Children's World, Tiny Thoughts of Prejmer, issue no 2, summer 2010

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Tiny Thoughts of Prejmer


Issue no2, August 2010 - ‘Prejmer Day Care Centre’ Childhood is a magical land. We do not know when and where it ends. We wake up just as we are, not children anymore, sometimes without having fully lived. It’s a magical world, tender, sweet, smooth, where anything can happen. It is the age when we are closer to God and to the stairs of existence. We can often meet the dragon with seven heads or the evil witches. There can also be wizards and heroes from movies and comics in our dreams or just in our imagination. As a child, we can always visit any place in the world with our mind’s eyes and we believe that we were really there. Childhood is the only moment in life when we live with a maximum intensity, when you cry and laugh in the same time and when we are alone and also together as friends. Romanian and English Journalism Team

by Denisa Tirmes

Meet the Team

Tips & Tricks

My name is Denisa Tirmes, I am 12 years old and I am from Prejmer. I have no brothers or sisters. My main hobby is playing the piano. When I grow up, I want to be singer because I like singing for fun. I am a happy and musical girl and I love being a child, this is why I wrote the editorial of the magazine. I hope you enjoy reading our magazine. Have a great rest of the holiday.

children like games like hide and seek.

My name is Maria Dranga, I am from Romania and I am eleven years old. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. My main hobby is fashion. I want to become a designer when I grow up. This is the reason I chose to present an article on fashion. Hope you like reading it.

Children like stories and movies. My favourite movie is Hannah Montana.

My name is Andrada Fraies, I am ten years old and I live in Prejmer. I have one brother and my main hobby is playing the piano. When I grow up, I want to become a piano teacher. My name is Roxana Arnaut, I am 10 and I live in Prejmer, Romania. I have two brothers and my strongest hobbies are dancing, singing and writing, this is why I chose to write for the Hobbies Section of the magazine. When I grow up, I want to become a famous dancer. Hi, my name is Teodora Done, I am 11 years old and I am from Prejmer. I don’t have any brothers or sisters. My hobbies are dancing and swimming and when I grow up I want to become a professional dancer.

Children prefer milk chocolate to dark chocolate. Children like pets. I have two dogs, one cat and one parrot.

Children like music. My favorite music is Miley Cynus, and my favorite song is “Party in U.S.A.” Children like toys. I like to dress up my Barbie doll. Children like school, but only some subjects. I like history, music and sports. Children like sports. I like basketball, tennis and ping-pong. by Denisa Tirmes

I started dancing when I was five, on my own, listening to music and creating my own dancing routines. After a couple of years, I have started dancing with my school colleagues, when we created our own dancing group. We represented our school at many local events and festivities with dancing routines choreographed by us. We also participated in a local TV Show, on Mix2 TV Channel, being presented with the name of ‘The Dreamers’. In all the places we went to dance in shows, we were accompanied by our head teacher, who supports us in everything we do. In conclusion, I love dancing because I am ‘Dancing is my biggest passion always spending good moments with my friends, because I can express my feelings’ having fun and enjoying the time together.

Hobbies and Interests

Dancing is my life

I like dancing because it is a beautiful, fun and nice sport. Dancing is my biggest passion because I can express all my feelings.


by Roxana Arnaut

What I love the most is....

by Maria Dranga

I love fashion because when I grow up I want to become a fashion designer. I like to draw sketches with clothes and I love to create new outfits. I have learned to sew a couple of years ago from my mother and grandmother and I would like to create outfits from scratch, draw them and make them so that I am able to wear them afterwards. My favorite designer is Catalin Botezatu. He is from Romania and I love the designs he creates. . In the future, I would love to create a dress for a princess because it would be beautiful. I love playing with dolls and creating new outfits for them, making them have nice long and charming dresses. When I grow up I would like to be as good and famous as Catalin Botezatu.


My favorite food is chocolate because it is very sweet and tasty. I usually eat chocolate after I have my lunch. My favorite type of chocolate is milk chocolate. I think most children love it because it is so sweet and yummy. My friends and I save our money to buy chocolate whenever we can. by Maria Dranga

My Favourite Animals My favourite animals are cats and dogs because they are small and nice. I have two dogs. Their names are Dody and Boby. They are boys. They are small, so I can hold them. Boby is white and Dody is black. They are three years old. I play games with them in the afternoon. Dody is my special friend because he is nicer. When Boby sees me he wags his tail. My opinion is that every child should have a dog, because dogs are people’s best friends. by Andrada Fraies


Italy, The Most Beautiful Country in The World By Andrada Fraies Italy extends from the Alps and the famous lakes to the island of Sicily in the south. Italy is full of culture and history, such as ruins from the Ancient Rome. In Italy, you can also visit the imposing Vatican and romantic Venice. Lands and cabins make Italy one of the most favorite destinations for tourists. Rome, representing the capital of Italy, is remarkable both for its historical buildings and for its delicious food. In my opinion, Italy is the most beautiful country of all. When visiting Italy, I liked walking on the streets of this country and I also loved all the people there. Moreover, the strongest point that I loved in Italy was bathing in the warm water of the sea. In conclusion, Italy is the most beautiful country because of its history, culture and people. I advise everyone to visit it whenever they have time to do it.

