Progressive Rancher December 2012

Page 1

NCA 2009 President’s Award Recipient

In this Issue... Nevada Cattlemen’s Association...................pgs. 3-4, 7-8 Cow Camp Chatter, ............ pgs. 5-6 Eye on the Outside................. pg. 10 Look 12-13 Horse Snorts & Cow Bawls .. pg. 13

Coloring Page......................... pg. 23 Range Plants for the Rancher: Redtop............... pg. 33 Equine Podiatry............... pgs. 26-27 Van Norman and friends

Fumes from the Farm............. pg. 15

Sale Results............................. pg. 28

Evidence-Based Horsemanship......................... pg. 17

U.S. Marine Corps Mounted Color

Ranchers Improve Wildlife Habitat and Cattle Operations through NRCS Sage Grouse Initiative Programs................................. pg. 19 Financial Focus....................... pg. 18

Merry Christmas

Beef Checkoff News.............. pg. 20

Guard Receive New Horses from Correctional Center................ pg. 29 Martin Black........................... pg. 30 Pearls from the Past: Christmas Memories.............. pg. 31

The Progressive Rancher Owner/Editor/Publisher - Leana Stitzel

Graphic Design/Layout/Production - Julie Eardley

Cover Photo: Angus Cow in Meadow, November 2012. Leana Stitzel photo. Artistic Composition: Julie Eardley Mailed to more than 6,000 individuals with approved addresses each month. The Progressive Rancher is published monthly. The views and opinions expressed by writers of articles appearing in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor. Letters of opinion are welcomed by The Progressive Rancher. Rates for advertising are available upon request. Advertising in The Progressive Rancher does not necessarily imply editorial endorsement. Liability for any errors or omissions in advertisements shall not exceed the cost of the space occupied by the error or omission. The Progressive Rancher is free to people working and active in the livestock industry. The Progressive Rancher is donated to the agricultural industry. If you are not currently receiving this magazine on a regular basis, and would like to be a part of The Progressive Rancher family, contact us by e-mail at, today, so we can include you on our mailing list. If you have moved or changed addresses, please notify us, by e-mail, so we can keep you informed. All requests for the magazine must be made by e-mail.

Leana Stitzel, Owner/Editor


The Progressive R ancher

1188 Court St., #81, Elko, NV 89801 (208) 733-1828 •

WWW.PROGRESSIVERANCHER.COM Ads sent to or built by The Progressive Rancher become property of this magazine.

2 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher



uring his first speech after winning the November 6th election, President Obama made it a point to address climate change and pledged to change the trend of climate change. The impacts of “Superstorm Sandy” gave new life to and put a different spin on the climate change debate. It is no surprise to any of us that there is a push to point the finger of blame in regards to climate change and an agenda by environmental groups to use climate change as a tool to achieve their goals. What is concerning to me is that merely hours after winning an election, the leader of the free world, faced with turmoil in the Middle East, a continued economic disaster, elevated jobless rates at home, and a divided Congress would address climate during a victory speech. One week after the election, I was sitting in a BLM meeting with a friend and fellow rancher. The topic of discussion was the drought and an adaptive grazing plan that would allow the producer to stay in business and give the stressed forage the opportunity to rebound. During the course of an often intense meeting, my phone was busily vibrating along in my pocket. It was the day before our annual convention and I was not surprised that emails, texts, and the occasional calls were coming in. What concerned me was the repeated call from a prefix I did not recognize within Nevada. I figured it to be a timely “crisis” I could address on my way from Battle Mountain to Winnemucca that evening. I returned my focus to the task at hand; keeping the federal land rancher in business despite the push by bureaucrats and enviro-litigators. After several hours of negotiating with range specialists and my friend, a plan was put together that would allow for the operation to continue with

Bill. The stand-off over how to save money, spend money, get a candidate elected, etc. has the Farm Bill stuck in limbo. One group wants it passed immediately along with all the goodies we can pile on. Another group wants it passed in a more limited form with cuts to many entitlements, and still others want a disaster package independent of the bill. So why can’t we get something passed to help us? CAMPAIGN 2012! I wish I was more optimistic about the whole thing, but I don’t see any help in the form of drought relief (such as assistance with hay purchases) coming this fall. The funding for those programs ran out with the last Farm Bill and there simply isn’t any way to fund the programs until Congress acts. This is an example of the occasional “pick me up” many producers need to stay afloat, and yet it isn’t there. The leadership on both sides of the issue sees what is happening. I truly believe they have chosen to play a game of chicken with some of our well beings in order to see who will blink first and how much money we can get stuffed into a Farm Bill. The system is beyond broken. It has been patched with baling wire, welded, wrapped with duct tape and had a new coat of paint put on it, but the main components are still junk. We have the opportunity to replace a few parts this fall. In November, we will go to the polls, select the cogs we want in the machine and then stand back and see what happens next. There is no doubt that the lame duck session of Congress after the election will be interesting. Who knows what direction that will go, but I am not 100% convinced a Farm Bill is in the works. By the time a bill gets implemented late this fall, many producers will have already made the tough decisions. The one fortunate thing is that we have some tax relief available due to the disaster declaration. (Stay tuned for a future update from a bean counter) I understand that there are strong feelings on both sides of Farm Bill relief amongst our producers. I am not advocating the use of or the non-use of programs. I am saying that I believe the true intention of many programs in the Farm Bill was to bridge the gap during periods like we are experiencing now. Many of our friends and neighbors may not survive in the industry without some assistance, especially if conditions persist. I want to see a healthy and viable cattle industry in Nevada and the United States. If someone needs a pick me up, a bridge to get to next spring, then we should have the means to give it to them. It is unfortunate that our industry has become a pawn in the chess game of campaigns, elections, and entitlements.

a 70+ percent reduction in some allotments for next year, provide for a rest from hot season grazing, allow for riparian area relief (with considerable investment of time and resources by the rancher), and use private grazing lands extensively within the rotation. I dismissed myself from the meeting, (I had 5 minutes to be in Winnemucca and knew even I couldn’t make that work) and hurried to the car where my wife was patiently waiting. As I slid behind the seat and prepared for a rapid departure, my phone once again rang and revealed the unknown number I spoke of earlier. I answered it and was greeted by the voice of a reporter from Reno. This was going to be a long quick trip! Seven days after the victory speech addressing climate change, thirty seconds after a meeting on drought management, and seconds away from using my car’s emissions as an atmospheric weapon of destruction, I was asked to comment on a report dealing with grazing and… guessed it, CLIMATE CHANGE. The report was to be issued the following day along with a series of press releases touting the need for immediate and drastic changes to save our western ranges from sure destruction. My reporter friend had secured an “early” tip about the report and wanted a comment. I had not been privy to the same early tip, but to be honest, this isn’t exactly a new thing. It is quite frequent that reports dealing with climate change, global destruction, the practices of grazing, and the need to “change direction” come out. There are two troubling things about this manuscript however, one its timing and other is the fact that it isn’t based on any new research or findings by the authors. This manuscript should be titled “A Literature Review and Citation”. It contains 28 pages of text, 10 pages of

The Progressive Rancher

————————— Continued on page 7


s the summer rolled into fall, the long hot dry days turned into shorter hot dry days for most of us. Areas of the state south of Highway 50 received decent moisture in August and September, but the majority of the Nevada remains high and dry. Early weaning, early preg checking, and heavy culling are the norm so far this year. When we add the cost of hay into the equation, 2012 is a year of extremely tight margins. This is the type of year that disaster relief was meant for. It is a travesty that elected officials in Washington D.C. have drug their feet for over a year on a new Farm Bill, and now over half of the agriculture industry in the county is in need of support. My honest opinion is that many of our elected officials see this drought as tool to pass pet legislation. The amount of money in the Farm Bill that goes to anything but “farm” type programs is staggering. The stalemate in Washington is over runaway government spending and how to stop the bleeding. I am not going to beat around the bush and try and sugar coat what is going on. We have a county that spends money and hands out money like it was printing it. Oh wait…..bad example. Well anyway you know what I mean. We have more entitlement programs than will fit in this publication. It is time that we take a long hard look at where we are spending money and what benefit it is having. Now that said, I do believe that we have an obligation to aid those that need a pick me up and to provide care for those who truly cannot care for themselves any longer. It is the lifetime of “pick me ups” that we continue to fund that must be examined. The historic assistance offered to producers during drought years definitely falls under the occasional category. The type of drought seen throughout most of the county this year is the type that can ruin the agricultural industry in America if it continues. A continued weather pattern across this county like the one we are in, and there will definitely not be a need for government assistance for agriculture. We will be in need of U-Hauls and cow trucks. Producers need assistance now, in order to just get through the fall in some places. Fire and lack of forage have forced the early removal from ranges. The shortage of hay and pasture from private ranch lands makes the demand for purchased hay even greater, driving the price up. So what solution is there for many operators across the county? The answer should come in a Farm Bill, but it has recently become the Entitlement Bill. We, as a country, have allowed so much baggage to be added into and hung on the side of the Farm Bill in past years, that it no longer is a “Farm”


G oicoechea DVM

Nevada Cattlemen’s Association President

December 3

Nevada Cattlemen’s Association By Desiree Seal, Nevada Cattlemen’s Association Executive Director


ater rights, sage hen, traceability and agriculture education in Nevada were only a few of the topics discussed at this year’s Annual NCA Convention and Trade Show held in Winnemucca, Nevada, November 14-16. This joint convention brought together Cattlemen, Cattle Women and Wool Growers to discuss issues of importance and establish policy to direct leadership of the associations. With over 200 producers and 30 trade show exhibitors, this year’s convention provided many activities and events to learn and connect with friends and neighbors. During the three day event, the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association’s five policy committees met to establish policy on private lands, public lands, livestock issues and animal health, taxation, and research and education. In addition to reviewing and establishing policy, this year’s convention had an excellent line up of speakers. Pfizer’s Cattlemen’s College featured Dr. Richard Linhart, DVM. Dr. Linhart, DVM, Dipl. ACT, is a senior veterinarian with the Pfizer Animal Health Beef Veterinary Operations team. With 20 years of private practice experience and board certification in theriogenology, Dr. Linhart combines significant technical knowledge with an exceptional ability to communicate and work with cattlemen. Based in Boise, Idaho, he supports cow-calf producers, working primarily in beef cattle reproduction and herd health to help improve reproductive efficiency. Another great speaker seen at this year’s Pfizer’s Cattlemen’s College was Tery Tanner. With her background as a Senior Territory Manager of Pfizer Animal Health primarily focused on cow calf and stocker operations, Tery’s talk focused on the realistic expectations of animal health products. Lastly, Dr. Gary Sides, PhD, presented as part of the Cattlemen’s College line-up. Dr. Sides, PhD, is a beef and feedlot nutritionist for Pfizer Animal Health and has extensive beef industry nutrition experience, compiling 20 years with organizations such as Intervet / Hoechst-Russell Vet, Cargill Animal Nutrition and Moorman Manufacturing Company. With his background in beef nutrition and combined work experience as a livestock extension specialist and research scientist, Dr. Sides, PhD, used his knowledge to provide a great talk on range cow nutrition. Dr. Sides, PhD, also presented for our Nevada Beef Council Joint Luncheon and provided us with an enticing presentation on the beef industry living in a social media dominated world. Opening General Session featured Ashley Lyon Mc-

Donald, National Cattlemen’s Beef Association’s Deputy Environmental Council. With her combined background of diversified agricultural operations, her undergraduate in Agriculture Economics, her law degree from George Mason University, and an intern for NCBA’s Chief Environmental Council, Ashley serves as a vital component of our national government affairs team. Ashley spoke to our members on EPA mandates NCBA is reviewing before EPA writes into law including water and air quality issues. Ashley also updated our members on NCBA’s approach to renewing the Farm Bill and provided insight to water rights issues in Nevada. Our Final Session complimented Ashley’s water rights in Nevada discussion, with a follow up “question and answer” session featuring Laura Schroeder of Schroeder Law Offices. As NCA and USFS work on policy development to establish an agreement for privately owned water on USFS land, Laura has been an instrumental advisor for our association. After a great band at our Western Fun Night and many members “cutting a rug” late into Thursday evening, Friday morning featured the last two speakers of this year’s convention including Cowboy Poet Leon Flick and Dr. Angus McIntosh. Leon entertained members early on the last morning of convention with his humorous cowboy poetry of adventures on a ranch that many members surely could relate too. Dr. McIntosh finished our many days of speakers and education with an all-encompassing history of property rights and how to apply your understanding of property rights. As an expert witness of the Hage Cases, Dr. McIntosh’s Property Rights Seminar also featured a panel discussion between himself, Wayne Hage, Jr. and Ramona Morrison. Follow-up workshops for Dr. McIntosh’s seminars will be held in Yerington, Elko and Ely, December 15, 17 and 18 respectively. Each year we look not only to our producer members to support the association; we also turn to our associate members to help sponsor events, meals, and meetings during convention. Without the help, dedication, and support of our allied members events such as convention would not be possible. We would like to thank the sponsors who helped to make this year’s convention a success: PLATINUM SPONSORS: AgriBeef Co., American AgCredit,ACA, Barrick Gold of North America, Merial, Nevada Beef Council, Newport Laboratories, Performix Nutrition Systems, and Pfizer Animal Health GOLD SPONSORS: KaFoury, Armstrong and Co., Newmont Mining Corporation, Boyd Spratling, D.V.M. and Audrey Spratling /Spratling Ranches, Stockmen’s Insur-

ance, Utah Wool Marketing Association and Western Video Market. SILVER SPONSORS: Animal Health Express, Cinco Deseos Ranch Livestock Guardian Dogs, McMullen McPhee & Company, Multimin USA, Inc., Nevada State Bank, and Zinpro Corporation The Association Trade Show was filled this year with great businesses and agencies that support and enhance our industry. The Association would like to thank these Trade Show participants: Allflex USA, American AgCredit, ACA, American Angus Association, American Simmental Association, Boeringer-Ingelheim Animal Health, Callicrate Banders, Cargill Beef, Comstock Insurance Agency, Cooperative Extension, HiQual Livestock Equipment, Integrated Biological Systems, Inc., Intermountain Farmers Association, Kirby Mfg., Inc., Kirby Mfg. Inc./SILENCER, Nevada Section SRM, Nevada State Bank, NV Energy, Pacific Intermountain Mortgage, Pfizer Animal Health, Pinenut Livestock Supply, Priefert, Pro Group Management, Salt Creek Industries, Shaw Cattle Company, Sweet Pro Livestock Supplements, USDA APHIS WS, USDA-NASS, USDA-NRCS, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Western Feed Supplements, Western Stockmen’s/Simplot Custom Feeding, and Wilbur-Ellis. Door prizes contributed by: American AgCredit, ACA, Range Magazine, USDA-NRCS The Association thanks these allied members of Nevada Cattlemen’s Association who help to make events like this possible. We appreciate all your support and dedication to our producers and members. The Awards Ceremony was the final event of the of the Convention. Photos are on page 8. We hope everyone made it home safe from convention and was welcomed by moisture to offset our drought conditions. And for those that were unable to attend, we hope fall work is proceeding smoothly and we look forward to hearing from you with your ideas for the future of NCA. If you are not currently a member of Nevada Cattlemen’s Association, we encourage you to join. Become part of an Association that is working to protect the future of ranching in Nevada. To learn more about the Association or to become a member, please call the office at 1-775-7389214 or visit our webpage We look forward to hearing from you! If you are currently a member, thank you for your continued support. Without your membership, the Association’s voice could not be as strong as it is today.

