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
654 8038 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Race Fit
Features Ceramic Enforced EVA Paddings, Silicone Enforced Grip Pads, Flex Cuff, Finger Channels
Main material Softshell (92% Polyester, 8% Elastane), Ceramic Shell (100% Nylon), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Thinsulate (65% Polyolefin, 35% Polyester), Hyperloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8047 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Features Flex Cuff
Main material Rip Stop (100% Polyester), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8048 01 black-ice lemon
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Features Flex Cuff
Main material Rip Stop (100% Polyester), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8017 01
653 8017 02 petrol-graphite
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Flex Cuff
Finger Waves
Main material Softshell (100% Polyester), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Superloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8057 02 black-yellow
653 8057 03 black-cyan
4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Features Flex Cuff
Main material Rip Stop (100% Polyester), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8058 02 black-yellow
653 8058 03 black-cyan
Sizerun 4.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Features Flex Cuff
Main material Rip Stop (100% Polyester), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8087 01 black
Sizerun 3.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Features Long Cuff
Main material Micro TC (100% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8088 01 black
Sizerun 3.0 - 8.0 (full size)
Construction Junior Comfort Fit
Features Long Cuff
Main material Micro TC (100% Polyester)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8014 01 black
Sizerun 1.0 - 5.0 (full size)
Construction Kids Fit
Features Long Cuff
Main material Microfiber (100% Nylon)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8024 01 black
653 8024 02 skyblue
653 8024 03 pink
Sizerun 1.0 - 5.0 (full size)
Construction Kids Fit
Features Knitted Cuff
Main material Microfiber (100% Nylon)
Handfläche G Grip (50% Polyurethane, 50% Polyester)
Insert SOFT-TEX® (100% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level **** Waterproof gloves
Warmth level **** Warm
653 8093 01 tan-off white
653 8093 02 graphite-off white
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Comfort Fit
Features Finger Waves
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather)
Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level ***** Extra Warm
653 8103 02 tan-black
653 8103 03 vintage blue-black
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Comfort Fit
Features Flex Cuff
Finger Waves
Main material Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level ***** Extra Warm
653 8333 01 graphite-off white-maroon
6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Comfort Fit
Features Finger Waves, Flex Cuff
Main material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level ***** Extra Warm
653 8336 01 graphite-off white-maroon
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Comfort Fit
Flex Cuff Finger Waves, Finger Channels
Main material Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester)
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Primaloft® (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Extra Warm
653 8773 01 black
653 8773 02
Sizerun 6.0 - 11.0 (full size)
Construction Comfort Fit
Features EVA Knuckle Pads Flex Cuff
Main material
Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Neoprene (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester), Rawshell (95% Nylon, 5% Elastane)
Handfläche Premium Goatskin (100% Leather), Silicone Nash (60% Nylon, 40% Polyurethane)
Isolierung Fiberloft (100% Polyester)
Lining Micro Bemberg (100% Polyester)
Waterproof level *** Water resistant components
Warmth level **** Warm
352 1220 01 One size black-sharkskin-peacock blue
Material 100% Polyester
352 1231 01 One size sage-indian tan-olivine
Material 65% Polyester | 35% Cotton
352 1221 01 One size true navy blue-white
Material 100% Polyester
352 1230 01 One size ensign blue-white-arctic ice
Material 100% Polyester
352 3312 21 One size dark denim-whitepoppy red
Material 50% Cotton - 50% Polyacryl
Details knitted wool beanie with inner fleece
352 2551 02 One size dark denim-white-poppy red
352 2551 03 One size dark denim-mint
352 2551 04 One size dark denim-white-grey
352 2551 06 One size neonpink-white
Material 100% Polyester
Details Thermo headband with two double sided designs
352 0302 21 One size true navy blue-white
352 0302 22 One size dawn blue-black
Material Repreve (100% Polyester)
352 0000 03 One size black
Material Neopren (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester) | Fleece (100% Polyester)
352 2312 21 One size dark denim-whitepoppy red
Material 50% Cotton - 50% Polyacryl
Details knitted wool headband with inner fleece
352 0100 03 One size black
Material 100% Nylon
352 7300 03 One size black
Material Neopren (60% Rubber, 40% Polyester) | Fleece (100% Polyester)
369 4513 221 Standard black-rainbow-sulfur yellow
Material TR 90
Details Magnetic interchangable lenses
369 4500 221 Standard black-rainbow
Details Durable polycarbonate lenses with impact and scratch resistance - UV 400 Coating.
