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June 16, 2023 | It was recently announced that the Department of Justice (DOJ) indicted Donald Trump for mishandling classified documents. I am deeply suspicious of the motives behind Donald Trump’s indictment, especially since the DOJ has not indicted President Biden for doing the very same thing.

It is a fact that President Biden also kept classified documents from his time serving as Senator and Vice President – both in his garage in Delaware and private D.C. office. And you will remember that Hillary Clinton had a computer server in her home with classified documents from her time as Secretary of State. Hillary Clinton even went as far to obstruct justice by wiping her server and smashing government devices with a hammer. Neither have faced any legal repercussions. I oppose this two-tier system of justice.

The American people are intelligent and see this ploy as the weaponization of the federal government against Joe Biden’s leading political opponent. It is obvious that the left is scared that Donald Trump will actually win this next Presidential election and believe that their only option to stop him is by having him arrested.

And it is also no coincidence that Donald Trump was indicted the day after the FBI was forced to provide Congress with a document exposing alleged Biden family corruption.

As you know, the DOJ is tasked with the enforcement of federal law and administration of justice in the United States. Sadly, it has become clear that a political virus has infected leadership at the DOJ and its subsidiary, the FBI.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and Senator Chuck Grassley were recently approached by a whistleblower who said the FBI was in possession of a document – an FD1023 form dated June 30, 2020 – that explicitly detailed information provided by a confidential human source who alleged that Joe Biden, while serving as Vice President, was involved in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national in exchange for certain actions. Allegedly, his son Hunter Biden was also involved.

Several weeks ago, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed this unclassified FD-1023 document from the FBI. FBI Director Christopher Wray refused to admit that the FD-1023 record even existed and would not produce this document until the House Oversight Committee threatened to hold him in contempt of Congress.

To avoid being held in contempt, Director Wray eventually agreed to let Members of the House Oversight Committee view the form in a secure room. However, the Members were not able to take photos of the document or have a copy. Additionally, large parts of the document were redacted.

I do not sit on the House Oversight Committee, so I was not able to read this document or receive a briefing on the topic. However, I have heard from several colleagues on the matter, and this is what they have stated:

The confidential source who provided information about then-Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted informant who has been used by the FBI for years and paid six figures.

The allegations within the document track closely with the thousands of pages of Biden family financial records recently obtained by the House Oversight Committee.

Now, the big question that comes to mind is what, if anything, have the

DOJ and FBI done to investigate these alleged crimes? They must allow the FD1023 to be made public, and they must show their work and be transparent. We can no longer give them the benefit of the doubt.

I don’t know whether or not these allegations made against President Biden and his son are true, but I do know for a fact that if these same allegations had been made about Donald Trump, the DOJ and the FBI would have investigated - and we would have known all about it. There has been a stark difference on how the DOJ and the FBI have treated Donald Trump, and how they have treated Democrats like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton. And if you need evidence of this, look no further than Crossfire Hurricane.

To jog your memory, Crossfire Hurricane was the code name for the investigation undertaken by the FBI to probe whether Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was conspiring with Russia to tip the outcome of the election.

A few weeks ago, Special Counsel John Durham released a long-awaited report on Crossfire Hurricane in which he denounced the FBI’s investigation into Trump. In Durham’s report, he found that the FBI “failed to uphold their mission of strict fidelity to the law” because it did not have sufficient evidence to launch an investigation in the first place.

Former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, and former FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok decided to investigate Donald Trump for colluding with Russia, even though the only evidence in their possession was the fake dossier created by the Clinton campaign team. And remember, Peter

Strzok made headlines when his texts promising to stop then-candidate Donald Trump were made public.

The Durham Report confirmed that FBI leadership pushed the investigation even when case agents expressed concerns throughout the investigation. These agents flagged faulty evidence, baseless allegations, and unsubstantiated accusations. FBI leadership largely disregarded these concerns.

As an attorney, I know that equality and impartiality are critical pillars of our legal system. Special Counsel Durham’s report exposed how the DOJ and FBI failed to maintain these values when they launched this investigation into Donald Trump without cause.

The Bottom Line

Overall, I would say that this has not been the DOJ or FBI’s finest decade. It is unfortunate that a small group of individuals at the top have jeopardized the reputation of some of our most important federal agencies, whose rankand-file members continue to serve our nation with honor and dignity. Sadly, recent developments have further shined a bright light on the many problems at the FBI and DOJ and reinforce the narrative that the rule of law in America only applies if you sit on the left side of the aisle.

Our country has multiple significant issues to deal with presently. This continuing obsession with the political ends justifies any means, regardless of the harm it may cause to our republic, is a sad commentary on our current state. The American people deserve better. Stay tuned on how the Oversight, Judiciary, and Appropriation Committees provide the much-needed corrective actions to those agencies, their personnel, and their budget.

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