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Wells FFA Annual Banquet

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By Cristina Salazar

Wells FFA 2023-2024 Reporter

On the evening of May 2, 2023, Wells FFA ended the year with the annual banquet, where we recognized all the FFA members that competed at state and thanked everyone who has supported us along the way. Everything went smoothly, our Conduct of Chapter Meetings 2023 state winning team honored us by opening ceremonies. They did amazing! Jorie Wright, the chapter president and MC for the night, welcomed all our guests and went through the agenda. Cameron Livingstone then gave the invocation. Finally the moment we were all waiting for, dinner! Meanwhile, special guests, administrators, and school board members were recognized and thanked for all their hard work and support to the FFA Chapter. Diving into the agenda, the 2022-2023 chapter officers led the honorary chapter degree ceremony, where Marlow Dahl, Stephanie Dahl, Heath Kington, and Melissa Kington were recognized.

The most emotional time of the night came. Graduating seniors Jackson Dahl, Jorie Wright, and Morgan Noorda escorted their parents to the front, and presented them with flowers. They took time to thank their parents for all of their love and support throughout their years in FFA and various other activities. It sure was a heartfelt moment for all.

From chaperoning trips, coaching CDE’s, and dedicating their time to support the chapter, these people were given an appreciation certificate to thank them and show them the gratitude the chapter has for these people. These people are administrators Tina Barger and Robert Woolsey, Laurel Wachtel, Jay Dalton, Dani Dalton, Audrey Spratling, Boyd Spratling, Myles Baldwin, Jolene Noorda, Sally Hylton, Paula Otto, Marianne Johnson, Jana Wright, and Emma Parsons. Shortly after, 7 members of the Chapter were recognized and awarded a scholarship pin for maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout the year. These members were Carson Ballard, Cameron Livingstone, Grace Otto, Jake Glascock, Carolina Johnson, and Jorie Wright.

Once again, the chapter maintained their golden legacy. The students did extraordinary work in their competitive events at the 2023 State Convention. Madison Dahl and Carson Ballard presented us with the state report. The chapter sent teams and individuals to compete in 19 different CDE’s and LDE’s. First place teams were Meats Evaluation, Farm Business Management, Senior Parliamentary Procedure, Best Informed Greenhand, Poultry judging, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, Milk Quality and Products, Soil and Land Judging, Range Management, and

Novice Floriculture. Morgan Noorda placed 1st high individual in Employability Skills, and in Extemporaneous Speaking, Carolina Johnson placed 2nd high individual. Second place teams were Ag Sales and Livestock Evaluation. Third place teams were Agriculture Technology and Mechanics, Environmental and Natural Resources, and Karely Owen got 3rd high individual in Creed Speaking. The Horse Evaluation team placed 6th. State Degree recipient Carolina Johnson was recognized for her hard work, and Morgan Noorda was elected as the 2023-2024 Nevada FFA State President!

Like every year, the chapter thanks the advisors for the sacrifices they have made in order for the students to succeed. Don Noorda, Ryan Kendall, and Garret Hylton were called to the front. They were given a basket with something from each retiring officer along with a humorous inside joke. Shortly after, everyone gathered together to watch the chapter slideshow filled with amazing memories, funny moments, and the success we have achieved throughout our year. Laughter wasn’t the only thing that filled the room, there was also a lot of tension. Especially from the chapter officer candidates. Nominating Committee Chair Morgan Noorda had the honor of presenting the slate of new officers, and relieving the tension in the room. The nominating committee results are as follows: Cristina Salazar is the 2023-2024 Wells FFA Reporter, Hannah Prescott is the 2023-2024 Wells FFA Secretary, Truman Kington is the 20232024 Wells FFA Secretary, and Carolina Johnson is the 2023-2024 Wells FFA President. The new officers were installed into their positions and we thanked the old officers for their dedication and hard work they have given to the chapter. Carolina Johnson and Hannah Prescott led closing ceremonies and concluded the Wells FFA annual banquet. The Wells FFA is now planning their traditional officer retreat and getting ready for the Nevada Summer Leadership Camp.

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