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Author: Arielle Suchow

The Barby-terminator look was my protest against using weapons for killing people, proclaiming the idea of collecting all the fire weapons and utilizing them for artistic purposes. Did you grow up during the Cold War between the USA and Russia? I didn’t get to experience the actual Cold War. I was too little to understand what was going on. My father told me how American and European music and television were forbidden in the Soviet Union right before I was born. I do remember the propaganda about disintegrating capitalism. We were told that life for the working class was terrible in the USA.

¿Por qué fuiste armada a los Grammys? Una semana antes de los Grammys, visité Oriente Medio. Fui con “Kids Creating Peace”, una organización benéfica que da educación a los niños palestinos en las escuelas. Me hizo pensar mucho acerca de nuestro mundo y nuestro futuro y cómo constantemente surgen gerras en nuestro planeta. Un día antes de mi regreso, Israel estuvo a punto de empezar una lucha contra Irán y yo estaba en la playa temerosa que el ataque pudiera empezar en cualquier minuto. La réplica de armas en mi brazo quería mostrar que el arte es más poderoso que las armas.

What are your feelings about Russia today? I have mixed feelings about Russia today. Recently, a new opposition movement of the current government began. On one hand, it’s inspiring to see people standing up for their rights, fighting for fair elections and the future of the nation. On the other hand, I worry for the people. What is needed is a dialog in both directions, from the government to the people and from the people to the government. I hope for the best. What is one thing that you know for sure? Music is the ultimate global peacemaker.

El aspecto de Barby-terminator era mi protesta contra el uso de las armas para matar gente, proclamar la idea de recolectarlas todas y usarlas para fines artísticos. ¿Creciste en la época de la guerra fría entre Rusia y Estados Unidos? No llegué a experimentar la Guerra Fría real. Era muy pequeña para entender qué estaba pasando. Mi padre me contaba que la música Americana o Europea y la televisión estaban prohibidas en la Unión Soviética antes de yo nacer. Recuero la progaganda sobre el capitalismo en descomposición. Nos decían que la vida era terrible para la clase trabajadora en Estados Unidos. ¿Qué sientes hacia Rusia actualmente? Tengo sentimientos encontrados. Recientemente, un movimiento contra el actual gobierno ha empezado. De un lado, es esperanzador ver que hay gente que lucha por sus derechos, luchando por unas elecciones justas y por el futuro de la nación. Por otra parte, me preocupa la gente. Es necesario un diálogo en ambos sentidos, gobierno y pueblo, y viceversa. Espero que ocurra lo mejor. ¿Qué es lo único de lo que estás segura? Que la música es el mayor pacificador global que existe.

Warum bist Du bewaffnet zu den Grammys gekommen? Eine Woche vor den Grammys war ich im mittleren Osten mit Kids Creating Peace, einer Wohltätigkeitsorganisation die soziale Erziehung für Kinder in Palästinensischen Schulen bietet. Das hat mich sehr zum Nachdenken angeregt, wie wir ständig an der Schwelle eines Krieges stehen, unsere Zukunft. Nur einen Tag vor meiner Abreise war Israel kurz davor mit dem Iran einen Krieg anzufangen, ich saß am Strand und hatte Angst, das jeden Moment ein Angriff startet. Die Waffennachbildungen an meinem Arm sollten zeigen das Kunst stärker als Waffen ist. Der Barbie-Terminator-Look war mein Protest dagegen Waffen zu benutzen um Menschen zu töten, die Idee zu propagieren alle Waffen einzusammeln und zu künstlerischen Zwecken zu benutzen. Bist Du während des kalten Krieges zwischen der USA und Russland aufgewachsen? Ich habe den eigentlichen Kalten Krieg nicht erlebt. Ich war zu klein um zu verstehen was da passierte. Mein Vater

Why did you wear guns to Grammys? A week before the Grammys, I had visited the Middle East. I went there with Kids Creating Peace, a charity organization that provides social education for kids in Palestinian schools. It made me think a lot about our world and our future and how we are constantly about to have a new war on our planet. Just a day prior to my departure, Israel was about to start a fight with Iran and I was sitting at the beach afraid an attack might start any minute. The gun replicas on my arm were meant to show that art is more powerful than weapons.

erzählte mir das Amerikanische und Europäische Musik und Fernsehen in der Sowjetunion vor meiner Geburt verboten waren. Ich erinnere mich an Propaganda über den sich auflösenden Kapitalismus. Uns wurde erzählt das das Leben der Arbeiterklasse in den USA fürchterlich sei. Was sind heute Deine Gefühle gegenüber Russland? Heutzutage habe ich gemischte Gefühle gegenüber Russland. Vor kurzem hat sich eine neue Opposition zu der derzeitigen Regierung entwickelt. Auf der einen Seite ist es inspirierend zu sehen, wie Menschen für ihre Rechte eintreten, für gerechte Wahlen und ihre Zukunft als Nation kämpfen. Auf der anderen Seite mache ich mir Sorgen um die Leute. Was gebraucht wird, ist ein Dialog der in beide Richtungen geht, von der Regierung mit der Bevölkerung und umgekehrt. Ich hoffe auf das Beste. Was ist die eine Sache die Du mit Bestimmtheit weißt? Musik ist der ultimative globale Friedensstifter.