Dean Roads and Family Leana Stitzel Photo

4 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher



R on


To r e l l

, L on g - S ta n

d i n g E d u c at o r a n d A d v o c a t e o f

A g r ic u

lt u r e

ay prices are skyrocketing. In some instances the price has doubled from what it was just a few short years ago. These escalating prices are primarily due to a nationwide drought which has reduced supply and increased demand for hay, grain and standing forage. The price relationship of protein and energy sources parallel corn and other grain commodities. Whether you are selling, purchasing or feeding hay it is important to know what you are dealing with. The best and most appropriate way to accomplish this is to compare price per pound of nutrient, not price per ton of feed. This is when an accurate forage/hay sample and analysis will save/ earn you valuable dollars. Feeds should not be compared by cost per ton as this is very misleading. When nutrient shopping you are normally interested in protein and/or energy. When comparing feeds for specific nutrients the following guidelines assist in determining the best buy. Don’t get caught paying high prices for ingredients used as fillers. First, determine the dry matter content of the feeds to be compared. Do this by multiplying 2,000 pounds by the percent of dry matter contained in the feed as determined by laboratory analysis. This will give you the total pounds of dry matter in one ton of feed. For example, if a hay sample is 87% dry matter, multiply 2,000 pounds of as-fed hay by 87% (0.87) dry matter content which results in 1,740 pounds of actual dry matter. Next, determine the total pounds of a nutrient in those 1,740 pounds of dry matter. Do this by multiplying 1,740 pounds by the percent of the nutrient contained in that feed. For example, if the hay is analyzed at 19.55% crude protein on a dry matter basis, multiply 1,740 pounds of dry matter x .1955 (19.55% crude protein) = 340 pounds of crude protein. This leaves 1,660 pounds of water, other nutrients and filler contained in one ton of as-fed feed (2,000 pounds – 340 pounds of crude protein = 1,660 pounds). Finally, determine the cost per pound of actual protein. Do this by dividing the ton price of as-fed feed (most feeds are priced as-fed and/or by the ton) by the pounds of actual protein contained in that ton of as-fed feed ($250/ton ÷ 340 pounds of crude protein = 73.5¢/lb). In the example above, $250/ton of as-fed hay with a protein content of 19.55% (dry matter basis) has a price comparison shopping value of 73.5¢/lb of crude protein. This same

Nutrient Shopping

pricing method can be applied when shopping for energy by simply replacing the protein components of the above formula with the energy numbers. Protein supplements are perhaps the most difficult to evaluate because they can differ in the amount of utilizable protein. Feed supplements such as tubs, liquid and block often contain non-protein nitrogen (NPN) sources such as urea, biuret and others. There is also bypass protein and rumen degradable protein. Non-protein nitrogen sources of protein do not equal natural protein yet many unsuspecting cattlemen purchase these products assuming they are. The extent to which NPN is utilized is dependent upon several factors including the energy content of the ration and the quality of the available forage. The general rule of thumb nutritionists follow for animals consuming a forage based diet is that no more than 1/3 of the total protein of the ration should be provided to the animal from non-protein nitrogen sources when adequate energy is contained in the total ration and/or supplement. It is for this reason when price comparing feeds to read the feed analysis label and remove the NPN portion of the protein for price comparison purposes. Recognize that if a supplement contains no more than 1/3 of the protein content as NPN, animals will utilize a portion of the NPN as protein. Factors other than price should also be considered when shopping for feed ingredients. These include but are not limited to: • Convenience/feed-ability; i.e. feeding blocks or tubs vs. hay or pellets • Transportation costs of getting feed to the ranch. Keep in mind it will probably cost the same to transport a load of good hay as it will a load of junk hay. • Storage facilities at the ranch • Cost of feeding the product • Availability of the product • Consumption amount required to balance the ration • Other nutrients required to balance the ration • Waste • Salt and mineral content • Competition when fed (bunk space) • Opportunity to medicate feed • Worn and broken teeth on blocks Remember that not all feed ingredients are equal in nutrient value or price. Have feed analyzed so you know what you are buying or selling and sharpen your pencil to determine the best value that meets your needs. Even though the price of feedstuffs has increased significantly the biological nutrient demand of the bovine remains the same. The nutrient demand must be met or reduced production will result. That’s enough for this month. A special thanks to my wife Jackie for her part in writing Cow Camp Chatter. As always, if you would like to discuss this article or simply want to talk cows, do not hesitate to contact me at 775-385-7665 or

RT Range-ready A.I. Sired Angus Bulls, Accelerated Genetics Semen, Custom Artificial Insemination & Ranch Management Consulting Ron & Jackie Torell ♦ 775-385-7665 ♦

The Progressive Rancher

December 5


r e t t a h C

To r e l l

, L on g - S ta n

A d i n g E d u c at o r a n d A d v o c a t e o f

g r ic u l

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any higher precipitation regions of the United States produce an abundance of quality forage year-round requiring little if any supplemental feed to properly develop heifers for breeding. For the rangelands of the arid and semi-arid American West it’s a different story. These rangelands produce fall weaned 450 – 500 pound spring born heifer calves of which 15 – 20% are often retained as replacements by ranchers. In an effort to obtain a 700 lb-plus spring target breeding weight, winter development rations generally consist of quality homegrown native hay along with a few pounds/head/day of a grain-based supplement for added energy and protein. This winter feed ration generally yields a 1.25 – 1.75 lb/day gain which is more than sufficient to reach spring target breeding weight. Due to the severity of the 2012 drought and the effect it has had on the price of grain and grain by-products, the grain-based method for reaching target breeding weight may now have to be re-evaluated. A processed or standing forage ration generally results in a lower average daily gain compared to a grain-based diet. For this reason reaching target weight requires selecting only those heifers capable of reaching target breeding weight at a reduced average daily


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6 December 2012

5/23/2011 5:27:11 PM

Forage-Based Heifer Development Programs Require Slow But Steady Gain gain during the winter feeding period. Those heifers not meeting the minimum body weight requirements should be sold up front. Retained heifers will need to be fed for a longer period of time at a slower rate thereby requiring an early initiation date of feeding to meet the breeding weight target. Compensating for extremely high priced concentrates and hay requires being creative with winter feeding and grazing. Explore feeding non-traditional quality forages such as crop residues and vegetable based by-product as winter feeds. Keep in mind the risks associated with feeding alternative forages. Testing samples of forage for not only quality but also toxic substances helps assess the feed-ability and risk associated with feeding nontraditional forms of forages. Toxic substances of particular concern during drought years are nitrates which can be lethal at high levels. Corn is king of energy while alfalfa is king of protein. Relative to obtaining a rapid gain, alfalfa, while being an average energy source, pales in comparison to corn. Quality alfalfa hay is an excellent protein source for a slow but steady heifer development ration. When quality alfalfa is fed in combination with quality native hay or standing forage, sufficient gain can be obtained to reach the target breeding weight provided, as mentioned earlier, the program is initiated early. At the onset of heifer development consider internal and external parasite control. This reduces the nutrient burden placed on growing heifers. Research has clearly shown that the addition of a sound mineral package containing an ionophore (such as the trade-name feed additives Bovotec or Rumensin) improves weight gain aiding in the development and earlier cyclicity of heifers. Proper management requires weighing replacement heifers throughout the development period and adjusting feeding and management practices so target breeding weight is reached. Managers may have to sort off the lighter end of a group of heifers and push this group harder utilizing a more expensive grain-based ration. Fall and winter grazing replacement heifers on un-grazed fields, regardless of whether vegetation is meadow aftermath or rangeland, will result in increased gains. Research has shown that cows will select a ration higher in protein and energy upon their first introduction into a field because they seek out the lush feed and better plant portions. As time goes by the quality of the standing forage will decline because the best plants and portions of plants will have been harvested. After the premium is harvested, move replacement heifers to the next un-grazed pasture and bring the lower nutrient demanding cows into the already slightly grazed field. The genetic selection of cattle has a profound effect on their nutrient demand. Selecting smaller framed replacement heifers lowers the required target breeding weight. This in turn minimizes the dependency on grain-based rations to reach target breeding weight. A smaller framed, lower milk producing cow requires less supplementation in her lifetime. This makes her better suited for a forage-based life. Calving in harmony with Mother Nature and green grass will better match the cow’s needs to feed resources. This reduces the need for supplementation and allows more time on early spring feed for replacement heifers to reach their target breeding weight. Green grass has the added benefit of kick-starting the reproductive factory just prior to breeding. The rising cost of grain and hay has significantly increased the cost-of-gain inside and outside of the feedlot. The economic signal has been sent that forage-based gain is required to survive. The high cost of gain has not changed the biological requirement for heifers to be fed to a target breeding weight for timely and early conception, rather it has dictated changes in management considerations such as mature cow size, feeding practices, time of calving, genetic makeup of the cowherd, and forward planning of forage resources. Maintaining proper year-round stocking rates, stockpiling forage for fall and winter use, and reserving the best quality homegrown hay for use on the highest nutrient demanding animals secures future success. That’s enough for this month. A special thanks to my wife Jackie for her part in writing Cow Camp Chatter. As always, if you would like to discuss this article or simply want to talk cows, do not hesitate to contact me at 775-385-7665 or

The Progressive Rancher

UPDATE Continued from page 3—— descriptions of tables, graphs, and photos and 18 pages of references cited. This highly publicized and anticipated manuscript was more of the same old rhetoric. Some may question my immediate response to the press when asked what I thought, but I spoke my mind. This is “silly and politically motivated”. It isn’t just researchers and environmentalists with special agendas that are pressuring ranchers and land managers to make drastic cuts and changes in how we graze our western lands. Federal agency heads are asking how we, “turn the corner” on everything from wildlife habitat to fires. It became so blatantly obvious to me last week turning the annual Nevada Cattlemen’s Association meeting that we have been asking for help in turning the corner for decades! As our committees met and rolled through continuing resolution after continuing resolution, the writing was there in front of us. “Continued from 96, continued from 2000, continued from 90….” Industry and land users have been writing policy and sending it to agency leads, elected officials, and department directors for years. We have seen the need to make changes and build flexibility into our management of resources. So why are we still be asked, “how do we turn the corner”? The answer is once again silly and politically motivated. Why would bureaucrats and federal land managers listen to a livestock association? The real political pressure comes from litigation brought by environmentalists and lawmakers who often have no idea what the world beyond the city limits looks like, much less how it functions. The corner that we are trying to turn is one that has been purposely blocked time and time again, often not by actions but rather by inactions. We, the users and stewards of our lands, have been asking to help steer us around the corner. Our requests and recommendations are filed in round filing cabinet at the end of the desk and time marches on…until a time like this. A nationwide drought is crippling agriculture and drawing media attention to stressed ranchland, cropland, and depleting water resources. A looming decision by the US Fish and Wildlife Service on the Greater Sage Grouse holds the fate of millions of acres of western land and billions of dollars of industry in limbo. We now live in a society that neither understands nor cares where its food comes from and is blasting agriculture practices on social media. Oh yes, I almost forgot we have a President who is focused on climate change and promoting backyard gardens to feed the world. The timing of manuscripts such as we saw last week is not coincidence. We have been working to stay in business and sustain our way of life while the mother of all storms developed against western agriculture. The corner we have been approaching has undergone construction and we are now staring at a dead end with a very small cul-de-sac. We can no longer send policies out in the mail and hope we somehow influence the steering of this runaway truck. We must find a way to apply the brakes and turn this thing around. Now, I am in no way sure of how we do what I just stated. I just know that we must correct the path we are on. I am 100 percent sure that a path of no grazing, no development, and subsequent increased fire activity is not the answer. It will attain the desired outcome of many radical environmental groups in the short term (no livestock), but they too will soon tire of staring at millions of acres of black land, dead wildlife, and high priced food. I truly thought that our nation was not as passive and naïve as many had said. I now see that I was wrong. It will take all of us standing together and fighting to protect what we know to be correct. I have stated many times over the past year that we must push back and that most likely involves litigation. The time for us (as people who make a living from our lands, provide jobs, feed a world, and care for our lands) to push back is drawing ever closer. Just to put the icing on the cake and answer the question I am sure many of you have….. the grazing plan I spoke of, put together by the rancher, two resource specialists and an industry representative, was denied by the District Manager this week. You figure this is all coincidence?

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The Progressive Rancher

December 7

Nevada Cattlemen’s Association Convention Awards


he final event of Nevada Cattlemen’s Association Convention was the Awards Dinner. After three days of meetings and hard work the Awards Dinner allowed the leadership of the Association to celebrate those individuals in our industry who represent what this industry is really about.

100,000 mile Award: Louie Bidart and Mone Shangle This year the prestigious 100,000 mile award was given to two recipients, Louie Bidart and Monte Shangle. Louie’s daughter, Lynda Walton, introduced her father and presented his many years of riding for numerous ranches, his time served as a Commissioner of Humboldt County, and starting and running a successful farm equipment store with his brothers. President JJ Goicoechea presented Monte’s many eventful ranching and breaking horses stories describing how he earned his 100,000 miles. Both men received standing ovations to celebrate their lifetime accomplishment.

Cattleman of the Year: Dean Roads The Cattleman of the Year was presented by Dave Armstrong from American AgCredit, ACA to Dean Rhoads. He was presented with a custom hat donated by American AgCredit, ACA. For over 30 years, American AgCredit has supported the Cattleman of the Year award by presenting a custom hat to the recipient. Dean has served on the Nevada State Legislature for over 20 years, representing Nevada as the rural Senate seat for much of his time. For over 20 years, he served the State advocating for rural communities, fiscal responsibility, multiple uses of public lands, and anything else he felt important to his constituents in rural Nevada. After many years of serving our State with pride and representing the cattle industry, Dean recently retired but is still involved in serving our industry. Leana Stitzel Photos

8 December 2012

2012 Teacher of the Year: Neil Gallagher Neil Gallagher received the Teacher of the Year Award for 2012. The Nevada Agricultural Foundation presented Neil’s mother and daughter, Peggy and Maggie, with his award and a donation of $1000.00 to go towards school supplies and activities. Neil is a science teacher at Coal Canyon High School and has strong programs in science, biology and horticulture. Neil’s horticulture program incorporates units on noxious weeds, indigenous plant uses, methods of crop rotation and irrigation, safe pesticide use and properties of soil. The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association thanks Neil for his commitment to teaching our youth about the importance of agriculture. The Association would also like to thank the Nevada Agriculture Foundation for their continued support of the Teacher of the Year award.

President’s Award: Ron Cerri Each year, the President honors an individual who he feels has served the industry with dedication and passion by presenting them with the President’s Award. This year’s recipient of the President’s Award was Ron Cerri. Ron has recently accepted Chairman of the Public Lands Committee of NCA passed to him by John Falen. Ron remarked on his great working relationship during his presidency and currently with President JJ Goicoechea and their collaborative approach to addressing public lands issues facing the association. Ron was presented with a custom pad folio and a standing ovation from the audience. Again we thank him for his service to the association, consignors, and membership.

The Progressive Rancher

OFFICE: 775-423-7760 JACK PAYNE

Cell: 775-217-9273 Alt: 775-225-8889


Full-Service Cattle Sales & Marketing serving the Fallon, Nevada and Outlying Areas. Sales Results from November 14 & 15, 2012 Regular Butcher Cow and Bull Sale

Seller John & Teri Peter Jerry & Nancy Harper Jerry & Nancy Harper Crawford Cattle Company Ruby Ranch Truckee River Ranch LLC Corkill Bros Inc Lee Wells Risi Cattle Company Bartell Ranch LLC Harry Brown Ron & Laura Hummel T Quartercircle Ranches Inc Richard & Twila Kneifel Stix Cattle Co Daniel Berg Gund Ranch Ronald Berg Dellis Bone Toby Rollins Clay Pennington Pete Cassinelli Bruce Estes Jake & Lydia Dempsey LJ Livestock LLC Michael White Russell Berg Jason & Josh Cassinelli Sally Branch Michael McNinch Wayne Hage Heise Family Trust Richard Hucke Duck Flat Ranch Espil Sheep Co Tracy Clark Richard J Kniefel Gene Heckman Sunrise Ranch LLC Harriman & Son Rick & Rena Britton May Laca Wesley F Viera Elko Land & Livestock Kenny & Flint Lee Clay Pennington Crawford Cattle Company Ruby Ranch Risi Cattle Company T Quartercircle Ranches Inc Toby Rollins Harry Brown Jeff & Rebecca Meadows Ken & Beverly Conley Pete Cassinelli Gund Ranch Tracy Clark Truckee River Ranch LLC Michael White Richard Hucke Bartell Ranch LLC Jason & Josh Cassinelli Corkill Bros Inc Giovacchini Family Trust Heise Family Trust John & Jhona Bell Duck Flat Ranch Elko Land & Livestock LJ Livestock LLC Richard J Kniefel Sally Branch May Laca Tom Madole Bob Vesco Family Trust Bob Vesco Family Trust Wayne Hage Wayne Hage 31 Ranch Jerry & Nancy Harper Jerry & Nancy Harper Hendrix Ranch Hendrix Ranch Hendrix Ranch John & Jhona Bell Grace McErquiaga Robert F Thomas Jacks Valley Ranch

