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Sample solution on PHP Website Designing Assignment Help to build web application on twitter like web application it will be develop by making use of PHP language.

Introduction Task 1 Analysis and design The system named as “Twilter� is designed according to the user centered design process, which is very unique feature of this web application development . The user centered design is the process of designing a tool like application and website user interface from the prospective of how the application or website will be used and understood by the users. In other words the user centered design is the process of outlines the stages throughout the design and development life cycle all while focusing on gaining the deep understanding of who will be using the product. The designed system or application is categorized the tweets of twitter in different time category like morning, afternoon, noon, evening and night. The system is analyzed in different categories, these are explained below:

Information architecture analysis of the application The information architecture of any system provides the important skill of managing the information in the concise and appropriate form. It provides the basis for the creation of application structure. The effective architecture analysis of the application assures the safety and secure environment of the information provided by the application users. It also explains how efficient will be the application regarding the managing of the information of the user and also retrieving it in the near future from the database. The effective information architecture helps us in separating and displaying the content under the various time categories such as; morning, afternoon, noon, evening and night. The users can also depict the way in which the users will be accessing the web application. The information of the users are organized and labeled in the pattern provided by the information architecture of the system. In other words, the information architecture of the system is a technique which described the ways through which the user will be accessing the contents of information of any application.

Figure 1 information architecture of the Twitter feeds The information architecture of the “Twilter” is based on the feeds of twitter. The application “Twilter” fetches all the feeds of the twitter of the twitter account of register users, and then categorizes them according to the time like which time they like the tweet or post the tweet or any user activity. It fetches the feeds of twitter along with the relevant data of users store in the application database assignment help and the time on which they are online. The application not only fetches the feeds and time of twitter but also fetch the important information of the user from their twitter account like user name, contact information, country name, etc. This personal information of the user are stored safely in the database and secured with the PHP. The effective and artistic use of PHP in this application ensures that the information and other data are fully protected. The “Twilter” also defines the daily demographics of the user what time of the day the user is most active. Read more about PHP Website Design Assignment Help

Personas of the application It is the most important part to know about the expectations and requirement of the general users regarding the services to design or implement any system or application which the application designer wants to design. To know the general users requirement and expectation we conduct a survey in which we asked some common question with various users like name, age, profession of the user, what social site they mostly use, how regularly they are use the twitter, what is there feedback about the uses of twitter and which time of the day they are mostly using the social sites. This general user survey help us a lot to know the requirements and expectations of the general users. Also know how they like the twitter and their interest on the twitter. This information also helps a lot to design and implement my system or application in a proper way. The designed web application “Twilter” fetches all the information from the twitter account of the register users like

name, contact, country, age, gender, online time and user’s recent activity and then categories the users on the basis of their online time and activity like morning, afternoon, noon, etc. It also shows the daily demography of the user on the twitter account. To categorize the user we use the simple card sorting technique. The card sorting technique is very helpful to design the information architecture of the application. It explore the how people group the items so that you can develop the structure which maximize the probability of users able to find items. Read more about Web Programming Assignment Help

Task analysis of the application We completed the task analysis of the application in different steps. The steps are given below: 

Analysis of the category of users: From the users’ survey, we found that the users are like to use twitter to get the necessary information about the different peoples of different categories. The main problem by using the twitter, user can get all their activity on the same page of the twitter, so they are facing the difficulty in filtering their activities like tweets, like and all. The designed application divide their activity on twitter in different time of categories in which they are online on the twitter like morning, afternoon, noon, evening and night. When the user login to the application first time the application categories their twitter activity in different time slot. Analysis of the login system of the application: The designed web based application “Twilter” based on the twitter. It uses the tweets and other activity of the user on twitter and then categorizes them in different categories. Users can login into the system only after entering the valid twitter user name and password. When the user successfully login to the “Twilter” only then they can retrieve to the registration page of the “Twilter.” After creating the account on the Twilter then they will be redirected on the home page of the “Twilter,” where all the content of their twitter account displayed in the different categories. Analysis of the system page: After all these analysis of the application, we decided how the page will be included in the system and the way in which user will access the different page of the website. We designed the various page of the “Twilter” in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. PHP and MySQL are used to connect the application from the database and fetch the information from twitter. We link all the pages of the “Twilter” on the home page of the application which helps the user to access the different pages of the designed web application. We are tried to make the interface of the web application as user friendly as possible. The first page of the application is login page where the users have to sign in with their valid twitter user name and password. After that the user will redirected to the home page of the application where they can see their various twitter feeds under different time of categories. Analysis of the algorithm used in the application: To categorize all the activity or tweets of the twitter and display them under the different headings like morning, afternoon, noon, etc we use the “Naïve Bayes algorithm.” This algorithm provides the categorizing technique and makes some assumptions. This will scan all the words written in the tweets

and display them under the specific categories of time at which the tweet posted. This algorithm uses the probability equation shown below:

Analysis of the database: To store the various important information of the user, we create a database for the application with the help of PHP and MySQL. There is a single user table made in the database which stores all the information of the user. The database helps the users to create their registration account on the “Twilter.”

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