Introduction This assignment has been assigned to analyze and implement the solution for the given problem and to understand the concepts of java. It states the differences between best searching and sorting algorithms. I have also discussed the data structures used in the program. The program implemented has classes, inheritance, and features of oops.
You must justify the reason for selecting the data structure (Array List or Linked List). Why do you think that the data structure used by you is the best data structure for your application? Write maximum 2-3 lines to answer this question in Report.docx. ArrayList is a dynamic class which can grow according to the data added to it. I have used the generic array list that uses to store Game Object in my application.
You must justify the reason for selecting the sorting algorithm. Why do you think that the sorting algorithm used by you is the best sorting algorithm for your application? Write maximum 2-3 lines to answer this question in Report.docx. I have implemented Comparable interface to my class Game, and override the compareTo(Object O) method, in my main class there is an ArrayList as an instace variable that contains Game Object. I have used Collections.Sort() method to sort objects in ArrayList.
You must justify the reason for selecting the searching algorithm. Why do you think that the searching algorithm used by you is the best searching algorithm for your application? Write maximum 2-3 lines to answer this question in Report.docx. ArrayList that contains objects of Game class is searched using linear searching, because it is custom class and objects are not stored in a particullar order.
You must run your application 3 times by increasing the data each time (e.g. 5 games, 50 games, 500 games) and compare time for sorting algorithm. Write in Report.docx, the time taken to sort in each case. Sorting 5 games
Sorting 50 games
Sorting 500 games
You must run your application 3 times by increasing the data each time (e.g. 5 games, 50 games, 500 games) and compare time for searching algorithm (use same search key each time). Write in Report.docx, the time taken to search in each case. Searching 5 games
Searching 50 games
Searching 500 games
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