City # Head Denio 3/3 Paradise Valley 3 Paradise Valley 6 Winnemucca 43 Jordan Valley 14 Fallon 9 Fallon 10 Doyle 6 Fallon 22 Orovada 37 Austin 13 Winnemucca 3 Winnemucca 43 Tonopah 2 Fernley 4 Round Mountain 5 Crescent Valley 9 Round Mountain 5 Reno 3 Caliente 7 Fallon 3 Winnemucca 4 Reno 1 Winnemucca 2 Winnemucca 3 Winnemucca 6 Round Mountain 3 Paradise Valley 3 Winnemucca 3 Winnemucca 6 Tonopah 6 Gardnerville 17 Fallon 3 Cedarville 13 Gerlach 16 Reno 6 Tonopah 3 Winnemucca 17 Yerington 3 Fallon 4 Homedale 5 Fallon 2 Fallon 9 Battle Mountain 12 Fallon 12 Fallon 6 Winnemucca 26 Jordan Valley 10 Fallon 13 Winnemucca 13 Caliente 7 Austin 12 Fallon 10 Eureka 15 Winnemucca 6 Crescent Valley 31 Reno 7 Fallon 6 Winnemucca 1 Fallon 17 Orovada 12 Paradise Valley 19 Fallon 20 Genoa 7 Gardnerville 19 Paradise Valley 4 Cedarville 14 Battle Mountain 10 Winnemucca 2 Tonopah 2 Winnemucca 2 Fallon 3 Fallon 8 Winnemucca 3 Winnemucca 1 Tonopah 1 Tonopah 1 Fallon 2 Paradise Valley 1 Paradise Valley 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Paradise Valley 1 Orovada 1 Paradise Valley 1 Carson City 1



Weight 1428 957 1087 414 423 422 426 456 501 468 498 361 458 383 381 313 338 345 345 456 443 480 561 435 442 576 495 553 567 554 573 622 608 654 671 561 590 554 677 655 755 593 733 731 324 338 369 427 458 334 424 441 378 455 440 376 449 500 425 579 470 544 565 659 608 795 564 694 563 435 563 517 756 994 1315 850 765 945 955 920 995 1085 1190 1080 1070 1200 1120

Price CWT $1,400.00/hd $750.00/hd $700.00/hd $181.00 $180.00 $176.00 $173.00 $170.00 $168.50 $167.00 $166.00 $166.00 $162.50 $162.00 $162.00 $161.00 $161.00 $160.00 $158.50 $158.50 $155.00 $155.00 $153.00 $151.00 $150.00 $150.00 $150.00 $147.00 $147.00 $146.00 $144.50 $144.00 $144.00 $143.00 $143.00 $142.50 $142.00 $140.00 $136.00 $135.00 $131.00 $130.00 $129.75 $128.50 $157.00 $150.00 $150.00 $143.50 $142.50 $142.00 $141.00 $140.00 $140.00 $139.00 $137.00 $136.00 $135.00 $133.50 $132.00 $130.00 $128.50 $127.00 $126.50 $126.00 $125.00 $124.50 $123.50 $123.00 $122.00 $117.00 $117.00 $115.00 $113.50 $96.50 $61.25 $91.00 $66.00 $90.00 $90.00 $85.00 $88.00 $85.50 $72.00 $86.00 $81.00 $80.00 $79.50

Sales Results from November 14 & 15, 2012



in observance of Christmas

REGULAR SALE Every Wednesday Small Barn at 10:30 AM Cows at 11:30 AM Feeder Cattle at 1:00 PM


Open on Sale Days

Stop by and have a Homestyle Burger

SALES Feeder Sale in conjunction with our Regular Wednesday sale

December 5th & 6th December 19th & 20th January 2nd & 3rd Butcher cows on Wednesday Feeder cattle on Thursday starting at 11 AM

We have 4 cattle trains available for your cattle hauling needs. We can haul approx. 80,000# of cattle per load either to our sale or in the country. Give us a call for pricing.

Look for Weekly Market Reports at


Regular Butcher Cow and Bull Sale

Seller Jacks Valley Ranch Jacks Valley Ranch Coyote Creek Ranch Coyote Creek Ranch James Talbott James Talbott James Talbott Elko Land & Livestock Elko Land & Livestock Donald & Kimberly Quintero Vance & Jody Vesco Joe & Jerry Davis Frade Ranch Inc Damonte Ranch Damonte Ranch Deep Springs College Deep Springs College Lucas Livestock Lucas Livestock Lucas Livestock Marie Sherman Marie Sherman Marie Sherman Richard Hucke Richard Hucke Sonya Johnson Sonya Johnson Jason & Josh Cassinelli Amos Talbott Tommy Lee Livestock Flatcreek Ranch Flatcreek Ranch Jersey Valley Cattle Co Jersey Valley Cattle Co Jersey Valley Cattle Co Les Hiibel Robert & Daniel Gordon Robert & Daniel Gordon Robert & Daniel Gordon Eureka Livestock Company Eureka Livestock Company Eureka Livestock Company Courtney Ranches Courtney Ranches Courtney Ranches Holder Land & Cattle Holder Land & Cattle Holder Land & Cattle Matt & Leah Mori Steve Medlin Steve Medlin Steve Medlin John & Teri Peter Demar Dahl Ed Laca Doyle Holden Karmen Quintero Kenny & Flint Lee Sage Hill Dairy Dennis Zubietta Dennis Zubietta Dennis Zubietta Oasis Dairy LLC Oasis Dairy LLC Frade Ranch Inc Frade Ranch Inc Jeff Whitaker Jeff Whitaker Jeff Whitaker Lori Johnson Scott Regli Scott Regli Hi-Test Products LLC Hi-Test Products LLC Phil Regli Jessie Rose Dairy Deep Springs College 31 Ranch 31 Ranch Coyote Creek Ranch Grace McErquiaga Grace McErquiaga Damonte Ranch Flatcreek Ranch Truckee River Ranch LLC Phil Regli Phil Regli

City # Head Carson City 1 Carson City 1 Imlay 1 Imlay 1 Silver Springs 1 Silver Springs 1 Silver Springs 1 Battle Mountain 1 Battle Mountain 1 Schurz 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Yerington 1 Reno 1 Reno 1 Dyer 1 Dyer 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Paradise Valley 11 Silver Springs 1 Fallon 16 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Fallon 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Winnemucca 1 Eureka 1 Eureka 5 Eureka 1 Gerlach 1 Gerlach 1 Gerlach 1 Olustee 1 Olustee 1 Olustee 1 Paradise Valley 1 Alamo 1 Alamo 3 Alamo 1 Denio 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Gardnerville 1 Schurz 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 2 Fernley 2 Fernley 1 Fernley 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Yerington 1 Yerington 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Dyer 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Imlay 1 Orovada 1 Orovada 1 Reno 1 Winnemucca 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1 Fallon 1



Weight 1400 1535 825 1320 930 930 930 990 1245 1005 1315 1235 1545 1300 1345 1010 1145 1045 1150 1230 1170 1425 1425 1425 1290 1670 1600 1333 820 740 1030 955 880 1040 885 1090 1330 1215 1240 1060 922 1140 870 1080 1000 1085 870 870 1450 760 677 860 1475 1095 1145 1355 970 940 875 1020 1310 1120 1305 1295 1320 1255 1690 1390 1825 1805 1690 1370 1170 1275 1380 1780 2005 1855 1900 2080 1695 1800 1610 1445 1600 2205 2100

December 9

Price CWT $75.00 $69.75 $76.50 $72.00 $76.00 $75.00 $74.50 $73.00 $71.00 $72.00 $72.00 $69.00 $68.50 $68.00 $63.00 $68.00 $65.00 $68.00 $67.00 $65.50 $68.00 $67.50 $67.50 $68.00 $66.50 $68.00 $65.50 $67.00 $65.50 $65.50 $65.00 $64.00 $65.00 $60.50 $60.00 $65.00 $65.00 $62.00 $60.50 $64.50 $63.50 $63.00 $64.00 $63.00 $62.00 $64.00 $60.50 $60.00 $64.00 $64.00 $63.50 $63.50 $63.00 $62.00 $62.00 $60.00 $60.00 $60.00 $67.00 $77.00 $76.00 $72.00 $73.25 $72.00 $72.00 $72.00 $71.50 $71.00 $69.00 $70.50 $68.25 $63.00 $68.00 $66.00 $65.50 $64.00 $80.25 $77.25 $74.50 $74.00 $70.75 $67.00 $70.50 $68.50 $68.00 $77.00 $76.00

By Joe Guild


y the time you read this the 2012 election will have been analyzed, discussed and opinioned to the point of saturation equal to all of the ads and counter-ads you grew to despise over the last year. I should qualify the first sentence. If you live in California, Oregon, Utah or Idaho you are not sure what I mean by the opening sentence because the presidential election in those states was a foregone conclusion the day President Obama and Governor Romney filed their papers for candidacy. Think of it this way, who among the citizenry in any of those states ever thought Idaho would break for the President or California would vote for Governor Romney? In Nevada, however, the political strategists kept up the swing state drum beat, and thus, the television advertising never let up and each advertisement by one side or the other resulted in a counter-point from the other side. Some of these ads were pretty mean-spirited and personal. There are many questions which emerge from this presidential election. What did two billion dollars in campaign spending, much of it on that television political advertising get each side? Was any vote actually won by such advertising? Was Governor Romney at least partially correct in his conclusion, if not his rationale, when he declared there was 47 percent of the electorate who would never vote for him? (By the way it is quite common knowledge among political strategists that in our divided nation the real fight for votes is over about 10 percent of the electorate – thus 45-47 percent plus 45-47 percent equals 90 to 94 percent of decided voters). Just how effective was all the outside money raised and spent by groups other than the traditional political parties in persuading voters? And since much of that money was spent by supposed smart business people, and the return on investment was not what many of them wanted, will a like amount be spent on the next presidential election? In other words, was the money spent wisely on traditional media, when many of the electorate, especially younger voters, do not watch television or listen to the radio? What is the impact of this election on agricultural production and political policy related to agriculture? Have the election demographics permanently shifted in this country such that the old calculus on how to win elections has been altered beyond recognition? Many of these questions will have been tortured to death by the time you read this, so I won’t offer my thoughts on all of them. However, the impact on agriculture and the demographic questions are intriguing, so I will devote the rest of this column to my opinion on them. At a post-election press conference the President, in the context of answering a question about immigration reform, answered, partially, any reform would have to accommodate the special needs of an agricultural work force, which in certain places has come to depend upon temporary workers. This is an intriguing answer because it was the

10 December 2012

first time all year I heard President Obama even mention agriculture. Also, it was an acknowledgement that there are real subtle nuances to the immigration reform issue, which require a very in-depth analysis and discussion. Thus, at the very least, there is a recognition immigration reform is needed and there is some sensitivity to the special needs of agriculture on this issue. The whole notion of the so-called “browning of America” which has arisen because of the influence of non-white voters on this election has also come to the forefront, and perhaps this recognition of the unique needs of agriculture for seasonal workers to help feed a growing American population is just the tip of the iceberg. As to demographic changes, specifically, you all have no doubt heard or read that Governor Romney won the white male vote, but this demographic category is shrinking. The final tally was 59% of white voters to 39% for the President. However, while the number of white voters is shrinking, Black, Asian and Hispanic voters are increasing. You also probably know the President won the vote in all these ethnic categories. Why this is significant, of course specifically, is the increasing politically active Hispanic population in the identified swing states such as Nevada. These are some numbers I find fascinating: the Hispanic population of Nevada is about 720,000 people or 27% of the total population. This number grew about 62% in the decade from the year 2,000 to 2010. Nevada ranks 5th in the nation for the percentage of Hispanics to the total population. There is no doubt in my mind these growing numbers are going to become more active politically. When they realize they are capable of affecting the outcome of elections at all levels they are going to become even more emboldened about their power. Mind you, I believe those who supported Governor Romney should not rely too much on the “demographic excuse” as it was recently labeled by a New York Times columnist. What I mean by that is there were many other factors contributing to his loss. He was defined early in a negative way as an out-of-touch, rich guy who couldn’t relate to the average family out there struggling to keep food on the table. Thus, ironically the man who ran on the premise he could fix the broken economy better than his opponent, lost on the most important issue in this election. The president was able to make the case he needed another four years to put things right economically. Before Governor Romney was able to raise enough money after the long, exhausting primary season to counter the charges about him, he was labeled as a man so out of touch with the average wage earning citizen that he couldn’t relate to their economic problems even if he was qualified to fix them. This is a subtle point but it shows how a well-financed and well-crafted message can define someone to the point they can never recover politically. So then, at least in this one moment of the campaign, money was spent effectively. As to the immigration question itself, Governor Romney took a very extreme position in the Republican Primary to distinguish himself from Governor Rick Perry of Texas, which at the very least offended Latinos and at worst did not resonate The Progressive Rancher

as solving the problem. This leads me to a major point. Those in agriculture who employ people from other cultures in large numbers are qualified to provide a reasonable voice to the discourse on how to come up with a rational resolution to our immigration problem. We should provide that advice and counsel and bring our experiences to bear on this important problem. In the process, if you are a Republican, maybe you can influence people and show that the Republican Party can be counted upon to provide a voice of reason, and thus show the Hispanic community they do not have to rely on just one party to address their unique problems. The other major question is will the continuing administration’s farm policy be the same as that of the last four years which was not popular out in the country. Let’s list a few of those unpopular positions. The administration is opposed to the repeal of the Death Tax. They would support an increase of the rate to 45% and a limitation to a married couple’s exemption from the tax at $3 million. They opposed the Grazing Improvement Act, which, among other things would have extended the life of grazing permits to at least ten years without the need for an environmental analysis if there were no significant changes to a rancher’s grazing practices on an allotment. This would have a substantial stabilizing effect on public land grazing. The administration, through the Environmental Protection agency, sought to change the role of the federal government in administering all “waters of the United States” rather than a limited role in protecting “navigable waters” as authorized by the Supreme Court. This they sought to do through a regulatory guidance document without any Congressional authorization. In another move by the Obama Administration’s Department of Labor, a proposed rule would have made it illegal to employ anyone on a farm or ranch under the age of sixteen, even if that child was a member of a family who owned the agricultural operation. This effort was also successfully opposed by NCBA and others. However I would expect to see some similar actions by the Administration in the coming years in spite of the efforts to oppose these activities by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and other agricultural groups. It looks to be a very rocky road for production agriculture in the next four years. I hope I am wrong and the Obama administration will gain an understanding of the need in this country of a secure non-imported food supply for the sake of our citizenry and their ultimate security. The incremental erosion of this basic point over time, from well-meaning but misinformed people can only hurt our nation in the long run. I wrote an earlier column this year commenting on the lack of agricultural issues discussion in the presidential election. It continues to amaze me how little attention is paid to agriculture in a positive way by our elected leaders and the bureaucrats they have in their employ. We can only wish the President will look up from a plate with a steak on it sometime in the near future and have an epiphany about where the steak came from, who raised the cattle and what it took to reach his plate. Until then… I’ll see you soon.

Ship ’Em To



November 10th & 13th, 2012




300-400 94.00-217.00 139.00-172.00 400-500 155.50-198.00 136.00-152.00 500-600 156.00-190.00 135.00-146.00 600-700 130.00-145.00 120.00-140.00 700-800 125.00-133.00 105.00-116.00 800 & Over 107.00-125.00 106.00-112.00 Lite Holstein (under 600#) 75.00-83.00 Heavy Holstein (over 600#) 65.00-83.00 Single, Small Framed or Plainer Cattle 15.00 to 20.00 less than top offerings


Livestock Exchange, Inc. Sale Every Tuesday at 11:00 AM Selling All Classes of Livestock: • Cattle • Horses • Sheep • Goats • Pigs

9th Annual Silver State Classic Sponsored by the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association

Special Calf & Yearling Sale Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Expecting over 2000 Head

This sale is the Best Calf Special we have each year. “The Market is “Good”

We will have Buyers on the Seats. No sales on Tuesday, December 25, or Tuesday, January 1


9th Annual Year-End Special

Butcher Cow & Bull Sale Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 1:00 p.m. Remember, ONE BRAND Butcher cows bring a BIG Premium. We have 4-5 Cow Buyers in the seats every week.

These are open consignment sales - Remember to call us early with your consignment and trucking needs!

s everyone at a m o m t fr s i r r h a e C Merry y New Yllon Livestock Exchange, Inc. p p a H a e v a H and Fa We would like to say thank you to all of our consignors and buyers, for your continued support.

Fallon Livestock Exchange, Inc.

