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Photos : Project Publicity

“Clients are always shocked when they meet me,” he laughs. “There is a misperception about how male florists should look, and I guess I don’t fit the mold.” “I like to compare myself to a sunflower with a bold strong look yet delicate petals,” he laughs. Robert Gonzalez enjoys smelling the sweet roses of success. Life as he knew it changed when he was asked to create weekly floral pieces for Oprah Winfrey and her Harpo Studio offices. Now a bon a fide celebrity florist, Gonzalez has done arrangements for the likes of Jennifer Hudson, Barbara Walters, Shania Twain and even President Barrack Obama.

planting a Lillie in a pot. Gonzalez began his career in floral gifting and event design way before the industry gained notoriety through reality TV wedding shows. “Now every florist thinks they can design weddings. The industry has become overcrowded.”

Athletic from an early age, Gonzalez started going to the gym at 14 years old. “I couldn’t afford a trainer so I would workout close to the other trainers while they were training their clients so that I could hear what they were teaching.”

He still does the occasional gala but his main interest is now in fashion. He has become the go-to florist for fashion designers who want to add exotic flowers into their campaign shoots and runway shows. He admits it wasn’t exactly his idea.

He entered his first body building show at 30 years old and is currently training for his next show in early 2010.

“It began when a popular fashion photographer asked me to create floral head pieces for his photo shoot with Vanessa Williams,” he explains. “The shoot later became a fashion story

on. I’m not a big eater so I literally have to force myself to eat.”

where I learned about flowers. When I moved to the United States, I decided I would apply my entrepreneurial skills to a new career in floral design.”

in a major women’s magazine and the calls started pouring in from other photographers and designers. Before I knew it, I was on a new and exciting path in floral design.”

He acknowledges that the muscles have helped his career – especially with women and

What sets Gonzalez apart from other florists is his vision. It

It’s an intricate process from bloom to zoom. “I first sketch

goes way beyond bunching roses together in a bouquet or

the design. Then I need to pick the right flowers that will hold up under the hot studio lights. They are then individually wired, taped and assembled to the desired shape.”

“I’ve always been an entrepreneur,” reflects the young man from Venezuela. “At 14, I started my own party business, planning and initiating birthday parties. At the Max Jimenez same time, I would spend afternoons in the flower shop behind my house. That’s

Gonzalez collaborates with the hair stylist to work it properly into the model’s head. “From the moment I pick the right bloom to the time that is spent placing the piece on the models head usually takes between two to three days.” The process requires discipline and dedication, both of which Gonzalez knows a thing or two about. In addition to the art of horticulture, Gonzalez enjoys the art of, well… his body.

18 2B Magazine

“My biggest challenge is keeping the weight

gay male clients. But looks only help open the door. “The floral industry is more competitive than most people realize. To succeed, you have to fight to be the best.” Gonzalez says he missed the boat with the reality wedding TV shows. It’s a mistake he won’t make again. In fact, he’s currently in discussions for his own reality show that will go behind the scenes of his celebrity floral fashion shoots and teach viewers the fine art of horticulture design. “I aim to give new definition to the words flower power,” he laughs.

2B Magazine







FLOWER POWER Robert Gonzalez Puts the ZazazaZOOM in the Bloom Robert Gonzalez enjoys smelling the sweet roses of success. Life as he knew it changed when he was asked to create weekly floral pieces for Oprah Winfrey and her Harpo Studio offices. Now a bon a fide celebrity florist, Gonzalez has done arrangements for the likes of Jennifer Hudson, Barbara Walters, Shania Twain and even President Barrack Obama. “I’ve always been an entrepreneur,” reflects the young man from Venezuela. “At 14, I started my own party business, planning and initiating birthday parties. At the same time, I would spend afternoons in the flower shop behind my house. That’s where I learned about flowers. When I moved to the United States, I decided I would apply my entrepreneurial skills to a new career in floral design.” What sets Gonzalez apart from other florists is his vision. It goes way beyond bunching roses together in a bouquet or planting a Lillie in a pot. Gonzalez began his career in floral gifting and event design way before the industry gained notoriety through reality TV wedding shows. “Now every florist thinks they can design weddings. The industry has become overcrowded.” He still does the occasional gala but his main interest is now in fashion. He has become the go-to florist for fashion designers who want to add exotic flowers into their campaign shoots and runway shows. He admits it wasn’t exactly his idea. continued on page 33 MARCH 5, - MARCH 18, 2010


by Max Jiminez

Brand New Me

Time for Change – 2010 we face. That paycheck may not have increased this year because companies are struggling. Or for some people they are only working part time and not finding that full time job that will cover all their bills. Bob Brown may loathe his job but it is full time and he should consider that a blessing. Sarah Smith is working a full time job and two part time jobs just to afford her tiny studio apartment and bills here in Mt. Vernon.