369 4522 02 Standard white-black-brightblue
Material TR 90
Details Durable polycarbonate lenses with impact and scratch resistance - UV 400 Coating.
369 4524 02
Standard white-transparent-multi
369 4524 01 Standard true navy blue-transparent, multi
Material TR 90
Details Interchangeable lenses: 1x blue full revo mirror, 1x yellow, 1x photochromic
369 4522 11 Compact black-rainbow
Details Durable polycarbonate lenses with impact and scratch resistance - UV 400 Coating.
369 4527 01 Standard black
Material TR 90
Details Durable polycarbonate lenses with impact and scratch resistance - UV 400 Coating.
369 4504 225 Standard black-transparent
Material TR 90
Details Durable polycarbonate lenses with impact and scratch resistance - UV 400 Coating.
360 0520 05 50 x 40 x 30 cm
360 0520 06 50 x 40 x 30 cm
360 0520 29 50 x 40 x 30 cm
Volume 60 L
dark denim-poppy red-dawn blue
bright red-black-neonyellow
Material 60% 600D polyester, 40% 400D polyester
Details Backpack for Skiboots, helmet and further items
360 0620 06 60 x 40 x 35 cm
360 0620 29 60 x 40 x 35 cm
Volume 85 L
bright red-black-neonyellow
Material 60% 600D polyester, 40% 400D polyester
Details Backpack for Skiboots, helmet and further items
360 0120 06 25 x 43 x 38 cm blue-light grey
Volume 40 L
Material Softshell (94% Polyester, 6% Elastane)
220 V/12 V electrical connection, 3 temperatures settings, pockets for folding poles, goggle, helmet, gloves, etc., Backpack for Skiboots, helmet and further items
363 4320 05 Junior dark denim-poppy red-dawn blue
363 4320 29 Junior black-neonpink-neonyellow
Volume 750 ML
Material 100% 600D polyester
Details keeps drinks warm up to 4 hours
363 4330 06
One size black-bright red-neonyellow
Volume 1 L
Material 100% 600D polyester
Details keeps drinks warm up to 4 hours
363 4422 05
One size dark denim-poppy red-dawn blue
Material 100% 600D polyester
364 0600 01 45 cm
Material 100% Polyester
363 4300 00-1 48 mm black
364 0600 02 45 cm black-white
Material 100% Polyester
361 9200 06
One size bright red-black-neonyellow
Material 100% 600D Polyester
Details Case for professional biathlon rifles with additional space for spare parts
360 3100 06 210 x 33 cm bright red-black-neonyellow
Volume For 3 pairs of alpine skis
Material 100% 600D Polyester
360 2120 06 185 cm bright red-black-neonyellow
Volume For 2 pairs of alpine skis
Material 60% 600D polyester, 40% 400D polyester
Details Bag with full zipper for 2 pair of skis 185 cm
360 2020 06 210 cm bright red-black-neonyellow
Volume For 3 pairs of cross country skis
Material 60% 600D polyester, 40% 400D polyester
Details Bag with full zipper for 3 pairs of skis up to 210cm
360 5310 06 140 cm bright red-black-neonyellow
Volume For 15 pairs of poles
Material 60% 600D polyester, 40% 400D polyester
Details Bag with zipper for up to 15 pair of poles up to 140 cm
361 8220 06 150 - 190 cm bright red-black-neonyellow
Volume For 2 pairs of poles
Material 100% 600D polyester
Details Adjustable, with solid tube inside
361 8120 06 150 - 190 cm bright red-black-neonyellow
361 8120 29 150 - 190 cm neonpink-black-neonyellow
Volume For 8 pairs of poles
Material 100% 600D polyester
Details Adjustable, with solid tube inside
365 0611 12 Small carbon structure-, neonyellow
365 0601 12 Big carbon structure-, neonyellow
365 0401 12 Small carbon structure-, neonyellow
365 0301 12 Big carbon structure-, neonyellow
365 7001 12 43 cm neonyellow-black
365 7201 12 46 cm black-neonyellow
365 6501 12 42 cm neonyellow-black
365 2001 12 33 cm
365 2001 03 33 cm black
864 7101 12 One size neonyellow
Details incl. mounting kit (TRIGGER 3D / TRIGGER S) & flag stickers
864 6111 12
Details incl. mounting kit (TRIGGER 3D / TRIGGER S) & flag stickers
864 4311 12
Details incl. mounting kit (TRIGGER 3D / TRIGGER S) Details incl. mounting kit (TRIGGER 3D / TRIGGER S)
864 6111 00