2055 Trento Lane • Fallon, Nevada 89406 • 775-867-2020

The Progressive Rancher

Breakers (Fat Cows) 62.00-68.00 Boners (Med Flesh) 67.00-72.50 Cutters (Lean) 50.00-60.00 Holstein Cows 35.00-66.50 Butcher Bulls 65.00-75.00 Shelly (Thin) Bulls 40.00-60.00 Shelly Cutters (Thin) 20.00-40.00 Young Feeder Cows 60.00-65.00 Heiferettes 75.00-83.00 Holstein Heiferettes 72.00-65.00 Holstein Bulls 60.00-81.00 Feeder Bulls 65.00-75.00 Cutting Bulls 80.00-95.00 Used Roping Steers 72.00-85.00 Preg Tested Cows (3-4-5 yr. old solid mouth) NT Pairs (solid mouth) 3-6 yrs 925.00-1020.00 Pairs (broken mouth) 800.00-930.00

TODAY’S COWS Top Cow Top 10 Cows Top 50 Cows Top 100 Cows Top Butcher Bull

Avg. Wt 1445 1379 1190 1056 1820

Avg. Cost 72.50 70.79 66.98 63.62 75.00


Beef Calves (HD) Dairy Calves Feeder Lambs Fat Lambs Ewes (CWT) Bucks (CWT) Small Goats (under 65 lbs.) (HD) Large Goats (over 70 lbs.) (HD) Weaner Pigs Feeder Pigs Top Hogs Butcher Sows Horses (under 1100 lbs.) Horses (over 1100 lbs.)

60.00-340.00 2.00-35.00 105.00-115.00 85.00-95.00 25.00-40.00 45.00-68.00 20.00-90.00 95.00-145.00 45.00-95.00 60.00-130.00 60.00-75.00 20.00-40.00 10.00-20.00 22.00-31.00

MARKET TRENDS: Feeder cattle sold steady to 5.00 higher on steers over 550 lbs. Heifers sold 2 - 22.00 higher over our October 20th special sale with very strong buyer demand. Buyer comments: very good cattle consigned - sorted and classed professionally. Fallon Livestock is a key market for the livestock industry, where buyers and sellers meet each week with a professional staff wil over 50 years of experience in marketing livestock. PLEASE call us ahead with your consignments. It helps us market your cattle. We talk to buyers all the time–they want you to know what’s coming in. We have trucks available for your hauling needs. Pasture to pasture or here to the sale yard.

For more marketing information, or to arrange trucking needs: Call Monte Bruck, Manager at


December 11


by Pastor Diana Gonzalez

by Pastor Diana Gonzalez


ebster’s – Canine – Latin canis, dog. A family of carnivores. This includes dogs, wolves and coyotes. There are two things that will wake you up at night on a ranch or out in the country: coyotes yapping and the dogs that bark at them. Still smarting from the election two days ago, my brain decided to stay awake and I got up thinking about dogs and coyotes. I like dogs. In fact, I love my dogs. I serve them more than they serve me, which is okay because they are totally devoted to me. I have equal distain for coyotes. Makes you wonder what happened way back when. Back when God created canines. It might have gone something like this….. In the beginning God made canines. One of them became known as dog. Of the dogs, most were good dogs and they were helpers and companions of the Lord of the sheep (and cows). They worked hard and were totally devoted to the Lord of the sheep. The Lord of the sheep made sure that the dogs had plenty of lamb and rice to eat, and a warm place to sleep. He would pull out thorns and care for any wounds the dogs got. He even comforted the little puppies when the big dogs would snap at them. He was totally devoted to His dogs and loved them very much, and would willingly lay down His life for them. The Lord of the sheep and His dogs worked together to care for the sheep and they enjoyed each other’s company. Also from the canines there came a carnivore known as the coyote. The coyote was smart like the dog, but his thinking was a little twisted. He rejected the Lord of the sheep. He didn’t want any Lord over him telling him what to do and how to live. He thought it was stupid to work sheep all day when he could be sleeping in his den. He could always eat sheep at night, in the dark when he got hungry, and he only got shot at a few times.

Tale of Two Canines However, sometimes the Lord of the sheep moved the sheep to new pasture. Then the coyote would get hungry and have to eat disgusting things or just go hungry. Oh well, no matter, he still got to do whatever he wanted without any Lord making him work and telling him what to do. He could sleep in whatever den he wanted even it if was dirty and full of fleas. If things got too tough, he had this weed that he could chew on that made him feel better for a little while. And he could always make the long trip to the new pasture to steal, kill and destroy a sheep now and then. One day the Lord of the sheep looked around and noticed that the coyote was getting more sheep than He or the working dogs. Yes, the coyote had lived freely and gone from den to den and now had more pups than he could care for. No matter, he thought, I’ll just steal more sheep from the stupid working dogs. He thought about pinching the puppies’ heads off, but even the coyote couldn’t do that. Well, there came a day when there was simply not enough sheep to go around. The Lord of the sheep, seeing this, had to make a hard decision. For you see, the Lord loved His dogs and His coyotes and would have died for them, too. He longed for the coyote to come to his senses and join Him and His good dogs, but now things had gotten out of hand. He was losing sheep and dogs and the coyote would kill Him too if he could. It looked like the Good Shepherd was going to be forced to call headquarters for some traps and poison. Is that how it happened? No, but it makes a good story, and it makes you think. Here’s the truth. This is what God told Moses and His people: 15 “See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil, 16 in that I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and

Nevada Association of School Boards Presents 2012 Awards

On Saturday, November 17, at its Annual Conference held in Reno at the Atlantis Hotel Casino, the Nevada Association of School Boards recognized the achievements and contributions of school board members, administrators, and others during 2012. 2012 Award recipients include: Director of the Year—Lou Basanez, Elko County School District This Award recognizes the consistent, effective communication skills demonstrated during meetings of the NASB Board of Directors as well as promotion of leadership skills

You are invited to COWBOY CHURCH!

Are you having a Rodeo or Livestock event? Give us a call.

1st Saturday of every month Standish, CA @ 6:00 p.m. Hwy. 395 /A3 — Standish 4-H Hall

We would love to come to your event or ranch and host Cowboy Church for you.

Harmony Ranch Ministry 3767 Keyes Way  Fallon, NV 89406

Tom J. Gonzalez Diana J. Gonzalez, Pastor

12 December 2012

(775) 867-3100 Cell (775) 426-1107

and strategies for recognizing and rewarding student, administrator, educational staff, school, and district achievement. With this award, NASB recognized Lou Basanez as an outstanding Director who effectively facilitates communication both during Board of Directors’ meetings and with her District. This year’s recipient is the consummate Board Member. She visits schools and classrooms, participates in school and district programs, works closely with the superintendent to address concerns and issues that are brought to her attention, serves on district committees, and demonstrates her support of staff—all of this involving three hours of travel time in order to attend meetings and events. As a Director, Ms. Basanez contributes her thoughts on issues of importance to the State and to her board. She consistently returns to her own board to share information about the work of NASB and ensures that the Board is up to date with communications and professional development opportunities. Individual Friend to K-12 Public Education—Communities in Schools This Award recognizes the invaluable service provided to Nevada’s children by advocating on behalf of K-12 public education across the State or working in other direct ways to improve K-12 public education in Nevada. The Communities in Schools organization has been working with the Elko County School District since 2007. During these years, Communities in Schools has been instrumental in working collaboratively with the District and community businesses to establish and fund effective supplemental programming and oversight for students. This began with a breakfast program to help students who come to school hungry which interferes with their ability to learn. The organization serves granola bars, cheese sticks, cereal, juice, and milk for breakfast. Communities in Schools sends home backpacks full of nutritious food to help “food fragile” children make it through the weekend. Last year, Communities in Schools served 36,876 breakfasts and after-school snacks and sent home 5,454 backpacks of food.

The Progressive Rancher

Horse Snorts


to keep His commandments, His statutes, and His judgments, that you may live and multiply; and the Lord your God will bless you in the land which you go to possess. 17 But if your heart turns away so that you do not hear, and are drawn away, and worship other gods and serve them, 18 I announce to you today that you shall surely perish; you shall not prolong your days in the land which you cross over the Jordan to go in and possess. 19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; 20 that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.” Deuteronomy 30:15-20 NKJV God lets us choose how to live. Let’s make the right choice. God gave us the right answer. He said, choose life; choose Him and His way of doing things, and we’ll be blessed. The way to the Father is through the Son. The Good Shepherd. If you have never done so, ask Him into your heart today. Jesus is the answer for all our problems, not a Democrat or Republican. What this country needs is God. That’s the answer. So this year, give yourself the free gift of Jesus, and next year will be your best year ever, no matter what happens. Then tell someone else the Good News of Jesus Christ. Happy trails. May God richly bless you. We love you and would love to hear from you. If you would like someone to pray with, or just have a question, please give us a call at (775) 867-3100. ‘Til next time…. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Read John 3:16, John 10:10, and Luke chapters 1 and 2.

Cow Bawls by Jeanne King


’m having trouble writing this story with a positive attitude. The election is over and we as a country have re-elected the most destructive president in the history of our country! Our Congressmen and women have not the guts to stop him from destroying all our American rights. We, as a people, do not have the guts to stop him. Soon we will have no guns with which to defend ourselves. We will have no rights to own the property we do now. The army and the thugs will control everything. We will have only a duty to pay huge taxes so The President and his cabinet can have all the luxuries we provide. Having just finished a book on the Civil War, I can’t help but compare the likelihood of that happening again. We as a nation may not have that much gumption to fight to protect that what is ours. On that same line, I urge all of you to send letters, e-mails, faxes, phone calls, or personal visits to all your Senators and Representatives to use this Lame-Duck session of Congress to permanently keep the higher estate tax exemption of at least the first $5 million and the lower than 35% top tax rate on the rest. This means the first $5 million of your inheritance would not be taxed. Then the remaining portion will be taxed at 35% of the value, regardless of the value being cash, land or livestock and equipment. If this estate tax is not reinstated permanently, many family farms and ranches will not be able to pay to die. This communication should be done right away. Or plan on not passing away in the next four years!!!!! ——— ❁ ———

This organization has implemented programs to assist families with costs related to immunizations, flu shots, and winter clothing. They offer free counseling services to students who need a little more than mentoring to overcome their challenges. In partnership with the Elko County School District, Communities in Schools operates a Fellows Academy for struggling high school students to teach behavioral strategies and life skills that are keys to success. In partnership with Great Basin College, Communities in Schools sponsors a preschool in a community with no private or public preschools. Communities in Schools illustrates the effectiveness of public and private collaboration in providing quality, lifelong opportunities for Nevada children. Governance Team of the Year—Elko County Board of School Trustees and Superintendent Jeff Zander This Award recognizes the importance of local boards working hand in hand with superintendents and collaborating with district leaders to improve student achievement across all levels. It is not often that one board nominates another board for this honor. In this case, the Clark County Board of School Trustees nominated this year’s winner, the Elko County School District Board of School Trustees and Superintendent Jeff Zander. The nomination letter states, “The Board is committed to the education of all students appropriate to the best of their individual abilities, to a constant awareness of the concerns and desires of the whole District regarding the quality and performance of the School District, with the Board of Trustees assuming an educational leadership role.” Although Elko County is geographically the second largest county in the State of Nevada at over 17,000 square miles, size and distance do not impede Trustees Thad Ballard, Lou Basanez, Cindy Elquist, Dean Hartwig, John Karr, Annette Kerr and Daniel Mahlberg and Superintendent Jeff Zander. The Board annually travels to the communities throughout Elko County for its meetings. At one such meeting in Wells, the band had the opportunity to play and the nationally recognized Parliamentary Procedure Team demonstrated their skills to a very impressed audience. By traveling in this way, the Board and Superintendent afford each community the opportunity to show off their achievements. This Board and Superintendent Jeff Zander exemplify a truly collaborative and effective governance team.

Enough of the whining and look to more positive things. We can be thankful that if it can’t be wetter, at least it isn’t bitterly cold! Thanksgiving was shirtsleeve weather, without looking to hard to find a patch of green growing in protected areas! We’ve seen Easter a lot colder!! ——— ❁ ——— I don’t have any kid’s stories. Lots of people have promised them, but so far, none have come in my in-box. So in lieu of them, I came across a cute political poem. The election is over, the talking is done. My party lost, your party won. So let us be friends, let arguments pass. I’ll hug my elephant, you kiss your ass. Have a Great day! ——— ❁ ——— So I’ll continue on by wishing everybody a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Kind of hard to take after the negatives thought I just wrote! But keep chipper and things will get better. After all, there is a Santa Clause!!!!!!! Take care and be happy. Jeanne King

The Progressive Rancher

December 13



During this holiday season and every day of the year, we wish you all the best. During this holiday season and every day of the year, we Sonny Davidson, AAMS® Jason B Land, AAMS® wish you all the best. Financial Advisor

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USDA Awards Grant to Nevada Department of Agriculture to Increase Local Foods in Schools

November 15, 2012 – Agriculture Deputy Secretary Kathleen Merrigan announced this week more than $4.5 million in grants for 68 projects, spanning 37 states and the District of Columbia, to connect school cafeterias with local agricultural producers. The Nevada Department of Agriculture was awarded one of these grants. The Nevada Department of Agriculture will be collaborating with the Nevada Department of Education, Office of Child Nutrition and School Health, and Nevada Health Districts. Nevada’s program will provide Good Agricultural Practices and food safety training to school garden coordinators, producers, and Future Farmers of America instructors in order to move safe regionally produced foods into Nevada schools. Partnering agencies will also establish networking initiatives between Nevada producers, distributors, school food directors, health districts, and regulatory agencies in order to improve understanding regarding how school food programs operate. “When schools buy food from nearby producers, their purchasing power helps create local jobs and economic benefits, particularly in rural agricultural communities,” Kathleen Merrigan said. “Evidence also suggests that when kids understand more about where food comes from and how it’s produced, they are more likely to make healthy eating choices.” “Hundreds of applicants across the country competed for a limited amount of funding,” said Jim Barbee, Director, Nevada Department of Agriculture. “We look forward to collaborating with other State entities in fulfilling the objective of providing locally produced foods into school cafeterias.” These grants will serve more than 3,200 schools and 1.75 million students nationwide, nearly half of whom live in rural communities. For more information please contact Ashley Jeppson at 775-353-3675 or ajeppson@

DEFINITION Philosophy 1. Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. 2. Investigation of the nature, causes, or principles of reality, knowledge, or values, based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. 3. A system of thought based on or involving such inquiry: the philosophy of Hume. 4. The critical analysis of fundamental assumptions or beliefs. 5. The disciplines presented in university curriculums of science and the liberal arts, except medicine, law, and theology. 6. The discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology. 7. A set of ideas or beliefs relating to a particular field or activity; an underlying theory: an original philosophy of advertising.

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8. A system of values by which one lives: has an unusual philosophy of life

Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with reality, existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. Philosophy is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument. The word “philosophy” comes from the Greek φιλοσοφία (philosophia), which literally means “love of wisdom”. In more casual speech the “philosophy” of a particular person can refer to the beliefs held by that person.