Music is relaxing and this is why everyone likes listening to it. Through music we can express our feelings. Everyone listens to what they like in order to feel better in their day to day life.

However, what I find to be the most important thing is that all sorts of music express my feelings, depending on my mood from that particular moment. When I am in a bad mood, I usually listen to blues and jazz music, so soft music calms me down. On the other hand, when I am happy, I listen to Salsa music because it also makes me dance.



through listening to a wide range of songs. For example, we like dancing on music such as: hip-hop, rock & roll, disco and also club music.

I think music is very important in everyone’s lives because it represents one of the most common hobbies anyone can have.

In conclusion, Usually, we listen to music in clubs, at parties and during many events and festivities. In clubs, people listen to the type of music on which they can dance. Moreover, when we go to parties, we also get relaxed

by Teodora Done

An Interview with Miss Victoria Richman, a journalism volunteer with Projects Abroad Romania by Teodora Done

Which are the reasons why you came to Romania? I am a journalism volunteer with Projects Abroad and I am here to take interviews and write articles for a magazine called The Village, which promotes Romanian traditions and culture. What are you doing at the Prejmer Day Care Centre? I am here to help you create your own English Magazine, together with my journalism colleagues from Projects Abroad. Do you like working with children? Yes, I like it and I found it very entertaining and fun. Do you feel uncomfortable with the language barrier that exists while teaching us? Sometimes it is a bit difficult, but we manage to work it out in a way or another. For how long were you here in Romania and do you miss home? I was here for a month. And yes, I miss it, but just a bit. Here the weather is nicer than in my country. Do you plan to come back next summer to visit the children from the Prejmer Day Care Centre? I would love to do that if I had time for travels.


What’s your name and where are you from? My name is Victoria Richman and I am from England.

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Nr. 1, August 2010 - ‘Centrul de Zi pentru Copii, Prejmer’

DE-ALE NOASTRE IN VACANTA La Centrul Social de Zi pentru Copii Prejmer ne-am distrat la Clubul de Vacanta intre 21 iunie – 27 august 2010. S-au inscris peste 100 de copii de la 6 la 11 ani la ateliere de teatru,indemanare si creativitate, invatarea limbii engleze, dansuri si jurnalism. Am lucrat impreuna cu echipa de la Centru si cu profesoare de la Scoala Generala Prejmer si Colegiu. Ne-au placut mult activitatile cu voluntarii olandezi, britanici si australieni indrumati de catre Alexandra si Daniela de la Organizatia Projects Abroad din Brasov. Cei pasionati de drumetii au facut la pas zeci de kilometri pe trasee mai usoare sau mai dificile la Vama Buzaului, Teliu, Poiana Brasov si pe Muntele Tampa. Am vizitat Centrul Istoric al Brasovului si Cetatea Rasnov. Cursul de inot si programul saptamanal de la Piscina din orasul Sfantu Gheorghe a fost preferat de multi copii. Cei mai curajosi au reusit sa invete sa inoate.


Corinne Carton - Voluntara de Dans la Projects Abroad impreuna cu Grupa Mica de copii de la Centrul de Zi Prejmer.


Vacanta noastra

de Ana Apafi

de Diana Maria

Unul din locurile preferate pentru intalnirile noastre a fost Parcul din fata Cetatii. Zi de zi ne adunam sa petrecem timpul liber impreuna. Ne jucam cu mingea, stateam de vorba si de multe ori admiram spectacolul oferit de cei care aveau curajul sa se dea pe skateboard. Sau unii cu scooter-ul. Am devenit prieteni buni petrecand atatea ore impreuna. In curand va incepe scoala si vom ramane doar cu amintirea zilelor frumoase de vacanta. Noi speram ca va dainui si prietenia.

