Blood bank system java programming

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Blood Bank System Java Programming Java assignment help


1. Background and Motivations In today’s fast paced life, every one is having a lots of health problem. Apart from this in case of any accident, blood is required to be supplied to the person and here blood bank comes into the picture. Blood banks are used to store the bloods and supply to the required persons/hospitals whenever it is required. To manage such transactions, I have decided to develop a Blood Bank Management system which will be used to store the details of donors, recipients, doctors, managing the inventory of blood available in blood bank, details of orders generated for blood request. This system is helpful to search blood units available in blood bank whenever it is required by patients. This system is maintaining the available inventory of blood units available. It is used to store the details of Donors also who can be contacted whenever a requirement of blood is there. It is also maintaining the details of Doctors also. This system maintains the details of Recipient also. User module is created to create the users who can use this system.

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Functionalities of System There are four major functionalities supported by the system. Donor This module provides the functionality to add new donors and search of existing donors. Recipient This module provides the functionality to add new recipients, update information and view of existing recipient details. Doctor This module provides the functionality to add new doctors and search of existing doctors. Users This module provides the functionality to add new users, update information for existing users, and delete user. Master Management This module provides the functionality to manage blood group details, stock availability and order details.

2. System Architecture

Architecture Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Diagram

3. System Interface Design (Snapshot) Interface 1: Login Page

Interface 1 Login Page

Interface 2: Welcome Page

Interface 2 Welcome Page

Interface 3: Blood Group Details

Interface 3 Blood Group Details

Interface 4: Add Donor

Interface 4 Add Donor

Interface 5: Add User

Interface 5 Add User Read more about Computer Programming Assignment Help

Interface 6: Add Doctor

Interface 6 Add Doctor

Interface 7: Recipient Details

Interface 7 Recipient Details

Interface 8: Change Password

Interface 8 Change Password

Interface 9: Record Details

Interface 9 Record Details

Interface 10: Available Doctor Details

Interface 10 Available Doctor Details

Interface 11: Available Donors

Interface 11 Available Donors

Interface 12: Stock Details

Interface 12 Stock Details

Interface 13: Order Screen

Interface 13 Order Screen

System Classes Details

Class Diagram Read more about Computer Network Assignment Help

Features used in project: As I have implemented this project in core java, I have used Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) to develop the GUI for users. I have used MySQL as database for this application and JDBC to connect database from application.

What is AWT? The AWT is a code library that provides components for graphical user interfaces, e.g., buttons, labels, textboxes. It was the first version of graphical components for Java programmers. It is Java’s original platform-independent windowing, graphics and user-interface widget tool kit. AWT is used the standard application programming interface (API) for GUI programming in Java. To connect this application with database, which I have used to store and retrieve the details of users, I used JDBC as a mediator between java application and database. Below is the snippet of code that I used to connect with database.

Here database name is lifesaviour followed by userid and password to connect with database.

What is JDBC? An API that lets you access virtually any tabular data source from the Java programming language. Steps used to connect with database:

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Establish a connection: o Import java.sql o Load the drivers o Make the connection Create JDBC Statements Execute SQL Statements GET ResultSet Close connections

JDBC allows SQL statements to be grouped together into a single transaction. Below is the generic architecture for an application which uses JDBC:

Architecure using JDBC

Instruction for user To run this application, user has to install the Java and MySQL on his machine. Post it is done, he has to create the database by importing the .sql file provided with this package. Once database is created, user has to compile all the java files using javac *.java command. Once all the files are compiled, he has to use java Login command to get the access of application.[Read about Database Key Issues Assignment] User credentials for application will be: Username: test Password: test Post successful login, user can use the system functionalities.

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Lessons and Experiences This project helped me a lot to learn the Java programming, AWT and JDBC features of java. Initially I faced few issues during design phase of this application, but that phase gave me an opportunity to learn a lot about java programming. This helped me to enhance my Java skills. I used Netbeans as a Java editor to do the coding and designing part.

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