14 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher

Fumes From The Farm M

ERRY CHRISTMAS or whatever you personally celebrate in December. I know in our secular society run amok, I might get investigated for saying it. Oh well. I guess if the Mayans are right you won’t read this anyhow as the world will have ended December 21, 2012, during the winter solstice. If it is true see ya. If it doesn’t happen it will be the end for some of us either way. Just remember that the Mayans disappeared several thousand years ago. A lot of good their calendar did them. I have been dancing on the edge of the cliff for some time. It is a cool trick as long as you don’t slip .I used to worry about dying. I quit that for trying real hard to live. To the chagrin of my detractors this year has been very lucky for me. My detractors have had to take the champagne off the ice and put it back on the shelf. I am a little harder to kill than they had hoped for. The only thing different for me after all my surgeries is that I can’t stand to carve the turkey anymore, having been to a similar rodeo myself. For those who were disappointed in the outcome of the election, GET OVER IT, this guy will do more for the Republican party than Ronald Reagan hoped to do in his wildest dreams. Americans live and let live. You have to slap them up the side of the head to wake the sleeping giant. Many people accuse our president of getting elected by being Santa Claus. WRONG! Santa Claus has his standards. What happened to the lump of coal if you were naughty? What happened to his list and checking it twice? You had to live by his code or no free stuff. Our President is more like the tooth fairy. No work is required. No effort is needed. All you have to do is nod off to sleep. The tooth was already out and it will be replaced. You get free stuff for nothing. Please never forget that all money appropriations in our separation of power within three branches of government come from the Congress and they claim to be controlled by the Republicans. Mark Twain said, “It can be proven by facts and figures that there is no distinct criminal class in America, save Congress”, so don’t think the corruption of power started yesterday .Also, did you ever think why Santa Claus is always so jocular? Could it be because he knows where all the naughty girls are??? One of the many things that are enjoyable to me is fluffing up a good story. You don’t tell fibs you just round off the corners of the truth for the enrichment of the legend. If you look at the fun we are having with the Sage Grouse, it is easy to see where the shovel ready jobs are coming from. I can’t

by Hank Vogler mention in mixed company that what is be- TORS. The number one problem by the ing shoveled is male bovine fecal matter. Nevada Department of Wildlife research is To the get along to go along crowd Chinese the Raven. It has enjoyed a huge west wide water torture, more commonly known as increase in numbers, something like six going to committee hundred percent. We meetings is preferred even have a raven seaYou can’t tell by looking who to bagging up filthy son in Nevada. If only the bad guy is. One wears lucre and stuffing polNevada Department iticians pockets. You of Wildlife could do white and the other wears can’t make this stuff the same bang up job black. The end is still the up. It is mad magaas they have done zine all over again. with the mule deer same. They need each other Spy vs. Spy, all the our troubles would to perpetuate the myths. issues develop a pro be over. NDOW says and a con side and a there are too many cottage industry flourishes. You can’t tell crows to kill. Well how about killing a by looking who the bad guy is. One wears few near nesting sites and leks, and anywhite and the other wears black. The end where they concentrate. Please remember is still the same. They need each other to that dead ravens don’t have very many off perpetuate the myths. No solutions here springs and are no threat to wildlife Oops please!!!!No solutions needed, after all some that might be a solution. We can’t do that. of us have car payment, kids in college, and So, now let’s get back to the phone. This retirement to think about. John Marvel has call might be for you as regulation is the bagged up enough Benjamin’s, he is retir- mother’s milk of government. The new ing. I have skin in the game and the closest pole will be on the top of a ridge in the sage I have come to retiring is buying tires for hens habitat. The plot now thickens. The my pickup. What puts a smile on my face grey goose of the sagebrush sea is a tool is to have these folks look you right in the to eliminate grazing. What is all the fuss eye and with all sincerity show the world about one pole? Put a cone on the top and that their agenda has nothing to do with the make it hard for the predator birds to use it. Sage Grouse. A case in point is the repair The birds will just have to use the trees and of my phone line. The last time my phone the rocks available in nature to have the big worked was when the pony express went view a few feet from the pole. Oh by the out of business. The phone company wanted way, if the one potential perch is put up, it to put up a pole. A single pole with a radio will eliminate FORTY FOUR pole perches disk to bounce the signal on down the line that now exist in this prime sage hen habitat. and eliminate the underground line and The only reason that seems logical to the the above ground line and the can and the anti-public land grazing crowd is that my string we now use. A right of way permit cows and sheep must be perching on these was needed to plant the pole. Another little poles? They must be looking for the eggs to thing was an environmental assessment and supplement their diets. This is no doubt the clearance was a must. No hidden agendas reason that all of the sheep range is critical here. We are just doing our job. We all know habitat for the grey geese and livestock must that the number one problem with the grey go as it makes a hostile work environment chicken with the puffy chest is PREDA- for the predators as sheepherders shoot at

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The Progressive Rancher

predators. See how easy that is? The epilog is that cooler heads have prevailed or someone was embarrassed beyond comprehension. So with a little luck you will be able to get a recording or a busy signal on my end of the line soon, hopefully before spring. All in all, 2012 has not been a total wipe out. If you were lucky enough to have gotten rain or snow you should be in reasonable shape. However to have had these weather events, you might be from the Himalayas. Here on the high wide and lonesome, we had fire and more fire and then some more fire. I am sure relieved that all the rocket scientists have not drawn any parallels between the removal of livestock and the size of the fires. God help us all if common sense would be examined. John Wayne said, “You can’t fix stupid”. Just think of the theories that would have to be changed if grazing became in vogue. Can you imagine the implication of the fact less scientists forced to praise livestock grazing. Think of studies showing the benefits of using nonnative cheat grass as a dietary supplement for both cattle and sheep. Can you imagine the epiphany of Tina Knapp demanding more grazing to feed the hungry and preserve the range. Yes Maybe the Mayans were right. Common sense and real science being used might well foretell the end of time. Hang and Rattle! Hank

PROPERTY RIGHTS SEMINAR Yerington, Nevada Saturday, December 15 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Casino West

Elko, Nevada

Monday, December 17 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Elko Convention Center

Ely, Nevada

Tuesday, December 18 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Bristlecone Convention Center

For more information, please contact the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association office at or call 775-738-9214 December 15

Evidence-Based Horsemanship Seminar


ecently, the first ever Evidence-Based Horsemanship Seminar was held in Bruneau, Idaho. This four-day educational seminar attracted horsemen, laymen and professionals alike, all eager to learn more about the latest collaboration between renowned horseman Martin Black and neuroscientist Dr. Stephen Peters. did not approach the group but simply set them up to find relaxation on their own. As he For those of you who are unfamiliar with Evidence-Based Horsemanship (EBH), it is proceeded to work with each horse individually, he continued to develop this theme. These an approach which involves comparing common practices with the best available scientific knowledge to determine a “best method” approach to all aspects of horse care and training. young horses began to discover that comfort could be found in every situation and they soon learned to put more effort into seeking that relief. Participants in the seminar were treated to morning classroom In terms of neurobiology, learning involves the growth of new sessions and live horse demonstrations in the afternoon. Dr. Peters dendrites or connections between brain cells. There are many scienled the theory presentations with a variety of images and diagrams tific studies to show that learning, or dendritic growth, does not ocWe teach our horses to illustrate the connections between equine neuroanatomy and cur when individuals are presented with solutions. Dendritic growth behaviour. The best instance of this was most likely the dissection occurs when the individual is allowed to examine the problem and to become better of a horse brain on the second day. try a variety of solutions before finding the right answer. As it turns out, the different sections of the brain are not colourlearners by allowing In terms of neurochemistry, dopamine is a neurotransmitter coded in real life as they are in diagrams! associated with motor function that also has the ability to stimulate While four days seemed hardly enough to digest the wealth of them to explore the pleasure centers of the brain. It is therefore a highly rewarding information provided, Martin and Dr. Peters were always certain to and behaviour-reinforcing chemical. Following a period of stress or provide plenty of “dwell time” to allow people to soak in all the new the problem and learning, the brain will release dopamine and provide the horse with information. After all, we learned that it takes time for dendrites a sense of relief and well-being. So we teach our horses to become (nerve – branches) to grow and some of us had plenty of growing experiment… better learners by allowing them to explore the problem and experito do! ment and we teach them to seek the comfort or dopamine release in In the afternoon, most of the live demonstrations were conductevery situation. ed with fresh, unhandled ranch-raised yearlings. These subjects were especially chosen Overall, the first Evidence-Based Horsemanship Educational Seminar was a great since they had much of their natural instincts still intact. Sitting astride his bridle horse, Martin was in his element directing these young horses and preparing them for various success. The event was wonderfully catered and everyone had an excellent time learning life skills such as leading, saddling and riding. Now the audience was able to see theory how to integrate scientific knowledge with practical horsemanship experience. As a sign of in practice – they had the language of neurochemistry to describe the actions of the horse. appreciation, each student was awarded a certificate of attendance in recognition of their For example, when these young horses entered the corral, their sympathetic nervous participation. We all look forward to the development of Evidence-Based Horsemanship as systems were fully activated. They were in flight mode as they circled the round pen. As Martin and Dr. Peters continue to refine and expand upon their work. For more information on Evidence-Based Horsemanship, please visit the website at they explored the extent of their surroundings, they gradually calmed down and eventually discovered that they could be comfortable in this new setting. During this time, Martin

16 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher

The Nevada Agricultural Foundation

The University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE) College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources (CABNR) with Financial support from the USDA Risk Management Agency

appreciates and supports the productivity of


Nevada Ranchers and looks forward to a continuing

2013 Cattlemen’s Update

partnership in advancing Agriculture in Nevada.

Grass growth, development and interactions with grazing Brad Schultz, UNCE

We wish you a Bountiful and Successful 2013

The influence of the timing and duration of grazing on rangeland plants Kent McAdoo, UNCE ◆

Troublesome pasture weeds in your area and their control

Brad Schultz, Kent McAdoo and others from UNCE ◆

Drought management Steve Foster, UNCE ◆

Influence of weaning methods on calf weight

Nevada Agricultural Foundation 775/673-2468


Mike Teglas, CABNR

P.O. Box 8089 Reno, NV 89507

An update on bull paternity research

2165 Green Vista Dr., Suite 204, Sparks, NV 89431

Meeghan Gray, CABNR ◆

Sage-grouse issues – an update

Incredibly table Comfor


Furniture as as You Are!

Status of Cooperative Extension Jerry Buk, Interim Dean ◆

Status of the Agriculture, Nutrition and Vet Science Program in CABNR Barry Perryman, CABNR

LEATHER: • Outlasts Fabric Four-To-One

Registration 10 a.m. Program 10:30 a.m.

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Fallon (Multi-Purpose Building)

January 7, 2013

Registration 6 p.m. Program 6:30 p.m.

• Is Easy To Care For

Wellington (Community Hall)

January 8, 2013

Registration 9:30 a.m. Program 10 a.m.

Ely (White Pine Convention Center)

January 9, 2013

Registration 5 p.m. Program 6 p.m.

Elko (Stockman’s Hotel and Casino)

January 10, 2013

Registration 12:30 p.m. Program 1 p.m.

Winnemucca (Extension office)

January 11, 2013

Registration 10:30 a.m. Program 11 a.m.

• Ages Well


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For more information, contact program coordinators: Brad Schultz (775) 623-6304,, Barry Peryman (775-784-1265),

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January 7, 2013

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Closed Sundays

University of Nevada, Reno

The Progressive Rancher

December 17

Financial Focus Presented by Sonny Davidson and Jason Land, Financial Advisors, Edward Jones in Elko, Nevada 2213 North 5th Street, Suite A | 775-738-8811

Lower Debt Levels Mean Greater Investment Opportunities


n the past few years, Americans have done a pretty good job of whittling down their debt load. If you’re in this group, you may now have a chance to use your lower level of indebtedness to your advantage — by investing for the future. Consider the numbers: In 2007, just before the financial crisis, the country’s household debt service ratio was about 14 percent. (The debt service ratio is the ratio of debt payments, including mortgages and consumer debt, to disposable personal income.) But by 2012, this figure had dipped below 11 percent, the lowest level since 1994. These figures are national averages, but they do translate into real-life savings for many of us. If you’re in this group — that is, if you’ve lowered your debt payments noticeably — what should you do with this “found” money? Of course, you could spend it on material objects, which, in some cases, may make your life more pleasant today. But you’d probably be better off by devoting your financial resources to your goals for tomorrow, such as college for your children and, eventually, a comfortable retirement lifestyle for yourself. Consequently, you want may want to consider these suggestions: • Increase your contributions to your retirement plan. Try to put more money into your employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b) or 457(b). Your contributions are typically made with pretax dollars, so the more you invest, the lower your taxable income. Plus, your earnings can grow on a tax-deferred basis. • Fully fund your IRA. You can put in up to $5,000 per year (as of 2012) to a tradi-

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18 December 2012

tional or Roth IRA, or $6,000 if you’re 50 or older. A traditional IRA grows tax-deferred, while a Roth IRA can grow tax-free, provided you meet certain conditions. • Fill in “gaps” in your financial strategy. With a little extra money each month, can you find ways to fill in the “gaps” in your financial strategy? For example, do you have sufficient life insurance and disability income insurance? Or can you add some investments that can help diversify your overall portfolio? While diversification can’t guarantee profits or protect against loss, it can help reduce the effects of volatility on your holdings. • Build an emergency fund. It’s a good idea to build an emergency fund containing six to 12 months’ worth of living expenses. Without such a fund, you may be forced to dip into long-term investments to pay for unexpected costs, such as a large bill from the doctor or a major car repair. Keep the money in a liquid, low-risk account. • Establish a 529 plan. If you have children or grandchildren whom you would like to help get through college, you might want to contribute to a 529 plan. Your earnings grow tax-free, provided withdrawals are used for qualified higher education expenses. Plus, your contributions may be deductible from your state taxes. (Be aware, though, that withdrawals used for purposes other than qualified education expenses may be subject to federal and state taxes, plus a 10% penalty.) Reducing your debt level can remove some stress from your life. And you’ll gain even more benefits from debt reduction by using your savings to speed your progress toward your important financial goals. This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor.

Nevada Steps Up Fight Against Greater Sage-Grouse Listing

Initial recommendations of Governor’s advisory group funded The Nevada State Legislature’s Interim Finance Committee recently approved key implementation recommendations identified by Governor Brian Sandoval’s Greater Sage-grouse Advisory Committee. The items approved by the legislative committee include formation of a Sagebrush Ecosystem Council, the creation of a multidisciplinary, interagency Sagebrush Ecosystem Technical Team and the placement of three regional specialist positions within the Conservation Districts Program to coordinate efforts on the ground. “I am pleased that the Interim Finance Committee approved these important expenditures as Nevada moves to establish this innovative landscape management team,” said Governor Brian Sandoval. “With these funds, the State is taking a purposeful step to show that Nevada intends to do all we can to conserve the Greater Sage-grouse and its habitat and prevent its listing as an endangered species. The requests were brought forward to the legislative committee by the

Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. “A council, technical team and regional specialists are essential in identifying, prioritizing and implementing both large and smaller-scale projects that protect and improve the sagebrush ecosystem and conserve the Greater Sage-grouse,” said Leo Drozdoff, director of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. “The primary threats to the species were recently clarified by the Governor’s Advisory Committee and a coordinated approach — demonstrating the state’s leadership, conviction and commitment — is necessary to produce accomplishments that minimize these threats and underscore Nevada’s ability to manage the bird to avoid listing.” The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service committed $40,000 to fund the council during the remainder of state fiscal year 2013.

BACKGROUND: • Governor Sandoval established the Greater Sage-grouse Advisory Committee by executive order on March 30, 2012, for

The Progressive Rancher

the short-term purpose of providing a recommended approach for conservation of the species in Nevada. The Advisory Committee delivered its final recommendations to the Governor on July 31, 2012. Members of the Advisory Committee included representatives of the agriculture, ranching, energy and mining industries, as well as members representing sportsmen, conservationists, local governments, tribal nations and the general public. • The approved Sagebrush Ecosystem Technical Team will have five members, including a working team coordinator, a wildlife specialist, a wildfire prevention/ suppression/rehabilitation specialist, an agriculture and range invasives specialist and a state lands’ environmental science specialist. The team will be co-located in Carson City and will provide a single point of focus within state government for all stakeholders and members of the public in relation to Greater Sage-grouse issues. The technical team will coordinate closely with the three regional specialists to be located in Winnemucca, Elko and Ely.