Noi , copiii ne bucuram de fiecare vacanta de vara...dar vacanta aceasta a fost cea mai frumoasa dintre toate deoarece noi ne jucam chiar daca avem teme. Ne facem temele chiar daca avem foarte putine, ne jucam chiar daca nu avem chef...e perfecta...pacat ca in curand va incepe scoala dar noi vom astepta cu nerabdare urmatoarele vacante. In vacanta asta de vara ne-am jucat in parcuri, la centru, la bloc, ne-am dus la bunici, la matusi, la unchi, la verisori si verisoare. A fost nemaipomenit!!! Noi avem un fel de club al nostru:Diana(eu),Andreea,Georgiana, 3*Ionut,Ovidiu,Stefan,Paul,Lucian.Noi l-am numit asa deoarece ne jucam impreuna in toate locurile: la centru, la bloc, in parcuri si in excursii.

E o vara nemaipomenita!!!

clUBUl de sah

DANSURI GERMANE SI DE SOCIETATE Un grup de 20 copii prejmereni de 5 -14 ani au participat in fiecare marti la cursurile de dansuri germane si de societate organizate de catre Forumul Democrat German din Prejmer. Colegii nostri au fost indrumati de catre Dagmar Kloos intr-un spatiu pus la dispozitie de D-na Colt Mihaela pe str. Noua. Daca pana acum au reusit sa invete primii pasi de dans din toamna cursurile se vor relua si sunt asteptati toti cei care iubesc dansul.

PENTRU CAMPIONI NU EXISTA VACANTA Copiii de la Prejmer care au ales sa practice luptele libere au un program continuu de pregatire si in timpul vacantei. Ei sunt indrumati de catre Iordache Sorin si Branzea Nicolae. Antrenamentele lor se desafoara in sala de sport a Scolii Generale Prejmer. Munca lor serioasa le-a adus pana acum o multime de medalii la concursuri judetene si zonale. In acest an s-a infiintat Asociatia Sportiva „Viitorul „ Prejmer si noi le dorim mult succes si multe, multe medalii.


Clubul de sah al Scolii generale Prejmer a Cativa dintre participanti au spus ce inseamna Jocul de Sah pentru continuat in t i m p u l ei.” Este un joc al vacantei.Copii mintii”(Radu au participat in Sima).”Si daca fiecare zi la pierd eu nu ma supar cursurile de sah si ma gandesc sa mai intre orele 9 invat, ca sa castig 13. Ei au invatat diverse strategii data viitoare”(Bîgiu si procedee B i a n c a ) tactice cu „Preferatele mele sunt a j u t o r u l teorema si diagrama, profesorului adica strategii tactice Bus. La clubul si arta de sah participa operationala”(Bîgiu prietenii Radu. nostri:Sima In toamna clubul Radu,Duca Remus, Greceanu Andrei, Bagiu Radu, Bagiu aniverseaza un an si cu acest prilej le dorim mult Bianca, Breban Adrian. Programul lor de pregatire succes in viitor. este foarte serios: joaca partide de antrenament si de Levis Muscalu participa la concursuri cu alti copii de la Brasov.


Sfaturile Anei pentru Adolescente Toamna asta culorile de gri,negru,alb se poarta tot timpul,dar si culori precum mov,roz si verde. Esarfele din jurul gatului trebuie neaparat sa fie lungi. Se vor purta cizme lungi stranse pe picior.

Pantalonii stramti si negri sau gri sunt ideali in combinatie cu bluze lungi roz sau albe. Accesoriile nu Ar trebui sA lipseAscA, mArgelele de tot felul AsortAte. Jachetele ar trebui sa fie putin lungi si sa iti scoata in evidenta talia. Frizura ar trebui sa fie cat mai simpla. Parul mediu tuns in scari si drept, parul lung si ondulat.

Sa fiti frumoase la toamna! de Ana Apafi

TOP MUSIC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Miruna Oprea si Noni Ene – Nu as schimba nimic Tik Tok – Keesha Blaxy Girls – Sar Zacu – Fata de la miezul noptii Mika - Lollepop

Children’s World was created by the help of: Erika Lanz - Projects Abroad Journalism Volunteer Sinead Nolan - Projects Abroad Journalism Volunteer Victoria Richman - Projects Abroad Journalism Volunteer Catherine McGovern - Projects Abroad Journalism Volunteer Masato Kiriyama - Projects Abroad Journalism Volunteer Alexandra Ichim - Projects Abroad Journalism Coordinator

de Maria Dranga

Echipa de redactie a revistei ‘Lumea Copiilor’ Redactori: Ana Apafi Andreea Franc Diana Nistor Rodelia Nedelea Maria Dranga Levis Muscalu Coordonator Proiect: Claudia MIHAIU

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