Sasha Gradiva sparked a phenomonon

on the other side of the globe with the music video release for her smash single,“Turn You On”. Outrageously provocative, even by European standards, the video helped the artist sell over three million records. It also turned her into a sex symbol with men and a fashion icon among women and gays. Within a few months, Sasha Gradiva was gracing the covers and pages of Cosmopolitan, Maxim and Vogue. MTV Russia named her among their Best Top 10 Artists on the Rise and girls throughout Eastern Europe were bombarding hair salons demanding “Jaguar hair, just like Sasha’s”. Now the Russian pop-temptress has set her sights on conquering America. She’s already proven she’ll do anything necessary to grab attention. America got its first peek of Sasha when she walked the Grammy’s red carpet wearing a sheer pink gown with a military rifle dangling from her arm. The press dubbed her “Gun Girl” and Sasha Gradiva brilliantly capitalized on the notoriety by launching her “Wanted” campaign, promoting her single of the same name. Suddenly the singer’s mugshot appeared on billboards, in subways, and on taxi cabs throughout major cities. Whether it was the absurd blatenness of the campaign’s message - or was it some subliminal pull? – the posters worked to peak the curiousity of American music fans who have rushed to learn more about the artist and her music. Today, Sasha Gradiva is more than just “Wanted”. She



May 25, 2012

is on fire, as her second US single boldly proclaims.

I am a very passionate person. I do have earthquakes from time to time.

What is the real story behind I’M ON FIRE? I wrote “I’m On Fire” with the Grammywinning songwriter, Jack Knight. We worked for several weeks, trying to figure out what we would write about. Then out of the blue Jack said, “I can see you playing a bad girl setting a guy on fire”. Together, we developed a character - a street girl - that wasn’t afraid to be crazy and aggressive in her determination to get what she wanted.

Your appearance at this year’s Grammys certainly caused a media earthquake. Was that the intention? Honestly, I didn’t think it would create such a huge reaction. My intention was to express the ideas, thoughts and concerns I had in my mind at the time. The outfit

Are you really the kerosine in your own life, as the song says? (Laughs) I’m trying not to be! I am really trying to learn to be patient with things – to let the flames rise on their own. You can ask my friends if I’m succeeding. Who is your flame? Do you mean, who lights my fire? No one, presently. But I can tell you that I’m into good looking, good smelling, good boys. They definitely must be good and must know how to treat a girl. In the song, you warn not to touch you because you’re going to blow. How does that relate to real life? May 25, 2012




What are your feelings about Russia today? I have mixed feelings. Recently, a new government opposition movement started. On one hand, it’s inspiring to see people standing up for their rights, fair elections and for the future of the nation. On the other hand, I worry for the people.

might have looked entertaining, but it carried a deep meaning. What was the meaning behind the gown? I had visited the Middle East a week before the Grammys. I was there with Kids Creating Peace, a charity that provides education for kids in Palestinian schools. The experience inspired me to think a lot about peace in the world and how we are constantly engaged in new wars on our planet. As a matter of fact, the day before I was set to leave, the news was reporting that Israel might start a fight with Iran. I was literally sitting on beach, praying the attack would not start before my flight home to the US.

Are you optimistic things will change for the better? I am. The government needs to understand that they must connect with the people. The world also needs to connect with Russia. People can’t ignore the fact that we are all connected. We should leave wars in the past as a primitive phase of human development. It’s impossible to have a disaster in one part of the world and expect that it will not impact us all. We are all connected as cells of one body. So is the real message of “I’m on Fire” to stop the fire? Music is neo-technology interacting with people’s minds! It is the ultimate global peacemaker. Sasha Gradiva is on Facebook at www.

Did you grow up in Russia during the Cold War with the USA? I didn’t experience the actual Cold War. I was too little to understand things. I learned from my father how American and European music and television were forbidden in the Soviet Union right before I was born. American children were taught to fear Russia and Communism. Were Russian children taught to fear the USA? I do remember hearing the propaganda about disintegrating capitalism. We were told that life for the working class in America was terrible. Pg. 36


May 25, 2012

May 2012 – Hotspots Magazine

May 8, 2012 – Grab Magazine

June 2012 – Pride Life Magazine

March 15, 2012 – Hotspots Magazine

Music Monday: Russian singer Sasha Gradiva wanted in New York City [VIDEO]


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Madonna, A

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If you ask New York City residents who Sasha Gradiva is, they might ask you if she is a wanted women. That’s because Gradiva is featured in wanted posters spread out across the city.