Local Ranchers Improve Wildlife Habitat and Cattle Operations through NRCS Sage Grouse Initiative Programs WHAT’S GOOD FOR THE BIRD IS GOOD FOR THE COWS! By Scott Scroggie, Range & Wildlife Conservationist, Pheasants Forever-NRCS-NDOW, Ely, Nevada Ely, Nevada – Cattle ranchers Don and Sheila Phillips want to help out sage grouse on their ranch, but Don wasn’t convinced those new white vinyl markers he’d agreed to add to the top strands of certain fences would do anything to prevent bird collisions. A few weeks later, Don stopped in the Ely NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) office with big news. “I was headed out in the field and the sage grouse took off and headed right for that fence, but sure enough, at the last minute they went up and over those markers!” Don and his wife Sheila are participants in the Sage Grouse Initiative, a partnership program started by the NRCS that’s available to farmers and ranchers who want to improve their range or farmlands while simultaneously enhancing wildlife habitat. The Sage Grouse Initiative launched in 2010 in response to the proposed listing of the greater sage grouse under the Endangered Species Act (a decision due in 2015). The sage grouse currently occupies rangelands across 11 western states, including Nevada, where the western lifestyle and livelihood is very much alive. The overarching goal of this initiative is to conserve and improve wildlife habitat and prevent a listing of the species through sustainable ranching. It’s a voluntary, incentive-based approach that has become a new paradigm for conservation. The Phillips own and operate the Steptoe Valley Ranch near Ely. They originally got started over in Roosevelt and Springville, Utah back in 1961. Ranching has been a way of life for the Phillips family for more than 50 years and continues to be an important lifestyle for them here in Nevada. The overall ranching operation relies both on private deeded land as well as BLM issued grazing permits. The Phillips’ own approximately 3,800 acres of private land and 54,000 acres on BLM permitted grounds. This combination of private and public holdings has given the opportunity of a feasible grazing operation to exist. Soon

after the couple settled on the Steptoe Ranch in March of 2000, they immediately became active in the White Pine County Water Board, the Public Land Use Advisory Council, and the local conservation district. Don has been on the conservation district board for 10 years and has received the Outstanding Cooperator Award in 2002 and a Service Award in 2012. They first signed up the Steptoe Ranch with NRCS in the spring of 2000 and have since carried out various conservation measures to improve their ground for both cattle and wildlife. Recently they applied to do more for the land through the Sage Grouse Initiative. The Phillips say they signed up with the program to do their part to keep the bird from becoming listed. They feel that partnership-driven conservation is key to maintaining working ranches on the landscape. Don and Sheila suggest to others in the ranching and farming communities to get involved and become an active part of the solution. The Steptoe ranch is a showcase for farm and ranch improvement projects that improve the overall quality of both their operation and wildlife habitat. Such projects include noxious weed control, brush management treatments, riparian improvements, range seedings, two pivot installations and just recently, fence marking and wildlife escape ramps in all existing water troughs. These improvements have increased production on their rangelands, provided sufficient water, cover and forage for sage grouse, and have used fence markers and escape ramps as preventative techniques to reduce mortalities of sage grouse and other wildlife. They’re thrilled to know firsthand the fence markers are working and already saving grouse. According to scientific studies, strategically

The Progressive Rancher

marked fences can reduce collisions by 83 percent. Across the west, Sage Grouse Initiative participants have marked or moved 350 miles of high-risk fences near leks (breeding grounds), resulting in an estimated reduction of 1,500 to 1,800 sage grouse collisions. Throughout the year the Phillips family enjoys watching the wildlife that their grazing operation attracts, including sage grouse. In fact Don keeps a count of the birds that use his fields throughout the year and takes notes on when sage grouse leave his ranch and head to the sagebrush flats nearby for winter. To date, Don has seen as many as 67 grouse at one time in his fields and takes pride in seeing that population grow with each coming year. The Phillips’ have a strong passion for the ranching lifestyle, the natural surroundings and the hard work it takes to be successful. They’re equally passionate about keeping this operation viable into the future. Soon, their daughter’s family will begin to take the reins and continue the family ranching legacy. The Phillips are constantly looking for new ideas and techniques to improve their operation as well as increase the wildlife value of their ranch. They realize that a listing of this bird could mean stringent restrictions on future operations and want to do everything they can to prevent the listing.

December 19

BLM Announces $6.8 Million for Nevada Restoration, Conservation, Recreation, and Hazardous Fuels Reduction Projects

Bureau of Land Management Acting Director Mike Pool today announced that the BLM will commit more than $6.8 million for a variety of conservation and recreation improvement projects throughout Nevada and Lake Tahoe. The funding is a result of the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA), which uses proceeds from sales of Federal land in Clark County, Nevada, to fund conservation initiatives, capital improvements, hazardous fuels reduction, environmentally sensitive land acquisitions, and improvements to local parks throughout the state. “These funds will help ensure that our public lands continue to enhance and support economic growth and development throughout Nevada,” said Acting Director Pool. “The BLM remains a strategic partner with the State of Nevada, including through this program that provides vital resources for key conservation and recreation projects.” Funding approved in Round 13 expenditures under the Act includes more than $6.8 million for projects throughout Nevada and in Lake Tahoe in the following categories: • Parks, Trails & Natural Areas – $1,966,278 • Capital Improvements – $1,395,560 • Conservation Initiatives – $858,274

• Environmentally Sensitive Land Acquisitions – $322,800 • Hazardous Fuels Reduction and Wildfire Prevention – $1,688,650 • Eastern Nevada Landscape Restoration Project – $661,690 The Round 13 approval also includes $1 million in a special account reserve for emergency or unexpected project expenditures. The Round 13 projects will support a mix of up to 41 full – and part-time jobs during the seven years of project activity. Additional information on the Round 13 approved project funding is posted online at: The Department of Interior, of which the BLM is part, has contributed more than $2.9 billion to key restoration projects throughout Nevada, including more than $300 million for Lake Tahoe Basin restoration since passage of the Act in 1998, which completes the Federal share of the Lake Tahoe Environmental Improvement Program. These funds are going to protect life and property; increase the quality of life for residents and visitors to Nevada and California; provide recreation opportunities for Nevada’s rural and underserved communities; and restore environmental health and ecosystem function for threatened, endangered, and sensitive species.


News From the Nevada Beef Council: CHECKING-IN ON YOUR BEEF CHECKOFF

Encouraging Consumers to Get Out and Grill The checkoff-funded partnership with Sam’s Club and the Kansas City Barbeque Society (KCBS) concluded in October and successfully reached thousands of consumers nationwide with positive beef experiences and messages that keep beef in the minds and shopping carts of consumers. This promotion ran March through October and by coordinating beef’s presence in the nationwide summer grilling BBQ tour, the American GrillMaster Experience, the checkoff engaged consumers in grilling demonstrations and promoted beef products. In total, 30 events took place in Sam’s Club parking lots and three non-Sam’s Club locations in 28 states. Events attracted thousands of attendees and coordination with 17 state beef councils further extended the impact of these events.

New Advertising Campaign Being Developed In FY13, a new checkoff-funded consumer advertising campaign will be developed. Over the course of an extensive market research effort, a variety of potential advertising campaign approaches and “big ideas” were shared with consumers, in order to uncover the approach with the greatest promise for the Beef Checkoff program. Findings from this research were shared with the Joint Advertising Committee, to help them make an informed, consumer-based decision on which campaign “big idea” to pursue. After much discussion and review both at Summer Conference and at a subsequent Committee conference call, the Joint Advertising Committee decided on pursuing a new advertising campaign that centers on the idea that beef is a protein that is “Above All Else.” This concept is strong as consumers readily agree with beef’s bold assertion that the protein can be viewed as best in terms of taste, eating experience and, with some added educational proof points, in terms of health and nutrition. The new checkoff advertising campaign will make its debut in May 2013 across many media channels, including print, billboards, radio, online/ digital and social media.

20 December 2012

Quality Audit link at the bottom of the page.

BEEFlexible Campaign Receives Industry Recognition

Media “Falls” in Love with Beef this Season

The 2012 foodservice BEEFlexible advertisement for Steak Verrine was recognized by top foodservice publications, Flavor & the Menu and Food Arts, for its effectiveness at reaching readers. The positive beef message and creative were unparalleled in reaching the target audience and grabbing readers’ attention. The award recognizes advertising that achieves outstanding readership response, as measured through personal, face-to-face interviews with a national sample of readers. The 2013 BEEFlexible is underway and is scheduled to launch in national foodservice publications in February 2013. For more information, visit

Fall is the season of back to school and changing temperatures. For this reason, we’ve seen “quick and easy” weeknight stir-fry meals as well as “slow and savory” recipes making an appearance in publications across the country. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel featured checkofffunded Asian Beef & Vegetable Stir-Fry saying, “You can’t go wrong with stir-fry for a fast weeknight dinner. During the same time, The Bismarck Tribune shared Beef and Brew Chili, blogger Jan’s Sushi featured Autumn Beef Stew, WKBT-TV highlighted Wasabi-Beer Braised Brisket and finally, made Pot Roast with CiderMaple Gravy and Butternut Squash.

Facts About Beef Website Corrects Meatless Myth

Fact Sheet Provides School Meal Ideas

The checkoff has been updating and adding content to, a website aimed at being an online hub of issues response. New myths include one addressing overuse of antibiotics in cattle, the myth of Meatless Mondays being better for health and the environment and a response to the common myth that grass-fed beef is better for the environment than grain-fed beef. Additionally, a Q&A with Shalene McNeill about what’s happening with the school lunch and breakfast program has been posted. You are encouraged to sign up on the site to receive alerts when new content is added.

Extending the NBQA Message The checkoff-funded Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program has added several new tools online to help leverage the success of the 2011 National Beef Quality Audit. The extra resources include the 2011 Audit presentation from the Cattle Industry Summer Conference, an Audit video, PowerPoint’s from the Audit release at the Summer Conference, Fact Sheets and Final Reports. For more information visit and click on the 2011 National Beef The Progressive Rancher

The checkoff has created a fact sheet entitled “Give Your Child’s Day a Boost with Protein” to help busy parents as they plan meals and snacks for their children. The sheet shares the importance of protein in childhood development, tips for packing a kid-friendly, protein-rich lunch from leftovers, recipes and ideas for easy snacks.

Parenting Bloggers Loved Beef this Grilling Season To generate conversation and awareness online among Mom and Dad influencers and their communities, the checkoff selected 25 bloggers to host Summer Grilliance In-Home beef barbecues with their family and friends. These bloggers shared their experiences online and on social media platforms encouraging consumers to visit and learn how to purchase, prepare and enjoy beef. As a result of these end of summer barbecues, there were 113 total posts on platforms including blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google+! A total of 233 people attended the bloggers’ barbecues and couldn’t stop talking about beef.

PLC and NCBA Ask Senate to Amend Sportsmen’s Bill

November 26—Today, PLC, NCBA and the American Farm Bureau Federation sent the letter below to the Senate expressing their concern regarding S. 3525 (specifically Title II), the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act. The bill may come to a vote as early as this evening. While aspects of S. 3525 are good, including public lands access measures and language limiting EPA’s regulatory authority (in this instance, regarding lead shot), we are concerned with its Title II provisions on “aquatic habitat.” Title II, “National Fish Habitat,” would mandate new

spending that our government cannot afford, and implement duplicative and possibly unworkable new regulations on vast amounts of land and water, both public and private. Federal dollars—$7,200,000 for each of fiscal years 2012 through 2016—will go toward aquatic habitat conservation projects implemented by non-federal entities, but under the stipulation that a federally-appointed board approve of the project’s conservation measures. Aquatic habitat is defined very broadly, even including areas adjacent to an aquatic environment, if the adjacent area “serves as a buffer” or “protects the quality and quantity of water sources.”

RE: S. 3525, the Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012 Dear Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell: Public Lands Council (PLC), the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), and American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) write regarding S. 3525, the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012. PLC is the only national association dedicated solely to representing public lands ranchers, NCBA is the largest and oldest cattle association in the United States, and AFBF is the largest voluntary general farm and ranch organization in the United States. While we recognize that S. 3525 includes measures very important to the protection of gun owners’ rights, we are concerned by certain other provisions that we believe pose a threat to private property and should be eliminated, or at the very least be given careful consideration by way of congressional hearings in the House of Representatives. We generally support language that limits the Environmental Protection Agency from promulgating or proposing restrictive, economically damaging regulations that are beyond its statutory authority. S. 3525’s language clarifying that EPA’s banning or regulation of the use of lead in bullets and shot (found in Title I) is outside its authority is understandably of great importance to gun owners. Our point of contention is with an unrelated measure, found in Title II, “National Fish Habitat”. This measure would mandate new spending that our government cannot afford, and implement duplicative and possibly unworkable new regulations on vast amounts of land and water, both public and private. Effectively, federal dollars—$7,200,000 for each of fiscal years 2012 through 2016—will go toward aquatic habitat conservation projects implemented by non-federal entities, but under the stipulation that a federally-appointed board approve of the project’s conservation measures. Partnership entities may acquire land, water or other property interests for purposes of “protection,” “habitat management,” or “regulated taking” of aquatic habitat. Aquatic habitat is defined very broadly, even including areas adjacent to an aquatic environment, if the adjacent area “serves as a buffer” or “protects the quality and quantity of water sources.” One could argue that all of the land on which our members produce livestock and crops falls under this definition.

Moreover, we oppose Section 207 which would add new requirements for certain federal agencies to conserve the broadly defined “aquatic habitat.” We oppose increased restrictions on land and water use upon which our members’ livelihoods depend and the regulatory blank check authorized in Section 210. We also strongly oppose the idea of automatically “approved” projects (Sec. 204) should the secretaries fail to respond to recommendations within 180 days. We find Title II’s safeguards against inappropriate regulation or acquisition of land to be insufficient. We do not believe the 27-member board, appointed by the Secretary of Interior and responsible for approving fish habitat conservation projects, adequately represents the private property interests that will be impacted by this expansive new program. While Section 211 requires “written consent” of private landowners, we know that pressures can be brought to bear on private landowners to make them “willing” to sell when, under normal circumstances, they would not. While we strongly believe Title II of S. 3525 should be removed or amended, we urge Senate passage of a sportsmen’s bill that reflects the positive multiple-use aspects found in the House-passed version, H.R. 4089. Specifically, we support H.R. 4089’s language regarding local oversight of presidentially-designated national monuments. By requiring states’ approval and preventing any use-restrictions or closures on monuments without a review period and public input, this provision promotes democratic and federalist principles that keep governance as close to the governed as possible. This, we believe, will help prevent economically and culturally damaging restrictions on lands that ranching families and other multiple-use industries have relied on and stewarded for generations. We appreciate your attention to this important private property issue, and are happy to assist in any way possible as the Senate considers a sportsmen’s bill that promotes wise multiple use on public lands without the expansion of federal regulations. Sincerely, Public Lands Council National Cattlemen’s Beef Association American Farm Bureau Federation Cc: U.S. Senate

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Our letter indicates that we support amending S. 3525 so that Title II is removed or substantially changed, and so that the bill reflects the positive multiple-use aspects found in the House-passed version, H.R. 4089. Specifically, we support H.R. 4089’s language requiring state approval of presidentially-designated national monuments. If S. 3525 is passed without these amendments, we will work toward improving it in conference with H.R. 4089. Please feel free to contact us with questions: Dustin Van Liew (, Ashley McDonald ( or Theo Dowling (

The Progressive Rancher

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National Grazing Lands Conference Heads to Orlando in December Temple Grandin Joins Authors, Researchers and Ranchers on 
List of Renowned Speakers

College Station, Texas, Oct. 17, 2012— The Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI) will host its 5th national conference in Orlando, Fla., from December 9-12, 2012, at the Caribe Royale Hotel and Convention Center. GLCI conference organizers expect over 1000 ranchers, professors, land managers, researchers, public officials, ecologists and students to participate in the exchange of information on ‘cutting edge’ grazing management technologies. “The Nation’s grazing lands perform a number of functions,” says Bob Drake, GLCI Chairman. “Grazing lands provide homes for livestock and wildlife, sponges for rainfall, carbon reservoirs, hiking and bird-watching meccas, hunting and fishing grounds, and much, much more. Sustainably managing all of these roles across 600 million acres of grazing lands in this Nation is a huge balancing act and it’s also the topic of our conference,” he summarizes. Additionally, according to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, approximately 85 percent of all land in the U.S. is not suitable for agricultural crops. Grazing livestock allows ranchers to use this land to provide food for Americans. This year, Temple Grandin, noted animal behavior expert, author, speaker and professor will be one of a number of featured presenters. Grandin will conduct a book signing at the conference. Monday evening will culminate with a special ‘Florida Night’ dinner banquet featuring Florida cowboy poet Stephen Monroe.

22 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher

The conference will continue its past format of providing information along four tracks that will include Eastern, Central, Western and dairy grazing issues. Some of the issues to be highlighted include the value of rotational grazing and of riparian habitat, carbon sequestration, and the flexibility within grazing systems. The Florida Grazing Lands Coalition, a division of GLCI, will provide a half-day workshop following the conference with Fred Provenza, Utah State University professor, award winning research scientist and rancher. One thing that sets GLCI apart from other conferences is its focus on ranchers as presenters. “We know experts come from academia, government, and the non-profit world and we welcome them all, but we also look for the ‘cowboy expert‘ who has gained his—or her—expertise through long hours with livestock and firsthand exposure to all sorts of elements—natural, economic and political,” says Drake. Information on registration, exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities is at the 5NCGL website. Full conference registration is $365; student and one-day registrations are also available. The GLCI was founded in 1991 to provide high quality technical assistance on grazing lands on a voluntary basis and to increase the awareness of the importance of grazing land resources.

