Liceo Scientifico Statale “L. Mossa” - Olbia Programma finale di lingua inglese A.S. 2013/2014 Classe 4° sez. D (corso tradizionale) Docente : prof.ssa F. Cubeddu Libri di testo: “New Horizons” vol. 2, di P. Radley, D. Simonetti, Oxford “Millennium” vol. 1, di Arturo Cattaneo, Donatella De Flaviis, ed. C. Signorelli Scuola Lingua Unit 7 Functions: talking about unfinished actions; talking about skills; going for a job interview Grammar: present perfect continuous, adjectives and prepositions: good at, keen on.... Vocabulary: jobs: prerequisites, skills and personal qualities Unit 8 Functions: Make, do and get; describing processes; talking about natural disasters Grammar: make, do, get; present simple passive Vocabulary: expressions with make, do and get; natural disasters Unit 9 Functions: talking about past habits; comparing ability; talking about lifestyles Grammar: used to Unit 10 Functions: getting things done; giving advice; talking about health Grammar: have/get something done, should/ought to, why don’t you..., You’d better..., If I were you Vocabulary: the body, illnesses and remedies Unit 11 Functions: imagining different situations;talking about feelings Grammar: second conditional, make + object + adjective/verb Vocabulary: emotions Unit 12 Functions: describing events, reported statements Grammar: past perfect, reported speech: say/tell; phrasal verbs, question tags Unit 13 Functions: talking about past mistakes, reporting questions, reporting requests and instructions Grammar: reported questions: ask.
Unit 14 Functions: talking about past facts, talking about developments; reflexive and reciprocal pronouns Grammar: past simple passive, present perfect passive, present continuous passive, future passive; reflexive and reciprocal pronouns Unit 15 Functions: asking questions; talking about familiar things Grammar: verb tense revision in questions; be used to / get used to / used to Unit 16 Functions: imagining a different past, using different conditionals, talking about regrets Grammar: third conditional, conditionals revision Literature, da “Millennium” From the Stuart monarchy to the Commonwealth Republic The 17th century, the Civil War, the Commonwealth Republic The Puritan Age: political, social and cultural context Puritan Literature: John Milton and “Paradise Lost” From Book 1, “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven” (Satan’s speech), analysis The Restoration Period – Charles II and James II The Glorious Revolution From Queen Anne Stuart to George III Hanover The 18th century, main features The colonial expansion, the agrarian and industrial revolution The rise of political parties: Whigs and Tories The Augustan Age – Neoclassicism - the reasonable man The rise of the novel Realistic novel, epistolary novel, picaresque novel, sentimental novel, utopian novel The realistic novel Daniel Defoe: life and works “Robinson Crusoe”, the enterprising hero; plot of the novel The epistolary novel Samuel Richardson: life and works “Pamela, or virtue rewarded”, plot and reading
Il docente Prof.ssa F. Cubeddu
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