Academic proofreading services

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Academic Proofreading Services You may be hesitating or in doubt as to how Professor Write can help you. Here are 10 reasons why our professional essay editing service helps you stand out from the crowd: 1. Check your grammar You have worked hard on your paper, best not to let yourself down at the final step. You’ve put together a good first draft, but you want a little bit extra to gain the edge. Unless you an expert in grammar, it is difficult to identify what you don’t know.

Our academic proofreading service makes it simple to write a great paper and help you to edit your own work. Consistent grammar mistakes can really let you down. Perhaps you've misused articles like ‘the’ or ‘an’ or mixed up your verbs. It doesn’t matter if you have a professional academic editing service to help you check your grammar. 2. Pick up your mistakes It is not possible to write without making a few mistakes. If you want perfect English, that is correct and accurate, then you need someone to help pick up your mistakes. Many college paper editing services are run by reviewers who have no academic qualifications at all! You must know that there are specific

mistakes in academic writing that you must avoid at all costs. You need an academic proofreading service that can identify these mistakes. No matter how great a writer you are, it is very difficult to write a perfect piece of academic writing without an objective, independent review. Professor Write is the editing service for academics. It has a team of academic experts who have spent thousands of hours helping students succeed in writing. Our team will help you identify and fix mistakes in your writing – making it polished and clear. 3. Impress your friends and family Impress your friends and family with your academic results. While you’ve done the hard work, all that your family and friends see is the results. There are clear benefits of having the editor improve your writing, providing clear feedback on your grammar, vocabulary, spelling, word choice and expression. On the topic of friendship, you may want to ask a friend or family member to proof your work. You can save your friendship by avoiding requests like ‘can you edit my paper’ or ‘can you proofread my thesis’. You might heard the phrase ‘don’t mix business and pleasure’ – it’s true. While your friends and family are nice people, they are not professionals and their business is not to provide proofreading services for students. Think about it. Your friend is unlikely to tell you what your mistakes are. Your professional academic editor will be direct. Your reviewer is part of a professional academic editing service that has a great reputation. We check their quality of review. We ensure that the professional editor will give you advice on your mistakes, improve your writing, and take the time to consider how to help you write better. 4. Save lots of time It takes a lot of time to write a great college paper. It takes even more time to edit or to proofread. Instead of re-reading your paper over and over again, why not save yourself time, effort, stress and energy by having an academic proofreading service do it for you. You will be able to concentrate on reading and reviewing your other work, and spend your time doing on more enjoyable activities.

A trap for students is thinking that they can write the perfect essay. With assistance from a college paper editing service, you can really speed up your learning. Get great advice and feedback from researchers who have already been there. Save time by accessing their years of experience and expertise. 5. Beat the Competition! Study is competitive. Getting good grades will help you get a good job. It is no accident that parents and students invest in outside help to get ahead. Academic editing and proofreading is one of the fastest growing areas of educational support! When you hire a professional academic editor, you are hiring a team of experts (at a very low cost) invested in your success. You are gaining a competitive advantage over other students and you are making an investment in your future. While other students are succeeding, you don’t want to be left behind. The world is a competitive place, and investing in a professional academic editing service can help you get where you want to go! 6. Become better at English Become better at English by hiring an academic proofreading service. It is unfortunate that many lecturers are busy teaching and doing their own research and cannot give you the time and attention to help you become a better writer. How else can you learn to be a better writer than other than someone showing you how? Professor Write’s academic editing service will help you learn to write English better. We help you understand and correct a range of English mistakes. Seeing the specific and extensive feedback our editors give you, you will be impressed and become better at English. 7. See your grades improve Unlike many editors, our team has actually worked as lecturers and academics. Because we have assessed student writing in the past, we know what kinds of mistakes lecturers usually pick up on. We can also provide feedback and tips to help you improve your grades. Only choose a professional academic editor if you really want to see your grades improve and get better scores. As using an academic proofreading

service is an investment of your time and money, it is best not to waste the opportunity by engaging experts without a clear desire and effort to improve. 8. 10,000 Hours of Practice Academics and students typically want to receive a high mark on a paper, get a journal article published, or write a university entrance application. Perfect takes practice. Your writing needs to be free of grammatical and stylistic errors. You may have read Malcolm Gladwell’s book, The Tipping Point. In it, he argues that it takes over 10,000 hours to become an expert. Perfect takes practice. Because our team provides editing services to academics, we employ PhDs and academics. It all comes down to experience. You need to write at least 80,000 words to submit a dissertation - and it takes many years to write a PhD - you can trust that each of our editors has at least 10,000 hours of writing and editing practice. There is no way to fake expertise! This kind of expertise and experience is not achieved through editing software. It is also not possible to gain insights on academic publication without having done a PhD. Always ask your reviewer what qualifications their team has. Don’t worry. Our team are not old professors who don’t know how to switch on a computer, but young, cutting edge academics who know what it takes to succeed. 9. Pay for results The old saying, ‘you get what you pay for’. While we understand that student fees are rising and competition for good jobs is getting fiercer, we don’t make the rules. We see that many students think that ‘cheating the system’ is possible by using free editors or free editing software. Please don’t be one of these people. Paying for academic proofreading services means you are looking for real results. You are committed. You really do get what you pay for. If you care about quality, you invest in it. Just like a Luis Vuitton handbag or a black Mercedes Benz, you need to trust that quality not only has a price but also a lasting value.

10. Be proud of what you Write! Be proud of what you write! You only get one chance and you know deep down that you’ve done everything in your power to achieve. Professor Write will help you uncover mistakes and areas to improve that you are unlikely to be aware of. (Only trust genuine academic editing services by academics for academics.) Our academics will give you detailed instructions and feedback on your writing; you will learn how to grow in confidence in your writing ability. Our professional essay editing service will help you be proud of what you write, and you will succeed in the long term. Let us get started on making your writing shine!

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