by Den Burdette Certified Personal Trainer


he New Year has come and gone. We are almost … almost… to springtime. We endured the snow, the extreme cold. So what now? Many of us have become more depressed. The bad weather, not to mention the bad economy leave us feeling more stressed as well. Some deal with the stress and depression by eating more ‘comfort’ foods. Some are found at the bar drinking more alcohol than ever. Others turn to other dark outlets like excessive hookups online or illegal drug use. What is happening to us Baltimore? There will ALWAYS be things that can cause depression and stress…. once you relieve one stressor, another is created. Now, although it is the nature of my career and lifestyle as a personal trainer and fitness instructor to tell you what to do in terms of how to solve these issues, I know it doesn’t work that way. We all know if you want change… you have to REALLY WANT IT! No one can force your hand at getting your butt in the gym. No one can force you to cut yourself off at the bar because you already had six cocktails. No one is going to stop you from logging onto Manhunt or checking the Craigslist ads for that next hookup. Will power is certainly the hardest challenge. How do we address that? How do we find will power? This column is about taking the steps for a better you. Using the resources and tools around you to make the “BRAND NEW YOU” is the only way to ensure success. This is 2010 folks. We must change with the times. We must focus on our health and well being. You are no good to your work, your loved ones, or your community if your health diminishes. First, we must identify our stressors and causes of depression. This is the first step towards tackling our problems. Besides the crappy weather, there are a variety of issues

The next step is to make a list of what our stressors are. Take a moment to write down a complete list of those things that cause stress in your life. Then make a second list of what ideas we have to change them. One may be to get a part time job to supplement our income. One may be to join the gym so we can shed those extra pounds. One may be to cut off that ex that we just can’t let go of. It ended for a reason, that person is not the right partner and you are only wasting your energy more keeping them that close to your heart. It is time to move on. Now, we have identified and listed the issues. Now it is time to TAKE ACTION. Don’t wait one more day! Take one of the possible solutions to your stressors and RUN WITH IT. Stop making excuses! Stop feeling bad! You do not want to feel bad ANYMORE, right? Count your blessings and reach high to make yourself the best you can be. You are never too old or too sad or pathetic. If you have a pulse and are not on your death bed… you can get better! Work to find happiness with yourself again. Join the gym. Take classes to get in shape, hire a trainer, or simply get on the treadmill and walk. Take action today!!!! Your health and future depend on it. Studies prove that people that get regular exercise are happier than those who don’t. Also, you reduce the change of health problems down the road. With the rising numbers of HIV positive people in our city, working out just makes sense right? Get out those sneakers and sweat pants or shorts and get your butt moving. Need more help? Now it is time to form and enlist your support network. Your friends, co-workers, neighbors, family members, spouse, lover, boyfriend/girlfriend need to know you want to change. They need to support you in taking these steps. You have to tell them… “Hey. I need to lose 20 pounds. Please

MARCH 5, - MARCH 18, 2010

don’t make fried chicken when I come over. Please come to the gym with me and take the step class. Please spend more time with me this weekend so I don’t lament over my ex. Better yet, let’s get out and walk or go shopping. I know it is unhealthy for me to spend hours and hours perusing hookup sites. “ Get your gym clothes on and get outside this weekend. Instead of driving to meet your friends out, walk that distance. Grab water on the way instead of that latte or diet coke. When you meet your pals

before heading to the Hippo for happy hour, stop and get a salad with grilled chicken and some soup. Cut yourselves off at 3 or 4 drinks and drink water in between. Don’t head to a late night joint for that fast food. Go home and eat some fruit and granola. You have to try to make a change! Why not start today?! Today is a new day. Time for the “BRAND NEW YOU.” Need more help? Email me….

GONZALES from page 11 “It began when a popular fashion photographer asked me to create floral head pieces for his photo shoot with Vanessa Williams,” he explains. “The shoot later became a fashion story in a major women’s magazine and the calls started pouring in from other photographers and designers. Before I knew it, I was on a new and exciting path in floral design.” It’s an intricate process from bloom to zoom. “I first sketch the design. Then I need to pick the right flowers that will hold up under the hot studio lights. They are then individually wired, taped and assembled to the desired shape.” Gonzalez collaborates with the hair stylist to work it properly into the model’s head. “From the moment I pick the right bloom to the time that is spent placing the piece on the models head usually takes between two to three days.” The process requires discipline and dedication, both of which Gonzalez knows a thing or two about. In addition to the art of horticulture, Gonzalez enjoys the art of, well… his body. “Clients are always shocked when they meet me,” he laughs. “There is a misperception about how male florists should look, and I guess I don’t fit the mold.” “I like to compare myself to a sunflower with a bold strong look yet delicate petals,” he laughs. Athletic from an early age, Gonzalez started going to the gym at 14 years old. “I couldn’t afford a trainer so I would workout close to the other trainers while they were training their clients so that I could hear what they were teaching.” He entered his first body building show at 30 years old and is currently training for his next show in early 2010. “My biggest challenge is keeping the weight on. I’m not a big eater so I literally have to force myself to eat.” He acknowledges that the muscles have helped his career – especially with women and gay male clients. But looks only help open the door. “The floral industry is more competitive than most people realize. To succeed, you have to fight to be the best.” Gonzalez says he missed the boat with the reality wedding TV shows. It’s a mistake he won’t make again. In fact, he’s currently in discussions for his own reality show that will go behind the scenes of his celebrity floral fashion shoots and teach viewers the fine art of horticulture design. “I aim to give new definition to the words flower power,” he laughs. MONGOMERY from page 25

Ultimately, you will sell the paintings. Are these paintings appropriate for living rooms? I have to look at Jesus Christ being crucified in every church and overzealous Catholic’s home. I think the world can stand for us honoring our dead.

What’s next for Olan Montgomery? I’m painting a series on War along with the Atrocities series. I go between the two to deal with the emotional overflow. I’d say my mind and heart are on fire these days and for all the right reasons. To learn more about Olan Montgomery and his work, visit


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