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says he is n What time

Bobbi Krist

Her publicist tells me that Sasha Gradiva is known as the Madonna of Russia, but I’ve never been

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there so I couldn’t tell ya! I’m not one to put Madonna on a pedestal (Don’t get me wrong! She


deserves her credit!). However, I’m digging Sasha’s latest music video, “I’m On Fire”. Watch it here:

Top Ten Q

Dylan’s Cry

Music Monday: Russian singer Sasha Gradiva wanted in New York City [VIDEO]

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NYC's Larg Posted by Thomas Bistritz on March 12, 2012 at 2:04 pm Whether she’s Russia’s Madonna or simply wanted by New Yorkers, the next time you hear


someone ask “Who’s That Girl”, youTweet might be answering with Sasha Gradiva! Share Share

Thomas Bistritz

Most Extens only function



Thomas currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of He is author of the memoir “Don’t Piss in My Martini, please!”, regularly

Peace envo env

contributes pieces to the the Journal of the Leslie Lohman Gay Art

civilian dea

Wild" is reflective of the Queen of Pop’s unwavering dedication to the dance floor. Many criticized Madonna’s first new song of the year "Give Me All Your Luvin’" as merely a stunt track to accentuate the pomp and circumstance of her Super Bowl performance and guarantee her street credibility sizing up next to hot hip-hop commodities Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. The single showed some promise, effectively playing to near exhaustion on radio, but the club remixes haven’t made as keenly an impression as perhaps most expected. The song itself has been struggling to stay on the charts.


Popular Storie

Cocktai Bar :: F Mar 1

Bartenders Springs Su They mixed EDGE was

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Nationa Pagean Resort :

Hence the release of a new track from the album that screams attention from club revelers...and eventual little defectors from the valley of Mother Monster (aka Lady Gaga).



Feb 23

Movies Theatre "Girl Gone Wild" is a stretch as an anthemTelevision for the Search



Girl gone wild...Sasha Gradiva is "Wanted" on the dance floor. (Source:Courtesy of Project Publicity)

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night crawlers on the scene. But, it will move Madonna into familiar Top 40 territory - no matter Sign In | Register how uncomfortable it may be to imagine this mother of four sizing up her latest prey at the club, while sipping on a Tanqueray and hearing those 808 drums. Madonna still has the moves on Jagger...but she’s starting to steer into creepy territory, and someone has to wonder: Is this the Madonna her audience wants?

Seven cont Miss Large Delores T. Alternate Jahnell Bowm Mercedes Hawkins.

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March 7, 2012 Entertainment :: Music

Unique Visitors Per Month: 230,687 Photo Albums Local Events Parties Drugs Sex Music Bars Special Events Beat Box - Fall

Turn Up the Radio!

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by Jimmy Newsum HotSpots! Tune In :: Wanted...Girl Gone Wild! Magazine by JC Alvarez Sunday Oct 30, 2011 Wednesday Mar 7, 2012 PRINT







Everyone is hanging on with baited breath for the release of Madonna’s upcoming 12th studio album. So far the amply titled "MDNA" is experimentally proving the perfect chemistry of dance-pop and rhythmic electronica, and its latest single "Girl Gone Wild" is reflective of the Queen of Pop’s unwavering dedication to the dance floor.


Summer may have come to an end, but that doesn’t mean the heat on our nation’s gay dance floors will be turning down. Clubs are working overtime to keep floors burning. Here are the top scorchers being Many criticized Madonna’s first new song of the year Popular Stories in Nightlife played this fall. "Give Me All Your Luvin’" as merely a stunt track to

Hell yeah! And although fans are patiently anticipating the release date of "MDNA" on March 26, Madonna is sure that the album will be "leaked" before its official launch - citing how hungry fans are for new music from pop music’s still most desirable dance goddess.

accentuate the pomp and circumstance of her Super Bowl performance and guarantee her street credibility sizing up next to hot hip-hop commodities Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. The single showed some promise, effectively playing to near exhaustion on radio, but the club remixes haven’t made as keenly an impression as perhaps most expected. The song itself has been struggling to stay on the charts.

Hence the release of a new track from the album that screams attention from club revelers...and eventual little defectors from the valley of Mother Monster (aka Lady Gaga).