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The Progressive Rancher

December 23

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24 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher

Range Plants for the Rancher By Paul T. Tueller, Ph.D., CRMC

Redtop Grass


or this issue I describe another grass common to Nevada’s riparian sites. This plant is commonly called redtop, redtop bent or creeping bentgrass and is a cool season perennial grass introduced from Europe. The scientific name that I learned is Agrostis alba but is now commonly referred to as Agrostis stolonifera both originally described by Linnaeus. It is now found over much of the northern United States. It is a very important riparian species particularly in central Nevada. Redtop is either a vigorous grass, growing up to 3 feet tall with stems often decumbent at base (reclining on the ground but with the tip ascending). This usually produces a coarse, open turf. It starts growth in the early spring, flowers in early summer, and seeds are mature by August. It reproduces from rhizomes (horizontal underground stems), stolons (above ground stems capable of rooting at the nodes or tip giving rise to a new plant), or seeds. Now how do we identify this grass? The stems are slender with narrow leaves, about 1/4 inch wide, 2 to 7 inches long, rather stiff, flat, and pointed at the tip, with distinct veins above. The leaf blades are mostly glabrous (smooth and hairless). Leaf margins are somewhat finely barbed. The ligules (membranous appendages arising from the inner surface of a leaf at the junction with leaf sheath in many grasses) are 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, membranous, bluntly pointed or rounded, and with toothed to split margins and without auricles (small, ear –shaped appendages). The panicle is loose and pyramidal in shape about 4 to 8 inches long. The panicle is purplish-red to red when in blossom thus giving the grass its common


name. The panicle branches are whorled at lower rachis nodes. The spikelets are very small and quite numerous, each containing one small seed. The lemmas are awnless or rarely short-awned. Redtop is widely adapted to wet and semi-wet meadows, riparian areas, and irrigated pastures. It is found at elevations from 3500 to 8500 feet. Redtop rapidly colonizes moist areas, disturbed areas due to excessive trampling, construction and flooding sites and grows best in moderately well-drained loamy soils. Plants are tolerant to high water table and periodic irrigation. It will grow on acidic soils, and is moderately salt tolerant. It is often found in Nevada meadows with Kentucky bluegrass, timothy, sedges and rushes. Redtop forms a dense sod which provides good surface erosion control, but because the roots are shallow, redtop provides limited protection to streambanks and usually does not form the stable overhanging banks desired for fish habitat. Banks vegetated by redtop often fail, falling into the stream as they are undercut by flowing water. In these areas, it is best to change management to promote the growth of riparian species such as sedges which have the root systems capable of holding the banks. Redtop provides fair to good forage for big game in the spring and summer. The dense cover can provide cover for small mammals, waterfowl, and other birds. It is a valuable forage species providing good to very good forage for horses and cattle, and fair to good forage for sheep. The species is often cultivated for hay because of its tolerance to mowing and grazing, good cold resistance, and heat tolerance. Grazing usually favors this useful species. Hometown Solutions_EighthPageAd_sans.pdf 1 7/21/11 2:21 PM

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The Progressive Rancher

December 25

Equine Podiatry by Stephen E. O’Grady, DVM, MRCVS


Barefoot vs. Shod? It depends... Reprinted with permission from the American Farrier Journal. Original printed in the 2007 January-February issue of the American Farriers Journal


he topic of having horses go barefoot vs. shod was discussed recently at the 2006 American Association of Equine Practitioners Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas and generated some very informative dialog while raising many important questions. I must say from the onset that I favor horses being maintained without shoes when possible but it depends on multiple factors. On the other hand, I also feel that horses can be shod in a physiologic manner such that minimal damage to the hoof capsule will occur. The factors used to make the decision on barefoot versus shod include: 1. The use of shoes for protection when wear of the hoof exceeds growth.

Figure 1

2. The need for traction, especially in the performance horse for athletic activities. 3. Therapeutic reasons in order to treat lameness, diseases of the hoof or to address limb conformation. Any one or a combination of the above reasons may dictate the necessity for shoes. Whether or not it is feasible for a horse to go without shoes will further depend on the owners’ expectations, the owners’ commitment to the project and the hoof care the horse receives especially during the transiFigure 2 tion period. Much of the horse industry is involved in competitive athletic disciplines and the question arises “can this horse compete and perform at a given standard without shoes?” Wear versus growth is the first point to consider. The genetics and breed of the horse, the structure and conformation of the hoof, the surface on which a horse is worked and most important, for what purpose the horse is going to be used; these variables all influence the wear of the feet and will affect the decision as to whether the horse can be maintained barefoot. The structure of the foot is usually the determining factor as to whether the horse can remain barefoot. Maintaining the horse barefoot is best accomplished when or potentially when the hoof wall is thick and solid, there is good sole depth and there are soft tissue structures in the palmar / plantar section of the foot that are of sufficient mass. Breeding practices have had an influence on the structure of the feet, unfortunately not always for the better. Quarter horses have been bred for fashion while Thoroughbreds have been bred for speed; this often results in poor quality feet. More often than not (especially with Thoroughbred horses) the foot is not allowed to grow and mature into a so called “good” foot

26 December 2012

(Figure 1)1. Hoof development, particularly for the first three years is dependent on stimulation from regular exercise and turn out. Yearlings are often shod for the sales. The majority of horse’s feet remain healthy until the time they are broke and enter training usually as 2 year olds. As training begins, the hoof capsule and its related structures are still immature, the animal is confined to a stall or small paddock, a rider is placed on its back which leads to additional weight bearing on the feet and the horse now begins to work. Training may lead to abnormal stresses being placed on an underdeveloped foot along with excessive wear to the feet. The animal begins to show discomfort and shoes are then placed on the feet for protection. It has been discovered that the horse has receptors in the bottom of its foot and it is speculated that these receptors function in a stimulatory capacity1. So the first thing that happens when shoes are applied is that these receptors lose contact with the ground. Next we need to take into account how the foot is being trimmed and the application of shoes by the farrier. So we see right off that the combination of the above factors can / will / often do change the structures of the foot forever, often leading to a “weak” foot that is hard to maintain without shoes (Figure 2). Prove this to yourself by taking a digital photo of a horse’s foot at the start of training and then take another photo 6 months to a year later and compare the difference. Traditionally we place shoes on these youngsters too early and often it is not necessary as long as a few modifications are made in our training program so the feet can continue to develop. Coupled with the structure of the foot is the exercise program that is anticipated for the horse being maintained without shoes. Many horses can do well without shoes as long as they are not asked to perform. Light riding may be feasible while competition may not be possible. Finally, the surface upon which the horse is kept / exercised will influence the wear on the feet. A hard surface or abrasive surface such as sand will not be as forgiving as a soft deformable footing. The need for Traction on variable ground conditions can also dictate the choice of barefoot versus shod. Shoes in and of themselves act as a traction device as well as providing more cup to the foot. Traction devices allow horses to hold their footing, prevent slippage and improve overall performance in competitions such as eventing, jumping, steeplechase racing and polo. Equestrian sports such as fox hunting that take place during winter are aided by traction devices because of the diverse weather and footing conditions. They provide safety to the horse and give the horse confidence while performing. A factor often overlooked in the equation is that traction devices also provide safety to the rider as well, whether the person is trail riding or competing. Sliding plates in reining horses could be considered an anti-traction device as they decrease the friction between the ground and the hoof. Borium or studs provide safety from slippage to a horse when turned out in snow or icy conditions. They allow a horse to be ridden or to pull a sleigh on the snow and ice. Therapeutic shoeing generally forms part of or sometimes the entire treatment for lameness confirmed to the foot. Lameness results from repetitive stresses or overload placed on a given structure / structures of the hoof capsule or structures within the hoof leading to damage. Shoes can be used to change the forces / stresses on a given structure within the hoof capsule and unload damaged areas of the foot. Shoes are used for realignment of the distal phalanx in the case of laminitis, they provide continuity of the hoof capsule after resection in white line disease, stabilize hoof cracks and distal phalanx fractures and provide protection following a puncture wound or foot surgery. Angular or flexural deformities in young horses may be treated or aided by various types of shoes. A transition period is always needed when changing a horse from being shod to barefoot in order to allow the foot to adapt2. Adaptation means the hoof wall must toughen and the sole must increase in depth i.e. become thicker to compensate for not wearing shoes.

The Progressive Rancher

Due to Poor Range Conditions, Wassuk Gather Horses Won’t be Released Back to Range

Horses are much easier to maintain in a barefoot manner if they have never had shoes. It also makes a big difference as to how long the horse has worn shoes because this has a bearing on how long a lag phase can be expected before the horse develops the necessary sole protection once the shoes are off. The structures of the foot are often of inadequate mass or irreversibly damaged and thus incapable of adaptation. If a decision is made to remove the shoes, the horse should be taken out of work. We recommend a 30-90 day transition period during which time the structures of the horse’s feet are allowed to toughen and adapt to being without shoes. At this point we also change the method of hoof care from trimming the foot to Figure 3 “shaping” the foot. The only tools necessary are a wire brush and a rasp. Nothing is removed from the bottom of the foot. Using a rasp, the heels are moved back to the base of the frog (when possible) and the hoof wall is not lowered but just rasped on an angle so a rounded edge is created. Flares or excess toe are removed from the outer hoof wall (shaping). We finish by slightly beveling the toe from the toe quarters forward to promote sole growth and to toughen the sole wall junction (Figure 3). If firm pressure (using thumb pressure or hoof testers) on the sole causes the sole to give, this bevel should not be created. This adaptation phase can be gauged according to the initial structure of the horse’s foot and should be controlled. When a minimal sole depth is present (as evidenced by hoof testers applied to the sole), the horse should be confined or placed in a small area of soft footing and then walked daily on a firm surface until the structures of the foot begin to change and adapt. Placing the horse in some form of protective boot may not provide the foot the necessary stimulation to adapt. At no time should the horse show marked discomfort as this defeats the purpose. If after 30 days, the horse’s sole has not become firmer and noticeable growth of sole does not appear on the inner border of the sole wall junction, then it may be worthwhile to reconsider this method of hoof care in the best interest of the horse. In summary, many barefoot proponents have taken an extremist view that shoes and nails start the feet on a destructive road, purporting this belief without looking at the overall scientific and physiologic picture. There are advocates of the barefoot movement that claim through their research that applying shoes to the horse is detrimental and therefore all horses need to be barefoot. This research claims that nails placed in a horse’s foot are toxic, that the bars in the heels should be removed as they impinge on the circulation and that all horses should be trimmed in the same specified manner. Yet I have never been able to find this research. I have never seen a scientific publication that states nails are toxic when placed in a horse’s foot. If we think of the hoof capsule as a cone – one quickly sees the necessity of preserving the bars as they provide stability and allow the hoof capsule to expand which in turn allows the normal physiology of the foot to take place. Finally, if we consider the various breeds of horses, individual foot conformation, structures of the foot, phalangeal alignment, etc, it would appear highly unreasonable to trim all horses in the same manner. As all horses are not created equal, neither are their feet. Shoes have been known to cause lameness and change the hoof capsule; shoes have also been documented to treat lameness and improve the structures of the hoof. So when we decide whether a horse can be kept barefoot (and many can’t), considering the variables involved, the answer may be “it depends.” References Bowker, R. M. Contrasting Structural Morthologies of “Good” and “Bad” Footed Horses. In Proceedings Am Assoc Equine Pract 2003;49: 186-195. Bowker, R. M. The Growth and Adaptive Capabilities of the Hoof Wall and Sole: Functional Changes in Response to Stress. In Proceedings Am Assoc Equine Pract 2003;49: 165-166.

Carson City, Nev. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Carson City District, Stillwater Field Office began gathering wild horses from the Wassuk Herd Management Area (HMA) on Nov. 3. The BLM planned to gather about 475 wild horses and remove about 250 excess wild horses from the range. As many as 250 wild horses were to be released back to the range following the gather—mares having been vaccinated with a fertility vaccine and an adjusted sex ratio of 60 percent males and 40 percent females on the range to help control population growth. Because of poor body condition of the majority of the gathered horses, along with impacts of overpopulation and drought, the horses planned to be released back to the range will now be removed. “These horses are in such poor condition, it’s not really an option to release them back to the same circumstances they came from,” said Terri Knutson, Stillwater Field Manager. “Lack of forage because of excessive drought conditions and overpopulation of animals are worse than it has been in years.” The pre-gather population estimation is 623 wild horses, and the appropriate management level (AML) for the HMA is 110-165. The post-gather population will be approximately 170 wild horses in the Wassuk HMA at the conclusion of the initial gather operations. The BLM intends to still continue with population controls and activities to achieve and maintain AML over the next 10 years by returning every two to three years to treat or re-treat mares with fertility control vaccine as well as to remove excess wild horses. The gathered animals will be transported to the Palomino Valley Center near Reno, Nev. where they will be prepared for the BLM adoption program. The BLM does not sell or send any horses to slaughter. Horses removed from the Wassuk HMA will be available for adoption through the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program. The gather area is located 12 miles southeast of Yerington, Nev., and west of Walker Lake. For further information please contact Lisa Ross at 775-885-6100.

NeVaDa RaNCHes FOR saLe

Pristine Locations PARADISE VALLEY 2,290 acres plus BLM and USFS grazing. 300 plus acres of cropland for winter feed. Surface and groundwater. River frontage. $2,400,000

BUTTE VALLEY +/-7,200 acres plus summer and winter grazing for 600+ cows and 5,000 sheep. Many springs, creeks and meadows. 4 pivots for additional winter feed. $6,500,000 Contact:

Kelton & associates Real estate

The Progressive Rancher

Tom Gunn 775-343-0200

December 27

results 2012 Van Norman and friends Production Sale Results

September 15, 2012, Elko County Fairgrounds, Elko, NV

Yearling Preview

Results – 16th Annual Van Norman and friends Production Sale High-seller: JP Colonel Thunder 2006 Bay Gelding; $10,200 – Randy Leighton, Stevinson, CA High-selling weanling: Unnamed buckskin colt by DW He Be A Playgun out of Olena Buffy consigned by Linda Bunch and Dean Shelman - $3500 to Lawrence Jensen of Rexburg, ID Top 10 riding horse average: $6560 (included one broke mare) Top 20 average: $4815 Average on 78 head: $2125

As of this reading, the 16th Annual Van Norman and friends Production Sale will have been concluded three months previous so this is somewhat old news. When several of the participants were asked immediately after the sale, “Well, how do you think it went?”, they probably shuddered, shrugged their shoulders, or said it went really bad because negative generally outweighs positive in situations such as this. When analyzing the forces at work, however, one finally is forced to conclude that it was a darn good sale. Weanlings and yearlings were weaker than expected; however, given the terrible drought conditions throughout our marketing area and the high cost of hay if you can find it, it should not have come as a surprise. There were more weanlings and yearlings consigned than usual and this factor weighed heavily on the overall perception of the outcome. Several weanlings and yearlings sold very well as did broke horses, especially those with a lot of miles on them. There were quite a few horses

that did not sell mainly because their owners were not inclined to sacrifice their investment to a depressed market. Even so, our bottom line was higher than last year and our average remained about the same. Given all of the negatives impacting the horse market both regionally and nationally and the overall weakness of the economic recovery, I think one can honestly say that it could have been worse and that better days are ahead. The live webcast of the sale and internet bidding on received high marks from viewers and on-line bidders, and as usual, auctioneers Blake Nuffer and Ted Odle kept the crowd raising their hands in the barn. Holding onto that positive karma, plans for the 17th Annual Van Norman and friends Production Sale are well underway for September 13 and 14th of 2013. We are working on a few changes which we will be revealing in the coming months so stay tuned. Be sure to check out our on-line video ad on the cover page of each of the upcoming issues of The Progressive Rancher as well as visit us on Facebook at

Van Norman Stockhorse Challenge Results — $3000 ltd Snaffle Bit/Hackamore — 1st Michael Mori – SR Chex Angie 2nd Casey Bieroth – DW Nic N Pepper 3rd Wil Wakely – Skipa Rio Spark

— Open Snaffle Bit / Hackamore — 1st John Schutte – Lenas Smart Rondo 2nd Ryan Markham – Sequioas Smart Remedy

— $3000 Ltd Two rein/bridle — 1st Lance Knudsen – Sailaway Playgirl 2nd Casey Bieroth – JP Freckles Fudd 3rd Katie Groves – Guido

— Open Two Rein/Bridle — 1st Jennifer Black – Call Me Docs Hickory 2nd Doug Groves – Romeo 1st place –cinches by Jennifer; 2nd – ropes by Allie Bear; 3rd - $25 gift certificates from Stockman’s Supply

— Youth – 12 and under — 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

Riata Goemmer – Cuchara Red Rooster Isaac Mori – Mervs Hattie Anna Van Norman – Shorty Quade McKay – Rio Hannah Kelley – Tip Top Pistol Kaysen Sorenson – Doc

28 December 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012, Special Awards

High-point Horse: Lance Knudsen – Sailaway Playgirl(218 points) Bridle donated by VNQH Purchased through previous VN Sales: Michael Mori – SR Chex Angie(215 points) Padfolio donated by Andy Stevens Current VN Sale horse: Jymme Martin – Tlee Mr Little Luke(204.5 points) Horse hair cross made by Zack Kelley

Winner of Limited Two Rein/Bridle and High Point Horse – Lance Knudsen on Sailaway Playgirl

