PRODUCTNEWSLETTER OCTOBER 2023 LEGENDARY TROPHY TRUCK NEW PRODUCT RELEASES facebook.com/prolineracing twitter.com/prolineracing youtube.com/prolinevideo instagram.com/prolineracing blog.prolineracing.com Connect With Us Inside: Back: MAXXIS® TREPADOR® 1.9" ROCK TERRAIN TRUCK TIRES FOR FRONT OR REAR PRO1022714 Axial ® SCX10™ PRO Shown With: PRO361500 Cliffhanger High Performance Cab-Only Clear Body PRO281000 Holcomb 1.9" Aluminum Composite Internal Bead-Loc 12mm Wheels PRO634300 Big Bore Scaler Shocks (90mm-95mm) VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com

Mirage TT BELTED Tires for ARRMA® Mojave™ 6S & UDR™ Front or Rear PRO1022410 Mounted on Raid Black 6x30 Removable 17mm Hex Wheels INCLUDES 17mm Hex Adapters for Mojave™ 6S & UDR™ (ALSO SOLD SEPARATELY) PRO639000 6x30 to 17mm Hex Adapters for Raid Mojave™ 6S and UDR 6x30 Removable Hex Wheels Dumont Paddle Sand/Snow Tires for ARRMA® Mojave™ 6S Front or Rear PRO1018910 Mounted on Stock Black 17mm Wheels Please note: All tires and wheels are sold in pairs, unless otherwise noted. All bodies are sold in crystal clear polycarbonate and are painted for advertising purposes only, unless otherwise noted. Ford Motor Company Trademarks and Trade Dress used under license to Pro-Line. UDR™ is a trademark of Traxxas® L.P. ©2023 ARRMA®, Mojave™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby®, LLC. All other trademarks, service marks and logos are property of their respective owners. 39000 6x30 to 17mm H 6S a D nd UDR 6x3 e DmontPaddle Sand/SnoTires UPGRADE YOUR ARRMA® MOJAVE™ 6S INTO ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS BAJA 1000 TROPHY TRUCKS, THE RIVIERA RACING "BLACK DIAMOND" 1997 FORD® F-150! VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com

for ARRMA® Mojave™ 6S

PRO361818 Pre-Cut "Riviera Edition" Tough-Color (Black) Body
PRO361817 Pre-Cut Clear Body

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Seeour complete line at MADE IN THE USA PROLINERACING.com ALL TIRES & BODIES HORIZON HOBBY 1-800-535-5551 ORDER NOW FROM HORIZON HOBBY! Please note: All bodies are sold in crystal clear polycarbonate and are painted for advertising purposes only, unless otherwise noted. Alltiresand wheelsaresold in pairs, unlessotherwise noted. Ford Motor Company Trademarks and Trade Dress used under license to Pro-Line. Traxxas® TRX-4M™ are registered trademarks of Traxxas® L.P. ©2023 ARRMA®, Mojave™, Axial®, SCX10™, SCX24™, AX24™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Horizon Hobby®, LLC. All other trademarks, service marks and logos are property of their respective owners. Pre-Cut 1997 Ford® F-150 Trophy Truck “Riviera Edition” Tough Color (Black) Body for ARRMA ® Mojave™ 6S PRO361818 MOJAVE™ 6S Big Bore Scaler Shocks 50mm (4) for Axial ® AX24™ and SCX24™ PRO639100 AX24™ & SCX24™ Maxxis® Trepador® 1.9" Rock Terrain Truck Tires for Front or Rear PRO1022714 G8 (Soft) • ROCK CRAWLER Big Bore Scaler Shocks (4) for Traxxas ® TRX-4M™ PRO639200 TRX-4M™ Pre-Cut 1997 Ford® F-150 Trophy Truck Clear Body for ARRMA ® Mojave™ 6S PRO361817 MOJAVE™ 6S VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com VIEW ON .com