National Miss Large And Lovely HerPageant infectious@track "Wanted"House pops and moves like an every-contemporary hit, but it’s her gutsy Parliament Resort :: February 20, 2012 "I’m On Fire" that exudes undeniable punk rebellion that pits her against challenge pop-princesses Feb 23 like Rihanna. Word to the wise...Sasha Gradiva is one bathing beauty, deadly as a Bond Girl with Seven contestants the National title of eager ambition in vied her for sights.

"Girl Gone Wild" is a stretch as an anthem for the night crawlers on the scene. But, it will move Madonna into familiar Top 40 territory - no matter how uncomfortable it may be to imagine this mother of four sizing up her latest prey at the club, while sipping on a Tanqueray and hearing those 808 drums. Madonna still has the moves on Jagger...but she’s starting to steer into creepy territory, and someone has to wonder: Is this the Madonna her audience wants?

Turn Up the Radio! Hell yeah! And although fans are patiently anticipating the release date of "MDNA" on March 26, Madonna is sure that the album will be "leaked" before its official launch - citing how hungry fans are for new music from pop music’s still most desirable dance goddess.

Mar 3

EDGE stop Nights ups Fridays, th Boston’s Sexy Boy Band

Listen carefully: Track #4 "Turn Up the Radio" is a beat-heavy, electrifying club-thumper that is going to feel spectacular under the raging sun of the upcoming summer circuit scene.

The Queen of Pop isn’t the only starlet that’s on fire. Only recently did the Russian import Sasha Gradiva arrive on the Grammy red carpet fully locked and loaded sporting an arm piece resembling a semiMadonna is smokin’ on the cover to her latest Cocktail Challenge @ Industry automatic pistol. And surely she was taking the single Gone Wild".29, (Source:Interscope Bar "Girl :: February 2012 opportunity to promote her quickly rising new single Records) Mar 1 "Wanted," the brash beauty told us she was also Bartenders competed in the third annual Palm using this platform to protest the currently growing Springs Summer Splash Cocktail Challenge. tensions in the critically leading to a newly inspired arms race. It’s critical in today’s They mixed andworld servedperhaps their best creations. EDGE was there capture it all for you. music forum thattoan artist seek a platform - Gradiva is making her point clear: Dance now! Shoot later...or never!

Girl gone wild...Sasha Gradiva is "Wanted" on the dance floor. (Source:Courtesy of Project Publicity)

Latin Ga Fridays 2012

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Miss Large and Lovely 2012. The winner was Delores T. Van-Cartier, along with 1st AlternateMadonna’s Jahnell Bowman Mizahn and 2nd Alternate "Girl Gone Wild" is now available for digital download on most online stores including MercedesiTunes, Hawkins.with a release date of March 26 for her 12th full-length album and her first on Interscope

"Mix Magic Music" - Sugar House Crew

Records making her a label mate with Lady Gaga.

Latin Gay Nights And Machine Sasha Gradiva’s "Wanted" "I’m2, On Fire" are also available on iTunes. Keep a close eye on this Fridays @ Machine :: and March 2012 dance After a two year hiatus, Tony Moran makes his emerging diva. Don’t get caught in her crossfire! Mar 3

EDGE Media Like


EDGE Newst EDGE Nightp Enter your daily email

triumphant return to the dance floor with an album Enter email fully penned by the Grammy nominated producer/remixer. Clearly meant to embrace the soul, Win Free Stuff sympathy and conviction of club music, the CD is packed with several diva gems all destined to become dance floor staples. Jennifer Holiday’s "Magic" and Deborah Cox’s "Tenderness" are particular stand outs.

EDGE stopped by to check out Latin Gay Nights upstairs at Machine and Machine Fridays, three DJ’s, hot go-go dancers and Boston’s Sexy Boy Band ZHE.

Listen carefully: Track #4 "Turn Up the Radio" is a beat-heavy, electrifying club-thumper that is going to feel spectacular under the raging sun of the upcoming summer circuit scene.! The Queen of Pop isn’t the only starlet that’s on fire. Only recently did the Russian import Sasha Gradiva arrive on the Grammy red carpet fully locked and loaded sporting an arm piece resembling a semiMadonna is smokin’ on the cover to her latest automatic pistol. And surely she was taking the single "Girl Gone Wild". (Source:Interscope opportunity to promote her quickly rising new single Records) "Wanted," the brash beauty told us she was also using this platform to protest the currently growing tensions in the world perhaps critically leading to a newly inspired arms race. It’s critical in today’s

"World Keeps Turning" - Sylvia Tosun

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Her tenth dance floor release, "World Keeps Turning" has the strength to match the success of Tosun’s


March 6, 2012 Unique Visitors Per Month: 30,687

Who’s That Girl? BY GUS – MARCH 6, 2012 POSTED IN: QUEER MUSIC!

March 16, 2012 Unique Visitors Per Month: 190,000


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