Champion competing reference sire: Cory Shelman – DW He Be A Playgun Cinch from Jennifer Whitely High-Point Breeder: Van Norman Quarter Horses Picture frame Top Lady Rider: Jennifer Black IFA Gift Basket Top Youth Rider: Riata Goemmer Buckle donated by JM Capriola, Inc

Sponsors: Billie Filippini, Mori Range Bulls, Gallagher Ford, Elko Federal Credit Union, Ellison Ranching Company, Van Norman Quarter Horses, Cowboy & Shammy Rodriguez, IFA, Allie Bear, JM Capriola, Stockman’s Supply, Andy Stevens, Zack and April Kelley, Jennifer Whitely Judge: Sue Abel – Lamoille, NV

The Progressive Rancher

U.S. Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard Saddles Up With New Rides from the No. Nevada Correctional Center’s Saddle-Trained Wild Horse Program On Nov. 7, the U.S. Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard from Barstow, Calif., added new recruits to their program when they picked up two saddle-trained palominos from the Northern Nevada Correctional Center’s Wild Horse Training Program. These horses joined the ranks of other adopted BLM wild horses that have become part of the Mounted Color Guard and participate in the annual Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., as well as other goodwill endeavors such as the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas, the Inaugural Parade in Washington D.C. and numerous other events across the nation. Last January, the Color Guard had hand-picked the two palominos, along with three others, for the inmates to gentle and train. Now, 10 months later, the Color Guard returned for them (two were previously picked up and the last one will be picked up in the near future). Upon meeting them and riding them, they were very pleased with their demeanor and the results of months of training. The Marine Corps Barstow Base Stables has six riders and with the additional two horses from the BLM, they now have 10 horses. Over the course of 20 years, the Marine Corps has adopted approximately 40 horses from the BLM. Background: The U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) first adopted a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) wild horse in 1988 for the Mounted Color Guard—a two-year old horse called “Okinawa”—but their history starts in the late 1960s. In 1967, the U.S. Marine Corps Mounted Color Guard was formed at the Marine Corps Logistic Base in Barstow, California. Lt. Colonel Robert Lindsley, U.S. Marine Corps retired, purchased four palomino domestic horses from St. George, Utah and the fifth palomino was purchased in the Barstow area. In 1968, the Color Guard was designated an official Mounted Color Guard by the Headquarters Marine Corps and today it is the only remaining Mounted Color Guard in the Marine Corps. The first parade the USMC Mounted Color Guard attended was in Ridgecrest, California in 1967. After the Ridgecrest Parade, the Mounted Color Guard attended parades in Barstow and Calico, California and in Yermo rodeos. As word spread about the Color Guard, they were invited to ride in parades all over southern California. As their popularity grew, so did the number of riders. In January 1985, the Mounted Color Guard

made its first appearance in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California, and has been given the extreme honor of the first military unit to lead the parade. Since 1990, the Mounted Color Guard has participated in every Tournament of Roses Parade. Today the Mounted Color Guard rides wild palomino mustangs adopted from the BLM’s Adopt a Wild Horse and Burro Program. Several of these horses were trained by the inmates in Carson City, Nevada. The USMC Color Guard travels all over the Western United States participating in parades, rodeos, and many numerous events and ceremonies.

Color Guard meets inmate and horse

The Progressive Rancher

December 29

Learned Helplessness I

show little reaction, and appear quiet. These horses appear almost lifen classic scientific studies, animals quickly learn they can avoid adverse stimuli by performing a certain behavior. Ofless and often have fixed or sunken eyes. Learned helplessness ten, studies were arranged with an animal standing on an electric Although these horses appear calm on the surface, their physiis a passive response to ological functioning and cortisol levels would show they are unhealthy. grid. A stimulus such as a light came on, followed by an electric There are lasting biological consequences to their state of distress shock on half of the grid. The animal soon learned it could avoid a chronically stressful above and beyond being unable to escape pain at the moment. the shock if it jumped to the other half of the grid as soon as the light bulb was illuminated. When horses are unable to escape pain, it may be a good evolutionsituation that the animal Next, the entire grid was electrically stimulated and the animal ary strategy to appear calm and passive so as not to draw the attention of predators looking for weak herd members that appear to be vulnerreceived a shock when the light went on, no matter what it did. In these finds inescapable. able, injured or in pain. studies, the animals often stopped responding and became passive. Horses that don’t feel well, either from lack of nutrition or hydraMany of them simply whimpered and shut down. tion or horses that are in pain will have signs of learned helplessness. When horses find that no matter how they respond, they cannot escape from pain or adverse stimuli, they may initially respond with fight or flight responses. A sore back, sore muscles, flesh wounds, skin irritation, things that may not be expressed When these responses are ineffective and produce no release no matter how they respond, by lameness or obvious signs may go unnoticed if we are not aware of the emotional state of the horse. For example, a young horse that would ordinarily be running and playing may they are at risk for developing learned helplessness. Learned helplessness is a passive response to a chronically stressful situation that the look depressed. And yet an older horse that may not get around real well may have a bright animal finds inescapable. Horses may respond by initially doing what was asked of them in eye and put out a little effort to buck and play. So knowing what horses look like given the the past and resorting to previously learned patterns of stimulus and response. But, under opportunity or environment to be happy, and seeing horses whose emotional well-being chronic stress that they cannot relieve by any predictable action, they withdraw, disengage, has been ignored can show us the subtle differences that will give us an insight to the horse. Some of the old-style of breaking horses used the principle of breaking a horse’s spirit, or teaching them learned helplessness by putting them in a situation where they could not find comfort and could not protect themselves and they learned to accept things as they were as a means of survival. Some modern round penning techniques that exhaust the horse by running them around, along with a desensitizing process, can basically have the same 113 Ranch in Panaca, Nevada. Good money maker Over 650 deeded acres on the Humboldt River effect on the horse. A proper dose measured out correctly, may be fitting to help a horse near Elko and adjoining the new Port of Elko in great country! This 631 acre farm borders the accept something. But, without some relief from the pressure, and time to think, the process Industrial Park. Over 300 acres of Surface water scenic Rainbow Canyon State Park. Alfalfa Produccan produce learned helplessness instead of an alert and accepting horse. rights out of the Humboldt River, lots of sand and tion averages 4 cuttings/yr in this area yet the 5,000’ elevation still provides the high protein and TDN valued by the Dairies. Exceptionally nice improvements including a 3700 sq. ft. home, concrete horse barn, hay storage for over 3000 ton, a 400 hd. Feedlot made of pipe and concrete, livestock scales, and large shop and storage buildings. 5 pivots, three of which are in new alfalfa this year. Price: $2.8 million. Clover Valley Farm No. 2: 242 Acres of which 160 are water righted. Two irrigation wells and a stock well plus the main residential well. Nice newer manufactured home, a 5 car detached garage, a 5000 sq. ft. metal building with concrete floor, a 2400 sq. ft pole barn with gravel floor, green house. Priced to sell at $500.000. Tent Mountain Ranch, Starr Valley, Nevada. 3500 Deeded acres at the foot of the majestic East Humboldt Range the Northern extension of the Ruby Mountains. Several perennial Streams flow through the ranch and wildlife are a daily part of the scenery. Improvements are good with a large home approx. 5,000. sq.ft, plus a second modular home and beautiful Mountain Cabin. Barn with water, hay barn, and other storage. Access onto paved road. Actually 18 legal parcels and parcel pricing would start at $1,200 AC. Price: REDUCED AGAIN TO $3,700,000.

gravel, adjoins I-80 and has access at Exit. Price: $1,200,000. May be a good fit with the Elko Co. 10,705 deeded acres with BLM permit offered below. Elko County 10,705 Deeded acres with BLM permit and 50% of the mineral rights. Only $1,391,650. Existing income from minerals lease and grazing lease. This may be the best 401K ever and an excellent target for a 1031 Exchange! Steptoe Valley Farm: Nice Alfalfa and Grass Hay Farm in beautiful country! Approx. 1000 acres with around 700 acres of water rights. Six wells pump water to 5 center pivots and a field flooded or ready for wheel-line hookup. Nice manufactured home for a residence. $3,000,000. Price Reduced to $2,750,000. Can add grazing land!

Indian Creek Ranch: White Pine County , Nevada Super hunting property surrounded by Public lands and has plentiful Mule Deer, Antelope and Elk. There is a large Spring arising on high ground that could provide pressure for hydro power, or gravity flow domestic or irrigation water. Price REDUCED TO SELL to $275,000. For the 126 acres with spring at foot of Mtn or $325,000 for the 206 acres. MASON MOUNTAIN RANCH – SOLD

Note: Need more Ranches to sell!

Paul D. Bottari, Broker

Work: 775-752-3040

1222 6th St., P.O. Box 368 Wells, NV 89835

30 December 2012

Home: 775-752-3809 • Fax: 775-752-3021

Twelve Prison-Trained Wild Horses Find Good Homes at Adoption

Carson City, Nev. – Twelve saddle-trained wild horses showed off their best moves at Saturday’s adoption, wowing a crowd of eager adopters with the ease of handling to start and stop, follow cues and remain calm while trainers twirled lassos above their heads. After being saddle-trained for four months as part of an inmate horse training program at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center, the wild horses were offered for adoption and all of them found homes on Oct. 20. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Nevada Department of Agriculture and the Nevada Department of Corrections hosted the adoption event at the correctional center in Carson City. The wild horses, gathered from herd management areas within administered public lands in Nevada, California, Oregon and Idaho, received successful bids totaling $10,900. The highest bid was placed on a colorful pinto named “Flash” that was adopted for $3,500. Starting bids begin at $150. The successful bidders officially adopted their new horse and they must show diligent care of each animal for a year before they can apply to the BLM to receive a title of ownership. Since 1973, the BLM has placed more than 230,000 horses and burros into private ownership through the adoption program. The next saddle-trained horse adoption and competitive auction event will be at the Northern Nevada Correctional Center on Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013. More information about the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program and special adoption events is available at:

The Progressive Rancher

Allie Bear Real Estate

Spializing in hunting, ranching, and horse properti

Cattle Ranch South of Eureka (Duckwater)

Christmas Memories by Linda Drown Bunch

Childhood memories rising out of the early December, Christmas – heralding drifting snow, recall the words of the Welch poet Dylan Thomas, “I can never remember whether it snowed for six days and six nights when I was twelve or whether it snowed for twelve days and twelve nights when I was six.” Their shadowy forms creep from the deep, sequestered depths of the distant past, and gradually take on shape and substance as approaching objects through a thick winter fog. I stand at the low window scratching with my fingernails a hole in the frost that had accumulated on the inside of the windowpanes, hoping to catch a fleeting glimpse of reindeer streaking across the Milky Way or the comforting light of a pickup on the county road a mile distant-a sure sign that my dad would soon be home for the Christmas Eve supper that was sizzling on the coal cook stove in the kerosene lamp-lit kitchen. Ginger cookie Scottie dogs lined up on the window sills share my anxious vigil as I pace between the two windows. When mom calls us to supper, I sit up to the table with her and my brother Chady, but the fried ham, boiled potatoes, and cream gravy stick in my throat. The candles lined up before my own special miniature juniper tree at the end of the kitchen counter, flicker a Yuletide joy that I can’t share. My daddy isn’t home on Christmas Eve, and all definitely is not right with my world. Back at the window, peering into the darkness, looking for a fleeting glimpse of a headlight through the trees along the river, all I can see is the milky swirling fog that has moved into the river bottom. I continue to beat a path from one window to the other until finally Mom diverts my attention with preparations for Santa’s snack. The tea cup and tea bag are laid out on the table along with two slices of brandy-soaked fruitcake. With the teakettle quietly humming on the stove, I am finally cajoled into going to bed by my mother’s assurance as she struggles to keep her own fears out of her voice that Dad will be here soon. That Christmas Eve morning Dad and his Uncle Arthur had loaded their horses onto neighbor Nick Landa’s International stock truck and headed west toward the Bullion Mountain range looking for the ranch work horses and brood mares, and if a band of mustangs should cross their path, so much the better. It was a bright, crisp December day with a blanket of fresh snow, perfect for a bit of mixing business with pleasure. The plan was to push the horses in closer to the main ranch where they would be easier to gather in the event of deeper snows in January and then to ride on into the ranch before night fell. After

unloading on the east side of a long, deep, north-south wash that ran the length of the valley and bidding Nick goodbye and Merry Christmas, they crossed to the other side at one of the few places in its thirty-mile length, that it could be safely breached. Yellow grass peeked through the twelve-inch shroud of soft fresh snow as they trotted in a southwesterly direction for several hours watching for sign of the horses. A coyote cut in front of them and ran to the opposite hillside where it paused a moment to study the intruders before melting into the brush. Topping a low ridge, the two riders came abruptly upon the horses scattered across a south hillside where the wind had blown away the snow, exposing the grass beneath. Circling the horses, the riders began moving them back in the direction from which they had come, but the horses had other ideas and started moving toward the south. While they were getting them turned and lined out at a trot toward home, the bright sunshine had vanished only to be replaced by thick dense fog. It was now about 3:00 which meant it would be dark in an hour and a half on a sunny day! The fog was so thick they could barely see their horses’ ears, and the horses they had been following had vanished into the mist. It was decided to abandon them ‘till another day and head for home while they still had some daylight, but after riding for over an hour, they still hadn’t reached the wash, and now darkness was overtaking them. No landmarks were visible nor any sign of their previous tracks. They couldn’t see where they were going and finally realized they were lost. Suddenly their horses snorted and would go no further. Dad got off, took a couple of steps forward, and stood the edge of a ten-foot drop off – the west rim of the wash! They now faced a dilemma. Which direction was the break in the perpendicular banks that would that would allow them to pass to the homeward side? They decided to turn to the right, but after riding several miles toward the south, reversed course and rode north, seeking the only crossing in a ten-mile stretch. Finally about 8:00 the fog lifted briefly and the moonlight flooded the snowcovered landscape allowing them to establish where they were. They had indeed ridden past the crossing in the fog, but miraculously visibility remained clear and guided by the light of the full moon, arrived safely home around midnight. Christmas morning dawns cold, sparkling white and blue with trees and fences decorated with pogonip. I jump out of bed and rush into the living room. Santa has been generous, eaten all of his fruitcake except for a couple of crumbs, his used tea bag is still in the saucer, and best of all, Dad and Uncle Arthur are sitting at the table, drinking coffee, and recounting their Christmas Eve adventure. (This actually happened to my dad, Bill Drown, and his uncle, Arthur Drown, in 1944 or 45, long before cell phones or GPS systems. lb)

4851 deeded acres, of which 600 acres are hayable meadows & 410 irrigated pasture meadows from year-round springs. 3820 acres of native grazing lands) will run 830 head of cattle. Family owned for generations. 807,954 BLM acres out the gate for spring, summer & winter grazing. Also, 134,865 acres summer Forest grazing. $3,500,000.

Thompson Farm Productive farm south of Winnemucca. 2 pivots run by one good well. New stands of alfalfa with high yields. Shop, scale, nice manufactured home & older second home. 320 acres with 245 acres water righted. $879,000.

Flying M Ranch Great ranch, Just minutes from I-80 (Imlay, NV) & not far from Winnemucca. Approx. 23,000 acres of deeded ground with over 23 miles on the river. Winter outside-no feeding. $15,000,000

Wildhorse Ranch Approximately 4,500 deeded acres north of Elko, Nevada. 2,123 accepted water-righted acres. Borders the forest & Wildhorse Reservoir.

Bertolino-Hamblin Ranch Elegant ranch tucked away in luscious Peavine Canyon, NV. Great meadow pasture, fenced & cross-fenced. Stream & pond enhance property & keep the livestock watered and the fields green. Adjacent to the Toiyabe National Forest.


Cattle Ranch in Beautiful Clover Valley Just 10 minutes South of Wells, NV. 1200 fenced acres that include 900 acres of lush meadows and 100 acres of alfalfa. Produces 300 tons of excellent quality alfalfa hay from wheel line and underground irrigation. The meadows produce 800-1000 tons of hay and are irrigated from free flowing creeks. Equipment comes with this gorgeous property. $3,500,000.

View comple listings at:

775-738-8535 Allie Bear

Broker/Realtor 775-777-6416

The Progressive Rancher

December 31

Realtors: Dawn Mitton Mike Sallee

PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit # 3280 Salt Lake City, UT

47 th Annual


All Breeds

BULL SALE Saturday, February 16, 2013 Sifting: Friday, February 15, 2013

Fallon Livestock Exchange Fallon, Nevada


11:30 A.M.

For more information or a sale catalog, call the sale office

Nevada Cattlemen’s Association 775-738-9214 32 December 2012

The Progressive Rancher

P.O. Box 310, Elko, NV 89803

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