2016 Effectiveness of Click Money Database Database ensures quicker storage and retrieval of data with ease of maintenance. Database can be secured by using password protection just to check unauthorized access.
Augustine Barlow
Programming Assignment Help 23-Apr-16
Scope for further improvement The solutions that I have presented here is very convenient and effective representation of Click Money. This database can prove to be very useful in future operations of Click Money. All the tasks that were earlier done via Files can now be easily automated, having this database in hand. The navigation and data flow of this database structure is very simple and easy, and can be easily understood by any novice person or people who are new to databases.
This database takes into consideration various suppliers, staff members, customers, products. At any stage, n number of data records can be updated without worrying about the limit. This database tracks staff attendance very effectively. Now Click Money can easily record their staff details, without fear of losing them. Now financial advice given to customers can also be saved. Database ensures quicker storage and retrieval of data with ease of maintenance. Database can be secured by using password protection just to check unauthorised access. Further effectiveness of database solution for Click Money can be improved by adding more Forms, Queries, Tables, and Reports into the database. As number of records in database will increase, it will become more comprehensive. As the number of branches will increase, their data will be centralized at one station, this will make data management better and effective. As the online access of data will increase, this will lead to better organisation. Some of the sales and marketing activities need to be setup for future growth of company, which will help in better customer retention and lead generation. An effective customer database has to be generated and providing effective and customised solutions will lead to better sales.
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These days’ customers and staff employees expect a faster online response, which is only possible when database performance is efficient.A company’s brand, its reputation, employee productivity, customer loyalty, and job satisfaction can be undermined by slow databases, therefore here we have kept the database for Click Money as short and simple. We must consider the performance issues throughout the development cycle, much before system implementation. We can significantly achieve a high performing system by close look at the design. We have designed Click Money database in such a manner that it is very easy to use, easy to understand and easy to learn. The interface is extremely userfriendly. Anyone with a valid identity and permissions may enter into the database and work upon it.
Technical Documentation of Click Money Database Database for Click Money is very simple and user friendly. One can easily navigate through the records of the database by clicking the button. 1. To enter data into the database via the form interface, just click on the Customer Details form. 2. Enter Customer First Name, Customer Last Name, Customer phone, Customer street, Customer City and enter submit button at bottom of page. 3. The Record will be submitted and saved to database. Similarly, we can enter other relevant details to the database via respective forms. E.g. – For entering Staff details, we will click on the Staff Form and fill in all the fields and click Submit button. The record will get saved in the database. In similar way we can query from the Click Money Database. If we wish to find out product details which a particular supplier supplies we know it is represented as:
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SELECT Product.Product_id, Product.Product_name, Product.Supplier_id, FROM Supplier INNER JOIN Product ON Supplier.[Supp_id] = Product.[Supplier_id]; From the database interface we click on the product query, enter the product id and get rest of the details. Another example of querying from database can be to find branch records – We have : SELECT Branch.[Branch_fname], Branch.[Branch_lname], Branch.[Branch_city], Branch.[Company_id] FROM Branch where 'Branch.Branch id = "1"'; This query will find out the record from click money database whose id = 1. Simply, select this query and Run (!) or double-click on the query to find out corresponding records (PURBA, sanjiv, 2000). Get best programming help to score good marks. Our team of writers and scholars is expert in writing plagiarism free content. Get affordable Homework Help at Programming Assignment Help.
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